Retreat 2.-Shamballa and The Lord of The World

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The Bridge to Freedom


The Bridge to Freedom Foundation

Lord Mahachohan: "A Sun Council was called when The Earth had reached its lowest ebb, when there seemed no possibility for It to contribute to The Light of The Solar System. At this Conference, among The Suns of This Galaxy, it was decided that The Planet Earth would be returned to Primal Essence because It was contributing no Light, no Music, no constructive Radiation to The Universe of Which It was a part. It was thought best to dissolve this planet, conserving Life and returning the substance of the planet itself for repolarization into The Heart of Helios and Vesta (The Masculine and Feminine Aspects of The Solar Logos), as conservation of Life is an essential part of The Cosmic Law." "Lord Sanat Kumara was One among other Great and Divine Beings, from other Stars, Suns, and Universes, Who attended That Council. He went home to his planet (Venus) determined in His Heart to help The Earth. He did not sit in his courtyard, surrounded by The Magnificent Beings, The Kumaras, The Angels, Devas, and his own people, in proximity to his beloved Divine Complement, Venus, and just think it was too bad to see The Earth and all that belonged to It being discarded. Sanat Kumara, even though one of the greatest of the mystics, had learned The Law of Balance as well as Love, and He pondered within Himself what He might do to sustain the earth's place in This System. He asked for the opportunity to give to The Earth His Radiation and Light and to act, through his developed capacities of thought, feeling, and action, as Lord of The World for The Earth. This request was granted." "When He returned home to His Star, Venus, He made the announcement of his offer, and many of those who loved Him well offered to precede Him to Earth and prepare a suitable dwelling for Him. Beloved Lady Venus made the great sacrifice when She felt the great affinity to his feeling world, his desire to come to Earth. She made the sacrifice of representing Father and Mother for The Planet Venus to give Him freedom. Also an activity, that took life, energy, and work, is magnetizing The Feminine and Masculine Aspects to keep an entire planetary evolution progressing for millions of years." "Then Those Who loved Sanat Kumara so well asked that They might come and create a city fitting for Him on This Planet Earth. They were accepted and were escorted into the upper atmosphere of Earth. They abided within The Realms of Light under the loving care and hospitality of The Lords of The Second Ray (The Divine Ray or Aspect of Love/Wisdom) until such time as conditions could be prepared for their first embodiment. They entered the actual gates of birth and were born on Earth a full 900 years before Their Lord should come." Master El Morya: "The greatest, always being the servant of the lesser, Their Cosmic Lord Himself, Sanat Kumara, and 3 of The Kumaras (The 3 Exoteric Kumaras) offered to lead The Missionary Band. The Kumaras, with 30 loyal Volunteers (called The Lords of The Flame), prepared for their descent into the atmosphere of The Planet Earth knowing full well that They must remain until enough of the children of Earth had awakened to the need of the hour and of The Cosmic Fiat that The Earth must emit more Light. These earth children, then, must enter into the centuries of training, self control, and discipline required to become Lords of their

own Heart Flame and, through That Flame, release The Kumaras from their service of Love and Light." "Those Pupils of The Kumaras, Who volunteered to come and build a fitting place for Them, bade goodbye to their families, their homes, their planet and stood in the solemn Court of The Lords of Karma of Earth. This Great Council accepted, in gratitude, the entrance of These Souls into the wheel of the earth's evolution. Each was bound to the wheel of embodiment, earth experience, and death for so long as The Earth should need their borrowed Light, and none might be released until the hour came when the earth's own Light was sufficient to pass the demand of The Cosmic Law. Only then could These Volunteer Beings be cut from this wheel and assume their rightful evolution upon their sweet Planet of Love. Has there ever been such a supreme sacrifice, not for one lifetime, one embodiment of suffering, one death, one birth, but for millions of rounds?" "The first duties of These Volunteers was to prepare a place for the coming of Their Lord. When each Soul was bound round by the forgetful bands of earth's magnetism and entered into birth, only his burning love remained to light his way. Yet, each was enabled, in those early days before the wearisome journey had dulled the glow of the spiritual fire, to remember his purpose sufficiently to find his Brother Pilgrims and unite in the preparation of The Home for Sanat Kumara, as He was to remain in the atmosphere of Earth. This great preparation, taking hundreds of years, is known as The Building of Shamballa." Lord Mahachohan: "The founding of Shamballa is the most marvelous activity of practical work well done. Day in and day out, life in and life out, They held the vision of The Beautiful City on Venus, and They, with their hands and workmanship, coupled vision with action and created the beautiful White Island, so called because most of Its Temples are white, particularly The Great One of Sanat Kumara. They used the most beautiful materials that The Earth could offer to duplicate The Shamballa on Venus. This They did although more than once their entire Numbers were wiped out by the savage hordes that swept over Them while engrossed at their work. They built that beautiful carved bridge over The Gobi Sea of blue waters, the bridge over which the pilgrims seeking more Light might pass into the sacred precincts of The Temples." "They built among an earth people who had sunk very low in consciousness, and They had to breathe in the breath of all those in embodiment and take care that They did not also breathe in the contamination, because if They did it would have clouded over the vision of Their City. All over the world They wrought, by the sweat of the brow and not in mystic chariot, the tremendous pieces of marble and the various other heavy stones that formed the mighty Edifaces. Some among Them, Who were powerful in the use of magnetization, helped Them in the erecting of some of these great stones, tons in weight." "All along the way, the vision was coupled by active work until that day when The Lemurian Pole Star (The Polar Star during the era of The Pacific Continent of Mu) told, Who were able to be cognizant of the event, that The Kumaras (The 3 Exoteric, The 3 Esoteric, and Sanat Kumara) were coming. Those Who had come before were grateful indeed that They had

completed, through all those centuries, a fitting Home for Sanat Kumara." Lord Sanat Kumara: "I have left Venus before. This is not the first planet which has worn the mantle of My Love. I stood on other orbs, with other evolutions, and I was returned Home victorious in every case, sometimes one lifestream developing enough Light in his or her heart to pay my ransom, sometimes an entire evolution developing That Radiation required to meet the demand of The Cosmic Law. It is not numbers but quality that determines the radiation of Light required to sustain the place of an individual in its evolution, to sustain the place of a planet in a Planetary Scheme." "Shamballa means to make sacred. It is the name of The City of The Sun in The Heart of Venus, Which is My Home. At the time when I attended The Council and it was voted to return The Earth into nothingness, I returned to my planet and into Shamballa and there I told My Beloved (Venus) and My Council that I would like to assist the people of Earth and sustain the place of this planet in its System. My Beloved Friends, The Guardian Spirits, The Priests and The Priestesses of Shamballa, offered to come and build upon The Earth a replica of this blazing, eternal City of Light, and so They did. For hundreds of years They labored before the hour of my visitation was to come, and The Shamballa That was created out of the beautiful substance of the physical world was an exact replica of That City on Venus. Into The Akashic Records was built the perfection of that design which remains there to the present day." "Shamballa was built 3 times. Three times the physical buildings were destroyed. The first time It was created and prepared for the hour when I should make my visitation. It was built again by sensitive Spirits Who tuned into the glorious pattern in The Akashic Records. Again, cataclysmic action returned It to nothingness. The final building of Shamballa, over 60,000 years ago, is recorded in occult literature. That too suffered decay. But the akashic, blazing, powerful City lives and breathes in The Aethers over The Gobi Desert and shall remain there until It is lowered again permanently into the physical appearance world as The Golden Age (of Aquarius) proceeds and Mankind, individually and collectively, prove themselves worthy to sustain It for all eternity. It will be My Gift to the evolution that I have loved, Which will remain a part of The Star of Freedom (Earth) long after I have returned again to My Home, perhaps to go forth again to meet some further Star, some more childlike evolution, some more innocent evolving life, for that is love and that is service and that is joy." "We live but to love life free, and now you have come forth impersonally, desirous of understanding The Law of your own life, desirous of redeeming the energies of your own world, and desirous of providing The Light from within your own feelings and that of your fellow man so that I may close My Cycle and rise on the love of your hearts into the glory of My Home. For that, beloved, blessed children, I thank you. For your love, I am so eternally grateful, and for your desire to know how individually you may contribute to The Light of the world." "Mankind thinks spiritual opportunity lies on the mountain top, in the hermitage, in the

