Extending Fireworks
Extending Fireworks
Extending Fireworks
Trademarks Afterburner, AppletAce, Attain, Attain Enterprise Learning System, Attain Essentials, Attain Objects for Dreamweaver, Authorware, Authorware Attain, Authorware Interactive Studio, Authorware Star, Authorware Synergy, Backstage, Backstage Designer, Backstage Desktop Studio, Backstage Enterprise Studio, Backstage Internet Studio, Design in Motion, Director, Director Multimedia Studio, Doc Around the Clock, Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver Attain, Drumbeat, Drumbeat 2000, Extreme 3D, Fireworks, Flash, Fontographer, FreeHand, FreeHand Graphics Studio, Generator, Generator Developer's Studio, Generator Dynamic Graphics Server, Knowledge Objects, Knowledge Stream, Knowledge Track, Lingo, Live Effects, Macromedia, Macromedia M Logo & Design, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Xres, Macromind, Macromind Action, MAGIC, Mediamaker, Object Authoring, Power Applets, Priority Access, Roundtrip HTML, Scriptlets, SoundEdit, ShockRave, Shockmachine, Shockwave, Shockwave Remote, Shockwave Internet Studio, Showcase, Tools to Power Your Ideas, Universal Media, Virtuoso, Web Design 101, Whirlwind and Xtra are trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. and may be registered in the United States or in other jurisdictions including internationally. Other product names, logos, designs, titles, words or phrases mentioned within this publication may be trademarks, servicemarks, or tradenames of Macromedia, Inc. or other entities and may be registered in certain jurisdictions including internationally. This guide contains links to third-party Web sites that are not under the control of Macromedia, and Macromedia is not responsible for the content on any linked site. If you access a third-party Web site mentioned in this guide, then you do so at your own risk. Macromedia provides these links only as a convenience, and the inclusion of the link does not imply that Macromedia endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content on those third-party sites. Apple Disclaimer APPLE COMPUTER, INC. MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE ENCLOSED COMPUTER SOFTWARE PACKAGE, ITS MERCHANTABILITY OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES IS NOT PERMITTED BY SOME STATES. THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY PROVIDES YOU WITH SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. THERE MAY BE OTHER RIGHTS THAT YOU MAY HAVE WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. Copyright 2000 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved. U.S. Patents 5,353,396, 5,361,333, 5,434,959, 5,467,443, 5,500,927, 5,594,855 and 5,623,593. Other patents pending. This manual may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or converted to any electronic or machine-readable form in whole or in part without prior written approval of Macromedia, Inc. Part Number ZFW40M200 Acknowledgments Writing: Lynn Flink, Stephanie Gowin, Sarah Hanily, Barbara Herbert, Robin Hunt-Smith, Gavan Murphy, and Pamela Lu Editing: Gary White. Project management: Erick Vera and Stuart Manning Production: Sherri Harte and Rocky Angelucci
First Edition: November 2000 Macromedia, Inc. 600 Townsend St. San Francisco, CA 94103
CHAPTER 1 Extending Fireworks Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Formatting nonstandard data types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 CHAPTER 2 The Fireworks Object Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 How to use the Fireworks Object Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Global methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Core objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Fireworks object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Objects within Fireworks documents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HTML export objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 12 12 23 27 57
CHAPTER 3 Fireworks JavaScript API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Using Fireworks API functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Document functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 History panel functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 Fireworks functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Using the addBehavior() function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 INDEX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To extend Fireworks, you must write JavaScript code. You can use JavaScript to write your own objects, behavior actions, and commands that affect Fireworks documents and the elements within them. To accomplish these tasks, you must be procient in JavaScript and in Fireworks. This manual describes the Fireworks Object Model and the Fireworks JavaScript apllication programming interface (API)the custom JavaScript functions that are built into Fireworks.
Because Fireworks extensions must be written in JavaScript, this manual assumes that readers are familiar with JavaScript syntax and with basic programming concepts such as functions, arguments, and data types. It also assumes that readers understand the concept of working with objects and properties. This manual does not attempt to teach programming in general or JavaScript in particular. Anyone who wants to extend Fireworks should have a good JavaScript reference to help with syntax questions (for example, is it substring() or subString()?). Useful JavaScript references include JavaScript Bible by Danny Goodman (IDG), JavaScript: The Definitive Guide by David Flanagan (OReilly), and Pure JavaScript by R. Allen Wyke, Jason D. Gilliam, and Charlton Ting (Sams). For a free JavaScript reference, see Netscapes DevEdge Online Web site at http://developer.netscape.com:80/docs/manuals/javascript.html.
Acceptable values for maskKind are "rectangle", "oval", "zlib compressed", "rle compressed", or "uncompressed". If maskKind is "rectangle" or "oval", the maskData string is ignored, and a mask of the right shape is constructed that lls maskBounds and that has the edge specied by maskEdgeMode and featherAmount. If maskKind is "zlib compressed", "rle compressed", or "uncompressed", the maskData string is presumed to contain 8-bit mask data in hexadecimal format that precisely matches the maskBounds to dene the mask. Matrix The format for a matrix is {matrix: [ float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float]}. This manual assumes that you know how to use these nine values to construct a three-by-three transformation matrix; discussion of the construction of transformation matrices is beyond the scope of this manual. Point The format for a point is {x: float, y: float}. For example, dom.addNewLine(startPoint, endPoint) could look this this:
fw.getDocumentDOM().addNewLine({x:64.5, y:279.5}, {x:393.5, y:421.5});
Chapter 1
Rectangle The format for a rectangle is {left: float, top: float, right: float, bottom: float}. For example, dom.addNewOval(boundingRectangle) could look like this:
fw.getDocumentDOM().addNewOval({left:72, top:79, right:236, bottom:228});
Resolution The format for resolution is {pixelsPerUnit: float, units: string}. Acceptable values for units are "inch" or "cm". For example, dom.setDocumentResolution(resolution) could look like this:
fw.getDocumentDOM().setDocumentResolution({pixelsPerUnit:72, units:"inch"});
Chapter 1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
If you want to extend Fireworks by writing or modifying a JavaScript extensibility le, you must become familiar with the objects that Fireworks makes accessible through JavaScript. The following components together make up the Fireworks Object Model: Five global methods that are available from any part of the application and need not be declared as methods of a particular object. These are described in Global methods on page 12. Four core objects: Document, Errors, Files, and Find. These objects and their properties and methods are described in detail in Core objects on page 12. (The App object, used in Fireworks 3, is supported for backward compatibility, but its use is deprecated in favor of the Fireworks object.) The Fireworks object, described in The Fireworks object on page 23. Numerous objects associated with Fireworks documents, such as ExportOptions, Guides, Path, Image, and Text. These objects and their properties are described in Objects within Fireworks documents on page 27. A set of objects that you can use to specify the format of HTML source code to use when exporting from Fireworks. These are described in HTML export objects on page 57.
Accessing a Fireworks document All of the functions listed in Document functions on page 68 are methods of Document object, which is an object that represents a Fireworks document. To perform a function on a Document object, you must rst get the Document Object Model, or DOM, of the document. You then call the functions as methods of that DOM.
Note: You can use methods that operate on a documents DOM only on open documents.
To use a DOM function with a document other than the active document, use the following syntax; note that documentIndex is a zero-based integer that species which document the command will affect.
To use a DOM function with the active document, use fw.getDocumentDOM().functionName(), described next. fw.getDocumentDOM()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Returns the Document object for the active document (see Document on page 13). After the object is returned, you can edit its properties to make changes to the document. None. A Document object that represents the DOM of the active document. If there is no active document, returns null.
Arguments Returns
Chapter 2
Passing values For all properties that are not read-only, you can pass values to change elements of a document. For example, the following command sets the fth brush in the third open document to a square shape:
fw.documents[2].brushes[4].shape = "square";
Fireworks Object Model calls or API calls? In some cases, you can use Fireworks Object Model calls or API calls to perform the same functions. In other cases, a certain function may be available in either the Fireworks Object Model or the API, but not in both. For example, if the rst open document is the current document, the rst code snippet below has the same effect as the two code snippets that follow it. (As explained in Accessing a Fireworks document on page 10, fw.getDocumentDOM() references the current document.)
fw.getDocumentDOM().setDocumentResolution({pixelsPerUnit:72, units:"inch"}); fw.documents[0].resolution =72; fw.documents[0].resolutionUnits ="inch";
Global methods
The following table lists the global Fireworks methods, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Method alert(message) confirm(message) Data type string string Notes Displays a string in a modal alert box, along with an OK button. Returns nothing. Displays a string in a modal alert box, along with OK and Cancel buttons. Returns true if OK is clicked, false if Cancel is clicked. Prompts the user (with the string specified by text) to enter a string in a modal dialog box; the dialog box is titled with the string specified by caption. Returns the string entered if OK is clicked, null if Cancel is clicked. Same as WRITE_HTML. WRITE_HTML was created to let you differentiate HTML output calls from other JavaScript calls in your code. Available only when exporting. Converts each argument to a string and writes it to the HTML output file. To enter an end-ofline character, use "\n"; this is converted to the correct line ending for the platform you are using. For more information, see HTML export objects on page 57.
prompt(caption, text)
string, string
Core objects
This section describes the four core objects that are always available: Document, Errors, Files, and Find.
Note: For information on how to format nonstandard data types, such as rectangle or point, see Formatting nonstandard data types on page 6.
Chapter 2
Document The following table lists the properties and methods of the Document object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes. Read-only properties are marked with a bullet (). You can also use many API calls to work with documents. For more information, see Document functions on page 68.
Property backgroundColor Data type string Notes A color string specifying the document canvas color (see Color string on page 6). Array of Brush objects available for use in the document (see Brush on page 28). The index of the current frame. The index of the current layer. Default Alt text for the output images. It works for single and sliced images. Sliced images all get the default, unless specific text is specified for a slice. Corresponds to the text specified in File > HTML Properties > ImageMap > AltImageDescription. Identical to exportOptions (below). Included for backward compatibility with Fireworks 2. ExportOptions object (see ExportOptions on page 41). ExportSettings object (see ExportSettings on page 44). The path to the file from which this document was opened, expressed as a file:// URL, or null if created from scratch. The location to which this document was saved, expressed as a file:// URL, or null if never saved. Array of Fill objects available for use in the document (see Fill on page 46). The number of frames in the current document.
Property frameLoopingCount
Notes 1 dont repeat 0 repeat forever > 0 repeat this number of times Array of Frame objects in the document (see Frame on page 47). If true, the document should be previewed in opposite-platform gamma. If false, the document colors are unadjusted. Array of Gradient objects available for use in the document (see Gradient on page 48). A color string specifying the color of the grid display (see Color string on page 6). Used to set the origin of the grid. Corresponds to the point set when dragging the ruler-origin out from the upper left of the document when rulers are visible. gridSize.x is the horizontal grid size; gridSize.y is the vertical grid size. Guides object (see Guides on page 49). Total height of the document, in pixels. To find the bottom edge of the document, use document.top + document.height. true if the document was modified since the last time it was saved. true if the document is currently in paint-mode editing, false otherwise. true if the document is a Symbol or Button document, false if it is a normal document. You may see this when walking through the list of open documents and one is a symbol-editing window.
guides height
object integer
Chapter 2
Property isValid
Notes true if the document is open in Fireworks, false otherwise. (Occasionally the JavaScript object associated with a document lingers after the document is closed; this property lets you check for that case.) The path to the last directory to which the file was exported, expressed as a file:// URL, or null if the file was never exported. For instance, if the document was last exported to "file:///files/current/ logo.gif", returns "file:///files/ current". The name used the last time the file was exported, or null if the file was never exported. For instance, if the document was last exported to "file:///files/current/logo.gif", returns "logo.gif". An array of Layer objects in the document (see Layer on page 50). Coordinate of the left edge of the document, in pixels. To find the right edge of the document, use document.left + document.width. Acceptable values are "client", "server", and "both". Corresponds to the imagemap type selected in File > HTML Properties > ImageMap. A color string that corresponds to the matte color specified in the Optimize panel (see Color string on page 6). Is used by the useMatteColor property. Number of frames after the current frame to show via onion skinning. Corresponds to the onion-skin controls in the left edge of the Frames panel. A value of 0 indicates no onion skinning; a very large value (such as 99999) indicates onion skinning of all frames after the current frame. Similar to onionSkinAfter (above), but refers to number of frames to onion skin before the current frame.
Property pathAttributes
Notes PathAttrs object (see PathAttrs on page 51). This object specifies default attributesthose that will be applied to all newly created objects. A structure that can be used to store various chunks of text in a well-known format. For more information, see Using the pngText object on page 17. Document resolution, in pixelsper-unit (see resolutionUnits, below). The range is 1 to 5000. The units to be used with the resolution property, above. Acceptable values are "inch" and "cm". Array of Texture objects available for use in the document (see Texture on page 57). Coordinate of the top edge of the document, in pixels. To find the bottom edge of the document, use document.top + document.height. If true, the matteColor property is used when exporting documents with transparent backgrounds. If false, the matteColor property is ignored in this situation, and the exported file is matted against the document's canvas color. The width of the document, in pixels. To find the right edge of the document, use document.left + document.width.
Chapter 2
Using the pngText object Fireworks maintains the following elds for use with the pngText object:
Field name CreationTime Software Value The date and time the document was created. The software used to create the document. Fireworks always sets this to "Macromedia Fireworks 4.0".
You can edit these or add your own elds, and they will be preserved across le saves. The pngText object corresponds directly to the 'tEXt' chunk of the document's PNG structure; for more information, see the PNG le format spec at http://www.cdrom.com/pub/png/spec/. Errors All Errors properties are read-only strings used to make localization of scripts easier. They return localized error messages appropriate to the error in question. For example, the English version of Fireworks returns "Memory is full." for the EOutOfMem property. Below is an alphabetical list of the properties of the Errors object:
EAppAlreadyRunning, EAppNotSerialized, EArrayIndexOutOfBounds, EBadFileContents, EBadJsVersion, EBadNesting, EBadParam, EBadParamType, EBadSelection, EBufferTooSmall, ECharConversionFailed, EDatabaseError, EDeletingLastMasterChild, EDiskFull, EDuplicateFileName, EFileIsReadOnly, EFileNotFound, EGenericErrorOccurred, EGroupDepth, EIllegalThreadAccess, EInternalError, ELowOnMem, ENoActiveDocument, ENoFilesSelected, ENoNestedMastersOrAliases, ENoNestedPasting, ENoSliceableElems, ENoSuchElement, ENotImplemented, ENotMyType, EOutOfMem, EResourceNotFound, ESharingViolation, EUnknownReaderFormat, EUserCanceled, EUserInterrupted, EWrongType
Files The following table lists the methods of the Files object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Method close() Data type none Notes Closes the file referred to by this Files object. You are not required to call this (the file is closed when the Files object is destroyed), but it is useful for controlling the access to a file. Copies the file specified in the first argument to the file specified in the second argument. Each argument must be expressed as a file:// URL. Only files (not directories) may be copied. The files need not reside on the same drive, and the method does not overwrite a file if it already exists. Returns true if the copy is successful, false otherwise. Creates the specified directory. Returns true if successful, false otherwise. Creates the specified file. The file must not already exist. The first argument is the name of the file expressed as a file:// URL. The last two optional arguments let you specify the Macintosh file type and file creator fields. If used, the macType and macCreator strings should each be strings of exactly four characters in length. Deletes the specified file or directory. Returns true if successful, false if the file or directory does not exist or cannot be deleted. Compare with deleteFileIfExisting(), next. Deletes the specified file or directory. Returns true if successful, false if the file or directory cannot be deleted. Unlike deleteFile(), this method returns true if the file or directory does not exist. Returns an array of file URLs. If docOrDir is a directory, the array contains an entry for every file or directory contained in the specified directory. If docOrDir is a file, the array contains a single entry (the file passed in). Returns true if docOrDir refers to a directory or file that exists; false otherwise.
copy(docname1, docname2)
string, string
deleteFileIfExisting (docOrDir)
Chapter 2
Method getDirectory(docname)
Notes Returns just the directory name from docname, which must be expressed as a file:// URL. For example, Files.getDirectory("file:///work/logo.png") returns "file:///work". Returns the file name extension, if any, of docname. For example, Files.getExtension("birthday.png") returns ".png". If the file name has no extension, an empty string is returned. A file name expressed as a file:// URL is acceptable here. Returns just the file name from docname, which must be expressed as a file:// URL. For example, Files.getFilename("file:///work/ logo.png") returns "logo.png". If the last call to a method in a Files object resulted in an error, returns a string describing the error. If the last call succeeded, returns null. The argument, if used, must be expressed as a file:// URL. Returns a file URL in the Temporary Files directory or in the specified directory. This method does not create a file; it simply returns a unique file URL that does not conflict with existing files in the directory. If dirname is passed and is not null, the URL returned indicates a file in the specified directory rather than in the Temporary Files directory. The argument must be expressed as a file:// URL. Returns true if the specified URL refers to a directory that exists; false otherwise. The first argument must be expressed as a file:// URL. Concatenates the two arguments to return a file URL that references the specified file name in the specified directory. For example, Files.makePathFromDirAndFile("file:///work/ reports", "logo.png") returns "file:///work/ reports/logo.png".
getTempFilePath ({dirname})
open(docname, bWrite)
string, boolean The first argument must be expressed as a file:// URL. Opens the specified file for reading or writing. If the second argument is true, the file is opened for writing; otherwise it is opened for reading. If the file cannot be opened, null is returned; otherwise a Files object is returned.
Method readline()
Notes Reads the next line from the file referred to by the current Files object and returns it as a string. The end-of-line character(s) are not included in the string. Returns null if end-offile is reached or if the line is more than 2048 characters long. The first argument must be expressed as a file:// URL. Renames docname on disk. For example, Files.rename("file:///work/logo.png", "oldlogo.png") renames "file:///work/ logo.png" to "file:///work/oldlogo.png". Returns true if the rename is successful, false otherwise. The first argument must be expressed as a file:// URL. Returns a file URL with docname replaced by newPlainFilename. For example, Files.setFilename("file:///work/logo.png", "oldlogo.png") returns "file:///work/ oldlogo.png". This method does not affect the file on disk; it simply provides a convenient way to manipulate file URLs. To change the name on disk, use rename(). Each argument must be expressed as a file:/ / URL. Swaps the contents of the two specified files, so that each file contains the contents of the other file. Only files (not directories) may be swapped, and both files must reside on the same drive. Returns true if the swap is successful, false otherwise. Writes the specified string to the file referred to by the current Files object. No end-of-line characters are appended; to include one, use "\n".
rename(docname, newPlainFilename)
string, string
setFilename(docname, newPlainFilename)
string, string
swap(docname1, docname2)
string, string
Find There are several different ways a Find object can be specied, depending on what you want to nd and replace. Use the whatToFind property to specify the type of nd operation, along with the properties associated with each legal value for whatToFind. These properties are listed in the following tables. Read-only properties are marked with a bullet ().
Chapter 2
replace wholeWord
string boolean
Chapter 2
To find and replace non-websafe colors with the closest websafe color
Property whatToFind effects fills strokes Data type string boolean boolean boolean Notes "nonwebcolor" If true, colors in effects are replaced. Default value is false. If true, colors in fills are replaced. Default value is false. If true, colors in strokes are replaced. Default value is false.
Refer to the Fireworks object by using fw.propertyName or fireworks.propertyName. Note that fireworks must be lowercase.
Property or Method appBatchCodeDir appDir Data type string string Notes The path to the Batch Code directory, expressed as a file:// URL. The path to the directory containing the Fireworks application, expressed as a file:// URL. The path to the Export Settings directory, expressed as a file:// URL. The path to the URL Libraries directory, expressed as a file:// URL. The path to the directory containing the Fireworks Help File, expressed as a file:// URL.
Property or Method appHtmlCodeDir appJsCommandsDir appJsExtensionsDir appMacCreator appMacJsfFileType appPatternsDir appPresetsDir appSettingsDir appStylesDir
Data type string string string string string string string string string
Notes The path to the HTML Code directory, expressed as a file:// URL. The path to the Commands directory, expressed as a file:// URL. The path to the JSExtensions directory, expressed as a file:// URL. "MKBY" "TEXT" The path to the Patterns directory, expressed as a file:// URL. The path to the Presets directory, expressed as a file:// URL. The path to the Settings directory, expressed as a file:// URL. The path to the Styles directory, expressed as a file:// URL. The path to the Libraries directory, expressed as a file:// URL. The path to the Textures directory, expressed as a file:// URL. The path to the Xtras directory, expressed as a file:// URL. The string currently displayed in the Batch Progress dialog box. Set this property to change the string being displayed. Use with progressCountCurrent and progressCountTotal. Displays a dialog box that lets the user choose the target document(s) for an operation. This dialog box lets you specify the files currently open, the files in the project list, or the files explicitly selected by the user. The argument and return value are similar to locateDocDialog(), except that formatlist is a string rather than an array, and you cannot specify a maximum number of documents. If true, the Batch Progress dialog box closes automatically (without user intervention) when the script finishes running. Has no effect if the Batch Progress dialog box is not displayed.
chooseScriptTarget Dialog(formatlist)
dismissBatchDialog WhenDone
Chapter 2
Notes Largely obsolete, used for backward compatibility with Fireworks 2. Array of the current open Document objects (see Document on page 13). If no document is open, it returns an array of length zero. Array of the current open Document objects (see Document on page 13). If no document is open, returns an array of length zero. The argument specifies the name of the document, expressed as a file:// URL. Checks whether Fireworks already has docname open in a document window. If it does, returns that Document object; otherwise returns null. Returns the preference value (string or numeric) associated with the specified preference key. A complete list of these values is beyond the scope of this manual, but the format of prefkey exactly matches that in the Fireworks Preferences file. To set a preference value, use setPref(). History panel object. There are no DOM properties for the History panel, only API calls. For more information, see History panel functions on page 155. Displays a dialog box that lets the user choose one or more files. maxnumdocs is the maximum number of documents to be chosen; formatArray is an array of acceptable file types to open. The return value is an array of file:// URLs, or null if the dialog box is canceled. For syntax details, see Using fw.locateDocDialog() on page 27. The string "mac" if Fireworks is running on the Macintosh, and "win" if running in Windows. The first number (x) displayed in the Batch Progress dialog box, in the File x of y field. Set this property to change the number being displayed. The second number (y) displayed in the Batch Progress dialog box, in the File x of y field. Set this property to change the number being displayed.
findOpenDocument (docname)
integer, array
Notes Quits Fireworks. Prompts to save files that have changed since the last time they were saved. Returns nothing. The size of the main screen on this computer, in pixels. Useful for positioning windows or panels. Array of the selected objects in the active document. If nothing is selected. returns an array of length zero. If no document is open, returns null. Sets the value associated with the specified preference key. A complete list of these values is beyond the scope of this manual, but the format of prefkey and prefval exactly matches those in the Fireworks Preferences file. Returns nothing; to return the value associated with a preference key, use getPref(). Array of the Style object currently loaded in the Style panel (see Style on page 54).
setPref(prefkey, prefval)
string, string
Chapter 2
Using fw.locateDocDialog() The formatArray argument of the locateDocDialog() method is an array of strings like the following:
The following table lists acceptable values for formatname and the le type each value represents.
