A Social History of Phoenicia

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Being a Phoenician) Negotiating Empires
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@ Vadim S. )igoulov 2010
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British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN-13 978 1 84553 331 I
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
The social history of Achacmenid Phoenicia : being a Phoenician, negotiating empires I
Vadim S. Jigoulov.
p. em.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
ISBN 978-1-84553-331-1 (hb) l. Phoenicia-Historiography. 2. Phoenicia-Civilization.
3. Achaemenid dynasty, 559-:no B.C. I. Title.
DS8!.}54 2010
939' .4403-dc22
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Printed and bound in Great Britain by Lightning Source UK Ltd, Milton Keynes
List of illustrations
List of tables
1 Politics of Reverence and Contempt: Achacmcnid
Phoenicia in Classical Texts
2 Listening to Indigenous Voices: The Achaerncnid-
period Phoenician Epigraphic Sources
3 Getting with the Program: Achaemenid Phoenicia
through Numismatics
4 Patterns of Continuity and Change: Achaemenid
Phoenicia through Material Remains
5 The Phoenician City-states of Tyre and Sidon in
Ancient Jewish Texts: Reflections of History
6 A Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia: A
Summary and a Proposal
Appendix A
Appendix B
1 L3
1.1 Phoenician coast according to Pseudo-Scylax' Peri 1 ().!. :n
2.1 Map of Phoenicia
2.2 Stele ofYehawmilk, King of Byblos
2.3 Anthropoid sarcophagus of King Tabnit Sl
3.1 Lion and bull symplegma on the Apadana at Persepolis
3.2 The chariot scene on the Persepolis Fortification Seal W1
3.3 A Cypriot-Phoenician bowl from Pracncstc with an
of the King in a chariot
3.4 A seal from Pasargadae featuring a I lero in
with a lion WJ
3.5 Representation of the Heroic Encounter on the l)crsepolis
Fortification Seals (PFS 164*, 9*, 16*)
3.6 A representation of the Combat Encounter on the Persepolis
Fortification Seal PFS 57* 90
3.7 The archer image on the Persepolis Fortification Seals PFS
35*, 78, 175 <)1
3.8 The archer image on Persian royal coinage 92
3.9 Samarian coinage with the King fighting a lion
3.10 Samarian coinage with the archer 9S
3.11 Philistian coinage with the image of Heroic Encounter 96
4.1 Clay "Bes" vase from Dor
1 ]()
4.2 "Pillar and rubble" ("pier and rubble") construction from
a Persian-period site ncar Beirut
l l <)
The Production of Prophecy
The "Sarcophagus of the Satrap" from Sidon
4.4 "Alexander Sarcophagus" from Sidon
5.1 Negative and positive portrayals of kings of northern
and southern kingdoms in Kings materials
5.2 Tyrian trade according to Ezek. 27:1-11
Phoenician (Tyrian?) expansion into the Mediterranean
Coinage from the cities of the Phoenician coast and Cyprus
B. I
The Phoenician sites in Syria of the Persian Period
A fragment from the "Sarcophagus of the Satrap"
1.1 Satrapies and tribute according to Herodotus
Histories 3.90-94 21
A reconstruction of the temple of Tanit-Astarte in Sarepta
191 1.2 Subjects of the Great King according to
A reconstruction of the East Temple at Umm el-Amede
royal inscriptions 22
Plan of the eastern residential quarter of Tel Dorin the
Persian period
1.3 Herodotus' list of satrapies correLl ted with Greek,
Babylonian and Perscpolis sources
Plan of a residential quarter in Olynthus, Macedonia
3.1 \XIeight standards for ancient coins 7:>
Excavated Persian-period sites in Palestine
4.1 Distribution of pottery from the cemeteries in
southern Lebanon 116
5.1 Changing sentiment towards ryre and Sidon in
ancient Jewish texts 160
- ~ ~ - - - ~ - -
Chapter 6
In these chapters, we have combined evidence from all major sources of
our knowledge about Achaemenid Phoenicia in order to arrive at a viable
socio-historical picture of Achaemenid Phoenicia. Modeled after Elayi and
Sa pin's book on Transeuphratene studies (1998), our methodology strives
to treat each source of socio-historical information on its own terms and
thus seeks to avoid elevating one source of information over others. As
much as possible, we tried to align all of these often linguistically, historically,
and ideologically disparate sources with each other, in order to complement
and clarify social and historical information contained therein. At times,
this task was tantalizing since we had to wade through various agendas
and biases - some better concealed than others - to analyze the socio-
political developments on three levels of Phoenician society: the household,
the city-state, and the imperial administrative unit. It is our hope that the
study has resulted in some proposals that may contribute to Achaemenid,
Hellenistic, and general historical studies and to our understanding of the
social, economic, and political processes not only in Persian-period
Phoenician city-states, but also in the wider Levant and the "globalizing"
eastern Mediterranean region.
Socio-Political Developments in Achaemenid Phoenicia
Although the three social divisions (the household, the city-state, and the
imperial administrative unit) are not exhaustively representative of such a
complicated notion as "social history;' they nevertheless allow for a
structured presentation of the social history of the Persian-period
Phoenician city-states. Our general conclusion is that all three levels
continued with little changes from the time of the previous Babylonian
empire and underwent little impact under the Persian empire.
the changes that did occur were significant, as they reveal the Zeitgeist
that characterized the sixth-fourth centuries BCE in the Levant.
A Summary and a Proposal 163
The Phoenician household in the Persian period was characterized by
continuity from the Neo-Babylonian period and bore a strong similarity
with household material culture artifacts from other parts of the Levant. A
typical house in a Phoenician city-state throughout the first millennium
BCE was a modest three- to four-room construction located close to a
marketplace and the coast. Most likely, with intensified economic activity
between the end of the fifth century and the end of the first quarter of the
fourth century BCE, the Phoenician household grew in size. The same period
was characterized by the increase of Phoenician urban settlements, which
attracted population growth by providing opportunities in trade and
shipbuilding, and by the related likely movement of the population away
from rural regions. Although some grain was still produced for export in
Phoenician city-states, engagement in agriculture significantly diminished,
as most written sources on Achaemenid Phoenicia choose to concentrate
either on Phoenician involvement in trade or sea-faring. Phoenician
agricultural products, whatever their quantity, failed to impress the ancient
world. Generally speaking, the spread of urbanized Phoenician settlements
during the Achaemenid period, accompanied by the expanding reach of
Phoenician cultural inf1uence, is archaeologically traceable frorn northern
Syria to Gaza but is most pronounced in the area from the Akko Plain
southward. The evidence for Phoenician urbanized cultural penetration
northward into traditionally Syrian (Aramean) territories is not as clear,
although an Iron-Age bilingual (Phoenician and Hittite) inscription from
Karatepe may indicate early Phoenician forays there. During the Persian
period, Phoenician cultural expansion still remained a slow process, which
was counterbalanced by Greek cultural inf1uences and possibly indigenous
Aramean resistance.
In the religious sphere, a new syncretism gradually affected an otherwise
stable cult dedicated to traditional Phoenician city deities. One example
of this syncretism, quite likely a consequence of growing Sidonian cultural
inf1uence throughout the Levant, is the expanded adoption and veneration
of Astarte, Sidon's traditional deity, in Persian-period Tyre and Byblos.
Although Astarte and her various manifestations are attested in the Levant
and beyond throughout the entire first millennium BCE, the wide in scope
spread of the cult of Astarte proper in Achaemenid Phoenicia is remarkable,
as it is indicative of the growing cultural and economic impact of the city-
state of Sidon, which gradually affected the religious sphere of Phoenician
164 The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
city-states. The process of adoption of the cult of Astarte throughout
Phoenician city-states was, at the same time, an extension of the cultural
eclecticism and cosmopolitanism that generally characterized the
population of Achaemenid Phoenicia.
Another noteworthy characteristic of Achaemenid-era Phoenician
societies, possibly rooted in religious worldview, was their treatment of
women. Although quite possibly an extension of the veneration of the
female deities Astarte and Baalat Gubal, the attitude toward women was
remarkable, as they were highly regarded in Phoenician societies, a
phenomenon rather unusual for the ancient Mediterranean world.
the inscriptions of Eshmunazor and Batnoam demonstrate, women
occupied high royal posts and often were in charge of the affairs of the city-
states of Sidon and Byblos. Although quite possibly a reflection of specific
historic circumstances, this fact still bears mentioning, even if briefly.
Social Stratification
While in general the population of Phoenician city-states was characterized
by cosmopolitanism and eclecticism of taste, it was economically and socially
stratified. The lack of hard proof notwithstanding, the circumstantial
evidence is convincing. For example, there was a clear divide in artistic and
cultural preferences between the elite and the commoners. The former
leaned toward consuming products of styles and types from Egypt, the
Aegean, and Persia, i.e., foreign goods and their imitations which were
considered prestige goods and which were in high demand. The
commoners, on the other hand, showed a preference for the local, more
affordable, mass-produced goods.
Another manifestation of social stratification in Phoenician societies is
the spread of literacy, which, we argue, affected only very limited segments
of the population. Although we do have royal inscriptions that suggest the
presence ofliterate segments among the Phoenicians, they are insufficient
to allow pronouncements regarding widespread literacy. Some scholars
(e.g., Elayi and Sap in 1998) have argued that widespread Phoenician literacy
existed, but that all evidence for it disappeared owing to the fragile nature
of papyrus. However, the extremely limited Phoenician inscriptional
evidence written by commoners on potsherds dating to the Persian period
seriously undermines this proposal. Also, even in their limited number
the inscribed potsherds do not indicate that the person who was able to
write his or her name was fully literate.
On the basis of the available evidence we propose that literacy in
Achaemenid Phoenicia was functional, aiming to satisfy the immediate
A Summary and a Proposal 165
economic, cultural, and political needs of the elite, royal houses, and,
possibly, skilled craftsmen and traders. Literacy in Phoenicia \Vas very
limited, just as it was in Persian-period Greece, and it served primarily for
writing contracts, expressions of religious veneration, and recognition and
expression of supremacy and obeisance.
These needs could easily be
satisfied by a limited number of trained scribes employed by the royalty,
temples, or merchants.
There is no compelling evidence that Persian-period Phoenician city-
states had either the preconditions for the expansion of literacy, such as the
means for easy diffusion of written texts, or any educational system to
enable it. The economic conditions of Phoenician city-states simply did
not necessitate a wide presence of semi-educated masses. In fact, the limited
level of literacy in Phoenicia, accessible for the most part to skilled craftsmen
and scribes, can be appropriately described by Harris' terminology of
craftsman's literacy, which is much more limited in scope than general
The two likely strata of population affected by craftsman's literacy
in Phoenicia were skilled artisans, who were generally more literate than
the rest of the population, and scribes, who were responsible for the
transmission of correspondence among the elite. Whereas the majority of
the population, especially in the hinterland, was illiterate, it is likely that
some of the population were able to recognize written words on coinage
and inscriptions and reproduce them with some degree of accuracy. 'These
abilities, however, do not by themselves equal widespread, fully functional,
literacy. One must also consider the possibility that the Phoenician elite
might have discouraged the literacy of other social segments in order to
preserve their status.