cloister, in the monastery. Yet to radiate your own Light and to be cosmic torch-bearers, lighting the feelings of others, stirring the enthusiasm within your hearts, kindling the fires of faith and hope, awakening interest in brotherhood and selflessness and service, for that you must enter into the mass consciousness. For that, We must have leaven willing to raise the masses through proximity. It is in the darkness that Light is needed. It is in the shadows that The Flaming Fire of one awakened soul is required. I came to Earth because It required Light. I continually seek to be of assistance to love-free planets and evolutions." "Spiritual service has been cloaked with a consciousness of severity and duty, and it has built, unconsciously, tensions in the most earnest spirits who, feeling and sensing the responsibility of serving Light, neutralize the very activity which The Holy Spirit Itself, through the heart, would release, which is a happy, buoyant, joyous, controlled love which brings a response from The Fire and Flame within the heart of those who seem yet so bound in shadow that they do not know how to generate That Light Which is their freedom." "I am The Guardian of The Sacred Fire for The Planet Earth. That Fire is within your heart. It takes a matter of seconds for The Primal Essence from The Central Sun Itself to pour down the silver cord into your own flesh body, which sustains the life and intelligence within the form in which you sit before Me. That Life is The Sacred Fire of Creation Which is the only Power Which I have used to create and sustain The Light Which has poured out from The Planet Earth into This Universe and given any semblance of luminosity to your Star (Earth). The same Light, the same Sacred Fire, is within your physical hearts (The 3-fold Flame). I have no particular gift within It, and That Fire within you is enough to hold the balance for a city, for a nation, for a planet. It is the same Power That The Master Jesus used to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to peform every so-called miracle by which He redeemed The Light Which was closed in with the shadows of limitation and distress. That Sacred Fire is The Redeemer of The Earth, but it would be best to say The Sacred Fire by Which I have being is That Redeemer, and that same redemptive Power is within you. Prove it." "Shamballa opens its doors to The Brotherhood once every year as the 12-month cycle draws to its close, and We play Host to Those Great Beings Who have offered to guard and protect the evolving Mankind on The Earth and, wherever possible, teach them the way back Home. For millions of years this activity was a private one, and none less than Initiates or Adepts or fully free Masters were among Our Guest. But through the widening of the interest in unascended beings, We are Host to many thousands of lifestreams. Many millions of good men and women stand in their aetheric bodies in the atmosphere around Shamballa, accepting Our Light and Radiation, though they cannot yet participate mentally in an alert, awakened consciousness in the actual Ceremonies of The Flame or be fully aware of what is said in the addresses that are being given by The Brothers and Sisters Who are The Members of The Great Hierarchy and The Great White Brotherhood." Master St. Germain: "Shamballa was built through the self-conscious effort of a few Individuals from The Heart of Venus Who lived upon that bright Star and loved Sanat Kumara and Beloved Venus so much that They did not wish Him to descend into the darkness of earth's shadows without a fit dwelling Place where He might abide in the grace and purity that He knew at Home.

These Blessed People, unascended lifestreams (though High Initiates) belonging to the evolution of Venus, offered to Sanat Kumara and The Cosmic Law their lives that they might come and, through the ordinary means of birth through human bodies, attain their maturity and create, out of the substance, the energy, and activities of the physical world, a duplicate and replica of The Spiritual City in Which Sanat Kumara dwelled and from Which He ruled His Star Venus." "These Individuals are not too unlike yourselves. They are Individuals who had only consciousness, and into that consciousness They had to imprint the memory of The City of Shamballa on Venus. Then They had to submit to the bonds of forgetfulness and pass through the bodies of earth people into a Star that was so filled with psychic and astral creations that The Sun of The System (The Solar Logos) had decided to dissolve It. They had to grow up there in the homes and families of individuals whose Light certainly was not great. If it had been, Sanat Kumara need not have come." "These Individuals were not precipitated miraculously on the shores of The Gobi Sea. They were born, as many of you, in different countries parted by large bodies of water from The Gobi Sea and the site of Shamballa. They grew up, and then again stirred within their minds memories of a Shining City. Some, like yourselves, found very little sympathy within the confines of their immediate family. They set out following their heart's promptings across seas and land until finally a band gathered together on the mainland close to The Gobi Sea. There the strongest among them brought forth a vision of This Great City, and It was confirmed in the hearts of the others." "So, these men and women around The Gobi Sea gathered together, and They thought They would build this magnificent City on The White Island. They endeavored to draw, out of their own consciousness, the memory of It. The beautiful streets were layed out in the form of the oval. They planted their trees. They began to build the great bridge connecting the mainland with The White Island. More than once in a long period of 900 years They were completely wiped out to the man by hordes of savages, by these men and women on Earth who had no Light. They came again in new bodies and brushed the very rubble aside, replanted their trees, and began to lay their streets anew and put the blocks back together on the foundations for the magnificent Temples." "Then toward the end They knew the time had come, for the great Lemurian Pole Star signified The Cosmic Moment and, ready or not, Temple or not, Sanat Kumara was due to stand in the atmosphere and then descend on This Planet Earth. Happy They were that They had endured, that They were constant for 900 years. That is a long time to be faithful to a vision. As you look back over the pages of history, all of the mysteries are clouded with visions of Angels and great mystic manifestations, but they never happened thus. They happened always in natural, normal manner as they happen now today." "One day, then, that faithful few were rewarded. One day The Flashing Star of Sanat Kumara was visible to the inner sight of the priests of that group. One day, descending within the glory of The City of The Bridge, within the glorious, golden-domed Temple, stood Sanat Kumara, The Ancient of Days, and with Him The Great Kumaras and all Those Powers of Light that had sustained the planet until that present day."

Master Kuthumi: "The original Shamballa was established on Venus, magnificent beyond all words to describe. In It dwelt Beloved Sanat Kumara, Lady Venus, Beloved Meta, and the other Kumaras. From here They directed the government and religious activities of Their Star. The People (Initiates from Venus) about to embody upon Earth had to imprint upon their consciousnesses and aetheric bodies a picture of Shamballa as It was on Venus. Then, coming through the gross bodies of the people of Earth, They awoke to infant form. Having taken on the certain heritage of race and national karma and having voluntarily accepted the bonds of forgetfulness which are part of the heritage of This Race, They had to grow to maturity and begin to draw, from their intuitive memories, the picture and design of The City They had left." "Drawn together by the bonds of interest in one cause, These People began the work of finding the right location for the beautiful City Which was to be The Home of Their Lord. Their next task was to find the material of which It was to be built and, by the labor of their own hands, design from the marble and stone the vision which They held within their minds. It was not very different from that which you are doing today. There were not clouds of celestial glory. There were no coming and going of visible Angelic Beings. There was only the vision held within the minds of about 100 People. They were not all born within the vicinity of The Gobi Sea. Some of Them, even as you, crossed great seas and continents drawn by the magnetic pull of what They thought perhaps was a dream, hoping to find others of like mind and heart. They came together as strangers, of different families, of different races, but became bound, one to another, by this ephemeral dream. Then, joining their energies and believing in their vision, They commenced their colossal task." "During that period after They had built strong foundations for their Temples, laid with care the wide streets, and planted fruit trees and the small saplings that were to grow into magnificent trees, more than once, when They had it all set out, great hordes of untrained and savage members of The Human Race descended from the hills and wiped out every living soul and all their work. When They came again into embodiment, They found only the ruins of their dream and pattern left, and They stooped and brushed away the rubble and started again. Then one day, working against time, for there was a Cosmic Moment beyond which The Great Cosmic Law would not allow The Earth any more energy and Sanat Kumara would have to come whether They were ready or not, The City was completed, and when Sanat Kumara came He descended into a Temple so magnificent that the like of It has never been seen on The Earth either before or since." "There, in the presence of that humble few who had constancy enough to live and pass on and live again and never give up a vision, there He manifested The Immortal 3-Fold Flame of God, and there began the reign of The Lord of The World. There began The Great Nucleus of The White Brotherhood Which has been the salvation of The Race. There was established the magnetic force that drew, from the millions of sleeping souls of Mankind, even a few who, in their turn, became The Elder Brothers and Sisters Who were drawn into Shamballa and sent forth again at various periods by The Lord of The World to give the people of Earth the assistance they required in order to sustain them upon their upward

