Decon History

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The document discusses the history of decontamination efforts by the U.S. Army over the past century, from early chemical weapons use in WWI to modern systems.

Early methods focused on simple decontaminants like bleach and soap. Over time, more specialized kits and vehicles were created to suit different contamination scenarios.

During WWI, lime chlorination and hot water were used. Between the wars, the M1 and M2 decontamination kits were introduced.


Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command


Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.


The findings in this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position unless so
designated by other authorizing documents.

Prepared by:

Mr. Jeffery K. Smart, Command Historian

Historical Research and Response Team
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5424

Photograph Scanning:

Mr. William H. Hauver


Mrs. Kathleen S. Ciolfi

The Project Manager for NBC Defense Systems is responsible for Army and Joint Service development,
testing, production, fielding, and logistics support of assigned nuclear, biological, and chemical defense
systems to include reconnaissance, obscuration and decontamination, respiratory protection, and detection

For additional information on our capabilities, please contact us:

Project Manager for NBC Defense Systems

Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5424

Email: [email protected]
The history of decontamination can be traced back to World War I when
chemical warfare was first introduced on a large scale. Throughout the
next 85 years, the U.S. Army has found better ways to accomplish
decontamination on the battlefield. For the future, the next generation of
decontamination capabilities will provide revolutionary advancements.

This brief history covers some of the highlights of the long history of
decontamination research and development.

Colonel Christopher J. Parker

PM NBC Defense Systems
Table of Contents
Pre-World War I ................................................................................................................... 1

World War I .......................................................................................................................... 3

Between the World Wars ...................................................................................................... 6

The 1940’s ............................................................................................................................10

The 1950’s ............................................................................................................................15

The 1960’s ............................................................................................................................19

The 1970’s ............................................................................................................................22

The 1980’s ............................................................................................................................23

The 1990’s ............................................................................................................................28

The 2000’s ............................................................................................................................30

The Future.............................................................................................................................31

Notes .....................................................................................................................................32

Early Decontaminating Agents

Decontamination is the removal and/or neutralization of hazardous levels of chemical and

biological contamination from personnel, material, or the ground. There are both naturally occurring
decontaminants and manufactured decontaminants. Following the introduction of large-scale chemical
warfare during World War I, the need to decontaminate after a chemical attack became a major concern of
the Chemical Warfare Service, the forerunner of the Chemical Corps. Several of the key decontaminants
identified during World War I and after were actually known long before the 20th century.1


Water was one of the earliest known decontaminants. Rain showers washed away ground
pollutants while bathing eliminated bodily contamination. Water’s capability to breakdown and decompose
substances, called hydrolysis, was used to change toxic substances into useable products. Hot water was
known for its cleansing capabilities. One of the earliest known attempts to use chemical weapons on the
battlefield was foiled by water. During the Peloponnesian War in 429 BC, the Spartans and Thebans
attempted to destroy the city of Plataea by creating a hot fire and adding brimstone and pitch. A
thunderstorm, however, extinguished the fire before it did much damage. Water and steam are still
considered natural decontaminants today for physically removing contamination, but neither neutralizes the
contaminating chemical or biological agent.2

Fuller’s Earth

Fuller’s earth is a highly absorbent naturally occurring substance well known since at least 5,000
BC. The name came from the term “fulling” which meant to shrink or thicken materials by adding
moisture. In ancient times in England, workers added clay materials to water and then soaked raw wool in
it to remove dirt and lanolin. It was also used as a natural bleaching agent. Fuller’s earth was actually a
generic term that was applied to many different earthy substances that had the highly absorbent qualities.
Most consisted of hydrated aluminum silicate from clay minerals calcium montmorillonite and
palygorskite. Fuller’s earth is often used today in pet litter.3

Calcium Oxide (Lime)

Calcium Oxide, also known as lime or quicklime, was recognized as a decontaminant in early
times. Lime is a whitish powder created by removing carbon dioxide from calcium carbonate (also known
as calcite, a naturally occurring mineral in limestone). An example of its use on the battlefield occurred in
1422 during the Hussite siege of Castle Karlstein near Prague. The Hussites used catapults to fling rotting
bodies and other filth into the castle walls as an early form of biological warfare. The Catholic defenders,
however, countered the attack by using lime on the caucuses and filth as a decontaminant. After five
months, the Hussites gave up the siege and signed an armistice. Lime also has a caustic aspect. Finely
pulverized lime was used as a weapon during the reign of Henry III (1216-1272) when the English fleet
threw it onto French ships to blind and disorient the French crews.4

Bleaching Powder

Bleaching powder, one of the first recognized decontaminants, was discovered during the 18th
Century. In 1785, a French chemist, Claude Louis Bethollet, discovered that chlorine had strong bleaching
capabilities. Several years later, in 1799, Charles Tennant, a Scottish chemist, discovered that calcium
oxychloride, also known as bleaching powder or chloride of lime, had strong bleaching powers due to its

chlorine content. It was made by the reaction of chlorine gas on lime. Bleaching powder became the
standard bleaching agent to whiten or remove colors from items until the 1920’s.5

Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine dioxide is a greenish-yellow gas with a pungent odor that is normally prepared by adding
dilute sulfuric acid to a solution of sodium chlorite. First identified in 1811, it was patented in 1985 as a
quick and effective sterilizer for drinking water, food processing, and for medical waste. It was also used
for paper pulp bleaching. Chlorine dioxide is corrosive and a health hazard that requires the use of the
protective equipment.6

Methods of Decontamination
From Technical Manual 3-220, Decontamination (1953)


Decontaminating Agents

Bleaching Powder

During World War I, mustard agent, a persistent blister agent, was first used on the battlefield.
Used in such large amounts that it collected in shell holes and puddles, the agent could remain dangerous
for weeks and in some cases even years. Decontaminating ground contaminated by the agent was a
significant problem.
The Germans began planning for the first use of mustard agent on the battlefield in early 1917.
Before they could stockpile enough of the agent, there was an explosion at their mustard agent filling plant
in Adlershof, near Berlin. To clean up the mess, the Germans used bleaching powder to neutralize the
agent on the ground and on equipment. Obtained from their dye industry, bleaching powder neutralized the
mustard agent by providing liberated chlorine. Mustard agent then decomposed into relatively harmless
compounds after being chlorinated. The success of this initial decontamination operation led to the birth of
the modern concept of battlefield decontamination.
By the time the American Expeditionary
Force (AEF) entered the war in 1917, bleaching
powder was considered the primary decontaminant
for mustard agent. The United States produced 2,590
tons of bleach during the war and shipped 1,867 tons
to the AEF during the war. The bleaching powder
was spread over shell holes and trenches using
shovels and buckets. When bleaching powder was
not available, fresh earth was recommended instead.
For trench dugouts, a small box of bleaching powder
was placed at the door for soldiers to use to
decontaminate their shoes. Bleaching powder was
also used at ammunition dumps for leaking
munitions, although the preferred recommendation for a leaking shell was to fire it at the enemy or bury it.
The major problem with bleaching powder was that it decayed rapidly in the open air and therefore had to
be stored in airtight containers. It could also burst into flame upon contact with mustard agent.7


Nonpersistent agents generally were blown away

by the wind within a fairly short time and did not
contaminate the ground and equipment for several days
like persistent agents. Exposing contaminated material and
equipment to the air was the easiest means of
decontamination for any nonpersistent agent
contamination. Following a chemical attack, the
recommended procedure was to let contaminate clothing
air out to prevent taking the agent into dugouts and other
“clean” areas. Natural ventilation was also recommended
for clearing dugouts and trenches. To further aid with
ventilation, soldiers built fires in the trenches to create drafts to assist with the removal of gases or used
trench fans to try to fan away the gas. For mustard contaminated items, it took longer for air to
decontaminate them. For clothing, the recommendation was to expose it to the open air for 48 hours or
longer if cold weather.8


Water was a useful decontaminate because

it removed chemical agents. Many of the
nonpersistent agents and smokes were extremely
acidic and would damage equipment. Washing
with soap and water was considered an effective
way to help prevent rapid corrosion of metals.
Water in the form of steam was also an effective
decontaminant, particularly for clothing. Water
was also an effective decontaminant for soldiers.
The delayed action of mustard agent required quick
personnel decontamination actions. One solution
was to bath the soldiers thoroughly with soap and
water within a half-hour of mustard agent exposure.
This was thought to prevent or greatly reduce the severity of the mustard burns. After the showers, the
troops were given a drink of bicarbonate of soda water and then had their eyes, ears, mouths, and noses
washed with the soda water.9

Protective Ointments as Decontaminants

Research to find a way to destroy mustard

agent after contact with the skin started during
World War I with the development of protective
ointments. The objective of the early protective
ointment work was to protect the soldier from
contamination rather than to decontaminate the skin
after exposure. Salve Antigas (Sag) Paste,
consisting of zinc stearate and vegetable oil,
provided some protection against large amounts of
mustard agent. The drawback of the ointment,
however, was that it did not neutralize the mustard agent and after a time, the agent penetrated the ointment
and then caused worst burns than if the ointment had not been used. Still, the psychological benefit of a
having a protective ointment was thought to outweigh the actual performance of the ointment. During the
war, the Army produced 1,246 tons of Sag Paste and shipped over 900 tons to Europe. When the war
ended, Army researchers expected future research on protective ointments to be the solution to individual
protection against mustard agents.10

Decontaminating Equipment

Trench Fans

To expedite the exposure of chemical agents to air, trench fans

(also called antigas fans) were provided the troops. These fans were made
of a cane frame and a canvas sheet with a wood handle. The fan was
intended to ventilate trenches and dugouts. Over 27,000 trench fans were
shipped to the AEF during the war. The reality was that they helped
disseminate the nonpersistent gases and caused more problems than they
solved. They were soon discontinued as a decontamination device.11

Steam Disinfecting Chamber

A quicker method for decontaminating clothing than exposing it to air for two days was to use a
steam-disinfecting chamber. This reduced the decontamination time to three hours. Unfortunately, very
few of the units were available to front line troops.12

Degassing Truck

To provide decontamination showers for soldiers contaminated

with chemical agents, the Army established degassing units that used a
5-ton truck with a 1,200-gallon water tank, fitted with an instantaneous
heaters and piping to connect it to portable showers. A second truck
held extra uniforms. Two degassing units were assigned to each
division. Due to the size and weight of the trucks, they were limited to
main roads and were unable to reach most units in the field.13


