Industrial Plant Load Shedding: Rio D-F
Industrial Plant Load Shedding: Rio D-F
Industrial Plant Load Shedding: Rio D-F
All electrical power systems that contain generation are liable to be subjected to a variety of abnormal operating conditions such as network faults, loss of some or all generation, the tripping of circuits within the system and other disturbances that can result in the reduction in the generation capacity available to the system. In these situations a balance between the existing load and the remaining generation should be re-established if possible before the reduction in frequency produced by the overload affects the turbines and the generation auxiliary equipment, which could eventually result in the total collapse of the system. To assist in restoring the equilibrium, frequency relays are employed. These disconnect the less important loads in stages when the frequency drops to a level that indicates that a loss of generation or an overload has occurred. This type of scheme is very useful in industrial plants where in-house generation is synchronised to the public grid system. The concepts, criteria and conditions applicable to the design of an automatic load shedding system for industrial plants, based on frequency relays, are set out in this chapter.
When a total or partial loss of generation occurs within the system, the first indicators are a drop in voltage and in frequency. However, given that voltage drops can also be caused by system faults, it is generally recognised that a drop in frequency is a more reliable indication of loss of generation. A sudden loss of generation in the system will result in a reduction in the frequency at a rate of change that depends on the size of the resultant overload and the inertia constant of the system. The relationship that defines the variation of frequency with time, following a sudden variation in load and/or generation, can be obtained, starting from the equation for the oscillation of a simple generator:
where: G =nominal MVA of machine under consideration; H =inertia constant (MWs/MVA = MJ/MVA); 6 = generator torque angle; f0 = nominal frequency; PA = net power accelerated or decelerated (MW). The speed of the machine at any instant (W) can be given by the following expression: d3 W = W0 + d T = 2 z r / (11.2)
in which W0 is the synchronous speed, i.e. the nominal speed at rated frequency. Differentiating eqn. 11.2 with respect to time:
dW - d23 =2rr d f dt dt 2 dt
Replacing eqn. 11.3 in eqn. 11.1 gives
df Pafo (11.4) dt 2GH Eqn. 11.4 defines the rate of the variation of the frequency in Hz/s, and can be used for an individual machine or for an equivalent that represents the total generation in a system. In such a case the inertia constant can be calculated from
where the subscripts I, 2 . . . n refer to the individual generator units. It should be emphasised that the constant H in eqn. I 1.5 is expressed to an MVA base equal to the total generation capacity of the system. The accelerating power PA in eqn. I 1.4 is responsible for the frequency variation. It can be calculated from pA = PM-- PE (11.6)
where PM = the mechanical power entering the generator and PE = the electrical power leaving the generator. Under stable conditions PA = 0 and there are no frequency variations. In the case of overloads PE > PM. Thus, PA < 0 and there will be a drop in the system frequency.
In order to design an automatic load shedding system, a model that represents the different generating machines should first be defined, and then the load parameters and the criteria for setting the frequency relays.
Within the scope of this book, a single machine has been used in the power system model used to illustrate a load shedding system. This is equivalent to assuming that the
The following aspects need to be defined in order to implement the load shedding system.
Starting frequency of the load shedding system The disconnection system should be set so that it will initiate operation at a value of frequency below the normal working system frequency. Taking into account variations in frequency caused by oscillations inherent in the public system, this value is normally selected at approximately 93 per cent of nominal system frequency. However, if it is thought that there is a possibility of more severe oscillations occurring on the system, then it is recommended that a supervisory control arrangement using
Table 11.1 Typical times for the operation of turbines (full load)
% of rated frequency at full load 99.0 97.3 97.0 96.0 Maximum permissible time (minutes) continuously 90 10 1
Operating times
When selecting the settings, it is necessary to consider the time interval between the system frequency decaying from the relay pick-up value to the point in time when the load is effectively disconnected. The relay pick-up time is included in this time interval, plus the preset time delay of the relay, if this is required, and the breaker opening time. The following values are typically used for industrial systems: relay pick-up time: 50 ms and breaker opening time: 100 ms.
