Decon History
Decon History
Decon History
The findings in this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position unless so
designated by other authorizing documents.
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The Project Manager for NBC Defense Systems is responsible for Army and Joint Service development,
testing, production, fielding, and logistics support of assigned nuclear, biological, and chemical defense
systems to include reconnaissance, obscuration and decontamination, respiratory protection, and detection
Email: [email protected]
The history of decontamination can be traced back to World War I when
chemical warfare was first introduced on a large scale. Throughout the
next 85 years, the U.S. Army has found better ways to accomplish
decontamination on the battlefield. For the future, the next generation of
decontamination capabilities will provide revolutionary advancements.
This brief history covers some of the highlights of the long history of
decontamination research and development.
The Future.............................................................................................................................31
Notes .....................................................................................................................................32
Water was one of the earliest known decontaminants. Rain showers washed away ground
pollutants while bathing eliminated bodily contamination. Water’s capability to breakdown and decompose
substances, called hydrolysis, was used to change toxic substances into useable products. Hot water was
known for its cleansing capabilities. One of the earliest known attempts to use chemical weapons on the
battlefield was foiled by water. During the Peloponnesian War in 429 BC, the Spartans and Thebans
attempted to destroy the city of Plataea by creating a hot fire and adding brimstone and pitch. A
thunderstorm, however, extinguished the fire before it did much damage. Water and steam are still
considered natural decontaminants today for physically removing contamination, but neither neutralizes the
contaminating chemical or biological agent.2
Fuller’s Earth
Fuller’s earth is a highly absorbent naturally occurring substance well known since at least 5,000
BC. The name came from the term “fulling” which meant to shrink or thicken materials by adding
moisture. In ancient times in England, workers added clay materials to water and then soaked raw wool in
it to remove dirt and lanolin. It was also used as a natural bleaching agent. Fuller’s earth was actually a
generic term that was applied to many different earthy substances that had the highly absorbent qualities.
Most consisted of hydrated aluminum silicate from clay minerals calcium montmorillonite and
palygorskite. Fuller’s earth is often used today in pet litter.3
Calcium Oxide, also known as lime or quicklime, was recognized as a decontaminant in early
times. Lime is a whitish powder created by removing carbon dioxide from calcium carbonate (also known
as calcite, a naturally occurring mineral in limestone). An example of its use on the battlefield occurred in
1422 during the Hussite siege of Castle Karlstein near Prague. The Hussites used catapults to fling rotting
bodies and other filth into the castle walls as an early form of biological warfare. The Catholic defenders,
however, countered the attack by using lime on the caucuses and filth as a decontaminant. After five
months, the Hussites gave up the siege and signed an armistice. Lime also has a caustic aspect. Finely
pulverized lime was used as a weapon during the reign of Henry III (1216-1272) when the English fleet
threw it onto French ships to blind and disorient the French crews.4
Bleaching Powder
Bleaching powder, one of the first recognized decontaminants, was discovered during the 18th
Century. In 1785, a French chemist, Claude Louis Bethollet, discovered that chlorine had strong bleaching
capabilities. Several years later, in 1799, Charles Tennant, a Scottish chemist, discovered that calcium
oxychloride, also known as bleaching powder or chloride of lime, had strong bleaching powers due to its
chlorine content. It was made by the reaction of chlorine gas on lime. Bleaching powder became the
standard bleaching agent to whiten or remove colors from items until the 1920’s.5
Chlorine Dioxide
Chlorine dioxide is a greenish-yellow gas with a pungent odor that is normally prepared by adding
dilute sulfuric acid to a solution of sodium chlorite. First identified in 1811, it was patented in 1985 as a
quick and effective sterilizer for drinking water, food processing, and for medical waste. It was also used
for paper pulp bleaching. Chlorine dioxide is corrosive and a health hazard that requires the use of the
protective equipment.6
Methods of Decontamination
From Technical Manual 3-220, Decontamination (1953)
Decontaminating Agents
Bleaching Powder
During World War I, mustard agent, a persistent blister agent, was first used on the battlefield.
Used in such large amounts that it collected in shell holes and puddles, the agent could remain dangerous
for weeks and in some cases even years. Decontaminating ground contaminated by the agent was a
significant problem.
The Germans began planning for the first use of mustard agent on the battlefield in early 1917.
Before they could stockpile enough of the agent, there was an explosion at their mustard agent filling plant
in Adlershof, near Berlin. To clean up the mess, the Germans used bleaching powder to neutralize the
agent on the ground and on equipment. Obtained from their dye industry, bleaching powder neutralized the
mustard agent by providing liberated chlorine. Mustard agent then decomposed into relatively harmless
compounds after being chlorinated. The success of this initial decontamination operation led to the birth of
the modern concept of battlefield decontamination.
