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TM 9-1985-6 Italy
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TM 9-1985-6 Italy
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_ DEPARTHENT OF THE ARMY TECHNICAL MANUAL TM 9855 a oa OF THE AIR FORCE read. ask TQ soos, AOE a AND | FRENCH . EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE DEPARTMENTS ‘OF -FHE ARMY. nent AIR FORCE® q etait MARC” ales Baiee). eee TM 9-198526]TO_39B-KA-8 ESS FEALIAN (3° o ” “SANDS. - ] eee ' _ EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE om Wai Stas innéet Printing fee SS Wraskingion ¢ 1953of all concerned. [AG 471 (20 Feb 68)) + Orricra: . 3. LAWTON COLLINS pte etre . WM. E, BERGIN Chief of Ataf, United States Army . e . Major General, USA ‘ + v. E The Adjutant General ae ‘TM 9-1085-¢/TO 89B-1A-8 is published for th formation and guidance" ‘By onpen oF rine Srowrraffsa oF ring Anacr Aivo Tare Atm Foncn! = DEPARTMENTS OF THE ARMY : ia . ANDTHE AIR FORCE : ; ‘Wasmrnaron 23, -D. ©./:16-March 1963 i : 4 ‘ a i 7 Oreidan: HOYT S, VANDENBERG Gee tit K: E, THIEBAUD Chief of Staff, United States Air Force a Colonel, USAF na a vot act Air Adjutant General : ay Diermmyri0n} pont eee : ' Aotive Aemys 2 ae cee : ‘Tech. Sve. (1) except 8, 8 (8),9 (10) ; Teoh Sve Ba (2); AFF (2); hos 5. =» “QS Maj Comd (5) ; Base Comd (2) ; MDW (1) ; A (2) ; CHQ (2); eo Dir (2); Sch (1) except 5 (8), 9 (50)3 Dep 9 (3) ; POE (2), OSD + + “(4); PRGR 9 (3); Are 0 (1); Proo Dist 9 (1); T/0 & E 9-500, % ' + FA,FB,FO,FE,FF (1). 0 4 i > NG: None + we? ‘ Army Reserve: None: : rp : + > For explanation of distribution formula, see SR 310-00-1, : eect. align Hand and ‘Mortar Gressides. Taligs Mines and Taps . Italian Igniters French Bombs... _9.- French Bomb Fuses: 10. French Mine and Prope. French Igniters..Figure 1 - 2-kg. Anti-Personnel Bombs Types F and Mtr, ,{ Chapter 1° ITALIAN BOMBS : ; ho ~* Italian bombs clodély wpe ‘Japanese bombs jn that they aré usually fnore than one-piece in construction, Zssembled by screws or rivets, or welded. ‘The Italian bomb jis normally filled through ‘the base, whieh is closed by a base plate attached by sorews or rivets. Normally, the tail unit fits over ‘the bate plate and is atthohed to the body or the hase plate by screws or/rivets, or, in case of the smallet bombi, by ‘w considerably in their- design, but the tail diameter is usually the same as‘that of the body of the bomb to which it js attached. = +, Generally the bombs are of ‘sheet steel, but some are epristractéd of cast/aluminum alloy. In most have beén found with an alternate filling of Amatol andTNT with aluminum powder. felt pad in the . ‘nose breaks the shock of impact on the explosive filler. . The bombs conthi ating charge in the fuze! Nosmally the demolition bombs have a mild’steel casitig, while the armor-piercing bombs use hardened steal. ‘The wall thickness for the 2-kg, or large bombs rariges from 34 in| to 34 in. for’ light-oased and from }4 in. to 134 in. for heavy-cased. This thickness varies for each increasing towards the nose. - ‘Deshifitionbombe and chemical bombs, '100-kg. of lets, uavtally ‘have’ provision for tail fuzing only. "The tail fuses are screwed into the base of the bomb. _ ‘Those’ tail Yuses usually have very. long arming ayindleg which extend thé full length of; the tai). ‘The end of the botnb tail istehaped to accomniods! the aiming vanes of the fuses. In the case of 20-Kg. inceudiary tombs, the tail unit is cut to allow, the ._viuneg tobe situated half-way along the tail in order > to insure limited terminal velocity for the vanes. Nose and tail fusing ia normally used in demolition + bonibe of 160-kg. or above. ; ‘(kati-personnél bombs differ from ‘the demolition, {-botnbé in the construction: of the outer casing.” In ‘one type, the filling is enclosed in & sheet container, _Mtr., reapectively, « Z . ing. The tail units vary cases, the ‘filling is cast TNT,but a-large number - ‘a booster, and an initi- 1 Deseription on the outside of which a steel strip is wound spirally. * In another type, the filling-is contained, in » sheet- steel case which is enclosed ky a larger container. ~ ‘The space between the two containers is filled with steel fragments embedded in concrete, ‘These anti- personnel bombs are knowh as Type F and Type » Italian bombs are either painted or galvanized as ~ precaution against corrosion. ‘The colorings are usually found on the nose and the body. Distin- guishing colors are identified as follows: : Type of Bomb Fragmentation High explosive. ‘Anti-personnel 2-kg. Anti-Personnel-Bombs Types F and Mtr. - Data 7 : “Type F ‘Type Mux. « Over-all length - ~ 6.0 in, 6.0 in. | ’ Body length... 