Value "ADOBE AI3" "Fireworks JavaScript" "kMoaCfFormat_BMP" "kMoaCfFormat_FreeHand7and8" "kMoaCfFormat_GIF" "kMoaCfFormat_JPEG" "kMoaCfFormat_PICT" "kMoaCfFormat_RTF" "kMoaCfFormat_Text" "kMoaCfFormat_TIFF" "PNG" "PS30" File type Adobe Illustrator Fireworks JSF bitmap Macromedia FreeHand 7.0 or 8.0 GIF JPEG Macintosh PICT Rich Text plain text TIFF PNG Photoshop PSD
Behavior The following table lists the properties of the Behavior object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property call Data type string Notes The JavaScript call for the behavior. For legal values, see Using the addBehavior() function on page 175. Acceptable values are "onMouseOver", "onClick", "onMouseOut", "onLoad", and "**ANY**" (the **ANY** argument is used as a wildcard value in some situations).
Brush The following table lists the properties of the Brush object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property alphaRemap Data type string Notes Acceptable values are "none", "white neon", "harsh wet", "smooth neon", "wavy gravy", and "white neon edge". 0 to 360 If true, the brush edges are antialiased. 0 to 100 0 to 100 Determines which subsection of the Stroke panel the brush will appear in (for example, Pencil, Airbrush, and so on). 0 to 100 0 to 1000 Acceptable values are "none", "brush", and "background". 0 to 100 0 to 64 0 to 100 The name of the brush, visible in the Stroke panel.
Chapter 2
Property sensitivity_x_y
Notes 0 to 100, where x is one of pressure, speed, hDir, vDir, random; and y is one of: size, angle, opacity, blackness, scatter, hue, lightness, saturation. For example, sensitivity_pressure_size. Acceptable values are "circle" and "square". Acceptable values are "bell curve" and "linear". 0 to 100 0 to 500 (a percentage, up to 500%) 0 to 100 0 to 100 Acceptable values are "random", "uniform", "complementary", "hue", and "shadow". 1 to 32 0 to 100 Acceptable values are "random", "diagonal", and "circular". Acceptable values are "natural" and "simple".
shape softenMode softness spacing textureBlend textureEdge tipColoring tipCount tipSpacing tipSpacingMode type
string string float float float float string integer float string string
Contour The following table lists the properties of the Contour object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property isClosed Data type boolean Notes If true, the path is closed by connecting the final point in the contour with the first point. Array of ContourNode objects on the contour (see ContourNode, next).
ContourNode The following table lists the properties of the ContourNode object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property dynamicInfo Data type array Notes Array of ContourNodeDynamicInfo objects on this ContourNode object (see ContourNodeDynamicInfo on page 30). If true, this points control points are constrained to be linear with the main point, thus forcing a smooth curve. If false, there are no constraints on the control points. If true, this point was subselected (for example, by the subselection tool). The x coordinate of the contour nodes preceding control point. The y coordinate of the contour nodes preceding control point. 0 to 65535 The x coordinate of the contour nodes following control point. The y coordinate of the contour nodes following control point. The x coordinate of the contour nodes main control point. The y coordinate of the contour nodes main control point.
ContourNodeDynamicInfo The following table lists the properties of the ContourNodeDynamicInfo object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property duration pressure velocity Data type float float float Notes 0.0 to 65535.0 milliseconds 0.0 to 1.0 0.0 to 255.9999 pixels -per -millisecond
Chapter 2
Effect Each Effect object has a different set of properties because every effect has different attributes that can be set. The properties for various Effect objects are listed in the following tables, in alphabetical order.
Note: In addition to the properties listed, each Effect object has two optional string properties: category and name.
Bevel Use the BevelType property of this effect to set a bevel as inner, outer, raised embossed, inset embossed, or glow effect.
Property EffectMoaID EffectIsVisible AngleSoftness Data type string boolean integer Notes "{7fe61102-6ce2-11d18c76000502701850}" If FALSE, the effect is included but temporarily hidden. Default value is TRUE. Specifies the blur, or feather amount, for the shadow and highlight colors of the bevel. 0 to 100 percent InnerBevel = 0 OuterBevel = 1 RaiseEmboss = 2 InsetEmboss = 3 GlowEffect = 4 The width of the bevel, in pixels. BevelButtonUp = 0 BevelButtonOver = 1 BevelButtonDown = 2 BevelButtonHit = 3 A color string specifying the color that is blended on top of the image if ButtonState = 2 (BevelButtonDown) (see Color string on page 6). Controls the opacity at which the edge of the effect is defined. Use 1 if BevelType = 4 (for GlowEffect); otherwise, use 0. A color string specifying the color that is blended onto the face of the object when embossing (see Color string on page 6).
BevelContrast BevelType
integer integer
BevelWidth ButtonState
integer integer
Property GlowStartDistance
Notes Specifies how far away from the object the glow starts, in pixels. Specify a negative value to create "ring" type glows and a positive value to create halo" type glows. The width of the glow, in pixels. A color string specifying the color blended to provide the specular lighting type effect (see Color string on page 6). Used by beveling only. Currently white is always used for internally created effects (though any value should work). This is the complement of ShadowColor. A color string specifying the color that is blended on the face of the image if ButtonState = 3 (BevelButtonHit) (see Color string on page 6). The light angle, in degrees, used to create the light and shadow effects for the bevel. The feather amount on the glow edge, in pixels. A color string specifying the color of the outer bevel effect (see Color string on page 6). A color string specifying the color blended to provide the bevel shadow effect (see Color string on page 6). Currently black is always used for internally created effects (though any value should work). This is the complement of HiliteColor. Default value is false. A multiplier used to calculate the magnitude of the bevel slope. Default effects all use 1, but other values should work. For example, 0.5 gives a more subtle slope while 2.0 gives a sharper slope. flat slope = 0 smooth slope = 1 inverted smooth slope = 2 frame 1 slope = 3 frame 2 slope = 4 ring slope = 5 ruffle slope = 6
GlowWidth HiliteColor
integer string
ShowObject SlopeMultiplier
boolean float
Chapter 2
Property EffectMoaID EffectIsVisible Data type string boolean Notes "{f1cfce41-718e-11d1-8c8200a024cdc039}" If FALSE, the effect is included but temporarily hidden. Default value is TRUE.
Blur More
Property EffectMoaID EffectIsVisible Data type string boolean Notes "{f1cfce42-718e-11d1-8c8200a024cdc039}" If FALSE, the effect is included but temporarily hidden. Default value is TRUE.
Property EffectMoaID EffectIsVisible brightness_amount contrast_amount Data type string boolean integer integer Notes "{3439b08c-1921-11d39bde00e02910d580}" If FALSE, the effect is included but temporarily hidden. Default value is TRUE. -100 to 100 -100 to 100
Convert to Alpha
Property EffectMoaID EffectIsVisible Data type string boolean Notes "{2932d5a2-ca48-11d18561000502701850}" If FALSE, the effect is included but temporarily hidden. Default value is TRUE.
Property EffectMoaID EffectIsVisible rgb_points red_points green_points blue_points Data type string boolean Notes "{3439b08e-1923-11d3"9bde00e02910d580}" If FALSE, the effect is included but temporarily hidden. Default value is TRUE.
vector of points Each of these properties is a vector of points where x = input level and y = output level. All x and y values must be between 0 and 255, and the points must be sorted in ascending order of x coordinate.
Drop Shadow
Property EffectMoaID EffectIsVisible ShadowAngle ShadowBlur ShadowColor ShadowDistance ShadowType Data type string boolean float integer string integer integer Notes "{a7944db8-6ce2-11d18c76000502701850}" If FALSE, the effect is included but temporarily hidden. Default value is TRUE. The angle of the shadow, in degrees. The feathering amount of the shadow edges, in pixels. A color string specifying the color of the shadow (see Color string on page 6). The offset of the shadow, in pixels. 0 = normal shadow 1 = knockout shadow
Chapter 2
Find Edges
Property EffectMoaID EffectIsVisible Data type string boolean Notes "{fc7093f1-f95c-11d0-8be200a024cdc039}" If FALSE, the effect is included but temporarily hidden. Default value is TRUE.
Gaussian Blur
Property EffectMoaID EffectIsVisible gaussian_blur_radius Data type string boolean float Notes "{d04ef8c0-71b3-11d1-8c8200a024cdc039}" If FALSE, the effect is included but temporarily hidden. Default value is TRUE. 0.1 to 250
Property EffectMoaID EffectIsVisible hue_amount saturation_amount lightness_amount hls_colorize Data type string boolean integer integer integer boolean Notes "{3439b08d-1922-11d39bde00e02910d580}" If FALSE, the effect is included but temporarily hidden. Default value is TRUE. -180 to 180 if hls_colorize is false; 0 to 360 if hls_colorize is true. -100 to 100 if hls_colorize is false; 0 to 100 if hls_colorize is true. 0 to 100 Specifies whether the effect should automatically colorize. Default value is false.
Inner Shadow
Property EffectMoaID EffectIsVisible Data type string boolean Notes "{5600f702-774c-11d3-baad0000861f4d01}" If FALSE, the effect is included but temporarily hidden. Default value is TRUE.
Notes The angle of the shadow, in degrees. The feathering amount of the shadow edges, in pixels. A color string specifying the color of the shadow (see Color string on page 6). The offset of the shadow, in pixels. 0 = normal shadow 1 = knockout shadow
Property EffectMoaID EffectIsVisible Data type string boolean Notes "{d2541291-70d6-11d18c8000a024cdc039}" If FALSE, the effect is included but temporarily hidden. Default value is TRUE.
Property EffectMoaID EffectIsVisible source_low_rgb source_high_rgb source_low_red source_high_red source_low_green source_high_green source_low_blue source_high_blue Data type string boolean integer Notes "{d04ef8c1-71b4-11d1-8c8200a024cdc039}" If FALSE, the effect is included but temporarily hidden. Default value is TRUE. These values are all input levels to the filter, with values of 0 to 255.
Chapter 2
Property dest_low_rgb dest_high_rgb dest_low_red dest_high_red dest_low_green dest_high_green dest_low_blue dest_high_blue gamma_rgb gamma_red gamma_green gamma_blue
Notes These values are all output levels to the filter, with values of 0 to 255.
These values are all gamma levels to the filter, with values of 0.1 to 10.0.
Property EffectMoaID EffectIsVisible Data type string boolean Notes "{c20952b1-fc76-11d0-8be700a024cdc039}" If FALSE, the effect is included but temporarily hidden. Default value is TRUE.
Sharpen More
Property EffectMoaID EffectIsVisible Data type string boolean Notes "{1f2f2591-9db7-11d1-8cad00a024cdc039}" If FALSE, the effect is included but temporarily hidden. Default value is TRUE.
Unsharp Mask
Property EffectMoaID EffectIsVisible unsharp_mask_amount unsharp_mask_radius Data type string boolean integer float Notes "{f1cfce44-718e-11d1-8c8200a024cdc039}" If FALSE, the effect is included but temporarily hidden. Default value is TRUE. 1 to 500 0.1 to 250 0 to 255
unsharp_mask_threshold integer
EffectList The following table lists the properties of the EffectList object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property category effects name Data type string array string Notes Specifies which subheading in the Effects panel to use. Array of Effect objects (see Effect on page 31). The name displayed in the Effects panel.
Chapter 2
Element is an abstract or base class; nothing of class Element ever exists. However, it
is useful for simplifying the other class descriptions. Read-only properties are marked with a bullet ().
Property blendMode Data type string Notes Acceptable values are "normal", "multiply", "screen", "darken", "lighten", "difference", "hue", "saturation", "color", "luminosity", "invert", "tint", and "erase". EffectList object (see EffectList on page 38). Read-only in the base class; other properties or API calls are used to resize specific types of elements. May round to an integer. ElementMask object (see ElementMask on page 40). Returns null if the element has no element mask. May be null (removes any existing name). Acceptable values, 0 to 100, represent percent opacity. May round to an integer. If false, the element is hidden. Default value is true. Read-only in the base class; other properties or API calls are used to resize specific types of elements.
effectList height
object float
left mask
float object
ElementMask The following table lists the properties of the ElementMask object, new in Fireworks 4, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property autoExpandImages Data type boolean Notes If true, and the element mask is an image, the image is always auto-expanded to fill the entire document, with areas "outside" the image showing through. If false (or if the element mask is not an image), areas "outside" the element mask are knocked out. Element object (see ElementMask on page 40). If true, the mask applies to the element. If false, the mask remains present but does not visually affect the element in any way. Default value is true. If true, moving the mask moves the element that owns it, and vice versa. If false, moving the mask does not affect the element that owns it (and moving the element does not affect the mask). Default value is true. Acceptable values are "mask to image" and "mask to path". If true, and mode is "mask to path", the mask elements fill and stroke (if any) are drawn. If false, the mask elements fill and stroke are ignored.
element enabled
object boolean
mode showAttrs
string boolean
Chapter 2
ExportFrameInfo The following table lists the properties of the ExportFrameInfo object, along with their data type and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property delayTime Data type Notes integer For GIF animations, the delay time between frames, in 1/100ths of a second. For example, if you set delayTime to 200, two seconds elapse before the next frame in the animation appears. Default value is 7. If false (the default), the frame is exported. If true, the frame is hidden and not exported. The name of the frame displayed in the Frames panel. Default is null. GIF89a frame disposal method. See the GIF89a specification for details. Acceptable values are "unspecified" (the default), "none", "background", and "previous".
Note: When using this object to set properties, the only required property is exportFormat. If other properties are not specied, their default values are used.
The following table lists the properties of the ExportOptions object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes. In addition, use the following information to understand the rules for determining scaling in this object. If useScale is true (the default), percentScale is used to uniformly scale the export, and applyScale is ignored. If useScale is false and applyScale is false (the default), no scaling is done on export. If useScale is false and applyScale is true, then xSize and ySize determine scaling as follows: If the value is positive, it species the exact size for the axis. If the value is zero, it species that the axis varies without limit. If the value is negative, it species that the axis varies, but may be no larger than abs(value)"
If one value is positive and one is negative, the positive value is always used. Thus, this gives the following possibilities:
xSize < 0, ySize < 0 xSize < 0, ySize = 0 xSize < 0, ySize > 0 xSize = 0, ySize < 0 xSize = 0, ySize = 0 xSize = 0, ySize > 0 xSize > 0, ySize < 0 xSize > 0, ySize = 0
use min(xSize, ySize) scaling use xSize scaling use ySize scaling use ySize scaling illegal, use scale of 1.0 use ySize scaling use xSize scaling use xSize scaling not use; instead, use useScale = true and
xSize > 0, ySize > 0 do percentScale = 0 to 100 Property animAutoCrop animAutoDifference applyScale colorMode crop cropBottom cropLeft cropRight cropTop ditherMode ditherPercent exportFormat
Data type boolean boolean boolean string boolean integer integer integer integer string integer string
Notes Default value is true. Default value is true. Default value is false. Acceptable values are "indexed" (the default), "24 bit", and "32 bit". Default value is false. Default value is 0. Default value is 0. Default value is 0. Default value is 0. Acceptable values are "none" (the default), "diffusion", and "2 by 2". 0 to 100; default value is 100. Acceptable values are "GIF", "JPEG", "PNG", "custom", and "GIF animation". There is no defaultthis value must be specified. Array of ExportFrameInfo objects (see ExportFrameInfo on page 41); can be null. Default value is null. Default value is false.
Chapter 2
Property jpegQuality jpegSmoothness jpegSubsampling localAdaptive lossyGifAmount macFileCreator macFileType name numCustomEntries numEntriesRequested numGridEntries optimized paletteEntries paletteInfo
Data type integer integer integer boolean integer string string string integer integer integer boolean array array
Notes 1 to 100; default value is 80. 0 to 8; default value is 0. 0 to 4; default value is 1. Default value is true. 0 to 100; default value is 0. Default value is "" (an empty string). Default value is "" (an empty string). Default value is "" (an empty string). 0 to 256; default value is 0. 0 to 256; default value is 128. 0 to 256; default value is 6. Default value is true. Array of color strings (see Color string on page 6); default value is null. Array of ExportPaletteInfo objects, or null if all entries in the array are default values (see ExportPaletteInfo on page 44); default value is null. Acceptable values are "adaptive" (the default), "custom", "grid", "monochrome", "Macintosh", "Windows", "exact", and "Web 216". Acceptable values are "none" (the default), "index", "index alpha", and "rgba". 1 to 100000; default value is 100. Default value is false. Default value is 0. Acceptable values are "none" (the default), "luminance", and "popularity". -1 to 255; pass -1 to use the background color's index; default value is 1. Default value is true. Default value is true.
paletteTransparencyType string percentScale progressiveJPEG savedAnimationRepeat sorting transparencyIndex useScale webSnapAdaptive integer boolean integer string zero-based integer boolean boolean
Notes Default value is 14. -100000 to 100000; default value is 0. See ExportOptions on page 41 for details on using xSize and ySize. -100000 to 100000; default value is 0. See ExportOptions on page 41 for details on using xSize and ySize.
ExportPaletteInfo The following table lists the properties of the ExportPaletteInfo object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property colorLocked colorModified colorSelected Data type boolean boolean boolean Notes true if the color is locked in the palette. Default value is false. true if the color was edited. Default value is false. true if the color is selected in the palette (selection is a temporary attribute). Default value is false. true if the color is exported as transparent. Default value is false. If colorModified is true, specifies the color that will actually be used. Default value is "#000000".
colorTransparent newColorValue
boolean string
ExportSettings The following table lists the properties of the ExportSettings object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property Data type Notes If true, omits undefined slices from export operations. If true, generates multiple HTML pages for button export. Acceptable values are "same", "custom", and "clipboard".
Chapter 2
Property setByUser
Notes If true, the user specified the export settings. If false, the first time the file is exported, Fireworks chooses settings based on the data. Acceptable values are "none" (no shims), "transparent" (one-pixel transparent shims), and "nested tables" (no shims, but nested tables). If true, use guides for slicing (and sliceUsingUrls should be false). Used to generate a name by concatenating six strings. If you need fewer than six, fill in the remaining strings with "none". Acceptable values are: "none" - generates nothing. "row_col" - generates a unique row and column index; 0_0 is first, 0_1 is second, and so on. "ALPHA" - generates a unique uppercase letter; A is first, B is second, and so on. "alpha" - generates a unique lowercase letter; a is first, b is second, and so on. "numeric1" - generates a unique number; 1 is first, 2 is second, and so on. "numeric01" - generates a unique two-digit number; 01 is first, 02 is second, and so on. "doc.name" - name of the file being exported, without path or extension, such as "image". "slice" - the string "slice". "underscore" - the underscore character "_" "period" - the period character "." "space" - the space character " " "hyphen" - the dash character "-" For example, to generate names of "image_slice01", "image_slice02" (and so on) from a document named "image", set the following properties: sliceAutoNaming1: "doc.name" sliceAutoNaming2: "underscore" sliceAutoNaming3: "slice" sliceAutoNaming4: "numeric01" sliceAutoNaming5: "none" sliceAutoNaming6: "none"
boolean string
Data type
Notes Used to generate a name by concatenating two strings; the resulting string is concatenated to the name specified by sliceAutoNaming. If you need fewer than two, fill in the remaining string with "none". Acceptable values are: "none" - generates nothing. "frameNumber" - generates frame number preceded by f, for example, f2. "number" - generates frame number, for example, 2. "state" - generates frame state, for example, "over", "down", or "overdown". "abbreviation" - generates abbreviated state, for example, "o", "d", or "od". "underscore" - the underscore character "_" "period" - the period character "." "space" - the space character " " "hyphen" - the dash character "-" If true, use slice objects for slicing (and sliceAlongGuides should be false). HTML style to be used during export. Acceptable values are "Dreamweaver", "Generic", "FrontPage", "GoLive", or a usercreated HTML style.
sliceUsingUrls templateName
boolean string
Fill The following table lists the properties of the Fill object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property category ditherColors edgeType feather gradient name pattern Data type string array string integer object string object Notes Specifies where this Fill appears in the Fill panel. Array of two color strings (see Color string on page 6). Acceptable values are "hard" and "antialiased". 0 to 1000, representing the feathering value in pixels (0 means no feathering). Gradient object (see Gradient on page 48). The name displayed in the Fill panel. Pattern object (see Pattern on page 52).
Chapter 2
Property shape
Notes Acceptable values are "solid", "linear", "radial", "conical", "satin", "pinch", "folds", "elliptical", "rectangular", "bars", "ripple", "waves", "pattern", and "web dither". Acceptable values are "blend" and "blend opaque". 0 to 100 If true (and shape is "web dither"), then the second color in the ditherColors array is ignored and transparent is used instead.
Frame The following table lists the properties of the Frame object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes. Read-only properties are marked with a bullet ().
Property layers Data type array Notes Array of FrameNLayerIntersection objects in the document (see FrameNLayerIntersection on page 47). Hundredths of a second. Acceptable values are "unspecified", "none", "background", and "previous". If false, this frame is hidden. Default value is true.
FrameNLayerIntersection The following table lists the properties of the FrameNLayerIntersection object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes. Readonly properties are marked with a bullet ().
Property elements locked visible Data type array boolean boolean Notes Array of Element objects (see Element on page 39). If true, this FrameNLayerIntersection is locked. Default value is false. If false, this FrameNLayerIntersection is hidden. Default value is true.
Gradient The following table lists the properties of the Gradient object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property name nodes Data type string array Notes The name displayed in the Fill panel. Array of GradientNode objects (see GradientNode on page 48).
GradientNode The following table lists the properties of the GradientNode object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property color Data type string Notes A color string specifying the color at this position in the gradient (see Color string on page 6). 0.0 to 1.0
Group is a subclass of the base class Element and contains the following properties in addition to those in Element (see Element on page 39). Property elements groupType Data type array string Notes Array of Element objects in the group (see Element on page 39). Acceptable value is "normal". ("mask to image" and "mask to path" are deprecated in Fireworks 4.)
Chapter 2
Guides The following table lists the properties of the Guides object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property color hGuides locked vGuides Data type string array boolean array Notes A color string specifying the color used for the guides (see Color string on page 6). Array of floating-point numbers specifying horizontal guide locations. If true, the user cannot select or move the guides. Default value is false. Array of floating-point numbers specifying vertical guide locations.
Hotspot A Hotspot generates an image map during HTML export. Hotspot is a subclass of the base class Element and contains the following properties in addition to those in Element (see Element on page 39).
Property altText behaviors color Data type string array string Notes Text written into the HTML Alt tag when exporting. Array of Behavior objects for the hotspotBehavior on page 28. Color in which the hotspot is drawn in the document window. Default value is "#00FFFF". Contour object for the hotspotContour on page 29. Used only if shape="polyline"; otherwise null. Acceptable values are "rectangle", "circle", and "polyline". Text written into the HTML Target tag when exporting. Text written into the HTML Href tag when exporting.
Image is a subclass of the base class Element (see Element on page 39). It contains no properties or methods of its own in addition to those in Element.
Instance is a subclass of the base class Element and contains the following properties in addition to those in Element (see Element on page 39). Read-only properties
Layer The following table lists the properties of the Layer object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes. Read-only properties are marked with a bullet ().
Property disclosure Data type boolean Notes If true, the Layers list displays all the objects in the layer. If false, only the name of the layer itself is displayed. An array of FrameNLayerIntersection objects (see FrameNLayerIntersection on page 47). Acceptable values are "normal" and "web". May be null (removes any existing name). Acceptable values are "shared" and "not shared".
Chapter 2
Path Path is a subclass of the base class Element and contains the following properties in addition to those in Element (see Element on page 39).
Property contours pathAttributes randSeed Data type array object float Notes Array of Contour objects on this Path object (see Contour on page 29). PathAttrs object (see PathAttrs on page 51). A 32-bit integer. JavaScript integers hold only 31-bit numbers, so it is stored as a floating-point number. If the path has a textured brush or fill, specifies the offset of the textures origin.
