FCE Writing Part 1 - Teacher's Notes: Time Required
FCE Writing Part 1 - Teacher's Notes: Time Required
FCE Writing Part 1 - Teacher's Notes: Time Required
Description A guided activity to help students understand Part 1 tasks in the FCE Writing paper. Time required: Additional materials required: Aims: 75 minutes for class activities plus a maximum of 40 minutes for the writing task (either in class or for homework). 1 copy of the sample part 1 task, assessment criteria and sample answer script from the FCE Handbook for each student to help students understand the requirements of Part 1 tasks to help students understand the key content points of a sample Part 1 task to raise awareness of the assessment criteria to give students practice in writing a Part 1 task
Procedure 1. Tell students they are going to look at Part 1 of the FCE Writing paper. 2. Give each student a copy of worksheet 1 and ask them to complete the gap-fill activity. They can work alone or in pairs. 3. Check answers in class. 4. Give students a copy of the sample Part 1 task from the FCE Handbook and ask them to answer the questions on worksheet 2. This should be done individually. Students compare their answers with another student or other students when they have finished. 5. Check answers in class, dealing with any queries. 6. Give students a copy of the sample answer script. Students should read the sample script in pairs and decide where each content point in the task is covered and what it does/doesnt achieve. Give students 10 minutes to do this. Check ideas in class, using the examiner comments on content below. 7. Now give students a copy of a different sample Part 1 question. In pairs, ask them to read the question and decide which are the key parts of the question and underline them. 8. Now give each student a copy of worksheet 3 and ask them to address each of the points. 9. Students discuss how to deal with the input notes with a partner before making a plan, and deciding on the organisation of their letter/email. 10. Students think of appropriate phrases and decide on the register and style of the letter/email.
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Question 1 sample script examiner comments Most of the content is relevant to the task and there is a suitable level of detail and expansion. However, the writer describes traditional food rather than a restaurant, as required in the input letter. The target reader is, on the whole, informed. (Band 3)
Additional information If time is short, divide the activity over two sessions stages 1-8 in the first session and 9-13 in the next.
Suggested follow-up activities/questions (and answers) Students could use the checklist in class to do a timed part 1 practice (allow 40 minutes for this).
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UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at http://www.teachers.cambridgeESOL.org/ts/legalinfo
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What is this task? It is important that the candidates understand the following points about Part 1: 1. It is compulsory you must answer it! 2. The letter or email must be _______________ for the person you are writing to, depending on how well you know them. 3. The letter or email should include normal ____________________ such as Dear and To: Subject: 4. The letter or email has to be ____________________ in the form of text, notes and possibly illustrations. 5. ____________________ in the input must be covered in the candidates letter or email. 6. The aim of the task is to achieve a ____________________ on the target reader.
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at http://www.teachers.cambridgeESOL.org/ts/legalinfo
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Now, look at the sample script for this question and decide whether all the content points have been covered.
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Who are you? Who are you writing to? Why are you writing? How many points do you have to include?
3. Remember to use your own words as far as possible. Avoid copying words and expressions from the instructions, text or notes. 4. Use your imagination but do not add too much extra information or you will probably write too many words. 5. Always make a plan before you start writing. 6. Remember to follow the format of a letter or email (making it suitable for the person you are writing to) and to divide your answer into clear paragraphs. 7. Check you have included all the points in the input. 8. Read through your answer before you finish this part.
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at http://www.teachers.cambridgeESOL.org/ts/legalinfo
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