Although the Persian period did not witness widespread literacy in
Phoenician societies, it was a time when the preconditions for it emerged.
One such precondition was the reaction in the Levant to Hellenistic
cultural influences, which most likely followed the penetration of imported
material goods from the Aegean in the Persian period. For example, in
Yehud one of the reactions to the encroachment of Hellenistic influences
was the expansion of educational systems by Hellenistic Judaism.
the general atmosphere of Phoenician cosmopolitanism, it is highly
unlikely that the Phoenician reaction to the Aegean cultural influences
was anything close to the negativity witnessed in Yehud (at least as Carr
argues). Quite on the contrary, the acceptance and eventual embracement
of Aegean influences on the part of the Phoenician population created a
cultural atmosphere in which literacy could be spread with greater ease.
It is not surprising, then, that in the Hellenistic period, Phoenician
166 The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
city-states followed the same tendency for expansion of literacy as the
Greek world did.
Some of the probable factors in this process in Phoenicia
were the diminishing control over the spread of literacy on the part of the
weakened local elites and the necessity to receive and respond to the
communications of the emerging foreign (Greek) political authorities.
Political and Administrative Makeup
Several important conclusions can be made regarding the issue of political
autonomy of Phoenician city-states. Just as they did throughout the first
half of the first millennium BCE, Phoenician city-states remained
independent of each other in the Achaemenid period. At the same time, as
they maintained mutual cooperation in pursuing their economic goals
within the context of the Persian empire, they were also engaged in
economic competition with each other as they each sought to gain access
to new markets and spheres of economic influence. Among the most
powerful and most competitive polities in the Achaemenid period were
the city-states ofTyre and Sidon. Tyre, having lost its preeminence among
Phoenician city-states after Nebuchadnezzar's siege of the early sixth century
BCE and the subsequent deportation of its elite to Babylon, held second
place to Sidon, both economically and politically, throughout most of the
Achaemenid period. The only period in which Tyre could conceivably
have regained dominance among coastal Levan tine polities was the second
half of the fourth century, after Sidon had been devastated in the aftermath
of the punitive action by Artaxerxes IIJ.S
In the Persian period, it was the city-state of Sidon that emerged as the
most significant economic and political entity on the Levantine coast,
although other Phoenician city-states also participated in the economic
expansion that engulfed the coast of Palestine from the beginning of the
fifth century BCE.
Through their considerable contribution to the Persian
naval might, both by building ships and by participating in the military
actions of the Persian kings, Sidonian kings were able to garner significant
political capital in the eyes of Persians. As the classical sources indicate,
Persians possibly maintained a paradeisos in Sidon,
and the city was
likely the place from where the formal administration of the Fifth satrapy
was carried out. Sidon's winning strategy was its politics of compliance and
non-resistance to the ruling authorities in the region, which they practiced
not only in the Achaemenid period but also throughout the first half of the
first millennium BCE. In the Achaemenid period, however, Sidon was able
to capitalize shrewdly on the ideological program of the Persian kings in
order to secure their mercantile interests. By using elements of Persian
A Summary and a Proposal
imperial imagery on their coinage, Sidonian kings were able to publicize
internationally their compliance with the Persian imperial program aimed
at extolling the Great King. However, rather than aiming exclusively at
using their monetary instruments for external purposes, such as paying
the rowers of the Persian fleet employed by the empire as Wallinga (1987)
proposed, this political move was largely internal. In the immediate
Levantine context, this imperial ideology was employed locally by Sidon
in order to maintain economic, religious, and political supremacy in the
region. After all, Sidon had already made inroads into the cultural landscape
of other Phoenician city-states. The cults ofSidonian deities, such as Astarte
and Eshmun, became increasingly popular not only among Phoenician
cities, but in the rest of the Levant as well. Additionally, as our overview of
archaeological evidence from the Levantine coastal sites has demonstrated,
the Sidonian presence there probably meant control of trade routes in
other hinterland polities, such as Yehud. This growing economic, cultural,
political, and religious dominance and control of the Levant by Sidon did
not go unnoticed or without reaction by ancient Jewish writers and
redactors who in their writings expressed displeasure and angst regarding
a strong, menacing Sidon of the Achaemenid period.
In spite of Sidon's dominance in the economic sphere, other Phoenician
cities were still able to pursue their economic interests on the international
scene, mainly by engaging in close trade contacts with Greece and
importing Greek pottery and other material culture objects. Tyre in
particular was extensively vested in its relations with Greece, as
demonstrated by its coinage, which bears strong iconographical similarities
with Athenian coinage. This exchange most certainly took place through
the port of Tyre and through other seaside outlets, such as the city of
Ashkelon, which the Periplus of Pseudo-Scylax calls a "city of the Tyrians:'
Sidon also maintained its ties with Athens, their relations intensifying
in the first quarter of the fourth century BCE. This development was one of
the factors that contributed to the eventual rupture of relations between
Sidon and the Achaemenid Empire, since the Great King could not tolerate
one of his vassals aligning with his archenemy.
The character of Persian control of Phoenician city-states is one of the
most important issues that this study addresses. After all, there is evidence
that suggests that Persians were physically present in Phoenicia, most
notably in Sidon, during the sixth-fourth centuries BCE, with the most
pronounced presence in the fourth century BCL Furthermore, Herodotus
speaks of the Fifth satrapy of the Persian empire, which included Phoenicia.
Phoenician city-states collaborated closely with the central imperial
168 The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
authorities on the execution of several economic projects, including the
long-term task of maintaining the fleets of individual city-states and those
of Persia. However, we maintain that there are no indications of an
exceedingly heavy-handed Persian rule in Phoenicia. Indeed, both the
evidence from the preceding Nee-Babylonian period and the Persian-period
data points to a largely autonomous character of Phoenician polities under
the Persian empire.
As has been noted by a number of scholars, the Nee-Babylonian Empire
practiced a rather relaxed style of administration in the Levant.
Nebuchadnezzar's policies there were motivated primarily by the intent to
safeguard his possessions against Egyptian incursions rather than to ensure
the economic exploitation of conquered lands.
Indeed, the large amount
of Egyptian-style artifacts discovered from Phoenician city-states confirms
that Egypt continued to exert its economic, if not also its cultural, influence
on the Levant not only in the Neo- Babylonian period, but also in the
Achaemenid period, as coinage and sarcophagi indicate.
It appears that
the Persian authorities, when they arrived on the scene, were either
reluctant or unable to counteract Egyptian cultural influence in Phoenician
From classical sources we know that Achaemenid authorities established
territorial divisions within Persia's subject territories. It is unclear, however,
whether the Levant was reorganized according to pre-existing Nee-
Babylonian divisions or whether it received new organizational structures
and status. On the one hand, Hoglund suggests that Achaemenid
authorities performed the territorial and administrative reshaping of the
pre-existing Nee-Babylonian dependenciesY
On the other hand,
Vanderhooft (2003), using Yehud as an example, proposes that the Nee-
Babylonian policy of withdrawal, confrontation, and destruction did not
include any administrative organization of its territories and that the
situation remained this way until the end of Babylonian rule. Vanderhooft's
proposal is convincing, as no other Nee-Babylonian appointees to the
southern Levant are known outside of the ancient Jewish sources.
further argues that the situation changed in the Persian period when Yehud
became a new province with its own local administrative apparatus, which
did not exist during the Nee-Babylonian occupation. Vanderhooft's
proposal corresponds well to the picture of the neglected Neo- Babylonian-
period Levant emerging from material culture as well.
Similarly, the idea
of a new administrative organization of the Levant in the Persian period
resonates well with what we have established concerning Persian-period
Phoenician city-states. Persian authorities immediately organized the
A Summary and a Proposal 169
Phoenician city-states into a loose confederacy, which survived throughout
most of the sixth century and most of the first quarter of the fifth century
BCE. In 482 BCE, after Xerxes had suppressed the revolt in Babylon,
confederacy was transformed into a federation of Phoenician city-states
under the formal leadership of Sidon in recognition of the city's
contribution to Persian military causes. However, toward the end of the
fifth century BCE and the beginning of the fourth century IKE, the city-state
of Sidon took several steps to secure greater independence from Persian
taxation and dominance, perhaps inspired to a large degree by Egypt's
rebellion against the Persian empire ca. 464-4.S4 BCF ..
~ The consequences
of such a move by Sidon were disastrous, as it led to the crushing of the
rebellion of its king, Tennes of Sidon, and the destruction of the city by
Artaxerxes Ill.
How, then, did this autonomy function'? Some scholars have proposed
that the Achaemenids preferred a laissez-faire style of governance, according
to which routine economic and political affairs \-vere relegated to local
ruling houses.
Other scholars insist that the Persian empire either
controlled some aspects of local political affairs, such as the creation and
issuance oflaws,
or carried out the governance of subjugated lands through
bureaucrats appointed by the Great King.
As for the Persian-period
Phoenician city-states, scholars have generally supported the idea of a
considerable degree of independence on their part from the empire.n One
of the major supports for this argument of independence has been the
existence of Phoenician trading activity in the Levant and the
Mediterranean, which undoubtedly was a lucrative source of revenue for
the Achaemenids?' Agreeing in general with the previous proposals, we
have adopted the terminology of managed autonomy to refer to the
Achaemenid policy in Phoenicia and have proposed further support and
clarification for them. By "managed autonomy" we mean a system wherein
Phoenician city-states were allowed to run their affairs largely unhindered.
The only stipulations from the central Persian authorities were Phoenician
collaboration on imperial economic and military projects and timely
payment of tribute.
Several factors point to such an arrangement. First, the population of
Phoenician city-states was able to maintain its indigenous cultural
distinctiveness throughout most of the Achaemenid period. For example,
in religious life, Phoenician city-states were able to continue their
traditional religious affiliations (Tyre with Melqart and Sidon with Astarte).
Second, independent production of coinage among Phoenician city-states
indicates that they were able to run their economies autonomously. Third,
170 The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
the absence of a uniform weight standard among assemblages of coinage
from Phoenician city-states is yet another indication of the decentralized
character of monetary exchange among Phoenician city-states in the Persian
period and the absence of direct, hands-on imperial control over them.
Fourth, nowhere in Phoenician epigraphic evidence, which frequently
details changes introduced to various temples, is there an indication of the
presence or activity of Persian imperial officials.