By the time the American Expeditionary
Force (AEF) entered the war in 1917, bleaching
powder was considered the primary decontaminant
for mustard agent. The United States produced 2,590
tons of bleach during the war and shipped 1,867 tons
to the AEF during the war. The bleaching powder
was spread over shell holes and trenches using
shovels and buckets. When bleaching powder was
not available, fresh earth was recommended instead.
For trench dugouts, a small box of bleaching powder
was placed at the door for soldiers to use to
decontaminate their shoes. Bleaching powder was
also used at ammunition dumps for leaking
munitions, although the preferred recommendation for a leaking shell was to fire it at the enemy or bury it.
The major problem with bleaching powder was that it decayed rapidly in the open air and therefore had to
be stored in airtight containers. It could also burst into flame upon contact with mustard agent.7
Decontaminating Equipment
Trench Fans
Steam Disinfecting Chamber
A quicker method for decontaminating clothing than exposing it to air for two days was to use a
steam-disinfecting chamber. This reduced the decontamination time to three hours. Unfortunately, very
few of the units were available to front line troops.12
Degassing Truck
Decontaminating Agents
DR1 Decontaminant
The need for a decontaminant for Navy ships during the early 1930’s led to the development of
DR1 emulsion. Although water washed away mustard agent, it did not neutralize it. Research determined
that adding different ingredients to the water helped neutralize the agent. DR1 was one of the earliest
decontaminants considered for standardization. It was a soap prepared from magnesium carbonate, animal
fat, and kerosene. Although it was selected for use in early decontaminating devices designed for the Navy
due to it being noncorrosive, nontoxic and inexpensive, DR1 proved unsatisfactory as a decontaminant and
was never standardized by the Army.15
During the early 1930s, the Chemical Warfare Service made the important discovery of the
decontaminating capability of dry decontaminating powder mixed with a solvent. The solvent dissolved
both the mustard agent and the dry powder and allowed chemical destruction of the mustard agent to take
place while both the mustard agent and the dry powder were dissolved in the solvent. The best solvent was
determined to be acetylene tetrachloride. Initially, the most effective dry compound was chloroamide, a
light tan to white powder, dissolved in acetylene tetrachloride, designated CC1. It was produced only by
the Chemical Warfare Service and standardized in 1938 as Non-Corrosive Demustardizing Agent CC No.
1. It was identical with Impregnite CC2 used to make clothing impermeable to chemical agents. CC1 was
superior to bleach because it liberated the chlorine most slowly from the mustard agent, which made it less
corrosive to metal and destructive to other materials. In 1942, it was redesignated M3 Decontaminating
Agent to clarify that it could be used to decontaminate more than just mustard agent. In 1943, CC1 was
redesignated substitute standard in favor of RH-195 (M4 Decontaminating Agent), which was cheaper,
worked faster, and had a slower rate of deterioration. CC1 was officially obsoleted in 1945.16
Protective Ointments as Decontaminants
After World War I, the Army continued research on finding protective ointments that would
prevent mustard burns as well as lessen the effect of the agent after exposure. Researchers examined
numerous compounds in cooperation with the Medical Corps, but none met all the requirements for
Decontaminating Equipment
developed and selected as the decontaminant of choice. To disseminate the DR1, the Army initially
designed a simple 2-gallon pressure tank that used steam and air to spray the DR1. In 1930, the E1R1
apparatus was tested only in the laboratory and was never fielded. The second version, designated the
E1R2 increased the tank to 20 gallons. This unit was field tested on the U.S.S. Eagle in 1932, but received
negative reviews for being too slow. Additional development work failed to turn up a good device for use
with DR1 and the DR1 program was discontinued.21
M1 Decontaminating Apparatus
THE 1940’S
Decontaminating Agents
M4 Protective Ointment
procured for special jungle use. Additional testing of the ointment during the war found it too irritating to
human skin. After M5 Protective Ointment was standardized in 1943, the remaining stocks of M4 ointment
were issued as a skin decontaminant.25
The establishment of the Army’s biological warfare program at Fort Detrick, Maryland, during
World War II led to a biological agent decontaminant program. Initial work concentrated on testing the
standard decontaminants against biological agents. Bleach, particularly high-test bleach, was the most
effective, although DANC was less corrosive on metal items. Other potential decontaminants examined
included ethylene oxide, sulfur dioxide, formaldehyde, ethylene imine, and even the standard smoke
