ROSE Sandesh: ROSE at Broederlijk Delen "India" Campaign

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ROSE Sandesh


MAY 2009

ROSE Sandesh (Message) is a newsletter of ROSE vzw, Organization Supporting Education. Sandesh meaning “Message”, would enlighten you on
the activities of ROSE in Belgium and India. Your comments on “Sandesh” are welcome and we look forward to your support - ROSE team
( [email protected])

ROSE @ Broederlijk Delen “India” Campaign

Highlights of this issue ROSE vzw participated in Sauce' along with
Broederlijk Delen promotional "Mathari" (Indian Snack) which
events which was held on 23rd was available at ROSE stall for
 ROSE events January, at Kessel-Lo and on visitors for tasting. More than
 ROSE education projects 26th January, at Wemmel. The 200 people tasted the sauce and
main theme of both the events were quite astonished with
 From ROSE office desk was to promote the Broederlijk exotic sauce taste.
Delen activities by which they
 About ROSE support Indian tribal communi- ROSE volunteer 'Divya' show
 Project in focus - ties, and to showcase the prod- cased the rich culture and tradi-
‘Parijat academy’
ucts made by these communi- tion of India by performing an ROSE infodesk in Kessel-lo, Leuven
ties. Particularly the focus was Indian classical dance called
 Upcoming events on Tamarind, an Indian native "Bharat Natyam" on 23rd Jan
plant and its products.
at Kessel-Lo. Audience appre-
More than 300 people attended ciated the dance, and particu-
these events from different larly the elegant movements
parts of Belgium. Some of them which narrate a story.
had travelled to India to sup- The event was quite successful
port Broederlijk Delen’s India for ROSE, and paved new col-
activities. There were more laboration opportunities with
stalls which were showcasing Broederlijk Delen.
the culture of India.
More info:
Inside this issue: To promote the Tamarind,
Rose prepared the 'Tamarind n=Events.BroedeerlijkDelenEvent ROSE volunteer Divya performing
Indian classical dance.
Indian Evening in 2

Mondial dag @
Belasaia 2009, Wemmel
Project site visit 2 On 21-22, February 2009, In Belasia 2009, ROSE pre-
ROSE vzw participated in the sented its education initiatives
17th annual Asian fair organ- for tribal and rural children in
ROSE in news 3 ized by Belasia vzw. BELASIA
India. ROSE volunteers cre-
is a Belgian not-for-profit or-
ganization promoting the so- ated awareness on supporting
ROSE project updates 3 education in developing coun-
cial, cultural and economic
relations with Asian countries tries. Sale of ROSE handicraft
Upcoming ROSE events 4 and their inhabitants in Bel- bags and T-shirts generated Infodesk of ‘Childwellness’, our
gium. financial contributions! partner organization.

“Indian Evening” in Leuven with NZ Studenten

ROSE vzw co-hosted the ROSE, in addition to its ex-
“Indian evening” on 18th tended info desk on education
March 2009 at Pangaea, Leu- projects, hosted more than six
ven, in collaboration with the workshop themes like Indian
Noord-Zuid Student group of languages, Indian food, educa-
Leuven and Broderlijk Delen. tion, religion, Indian dress and
The evening started with a talk Indian currency.
Spicy Indian food in traditional & discussion with Mr. Debjeeth
banana leaf.
from “Living farms” India. Fol- Volunteers answered curious
lowing this, guests attended questions like “Why Indians keep
different workshops giving a tilak in forehead?”. The work- Demonstration on wearing Indian
feel about the diverse faces of shops were quiet interactive to ‘Saree’
India. gain insight on the Indian lan-
The Noord-Zuid student group guages, Bindhi's and the Indian Indian?" , guests name written
organized a quiz on India and dress wear. An “India quiz” in different Indian languages
also offered Indian lassi and included take home messages and surprise for the quiz were
Chai(tea), with recipes. like "Do Indians speak Hindu or highlights.

‘Namaste’- Hello!
Mondial Dag @ St.Mic hielsinstituut, Keerbergen
Demonstration on making In- St.Michielsinstituut High Delen and ROSE. The students
dian tattoos or henna was of- school in Keerbergen organized had 24 workshops on India and
fered in conjunction with trials a Global day on "India", in enjoyed a Indian lunch pre-
of Indian saree's and Kurthas. cooperation with Broederlijk pared by ROSE.
Some dared to get dressed in
Sarees and Kurthas and posed
for dazzling pictures. Also, the
guests seemed enthusiastic in
"Why Indians keep bindhi trying the different colors of
in their forehead?", Bindhi and knowing its tradi-
"Do Indians speak Hindu tion. ONLINE pictures:
or Indian?"
n=Events.NoordZuidMar2009 ROSE Info desk @SMIKS Indian lunch @ Mondial dag