PathAttrs The following table lists the properties of the PathAttrs object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property brush brushColor Data type object string Notes Brush object (see Brush on page 28). A color string specifying the color used for rendering the Brush object, if any (see Color string on page 6). Acceptable values are "inside", "center", and "outside". Texture object (see Texture on page 57). Fill object (see Fill on page 46). A color string specifying the color used for rendering the Fill object, if any (see Color string on page 6).
point point point boolean If true, the fill is drawn on top of the brush; if false (the default), the fill is drawn beneath the brush. Texture object (see Texture on page 57). The three fillHandle properties are used by Gradient and Pattern fills to set the angle and size of the gradient/pattern.
Pattern The following table lists the properties of the Pattern object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property name Data type string Notes The name displayed in the Fill panel.
RectanglePrimitive The following table lists the properties and methods of the RectanglePrimitive object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property roundness Data type float Notes A float value between 0 and 1 that specifies the roundness to use for the corners (0 is no roundness, 1 is 100% roundness). A rectangle specifying the original sides of the primitive (see Rectangle on page 7). Because rectangle primitives remember transformations, the user may see something very different from the original sides. A matrix indicating all the transformations that were applied to the primitive (see Matrix on page 6). A PathAttrs object indicating the path attributes of the primitive (see PathAttrs on page 51).
Chapter 2
SingleTextRun The following table lists the properties of the SingleTextRun object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property changedAttrs characters Data type object string Notes TextAttrs object (see TextAttrs on page 56). The text contained in this run.
SliceHotspot A SliceHotspot generates an image slice during HTML export. SliceHotspot is a subclass of the base class Hotspot and contains the following properties in addition to those in Hotspot (see Hotspot on page 49). Read-only properties are marked with a bullet ().
Property baseName exportOptions Data type string object Notes Base name for slice file names, or null for auto-name. ExportOptions object (see ExportOptions on page 41); null if using current document defaults. If sliceKind is "empty", this text is exported instead of the image. The default is an empty string. An arbitrary string used to uniquely identify this slice. "image" generates an image; "empty" generates the text specified by htmlText.
sliceID sliceKind
string string
Style The following table lists the properties of the Style object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes. All Style properties are read-only.
Property (read-only) effectList name pathAttributes textBold textFont textItalic textSize textUnderline use_brush Data type object string object boolean string boolean string boolean boolean Notes EffectList object (see EffectList on page 38). The name displayed in the Style panel. PathAttrs object (see PathAttrs on page 51). Whether to make the affected text bold; used only if use_textStyles is true. The font to apply to text; used only if use_textFont is true. Whether to make the affected text italic; used only if use_textStyles is true. String of the form "#pt", where # is a numeric value. Whether to underline the affected text; used only if use_textStyles is true. If true, applies the brush property from the pathAttributes object when applying the style. If false, ignores the brush property. Default value is false. If true, applies the brushColor property from the pathAttributes object when applying the style. If false, ignores the brushColor property. Default value is false. If true, applies the effects property from the effectList object when applying the style. If false, ignores the effects property. Default value is false. If true, applies the fill property from the pathAttributes object when applying the style. If false, ignores the fill property. Default value is false. If true, applies the fillColor property from the pathAttributes object when applying the style. If false, ignores the fillColor property. Default value is false.
Chapter 2
Notes If true, applies the textFont property from the pathAttributes object when applying the style. If false, ignores the textFont property. Default value is false. If true, applies the textSize property from the pathAttributes object when applying the style. If false, ignores the textSize property. Default value is false. If true, applies the textStyles property from the pathAttributes object when applying the style. If false, ignores the textStyles property. Default value is false.
is a subclass of the base class Element and contains the following properties in addition to those in Element (see Element on page 39).
Property antiAliased antiAliasMode Data type boolean string Notes If true (the default), anti-alias the text. Acceptable values are "smooth", "crisp", and "strong". This value is ignored if the antiAliased property is false. If true, use pair kerning information in the font(s) to kern the text. If false, pair kerning information in the font(s) is ignored. Default value is true. Acceptable values are "horizontal left to right" (the default), "vertical right to left", "horizontal right to left", and "vertical left to right". PathAttrs object (see PathAttrs on page 51). A 32-bit integer. JavaScript integers hold only 31-bit numbers, so it is stored as a floating point-number. TextRuns object (see TextRuns on page 57). If the text has a textured brush or fill, specifies the offset of the textures origin. Acceptable values are "paths" and "pixels".
pathAttributes randSeed
object float
TextAttrs The following table lists the properties of the TextAttrs object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property alignment baselineShift Data type string integer Notes Acceptable values are "left", "center", "right", "justify", and "stretch". The number of pixels above (positive numbers) or below (negative numbers) the baseline by which the characters are shifted. true for bold text, false for normal text. The name of the font, such as "Arial". A color string specifying the color of the text (see Color string on page 6). The relative width of the characters. 1.0 normal width < 1 thinner than normal > 1 wider than normal true for italic text, false for normal text. Also known as "pair kerning", it is the percentage of an em square by which to separate two characters, in addition to the amount the font specifies. Applies to only one pair or characters. To specify kerning for a range of text, use the rangeKerning property. 0 normal kerning < 0 move the two characters closer together > 0 move the two characters farther apart The spacing between two lines of text, measured from baseline to baseline. Larger numbers place more space between lines of text. Smaller numbers move the lines closer together. The exact effect of this property number depends on the value of the leadingMode property. The only acceptable value is "percentage", which specifies that the leading property is a percentage of the texts point size. A leading property of 1.0 would mean 100% or single-spaced, 2.0 would mean 200% or double-spaced, and so on.
italic kerning
boolean float
Chapter 2
Notes The same as kerning, but applies to a range of text, not just two characters. String of the form "#pt", where # is a numeric value. true for underlined text, false for normal text.
TextRuns The following table lists the properties of the TextRuns object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
Property initialAttrs textRuns Data type object array Notes TextAttrs object (see TextAttrs on page 56). Array of SingleTextRun objects on this TextRuns object (see SingleTextRun on page 53).
is a subclass of the base class Element and contains the following read-only property in addition to those in Element (see Element on page 39).
Property (read-only) name Data type string Notes The name displayed in the Brush or Fill panels.
BehaviorInfo The BehaviorInfo object describes a behavior assigned to an element. There are seven behaviors: Status Message, Swap Image, Button Down, Swap Image Restore, Button Highlight, Button Restore, and Popup Menu (new in Fireworks 4). The following table lists the properties of the BehaviorInfo object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes. All BehaviorInfo properties are read-only.
Property (read-only) action Data type integer Notes Specifies the type of behavior: 1 is Status Message, 2 is Swap Image, 4 is Button Down, 5 is Swap Image Restore, 6 is Button Highlight, 7 is Button Restore, and 9 is Popup Menu. In the standard templates, these values are defined: var kActionStatusMessage = 1; var kActionSwapImage = 2; var kActionButtonDown = 4; var kActionSwapImageRestore = 5; var kActionButtonHighlight = 6; var kActionButtonRestore = 7; var kActionPopupMenu = 9; For Button Highlight behaviors, true if there is a down highlight image. Specifies the type of event: 0 is Mouse Over, 1 is On Click, 2 is Mouse Out, and 3 is On Load. In the standard templates, these values are defined: var kEventMouseOver = 0; var kEventOnClick = 1; var kEventMouseOut = 2; var kEventOnLoad=3; For Swap Image behaviors, true if the swap image swaps in an external file. The value of hasHref is always the opposite of hasTargetFrame; you cannot swap from two sources. For Status Message behaviors, true if the status text is not empty. For Swap Image behaviors, true if the swap image swaps in another frame in the Fireworks file. The value of hasTargetFrame is always the opposite of hasHref; you cannot swap from two sources. If action is set to 9 (Popup Menu), horzOffset specifies the horizontal pixel offset for the menu.
downHighlight event
boolean integer
hasStatusText hasTargetFrame
boolean boolean
Chapter 2
Notes The argument must be expressed as a file:// URL. For Swap Image behaviors, the file URL for an external swap image file. For Swap Image behaviors, true if the image is to be preloaded. If true, the original image for a SwapImage behavior is restored on mouse out. For Status Message behaviors, the status message text. For Swap Image behaviors, the column in the slices table that is swapped. For Swap Image behaviors, if hasTargetFrame is true, this frame number is swapped. For Swap Image behaviors, the row in the slices table that is swapped. If action is set to 9 (Popup Menu), vertOffset specifies the vertical pixel offset for the menu.
boolean boolean string zero-based integer zero-based integer zero-based integer integer
targetRowNum vertOffset
BehaviorsList The BehaviorsList object is an array of BehaviorInfo objects that describe the behaviors in an image map (see BehaviorInfo on page 58). The BehaviorsList object does not occur by itself. That is, all occurrences of BehaviorsList objects are members of other objects. In the following example,
var curBehavior = slices[i][j].behaviors[k]; behaviors is an BehaviorInfo.
The BehaviorsList object has only one property, shown in the following table.
Property (read-only) numberOfBehaviors Data type integer Notes The number of BehaviorInfo objects in the BehaviorsList array (0 or more) (see BehaviorInfo on page 58).
exportDoc The following table lists the properties of the exportDoc object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes. All exportDoc properties are read-only.
Note: This object type does not start with a capital letter. Property (read-only) altText backgroundColor Data type string string Notes The Alt text description for the Fireworks document. The hex color of the document canvas, without the # character; for example, "FF0000" for red background. true if the Fireworks canvas color is transparent, or if the export settings specify a transparent GIF format; false otherwise. The background URL, expressed as a file:// URL. A number assigned to a document to help identify HTML generated from it. The docID does not change when you change the name of a file. However, if you use File > Save As, you can get multiple files with the same docID. The file name used when the document was saved, without path information, such as "nav.gif". A color string specifying the color of empty table cells (see Color string on page 6). Specifies what to put into empty cells. Acceptable value are 1 (nothing), 2 (spacer image), and 3 (nonbreaking space). If true (the default), empty cells are set to the backgroundColor property. If false, they are set to the emptyCellColor property. URL for the exported image, relative to the HTML output; for example, "images/ Button.gif" . In Slices.htt, it is the base image name plus the base extension. Unless there is only one slice, Slices.htt produces file names such as "Button_r2_c2.gif". true if an HTML file is generated, false if the output goes to the Clipboard. true if the Fireworks document has an Alt text description.
backgroundIsTransparent boolean
backgroundLink docID
string integer
emptyCellColor emptyCellContents
string integer
generateHeader hasAltText
boolean boolean
Chapter 2
Notes true if the Fireworks document has a background URL. Height of the image being exported, in pixels. In Slices.htt, it is the total height of the output images. File that the HTML is being written to, including file name, expressed as a file:// URL; for example, "file:///C|/top/nav/ navbar.htm". Name of the image that is being exported, without extension; for example, "Button". The value of the Include HTML Comments preference, which the export script interprets as appropriate. For example, if this value is false, the Dreamweaver export script removes all nonessential comments. Number of frames being exported from the Fireworks document. This value is not zerobased; the value is 1 or more. Path of the image that is being exported; for example, "images/Button". File name extension of the image that is being exported, including a period; for example, ".gif". Used only in Metafile.htt for generating HTML for one slice. Specifies the column of the slice. Used only in Metafile.htt for generating HTML for one slice. Specifies the row of the slice. The HTML style used to export the data, such as "Dreamweaver", "Generic", or "FrontPage". Width of the image being exported, in pixels. In Slices.htt, it is the total width of the output images.
imagename includeHTMLComments
string boolean
pathBase pathSuffix
string string
ImageMap The following table lists the properties and methods of the ImageMap object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes. All ImageMap properties are read-only.
Property (read-only) or Method altText behaviors Data type Notes
string object
The Alt text description for this slice, if any. BehaviorsList object containing the behaviors for this slice (see BehaviorsList on page 59). true if the slice has an Alt text description. true if the slice has a URL. true if the target text is not empty. The URL link for this slice. The argument must be expressed as a file:// URL. Number of coordinates in the area. A circle always has 1 (the center), a rectangle has 2 (top left and bottom right), and a polygon has 1 or more. Radius of the area, if shape is "circle". Acceptable values are "circle", "poly", and "rect". Target text for this image, if any. Returns the x coordinate for the specified point, in pixels. For example, the following commands return the coordinates for the first point: var x = imagemap.xCoord(0); var y = imagemap.yCoord(0); It is possible to have negative values if the imagemap area is drawn such that it crosses the left or top sides of the image (or sliced image). Returns the y coordinate for the specified point, in pixels. See xCoord().
zero-based integer
Chapter 2
ImagemapList The ImagemapList is an array of ImageMap objects that describe the areas in an image map (see ImageMap on page 62). To access imageMap objects, use the ImagemapList array, as shown below:
var curImagemap = ImagemapList[i];
The ImagemapList object has only one property, shown in the following table.
Property (read-only) numberOfURLs Data type integer Notes The number of image map areas in the image map list (0 or more).
SliceInfo The following table lists the properties and methods of the SliceInfo object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes. All SliceInfo properties are read-only.
Property (read-only) or Method altText behaviors Data type Notes
string object
The Alt text description for this slice. BehaviorsList object containing the behaviors for this slice (see BehaviorsList on page 59). Height of this table row in pixels. Width of this table column in pixels. The index for this slice as a button if it is a multiple file export down button. Returns a string that is the file name for the slice on the specified frame, without directory or extension information. For example, when exporting a file base named Button, Slices[0][0].getFrameFileName(0) returns "Button_r1_c1". Generally all slices that have images have a frame file name. For frames 1 and up, only slices that are rollovers or that are targeted by a swap image have names. true if the slice has an Alt text description. true if the slice has a URL. true if the cell is a text-only slice.
Property (read-only) or Method hasImage hasImagemap hasTargetText height href htmlText imagemap
Data type
true if this cell has an image. For text-only slices, this is false. true if there are image map hotspots in this image slice. true if the target text is not empty. Height of the image in pixels, including row spans. The URL link for this slice. The argument must be expressed as a file:// URL. Text for a text-only slice. ImagemapList object containing the image map information for this slice (see ImagemapList on page 63). Extension for the image in this cell, including a period; for example, ".gif". true if the slice does not have a slice object drawn over it. If you draw two slices that don't cover your document, Fireworks automatically generates slices to cover the rest of the document. These slices are the undefined slices. Left side of the cell in pixels. The left starts at 0. Slices object that describes a nested table occupying the current table cell (see Slices on page 65). null if the cell does not contain a nested table. Sets the file name for the slice on the specified frame, without directory or extension information. You can stop an image from exporting by setting its name to "" (an empty string). true if this cell in the table is covered by a previous row span or column span. Target text for this image, if any. Top of the cell in pixels. The top starts at 0. Width of the image in pixels, including column spans.
imageSuffix isUndefined
string boolean
left nestedTableSlices
integer object
setFrameFileName (frameIndex)
zero-based integer
Chapter 2
Slices is an object that has some properties and is also a two-dimensional array of SliceInfo objects (see SliceInfo on page 63). For example, Slices[0][0] is the SliceInfo
for the rst cell at row 0, column 0. The rst array is rows, the second columns. A fairly common way to access the table is:
var curRow; var curCol; for (curRow = 0; curRow<slices.numRows; curRow++) { for (curCol=0; curCol<slices.numColumns; curCol++) { var curSlice = slices[curRow][curCol]; // curSlice is the slice info for the cell at this row & column. // do whatever processing with curSlice. } }
The following table lists the properties of the Slices object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes. All Slices properties are read-only.
Property (read-only) demoIndex doDemoHTML doShimEdges doSkipUndefined imagesDirPath Data type zero-based integer boolean boolean boolean string Notes Index for each file generated for multiple button file export. true for multiple file button rollover export. true if Table Shims are set to Transparent Image in Document properties. true if Export Undefined Slices is NOT checked in Document Properties. Relative URL to the images folder. For Example, "images/", or "../site_images", or "" (an empty string) if the images and the HTML are in the same directory. Number of columns that are present in the HTML table. Does not include shim column. Number of rows that are present in the HTML table. Does not include shim row. Relative URL to the shim GIF file; for example, "images/shim.gif".
Chapter 2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To make it possible to create useful Fireworks extensions and customized Fireworks menus, Fireworks supports the JavaScript functions listed in this chapter. Almost any task that the user can accomplish in Fireworks with the menus, tools, or oating panels can now be done with JavaScript.
that take a frameIndex argument may be passed 1 to indicate the current frame. Similarly, functions that take a layerIndex argument may be passed 1 to indicate the current layer. Passing null values In general, passing a null value to a function causes an exception to be thrown. A few functions do allow null as an argument; this is noted in the function descriptions.
Operating on a selection Many API functions in this chapter refer to a selection or to selected items. These terms refer to Fireworks elements, such as text boxes or images, that are currently selected. In most cases, the functions work even if only one item is selected. If a function requires more than one selected item, this is noted in the description of the function. or panel Several API functions reference the History palette (see History panel functions on page 155). Throughout the Fireworks documentation and online help, the term palette is reserved for discussions of a color palette, and the term panel is used to refer to the oating windows available within Fireworks. Therefore, although the function name contains palette, the descriptions refer to a panel.
Document functions
As discussed in Accessing a Fireworks document on page 10, you get and set document properties by calling functions as methods of the documents DOM (Document Object Model). Methods that operate on a documents DOM are listed in this section as dom.functionName(). However, you cannot simply type dom.functionName(). In place of dom, you must type fw.getDocumentDOM() or fw.documents[documentIndex]. For example: How a function looks in this manual: dom.addNewHotspot() How you must type it:
fw.getDocumentDOM().addNewHotspot(); // operates on active document
fw.documents[documentIndex].addNewHotspot(); // operates on specified document
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Adds a specied behavior to the selected hotspots and slices.
action, event, eventIndex
The rst argument is a string that species the behavior to be added, such as "MM_swapImageRestore()". For a list of all behaviors that can be added, see Using the addBehavior() function on page 175. The second argument species the event that triggers the behavior. Acceptable values are "onMouseOver", "onMouseOut", "onLoad", and "onClick". The last argument is a zero-based integer that species the location where the behavior should be added. To specify the end location, pass 1 here.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command adds a simple rollover behavior at the end of the selected slice or hotspot.
fw.getDocumentDOM().addBehavior("MM_simpleRollover()", "onMouseOver", -1); dom.removeBehavior()
Related Functions
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Adds a new, empty mask to the selected element. If the selection already has an element mask, it will be replaced with the new one. There must be exactly one element selected when this is called. If there are more (or none), an exception is thrown.
mode, {bEnterMaskEditMode}
Acceptable values for mode are "reveal all", "hide all", "reveal selection", and "hide selection". If the user is not in bitmap mode, or if there is no pixel selection, "reveal selection" and "hide selection" operate like "reveal all" and "hide all", respectively. If the second (optional) argument is true, Fireworks enters mask-edit mode on the newly added mask; if omitted, it defaults to false.
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0, enhanced in 4.0 Adds one or more frames to the document.
howMany, where, {bAdvanceActiveFrame}
The rst argument is an integer that species how many frames to add. The second argument species where to add the frames. Acceptable values for where are "beginning", "before current", "after current", and "end". The third argument (bAdvanceActiveFrame), added in Fireworks 4, species whether to change the active frame. If it is omitted or true, this function sets the currently active frame to the rst frame added. If false, the currently active frame does not change. For example, if the user is adding frames at the end of a document that has two frames and bAdvanceActiveFrame is omitted or true, then the third frame becomes the active frame.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command adds one frame after the current frame but does not change the active frame.
fw.getDocumentDOM().addFrames(1, "after current", false);
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Adds a guide to the document. If a guide already exists at the specied position, this function has no effect.
position, guidekind
The rst argument is a oat value that species the x or y coordinate at which to add the guide. Acceptable values for guidekind are "horizontal" and "vertical". If guidekind is "horizontal", it is assumed that position is a y coordinate; if "vertical", an x coordinate.
Returns Example
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Adds a new hotspot tting into the specied bounding rectangle.
hotspot-kind, hotspot-shape, boundingRectangle
Acceptable values for the rst argument are "hotspot" and "slice". Acceptable values for the second argument are "rectangle" and "oval". The third argument is a rectangle that species the bounds within which the hotspot is placed (see Rectangle on page 7).
Returns Example
Nothing. This command adds a new rectangle slice with the specied coordinates.
fw.getDocumentDOM().addNewHotspot("slice","rectangle",{left:0, top:0, right:50, bottom:100});
Availability Description Arguments
The rst argument is a rectangle that species the bounds of the image to be added (see Rectangle on page 7). You cannot create an image larger than the document; therefore, if you pass in a rectangle with bounds larger than the document size, you can create an image constrained to the document size. If the second argument is true, the application immediately enters bitmap mode for the new image.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command adds an empty image that is 500 by 500 pixels in size, and then enters bitmap mode.
fw.getDocumentDOM().addNewImage({left:0, top:0, right:500, bottom:500}, true);
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Adds a new layer to the document and makes it the current layer.
name, bShared
The rst argument is a string that species the name for the new layer. If name is null, a new layer name is generated. The second argument is a Boolean value that species whether the new layer is shared.
Returns Example
A string value containing the name of the new layer. This command adds a new, unshared layer with a default name generated by Fireworks.
fw.getDocumentDOM().addNewLayer(null, false);
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Adds a new path between two points. The new path uses the documents current default path attributes and is added on the current frame and layer.
startPoint, endPoint
The arguments are points that specify the x,y coordinates between which the path is added (see Point on page 6).
Returns Example
Nothing. This command adds a new line between the specied coordinates.
fw.getDocumentDOM().addNewLine({x:64.5, y:279.5}, {x:393.5, y:421.5});
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Adds a new oval tting into the specied bounding rectangle. The oval uses the documents current default path attributes and is added on the current frame and layer.
The argument is a rectangle that species the bounds of the oval to be added (see Rectangle on page 7).
Returns Example
Nothing. This command adds a new oval within the specied coordinates.
fw.getDocumentDOM().addNewOval({left:72, top:79, right:236, bottom:228});
Chapter 3
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Adds a new rectangle or rounded rectangle tting into the specied bounds. The rectangle uses the documents current default path attributes and is added on the current frame and layer.
boundingRectangle, roundness
The rst argument is a rectangle that species the bounds within which the new rectangle is added (see Rectangle on page 7). The second argument is a oat value between 0 and 1 that species the roundness to use for the corners (0 is no roundness, 1 is 100% roundness).
Returns Example
Nothing. This command adds a new rectangle with no round corners within the specied coordinates.
fw.getDocumentDOM().addNewRectangle({left:0, top:0, right:100, bottom:100}, 0); dom.addNewRectanglePrimitive()
Related Functions
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Adds a new rectangle primitive tting into the specied bounds. The rectangle primitive uses the documents's current default path attributes, is added on the current frame and layer, and has several editable properties, such as corner roundness and transformation. The difference between a rectangle and a rectangle primitive is that a rectangle is just a path that happens to be shaped like a rectangle, while a rectangle primitive remembers its "rectangleness"; that is, if you try to drag a corner, it remains a rectangle, rather than deforming into a quadrilateral.
boundingRectangle, roundness
The rst argument is a rectangle that species the bounds within which the new rectangle primitive is added (see Rectangle on page 7). The second argument is a oat value between 0 and 1 that species the roundness to use for the corners (0 is no roundness, 1 is 100% roundness).
