Auto Level by Using Profile Leveling.: Equipment Details
Auto Level by Using Profile Leveling.: Equipment Details
Auto Level by Using Profile Leveling.: Equipment Details
Objective: To find out the elevation of various points on the ground using auto level by using profile leveling. Equipment details: 1. Auto level 2. Tripod stand
3. Measuring tape
4. Staff
Procedure: How to carry out this experiment in 3D environment on a computer system Steps to be followed: Step 1: Click on the main file until home screen appears as shown in the picture below
For starting the experiment click start and this would be followed by appearance of the following window:
We get a whole 3D and realistic environment, which is user friendly, as soon as the experiment starts.
Control stations are marked as 0/1,0/2 etc in longitudinal direction 20 m apart from each other and 1,2,3 at a distance of 3m,6m,9m respectively from 0/1 in the transverse direction and 1,2,3 on the opposite side in the same manner. Step 2: For movement in a 3 D environment use following keys:W Forward, S backward, Aleft, Dright, Qup, Zdown. Step 3: Select the required points and place the tripod at those points using tripod keys. Tripod keys: 1. Tripod translational motion = left shift + Up, Down, Left, Right (Arrows Keys) 2. Tripod Rotational Movement = right shift + Up, Down, Left, Right (Arrow Keys) Step 4: Now place the auto level on the tripod with the help of auto level keys and level instrument with respect to the ground.
Auto level Keys: 1. Auto level Translational Movement = left ctrl + Up, Down, Left, Right (Arrow Keys) 2. Auto level Rotational Movement = right ctrl + Up, Down, Left, Right (Arrow Keys) Step 5: On screen instruction (press L to show/hide leveling panel, press 0 for telescopic view)
Instructions on screen
Arrow keys (Left, Right, Up, Down) are used for moving the Leveling screws. Bring the pond bubble in the centre. Step 5: Now put staff on the required point (A, B, C, D, E) with the help of staff movement keys. Staff Movement: Left mouse click= moves in any direction. Right mouse click = up and down. Middle mouse click = rotation in any direction Step 6: Press 0 for the telescopic view (to see the reading on the staff).
Use +/- or M/N keys to zoom in and zoom out. Use R/T for blurring or sharpening the cross hairs. Step 7: Take staff reading and repeat steps 5 and 6 for taking readings of other points.