B5095atm PPT II

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ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)

Chung-Min Chen

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ATM Background B k d
Standardized by ITU-T in 1987 ATM Forum started in 1991 Goal
Provide a single g network for transport p of
Voice Video Data

with QoS control mechanism

Asynchronous Asynchronous as opposed to


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Wh t i What is ATM?
Data link layer technology (?) Connection-Oriented Packet switching Small fixed size cell
5 byte header 48 byte payload

Advantage of small cell size

Can be switched quickly in HW Reduce queuing delay reduced jitter for voice
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Time Division Multiplexing (or, Synchronous Transfer Mode) T1/E1 Ideal for Constant Bit Rate (CBR) stream voice and video Not suitable for bursty data traffic
Waste of bandwidth Coarse bandwidth granularity (in North America, no standardized b d idth b bandwidth between t DS2 6 6.3Mbps 3Mb and d DS3 45Mb 45Mbps) )

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P k t Switching Packet S it hi
Variable-size packet switching
Frame relay X.25

Ideal for variable bit rate (VBR) data transport Not suited for CBR transport like voice and video

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ATM for f CBR and d VBR

Short cell size supports CBR Bursty data packet (VBR) can use multiple cells

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ATM C Cell ll Size Si

48 byte payload, 5 byte header
USA preferred 64-byte 64 byte to facilitate data Europe preferred 32-byte to facilitate voice p the two at 53 bytes y ITU-T comprised

Reduce worst case queuing delay by 30 times

5 bytes

48 bytes

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ATM C Cell ll F Format t

Two formats
UNI (User-Network Interface)
ATM switch ATM end device

NNI: Network-Network Interface

ATM switch ATM switch
UNI Cell
GFC VPI 5 bytes VCI PTI HEC CLP VPI 5 bytes

NNI Cell

48 bytes


48 bytes


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8 bits

8 bits

ATM S Switching it hi
VPI: Virtual Path Identifier VCI: Virtual Channel Identifier

Cell switch based on VPI/VCI label Local significance

Each VPI/VCI is significant g only to the local switch

Label swapping
Translate from an ingress VPI/VCI to an egress VPI/VCI Involves a table look-up

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Vi t l C Virtual Connection ti
End-to-end connection: a sequence of ATM switches connected by VPI/VCI virtual channels
30 53 4 100 53 5


VPI = 30 VCI = 41 1 ATM 2 switch 1 3 VPI = 10 VCI = 89 1 ATM switch 3 VPI = 30 VCI = 53 4

VPI = 40 VCI = 62

ATM s itch 2 switch

5 VPI = 100 VCI = 53

30 41 1 30 53 4 40 62 2 10 89 3

10 89 1 50 77 6

VPI = 50 VCI = 77

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Vi t l C Virtual Connection ti
Connection Oriented
A call set up procedure must be performed to establish the connection ti b between t th the t two end d points i t

Permanent Virtual Connection (PVC)

Set up manually and off-line by configuring switching tables on the connection path QoS consideration is taken care by the administrator Remains in place for a long time

Switched Virtual Connection (SVC)

Set up dynamically in real-time using signaling protocols Q 2931and PNNI Q.2931and QoS must be ensured by switches in the connection Remains in place until released (usually in a short time)
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SVC C Call ll S Set-up t

1. 2 2. A initiates the call, sending SETUP to its ingress ATM switch B across UNI interface (using Q.2931) If B can meets the req requested ested QoS QoS, it then ( (using sing PNNI)
1. returns CALL PROCEEDING to A, and calculate a route to Z, 2. forwards the SETUP message to the next switch C on the path. 3. C then do the same and so on until the message reaches Z Otherwise, B rejects the call by returning RELEASE COMPLETE to A .

Calling Device/user


ATM network

Called Device/user



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SVC C Call ll S Set-up t

3. 4. 4 5. If Z can accepts the call it responds with CONNECT message. Otherwise, RELEASE COMPLETE. After receiving recei ing CONNECT, A sends CONNECT ACK to switch s itch B A starts sending cells to Z through the path established in 2.