Returns Example
Nothing. This command adds a new rectangle primitive with no round corners within the specied coordinates.
fw.getDocumentDOM().addNewRectanglePrimitive({left:0, top:0, right:100, bottom:100}, 0); dom.addNewRectangle(), fw.ungroupPrimitives()
Related Functions
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Adds a new path consisting of a single Bzier point. The path uses the default ll, stroke, and so on, and is added on the current frame and layer. The point is selected after it is added.
controlPointFirst, mainPoint, controlPointLast, bCopyAttrs
The rst three arguments are points that specify the x,y coordinates of the preceding control point, the main point, and the following control point of the Bzier path (see Point on page 6). If bCopyAttrs is false, the paths stroke and ll are copied directly from the documents current stroke and ll settings. If it is true, then the paths ll is set to none, and the brush is set to something other than none.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command adds a new path consisting of a single Bzier point at the specied coordinates, and copies the paths stroke and ll from the documents current stroke and ll settings.
fw.getDocumentDOM().addNewSinglePointPath({x:150, y:63}, {x:150, y:63}, {x:150, y:63}, false);
Availability Description Arguments
The rst argument is an integer that species the number of sides of the new path. The second argument is a oat value that controls the regularity of the star or polygon. Pass 1 to have Fireworks calculate a good value, or pass a value between 0 and 1 for manual control. If the third argument is true, a star with the specied number of points is created. If it is false, a regular polygon with the specied number of sides is created. The fourth argument species the center point of the star or polygon (see Point on page 6). The fth argument species a point on the radius of the star or polygon.
Returns Example
Chapter 3
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Adds a new symbol to the Library and opens the symbol document for editing. Optionally adds an instance of the symbol to the document.
type, name, bAddToDoc
Acceptable values for the rst argument are "graphic", "button", and "animation". The second argument is a string that species the name of the symbol. If bAddToDoc is true, then an instance of the symbol is inserted into the center of the document. If false, the symbol is created in the documents Library, but no instance of the symbol is inserted into the document.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command adds a new graphic symbol called text to the Library and places an instance of it in the document.
fw.getDocumentDOM().addNewSymbol("graphic", "text", true);
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Adds a new, empty text block within the specied bounding rectangle. (To place text in the box, use dom.setTextRuns().)
boundingRectangle, bInitFromPrefs
The rst argument is a rectangle that species the bounds within which to place the new text box (see Rectangle on page 7). If the second argument is false, the default values for all style properties are used. If it is true, the most recent values set by the user are used.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command adds a text box with the style properties most recently used.
fw.getDocumentDOM().addNewText({left:43, top:220, right:102, bottom:232}, true);
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 If a single hotspot or slice is selected, this function adds to it a swap-image behavior from the hotspot or slice located at where in the document.
The argument is a point that species the x,y coordinates of the hotspot or slice containing the swap-image behavior to be added (see Point on page 6).
Returns true if the swap-image behavior was added, false if no suitable hotspot was at the specied location.
Availability Description Arguments
The rst argument is an integer that species the size to be used for exporting. It is used as follows: If a document has no slices, adjusts the export settings for the current frame so that the image is less than or equal to sizeInBytes. If a document has slices, adjusts the size of all exported images so that the sum of the sizes is greater than or equal to sizeInBytes. The second argument species whether the export le size can be increased: If bOkToIncreaseSize is true, and the current size is less than sizeInBytes, increases the quality of the export settings as much as possible, making the export size larger if necessary. If bOkToIncreaseSize is false, increases the quality of the export settings as much as possible without increasing the export size. dom.align()
Availability Description Arguments
Acceptable values for alignmode are "left", "right", "top", "bottom", "center vertical", and "center horizontal".
Chapter 3
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Appends a point to the selected unclosed polygon hotspot. If an unclosed polygon hotspot is not selected, then a new polygon hotspot is created with a single point (the one passed in).
pt, tolerance
The rst argument is a point that species the x,y coordinates of the point to be added (see Point on page 6). The second argument is a oat value > = 0 that species the tolerance between the new point and the starting point of the polyline path. If the new point is within tolerance of the starting point, the polyline path is closed.
Nothing. dom.appendPointToPath()
The rst argument is a zero-based integer that species the contour to which the Bzier point is appended. For paths with multiple contours, the contours are in an arbitrary order. The second argument is a zero-based integer that species where on the path the new point should be placed. The new point is appended before (in front of ) the point represented by this integer. To add a point to the beginning of the path, pass 0 here; to add a point to the end of the path, pass a very large number here. The last three arguments are points that specify the x,y coordinates of the preceding control point, the main point, and the following control point of the new point (see Point on page 6).
Returns Related Functions
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Appends a point to the selected unclosed polygon slice. If an unclosed polygon slice is not selected, then a new polygon slice is created with a single point (the one passed in).
pt, tolerance
The rst argument is a point that species the x,y coordinates of the point to be added (see Point on page 6). The second argument is a oat value > = 0 that species the tolerance between the new point and the starting point of the polyline path. If the new point is within tolerance of the starting point, the polyline path is closed.
Nothing. dom.applyCharacterMarkup()
Fireworks 3.0, enhanced in 4.0 Applies the specied character markup to the selected text.
Acceptable values for tag are "b", "i", and "u", for bold, italic, and underline: and "fwplain", added in Fireworks 4, for text with no character markup.
Nothing. dom.applyCurrentFill()
If bNoNullFills is true and the current ll is none, then a default ll is applied instead of no ll.
Returns Example
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
The argument is an EffectList object (see EffectList on page 38). If effectList is null, this function removes all effects from the selection.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command applies a drop shadow with an angle of 315, a blur of 4, a color of black, and a distance of 7 (see Drop Shadow on page 34).
fw.getDocumentDOM().applyEffects({ category:"Untitled", effects:[ { EffectIsVisible:true, EffectMoaID:"{a7944db8-6ce2-11d1-8c76000502701850}", ShadowAngle:315, ShadowBlur:4, ShadowColor:"#000000a6", ShadowDistance:7, ShadowType:0, category:"Shadow and Glow", name:"Drop Shadow" } ], name:"Untitled" });
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Applies the specied font markup attribute to the selected text.
fontAttribute, value
Acceptable values for fontAttribute are "size" and "face". If fontAttribute is "size", value must be of the form "XXXpt" to specify a point size; a simple numeric value is not allowed.
Nothing. dom.applyStyle()
The rst argument is a string that species the style name to be applied.
styleIndex is generally always zero. However, if there are multiple styles with the same name, styleIndex is used to resolve the ambiguity (0 references the rst style with that name, 1 references the second, and so on). Returns Example
Nothing. This command applies the rst style Fireworks encounters named Style 7, which in this case is a default style.
fw.getDocumentDOM().applyStyle("Style 7", 0);
Availability Description Arguments
Acceptable values for arrangemode are "back", "backward", "forward", and "front".
Returns Example
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Attaches the selected text to the selected path. If no text and path are selected, no action is performed. None. Nothing. When there are two items selected, one a text block and the other a shape, this command attaches the text block to the shapes path.
Availability Description Arguments
The rst argument is a oat value that species the current position of the guide to be moved. The second argument is a oat value that species the new position of the guide. Acceptable values for guidekind are "horizontal" and "vertical". If guidekind is "horizontal", it is assumed that the specied positions are y coordinates; if "vertical", x coordinates.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command moves a vertical guide from position 135 to position 275.
fw.getDocumentDOM().changeGuide(135, 275, "vertical");
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments Returns
Fireworks 4.0 Clears the Selective JPEG mask for the document. None. Nothing. dom.clipCopy()
Fireworks 3.0 Copies the selection to the Clipboard. None. Nothing. This command copies the selected items to the Clipboard.
Availability Description Arguments Returns Example
Fireworks 3.0 Cuts the selection to the Clipboard. None. Nothing. This command cuts the selected items and places them on the Clipboard.
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0, enhanced in 4.0 Pastes the Clipboard into the document.
{whatIfResolutionDifferent, whatIfPastingIntoElementMask}
The rst argument is an optional string that species how resampling should be done if the resolution of the Clipboard doesnt match the resolution of the document. Acceptable values for whatIfResolutionDifferent are "resample", "do not resample", and "ask user" (displays a dialog box to let the user decide). If whatIfResolutionDifferent is omitted or null, "ask user" is assumed. The second optional argument, added in Fireworks 4, applies only if the user is editing an element mask, and that element mask is an empty image mask. In this case, the pasted elements will replace the existing mask (since it is essentially a mask that doesn't mask anything). If the image mask isnt empty, then the pasted elements are added to the existing mask, rather than replacing it. Acceptable values for whatIfPastingIntoElementMask are "image", "vector", and "ask user". If whatIfPastingIntoElementMask is omitted or null, "ask user" is assumed.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command pastes the Clipboard contents into the document. If there is a need for resampling, Fireworks asks the user to decide how to resample.
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Pastes the Clipboard contents into the document as an element mask. There must be exactly one element selected when this is called. If there are more (or none), an exception is thrown. An exception is also thrown if there is nothing on the Clipboard.
Chapter 3
The rst argument is a string that species how resampling should be done if the resolution of the Clipboard doesnt match the resolution of the document. Acceptable values for whatIfResolutionDifferent are "resample", "do not resample", and "ask user" (displays a dialog box to let the user decide). If whatIfResolutionDifferent is omitted or null, "ask user" is assumed. The second argument species how to paste the mask. Acceptable values are "image" (always paste as an image mask), "vector" (always paste as a vector mask), and "ask" (displays a dialog box to let the user decide). Note that if the Clipboard contains a single image, it is pasted as an image mask, even if you pass "vector". Acceptable values for maskReplaceOptions are "replace" (if an element mask already exists, replace it with the pasted one), "add" (if an element mask already exists, add the pasted mask to it), and "ask" (displays a dialog box to let the user decide).
Nothing. dom.clipPasteAttributes()
Fireworks 3.0 Pastes the attributes from the Clipboard onto the selection. None. Nothing. This command applies the attributes that were copied to the Clipboard onto the selected items.
Fireworks 3.0, deprecated in 4.0 in favor of dom.clipPasteAsMask() (see dom.clipPasteAsMask() on page 82). Pastes the Clipboard contents into the selection, then makes the selected element into the element mask for the pasted element(s). If the selected element already has a mask, this function groups the pasted elements with the selected element and applies the existing element mask to the group.
The argument is an optional string that species how resampling should be done if the resolution of the Clipboard doesnt match the resolution of the document. Acceptable values for whatIfResolutionDifferent are "resample", "do not resample", and "ask user" (displays a dialog box to let the user decide). If whatIfResolutionDifferent is omitted or null, "ask user" is assumed.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command pastes the Clipboard contents inside the selected items. If the resolution of the Clipboard doesnt match the resolution of the document, Fireworks resamples the Clipboard contents to match the document.
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Makes exact duplicates of the selection, placing the duplicated items directly on top of the originals. None. Nothing. Copies the selected items on top of the originals.
fw.getDocumentDOM().cloneSelection(); dom.duplicateSelection()
Related Functions
Availability Description Arguments
If bPromptToSaveChanges is true, and the document was changed since the last time it was saved, the user is prompted to save any changes to the document. If bPromptToSaveChanges is false, the user is not prompted, and changes to the document are discarded.
Chapter 3
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 If a single animation symbol is selected, this function converts it from an animation symbol to a graphics symbol. None. Nothing.
dom.convertToAnimSymbol(), dom.convertToSymbol()
Availability Description Arguments
The rst argument is a string that species a name for the new animation symbol. The second argument (numFrames) is an integer that species the number of frames through which the symbol animates. The next argument (offsetDistPt) is a point that species the distance the animation will move in pixels (see Point on page 6). For example, passing ({x:100, y:25}) animates the symbol right 100 pixels and down 25 pixels. The next argument (rotationAmount) is a oat value that species the degrees of rotation to be applied to the animation symbol. For example, passing 720 species an animation that does two complete clockwise rotations. To rotate the animation counter-clockwise, pass a negative number. The next argument (scaleAmount) is a positive oat value that species the amount of scaling to be applied to the animation symbol. For example, passing 50 scales the symbol to 50% of its current size, while passing 200 scales it to twice its current size. To specify no scaling, pass 100. The last two arguments (startOpacity and endOpacity) are oat values between 0 and 100 that specify the starting and ending opacity for the animation symbol.
Returns Related Functions
dom.convertAnimSymbolToGraphicSymbol(), dom.convertToSymbol(), dom.setAnimInstanceNumFrames()
Availability Description Arguments Returns Example
Fireworks 3.0 Converts the selected text items into editable paths. None. Nothing. This command converts the selected text items into editable paths.
Availability Description Arguments
Acceptable values for type are "graphic", "button", and "animation". The second argument species a name for the new symbol.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command creates a graphic symbol from the selected item and names it star.
fw.getDocumentDOM().convertToSymbol("graphic", "star"); dom.convertToAnimSymbol(), dom.convertAnimSymbolToGraphicSymbol()
Related Functions
Availability Description Arguments
Acceptable values for hotspotType are "hotspot" and "slice". The second argument is an optional string that species how to create hotspots if multiple items are selected. Acceptable values for whatIfMultipleSelected are "single" (creates a single hotspot having the same bounding rectangle as the selection), "multiple" (creates one hotspot for each item), and "ask user" (displays a dialog box to let the user decide). If whatIfMultipleSelected is omitted or null, "ask user" is assumed.
Chapter 3
This command adds a hotspot to the selected item. If more than one item is selected, Fireworks creates one hotspot for each item.
fw.getDocumentDOM().copyToHotspot("hotspot", "multiple");
Availability Description Arguments
The argument is a rectangle that species the bounds within which the selection should be cropped (see Rectangle on page 7).
Nothing. dom.deleteFrames()
The rst argument is a zero-based integer that species the location at which to begin deleting frames. To specify the current frame, pass 1. The second argument species how many frames to delete.
Nothing. dom.deleteLayer()
The argument is a zero-based integer that species the layer to be deleted. To specify the current layer, pass 1.
Returns Example
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Deletes the specied point on the currently selected path. If the point is the only one on its contour, the entire contour is deleted. If the point is the only one in the path, the entire path is deleted. The specied point does not need to be selected.
contourIndex, pointIndex
The rst argument is a zero-based integer that species the contour that contains the point to be deleted. To specify the current contour, pass 1. The second argument is a zero-based integer that species the point to be deleted. To specify the current point, pass 1.
Returns Example
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Deletes the selection, or the pixel-selection if Fireworks is in bitmap mode.
The argument is ignored if you are not in bitmap mode. If Fireworks is in bitmap mode and bFillDeletedArea is true, the deleted pixels are lled with the current ll color. If false, the deleted pixels are lled to transparent.
Returns Example
Nothing. If Fireworks is not in bitmap mode, this command deletes the selected items. If Fireworks is in bitmap mode, this command lls the selected items to transparent.
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
The argument is the name of the symbol to be deleted from the Library. If more than one symbol exists with this name, only the rst symbol is deleted. To delete all selected symbols from the Library (not document), pass null. If the deleted symbols contain any active instances in the document, the instances are also deleted.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command deletes the selected symbols from the Library as well as any active instances from the document.
Availability Description Arguments Returns
Fireworks 3.0 Breaks the links between the selected instances and the owning symbols. None. Nothing. dom.detachTextFromPath()
Fireworks 3.0 Splits the selected text-on-a-path into its original text and path items. None. Nothing. dom.distribute()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Distributes the items on the specied layer to the frames of the document, adding frames if necessary. The rst item on the layer goes to the rst frame, the second item to the second frame, and so on. New frames are added to the document, if necessary. If there is only one item in the specied layer, this function has no effect.
The argument is a zero-based integer that species the layer containing the items to be distributed. To specify the current layer, pass 1.
Nothing. dom.distributeSelectionToFrames()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Distributes the selected items to the frames of the document, adding frames if necessary. The rst item goes to the current frame, the second item to the next frame, and so on. If only one item is selected, this function has no effect. None. Nothing. dom.duplicateFrame()
Arguments Returns
The rst argument is a zero-based integer that species the frame to duplicate. To specify the current frame, pass 1. The second argument is an integer that species how many copies of the frame to make.
Acceptable values for where are "beginning", "before current", "after and "end". If bDupeSelectionOnly is true, then only items in the specied frame that are selected are duplicated to the new frame.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command makes one copy of the current frame and places the new frame after the current frame.
fw.getDocumentDOM().duplicateFrame(-1, 1, "after current", false);
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
The rst argument is a zero-based integer that species the layer to duplicate. To specify the current layer, pass 1. The second argument is an optional integer that species how many times to duplicate the layer. If omitted, the layer is duplicated once. The third (optional) argument species where to put the new layer(s) in relation to the source layer. Acceptable values are "beginning", "before current", "after current", and "end". If omitted, "before current" is assumed.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command places three copies of the current layer at the end of the document.
fw.getDocumentDOM().duplicateLayer(-1, 3, "end");
Availability Description Arguments Returns Example
Fireworks 3.0 Makes an exact duplicate of the selection, offsetting it slightly from the original. None. Nothing. This command duplicates the selected items.
fw.getDocumentDOM().duplicateSelection(); dom.cloneSelection()
Related Functions
Availability Description Arguments
The arguments are zero-based integers that specify the range of frames (inclusive) to which the items should be copied. To specify the current frame, pass 1. If both arguments are the same, copies are placed only on that frame. If the range includes the current frame, copies are not placed on that frame.
Availability Description Arguments
Acceptable values for whichFrames are "all", "previous", "next", and "end". Note that "end" means the last frame of the document; it does not add a new frame.
Nothing. dom.duplicateSymbol()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Duplicates the specied symbol. The argument is a the symbol to be duplicated. To duplicate all selected symbols in the Library (not document), pass a value null. Duplicating a linked symbol results in a nonlinked duplicate. Nothing. dom.duplicateSymbolForAlias()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 If any symbol instances are selected, this function makes duplicate symbols of all symbols pointed to by those instances. The selected instances are updated to point to the new duplicate copies of the symbols. Duplicate symbols always result in nonlinked duplicates. (The use of the word alias in the function name corresponds to an instance in a Fireworks document.) None. Nothing.
Arguments Returns
Chapter 3
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Enables or disables the element mask on the selected element. There must be exactly one element selected when this is called. If there are more (or none), an exception is thrown.
Nothing. dom.enterElementMaskEditMode()
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Places Fireworks in element-mask edit mode for the selection. If the selection contains no mask elements, an exception is thrown. None. Nothing. dom.enterPaintMode()
Arguments Returns
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Enters bitmap mode on the selected items. Has no effect if nothing is selected or if a non-image item is selected. None. Nothing. dom.exitElementMaskEditMode()
Arguments Returns
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Takes Fireworks out of element-mask edit mode. If Fireworks is not in this mode, this function has no effect. None. Nothing.
Arguments Returns
Availability Description Arguments Returns
Fireworks 3.0 Leaves bitmap mode. Has no effect if Fireworks is not in bitmap mode. None. Nothing. dom.exportOptions.loadColorPalette()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Replaces the values in dom.exportOptions.paletteEntries with those in the specied GIF or ACT le. This function also sets dom.exportOptions.paletteMode to "custom". For more information, see ExportOptions on page 41.
The argument is a string, expressed as a le:// URL, that species the GIF or ACT le to be used to replace the color palette.
Returns true if the le was read successfully, false if the le was not of the expected format or was not read successfully for any other reason.
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Saves the values in dom.exportOptions.paletteEntries to the specied color palette (ACT le). This function does not modify the document. For more information, see ExportOptions on page 41.
The argument is a string, expressed as a le:// URL, that species the name of the le to which the color palette should be saved. Do not specify a le extension; the .act extension is added automatically.
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
The rst argument is a string, expressed as a le:// URL, that species the name of the exported le. The second (optional) argument is an ExportOptions object (see ExportOptions on page 41). If this argument is omitted or null, the documents current export options settings are used. If values are passed in with exportOptions, they are used for this export operation only; they do not change the documents exportOptions property.
Returns true
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 When the selection is an image and Fireworks is in bitmap mode, lls the selected pixels with the current ll or generates a new pixel selection.
clickPt, p1, p2, p3, bFillSelectionOnly, tolerance, edgemode, featherAmt
The rst argument is a point that species the x,y coordinates of the pixel to be lled or generated (see Point on page 6). The second, third, and fourth arguments are points that specify the ll-vector. These arguments are ignored if the current ll does not use a ll-vector. If the fth argument (bFillSelectionOnly) is true, the remaining arguments are ignored. If it is false, then the current pixel selection is ignored, and a new one is generated using the values passed for tolerance, edgemode, and featherAmt. (This behavior is the same as if the magic wand tool were used at location clickPt.) The sixth argument (tolerance) is an integer between 0 and 255 inclusive that species the tolerance for selecting pixels. Acceptable values for edgemode are "hard edge", "antialias", and "feather". The last argument (featherAmt) is an integer between 0 and 32000 inclusive that species the number of pixels to feather. This value is ignored if edgemode is not "feather".
Returns Example
Nothing. This command lls the selection with a hard edge, tolerance set to 32.
fw.getDocumentDOM().fillSelectedPixels({x:207, y:199}, {x:207, y:199}, {x:207, y:199}, {x:207, y:199}, false, 32, "hard edge", 0);
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Applies the specied pixel lter to the selection. Non-image items are converted into images before the lter is applied. Only external lters that are capable of also being Live Effects can be applied using this function. To apply other types of external lters, use dom.filterSelectionByName().
Nothing. This command runs the selected pixels through the hue/saturation lter and then sets hue to 30 and saturation to 20.
fw.getDocumentDOM().filterSelection({ EffectMoaID:"{3439b08d-1922-11d3-9bde00e02910d580}", hls_colorize:true, hue_amount:30, lightness_amount:0, saturation_amount:20 });
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Applies the specied pixel lter to the selection. This is applied as a permanent (but undoable) action, not as a Live Effect. (To apply lters that can also be Live Effects, you can use dom.filterSelection().) This function always displays a dialog box.
category, name
The rst argument is a string that species the category of the pixel lter to be applied. Acceptable values depend on which lters you have installed. The second argument is a string that species the name of the pixel lter to be applied. Acceptable values depend on which lters you have installed.
Nothing. dom.findExportFormatOptionsByName()
Fireworks 3.0 Looks for a set of export settings that were saved with the specied name.
The argument is a string that species the name of the set of export settings to look for.
If there is a set of export settings with the specied name, returns an object representing it; otherwise returns null.
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 4.0 Looks for elements that have the specied name.
The argument is a case-sensitive string that species the exact element name to look for. To specify elements that have no name, pass null.
An array of elements that have the specied name, or null if no objects have the specied name.
Related Functions
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Flattens the entire document into a single pixel image. This is the same behavior as the Merge Layers command. None. Nothing. dom.flattenSelection()
Arguments Returns
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Flattens the selection into a single pixel image. This is the same behavior as the Merge Images command. None. Nothing. dom.getFontMarkup()
Arguments Returns
Fireworks 3.0 Gets a font markup attribute for the selected text.
A string specifying the markup value. Returns null if the text has multiple attributes or if the selection contains no text.
Availability Description Arguments Returns
Fireworks 3.0, deprecated in 4.0 Gets the current pixel-selection mask. None. The mask for the current pixel selection. Returns null if Fireworks is not in bitmap mode, or if there is no pixel selection. For information on the format of mask variables, see Mask on page 6. dom.getSelectionBounds()
Fireworks 3.0 Gets the bounding rectangle of the selection. None. A rectangle (see Rectangle on page 7). Returns null if nothing is selected. dom.getShowGrid()
Availability Description Arguments Returns
Availability Description Arguments Returns
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments Returns
Fireworks 3.0 Gets the alignment of selected text. None. One of the following strings: "left", "center", "right", "justify", "stretch", "vertical left", "vertical center", "vertical right", "vertical justify", or "vertical stretch". Returns null if the text has multiple alignments or if the selection contains no text. dom.group()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0, argument deprecated in 4.0 Groups the selection. To ungroup elements use dom.ungroup() (see dom.ungroup() on page 154).
