Optimal Power Consumption For Co-Operative Adhoc Network

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013

ISSN: 2231-5381 http://www.ijettjournal.org Page 1403

Optimal Power Consumption for Co-Operative Ad-
hoc Network
Mr.Mohit P Bhadla
, Mr.Divyang Shah
Department of Computer Engineering, Noble Group of Institutions, Junagadh
Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad India

Abstract The increasing demand of data rate with limited
available spectrum has motivated the inventor to execute the
solutions which enable the demands of future wireless adhoc
networks. Cooperative communication has derived an
interest for wireless network. Most existing works on
cooperative communications are focused on link-level
physical layer issues such as topology control, routing and
network capacity are largely ignored Although there have
been extensive studies on applying cooperative networking
in multi-hop ad hoc networks, most works are limited to the
basic three-node relay scheme and single-antenna systems.
The Approach taken for this paper basically illustrates the
BB-CPR algorithm and provides us the affordable result.

Keywords Co-Operative Network, BB-CPR Algorithm,
Network Constraints, MANET
Data and voice communication systems play
increasingly important roles in the military, government, and
civilian sectors. Since the original development of the
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet
Protocol (IP) in the early 1970s, computer networks have
advanced significantly. The simultaneous deregulation of
conventional telephone systems spurred a wide array of new
telephony services The Concept of Co-Operative networking
[1], [2] captured its roots back to the 1975s Where
information theoretic studies were first conducted in [3] [4]
under the theme of Relaying Channels. Many Interesting
problems for co-operative networks have been actively
researched such as Throughput optimal scheduling [5],
network Maximization [6] distributed routing [7] and MAC
layer protocol design [8]. Cooperative communication is
similar to the relay channel model to some extent but differs
significantly in that each wireless user is assumed to both
transmit data as well as act as a cooperative agent for another
user. In other words, cooperative signaling protocols should
be designed so that users can assist other users while still
being able to send their own data [1].

The basic three node relay scheme is shown in
figure.1where the message is retransmitted from source S to
destination D is relayed by node R, which can overhear the
message. A Common cooperative approach in this situation in
relaying assignment i.e. we choose only one of the
neighbouring nodes as relay for which the three-node relay
scheme can be applied, now further improvement the system
performance as shown in figure-2. I.e. single antenna system

Figure.1,2 Relaying Scheme

The main result contributes the following parameters
A- A-Matching Structure
B-Analysis of channel structure
C-Relaying link like PR-CR
D-Rate maximizing Problem
E- Optimization of BB-CPR algorithm

[1] Since the benefits of co operating networking were recognized
[1],[2], several initial attempts on extending cooperative
networking to MIMO have been reported [12]-[ ]-[17].Well
tang and hua first considered the optimal relay amplification
matrix for the basic three-node MIMO-CN under the
assumption that the source relay channel state
information(CSI) is unknown.
A cooperative link consists of separate radios encoding
and transmitting their messages at the physical layer in
coordination; these nodes could be a single source and relay,
or they can be a group or relays, or both. In Cooperative
International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013

ISSN: 2231-5381 http://www.ijettjournal.org Page 1404

Communications in Existing Network Architectures, the
the first network model is a MANET with an existing
clustered infrastructure, in which cooperative transmission is
centrally activated and controlled by the cluster access
points (AP).

Fig-3 MANET Transmission

The simplest AF algorithm for a single source and
relay produces an equivalent one-input, two-output complex
Gaussian noise channel with different noise output levels. In a
cluster-based MANET, all terminals communicate through a
cluster head or access point (AP). In such scenarios, the AP
can gather information about the state of the network, e.g., the
path losses among terminals, select a cooperative mode based
upon some network performance criterion, and feed back its
decision on the appropriate control channels.
The sources are assigned to relays in such a way to
minimize the total power consumption in the network. The
problem of power minimization can be stated state
mathematically as follows:
min( Ps,i + Pr,]
s.t. P
>0, P
Ps,i Ps,mox