This is not to say that Persian imperial impact was absent in Phoenicia.
On the contrary- we actually argue for Persian influences in Achaemenid
Phoenicia but emphasize that there is no evidence that the empire was
involved in any direct and sustained manner in Phoenician affairs. The
same cosmopolitanism that led to the adoption of foreign pottery styles in
Phoenicia was responsible for the presence of Persian architectural elements
there as well. If Persian representatives were residing in Phoenician city-
states (the evidence for which is largely absent outside of classical sources),
their outposts served primarily as symbols of Persian power rather than as
controlling offices. There was no pressing need for the empire to control
Phoenicia intensely. Rather, the population of Phoenician city-states, under
the benevolent protection of the Persians, was engaged in lively economic
and trade activity (from which Persia benefited immensely), exchanging
goods in the Mediterranean, providing shipping services, and managing
the Persian fleet that was most likely docked on the Phoenician coast.
The evidence for this model of managed autonomy, which presupposes
reciprocity on the parts of both the empire and Phoenician city-states, is
paralleled in other parts of the Persian empire. For example, the numismatic
evidence from many polities in the eastern Mediterranean preserves
numerous examples of the Persian imperial iconography, including images
of the Heroic Encounter and the chariot. On the other hand, the presence
of these images does not necessitate tight control of territories and resources
by the Persian empire. A relevant example is Achaemenid Sardis, where
the Persian imperial influence on social life is quite evident through the
material culture objects. Dusinberre (2003: 198) writes:
The creation of a new administrative structure at Sardis is attested in ancient
literary sources and left profound marks on the material record of
Achaemenid-period Sardis, as we have seen. The new ideology of the
Achaemenid Empire was signified in artistic objects, particularly those intended
for public display such as appliques on clothes and sealstones. Further
manifestations of Achaemenid ideas and culture systems included the
introduction of funerary couches and the probable association of eternal
banqueting with mortuary ritual, and the use of the Achaemenid bowl for
drinking by people of many different social ranks.
A Summary and a Proposal
In spite of this adoption of imperial iconography and style, as Dusinberre
demonstrated on the basis of iconographic evidence, the imperial impact
was not all-encompassing, as it left room for expressions of resistance to
imperial ideology.
Similarly, the presence of Persian imperial iconography
in Phoenicia did not necessarily entail extensive imperial control of its
territory. A pertinent example is the Sidon ian rebellion of the mid-fourth
century BCE which was limited in scope and barely spread to the other
Phoenician city-states. In no way can this revolt be explained by the
pervasive and oppressive control of Sidon by the Persians. Instead, it was
an attempt by a single local king to disassociate himself and his city-state
from the formal suzerainty of the Great King, perhaps under the influence
of similar rebellions in Egypt and increasingly closer ties with Athens.
Contribution to Achaemenid Studies
Several conclusions proposed in this research can potentially contribute to
the field of Achaemenid studies. Contrary to those who sec the Persian
empire as a bureaucratic polity that had an extensive hands-on presence in
the Levant through a system of foreign emissaries (e.g., Eisenstadt and his
followers), we have proposed a picture of the Phoenician city-states as a
subject territory which was nevertheless generally left to its own devices
and was formally led by the city-state of Sidon. Phoenician city-states were,
in this sense, autonomous, since they were able to maintain unhindered
their own economic and political affairs with each other and throughout
the eastern Mediterranean region. Only when their affiliation with Athens
and the eventual rebellion of Sidon became a legitimate threat to Persi3n
interests in the area, did the Great King launch an attack against the city of
Sidon in the middle of the fourth century BCE. This laissez-faire model of
governance of a subject territory that we see in the example of Phoenician
city-states, although possibly location-specific, can be at least informative
when taken into consideration in the analysis of other Persian subject
Contribution to Hellenistic Studies
As we have established, material culture from Phoenician city-states
indicates that their populations easily adopted foreign cultural influences,
including those emanating from the Aegean. This cultural penetration
carried with it Hellenistic ideas, practices, customs, and social institutions,
which, ultimately, facilitated the spread of Hellenism after the invasion of
Phoenician city-states by Alexander the Great. The incorporation of the
population of Phoenician city-states into the new Hellenistic world was
172 The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
most certainly accelerated by their proclivity toward cosmopolitanism,
economic acumen, and fluency in the Greek language. On the other hand,
this integration also created social tensions. When the population of
Phoenician city-states realized that their prosperity had ended and their
former Persian overlords who were largely benevolent to them had been
driven out by the encroaching armies of Alexander, their cultural autonomy
was lost as they were more often than not lumped together into an
amorphous identity referred to in the Hellenistic period as Phoenicia.
Contribution to Biblical and Ancient jewish Studies
In this study we have established that, when interpreted against the
historical situation in the Levant of the first millennium BCE, ancient Jewish
texts frequently either reflect the historical situation of the time in which
they were written or project their current situations on the long-gone past.
Based on this assumption, we have proposed that ancient Jewish materials
speak of the city-states of Tyre and Sidon in three divergent ways that
reflect three distinct socio-historical situations. The first grouping,
represented primarily by the books of Amos and Ezekiel, reflects the pre-
Persian or early Persian historical situation. These books speak ofTyre as
the dominant economic polity in the Levant, whereas an economically
weaker Sidon receives little coverage, if any. This coverage corresponds
well with the historical picture of the dominant Tyre throughout the greater
part of the first half of the first millennium BCE. The siege of Tyre by
Nebuchadnezzar with the subsequent deportation of its elite significantly
weakened Tyre, laying the foundations for the rise of Sidon in the
Achaemenid Levant. We also proposed that she second large grouping,
represented primarily by the DtrH, addresses the Persian-period historical
situation. Tyre is a close ally of Jerusalem, whether real or imaginary, in
these materials, whereas Sidon is portrayed as the more economically
powerful polity of the two. Contrary to traditional scholarship, which often
sees the DtrH as reflecting the Phoenician history of the tenth century BCE,
we attribute to the DtrH materials the Persian-period compositional date
since they echo well the historical situation of the mid-sixth-fourth
centuries BCE. The third category of ancient Jewish texts that we identified
(e.g., Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Joel, Zechariah, Isaiah 23, Jeremiah, etc.)
does not differentiate between the cities ofTyre and Sidon. Reflecting the
post-Achaemenid period, when the city-states ofTyre and Sidon were no
longer able to maintain their independent economic and political positions,
these texts refer to Tyre and Sidon as the collective "Tyrians and Sidonians:'
A Summary and a Proposal 173
Our conclusions challenge some recent proposals regarding the dating
of ancient Jewish texts. For example, Schniedewind (2004) proposes that
the Hebrew Bible emerged during the transition from an oral tradition to
textuality and literacy at the end of Israel's monarchy in the seventh and
sixth centuries BCE. He places the beginning of the process during the
reign ofHezekiah in the eighth century BCE, when the king ordered ancient
oral traditions to be fixed in written form. Schniedewind suggests that as
ancient Israelite society developed, writing and literacy also spread,
eventually leading to the textualization of oral religious traditions. Deriving
his main support from archaeological data, Schniedewind asserts that
neither the Persian nor the Hellenistic periods witnessed the writing of
the Hebrew Bible. He maintains that the former is too archaeologically
unknown to allow conclusions regarding the emergence of national
literature of the scope of the Hebrew Bible, while the latter is too late and is
the time when the canon had already been largely formed. The main valid
criticism levied against his work is Schniedewind's exaggerated emphasis
on the shift from the oral to the written in the eighth and seventh centuries
One point of criticism of his work that we can add based on this
research is that Schniedewind's proposals do not sufficiently account for
the diachronic change in attitudes and ideological overtones towards other
polities in the Levant, primarily Tyre and Sidon, in ancient Jewish materials.
Our proposals are closer to the positions of Bolin (1996) and Carr (2004-b),
who have advanced strong arguments for the Hellenistic period as a
formative time-period for biblical tradition. Sharing the criticism of older
historical models of Noth and von Rad by Thompson, Lemchc, Davies,
and others, Bolin suggests that even in the second half of the fourth century
BCE, the Hebrew Bible was still in a nascent form. Although he situates the
collection of traditions in the Achaemenid period, he asserts that it was
the Hellenistic period that saw the final editing and writing of the Hebrew
Bible. Similarly, based on the analysis of educational curricula of several
Near Eastern and Hellenistic cultures and by stressing memorization as
one of the primary modes of transmission of cultural information, Carr
proposes that the textualization of the Hebrew Bible was the product of
the Hellenistic period and Hellenistic Judaism. Although he does not deny
the early character of some of the writings from the Hebrew Bible, including
some portions of the DtrH, Carr sees the overall construction of the Hebrew
Bible as a product of the Jewish educational system, aided by the anti-
Hellenistic agenda and centered on the Temple and priestly personnel.
By advancing an interpretation of the DtrH and other ancient Jewish
materials against the historical situation of the latter half of the first
174 The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
millennium BCE, we have accentuated issues of ideology that are evident in
ancient Jewish sources. The Achaemenid period with its specific economic
and political circumstances allows for a better understanding of the
ideological overtones and diachronic changes evident in the ancient Jewish
treatment ofTyre and Sidon.
Perspectives for Further Research
In no way this study aims at providing the final word on Achaemenid
Phoenicia. Many questions still remain, unanswered either by the paucity
of archaeological data or by the mental framework that still dominates the
field of Phoenician studies. This study is an attempt at synthesis of the
available information and an experiment at approaching some of the
previously-proposed conclusions from a different historical and ideological
angle. As such, it potentially poses some new avenues of research.
First, new socio-historical chronologies for Phoenician history need to
be drawn. As we have demonstrated, the traditional bibliocentric
chronological model accounts poorly for the socio-political processes under
way throughout the first half of the first millennium BCE. Studies done in
the future must take into consideration independent developments in the
Phoenician city-states ofTyre and Sidon, which constitute primary players
in the Levan tine politics of the Iron Age. Second, the exact administrative
setup of the Levant in the Achaemenid period needs to be further defined,
since the constitution of some of the Achaemenid administrative divisions,
such as provinces, districts, and satrapies, is unclear. Third, the nature of
Yehud's relationship with the Phoenician city-states of Sidon and Tyre
needs to be reevaluated in light of our findings. More precisely, our
conclusions regarding the amicable affiliation of Tyre and Jerusalem
throughout most of the first millennium BCE should be developed in further
Fourth, there is the task of identifying and differentiating among
Tyrian, Sidonian, and other Phoenician impact in the coastal areas of the
southern Levant, in the hinterland, and at north Syrian sites. This research
task is extremely difficult, as focused studies on cultural differences between
various Phoenician polities are practically absent, due, in fact, to the
traditional Greek-inspired cognitive model of treating the Phoenician city-
states as one geopolitical unit.