The argument is an optional string that species how to group the items. Acceptable values are "normal", "mask to image", and "mask to path". If the argument is omitted, "normal" is assumed. "mask to image" and "mask to path" are deprecated in Fireworks 4.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command sets the selected group to mask to the image.
replace with fw.getDocumentDOM().group("normal");
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0, enhanced in 4.0 Determines if the selected text has the specied character markup.
Acceptable values for tag are "b", "i", and "u", for bold, italic, and underline; and "fwplain", added in Fireworks 4, for text with no character markup.
Returns true if the text has the specied character markup, false if it does not or if only part of the text has the markup.
Availability Description Arguments Returns
Fireworks 3.0 Hides the selection. To redisplay it, use dom.showAllHidden(). None. Nothing. dom.importFile()
The rst argument is the le name, expressed as a le:// URL, of the le to be imported. The second argument is a rectangle that species the size to make the imported le (see Rectangle on page 7). If boundingRectangle is specied with left == right and top == bottom, the le is brought in unscaled with its top-left corner at that point, and the third argument is ignored. If the third argument (bMaintainAspectRatio) is true, the le is scaled to the largest size that ts within boundingRectangle while retaining the les current aspect ratio. (This is a handy option for creating thumbnails.) If it is false, the le is scaled to ll boundingRectangle.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command imports the specied le and maintains its aspect ratio.
fw.getDocumentDOM().importFile("file:///C|/images", {left:25, top:50, right:100, bottom:250}, true);
Chapter 3
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Imports the specied external graphics le (for example, GIF, JPEG, or Fireworks document) into the Library of the document.
fileURL, bAddToDoc, bAllowUI
The rst argument is the name of the le to be imported into the Library, expressed as a le:// URL. If the second argument (bAddToDoc) is true, then the symbol is added to the Library and an instance of the symbol is inserted into the center of the document. If it is false, the symbol is added only to the Library. If the third argument (bAllowUI) is true, and fileURL is a Fireworks document containing symbols, then a dialog box allows the user to specify which symbols to import from the external le. If it is false, then all symbols in the external le are imported.
Nothing. dom.insertPointInPath()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Inserts a Bzier point in the selected path. This function is similar to dom.appendPointToPath() but includes a t-parameter argument, which gives you ner control over where the point is inserted.
contourIndex, ptToInsertBefore, tParameter, controlPointFirst, mainPoint, controlPointLast
The rst argument is a zero-based integer that species the contour into which the Bzier point is inserted. For paths with multiple contours, the contours are in an arbitrary order. The second argument is a zero-based integer that species where on the path the new point should be placed. The new point is appended before (in front of ) the point represented by this integer: To add a point to the beginning of the path, pass 0 here; to add a point to the end of the path, pass a very large number here. The third argument is a oat value between 0 and 1 that species where in the Bzier segment to insert the new point. The last three arguments are points that specify the x,y coordinates of the preceding control point, the main point, and the following control point of the new point (see Point on page 6).
Returns Related Functions
Availability Description Arguments Returns
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 When the user clicks a single point while using the knife tool, this function knifes additional items within the specied tolerance. This is similar to using the knife tool with a single click.
from, tolerance
The rst argument is a point that species the x,y coordinates of the point that the user clicked (see Point on page 6). The second argument is a oat value > = 0 that species the tolerance within which items are knifed.
Returns Related Functions true
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 When the user drags while using the knife tool, this function knifes additional items within the specied tolerance. This is similar to using the knife tool with a drag operation.
from, to, tolerance
The rst argument is a point that species the x,y coordinates of the point where the user clicked and started to drag (see Point on page 6). The second argument is a point that species the x,y coordinates of the point where the user ended the drag operation. The last argument is a oat value > = 0 that species the tolerance within which items are knifed.
Returns Related Functions true
Chapter 3
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Links or unlinks the element mask on the selected element. There must be exactly one element selected when this is called. If there are more (or none), an exception is thrown. An exception is also thrown if the element has no element mask.
frame, layer, element, bLink
The rst argument is a zero-based integer that species the frame containing the element. To specify the current frame, pass 1. The second argument is a zero-based integer that species the layer containing the element. To specify the current layer, pass 1. The third argument is a zero-based integer that species the element. To specify the current element, pass 1. If bLink is true, the element masks are linked to their elements; if false, they are unlinked from their elements.
Nothing. dom.makeFind()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Creates an object of class Find to do a nd-and-replace operation in this document.
Fireworks 3.0 Ensures that the specied le URL ends in a .png extension. Does not affect the name of the le on disk.
The argument is the name of the le, expressed as a le:// URL, whose extension should be changed to .png, if necessary.
Returns Example
A string containing the le URL with a .png extension. The following command returns "le:///My Documents/image01.png".
fw.getDocumentDOM().makeGoodNativeFilePath("file:///My Documents/image01.ping")
Availability Description Arguments Returns
Fireworks 3.0 Makes the selected document active for editing. None. Nothing. dom.modifyPointOnPath()
The rst argument is a zero-based integer that species the contour into which the Bzier point is inserted. For paths with multiple contours, the contours are in an arbitrary order. The second argument is a zero-based integer that species the point to be modied. The next three arguments are points that specify the x,y coordinates of the preceding control point, the main point, and the following control point of the new point (see Point on page 6). If the sixth argument (dReapplyAttrs) is true, the path has the documents current ll, stroke, and so on reapplied to it. If it is false, then the path attributes are not changed. If the last argument (bClosePath) is true, the path is marked as closed after modifying the point. If it is false, then the path retains its original open or closed value.
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Moves the specied points Bzier handles by a certain amount.
whichPath, contourIndex, ptToModify, deltaControlPointFirst, deltaControlPointLast
The rst argument is a zero-based integer that species an index into the list of selected items, indicating which item contains the Bzier handles to be moved. The second argument is a zero-based integer that species the contour containing the handles to be moved. For paths with multiple contours, the contours are in an arbitrary order. The third argument is a zero-based integer that species the point whose handles are moved. The last two arguments are points that specify the x,y coordinate values by which the preceding control point and the following control point of ptToModify are moved. For example, passing ({x:1,y:2}) species a location right by one pixel and down by two pixels.
Nothing. dom.moveElementMaskBy()
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 For all elements in the selection that have element masks (linked or unlinked), moves the element masks by the specied amount. Elements without element masks are ignored. If no elements in the selection have element masks, an exception is thrown.
The argument is a point that species the x,y coordinate values by which the element masks are moved (see Point on page 6). For example, passing ({x:1,y:2}) species a location right by one pixel and down by two pixels.
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 If the selection has a ll that uses a ll vector (for example, a gradient ll of some sort), this function adjusts the handles of the ll vector. If it does not, this function has no effect.
delta, whichHandle, bConstrain, bMoveJustOne
The rst argument is a point that species the x,y coordinate values by which the handle is moved (see Point on page 6). For example, passing ({x:1,y:2}) species a location right by one pixel and down by two pixels. The second argument species which handle to move and can be one of the following values: "start", "end1", "end2", "rotate1", or "rotate2". (Some lls ignore "end2".) Use "rotate1" or "rotate2" to rotate the end1 or end2 point around the start point. If the third argument (bConstrain) is true, movement is constrained to 45-degree increments. If the last argument (bConstrain) is true, then only the specied handle is moved. If it is false, other handles may move in sync when the specied handle is moved.
Nothing. dom.moveMaskGroupContentsBy()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 If the selection is a mask group, this function moves the contents within the mask group by the specied amount. If the selected element has an element mask, this function moves the element (not the element mask) by the specied amount.
The argument is a point that species the x,y coordinate values by which the element is moved (see Point on page 6). For example, passing ({x:1,y:2}) species a location right by one pixel and down by two pixels.
Returns Related Functions
Chapter 3
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Moves a bitmap mode selection by the specied amount, without moving the pixels that are within the selection.
The argument is a point that species the x,y coordinate values by which the bitmap mode selection is moved (see Point on page 6). For example, passing ({x:1,y:2}) species a location right by one pixel and down by two pixels.
Nothing. dom.movePointOnHotspotBy()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 If the selection is a hotspot or slice of the polyline variety, this function moves a point on the hotspots path by the specied amount.
ptToModifyIndex, delta
The rst argument is a zero-based integer that species which point on the path is to be moved. The second argument is a point that species the x,y coordinate values by which the point is moved (see Point on page 6). For example, passing ({x:1,y:2}) species a location right by one pixel and down by two pixels.
Nothing. dom.moveSelectedBzierPointsBy()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 If the selection contains at least one path with at least one Bzier point selected, this function moves all selected Bzier points on all selected paths by the specied amount.
The argument is a point that species the x,y coordinate values by which the selected Bzier points are moved (see Point on page 6). For example, passing ({x:1,y:2}) species a location right by one pixel and down by two pixels.
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Moves the selected items by the specied amount or makes a copy of them offset from the original by the specied amount.
delta, bMakeCopy
The rst argument is a point that species the x,y coordinate values by which the selection moved (see Point on page 6). For example, passing ({x:1,y:2}) species a location one pixel and down . second argument is the items copied instead of moved.
Returns Example
Nothing. The following command moves the selected items 62 pixels to the right and 84 pixels down.
fw.getDocumentDOM().moveSelectionBy({x:62, y:84}, false, false);
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Moves the current pixel mask by the specied amount. If there is no pixel selection, an exception is thrown.
The argument is a point that species the x,y coordinate values by which the mask is moved (see Point on page 6). For example, passing ({x:1,y:2}) species a location right by one pixel and down by two pixels.
Nothing. dom.moveSelectionTo()
The rst argument is a point that species the x,y coordinate values of the location to which the selection moved or copied (see Point on page 6). second argument is the copied instead of moved.
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
The rst argument is a zero-based integer that species the frame to which the selection is moved or copied. To specify the current frame, pass 1. If the second argument is true, the selection is copied instead of moved.
Nothing. dom.moveSelectionToLayer()
Fireworks 3.0, enhanced in 4.0 Moves or copies the selection to the specied layer.
layerIndex, bMakeCopy, {whatIfMultipleSelected}, {elementIndex}
The rst argument is a zero-based integer that species the layer to which the selection should be moved or copied. To specify the current layer, pass -1. If the second argument is true, the selection is copied instead of moved. The third argument (whatIfMultipleSelected) is an optional string that is used only if the destination is a Web layer and bMakeCopy is true. It species how to create hotspots if multiple items are selected. Acceptable values for whatIfMultipleSelected are "single" (creates a single hotspot having the same bounding rectangle as the selection), "multiple" (creates one hotspot for each item), and "ask user" (displays a dialog box to let the user decide). If whatIfMultipleSelected is omitted or null, "ask user" is assumed. The fourth argument (elementIndex), added in Fireworks 4, is a zero-based index that species the element before which the moved or copied selection should be inserted. If elementIndex is omitted, the selection is placed at the top of the layer (before any other elements). Otherwise, it is an index within the existing elements in the layer, where 0 is the topmost, and (n-1) is the last element (for a layer with n elements). The maximum value is the number of elements previously in the layermeaning that the elements are moved to the bottom of the specied layer.
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Makes a new layer with a default name, then moves or copies the selection to that new layer.
If the argument is true, the selected items are copied instead of moved.
Nothing. dom.pathCrop()
Fireworks 3.0 Performs a Crop operation on the selected paths. None. Nothing. dom.pathExpand()
The rst argument is a oat value that species the new width of the selected paths, in pixels. The second argument is a oat value that species the new miter angle of the selected paths, in pixels. This argument is ignored if join is not "miter". Acceptable values for cap are "butt", "square", and "round". Acceptable values for join are "bevel", "round", and "miter".
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
The rst argument is a oat value that species the new width of the selected paths, in pixels. The second argument is a oat value that species the new miter angle of the selected paths, in pixels. This argument is ignored if join is not "miter". Acceptable values for join are "bevel", "round", and "miter".
Nothing. dom.pathIntersect()
Fireworks 3.0 Performs an Intersect operation on the selected paths. None. Nothing. dom.pathPunch()
Fireworks 3.0 Performs a Punch operation on the selected paths. None. Nothing. dom.pathSimplify()
The argument is a oat value that species how much to simplify. This value corresponds to the value in the Modify > Alter Path > Simplify dialog box.
Availability Description Arguments Returns
Fireworks 3.0 Performs a Union operation on the selected paths. None. Nothing. dom.rebuildColorTable()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Rebuilds the color table for the current export settings of the document. This is the same behavior as choosing Rebuild Color Table from the Color Table panel. None. Nothing. dom.redo()
Arguments Returns
Fireworks 3.0 Redoes the last action that was undone in the document. None. Nothing. dom.reflectSelection()
If the rst value is true, the items are reected horizontally. If the second value is true, the items are reected vertically. Acceptable values for opts are "transformAttributes", "autoTrimImages", and "autoTrimImages transformAttributes".
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
Nothing. dom.removeBehavior()
Fireworks 3.0 Removes one or all behavior events from the selected hotspots and slices.
{event}, {eventIndex}
Both arguments are optional; if they are omitted, this function removes all events from selected hotspots and slices. The rst argument species the event that triggers the behavior. This argument is ignored by Fireworks. The second argument is a zero-based integer that species the location of the behavior to be removed. To specify the end location, pass 1 here.
Returns Related Functions
Availability Description Arguments Returns
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the brush of the selection to None. None. Nothing. dom.removeCharacterMarkup()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Reapplies the default value for the specied markup type to the text in the selection.
Acceptable values for tag are "b", "i", and "u", for bold, italic, and underline.
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Removes the mask from the selected element. There must be exactly one element selected when this is called. If there are more (or none), an exception is thrown.
The argument is used only if the element (not the element mask) is an image. Acceptable values for whatIfElementIsAnImage are "apply" (apply the element mask to the image before discarding the element mask), "discard" (just discard the element mask), and "ask" (display a dialog box asking the user what to do). If you pass "ask" and the user cancels the dialog box, an error is reported.
Nothing. dom.removeFontMarkup()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Reapplies the default value for the specied font attribute to the text in the selection.
Nothing. dom.removeFill()
Chapter 3
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Removes the specied guide. If no guide is at that position, this function has no effect.
position, guidekind
The rst argument is a oat value that species the position of the guide to be removed. Acceptable values for guidekind are "horizontal" and "vertical". If guidekind is "horizontal", it is assumed that position is a y coordinate; if "vertical", an x coordinate.
Nothing. dom.removeTransformation()
Fireworks 3.0 Removes the transformations, if any, from the selected text or instances. None. Nothing. dom.reorderFrame()
Fireworks 3.0 Moves or copies the specied frame before another specied frame.
frameToMove, frameToPutItBefore, bMakeCopy
The rst argument is a zero-based integer that species which frame to move or copy. The second argument is a zero-based integer that species which frame you want to move or copy the frame before. That is, if you pass 1 for frameToMove and 0 for frameToPutItBefore, the second frame is placed before the rst frame. If the third argument is true, the specied frame is copied instead of moved.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command moves the third frame before the rst frame.
fw.getDocumentDOM().reorderFrame(2, 0, false);
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Moves or copies the specied layer before another specied layer.
layerToMove, layerToPutItBefore, bMakeCopy
The rst argument is a zero-based integer that species which layer to move or copy. The second argument is a zero-based integer that species which layer you want to move or copy the layer before. That is, if you pass 1 for layerToMove and 0 for layerToPutItBefore, the second layer is placed before the rst layer. If the third argument is true, the specied layer is copied instead of moved.
Nothing. dom.replaceButtonTextStrings()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Replaces all text items within the document that are dened as button text items with the specied string. (Button text items are dened as the topmost text items on each frame.) Acts on both selected and unselected items.
newString, uniformAttrs
The rst argument species the string to be used as replacement text. If uniformAttrs is false, each character retains the attributes of the character formerly in its position; that is, Fireworks does its best to preserve the existing formatting. If uniformAttrs is true, all characters assume the attributes of the rst character in the string being replaced.
Returns Related Functions
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Replaces selected button text items with the specied string. (Button text items are dened as the topmost text items on each frame.)
newString, uniformAttrs
The rst argument species the string to be used as replacement text. If uniformAttrs is false, each character retains the attributes of the character formerly in its position; that is, Fireworks does its best to preserve the existing formatting. If uniformAttrs is true, all characters assume the attributes of the rst character in the string being replaced.
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Replaces the text of all selected text items with the specied string.
newString, uniformAttrs
The rst argument species the string to be used as replacement text. If uniformAttrs is false, each character retains the attributes of the character formerly in its position; that is, Fireworks does its best to preserve the existing formatting. If uniformAttrs is true, all characters assume the attributes of the rst character in the string being replaced.
Nothing. dom.resizeSelection()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Resizes the selection to the specied pixel width and height, keeping the top left corner of the selection in place.
width, height
The arguments are integers that specify the new width and height in pixels.
Nothing. dom.restoreJPEGMask()
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Restores the selection specied in dom.saveJPEGMask() (see dom.saveJPEGMask() on page 119). None. Nothing.
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Restores the selection specied in dom.saveSelection() (see dom.saveSelection() on page 119). None. Nothing.
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 For all text-on-a-path items in the selection, reverses the direction of the text along the path. None. Nothing. dom.rotateDocument()
Arguments Returns
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Rotates the entire document 90, 180, or 270 degrees clockwise. Note that 270 degrees is the same behavior as rotating 90 degrees counterclockwise.
Nothing. dom.rotateSelection()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Rotates the selection clockwise the specied number of degrees. Note that 270 degrees is the same behavior as rotating 90 degrees counterclockwise.
rotationDegrees, opts
The rst argument is a oat value that species the number of degrees to rotate the selection. Acceptable values for opts are "transformAttributes", "autoTrimImages", and "autoTrimImages transformAttributes".
Chapter 3
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Saves the document in its default location. Upon a successful save, the documents isDirty ag is cleared.
If bOkToSaveAs is true or omitted and the le was never saved, then the Save As dialog box is displayed. If bOkToSaveAs is false and the le was never saved, the le is not saved.
Returns true
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Saves a copy of the document in a specied directory with a specied name. This function does not affect the documents filePathForSave or isDirty properties.
The argument is a string, expressed as a le:// URL, specifying the directory and name under which the copy should be saved.
Returns true
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Stores the current selection in bitmap mode as the Selective JPEG mask. Use dom.restoreJPEGMask() to restore the mask (see dom.restoreJPEGMask() on page 117). None. Nothing.
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Stores the current selection in bitmap mode as the saved selection. Use dom.restoreSelection() to restore the selection (dom.restoreSelection() on page 118). None. Nothing.
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Scales the selection in the horizontal and vertical axes.
xScaleAmount, yScaleAmount, opts
The rst two arguments are oat values that specify the amount to scale the selection in the horizontal and vertical axes. Acceptable values are 0.0 or greater; a value of 1 represents 100%, 2 represents 200%, and so on. Acceptable values for opts are "transformAttributes", "autoTrimImages", and "autoTrimImages transformAttributes".
Returns Example
Nothing. This command scales the selected items to approximately two-thirds (67%) and turns on auto trim images and transform attributes.
fw.getDocumentDOM().scaleSelection(0.67, 0.67, "autoTrimImages transformAttributes");
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Grows or shrinks the pixel selection by the specied number of pixels, selects a border of pixels, or smooths the edge of the pixel selection.
whatToDo, amount
Acceptable values for whatToDo are "expand", "contract", "border", and "smooth". Any integer is acceptable for amount. Use "expand" to grow the pixel selection outward by the number of pixels specied by amount. Use "contract" to shrink the pixel selection inward by the number of pixels specied by amount. Use "border" to select a band of pixels the width of amount around the edge of the pixel selection. Use "smooth" to smooth out the edge of the pixel selection by amount.
Nothing. dom.selectAll()
Fireworks 3.0 Selects all items in the current layer and frame. None. Nothing.
Chapter 3
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Selects the children, if any, of the selection. For example, if a group is selected, the selection changes from the group to the individual members of that group. None. Nothing.
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 If Fireworks is in bitmap mode and a pixel selection is active, this function feathers the selection by the specied number of pixels.
The argument is an integer that species the number of pixels by which to feather the selection.
Nothing. dom.selectInverse()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 If Fireworks is in bitmap mode and a pixel selection is active, this function inverts the pixel selection. None. Nothing. dom.selectNone()
Arguments Returns
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Selects the parents, if any, of the selection. That is, if all members of a group are selected, then the individual members are deselected and the group is selected. None. Nothing.
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 If Fireworks is in bitmap mode and a pixel selection is active, this function selects all pixels in the current image that are within the specied tolerance of the average color in the current pixel selection.
tolerance, edgemode, featherAmt, combinemode
The rst argument is an integer between 0 and 255 inclusive that species the tolerance for selecting pixels. Acceptable values for edgemode are "hard edge", "antialias", and "feather". The third argument (featherAmt) is an integer that species the number of pixels to feather. This value is ignored if edgemode is not "feather". The last argument (combinemode) species how to combine the new selection mask with the existing mask. Acceptable values are "replace", "add", "subtract", and "intersect".
Returns Related Functions
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Behavior is almost identical to dom.selectSimilar(), except that the new mask is calculated from the color at the specied location in the image, rather than from the average color in the selection.
Chapter 3
The rst argument is a point that species the x,y coordinates of the pixel whose color is used to calculate the new mask (see Point on page 6). The second argument is an integer between 0 and 255 inclusive that species the tolerance for selecting pixels. Acceptable values for edgemode are "hard edge", "antialias", and "feather". The fourth argument (featherAmt) is an integer that species the number of pixels to feather. This value is ignored if edgemode is not "feather". The last argument (combinemode) species how to combine the new selection mask with the existing mask. Acceptable values are "replace", "add", "subtract", and "intersect".
Returns Related Functions
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 4.0 Species whether all elements in all layers are displayed in the Layers list.
If the argument is true, all elements on all layers are displayed in the Layers list. If false, only layer names are displayed on the list.
Returns Related Functions
Fireworks 3.0, deprecated in 4.0 in favor of dom.setAnimInstanceNumFrames() on page 124. Sets the loop count of the selected instances of multiframe image symbols.
Description Arguments
The argument is an integer that corresponds to the loop count value seen in the Objects panel when a multiframe image instance is selected.
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 4.0 Sets the number of frames to animate the currently selected animation element.
The argument is an integer that species the number of frames through which the symbol animates.
Returns Related Functions
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 4.0 Sets the distance, in pixels, to animate the currently selected animation element.
The argument is a point (see page 2) that species the distance the animation will move in pixels. For example, passing ({x:100, y:25}) animates the symbol right 100 pixels and down 25 pixels.
Returns Related Functions
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Sets the rotation amount, in degrees, to animate the currently selected animation element.
The argument is a oat value that species the degree of rotation to be applied to the animation symbol. For example, passing 720 species an animation that does two complete clockwise rotations. To rotate the animation counter-clockwise, pass a negative number.
Returns Related Functions
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Sets the scale amount to animate the currently selected animation instance.
Chapter 3
The argument is a positive oat value that species the amount of scaling to be applied to the animation symbol. For example, passing 50 scales the symbol to 50% of its current size, while passing 200 scales it to twice its current size. To specify no scaling, pass 100.
Returns Related Functions
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 4.0 Sets the start and end opacity of the currently selected animation symbol.
startOpacity, endOpacity
The arguments are oat values between 0 and 100 that specify the starting and ending opacity for the animation symbol.
Returns Related Functions
Fireworks 3.0, deprecated in 4.0 in favor of placing the animation symbol on the frame in which it should start Sets the start frame of the selected instances of multiframe image symbols.
