Pectinase: Description Enzyme Properties
Pectinase: Description Enzyme Properties
Pectinase: Description Enzyme Properties
DESCRIPTION Pectinase is a complex enzyme preparation composed by consecutively active enzymespectinesterase, polygalacturonase, pectinlyase ensuring a high level of decomposition of the pectin substances. It is produced by submerged fermentation of a specially selected producer of Asp. niger. UNITS OF ACTIVITY Enzyme activity is expressed in polygalacturonase units, representing the amount of pectin (in mg) which is hydrolyzed from 1 g of enzyme preparation for 10 min, at T - 30C, to hydrolytic degree 30%. STANDARDS 100 000 - 300 000 U/g PHYSICAL PROPERTIES External appearances - powder Colour - grey beige - brown Dry substance - over 87% for the dry substance Solubility - water-soluble enzyme component APPLICATION To clarify fruit juices and dreggy pressed wines. Dosage: 2-20 g/ton Temperature - 50 - 52C, time - 30 - 60 min In animal husbandry Pectinase is used as a component in multienzyme complexes containing also hemicellulases,cellulases and proteases. Addition of Pectinase increases amino acid digestibility in vegetable protein sources and improves animal performance. STORAGE In the original container, well-closed, in dry and wellventilated facilities, protected from direct sunlight. SHELF LIFE To maintain optimum enzyme activity, this product should be stored in a cool, dry place in a tightly sealed container. When properly stored, this product can be expected to lose less than 10% of its activity in twelve months. PACKING Polyethylene bags of 10, 15 and 20 kg. Biovets enzymes are KOSHER certified products. They are produced by non-GM microorganisms. RESIDUAL ACTIVITY% RESIDUAL ACTIVITY% ENZYME PROPERTIES Optimum pH of action - 4.5 Optimum temperature of action - 500C pH stability - 100% of the activity is preserved at pH between 3.5 and 6.0, at temperature of 300C, during 24 hours Temperature stability - more that 90% of activity is preserved at temperature of 550C during 60 minutes at pH - 5.0
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