Calling Device/user


ATM network

Called Device/user



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ATM Add Addressing i

Each ATM switch and end device has an unique address Two Formats
Public ATM Network: E E.164 164 address scheme Private ATM Network: OSI NSAP (Network Service Access Point) scheme

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E 164 Addressing E.164 Add i

16 digits = 64 bits address (4 bits to encode a digit) digit 1: indicating whether a unicast or multicast address digit 2 2-4: 4: country code digit 5-16: area code, exchange code, device identifier
digits 1 U/M 2 3 4 5 6 15 16

Country code

Area, city, exchange, end-system

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OSI NSAP DCC Add Addressing i

IDP (initial domain part)
AFI (authority and format identifier): specifies format of IDI and DSP IDI (initial domain identifier)
DCC (data country code): specifies the country in which the address is registered OR ICD (international code designator): specifies an authority which administers the coding scheme

DSP (domain specific part)

HO-DSP HO DSP (high-order (high order DSP): specified by the authority identified in IDI to define a hierarchy of address domains ESI (end system identifier): identifies a device SEL (selector): identifies different destinations reachable at the end device

13 3 14

19 9

20 0






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Si Signaling li M Message
Format used by Q.2931 and PNNI g and called p party y addresses specified p in two Calling information elements

Signaling message format

1 1 0 Flag Protocol discriminator Length of call ref value Call reference value Call reference value Call reference value Message type Message type Message length 9 10 Message length Information elements

Information Element format

8 1 IE Identifier IE Instruction Length of IE Length of IE IE Specific information 5 8 1

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Vi t l P Virtual Path th C Connection ti

Facilitate allocation of multiple virtual channel connections between two end devices Connections can be set up within a reserved VPC, as long as total bandwidth is not exceeded, without knowledge of the network Typically operator set up the VPC; customer set up the virtual Typically, connections within the VPC
Switch 1
port 1 B port 3 C port 2 port 8

Switch 2

Switch 3
port 3 port 2


VPI = 5 VPI = 1
1 47 1 5 47 3 1 39 3 5 39 3 1 41 5 5 41 3

VPI = 6

VPI = 7
6 47 3 7 47 2 6 39 3 7 39 3 6 41 3 7 41 7

5 47 2 6 47 8 5 39 2 6 39 8 5 41 2 6 41 8

VPI VCI port

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Each ATM connection is associated with a QoS category:
CBR (constant bit rate)
circuit simulation simulation, e e.g. g DS1/3 DS1/3, and un un-encoded encoded video/audio

RT-VBR (real-time variable bit rate)

encoded streaming video/audio

NRT-VBR NRT VBR ( (non real-time l ti variable i bl bit rate) t )

delay-sensitive but no real-time constraint, e.g. frame relay over ATM

ABR (available bit rate)

apps that can adjust rate to available rate

UBR (unspecified bit rate)

delay-tolerant apps, e.g. over TCP/IP

GFR (guaranteed frame rate)

non-real time apps requiring guaranteed bandwidth

The ATM network guarantees the negotiated QoS for each connection

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ATM Congestion C ti Control C t l

Goal: maximize traffic volume (revenue) without affecting the QoS requested by the users Preventive congestion control
Adopts a Call Admission Control (CAC) mechanism to decide whether to accept p a new connection Uses a Bandwidth Enforcement mechanism to assure the user is transmitting within the negotiated traffic parameters

Reactive congestion control

Uses feedback messages (e.g. cell delay, loss rate) to decide how much traffic end devices can transmit

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ATM C Cell ll Fi Fields ld

GFI (generic flow control): enables MUX from several terminals on the same UNI interface PTI (payload type indicator): e.g. e g user data data, OMA OMA, etc CLP (cell loss priority): if the cell can be discarded in case of congestion HEC (header error control): fix 1 and detect N errors in the header
UNI Cell
GFC VPI 5 bytes VCI PTI HEC CLP VPI 5 bytes

NNI Cell

48 bytes


48 bytes


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8 bits


8 bits

ATM Protocol P t l Stack St k

Physical Layer: defines physical media ATM Layer: handles cell switching and connections ATM Adaptation Layer: packs higher layer data to ATM cell payload Signaling AAL: provides a reliable connection to transfer signaling messages

ATM protocol stack

Voice Video Data

ATM signaling protocol stack

Signaling protocol (Q.2931, PNNI) Signaling AAL (SAAL) ATM layer Physical layer

ATM adaptation Layer (AAL) ATM layer Physical layer

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Ph i l L Physical Layer
ATM Forum designates 4 medium for carrying ATM cells Each physical layer is subdivided into
PMD (physical medium-dependent) Sublayer
Existing protocol from the adopted medium, functions include encoding/decoding, g g, synchronization, y , etc.

