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Preliminary Confidential
Offering Memorandum

Any reproduction or distribution of this

offering memorandum, in whole or in part, or
the divulgence of any of its contents, without
the prior written consent of Apple is prohibited.

i Copy of _

Preliminary Confidential
Offering Memorandum

150,000 shares of Common Stock at $

per share with a par value of $0.00 per share

The information contained herein is deemed confidential by

the company, has not been released publicly and is disclosed for
the sole purpose of evaluation by a potential purchaser of the
company's Common Stock. Any estimates or projections as to events
that may occur in the future (including projections of income,
expense and net income) are based upon the best judgment of company
management as of the date of this prospectus. Whether or not such
estimates or projections may be achieved will depend upon the
company achieving its over-all business objectives, including
availability of funds resulting from the sale of the shares offered
The shares are offered to a limited number of individuals qualified
as sophisticated investors, and as a private placement without regis-
tration under the Securities Act of 1933 in reliance upon specific
exemptions under that act relating to transactions not involving a
public offering or solicitation. Transfer of the shares is subject
to all of the requirements of the Federal and California Securities
Number of Shares Offered

The maximum number of shares offered will be 150,000 shares

at $ per share with maximum proceeds to the company of $
Apple retains the option to close the offering at 100,000 shares at
$ per share with proceeds of $

Risk Factors
Operating History: Apple Computer Inc. is a new company
which has not established a long history of operation upon
which to base opinions of accuracy of forecasts, financial
projections or operations efficiency.
Manufacturing: Apple has experienced extreme difficulty
in obtaining its custom injection molded cases. There is no
assurance that this problem will be solved through establishing
additional sources of supply.
Cash Flow vs Rapid Growth: Apple management expects
that rapid growth and potential market fluctuations may
present severe cash flow management difficulties.
Management: Apple Computers' Management team is young
and relatively in-experienced in the high volume consumer
electronics business.


Introduction and Summary 1

Product and Marketing Plan 1

The Market....................... 4

Product Plan 15

Marketing Plan 19

Competi tion 21

Operating Plan

Organization and Staffing 25

Manufacturing Plan.............. 32

Financial Plan.................. 34

Apple Computer Inc. began as Apple Computer Co.,
a partnership, in January of 1976. The company was
operated from Los Altos, California, supplying Apple I,
a single board hobby computer, until January of 1977.
Apple I was successfully accepted among the then
embryonic computer hobbyist community and several
hundred systems were sold. During the latter part of
1976 it became evident to the two founders that a much
larger and more profitable market would come into
existence as small computers moved from the hobby
market into the home (consumer) market. By January
of 1977, a third member was identified who also
supplied $250,000.00 initial financial backing, and
the company was incorporated; a second, more consumer
oriented product, Apple II, was defined, and production
and marketing plans were laid for 1977.
Shipments of Apple II began in late May. By the
end of September, cumulative revenues were $756,391
with a net retained earnings of $48,882 . Three new
mainframe products and new peripherals had been defined
and scheduled for introduction from October '77 to
June '79, over 180 authorized dealer locations had been
signed up and stocked, and a separate European distribution
company, Eurapple, had been structured and staffed.
The current business plan indicates the company's
revenues for fiscal 78 will be in excess of 13 million with
earnings of 2 million. Capital needs will be
approximately 3 million* which the c9mpany intends to
raise from a combination of equity financing, profits,
and long term debt.

The Personal Computer Market is defined to include

all computers, related peripherals and software to be
sold for non-business uses. Non-business uses are defined
as uses not specifically economically justified in a
strictly business environment, e.g. a computer sold
specifically to keep inventory and financials for a one
owner hardware store would be defined here as a business
use. A computer sold to a doctor for use at home to
maintain and update a personal diagnostics data base
which he mayor may not use, promote, charge for in his
practice is defined as part of the personal computer
* Note: An additional 2 million will be needed by
2nd quarter FY 79 to pay deferred '78
income taxes.

The market for Apple's products is young, growing rapidly
(approximately 250%/yr), diverse in character, highly dependent
on new technology, and subject to the whims of the general
consumer. It is generally true that new technology is
applied in the consumer market long after it has been developed
and used in the military or industrial/commercial markets.
Such is the case with computer technology.
The average consumer today is aware of the benefits
and problems that extensive use of computers has brought
to the business world, but has very little concept of the
functions he can perform or the resultant benefits to be
obtained from operating his own, personal, home computer.
Some of these benefits are listed below:
personal pleasure and enjoyment
increased variety of entertainment
time saved
money saved
better financial decisions
increased leisure time
complete security of personal information
elimination of wasted paper, energy and storage space
increased personal comfort
improved standard of living
increased learning efficiency
increased knowledge of computers and related technology
protection from fire, theft, and personal injury
non-verbal communications ability
reduced pollution
The following table provides a perspective of the
relative size of the personal computer market as compared to
other consumer oriented electronic products. (See Table I)
Apples' overall strategy for attacking (developing?)
this market is to simultaneously maintain a posture of both
product and quality leadership.
As is the case with all new markets, the advantage of
being first is immensely important, and may result in:
1. Large market share .... 35% long term.
2. Competition edge - competitors must copy
and therefore lag in product availability
and cost.
3. Greater ability to determine proper new
product directions through more extension
customer contact and feedback.