Although new excavations and finds in Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and
Syria can help clarify these issues, the evaluation of older finds with new
emphases and foci will potentially be of as much value. Hopefully, some of
the methodologies and proposals of this research would provide a helpful
matrix for further research.
Figure A.l. Coinage from the cities of the Phoenician coast and Cyprus. From Krings
(1995: Pis. 9-12). Reproduced with permission of E.). Brill.
9 10
Arados, BABELON 1910, n" 814, pl. CXV!, 10.
Arados, HILL 1910, p. 3, n" 8, pl. I, 6.
Arados, HILL 1910, p. 4, n" 17, pl. I, 11.
Arados, BABELON 1910, n" 836, pl. CXVI, 24.
Arados, HILL 1910, p. 10, n" 60, pl. II, 13.
Arados, BABELON 1910, no 852, pl. CXVII, 6.
Arados, HILL 1910, p. 12, n" 84, pl. II. 30.
Byblos, KRAAY 1976, p. 288, pl. 61, n" 1051.
Byblos, I<RAAY 1976, p. 289, pl. 61, no 1052.
Byblos, HILL 1910, p. 95, n" 5, pl. XI, 13.
Sidon, HILL 1910, p. xc lb, pl. XLII, 12.
Sidon, BABELON 1910, n" 884, pl. CXV!Il, 1.
Sidon, HILL 1910, p. 140, no 4, pl. XVIII, 1.
Sidon, HILL 1910, p. 145, ll
29, pl. XIX, 5: roi Abdashtart !'''.
176 The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
16 17
10/15. Sidon, BABELON 1910, n" 944, pl. CXX, 14: satrape Mazday.
10/16. Sidon, HILL 1910, p. 147, n" 45, pl. XIX, 14.
10/17. Sidon, HILL 1910, p. 148, n" 48, pl. XIX, 15.
10/18. Sidon, BABELON 1910, n" 926, pl. CXX, 3.
10/19. Sidon(?), HILL 1910, p. cxliv, 1, pl. XLV, 2.
10/20. Tripolis, NASTER 1959, n" 293, pl. CXVII, n" 1759.
10/21. Tyr, KRAAY & MooREY 1968, p. 191, n" 88, pl. XXI, n" 88.
10/22. Tyr, BABELON 1910, n" 980, p. 288, pl. CXXII, 1.
10/23. Tyr, HILL 1910, p. 229, n" 13, pl. XXVII, 17.
10/24. Tyr, BABELON 1910, n" 1009, pl. CXXII, 19.
10/25. Tyr, BABELON 1910, n" 1016, pl. CXXII, 22.
10/26. Sidon, PRICE 1991, p. 439, n" 3467, pl. XCIX, 1.
10/27. Tyr, SvoRoNos 1904-1908, II, n" 658, pl. XIX, n" 25: Ptohmee II, annee 30 = 256
av. ).-C.
10/28. Tyr, NEWEL! & M0RKHOLM 1977, p. 206, n" 1268, pl. XLVI, n" 4: Antiochos III,
197-187 av. J.-C.
Appendix A
Arados, HILL 1910, p. 19, n" 143, pl. Ill, 17.
Byblos, HILL 1910, p. 98, n" 16, pl. XII, 8.
Beyrouth, RouviER 1900, p. 269, n" 457, pl. IB, 9.
Marathos, HILL 1910, p. 119, n" 1, pl. XV, l.
Ptolemis-Akko, HILL 1910, p. 128, n" 7, pl. XV!, 4.
Sidon, RouviER 1902, n" 121, n" 1206, pl. VII, 4: Antiochos IV.
Tyr, HILL 1910, p. 254, n" 24-8, pl. XXXI, 4.
Byblos, SNG Cop, Phoenicia, n" 139: Commodus (176-192 ap. ).-C.).
Tyr, SNG Cop, Phoenicia, n" 379: Valerianus (251 -253 ap. ).-C.).
Kition, BABELON 1910, n" 1196, pl. CXXX, 4.
Kition, BABELON 1910, n" 1204, pl. CXXX, 20.
Kition, BABELON 1910, n" 1207, pl. CXXX, 25.
Kition, BABELON 1910, n" 1218, pl. CXXXI, 10.
Kition, BABELON 1910, n" 1225, pl. CXXXI, 16.
The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
43 44
Kition, HILL 1904, p. 22, no 79, pl. IV, 21.
Kition, BABELON 1910, no 1230, pl. CXXXI, 22.
Kition, BABELON 1910, no 1180bis, pl. CXXVIII, 18.
Kition ('?),PRICE & WAGGOONER 1975, p. 126 D.
Lapethos ("?), DIKAIOS 1935, p. 174, !1 530, pl. XV, 8.
Lapethos, DIKAIOS 1935, p. 174, no 526, pl. XV, 5.
Lapethos, SNG Delepierre, no 2900.
Lapethos, KRAAy 1976, p. 303, pl. 63, no 1091.
Lapethos, SNG Delepierre, no 2908.
Lapethos, BABELON 1910, no 1361, pl. CXXXVI, 12.
Lapethos, ROBINSON 1948a, p. 45, no 2, pl. V, 2.
Lapcthos, HILL 1904, p. xxxix, f, pl. XIX, 13.
Marion, HILL 1910, p. 71, no 2, pl. XIII, 12.
Palestine, HILL 1914, p. 179, no 21, pl. XIX, 21.
Material Culture Remains of the Iron Age 11 and Persian-Period
Phoenician City-States
What follows is a narrative description of material culture remains of the
Iron Age II and Persian-period Phoenician city-states. The appendix follmvs
sites that evince various degrees of connection with Phoenician material
culture from north to south, from AI Mina in northern Syria to the sites in
Philistia. In order to address the issue of economic and cultural affinity of
Phoenicia with Cyprus, a short description of Phoenician material culture
remains in Cyprus dated to the Achaemenid period will be provided as well.
I. North Syrian Coastal Cities
1. Throughout the first millennium, the north Syrian sites were
connected by an intricate network of roads, most of which are assumed to
have continued in use as late as the Roman period, and were probably
controlled by the larger sites of Tell Daruk, Tell Suqas, and Gabla.
ofthis close association between the north Syrian sites and their material
culture remains variably characterized as Phoenician, Greek, or Syrian,
scholars find it difficult to attribute a distinct cultural alignment to these
sites. However, what scholars have established with a considerable degree
of certainty is that in the Persian period, the region underwent a peaceful
transition from the Iron Age II period, that it saw economic expansion,
especially in the area of AI Mina, propelled most likely by sea trade on a
large scale.
On the basis of the fact that several sites in the region saw an
influx of such Phoenician artifacts as coinage, we may add that the area had
either presence of traders from Phoenician city-states or had lively economic
exchange with them.
2. Al Mina, a port on the Orontes River, is another example of a north
Syrian site where traditionally labeled Phoenician artifacts have been found.:
180 The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
Indeed, Al Mina's repertoire of pottery from Level VIII (ninth to eighth
centuries BCE) closely resembles the material found in south Lebanese
cemeteries and described by Chapman (1972: 172-73): the storage jars, the
bichrome burnished and neck decorated ware, the red slip strainer spouted
jug, the BoR juglets, and the deep bowls. Additionally, Chapman notes
that several red slip dishes from Qraye (a site outside of Sidon) are similar
to the materials from AI Mina's Levels VII-VI (eighth to seventh centuries
BCE). The site is abundant in artifacts from other cultures as well, especially
Greek pottery, spanning almost the entire first millennium BCE. The
architecture of Iron Age AI Mina, however, is closest to the architecture of
other north Syrian sites, both in the layout of houses in the city and in their
To account for this mixture of ceramic and architectural styles, scholars
have variously identified AI Mina as a Greek colony (apoikia), as a small
Greek colony (enoikismos) within a Levantine town, or as a Greek trading
post (emporion).
The second identification is the most convincing one
given the character of finds in Al Mina, which demonstrate a mixture of
Phoenician, Greek, and Syrian artifacts. A traditional Levantine polity, Al
Mina most probably housed some Greeks who were responsible for the
production of Greek-style ceramics.
Several characteristics of the Achaemenid period should be noted in
connection with AI Mina. First, archaeological evidence, especially large
amounts of imports dated to the first quarter of the fifth century BCE and
its excavated part (ca. 0.7 ha/1.7 ac),
indicates that AI Mina grew to become
an important trade center in north Syria in the Persian period. Second, the
three excavated levels in the occupation of the site, IV (ca. 520 to 430 BCE),
Ill (ca. 430 to 375 BCE), and II (ca. 375 to the end of the fourth century BCE)
are all characterized by a considerable continuity of settlement. Third,
Phoenician artifacts appear with more frequency in the Persian-period
layers at AI Mina. Indicative of this process is the high percentage of
Arwadian coinage found in Level Ill at AI Mina.
Additionally, scholars
have noted the similarity between the material culture remains of Arwad
and Al Mina, manifested in the presence of Phoenician ceramic artifacts.
Taken together, all these factors indicate either lively trade with Phoenician
cities or, as Elayi (1987a) has suggested, some sort of political influence of
Arwacl over AI Mina. At this point, not enough evidence exists to support
fully the latter suggestion.
3. Archaeological remains from a group of Syrian sites to the south of AI
Mina (see Figure B.1) suggest that the Persian period was a time of economic
and social change there.
Appendix B
T. Ghamqc
Tabbet al-Hammam

Figure B.l. The Phoenician sites in Syria of the Persian Period. From Elayi ::md Sa pin
(2000: 329).
Its beginning was marked by prosperity for most of the sites, the majority
of which were heavily invested in sea trade owing to their coastal location.
Imports of pottery grew steadily in the last third of the sixth century ilCE,
especially at Ras al- reaching their peak around the first quarter of the
fifth century BCE. However, around the turn of the fifth century, the
settlements of Tell Suqas and 'Arab el-Mulk underwent destruction, one of
the causes of which might be a dramatic event such as the Greek defeat by
Persia at Salamis in Cyprus in 498 BCE, as Riis (1970) suggested, since the
decline affected the entire north Syrian region. However, from the last
third of the fifth century BCE until the end of the Achaemenid period and
even after the conquest of Persia by Alexander, the region enjoyed another
wave of economic renewal, one example of which is the resettlement of
Tell Suqas ca. 380 BCE. Scholars suggest that the economic revival of the
area was a result of the initiative of the city of Arwad as indicated by the
considerable number of Arwadian coins found in the region.
4. The site of Tell Suqas best demonstrates the complicated nature of
identifying cultural domain of north Syrian sites, since throughout its
182 The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
history Tell Suqas exhibited elements of cultural and religious syncretism.