Description Arguments
The argument is an integer that corresponds to the start frame value seen in the Objects panel when a multiframe image instance is selected.
Nothing. dom.setBlendMode()
Acceptable values for mode are "normal", "multiply", "screen", "darken", "lighten", "difference", "hue", "saturation", "color", "luminosity", "invert", "tint", and "erase".
Availability Description Arguments
dom.setBrushColor(), dom.setBrushName(), dom.setBrushNColorNTexture(), dom.setBrushPlacement()
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the brush color of the selection to the specied color.
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Renames a brush. Does not change the brush category.
category, currentName, newName
The rst argument is a string that species the category of the brush to be renamed. The second argument is a string that species the current name of the brush. The last argument is a string that species the new name of the brush.
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the selection to the specied brush, brush color, and brush texture.
brush, color, texture-name
The rst argument is a Brush object (see Brush on page 28). The second argument is a color string (see Color string on page 6). The last argument is the name of the texture to be applied.
Returns Related Functions
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Species the brush placement of the stroke on the selection.
Nothing. dom.setButtonAutoSlice()
Fireworks 3.0 If the user is editing a button document, this function turns autoslice on or off.
Nothing. dom.setButtonIncludeDownState
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 If the user is editing a button document, this function species whether to include the down state in a button.
If the argument is true, the down state is included in the button. If false, it is not.
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 If the user is editing a button document, this function species whether to include the over-while-down state in a button.
If the argument is true, the over-while-down state is included in the button. If false, it is not.
Nothing. dom.setButtonShowDownOnLoad
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 If the user is editing a button document, this function species whether to show the down-state-on-load in a button.
If the argument is true, the down-state-on-load is shown in the button. If false, it is not.
Nothing. dom.setButtonOptions
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the button export options. If the user is editing a button, it sets options for the button being edited; if editing a normal document, it sets options for all selected buttons.
exportOptions, URLString, altTagString, targetTagString, sliceName, statusMessage
The rst argument is an ExportOptions object (see ExportOptions on page 41). The second argument is a string that species the URL for the button(s). The third and fourth arguments specify the text for the button alt tag and target tag. The fth argument (sliceName) is a string that species the name to be assigned to the slice that is associated with the button. If it is null, the slice is set to autoname. The last argument is a string that species a status message to be displayed in the browser status line. If an empty string or null is passed, no status message is displayed.
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments Returns
Fireworks 3.0 Resets the documents brush and ll color to the default. None. Nothing. dom.setDefaultFillVector()
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the ll vector on the selection to the default. None. Nothing. dom.setDocumentCanvasColor()
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the canvas color of the document to the specied color.
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the documents canvas size to the specied rectangle.
The argument is a rectangle that species the new canvas size for the document, in pixels (see Rectangle on page 7). Any items outside the specied rectangle are removed.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command sets the canvas to a size of 200 by 200 pixels.
fw.getDocumentDOM().setDocumentCanvasSize({left:150, top:150, right:350, bottom:350});
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Calculates the size of all items in the document and resizes the document canvas to that size. This is the same behavior as Modify > Trim Canvas.
If the argument is true, the canvas can grow or shrink in size. If false, it can only shrink.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command resizes the canvas to include all items in the document, enlarging the canvas if necessary.
fw.getDocumentDOM().setDocumentCanvasSizeToDocumentExtents(true); dom.setDocumentCanvasSizeToSelection()
Related Functions
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Calculates the size of all items in the selection and resizes the document canvas to that size. None. Nothing.
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Scales the document to t in the specied rectangle at the specied resolution.
boundingRectangle, resolution
The rst argument is a rectangle that species the size to which the document should be scaled (see Rectangle on page 7). The second argument species the resolution for the scaled document (see Resolution on page 7).
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
The argument species the resolution for the document (see Resolution on page 7).
Nothing. dom.setElementMaskMode()
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Sets the rendering mode on the selected element's element mask. There must be exactly one element selected when this is called. If there are more (or none), an exception is thrown. An error is also reported if the selected element has no element mask.
Acceptable values for mode are "mask to image" and "mask to path".
Nothing. dom.setElementMaskShowAttrs()
Fireworks 4.0 Species whether the currently selected vector mask shows the ll and stroke.
If the argument is true, the vector mask ll and stroke are visible. If false, they are hidden.
Nothing. dom.setElementName()
The argument is a string that species the name to be assigned to the selected element(s). To specify that no name should be assigned or that an existing name should be removed, pass null.
Returns Related Functions
Availability Description Arguments
The rst argument is a zero-based integer that species the frame containing the element(s) to be shown or hidden. To specify the current frame, pass 1. The second argument is a zero-based integer that species the layer containing the element(s) to be shown or hidden. To specify the current layer, pass 1. The third argument is a zero-based integer that species the element(s) to show or hide, where 0 represents the topmost element in the specied layer. To show or hide all the elements in the specied layer, pass -1. If the last argument (bShow) is true, the element(s) are visible. If false, they are hidden.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command hides all the elements in the current frame and layer.
fw.getDocumentDOM().setElementVisible(-1, -1, -1, false) dom.setElementVisibleByName()
Related Functions
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Shows or hides all element(s) with the specied name. If no element has the specied name, an exception is thrown. Note that if the elements are hidden because, for example, they are on a hidden layer or frame, this function does not show them.
name, bShow
The rst argument is a string that species the name of the element(s) to be shown or hidden. If more than one element has the same name, this function shows or hides all of them. If the second argument (bShow) is true, the element(s) are visible. If false, they are hidden.
Returns Related Functions
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
Nothing. dom.setExportSettings()
Nothing. dom.setFill()
Nothing. dom.setFillColor()
Fireworks 3.0 Changes the ll color of the selection to the specied color.
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the edge type for selected items with lls.
edgemode, featherAmt
Acceptable values for edgemode are "hard edge", "antialias", and "feather". The second argument is an integer that species the number of pixels to feather. This value is ignored if edgemode is not "feather".
Nothing. dom.setFillNColorNTexture()
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the selection to the specied ll, ll color, and ll texture.
fill, color, texture-name
The rst argument is a Fill object (see Fill on page 46). The second argument is a color string (see Color string on page 6). The last argument is the name of the texture to be applied.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command sets the selected items to a linear ll with a feather edge and no texture.
fw.getDocumentDOM().setFillNColorNTexture({ category:"fc_Linear", ditherColors:[ "#000000", "#000000" ], edgeType:"antialiased", feather:10, gradient:{ name:"cn_WhiteBlack", nodes:[ { color:"#ffffff", position:0 }, { color:"#000000", position:1 } ] }, name:"fn_Normal", pattern:null, shape:"linear", stampingMode:"blend opaque", textureBlend:0, webDitherTransparent:false }, "#666666", "Grain");
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the ll placement for selected items with lls.
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the ll vectors of the selection to the specied absolute values.
p1, p2, p3
The arguments are points that specify the x,y coordinates of the three points to be used in calculating the ll vector (see Point on page 6).
Nothing. dom.setFillVectorStart()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Modies the ll vectors of the selection by moving the ll start to the specied point and then moving the two ll end handles to the same relative position.
The argument is a point that species the x,y coordinates of the ll start and relative end handle placement to be used (see Point on page 6).
Nothing. dom.setGradientName()
The rst argument is a string that species the current name of the gradient. The second argument is a string that species the new name of the gradient.
Nothing. dom.setGridOrigin()
The argument is a point that species the x,y coordinates that should be used for the documents grid origin (see Point on page 6).
Availability Description Arguments
The argument is a point that species the x,y coordinates that should be used for the documents grid size (see Point on page 6).
Nothing. dom.setGridColor()
Nothing. dom.setGroupType()
Fireworks 3.0, argument deprecated in 4.0 Changes the group type for the currently selected groups.
The argument is an optional string that species how to group the items. Acceptable values are "normal", "mask to image", and "mask to path". If the argument is omitted, "normal" is assumed. ("mask to image" and "mask to path" are deprecated in 4.0.)
Nothing. dom.setGuideColor()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the color used to display normal (nonslice) guides. To set the color of slice guides, use dom.setSliceGuideColor() on page 148.
Chapter 3
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 For the hotspots and slices in the selection, sets the alt tag text to the specied value.
whatToSet, altTagString
Acceptable values for whatToSet are "hotspots", "slices", and "hotspots and slices". The second argument is a string that species the text to be used for the alt tag.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command sets the alt tag of the selected slices to "This is my alt tag".
fw.getDocumentDOM().setHotspotAltTag("slices","This is my alt tag");
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 For the hotspots and slices in the selection, sets the color to the specied value.
whatToSet, color
Acceptable values for whatToSet are "hotspots", "slices", and "hotspots and slices". The second argument is a color string (see Color string on page 6).
Returns Example
Nothing. This command sets the color of the selected hotspots to the specied value, which in this case is red.
fw.getDocumentDOM().setHotspotColor("hotspots", "#ff0000");
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 If the selection is a single hotspot or slice, this function moves or copies it to the specied location and size.
boundingRectangle, bMakeCopy
The rst argument is a rectangle that species the size of the new hotspot or slice (see Rectangle on page 7). If the second argument is true, the selection is copied and resized instead of moved and resized.
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 For the hotspots and slices in the selection, sets the shape to the specied value.
whatToSet, shape
Acceptable values for whatToSet are "hotspots", "slices", and "hotspots and slices". Acceptable values for shape are "rectangle", "oval", and "polyline".
Nothing. dom.setHotspotTarget()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 For the hotspots and slices in the selection, sets the target tag text to the specied value.
whatToSet, targetTagString
Acceptable values for whatToSet are "hotspots", "slices", and "hotspots and slices". The second argument is a string that species the text to be used for the target tag.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command sets the currently selected slices to link to the parent window.
fw.getDocumentDOM().setHotspotTarget("slices", "_parent");
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 For the hotspots and slices in the selection, sets the hotspot text to the specied value.
Chapter 3
Acceptable values for whatToSet are "hotspots", "slices", and "hotspots and slices". The second argument is a string that species the text to be used for the hotspot or slice. The third argument (urlToMatch) is a string that species a URL that is already assigned to one or more hotspots in the document. If this value is not null, then the URLs of all hotspots or slices in the document that have urlToMatch as their URL are changed to textString. Note: The URLs of both selected and unselected hotspots or slices are changed. If the last argument (bUpdateAttributes) is true, changed hotspots inherit the color, target, and alt tag text that were most recently associated with the new text value. For example, suppose textString is "http://www.mywebsite.com", and the last time "http://www.mywebsite.com" was used, it was used with a color of blue, a target of none, and an alt tag of Link to My Home Page. If bUpdateAttributes is true, then any hotspot or slice whose text is now being changed to "http:// www.mywebsite.com" will also have a color of blue, a target of none, and an alt tag text of Link to My Home Page.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command creates a slice and inserts the HTML text I am HTML text.
fw.getDocumentDOM().setHotspotText("Slice ","I am HTML text", null, true);
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Species whether the elements on a specied layer are displayed in the Layers list. Note that disclosure affects the layer regardless of which frame is shown.
layerIndex, bDisclosed
The rst argument is a zero-based index that species the layer containing the elements to be displayed or hidden. To specify the current layer, pass -1. If the second argument is true, all elements on the specied layer are displayed in the Layers list. If false, only the layer name is displayed on the list.
Returns Related Functions
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Locks or unlocks one or all layers on the specied frame.
layerIndex, frameIndex, bLock, bAllLayers
The rst argument is a zero-based integer that species the layer to be locked or unlocked. To specify the current layer, pass 1. (To lock/unlock all layers on a frame, use the bAllLayers argument.) The second argument is a zero-based integer that species the frame containing the layer to be locked or unlocked. To specify the current frame, pass 1. If the third argument (bLock) is true, the layer is locked. If false, it is unlocked. If the last argument (bAllLayers) is true, all layers on the specied frame are locked or unlocked, and any value passed for layerIndex is ignored.
Returns Example
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Renames the specied layer. Layers arent required to have unique names, so no duplicate checking is performed.
layerIndex, layerName
The rst argument is a zero-based integer that species the layer to be renamed. To specify the current layer, pass 1. The second argument is a string that species the new name for the layer.
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
The rst argument is a zero-based integer that species the layer to be shared or not shared. To specify the current layer, pass 1. Acceptable values for sharedStatus are "shared" and "not shared". The third argument (bUnshareCopiesToAllFrames) is used only if sharedStatus is "not shared" and the document has multiple frames. If these conditions are met and bUnshareCopiesToAllFrames is true, then the items on the layer are duplicated to all frames of the layer; if false, the items are placed only on the current frame. If the last argument is true and bUnshareCopiesToAllFrames is enabled, the user is asked to conrm that data on other frames can be overwritten. If false, data on other frames of the layer is overwritten without warning.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command sets the selected layer to "Shared" and displays a warning that data loss is possible.
fw.getDocumentDOM().setLayerSharing(-1, "shared", false, true);
Availability Description Arguments
The rst argument is a zero-based integer that species the layer that should be shown or hidden. To specify the current layer, pass 1. (To show/hide all layers on a frame, use the bAllLayers argument.) The second argument is a zero-based integer that species the frame containing the layer to be shown or hidden. To specify the current frame, pass 1. If the third argument (bShow) is true, the layer is visible. If false, it is hidden. If the last argument (bAllLayers) is true, all layers on the specied frame are shown or hidden, and any value passed for layerIndex is ignored.
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Sets or removes the documents matte color used for exporting.
bUseMatteColor, matteColor
If the rst argument is true, the documents matte color is set to the value specied by matteColor. If false, any matte color is removed from the document, and the second argument is ignored. The second argument is a color string (see Color string on page 6).
Returns Example
Nothing. This command sets the matte color to the specied value, which in this case is blue.
fw.getDocumentDOM().setMatteColor(true, "#0033ff");
Fireworks 3.0, deprecated in 4.0 in favor of dom.setSelectionMask() (see dom.setSelectionMask() on page 145). If Fireworks is in bitmap mode, this function sets the pixel-selection mask of the current image to the specied mask.
mask, howToCombineMasks
The rst argument is a mask variable that species the mask to be applied (see Mask on page 6). If mask is null, then any existing pixel-selection mask is removed. If there was previously a mask and the new mask is also not null, then howToCombineMasks species how the two masks should be combined. Acceptable values for howToCombineMasks are "replace", "add", "subtract", and "intersect".
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the onion-skin display options for the document.
before, after
The arguments are integers that specify the number of frames to display before and after the current one. To disable onion skinning, pass zero for both arguments. To enable onion skinning for all frames, pass zero for the rst argument and a very large number for the second argument (for example, 99999).
Returns Example
Nothing. This command turns on onion skinning two frames before the selected frame and zero frames after it.
fw.getDocumentDOM().setOnionSkinning(2, 0);
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the opacity of the selection to the specied value.
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Transforms the selection within a specied bounding quadrangle. The effect is the same as performing a Transform operation within Fireworks, and then replaying the Transform step from the History panel while other items are selected.
pTopLeft, pTopRight, pBottomRight, pBottomLeft, options
The rst four arguments are points that specify the x,y coordinates of the top left, top right, bottom right, and bottom left points of the bounding rectangle (see Point on page 6). Acceptable values for options are "transformAttributes", "autoTrimImages", and "autoTrimImages transformAttributes".
Returns Example
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 4.0 Modies the corner roundness of all selected rectangle primitives.
The argument is a oat value between 0 and 1 that species the roundness to use for the corners (0 is no roundness, 1 is 100% roundness).
Returns Related Functions
dom.addNewRectanglePrimitive(), dom.setRectSides()
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 4.0 Modies the untransformed sides of all selected rectangle primitives.
The argument is a rectangle that species the new untransformed sides of the rectangle primitive (see Rectangle on page 7). Rectangle primitives remember their transformations, so the user sees the transformed result of newSides displayed in the document.
Returns Related Functions
dom.setRectRoundness(), dom.addNewRectanglePrimitive()
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
The rst argument is a rectangle that species the new location and size of the selection (see Rectangle on page 7). Acceptable values for opts are "transformAttributes", "autoTrimImages", and "autoTrimImages transformAttributes".
Nothing. dom.setSelectionMask()
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 If Fireworks is in bitmap mode, this function sets the pixel-selection mask of the current image to the specied mask.
mask, howToCombineMasks
The rst argument is a mask that species the mask to be applied (see Mask on page 6). If mask is null, then an existing pixel-selection mask is removed. If there was previously a mask and mask is not null, the second argument species how the two masks should be combined. Acceptable values are "replace", "add", "subtract", and "intersect".
Nothing. dom.setShowEdges()
If the argument is true, show edges is turned on. If false, it is turned off.
Availability Description Arguments
If the argument is true, Preview Gamma is turned on. If false, it is turned off.
Nothing. dom.setShowGrid()
Nothing. dom.setShowGuides()
If the argument is true, the normal guides are visible. If false, they are not.
Nothing. dom.setShowRulers()
If the argument is true, the rulers are visible. If false, they are not.
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
If the argument is true, the slice guides are visible. If false, they are not.
Nothing. dom.setShowSliceOverlay()
Nothing. dom.setSliceAutonaming()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 If a single slice is selected, this function turns slice autonaming on or off for the slice.
If the argument is true, autonaming is turned on for the slice. If false, it is turned off.
Nothing. dom.setSliceExportOptions()
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the export options for the selected slices.
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 If a single slice is selected, this function turns off autonaming for the slice and sets its le name to the specied URL.
The argument is a string, expressed as a le:// URL, specifying the name to be given to the slice.
Nothing. dom.setSliceGuideColor()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the color used to display slice guides. To set the color of normal guides, use dom.setGuideColor().
Nothing. dom.setSliceHtml()
Fireworks 3.0 If a single slice is selected, this function sets the slices HTML text.
The argument is a string specifying the HTML text for the slice.
Nothing. dom.setSliceIsHtml()
If the argument is true, sets the slices as HTML. If false, sets them to Image.
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
If the argument is true, the tools snap to grid. If false, they do not.
Nothing. dom.setSnapToGuides()
If the argument is true, the tools snap to all guides. If false, they do not.
Nothing. dom.setSymbolProperties()
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the name and symbol type of the specied symbol.
currentName, symbolType, newName
The rst argument species the current name of the symbol in the Library. If more than one master exists with a name of currentName, then only the rst master is changed. If null is passed in for currentName, then the name property is set for all selected symbols in the Library (not document). Acceptable values for symbolType are "graphic", "button", and "animation". The last argument species the new name for the symbol.
Nothing. dom.setTextAlignment()
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the alignment of the selected text items to the specied setting.
Acceptable values for alignment are "left", "center", "right", "justify", "stretch", "vertical left", "vertical center", "vertical right", "vertical justify", and "vertical stretch".
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the anti-aliasing level for the selected blocks of text.
Nothing. dom.setTextAutoKern()
Fireworks 3.0 Species whether autokerning is on or off for the selected text items.
If the argument is true, autokerning is on for the selected text items. If false, it is not.
Nothing. dom.setTextFlow()
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the horizontal ow direction of the selected text items.
Acceptable arguments for flowDirection are "left to right" and "right to left".
Nothing. dom.setTextOnPathMode()
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the mode of the selected text-on-a-path items to the specied value.
Acceptable values for mode are "rotate", "vertical", "skew vertical", and "skew horizontal".
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the offset for the selected text-on-a-path items to the specied distance.
The argument is a oat value that species the offset distance, in pixels.
Nothing. dom.setTextOrientation()
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the horizontal/vertical text orientation of the selected text items.
Acceptable values for orientation are "horizontal left to right", "vertical right to left", "horizontal right to left", and "vertical left to right".
Nothing. dom.setTextRuns()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Replaces the text in the selected text blocks with the styled text described by the object passed.
Nothing. dom.setTransformMode()
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the transform mode for the selected text or instance items, or both.
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Changes the bounding rectangle for the selected text item to the specied size. This function causes the text to reow inside the new rectangle; the text item is not scaled or transformed. Text that does not t into the new rectangle is not displayed.
The argument is a rectangle that species the new size within which the text item should ow (see Rectangle on page 7).
Nothing. dom.setTextRectangleAuto()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Recalculates the bounding rectangle for the selected text item, setting the rectangle to the smallest box that encloses the text. None. Nothing.
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Performs the same function as dom.setTextRectangleAuto(), but lets you pass a point to specify where the rectangle should be located.
The argument is a point that species the x,y coordinates of the location at which the text box should be anchored (see Point on page 6). How the point is used depends on the left-to-right/up-to-down orientation of the text ow in the text block. Left-justied horizontal text is placed with its top and left edges at anchorPoint, and the text expands to the right. Centered horizontal text is centered horizontally around anchorPoint and expands equally to the left and right. Centered vertical text is centered vertically around anchorPoint and expands equally up and down.
Returns Related Functions
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments Returns
Fireworks 3.0 Shows all the items that were hidden by using dom.hideSelection(). None. Nothing. dom.splitPaths()
Fireworks 3.0 Splits the selected paths. Compound paths are split into separate contours. None. Nothing. dom.swapBrushAndFillColors()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Swaps the current brush color and current ll color. This function has no effect on any selected items. None. Nothing. dom.transformSelection()
Arguments Returns
Fireworks 3.0, enhanced in 4.0 Transforms the selection using the specied three-by-three matrix.
matrix, options
The rst argument is a three-by-three transformation matrix (see Matrix on page 6). Acceptable values for options, some of which were added in Fireworks 4, "transformAttributes", "autoTrimImages", "autoTrimImages transformAttributes", "rememberQuad", "transformAttributes rememberQuad", "autoTrimImages rememberQuad", and "autoTrimImages transformAttributes rememberQuad".
are "",
Availability Description Arguments
The rst argument is an integer that species how many new instances are generated. If bDistribute is true, the new instances are distributed to frames.
Nothing. dom.undo()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Undoes the undoable step that was most recently performed. Most (but not all) JavaScript functions cause an undoable action to be executed. None. Nothing. dom.updateSymbol()
Arguments Returns
The argument species the name of the symbol in the Library. If more than one symbol exists with a name of name, then only the rst symbol with that name is updated. If null is passed in for name, then all selected linked symbols in the Library (not document) are updated.
Nothing. dom.ungroup()
Fireworks 3.0 Ungroups any grouped items in the selection. To group items, use dom.group(). None. Nothing.
Chapter 3
The argument is a zero-based array that species which steps from the History panel should be copied. If it is null, the currently selected steps are used.
Nothing. fw.historyPalette.getSelection()
Fireworks 3.0 Determines which steps in the History panel are selected. None. A zero-based array representing which History panel steps are selected. fw.historyPalette.getStepCount()
Fireworks 3.0 Returns the number of steps in the History panel. None. The number of steps in the History panel (not a zero-based value).
Availability Description Arguments
The argument is a zero-based array that species which steps from the History panel should be returned as JavaScript. If the argument is null, the currently selected steps are returned.
Returns Related Functions
JavaScript string
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Returns a string that indicates the current undo state to be used for later calls to fw.historyPalette.setUndoState(). None. String to be used with fw.historyPalette.setUndoState(). This string is designed to be used internally by Fireworks only and may change format in the future. Therefore, do not try to parse this string or to construct a custom string to pass to fw.historyPalette.setUndoState(). fw.historyPalette.replaySteps()
Arguments Returns
Fireworks 3.0 Gets the JavaScript equivalent of the selected steps and executes them.
array of indexes
The argument is a zero-based array that species which steps from the History panel should be returned as JavaScript and then executed. If the argument is null, the currently selected steps are used.