Table II forecasts the personal computer market place
segmented into mainframes and peripherals. Units, retail
selling price and total dollars are included for both. The
technique used to forecast the value of the peripherals market
consists of estimating the aged dollar expenditure for
existing and future products as a percentage of the original
purchase price. For example, an average 1976 system such as
an IMSAI 8080 will have approximately two times its purchase
price spent for peripherals over the useful lifetime of the
system. Apple management has estimated that this ratio
will increase to 2.5 through 1985 and then begin decreasing
again. This occurs because of the embryonic nature of the
market and its expected rapid growth. Initially, large
numbers of various peripherals will be developed and offered
for sale as "add-on" items. As the market develops some of
these devices will become standard items sold with every
mainframe. As these "standard" items are determined, they
will be incorporated into the mainframe, thereby, reducing
the ratio of peripheral to mainframe dollars. In addition, as
the market matures, we expect that several specific appli-
cations or groups of applications will become. large enough
segments of the market that systems specifically tailored to
these segments will be offered, again incorporating various
peripherals into the mainframe. Each of these factors was
considered in estimating the ratios shown in Table III. Table
IV shows the total peripheral sales for the personal computer
market as estimated by Apple Computer Incorporated.
The personal computer market (non-business) may be
segmented as follows:
Hobby Market - computer technology used on a
personal basis in the home by a relatively
sophisticated person who is capable of de-
signing, constructing and programming his own
equipment. This market began developing in
1975 as a result of the development of the
single chip microprocessor.
Entertainment Market - The first truly large
market (;:;;;$500
million in 1978) is currently
comprised of video games such as pong, hockey,
etc. The application of microprocessor tech-
nology to this market provides the user with
the ability to create his own games (both audio
and video) and expand's the users horizon to
creating computer color graphic displays and
computer generated music. Apple expects to

participate only in the "top end" of the
video games market and to be a dominant
factor in the color graphics and music
Programmable Personal Calculator Market -
This market is comprised of the current users
of prpducts similar to the TI SR-52 and the
HP 67/97 calculators. Apple estimates the
market to be in excess of $100M in 1977.
Our products offer increased capability and
more care of use features than any of the
portable products currently available.
It is felt that Apple products although truly
portable, are not sufficiently small in
physical size to gain a dominant share of
this business. We do not intend to expend
a major effort to penetrate this business,
but expect that the advantages of our product
will capture the top end.
Educational Market - The institutional
education market for computers is estimated at
$150M annually today with essentially no
participation (~.6%) from small (less than
$5000.00) systems. It is expected that
governmental sluggishness will
prevent an extremely rapid change over to
small systems, resulting in a growth from
about $lM in 1977 to approximately $35M in
Home Market - The major distinguishing
characteristic of the true home computing
market is the relative lack of technical,
mathematical or scientifically related
interest of the user. In addition, due to
a general lack of knowledge of the benefits
offered by the computer, most potential
customers of 1980 do not have even the
slightest desire to purchase one today. It
will therefore be necessary to educate the
market regarding the benefits derived from
ownership. (See Page 2 for a partial list)
It is forecasted that indeed, by 1985, a
household using a computer will have sig-
nificant advantages over one that doesn't.
Some examples of these are:

1. Better financial decision and controls
with complete privacy.
2. Better security from theft and fire.
3. Better environmental control with
attendant energy cost savings.
4. More free time for any purpose. leisure
or profit.
5. Better educational opportunity. especially
for school-age family member.
6. Lower cost communications.
7. Immediate access to all family records.
financial. medical. educational. etc.
8. Increased family interaction through
the entertainment aspects of the machine.
The process required to develop this market
will be expensive and time consuming. Simply
communicating with 75 million households is
an expensive proposition. let alone educating
each one about the benefits of owning a computer.
Apple's limited experience with existing products
indicates that a minimum of two hours of one-on-one
disucssion is needed to convince "Joe Average"
that he needs a computer. Mass media such as
radio. TV and consumer magazines will be em-
ployed to accomplish much of this "educational"
Tables V and VI delineate the relative sizes of
'the five market segments as defined above;
Figure 4 illustrates graphically the growth of
each segment. Table V also projects Apple's
market share of each segment.

Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Market Forecast Peripherals
Main Frames Market

100 100

Rev 10 $200



$200 Units
1 1


$ lB

$ 100M

$ 10M
76 77 78 79 80 81 82

Fi g. 3

Fig. 4
Market Segments as
a % of total




76 77 78 79 80 81 82

Apple II - (Manufacturing cost~$400.00 to $300.00)
A single board computer based on the 6502 micro-
processor. The system includes a structural foam injected
molded case, a high efficiency switching power supply
and a typewriter style keyboard. A complete operational
system requires an additional display device, CRT, printer,
LED, LCD, etc., and an optional magnetic tape bulk storage
The most common system configuration is an Apple II,
a common home color TV an inexpensive (~$20.00) RF
modulator, and an audio cassette tape recorder.
With the above configuration, the user may ~tore
programs and data permanently on tape or conversely.
retrieve them. These programs may be either written by
the user or purchased from Apple Computer Incorporated.
Typical applications include home financial analysis,
home environmental controls and color video games.
Apple II has several features which are not characteristic
of competitive products. The most important of these are:
1. Color graphics capability in two modes.
a) 40x48 Array in 15 colors
b) 280x192 Array in 4 colors
2. Four Analog-to-Digital inputs for controllers,
sensors or game paddles.
3. Fast, extremely powerful, BASIC programming
language in Read-Only-Memory (ROM).
4. Eight peripheral connectors for maximum ease
of expandability.
5. Quiet, cool, fan-less operation.
6. True portability in size and weight (less than
11 pounds).
7. Minimum parts count and fully socketed board
for maximum reliability and ease of service.
Combined, these features put Apple II approximately
12 months ahead of current competitive entries.
Apple II A - (Manufacturing cost~$300.00 to $225.00)
Functionally equivalent to Apple II with 6 color
High Resolution graphics and full floating point BASIC
in ROM. Maximum cost reduced implementation accomplished
mainly by:
1. lower cost keyboard
2. soldered-in components
3. lower cost case
4. high volume materials purchases

