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Chapter 4

Protective transformers
by N.h,shton, revised by E.J.Mellor





This chapter deals with instrument transformers, both current and voltage intended for the operation of protective relays. Such transformers are necessary for the reasons explained in Chapter 2, that is, to isolate the voltage and current coils of the relays from the high voltages of the power system, and to supply standard values of current and voltage to the relays, for example 5A or 1A for current coils and 110 V for voltage coils, thus enabling standard relays to be 'matched' to any power system.


Basic transformer principles

It is assumed that the student is already familiar with elementary transformer theory to the extent that he understands that when an alternating current flows in the primary winding, that current creates a magneto-motive force (m.m.f) which results in an alternating flux in the core, which, in turn, induces an electromotive force (e.m.f) in the primary winding and in any other windings wound on, or linked with, the core. A transformer, consisting of a core of magnetic material on which are wound two windings, can be operated in two basic modes, shunt and series. In the shunt mode, as in power or voltage operation, a voltage is applied to the terminals of the primary windings, which, since the inducted e.m.f, in the primary winding is sensibly equal to this applied voltage, determines the magnitude of the core flux and, therefore, for a given sectional area of core, the flux density in the core. With no burden (load) connected to the secondary terminals the current flowing in the primary winding will be that necessary to excite the core. With a burden connected to the secondary terminals current will flow in the secondary winding, its value depending on the impedance of the burden, and additional


Protective transformers

current will flow in the primary winding depending on the turns-ratio of the transformer. The ampere-turns (a.t.) of the primary winding always exceed those of the secondary winding by the amount necessary to excite the core. In the series mode, that is, in current operation, the primary winding is connected in series with the power system whose relatively high impedance determines the magnitude of the primary current and a component of this current excites the core to the flux density necessary to induce in the secondary winding an e.m.f, sufficient to drive the secondary current through the total impedance of the secondary circuit. In power and voltage transformers, therefore, the core flux density is substantially constant under normal operating conditions; but in current transformers it is dependent on the magnitude of the p ~ a r y current and the impedance of the secondary circuit.


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Fig. 4 . 1 . 2 A

Equivalent circuit for a transformer o f 1/1 turns ratio and negligible leakage flux

Fig. 4.1.2A shows a simplified equivalent circuit for a two-winding transformer of 1/1 turns ratio, the leakage inductances having been omitted, (See Section 4.2.4). In voltage operation we are interested in the magnitude and phase differences between the primary and secondary voltages F'p and V s, caused by the currents Ip and Is. flowing in the primary and secondary windings, the resistances of which are denoted by R p and R s, respectively. In current operation, however, we are not usually interested in these voltage relationships at all but in the relationship between the primary current lp and the secondary current I s. It will be noted that these currents differ by the amount of the core exciting current I, which is, of course, a component oflp.

4.2 4.2.1

Steady-state theory of current transformers Equivalent circuit, vector diagram, errors

Referring to Fig. 4.1.2A it will be seen that the errors of a current transformer are caused by a component of the primary current being utilised to excite the core,

Protective transformers


with the result that only the remainder of the primary current is available for 'passing on' to the secondary circuit. Thus, for a 1/1 turns ratio, I s =Ip - I e where Ie is dependent on the induced e.m.f. E s (equal to Is(Rs + ZB)), and on the exciting impedance Ze. In th~ circuit R s is the resistance of the secondary winding and Z a the impedance of the secondary burden. Treating Ze as a linear impedance, the vectorial relationship between the fundamental frequency currents are typically as in Fig. 4.2.1A. This shows that the vector difference between Ip and Is is Ie, and that It, the component ofle in phase with Ip, constitutes the current (magnitude) error and Iq, the component of Ie in quadrature with/p, results in the phase error 0. The relative values of the current error component I, and the phase error component Iq depend on the phase displacement of Is and Ie, the current error being a maximum and the phase error zero when Is and le are in phase, that is when the total impedance of the secondary circuit and the exciting impedance Ze are of like power factor. Under such conditions the current error of a transformer with no turns correction, that is, with its turns ratio equal to the nominal current ratio, is equal to the fundamental frequency component of the exciting current (usually expressed as a percentage of the primary current). Composite error: This term is defined in connection with protective current transformers in BS 3938 : 1973.




Fig. 4.2.1A Phasor diagram for circuit of Fig. 4.1.2,4

'Composite error' is the r.m~. value of the difference between the ideal secondary current and the actual secondary current, including the effects of phase displacement and harmonics of the exciting current. In a c.t. with negligible leakage flux and no turns correction, that is, with turns ratio equal to the nominal current ratio, composite error corresponds to the r.m~. value of the exciting current (usually expressed as a percentage of the primary current).


Protective transformers

Again referring to Fig. 4.1.2A., ifZe was in fact a linear impedance the vectorial error I e of Fig. 4.2.1A would be the composite error. In practice the magnetising impedance Ze is non-linear, with the result that the exciting current le contains some harmonics of the fundamental frequency which increase its r.m.s, value and thus increase the composite error. This effect is most noticeable in the region approaching saturation of the core. It will be noted that the composite error is greater than the vectorial error, the current error or the phase (quadrature) error. For example, if a transformer with no turns correction had an exciting current, in terms of primary current of 5% fundamental frequency component plus 5% harmonics, the composite error would be x/(52 + 52) = 7.07%. The vectorial error would be 5% the current error would not exceed 5% and the phase error would not exceed 5 centiradians, that is, 2-87 degrees. It should also be noted that composite error, because it includes harmonics, cannot carry a plus or minus sign.
4.2.2 I n f l u e n c e o f the core, m a g n e t i c materials and m a g n e t i s a t i o n curves

It has been shown that the errors of a current transformer (c.t.) result from the core exciting current, so it is obviously of first importance when considering the performance of a c.t. to be able to calculate or measure the exciting current.





- (c)





Exciting Force - ( A T / c m r.m.s.)

Fig. 4.2.2A 5 0 Hz magnetisarion curves (a) Hot-rolled non-oriented silicon steel (b) Cold-rolled oriented silicon steel (c) Nickel-iron (80% nickel)

Protective transformers


The excitation or magnetisation characteristics of a c.t. depend on the crosssectional area and length of magnetic path of the core, the number of turns in the windings and the magnetic characteristics of the core material. Fig. 4.2.2A shows typical magnetisation curves for three core materials commonly employed in instrument transformers, namely (a) hot-rolled non-oriented silicon steel, (b) coldrolled oriented silicon steel, (c) nickel-iron. The curves show the exciting force (m.m.f.) in r.m.s.a.t./cm (ampere-turns per cm length of magnetic path) against peak flux density Bmax in tesla of net-sectional core area. It will be seen that at low flux densities (a) has the lowest permeability and (c) the highest permeability, whereas (b) comes in between but has an outstandingly high permeability at high flux densities. A characteristic lying between those of the individual materials can be obtained by building composite cores of two or more materials. The core peak flux density Bmax can be calculated from the formula

E~ n/,na3

where E s = the secondary e.m.f, in volts Ts = the number of turns in the secondary winding A = the net core section in sq. metres and f i s the frequency. Reference to Fig. 4.1.2A shows that E s = ls(R s + ZB), where Z B is the impe. dance of the external secondary circuit or the burden, so that for a constant burden Z B the core flux density varies directly as the secondary current. It will thus be apparent from Fig. 4.2.2A that as the primary, and therefore the secondary, currents are increased, a point is reached at which the core material starts to saturate and the exciting current becomes excessive, thus resulting in excessive current error. The exciting current is, of course, equal to the m.m.f, in a.t./cm multiplied by the length of the core path (in cm) and divided by the number of turns in the winding to which it is referred, either primary or secondary. Reference to Fig. 4.2.2A shows that if the flux density at rated secondary current is 0.1 Tesla a c.t. with a nickel-iron core to curve (c) would have good accuracy up to five times the rated current. If, however, cold-rolled silicon steel with characteristics to curve (b) is used, the accuracy would be reasonably good up to 10 or 15 times the rated current although not as good below five times rated current as it would be with core material to curve (c). Fig. 4.2.2B shows typical curves relating primary to secondary current using the materials whose magnetisation characteristics are given in Fig. 4.2.2.A. When considering the performance to be expected from a given c.t., the exciting current can be measured at various values of e.m.f. For this it is usually more convenient to apply a varying voltage to the secondary winding, the primary winding being open-circuited. Fig. 4.2.2C shows a typical relationship between secondary e.m.f, and exciting current determined in this manner. The point Kp on the curve is arbitrarily called the knee-point, and is defined as


Protective transformers


/I //




0 N.mher S 10 primary current 15




Fig. 4,2,2B

Typical performace curves with the magnetic materials o f Fig. 4.2.2,4




== e-

100 200 3O0

Secondary exciting current (mA)

Fig. 4.2.2C

Magneti$ing curve for a c.t. turns-ratio 500/1; secondary resistance 2 ~

Protective transformer8


the point at which an increase of 10% in the exciting e.m.f, produces an increase of 50% in the exciting current. From the information given in Fig. 4.2.2C the percentage exciting current, which is equal to the maximum composite error in a c.t. with no turns correction and negligible leakage flux, can be calculated for any operating condition. For example, with a burden impedance of 15 [2 (15 VA at 1 A)of0,8% power factor, the total secondary circuit impedance, adding the 2 fi winding resistance vectoriaUy, would be approximately 16.6f~ and the secondary ean.f, at 1 A (500 A primary current) would be 16.6 V. At 10 times this current E s would be 166 V (assuming no saturation) and the exciting current approximately 70 mA, which is 0.7% of the ideal secondary current of 10 A. This means that the current and composite errors would not exceed 0.7% and the phase error could not exceed 0,7 centiradians equal to 0.7 x 34.38 = 24 rain. (Note: With a burden power factor of 0.8 lagging, the phase error would be unlikely to exceed 10 rain because the exciting and secondary currents would be almost in phase, See Fig. 4.2.1A). At 7500 A primary current the secondary ean.f, would be approximately 250 V, giving an exciting current of 200 mA which is 1.33% of the nominal secondary current of 15A.
4.2.3 Single-turn primary current transformers