Pr,] Pr,mox

Basically notification is taken from BB-CPR
algorithm for perfect numerical result. And also provide an
overview on using BB to solve PO-PR-SIM. We refer
readers to [18], [20] for procedure proceeds iteratively as
follows. During the initial step, an upper bound on the
objective value is obtained by solving CPR System.
A more detail description of BB/CPR is shown in

1. Let the optimal solution = and the initial lower
bound LB =.
2. Determine partitioning variables (variables associated
with CPR) and derive their initial bounding intervals.
3. Let the initial problem list contain only the original
problem, denoted by P1.
4. Construct CPR based on the partitioning variables.
Denote the solution To CPR as 1 and its objective value as
the upper bound UB1.
Main Loop:
5. Select problem Pz that has the largest upper bound among
all problems In the problem list.
6. Find a feasible solution z by solving Problem Pz. Denote
the objectiveValue of z by LBz.
7. If LBz > LB then let =z and LB =LBz. If (1+_) LB
UB Then stop with the (1_)-optimal solution ; else,
remove all problems Pz_ having (1 +_)LBz_ UB from the
problem list.
8. Compute relaxation error for each partitioning variable.
9. Select a partitioning variable having the maximum
relaxation error and Divide its bounding interval into two
new intervals by partitioning at its Value in z.
10. Remove the selected problem Pz from the problem list,
and construct two new problems Pz1 and Pz2 based on the
two partitioned intervals.
11. Compute two new upper bounds UBz1 and UBz2 by
solving the CPR For Pz1 and Pz2, respectively.
12. If (1 +e) LB < UBz1 then add problem Pz1 to the
problem list. If (1 +e) LB < UBz2 then add problem Pz2 to
the problem list.
13. If the problem list is empty, stop with the (1 e)-
optimal solution .Otherwise, go to Step 5.


Figure-4-Co-Operative network

System design provides an overall understanding and
provides a detail procedural flow of information. System
design goes through two phases of development [13].

Logical design
Physical design
Input design

A data flow diagram shows the logical flow of
information within the system. It describes the various sources
of input, output,


International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013

ISSN: 2231-5381 http://www.ijettjournal.org Page 1405

Fig-5 Nodes Deployment

With physical layer cooperative communications,
there are three transmission manners in MANETs: direct
transmissions, multi-hop transmissions and cooperative
transmissions. Direct transmissions and multi-hop
transmissions can be regarded as special types of
cooperative transmissions. Here we are having a two
different pattern. Direct Transmission and multihop
Direct transmission
A direct transmission utilizes no relays while a
multi-hop transmission does not combine signals at the
Multihop transmission
The cooperative channel is a virtual multiple-input
single-output (MISO) channel, where spatially distributed
nodes are coordinated to form a virtual antenna to emulate
multiantenna transceivers.

Finally approximate expectation of the
simulation result according to the numerical analysis of
BB/CPR algorithm looking like this. And also get the result
of comparison between equal power and average power
calculation regarding the variation of nodes.

Fig.-6 Simulation Result
Fig-7 Graphical (GUI Based) result

VII-Conclusion and future investigation

In this Paper we have introduced Physical layer
cooperative communications, topology control, and network
capacity in MANETs. For improving the network capacity
of MANETs with cooperative communications. And for the
identification of the graphical based result we also justify
our result with Java swing. We also analysed the BB/CPR
algorithm for every node in MANET. Future work is in
progress to consider dynamic traffic patterns in the
proposed scheme to further improve the performance of
MANETs with cooperative communications.

I am deeply indebted & would like to
express my gratitude to my thesis guide Mr. Divyang Shah
(Asst.Proff. Noble Engg. College, Junagadh), for his great
efforts and instructive comments in the Research work. He has
devoted significant amount of his valuable time to plan and
discuss the Research work. During the Research he
provided me excellent guidance & support during
discussion about my progress. he allowed me a great deal of
freedom to choose a research topic, focusing more on my
research interests and building skills that will allow me to be a
successful in my life without her experience and insights, it
would have been very difficult to do quality work.

A-Operating system : Windows XP Professional.
B-Coding Language : Java Swing, Ms Access


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ISSN: 2231-5381 http://www.ijettjournal.org Page 1406

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