Apple IIA prlclng will be announced in January 1977
at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The
product will be sold as a $995.00 ensemble including
cassette recorder and color TV monitor,
Apple lIS - (Manufacturing cost $250.00 - 150.00)
Functionally equivalent to Apple IIA with improved
floating point BASIC, and somewhat reduced flexibility.
FCC approved for use with any standard TV. Drastically
reduced component count through the use of 1 to 3 custom LSI
chips. "Cartridge" type peripheral s such as music syn-
thesize~ voice recognition system, telephone interface, etc.
Specific jacks for modular peripherals such as the Apple
printer and Floppy Disc. Completely redesigned case.
Apple II B will be announced at the June '78 CES.
First shipments are planned for September '78. The retail
price will be between $600.00 and $700.00 at announcement.
Apple III - (project leapfrog)
Currently defined to incorporate all features of
Apple II B plus significantly improved programming
language, built in printer interface, built in bulk storage
(Bubble memory?), and major advance in input technology.
Voice and character recognition are both being considered
as built in features. Possibility of UHF very short range
transmitter for wireless display capability depending on
FCC approval.
Ultra low cost LSI design.
OCT 'll 1. Hobby Board - prototyping board
for computer hobbyist.
NOV'll 2. Printer Board - a general purpose
parallel printer interface board.
NOV'll 3. Model 33 Teletype Interface -
a cable with a potted DIP connector on
one end and a teletype connector on the
other end. For use with 20 mA current
loop teletypes.
NOV'll 4. Terminal Board - 100 and 300 baud
serial interface board for telephone
communications via standard acoustic

DEC'?? 5. RS232 Serial Printer Board -
General purpose serial board with
software selectable speed up to 9600 Baud.
DEC'?? 6. PROM Programmer & Personality Board -
2716 PROM programmer with personality sockets.
JAN'78 7. Telephone Interface Board -
Hard wire touch tone generator with operating
system to automatically dial, send messages,
and answer using standard Bell system phone
JAN'78 8. Printer - low cost electro-resistive
printer ($250.00 retail) High speed, 40
or 80 characters per line, 4" wide print out.
JAN'78 9. Color TV Monitor - l3"""diagonal picture
tube direct video input jack, $300.00 retail
JAN'78 10. Audio Cassette Recorder - Panasonic
RQ309, $40.00 retail price.
1st Half '78 11. Clock and Calendar Board - Battery
operated time and date, firmware date
1st Half '78 12. Isolated Power Control Board -
Provides convenient control for 24 VAC
to 110VAC solenoids, small appliances, etc.
1st Half '78 13. Voice Recognition System - Designed
and manufactured by Heuristics Inc., 64
word vocabulary.
1st Half '78 14. AC Remote Control System -
Designed and manufactured by Mountain
Hardware, Inc. Uses standard 110 VAC
house wiring for RF transmission of control
and polling signals. Remote receiver has
relay isolation for solenoid and small
appliance control.
1st HALF '78 I5 ..PAL & SECAM Conversion Board -
Designed and manufactured by Eurapple.
Converts Apple II video output to PAL
or SECAM standards for Europe, Arabia and
other countries.

1st Half '78 16. 220 VAC Power Convertor - Step down
transformer with various plug configurations,
converts European 50 , 220 VAC line voltages
to Apple II compatible supply
1st Half '78 17. IEEE Interface Board - For interfacing
laboratory instruments.
UNSCHED. 18. Bar Code Reader
UNSCHED. 19. Optica1 Character Reader
UNSCHED. 20. Music Synthesis System
UNSCHED. 21- Voice Synthesis System
UNSCHED. 22. Light Pen
UNSCHED. 23. Acoustic Coupler
MAY '77 1. 4K Byte Add-In memory
MAY '77 2. 16K Byte Add-In memory
JAN '78 3. Floppy Disc
JAN '78 4. Floppy Disc Memory - Dual density
mini-floppy with minimal operating system.
1st Half '78 5. Software Controlled Cassette -
Inexpensive substitute for floppy disc
where speed is not important (15 sec
max access). Retail price $350.00.
MAY '77 l. Vinyl Carrying Case
MAY '77 2. Misc. Cables & Power Cords
MAY '77 3. Apple II Operators Manual - Fina1
version in December '77.
MAY '77 4. Game Paddles
1st Half '78 5. Joy Sticks


Due to the broad scope of the marketplace, no
single merchandising tool can provide adequate overall
coverage. Apples' strategy is to use several avenues
to reach both dealers and potential customers.

Media - our current advertising program will be

increased to run in computer hobby books, consumer
electronics books and other consumer and professional
periodicals such as Scientific American. At least
3 separate ads will be produced for this purpose.
Final media selection will be based on market trends
and 1977 responses.

Co-op Advertising - a budget of 5% of sales will

be allocated for individual dealers' use in support of
local advertising and merchandising programs. Apple
will provide (at Apples' expense) some materials to
dealers for this purpose.
Point - of Sale - Posters, free software, brochures,
display racks, personal visits, and seminars will all be
used to assist dealers in selling Apple products.
Public Relations - major efforts will be directed
toward obtaining massive editorial coverage through
editor visits, industry show participation, such as
CES, and free support of radio and TV coverage.
(We have already been featured on both NBC and ABC
news specials in California and Texas. We also
received nearly 5 minutes of air time on CBS.
In addition, our Marketing System Evaluation
Program will be continued. This program provides
editors and other key figures with a "loaner" system
for their use and evaluation. Five systems have
currently been allocated for this purpose.

Direct Mail - a semi-monthly publication will be

produced similar to the HP Personal Calculator Digest.
It will be in a slick magazine format, 4 color cover,
2 color interior with one or 2-4 color interior pages.
The piece will be mailed to all Apple owners and dealers
and as a response to ad inquiries.