progress even unto this present day." "You think sometimes that a comparatively few undeveloped lifestreams can scarcely be the foundation of a world order. Yet it has always been thus. It is always the constant few who do establish and do sustain those activities which are of benefit and blessing to the masses." Master El Morya: "In Eastern Asia there stretches a great desert today over the land used by The Venusian Brothers for The Habitat of Their Cosmic Lord. It is now known as The Gobi Desert and was, at that time, a beautiful inland sea in the center of which lay a lovely green and shining island which They called The White Island and which was to be the site for the building of the ageless Shamballa, The Home of Celestial Love." "The 100 Volunteers from Venus Who had tied their soul's Light into the wheel of earth's evolution began the great task of building, on The White Island, a Temple of Light to be The Home of Sanat Kumara and His Lieutenants. Laboring for over 900 years, passing from the outworn earthly bodies but to return without the spiritual respite of a heavenly rest, They completed the old domed Temples, the perfection of The White Island, that was to be the marvel of The Earth for centuries to come. How can mere words clothe the constancy of this service in a form that can convey the fidelity of Those Beings of Flame? Those Lifestreams completed The City of White upon The White Island They created for It. Their City shone like a jewel upon the breast of Earth awaiting the moment of the coming of The Lords of The Flame from Venus." "Finally, all was in readiness. The final hour of earth's Initiation was come. The Karmic Lords had bowed before The August Presence of Sanat Kumara and His 3 Lieutenants (The 3 Exoteric Kumaras) and awaited, in love, their visitation. Nature and man's elect were ready. The Stars and Suns of The System for a moment were stilled, and the supreme sacrifice, in silence, was effected." "When all was prepared, Sanat Kumara bade His Beloved Venus farewell, ascended into the atmosphere of his own Star of beauty and love, blessed his people, and, together with The Kumaras and certain of His Spiritual Court Who were to accompany Him, He consciously descended into the atmosphere of Earth taking up his abode at The Retreat now known as Shamballa. The Retreat is now only in The Aetheric Realm." "Out from The Aura of Venus, the first great rosy glow of the expanding Aura of The Kumaras began to suffuse the sky with the glory of a Celestial Dawn. Then upward soared a great 5-pointed star until it stood suspended above The Planet Venus intensifying the aureole of colors. All the souls on Venus knew that any Cosmic Activity of The Great Kumaras was presaged by the presence of the star which appeared to herald announcements or decrees of The Lords of The Flame which would affect the progress of the great Venusian State. Every heart on Venus was focused on that star waiting its message of the hour. Slowly and majestically there rose into the rays of the star 4 shining Golden Figures That stood, for a moment, pouring out their blessing on the planet of their birth and their hearts' deepest Love. Little did their children know the deep feeling in The Hearts of The Kumaras as They bade

their Star goodbye, not for a lifetime but for uncertain centuries yet unborn from the womb of time." "Then a burst of sound as the people of Venus saw the star begin to move outward toward the periphery of their Sphere and within it, moving slowly and majestically, The Figures of The Solar Lords. All fell on their knees, and a beautiful hymn of blessing and love rose from the inhabitants of Venus, tinged with the awareness of parting, and enfolded the departing Figures in a mantle of most Sacred Love. Thus, The 4 Kumaras left The Light of Venus for the shadow of the earth's aura. Out of The 7 Kumaras (3 Exoteric, 3 Esoteric, and Sanat Kumara), 4 sacrificed Themselves for the sins of the world and the instruction of the ignorant to remain 'til the end of the present Manvantara." "Oh, how different the reception than the parting. See The Earth spinning darkly on its bended axis, no hearts upraised, no song of welcome gratitude. Ah yes, about 100 small pinpoints of light, like faint, flickering candles, guide the descent of The Cosmic Masters, and slowly and majestically The Great Pink Aura blankets The Earth. What is the sudden comfort, hope, and peace that enters into the hearts of Men? What causes the withered flowers to raise their heads, the birds to sing with new sweetness, the children to laugh again? What is this mysterious, unseen aether that has entered into the very atmosphere of Earth? Only 100 waiting Spirits know as They kneel in reverent love before the smiling Presence of their longed-for Lord. Ah, Sanat Kumara, Lord of Love, one day shall we return You and Your Shining Band to your own beloved Star, and, as You go, the shining Light of Earth will be a mighty crest that carries You triumphant, leaving us a Star of Freedom, accepted by The Cosmic Law as a permanent Focus of blessing in our System, through Your Love." Lord Mahachohan: "When He entered into That Temple of Light, great was his gratitude to those Blessed Beings Who had built It. It reminded Him so much of his own beautiful Court on The Planet Venus. Those Beings earned a tremendous karma of good merit for that service. It is wise to think on these things when we think on the mystics and seers who have been, who are now, and who are yet to come, because the vision not coupled with actual service, according to your means, capacities, and talents, will never be a visible, tangible manifestation of works well done. In The Aetheric Realms are visions without limit thought by many a man but never brought to form." "When Sanat Kumara returned from That Conference with the thought of earth's plight in His Consciousness, one of Those Beings for Whom He felt very much was The Planetary Silent Watcher of The Earth (The Planetary Logos). If the planet, which She had held within Her Consciousness from the time that Helios and Vesta (The Solar Logos) gave each Planetary Silent Watcher the form of a planet, was removed, think what that would have meant to Her. The other 6 Planetary Silent Watchers would have continued, but She would have had to return to The System from Whence She came, and her great service would not have been completed." "The Great Silent Watcher of the entire Planetary System has under her 7 Planetary Silent Watchers, just as in My Office as Mahachohan there are, acting under my direction, 7

Chohans of The Rays. It would have been devastating to The Silent Watchers to have The 4th Silent Watcher and her activity removed, as it would be for Me to have The Ray of Purity removed from The Spectrum (The 7 Rays) Which I work. The Silent Watcher for The Earth is smaller than any of The Others. She is extremely beautiful and extremely grateful to Sanat Kumara." Master El Morya: "Shamballa, its glorious Temples duplicating the beauty of the architecture of The Planet Venus; its streets wide and landscaped in glorious floral arrays; its many-colored fountains of pure water rising in loving gratitude toward The Sun; its Central Temple with dome of gold; The Altars prepared with the fresh flowers gathered from the earth's sweetest blooms, in silent awareness awaited the first and august descent of Sanat Kumara here." "On Venus, at The Cosmic Moment, the people gathered together to witness an event which even they did not cognize in its fullness at that time. It was an awe-inspiring spectacle indeed; the rising of Sanat Kumara into the atmosphere above The Planet Venus; the poignant farewell between their Lord and His Beloved Lady Venus; the hymn of praise rising from the lips and hearts of the people of Venus at gazing upon The Personage of their Solar Lord; then their amazement as He, together with the other Kumaras, disappeared into cosmic space, leaving a trail of Light, like a comet, behind Them." "On The Earth, the 100 humble volunteer Lifestreams, Who had come ahead and prepared Shamballa, awaited, with bated breath, the coming of their Lord. The songs of the birds were stilled for the moment. The seas themselves ceased their restless motion. The Nature Kingdom was silent for a season. The turbulent, restless, and distraught souls of Men were stilled for a short time as Sanat Kumara entered into the atmosphere of Earth and began his slow and majestic descent into The Temple so reverently and lovingly prepared for Him. Then, as his feet touched The Earth, as The Radiation of His Vibrant Presence of Divine Love emanated through The 4 Planes of Earth wherein the darkness lay heaviest, there was the renewal of spiritual life, more Light, hope, and beauty brought here again." "As The Immortal 3-Fold Flame was drawn forth by Sanat Kumara upon The Altar in The Temple, and as tiny threads of Light from This 3-Fold Flame began to flow into every heart of the 10 billion souls belonging to earth's evolutions, the crisis passed. The birds sang again. The souls of Men were renewed in courage and strength. The seas again swept in rhythmic tide. The Nature Kingdom expressed Itself in songs according to its kind. In The Temple at Shamballa, the smiling Presence of That Glorious Being, Sanat Kumara, and the other Lords of The Flame from Venus were reflected in the hearts of all Who had so faithfully prepared for his coming." "Shamballa, once an idea, then a manifest and practical Focus of Light. Within It dwelt The Great Sanat Kumara all through the ages using his tremendous momentum of Divine Love to draw the souls of men toward Him that they might absorb The Radiation of His Great Light and be free. At Shamballa, the souls who thus responded to the tremendous magnetic attraction of His Love were given new impetus to their desire to further assist in the redemption of The Earth."