agents. All had various problems and research on the topic continued after the war. In 1947, the Army
initiated a second program to develop a better decontaminant for microorganisms. This program proved a
significant challenge and the Army did not standardize a biological decontaminant developed under this
program until 1960.27
Following the discovery of the German nerve agent program in 1945, the U.S. Army tested
standard decontaminants against the new nerve agents (designated GA, GB, and GD). DANC was found
not suitable for the decontamination of nerve agents. Bleach slurry and dilute water solutions of alkalies
were reported as effective decontaminants. Hot soapy water was also recommended, while cold water only
partially removed the nerve agents.28
Decontaminating Equipment
M2 Decontaminating Apparatus
Decontaminating Apparatus. The unit held either CC1 or DANC and
had a pump handle on top and the spraying nozzle on the bottom. It
could decontaminate approximately 12 square yards. During World
War II, the Army procured over 1.9 million M2 devices. The primary
problem with the unit was that the DANC made the brass parts corrode
rapidly. In 1950, it was reclassified limited standard although still used
by the Army and the Marines. The M2 unit was obsoleted in 1969 in
favor of the M11 Decontaminating Apparatus, standardized in 1960.29
M3 Decontaminating Apparatus
M3A2 Decontaminating Apparatus
M4 Decontaminating Apparatus
M5 Decontaminating Apparatus
standardized the E2 as the M5 Dry Agent Decontaminating Apparatus. Problems with the production of
the M5 unit led to its reclassification as limited standard in 1949. The Army then decided there were no
further requirements for a dry agent disseminator and obsoleted the M5 in 1951.34
THE 1950’S
Decontaminating Agent
Biological Decontamination
During the 1950’s, the Army continued to examine the various biological decontaminants
indentified during World War II at Fort Detrick. The Army made the most progress on examining ethylene
oxide (ETO) as a biological agent decontaminant, although it was never standardized. It was sealed in E7
glass ampoules for use with Quartermaster Corps delousing bags or the Chemical Corps vapor-proof sack
to sterilize material in bulk. One of the main problems with ethylene oxide was its flammability in its pure
state. Additional research demonstrated that the material was less flammable when mixed with Freon 12.
The Army also continued to examine formaldehyde and formalin, an aqueous solution of formaldehyde and
methanol. Researchers designed aerosol bomb dispensers for its dissemination. The primary problems
with formaldehyde were that it left a deposit on surfaces and the vapors were very toxic.37
Decontaminating Equipment
M6 Decontaminating Apparatus
steel tank primarily to meet the Navy requirement. The M6 was eventually replaced by the M12
Decontaminating Apparatus and was obsoleted in 1967.40
In 1954, the Navy requested the Army to standardize a modernized version of a Navy fire-fighting
and decontamination unit. The M7 Trailer-Mounted Power-Driven Decontaminating Apparatus consisted
of 150-gallon steel tank, a pump, and a commercial gasoline engine mounted on a two-wheeled trailer. It
weighed about 2,600 pounds and could be attached to almost any combat vehicle. At the standardizing of
the M7 Decontaminating Apparatus, the Corps of Engineers objected to the use of a non-standard
commercial gasoline engine on the unit. To correct the problem, the Army standardized the M7A1 Trailer
Mounted Power-Driven Decontaminating Apparatus in 1954 with a standard gasoline engine and
reclassified the M7 limited standard. Both the M7 and M7A1 were obsoleted in 1958 and replaced by the
M8 Decontaminating Apparatus.41
M9 Decontaminating Apparatus
Army procured 311 M9 units before the standardization of the M12A1 skid-mounted apparatus in 1966
resulted in the M9 being reclassified as Standard B. After the M9 became uneconomical to repair and
support, the Army obsoleted it in 1976.43
THE 1960’S
Decontaminating Agent
In 1947, the Army initiated a program to find a biological decontaminating agent. Early work on
the project examined Formaldehyde Solution (USP) and ethylene oxide. A commercially available
decontaminant called beta-propiolactone (BPL) was standardized in 1960. It was a colorless liquid that
was noncorrosive and nonflammable and highly effective against microorganisms. BPL was stored in one-
gallon pails that could safely be stored under most conditions. However, BPL was extremely irritating to
humans and therefore mask and protective clothing were required during its use. A research program to
develop a replacement for BPL proved unsuccessful. Other problems were that BPL could not be procured
or shipped without a license from the Department of Agriculture since it was carcinogen and the only
producer refused to apply for one. In 1979, the Army decided to use DS2 and STB as biological
decontaminants and obsoleted BPL.45
One of the early possible replacements for DS2 was the Air Force’s CD-1 decontaminating agent.