Returns Related Functions
JavaScript string
Chapter 3
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Gets the JavaScript equivalent of the selected steps and saves them as a JSF command le.
array of indexes, {filename}
The rst argument indicates which steps from the History panel should be saved. For example, to save the rst, third, and sixth step in the History panel, pass [0, 2, 5]. If this argument is null, the currently selected steps are used. The second argument is an optional string that species a name for the JSF command le. It can be any string, including a le:// URL. If filename is omitted or null, the user is prompted for a le name. If filename is not a le:// URL, then the le is saved in the Fireworks 4/Settings/Commands folder with the specied le name.
Nothing. fw.historyPalette.setSelection()
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the portion of the History panel that is selected.
array of indexes
The argument species which steps in the History panel are selected. Values are zero-based. For example, to select the rst, third, and sixth step in the History panel, pass [0, 2, 5].
Nothing. fw.historyPalette.setUndoState()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Performs the correct number of undo or redo operations to arrive at the selected state.
Fireworks functions
In Fireworks 4, fw is synonymous with fireworks. Thus all methods of the fireworks object can be referred to as fireworks.functionName() or as fw.functionName(). fw.browseDocument()
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Opens the users primary browser and displays the specied URL.
The argument is the URL of the page to be displayed in the browser. Any legal URL (including http://, ftp://, and so on) can be passed. Fireworks does not check this argument for syntax; if you pass an illegal value, the browser does not open the URL.
Nothing. fw.browseForFileURL()
Fireworks 3.0 Displays an Open or Save dialog box for the user.
browseType, title, previewArea
Acceptable values for browseType are "open", "select", and "save". The rst two display an Open dialog box; they are both acceptable here for compatibility with Dreamweaver. The third value displays a Save dialog box. The second and third arguments are ignored by Fireworks but are accepted for compatibility with Dreamweaver.
The le URL selected by the user, or null if the dialog box was canceled. fw.browseForFolderURL()
Fireworks 3.0 Displays a dialog box that lets a user select a particular directory.
{title}, {startFolder}
The rst argument is an optional string that species a title for the dialog box that is displayed. If it is omitted or null, a default title is displayed. The second argument is an optional string that serves as the root directory for the dialog box that is displayed. If it is omitted or null, the browse dialog box displays an unspecied directory, depending on your system conguration. Generally, it is the last directory used.
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
The argument is an integer that is reserved for future use; only a value of 0 is supported at this time. To use this function, put a call to fw.checkFwJsVersion(0) in your script.
Nothing. fw.chooseScriptTargetDialog()
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Displays a dialog box that lets the user choose the target document(s) for an operation. The dialog box lets the user specify the les currently open, the les in the project list, or les explicitly selected.
The argument is similar to fw.locateDocDialog(), except that formatlist is required, and you cannot specify a maximum number of documents (see fw.locateDocDialog() on page 167).
The rst argument is a Document object that species the document to close (see Document on page 13). If bPromptToSaveChanges is true or omitted, and the document was changed since the last time it was saved, the user is prompted to save changes to the document. If bPromptToSaveChanges is false, the user is not prompted, and any changes to the document are discarded.
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Opens a new document and selects it. Values for size, resolution, and color are the same as the current defaults. To specify values other than the defaults, use fw.createFireworksDocument(). None. The Document object for the newly created document (see Document on page 13). fw.createFireworksDocument()
Arguments Returns
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Opens a new document and selects it. Values for size, resolution, and color are explicitly specied. To open a new document with default values, use fw.createDocument().
size, res, backgroundColor
The rst argument is a point whose x value species the documents width and whose y value species the documents height. Both values are pixels. The second argument species the resolution for the scaled document (see Resolution on page 7). The last argument is a color string (see Color string on page 6).
Returns Example
The Document object for the newly created document (see Document on page 13). This command creates a new document 500 by 500 pixels in size, with a resolution of 72 dpi and a solid white background color.
fw.createFireworksDocument({x:500,y:500},{pixelsPerUnit:72,units:"inch"}, "#ffffff");
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
The rst argument is a Document object (for example, fw.documents[2]) that species the document to be exported. If document is null, the active document is exported. The second argument is a string, expressed as a le:// URL, that species the le name for the exported le. If fileURL is null, the Save As dialog box is displayed. The last argument is an ExportOptions object (see ExportOptions on page 41). If exportOptions is null, the documents current export options are used. If the le format specied by exportOptions conicts with the le format specied by fileURL, then the extension of fileURL is changed to match the format specied by exportOptions.
Returns Related Functions
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Exports a document's frames as individual images. The images are named based on the names in the Frames panel.
docObject, directoryURL
The rst argument is a Document object that species the document containing the frames to be exported (see Document on page 13). To export frames from the current document, pass null. The second argument is the directory in which the images will be placed, expressed as a le:// URL.
This command exports the frames in the current document to the "C:\images" directory.
fw.exportFrames(null, "file:///C|/images");
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Exports one image if the document contains no slice objects, and multiple images if the document contains one or more slice objects. Also optionally exports HTML. The document is exported using the current export settings and export options.
doc, htmlUrl, imagesUrl
The rst argument is a Document object that species the document to be exported (see Document on page 13). If doc is null, the active document is exported. The second argument is the le name for the exported HTML le, expressed as a le:// URL. If htmlUrl is null, no HTML is generated. The last argument is the le name for the exported image(s), expressed as a le:// URL, and may not be null. If a single image is generated, this function uses imagesUrl as the le name for the image. If multiple sliced images are exported, it uses imagesURL to generate autonamed images, and all images are placed in this directory.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command exports the current document as HTML and as one or more images.
fw.exportHtmlAndImages(null, "file:///C|/mysite/nav.htm", "file:///C|/mysite/images/nav.gif"); fw.exportDocumentAs()
Related Functions
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Exports a document's layers as individual images. The images are named based on the names in the Layers panel. The layers from the current frame are exported.
docObject, directoryURL
The rst argument is a Document object that species the document containing the layers to be exported (see Document on page 13). To export layers from the current document, pass null. The second argument is the directory in which the images will be placed, expressed as a le:// URL.
This command exports the layers in the third open document to the "C:\images" directory.
fw.exportLayers(fw.documents[2], "file:///C|/images");
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
The rst argument is a Document object that species the document to be exported (see Document on page 13). To export the current document, pass null. The second argument is the name of the Photoshop document to be created, expressed as a le:// URL.
The Photoshop writer is controlled by the values of several preferences. See the following example for allowed values. A well-behaved script should restore the original values after exporting the le.
var prevWarn = fw.getPref("PsdExport_Warn100"); // bool fw.setPref("PsdExport_Warn100", false); // don't warn. var kObjToLayer = 1; var kFlatten = 2; var prevLayers = fw.getPref("PsdExport_Layers"); fw.setPref("PsdExport_Layers", kObjToLayer); // flatten layers or not. var kEffectEditable = 1; var kEffectRender = 2; var prevEffects = fw.getPref("PsdExport_Effects"); fw.setPref("PsdExport_Effects", kEffectEditable); var kTextEditable = 1; var kTextRender = 2; var prevText = fw.getPref("PsdExport_Text"); fw.setPref("PsdExport_Text", kTextRender); fw.exportPSD(null, "file:///C|/new folder/test.psd"); // Put the prefs back. fw.setPref("PsdExport_Warn100", prevWarn); fw.setPref("PsdExport_Layers", prevLayers); fw.setPref("PsdExport_Effects", prevEffects); fw.setPref("PsdExport_Text", prevText);
Availability Description Arguments
The rst argument is a Document object that species the document to be exported (see Document on page 13). To export the current document, pass null. The second argument is the name of the Flash document to be created, expressed as a le:// URL.
The Flash writer is controlled by the values of several preferences. See the following example for allowed values. A well-behaved script should restore the original values after exporting the le.
var prevMaintainObjEditable = fw.getPref("SwfMaintainObjEditable"); fw.setPref("SwfMaintainObjEditable", true); // maintain non-text editability //at expense of appearance or not var prevMaintainTextEditable = fw.getPref("SwfMaintainTextEditable"); fw.setPref("SwfMaintainTextEditable", false); // maintain text editability // at expense of appearance or not var prevExportAllFrames = fw.getPref("SwfExportAllFrames"); fw.setPref("SwfExportAllFrames", true); // if true all frames are exported var prevExportFromFrame = fw.getPref("SwfExportFromFrame"); fw.setPref("SwfExportFromFrame", 1); // from frame; only used ifSwfExportAllFrames is false var prevExportToFrame = fw.getPref("SwfExportToFrame"); fw.setPref("SwfExportToFrame", 5); // from frame; only used if SwfExportAllFrames is false var prevJpegQualit = fw.getPref("SwfJpegQuality"); fw.setPref("SwfJpegQuality", 85); // JPEG quality var prevFrameRate = fw.getPref("SwfFrameRate"); fw.setPref("SwfFrameRate", 5); // frame rate fw.exportSWF(null, "file:///C|/new folder/test.swf"); // Put the prefs back. fw.setPref("SwfMaintainObjEditable", prevMaintainObjEditable); fw.setPref("SwfMaintainTextEditable", prevMaintainTextEditable); fw.setPref("SwfExportAllFrames", prevExportAllFrames); fw.setPref("SwfExportFromFrame", prevExportFromFrame); fw.setPref("SwfExportToFrame", prevExportToFrame); fw.setPref("SwfJpegQuality", prevJpegQualit); fw.setPref("SwfFrameRate", prevFrameRate);
Chapter 3
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Finds the next instance of the current search string and selects that section of the document. To begin a search, use fw.setUpFindReplace(). None. The number of items replaced if the search is completed, or 1 if there are items in the document remaining to be searched. fw.findOpenDocument()
Arguments Returns
Fireworks 3.0 Determines whether the specied le is open in a Fireworks document window.
The argument is a string that species the name of the document, expressed as a le:// URL.
If the document is open, returns the Document object; otherwise returns null (see Document on page 13). fw.getDocumentDOM()
Fireworks 3.0 Returns the Document object for the active document (see Document on page 13).
The argument is an optional string included for compatibility with Dreamweaver. If specied here, it must be "document".
The Document object for the active document, or null if no document is open. fw.getDocumentPath()
Fireworks 3.0 Gets the path and le name of the specied document.
The argument is a Document object (for example, fw.documents[2]) that species the document whose path and le name should be retrieved. If document is null, information about the active document is retrieved.
The le URL for the document if it was saved, or an empty string if it was not yet saved.
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Gets an array of arrays that indicates the tab-grouping of the panels (even hidden ones). None. An array looking something like this:
[ [ "stroke", "fill", "effect" ], [ "layers", "frames", "object" ], [ "mixer", "options", "swatches", "info" ], [ "styles", "library" ], [ "find", "project log" ], [ "url" ], [ "optimize", "optimized colors" ], [ "behaviors" ], [ "history" ] ]
Arguments Returns
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Gets the screen position and size of the specied panel.
Acceptable values for panelName are "find", "project log", "object", "info", "url", "effect", "history", "mixer", "fill", "stroke", "swatches", "layers", "frames", "behaviors", "optimize", "library", "styles", "optimized colors", "options", and "toolbox".
A rectangle that species the bounds of the panel (see Rectangle on page 7). fw.getFloaterVisibility()
Acceptable values for panelName are "find", "project log", "object", "info", "url", "effect", "history", "mixer", "fill", "stroke", "swatches", "layers", "frames", "behaviors", "optimize", "library", "styles", "optimized colors", "options", and "toolbox".
Returns true
Availability Description Arguments Returns
Fireworks 3.0 Returns the hidden or visible status of the panels. None.
Chapter 3
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Returns the preference value (string or numeric) associated with the specied preference key.
The argument is a string that species the preference value to return. A complete list of these values is beyond the scope of this manual, but the format of prefkey exactly matches that in the Fireworks Preferences le. To set a preference value, use fw.setPref().
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Displays a dialog box that lets the user choose one or more les. For syntax details, see Using fw.locateDocDialog() on page 27.
maxnumdocs, formatlist
The rst argument species the maximum number of documents to be chosen. The second argument is a list of acceptable le types to open.
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0, enhanced in 4.0 Opens the specied le(s) in new document windows. If a le is already open, it is opened again; to avoid redundant opens, call findOpenDocument() rst.
{fileURL}, {bOpenAsNew}
The rst argument is a string or an array of strings, each expressed as a le:// URL, specifying the le(s) to be opened. If fileURL is omitted or null, the Open Document dialog box is displayed. If the second argument, added in Fireworks 4, is true, the document(s) are opened as unsaved and untitled. If false (the default value), they are opened under their original names.
If any of the le(s) can be opened, returns the Document object for each le. Returns null if none of the documents can be opened.
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Quits Fireworks, prompting the user to save any changed documents. None. Nothing. fw.replace()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Veries that the selection matches the current search string and replaces it with the replacement string. None. The number of items replaced, or 1 if there are items in the document remaining to be searched.
Arguments Returns
Related Functions
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Performs a Replace All operation on the active document, using the current search and replacement strings. None. The number of items replaced, or 1 if the nd is not yet complete.
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Reverts the specied document to its previously saved version.
The argument is a Document object (for example, fw.documents[2]) that species the document to be reverted. If document is omitted or null, the active document is reverted.
Nothing. fw.runScript()
The argument is the name of the script le to be executed. If filename is not a le URL (that is, it does not begin with "file:///"), it is assumed to be the name of a le in the Fireworks 4/Settings/Commands folder.
Returns Example
Result of script. This command runs a script found in the Commands folder called "Align Center to Document".
fw.runScript("Align Center to Document.jsf");
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Saves all open documents, displaying the Save As dialog box for any documents that were not previously been saved. None. Nothing.
Arguments Returns
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Saves the specied document as a native Fireworks PNG le with the specied name. To save a document to another format, such as GIF or JPEG, use fw.exportDocumentAs().
document, {fileURL}
The rst argument is a Document object (for example, fw.documents[2]) that species the document to be saved. If document is null, the active document is saved. The second argument is the name of the saved document expressed as a le:// URL. If fileURL is null or omitted, the document is saved with its current name; if the document was not yet saved, the Save As dialog box is displayed.
Nothing. fw.saveDocumentAs()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Displays the Save As dialog box for the specied document, allowing it to be saved as a native Fireworks PNG le with the specied name. To save a document to another format, such as GIF or JPEG, use fw.exportDocumentAs().
The argument is a Document object (for example, fw.documents[2]) that species the document to be saved. If document is null, the active document is saved.
The le URL for the saved document, or null if the dialog box was canceled. fw.saveDocumentCopyAs()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Saves a copy of the specied document as a native Fireworks PNG le with the specied name. To save a document to another format, such as GIF or JPEG, use
fw.exportDocumentAs(). document, fileURL
The rst argument is a Document object (for example, fw.documents[2]) that species the document to be saved. If document is null, the active document is saved. The second argument is the le name for the saved le, expressed as a le:// URL. If fileURL is null, the Save As dialog box is displayed.
The le URL for the saved document, or null if the dialog box was canceled.
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
Fireworks 3.0 Saves the specied string of JavaScript code as a JSF command le.
jscode, filename
The rst argument species the string of code to be saved as a JSF command le. The second argument species the name in which the le should be saved. If filename is not a le URL (that is, it does not begin with "file:///"), the le is saved in the Fireworks 4/Settings/Commands folder.
Nothing. fw.setActiveWindow()
The rst argument is a Document object (for example, fw.documents[2]) that species which document should be made active. The second (optional) argument is ignored by Fireworks. It is included only for Dreamweaver compatibility.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command makes the fourth document the active document.
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Moves the specied panel into another specied panel, changing it to a tab within that panel. This is the same behavior as dragging a tab from one panel to another, or to its own panel.
panelNameToMove, panelNameToReceive
The rst argument is a lowercase string that species the panel to be moved. The second argument is a lowercase string that species the panel into which panelNameToMove should be moved. If panelNameToReceive is null, then the panelNameToMove is moved into a new panel by itself.
Returns Example
Nothing. This command moves the Stroke tab from its current location into the panel named Object. Even though the panel name may be capitalized onscreen, it must be passed as lowercase.
fw.setFloaterGrouping("stroke", "object");
Availability Description Arguments
Acceptable values for panelName are "find", "project log", "object", "info", "url", "effect", "history", "mixer", "fill", "stroke", "swatches", "layers", "frames", "behaviors", "optimize", "library", "styles", "optimized colors", "options", and "toolbox". The second argument is a rectangle that species the size of the panel (see Rectangle on page 7). Some panels ignore the specied size but place the top left corner of the panel at the top left location of the specied rectangle.
Chapter 3
Availability Description Arguments
Acceptable values for panelName are "find", "project log", "object", "info", "url", "effect", "history", "mixer", "fill", "stroke", "swatches", "layers", "frames", "behaviors", "optimize", "library", "styles", "optimized colors", "options", and "toolbox". If the second argument is true, the specied panel is visible. If false, it is hidden.
Nothing. fw.setHideAllFloaters()
Fireworks 3.0 Shows or hides the panels. This behavior is the same as the tab key functionality.
If the argument is true, the panels are hidden. If false, they are visible.
Nothing. fw.setPref()
Fireworks 3.0 Sets the value associated with the specied preference key.
prefname, prefval
A complete list of these values is beyond the scope of this manual, but the format of prefname and prefval exactly matches those in the Fireworks Preferences le. To return the value associated with a preference key, use fw.getPref().
Nothing. fw.setUpFindReplace()
Availability Description
Fireworks 3.0 Shows, hides, or makes topmost the specied panel. If the panel is not visible, makes it visible and topmost. If the panel is topmost, hides it. If the panel is visible but not topmost, makes it topmost.
Acceptable values for panelName are "find", "project log", "object", "info", "url", "effect", "history", "mixer", "fill", "stroke", "swatches", "layers", "frames", "behaviors", "optimize", "library", "styles", "optimized colors", "options", and "toolbox".
Nothing. fw.ungroupPrimitives()
Availability Description
Fireworks 4.0 Replaces selected primitive objects with their equivalent paths. The new objects have all the attributes of the ones they replaced (mask, stroke, ll, and so on). None. Nothing.
Availability Description Arguments
The rst argument is a Document object that species the document to be used for updating the HTML (see Document on page 13). If doc is null, the active document is used. The second argument is the le name for the HTML le that will be updated, expressed as a le:// URL. To force Fireworks to display the Update HTML dialog box, pass null for htmlUrl. If you pass null for htmlUrl, bRecoverFromError is ignored. If the third argument (bRecoverFromError) is true and the HTML update encounters an error, Fireworks displays a Conrmation dialog box and attempts to recover. If it is false, Fireworks fails silently if it encounters an error.
Returns true
Chapter 3
This command updates the images in an HTML le, using the current document.
fw.updateHTML(null, "file:///C|/mysite/nav.htm", true);
where the rst argument is a string that species the behavior to be added (see dom.addBehavior() on page 69). The information in this section describes the acceptable values for the rst argument passed to dom.addBehavior(). MM_nbGroup [down]
Availability Description Arguments
Pass "down" for type. Pass "navbar1" for the name of the navigation bar. The third argument (target) species the slice that the behavior is attached to. Pass 1 for this value; all other values are used internally by Fireworks. The fourth argument (swapFrame) is a zero-based integer that species the frame to swap. To use fileName as a URL, pass 1 here. The fth argument (fileName) species the frame or le to be swapped. If you specied a frame to use in swapFrame, pass an empty text string here. If you want to specify a le name and you passed 1 for swapFrame, pass the string for the relative URL of the image here. The last argument (preload) is a binary value that species whether to preload the swapped image (pass 1) or not (pass 0).
Example fw.getDocumentDOM().addBehavior("MM_nbGroup(\'down\',\'navbar1\',-1,2,\"\",1)", "onClick", -1);
MM_nbGroup [highlight]
Availability Description Arguments
Pass "over" for type. The second argument (target) species the slice that the behavior is attached to. Pass 1 for this value; all other values are used internally by Fireworks. The third argument (swapFrame) is a zero-based integer that species the frame to swap. To use fileName as a URL, pass 1 here. The fourth argument (fileName) species the frame or le to be swapped. If you specied a frame to use in swapFrame, pass an empty text string here. If you want to specify a le name and you passed 1 for swapFrame, pass the string for the relative URL of the image here. The fth argument (preload) is a binary value that species whether to preload the swapped image (pass 1) or not (pass 0). The sixth argument (downHighlight) is a binary value that species whether an image should be used for highlighting on mouse down (pass 1) or not (pass 0). If you pass 1, use the next two arguments to specify the frame or image to be used. The seventh argument (downHighlightFrame) is a zero-based integer that species the frame to use as a highlight image. To use downHighlightFilename as a URL, pass 1 here. The last argument (downHighlightFilename) species the frame or le to be used as the highlight image. If you specied a frame to use in downHighlightFrame, pass an empty text string here. If you want to specify a le name and you passed 1 for downHighlightFrame, pass the string for the relative URL of the image here.
Example fw.getDocumentDOM().addBehavior("MM_nbGroup(\'over\',-1,1,\"\",1,0,3,\"\")", "onMouseOver", -1);
Chapter 3
MM_nbGroup [image]
Availability Description Arguments
Pass "all" for type. The second argument (downHighlight) is a binary value that species whether the image should be highlighted on mouse down (pass 1) or not (pass 0). The third argument (initiallyDown) is a binary value that species whether the image should initially appear as down (pass 1) or not (pass 0).
Example fw.getDocumentDOM().addBehavior("MM_nbGroup(\'all\',1,0)", "onMouseOver", -1);
MM_nbGroup [out]
Availability Description Arguments
Availability Description Arguments Example
Availability Description Arguments
Availability Description Arguments
The rst argument species the slice that the behavior is attached to. Pass 1 for this value; all other values are used internally by Fireworks. The second argument (swapFrame) is a zero-based integer that species the frame to swap. To use fileName as a URL, pass 1 here. The third argument (fileName) species the frame or le to be swapped. If you specied a frame to use in swapFrame, pass an empty text string here. If you want to specify a le name and you passed 1 for swapFrame, pass the string for the relative URL of the image here. The fourth argument (preload) is a binary value that species whether to preload the swapped image (pass 1) or not (pass 0). The last argument (restore) is a binary value that species whether to restore on mouse out (pass 1) or not (pass 0).