ToroidaUy wound ring core c.t.s are commonly used because they can conveniently be mounted on a bushing in switchgear or a power transformer, which then serves as an insulated single-turn primary. At low primary currents, however, it may be difficult to obtain sufficient output VA at the desired accuracy because, not only is a large core section required to induce the required secondary e.m.f, in the small number of secondary turns associated with the single-turn primary, but also the exciting a.t., and, therefore, the errors, are large as a percentage of the small value of primary a.t. available. In particular, this effect is pronounced when the core diameter is made large in order to fit over a large diameter h.v. bushing, because this increases the length of the flux path and hence the a.t. necessary to excite the


Flux leakage

In the foregoing, flux leakage effects have been assumed to be negiibfle, which fortunately is substantially true for a ring core with uniformly wound secondary winding and centrally positioned primary conductor which does not bend round the outside of the core at a small radius. In wound primary c.t.s, particularly when the primary and secondary windings are not closely coupled, there may be considerable leakage flux adding to the mutual flux in the parts of the core where the influence of the m.m.f, due to the primary a.t. predominates over that due to the opposing a.t. of the secondary winding, so that the core flux density is non, uniform along the core flux path. An extreme example of this effect, chosen merely


Protective transformers

for illustration, is shown in Fig. 4.2.4A, where the primary and secondary windings are positioned on two opposite limbs of a rectangular core. It will be seen that 1oakago flux SL adds to the mutual flux SM in the left-hand portion of the core on which the primary coil is, wound. Even in designs with concentric primary and secondary windings, such as the shell-type core illustrated in Fig. 4.2.4B, the leakage flux passing between the primary and secondary windings and returning to increase the flux density in the outer limbs and yokes of the core is appreciable.
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Fig. 4 . 2 , 4 A

Flux leakage in wound-primary current transformer




Fig. 4,2.4B

Flux leakage in wound-primary current transformer




X i. 2



t le I




Fig, 4,2.4C

Equivalent circuit including flux leakage effects

Protective transformers


Under conditions such as these, the performance can not be calculated without a detailed knowledge of the flux distribution throughout the core, since, in order to arrive at the total exciting current which constitutes the error in current transformation, it is necessary to assess the sum of the exciting a.t. required for the various values of flux density existing along the core flux path. Fig. 4.2.4C shows a simplified equivalent circuit which takes such flux leakage into account. In theory the core flux path would have to be divided into an infinite number of small lengths and the flux density and exciting a.t. calculated for the flux density of each length In Fig. 4.2.4C, however, the core is considered in three zones having flux densities corresponding to induced e.m.f.s Ep, Ei (intermediate) and Es for the three zones indicated in Fig. 4.2.4A. These zones have exciting impedances Zel, Ze2 and Ze~ taking exciting currents Iel, Ie2 and les respectively. The effects can be reduced by increasing the core section in the parts of the core carrying the leakage flux, and in shell-type cores such as that shown in Fig. 4.2.4B it is beneficial to increase the section of the outer limbs or yokes to obtain a flux density comparable with that in the centre limb of the core. This subject is very involved and cannot be treated adequately here, but it might be noted that the concept of representing flux leakage by so-called 'secondary reactance', which is considered to add to the burden and therefore to increase the flux density throughout the core, is completely erroneous, and cannot be applied satisfactorily for core flux densities outside the linear portion of the magnetisation characteristic, that is at low and high flux densities. Although, in general, leakage flux should be avoided in protective c.t.s, it can be beneficial in c.t.s for the operation of metres, instruments and certain forms of protection for the following reasons: In a c.t. supplying a resistive burden the additional core exciting current due to the leakage flux leads the exciting current due to the mutual flux by 90 degrees, Thus the total exciting current is brought more nearly into phase with the primary current, and this reduces the phase error, while the reduction in secondary current magnitude, due to the same effect, can be compensated by an increase in turns correction, that is a reduction in the number of secondary turns. Secondly, an increase in leakage flux is accompanied by a decrease in the mutual air flux, so that at primary currents above the value at which the core saturates the increase in secondary current, for a given increase in primary current, is reduced. Thus in c.t.s with high leakage flux the secondary current is more effectively limited at high system fault currents and this affords protection to the windings and movements of instruments, meters and relays. 4.2.5 Balancing windings and eddy-current shielding

It has been shown in the previous Section that when leakage flux links the primary winding and not the secondary winding the resultant increase in exciting current results in a reduction of secondary current, that is in a negative current error, When part of the secondary winding is much more closely coupled with the primary



winding than the remainder of the secondary winding, so that some core flux links both the primary winding and the more closely coupled part but not the loosely coupled part of the secondary winding, a counter effect occurs which tends to increase the secondary current above the nominal value. This is shown in Fig. 4.2.5A where a ring core with a uniformly spaced secondary winding is linked with an unsymmetrically disposed prhnary winding, 0L being the leakage flux. Severe leakage flux effects, whether resulting in positive or negative current errors, are undesirable in c.t.s required for certain forms of balanced protection. In wound primary transformers these effects are under the control of the c.t. designer and can be minimlsed by suitable disposition of the windings. Also, in the majority of applications where ring core c.t.s with uniformly spaced secondary windings are mounted on bushings, the spacing of the neighbouring phase conductor, which

d) i.

Fig4,2,A ,

Flux leakage in a ring core with a co#centrated primary winding



Fig4,2.6B .

Parallel connection o f balancing windings

Protective transformers


forms the return loop of the primary winding, is such that up to the values of fault current envisaged the leakage flux effects are of little or no consequence. However, there are certain applications where the fault current may be extremely high and the effect of the proximity of the return conductors is not readily accessable by the c.t. designer, and in such instances it may be necessary to employ balancing windings or eddy-current shielding to reduce the leakage flux to an acceptable level. The arrangement o f balancing windings is shown diagramatically in Fig. 4,2.5B, This consists of a number of uniformly disposed windings connected in parallel and having identical turns. The illustration shows the balancing windings wound over the secondary winding but it may be convenient to locate the balancing windings next to the core. The action of balancing windings is as follows. With uniform flux throughout the core, that is, no flux leakage, equal e.m.f.s are induced in all the windings and because the windings are in parallel no current flows in them. When flux leakage occurs the flux is no longer uniform throughout the core and unequal e~n,f.s are therefore induced in these windings, resulting in circulating currents and local m.m.f.s which counteract the unbalanced mJn.f.s responsible for the flux leakage, thus reducing it. The secondary winding itself may be arranged to perform the balancing function by forming it from a number of parallel connected coils but, since this would require each coil to have a large number of turns of Free wire, it is usually preferable to employ separate balancing windings each of a few turns of a condu0tor of comparatively large section. The number of turns in the balancing windings b unimportant, the lower limit being a single turn for each, connected in parallel by heavy copper rings. It is an obvious step from such an arrangement to enclose the core in a split tubular sheath of conducting material; the gap at the split prevents it forming a short-circuited turn on the core. In effect this is an infinite number of single-turn coils connected in parallel and is more correctly termed an eddy-current shield.
ES h lp

Fig, 4.2.6A

Wave-shapes o f primary current Ip core flux and induced e.m.f. Ea with open, circuited secondary winding


Open-circuit secondary voltage

It is shown in Section 4.2.2. that the e.m.f, induced in the secondary winding is that required to drive the secondary current through the total impedance of the secondary circuit, and that the core flux inducing this e.m.f, is provided by a small difference between the primary and secondary a.t. With the secondary circuit open, however, there are no secondary a.t.s to oppose those due to the primary current and the whole of the primary a.t. act on the core as an excessive exciting force, which might drive the core into saturation on each half-wave of current. Typical flux and Induced e.m.f, wave shapes for this condition are shown in Fig. 4.2.6A and it will be seen that the high rate of change of the flux ~ in the region of the primary current zero induces an e.m.f., E s of high peak value in the secondary winding. With rated current in the primary winding this peak value may be as low as a few hundred volts in a small measuring c.t. with a 5A secondary winding, but it might reach many kilovolts in the case of, say a 2000/1A protective c.t. with a large core section. With system fault currents flowing through the primary winding even higher voltages would be induced. Such voltages not only constitute a hazard to the insulation of the c.t. itself and to connected instruments, relays and associated wirIng, but also to life. It is thus important to prevent this condition arising and if the secondary circuit has to be broken for any reason, it is essential first to shortcircuit the secondary terminals of the c.t. with a conductor securely connected and capable of carrying the c.t. secondary current.


Secondary currents, burdens and connecting lead resistance

A standard rated secondary current of 5 A has been in use for many years. In applications for which the resistance of the leads between the c.t. and the instruments or relays results in an excessive VA burden, rated secondary currents of 2 A or even 1 A have to be used. For example, if a c.t. is required to supply relays taking 10 VA through a loop lead resistance of 0.1 I2 the total burden at 5 A is 10 + 52 x 0.1 = 12,5 VA, and a c.t. with a standard output rating of 15 VA would be satisfactory. If, however, the lead resistance, due to the distance between the c.t. and relays, is 2[2, the output required at 5A would be 10 + 52 x 2 = 60 VA which would require an excessively large and expensive transformer. By using 1 A rated secondary current the output required would be reduced to 10 + 12 x 2 = 12 VA which could be provided by a e.t. of reasonable dimensions and cost. These lower rated secondary currents, however, should not be used indiscriminately because they require an increased number of secondary turns with some increase tn dimensions and cost. Further, their use, particularly with c.t.s of high rated primary currents results in increased transient and secondary open-circuit voltages. Fortunately, at the higher primary currents, say in excess of 1000 A, comparatively high VA outputs are readily obtained, even with single-turn primary c,t.s and an intermediate value of rated secondary current such as 2 A may be used.

Protective transformers


Auxiliary c.t.s are sometimes used to reduce the current in high resistance leads but the auxiliary c.t. itself imposes an additional burden of several VA on the main c.t. and tends to offset the reduction in burden caused by the reduced current in the leads.


Test windings

To test the overall operation of a c.t. and its associated instruments or relays, it is necessary to inject current into the primary circuit from a test supply transformer. In certain situations, for example where a ring c.t. is mounted over the bushing of high voltage equipment, it may be difficult or inconvenient to inject into the main primary circuit, and test primary windings would be required. Test windings are usually rated at 10A, corresponding to the rated primary current, and are usually insulated from the secondary windings and earth to withstand a 2 kV one-minute test. They are usually short-time rated, capable of carrying their rated current for an hour without overheating. When using a test primary winding it is essential to ensure that the main primary winding is not short-circuited through any of the system connections and, conversely, when the c.t. is energised normally through its main primary winding, the test winding must be open-circuited. It is desirable to earth one terminal of the test winding when not in use.