The contents of the book are as follows:

I. "Testimonial" letters to the editor

II. Product data sheets

III. A minimum of one application note

IV. A minimum of one documented program listing
V. Updated listing of the Apple Software Bank
VI. New products
VII. Updated dealer listing

Each issue will be a "special" issue on one of the

major application areas such as home finance, utility
controls, or entertainment.

The overall expenditure required to support this

program is $500K during calendar 1978.


During 1977, Apple was successful in establishing

180 authorized dealers across the United States.
Of these, approximately half are a chain of highly success-
ful consumer electronics retailers - TEAM ELECTRONICS.
TEAM is a subsidiary of Dayton Hudson Corporation, a
large retailing organization. This is Apples' first step
(in distribution) toward the eventual true home market.
Careful consideration was given to several alternative
channels such as Sears, Wards, etc. with the conclusion
being that Apple could not possibly support a program of
that magnitude, nor can any of our competitors. It is
our strategy to "build" our way into the market by laying
a sound foundation each step of the way. TEAM was a
logical first step since they operate only about 100
stores, are more competent at selling a complex product
than the average sales person at a major department
store, and were willing to commit to a formal, two day
training program prior to any location physically
handling the product. We have already held the first of
3 training meetings with the owners, managers and sales
personnel from 24 stores in attendance.
During 1978 we will continue to distribute through
our existing channels. Depending on the relative success
of the TEAM outlets, we will decide whether or not to sell
Apple lIB through the larger department store chains.

Our main strategy in distribution is to insure
that each customer establishes a positive on-going
relationship with the local Apple dealer. This would
be impossible to do through mail order houses, direct
mail, or through existing department store organizations.
Another reason for this choice has to do with
service. One of our competitors claims that his product
will be serviceable by any local TV repairman. Based
on the average competence level of today's TV repairman,
it is Apples' opinion that this technique simply will
not succeed! Our approach is to service Apple products
at local dealer locations. Since the dealer wants to
sell future peripherals, he has a stake in seeing that
his customer remains satisfied. Apple is in the process
of setting up a Warranty Service Center Authorization and
Training Program, which will result in many existing
dealers also becoming authorized warranty service stations.
The program will be fully operational by February '78.


The current competitors may be grouped into three


1. Hobby Manufacturers

2. Small Business Manufacturers

3. Personal Computer Manufacturers

The first group is characterized by products which
were designed to be sold as kits. Examples of this type
are Southwest Technical Products, Inc., Processor Technology,
Inc., and Cromemco Inc. Companies like these have
dominated the hobby market until recently when several
assembled products were announced by manufacturers such as
Because of the "penney pinching" nature of the
average computer hobbyist, and the product and business
management strategies of the companies participating in
the market, no one company has gained a dominant market
share. It is highly likely that Apple will. Since this
becomes a small fraction of the overall market by 1982, no
major effort will be expended by Apple to satisfy the
on-going needs of the kit building hobbyist.
Because of the applications development ability of
the software oriented hobbyist, Apple will continue to
service his needs.

The small business manufacturers are lead by
MITS, Inc., now a division of Pertec, and IMS, producer
of the IMSAI 8080 system. Both of these companies have
set their courses strongly in the direction of small
business, and away from the consumer. Average prices for
installed systems of this type range from $10,000 to
$20,000 dollars. We do not expect to compete with them
The last category is characterized by manufacturers
such as Commodore Business Machines and Tandy Corporation.
These two machines will be our major competition during
1978. Apple expects at least three additional and
probably stronger competitors by the end of 1978. The
most likely are Atari, Texas Instruments, and RCA.
Tandy - TRS 80
The system configuration is divided into fbur
separate elements; a CRT monitor (poor quality black and
white), a power supply, a recorder, and a keyboard with
cabinet which also houses the main computer board. The
unit includes a 4K byte BASIC in ROM which is entirely
unsuitable in todays market. The keyboard has no n-key
rollover making rapid typing impossible. There are no
provisions for direct connection of analog devices such as
game paddles or resistive sensors, and the system lacks
a speaker for audio effects. Tandy claims that a floppy
and printer will be available in the future but makes no
commitment as to when. Advantages of the system are:
1. Up to 16K bytes of memory may be installed
2. Some "canned" software has already been
developed for it.
Overall, it is a very poor second after the PET.
Apple IrA will definitely outsell the TRS 80 "hands
down" regardless of the large number of potential retail
locations in the Radio Shack chain.
Corrrnodore- PET
The PET computer is similar to the TRS80 in that
it has a black and white display only, has no speaker or
provision for analog inputs, and sells for the same $600.00

The important differences are:
1. PET has a calculator style keyboard-
completely unacceptable for data
entry or major programming efforts.
2. The PET BASIC is much more powerful
than the Tandy machine and resides in
12K bytes of ROM.
3. The CRT and cassette are built in.
4. PET is limited to 8K bytes of RAM
internally. Note: The PET uses 4K
static RAMs from MOS technology. The
retail price for 4K bytes is $200.00
over twice the Apple price for 4K bytes
of dynamic RAM.
5. PET has an IEEE interface port.
6. PET has 64 graphics characters for use
in graphic displays.
Both systems are severely limited in expandability
when compared with Apple II or Apple IIA. Commodores
current tost pro-jeet-;-onYor-PET-through the end of the
year is $360.00. Commodore has publicly stated that
their software will be developed mostly by users, not
by Commodore.
The current strategy for distribution of the PET
machine is to sell through the major department store
chains. Apple expects that this effort will be plagued
by both service and support problems. Neither the
department stores nor Commodore has an organization capable
of answering the questions that will be generated by the
sale of several thousand machines. Apple's strategy in
this regard is to "let Corrmodore hang themselves" during
the fi~st half of 1978, while we build an organization
competent to train department store personnel (through
experience with TEAM) and to train competent service
personnel (through the dealer warranty training program).
At the same time the Apple Software Bank will grow to
nearly 700 canned programs. In June of '78 we will be
ready to properly support a major department store type
of distribution channel, will be announcing Apple lIB,
and will already have the broadest product line with
18 peripherals and 2 main frames. This combination of
events should put us in a position to become a "favored"
supplier to the Sears', Wards' and Penney's type of
stores in time for Christmas of '78.