Industrial plant load shedding 243 11.3.2 Determination o f the frequency variation
The frequency variation required to calculate the settings is obtained by using a simple machine model for the system, and a constant power model for the load. This assumes that the load connected to the generators is the same before, and after, the contingency, neglecting any form of damping. Given this, the calculated rate of loss of frequency in the system is pessimistic, and the settings determined on this basis thus provide an arrangement that rapidly restores the frequency to its normal value, thereby ensuring a secure system.
The procedure for calculating the settings of the frequency relays at a typical industrial plant is given next. The single-line diagram is shown in Figure 11.1, together with the principal data for the study.
Calculation o f overload
The initial load conditions are summarised as: total load: 24.0MW; in-house generation: 8.0 MW; total import: 16.0 MW; GH constant: 35.43. In the eventuality of the loss of the incoming grid supply, the in-house generators will experience the following overload: %overload24.0 - 8.0 8.0 x 100% = 200%
Load to be shed
With the loss of the grid supply, 16 MW of capacity is lost, which will have to be borne initially by the in-house generators. A load equal to, or greater than, this amount must be disconnected in order to relieve the overload. Therefore, the load to be shed is 24 - 8 = 16 MW. It should be noted that there are high priority loads totalling 8.02 MW that cannot be disconnected.
Frequency levels
Disconnection of load is initiated each time the system frequency falls to 59 Hz, which indicates that a loss of generation has taken place. A minimum frequency of 56 Hz is acceptable.
Assume that three stages of shedding have been set up that will off load the incoming circuit by 15.98 MW, as detailed in Table 11.2. With this arrangement, the in-house generation can then supply the 8.02 MW of high priority load.
1 3 . i V busba
Priority loads
Load 3
Load 1
Priority loads
Priority loads
t I
Load 2
Load 3
t t t
Load 2
Load 2
Figure 11.1 Systemarrangementfor exampleof calculatingfrequency relaysettings 11.4.5 Determination of the frequency relay settings
The settings of the frequency relays shown in Table 11.2 are determined in such a way that each stage is disconnected only when the system frequency falls to a predetermined value. This value is obtained by calculating the reduction in the
system frequency due to an overload equal to the stage considered, as described below.
First-stage setting
The first stage is disconnected when the frequency reaches 59 Hz.
Second-stage setting
An overload equal to the first stage is considered and the subsequent rate o f frequency drop is determined from
--~ = \ 2GH , / 6 0 = - 5 . 1 0 6 H z / s
The frequency as a function o f time is given in Figure 11.2 and f = (60 - 5.106t). The opening time for the first stage is ttrip = tpick-up + tbreaker +/relay tpick-up = (60 -- 59)/5.106 = 0.196 S ttrip = 0.196 + 0.100 + 0.05 ----0.346 S The frequency drop up to the operation of the first stage is f = [60 - 5.106(0.346)] = 58.233 Hz. The second stage is set below this value, i.e. at 58.15 Hz.
Third-stage setting
These are set so that they will not operate for overloads below (6.03 + 4 . 7 3 ) = 10.76 MW, which are disconnected by stages 1 and 2.
df ( - 1 0 . 7 6 ~ - - ~ = \ 2GH / x 6 0 = - 9 . 1 1 1 H z / s
f =60(9.111)t
The pick-up time for the first stage is t = (60 - 59)/9.111 = 0.110 s, and the tripping time for this stage is/tripl 0.110 + 0.05 + 0.100 = 0.260 S. Thus, the frequency drop, f = 60 - 9.111 (0.26) = 57.631 Hz.
f (Hz) 60 b
\ \\\ \ \ \\\\
59 --6.03 MW verload
\P 1~
\ \\\
\x\ PI ~\N / ~.