Current transformers for protection


Saturation of the core and ratio on overcurrents. BS 3938

Unlike measuring c.t.s, which are required to be accurate over the normal working range of currents, protective c.t.s are usually required to maintain their ratio up to several times the rated primary current, although in many applications their accuracy at currents below the rated value is unimportant. It has been shown in Section 4.2.2 that at some value of primary current above the rated value, the core will commence to saturate, resulting in an increase in secondary current error. The value of primary current at which this error reaches or approaches a certain limiting value is termed the accuracy limit primary current. C.t.s. for most forms of protection are covered by BS 3938 : 1973 and guidance in the application of c.t.s is given in Appendix B of this British Standard. Accuracy classes 5P and 10P are intended to apply to c.t.s for simple forms of protection, such as the operation of overcurrent relays and trip coils, and of low-impedance earth-fault relays with time-lag characteristics. These classes specify limits of current error at rated primary current and limits of composite error at the 'accuracy limit primary current'; in addition the phase displacement at rated primary current


Protective transformers

is specified for Class 5P only. The ratio between the accuracy limit primary current and the rated primary current is known as the 'rated accuracy limit factor', the standard factors being 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30. For convenience, the limits of errors for classes 5P and 10P are given in Table 4.3.1A below. In passing, it might be noted that a c.t. rated at 15 VA provides an output of about 6 kVA at 20 times the rated current. Table4.3.l.A
BS3938:1973 Limits of error for accuracy Class 5P and ClasS lOP

Accuracy class

Current error at rated primary current

Phase displacement at rated primary current minutes centiradians

% 5P 10P 4.3.2 +1 +3 Trip-coil operation +60 +1.8

Composite error at rated accuracy limit primary current % 5 10

Class 10P will generally be sufficiently accurate for this purpose, but the question of VA rating and saturation factor may present some problems. Trip coils are usually so constructed that a considerable change in the impedance of the coil results from the movement of the coil plunger, the impedance at the conclusion of the operating stroke being several times that at the commencement of the operation. This means that the burden imposed on the c.t. may change from, say, 10 VA to 40 VA, referred to the rated secondary current; for example, 0 4 to 1.6 fZ for a 5 A c.t. during the operation of the trip coil. Fortunately, the current required to operate the device usually decreases with the armature movement and the application of a constant voltage somewhat in excess of the 'pick-up' voltage will usually result in firm operation. The c.t. should be capable of supplying this voltage without saturation of its core and should have the required accuracy, say Class 10P at the nominal operating (pick-up) current of the trip coil. For a trip coil operating in the overcurrent range, between 100 and 200% of the c.t. rated current, a VA rating corresponding to the low impedance or unoperated position of the trip coil plunger and a rated accuracy limit factor of 5 will usually be adequate.


Overcurrent-relay operation

For the operation of instantaneous overcurrent relays the c.t. requirements are similar to those for trip coils, and Class 10P accuracy with a rated accuracy-limit factor of 5 should again be adequate. For overcurrent relays with inverse-time

Protective transformers


characteristics, however, Class 10P accuracy should be specified together with a rated accuracy-limit factor corresponding to the maximum overcurrent at which reasonable accuracy of the relay time characteristic is required. When considering the VA rating to be specified, account must be taken of the reduced impedance of the relay on its higher current settings and any further reduction in impedance which may occur due to saturation of the relay magnetic circuit at currents in excess of the nominal setting values.
4.3.4 Earth-fault relays with inverse-time characteristics

To ensure adequate phase-fault stability and accurate time grading, relays of this type with low settings, when connected in the residual circuit of a three-phase set of c.t.s, usually require c.t.s of Class 5P accuracy. This is because on the occurrence of an earth fault the earth-fault relay is shunted by the exciting impedances of three c.t.s. (four if there is a neutral c.t.). The primary current to operate the relay is calculated by adding the relay operating current to the sum of the secondary exciting currents of the three (or four) c.t.s, the whole being multiplied by the c.t. turns ratio. It is thus essential to employ c.t.s with low exciting currents to secure reasonably low earth-fault settings. These are characteristic of Class 5P.

Relay settings and primary operating currents

In considering the settings of low4mpedance earth-fault relays it should be borne in mind that, since the operating VA of the relay will be approximately the same value for all its settings, a lower current setting will require a correspondingly higher operating voltage and thus a higher exciting current in the c.t. or c.t.s. There is thus an optimum relay setting which results in the minimum primary operating current or earth-fault setting. This is obtained approximately when the relay operating current and the sum of the exciting currents of the parallel connected c.t.s are equal; in other words, when the percentage primary operating current is approximately twice the percentage relay setting. To illustrate this point typical current values are given in Table 4.3.5A from which it will be seen that, for the particular case considered, the 20% relay setting results in the lowest overall earthfault setting of 38%. Table 4.3.5A Relay setting-per cent of c.t. rated secondary current Sum of c.t. exciting currents,per cent of rated current Earth-fault setting-per cent of c.t. rated primary current approximately in phase

50 8 58

40 10 50

30 13 43

20 18 38

10 35 45

Note. The relay and exciting currents are added arithmetically because they are




Current transformers for balanced differential protective schemes

Class X current transformers: This class is included in BS 3938:1973 to cover protective c.t.s for use in applications where the required characteristics of the c.t.s cannot conveniently be expressed in the terms used for classes 5P and 10P. The performance of class X c.t.s of the 'low-reactance type', that is having negligible leakage flux, is specified in the following terms: (a) rated primary current (b) turns ratio (c) knee-point e.m.f. (d) exciting current at the knee-point e.m.f, and/or at a stated percentage thereof. (e) resistance of the secondary winding, corrected to 75C or the maximum service temperature, whichever is the greater. Standard values for (b), (c),(d)and (e) are not prescribed. The actual value of (c) shall not be less than that specified, while the actual values of (d) and (e) shall not exceed the specified values. The error in (b) shall not exceed -+0.25%. Class X c.t.s for balanced protective schemes: In differential protective schemes the characteristics of the c.t.s are most conveniently specified in the terms of class X. In general there are two or three modes of operation to be considered, for example through-fault conditions when the protective gear is required to be stable, and faults within the protected zone when the c.t. has to be capable of operating the relay and supplying current to other c.t.s which may be in idle shunt. This means that operation has to be considered not only at greatly different primary currents, but also with widely different secondary circuit impedances. Also the shunting impedance of the secondary winding, in both the saturated and unsaturrated states of the core, may have to be considered. Due allowance usually has to be made for d.c. components in the primary current as will be shown later. The most satisfactory method is to specify the characteristics required of such a c.t. in terms of turns ratio, secondary winding resistance and exciting currents at appropriate values of secondary e.m.f. These requirements are usually specified to

Fig. 4.3.6A

Restricted earrh-fau/t protection of power transformer windings

Protective transformers


the c.t. designer by the protective gear application engineer, but invariably the secondary winding resistance and the e.m.f.s are interdependent and cannot be decided until the c.t. is designed. An example commonly met is that of four c.t.s with parallel connected secondary windings operating a high-impedance relay to provide a restricted earthfault scheme for a power transformer winding, the circuit being as Fig. 4.3.6A. The rated current may be 1000 A and the maximum through-fault current 15 kA, and the prescribed primary operating current for an in-zone fault may have to be not greater than 25%, that is 250 A.

15 k A

Fig. 4.3.6B

Through-fault condition

The first requirement to consider is stability under the conditions shown in Fig. 4.3.6B. In order to be sure of stability under transient conditions it is usual to design on the basis that the core of one of the two c.t.s through which the fault current flows may be fully saturated. The secondary winding of this c.t. can then be regarded as a resistance which, in series with the leads to the relay, constitutes a path shunting the relay through which the other c.t. drives a current equal to the fault current divided by the c.t. turns ratio. With a turns ratio of 500/1 the ideal secondary current would be 30A with 15 kA in the primary circuit. Assuming the resistance of the pair of leads between the relay and the 'saturated' c.t. to be 1 f~ the voltage appearing across the relay would be 30(1 + Rs), where R s is the secondary winding resistance. If it were practicable to make R s equal 0.5 ~2 the voltage across the relay would be 45 V and a relay operating voltage of 50 V would ensure stability. If, however, R s could not conveniently be made less than 2 12 the relay operating voltage would have to be not less than 90 V and an operating voltage of, say, 100 V would be selected. The second requirement to be considered is the operation of the relay on an in-zone fault as shown in Fig. 4.3.6C. To ensure speedy operation of the relay it is usually desirable to make the knee-point e.m.f, of the c.t. magnetising curve not less than twice the relay operating voltage, so that with R s = 0.5 ~2 the knee-point

I I.

Fig. 4.3.6C

Condition for an earth-fault in the protected zone


Protective transformers

e.m.f, must not be less than 100 V, but with R s -- 2 12 the minimum knee-point e.m.f, would be 200 V. A typical magnetising curve for a c.t. having the latter characteristics is shown in Fig. 4.2.2C from which it will be seen that at the relay operating voltage of 100 V the exciting current is 40 mA. Referring to Fig. 4.3.6A it will be seen that if each c.t. requires 40 mA exciting current (referred to the secondary winding) and the relay operating current is 10 mA then the primary current I f to trip the relay is equal to 500(10 + 4 x 40)x 10 -3 = 85A which is well below the prescribed maximum of 250 A. The knee-point e.m.f of the curve Fig. 4.2.2C is approximately 240 V which is more than double our relay operating voltage. This voltage would correspond to a flux density (Bmax) in the core of, say, 1.2 tesla which, from formula (i) in Section 4.2.2 would require a net core section of 18 cm 2 and, if we assume a core space-factor of 95%, the required gross core section would be about 19 cm 2 . Considering next the desired exciting current of 40 mA, this corresponds to 40 x 500 x 10 "~ = 20 a.t; and if we assume a mean core diameter (for a ring type c.t.) of 12.7 cm the length of the magnetic path will be 40 cm. Thus a core material requiring an exciting force of 0.5 a.t/cm at Bmax equal to 0.5 tesia would be needed. This corresponds to curve (a) of Fig. 4.2.2.A. A further requirement for through-fault stability in such differential schemes is identical or closely similar turns ratios for all the c.t.s, concerned. In the example given above, the ratio of the primary operating current to the maximum throughfault current is 85/15000 or 0.57%, which could well be produced by a small difference in the turns ratios of two or more c.t.s and thus cause operation of the relay on a through-fault. To ensure a safe margin the permissible difference in turns ratio between any two c.t.s of such a balanced group is usually specified to be half this amount, that is 0.28% in the example above, which, with a nominal turns ratio of 500/1 would mean a maximum difference of one turn.