Surely both Tandy and Commodore will revise and
update their products by June '78, but it is expected
that Apple lIB will be as far ahead of PET II and
TRS 8011 as our current product is ahead of PET and
TRS 80.
Apple expects more formidable competition from
Texas Instruments and Atari. It is likely that each
will obtain at least a 20% market share within
18 months of their entry into the market. It is
impossible at this time to obtain reliable information
on either product or strategy from either company.

An estimate of market shares vs time is given in Table VII.

1978 1980 1982

APPLE 18% 35% 35%
ATARI 0% 15% 25%
1.!. 0% 15% 25%
TANDY 5% 5%
ALL OTHERS 67% 20% 15%

Market Share-Estimate


A.C. Markkula, Chairman of the Board and V.P. Marketing

MSEE, BSEE University of Southern California
MTS - Hughes Aircraft Co. - 4 Yrs.
Marketing Mgr. - Fairchild Semiconductor - 4 Yrs.
Marketing Mgr. - Intel Corporation - 4 Yrs.

M.M. Scott, President

BSPH, California Institute of Technology
Engineer, Beckman Inst. - 2 Yrs.
Marketing Mgr. - Fairchild Semiconductor - 4 Yrs.
Marketing Mgr. - National Semciondcutor - 2 Yrs.
Director Hybrid Operations - National Semi. - 4 Yrs.

S.P. Jobs, V.P. Operations

Attended Stanford and Reed College
Engineer - Atari - 2 Yrs

S.G. Wozniak, V.P. Engineering

Attended University of Colorado and University of
California at Berkl~y
Engr. Tennant - 1 Yr.
Engr. Electroglass - 1 Yr.
Engr. - Hewlett-Packard - 3 Yrs.

F.R. Holt, Chief Engineer

BSc. Ohio State University
Engineering 1\lgr,R&D Hickock Elect. - 9 Yrs.
Assistant Chief Engineer, MB/Gilmore - 2 Yrs.

Dr. W.B. Sander, Staff Scientist

BSEE, MSEE and PhDEE, Iowa State University
Design Engineer - ITT Gilgilian 2 Yrs.
Senior Engineer - Tasker Industries - 6 Yrs.
Department Manager, Fairchield R&D - 13 Yrs.

Gene Carter, Director of Dealer Marketing

AAS Milwaukee School of Engineering
Sandia Corporation (AEC) 6 Yrs
Fairchild Semiconductor - MOS Marketing Mgr.
and Linear Marketing Mgr. - 3 Yrs.
National Semiconductor - MOS Marketing Mgr. - 1 Yr.
IC Marketing Manager, 4 Yrs., Director of Marketing
1 Yr., Director of Microprocessor Mkt. 2 1/2 Yrs.

Adjusted Year to Tota 1 Sept. Aug. July June May Apr. Mar. Feb. Jan.
Tota 1 Date 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977
1977 Adjustments
Gross Sales 756391 756391141677 257492 198310 117789 22067 1000 862 6899 10295
Returns &
1l.11owances 46011 39855 6156 4870 1286
~et Sales 710380 750235 141677 252622 197024 117789 22067 1000 862 6899 10295
Std COS 350327 350327 70429 119962 90653 55032 6362 350 325 3968 3246
Jther COS 291513 291513 29798 58007 39247 51838 46640 21681 32348 9544 2410
fotal COS 641840 641840 100227 177969 129900 106870 53002 22031 32673 13512 5656

)per Profit 68540 108395 41450 74653 67124 10919-30935-21031-31811 -6613 4639

:st Taxes 19568 -17664 37322 18238 19084

let Profi t 48882 22191 71073 23212 55569 67124 10919-30935-21031-31811 -6613 4639


Apple Computer Inc., referred to in this paper as APPLE, has de-

veloped a way of increasing the availability of APPLE software and in
extending the usefulness of the Apple II computer system. APPLE would
like to introduce it to all present and potential Apple users. It is
called the APPLE Software Bank. This paper describes the APPLE Soft-
ware Bank, the APPLE Software Policy, the two bank sections: User
supported software and APPLE supported software, the Software Bank
Contributor's Guide, and what this bank will do for the user.


The APPLE Software Bank is a repository for all APPLE programs,

procedures, and related documentation. The enormous amount of mail that
has been received from Apple users has been the inspiration.for estab-
lishing this software bank. This mail has consisted of numerous soft-
ware and product suggestions and many exciting, clever and useful pro-
grams. Apple Computer Inc. has created this software bank with the
user in mind.

APPLE Software Policy

The foundation of this bank is the APPLE Software Policy. Policy

as used here means a method of action to guide and determine present and
future decisions concerning APPLE software. As a process the APPLE
Software Policy has several steps. They are:
1. Apple Computer Inc. encourages interested
users to develop software for the Apple computer.
2. APPLE encourages its users to submit their
developed software: APPLE will then carefully
survey its potential utility with the Apple
computer system and then make it available to
all Apple users.
3. Apple Computer Inc. encourages its users who
contribute software by awarding them with an

II. APPLE Program Cassette - a recorded program

on a high quality low noise APPLE tape cassette.
Some of these steps may be omitted or expanded depending upon the
nature of the software involved.

Contributor's Guide
Apple Computer Inc. is developing the APPLE Software Bank Con-
tributor's Guide. This manual will explain the process, step by step,
in submitting a program to the software bank. More information on the
Contributor's Guide will be available after October 24th, 1977.