\ P2 \~' P2
xxx D1 (0.3,l,58.23) N
\\ \
N \\ \\
I~l (0.26,57.61;)
- - -
57.20 57
~\ P3
Ii D1 (0.22,5 i.9) xx x
\ ?3 D~ (0.29,56.5)
- - 5.24 MW ~verload
Notes: P 1: Pick-up of 1st stage relay DI: 1st stage of load disconnection
Verification of operation
In order to verify the operation o f the proposed system, the reduction in frequency during the process of load shedding is studied by two different methods: modelling the load as a constant power, and modelling the load with damping as a result of the voltage drop. For the latter case a transient stability program is used.
M o d e l l i n g load as a constant power
For this case it is assumed that the magnitude o f the load is constant and therefore does not depend on the voltage level. This consideration is pessimistic with regard to the actual situation and therefore provides some margin o f security. The frequency analysis is carried out using eqn. 11.4, the settings o f the frequency relays given in Table 11.3 and assuming a maximum circuit breaker opening time o f 100 ms. Figure 11.3 shows the behaviour o f the frequency from t = 0 s, when loss o f supply occurs at a total system load of 24 MW. Under such conditions the sequence of events
248 f
59 \ Loa, modelled as a co astant impc dance (P P2~ ..... D1 (0.27,' 7.8)
58.15 58
57.20 57
P3' D (0.22,56.!0k~
D2 (0.31~,57.3)
~ _ _ _ Load too, telled a~s a constal t power D2 (0.: !9,56.5) %, D 3 (0.55,56.: ;) 56 D3 (0.36,56.1) ~ . . . . .
Figure 11.3
is as given in Table 11.4. The drastic initial overload is eventually eliminated by the load shedding system in 0.357 s. During this time, the frequency will fall to 56.17 Hz, a value which more than meets the standards accepted for industrial systems operating separately. After t = 0.357 s, the system frequency then starts to recover.
Industrial plant load shedding 249 Table 11.4 Disconnection of the grid supply; sequence of events
Time Frequency Event (Hz) Rate of change of frequency (Hz/s) - 13.46 - 13.45 -13.45 -13.45 - 8.00 -4.20 0.00 Rate of change of load shed (MW) 6.03 4.73 5.22 Overload remaining on generators (MW) 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 9.97 5.24 0.02
Disconnection of grid supply Pick-up of 1st stage relay Pick-up of 2nd stage relay Pick-up of 3rd stage relay 1st stage of load disconnection 2nd stage of load disconnection 3rd stage of load disconnection
To obtain the values in Table 11.4, it must be borne in mind that, since the initial overload is equal to 16 MW, then --=--
df dt
Therefore, the pick-up time for the first stage is tp60 - 59 13.45 0.074s
The opening time of the breakers associated with the first stage is td = 0.074 + 0 . 1 0 0 + 0 . 0 5 = 0 . 2 2 4 s and the frequency at that moment is f = 6 0 - 1 3 . 4 5 t d = 56.9 Hz. The values for the other stages can be calculated in a similar way, and are given in Table 11.4.
The modelling of the loads by these two methods makes it possible to obtain graphs of the frequency variation as a function of time that correspond to the most adverse and most favourable extremes in the system. In this way, the curves obtained for the two models delineate the operating area of the system under study, before the loss of connection with the grid supply network.
Analysis of voltage with total loss of infeed supply and operation of the load shedding system
The loss of generation in the system not only causes loss of frequency but also a drop in voltage. The automatic load shedding scheme should prevent system voltages falling to such a level as to cause tripping of the contactors on the motors serving the plant. A check should be made on the voltage levels on the system as follows: 1. 2. Determine the initial voltage at each busbar, using a load flow program. Determine the variations in voltage at each busbar after the loss of connection with the grid supply, and while the load shedding scheme is in operation. For this a transient stability program is used to obtain the voltages at each busbar for each stage of the analysis. Produce the curves of voltage versus time for the busbars feeding the priority loads.