Simple transient-state theory

When a system fault occurs the fault current almost invariably contains a transient d.c. component, and for certain balanced schemes of protection it is desirable that the c.t.s should maintain their a.c. ratio under such fault conditions. Fig. 4.3.7A shows the currents, induced e.m.f, and core flux conditions in an ideal c.t. with a 1/1 turns ratio, as indicated in the simplified equivalent circuit where R is the total secondary circuit resistance and Le the exciting inductance (compare Fig. 4.1.2A). It will be seen that the maximum flux in the core, due principally to the need for flux to induce the transient unidirectional component of E s, is several times the alternating flux which would be the only flux required if there were no d.c. component in the primary current. It can be shown that when L e is infinite the maximum transient flux is governed by the degree of asymmetry of the primary current and by the primary circuit time-constant T~,, in other words, by the area shown shaded in the upper curve.

Protective transformers
Ip Is


lp (als Is ind ,Es in an ideal c.t.)



Total flux

,' /

Transient flux to



/Iternatintz flux

4 n L/\/

~=J ~ . J

A\ / A-7 .(,~
%-J alternating


Fig. 4.3.7A

Transient current and flux conditions

With maximum asymmetry and a resistive secondary circuit, the ratio of the maximum flux to the peak alternating flux is approximately equal to the X / R ratio of the primary circuit, that is of the power system up to the fault position. However, when L has a finite value, as in practice, the d.c. component o f I s becomes less than that of 1t, by the amount of the d.c. component o f l e . Thus the d.c. component of E s and the unidirectional flux required to produce it are reduced.


Protective transformers

For the c.t. to maintain accurate a.c. transformation under such conditions its core section must be large enough to accommodate the total flux without saturation of the core material. A practical method of determining the required core section is to calculate the secondary e.m.f, corresponding to the steady-state maximum fault current and to multiply this e.m.f, by the system X/R ratio to give the required knee-point e.m.f, of the c.t. A total flux excursion corresponding to a knee-point e.m.f, derived in this way is in practice not attained because (a) the maximum theoretical magnitude of d.c. component of the fault current is never attained, (b) as already explained, the d.c. component of exciting current reduces the flux excursion, sometimes by as much as 50% and (c) the inductive component of the secondary burden requires no unidirectional e.m.f. However, the upward swing of the total flux may, in unfavourable circumstances, commence from a remanent flux due to previous magnetisation, thus reducing the


Prospective flux
t I ~ I t I I ~ / I I

s ~1~


Saturation level


Fig. 4.3,7B

Effect o f core saturation on flux and secondary e . m . f and current

Protective transformers


flux excursion which the core can accommodate without saturating. This possibility prevents the designer from reducing the core section to take advantage of the factors (a), (b) and (c) above. The effect of saturation in a c.t. with insufficient core section is shown in Fig. 4.3.7B. The flux reaches the saturation region during one of the positive excursions of primary current and the saturated exciting inductance Le (Fig. 4.3.7A) shunts most of the primary current Ip, thus distorting the secondary current I s to the wave shape shown. During the negative excursions of current, however, the flux is required to reduce and so the core becomes unsaturated during this negative current and for part of the following positive current excursion before becoming saturated once more, and so on. As the d.c. component of the primary current decays the negative excursions of the current and flux become greater, and the core eventually runs out of saturation during the complete cycle, when the secondary current becomes normal again. As explained in Section 4.3.6 certain systems of protection are not adversely affected by saturation and it is unnecessary to take special measures in this connection. It is, however, the duty of the protective gear application engineer to decide for which forms of protection and under what conditions of operation the c,t,s should not saturate.


Construction of current transformers


Basic types

Current transformers can be divided into two major types, the single-turn (bar) primary and the multi-turn wound.primary. In the former the primary conductor may form part of the c.t. assembly, in which case it must be suitably insulated to withstand the system voltage to earth where it passes through the c.t. core and secondary windings. Such a c.t. is shown in Fig. 4.4.1A, the primary insulation of synthetic resin bonded paper being suitable for service on a 12 kV system. The majority of single-turn primary c.t.s make use of an insulated conductor provided as part of other equipment such as bushings of switchgear or power transformers, and the c.t. is merely a ring core with a toroidally wound secondary winding. Wound primary c.t.s may have the primary and secondary windings arranged concentrically, the secondary winding invariably being the inner winding since it is advantageous to keep the resistance of this winding as low as possible, or, in designs intended primarily for operating instruments, meters and simple overcurrent relays, the primary and secondary windings may be disposed on different limbs of the core. Such an arrangement results in minimum weights of windings, and the flux leakage effect resulting from this loose coupling reduces the phase error and limits


Protective transformers

Fig. 4,4,1A Double.secondarybar-primary current transformer

(GEC HighVoltage SwitchgearLtd.)

Fig. 4.4,1B

12k V cast resin insulated wound-primary current transformer (GEC High VoltageSwitchgear Ltd.)

Protective transformers


Fig. 4.4.1C

12k V current transformer with cast resin insulated primary winding (GEC High Voltage Switchgear Ltd.)

the secondary current produced by high primary overcurrents. Typical 12 kV designs are shown in Figs. 4.4.1 B, C and D.


F o r m s o f cores

The simplest form of core is the ring, composed either of hot.rolled silicon steel stampings or, more usually in recent years, of spirally wound strip of cold-rolled grain-oriented steel or of nickel-iron alloy.


Protective transformers

Fig. 4.4,1D

12k V current transformer with butyl rubber insulated primary winding (GEC High Voltage Switchgear Ltd.} "

Cores for wound-primary c.t.s are usually assembled from stampings of E, I or L-shape depending on whether the core is a simple rectangle or of the three-limb shell.type, but C-cores of bonded cold-rolled grain-oriented steel are also employed. Some typical shapes are shown in Figs. 4.4.2A, B, C, D and E. Cores of grain-oriented materials should be arranged as far as possible with the flux direction along the grain as indicated in Fig. 4.4.2C. This requirement is satisfied completely in wound-strip ring cores and in cut C-cores (Fig. 4.4.2E)


Windings and insulation


Primarywindings (wound primary current transformers): These usually take the form of edge-wound copper strip because this method of winding results in

Fig. 4.4.2B

Fig. 4.4,2A



Protective transformers


coils best capable of withstanding the electromagnetic forces produced by high values of primary current. The inter-turn insulation may consist of split washers of pressboard or similar material, of tape applied to the individual turns or a coating of resinous materials.

Fig. 4.4.2C

E- and I-shape stampings

Fig. 4.4.2D Large and small E stampings

Fig. 4.4,2E Cut C-core Basic forms of high voltage c.t.s

The major insulation to earth of c.t.s for use up to 12 kV service, may be formed by taping the primary winding with varnished cloth tape or, more usually in modern designs, by enveloping the winding in cast-resin or moulded butyl rubber. The non-resilient nature of cast-resin necessitates some means of permitting the expansion of the primary winding, which occurs in a fraction of a second during the passage of a fault current, without imposing a strain on the cast-resin sufficient to case cracking. There are various ways of accomplishing this, some protected by patents. Rubber-like compounds are usually sufficiently resilient not to require this precaution. (b) Secondary windings: These are usually wound from round or rectangular section wires of enamelled copper. Coils for assembly on to cores built up of stampings are usually machine wound with paper between layers, the coil being subsequently varnish impregnated and insulated overall with press-paper wraps and tape, Ring cores are insulated by means of pressboard washers and wraps, covered with varnished cloth or plastic tape, or they may be encased in split channel-section cases of moulded insulation, or coated with resinous compound. The toroidal winding is frequently carried out by hand but where large numbers of turns are required, or a large number of identical windings are to be wound, toroid winding machines are usually employed. Multi-layer windings are usually insulated between layers with varnished-cloth tape and the winding taped overall and reinforced with washers and wraps of pressboard.


Protective transformers
High.voltage current transformers

Separately mounted post-type c.t.s suitable for outdoor service are frequently required for use in conjunction with air blast circuit-breakers. There are three basic forms of construction, shown diagrammatically in Fig. 4.4.4A, B and C. In type A, the cores and secondary windings are contained in an earthed tank at the base of a porcelain insulator and the leads of the full-insulated primary winding are taken up to the top helmet through the procelain insulator. In type B, the cores and windings are mounted midway inside the porcelain housing, usually with half the major insulation on the primary winding and the other half on the secondary winding and cores, This form of construction is limited in the volume of cores and windings which can be accommodated without the diameter of the procelain insulator becoming uneconomically large, but for two or three cores and secondary windings of modest output it offers a compact arrangement. In type C, the cores and secondary windings are housed in the helmet or live-tank and the earthed secondary leads brought down the insulator. This form of construction is particularly suitable for use when high primary currents are involved as it permits the use of a short bar primary conductor with consequent easing of the electrodynamic and flux leakage problems. The major insulation may be wholly on the secondary windings and cores or partially on the primary conductor, while the secondary leads require insulating to withstand the system voltage where they pass through the bases of the live-tank and down the porcelain bushing. The major insulation of such current transformers is usually oil-impregnated paper, in some constructions with interleaved stress control foils, and examples using this form of insulation are shown in Figs. 4.4.4D, E, F, G and H. An alternative method of insulating for high voltages employs a gas, such as sulphur-hexafluoride, usually at a pressure in the region of two or three atmospheres. Unlike oil, such a gas is capable of withstanding high voltages between electrodes spaced


Fig. 4.4.A Fig. 4.4.B Fig. 4.4.C

Protective transformers


Fig, 4.4,4D 525 k V, 2000A hairpin orimary current transformer with several secondary windings (GEC High Voltage Swltchgear Ltd.)

Fig. 4.4,4E 245k V "cross-col/" t y p e c u r r e n t transformer with series paraZlel primary links (GEC High Voltage Switchgear Ltd,)

several inches apart without intervening barriers of solid insulation, so that constructional problems are concerned with the rigid positioning of the high voltage and earthed electrodes and the provision of a housing capable of withstanding the required gas pressure.


Protective transformers

Fig. 4.4.4F 245 k V live tank current transformer with oil.impregnated paper insulation IGEC High Voltage Switchgear Ltd.)