Decontaminating Agents


Throughout the 1920’s, bleaching powder

remained the number one decontaminant for mustard
agent. This was confirmed in 1926 with the
preparation of an Army specification for bleaching
powder. The Chemical Warfare Service continued
to work on finding a better decontaminant for
mustard agent since bleach was corrosive to metals,
damaging to material and leather, and had only a
three-week storage life in the tropics. In 1933 the
Army prepared a new specification for bleach that
identified three different grades suitable for
Grade A, also known as High Test Bleach
(HTH) or Penchlor, was calcium hypochlorite that
contained 70% available chlorine. Although
identified in 1933, it was not standardized until 1941
and then only for tropical use. High-test calcium
hypochlorite, however, was expensive and not
readily available. During World War II it was
needed for higher priority work than
decontamination, so Grade A was redesignated a limited standard item in 1942. Grade A bleach was
obsoleted in 1945.
Ordinary bleaching powder, containing at least 35% available chlorine, was standardized in 1933
and renamed Bleaching Material Grade B. It was cheap, effective, and readily available commercially.
The major problem with Grade B was that it
deteriorated rapidly in the tropics. Grade A was
standardized during World War II to compensate for
this problem, but proved to be unavailable in large
amounts. Grade B was reclassified limited standard
in 1944 after the development of improved bleach
material. Grade B bleach was obsoleted in 1945.
Grade C Bleaching Material was identified
in 1933, but not standardized until 1944 and then
only as a limited standard article to replace Grade A
even though Grade C deteriorated in the tropics. It
was essentially the same material as Grade B, but
contained only 30% available chlorine. When
Grade B bleach was transferred from large storage containers into smaller containers, the bleach lost
enough chlorine to make it Grade C. Grade C bleach was obsoleted in 1945.14

DR1 Decontaminant

The need for a decontaminant for Navy ships during the early 1930’s led to the development of
DR1 emulsion. Although water washed away mustard agent, it did not neutralize it. Research determined
that adding different ingredients to the water helped neutralize the agent. DR1 was one of the earliest

decontaminants considered for standardization. It was a soap prepared from magnesium carbonate, animal
fat, and kerosene. Although it was selected for use in early decontaminating devices designed for the Navy
due to it being noncorrosive, nontoxic and inexpensive, DR1 proved unsatisfactory as a decontaminant and
was never standardized by the Army.15

Chlorinating Compound 1 (CC-1)

During the early 1930s, the Chemical Warfare Service made the important discovery of the
decontaminating capability of dry decontaminating powder mixed with a solvent. The solvent dissolved
both the mustard agent and the dry powder and allowed chemical destruction of the mustard agent to take
place while both the mustard agent and the dry powder were dissolved in the solvent. The best solvent was
determined to be acetylene tetrachloride. Initially, the most effective dry compound was chloroamide, a
light tan to white powder, dissolved in acetylene tetrachloride, designated CC1. It was produced only by
the Chemical Warfare Service and standardized in 1938 as Non-Corrosive Demustardizing Agent CC No.
1. It was identical with Impregnite CC2 used to make clothing impermeable to chemical agents. CC1 was
superior to bleach because it liberated the chlorine most slowly from the mustard agent, which made it less
corrosive to metal and destructive to other materials. In 1942, it was redesignated M3 Decontaminating
Agent to clarify that it could be used to decontaminate more than just mustard agent. In 1943, CC1 was
redesignated substitute standard in favor of RH-195 (M4 Decontaminating Agent), which was cheaper,
worked faster, and had a slower rate of deterioration. CC1 was officially obsoleted in 1945.16

Decontaminating Agent, Non-Corrosive (DANC)

Another dry compound, RH-195,

developed by the E. I. du Pont de Nemours
Company, when mixed with acetylene tetrachloride
was initially thought to be a less effective
decontaminant for mustard agent than CC1
Decontaminant. It was classified substitute
standard in 1938 when CC1 was standardized.
However, the RH-195 decontaminant was later
recognized as the more effective of the two and was
later designated Decontaminating Agent, Non-
Corrosive (DANC). DANC was a whitish powder
that liberated chlorine more slowly than ordinary bleaching material and therefore was more stable in
storage and could be used on items that would be damaged or destroyed by bleaching powder. It was
superior to CC1 because it did not clog spray lines, was less expensive,
and stored better. One gallon of DANC could decontaminate 15 square
yards of heavily contaminated soil. It was also somewhat effective against
biological agents, but was ineffective against nerve agents. DANC was
used by all the services for decontamination. In 1942, it was redesignated
M4 Decontaminating Agent. It came in 3-gallon and 4.5-gallon containers
that contained the RH-195 in the upper section and acetylene tetrachloride
in the lower section. Due to the awkward size of the larger container, it
was reclassified limited standard in 1952. During World War II, the Army
procured over one million of the 4.5-gallon containers and over 58,000 of
the 3-gallon containers of DANC. By the 1950’s, the problems with
DANC were that it was not non-corrosive, it was unsuitable for long-term
storage, and the acetylene tetrachloride was extremely toxic. The Army
stopped procurement of DANC in 1958 and it was obsoleted in 1972.17

Protective Ointments as Decontaminants

After World War I, the Army continued research on finding protective ointments that would
prevent mustard burns as well as lessen the effect of the agent after exposure. Researchers examined
numerous compounds in cooperation with the Medical Corps, but none met all the requirements for

British Anti-Lewisite (BAL) Ointment

Prior to World War II, the British utilized German

research to develop an ointment that neutralized lewisite on the
skin. Known as British Anti-Lewisite (BAL), it was an oily
colorless liquid with a strong odor. BAL reacted with the
arsenic in lewisite and changed it to a nontoxic, water-soluble
substance. The U.S. Army and several universities modified
BAL specifically to neutralize lewisite in and around eyes and
gave it a new chemical name, Dimercaprol Ointment, although
it continued to be known as BAL Eye Ointment. Dimercaprol
Ointment consisted of polyethylene glycol, ethylene glycol,
boric acid, ascorbic acid, thiamine hydrochloride, and BAL.
During World War II, it was issued in a small tube as part of
the M5 Protective Ointment Kit and after the war in later
versions of the kit. In 1960, the BAL Eye ointment tube was
dropped from the kits due to the lack of perceived threat of a
lewisite attack and to the fact that eye decontamination would
take too long and prevent quick masking.19

Decontaminating Equipment

Early Decontamination Sprayer

During the 1920’s, very little work was done on developing a

decontaminating device. Buckets, shovels, and brooms used during World
War I remained the normal way of spreading out bleach on contaminated
soil. In 1929, the Army developed a demustardizing sprayer that consisted
of a 10-gallon pressure tank and spray hose. Air, supplied by an external
source, forced a mixture of bleaching powder and carbon tetrachloride out
of a nozzle. The unit was field tested by decontaminating a truck, but was
never standardized.20

Early Decontaminating Devices for the Navy

Due to problems with using bleach on ships,

the Army was asked to develop devices suitable for
spraying a decontaminant on the decks and metal
surfaces of a ship. This project, conducted between
1930-1933, led to the design of early decontaminating
devices. Under this project, DR1 decontaminant was

developed and selected as the decontaminant of choice. To disseminate the DR1, the Army initially
designed a simple 2-gallon pressure tank that used steam and air to spray the DR1. In 1930, the E1R1
apparatus was tested only in the laboratory and was never fielded. The second version, designated the
E1R2 increased the tank to 20 gallons. This unit was field tested on the U.S.S. Eagle in 1932, but received
negative reviews for being too slow. Additional development work failed to turn up a good device for use
with DR1 and the DR1 program was discontinued.21

Large Scale Decontaminating Devices

The need to spread bleach over a large area led

the Army to examine various commercially available
spreaders during the 1930’s. These included agricultural
lime spreaders and road water sprinklers, most of which
proved unsuccessful at disseminating the proper amount
of decontaminant. In 1935, the Army began
investigating truck mounted commercial orchard
sprayers for spreading bleach. The best design used a
300-gallon tank and an 8-horsepower engine mounted on
a gun carriage. The unit included a rotary agitator for
mixing the bleach with water and CC1 decontaminant.22

M1 Decontaminating Apparatus

Throughout the 1930’s, the Army experimented with

various commercial hand-held insecticide sprayers for use to
decontaminate vehicles and equipment in the field. Of those
examined, the best sprayer was the Open-Hed No. 4,
manufactured by the E. C. Brown Company of Rochester, New
York. Designated the E3R4, it was field tested at Langley Field,
Virginia, in 1938 and later that same year standardized as the 3-
gallon Demustardizing Apparatus, Commercial Type. It consisted
of a heavy galvanized steel tank with a hand operated air pump, a
two-foot rubber hose, a two-foot brass nozzle assembly, and a
carrying strap. When full, the unit weighed 72 pounds and could
decontaminate about 50 square yards. CC1 decontaminant was
the initial decontaminant used in the device, but DANC and bleach
suspensions were also used. In 1942, it was officially
redesignated the M1 3-Gallon Decontaminating Apparatus to
indicate that the unit could be used on other persistent agents
besides mustard agent. During World War II, 287,767 units were
procured for the Army. During the Korean War, an
additional 49,866 units were procured for the Army, 12,121
units for the Air Force, and 360 units for the Navy. In 1956,
the Army canceled the requirement for the M1 and replaced
it with a bucket and broom to disseminate small amounts of
decontaminant. The Navy and Air Force, however, kept their
requirement. In 1968, the M1 was replaced by the M11
Decontaminating Apparatus and was obsoleted.23