"Here at Shamballa, these souls were trained in the ways of Divine Love and went forth as conscious messengers of That Love carrying The Light of their King to all the world. Finally, when enough of these souls had absorbed into their consciousness the reason for the coming of Sanat Kumara and had proven, through the efficacy of their messengership, practical works to Mankind in his name, The Great White Brotherhood was formed." "The word, white, does not refer to the color of the physical skin of the individual but The Aura of Light Which emanates from the physical form of Those so developed in spiritual understanding. This Brotherhood has but one purpose in being, and that is to reach the consciousness of all the people of Earth and raise them, individually and collectively, to a spiritual awareness of The 3-Fold Flame within their physical hearts so that, by sufficient expansion of That Flame, they might also become, individually, a Lord of The Flame. The spirit of Shamballa, like the spirit of The Great White Brotherhood, is to joyously serve imprisoned life to set it eternally free." "Every messenger trained by Sanat Kumara returned rhythmically, once each year, to This Celestial Focus, and the ever-expanding perfection of their consciousness each year became their gift of love to this spirit, so that it has expanded rhythmically in grace, beauty, wisdom, and love. Nothing in The Divine World is ever static. All is ever-expanding beauty and grace. Thus The Divine Essence of Shamballa, Which was its endowment from the first by Sanat Kumara's Love, has been greatly increased all through the ages. The beautiful spirit of Shamballa ensouls This Divine Essence and guards It, directing It forth to and through all who enter Shamballa, giving them new spiritual life and vitality for further service." Master El Morya: "When Sanat Kumara, with the other Kumaras, descended in grace and dignity, The 3-Fold Flame then burst forth upon The Altar of The Temple of Shamballa, and thus began the long service of The Lord of The World in keeping the spiritual Light alive in the hearts of Men." "From The Temple all mesengers of God go forth to help Mankind, and once each year, before the closing of the 12-month cycle, all messengers and chelas return to Shamballa to bring in the sheaves of their service in the fields of life. Brightly upon The Altar burns The Immortal 3-Fold Flame of Life. Each Master, Angel, man, and elemental places the harvest of his year's endeavor within It. Thus the smallest contribution adds to the size, quality, and power of That Flame." Master El Morya: "For millions of years, Sanat Kumara has remained Lord of The World. Through the powers of Divine Love, He began to stir the soul-light among those still belonging to earth's evolution. These individuals were magnetized by His Presence and visited Shamballa often, first in their finer bodies at night and between embodiments, and later in their physical vehicles." "Shamballa! The very name carries a feeling of spiritual nostalgia to those who remember

their visits to this glorious Focus of The Lord of The World. Built upon the pattern of The City of The Sun on Venus, Shamballa is one of the most exquisite Foci of The Ascended Masters' Culture and Radiation That pulsates now in The Aetheric Realm above The Gobi Desert in Asia." Master El Morya: "Shamballa is the mystic Home of The Great White Brotherhood and, while on Earth, the dwelling Place of Beloved Sanat Kumara. As the yearly cycle draws to a close, The Lord of The World again invites The Members of The Great White Brotherhood and all The Offices of The Spiritual Hierarchy to The Home of The Spiritual Court for The Planet Earth and its evolving lifestreams at the mystic Shamballa, whose name vibrates through the souls of both The Initiate and chela bringing remembrance of the perfection of Life which they have vowed to serve." "Millions of years have passed since the voluntary Exiles from The Planet Venus came to The Earth and joined their shining spirits to the wheel of birth and rebirth in order that They might build together a beautiful City of Light Which would be worthy to be Host to The Great Sanat Kumara, The 3 Kumaras, and The 30 Guardian Spirits (The Lords of The Flame) when The Lemurian Pole Star signified the hour of visitation was come." Master El Morya: "Sanat Kumara's coming brought to The Earth a new hope for redemption with an assurance from The Cosmic Law that, for an indeterminate time, the life and sustenance of the planet would be provided through his sacrifice and in the hope that Sanat Kumara and His Helpers might evolve a way and means of securing the interest of the souls of Men in learning to draw and radiate The Light required to keep the planet in The Solar System." "Out of his own Life Energy, Sanat Kumara pledged The Cosmic Law to radiate the amount of Light required to warrant the investment of The Energies of both The Sun (The Solar Logos) and The Directors of The Elemental Kingdom in providing a sustained planetary home for a recalcitrant evolution. A way and means had then to be devised whereby the natural children of Earth and their pledged Guardian Spirits might be awakened to their own responsibility in creating an Aura of Light for their planet which would satisfy the demands of The Cosmic Law and allow Sanat Kumara to return to his own Star, Venus, where His Beloved Twin Ray, Who had promised to sustain his service during his exile, awaits Him." "Thus was born The Great White Brotherhood. Slowly, through the centuries, The Love and Light of Sanat Kumara have drawn the awakening souls of men and women toward Shamballa. Here, in the inner bodies, they first become members of The Spiritual Court of This King of Kings, and, as time passes, they develope within themselves a remembrance or consciousness of The Brotherhood. It was through this awakened consciousness that the first Illumined Members of The Humanity of Earth prepared Themselves to assume certain Offices held, up to that time, by Guardian Spirits (Lords of The Flame) from other planets and Stars. If The Earth is to maintain its place in The Solar System, the sons and daughters of the planet must learn to emit the individual and collective Light required to make The

Earth a self-luminous Star of Freedom in This System." Master El Morya: "When you, each one, have attained The Ascension and stand free in Blazing Light, you will stand there only because Sanat Kumara believed enough in your Light and life to do for you what you should have done for yourself for millions of years. Is not that a debt to be paid best by becoming, wherever you are, a focus for the expansion of The Light through every soul you contact?" "You are paying for your own life in your service to Him. You are paying for your immortality all down through the eons of time that have not yet been unfurled when you will have being because of His Love. Every sunrise, the perfume of flowers, the warmth of friends and loved ones, you enjoy because you have life which is the gift of his patience and his service in sustaining your obligation to life." "Lemuria (Mu) was an age of tremendous illumination and perfection. On Atlantis, thousands of lifestreams were able to emit Light, to precipitate, to levitate. Angels and Masters walked visibly by the side of unascended beings. Sanat Kumara, in hope, seeing the close of his exile, thinking of Venus, His Heart burning with Love for His Home, The Sacred Fire visible upon The Altars, sickness, death, and desolation wiped out; and Sanat Kumara folding his garments about Him ready to let the dust of The Earth fall from His Presence -and then -- back through the centuries fell The Race. Back into exile went Sanat Kumara." "What Consciousness would stand, at the fall of every Golden Age, before The Karmic Board and say, 'I renew my vow. I shall remain. They will yet arise. They will yet emit Light'? The Karmic Board more than once counseled Him to linger no longer, that the mercy of The Law had exhausted Itself, that Divine Justice would no longer accept a sacrifice of such tremendous proportions, of Love without parallel. But quietly and firmly He said, 'I shall remain'." "Then The Light of Venus dimmed in his eye, and the thought of Home receded from his sweet Consciousness lest the very pull of That Love would weaken his resolve. I have stood on Venus by the side of Sanat Kumara's Beloved. I have seen Her filled with increasing hope as the hour of his exile neared completion. Then, I have seen Her turn and walk back into The City of The Sun with her shoulders squared and her eyes facing The Heart of The Presence, another million years doing the work of others. That is Love!" "That is what fires Me with enthusiasm, with determination to find among the sons and daughters of Men some who would Love as Venus has. That is the inspiration that brought Me to the side of St. Germain when He stood among the lack of fulfillment of his last Endeavor (The I Am Activity of the 1930's). That is the fire that took Me into The Very Presence of Helios and Vesta Themselves (The Solar Logos) to ask for an opportunity to reach those chelas who had served with Me in many a tight corner through the ages. That is the fire that beat within My Heart as I stood before The Great Mahachohan and, in the face of his question, made Me say, 'I believe I can find men and women to hold the bridge, to fan the dying embers of Truth, to stir the souls of Men and to set This God Being free'. I am a Man