CD-1 was developed in 1968 to prevent damage to sensitive aircraft parts caused by DS2. It consisted of
monoethanolamine, isopropanolamime, and lithium hydroxide. Further testing during the early 1970’s
indicated that CD-1 was not an effective decontaminant for mustard agent. In 1974, CD-1 was dropped
from consideration as a replacement for DS2.46
Decontaminating Equipment
gallon detergent tank, a hopper blender for mixing STB with water to make bleach slurry, a mixing unit for
detergent or foam liquids, and control functions. An optional heater was also available for showers or
deicing operations. The Navy, Marines and Air Force procured 650 M12 units. Of those procured, the
Army kept six M12 units and these were eventually converted to M12A1 units. In 1979, the Army
obsoleted the M12 in favor of the M12A1.49
THE 1970’S
Decontaminating Equipment
THE 1980’S
Decontaminating Agent
German C8 Emulsion
Starting in the early 1980’s, the U.S. Army examined a German decontaminating agent as a
possible replacement for DS2 and STB bleach for use in the M12A1 Decontaminating Apparatus. Known
as German C8 Emulsion, it consisted of perchloroethylene (PCE), calcium hypochlorite, water, and an
emulsifier. During initial testing, C8 Emulsion was an effective decontaminant of chemical agents and the
toxin designated T2, but set off chemical agent alarms and was clearly visible due to its white color. The
main ingredient, PCE, was also a recognized hazardous waste. The Army attempted to find replacements
for the PCE and make other changes, but dropped the program in 1987 in favor of ongoing research on the
Improved Chemical/Biological Agent Decontaminant.53
In 1985, the Army initiated a program to develop the Improved Chemical/Biological Agent
Decontaminant (ICBAD) using the good aspects of German C8 Emulsion. After attempting to find U.S.
suppliers of appropriate ingredients for a new decontaminant, the program concentrated on the same
ingredients as the C8 Emulsion, only with green dye for camouflage. Calcium hypochlorite, produced only
in Germany, was the major problem. After further attempts to find U.S. suppliers, the ICBAD program
was canceled in 1988 in favor of the Multipurpose Chemical Biological Decontaminant program.54
The Multipurpose Chemical Biological Decontaminant (MCBD) program was initiated in 1982.
After over 500 possible decontaminants were examined, the Army concentrated on Fichlor microemulsion
as the best candidate. Microemulsions were translucent dispersions containing oil, water, and emulsifier.
Further work on the Fichlor microemulsion, however, failed to develop a decontaminant that was better
than DS2. Since MCBD contained perchloroethylene, a hazardous waste, and required complicated mixing
equipment, the program was terminated in 1989.55
Further attempts to use the knowledge learned from the ICBAD and MCBD programs to find a
DS2 replacement resulted in the Decontaminating Agent: Multipurpose (DAM) program initiated in 1989.
For the next four years, the Army examined various possible ingredients searching for a better
decontaminant that was safe for the environment and easily prepared in the field. In all tests, DS2 proved
the best overall multipurpose decontaminant. The DAM program was then terminated in 1993.56
Decontaminating Equipment
interior. After extensive testing at Fort Knox and Dugway Proving Ground, the Army decided to terminate
the program in 1986 in favor of a quicker decontamination system.59
XM18 could be used for decontamination of chemical and biological agents, water pumping, firefighting,
and for personnel showers. In 1985, the Army decided to terminate the development program after
experiencing problems with the experimental units and finding that the unit was too heavy and did not
perform as well as the M12A1.62
resulted in considerable production cost savings and the initial procurement order was for three million kits.
A new training kit, without the caustic materials, was also standardized as the M58A1 Personal
Decontaminating Kit Training Aid at the same time. The caustic nature of the decontamination solutions
eventually resulted in the M258A1 kit being replaced by the M291 Skin Decontamination Kit in 1989. All
remaining M258A1 kits were ordered removed from the supply system by 1999.65
THE 1990’S
Decontamination Agents
Biological Decontamination
Decontaminating Equipment
XE5555 Resin was replaced by Sorbent Powder Decontaminate, used in the newer M100 Sorbent
Decontamination System. In 2001, the pouch was replaced by a packet assembly to decrease cost and
simplify production.70
THE 2000’S
Decontamination Agents
In October 2001, the need for a biological decontaminant for a bioterror attack became a critical
necessity after anthrax-laced letters were mailed to both public and private buildings in several states.
