Oracle Logminer
Oracle Logminer
Oracle Logminer
PURPOSE This paper details the mechanics of what Log Miner does, as well as detailing the commands and environment it uses. SCOPE & APPLICATION For DBA's requiring further information about Log Miner. The ability to provide a readable interface to the redo logs has been asked by customers for a long time. The ALTER SYTSTEM DUMP LOGFILE interface has been around for a long time, though its usefulness outside Support is limited. There have been a number of third party products E.g. BMC's PATROL DB-Logmaster ( SQL*Trax as was ) which provide some functionality in this area. With Oracle release 8.1 there is a facility in the Oracle kernel to do the same. LogMiner allows the DBA to audit changes to data and performs analysis on the redo to determine trends, aid in capacity planning, Point-in-time Recovery etc. 1. WHAT DOES LOG MINER DO? ========================== Log Miner can be used against online or archived logs from either the 'current' database or a 'foreign' database. The reason for this is that it uses an external dictionary file to access meta-data, rather than the 'current' data dictionary. It is important that this dictionary file is kept in step with the database which is being analyzed. If the dictionary used is out of step from the redo then analysis will be considerably more difficult. Building the external dictionary will be discussed in detail in section 3. Log Miner scans the log/logs it is interested in, and generates, using the dictionary file meta-data, a set of SQL statements which would have the same effect on the database as applying the corresponding redo record. Log miner prints out the 'Final' SQL that would have gone against the database e.g. Insert into Table x Values ( 5 ); Update Table x set COLUMN=newvalue WHERE ROWID='<>' Delete from Table x WHERE ROWID='<>' AND COLUMN=value AND COLUMN=VALUE We do not actually see the SQL that was issued, rather an executable SQL statement that would have the same EFFECT. Since it is also stored in the same redo record, we also generate the undo column which would be necessary to roll this change out. For SQL which rolls back, no undo SQL is generated, and the rollback flag is set. An insert followed by a rollback therefore looks like: REDO UNDO ROLLBACK insert sql Delete sql 0 delete sql <null> 1 Because it operates against the physical redo records, multirow operations
are not recorded in the same manner e.g. DELETE FROM EMP WHERE DEPTNO=30 might delete 100 rows in the SALES department in a single statement, the corresponding Log Miner output would show one row of output per row in the database. 2. WHAT IT DOESN'T DO ===================== 1. 'Trace' Application SQL - use SQL_Trace/10046 Since Log Miner only generates low-level SQL, not what was issued, you cannot use Log Miner to see exactly what was being done based on the SQL. What you can see, is what user changed what data at what time. 2. 'Replicate' an application - Since we do not cover everything. also since DDL is not supported ( The insert into the tab$ etc. is however the create table isn't ) 3. Access data dictionary SQL In a visible form - Especially UPDATE USER$ SET PASSWORD=<newpassword> Other Known Current Limitations =============================== Log Log Log the Miner Miner Miner table cannot cope with Objects cannot cope with Chained/Migrated Rows produces fairly unreadable output if there is no record of in the dictionary file. See below for output
The database where the analysis is being performed must have a block size of at least equal to that of the originating database. See [NOTE:117580.1] 3. FUNCTIONALITY ================ The Log Miner feature is made up of three procedures in the Log Miner ( dbms_logmnr) package, and one in the Dictionary ( dbms_logmnr_d ) These are built by the following scripts ( Run by catproc ) $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/dbmslogmnrd.sql $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/dbmslogmnr.sql $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/prvtlogmnr.plb 1. This procedure builds the dictionary file used by the main Log Miner package to resolve object names, and column datatypes. It should be generated relatively frequently, since otherwise newer objects will not be recorded. It is possible to generate a Dictionary file from an 8.0.database and use it to Analyze V80 redo logs. In order to do this run dbmslogmnrd.sql Against the V80 database then follow the procedure as below. All Analysis of the logfiles will have to take place while connected to an 8.1 Database, since dbms_logmnr cannot operate against V80 because it uses trusted callouts. Any Redo relating to tables which are not included in the dictionary
file are dumped RAW e.g. If Log Miner cannot resolve the Table and column references, then the following is output ( insert statement ) insert into UNKNOWN.objn:XXXX(Col[x],....) VALUES ( HEXTORAW('xxxxxx'), HEXTORAW('xxxxx')......) PARAMETERS ========== 1. The name of the dictionary file you want to produce. 2. The name of the directory where you want the file produced. The Directory must be writeable by the server i.e. included in UTL_FILE_DIR path. EXAMPLE ======= BEGIN dictionary_filename=> 'miner_dictionary.dic', dictionary_location => '/export/home/sme81/aholland/testcases /logminer' ); END; / The dbms_logmnr package actually performs the redo analysis. 2. dbms_logmnr.add_logfile This procedure registers the logfiles to be analyzed in this session. Must be called once for each logfile. This populates the fixed table X$logmnr_logs ( V$logmnr_logs ) with a row corresponding to the logfile. Parameters =========== 1. The logfile to be analyzed. 2. Option DBMS_LOGMNR.NEW (SESSION) First file to be put into PGA memory. This initialises the V$logmnr_logs table. and DBMS_LOGMNR.ADDFILE adds another logfile to the v$logmnr_logs PGA memory. Has the same effect as NEW if there are no rows there presently. DBMS_LOGMNR.REMOVEFILE removes a row from v$logmnr_logs. Example ======= Include all my online logs for analysis......... BEGIN dbms_logmnr.add_logfile( '/export/home/sme81/aholland/database/files/redo03.log', DBMS_LOGMNR.NEW );