Example fw.getDocumentDOM().addBehavior("MM_swapImage(-1,1,\"\",1,1)", "onMouseOver", -1);
Availability Description Arguments Example
Chapter 3
A addBehavior() 69 addElementMask() 69 addFrames() 70 addGuide() 70 addNewHotspot() 71 addNewImage() 71 addNewLayer() 72 addNewLine() 72 addNewOval() 72 addNewRectangle() 73 addNewRectanglePrimitive() 73 addNewSinglePointPath() 74 addNewStar() 74 addNewSymbol() 75 addNewText() 75 addSwapImageBehaviorFromPoint() 76 adjustExportToSize() 76 alert() global method 12 align() 76 App object See Fireworks global object appendPointToHotspot() 77 appendPointToPath() 77 appendPointToSlice() 78 applyCharacterMarkup() 78 applyCurrentFill() 78 applyEffects() 79 applyFontMarkup() 79 applyStyle() 79 arguments, optional 11 arrange() 80 attachTextToPath() 80 B Behavior object 28 BehaviorInfo object 58 BehaviorsList object 59 Bevel (Effect object) 31 Blur (Effect object) 33 Blur More (Effect object) 33
Brightness/Contrast (Effect object) 33 browseDocument() 158 browseForFileURL() 158 browseForFolderURL() 158 Brush object 28 C changeGuide() 80 checkFwJsVersion() 159 chooseScriptTargetDialog() 159 clearJPEGMask() 81 clearSteps() 155 clipCopy() 81 clipCut() 81 clipPaste() 82 clipPasteAttributes() 83 clipPasteInside() 84 cloneSelection() 84 close() 84 closeDocument() 159 color strings 6 colors, nding and replacing 23 conrm() global method 12 Contour object 29 ContourNode object 30 ContourNodeDynamicInfo object 30 Convert to Alpha (Effect object) 33 convertAnimSymbolToGraphicSymbol() 85 convertToAnimSymbol() 85 convertToPaths() 86 convertToSymbol() 86 copySteps() 155 copyToHotspot() 86 Core objects 12 createDocument() 160 createFireworksDocument() 160 cropSelection() 87 Curves (Effect object) 34
D data types color string 6 mask 6 matrix 6 non-standard 6 point 6 rectangle 7 resolution 7 deleteFrames() 87 deleteLayer() 87 deletePointOnPath() 88 deleteSelection() 88 deleteSymbol() 89 deprecated functions or arguments dom.clipPasteInside() 84 dom.getPixelMask 98 dom.group() 99 dom.setAnimInstanceStartFrame() 125 dom.setGroupType() 136 dom.setPixelMask() 142 mask to image 48 mask to path 48 detachInstanceFromSymbol() 89 detachTextFromPath() 89 distribute() 89 distributeLayerToFrames() 90 distributeSelectionToFrames() 90 Document (core object) 13 documents, accessing objects within 27 DOM (Document Object Model) 10 dom.addBehavior() 69 dom.addElementMask() 69 dom.addFrames() 70 dom.addGuide() 70 dom.addNewHotspot() 71 dom.addNewImage() 71 dom.addNewLayer() 72 dom.addNewLine() 72 dom.addNewOval() 72 dom.addNewRectangle() 73 dom.addNewRectanglePrimitive() 73 dom.addNewSinglePointPath() 74 dom.addNewStar() 74 dom.addNewSymbol() 75 dom.addNewText() 75 dom.addSwapImageBehaviorFromPoint() 76
dom.adjustExportToSize() 76 dom.align() 76 dom.appendPointToHotspot() 77 dom.appendPointToPath() 77 dom.appendPointToSlice() 78 dom.applyCharacterMarkup() 78 dom.applyCurrentFill() 78 dom.applyEffects() 79 dom.applyFontMarkup() 79 dom.applyStyle() 79 dom.arrange() 80 dom.attachTextToPath() 80 dom.changeGuide() 80 dom.clearJPEGMask() 81 dom.clipCopy() 81 dom.clipCut() 81 dom.clipPaste() 82 dom.clipPasteAttributes() 83 dom.clipPasteInside() 84 dom.cloneSelection() 84 dom.close() 84 dom.convertAnimSymbolToGraphicSymbol() 85 dom.convertToAnimSymbol() 85 dom.convertToPaths() 86 dom.convertToSymbol() 86 dom.copyToHotspot() 86 dom.cropSelection() 87 dom.deleteFrames() 87 dom.deleteLayer() 87 dom.deletePointOnPath() 88 dom.deleteSelection() 88 dom.deleteSymbol() 89 dom.detachInstanceFromSymbol() 89 dom.detachTextFromPath() 89 dom.distribute() 89 dom.distributeLayerToFrames() 90 dom.distributeSelectionToFrames() 90 dom.duplicateFrame() 90 dom.duplicateLayer() 91 dom.duplicateSelection() 91 dom.duplicateSelectionToFrameRange() 91 dom.duplicateSelectionToFrames() 92 dom.duplicateSymbol() 92 dom.duplicateSymbolForAlias() 92 dom.enableElementMask() 93 dom.enterElementMaskEditMode() 93 dom.enterPaintMode() 93
dom.exitElementMaskEditMode() 93 dom.exitPaintMode() 94 dom.exportOptions.loadColorPalette() 94 dom.exportOptions.saveColorPalette() 94 dom.exportTo() 95 dom.llSelectedPixels() 95 dom.lterSelection() 96 dom.lterSelectionByName() 96 dom.ndExportFormatOptionsByName() 96 dom.ndNamedElements() 97 dom.attenDocument() 97 dom.attenSelection() 97 dom.getFontMarkup() 97 dom.getPixelMask() 98 dom.getSelectionBounds() 98 dom.getShowGrid() 98 dom.getShowRulers() 98 dom.getSnapToGrid() 98 dom.getTextAlignment() 99 dom.group() 99 dom.hasCharacterMarkup() 99 dom.hideSelection() 100 dom.importFile() 100 dom.importSymbol() 101 dom.insertPointInPath() 101 dom.joinPaths() 102 dom.knifeElementsFromPoint() 102 dom.knifeElementsFromPoints() 102 dom.linkElementMask() 103 dom.makeActive() 104 dom.makeFind() 103 dom.makeGoodNativeFilePath() 103 dom.modifyPointOnPath() 104 dom.moveBezierHandleBy() 105 dom.moveElementMaskBy() 105 dom.moveFillVectorHandleBy() 106 dom.moveMaskGroupContentsBy() 106 dom.movePixelMaskBy() 107 dom.movePointOnHotspotBy() 107 dom.moveSelectedBezierPointsBy() 107 dom.moveSelectionBy() 108 dom.moveSelectionMaskBy() 108 dom.moveSelectionTo() 108 dom.moveSelectionToFrame() 109 dom.moveSelectionToLayer() 109 dom.moveSelectionToNewLayer() 110 dom.pathCrop() 110
dom.pathExpand() 110 dom.pathInset() 111 dom.pathIntersect() 111 dom.pathPunch() 111 dom.pathSimplify() 111 dom.pathUnion() 112 dom.rebuildColorTable() 112 dom.redo() 112 dom.reectSelection() 112 dom.removeAllGuides() 113 dom.removeBehavior() 113 dom.removeBrush() 113 dom.removeCharacterMarkup() 113 dom.removeElementMask() 114 dom.removeFill() 114 dom.removeFontMarkup() 114 dom.removeGuide() 115 dom.removeTransformation() 115 dom.reorderFrame() 115 dom.reorderLayer() 116 dom.replaceButtonTextStrings() 116 dom.replaceButtonTextStringsInInstances() 116 dom.replaceTextString() 117 dom.resizeSelection() 117 dom.restoreJPEGMask() 117 dom.restoreSelection() 118 dom.reversePathTextDirection() 118 dom.rotateDocument() 118 dom.rotateSelection() 118 dom.save() 119 dom.saveCopyAs() 119 dom.saveJPEGMask() 119 dom.saveSelection() 119 dom.scaleSelection() 120 dom.selectAdjustPixelSel() 120 dom.selectAll() 120 dom.selectChildren() 121 dom.selectFeather() 121 dom.selectInverse() 121 dom.selectNone() 121 dom.selectParents() 122 dom.selectSimilar() 122 dom.selectSimilarFromPoint() 122 dom.setAllLayersDisclosure() 123 dom.setAnimInstanceLoopCount() 123 dom.setAnimInstanceNumFrames() 124 dom.setAnimInstanceOffsetDist() 124
dom.setAnimInstanceRotationAmount() 124 dom.setAnimInstanceScaleAmount() 124 dom.setAnimInstanceStartEndOpacity() 125 dom.setAnimInstanceStartFrame() 125 dom.setBlendMode() 125 dom.setBrush() 126 dom.setBrushColor() 126 dom.setBrushName() 126 dom.setBrushNColorNTexture() 127 dom.setBrushPlacement() 127 dom.setButtonAutoSlice() 127 dom.setButtonIncludeDownState 127 dom.setButtonIncludeOverWhileDownState 128 dom.setButtonOptions 128 dom.setButtonShowDownOnLoad 128 dom.setDefaultBrushAndFillColors() 129 dom.setDefaultFillVector() 129 dom.setDocumentCanvasColor() 129 dom.setDocumentCanvasSize() 129 dom.setDocumentCanvasSizeToDocument Extents() 130 dom.setDocumentCanvasSizeToSelection() 130 dom.setDocumentImageSize() 130 dom.setDocumentResolution() 131 dom.setElementMaskMode() 131 dom.setElementMaskShowAttrs() 131 dom.setElementName() 131 dom.setElementVisible() 132 dom.setElementVisibleByName() 132 dom.setExportOptions() 133 dom.setExportSettings() 133 dom.setFill() 133 dom.setFillColor() 133 dom.setFillEdgeMode() 134 dom.setFillNColorNTexture() 134 dom.setFillPlacement() 134 dom.setFillVector() 135 dom.setFillVectorStart() 135 dom.setGradientName() 135 dom.setGridColor() 136 dom.setGridOrigin() 135 dom.setGridSize() 136 dom.setGroupType() 136 dom.setGuideColor() 136 dom.setHotspotAltTag() 137 dom.setHotspotColor() 137 dom.setHotspotRectangle() 137
dom.setHotspotShape() 138 dom.setHotspotTarget() 138 dom.setHotspotText() 138 dom.setLayerDisclosure() 139 dom.setLayerLocked() 140 dom.setLayerName() 140 dom.setLayerSharing() 141 dom.setLayerVisible() 141 dom.setMatteColor() 142 dom.setOnionSkinning() 143 dom.setOpacity() 143 dom.setPixelMask() 142 dom.setQuadrangle() 144 dom.setRectRoundness() 144 dom.setRectSides() 144 dom.setSelectionBounds() 145 dom.setSelectionMask() 145 dom.setShowEdges() 145 dom.setShowGammaPreview() 146 dom.setShowGrid() 146 dom.setShowGuides() 146 dom.setShowRulers() 146 dom.setShowSliceGuides() 147 dom.setShowSliceOverlay() 147 dom.setSliceAutonaming() 147 dom.setSliceExportOptions() 147 dom.setSliceFilename() 148 dom.setSliceGuideColor() 148 dom.setSliceHtml() 148 dom.setSliceIsHtml() 148 dom.setSnapToGrid() 149 dom.setSnapToGuides() 149 dom.setSymbolProperties() 149 dom.setTextAlignment() 149 dom.setTextAntiAliasing() 150 dom.setTextAutoKern() 150 dom.setTextFlow() 150 dom.setTextOnPathMode() 150 dom.setTextOnPathOffset() 151 dom.setTextOrientation() 151 dom.setTextRectangle() 152 dom.setTextRectangleAuto() 152 dom.setTextRectangleAutoFromPoint() 152 dom.setTextRuns() 151 dom.setTransformMode() 151 dom.showAllHidden() 153 dom.splitPaths() 153
dom.swapBrushAndFillColors() 153 dom.transformSelection() 153 dom.tween() 154 dom.undo() 154 dom.ungroup() 154 dom.updateSymbol() 154 MM_nbGroup 175 Drop Shadow (Effect object) 34 duplicateFrame() 90 duplicateLayer() 91 duplicateSelection() 91 duplicateSelectionToFrameRange() 91 duplicateSelectionToFrames() 92 duplicateSymbol() 92 duplicateSymbolForAlias() 92 E EAppAlreadyRunning 17 EAppNotSerialized 17 EArrayIndexOutOfBounds 17 EBadFileContents 17 EBadJsVersion 17 EBadNesting 17 EBadParam 17 EBadParamType 17 EBadSelection 17 EBufferTooSmall 17 ECharConversionFailed 17 EDatabaseError 17 EDeletingLastMasterChild 17 EDiskFull 17 EDuplicateFileName 17 Effect object 3138 EffectList object 38 effects, nding and replacing 22 EFileIsReadOnly 17 EFileNotFound 17 EGenericErrorOccurred 17 EGroupDepth 17 EIllegalThreadAccess 17 EInternalError 17 Element object 39 ElementMask object 40 ELowOnMem 17 enableElementMask() 93 end-of-line character 12, 20 ENoActiveDocument 17
ENoFilesSelected 17 ENoNestedMastersOrAliases 17 ENoNestedPasting 17 ENoSliceableElems 17 ENoSuchElement 17 ENotImplemented 17 ENotMyType 17 enterElementMaskEditMode() 93 enterPaintMode() 93 EOutOfMem 17 EResourceNotFound 17 Errors (core object) 17 ESharingViolation 17 EUnknownReaderFormat 17 EUserCanceled 17 EUserInterrupted 17 EWrongType 17 exitElementMaskEditMode 93 exitPaintMode() 94 exportDoc object 60 exportDocumentAs() 161 ExportFrameInfo object 41 exportFrames() 161 exportHtmlAndImages() 162 exporting HTML and sliced images 57 exportLayers() 162 ExportOptions object 4144 exportOptions.loadColorPalette() 94 exportOptions.saveColorPalette() 94 ExportPaletteInfo object 44 exportPSD() 163 ExportSettings object 44 exportSWF() 164 exportTo() 95 F Files (core object) 18 leURL 6 Fill object 46 lls, nding and replacing 22 llSelectedPixels() 95 lterSelection() 96 lterSelectionByName() 96 Find (core object) 20 Find Edges (Effect object) 35 ndExportFormatOptionsByName() 96
nding and replacing colors (non-websafe) 23 colors, lls, strokes, and effects 22 fonts and styles 21 text 21 URLs 22 ndNamedElements() 97 ndNext() 165 ndOpenDocument() 165 Fireworks object 23 Fireworks Object Model compared to API calls 11 how to use 10 Flash document, exporting as 164 attenDocument() 97 attenSelection() 97 fonts, nding and replacing 21 Frame object 47 frameIndex argument 67 FrameNLayerIntersection object 47 fw.browseDocument() 158 fw.browseForFileURL() 158 fw.browseForFolderURL() 158 fw.checkFwJsVersion() 159 fw.chooseScriptTargetDialog() 159 fw.closeDocument() 159 fw.createDocument() 160 fw.createFireworksDocument() 160 fw.exportDocumentAs() 161 fw.exportFrames() 161 fw.exportHtmlAndImages() 162 fw.exportLayers() 162 fw.exportPSD() 163 fw.exportSWF() 164 fw.ndNext() 165 fw.ndOpenDocument() 165 fw.getDocumentDOM() 10, 165 fw.getDocumentPath() 165 fw.getFloaterGroupings() 166 fw.getFloaterPosition() 166 fw.getFloaterVisibility() 166 fw.getHideAllFloaters() 166 fw.getPref() 167 fw.historyPalette.clearSteps() 155 fw.historyPalette.copySteps() 155 fw.historyPalette.getSelection() 155 fw.historyPalette.getStepCount() 155
fw.historyPalette.getStepsAsJavaScript() 156 fw.historyPalette.getUndoState() 156 fw.historyPalette.replaySteps() 156 fw.historyPalette.saveAsCommand() 157 fw.historyPalette.setSelection() 157 fw.historyPalette.setUndoState() 157 fw.locateDocDialog() 167 using 27 fw.openDocument() 167 fw.quit() 168 fw.quitApplication() 168 fw.replace() 168 fw.replaceAll() 168 fw.revertDocument() 169 fw.runScript() 169 fw.saveAll() 169 fw.saveDocument() 170 fw.saveDocumentAs() 170 fw.saveDocumentCopyAs() 170 fw.saveJsCommand() 171 fw.setActiveWindow() 171 fw.setFloaterGrouping() 172 fw.setFloaterPosition() 172 fw.setFloaterVisibility() 173 fw.setHideAllFloaters() 173 fw.setPref() 173 fw.setUpFindReplace() 173 fw.toggleFloater() 174 fw.ungroupPrimitives() 174 fw.updateHTML() 174 G Gaussian Blur (Effect object) 35 getDocumentDOM() 10, 165 getDocumentPath() 165 getFloaterGroupings() 166 getFloaterPosition() 166 getFloaterVisibility() 166 getFontMarkup() 97 getHideAllFloaters() 166 getPixelMask() 98 getPref() 167 getSelection() 155 getSelectionBounds() 98 getShowGrid() 98 getShowRulers() 98 getSnapToGrid() 98
getStepCount() 155 getStepsAsJavaScript() 156 getTextAlignment() 99 getUndoState() 156 Global methods 12 Gradient object 48 GradientNode object 48 Group object 48 group() 99 Guides object 49 H hasCharacterMarkup() 99 hideSelection() 100 MM_nbGroup 176 historyPalette.clearSteps() 155 historyPalette.copySteps() 155 historyPalette.getSelection() 155 historyPalette.getStepCount() 155 historyPalette.getStepsAsJavaScript() 156 historyPalette.getUndoState() 156 historyPalette.replaySteps() 156 historyPalette.saveAsCommand() 157 historyPalette.setSelection() 157 historyPalette.setUndoState() 157 Hotspot object 49 HTML export objects 57 Hue/Saturation (Effect object) 35 I MM_nbGroup 177 Image object 50 ImageMap object 62, 63 ImagemapList object 63 importFile() 100 index arguments 67 Inner Shadow (Effect object) 35 insertPointInPath() 101 Instance object 50 Invert (Effect object) 36
J JavaScript books 5 checking the API for incompatibilities 159 executing steps from the History panel 156 returning steps from the History panel 156 running a script le 169 saving a string as a command le 171 saving steps to a command le 157 syntax 5 undoing functions 154 joinPaths() 102 K knifeElementsFromPoint() 102 knifeElementsFromPoints() 102 L Layer object 50 layerIndex argument 67 Levels (Effect object) 36 linkElementMask() 103 M makeActive() 104 makeFind() 103 makeGoodNativeFilePath() 103 Mask 6 Matrix 6 Metale.htt 57 methods, global 12 MM_simpleRollover 177 MM_statusMessage 177 MM_swapImage 178 MM_swapImgRestore 178 modifyPointOnPath() 104 moveBezierHandleBy() 105 moveElementMaskBy() 105 moveFillVectorHandleBy() 106 moveMaskGroupContentsBy() 106 movePixelMaskBy() 107 movePointOnHotspotBy() 107 moveSelectedBezierPointsBy() 107 moveSelectionBy() 108 moveSelectionMaskBy() 108 moveSelectionTo() 108
moveSelectionToFrame() 109 moveSelectionToLayer() 109 moveSelectionToNewLayer() 110 N null values 67 O objects accessing within documents 27 See also Core objects, Fireworks object, HTML export objects openDocument() 167 Operating on a selection 68 optional arguments 11 MM_nbGroup 177 P Passing values 11 Path object 51 PathAttrs object 51 pathCrop() 110 pathExpand() 110 pathInset() 111 pathIntersect() 111 pathPunch() 111 pathSimplify() 111 pathUnion() 112 Pattern object 52 Photoshop document, exporting as 163 pngText 17 Point 6 primitive 73 prompt() global method 12 PSD, exporting as 163 Q quit() 168 quitApplication() 168
R rebuildColorTable() 112 Rectangle 7 rectangle primitive 73 redo() 112 reectSelection() 112 removeAllGuides() 113 removeBehavior() 113 removeBrush() 113 removeCharacterMarkup() 113 removeElementMask() 114 removeFill() 114 removeFontMarkup() 114 removeGuide() 115 removeTransformation() 115 reorderFrame() 115 reorderLayer() 116 replace() 168 replaceAll() 168 replaceButtonTextStrings() 116 replaceButtonTextStringsInInstances() 116 replaceTextString() 117 replacing See nding and replacing replaySteps() 156 resizeSelection() 117 Resolution 7 restoreJPEGMask() 117 restoreSelection() 118 reversePathTextDirection() 118 revertDocument() 169 rotateDocument() 118 rotateSelection() 118 runScript() 169 S save() 119 saveAll() 169 saveAsCommand() 157 saveCopyAs() 119 saveDocument() 170 saveDocumentAs() 170 saveDocumentCopyAs() 170 saveJPEGMask() 119 saveJsCommand() 171 saveSelection() 119 scaleSelection() 120 selectAdjustPixelSel() 120
selectAll() 120 selectChildren() 121 selectFeather() 121 selectInverse() 121 selectNone() 121 selectParents() 122 selectSimilar() 122 selectSimilarFromPoint() 122 setActiveWindow() 171 setAllLayersDisclosure() 123 setAnimInstanceLoopCount() 123 setAnimInstanceNumFrames() 124 setAnimInstanceOffsetDist() 124 setAnimInstanceRotationAmount() 124 setAnimInstanceScaleAmount() 124 setAnimInstanceStartEndOpacity() 125 setAnimInstanceStartFrame() 125 setBlendMode() 125 setBrush() 126 setBrushColor() 126 setBrushName() 126 setBrushNColorNTexture() 127 setBrushPlacement() 127 setButtonAutoSlice() 127 setButtonIncludeDownState 127 setButtonIncludeOverWhileDownState 128 setButtonOptions 128 setButtonShowDownOnLoad 128 setDefaultBrushAndFillColors() 129 setDefaultFillVector() 129 setDocumentCanvasColor() 129 setDocumentCanvasSize() 129 setDocumentCanvasSizeToDocumentExtents() 130 setDocumentCanvasSizeToSelection() 130 setDocumentImageSize() 130 setDocumentResolution() 131 setElementMaskMode() 131 setElementMaskShowAttrs() 131 setElementName() 131 setElementVisible() 132 setElementVisibleByName() 132 setExportOptions() 133 setExportSettings() 133 setFill() 133 setFillColor() 133 setFillEdgeMode() 134 setFillNColorNTexture() 134
setFillPlacement() 134 setFillVector() 135 setFillVectorStart() 135 setFloaterGrouping() 172 setFloaterPosition() 172 setFloaterVisibility() 173 setGradientName() 135 setGridColor() 136 setGridOrigin() 135 setGridSize() 136 setGroupType() 136 setGuideColor() 136 setHideAllFloaters() 173 setHotspotAltTag() 137 setHotspotColor() 137 setHotspotRectangle() 137 setHotspotShape() 138 setHotspotTarget() 138 setHotspotText() 138 setLayerLocked() 140 setLayerName() 140 setLayerSharing() 141 setLayerVisible() 141 setMatteColor() 142 setOnionSkinning() 143 setOpacity() 143 setPixelMask() 142 setPref() 173 setQuadrangle() 144 setRectRoundness() 144 setRectSides() 144 setSelection() 157 setSelectionBounds() 145 setSelectionMask() 145 setShowEdges() 145 setShowGammaPreview() 146 setShowGrid() 146 setShowGuides() 146 setShowRulers() 146 setShowSliceGuides() 147 setShowSliceOverlay() 147 setSliceAutonaming() 147 setSliceExportOptions() 147 setSliceFilename() 148 setSliceGuideColor() 148 setSliceHtml() 148 setSliceIsHtml() 148
setSnapToGrid() 149 setSnapToGuides() 149 setSymbolProperties() 149 setTextAlignment() 149 setTextAntiAliasing() 150 setTextAutoKern() 150 setTextFlow() 150 setTextOnPathMode() 150 setTextOnPathOffset() 151 setTextOrientation() 151 setTextRectangle() 152 setTextRectangleAuto() 152 setTextRectangleAutoFromPoint() 152 setTextRuns() 151 setTransformMode() 151 setUndoState() 157 setUpFindReplace() 173 Sharpen (Effect object) 37 Sharpen More (Effect object) 37 showAllHidden() 153 SingleTextRun object 53 sliced images 57 SliceHotspot object 53 SliceInfo object 63 Slices object 65 Slices.htt 57 splitPaths() 153 strokes, nding and replacing 22 Style object 54 styles, nding and replacing 21 swapBrushAndFillColors() 153 SWF, exporting as 164 syntax conventions for document functions 68 T templates for HTML export 57 Text object 55 text, nding and replacing 21 TextAttrs object 56 TextRuns object 57 Texture object 57 toggleFloater() 174 transformSelection() 153 tween() 154
U undo() 154 ungroup() 154 ungroupPrimitives() 174 Unsharp Mask (Effect object) 38 updateHTML() 174 updateSymbol() 154 URLs, nding and replacing 22 V values, passing 11 W websafe colors 23 write() global method 12 WRITE_HTML() global method 12 Z zero-based indexes 67