Microsoft Corp. Ratings Unaffected by Planned Acquisition of Nokia Devices & Services Business

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Microsoft Corp. Ratings Unaffected By Planned Acquisition Of Nokia Devices & Services Business
Primary Credit Analyst: Philip L Schrank, New York (1) 212-438-7859; [email protected] Secondary Contact: Alfred Bonfantini, CFA, New York (1) 212-438-7159; [email protected]

NEW YORK (Standard & Poor's) Sept. 3, 2013--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said today that its ratings and outlook on Redmond, Wash.-based Microsoft Corp. (AAA/Stable/A-1+) remain unchanged following the company's announcement that it has entered into an agreement to acquire Finland-based Nokia Corp.'s (B+/Stable/--) Devices & Services business and to license Nokia's patents and mapping services. Microsoft will fund the 3.79 billion (about $5 billion) purchase of the Devices & Services business and the 1.65 billion (about $2.17 billion) in licensing fees with overseas cash. We believe that Microsoft's robust cash, cash equivalents, and short-term investments (exceeding $77 billion on June 30, 2013) and strong free operating cash flow (FOCF) (more than $24 billion for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2013) prove flexibility within the rating to make the initial cash outlay, cover any integration and restructuring expense associated with the acquisition, and absorb the negative FOCF that Standard & Poor's expects the acquired operations to generate over the next year or so. Also, while Nokia's Devices & Services business is currently unprofitable, the acquisition does not materially alter our view of Microsoft's excellent business risk profile, as the company's core software applications and services remain extremely profitable. The transaction is likely to close in the first quarter of 2014, subject to regulatory approvals and the approval by Nokia's shareholders. The acquisition of Nokia's Device & Services operations (with an estimated 14.9 billion in net revenue for fiscal 2012) is in keeping with the company's revamped "One Microsoft" business strategy, announced in July 2013, that aims


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Bulletin: Microsoft Corp. Ratings Unaffected By Planned Acquisition Of Nokia Devices & Services Business

to shift the company's focus to providing an integrated family of devices and services. Despite the potential for the Microsoft to achieve design, supply chain, manufacturing, and marketing synergies, we believe that it will remain a challenge for Microsoft to significantly increase its global smartphone market share from its current distant third position behind Android-based phones and iPhones in the intensely competitive mobile devices market. The ratings on Microsoft reflect its strong, entrenched leadership position in operating systems and other software, high customer and end-market diversification, and a balance of highly profitable, mature products and a growing position in emerging and high-potential markets, which results in an excellent business risk profile. The company's exceptional liquidity, extremely strong internal cash-flow generation, and a conservative balance sheet, support the company's minimal financial risk profile. Despite ongoing challenges and the evolution of the technology sector , we believe that the company will maintain the technical, managerial, and financial wherewithal to adapt to rapidly changing market and delivery transitions.


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