dbms_logmnr.add_logfile( '/export/home/sme81/aholland/database/files/redo02.log', DBMS_LOGMNR.ADDFILE ); dbms_logmnr.add_logfile( '/export/home/sme81/aholland/database/files/redo01.log', DBMS_LOGMNR.ADDFILE ); END; / Full Path should be required, though an environment variable is accepted. This is NOT expanded in V$LOGMNR_LOGS. 3. dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr; This package populates V$logmnr_dictionary, v$logmnr_parameters, and v$logmnr_contents. Parameters ========== 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. StartScn Default 0 EndScn Default 0, StartTime Default '01-jan-1988' EndTime Default '01-jan-2988' DictFileName Default '', Options Default 0 Debug flag - uninvestigated as yet
A Point to note here is that there are comparisions made between the SCN's, the times entered, and the range of values in the file. If the SCN range OR the start/End range are not wholly contained in this log, then the start_logmnr command will fail with the Rather general ORA-1280 Fatal LogMiner Error. 4. dbms_logmnr.end_logmnr; This is called with no parameters. /* THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR SUPPORT */ This procedure MUST be called prior to exiting the session that was performing the analysis. This is because of the way the PGA is used to store the dictionary definitions from the dictionary file, and the V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS output. It appears that the developers could not get access/agreement from whoever does the memory management code, hence wrote their own.(?) If you do not call end_logmnr, you will silently get ORA-00600 [723] ........on logoff. This OERI is triggered Because the PGA is bigger at logoff than its was at logon, which is considered a space leak by the KSM code. The main problem from a support perspective is that it is silent, i.e. not signalled back to the users screen, because by then they have gone. This will generate a lot to TARs initially , as DBA's try the new functionality and get ORA-00600's every time they use the feature. The way to spot Log Miner leaks is that the trace file produced by the OERI 723 will have A PGA heap dumped with many Chunks of type 'Freeable' With a description of "KRVD:alh" 4. OUTPUT
========= Effectively, the output from Log Miner is the contents of V$logmnr_contents The output is only visible during the life of the session which runs start_logmnr. This is because all the Log Miner memory is PGA memory, so it is neither visible to other sessions , not is it persistent. As the session logs off, either dbms_logmnr.end_logmnr is run to clear out the PGA , or an OERI 723 is signalled as described above. Typically users are going to want to output sql_redo based on queries by timestamp, segment_name or rowid. v$logmnr_contents Name Null? Type ------------------------------- -------- ---SCN NUMBER TIMESTAMP DATE THREAD# NUMBER LOG_ID NUMBER XIDUSN NUMBER XIDSLT NUMBER XIDSQN NUMBER RBASQN NUMBER RBABLK NUMBER RBABYTE NUMBER UBAFIL NUMBER UBABLK NUMBER UBAREC NUMBER UBASQN NUMBER ABS_FILE# NUMBER REL_FILE# NUMBER DATA_BLK# NUMBER DATA_OBJ# NUMBER DATA_OBJD# NUMBER SEG_OWNER VARCHAR2(32) SEG_NAME VARCHAR2(32) SEG_TYPE VARCHAR2(32) TABLE_SPACE VARCHAR2(32) ROW_ID VARCHAR2(19) SESSION# NUMBER SERIAL# NUMBER USERNAME VARCHAR2(32) ROLLBACK NUMBER OPERATION VARCHAR2(32) SQL_REDO VARCHAR2(4000) SQL_UNDO VARCHAR2(4000) RS_ID VARCHAR2(32) SSN NUMBER CSF NUMBER INFO VARCHAR2(32) STATUS NUMBER PH1_NAME VARCHAR2(32) PH1_REDO VARCHAR2(4000) PH1_UNDO VARCHAR2(4000) PH2_NAME VARCHAR2(32) PH2_REDO VARCHAR2(4000) PH2_UNDO VARCHAR2(4000) PH3_NAME VARCHAR2(32) PH3_REDO VARCHAR2(4000) PH3_UNDO VARCHAR2(4000)
SQL> set heading off SQL> select scn, user, sql_undo from v$logmnr_contents where where segment_name = 'emp'; 12134756 scott insert (...) into emp; 12156488 scott delete from emp where empno = ... 12849455 scott update emp set mgr = This will return the results of an SQL statement without the column headings. The columns that you are really going to want to query are the "sql_undo" and "sql_redo" values because they give the transaction details and syntax. 5. PLACEHOLDERS =============== In order to allow users to be able to query directly on specific data values, there are up to five PLACEHOLDERs included at the end of v$logmnr_contents. When enabled, a user can query on the specific BEFORE and AFTER values of a specific field, rather than a %LIKE% query against the SQL_UNDO/REDO fields. This is implemented via an external file called logmnr.opt. ( see the Supplied Packages manual entry on dbms_logmnr for further details) The file must exist in the same directory as the dictionary file used, and contains the prototype mappings of the PHx fields to the fields in the table being analyzed. Example entry ============= colmap = SCOTT EMP ( EMPNO, 1, ENAME, 2, SAL, 3 ); In the above example, when a redo record is encountered for the SCOTT.EMP table, the full Statement redo and undo information populates the SQL_REDO and SQL_REDO columns respectively, however the PH3_NAME, PH3_REDO and PH3_UNDO columns will also be populated with 'SAL' , <NEWVALUE>, <OLDVALUE> respectively,which means that the analyst can query in the form.... SLECT * FROM V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS WHERE SEG_NAME ='EMP' AND PH3_NAME='SAL' AND PH3_REDO=1000000; The returned PH3_UNDO column would return the value prior to the update. This enables much more efficient queries to be run against V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS view, and if, for instance, a CTAS was issued to store a physical copy, the column can be indexed.