Career Advancement Scheme
Career Advancement Scheme
Career Advancement Scheme
Sub: Personnel Faculties Career Advancement Scheme Phase I Applications Called for. Ref: G.O.Ms.No.95, Higher Education Dept., dt. 05.05.2010. -OApplications are invited from the eligible members of teaching staff for consideration under Career Advancement Scheme. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA I. ASST. PROF. (AGP6000) TO ASST. PROF. (SR.GR.) (AGP7000) i. Must have completed 6 years of service with relaxation of one year and two years, respectively, for those with M.Phil., M.E. / M.Tech. and Ph.D. Must have participated in summer / winter schools of total duration of 4 weeks (i.e. 28 days). The existing Assistant Professors who are holding Ph.D. qualifications are exempted from attending one course whether refresher or orientation course (i.e. upto 14 days) Consistently good performance appraisal reports.
II. ASST. PROF. (SR.GR.) (AGP7000) TO ASST. PROF. (AGP8000) i. Must have completed 5 years of service as Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) with AGP7000 Must have participated in the summer / winter schools of a total duration of 28 days, after placement in Senior Grade. Consistently good performance appraisal reports.
III. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (AGP9000) TO PROFESSOR (AGP10000) i. ii. iii. Must possess Ph.D. Must have completed 3 years of service as Associate Professor with AGP 9000. Consistently good performance appraisal reports. 2
// 2 // iv. Research contribution, books, articles, etc., published (at least four papers in Journals required) The best three written contributions of the teachers (as proposed by her / him) shall be sent in advance to the Experts to review before coming for the selection. Therefore, the candidate is advised to submit these in 3 sets with the application. Seminars / Conferences attended. Must have attended at least 4 seminars / conference at national or international level or must have attended summer / winter schools (short-term courses) of total duration of 4 weeks (i.e. 28 days) as Associate Professor. Significant contribution to teaching / academic environment / institutional corporate life. Adequate extension and field outreach activities. Development of course material / Monographs. Participation in Continuing Education Programme. Any other academic contributions.
Such of those members of teaching staff satisfying the above eligibility criteria as on 04.03.2010 may submit their applications in the prescribed format (a specimen format is enclosed). The completed applications, should reach the Registrar on or before Thursday the 8th August 2013 by 5.00 p.m.
Phase II Circular - Inviting applications from the faculty members who become eligible for Career Advancement Scheme on or after 05.03.2010 - will be issued on receipt of guidelines from the Government of Tamil Nadu.
Encl.: As above
REGISTRAR i/c. To All the Deans of the Campuses All the Chairmen of Faculties All the Heads of the Departments / Divisions All the Directors of the Centres / Institutes P.S. to V.C. / P.A. to Registrar PR20 / Stock file
: : : :
4. Academic Profile Branch / Specialisation Average Marks / CGPA & Class Year of Passing University / Board
// 2 // 8. Professional experience Post held From : Period To Name of the Institution Nature of Duties
9. Brief details of Conferences / Seminars / Symposia / Workshops / Summer / Winter Schools attended (Add extra sheets if necessary) : Sl. No. Name of Conference / Workshop etc. Duration From To Total Number of Days
11. List of Papers published (Give in an Annexure) 12. List of Books, if any published
I hereby declare that all the statements made and information given in this application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature of HOD/Director