THE 1940’S

Decontaminating Agents


During World War II, the British provided

information on new grades of bleach that had longer storage
life than the U.S. grades. As a result, the Army standardized
three new grades. Grade 1 had 35% available chlorine, but
was unsuitable for tropic storage. It was classified limited
standard in 1944 and then obsoleted in 1945. Grade 2 had
30% available chlorine and could be stored in the tropics for
an extremely limited amount of time. It was classified
substitute standard in 1944 and obsoleted in 1945. Grade 3,
also referred to as British Tropical Bleach, had 30% available
chlorine and the lowest moisture content. This allowed for
tropical storage up to four years. The cost of Grade 3 was also
similar to Grade B, the current standard bleach. Grade 3 was
classified standard and Grade B was reclassified
limited standard. Finding producers of Grade 3 bleach
was a problem during World War II and much of the
Army’s bleach was imported from the British. During
the war, the Army procured over 19,000 tons of bleach
from American contractors and over 15,500 tons from
the British through the reverse Lend-Lease program.
After the war, the Army continued to have problems
locating suppliers. The standardization of super-
tropical bleach (STB) in 1950 convinced the Army not
to pursue construction of Grade 3 production facilities
but instead concentrate on STB production. Grade 3
was reclassified substitute standard and eventually
obsoleted in 1956.24

M4 Protective Ointment

The first standardized protective ointment with

some decontamination capability was designated M1
Protective Ointment in 1940. It was a jelly-like
compound consisting of dichloramine-T in triacetin and
cellulose acetate butyrate that had 4.5% active chlorine.
Initial testing indicated the ointment provided some
protection against mustard agent. The Chief of the
Medical Research Division at Edgewood Arsenal, MD,
demonstrated the effectiveness of the ointment by
rubbing it on his arm and then adding mustard agent. He still received a burn, but it was considered less
severe and localized. Because the vesicant agent lewisite was also known as M-1, the protective ointment
was redesignated M4 Protective Ointment in 1942 to eliminate the appearance that it was only for lewisite.
Over 56 million tubes of the ointment were procured in 1941-1943. An additional 1.6 million were

procured for special jungle use. Additional testing of the ointment during the war found it too irritating to
human skin. After M5 Protective Ointment was standardized in 1943, the remaining stocks of M4 ointment
were issued as a skin decontaminant.25

M5 Vesicant Agent Protective Ointment

Continued research on protective ointments

that were less irritating than M4 Protective
Ointment led to the discovery of chloramine S-330
mixed with a jelly-like composition. The S-330,
with 7.5% active chlorine, liberated chlorine to
neutralize blister agent. In the late 1950’s, it was also found effective against V-type nerve agents, but not
G-type nerve agents. The ointment could be applied before or after an attack. To be effective after an
attack, it had to be used within five minutes or the blister agent would penetrate the skin and cause blisters.
It could also be used to decontaminate small nonporous areas of equipment. The ointment was available in
a collapsible metal .75-ounce tube as part of the M5 Protective Ointment Kit. After the later versions of the
M5 series Protection and Treatment Kits were obsoleted in 1969, M5 Protective Ointment was redesignated
a separate end item called M5 Vesicant Agent Protective Ointment. After this action, the Navy kept M5
ointment as a standard item and it also remained a standard item for several Medical Supply Sets.26

Biological Agent Decontamination

The establishment of the Army’s biological warfare program at Fort Detrick, Maryland, during
World War II led to a biological agent decontaminant program. Initial work concentrated on testing the
standard decontaminants against biological agents. Bleach, particularly high-test bleach, was the most
effective, although DANC was less corrosive on metal items. Other potential decontaminants examined
included ethylene oxide, sulfur dioxide, formaldehyde, ethylene imine, and even the standard smoke
agents. All had various problems and research on the topic continued after the war. In 1947, the Army
initiated a second program to develop a better decontaminant for microorganisms. This program proved a
significant challenge and the Army did not standardize a biological decontaminant developed under this
program until 1960.27

Nerve Agent Decontamination

Following the discovery of the German nerve agent program in 1945, the U.S. Army tested
standard decontaminants against the new nerve agents (designated GA, GB, and GD). DANC was found
not suitable for the decontamination of nerve agents. Bleach slurry and dilute water solutions of alkalies
were reported as effective decontaminants. Hot soapy water was also recommended, while cold water only
partially removed the nerve agents.28

Decontaminating Equipment

M2 Decontaminating Apparatus

The Army first began testing commercial fire extinguishers as

possible decontaminating devices in 1934. The next year, the E4R1
Demustardizing Apparatus, a commercial 1-1/2-quart hand-held fire
extinguisher called the Fyr Fyter and filled with CC1 solution, was tested on
the U.S.S. Eagle. This was a successful test although the E4R1 was difficult
to fill with decontaminant and had a small capacity. Additional tests were
held by the Field Artillery at Fort Hoyle, MD, in 1936 using CC1 solution to
decontaminate artillery pieces. The success of these tests indicated the need
for a small decontaminating device that could be easily carried on a vehicle
and then used for decontaminating parts of vehicles and equipment that a
soldier touched. In 1940, the E4R1 was standardized as the M2 1-1/2 Quart

Decontaminating Apparatus. The unit held either CC1 or DANC and
had a pump handle on top and the spraying nozzle on the bottom. It
could decontaminate approximately 12 square yards. During World
War II, the Army procured over 1.9 million M2 devices. The primary
problem with the unit was that the DANC made the brass parts corrode
rapidly. In 1950, it was reclassified limited standard although still used
by the Army and the Marines. The M2 unit was obsoleted in 1969 in
favor of the M11 Decontaminating Apparatus, standardized in 1960.29

M3 Decontaminating Apparatus

The 1930’s investigation of commercial

powered orchard sprayers for use as a large-scale
decontamination apparatus eventually led to the
selection of one particular device for
standardization. The Myers Silver Cloud Spray
Outfit was modified to handle the corrosive nature
of bleaching powder and designated the E6R2. The
unit consisted of a 300-gallon storage tank, an
engine, a pump, and two spray guns. It was
mounted on a steel frame with wooden skids and
was designed to fit on a truck bed or a trailer. The unit used either CC1 solution or bleaching powder and
water mix. The E6R2 was standardized as the M3 Power-Driven Decontaminating Apparatus in 1940
primarily for use with decontamination companies. Only six of the units were procured by 1941. Further
testing of the M3 apparatus determined that the separate engine could be eliminated by mounting the unit
on a truck and using the truck’s engine. In 1943, the M3 was reclassified limited standard following the
standardization of the M3A1 truck mounted decontaminating apparatus and the improved M4 skid mounted
unit. Further procurement of the M3 stopped in 1943 and in 1945 the M3 was obsoleted.30

M3A1 Decontaminating Apparatus

Following the standardization of the M3

Apparatus, the Army decided that the unit should
be an integral part of a truck that used the truck’s
engine instead of a separate engine. As a result,
the M3A1 Power-Driven Decontamination
Apparatus was standardized in 1941 for both the
Army and the Army Air Corps. The unit
consisted of a 400-gallon wood tank mounted on
a standard Ordnance truck chassis. It was
designed to spray bleach slurry by the use of a
high-pressure pump and two spray guns. A
separate heater unit was available for when the
unit was used for cold weather decontamination or for troop showers. Over 1,500 of the units were
produced during World War II. By 1943, it was replaced by improved versions and was reclassified
limited standard. To reduce inventories, it was obsoleted in 1958.31

M3A2 Decontaminating Apparatus

Minor improvements in the design of the

M3A1 Apparatus led to the standardization of the
M3A2 Power-Driven Decontaminating Apparatus in
1943. The improvements included an improved pump,
agitator, and piping arrangement. The Army procured
426 units during World War II and 62 units during the
beginning of the Korean War. The Air Force procured 175
units and the Navy 82 units. One of the major problems
with the M3A2 was that the wooden tanks were made of
cypress sapwood that rotted in the tropics and allowed
fungus growth. In 1952, the standardization of the
improved M3A3 unit with a metal tank resulted in the
M3A2 being reclassified to limited standard. The unit was
then obsoleted in 1971.32

M4 Decontaminating Apparatus

The lack of available truck chasses to use for

the M3A1 Apparatus and the need for shipment to the
theater of operations led to the Army standardizing a
skid-mounted version of the M3A1. Designated the
M4 Power-Driven Decontaminating Apparatus, it
consisted of a wooden 400-gallon tank, a pump, an
integral engine, and two spray guns. It was limited
standardized in 1943 for use by the Army, Navy, and
Army Air Corps. During the war, 2,625 units were
procured. The skid-mounted configuration was
thought to be better for shipment overseas, but it
proved unpopular with field units. The M4 unit was
replaced by the M3A3 Decontamination Apparatus and obsoleted in 1958 due to problems with the
gasoline engine maintenance.33

M5 Decontaminating Apparatus

During World War II, one problem with

the M3 and M4 series apparatus was that water
had to first be mixed with the bleaching powder to
create slurry. This could take up to 40 minutes to
complete. In addition, there was a shortage of
M3A2 Decontaminating Apparatus. This led the
Army to investigate a commercial modified
orchard fertilizer spreader to directly disseminate
dry bleaching powder on roads, runways, and
fields. By 1944, the Army identified the E2 Dry
Agent Motorized Decontaminating Apparatus as
the best design. It consisted of a hopper and two
distributing fans mounted on a one-ton steel
trailer. The unit could decontaminate approximately 14,000 square yards. The E2 was then classified as a
limited procurement item. The Army Air Corps then procured 200 units and sent most of them overseas for
possible use on airfields. Further development work was dropped on the E2, but in 1947, the Army

standardized the E2 as the M5 Dry Agent Decontaminating Apparatus. Problems with the production of
the M5 unit led to its reclassification as limited standard in 1949. The Army then decided there were no
further requirements for a dry agent disseminator and obsoleted the M5 in 1951.34

M5 Protective Ointment Kit

The original shipping containers for M5

Protective Ointment tubes consisted of a metal can
3.5-inches wide, 4-inches high, and one-inch deep
with a hinged waterproof lid. It held four tubes of
M5 Protective Ointment for use with vesicant
agents like mustard and lewisite. Each tube was
wrapped in cheesecloth for use as an applicator.
Under the lid of the container was a spot for a small
tube of British Anti-Lewisite (BAL) eye ointment.
In 1944, this combination was standardized as the
M5 Protective Ointment Kit. During World War
II, the Army procured over 26.5 million kits and
issued them to soldiers in the field where they were kept in the protective mask carrier. The kit was also
part of the Gas Casualty Treatment Set issued by the Medical Corps. In 1950, the M5 kit was reclassified
limited standard in favor of the M5A1 kit. The existing stocks of the M5 kit were then converted to M5A1
kits and the M5 kit was obsoleted in 1953.35