TC (transmission convergence) Sublayer

Fills up HEC in cell header Insert idle cells (when no data passed from above) to fit the underlying PMD rate Framing (into e.g. SONET frames)

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ATM Layer L
Concerned with end-to-end transfer of cells
Connection establishment Cell switching Addressing QoS Congestion Control QoS, No error and flow control for ATM cell payload because
bit/cell error rate is low: reliable fiber-optical (1 bit error <10-8), small cell size Multimedia applications can tolerate cell errors and loss Errors/lost in data applications can be recovered at TCP level

app. AAL
ATM physical ATM physical ATM physical

app. AAL
ATM physical

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ATM Adaptation Ad t ti L Layer (AAL)

Sandwiched between a higher-level app and the ATM layer y Two sublayers
CS (Converged Sublayer)
Provides different services to the higher-level layer, and

SAR (Segmentation (S t ti and dR Reassembly bl S Sublayer) bl )

Converts traffic generated by a higher-level layer to ATM payloads

SAP Convergence Sublayer (CS) S i S Service Specific ifi C Convergence S Sublayer bl (SSCS) Common Part Sublayer (CPS)


Segmentation and Reassembly (SAR) SAP

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ATM Adaptation Ad t ti L Layer (AAL)

Four AALs are standardized
CBR video, CBR audio, DS3/1 Emulation

Delay Delay-sensitive sensitive low variable bit rate (voice, (voice fax fax, voice-band voice band data traffic) Primarily used in cellular telephony (multiplexing multiple low variable bit rate streams onto a single ATM connection for transport)

AAL 3 /4 /
SMDS connectionless service y not used Currently

Used for transfer of data Most M t popular l adaptation d t ti layer l

There is no restriction on which AAL should be used for each service category (CBR, RT-VBR, RT VBR, )
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CS sub-layer handles
Cell delay variation, performance monitoring, sequence count, t FEC, FEC timing ti i information i f ti

SAR sub sub-layer layer adds

CS sublayer indication (CSI) Sequence count: (mod 8), detect loss cells CRC-3 (CSI+SC), Parity(CSI+SC+CRC-3): error correcting and detecting

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Padding (PAD): fills up user packet to multiples of 48 bytes CPS-UU (1 byte), CPI (1 byte): indicators Length (2 byte): length of user PDU, for loss detection CRC (4 byte): user PDU+PAD+CPS-UU, CPI+Length

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ATM S Switch it h St Structure t

Switch fabric
Space division: multi-stage interconnection network Shared Medium: e.g. shared bus Shared Memory: use a single memory to buffer all the incoming cells (dominant one) ( )

Input buffering switch: if input ports have buffers Output O t t buffering b ff i switch: it h if only l output t t ports t have h buffers b ff


output port

Input port
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Switch fabric


ATM switch

Sh d M Shared Memory S Switch it h

A shared memory of size B (cells) Cells for each output port is queued in a linked list
Bi: maximal queue length for output port i, Bi < B, (usually Bi > B) LBi: minimum capacity for port I, dedicated buffer not shared with other ports to avoid starving

Synchronized read/write:
N writes and N reads in each clock

Memory I/O must have 2NV bandwidth to keep up the at maximum arrival rate (V is the link capacity of input and output link)
linked lists
from Input ports

to buffers of output ports

Shared memory switch fabric

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S h d li Al Scheduling Algorithms ith

Each output port buffer maintains a queue for each QoS category Incoming cell is buffered at the queue corresponding to its connections QoS category Cells C in the queues are transmitted out one at a time according a scheduling algorithm
From switch fabric Output port


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S h d li Al Scheduling Algorithms ith

Static priority queues
CBR > RT-VBR > NRT-VBR > UBR Aging factor rule: increase priority of low-priority queue temporarily if it as not been served for a long time

Early deadline first

Each arriving cell is assigned a deadline by which it should be transmitted out Cell with the earliest deadline gets served first

Weighted Round-Robin
Each q queue i is assigned g a weight g wi Queues are served using RR c * wi cells are served from queue i at a time, where c is a number that makes all wi into an integer

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ATM Pros P and d Cons C

Small fixed-size cells low p processing g overhead and high g transmission rate Built-in QoS mechanism Used U df for WAN and d LAN LAN, private i t and d public bli Intl standards allows interoperability (among vendors and operators) p )

Cost expensive p compared p to voice or LAN switches Complexity requires experiences staff Competition Gigabit Ethernet over SONET/SDH (access), IP 6 over SONET/SDH (backbone), IPv6 (b kb ) MPLS

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AR Reality lit Ch Check k on ATM

Ubiquitous deployment is rare Mostly used in access networks networks, e e.g., g ADSL Failed to gain wide use in LAN I backbone, In b kb mainly i l used d as a way of f unifying if i PDH/SDH and packet-switched traffic under a single infrastructure

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