245 in..- 45-in 2.75 in. TNT 0.220 kg. £87 kg, Max. diameter Type of filling. Weight of filling. Total. weight. Fuzing ‘Tail—Type K a ® ‘Type F: The bomb consisti? of -a thin steel cylinder’ surrounded by tightly coiled spring. of Jar cross section. Injpcertain assemblies of this type, thé spring is encloged by.a, The object of the spring is to: provide shrapnel effoct. In fregmeitation;#the “bomb “usually breaks.-into pieces about 1 in. x 0.2in. x 0.18 in. The bomb bas no tail unis.ITALIAN AND FRENCH EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCI 2 ‘Type Mir: The bomb consists of tvfo cylinders of sheet metal, ‘The inner cylinder contains the explosives, apd the outer cylinder is threaded ot thé top to take'a screwed circular cover. Between __ the two cylinders ure small steel pellets embedded in conorete. Color gnd Markings Over-all color—black, Remarks 1. The bomb roay be'dropped singly or in eon~ tainers, @. g. 100 Sp. °B, These bombs are very gimilar to L-kg. ine cendiary bomb and J-kg. gas bomb. ‘ 3. ‘The bomb oan alzo be-used as a land mine by use of a pressure igniter. . e 3-kg, Anti-Personnel Bomb Type Mtr. Data 5 . Over-all length 12.1 in, Body length. 8.2 in. Body diameter. 27 im ‘Tail length 45in. ‘Tail width. 27 in. ‘Type of filling. TNT Weight of filling. 0.17 ke. i |B kg. Description 7 ‘The bomb body is thin sheet steel with a fuze adapter pressed end spot-welded into the nose, A steel central tube, 7.1 in. long and 0.078 in. thick, contains the barsting charge of block ‘TNT, re- + cessed to take the base of the fuze and the deto- nator. The space between the exploder. container, ‘and the bomb's outside wall is filled with steel fragments embédded in concrete. ‘The tail is made ‘of thin sheet metal, with four. vanes strengthened bps band 0.39 in. in width. Color and Markings Geechee Over-all—blue or black » Nose—red N, ‘e“44g, AntivPersonnel Bomb Manzolini (Thermos) : 12.8 in.» 7.3 in, 275i 0,125 in. TNT 0.67 kg. ‘Total weight. ‘Manzolini Type I and + =, This bomb, with a-ateel body-and aluminum top, / y 4 Figure 3- 4-kg. Anti-Perionnel Bomb Mansol ITALIAN BOMBS resembles a thermos bottle. The fuzes (deseribed in the fuze section) are very sensitive. The frag- ments are lethal to 100 ft., with maximum range of 300 yd: ‘ Color and Markings Over-all—buff or green Remarks 1., Bombs fitted with .self-destroying mech- anism have an aluminym alloy fuze housing (visi- ble where the fuze screws, into the bomb) * 2, Bomb does not explode on irhpact, but is designed: to explode, if moved, and is extremely sensitive to vibrationy:-‘ ITALIAN AND FRENCH EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE ve err Figure 4~ 12-kg. Ariti-Personnel Bombs Types F and Mte, 12-kg.-Anti-Personne! Bombs Types F and Mtr. Data 7 DS ‘Type Mtr. ~ $23 in, * Over-all length. ‘Tail width Typegpf Allin Weight of filling 1.93 kg. 1.90 kg: Total weight. 12.20 kg... 12.88 kg. Puig, in ‘Type'F: Nose-Type F ‘Type Mtr: Nose~Type J ¥ 4. Description : ‘Type F:: This bomb consists of a steel container around which are wound 25 turns of square steel wire, 0.2 in. thick. ‘The purpose df the wire is to provide shrapnet effect in fragmentation. ‘The tail assembly consiste of four stamped sheet+metal vanes which are spot-welded to the base of the bomb. ‘Type Mtr: This bomb is very similar to the Type F in appearance, but differs in construétion of the body. The body’ is a double-walled -steel cylinder containing steel shrapnel embedded in concrete. In manufacturing the bomb, the concrete shrapnel filling was poured .into the base of the bomb and then the tail unit was sorewed into the outer wall of the bomb. Color and Markings ‘Type F: Over-all—sky blue; nose—red ‘Type Mtr.: Oyer-all—blue or black; nose—redtie eon pe Ba gl « ieee Figure 5 - 14-kg. Fragmentation Bombs Types I and It ITALIAN BOMBS 14-kg. Eragmentation Bmbs Types I and It Data ‘Type It Over-all length. 