of determination and purpose. It is The Will of God that the men and women of Earth give forth The Light to make this Star shine." "The personal sacrifice of Beloved Lady Master Venus, in releasing Sanat Kumara and assuming the double service, is equally commendable as that of Sanat Kumara Who came to Earth and remained in hopes of Mankind developing to a point of emitting enough Light so that He might return. Thus was Earth enabled to remain in The Solar System through the ages." Master St. Germain: "When The Planet Earth reached a point of such density that The Cosmic Law chose to vote It back into nothingness, it was the intercession of Sanat Kumara and The Volunteers from Venus Who secured the dispensation allowing more time for the lifestreams belonging to The Earth to fulfill their individual and collective destinies by learning to emit, sustain, and expand, self-consciously, Light, harmony, and love." "To this end, Sanat Kumara formed The Nucleus of The Great White Brotherhood, The Guardian Band of The Human Race, and Its Members were composed of Great Intelligences Who had volunteered to become Radiating Centers of Light until The Light Presence within each man was awakened and enabled to fulfill its own destiny in this regard." "This Great Brotherhood held the first Council in Shamballa many hundreds of thousands of years ago. They joined together around a glorious Golden Table, symbolic of The Sun, and each of Them represented a Quality (Virtue) of The Godhead. Sanat Kumara, Himself, was The Presiding Master, and through Him was formulated The Plan by which Mankind of Earth was to be spiritually stimulated, awakened, interested, and ultimately enrolled in This Spiritual Order. To each Member He gave certain responsibilities according to the nature of The Individual Being, and these delegated powers became the directing and motivating power of The Life Intelligence so blessed." "Rhythmically, The Lord of The World called together This Council, and Each reported on the expansion of the service in his particular channel. All rejoiced in every developement which brought the purpose of The Brotherhood to greater manifestation, but None interfered with the specific services of The Order, and All were always under the loving directions of The Lord of The World, Who is The Supreme Authority for the work of The Brotherhood and all Those who choose to abide within Its Aura and serve its purpose." "As certain members of The Human Race, and those who voluntarily joined the evolution of The Race from other Stars, were attracted toward The Spiritual Center of Shamballa, they were invited to attend These Councils in their inner bodies and participate in the discussions and the glorious plans that were constantly formulated and given to responsible Members for execution. Thus began The Order of The Round Table that appeared in the world of form, whereby an Illumined Lifestream (El Morya), remembering the glory of The Councils at Shamballa, endeavored to create such a Focus for God in the world of form, such as King Arthur's Endeavor in The 4th Century (Camelot)."

Archangel Michael: "The Great Lords of Love on Venus gathered together in Council were advised that The Planet Earth, called The Dark Star or The Shadow Planet, could not radiate enough Light to assure Itself of a permanent place in The Solar System. As man replaces a blown bulb on the Christmas tree string, so The Cosmic Law must, impersonally, remove from Its Cosmic Chain those planets or Stars that cannot or will not fulfill their individual destiny and contribute, within a certain allotted time allowed for developement, a radiation of Light, peace, and harmony to The Universe of Which it is a part. When the planet has exceeded its time allotted for growth and expansion, and it is found to be without a self-generated and self-sustained power of radiation for good, it must be discarded and its component elements returned to the unformed for repolarization and remolding into a more productive form." "Rather than see The Earth dissolved, thus leaving the millions of souls then evolving on the planet without a planetary home upon which to work out their own mastery, The Council of Venus volunteered to send some of its People (Initiates) to carry and sustain The Light for The Earth until enough of earth's people could be educated in the instruction of The Flame so that It would emit a steady and constant Light. The Light, so cultivated in the hearts of men, would then be The Light of The World, and The Great Visitors from Venus, their mission accomplished, could return in Love, as in Love They came, to Their Celestial Star." "It was necessary to devise a way and means of teaching and training the people of Earth how to expand their own sparks of Divinity and become Lords of The Flame, so they could illumine the planet without the assistance from Beings of other planets and Stars. By establishing The Spiritual Order of Divine Beings, The Great White Brotherhood, Sanat Kumara and His Council prepared for this. The service of These Beings was to protect, guide, interest, and teach people of Earth and, eventually, draw them into The Brotherhood so as to assume responsibilities and Positions held by Volunteer Beings from other planets and Stars." Lord Mahachohan: "The Great White Brotherhood, a United Inner Group, is made up of Intelligent, Living Beings Who have made the sacrifice of postponing their own spiritual evolution to remain in the atmosphere of Earth ministering to a Mankind that is not even interested in an endeavor whereby they might attain their own Eternal Freedom." Master El Morya: "The Spiritual Hierarchy, Which is made up of Ascended Beings Who have consciously offered to renounce the joy of freedom of service at Higher Levels in order to help Mankind to finish its evolutionary journey, are all Specialists along some particular line of spiritual service and endeavor. They are Divine Biengs Who, under the training, direction, and guidance of Sanat Kumara, chose to foreswear Nirvana to help set The Earth and its evolutions free." Master Paul, The Venetian:

"Of The Great White Brotherhood, The Lord of The World is The Absolute Authority for This Earth. It is composed of God-free Beings, Devas, Angels, and all The Majestic Beings at Inner Levels Who, in voluntary relinquishment of God Freedom on other planets and Individuals when They attained The Ascension, stood before The Karmic Board and offered to remain in exile to serve Mankind of Earth until every consciousness was again awakened to Truth and restored to The God Estate." "Each Being, Who belongs to That Inner and August Body, contributes the full-gathered cosmic momentum of his own causal body to That Consciousness. Every prayer, every aspiration, every bit of energy which has earned the right to rise and become part of the causal body is the momentum of The Individual which He signs over, one might say, to The Great White Brotherhood. This becomes the combined and cooperative property of The Entire Brotherhood on which any one single Member may draw when need arises. All The Beings in This Ascended Master Court of The Brotherhood share the vibratory action of the thought, the feeling, and the general Radiation of every other Member. They are all part of a Celestial Body." "Unascended beings who apply for membership and who are accepted also, at that time, contribute the energies of their causal bodies adding the strength of their Light and momentum. The Masters are free, or anyone who has taken the vow, to utilize the energies of the individual lifestream as their own whensoever occasion arises that there is a need in a certain locality. If the energies of the mental body are calm, receptive, and listening; if the energies of the emotional body are at peace and radiating good will and harmony, The Master then channels all of the combined Power of The Brotherhood, or as much as is required for the assistance, through the bodies and aura of the individual chela and blankets the locality in that blessing, balance, harmony, peace, healing, or whatever the case may be." Master Serapis Bey: "You may be under the impression that serving The Humanity of Earth from The Ascended State is a comparatively easy task, but let Me assure you that such is not the case. In the first place, We are dealing with beings of free will who, even among the students under our instruction, do not always feel like cooperating with our suggestions and endeavors. Then We have those in different states of developement, receptivity, and capacity. And lastly, We have the general run of Mankind who are not aware, even, of our very existence, whom We must serve with impersonal Radiation." Master El Morya: "The Great White Brotherhood's purpose and service to the evolutional scheme is to teach Mankind how to create and sustain perfection. When one joins The Brotherhood, his name, feelings, mind, and everything goes to That Brotherhood and without restraint. Then We work, staff in line, under The Lord of The World. Whatever They say, that is done. We endeavor to back, completely, whatever Master Presence is rendering the service and which the greater Wisdom of Those farther above Us on the ladder of Light know is for the greatest good."