For the period H
(850-675 BCE), Tell Suqas evinces the simultaneous
presence of Phoenician and Greek artifacts. Noting the wider distribution
of Phoenician artifacts, Riis notes that the Phoenicians comprised the largest
segment of the population while the Greek elements, oscillating in strength,
peacefully made inroads among the Phoenicians.
The syncretism of Tell
Suqas is best illustrated by the temple discovered there. Originally founded
as a Greek temple in the eighth century BCE, it preserved strongly
pronounced Greek features such as a tiled roof. After a period of
abandonment in the fifth century BCE, the site of Tell Suqas was resettled in
the first quarter of the fourth century BCE, and the temple, which survived,
emerged as a Phoenician religious site dedicated to the worship of Astarte,
the city-goddess of Sidon, and Melqart, the god of the Tyrians, and served
in this capacity until the second century BCE. The syncretistic worship of
Astarte and Melqart, as well as the presence of Arwadian coins and the
geographic proximity of Tell Suqas to Arwad strongly suggest that the site
belonged to the Phoenician, possibly Arwadian, cultural milieu in the
Persian period. Additionally, the resettlement of Tell Suqas in the first
quarter of the fourth century BCE also corresponds well to the general
atmosphere among other Phoenician city-states, all of which not only
experienced economic expansion but also the escalating influence and
competition of the cities of Tyre and Sidon.
Phoenician identification and affiliation, however, is decidedly less clear
for the rest of the sites in northern Syria. There are occasional "Cypro-
Phoenician" pottery finds dated for the most part to the Iron Age that are
similar to the finds from southern Lebanon cemeteries.
At the same time,
the mere presence of Cypro- Phoenician pottery at these sites does not
indicate Phoenician settlement. It is best, therefore, to speak of the
coexistence of different cultures and ethnicities in Persian-period north
Syria. Lund's (1990) observation seems very plausible when he noted that
the four most pronounced ethnic and cultural groups occupying north
Syrian coastal sites in the Persian period were: (1) descendants of the
indigenous Late Bronze Age and Iron Age populations (possibly "Syrians"
or "Canaanites") as indicated by architectural traits found elsewhere in
Syria; (2) settlers from Phoenician city-states, most probably from Arwad
as indicated by a considerable amount of Arwadian coins found there;
(3) some Aramaic-speaking peoples, as indicated by several inscriptions;
and (4) Greeks. At the current state of research, apart from the observation
regarding the multiculturalism of the north Syrian sites, we cannot identify
with any degree of certainty their dominant cultural affiliation in the Persian
AppendixB 183
period. Some limited Phoenician cultural penetration, however, is an
important conclusion that enhances our understanding of socio-political
processes that transpired in Persian-period Phoenician city-states and the
larger Levant.
II. Arwad and Amrit
1. The sites of Arwad and Amrit usually receive combined coverage in
scholarly literature because very little is known about either of them. It is
not surprising since most of their territory is under modern occupation
and has been excavated in a very limited fashion and they are in proximity
to each other. The material culture remains from the area of Arwad Jnd
Amrit that are known demonstrate the continuous diversity of cultural
artifacts throughout the eighth-first centuries HCE, with stylistic elements
from Sidon seemingly gaining in popularity by the fourth century BU'., not
only in products consumed by the elite but also by the general population. u
Material culture remains also suggest that this process of adaptation of
Sidonian styles in Arwad and Amrit was under way alongside the continued
presence of Cypriot, Greek, Egyptian, and, later, Persian cultural elements
throughout the first millennium BCE.
2. The site of Arwad, located 2.5 km/1.5 mi off the Syrian coast opposite
mainland Antaradus (modern Tartus), has been occupied continuously
from the third millennium BCE until now, but the earliest surviving
architectural remains (monumental city ramparts) date only to the Roman
However, even the poorly preserved features of the material culture
of Arwad indicate its close alignment with the north Syrian cultural milieu
and ties with Greece, Cyprus, and Egypt throughout most of the first
millennium BCE.
Elayi has also noted that Arwadian coins and such
prestige items as funerary sculpture and anthropoid sarcophagi in stone
bear close connections with Greek, Cypriot, and Egyptian art, whereas less
expensive items are mostly of the type common in southern Phoenician
The presence of many anthropoid sarcophagi in Arwad poses a problem
of identification regarding whether they were produced there or were
imported from Sidon, a well-documented center of sarcophagi production
with about 50 specimens available.
r, As scholars note, just as with Sidon ian
specimens, anthropoid sarcophagi found around Arwad are fashioned in
the much-valued Egyptian style, probably in order to appease the eclectic
tastes of the elite class who, unlike the commoners, were the only ones able
to purchase these expensive burial accessories. The same stratification of
184 The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
tastes of the elites and commoners in Arwad is traceable through typologies
of terracotta and monumental funerary sculptures.
Larger, more expensive
sculptures most often include motifs that are Cypriot, Persian, and Greek,
whereas smaller terracotta products from the area of Arwad exhibit
primarily Phoenician-type features. Similarly, monumental funerary
structures exhibit strong Egyptian traits, whereas burials of the lower class
are almost always performed in the style common among other Phoenician
and Punic sites.
It appears that for the elite of Arwad, products coming
from mainland Phoenicia were regarded as mass-produced, less prestigious
3. In the area of Amrit, the most important find is the temple complex
of Ma'abed dedicated to the god Melqart-Heracles, a deity with the
characteristics of a healing god, similar to Eshmun of Sidon.
Scholars are
often at a loss to identify the cultural milieu of the temple.
connections are very likely, as crenellated architectural embellishments
indicate. Anderson (2002) has noted the same kind of crenellated
embellishments on Nabatean tombs of Petra (southern Jordan) and Hegra
(northwestern Saudi Arabia), which he regards as manifestations of the
offlcial Achaemenid program of imperial architecture carried out in the
provinces as well as in Persepolis.
The temple stayed in operation throughout the Achaemenid period
until the fourth century BCE, with the faithful frequenting it as late as the
Hellenistic period, as indicated by the ceramics found at the site. The
presence of elements attributed to various cultural and artistic traditions
at the temple should be regarded, in our view, as an example of eclecticism
in the architectural tastes of the population of Amrit and an extension of
the general atmosphere of cosmopolitanism permeating the societies of
Achaemenid Phoenicia.
Ill. Sites in the Akkar Plain
1. Material culture of the Persian-period sites located in the Akkar Plain
(Tell Kazel, Sheikh Zen ad, and Tell Arqa) is similar to the sites in northern
Syria in that it evinces strong agricultural emphasis. Although they were
probably more closely aligned with north Syrian or inland culture, they
maintained active economic ties with mainland Phoenician sites by
importing and using Phoenician mass-produced products.
2. Tell Kazellocated on the right bank of the Nahr el-Abrash 3.5 km/2.1
mi from the Syrian coast is one of the more significant sites in the northern
Akkar plain.
Markoe notes that the site has a long history, as it is identified
AppendixB 185
with ancient Simyra, the LBA capital of Amurru, which is mentioned in
the Amarna correspondence and later Assyrian texts. The Persian period
layers are represented at Tell Kazel by agricultural structures of the beehive
type, found in other areas of the Levant,
and silos, which \-vere apparently
meant to store agricultural products before being exported out of the area.
These two features point to the familial organization of agricultural
production in Tell Kazel for the purpose of exporting agricultural produce.:c
The cultural affinity of Tell Kazel is difficult to establish, although the
amphorae discovered at the site are close typologically to the finds from AI
Mina and Tell Suqas. Additionally, the typology of torpedo jars, ladles,
pots, and mortars has allowed scholars to make strong connections with
the general Syrian ceramic repertoire.
However, other examples
demonstrate ceramic affinities with samples from Tyre and Kition on
Cyprus, as is the case with cosmetic oil bottles, lamps, and other ceramics.
Another Phoenician connection at Tell Kazel is the presence of artifacts
that point to veneration of the traditional Sidonian healing deities Shadrafa
and Eshmun, as indicated by a stele and a stamp bearing their names?'
Overall, pottery assemblages from Tell Kazel indicate that the site aligned
its economic activity toward the coast in order to maintain uninterrupted
ties with Phoenician city-states, as many everyday products were imported
into Tell Kazel from there. In exchange, Tell Kazel probably exported
agricultural products such as oil, grains, honey, and wine, as indicated by
the pottery types associated with storing and transporting these products.
The site did not undergo any drastic changes either in the transition to the
Achaemenid period or with the arrival of the Hellenistic Age, as Gubcl
(1990b: 46) has noted, possibly indicating that it was largely uninvolved in
Phoenician politics of the Achaemenid period.
3. Among other sites in the Akkar plain are Sheikh Zenad, an
unexcavated but surveyed site with traces of Iron Age settlement, and Tell
Arqa at the mouth of the Akkar plain to the south of the Nahr el-Kebir,
occupied intensively in the Iron II period (late ninth-early seventh
centuries BCE).
Markoe has noted that in the ninth-seventh centuries
BCE, the periphery of Tell Arqa was occupied by a necropolis containing
incineration burials.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to make any cultural
affinity conclusions based solely on these material culture remains.
IV. Tripolis
The site located 97 km/60.3 mi north of Beirut at the western extremity of
a peninsula enclosed by the Abu 'Ali and the rivers is identified
186 The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
with the harbor town of modern Al-Mina, which is not to be confused
with ancient Al Mina.
Because the site lies beneath the modern town,
excavations have been limited. The uncovered occupation layers from the
Late Bronze Age to the Persian period provide little conclusive evidence
that would allow us to speak either of the social history or of the cultural
affiliation of the site during the first millennium BCE. Fortunately, we have
a clue that may be hidden in the historical name of the city. The classical
understanding of Tripolis as a conglomerate of three cities
may indicate
that the three components of Tripolis were the quarters of settlers from
Arwad, Tyre, and Sidon, three enclaves that did not easily mix with each
other as they were separated by walls.
If this was the case, this separation
further lends credence to the idea of the economic and, perhaps, political
competition among various Phoenician city-states in the Achaemenid
V. Byblos
Although the city of Byblos is prominently represented in the Near Eastern
epigraphic evidence, ancient Jewish texts, and numismatic finds, its
archaeological record, especially for the Iron Age and the Persian period, is
largely lacking, hidden beneath the modern town.
Some material culture
remains from Byblos, however, allow us to speak of its social history during
the Achaemenid period.
From as early as the Early Bronze Age, Byblos was an important coastal
polity. One of the hallmarks of the Iron Age in Byblos was urban
development that culminated with the building of the city's eastern
defensive fortifications in the beginning of the ninth century BCE. Near a
city gate in the eastern section of Byblos was constructed a well-built wall
with a glacis, which saw the addition of a watchtower in the seventh
century BCE.