Many decontaminants were examined to remove the anthrax from the buildings, but the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency recommended chlorine dioxide gas due to its less harmful side affects. It
was successfully used to decontaminate the Hart Senate Office Building after three months of work. Liquid
chlorine was also used to further decontaminate office furniture and fixtures. To prevent future
contamination through the mail, the U.S. Postal Service began irradiating unopened letters to destroy any
additional anthrax spores.72
Decontaminating Equipment
Decontaminating Equipment
The continued need for a decontamination capability for sensitive equipment, aircraft/vehicle
interiors, and shipboard equipment, while on the move, led to the Joint Service Sensitive Equipment
Decontamination (JSSED) project. The project is divided into three unique capabilities. The first
capability (Block I) is to decontaminate sensitive equipment such as avionics, electronics, and life-support
systems, without affecting operational readiness. This requirement will probably use a re-circulating
solvent system. Block II will concentrate on the decontamination of large interior storage spaces requiring
a high-output air heating system and a periodic decontamination process. Block III will concentrate on spot
decontamination while on the move. This requirement will probably be met by a solvent wash or sorbent
decontamination. The overall project should take about four years to develop.74
The Joint Service Family of Decontamination Systems (JSFDS) will consist of a family of
decontaminants and a family of applicator systems intended to enhance force protection through personnel,
equipment, facility and area decontamination. The JSFDS will provide the Armed Services with an ability
to decontaminate fixed sites, ports of entry, airfields, ships, logistics support bases, and key command and
control centers, facilities, personnel and equipment which have been exposed to the damaging effects of
nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare agents, contaminants or toxic industrial materials. To achieve
these objectives, the JSFDS program was subdivided into four phase blocks. The Block I objective is to
acquire and field a family of commercial (“off the shelf”) and/or non-developmental item decontaminants.
This family of decontaminants will initially be used with existing fielded military applicators or, if
necessary, with commercial integral applicators. The integral applicator, if required, is an interim solution.
The Block I integral applicator will compete in the JSFDS Block II applicator procurement to become part
of the Block II solution. The focus of Block II is to field and if necessary develop a family of applicators
capable of dispensing the entire family of decontaminants regardless of form (e.g. non-aqueous, aqueous,
non-liquid). If required, containment systems will capture, store and if possible reuse hazardous runoff or
residue. The focus of Block III is to identify and field a personnel skin decontamination capability for use
on personnel, with and without open wounds. This decontaminant will require Food and Drug
Administration approval. The Block III acquisition is being conducted by the U.S. Army Medical Research
Acquisition Activity, Frederick, Maryland. The focus of Block IV is to address requirements that will be
traded-off during Blocks I, II, and III. It will also address requirements that are currently undefined by
inserting technology as it matures to the point of being cost effective.75
End Notes
Field Manual (FM) 3-5, NBC Contamination, November 17, 1993, p. Glossary-1.
J. Mankowich, et. al., Decontamination of Chemical Agents, Edgewood Arsenal Special Publication 300-
5, June 1970, 1:13; “Water,” The New Encyclopedia Britannica (Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.,
1987), 12:514-515; Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War, ed. David Grene (Chicago: The University of
Chicago Press, 1989), 133-134; FM 3-5, 1993, p. F-9.
Robert H. S. Robertson, Fuller’s Earth: A History of Calcium Montmorillonite (Hythe, Kent, U.K.:
Volturna Press, 1986), 10; “Fuller’s Earth,” McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology (New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1997), 7:542-543; “Fuller’s Earth,” The New Encyclopedia Britannica, 5:47.
Julius Grant, ed., Hackh’s Chemical Dictionary (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1965), 124;
“Calcium,” The New Encyclopedia Britannica, 2:733-734; C. H. Beebe, “Some Additional Instances of the
Early Use of Gas Warfare,” Chemical Warfare 9, no. 9 (September 15, 1923): 4; Manucy, Artillery
Through the Ages, 70; Erhard Geissler and John Ellis van Courtland Moon, eds., Biological and Toxin
Weapons: Research, Development and Use from the Middle Ages to 1945 (New York: Oxford University
Press, 1999), 15-16.
Grant, 102; Mankowich, 1:13; “Calcium,” The New Encyclopedia Britannica, 2:278-279; “Bleaching,”
Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2002 (DVD-ROM).
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Information Paper, “Fact Sheet for the Hart Senate Office
Building Cleanup,” November 20, 2001; “Chlorine Dioxide,” Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (New
York: John Wiley & Sons, 1993), 5:969-980.