4 2 22,1 in Body length... . 1 13.5 in. Body diameter i 42in. Well thickness 0.7 in. ‘Tail length. 6A in. Tail width_ 4.2 in. Type of filling Amatol Weight of filling 2g, Total weight. —- - Hekg. Nose—Type'l ) Deveription ) Type I: The body consists of # tubular Gteel cylinder on which the cast-steel nose and Wase sec- | tions are threaded, A square steel rire, 34 in. on the sidé, is helically wound os the body ‘The nose piece is threaded to receiyé the fuze. é base has an extemal receis and“extension rod for the tail assembly. fon consists of tivo sheet-stee! plates bent £6 ain angle of 90-degrees and held to the extengidn rod. Four pieces’ af wood, shaped to form w/truncated cone, seve as spaces for the fing, ‘Thé assembly is held by a steel pres- sure cap which threads into the extensiva rod. ‘Pype Il: "The body ig one-piece muchined steel with the nose threaded to receive the fuze, end the base ‘recessed with an extension rod for the tail assembly. In all other respects this type is sisnilac to Type I. . Color and Markings ‘Type f: Over-all=yellow; stenciled in black P30A, 7 IM-4-39 TNT t Ke ‘Type I: Over‘all—Dark olive green (paitted over yellow), Red paint marks diametrically op- posite on shoulders of nose and base. Remarks Both type resemble the U. 8. 30-1b, Fragmea~ tation Bomb Mk 5 in size and appearance.ITALIAN AND FRENCH EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE "Figure 6 — 24-kg. G.P.-H.E, Bomb 24-kg: G.P--HLE, Bomb Data Over-all length Body length 30.5 in. 19.9 in. Body diameter. 64 in. ‘Tail length. 14.8 in. Tail width_. 6.4 in. Type of filling. TNT < Weight of filling. ike. Total weight. Fuzing - ‘Tail only—Type N-1 * Description The bomb is Jight eased, with a steel body and tose in one piete, A shect-metal tail, inching a _ sheet-metal strengthening band at the end, is attached to bomb by a metal band which is clamped around the body~—Pke suspension band is bolted around the body. Color and. Markings Pver-all—grey; nose—red ” Retyarks a ‘The bomb was Tieclared obsolete by the Ttalians Lefore the end of the war. 6" Figure 7 - 40-kg: G.P.-H.E. Bomb 40-kg: G.P.-H.E. Bomb Data e - ' ‘Overall engl. B23 in. . Body length 19.7 in. Body dianretet 9.0 in.” Tail Yength-: 16.1 in Tail width 9:0 in. ‘Type of filling. TNT Weight of fitling. Unknown ‘Total weight, . 40 kg, Fitzing . Tail only—"Type N-3 Description ._ The-bomb has a steel body and nose in pne,piece. ‘The tail is of sheet-metal construction, with a strengthening band ‘at the end. .The tail unit is bolted to four square tugs ob the body Color and Markings - *Overall—grey; nose—red Remarks. * ‘This bomb is-very similar to 40-kg. gas bomb except for fillingFigure 8 - = 50-kg. G: : S0-kg. G.P-H.E, Bomb Data Over-alllength.¢ 40.5 in. Body length. 21.7 in, + Body diameter. 9.9 in. Wall thickness 0.25 in. ‘Tail length 18.4 in ‘Tail width’. 9.9 in, ‘Type of filling ‘Amato! Weight of filling. 29.20 kg. Total "weight. 59.31 kg. Fuzing Tail only—Type.C or Y Description ‘The bomb body consistelof a bese section and a nose section, both steel. Screwed into the nose is a pointed steel block, pierced to take & suspension link, ‘The tail is secured,to the base plate, which is attached to the casing with one row of screws. The tail assembly consists of four vanes, tail cone, and corrugated strengthening ring, all sheet metal. ‘The bomb ean also be suspended horizontally. Cojor and Markings f Over-all—dull blue DYTALIAN BOMBS Figure 9 - 100-kg. G.P.-H.E. Bomb* 100-kg. C.P.-H.E. Bomb Daia sictcies Over-all length .7 TTL 61.3 in. Body length. 2 82.5in. Body diameter. 210.7 in. @ = Tail length _™- ~ 22.0 in, width 222. 