THE 1950’S

Decontaminating Agent

Supertropical Bleach (STB) Decontaminating Agent

Although the Army concentrated on the

decontamination of nerve agents during the 1950s, the
decontamination of mustard agent remained a concern. In
1950, the Army standardized Supertropical Bleach (STB), the
improved bleaching powder containing about 30% available
chlorine with calcium oxide added as stabilizer, to replace
Grade 3 bleach. STB was more stable in long-term storage,
particularly in temperature extremes, and was easier to spread
from a decontaminating apparatus due to its more uniform
consistency. It was effective against Lewisite, V and G nerve
agents, and biological agents. STB could be used as a slurry
paste, dry mix, slurry mix, or camouflaged with a dye mixture.
It normally came in a 60-pound drum. Citric acid was used as
an antiset agent with STB. During cold weather it helped
prevent the slurry from clogging the lines and settling in the
tank and during warm weather, it prevented the slurry from
foaming. One of the major problems with STB was the cost and production difficulty. It was a low-
volume and low-profit item that American industry
refused to produce. By the 1970’s, India was the
sole source for the chlorinated lime used in STB. In
1983, the Army completed a pilot plant production
facility at a contractor’s plant in Columbus, Ohio, to
demonstrate a new process of production to
potential domestic industrial bidders. The pilot
plant used a liquid reactor process that combined
calcium hydroxide with chlorine. After the
successful demonstration, the pilot plant was moved
to Pine Bluff Arsenal to convert old bleaching agent
to STB specifications. Today, STB remains an
expendable item still used for decontamination.36

Biological Decontamination

During the 1950’s, the Army continued to examine the various biological decontaminants
indentified during World War II at Fort Detrick. The Army made the most progress on examining ethylene
oxide (ETO) as a biological agent decontaminant, although it was never standardized. It was sealed in E7
glass ampoules for use with Quartermaster Corps delousing bags or the Chemical Corps vapor-proof sack
to sterilize material in bulk. One of the main problems with ethylene oxide was its flammability in its pure
state. Additional research demonstrated that the material was less flammable when mixed with Freon 12.
The Army also continued to examine formaldehyde and formalin, an aqueous solution of formaldehyde and
methanol. Researchers designed aerosol bomb dispensers for its dissemination. The primary problems
with formaldehyde were that it left a deposit on surfaces and the vapors were very toxic.37

Decontaminating Equipment

M3A3 Decontaminating Apparatus

One of the major problems with the

M3A2 Decontaminating Apparatus was that the
wooden storage tank was susceptible to mold and
fungus. To solve that problem, a new 400-gallon
steel tank replaced the wooden tank. The new
version was designated the M3A3 Truck
Mounted Power-Driven Decontaminating
Apparatus and was standardized in 1952 during the Korean War. Similar to the earlier version, it was
designed to spray water, bleach slurry, or other decontaminants and, as a secondary mission, fight fires,
spray water-soluble paint, or serve as field showers. During the Korean War, the Army procured 329 units
and the Air Force procured 225 units. The M9 Decontaminating Apparatus eventually replaced the M3A3
and it was obsoleted in 1972.38

M5A1/M5A2 Protection and Treatment Kits

Following the Allied discovery of the

German nerve agents at the end of World War II,
antropine was quickly identified as a treatment for
casualties. The M5 Protective Ointment Kit was
modified in 1950 by the removal of one of the M5
Protective Ointment tubes and the addition of a syrette
of atropine sulfate. The kit still contained three tubes
of M5 Protective Ointment and one tube of BAL eye
ointment. The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines
procured over 1.2 million M5A1 Protective Ointment
Kits. The kit was renamed the M5A1 Protection and Treatment Kit in 1955. In 1959, the atropine syrette
was replaced by an automatic self-ejector unit. As a result of this change, the kit was standardized as the
M5A2 Protection and Treatment Kit. The M5A1 Kit was reclassified Standard B and existing units were to
be converted to M5A2 kits. Although the Navy and Marines maintained a separate requirement for the
M5A1 and M5A2 kits, the Army reversed their decision in 1960 and did not produce M5A2 kits. Instead,
many of the M5A1 kits were eventually modified into M5A3 and M5A4 kits during the 1960’s. The Army
obsoleted the M5A1 and M5A2 kits in 1969.39

M6 Decontaminating Apparatus

During the Korean War, the Navy

requested new production of the M4 Skid
Mounted Decontaminating Apparatus for shore
installation and barge use. Instead of producing
new M4 units, the Army incorporated existing
M3A2 400-gallon wooden tank and parts on a
skid mount and redesignated the new units the
M6 Skid Mounted Power-Driven
Decontaminating Apparatus. The M6 apparatus
was standardized in 1952 and 40 units were
ordered. Before the units were completed, the
Army decided to switch to the 400-gallon steel
tank. The Army procured 108 M6 units with the

steel tank primarily to meet the Navy requirement. The M6 was eventually replaced by the M12
Decontaminating Apparatus and was obsoleted in 1967.40

M7/M7A1 Decontaminating Apparatus

In 1954, the Navy requested the Army to standardize a modernized version of a Navy fire-fighting
and decontamination unit. The M7 Trailer-Mounted Power-Driven Decontaminating Apparatus consisted
of 150-gallon steel tank, a pump, and a commercial gasoline engine mounted on a two-wheeled trailer. It
weighed about 2,600 pounds and could be attached to almost any combat vehicle. At the standardizing of
the M7 Decontaminating Apparatus, the Corps of Engineers objected to the use of a non-standard
commercial gasoline engine on the unit. To correct the problem, the Army standardized the M7A1 Trailer
Mounted Power-Driven Decontaminating Apparatus in 1954 with a standard gasoline engine and
reclassified the M7 limited standard. Both the M7 and M7A1 were obsoleted in 1958 and replaced by the
M8 Decontaminating Apparatus.41

M8/M8A1/M8A2 Decontaminating Apparatus

After the standardization of the M7

series decontamination apparatus, the Navy
requested a larger, lighter weight, 200-gallon
trailer mounted unit that was commercially
available. As a result of this request, the Army
standardized three versions of the same
decontamination apparatus in 1958. The E15
Decontaminating Apparatus was standardized as
the M8 Trailer-Mounted Power-Driven
Decontaminating Apparatus for Navy use at
shore bases. It consisted of a 200-gallon steel
tank, gasoline engine, and pump mounted on a
commercial trailer. The unit weighed 1,800 pounds. The Navy procured 53 M8 units. To meet a Marine
Corps requirement for a standard Ordnance trailer that could handle heavy field duty, the E15R1 was
standardized as the M8A1 Trailer-Mounted Power-Driven Decontaminating Apparatus. The Marines and
the Navy procured 133 of these units. Additional improvements to the trailer and the tank resulted in the
E15R2 version being standardized as the M8A2 Trailer-Mounted Power-Driven Decontaminating
Apparatus. The Army, Navy, and Marines ordered 235 of the M8A2 units. It consisted of a 200-gallon
metal tank, a pump, a gasoline engine, and two spray guns mounted on a trailer. The entire unit weighed
2,650 pounds empty. Although it was designed to spray bleach slurry or other decontaminants, the unit
could also be used to spray paint, fungicides, insecticides, or water to fight fires. The M8/M8A1/M8A2
units were eventually replaced by the M12/M12A1 skid-mounted units and were obsoleted in 1967.42

M9 Decontaminating Apparatus

In 1952 the Army initiated a project to

make major improvements to the M3A3
Decontamination Apparatus. After a series of
test, the M9 (E9) Truck-Mounted Power-Driven
Decontaminating Apparatus was standardized
in 1958 to replace the M3A3 units. The major
improvements included a large pump capacity,
a longer pump life without requiring repair, improved piping for winter operations, improved shower rails,
additional spray guns for fire fighting, and spring mounts. The M9 could be used for decontamination, as a
fluid pump, for firefighting, as a field shower, or even as a water-soluble paint sprayer. It consisted of a
400-gallon steel tank and 20-gallon detergent tank mounted on an M45 truck chasses. There was also an
optional water heater. The truck engine provided the power to run the pump. The truck had seats on the
front fenders for soldiers using handheld spray nozzles and fender mounted spray hoses for automatic
operation. While driving slowly and using both sprayers, the unit could cover a 12-foot wide path. The

Army procured 311 M9 units before the standardization of the M12A1 skid-mounted apparatus in 1966
resulted in the M9 being reclassified as Standard B. After the M9 became uneconomical to repair and
support, the Army obsoleted it in 1976.43

THE 1960’S

Decontaminating Agent

Decontaminating Solution 2 (DS2)

Decontaminating Agent Noncorrosive

(DANC) proved to be particularly corrosive to the
brass parts of the M2 Decontaminating Apparatus, so
the Army spent a decade trying to develop a
replacement. After investigating Decontamination
Solution (DS) and then Decontamination Solution 1
(DS1), the Army standardized Decontaminating
Solution 2 (DS2) in 1960. DS2 was a clear amber
solution of 70% diethylenetriamine, 28% methyl
cellosolve (ethylene glycol monomethyl ether), and
2% sodium hydroxide. It came in a five-gallon pail
for large-scale decontamination operations or a 1-1/3
quart can used to refill the M11 Portable Decontaminating Apparatus. DS2 was effective against all known
chemical agents including the G- and V-series of nerve agents, mustard agent, and against most biological
material (except bacterial spores). It was less destructive to metals, plastics, rubber, and fabrics than
DANC. On the down side, it was known to remove and soften new paint, and discolor old paint. It was
also irritating to the skin. In 1983 the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health issued a
warning that ethylene glycol monomethyl ether was a possible health hazard. Because of DS2’s problems,
the Army initiated a replacement study shortly after it was standardized. Although many replacements
were studied over the years, all were found lacking in at least one requirement. Unable to find a better
decontaminant after 40 years of research, the Army continues to keep DS2 as the standard decontaminating

BPL Biological Decontaminating Agent

In 1947, the Army initiated a program to find a biological decontaminating agent. Early work on
the project examined Formaldehyde Solution (USP) and ethylene oxide. A commercially available
decontaminant called beta-propiolactone (BPL) was standardized in 1960. It was a colorless liquid that
was noncorrosive and nonflammable and highly effective against microorganisms. BPL was stored in one-
gallon pails that could safely be stored under most conditions. However, BPL was extremely irritating to
humans and therefore mask and protective clothing were required during its use. A research program to
develop a replacement for BPL proved unsuccessful. Other problems were that BPL could not be procured
or shipped without a license from the Department of Agriculture since it was carcinogen and the only
producer refused to apply for one. In 1979, the Army decided to use DS2 and STB as biological
decontaminants and obsoleted BPL.45

