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Course plan for the academic year 2009-2010 (Even Semester) Name of the staff : Mr.S.Rajesh and Subject Dr. M.Uthayakumar, Mr.K.Balamurugan ,
Semester and branch: IV semester B.Tech., Mechanical Engineering 1. Pre-requisite : Basic knowledge in Mechanical Engineering. 2. Objectives : To learn about the different techniques of manufacturing and fabrication process. In addition to this the topics like sheet metal forming and processing of plastics also be dealt. 3. Learning outcome: Student can gain thorough knowledge on manufacturing, with pros and cons of each process. They can also get exposure in the area of metal joining and fabrication of plastics. 4. Text books: 1. Jain, R.K., Production Technology, Khanna Publishers, 2002. 5. Reference books: 1. Hajra Choudhry, Elements of Workshop Technology-Vol I, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, 2. HMT Production Technology, Tata Mc Graw-Hills Publishing Co. Ltd, 1994. 3. Chapman, W.A.J., Workshop Technology-Vol - II, Oxford and IBH Publishing. 5. Web resources:
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Introduction to Manufacturing Moulding sands-types and properties Patterns-types selection of pattern-allowance Casting types and moulding methods Special casting techniques Fettling and finishing of casting Defects in castings Tutorial Unit I
1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2
1 3 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 15
UNIT- II Introduction to fabrication R1,T1 process Classification of welding process- principle of gas R1,T1 welding Principle of arc weldingresistance welding-solid state welding Thermo R1,T1 chemical welding-radiant energy welding Brazing and soldering R1,T1 Thermal cutting of metals R1 and alloys Tutorial Unit II R1,T1 UNIT- III Introduction on bulk R1,T1 deformation process Forging-classification, R1,T1 defects and inspection Rolling-classification, rolling R1,T1
4 1 2 2 1 2 3
19 20 22 24 25 27 30
mill, rolling of bars and shapes 18. Extrusion-classifications and equipments 19. Tutorial Unit III 20. 21. 22.
3 2 2 3
33 35 37 40
R1,T1 UNIT- IV Introduction of sheet metal R1,T1 forming process High velocity forming, explosive forming, electro R1,T1 hydraulic forming Magnetic pulse forming, pneumatic forming, R1,T1 Mechanical high velocity forming Tutorial- Unit IV R1,T1 UNIT- V Introduction of plastics, R1,T1 Forming of plastics Plastics-types, moulding R1,T1 process, defects Tutorial Unit V R1,T1
4 2 2 2 1
44 46 48 50 51
7) Test Portions: Test Sessional - 1 Sessional - 2 End semester 8. Seminar topics UNIT-I Unit-II Unit-III Unit- IV Unit- V Pattern making/ Casting defects Extrusion / Rolling Bulk manufacturing process High velocity forming, explosive forming Defects in plastics. Topics 1 to 10 11 to 22 1 to 26
9. Additional topics (beyond syllabus) Case study on comparison of different manufacturing methods for a typical product. Powder metallurgy. Rapid prototyping. Group Technology Automated Guided Vehicles
International Journal of Advance Manufacturing Technology. Journal of material processing technology. Manufacturing technology today from CMTI. International Journal of Metal casting International journal of metal forming Magazine of plastic news
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