Mankowich, 1:13, 20, 39; Headquarters, American Expeditionary Forces, Defensive Measures Against
Gas Attacks, Pamphlet No. 253, November 1917, 10, 34; Curt Wachtel, Chemical Warfare (Brooklyn,
N.Y.: Chemical Publishing Company, Inc., 1941), 221-222; Amos A. Fries and Clarence J. West, Chemical
Warfare (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1921), 420-421; Augustin M. Prentiss, Chemicals
in War (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1937), 574.
AEF Pamphlet No. 253, November 1917, 10, 32-33; Fries and West, 419-420; Prentiss, 571-572, 579-
Fries and West, 421-422; Prentiss, 580-581.
Chemical Warfare Technical Committee (CWTC) Minutes No. 166, July 12, 1940; Fries and West, 275-
277; Prentiss, 565; Benedict Crowell, America’s Munitions, 1917-1918 (Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, 1919), 4:178.
AEF Pamphlet No. 253, November 1917, 11, 32, 40-41; Fries and West, 420; Leo P. Brophy, Wyndham
D. Miles and Rexmond C. Cochrane, The Chemical Warfare Service: From Laboratory to Field
(Washington, D.C.: Office of the Chief of Military History, U.S. Army, 1959), 23.
Mankowich, 1:16-17; Gas Warfare Bulletin No. 8, June 15, 1918, 1.
Fries and West, 421-422; Prentiss, 579.
CWTC No. 23, September 27, 1938; CWTC No. 312, April 1 1941; CWTC No. 953, March 17, 1944;
CWTC No. 1463, October 4, 1945.
Mankowich, 1:34-36, 41, 55.
CWTC No. 23, September 27, 1938; CWTC No. 1458, October 4, 1945.
CWTC No. 23, September 27, 1938; Army Materiel Command Type Classification (AMCTC) Minutes
No. 9680, June 19, 1972; Technical Manual (TM) 3-500, Chemical Corps Equipment Data Sheets, 1961,
128-129; TM 750-5-15, Chemical Weapons and Defense Equipment, 1972, Change 3, 397; Chemical
Warfare Service, Report of Production, 1 January 1940 through 31 December 1945 (undated), 1.
CWTC No. 166, July 12, 1940.
Chemical Corps Technical Committee (CCTC) Minutes No. 2168, August 25, 1950; CCTC No. 3769,
August 15, 1960.
Mankowich, 1:39, 41.
Ibid., 1:41-55.
Ibid., 1:69-76.
CWTC No. 33, October 7, 1938; CWTC No. 487, March 17, 1942; AMCTC No. 6299, July 23, 1968;
Mankowich, 1:58, 90.
CWTC No. 953, March 17, 1944; CWTC No. 1463, October 4, 1945; CCTC No. 2174, September 1,
1950; CCTC No. 3190, February 20, 1956; Report of Production, 3.
CWTC No. 166, July 12, 1940; CWTC No. 854, December 3, 1943; CWTC No. 854, December 3, 1943;
AMCTC No. 7124, July 23, 1969.
CWTC No. 854, December 3, 1943; CCTC No. 2168, August 25, 1950; AMCTC No. 7124, July 23,
1969; TM 43-0001-26-1, Chemical Defense Equipment, 1982, p. 4-17; Leo P. Brophy, Wyndham D. Miles,
and Rexmond C. Cochrane, The Chemical Warfare Service: From Laboratory to Field (Washington, D.C.:
Office of the Chief of Military History, 1959), 92-93.
Rexmond C. Cochrane, Military Biology and Biological Warfare (Edgewood Arsenal, MD: Chemical
Corps School, 1947), 240-247; Rexmond C. Cochrane, Biological Warfare Research in the United States
(Office of the Chief Chemical Corps, 1947), 194-200; Memorandum, subj: Type Reclassification In-
Process Review for the Decontaminating Agent, Biological, BPL, 11 Jul 78.
TM 3-500, 1961, 128.
Mankowich, 1:60-62; CWTC No. 164, July 16, 1940; CWTC No. 279, November 19, 1940; CCTC No.
2084, March 17, 1950; CCTC No. 2282, February 28, 1951; TM 3-500, 1961, 120.
CWTC No. 50, August 30, 1939; CWTC No. 1466, October 4, 1945; Report of Production, 2;
Mankowich, 2:266-273.
CWTC No. 422, December 16, 1941; CCTC No. 3407, 4 Feb 58; Report of Production, 2; Makowich,
AMCTC No. 4923, September 14, 1966; AMCTC No. 8698, March 25, 1971; TM 3-500, 1961, 122;
Report of Production, 2; Mankowich, 2: 276-279.