Any questions, suggestions and programs may be mailed to:


Apple Computer Inc.
20863 Stevens Creek Blvd., B3-C
Cupertino, California 95014
(408)- 996-1010

The APPLE Software Bank will afford Apple users more effective
utilization of their Apple Systems. The chances are that someone,
an Apple user or Apple Computer Inc., has already written software
for a particular application to satisfy a need that is similar if
not identical to another users need; this software, if existing will
be available through the software bank. The bank will save time.
As a result of the APPLE Software Bank, the user will have easy ac-
cess to a large number of programs and applications information. The
user will be able to contribute almost any kind of software. The
APPLE Software Bank has been created to increase the usefulness and
enjoyment of the Apple II system and is available to all Apple users.


Apple supported software is the second bank section.

It will primarily contain all software written and supported
by Apple Computer Inc. And. it will contain contributions con-
sidered to be outstanding by APPLE's Software Development Lab
All software available through this section will be fully
documented and supported by Apple Computer Inc. Programs in this
section will contain:

A. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION - a mini-essay on

what the program is intended to do.

B. PROGRAM INSTRUCTIONS - how to load and

use the program on the Apple II System.

C. PROGRAM LISTING - a hardcopy listing of

the program that is annotated with
appropriate comments explaining program


diagram showing schmatically the flow
of the program.

E. PROGRAM MODIFICATION - a list of sug-

gestions for changing certain variables
and/or parts of the program to meet
specific user needs.

F. GLOSSARY - a list of words and their

definitions that are used in the program.

APPLE Product Gift Certificate in appreciation

of their contribution. The value of the certif-
icate will vary depending on the value of the
contribution and or an honorarium for an outstand-
ing programming contribution
This policy provides a means for easy contribution, access, and dis-
tribution of software to all Apple users through two bank sections.


The first bank section is User Supported Software. Software; pro-

grams, tapes, and listings, available through this section will be sup-
ported and maintained by their contributors. APPLE will periodically publish
a User Software Listing for all user contributed software. Each software
listing will contain:

I. Contributor's Software List - a listing of the name and

mailing address of each contributor along with a listing
of all of the software they have authored and submitted.

II. User Contributed Programs

A. PROGRAM NAME- the name given to the programs by
their contributors and a reference number desig-
nated by APPLE.
B. PROGRAM ABSTRACT- a brief description of the soft-
ware. It will answer the questions:
i) what the software is intended for.
ii) what are its limitations, if any.
iii) what are its system requirements
(program language, minimum memory
size, etc.,).
i) how an interested user can obtain a
list of a particular program.
ii) how, for how much, where, and by whom
to obtain a specific program listed in
the user supported software bank.




Breakout IZT-llOlE-I04-TB Yes 11-1-71 11-1-71

Surtrek IZT -llOZE- 116- TB Yes 11-1-71 11-1-71
IlorllYtM 1ZT-l103E-104-TB Tes 11-1-71 11-1-71
Clless IZT-llOSE-XI6-TB 110
Pong & Handba 11 IZT-oofiE-104-T8 Yes 3-1-78· 3-1-78
Etch & Sketch 8ZT-l107E-104-TB Yes 11-1-78 11-1-78
Coloreaur Il2T-l)08[-I04- n Yes 2-1-78 Z~1-7;
M!ste!"'!!!1nd 8ZT-<l10E-1C4-Ta 'fei 1-1-78 1-'-78
fortune Teller IZT-ollE-I04-TB 3-'-7.8 3-'-78
Space War 1ZT-oIZE-116-TB 9-Z6-71 11-1-71 11-1-71
lZT-ol3E-I04-T No 3-1-78 3-1-78
T"""rs of HanoI

(heck_k 1ZT-llOlf-116-T Yes . 11-1-17 11-1-71
tkJele f1n.nee aZT-OOZf-HI6-T 1-1-78 1-1-78
Loan AmortIzatIon 1ZT-l103f-HI6-T lZ-1-71 12-1-71


Hangonan 8ZT-001L-104-TB Yes 11-1-71 11-1-71

Color IIoth aZT-llOZL-I04-TB Yes 11-1-71 11-1-71
Leamlng IIoth aZT-003L-104 1-1-78 1-'-78
_ to Progr ••• In BASIC 82T-004L-104

4K Color 0etn0/8reakout 8ZT-001K-104-TB Yes No No No
Startrek/HI-Res 82T-l102K-104-TB Yes No No No
Color Graph Deoo aZT-003K-I04-TB Yes No No 110
Ren_r/Append 8ZT-004K-104-TB Yes No 11-1-71 11-1-71
HI-Res _ aZT-OOSK-116- TB Yes Ho Z-1-78 2-1-78
Huslc 8ZT-oofiK-104-TA '-1-78 1-1-78
Bouncer 82T-007K-104-T8 Yes 2-1-78 2-1-78
Applesoft BASIC 82T -0081I- 116- T8 9-30-71 lZ-l-71 12-1-71

KItchen 82T-001U~104-TA 1-1-78 1-1-78


IIolllng l1st 12T-llOII/- No 12-'-17 lZ-1-71

Calendar IZT-OOll/- No 1-1-78 1-1-78
Telephone dIrectory aZT-0031/- No 1-1-78 1-1-78
HI-Res Text GraphIcs 82T-0041/- No 1-1-78 1-1-78
YES Iftelns avaIlable
NO IM.ns not a •• llable
- ~.ns in development
XX-XX-XX ROans estl~ted date
of ••• n.bllity

Apple Computer, Europe (Eurapple) represents a large potential
market but it has requirements of its own.