Fig. 4.4.G

420k V, 4000,4 hairpin-primary current transformer (GEC High Voltage Switchgear Ltd.)

4.5 4.5.1

Testing of current transformers

Error measurements

The simplest direct method of measuring current magnitude errors is to use two ammeters, one measuring the primary current and the other the secondary current, and provided the required degree of accuracy is not high this method is satisfactory, and can even be used at currents up to several times the rated values.

Protective transformers


Fig. 4.4.4H 420 kV, 4000,4 five tank current transformer employing SF 6 gas hJsulation (GEC High Voltage Switchgear Ltd.)

When small errors of less than 1% are to be measured, and when both magnitude and phase errors are to be measured, some form of comparison with a standard current transformer is necessary and bridge circuits, electromagnetic comparators, or differential ammeter methods are then employed. Current transformers, of the uniformly wound ring core type for use with bar primary arrangements resulting in negligible leakage flux, may have their current errors assessed by the indirect method of measuring the exciting current taken by the secondary winding with an applied voltage equal to the induced e.m.f, under specified burden and current conditions. As explained in Section 4.2.1, the current error in such a current transformer, with no turns correction, cannot exceed the percentage exciting current. So-called high-reactance current transformers, in which the effect of flux leakage is appreciable, normally have their composite errors measured by a direct method (see Appendix J of BS 3938). A high-reactance current transformer is defined in BS 3938 (Appendix K) as one in which, with a turns ratio equal to the rated current transformation ratio, the composite error measured by a direct test at the


Protective transformers

rated accuracy limit primary current exceeds 1.3 times the percentage exciting current measured when the rated accuracy limit e.m.f, is applied to the secondary winding. This e.m.f, is taken as that required to pass the rated accuracy limit secondary current through an impedance equal to the vectorial sum of the impedance of the rated burden and the resistance of the secondary winding. For a number of current transformers of the same design BS 3938 (Appendix J) permits the composite errors to be derived from a comparison of their exciting currents with the exciting current of an identical current transformer of which the composite error has been measured by a direct test.


Turns ratio tests

There is no simple and positive method of measuring turns ratio on a completed current transformer. The usual method is to measure the current magnitude error at about the rated current with a low value of secondary burden. The accuracy of measurement depends on the magnitude of the component of the exciting current affecting the current error-see Section 4.2.1-for example there would be no difficulty in detecting an error of one turn in 100 turns, but with 500 or more turns in the secondary winding and a current error component of exciting current in the region of 0.25 to 0.5%, it might be difficult to decide whether a measured current error of -0.5% was due to exciting current alone or due in part to an error in turns ratio. A more accurate assessment of turns ratio error can be made by measuring the current error at about the rated primary current with two or three different values of unity power-factor burden. These errors are then plotted against the corresponding values of total secondary circuit impedance, that is including that due to the secondary winding resistance, and extrapolated to zero burden to give the error in turns ratio (See BS 3938, Appendix M.) Because of these difficulties the specified maximum turns ratio error should not be less than that required to ensure correct operation of the protective gear.


Exciting current

For most protective schemes it is necessary to measure the exciting current at one or more values of secondary e.m.f. This is accomplished quite simply by applying the appropriate voltage, and measuring the current taken by the secondary winding, the primary and any other windings being open-circuited. In some cases an excitation curve may be required and sufficient measurements are then made to enable the curve to be plotted. When it is only desired to check that the knee-point e.m.f. is not less than a certain value that value is applied and the exciting current measured. A voltage 10% higher is then applied when the exciting current measured should not exceed that measured at the knee-point e.m.f, by more than 50%.

Protective transformers
4.5.4 Current transformers for balanced differential protective schemes


As stated in Section 4.3.6 it is often possible to prove the suitability of c.t.s fol such schemes by measurements of exciting current and turns ratio. In some instances it may be desirable to carry out a balance test between pairs of c.t.s as shown in Fig. 4.5.4A. If the object of the test is to prove that the two c.t.s have the same or similar turns ratio the burden. RB is kept to a minimum, but if the object is to prove the combination of turns ratio and exciting current balance, the burden R B would represent that expected in service. The ammeter A measures the spill or out-of-balance current. The primary current may be either the rated value for turns balance tests or the relevant through-fault current for turns and exciting current balance tests.



Fig. 4.5.4A

Connections for balance test

Balance tests with a relay in place of the ammeter are sometimes performed, but such tests prove the combination of the c.t.s and the relay and are not strictly tests of the c.t.s themselves.



Various methods are used by manufacturers to prove that the terminal markings are correct. When such a check is necessary to prove the polarity on site it can be carrie~l out as follows. Connect the positive terminal of a low voltage d.c. supply, such as a small battery, to the c.t primary terminal bearing the lowest sufFLx number and the negative of the supply to the other primary terminal. Connect the negative terminal of a d.c. voltmeter to the c.t. secondary terminal bearing the lowest sufFLx numeral and the positive terminal of the voltmeter to the other secondary terminal. On breaking the d.c. supply the voltmeter will give a positive deflection if the terminal markings are correct.


Insulation tests

Routine insulation tests specified in BS 3938 consist of applying for one minute the appropriate 50 Hz voltage to the primary or secondary winding, all windings


Protective transformers

being short-circuited and the one not being supplied with the test voltage connected to the frame and earth. The test voltage for secondary windings is 2 kV r.m.s., while that for primary windings depends on the rated primary voltage of the c.t. An impulse voltage test may have to be met as a type test if the c.t. is for service in a situation exposed to over-voltages of atmospheric origin, and if for service outdoors a type test under artificial rain may also be specified.


Voltage-transformertheory Electromagnetic-typevoltage transformers

Referring once more to Fig. 4.1.2A, it will be seen that the errors of a voltage transformer (v.t.) are the difference in magnitude and phase between Vp and Vs and that they consist of the 'no-load' errors, when Z B is infinity caused by the voltage drop due to the exciting current flowing in the primary winding, and the 'load' errors due to the voltage drops in both windings as a result of the burden current I s. A simplified vector diagram for the circuit of Fig. 4.1.2A, drawn with particular reference to voltages, is shown in Fig. 4.6.1A. The difference between Vp and Vs is shown for the loaded condition. On no load, the primary current would be Ie only and the primary voltage the vector shown dotted and marked Vt;, while there would be no secondary current and Vs would be equal to the induced e.m.f. E s. It should be noted that, like Fig. 4.1.2A, the vector diagram of Fig. 4.6.1A ignores the effects of leakage flux. For a constant value of applied voltage Vp it is convenient to plot an error diagram of the form shown in Fig. 4.6.1B in which per cent voltage (ratio)

IpRp~ p I,'
IsR s s



Phasor diagram f o r circuit o f Fig. 4.1.2A with particular reference to voltage errors

Protective transformers


error is plotted horizontally and phase displacement (centriradians) is plotted vertically. With known errors for two loading conditions, such as no-load and 100 VA unity power factor (u.p.f.), the diagram can be constructed to give the errors for any other value of burden and power factor the latter being the cosine of the angle ~. For a different value of the applied voltage the no-load errors will be different and the whole diagram will move by the amount of the change ta the noload errors. It should be noted that the phase error change with u.p.f, burden is the result of flux leakage which, as far as the burden current is concerned, is equivalent to series inductive reactance. See Fig. 4.2.4C.


Capacitor-type voltage transformers

At 132 kV and higher voltages capacitor v.t.s, may be more economic than electromagnetic v.t.s, particularly when the h.v. capacitors can serve also for carriercurrent coupling.


o.6 ~.~,
c -



- -

No load


- Cos0

0.6 0








0 Percentage voltage (ratio) error



Fig. 4.6.1 B

Voltage transformer error diagram


Protective transformers

Fig. 4.6.2A shows the basic circuit usually employed. The line to ground voltage V;, is applied across the capacitor voltage divider comprising C1 and (72 and the intermediate voltage Vc2 is fed to the primary winding of an electromagnetic transformer T via a tuning inductance L which resonates approximately with Ca + C= at the system frequency. The transformer T steps down to the secondary voltage V s.

I =r"




V(.' 2



Fig. 4 . 6 . 2 A Basic circuit o f a capacitor v.

There are numerous variations of this basic circuit. The inductance L may be a separate unit or it may be incorporated in the form of leakage inductance in the transformer T. Because the capacitors C1 and (72 cannot conveniently be made to close tolerances it is necessary to provide adjustments of ratio by means of tappings either on the transformer T or on a separate auto-transformer in the secondary circuit. Adjustment of the tuning inductance L is also necessary and this may be effected variously by tappings, by a separate tapped inductor in the secondary circuit, by adjustment of gaps in iron cores, or by shunting with a variable capacitor.





.: I
vi v{, 2

I-,:i zc /


I vs



Fig. 4 . 6 . 2 B

Equivalent circuit o f a capacitor v.t.

Protective transformers


To understand the factors affecting the performance it is convenient to use the equivalent circuit of Fig. 4.6.2B in which Vi is the nominal intermediate voltage equal to Vp divided by 1 + C2/C1, Cis a fictitious capacitance numerically equal to Cx + C2, L the tuning inductance, R 1 represents the resistance of the intermediate voltage winding of the transformer T plus the losses in C and L, and Ze is the exciting impedance of the transformer T. The secondary circuit resistance and the burden impedance, both referred to the intermediate voltage, are represented by R's and Z~, respectively, and similarly V~ and I~ represent the secondary terminal voltage and the output current. It will be seen that except for C the circuit is the usual equivalent circuit of a transformer (compare with Fig. 4.1.2A), and therefore at the frequency when C and L are resonant and cancel each other the circuit wiU behave, under steady state conditions, as a conventional transformer. It wiU also be apparent that provided R~ and R~ are not unduly large, and Ie small compared with Is' the vector difference between Vi and V/, which constitutes the overall error of the capacitor v.t., will be small. This is illustrated in Fig. 4.6.2C which is the vector diagram for the circuit of Fig. 4.6.2B. The diagram is drawn for a burden power factor (cos ~) close to unity and the voltage error is the difference in magnitude between Vi and V~, while the phase error is the angle 0. The voltage V2, also indicated in Fig. 4.6.2B, is that across capacitor C2 (Fig. 4.6.2A) and it will be noticed that this voltage increases with output current and could reach a dangerously high value in the event of the