The remains dated to the Persian period are very scarce. One of the few
finds is a large rectangular platform (or terrace) built in the northeast
sector of the city walls, with towers at each corner, dated to the end of the
sixth century BCE.
The structure is of special interest, as it invokes several
parallels with Syrian and Persian architectural styles. For example, an
isolated decorative feature of the structure, a lionprotome, is in the Syrian
style. On the other hand, a rectangular building on top of the terrace with
a double row of pillars has been identified by Ciasca as of the Apadana type
common in Iranian imperial architecture.
Presence of the Iranian
decorative features has prompted scholars to suggest that Byblos served as
Appendi.xB 187
a regional administrative and defensive center in the Achaemenid period.
Although it is possible that a Persian representative had a seat in Byblos, as
Dandamaev (1995, 2006), followed by Fried (2003a), has suggested on the
basis of the text CT 55, No. 435, more likely what we have at Byblos is yet
another example of the syncretism, borrowing, and imitation commonly
present at other Phoenician sites. The mere presence oflranian architectural
elements is insufficient for making conclusions regarding either Persian
domination of the area of Byblos in the Achaemenid period or the stationing
of a Persian official there. The fact that a structure dated to the sixth century
BCE carries Persian decorative elements does not indicate that direct Persian
control, even if we allO\V its presence, persisted in Byblos throughout the
Achaemenid period. The elite of Byblos were in tune with artistic and
cultural trends of their time, which included imitation and proliferation
of various foreign artistic elements. Unfortunately, at this stage of research,
it is impossible to determine whether artifacts and structures exhibiting
Iranian elements were produced by Phoenicians or Persians, or were
imported from Persia.
VI. Beirut and its Environs
The excavations in Beirut, which started on an organized basis only in the
early 1990s, indicate continuous occupation of the site since the Middle
Bronze Age.
Additionally, archaeologists have been able to establish the
presence of the traditionally defined Phoenician cultural markers at Beirut,
such as murex shells, as well as the economic importance of the site in the
Persian period.
Material culture remains indicate that throughout its history Beirut
was extensively fortified, by a pilaster wall in the Late Bronze Age and by a
large new stone fortification wall with a large glacis at a steeper angle,
contoured to the curved perimeter of the settlement mound, in the Early
Iron Age. This rampart was succeeded by a casemate wall of limestone
blocks in the seventh-sixth centuries BCE and by a sizable circuit wall faced
with rubble stones in the Persian period.
During the Persian period, the
site grew exponentially beyond the confines of the original tell, possibly
owing to its lively engagement in purple-dye production, as indicated by
large deposits of murex shells around the site. The archaeological picture
indicates that the city experienced urban renewal under the Seleucids in
the third century BCE.
The site of Beirut manifests patterns of continuous exchange with the
wider Mediterranean and its proximity to the material culture traditionally
188 The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
defined as Phoenician. In addition to the murex shell industry, among
Phoenician material culture remains are Red Slip ware vessels, which are
first attested in Beirut in the stratum dating to the eighth and seventh
centuries BCE, and Phoenician storage jars dated to the seventh century
BCE. Such indicators are especially striking at Khalde, a site situated just
south of Beirut alongside the airport, which yielded a large Iron Age
necropolis three quarters of whose materials are comparable with finds
from the southern Lebanese cemeteries.
Vll. Sidon
Material culture remains from Sidon dated to the Iron Age and Persian
periods are scarce, as ancient and modern developments, as well as natural
movements of the land and the sea have made several important areas
For example, the ancient harbor north of the city and the
tombs in the cemeteries of Mugharat Ablun, Ain al-Helwe, and Ayya'a,
which in the past provided archaeologists with valuable information, are
no longer in existence.
This scarcity, however, should not preclude us
from analyzing the complexity of material culture artifacts in Sidon dated
to the Achaemenid period. As a conglomerate of Achaemenid, Ionic, and
"Graeco-lranian" styles, they testify both to Sidon's wide range of cultural
and trade exchange with the outside world and to the importance of the
city to successive imperial powers in the region.
If one attempts to trace the continuity of Sidonian material culture
from the Iron Age to the Persian period, the task is daunting, as Iron Age
pottery remains from Sidon are very limited in scope.
However, as
Chapman has noted, even in their paucity, the Sidonian pottery fragments
indicate their affinity with samples recovered from the south Lebanese
cemeteries. Among other material cultural artifacts that unmistakably
testify to the Phoenician cultural heritage in Sidon is a 91 m/300 ft long
mound of murex shells located south of Sidon along the shore of the bay,
the date of which is unknown.
Cultural syncretism, which we have noted in our overview of Sidonian
coinage, is also traceable in Sidon's material culture remains. Noteworthy
in this regard are Sidonian-made sarcophagi that are found dispersed widely
across the eastern Mediterranean basin, including at Kition.
In the pre-
Achaemenid period, the anthropoid sarcophagi produced in Sidon were
fashioned after Egyptian models.
However, in the Achaemenid period,
an indigenous Sidonian style emerged that was a syncretistic adaptation of
not only Egyptian stylistic traits but also of Greek ones, where the male
AppendixB 189
Figure B.2. A fragment from the "Sarcophagus of the Satrap." From Briant, (2002:
606). Reproduced with permission of Eiscnbrauns.
heads of sarcophagi are stylized in a Greek n1anner with thick hair and
curly beardsY
The same syncretism can be traced through funerary architecture found
in Sidon, more specifically the so-called "Alexander Sarcophagus" from the
late fourth century BCE thought to be the tomb of Abdalonymus, king of
Sidon installed by Alexander the Great.'IR The tomb shaped as a palace is a
rich combination of Persian and Greek styles and genres of production.
The so-called "Sarcophagus of the Satrap; found at the royal necropolis of
Sidon (which yielded many other Sidonian treasures) and dated variably
to the last third of the fifth or the first third of the fourth centuries IKE, is
another example of Sidon appropriating foreign imagery (see Fig. 4.3).'
The seated figure on the sarcophagus has been variously identified as the
satrap (unknown), the Great King, or the king of Sidon.
The visual
representation of the figure's clothing, especially the headgear, and a symbol
of power (a hooded tunic and a staff) is, however, strikingly similar to the
image of the Sidonian king following the Great King in the chariot on
Sidonian coinage (see Chapter Three and Appendix A 14). If our
identification is correct, then it corroborates the argument we advanced in
our discussion of Sidonian numismatics, i.e., that Sidonian royalty
appropriated Persian imperial iconography in order to demonstrate
association with the powerful Great King and to establish the political
prowess and might of Sidon in the region.
190 The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
A combination of various styles, both borrowed and indigenous, is also
traceable in architecture around Sidon. In the vicinity of Sidon, in the
foothills ofBostan esh-Sheikh, there still stands the temple ofEshmun and
The temple, possibly constructed in the sixth century BCE,
underwent several additions and modifications to the original structure.
During the Babylonian domination, for example, such elements as a terrace
similar to Mesopotamian ziggurats, fragments of torus (convex) moldings
for column bases, faceted columns, and a chamber with sculpted bucrania
(decorative reliefs of the skulls or heads of oxen) dedicated to Hadad were
added to the templeY In the Achaemenid period, the temple grounds
underwent changes to bring it more in harmony with Iranian architectural
styles. One such addition was a massive podium (60 x 40 m/197 x 131ft)
on which a new marble temple stood, all traces of which have been lost.
Ciasca notes that the podium exhibits strong artistic connections with
Achaemenid religious architecture, although the construction itself was
probably completed by Ionian artisans in a style defined by Dunand as
"Graeco-Iranian:' These changes to the temple at Bostan esh-Sheikh indicate
the social atmosphere among the Sidonian elite, who were both open to
new configurations of styles and genres of production and embraced
syncretism as their cultural and political hallmark.
A Sidonian-Achaemenid connection is seemingly strengthened by a
proposal that Sidon, a powerful city in the Achaemenid period in its own
right, was a seat of a Persian official and was accompanied by a Persian
paradeisos. Indeed, Diodorus briefly mentions the paradeisos in Book
The material culture seems to support this notion as well -
palatial column fragments with a capital in Achaemenid style found in
Sidon hint that the building that featured them was of the PersianApadana
Unfortunately, it is next to impossible to establish this proposal
firmly as the building is currently under the castle of St Louis.
it is quite possible that Sidon was a regional administrative center, the
mere presence of Achaemenid architectural elements does not indicate
that the structure was a Persian residence or a paradeisos, just as such
Achaemenid elements as the bucrania at the temple ofEshmun at Bostan
Esh-Sheikh do not mean that the temple was Persian. Given the general
predisposition of the Sidonian elite toward artistic and cultural syncretism,
the structure underneath the castle might be a royal residence constructed
in Achaemenid style (emulation) or carrying Achaemenid elements
AppendixB 191
VIJJ. Sarepta
The ancient city of Sarepta, identified as a site on the coast near the modern
village of Sarafand about 16 km/10 mi from Sidon, has been spared by
modern urban development and has remained accessible for excavations
in its entirety.
The excavations at Sarepta revealed an uninterrupted
sequence of occupational phases from the latter part of the Middle Bronze
Age to the end of the Iron Age. The same uneventful character also marks
the transitions between the Iron Age, Neo-Babylonian, Persian and early
Hellenistic periods in SareptaY
Cultural continuity at the site is best illustrated by the temple of Tanit-
Astarte, which functioned uninterruptedly from the eighth through the
fourth centuries BCE (Figure B.3).
The layout of the building and the cult
installations are not much different from that of other temples in Palestine
and Cyprus. The veneration of Astarte, a traditional Sidonian deity, likely
indicates that, from a cultural point of view, the population of Sarepta
gravitated toward the neighboring city of Sidon.
One of the most striking features of Sarepta is its intense involvement
in trade with Cyprus and the Aegean. 5
The beginning of this trade occurred
in the Late Bronze Age, while it gradually diminished from the tenth to
the eighth century BCE.ln fact, Cyprus seems to have been Sarepta's prin1ary
contact with the outside world throughout most of the earlier I ron Age,
A D'J1. -' '

0 l 2M
Figure B.3. A reconstruction of the temple ofTanit-Astarte in Sarepta. From Pritchard
(1978: 132, Figure 125). Reproduced with permission of Princeton University Press.
192 The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
until the later seventh century. As Koehl noted, the late seventh-early
sixth centuries at Sarepta are characterized by the emergence of another
foreign element at Sarepta, i.e., Greek imports from the island of Rhodes.
These processes intensified during the Persian period, which at Sarepta
was a time of relative prosperity and intensified trade, as imports dated to
the sixth-fourth centuries BCE indicate.
Such active involvement of
Sarepta, presumably an active trading center, in traditional Phoenician
trade with the Mediterranean emphasizes the fact that it was securely
enmeshed in the economic life of Achaemenid Phoenicia.