"When We come to that place with the student body, how happy I shall be, when they have finished with their fling at freedom and are willing then to know what Freedom really is. If they are going to be a part of The Hierarchy, sooner or later they are going to have to come into an understanding of The Law. Sooner or later they are going to have to submit, not to Me, but to The Infinite Power of The Cosmic Law Which requires controlled emotions, minds, controlled aetheric vehicles and physical bodies. That is common sense. As Our Brother says, 'It is uncommon sense, because it is not so much the common factor'." Master El Morya: "In The Ascended Master Realm, everything belongs to everyone else. When an Individual reaches The Ascended Master State, there is a voluntary surrender of all the mental, emotional, and aetheric riches One has accumulated throughout the long ages. His very Consciousness is turned over willingly to The Cosmic Fund, and that is why We are required to apply for permission to use even an ounce of our Ascended Master Energy for our own individual desire or use." Archangel Gabriel: "There is no God-free Individual of The Angelic Host or The Ascended Master Kingdom that would take one electron from The Universal Source unless He had an impersonal reason for being to benefit Life. The sustaining of individuality just for the joy of consciousness, We would no more entertain, in consciousness, than you would entertain any selfish motive in the outer world. We live only to serve God." Lord Mahachohan: "When The Sun (The Solar Logos) directed The Flame into Universal Light and, with The Elohimic Builders (The 7 Elohim), created the planets of The System, certain Beings entered into the atmosphere of the planet and, through radiation of Their Love, Light, and gifts of Wisdom, enabled the younger spirits to attain God-maturity. They formed the spiritual stimulus which became the very atmosphere of The First Golden Age. The effulgence of their bodies and their proximity to the people made it an easy process to complete their evolution." "But The Cosmic Law required that, as soon as possible, a Spiritual Order be evolved from the earth people who would be the teachers and guardians of their own people, thus enabling The Cosmic Exiles to return to the natural sphere of their own activity and Light. However, no lifestream who had its inception through The Earth Planet seemed to pick up this vibration, but completing its round of evolution would gain The Ascension without contributing, in any manner, to the succeeding races. Then, upon Mu the newly drawn forth egos descended further into matter by breaking The Law of Harmony, Beauty, and Love. At this time, The Sun of The System was called before The Parent Sun (Sirius A), and The Earth was to be written off as an imperfect and useless equipment." "Sanat Kumara and The Beloved Beings on Venus interceded on behalf of The Earth and its

evolving Mankind and offered to enter into the orbit of The Earth, its atmosphere, and its people's karma with the sole purpose and intent of creating, from among The Human Race Itself, a Governing Council and Directive Body composed of voluntary Members of The Race Who would interest and increase Its Membership by the exertion of their own initiative. Thus, Sanat Kumara's first service to Life, after his entrance into the earth's atmosphere, was to set up a skeleton of This Spiritual Order Which is known in the world today as The Great White Brotherhood. There were none of The Human Race among its Members. It was composed entirely of these same Guardian Beings, The Archangels, and Devic Hosts." "The tremendous impetus of Sanat Kumara's Love and the magnetic pull of His Heart Flame were all that He had to work with in stirring the souls of men and drawing, not by force or argument but by the invisible and yet resistless power of His Love, the sleeping spiritual senses of some members of The Race. It was an entirely impersonal activity in which He engaged for many centuries, and neither He nor Those Who worked with Him allowed Themselves to designate any particular lifestream as a potential, giving the opportunity to respond equally to each soul." "The first 2 souls to so respond were The Beings known as Lord Gautama Buddha and Lord Maitreya. So, from this small beginning The Great White Brotherhood has grown in strength and numbers through the centuries until almost all of The Cosmic Guardians and Spiritual Protectors (The Lords of The Flame) have had Their Places taken by the dedicated men and women of The Human Race." "The Great White Brotherhood works on the same premise and with the same powers of magnetic Love and impersonal benediction, and the response of the spirit and the soul from within itself is the only passport into active Membership." "Those who represent The Brotherhood in the world of men may take example from Its Cosmic Founder and Its Members and, becoming such a magnetic power of Love Divine, they will find drawn to them those whom The Father has called and who will remain, not because of personal allegiance, but because of the affinity of the soul Light with The Spiritual Essence Which is the nature of The Brotherhood in The Universe." Master El Morya: "We are Servants of your life. We are Prisoners of Love consecrated entirely to playing The Qualities and Virtues of Our Being upon your Heart Flame until you stand God-free. Then the work of The Great White Brotherhood for The Planet Earth will be completed. The Star will be emitting its own Blazing Light." Master Jesus: "It was Love on the part of each Member of The Great White Brotherhood when He stood at the door of Immortality and was offered either The Freedom of The Higher Realms, with no further contact with The Earth Plane, or was offered the course of sacrifice of service in helping to set the rest of evolution, yet bound, free. At that point when the road forked, the one into The Realm toward Which We had driven with such sincerity and the other back into

the realm of shadows, it required much Love to voluntarily turn our back on The Heart of The Eternal and say, 'I shall remain while yet my brothers and sisters are not free'." Master El Morya: "Shamballa, that beautiful City of Light, from whose Blazing Heart have gone forth the messengers of Light carrying the vision of The King and the blessing of His Holy Providence into the world of form. Shamballa, from whence came The Angelic Beings Who have guarded and protected every messenger who has brought to fruition a glorious plan. Some individuals, when they heard the name, Shamballa, for the first time, thrilled to it as it stirred the aethers and the powers of the spirit within them." "The top of the bridge connecting Shamballa with the mainland is in carved figures like exquisite Cherubim and Seraphim. It is beautifully and finely done by the most exquisite workmen in the ages that have been. When the physical structure of that bridge decayed and returned unto the sands of The Gobi Desert, the aetheric counterpart and perfection was retained. A mystic, aetheric sea of blue sapphire substance flows under it, similar to the original Gobi Sea that dashed its waves against The Himalaya Mountain Range those many centuries ago." "Each Temple in the glorious Golden City of Shamballa is domed with Golden Light. Each of The 7 Rays is honored by its individual Series of Temples. In the center stands The Great White Temple of The Lord of The World, elevated over and above the rest. The Throne is at the end of an extremely long hall. The seats rise high on either side. The atmosphere is such that tier after tier of Beings stand above It and can see the entire proceedings because there is no need for protection from rain or the elements." Master El Morya: "We Who belong to The Brotherhood, The Spiritual Hierarchy, joined voluntarily. At the time of Our Ascension, We were given the choice of pursuing our individual destiny on different Stars in different Systems or of becoming Prisoners of Love, so to speak, and remaining part of a Corporate Entity made up of Self-conscious Intelligences dedicated to channeling instruction and Radiation to Mankind to bring The Earth back to its perfection. Those of Us Who foreswore the glories of The Higher Realms offered all that We would do to The Brotherhood as an impersonal part of the work of The Hierarchy, holding nothing back." "As Shamballa was lowered into the physical appearance world, It passed through The 7 Spheres (of The Earth) as has been described in the activity of precipitation. Then from The Aetheric Realm those Friends of Light from Venus drew It into the atmosphere of Earth. Out of the most precious stones, the most exquisite marbles, the most glorious jewels, and the finest and most perfect golden filigree They created a White City of Temples dedicated and consecrated to The Flame of God." "In those long gone years there was an island in the center of The Gobi Sea. It was beautiful, green, and verdant. This island was chosen by The Friends of Venus as the proper setting