10.7 i oa filling TNT. Amatol of filling 506kg... 49.5 kg “Total weight. = 100 kg. (apprex.) i] only—“Type C-1 or Y-1 Description ‘The:bomb body is a drawn-steel tube to wliich is riveted a castesteel nose} piered t6 take w sus pension link. The base plate is attached to caning with two rows of screws. The tail assembly is sleet metal, consisting of dour vanes,‘ cone, and eurru- gated reinforcing ring, all Bttached to the base. The bomb can be suspended vertically or horizontally. Color and Markings "TNT filed: Over-allgrey; nose—red Amatol 6lled: Over-all—dull blue; nose—red boink. o 7ee length. * Body length.. Body dianteter- fej The bomb casing if w drawm-steel tube’ with a h cast-steel nose riveted to it. ‘The bage plate has a i double flange and is attached to the casing with a double row jof screws. A cast-alloy tail is attached to the upper flange of the bas@@plate with screws. -* + “Af lug is secured to the body neaf the center of’ , = Ovér‘all reneth, *. Bodylengéh- ‘Phe botibs have steel body and nose cat’ in + One-hjecé, with double-flanged ‘base plate’ attached by double rows’ of screws. , The caat-alloy tail is. attached to .the upper ange. The 500-kg: an 800-kg! vary, only in length and weight, rand Mii F* ITALIAN BOMBS 1,000-kg. G.P, Bomb Data Over-all length - 140 in, Body length... 94.5 in, Body diameter. ---- 20.5 in, Wall thickness 7 0.26 in, ‘Tail length. 45.5 in. ‘Tail width_ 28 in. Type of filling . TNT Weight of filing ~ Unkaown ’Total weight _ 1000 kg. z (approx.) Fuzing ‘Nowe fuze only—Unkpown Description ‘The bomb casing is made up of four pieces welded pogether: (1) the nose’ (2) a cylindrical part; (3) a ‘truncated cone; and (4) the conical purt to which the tait fina are attached. At about 30 in. frou the rear, @ steel diaphragm is welled inside the, casing to contain the main filling before Ukis point. A steel nose plug carries a steel fuze adapter, ancl both these have serrated “finges tw form seals ‘against rubber packings which are counter-suuk into the relative surfaced on the but) come plug, respectively. A steel bouster tube, abuut 17 in diameter, runs the length of the buinb;t is in- verted from the tail end, where itis serewed into the tail cone, and at the nose end it is located by’ sleeve which forms an extension to the fuse adapter, Avplug, which is drilled to take the detowatur, is soreived into the forward end of the bouster tule; there isya felt washer beneath this plug. An in * ternal plug, which is located by grub sefws, seals the booster charge at the rear. A steel plug clos the booster’ tube at the tail end. The booster tube contains penthrite, Around the booster tube and forming @ core’ tothe main Ming is a tube, 3 in. © external diameter, with a bore 2 in. diameter, this is composed of annular rings of compressed TNT about 244 in. long, Remarks - A glider attachment was used with this bomb. ‘The controls for the glider contain a gyro unit for azimuth ‘snd an airspeed unit to control the dive angle.ITALIAN AND FRENCH EXPLOSIVE isateldcatnsac -| ‘500. kg. G.P.-HLE. Time Bom ‘Teil length, _ Tail. width Type of filling. Weight of filling. ‘Total weight : 247.0 kg. Nose—Four Type J sad one Long-Delay Clock- work Nose Tail—One Long-Deley Cock work Tail Description Main body: and nose are one piece. In the nose ig a ‘centrally-located clock work fuze and provision for four additional impact fuzes. If a ‘time fuze is used, impact fuses can be made in- operative. The cast, aluminum-alloy tail is at tached to bomb by shrews, a, Color and Markings -»- fe ‘Over-all—grey; nose—red Peeeee ; Remarks A-similar bomb weighing between 800-1000 kg. is ‘thought to have been sed by the Italians. T5-kg, S.A.P) Bomb Data . Ovebal length. 31.0 in. 20.7 in’ 47 in, 13.8 ia, 83 in, TNT 5.2 kg. 15.5 kg. “The bomb is thick-walled’ with a steel body and, nose -east in one, piees,.'to which a dome-shaped ~baseys attached.” Sheet metal.tail fins are attactied to a metal band, clamped around the bey ae Color and 8 ‘ ; Overlay; noke—red
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