IX. Tyre and its Environs
1. Soundings performed within the perimeter of the original island of
Tyre by Bikai have provided a well-stratified ceramic sequence that has
served to establish Iron Age pottery chronologies not only for Tyre, but also
for the rest of Phoenician sitesY Apart from scarce pottery finds, material
culture remains from Achaemenid Tyre are practically non-existent, as the
Roman occupation removed practically all preceding strata. Further
excavations might possibly provide information regarding the Persian
period at the site,
but at this stage of research any conclusions regarding
the material culture of Achaemenid Tyre are inconclusive and at best can
be based on the continuity from the Iron Age. Bikai (1978a, 1978b) already
established continuity in occupation throughout the region from the
Bronze to the Early Iron Age, with the types of ceramics that had always
been associated with Phoenicia (mainly BoR) beginning to dominate in
the mid-eighth century J3CE (Stratum V).
2. More promising in archaeological matters is the site ofUmm el-Amed
("mother of the columns"), which has long been known for its ancient
The site, located about 20 km/12 mi from Tyre and designated by
Renan as a Tyrian territory,
was extensively excavated by Dunand in 1942-
45.65 At this impressive site, Dunand describes the remains of two
sanctuaries that date as far back as the Persian period. The excavations
around them yielded several minor inscriptions, steles, statues, and
Hellenistic architectural elements. Of interest is the temple of"Milkashtart:'
with an almost square hypostyle room (19.6 x 18.8 m/64.3 x 61.7 ft) with
four colonnades; these elements have frequently been identified with the
PersianApadana style (see Fig. B.4).
If this identification is correct, then what we have in the vicinity of Tyre
is a sacred building in the emulated Persian style. Again, the presence of
such a building in Phoenicia does not mean Persian control of Tyre or
AppendixB 193
Figure B.4. A reconstruction of the East Temple at Umm cl-Amcd. From Dunand and
Duru (1962: Figure 14) ("Oumm el 'Amed: Line ville de l'epoque hellenisliquc aux
echelles de Tyr:'). Reproduced with permission of Editions A. Maisonneuve.
Phoenicia in general, just as the presence of Greek elements in the statuary
of the temple, noted by Dunand, does not indicate Greek presence and
control there. The temple simply indicates that the builders emulated
Persian architectural features.
X. Akko Coastal Plain and Western Galilee
1. Material culture remains from sites in the Akko coastal plain and
western Galilee dated to the Iron Age and the Persian period demonstrate
strong similarity to the remains found at traditional Phoenician sites.
On the basis of surveys, scholars have demonstrated that throughout the
Persian period settlements in this region increased, probably as a result of
Phoenician economic expansion.
Scholars have suggested that the Akko Plain of the Achaemenid period
witnessed the same trends in settlement processes that had begun in the
area already in I ron Age I and II. Most small villages moved into the hill
country, where they could produce wine and olive products for export in
larger quantities.
Additionally, as Lehmann suggests, the overall number
194 The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
of settlements and the area of occupation increased, with both the hill
country and the mountains being densely populated and Akko remaining
the only urban center in the region. Throughout the Achaemenid period,
the size of settlements was increasing, and the number of small villages of
1-2 ha/2.5-5 ac was growing at an accelerated pace.
It is unclear what peoples populated the region. On the basis of the
Onomasticon of Amenope, an encyclopedic list from the Twentieth Dynasty
of Egypt (ca. 1100 BCE), scholars have concluded that the region at the
beginning of the Iron Age was populated by the Sherdani, the Sikils, and
the Philistines.
Archaeologically, these three peoples are impossible to
distinguish, since the monochrome Sea People pottery, which has been
associated with the Sherdani, is also attributed to the Sikils, as Lehmann
(2001) has noted. Moreover, the Akko Plain experienced an influx of the
Canaanite/Phoenician peoples in the second half of the eleventh century
BCE, as Stern (1990, 1991) proposed on the basis of Phoenician bichrome
pottery found at Dor.7 In general, the complicated ethnic identification of
the inhabitants of western Galilee and the Akko Plain in Iron Age I is best
explained by a peaceful symbiosis of Canaanites, Sea Peoples, Israelites,
and Phoenicians as some scholars have already proposed.
Archaeological evidence for Iron Age II indicates that the region
experienced an influx of Assyrianizing pottery, a trend consistent with the
historical situation influenced by the expansion under Tiglath- Pileser Ill.
His administration established several provinces in Syria and Palestine,
one being the Assyrian province of Megiddo, which included the entirety
of northern Palestine and which survived throughout the Neo- Babylonian
period as well.
Functionally, the Akko Plain served as a strategic outpost
for Assyrian forces that prevented peripheral polities from forming alliances
with each other. The city of Akko itself was possibly the seat of an Assyrian
governor, as Na'aman (1994) has suggested.
As Assyrian and Babylonian political influence waned in the region,
new powers moved in to control it. Stern suggests that one such controlling
polity was the city of Tyre.7
The Tyrian domination of the region in the
Achaemenid period is also supported by the Periplus of Pseudo-Scylax,
which lists Achshaph, a city adjacent to Akko, as belonging to the Tyrians.
Additionally, the coin hoards from the area contain mostly Tyrian specimen,
as the Tell Abu Hawam hoard, of which all109 coins are Tyrian, suggest.
Finally, as Herbert and Berlin have proposed recently, the city ofTyre might
have been granted by the Achaemenids the Upper Galilee and the area east
ofTyre, continuing the tradition of"checking rather than augmenting the
power ofTyre;' which it had exerted over the region since Assyrian times.7
Appendix B 195
The bulk of the evidence, then, points to the fact that in the first half of the
first millennium the region of the Akko Plain and the western Galilee was
controlled by Tyre, and that by the Achaemenid period this influence had
been solidified.
2. Phoenician material culture is well represented in the region of Akhziv.
Among the Phoenician artifacts are baetyls (upright tomb stones)
appearing otherwise only in Punic North Africa, tomb stelae, tophets, ivory
products, and proto-BoR and BoR pottery.
The finds from Akhziv dated specifically to the Persian period arc
sporadic, providing little concrete information about the site. \Y/e can,
however, argue for the continuity of occupation in the Persian period, as
well as throughout most of the first millennium HCI:. For example, the two
cemeteries Ez-Zib and Er-Ras, excavated by Ben-Dor in the 1940s and only
recently described by Dayagi-Mendels, demonstrate continuity with the
previous period, as some of the tombs from the sixth-fifth centuries
remained in use or were reused during the Achaernenid period.
3. A characteristic feature of the site of Akko is a series of waves of
prosperity, the first of which took place in the ninth-eighth centuries HG:,
when the fortifications of the city were enhanced and many new residential
buildings appeared in the northern and eastern parts of the site. Another
wave of expansion and renewal impacted Akko in the Achaemenid period,
when the city prospered as an apparent administrative center of unclear
function, which is partially suggested by a number of well-built residential
and administrative (?) buildings. In addition to the testimony of the
Periplus of Pseudo-Scylax, the Phoenician identification of Akko, at least
for the Persian and Hellenistic period, is supported by the traditional
Phoenician pier and rubble technique used during the Persian and
Hellenistic periods,
the Phoenician style of alternating headers and
stretchers and fields tones, and a variety of Phoenician objects.
4. Another site of the Akko coastal plain, located 8 km/5 rni east of the
Mediterranean Sea, is Tell Keisan, which possibly belonged to the
Phoenician, more specifically Tyrian,
cultural sphere.
have established that already by the second half of the eleventh century BCE
(represented by Stratum 9) the site contained an urban complex consisting
of a number of multi-roomed buildings. The site underwent a series of
cycles of destruction and rebuilding from the eleventh to the eighth
centuries BCE, until finally in the seventh century it was reoccupied and
reenergized under Assyrian cultural influence. Material culture remains at
Tell Keisan indicate that the site was yet once again destroyed at the end of
the seventh century BCE, possibly by Assyria, was reoccupied, and then
196 The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
continuously inhabited throughout the Persian and Hellenistic periods
until it was finally abandoned in the second century BCE.
Schreiber notes
a striking continuity of rebuilding efforts on the part of the inhabitants of
Tell Keisan: the later structures were built on top of the older buildings
utilizing the older foundations.
This fact can possibly indicate that people
who shared the same cultural identity as their predecessors repopulated
the site each time.
XI. Phoenician Sites Elsewhere in Palestine
1. Many coastal sites in Palestine exhibit in their material culture possible
connections with Phoenician sites throughout most of the first millennium
BCE, including the Achaemenid period, although Phoenicians were
definitely not the only ones residing in the area, as evidence for Greek
merchants can be found at Akko, Dor, and Jaffa.
At the same time,
questions remain as to how far back in time Phoenician presence at the
sites in Palestine goes, whether it was consistent throughout the ages, and
whether Phoenicians actually occupied the coastal strip from Mount
Carmel to Gaza.
2. Material culture remains from Tell Abu Hawam (ancient Aksaph),
which lies north of Mount Carmel at the original mouth of the river Kishon,
include samples of Phoenician bichrome pottery, some dated to as early as
1100 BCE, the time when the site was reoccupied after its destruction at the
end of the Late Bronze Age.
The site was destroyed and resettled again in
the early tenth century BCE, only to be leveled once again in the second half
of the eighth century and abandoned until the Achaemenid period, when
it emerged as a strategic fortress and a maritime center. By the fourth century
BCE, Tell Abu Hawam was immersed on a large scale in a wave of urban
development, probably as a result of the wider involvement of the
population of the site in Phoenician maritime trade.
Data that would place Tell Abu Hawam into any specific cultural sphere
in the Achaemenid period is inconclusive. The Phoenician affiliation, at
least until the second half of the eighth century BCE, is not improbable, as
pottery remains from Levels IV and Ill, both dated to the Iron Age, bear a
strong resemblance to the pottery from the south Lebanese cemeteries.
is not clear, however, whether this affiliation continued throughout the
Achaemenid period.
3. A stronger connection with Phoenician material culture can be traced
at Atlit, located 15 km/9.5 mi south of Haifa, a site which in the Iron Age
boasted an acropolis and a sizable lower town with harbor facilities, all
AppendixB 197
Markoe and others propose that the Phoenicians, whose arrival
at the site is usually dated to the seventh century BCE, founded their town
along the shore at the base of the acropolis, although they might have had
precursors who settled in the ninth century BCE further east along the coast
by the river Oren's outlet. The necropolis of Atlit, which existed from the
seventh century BCE until the Hellenistic era, is one of the best-known
finds facilitating association of the area with Phoenician culture. The tombs
of the dug-out shaft type dated to the sixth-fourth centuries BCE, which
are known from other Phoenician sites such as Akhziv, are among some of
the more prominent Phoenician markers.