for the magnificent Edifices that They were building according to the pattern taken from Venus, These which were to be The Habitation of The Great Lord Sanat Kumara when He should come. The Gobi Desert of today was a beautiful blue sapphire inland sea. After the temple work was completed on the island, this beautiful City of The White Fire was connected with the mainland by a magnificent, carved bridge, the like of which had never been seen on The Earth before and will probably never be seen again. It was carved of the finest of marble ingrained with pure gold and exquisite figures of Cherubim and Angels. No time was spared in the building of The City, of The Temples, and of the bridge. Over 900 long years were spent. The Individuals, Who engaged in that, no sooner had laid down one body but They secured another." "When Shamballa returned to The Universal, so far as the physical appearance world is concerned, It remained active in The Aetheric Realm. All of the good that It did in the physical world added to the glory of the aetheric buildings and the aetheric perfection. So, when you approach Shamballa now, there is the same illusion of a glorious sea, and the great marble bridge is there. This bridge was mystic in its day because no one could pass over it who was not in complete harmony within himself. It was the only connection between The White Island and the mainland. There was no grill work or guard except The Radiant Light That just deflected lifestreams who had not the purity to place their feet upon it." Master El Morya: "Shining with The Celestial Light of God's Purest Love, above the sands of The Gobi Desert, pulsates The Holy City of Shamballa with its golden domes and spires emitting a Light of other Realms, more brilliant even than our Sun. The inner eye can plainly see its Aureole of brilliant colors which, like a Cosmic Rainbow, suffuses the upper atmosphere for many miles in every direction, the intensity of the colors mingling with the blue of the sky at the periphery of its circular orbit." "Shamballa, Thou Great Spiritual Center of The Illuminati of all ages. Because Thou art, our planet is today. From The Heart of Thy Sacred Halls have come forth all the messengers that have brought Light to the children of Men, and within Thy Holy of Holies dwells our Spiritual Lord and King, Beloved Sanat Kumara, The Ancient of Days." "A deep, blue sea of pure Fire surrounds The City, the only approach to Which is over a beautifully carved marble bridge which spans this sapphire sea, its farther end connecting The City of The Bridge with the aetheric mainland. The entire City, with its white minarets pointing heavenward and its golden-domed Temples, gives the impression of a gigantic White Fire Lotus suspended in the atmosphere." "The Main Temple is built on a high elevation approached by marble steps, the ascent of Which is broken by grassy terraces at intervals of about a dozen steps. On these beautiful terraces, gorgeous rainbow-hued fountains of crystal clear water also play. Gaily colored flowers border the sides, the peace and beauty of the whole scene emitting a Radiation Which, to the visitor, seems a foretaste of Paradise. The great door of The Temple is of tremendous height, and its golden filigree work reflects The Light of The Spiritual Sun like a gigantic mirror. On one side of the beautiful door stands a golden vase, and as each visitor

approaches he finds a bouquet of his favorite flowers appear by some celestial magic in this vase." "We enter the vast hall and here, on an ornamental table, stands an enormous, golden bowl containing a heavenly elixir which is proffered to each visitant in a crystal cup. Each one gladly accepts this token of divine hospitality, and feeling refreshed and strengthened thereby we then enter The Audience Chamber. Standing beneath The Throne, The Presence of Love permeates every atom of one's being. As The Lord of The World sits there, the comfort of His Peace enfolds the visitor. He is smiling, gracious, gentle, the embodiment of all we must one day become." Lord Mahachohan: "As one places his feet upon the bridge, the powerful radiation from the sea of Blue Fire beneath is so intense that it is by a supreme effort of will he is able to proceed. The accompanying Brother informs him that his ability to control this energy is his passport to The Presence of Sanat Kumara. In silent adoration, one proceeds along a beautiful tree-lined avenue, the central island of which is interspersed with fountains of rainbow colors. Directly facing him is The Central Temple, The Sacred Home of The Lord of The World, Sanat Kumara, Head of The Spiritual Hierarchy for The Planet Earth and Supreme Authority for the evolution of all its people, embodied and disembodied (on The Astral Planes) at this time." "Sanat Kumara and Those Who came with Him from Venus have been called Lords of The Flame. In his descent into The Heart of Shamballa, He brought with Him a Concentration of The Flame That had never been known on The Planet Earth because It represented the vibratory action of Venus. This Flame He externalized at Shamballa, and It has expanded and intensified through those millions of years since that time, pouring out The Keynote of Venus and The Vibration of This Superior Star into the atmosphere of Earth and the consciousness of its peoples. A Stream of Light from This Cosmic Flame is anchored into the heart of every human being who embodies on Earth. This Ray of Light has sustained The Flame in the heart of each one evolving on Earth." "The action of The Flame of Shamballa was primarily designed to create self-conscious, generating centers of Light through the life intelligences inhabiting The Earth. The sole purpose and reason for Sanat Kumara's Presence is to create these self-conscious Light Bearers. This is the only way and means by which The Planet can fulfill its destiny and contribute to The Universal Solar Song." "The opening of The Retreat at Shamballa (to the unascended) represents the close of a great cycle of time during which the very existence of The Earth was sustained by The Radiation and Light of Those Blessed Beings Who voluntarily chose to lend the power of their developed Radiation to a planet whose existence contributed no spiritual value to The System of Which it is a part. The condition, upon which The Universal Law accepted the offer of Sanat Kumara and His Court to provide The Light required to sustain a place in The System for the planet, was that, by reason of this grant, lifestreams upon The Earth would, in time, develope enough Light within themselves to provide the minimum requirement of The Law."

"Millions of years have elapsed since These Great Ones took on our responsibility, and the time of the dispensation runs out with yet the far greater majority of Mankind engaged in creating shadows rather than sunshine. Even the patience of The Universal Law cannot allow the sacrifice of Beings as great as Sanat Kumara to go on indefinitely. Hence, this great impetus of expanding The Light (The Bridge Activity) was set into motion by The Brotherhood in the hope that it would stir the souls of men and provide a proof to The Cosmic Law that Mankind of Earth were rising to fulfill The Office and Service of These Great Friends of Life. The year 1952, therefore, represents the beginning of a great cosmic push in this direction which We hope will result, with the assistance of the Self-conscious students, in the redemption of The Race." "The opening of The Retreat at Shamballa was specifically dedicated to the forwarding of the progress of The Christ Selves of The Race. It represented a Cosmic Moment Which was equal in importance to the descent of Sanat Kumara from Venus." Lord Mahachohan: "Shamballa is a most unusual Retreat for many reasons. On Earth, It was the first one established forming the pattern for The Great White Brotherhood Which Sanat Kumara instituted. Besides the great Council Halls, record rooms, and treasuries, there are enormous Guest Houses in which each Member of The Brotherhood is assigned a permanent room. This room belongs to Him forever or as long as He cares to use it. Many unascended beings who, at Inner Levels, are Members of The Brotherhood, have rooms here at Shamballa, and these remain for each one a permanent focus on The Earth long after The Ascension. Even Gautama Buddha and the early Krishnas still retain their own compartments in This Mystic Retreat. The fragrance and vibration of each private contemplation room is distinctive and descriptive of The Being Who, from within that sanctuary, has served Life." Master El Morya: "Upon receipt of The Thought-form for the year (from The Planetary Logos, The Silent Watcher), The Lord of The World then designs the progress of The Great White Brotherhood through The 12 Retreats, chosen because their particular momentum will offer the best possible spiritual nourishment to The Members of The Brotherhood in their endeavors to externalize The Divine Plan. The Thought-form will determine what specific cooperative endeavor will engage the combined energies of Angels, Masters, Devas, and elementals within the year, and The Retreats That can amplify the required gifts, powers, momentums, and talents of The Brotherhood become the chosen Hosts of this spiritual processional which is culminated by the return of all Members to Shamballa, Each with the harvest of his own accomplishment, as the cycle draws toward its close by November 15th. Then during the next 30 days of each year, The Members of The Brotherhood return to Shamballa with the harvest of their consecrated Life Essence. This harvest they place upon The Altar before The Lord of The World as the gift of their service in the spiritual vineyard." Master El Morya:

"Over the beautiful bridge that connects The City of Shamballa with the mainland, into The Shining Heart of Shamballa, walk The Illuminati of The Earth and its sister planets. The Holy City is the Mecca that draws Members of The Celestial Hierarchy from every Star and planet in our Galaxy. They come to offer, at the feet of Beloved Sanat Kumara, their individual love, devotion, and homage for the unprecedented sacrifice of millions of years of his own life and freedom." "This visitation by Sanat Kumara was made so that the small Star on Which Mankind evolves might sustain its place in The Solar System by reason of his assuming their responsibility to meet the requirement of The Cosmic Law. Every Star and planet in The System must contribute a certain amount of Light to The Universe if It is to sustain its place. The Planet Earth had fallen far behind its quota and was voted back to nothingness by The Cosmic Law. Then Sanat Kumara volunteered to supply That Light from His Own Presence until such time as Mankind would awaken and assume their responsibilities to The Universe for their existence and sustenance." Master Kuthumi: "Every 12 months We are allowed the great privilege and honor of walking over that magnificent Bridge of Light into The Heart of Shamballa, bringing with Us not only the results of our individual service through the year but Our Energies and Consciousness, and in the radiant effulgence of The Lord of The World We are re-polarized, revitalized, and refreshed by proximity to his magnificent and radiant Presence." "Here in council, One with Another, We discuss our service of the past year. We bring our harvest, even as you are bringing yours, before The Lord of The World, and that harvest determines the amount of service that We are called upon to render for the coming 12 months. What We have done with The Light given; what We have done with opportunities offered; what We have done with The Consciousness and capacities that We have had at hand will be a determining factor in our assignment for the coming year." "These individual sheaves stand within the causal body of every lifestream. As The Great 3-Fold Flame at Shamballa receives, within Itself, the harvest of each one of us, from the smallest elemental that made the tiniest apple blossom to The Greatest Archangel, It grows and grows until It becomes a tremendous Witness to that which every lifestream has accomplished through constructive energy within the year." Master St. Germain: "We Who have worked with Mankind and The Elemental Kingdom are given a month of release and relief from the service in the world of form. Two-fold is the reason for our return to Shamballa. We bring with Us the report of all that We have done in the world of form, of all that our chelas have done, and all that Our Retreats and the activities of Our Ray have accomplished. We also receive there renewed strength, renewed energy, and vitality of a spiritual nature from The Beloved Lord of The World Himself, which We take with Us and which forms a great momentum of energy for the next 12 month cycle."

"During this period, after all the harvest has been placed within That Flame within The Temple, Sanat Kumara addresses, constantly, groups of Initiates and chelas. In the atmosphere above Shamballa the individual members of The Human Race, who are advanced in consciousness, gather while their bodies sleep. They absorb mostly The Radiation of His Flame Which is Cosmic Patience." Master Kuthumi: "The very name of Shamballa stirs The Light in the heart of the mystic. It brings back memories of sweet association, of communion with The Sainted Ones, of the conferring of new authorities and powers to be used on behalf of Mankind, and of the joy of bringing in the harvest of each year. This harvest is merely the effect of the right use of energy within the past 12 months which has benefited, in some manner, the evolutions of The Earth. That harvest is, furthermore, the manifest expression, in practical works, of The Law of The Circle. As a man sows, so shall he reap. No Cosmic Being, Ascended Master, nor elemental can escape This Law Which causes the energy released by and through him to have an effect and then return as added power, understanding, Light, and wisdom in the causal body of the one who has used free will in drawing Life, qualifying It, and using It for either the blessing or the distress of himself and the evolutions which he has vowed to serve." Lord Sanat Kumara: "I was among Those Who heard of earth's crisis at The Cosmic Council. I was The One Who said that I was sure, if some wholly Free Being would come and nourish those tiny sparks, keep them alive, and fan them with all the power of His Divine Love, some day the attention of Mankind would return to its Divinity. When I returned to Venus and saw the beauty and magnificence of My Star; when I remembered the original beauty and perfection of The Earth, I was more determined than ever that a planet created in Divine Love, sustained for so many ages by The Masters, Angels, The Beings of Nature, and Virgo Herself, should have opportunity for redemption. When My Beloved, in all the renunciation which is Divine Love in its deepest aspect, said, 'If The Cosmic Law will allow You to go, You are free to do so', grateful I was for the opportunity." "Some volunteered to go to Earth before Me and create a Focus into Which I might come. Great was that sacrifice. Earth was then in its darkest days. The Light within the hearts of men was scarcely discernible. Beings of Love from Venus, Who had known nothing but harmony there, chose to pass into that darkness through the regular gates of birth accepting bodies provided for Them by earthly parents. Nine hundred long years They labored in the building of Shamballa in the midst of that darkness, that blanket of effluvia, the mass creation of the physical and Astral Realms. These dedicated Souls had to hold the vision and the pattern of The City They chose to build. They also had to hold the unbroken connection between The Christ Self, Myself, and the outer consciousness through which They were serving. They had to hold back the pressures of lethargy, rebellion, and hate by the very strength of their own Light." "In that 900 years, more than once were their physical bodies destroyed by hordes of savages

who, opposing The Light, drove in upon them. No sooner were their physical bodies disconnected from their Souls than They applied again for new earth bodies from The Lords of Karma. These bodies were quickly provided for Them, and back again They came. So, Shamballa was built. The perfection of the beautiful White Island grew. My Love flowed continuously around The Builders, and ever about Them stood the sustaining power of My Faith until The Cosmic Moment of Visitation came." "The Lemurian Pole Star signified my coming. I bade goodbye to My Star, to my people, to My Love, Beloved Venus Herself. Together with The Other Great Kumaras (The 3 Exoteric Kumaras) I rose into the atmosphere over Venus as every lifestream upon my planet sang. I remember that well! I have long visioned and hoped for a like return." "As The Great Kumaras preceded Me upon my journey earthward, They embodied the triple activity of Love, Wisdom, and Power. One Kumara ensouled The Full Power of The Blue Ray (The 1st Ray of Divine Will), One The Gold (The 2nd Ray of Love/Wisdom), and One The Pink (The 3rd Ray of Active Intelligence). As our Beloved Friends awaited Us in Shamballa, The Kumaras descended upon a pathway of Flame and created a 3-Fold Flame in The Heart of Shamballa into Which I stepped. In that same moment, That 3-Fold Flame was attached to The Sparks of Light within the heart of every lifestream belonging to the evolutions of Earth. The 3-Fold Flame Which We brought has been breathing The Spiritual Fire into each such lifestream on Earth and has sustained the identity of the egos belonging to earth's evolutions all this time. It is like a Cosmic Bellows That has played through The 3-Fold Flame in the human heart." "Thus We took up our abode upon The Earth. Through the power of centripetal and centrifugal force, cohesion and expansion of the magnetic power of Divine Love, We then began to magnetize The Flame in The Hearts of some of The Guardian Spirits Who were not sleeping too soundly and Who were not too enthusiastically engaged in using Primal Life for the satisfaction of the personal self." "In this way, The Great White Brotherhood began. The 3-Fold Flame within The Heart of Shamballa, within The Hearts of The Kumaras and Myself, formed The Magnetic Heart of The Great White Brotherhood by Whom you have all been blessed." "The Presence of God in your heart, That Flame, the small Golden Man, once filled your entire being. It decreased because you voluntarily chose to take your life and attention from It and place it upon the creations of the thought and feeling forms that you saw around you." Master El Morya: "There would be no Earth, no platform for your feet, no air to breathe, no loved ones if Sanat Kumara had not sacrificed Himself for millions of years to do, for you and Mankind, what you should be doing for yourselves. During all this time, He has emitted Light so that this planet might be sustained in The System, while Mankind, en masse, has played in the shadows."

Fuente Original: The Bridge to Freedom Compilacin: Fundacin Lady Nada Email: [email protected] The Bridge to Freedom Foundation

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