Chemical Decontaminant 1 (CD-1)

One of the early possible replacements for DS2 was the Air Force’s CD-1 decontaminating agent.
CD-1 was developed in 1968 to prevent damage to sensitive aircraft parts caused by DS2. It consisted of
monoethanolamine, isopropanolamime, and lithium hydroxide. Further testing during the early 1970’s
indicated that CD-1 was not an effective decontaminant for mustard agent. In 1974, CD-1 was dropped
from consideration as a replacement for DS2.46

Decontaminating Equipment

M5A3/M5A4 Protection and Treatment Kits

In 1960, before the conversion of the M5A1 Protection and

Treatment Kits to M5A2 kits took place, the Army decided to
remove the BAL eye ointment tube from the kit due to the perceived
lack of threat from a lewisite attack. This resulted in the
standardization of the M5A3 Protection and Treatment Kit. The
existing M5A1 kits were then converted to M5A3 kits by the
removal of the BAL ointment tube and the addition of an automatic
atropine injector. The Marines procured 120,000 of the M5A3 kits.
In 1963, the Army decided to issue the atropine injectors separately
from the M5A3 kits. As a result of this decision, two years later, the
M13 Decontaminating and Reimpregnation Kit was standardized
without atropine injectors. A delay in the production of the new
M13 kits resulted in the Army removing the atropine injectors and
BAL Eye Ointment from existing M5A1 kits and adding a fourth
tube of M5 Protective Ointment. This new configuration was
standardized as the M5A4 Protection and Treatment Set in 1965. Once the M13 kits were in production,
the Army obsoleted the M5A3, and M5A4 kits in 1969.47

M11 Decontaminating Apparatus

In conjunction with the standardization of DS2 in

1960, the Army standardized the M11 (E17R2) Portable
Decontaminating Apparatus to replace the earlier M2
Decontaminating Apparatus. The M11 was a refillable fire
extinguisher type unit used to decontaminate vehicles and
weapons. It held 1-1/3 quarts of DS2. A nitrogen filled
cylinder provided the pressure for spraying. Raising the
unit’s handle punctured the nitrogen cylinder and the
resulting pressure allowed for a spray range up to eight feet.
The unit came with a mounting bracket to attach it to
equipment or a vehicle.48

M12 Decontaminating Apparatus

The continuing need for a multipurpose

decontaminating apparatus suitable for the Navy, Marines
and the Air Force resulted in the standardization of the M12
Skid-Mounted Power-driven Multipurpose Decontaminating
Apparatus in 1961. In addition to decontamination, the unit
could be used for fire fighting, deicing of aircraft, cleaning
of aircraft and vehicles, mixing and pumping of impregnite,
general pumping requirements, hot and cold showers, and
the spraying of insecticides and fungicides. It could handle
bleach slurry, deicing and defrosting fluids, fire fighting
foam solutions, and detergent compounds. The M12
consisted of two nonintegral sections, both skid mounted on
an aluminum alloy frame and connected only by two hoses.
One section held a pump, engine, hose reels, flush water
tank, fuel tank, and controls. The other section was either a
200 or 500 gallon stainless steel decontaminant tank, a 20-

gallon detergent tank, a hopper blender for mixing STB with water to make bleach slurry, a mixing unit for
detergent or foam liquids, and control functions. An optional heater was also available for showers or
deicing operations. The Navy, Marines and Air Force procured 650 M12 units. Of those procured, the
Army kept six M12 units and these were eventually converted to M12A1 units. In 1979, the Army
obsoleted the M12 in favor of the M12A1.49

M12A1 Decontaminating Apparatus

The successful design of the M12

Decontaminating Apparatus for the Navy,
Marines, and Air Force, led the Army to
reexamine the M12 as a replacement for the M9
truck mounted unit. As a result of this testing, the
M12A1 Skid-Mounted Power-driven
Multipurpose Decontaminating Apparatus was
standardized in 1966. It consisted of three
sections, a 500-gallon stainless-steel tank, a water
heater, and a pump unit. Similar to the M12 unit,
the M12A1 was designed to mix and spray
decontaminating agent and hot, soapy water rinses during field decontamination operations. As secondary
missions, the unit could also be used for fire fighting with water or foam, deicing operations, washing
vehicles, as a pump station, and as field showers for soldiers. The field shower assembly was designed to
handle 25 soldiers at a time. The M12A1 was furnished to decontaminating units and to the Air Force and
Marine Corps. Initially, the Army ordered 53 of the units in 1967. During Operation Desert Shield/Storm,
the M12A1 was deployed to the front to handle most large scale decontaminating operations. Although the
M17 Lightweight Decontaminating Apparatus, standardized in 1987, replaced the M12A1 in all but heavy
division chemical companies, the M12A1 is currently still a standard Army item.50

M13 Individual Decontaminating and Reimpregnation Kit

Prior to the 1960’s, the only individual decontamination

kit was the M5A1 Protection and Treatment Kit containing M5
Protective Ointment. In 1965, the Army replaced the M5A1 kits
with the M13 (E21R7) Individual Decontaminating and
Reimpregnation Kit. The kit consisted of an aluminum (later
plastic) container containing two cloth bags of chloramide
(XXCC3) decontaminating and reimpregnation powder (for
clothing and equipment decontamination), a United Kingdom
Personal Decontamination Outfit (PDO) pad filled with Fuller’s
earth (for skin decontamination), a B-1 dye capsule (for use to
detect chemical contamination on clothing), and a razor blade (for
cutting out heavily contaminated pieces of clothing). The
chloramide powder neutralized nerve and blister agents.
The fuller’s earth was an absorbent that removed the agent
from the skin. It did not neutralize the agents and, unlike
M5 Protective Ointment, could not be applied prior to an
attack. The whole kit weighed about 0.7 pounds and was
designed to fit in the M17 Protective Mask carrier. The
Army procured 500,000 of the kits in 1966 to replace the
M5 series kits. By the 1980’s, the kit was no longer
recommended for skin decontamination and it was
obsoleted in 1989.51

THE 1970’S

Decontaminating Equipment

M258 Decontamination Kit

The Army standardized the M258 Skin

Decontamination Kit in 1975 to replace the earlier M13
Individual Decontaminating and Reimpregnation Kit.
While the M13 kit used fuller’s earth to absorb liquid
chemical agents from the skin, the M258 Kit used two
containers of decontamination material to neutralize
nerve and blister agents. The kit consisted of an olive
drab plastic case holding four gauze pads, two red
plastic scrapers, and two plastic capsules containing
decontamination solutions. Decontaminating Solution
No. 1 was a solution of hydroxyethane, phenol, sodium
hydroxide, and ammonia dissolved in reagent water.
Decontaminating Solution No. 2 was a solution of
hydroxyethane and zinc chloride in reagent water.
Within the No. 2 capsule was a separate sealed glass
ampoule holding dry chloramine B. Both
decontamination solutions were poisonous and caustic
and thus were unsuitable for wounds or for use in the
eyes or mouth. Thus, the kit was designed to
decontaminate the skin, but not the face. In an
emergency, it could also be used to decontaminate
individual equipment. The Army also
standardized the M58 Skin Decontaminating
Training Aid along with the M258 kit. The M58
used simulants instead of the actual
decontaminating solutions. Due to the caustic
aspects of the decontaminants, the M258 kit was
obsoleted in 1989.52

THE 1980’S

Decontaminating Agent

German C8 Emulsion

Starting in the early 1980’s, the U.S. Army examined a German decontaminating agent as a
possible replacement for DS2 and STB bleach for use in the M12A1 Decontaminating Apparatus. Known
as German C8 Emulsion, it consisted of perchloroethylene (PCE), calcium hypochlorite, water, and an
emulsifier. During initial testing, C8 Emulsion was an effective decontaminant of chemical agents and the
toxin designated T2, but set off chemical agent alarms and was clearly visible due to its white color. The
main ingredient, PCE, was also a recognized hazardous waste. The Army attempted to find replacements
for the PCE and make other changes, but dropped the program in 1987 in favor of ongoing research on the
Improved Chemical/Biological Agent Decontaminant.53

Improved Chemical/Biological Agent Decontaminant (ICBAD)

In 1985, the Army initiated a program to develop the Improved Chemical/Biological Agent
Decontaminant (ICBAD) using the good aspects of German C8 Emulsion. After attempting to find U.S.
suppliers of appropriate ingredients for a new decontaminant, the program concentrated on the same
ingredients as the C8 Emulsion, only with green dye for camouflage. Calcium hypochlorite, produced only
in Germany, was the major problem. After further attempts to find U.S. suppliers, the ICBAD program
was canceled in 1988 in favor of the Multipurpose Chemical Biological Decontaminant program.54

Multipurpose Chemical Biological Decontaminant (MCBD)

The Multipurpose Chemical Biological Decontaminant (MCBD) program was initiated in 1982.
After over 500 possible decontaminants were examined, the Army concentrated on Fichlor microemulsion
as the best candidate. Microemulsions were translucent dispersions containing oil, water, and emulsifier.
Further work on the Fichlor microemulsion, however, failed to develop a decontaminant that was better
than DS2. Since MCBD contained perchloroethylene, a hazardous waste, and required complicated mixing
equipment, the program was terminated in 1989.55

Decontaminating Agent: Multipurpose (DAM)

Further attempts to use the knowledge learned from the ICBAD and MCBD programs to find a
DS2 replacement resulted in the Decontaminating Agent: Multipurpose (DAM) program initiated in 1989.
For the next four years, the Army examined various possible ingredients searching for a better
decontaminant that was safe for the environment and easily prepared in the field. In all tests, DS2 proved
the best overall multipurpose decontaminant. The DAM program was then terminated in 1993.56