Fig. 4.6.2C

Phasor diagram for circuit o f Fig. 4.6.28


(salnu!l~l) ]u~uJ~,~elds!p aseqrl






~ =c~
2. o~ "~ r.- __ oo~ 0o_,,, . . . . . . -~

"1-" +








f I



~ ,%~ ~ "~



~ --~

i ~


2. ~


L ~. o~1

I ": I

._L . . . . . -1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




.2 z

(sue!p~,!)u~3) Zu~tua~eld~P ~stqd

Fig. 4.6.2D Typical error diagram f o r a full-range capacitor v.t. o f class 1/3P accuracy to BS 3941 : 1975 for frequencies between 48.5 Hz and 51.5 Hz

Protective transformers


secondary terminals being short-circuited. The value of Vc2 is, however, usually limited by some means, such as a spark-gap connected across C2 or by arranging the inductance L to saturate at currents above the rated output value. It will also be seen from Fig. 4.6.2C that at frequencies differing from the resonant value either E L or E c will predominate with the result that, with a u.p.f, burden, the phase error 0 will be changed. Provided the reactive voltages E L or E are not too high in relation to Vi, the change of phase error with frequency is not excessive. Typical capacitor v.t.s used in this country have h.v. capacitors (Cl) of 2000 pF and Vi of about 12 kV and give a change of phase error at the rated burden (150 VA 0.8 pf) of about 30 minutes per Hz of frequency change in 145 kV transformers and about 10 minutes per HZ in 400 kV transformers. Earlier designs had lower values of C and Vi and hence higher values of L and Ri (Fig. 4.6,213) with the result that ratio and phase change with burden was considerably greater than in electromagnetic v.t.s and several changes of adjustments were necessary to cover the full burden range with reasonable accuracy. Also, for the ratio and phase adjustments to be independently effective it was necessary to correct inductive burdens to unity power factor by means of shunt capacitors. Present standard designs used in this country are rated at 150 VA Class 3/3P (BS 3941), and cover the range from 25 to 100% of rated output without any change of adjustments. The performance is comparable with that of electromagnetic v.t.s of the same rating and it is unnecessary to correct the power factor of the burden. The errors of a capacitor v.t. at a given voltage can be plotted in the same manner as for an electromagnetic v.t. as shown in Fig. 4.6.2D which shows the errors at various frequencies of a transformer giving Class 1.0 accuracy over a -+0.5 Hz frequency range (compare with Fig. 4.6.1B).


Burdens and lead resistances

The resistance of leads connecting the secondary winding to the instruments or relays increases the burden on c.t.s as explained in Section 4.2.7, and thus increases the core flux, the exciting current and, therefore, the errors. In voltage transformers the secondary lead resistance again affects the errors but in a more direct manner. The principal effect is that the voltage at the terminals of the instruments or relays differs from the voltage at the secondary terminals of the v.t. by the voltage drop (p.d.) in the leads. A second order effect is that there is a slight reduction in effective burden on the v.t. For example, if the burden on a single-phase v.t. with 110 V secondary is nominally 110 VA so that the nominal output current is I A, and the loop resistance of the leads is 1 I2, an error of approximately I V will be introduced into the voltage across the burden. Whether this 1 V is equivalent to 1 x 100/110 = 0.91% voltage (magnitude) error, or to a combination of voltage and phase error depends on the power factor of the burden. With a pure resistive burden this additional error


Protective transformers

//~\\ ///


Fig, 4,6,3A

U.p.f burden across 8-C only

would be approximately -0.9% in voltage magnitude and with a pure inductive burden it would become approximately +0.9 centiradians in phase, that is, +30 minutes, while with an intermediate burden power factor the errors would become approximately -I~R L x 100 x cos cF/Vs in voltage and +I~Rc x 3438 x sin cb/Vs in phase, where I s is the output current, R c is the loop resistance, Vs is the nominal secondary voltage, and is the angle of lag of the current I s behind the voltage Vs (see Fig. 4.6.1A). It should be noted that with leading power-factor burdens the phase error due to leads becomes negative, that is lagging. The second-order effect mentioned previously can normally be neglected, because it would only be appreciable in the event of large errors introduced by the leads, for example, if a 1 l0 V secondary winding was loaded by a 1 l0 VA u.p.f. burden through a loop lead resistance of 5 ~2, the approximate error would be - 5 V or -4,45%. A more accurate assessment of the error would result from taking into account the reduced output, that is, burden + lead resistance = l l 0 + 5 = 115 ~2 total so that the v.t. output is 1102 / 115 = 105 VA and the additional error due to the leads is 5/115 x 100 = -4.35%. Note that this simple method of comparing the lead and burden resistances is only applicable to resistive burdens.


/ / / ~ \ \ \ 0A(40 lag)

IB Fig, 4,6,3B
Effects o f unbalanced burdens

OB(?O lag)

Protective transformers


It should also be noted that secondary fuses can have resistance values sufficiently high to cause appreciable errors in high accuracy metering applications, Where a v.t. or a three-phase group of v.t.s is employed to supply through long leads a large output to relays and instruments, in addition to a small output to high accuracy integrating meters, it is preferable to use separate leads and secondary fuses for the metering circuit. With three-phase v.t.s and three.phase groups of single-phase v.t.s connected in star, the effects of lead resistance become much more complicated because the burden across one pair of phases affects the errors of the voltages across the other two pairs of phases. In extreme cases of unbalanced loading of the v.t., the power flow can be reversed in one phase to neutral winding. This results in a positive voltage error in this phase to neutral voltage, not only because of the lead resistance but also due to the winding resistances. Fig. 4.6.3A shows the burden on phases B and C of a three-phase v.t. or group due to a u.p.f, burden across BC. If the burden across BC is 100 VA the burden on phase B is 100fly/3 VA at 0.866 p.f. (30*) leading, and the same numerical value on phase C but at 0.866 p.f. (30 ) lagging. Fig. 4.6.3B shows the burdens on the phases for burdens each of 100 VA at 0.342 p.f. (70*) lagging across phases AB and BC with no burden across phases CA. The burden on phase A is 100/x/J-VA at 0.766 p.f. (70* - 30 = 40*) lagging, that on phase B is 100 VA at 0.342 p.f. (70 ) lagging and that on phase C is 100/~/3 VA at 70 + 30 = 100 lagging, that is a power input on the secondary winding of phase C of 100/x/3"VA at 180 - 100 = 80 leading (0.174 p.L). Power factor correction of inductive burdens:As mentioned in Section 4,6,2, early designs of capacitor v.t.s, many of which are still in use in this country, have relatively poor basic accuracy; a combination of tapped secondary windings, variable series inductance, and correction of the burden power factor to unity being employed to provide reasonably good accuracy over the usual range of 25 to 100% of rated output. The settings required to cover the various steps of the total burden range are usually selected as a result of tests by the manufacturer and are indicated on the rating plate. These settings apply to unity power factor burdens on the single-phase unit, that is phase to neutral loading, and this fact was often overlooked when phase-to-phase burdens were corrected to u.p.f, but the effect of unbalanced loading on the phase-to-neutral burdens and power factors was forgotten. Fortunately, none of these early capacitor v.t.s were used for metering and the accuracy obtained, even with incorrect loading, was sufficiently good for the forms of protection being operated by such v.t.s.


Voltage transformers for protection

Electromagnetic type categories, residual voltages

For the operation of meters and instruments, the accuracy of a v.t. is usually only important at or about the normal system voltage, so that with a given burden the


Protective transformers

errors are practically constant. For protection, however, although the accuracy requirements may not be very exacting, the errors are required to be within certain limits over the wide range of voltage possible under system fault conditions. This range may be from 5 to 150 or 190% of rated primary voltage for v.t.s, connected between line and ground. This requires a corresponding range of core flux density and thus appreciable change in the value of the exciting impedance Ze (Fig. 4.1.2A) over this range. This results in a change in the no-load errors which may increase considerably at the extremes of the voltage range unless due attention is given to this problem in the design stage. In BS 3941 : 1975 all voltage transformers for protection are required to comply with the requirements of one of the accuracy classes 0.1,0.2, 0.5, 1.0 or 3.0 which specify limits of voltage and phase errors over a range of voltages from 0.8 to 1.2 times the rated primary voltage. In addition, protective v.t.s must meet the requirements of either class 3P or 6P, which specify limits of voltage and phase errors over two additional voltage ranges; one range from 0.05 to 0.8 times the rated primary voltage, and the other range from 1.2 to VF times the rated primary voltage, where VF ts the appropriate voltage factor (see below). For convenience, these error limits are given below:

Table 4,7.1A Limits of voltage error and phase displacement for measuring
voltage transformers Phase displacement Accuracy class 0.I 0.2 0.5 1.0 3.0 Percentage voltage (ratio) error 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 3.0 minutes 5 10 20 40 notspecified centiradians 0.15 0.3 0-6 1.2 notspedfied

Table 4.7.1.B

Limits of voltage error and phase displacement for protective voltage transformers Phase displacement

Accuracy class 3P 6P

Percentage voltage (ratio) error + 3.0 + 6.0

minutes + 120 + 240

centiradians + 3.5 + 7.0

Protective transformers


Table 4.7.1C

Earthing conditions Voltage factor VF 1-2 1.5 1.9 .... Duration Not limited 30 s 30 s or 8 h V.T. primary windings Non-Earthed Earthed Earthed System Effectively or non-effectively earthed Effectively earthed Non-effectively earthed

Voltage factors: The voltage factor VF is determined by the maximum operating voltage, which in turn is dependent on the system and voltage transformer earthtng conditions. The factors appropriate to the different earthing conditions, together with the permissible duration of the maximum operating voltage, are given in Table 4.7.1C. Residual voltages: For applications such as directional earth-fault protection residual voltages are required and are usually provided by windings connected in broken-delta as shown in Fig. 4.7.1A. Under normal conditions, the three phase-to-earth voltages are of equal magnitude and 120 degrees apart and residual voltage (of system frequency) is zero, but under earth-fault conditions the voltage to earth of one phase collapses, either totally or partially depending on the location of the fault, the voltage applied to the other two phase-to-earth windings is increased and changed in phase, by amounts dependent on the method of earthing the system neutral, and a residual voltage VR appears as shown vectorially in Fig. 4.7.1B. It should be noted that third harmonic voltages add up in a broken-delta connected winding, and if present in the applied voltages will appear at the terminals of that winding. Because a residual voltage is the result of an out-of-balance of the fluxes linking the residual voltage windings, a low reluctance path for this residual flux must be provided in three-phase transformers, the usual method being to employ a five-limb core. (See Fig. 4.7.1C). Residual voltages may also be obtained from three singlephase units connected line to earth. Residual voltages can be obtained from auxiliary v.t.s star/broken-delta connected, but the main v.t. must be capable of reproducing an out-of-balance in the three phase-to-earth voltages, that is it must have a path for residual flux, or be comprised of three single-phase units, while it is, of course, essential for the primary and secondary star points to be available. 4.7.2 Capacitor type