First, the television system in Europe is two-display, 625 lines

instead of the 525 lines of the U.S. Second, the main power is
220V, 50Hz instead of 110V, 60Hz. Third, the connecting hardware-
plugs, jacks, coax connectors-between electronic systems is
dimensioned differently than in the U.S. Fourth, the variety
of languages, at least two, French and German dictates to trans-
late technical information, manuals and literature. The computer
language itself, BAS!C,can remain in English since it is treated
as mnemonics. And last, the ways and means of doing business
locally, the export-import procedures, the selection, appointment
and support of local distributors require a group of people who
have had experience in marketing technical products in Europe
or more generally abroad.

For all these reasons, Apple had originally decided to delay the
European market a year or two, and concentrate its engineering,
marketing and cash flow resources to the domestic market.

In April, 1977, Apple was approached by Andre Sousan, who had

recently resigned from the position of corporate V.P. of engineering
and board member of Commodore Electronics Ltd., the operating
subsidiary of Commodore International. Andre Sousan had disagreements
with Commodore on product and management philosophy. He was
familiar with Apple, in 1976 when Apple was operating in a
garage he tried to interest Commodore in the new approach Apple
had in the personal computer market.

Mr. Sousan offered Apple the opportunity to set up the European

operations, finance personally the required engineering changes
that would need to be made, the implementation of a European
operations group, and later merge these operations with Apple
Computer when both companies would be at a productive level.
This was accomplished when Mr. Sousan set up Eurapple as a
distributor for Apple to all European Countries and more generally
for all countries that have a television system similar to the
European version. Eurapple purchases from Apple, maintains its
own engineering and manufacturing for the add-on converters between
Apple II and the European TV receivers, its own product inventory
and its own sales and marketing group.

Mr. Sousan holds a doctorate in physics from the University of

Paris, a master in Electronics from the Superior School of
Radio-electronics in Paris. He was in Europe five years for
Texas Instruments as marketing manager and assistant to the
European V.P., then was scientific director for Thomson-CSF
engineering operations, with Europe and US technical responsibility.
He then moved to Vice President, European operations for Varadyne
before jOining Commodore in 1971. At Commodore, he traveled
extensively to Europe and to the Far East, both for product
marketing and manufacturing engineering purposes.
Eurapple has appointed a resident European director, Jacques Boivin
who was with Thomson CSF as an electronic engineer and then was
with European subsidiary of Wang, with European marketing
responsiblity. Jacques is located in Paris but travels constantly
throughout Europe.

The first step of Eurapple has been to implement a distributor

network in Europe and at the same time promote the Apple II.
Apple II is currently demonstrated in all major electronics
shows this fall/winter season; the Sicob in Paris, Systems 77
in Munich, EuroMicro in Amsterdam, data fair in London, and
the US department of Commerce sponsored computer show in London
in January.

At this show, Mr. Sousan will make the final selection between
4 companies who have confirmed a strong interest in distributing
Apple II respectively in England and 4 others in Germany (which
needs 3 distributors, North, Central and South). Eurapple will
have a hospitality suite in London at the same time as the show
to more efficiently cbnductits business.
Eurapple has already sold, since it began shipping in September,
approximately 20 systems in Eurpoe and has approximately 50
systems backlogged as of this date. Eurapple has appointed 2
distributors in France, one in the Benelux, one in Spain, one
for all Arab countries, one in Australia, one in Singapore and
one in India. All these distributors have extensive capabilities
in marketing computer equipment, including programmers and service
technicians. As an example, the Arab countries distributor is
the Atari licensee for video games and has paid for the re-design
of Apple II through Eurapple to make Apple II display its
characters in the Arabic language. The head of this company
in Egypt is a computer sciences major from Stanford University.


Arab Count. Admini~tr. European
Dist. Sales Eng.
Singapore TBA·Mar n8 Director
Mgr. -- India
Mfg. J. Boivin
Australia (Subcontract) Paris
South Amer~ca
- - - - -1- - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - -l
I .

Administ. Software Sr. Eurapple Eurapple rapple
Assist. Engineer U.K. France ermany
T.B.A. Mar '78 T.B.A. Mar '78

France England Germany Benelux Spain Greece

(2 Dist.) (1 Dist.) (3 Dist.) (1 Dist.) (l Dist.) (1 Dist.)


Scandinavi a Switz. Austria Italy

(1 Dist.) (1 Dist.) (1 Dist.) (1 Dist.)


Order Prob Order Prob Order Prob

Dealers 67 82 74 99 68 109

Hi T~ch· 40 ""
"V 50 ""
"V ""
"V 40

Allied 40 20 40 20 40 20

Team 36 36 24 40 24 50

Eurapple 10 10 20 20 30 30

Computerland 59 50 90 60 90 80

Computer Sotre 10 10 12 25 12 30

Direct 5 10 15

Subtotal 262 253 310 314 304 374

Additional Orders
resulting from:

F.P. Basic and 25 35 50

Peripheral Availability

Total 278 349 424



1. Competition based development

1.1 Does competition have features that would make our product sell better?
(e.g. floating point basic. floppy. etc.) Identify those features. Do we
have the resources to add them, in house or subcontract? Schedule.
1.2 Does competition sell a comparable product to ours at a lower price?
1.3 If competition product is identified as comparable to Apple II, does compe-
tition deliver? If yes. how and when do we plan to meet the price?
1.4 If competition product is identified as generally comparable to Apple II
but less performance or features, does this justify price difference? List
all differences (e.g. color. expandability, etc.) Go over differences one
by one. Can a dealer be sold on price difference because of them? Can
user be sold? Ask marketing. Define market portion that will belong to
competition because of features/price difference combination. Evaluate
lost sales accordingly. Is it worth it? If not. how and when to remedy?
1.5 If we agree to lower price models to meet competition, how to restructure
our expenses to assign engineering budget? Do we do all of engineering in
house or part on subcontract? Do we attempt private label with customer
development or any other possible source of additional funds?