Decontaminating Equipment

M13 Decontaminating Apparatus

The need for an improved portable vehicle

decontaminating apparatus to replace the M11
Decontaminating Apparatus resulted in the Army
standardizing the M13 Portable Decontaminating
Apparatus in 1983. It consisted of a hose and wand
section with a disposable brush attachment, a manual
in-line pump, a disposable 3.7-gallon decontaminant
container, and an accessory container. The whole
unit weighed 60 pounds when filled and was designed
to fit a vehicle’s fuel/water can mounting bracket. It
used DS2 decontaminant to remove chemical
contamination from the sections of all types of
vehicles that personnel touch. The scrubber brush
was designed to remove mud or soil from the equipment. The primary improvements over the M11 unit
were the larger capacity decontaminant container and the scrubbing capability. The initial procurement
was approximately 130,000.57

XM14 Decontaminating Apparatus

In 1980, the Army initially attempted to

improve the M12A1 Decontaminating Apparatus
but then made enough changes that the new
configuration was designated the XM14 Truck
Mounted Power Driven Decontaminating
Apparatus. It consisted of a steam generator
mounted on a 5-ton truck and a vehicle rinse rack
designed to decontaminate large combat vehicles.
The storage tank could hold 450 gallons of water or
300 gallons of bleach slurry. The apparatus could
decontaminate the ground, spray water for
firefighting, and provide personnel showers.
Dissatisfaction with the truck mounted version led
to the project being canceled in 1981.58

XM15 Decontaminating Apparatus

The requirement for a system to

decontaminate the inside of Army vehicles,
aircraft, watercraft, and shelters led to the
Interior Surface Decontaminating System (ISDS)
project, started in 1980. The same year, the
project was redesignated the XM15 Interior
Surface Decontaminating Apparatus and
concentrated on the use of hot air generated by a
diesel-fired burner to decontaminate both
chemical and biological agents. A collapsible
10-foot hose delivered the hot air to the
contaminated surface. A second hose captured
the vaporized agent and blew it out of the

interior. After extensive testing at Fort Knox and Dugway Proving Ground, the Army decided to terminate
the program in 1986 in favor of a quicker decontamination system.59

XM16 Decontaminating Apparatus

During the 1970’s, the Army began researching the

use of turbine exhaust from jet engines to decontaminate
large equipment. Based on intelligence collected on the
Soviet TMS-65 decontamination system, the Army started
work on the XM16 Jet Exhaust Truck Mounted
Decontaminating Apparatus in 1980. The XM16 consisted
of a jet engine, control cab, a diesel fuel tank for the jet
engine, and a tank for either decontamination or smoke liquids mounted on a 5-ton military truck. The idea
was to direct high velocity streams of hot exhaust gases onto
the outer surfaces of vehicles for chemical and biological
decontamination. In addition, the jet engine could also
disseminate water, decontaminating agent, or even fog oil to
create smoke screens. Due to several deficiencies in the
system, the project was canceled in 1986, but the principle
was continued in related development projects.60

M17 Decontaminating Apparatus

The need for a lightweight decontaminating system to

replace the M12A1 Decontaminating Apparatus led the Army
to examine a Norwegian device called the NBC SANATOR.
Designated the A/E32U-8 by the Air Force, it consisted of an
air cooled engine, water pump, heater, 1,450-gallon rubberized
fabric collapsible tank, and an accessory kit. The Air Force
procured over 2,100 A/E32U-8 units. In 1984, the Army type
classified the A/E32U-8 for urgent limited procurement of 705
units through the Air Force. After additional developmental
work, the XM17E1 unit was standardized as the M17
Lightweight Power-Driven Decontaminating Apparatus in 1987. The standardized version used a 1,580-
gallon water tank instead of the smaller version. The M17 was designed to decontaminate equipment and
personnel using either water or decontaminating agents. The personnel showers could handle up to 12
soldiers at one time. The unit was designed to draw water from any natural source and deliver it heated and
under pressure on demand. The initial deliveries of the M17 went to both the Army and Marines. After
standardization of the M17, the earlier A/E32U-8 version remained in the Army supply system as a
substitute item (Standard B). During Operation Desert Shield/Storm, the Army expedited the fielding of
the M17 to units deploying to Southwest Asia.61

XM18 Decontaminating Apparatus

In 1980, the Army attempted to improve the M12A1

Decontaminating Apparatus but then made enough changes that
the new configuration was designated the XM18 Skid Mounted
Diesel Powered Decontaminating Apparatus. As redesigned, the
XM18 consisted of a 450-gallon stainless steel
water/decontaminant tank, a pumper unit, a steam
generator/heater unit, and a utility kit containing a nozzle and
brush set, a personnel shower, combat vehicle rinse rack, terrain
spray bar, a hydrant adaptor set, and storage containers. The

XM18 could be used for decontamination of chemical and biological agents, water pumping, firefighting,
and for personnel showers. In 1985, the Army decided to terminate the development program after
experiencing problems with the experimental units and finding that the unit was too heavy and did not
perform as well as the M12A1.62

XM19 Nonaqueous Equipment Decontamination

System (NAEDS)

The XM19 Nonaqueous Equipment

Decontamination System program was initiated in 1985
for the Army and Air Force to provide a closed loop
solvent system to decontaminate small items such as
weapons, electronics, and optical sights. The NAEDS
consisted of a glove box cabinet with hand held spray
devices and a solvent distillation and condensation
purification system that recycled the solvent. There
would be two configurations of the NAEDS: a fixed site
system and a mobile system. Problems with the solvent,
a chlorofluorocarbon (freon), led to the termination of
the program in 1992.63

XM20 Nonaqueous Vehicle Decontamination

System (NAVDS)

Following the termination of the XM16

Jet Exhaust Truck Mounted Decontaminating
Apparatus in 1985, the Army initiated the XM20
Nonaqueous Vehicle Decontamination System
program. The NAVDS consisted of a jet engine
mounted on a High Mobility Multi-Purpose
Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV). The strong point
of the system was that it did not require a water
source to decontaminate equipment. Although
the hot air provided partial decontamination, the
overall performance of the NAVDS was not satisfactory in achieving complete decontamination. In 1986,
the Army canceled the program.64

M258A1 Personal Decontaminating Kit

The original M258 Personal

Decontaminating Kit, standardized in 1975, had two
major problems: the decontamination solution
bottles were either difficult to break or broke too
quickly, and the kit could not be used to
decontaminate the face. The M258A1 Personal
Decontaminating Kit, a product improvement in
1980, solved these problems by replacing the two
decontamination solution bottles and separate gauze
pads with six wipe packets holding pretreated
towelettes. There were three DECON 1 packets and
three DECON 2 packets. Although the
decontamination solutions were still poisonous and
caustic, the towelettes could be used for partial facial decontamination. The kit could also be used to
decontaminate biological agents, although soap and water was considered better. The reconfigured kit

resulted in considerable production cost savings and the initial procurement order was for three million kits.
A new training kit, without the caustic materials, was also standardized as the M58A1 Personal
Decontaminating Kit Training Aid at the same time. The caustic nature of the decontamination solutions
eventually resulted in the M258A1 kit being replaced by the M291 Skin Decontamination Kit in 1989. All
remaining M258A1 kits were ordered removed from the supply system by 1999.65

M280 Individual Equipment Decontaminating Kit (DKIE)

The M280 Individual Equipment Decontaminating Kit,

known as the DKIE, was standardized expendable in 1985. The
DKIE consisted of a squad size container holding 20 individual
packages. Each package contained two wipe packets holding
treated towelettes similar to the ones used in the M258A1 kit, one
for DECON 1 and one for DECON 2. The towelettes were
intended to decontaminate protective gloves, overboots, masks,
and equipment. They were not intended for decontaminating the
skin. The M280 kit was eventually replaced by the M295
Individual Equipment Decontamination Kit and was obsoleted in

M291 Skin Decontaminating Kit (SDK)

The U.S. Army Medical Materiel

Development Activity at Fort Detrick, MD, developed
the M291 Skin Decontaminating Kit, standardized
expendable in 1989, to replace the M258A1 Kit. The
M291 was designed to decontaminate skin by
adsorption and neutralization of toxic agents without
possible long-term harmful effects. The kit consisted
of a wallet-size carrying pouch holding six tear-open
packets. Each packet contained an applicator pad
filled with decontamination powder. Two packets
were necessary for one complete skin decontamination procedure. Initial production was for 1.5 million

THE 1990’S

Decontamination Agents

Biological Decontamination

At the end of the 20th century, the Army did

not have a standardized biological specific
decontaminant in case of a biological attack. Instead,
the Army relied on the standardized chemical
decontaminants DS2 and STB for biological
decontamination. The 1993 field manual for
decontamination also recommended using soap and
water to remove most biological agents from the skin.
An alternative was to use a weak solution of sodium
hypochlorite (household bleach). The manual listed a
number of non-standard biological decontaminants to
include: formalin (formadehyde), detrochlorite (a
mixture of diatomaceous earth, anionic wetting agent, calcium hypochlorite, and water), paracetic acid,
ethylene oxide (ETO), and carboxide (a mixture of ETO and carbon dioxide). Most of these
decontaminants had problems because they were toxic, very corrosive, or flammable.68

Decontaminating Equipment

M17A1/M17A2/M17A3 Decontaminating Apparatus

Problems with the production of the original 197 cc

engine provided with the M17 Lightweight Decontamination
System led to the Army standardizing three additional versions of
the unit in 1992. The M17A1 had the original engine but added
a 3,000-gallon collapsible tank. The M17A2 included a new
replacement 215 cc engine with a 1,500-gallon tank. The M17A3
added the new engine and the 3,000-gallon tank. Additional work
for the Marines in 2000 resulted in modifications to the engine
that allowed it to use JP 5/8 fuel, the selected “one fuel forward”
for the Marines.69

M295 Individual Equipment Decontamination Kit

The improved design of the M291 Skin Decontaminating

Kit led the Army to design the M295 Individual Equipment
Decontamination Kit to replace the M280 Individual Equipment
Decontamination Kit. The M295 was standardized in 1992 to
enhance a soldier’s ability to decontaminate his individual
equipment in the field. It consisted of a pouch holding four
individual polyester wipe-down mitts holding XE555 Resin that
absorbed the chemical agent and then neutralized it. In 1999, the

XE5555 Resin was replaced by Sorbent Powder Decontaminate, used in the newer M100 Sorbent
Decontamination System. In 2001, the pouch was replaced by a packet assembly to decrease cost and
simplify production.70

Modular Decontamination System (MDS)

