Ansys Faq
Ansys Faq
Ansys Faq
Q. A. How do I get access to the ANSYS and Fluent software? Contact the ANSYS/Fluent group manager for your lab. The group manager will place your PID into the proper group, which will give you access to the software, as well as, the concurrent licenses assigned to your group. If your lab does not currently have a group and would like to set one up, please contact Departmental Software Distribution for details in obtaining a group license. Can a user be listed in multiple groups?
Any user should never be a member of more than one ANSYS Research group. If you feel this is a concern, please contact a member of IT Acquisitions to determine an appropriate resolution. a. First, if a user is listed under multiple groups, their access is limited to the lowest group. For example, you are listed in a group that purchased one task group (this gives you access to up to 5 research tasks and 16 HPC tasks). You are then added to a group that has purchased four groups (this would give you access to up to 20 research tasks and 64 HPC tasks). Since you are in both groups, you are limited to using only 5 research tasks and 16 HPC tasks.
b. Second, if a user is listed under multiple groups of any variability, the group that they are accessing appears to be random. This could result in the following situation. You have three individuals who are listed in multiple groups. They run enough processes to use 5 tasks. They could end up using all the tasks in one group (even though they are listed in two groups) so no one else would be able to use tasks in that group.
Q. A.
If I am in Washington, DC and want to run ANSYS, is it possible to do so using the VPN? There is a license restriction that prohibits the use of ANSYS beyond a 50-mile radius of Virginia Tech, which means you cannot execute ANSYS on a machine in Washington, DC, for example, even if you are using the VPN. You are licensed to remotely log in to a computer on campus (using remote desktop or similar) and execute ANSYS on that system. Will ANSYS run on Windows 7? ANSYS 12.0 does not support being run under Windows 7. Since Windows 7 is not supported with ANSYS 12.0 (or 11.x), running this software on such a newly released OS cannot be recommended, but the decision is yours. It is doubtful that ANSYS Support will be able or willing to answer many questions if the OS the software is running on is in question. Is ANSYS 11.x or Fluent 6.3.26 supported by the ANSYS 12.0 license server? ANSYS 11.x is not supported with the new ANSYS 12.0 license file. During testing it was determined that some 11.x functionality does work with the vastly compressed feature set in 12.0, but HPC features were inoperable. Additionally, recent tests indicate that Fluent 6.3.26 is inoperable when run against the ANSYS 12.0 license server. Other components of ANSYS 11.x may also have issues, so upgrading to ANSYS 12.0 as soon as possible is highly recommended.
Q. A.
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Where can I find the ANSYS installation instructions? The ANSYS installation notes and software installation files for Windows and Linux are located on the software share. Please visit Network Software ( and click on ANSYS 12.0 to gain access to the software share. How do I get the license file correctly placed and/or connected? The required post-installation configuration is in the Installation Notes on pages 7-8 of the Windows version and pages 6-7 of the Linux version. One further item to note, in order to access the license server, it is required that your username is set to your PID and that your computer is either connected to the Virginia Tech Blacksburg Campus network or through the Virginia Tech VPN. Please see the installation notes regarding resolution for both of these requirements. Is there some way to monitor usage of the research (and teaching) licenses? Right now there is no easy way to do this. We are investigating some reporting products that will give us usage data. Who do I contact if I need technical support? Users are advised to first refer to the ANSYS documentation and tutorials, which can be found on the ANSYS 12.0 network share at, and also by conferring with other group members doing similar work. If the problem is not resolved, you can submit a technical support form,, which will be routed to the appropriate support team.
Q. A. Q. A.
Licensing Errors
How do I fix a User/host not on INCLUDE list for feature license error?
(User/host not on INCLUDE list for feature. (-39,349)) (User/host not on INCLUDE list for feature. (-39,349:104 "Connection reset by peer"))
There are several possible causes and resolutions for this licensing error. a. Your computer username is not set to your PID. See the installation notes for more information on this requirement. b. Your departments ANSYS group manager has not given you the appropriate access. Ask the appropriate individual for your group to allow you access to the software and license server. c. Group changes have not yet become effective on the license server. Please wait up to 20 minutes after changing group membership before all changes have propagated.
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Members of your group have reaching the purchased concurrent usage limit for the specified feature. If this error occurs frequently, it may be prudent to run your simulations at times of lower utilization within your group or to consider purchasing an additional license package from IT Acquisitions.
The purchased university-wide concurrent usage limit has been reached for the specified feature. When this occurs, that specific license feature is experiencing a very high rate of usage. Try again later or schedule your simulation at a time of lower utilization. We hope to be able to track the occurrences of this error type in order to determine concurrent usage limits for future license purchases.
How do I fix a Feature XXX does not exist in the ANSYSLI pool license error?
Your license preferences may be configured for Commercial rather than Academic licenses. This can be corrected by following the per-user license configuration steps as outlined in the installation notes found on the ANSYS 12.0 software share.
How do I fix a Failover feature ANSYS Academic Teaching is not available license error?
ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR: Failover feature ANSYS Academic Teaching Advanced specified in license preferences is not available. User/host not on INCLUDE list for feature. Feature: aa_t_a
There are two possible causes and resolutions for this licensing error: a. You want to use Teaching licenses, but you are not in an ANSYS Teaching group. Please see your professor to be given access to ANSYS Teaching licenses and software. b. You want to use Research licenses, but your computer is configured to use Teaching licenses. This can be corrected by following the per-user license configuration steps as outlined in the installation notes found on the ANSYS 12.0 software share. Additionally, you may need to follow the per-user Teaching License Configuration section substituting ANSYS Academic Research for ANSYS Academic Teaching Advanced in step 2.
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