CWTC No. 664, February 25, 1943; CCTC No. 3407, 4 Feb 58; AMCTC No. 8698, March 25, 1971;
Report of Production, 2; Mankowich, 2:279-283.
CCTC No. 1723, February 20, 1947; CCTC No. 2707, November 16, 1951; Mankowich, 1:102-105,
CWTC No. 947, March 17, 1944; CCTC No. 2168, August 25, 1950; CCTC No. 3583, June 12, 1959;
CCTC No. 3769, August 15, 1960.
CCTC No. 2174, September 1, 1950; TM 3-500, 1961, 126-127, 130; TM 750-5-15, 1972, 247; FM 3-5,
1993, p. F-2; U.S. Army Armament Research and Development Command, Laboratory Posture Report,
FY81, 10; U.S. Army Chemical Research and Development Center (CRDC), Scientific and Engineering
Accomplishments, June 1983-May 1984, 11; CRDC, Laboratory Posture Report, FY84, 14; CRDC, Annual
Historical Review, FY84, 85, and FY85, 123-125.
Chemical Corps Biological Laboratories, Seventh Annual Report (Frederick, MD: Camp Detrick, 1953),
49; FM 3-5, 1985, pp. D-7 and D-10.
CCTC No. 2531, August 25, 1950; AMCTC No. 4923, September 14, 1966; AMCTC No. 8698, March
25, 1971; AMCTC No. 9681, September 11, 1972; TM 3-500, 1961, 123.
CCTC No. 2168, August 25, 1950; CCTC No. 3583, June 12, 1959; CCTC No. 3769, August 15, 1960;
AMCTC No. 3633, July 26, 1965; AMCTC No. 7124, July 23, 1969.
CCTC No. 2449, April 24, 1952; CCTC No. 2538, September 9, 1952; AMCTC No. 5513, August 9,
CCTC No. 2811, February 12, 1954; CCTC No. 2821, April 15, 1954; CCTC No. 3407, 1958; CCTC
No. 3526, June 25, 1958.
CCTC No. 3526, June 25, 1958; AMCTC No. 5678, October 11, 1967; TM 3-500, 1961, 121.
CCTC No. 3469, July 31, 1958; AMCTC No. 4923, September 14, 1966; MSR No. 12766009, August
25, 1976; TM 3-500, 1961, 124; TM 750-5-15, 1972, 257.
CCTC No. 3801, July 28, 1960; TM 750-5-15, 1972, 245; TM 43-0001-26-1, pp. 4-3 to 4-4; FM 3-5,
1993, p. F-1; Sheldon E. Day, DS2: Development, Improvements, and Replacements, ERDEC-TR-263
(Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD: Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center, 1996), 13-
14, 19-20, 51.
CCTC No. 3756, July 15, 1960; MSR No. 04796023, April 11, 1979; TM 3-500, 1961, 131;
Memorandum, Logistics Engineering Directorate, subj: Type Reclassification In-Process Review for the
Decontaminating Agent, Biological, BPL, 11 Jul 78.
Day, 25-26.
CCTC No. 3769, August 15, 1960; AMCTC No. 3633, July 26, 1965; AMCTC No. 7124, July 23, 1969.
CCTC No. 3801, July 28, 1960; TM 750-5-15, 1972, 251; TM 43-0001-26-1, pp. 4-7 to 4-8; FM 3-5,
1993, p. A-2.
CCTC No. 3967, August 21, 1961; AMCTC No. 4923, September 14, 1966; MSR No. 04796022.
AMCTC No. 4923, September 14, 1966; MSR No. 08876013, July 23, 1987; TM 750-5-15, 1972, 254;
TM 43-0001-26-1, pp. 4-9 to 4-10.
AMCTC No. 3398, April 21, 1965; AMCTC No. 8220, November 16, 1970; TM 750-5-15, 1972, 249;
TM 43-0001-26-1, 1982, pp. 4-5 to 4-6.
MSR No. 01756042, January 8, 1975; TM 43-0001-26-1, 1982, pp. 4-11 and 8-7.
Day, 30-36; Michael H. J. Eddy, New Developments in Chemical-Biological Materiel, CRDEC-SP-
86013 (Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD: U.S. Army Chemical Research Development and Engineering
Center, 1986), 38.
Day, 36-38.
Ibid., 38-40.
Ibid., 40-51.