As for electromagnetic v.t.s, for certain types of protection capacitor v.t.s must have magnitude and phase errors within certain prescribed limits over a wide range



d ,




Three-phase windings connected ster/broken delta

of primary voltage such as from 5 to 150 or 190% of rated voltages. Because the core of the intermediate transformer is usually operated at a low flux density at normal voltage, Little difficulty is experienced in maintaining the required accuracy at voltages above the nominal value. At very low system voltages, however, the core flux density falls to a level at which the permeability of the core material is relatively low and thus the exciting impedance Ze (Fig. 4.6.2B) is reduced. Because the series reactance in the intermediate voltage circuit, through which the exciting current Ie must flow, is usually capacitive (a part of the inductance being in the transformer T and in the secondary circuit) any increase in .re relative to Vi results in a positive magnitude error (output voltage high) and a positive phase error (output voltage leading). These increases in errors at 5% of rated voltage may be as great as +5% in amplitude and +5 degrees in phase in capacitor v.t.s of relatively poor basic accuracy, but in the transformers now being supplied in this country, which permit variation of the burden from 25% to the rated value without adjustment (full range transformers), the increase in errors, due to the smaUer series reactance, may be no more than +1.5% and +60 minutes.


t "S



I-~art h - f a u l t

Residual windingvoltages Fig.4.7.1B

Residual voltages under normal and earth-fault conditions

Protective transformers


Fig. 4.7.1C

Three.phase voltage transformer with five-limb core capable of producing ~eslduai voltages (GEC High Voltage Switchgear Ltd.)

Transient response: It is also necessary in certain protective gear applications that the v.t. should reproduce sudden changes in the primary voltage. This seldom presents any difficulty with an electromagnetic v.t. but capacitor v.t.s in which the series capacitive and inductive reactances are high in relation to the burden impe. dance (referred to the intermediate voltage), particularly when power-factor correct, ing capacitors are employed to tune inductive burdens, as in stepped range v,t.s, are prone to exhibit oscillations in the secondary voltage when the primary voltage changes rapidly. Thus when the primary voltage collapses the secondary voltage may persist for some milliseconds in the form of a damped oscillation. Because of the combination of series and parallel resonant circuits presented by the trans. former and the tuned burden, such oscillations are usually a combination of two frequencies, one above and one below the system frequency. A typical oscillogram of a stepped-range capacitor v.t operating at maximum output with burden power, factor correction is shown in Fig. 4.7.2A. In full range transformers of good accuracy, however, the relatively low values of the series reactances and the absence of burden power-factor correction capacitance


Protective transformers



Primary voltage

4.7.2A Transient response o f a stepped-range capacitor voltage transformer operating at

maximum o u t p u t with burden power factor correction

ensures rapid dissipation of the stored energy with the result that the secondary voltage is for all practical purposes a true reproduction of the primary voltage as shown in Fig. 4.7.2B. It will be apparent from the foregoing that the transient response of a'given capacitor v.t. will generally be best at low outputs, that is when the burden impedance is high. Ferro-resonance effects: Owing to the non.linear characteristics of the exciting impedance Ze (Fig. 4.6.2B), it is possible for oscillations to be initiated by transients in the supply voltage or in the output current which, once established, are sustained by the system frequency supply. The most common frequency for such oscillations is one.third that of the supply, although sustained oscillations at other subharmonics and at the supply frequency are possible. The most easily measured effect of such an oscillation is a rise in output voltage, the r.m.s, value usually being some 25 to 50% above the normal value, while an oscilloscope connected across the secondary terminals would probably show a voltage wave similar to that of Fig. 4.7.2C.



Fig,4,7.2B Transient

P r m ia r vol ytage

response to a full range capacitor voltage transformer o f good basic

Protective transformers


Such oscillations are less liable to occur when the losses in the circuit are high, for example when the burden is resistive and corresponds to the rated output. If the phenomenon is encountered it can usually be dealt with by increasing the resistive load on the v.t. A study of this phenomenon has shown that the avoidance of certain combinations of circuit parameters will prevent sustained oscillations of this nature in a capacitor v.t. supplying a resistive burden. It is possible, however, for the nonlinear impedances of such burdens as auxiliary v.t.s and other iron-cored devices to modify the induciive parameters in a manner which increases the tendency for the circuit to oscillate. Auxiliary v.t.s for use with capacitor v.t.s should be designed with low flux density-B,nax about 0.4 tesla in silicon-steel cores, which prevents high exciting currents during circuit transients. When necessary specially designed damping circuits are employed to prevent sustained oscillations of the kind in question.


Fig. 4.7.2C


Typical oscillogram o f secondary voltage with an oscillation at 163 Hz

Carrier-current coupling: To provide for carrier-current coupling, two basic requirements must be met. The lowest terminal of the capacitor divider, normally earthed for capacitor v.t. operation, must present a high impedance to earth at the carrier-current frequencies. In British designs, this terminal is normally earthed via a link which can be removed when the connection to the carrier-current equipment is made, the connection to earth for power frequencies then being via the carrier-current coupling transformer. In some countries it is the practice to connect the bottom end of the capacitor divider to earth through an inductance which presents an impedance sufficiently high at carrier frequencies but low enough at power system frequency not to impair the accuracy of the v.t. Secondly, the intermediate voltage circuit, because it is connected between a tapping of the carriercoupling capacitor and earth, must present a high impedance at carrier frequencies. This can be ensured by inserting an inductor of suitable value in the connection to the intermediate transformer primary winding. These blocking inductors are shown in Fig. 4.7.2D.


Protective transformers

When it is necessary to tune the series capacitive reactance at carrier frequencies the tuning inductor can be inserted in the carrier current connection, but this raises the carrier frequency voltage between capacitor C2 and earth and thus increases the loss of carrier current at this point. In British practice, the stack tuning coil, as it is termed, is inserted in the position shown in Fig. 4.7.2E, which also indicates the earth connection via the centre-tapping of the carrier-current coupling transformer winding. In this arrangement the capacitor divider tapping point to the intermediate tranformer is at a low carrier frequency voltage to earth and a blocking inductor is usually unnecessary. The stack tuning coil, however, is at a


Fig. 4 . 7 . 2 D I.- _ ~ To carrier-current e q u i p m e n t

Position of carrier-curren t locking inductors (marked


s'ac ,i, n'

! ! !

Fig. 4 . 7 . 2 E

Position of series tuning coil and method of earthing

Protective transformers


high power frequency voltage to earth which necessitates special provision for it on the capacitor v.t.


Construction of voltage transformers


Electromagnetic type

The form of construction is to a large extent dictated by the rated primary voltage. For the lower voltages, say not exceeding 3.3 kV, dry type transformers with varnish impregnated and taped windings are quite satisfactory in reasonably dry situations. For higher voltages it has been the practice for many years to immerse

i " "i
Fig. 4.8.1A
Disc or s ~ t i o n - t y p e primary coils

Fig. 4.8.1B

Layer-type primary winding

Line lead

:rostati shi celd

Earth lead

% \

% z" . . . . .

/ -1"

Fig. 4.8.1C

H. V. layer winding for connection line to earth


Protective transformers

the core and windings in oil, which makes the problem of providing reliable insulation throughout the primary winding very much easier. In recent years, however, the development of windings impregnated and encapsulated in synthetic resins has made possible the use of dry type transformers at much higher voltages than hitherto. In this country such cast resin insulated transformers are in production for 12 kV and 36 kV service and experimental transformers have been made for higher voltages. On the Continent, where the development of cast resin insulation is more advanced, a combination of resin and oil is used up to 100 kV. The recent development of metalclad switchgear for transmission voltages has led to the introduction of SF6 gas insulated voltage transformers. Primary windings are generally of one of two basic forms, that is either divided into a number of series-connected coils (multi-coil) as in Fig. 4.8.1A or of the single-coil layer-type as in Fig. 4.8.1B. In the former the few turns per layer permit

Line leads

series joint

y .... J
/ // \\ ~., / // ~ Fig. 4.8.1E (
Three-phase interleaved core with stepped or cruciform section H. V. layer winding f o r connection line to line

\\ Fig. 4.8.1D

Fig. 4.8.1F

Cut C-core

Fig. 4.8.1G

Cut D-core (winding shape shown dotted)

Protective transformers


Fig. 4.8.1H Typical three-phase 12kV oH-immersed voltage transformers (GEC High Voltage SwiCchgear Ltd.)

Fig. 4.8.1J Co. Ltd.)

33 k V three-phase "plug-in" cast resin-insulated voltage transformer (,4 Reyrolle &

thin inter-layer insulation in the individual coils, but substantial insulation is required between coils. In the single-coil layer-type winding the voltage between layers is relatively high and necessitates correspondingly thick inter-layer insulation. This type of winding is, however, fundamentally better capable of withstanding impulse voltages than the multi-coil type, and forms of windings usually employed in high voltage transformers are shown in Figs. 4.8.1C and 4.8.1D.


Protective transformers

Fig. 4.8.1K

24 k V single-phase cast resin-insulated voltage transformer (A Reyrofle & Co Lfd.)

Fig. 4.8.1L

36 k V thrae~ohaseoutdoor voltage transformer (GEC High Voltage Switchgear Ltd.)

Protective transformers


For the highest voltages, oil-immersed designs are generally preferred. The paper and pressboard insulation employed in such v.t.s when dried and impregnated with oil, often under vacuum, is capable of withstanding high stresses and provides an extremely reliable insulation at low cost. For small low-voltage single-phase transformers shell-type cores of the type shown in Fig. 4.4.2C and D are commonly used. For higher voltages and generally for three-phase v.t.s the stepped section core is usually employed as shown in Fig. 4.8.1E. This permits the best use of cylindrical coils. Cut cores of cold-rolled grain oriented steel as in Fig. 4.8.1F and G are also employed, these forms of core being more suitable than interleaved joint cores for operating at high flux densities.