2. Innovation based development.

2.1 Do we have unique ideas that will make our product a favored buy with regard
to competition? Can we patent those ideas? How and when do we implement
2.2 Do we have better ideas that will save cost on our product? (independently
of the normal engineering/purchasing cost reduction program) How and when
do we implement them?
2.3 Do we keep a close look to technological developments (new micro architectures.
new memories. etc.) and evaluate how and when they may impact our product?

3. Market based development

3.1 Do we have the right product configurations for the existing markets?
(Software - peripherals - packaging, etc.) Do we have to modify anything?
3.2 Do we anticipate market evaluations that will call for new configurations?
Do we prepare for them and when?
Adjusted Year to Total Sept. Aug. July June May Apr. Mar. Feb. Jan.
Total Date 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977
1977 Adjustments
Gross Sales 756391 756391 1416'77 257492 198310 117789 22067 1000 862 6899 10295
Returns &
Allowances 46011 39855 6156 4870 1286
Net Sales 710380 750235 141677 252622 197024 117789 22067 1000 862 6899 10295
Std COS 350327 350327 70429 119962 90653 55032 6362 350 325 3968 3246
Other COS 291513 291513 29798 58007 39247 51838 46640 21681 32348 9544 2410
Total COS 641840 641840 100227 177969 129900 106870 53002 22031 32673 13512 5656

Oper Profit 68540 108395 41450 - 74653 67114 10919~30935~21031-31811 -6613 4639

Est Taxes 19568 -17664 37322 18238 19084

Net Profit 48882 22191 71073 23212 55569 67124 10919-30935-21031-31811 -6613 4639
Standard Costs

Apple II 4K 16K

Mother PCB $137.09 $137.09 (includes sub assy)

RAM (Bytes) 21. 20 144.00 ($18 ea. for 16K)
Power Supply 51.15 51.15 (includes sub assy)
Case Assy. 102.32 102.32
Ship Kit 11.00 11.00
Total Mat'l $332.76 $445.56
+1% Burden 3.23 4.46
Labor +OH 34.11 34.11 ($5.95/hr.@ 270%)
Total Mfg. Cost $360.10 $484.13

Average Std. Cost @ 15/85 mix = $465.53

Apple II A Same as Apple II except

1. Floating point basic in ROM

2. 6 vs. 4 color HiRes and HiRes ROM
3. Color killer in Text Mode
4. New Case Mat'l but same style
5. New low cost keyboard
4K 16K

PCB $100.00 $100.00 (includes sub. assy)

RAM 18.00 100.00 ($12.50 ea 16K)
Add'l ROM 9.00 9.00 FP + HeRes
Power Supply 37.75 37.75 (includes sub. assy)
Case Assy 57.00 57.00
Ship Kit 3.00 3.00

Total Mfg.Cost $224.75 306.75

+ 1% Burden 2.25 3.07
Labor +OH 22.41 22.41 ($6.20/hr @ 220%)

Total Mfg.Cost $249.41 $332.23

__~~~!~~eStd. Cost @ 15/85 mix = $318.81

Standard Cost Estimates

Apple II B Cartridge Add-in's

FCC Approved
UL Approved

Keyboard $13.00 (CPU Scanned)

8K RAM 28.00
Case 15.00 Injection
CPU 5.00
10K ROM 15.00 65K + 16K
Custom IC (40 pin) 7.00
Connectors & Sockets 5.00
PCB 5.00
Power Supply 15.00 Wall Xformer
Paddles 4.00
TTL 5.00 8 IC's
Demo Cartridge 5.00
Ship Kit 3.00

Total Mat'l $125.00

+1% Burden 1. 35
Sub Assy 10.00 (sub contractor)
Labor +OH 4.95 ($4.25/hr. @ 220%

Total Mfg. Cost $141.30

Apple Plug-in Peripherial Cards

Est. Average Mat'l $26.26

Lab +OH 7.70 ($7.00/hr @220%)

Total Mfg. Cost $33.96

Apple II BMini Floppy.

Est. Average Mat'l $101.00 (sub assy)

Labor +OH 15.40 ($7.00/hr. @220)

Total $116.40


September Pro Forma


Current Assets
Cash 20916
Accounts Receivable 170877
Accounts Receivable other 1406
Inventories 170731
Deposits 2394

Total Current Assets 366324

Fixed Assets
Equipment 49451
Depr. 6000
Net Fixed Assets 43451

Other Assets 1605

Total Assets 411380

Accounts Payable 159359
Customer Deposit 4290
B of A Loan 150000
Accrued Wages & Exp. 41919
Sales Tax Payable 1300
Total Liability 356868

Equity & Retained Earnings

Equity 5630
R/E 48882
Total Equity 54512

Total Liabilities and Equity 411380

Adjusted Year to Total Sept. Aug. July June May Apr. Mar. Feb. Jan.
Total Date 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977
1977 Adjustments
Gross Sales 756391 756391 141617 257492 198310 117789 22067 1000 862 6899 10295
--Returns &
Allowances 46011 39855 6156 4870 1286
Net Sales 710380 750235 141677 252622 197024 117789 22067 1000 862 6899' 10295
Std COS 350327 350327 70429 119962 90653 55032 6362 350 325 3968 3246
Other COS 291513 291513 29798 58007 39247 51838 46640 21681 32348 9544 2410
Tota 1 COS 641840 .641840 100227 177969 129900 106870 53002 22031 32673 13512 5656

Oper Profit 68540 108395 41450 . 74653 67124 10919~30935~21031-31811 -6613 4639

Est Taxes 19568 -17664 37322 18238 19084

Net Profit 48882 22191 71073 23212 55569 67124 10919-30935-21031-31811 -6613 4639
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