Among other Achaemenid-
period Phoenician material culture remains are biconical amphorae,
originating in the area of Tyre and Sidon and dating to the end of the fifth
century BCE, and the wooden stakes of an anchor, such as ,.vere common at
the ports ofTyre and Kition in Cyprus.
Ciasca suggests that cremated burials at Atlit are yet another indication
of Phoenician presence at the site in the Achaemenid period. This proposal,
however, is not without problems. As Gras, Rouillard, and Teixidor have
noted, Phoenicians in the ninth-sixth centuries BU, in the Levant and in
the Mediterranean, practiced both inhumation and incineration
(cremation) in the same community, and one and the same tomb could
receive incinerated and inhumated remains, as demonstrated by burials
near Tyre (Tell er-Rashidiyeh), in southern Spain (Trayamar), and in
Therefore, the mere presence of cremated burials near Atlit is
insufficient by itself to identify the site as unequivocally Phoenician.
Fortunately, the abundance of other Phoenician artifacts found at Atlit
makes the identification easier.
4. Some of the most significant and challenging finds connected with
Phoenicians come from the excavations in northern Israel, primarily in
Dor, conducted by Stern and his students since the late 1980s.
In the
process of his excavations, Stern discovered caches of Phoenician bichrome
ware and Cypriot potsherds which he dated to the eleventh century IKE,
the terminus ad quem being around 1000 BCE.
Based on those findings
and the research conducted by Mazar,
who discovered Phoenician and
Cypriot vessels from the same period alongside late Philistine ware at Tell
Qasile, a site inhabited by a mixed Philistine- Phoenician population, Stern
then proceeded to reconstruct the chronology of Dor's occupation. Since
Phoenician pottery appeared simultaneously in Dor, at Tell Hawam, Tell
Keisan, Tyre, Sarepta, Khalde, and in Cyprus, Stern argues, the process of
"Phoenician settlement" commenced in the second half of the eleventh
century BCE.
He describes the process as a southward movement of people
198 The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
from traditionally Phoenician areas (the south Lebanese coast) to the
northern coast of Palestine and into Cyprus. Stern's further reconstruction
of the chronology of Dor, especially the ending date of Phoenician
occupation, is not very convincing since it is based primarily on the
homogeneity of finds among other biblical sites and ancient Jewish accounts
of king David, who routed the Philistines in the south and "acquired firm
control over the northern coast of Palestine from the Phoenicians ... :'
Although heated debates would still rage regarding the ethnic and cultural
affiliation of the peoples inhabiting the region of Dorin the first part of the
first millennium BCE, the prevalent traditional designation of it as Philistine
is still to be preferred in the meantime.
Whatever the affiliation of the coastal areas in Iron Age I, Iron Age II,
and the Nee-Babylonian periods, several finds from Dor allow us to speak
of renewed Phoenician influence in the area in the Achaemenid period.
One of the connections with Phoenician material culture is the plan of the
residential district, which has close parallels with Berytus in Phoenicia and
a Phoenician settlement in Olynthus, Macedonia (see Figures B.S
and B.6).

Figure B.S. Plan of the eastern residential
quarter of Tel Dor in the Persian period.
From Stern (2001: 394). Reproduced with
permission of Yale University Press.
Figure B.6. Plan of a residential quarter
in Olynthus, Macedonia. From Stern
(2001: 396). Reproduced with permission
of Yale University Press.
Appendix B 199
Stern notes that this plan, referred to as Hippodamian, originated in
the late sixth century BCE and continued without change until the Roman
period. Additionally, such items as scaraboids with motifs appearing on
Sidonian and Tyrian coinage, many coins of Greek and Phoenician types,
several pits for dye manufacturing, heaps of murex shells, and several ostraca
inscribed in Phoenician demonstrate Phoenician cultural influence in the
region, stemming either from the movement of Phoenician people in search
of lucrative markets, from the influx of Phoenician goods, or both.
5. Findings from the sites in Philistia (see Figure B.7) also demonstrate
emerging Phoenician presence in the Achaemenid period.
At that time,
the region, which included Ashdod, Ashkelon, and Gath (Tell
had the city of Gaza as its crown. Nevertheless, the intensity of Phoenician
material culture there (in spite of its "Philistia" moniker) was such that
Stern suggested that in the Achaemenid period it was "predominantly
inhabited by Phoenicians, who replaced the Philistines: Although it is
impossible to tell whether one group of people replaced another just because
the typology of material culture remains partially changed, the fact is that
either through settlement or wide dissemination of their products,
Phoenicians were able to make a distinct cultural mark on the Achacmenid-
period Philistine cities.
The above-mentioned phenomenon is best represented by the city of
Ashkelon. A number of Phoenician material culture artifacts dated to the
Achaemenid period were discovered at the site, including inscriptions,
religious insignia (the sign of Tanit), Phoenician an1phorae, and Sidonian
Another feature possibly connecting the site with Phoenician
material culture is the ashlar building technique, which is observed at
other Phoenician sites and is frequently associated with Phoenicians. The
site includes at least four layers of ashlar buildings constructed before the
city was destroyed ca. 300 BCE.
An outstanding feature of Ashkelon is the presence of a significant
number of dog burials. Based on this fact and numerous indications in the
Avesta, the sacred writings of Zoroastrianism, of a great deal of attention
paid to dogs, Lipinski establishes the presence of a Persian community
Without further support, however, this argument remains
unconvincing. A simple mention of a connection between the site and
some form of the Persian cultural or religious influence is sufficient at this
6. Other sites from the Gaza region and northern Sinai present an unclear
picture, as most ofthe important sites are unexcavated (e.g., Gaza), whereas
the excavated sites (Tell Jemmeh, Tell ei-Far'ah, Tel Haror, 'Tel Sera', Ruqeish,
The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
........ --

Figure B.7. Excavated Persian-period sites in Palestine. From Stern (2001: 375).
Reproduced with permission of Yale University Press.
Appendi.\ B 201
Tel Qatif, Tell Raphia, and Kasion) provide inconclusive evidence regarding
the Persian period.
XII. Phoenician Art{facts on Cyprus
A few \vords should be said about Phoenician material culture on Cyprus,
which is well attested, although the details are often unavailable. Generally
speaking, scholars have established that the Phoenicians settled on Cyprus
by the middle of the eighth century BeE,
" even though commercial
contacts between Phoenician cities and ports of Cyprus may begun
early as the seventeenth century BG..
c"' Material culture remains, primarily
pottery, but also religious and epigraphic artifacts, allow us to speak of very
close connections between Cyprus and the Phoenician mainland in the
Iron Age and beyond.w
From an artistic point of view, Phoenician stylistic
motifs can be traced through metal bowls at ldalion and Am<'lthus, ivory
plaques and multicolored encrustations from the tombs of s,,Jamis, and
the sarcophagi of Amathus.
s Such cultural exchange bct,vcen Cyprus
and the Phoenician mainland continued throughout the Achacmcnid
period, only to wane in the fourth-third centuries

Cyprus of the Achaemenid period proper is representee\ poorly
archaeologically. One should mention, however, the excavations of I<ition
Bamboula, a site with a strong Phoenician presence from at least the mid-
ninth century BCE, at which archaeologists have uncovered three main
building phases attributed to the fifth and fourth centuries ll<T.
A telling example of the difficulty in studying Persian-period Cyprus is
the architecture of Cyprus. The beginning of the Hellenistic age wiped out
royal residences together with their kings. Even if large sanctuaries from
the previous periods survived, they underwent such drastic transformations
during the Hellenistic and Roman periods that they are practically
impossible to reconstruct.
In spite of such difficulties, however, a general
typology of Cypriot architecture for the Achaemenid period, primarily a
religious one, can still be established based on its strong Ncar Eastern
traditions and continuity from the Iron Age. As Raptou notes, the Greek
architectural styles did not find in the Iron Age a favorable space in which
to develop because of the domination of strong local and eastern traditions.
In the sixth-fifth centuries BCE, however, Greek influence starts n1aking
inroads into Cypriot religious architecture, a process exemplified by the
emergence of architectural elements betraying Greek inspiration through
certain symmetry in the plans of sanctuaries. Among the most notable
examples of this development are the findings in the area of Soloi, in
202 The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia
particular at the sanctuary to Athena at Youni, and the sanctuary of
Paradisotissa, where one can find structures possibly inspired by Greek
These developments in Cypriot architecture are parallel to
the general break of the cultures on Cyprus from their Near Eastern
antecedents and their alignment with the Greek cultural milieu in the
Achaemenid period. This process of rapid Hellenization of Cyprus noted
in our review of classical epigraphic and classical sources signifies the
disassociation of Cyprus from the Phoenician mainland to the point that
one hardly speak of the two regions as united by the same cultural ties
throughout most of the Achaemenid period, especially its end.
1. E.g., see Eustace (2003); Fass (20()3); Kocka (20tl:i); Shapiro (20():)); Smith (20(H);
Stearns (2003).
2. E.g., Elayi and Sap in ( 1998); Bondi (2004); Bondi (2006); Elayi (200()); Lemaire
3. E.g., Joffe (2002: 432-40).
Chapter 1
1. E.g., see a recent work by Aubet (2001: 127-32) wherein she reconstructs
Phoenician trade specifics almost exclusively from her reading of Homer's The
Iliad and The Odyssey.
2. The term Paul Ricoeur (1970) coined in Freud and Philosophy: An Essay on
Interpretation to describe a method of interpretation which uncovers the hidden
political interests of the text.
3. Salles (1996: 1173).
4. Oliver (2000: 1314).
5. E.g., see Emberling (1997); Tubb ( 1998: 13-24); Markoe (2000: l 0-1 :1); Kaufman
(2004); Killebrew (2005).
6. Garthwaite (2004: 7) writes the following regarding the Greek attitudes towards
the Persians: "The Greeks defined themselves against the Achaemenians, and
viewed them with both awe and condescension. The Persians were clearly non-
Greek, the Other, in every category, especially politics, society, and art and
7. Briant (2002: 981); for Babylonian sources, sec Stolper (1985: 58) and Dandamaev
8. E.g., Movers (1841, 1856); Gsell (1913); Bunnens (1979).
9. E.g., see the discussion in Ribichini (1995).
10. Geographical accounts of various journeys and trips usually contain first-hand
accounts and mention sites, toponyms, and concrete cultural information otherwise
unattainable. These geographical accounts, represented, for example, by Hanno
(translated from Punic into Greek), Pseudo-Scylax, Pseudo-Scymnos, Eratosthenes,
Strabo, Pliny the Elder, etc., furnish valuable geographical, historical, and linguistic
information concerning Phoenicia, Carthage, and Phoenico-Punic deities. As

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