One of the lessons learned during Operation

Desert Shield/Storm was the need for a more easily
deployable decontamination system that used water
more efficiently in a dry environment. To replace
labor intensive and time-consuming decontamination
systems such as the M12A1 Power Driven
Decontaminating Apparatus, the M17 Lightweight
Decontamination System, and the smaller M11 and
M13 Decontaminating Apparatus when used for detailed equipment decontamination, the Army
standardized the Joint Service Modular Decontamination System (MDS) in 1998. The MDS consisted of
one M21 Decontaminant Pumper (DP) and two M22 High-Pressure/Hot Water (HPW) module. The MDS
reduced water usage and decontaminated vehicles faster than the older systems. The M21 DP dispensed
DS2 or other field decontaminants such as formalin, household bleach, or diesel fuel through two spray
wands during the decontaminant application step of detailed equipment decontamination. Currently, the
requirement for the M21 DP was temporarily suspended by the Commandant of the U.S. Army Chemical
School due predominately to concerns over the use of DS2. The M22 HPW provided high pressure and
high volume hot or cold water and liquid detergents to physically remove dirt, mud and agents during the
initial wash step of detailed equipment decontamination and then to remove the applied decontaminant in
the rinse step. The M22 can pull water from various sources to include hydrants worldwide and natural
sources and provide personnel showers. Both the M21 and M22 can be mounted on a trailer for
transportation and operation. Additional authorized items included a 3,000-gallon collapsible water tank
for each M22 and a water pump. Designed for use by the Army’s dual-purpose smoke/chemical
companies, the MDS when mounted on trailers will be towed by the M56 Mechanized Smoke Generating
System. A mounting kit for standard Army five-ton trucks will be available in the near future. The M22
HPW can also dispense novel decontaminant solutions such as Enzyme Decontamination Solution and
Decontamination Foam.71

THE 2000’S

Decontamination Agents

Biological Decontamination for Homeland Defense

In October 2001, the need for a biological decontaminant for a bioterror attack became a critical
necessity after anthrax-laced letters were mailed to both public and private buildings in several states.
Many decontaminants were examined to remove the anthrax from the buildings, but the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency recommended chlorine dioxide gas due to its less harmful side affects. It
was successfully used to decontaminate the Hart Senate Office Building after three months of work. Liquid
chlorine was also used to further decontaminate office furniture and fixtures. To prevent future
contamination through the mail, the U.S. Postal Service began irradiating unopened letters to destroy any
additional anthrax spores.72

Decontaminating Equipment

M100 Sorbent Decontamination System (SDS)

To replace the M11 and M13 Decontaminating

Apparatus, the Army standardized the M100 Sorbent
Decontamination System (SDS) in 2002. The SDS consisted of
two packs of reactive sorbent powder and two wash mitt
applicators that eliminated the need for water and decreased the
time for chemical decontamination. The reactive sorbent
powder was both non-toxic and non-corrosive, unlike DS2, and
did not interfere with chemical agent detectors. It could also be
used at greater temperature ranges than DS2. The SDS
weighed less than the M11 and was designed to fit in the
M11’s mounting bracket.73


Decontaminating Equipment

Joint Service Sensitive Equipment Decontamination (JSSED)

The continued need for a decontamination capability for sensitive equipment, aircraft/vehicle
interiors, and shipboard equipment, while on the move, led to the Joint Service Sensitive Equipment
Decontamination (JSSED) project. The project is divided into three unique capabilities. The first
capability (Block I) is to decontaminate sensitive equipment such as avionics, electronics, and life-support
systems, without affecting operational readiness. This requirement will probably use a re-circulating
solvent system. Block II will concentrate on the decontamination of large interior storage spaces requiring
a high-output air heating system and a periodic decontamination process. Block III will concentrate on spot
decontamination while on the move. This requirement will probably be met by a solvent wash or sorbent
decontamination. The overall project should take about four years to develop.74

Joint Service Family Of Decontamination Systems (JSFDS)

The Joint Service Family of Decontamination Systems (JSFDS) will consist of a family of
decontaminants and a family of applicator systems intended to enhance force protection through personnel,
equipment, facility and area decontamination. The JSFDS will provide the Armed Services with an ability
to decontaminate fixed sites, ports of entry, airfields, ships, logistics support bases, and key command and
control centers, facilities, personnel and equipment which have been exposed to the damaging effects of
nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare agents, contaminants or toxic industrial materials. To achieve
these objectives, the JSFDS program was subdivided into four phase blocks. The Block I objective is to
acquire and field a family of commercial (“off the shelf”) and/or non-developmental item decontaminants.
This family of decontaminants will initially be used with existing fielded military applicators or, if
necessary, with commercial integral applicators. The integral applicator, if required, is an interim solution.
The Block I integral applicator will compete in the JSFDS Block II applicator procurement to become part
of the Block II solution. The focus of Block II is to field and if necessary develop a family of applicators
capable of dispensing the entire family of decontaminants regardless of form (e.g. non-aqueous, aqueous,
non-liquid). If required, containment systems will capture, store and if possible reuse hazardous runoff or
residue. The focus of Block III is to identify and field a personnel skin decontamination capability for use
on personnel, with and without open wounds. This decontaminant will require Food and Drug
Administration approval. The Block III acquisition is being conducted by the U.S. Army Medical Research
Acquisition Activity, Frederick, Maryland. The focus of Block IV is to address requirements that will be
traded-off during Blocks I, II, and III. It will also address requirements that are currently undefined by
inserting technology as it matures to the point of being cost effective.75

End Notes
Field Manual (FM) 3-5, NBC Contamination, November 17, 1993, p. Glossary-1.
J. Mankowich, et. al., Decontamination of Chemical Agents, Edgewood Arsenal Special Publication 300-
5, June 1970, 1:13; “Water,” The New Encyclopedia Britannica (Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.,
1987), 12:514-515; Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War, ed. David Grene (Chicago: The University of
Chicago Press, 1989), 133-134; FM 3-5, 1993, p. F-9.
Robert H. S. Robertson, Fuller’s Earth: A History of Calcium Montmorillonite (Hythe, Kent, U.K.:
Volturna Press, 1986), 10; “Fuller’s Earth,” McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology (New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1997), 7:542-543; “Fuller’s Earth,” The New Encyclopedia Britannica, 5:47.
Julius Grant, ed., Hackh’s Chemical Dictionary (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1965), 124;
“Calcium,” The New Encyclopedia Britannica, 2:733-734; C. H. Beebe, “Some Additional Instances of the
Early Use of Gas Warfare,” Chemical Warfare 9, no. 9 (September 15, 1923): 4; Manucy, Artillery
Through the Ages, 70; Erhard Geissler and John Ellis van Courtland Moon, eds., Biological and Toxin
Weapons: Research, Development and Use from the Middle Ages to 1945 (New York: Oxford University
Press, 1999), 15-16.
Grant, 102; Mankowich, 1:13; “Calcium,” The New Encyclopedia Britannica, 2:278-279; “Bleaching,”
Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2002 (DVD-ROM).
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Information Paper, “Fact Sheet for the Hart Senate Office
Building Cleanup,” November 20, 2001; “Chlorine Dioxide,” Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (New
York: John Wiley & Sons, 1993), 5:969-980.
Mankowich, 1:13, 20, 39; Headquarters, American Expeditionary Forces, Defensive Measures Against
Gas Attacks, Pamphlet No. 253, November 1917, 10, 34; Curt Wachtel, Chemical Warfare (Brooklyn,
N.Y.: Chemical Publishing Company, Inc., 1941), 221-222; Amos A. Fries and Clarence J. West, Chemical
Warfare (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1921), 420-421; Augustin M. Prentiss, Chemicals
in War (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1937), 574.
AEF Pamphlet No. 253, November 1917, 10, 32-33; Fries and West, 419-420; Prentiss, 571-572, 579-
Fries and West, 421-422; Prentiss, 580-581.
Chemical Warfare Technical Committee (CWTC) Minutes No. 166, July 12, 1940; Fries and West, 275-
277; Prentiss, 565; Benedict Crowell, America’s Munitions, 1917-1918 (Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, 1919), 4:178.
AEF Pamphlet No. 253, November 1917, 11, 32, 40-41; Fries and West, 420; Leo P. Brophy, Wyndham
D. Miles and Rexmond C. Cochrane, The Chemical Warfare Service: From Laboratory to Field
(Washington, D.C.: Office of the Chief of Military History, U.S. Army, 1959), 23.
Mankowich, 1:16-17; Gas Warfare Bulletin No. 8, June 15, 1918, 1.
Fries and West, 421-422; Prentiss, 579.
CWTC No. 23, September 27, 1938; CWTC No. 312, April 1 1941; CWTC No. 953, March 17, 1944;
CWTC No. 1463, October 4, 1945.
Mankowich, 1:34-36, 41, 55.
CWTC No. 23, September 27, 1938; CWTC No. 1458, October 4, 1945.
CWTC No. 23, September 27, 1938; Army Materiel Command Type Classification (AMCTC) Minutes
No. 9680, June 19, 1972; Technical Manual (TM) 3-500, Chemical Corps Equipment Data Sheets, 1961,
128-129; TM 750-5-15, Chemical Weapons and Defense Equipment, 1972, Change 3, 397; Chemical
Warfare Service, Report of Production, 1 January 1940 through 31 December 1945 (undated), 1.
CWTC No. 166, July 12, 1940.
Chemical Corps Technical Committee (CCTC) Minutes No. 2168, August 25, 1950; CCTC No. 3769,
August 15, 1960.
Mankowich, 1:39, 41.
Ibid., 1:41-55.
Ibid., 1:69-76.
CWTC No. 33, October 7, 1938; CWTC No. 487, March 17, 1942; AMCTC No. 6299, July 23, 1968;
Mankowich, 1:58, 90.