4.2 in

2.5 m

Wgt. 2900 kg

Wgt. 760 kg

Fig. 4.8.1M

Comparison of designs of 145kV voltage transformers


Protective transformers

Typical forms of enclosures and terminal arrangements commonly employed are shown in Fig. 4.8.1H, J, K and L. In v.t.s for the highest voltages, a conventional tank and h.v. bushing arrangement involves a bushing which is very large and expensive compared with the transformer core and windings. Fig. 4.8.1M shows the reduction in dimensions resulting from the adoption of a compact design of layer type winding, and from the elimination of the conventional demountable h.v. bushing, a substantial reduction in cost being also achieved.

C - Coupling winding P - Primary winding S - Secondary winding

Fig. 4 . 8 . 2 A

Diagram for a 6-stage cascade voltage transformer

Protective transformers


Fig. 4.8.2B

420 k V cascade-connected voltage transformer (GEC High Voltage Switchgear Ltd.)


Protective transformers


Cascade type

The conventional type of voltage transformer having a single primary winding becom0s relatively bulky and expensive for system voltages exceeding 145 kV. The cascade type of voltage transformer breaks away from the single primary principle by having the primary winding in several sections connected in series stepping down the voltage in stages. From Fig. 4.8.2A it wiU be seen that the primary winding arrangement P is equally divided between several magnetic cores each core having windings on two opposite limbs. The secondary winding S consists of a single winding on the last stage only. The coupling windings C connected in pairs between stages provide low

Fig. 4.8.3A

Electromagnetic unit for use with a tal~ped capacitance bushing (GEC High Voltage Switchgear Ltd.)

Protective transformers


impedance circuits for the flow of the primary and secondary currents and ensures the accurate distribution of the power frequency voltage between stages,When the secondary winding is loaded, current flows in the coupling windings providing the balance of ampere turns to each stage, thus reducing to a minimum the leakage reactance between the primary and secondary windings. The potential of the cores

Fig. 4.8,3B

362 k V hairpin primary current transformer with capacitance tapping and voltage transformer unit (GEC High Voltage Switchgear Ltd.)


Protective transformers

and coupling windings are fixed at definite values by connecting them to selected points on the primary winding. Because the primary winding is in several stages the insulation level of each stage need only be a fraction of the normal insulation level and is equal to line voltage 2 x number of cores in series Thus, for a 400 kV transformer the insulation required per stage is approximately 66 kV only. The resulting design is such that the cores and windings can be contained within a suitable porcelain housing as illustrated on Fig. 4.8.2B, thus eliminating the necessity for the large tanks associated with the conventional designs. The cascade voltage transformer is therefore smaller, has a lower oil content and is more economical than conventional units.


Capacitor type

The construction of a capacitor v.t. depends principally on the form of the capacitor voltage divider. Where this takes the form of a tapped bushing, the electromagnetic unit may be coupled to the capacitor tapping via a coaxial cable or by open terminals, as shown in Fig. 4.8.3A and 4.8.3B. The form of construction usually employed in this country is shown in Fig. 4.8.3C. The h.v. capacitors are contained in the porcelain housings and the large box on the side of the tank is designed to house the stack tuning coil for carrier current purposes as discussed in Section 4.7.2.

Fig. 4.8.3C 362 k V capacitor voltage transformer with prov/s/on for carrier current coupling (GEC High VoRage Switchgear Ltd.)

Capacitor divider voltage sensor

A capacitor voltage divider is again used connected between line and earth, a low voltage analogue of the line voltage being developed across the capacitor which is nearest to earth potential.

Protective transformers


A pre-amplifier situated close to the divider converts this analogue into a low impedance signal suitable for transmitting via screened cable to the relay room, At the relay room, the signal is amplified to provide a power supply for the needs of protection and measurement equipment. The arrangement is immune from ferro-resonance and has a better transient response than a capacitor v.t. It is, therefore, the more suitable for use with high speed forms of protection.


Voltage transformers for

SF 6

metalelad switchgear

Electromagnetic voltage transformers employ a conventional layer winding construction for the high voltage winding connected between line and earth. They operate at a gas pressure of several bars and consequently are housed in a suitable pressure chamber (See Fig. 4.8.5A). Capacitor divider voltage sensors are also used as an alternative to the electromagnetic v.t, the capacitor divider being constructed as an integral part of the pressudsed metalclad switchgear.

Fig, 4.8,5A 420 k V single-phase SF 6 gas-insulated voltage transformer for use with metalclad switcngear (A Reyrolle & Co. Ltd.)




Fusing and protection of voltage transformers

Protection of an electromagnetic v.t. from accidental overloads and short circuits across its secondary terminals is simple. The normal secondary current is not more than 5A and the short circuit current in the region of 100 A so that simple fuses can be employed. The current normally taken by the primary winding depends on the primary voltage but is usually no more than a few milliamperes, so that fuses which would interrupt a small overload current are impracticable and the minimum fusing current of primary fuses is usually about 2 or 3A. This means that they would not fuse until quite a serious fault had developed in the v.t. windings, and all that can be expected from such an arrangement is that a defective v.t. would be disconnected from the supply before the damage spread to neighbouring equipment. At voltages exceeding 72.5 primary fuses are impracticable and it has become common practice abroad to connect h.v. transformers directly to the Une conductor without any form of internsi fault protection or detection whatever. Such was the practice at 145 kV in this country for many years, but as a result of one or two v.t,s exploding due to h.v winding faults all 145 kV v.t.s on the British Grid are now fitted with Buchholz protection, that is with gas operated relays fitted into the oil pipe between the v.t. tank and the oil conservator tank. These relays are usually connected to operate an alarm on the collection of gas in the relay and thus give early warning of a winding fault. Gas-operated relays are also incorporated in some cascade v.t.s. Capacitor v.t.s are invariably solidly connected to the system so that there is no primary protection. The rating of secondary fuses for capacitor v.t.s may present problems. The secondary current with the terminals short circuited is limited either by the fiash-over voltage of the spark gap across capacitor C2 (see Section 4.6.2) which limits the input voltage to the intermediate circuit or, in the more accurate designs, by saturation of the tuning inductor L (Figs. 4.6.2A and 4.6.2B). In stepped-range transformers of poor inherent voltage regulation the short-circuit secondary current may be limited to two or three times the rated current, but in the more accurate full-range types it will usually reach 10 to 20 times the rated value.

4.10 4,10,1

Testing of voltage transformers Errormeasurements

Some form of comparison with a standard of known errors is invariably employed for measurement of v.t. errors. The standard may be another voltage transformer of high accuracy or a potential divider circuit of some kind. The errors are usually measured with two burdens, one of which is the rated burden, and from these two sets of errors those for any other burden may be derived.

Protective transformers


The errors of measuring v.t.s are normally measured at rated voltage only, but protective v.t.s may have to be measured at voltages both above and below the rated value, while if residual windings are involved measurements of residual voltage errors may have to be made (see BS 3941). Capacitor v.t.s will usually require the determination of their errors at frequencies other than the rated value while ff they are of the stepped-range type the correct adjustments for each output step have to be checked.


Core losses

Although not usually a contract requirement, the measurement of core loss and exciting current is usually made as a routine check on the quality of the material and construction of the core, and also as a means of detecting short-circuited turns in the windings. These measurements are made by means of ammeters and a wattmeter with rated secondary voltage supplied.


Insulation tests

Routine insulation tests are of two kinds, applied and induced overvoltage tests, Primary windings which are non-earthed, that is are insulated at all points to earth for the full test voltage, are short circuited and tested to earth for one minute at the specified test voltage, the secondary and any other windings being short circuited and earthed. Induced overvoltage tests are made on all v.t.s to test the inter-turn and inter. layer insulation of the windings. The supply is usually applied to the secondary winding and at a frequency of two to four times the rated value to prevent core saturation and excessive exciting current. On earthed v.t.s, that is for connection between line and earth, and with graded insulation, the induced test is the only possible high voltage test and may have to be made at almost four times the rated voltage to induce the speciifed test voltage at the h.v. primary tern~al. An insulation voltage test between secondary winding and earth at 2 kV a.c, is normally made on the secondary windings. Type tests to prove that the v.t. is capable of withstanding impulse voltages may also be required, and if it is for outdoor service an overvoltage power frequency test under artificial rain may be specified in addition.



Various methods are used at manufacturers' works to prove that the terminal markings are correct. When a site test is necessary to prove the polarity it can be carried out in a similar manner to that described for a current transformer in Section 4.5.5.






Instrument transformers by B Hague (Pitman, 1936) Protective current transformers and circuits by P Matthews (Chapman & Hall, 1955) Protective relays application guide (GEC Measurements, 1975) Introduction to instrument transformers by B D Jenkins (George Newnes, 1967) Current transformers - their transient and steady-state performance by A Wright (Chapman & Hall, 1968)


'Capacitive voltage transformers and their operation in conjunction with system protection relays' by G A Gertsch (CIGRE Report 318, 1960) 'High accuracy with amplifier-type voltage transformers' by J Lisser (Electr. Rev., 1976, 198) 'Current transformer excitation under transient conditions' by D E Marshall and P O Langguth (Trans. Am. lEE, 1929, 48) 'The effect of current transformer residual magnetism on balanced-current or differential relays' by H T Seeley (Trans. Am. lEE, 1943, 62) 'The design of a capacitor voltage transformer' by E BiUig(Prec. IEE, 1949, 96) 'Capacitor voltage transformers' by J G WeUings, J R Mortlock and P Matthews (J. lEE, 1936, 79) 'Calculation of errors in three-winding voltage transformers' by T Waterhouse (.I. lEE, 1948, 95) 'New developments in current transformer design' by G CamiUi (Trans. Am. lEE, 1940, 59) 'New developments in potential-transformer design' by G CamiUi (Trans. Am. lEE, 1943, 62) 'The effects of impulse voltages on transformer windings' by T E AUibone, D B McKenzie and F R Perry (J. IEE, 1937, 80) 'Instrument transformers' by A Hobson (Z lEE, 1944, 91) 'Design, construction and testing of voltage transformers' by J H Buchanan (J. lEE, 1936, 78) 'Instrument transformers' by J G Wellings and C G Mayo (J. lEE, 1930, 68) 'Current transformers and relays for high-speed differential protection with particular reference to offset transient currents' by W K Sonnemann and E C Wentz (Trans. An~ lEE, 1940, 59) 'Voltage transformers and current transformers associated with switchgear' by W. Gray and A. Wright (Prec. IEE, 1953, 100)

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