MSR 09836002, August 26, 1983; Eddy, 15; Historical Office, Annual Historical Review (Aberdeen
Proving Ground, MD: U.S. Army Chemical Research Development and Engineering Center, FY86), 102-
103; TM 43-0001-26-1, Change 2, 1985, p. 4-8.1; FM 3-5, 1993, p. A-2.
Paula Cummings, New Developments in Chemical-Biological Defense Materiel, ARCSL-SR-81002
(Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD: Chemical Systems Laboratory, 1981), 34; Project Task Fact Sheet, April
10, 1981; Chemical Systems Laboratory, Research and Analysis, 4th Quarter FY1981, 30.
CRDC Annual Historical Review FY85, pp. 110-111 and FY86, p. 4-94; Project Task Fact Sheet,
January 10, 1986; Earl A. Henderson, New Developments in Chemical-Biological Materiel, CRDC-SP-
84028 (Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD: Chemical Research and Development Center, 1984), 23.
Henderson, 24; CRDC Annual Historical Review, FY86, 112-113.
MSR No. 06846006, May 11, 1984; MSR No. 08876013, July 23, 1987; Albert J. Mauroni and Jacques
A. Walden, New Developments in Chemical-Biological Materiel, CRDEC-SP-032 (Aberdeen Proving
Ground, MD: U.S. Army Chemical Research, Development and Engineering Center, 1991), 13; TM 43-
0001-26-1, Change 4, 1991, p. 4-8.5; FM 3-5, 1993, p. A-3; Project Task Fact Sheet, December 10, 1986;
“CRDEC’s Support to Operation Desert Shield,” ChemNotes 34 (December 1990): 3.
CRDC Annual Historical Review, FY85, 116-117; Project Task Fact Sheet, January 10, 1986;
Cummings, 29.
Mauroni and Walden, 30; Project Task Fact Sheet, October 10, 1992.
Program Task Fact Sheet, October 10, 1986
Historical Office, Summary History [Chemical Systems Laboratory excerpt] FY80, 157-158; Laboratory
Posture Report, RCS-DRCLDC-101 (Dover, NJ: U.S. Army Armament Research and Development
Command, FY1980), 20; TM 43-0001-26-1, Change 4, 1991, p. 4-11; FM 3-5, 1993, p. A-1; Electronic
Message, CDR RIA Rock Island, IL, subj: Supply Advisory Message on M258A1 Personal
Decontaminating Kit, October 15, 1998.
MSR No. 08855001, July 23, 1985; Eddy, 16; TM 43-0001-26-1, Change 4, 1991, p. 4-10.1; Project
Task Fact Sheet, January 10, 1986.
Information Sheet, “M291 Skin Decontamination Kit,” September 28, 2001; CRDEC Annual Historical
Review, FY90, p. 4-10; TM 43-0001-26-1, Change 4, 1991, p. 4-12.1; FM 3-5, 1993, pp. 2-0 and A-1.
FM 3-5, 1993, pp. 2-1, F-1 to F-9.
MSR No. 06926019, April 30, 1992; Project Task Fact Sheet, November 10, 1992; TM 3-4230-228-10,
Change 5, 1997, p. 1-8.3; “Lightweight Decontamination System (LDS),” CB Quarterly 24 (December
2000): 23.
Information Sheet, “Decontamination Kit, Individual Equipment: M295,” October 26, 2001; Project Task
Fact Sheet, November 10, 1990; FM 3-5, 1993, p. A-2; Mauroni and Walden, 32; Information Sheets,
“M195 IED Kit,” July 15, 2002 and July 16, 2002.
Information Sheet, “Joint Service Modular Decontamination System M21 DP/M22 HPW,” October 26,
2001; “Modular Decontamination System to Enter into Army Chemical Defense Inventory,” CB Quarterly
17 (March 1999): 9.
EPA, Information Paper, “Fact Sheet for the Hart Senate Office Building Cleanup,” November 20, 2001;
EPA, Information Paper, “Anthrax Cleanup Information,” November 1, 2001; EPA, Information Paper,
“Hart Senate Office Building Decontamination Progressing,” December 3, 2001; Baltimore Sun, January 2,
2002, January 23, 2002, February 20, 2002.
Information Sheet, “Sorbent Decontamination System, M100,” October 26, 2001.
Information Sheet, “Joint Service Sensitive Equipment Decontamination (JSSED),” October 26, 2001;
“Joint Service Sensitive Equipment Decontamination,” CB Quarterly 24 (December 2000): 24-25.
Information Sheet, “Joint Service Family of Decontamination Systems (JSFDS) Program,” June 28,