CWTC No. 953, March 17, 1944; CWTC No. 1463, October 4, 1945; CCTC No. 2174, September 1,
1950; CCTC No. 3190, February 20, 1956; Report of Production, 3.
CWTC No. 166, July 12, 1940; CWTC No. 854, December 3, 1943; CWTC No. 854, December 3, 1943;
AMCTC No. 7124, July 23, 1969.
CWTC No. 854, December 3, 1943; CCTC No. 2168, August 25, 1950; AMCTC No. 7124, July 23,
1969; TM 43-0001-26-1, Chemical Defense Equipment, 1982, p. 4-17; Leo P. Brophy, Wyndham D. Miles,
and Rexmond C. Cochrane, The Chemical Warfare Service: From Laboratory to Field (Washington, D.C.:
Office of the Chief of Military History, 1959), 92-93.
Rexmond C. Cochrane, Military Biology and Biological Warfare (Edgewood Arsenal, MD: Chemical
Corps School, 1947), 240-247; Rexmond C. Cochrane, Biological Warfare Research in the United States
(Office of the Chief Chemical Corps, 1947), 194-200; Memorandum, subj: Type Reclassification In-
Process Review for the Decontaminating Agent, Biological, BPL, 11 Jul 78.
TM 3-500, 1961, 128.
Mankowich, 1:60-62; CWTC No. 164, July 16, 1940; CWTC No. 279, November 19, 1940; CCTC No.
2084, March 17, 1950; CCTC No. 2282, February 28, 1951; TM 3-500, 1961, 120.
CWTC No. 50, August 30, 1939; CWTC No. 1466, October 4, 1945; Report of Production, 2;
Mankowich, 2:266-273.
CWTC No. 422, December 16, 1941; CCTC No. 3407, 4 Feb 58; Report of Production, 2; Makowich,
AMCTC No. 4923, September 14, 1966; AMCTC No. 8698, March 25, 1971; TM 3-500, 1961, 122;
Report of Production, 2; Mankowich, 2: 276-279.
CWTC No. 664, February 25, 1943; CCTC No. 3407, 4 Feb 58; AMCTC No. 8698, March 25, 1971;
Report of Production, 2; Mankowich, 2:279-283.
CCTC No. 1723, February 20, 1947; CCTC No. 2707, November 16, 1951; Mankowich, 1:102-105,
CWTC No. 947, March 17, 1944; CCTC No. 2168, August 25, 1950; CCTC No. 3583, June 12, 1959;
CCTC No. 3769, August 15, 1960.
CCTC No. 2174, September 1, 1950; TM 3-500, 1961, 126-127, 130; TM 750-5-15, 1972, 247; FM 3-5,
1993, p. F-2; U.S. Army Armament Research and Development Command, Laboratory Posture Report,
FY81, 10; U.S. Army Chemical Research and Development Center (CRDC), Scientific and Engineering
Accomplishments, June 1983-May 1984, 11; CRDC, Laboratory Posture Report, FY84, 14; CRDC, Annual
Historical Review, FY84, 85, and FY85, 123-125.
Chemical Corps Biological Laboratories, Seventh Annual Report (Frederick, MD: Camp Detrick, 1953),
49; FM 3-5, 1985, pp. D-7 and D-10.
CCTC No. 2531, August 25, 1950; AMCTC No. 4923, September 14, 1966; AMCTC No. 8698, March
25, 1971; AMCTC No. 9681, September 11, 1972; TM 3-500, 1961, 123.
CCTC No. 2168, August 25, 1950; CCTC No. 3583, June 12, 1959; CCTC No. 3769, August 15, 1960;
AMCTC No. 3633, July 26, 1965; AMCTC No. 7124, July 23, 1969.
CCTC No. 2449, April 24, 1952; CCTC No. 2538, September 9, 1952; AMCTC No. 5513, August 9,
CCTC No. 2811, February 12, 1954; CCTC No. 2821, April 15, 1954; CCTC No. 3407, 1958; CCTC
No. 3526, June 25, 1958.
CCTC No. 3526, June 25, 1958; AMCTC No. 5678, October 11, 1967; TM 3-500, 1961, 121.
CCTC No. 3469, July 31, 1958; AMCTC No. 4923, September 14, 1966; MSR No. 12766009, August
25, 1976; TM 3-500, 1961, 124; TM 750-5-15, 1972, 257.
CCTC No. 3801, July 28, 1960; TM 750-5-15, 1972, 245; TM 43-0001-26-1, pp. 4-3 to 4-4; FM 3-5,
1993, p. F-1; Sheldon E. Day, DS2: Development, Improvements, and Replacements, ERDEC-TR-263
(Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD: Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center, 1996), 13-
14, 19-20, 51.
CCTC No. 3756, July 15, 1960; MSR No. 04796023, April 11, 1979; TM 3-500, 1961, 131;
Memorandum, Logistics Engineering Directorate, subj: Type Reclassification In-Process Review for the
Decontaminating Agent, Biological, BPL, 11 Jul 78.
Day, 25-26.
CCTC No. 3769, August 15, 1960; AMCTC No. 3633, July 26, 1965; AMCTC No. 7124, July 23, 1969.

CCTC No. 3801, July 28, 1960; TM 750-5-15, 1972, 251; TM 43-0001-26-1, pp. 4-7 to 4-8; FM 3-5,
1993, p. A-2.
CCTC No. 3967, August 21, 1961; AMCTC No. 4923, September 14, 1966; MSR No. 04796022.
AMCTC No. 4923, September 14, 1966; MSR No. 08876013, July 23, 1987; TM 750-5-15, 1972, 254;
TM 43-0001-26-1, pp. 4-9 to 4-10.
AMCTC No. 3398, April 21, 1965; AMCTC No. 8220, November 16, 1970; TM 750-5-15, 1972, 249;
TM 43-0001-26-1, 1982, pp. 4-5 to 4-6.
MSR No. 01756042, January 8, 1975; TM 43-0001-26-1, 1982, pp. 4-11 and 8-7.
Day, 30-36; Michael H. J. Eddy, New Developments in Chemical-Biological Materiel, CRDEC-SP-
86013 (Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD: U.S. Army Chemical Research Development and Engineering
Center, 1986), 38.
Day, 36-38.
Ibid., 38-40.
Ibid., 40-51.
MSR 09836002, August 26, 1983; Eddy, 15; Historical Office, Annual Historical Review (Aberdeen
Proving Ground, MD: U.S. Army Chemical Research Development and Engineering Center, FY86), 102-
103; TM 43-0001-26-1, Change 2, 1985, p. 4-8.1; FM 3-5, 1993, p. A-2.
Paula Cummings, New Developments in Chemical-Biological Defense Materiel, ARCSL-SR-81002
(Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD: Chemical Systems Laboratory, 1981), 34; Project Task Fact Sheet, April
10, 1981; Chemical Systems Laboratory, Research and Analysis, 4th Quarter FY1981, 30.
CRDC Annual Historical Review FY85, pp. 110-111 and FY86, p. 4-94; Project Task Fact Sheet,
January 10, 1986; Earl A. Henderson, New Developments in Chemical-Biological Materiel, CRDC-SP-
84028 (Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD: Chemical Research and Development Center, 1984), 23.
Henderson, 24; CRDC Annual Historical Review, FY86, 112-113.
MSR No. 06846006, May 11, 1984; MSR No. 08876013, July 23, 1987; Albert J. Mauroni and Jacques
A. Walden, New Developments in Chemical-Biological Materiel, CRDEC-SP-032 (Aberdeen Proving
Ground, MD: U.S. Army Chemical Research, Development and Engineering Center, 1991), 13; TM 43-
0001-26-1, Change 4, 1991, p. 4-8.5; FM 3-5, 1993, p. A-3; Project Task Fact Sheet, December 10, 1986;
“CRDEC’s Support to Operation Desert Shield,” ChemNotes 34 (December 1990): 3.
CRDC Annual Historical Review, FY85, 116-117; Project Task Fact Sheet, January 10, 1986;
Cummings, 29.
Mauroni and Walden, 30; Project Task Fact Sheet, October 10, 1992.
Program Task Fact Sheet, October 10, 1986
Historical Office, Summary History [Chemical Systems Laboratory excerpt] FY80, 157-158; Laboratory
Posture Report, RCS-DRCLDC-101 (Dover, NJ: U.S. Army Armament Research and Development
Command, FY1980), 20; TM 43-0001-26-1, Change 4, 1991, p. 4-11; FM 3-5, 1993, p. A-1; Electronic
Message, CDR RIA Rock Island, IL, subj: Supply Advisory Message on M258A1 Personal
Decontaminating Kit, October 15, 1998.
MSR No. 08855001, July 23, 1985; Eddy, 16; TM 43-0001-26-1, Change 4, 1991, p. 4-10.1; Project
Task Fact Sheet, January 10, 1986.
Information Sheet, “M291 Skin Decontamination Kit,” September 28, 2001; CRDEC Annual Historical
Review, FY90, p. 4-10; TM 43-0001-26-1, Change 4, 1991, p. 4-12.1; FM 3-5, 1993, pp. 2-0 and A-1.
FM 3-5, 1993, pp. 2-1, F-1 to F-9.
MSR No. 06926019, April 30, 1992; Project Task Fact Sheet, November 10, 1992; TM 3-4230-228-10,
Change 5, 1997, p. 1-8.3; “Lightweight Decontamination System (LDS),” CB Quarterly 24 (December
2000): 23.
Information Sheet, “Decontamination Kit, Individual Equipment: M295,” October 26, 2001; Project Task
Fact Sheet, November 10, 1990; FM 3-5, 1993, p. A-2; Mauroni and Walden, 32; Information Sheets,
“M195 IED Kit,” July 15, 2002 and July 16, 2002.
Information Sheet, “Joint Service Modular Decontamination System M21 DP/M22 HPW,” October 26,
2001; “Modular Decontamination System to Enter into Army Chemical Defense Inventory,” CB Quarterly
17 (March 1999): 9.
EPA, Information Paper, “Fact Sheet for the Hart Senate Office Building Cleanup,” November 20, 2001;
EPA, Information Paper, “Anthrax Cleanup Information,” November 1, 2001; EPA, Information Paper,

“Hart Senate Office Building Decontamination Progressing,” December 3, 2001; Baltimore Sun, January 2,
2002, January 23, 2002, February 20, 2002.
Information Sheet, “Sorbent Decontamination System, M100,” October 26, 2001.
Information Sheet, “Joint Service Sensitive Equipment Decontamination (JSSED),” October 26, 2001;
“Joint Service Sensitive Equipment Decontamination,” CB Quarterly 24 (December 2000): 24-25.
Information Sheet, “Joint Service Family of Decontamination Systems (JSFDS) Program,” June 28,


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