Opening & Closing
Opening & Closing
Opening & Closing
Nandish Patel
Mathematical Morphology
Morphological The operators are
Operators are tools particularly useful for
for extracting image the analysis of binary
components that are images and common
useful in the usages include edge
representation and detection, noise
description of region removal, image
shape, such as enhancement and
boundaries, image segmentation.
skeletons, and the
convex hull.
Morphological Operators
There are 2 primitive operations that are
used by many of the other morphological
Brief Introduction: Dilation
Dilation is useful in bridging gaps in
images and expands an image.
The basic effect of the operator on a
binary image is to gradually enlarge the
boundaries of regions of foreground pixels
(i.e. white pixels, typically). Thus areas of
foreground pixels grow in size while holes
within those regions become smaller.
Brief Introduction: Dilation
Structuring element B is applied on every
pixel in an Image A.
If at least one pixel in the structuring
element coincides with a foreground pixel
in the image underneath, then the input
pixel is set to the foreground value. If all
the corresponding pixels in the image are
background however, the input pixel is left
at the background value.
Example of Dilation
Original Image contains small and large holes, With a disc shaped
Structuring Element using 22 pixel diameter, the smaller holes can
be removed.
Salt & Pepper Noise
Salt Noise cannot be
reduced by Closing.
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