Education projects: Site visit of Tr ibal sc hool, Wayanad

The Vivekananda Residen- ning costs and teachers sala- tracking from Leuven.
tial Tribal School, Wayanad, ries of the school from The latest site visit was
was established in 2002 by 2008-’09. The School today made in Jan 2009 by San-
Wayanad Girijana Seva provides nourishment, deep, ROSE volunteer and
A day at Wayanad tribal school -
Trust, a not-for-profit or- clothing, residence and edu- the school’s growth reflects
lessons & mid-day lunch
ganization based in Wayanad cation to 140 children from in increase student atten-
district of Kerala, India. The the Kurichya, Kadar, Ku- dance in tribal region.
school seeks to be a home to ruma and Paniya tribes.
the tribal children in For the close evaluation Current needs of the tribal
Wayanad district. during the project execution school (Wayanad): ONLINE
Following Jan 2008 site visit period, two independent
by our volunteer, ROSE site visits were conducted in

started supporting the run- addition to regular progress

ROSE in news
Lighting up their Lives still doesn’t have electricity, solar lanterns to rural schools
‘Hindustan Times’, Mumbai, but his school now has a few across India for free, with fi-
January 26, 2009 solar lanterns — solar- nancial support from ROSE
powered lamps with a power and other organizations. This
storage device — that allows it has enabled 16,000 under-
Suman Sakharam is a 10-year-
to conduct classes after sunset. privileged children to pursue
old tribal boy in Madhya After long day at work, chil-
“Earlier, the school would shut their studies in evening
Pradesh’s Khandwa district dren study under an oil lamp
at 6 pm. But now, thanks, to schools. at evening schools.
(India). Till three months ago,
the solar lantern, it functions
he would spend the day graz-
till 8 pm. This means I can Read the full interview
ing cows. This meant he could
finish my work and then ONLINE:
not attend his local school,
study,” said Sakharam.
which shut at 6 pm. His village

had no electricity, and so, the n=News.NewsOnRoseJan2009NEF

Benefactor: Chetan Singh So-
school gave over at sunset.
lanki, co-founder of ROSE and
currently assistant professor,
Now, he does both. His village
IIT Bombay, has provided 540 Solar lamps at evening schools facili-
tates a littlle better learning!

Project updates
Street Children shine celled with good grades. fully functional and caters to “”Earlier, the school
in three languages Siragu (wings) school project rural student. The library has
caters to 350+ deprived street would shut at 6 pm.
The children from Siragu been setup near the local gov-
(wings) project, who have been children, who are first genera-
ernment school and is open for But now, thanks, to the
tion school goers. ONLINE:
learning ‘English’ and five hours a day. ROSE fund- solar lantern, it
‘Tamil’ (local native lan-

guage), have taken one extra

n=Projects.2009-Suyam-Chennai ing included primary school functions till 8 pm.
step. ‘Hindi’ the prominent books, story books, novels, This means I can finish
Indian language, has been intro- Deobhog Library engineering books etc. This
duced in the II grade (primary) ROSE sponsored a library to rural library would also help
my work and then
curriculum. Deobhog, a village in the cen- students to prepare for various study”
All students who appeared in tral state of Madhya Pradesh, competitive exams. ONLINE:
the exams conducted by the India. This library is currently
National language school ex-

From ROSE office desk….

In the first quarter of 2009, new projects in need. ted the 2008 account state-
ROSE monthly volunteer ments and first quarter
 On 5 Apr 09, a workshop
meeting was organized four VAT filing to Finance min-
by the cooperation team
times. Meeting agenda in- istry, Belgium .
documented potential co-
cluded discussion on different
operation partners and  As a vzw working on South
work packages like projects,
necessary action points. projects, ROSE repre- ROSE Annual Report 2008
cooperation & funding, finance, is ready!
Deadlines for provincial sented in cooperation
events, etc.
and regional funding in meetings organized in
 A project workshop on 8 Belgium was inventoried. Flemish parliament,
Mar 2009, reviewed active Vlaams Brabant and 4de
 The finance team submit- PAGE 3
projects, and also discussed pijler.

Tervuursevest 21, Bus 201 ROSE vzw is a volunteer organization based in Leu-
30001 - Leuven, Belgium ven, Belgium with the objective of giving a helping
hand to less-privileged children in rural India. ROSE
Phone: +32 484 425 036 was established in 2001 as a VZW organization
E-mail: [email protected] (Registration Nr 0474.242.896) with the objective of
“Education for all”. Accordingly, ROSE raises funds
by holding a variety of fund-raising activities and util-
Donations above € 30 are tax izes these funds to improve the infrastructure in
schools that are in need.
deductable in Belgium, Netherlands,
Germany, Switzerland & Great Britain. Interested to contribute?
Big impact @ little cost  Attend ROSE events, join ROSE as volunteer.
Sponsor a child’s education, by making a
 Organize solidarity events/workshops to benefit
regular monthly contribution ~€ 10-15! ROSE educational projects.
IBAN: BE73 9795 4450 5360
 Help in translation with your Dutch & French flu-
More donation info:
Feel free to contact us: [email protected]

Projects in Focus / Upcoming events!

Project in Focus Upcoming Events
‘Parijat Academy’ is a ac- ROSE @ City festivals
tive ROSE project in the Visit our infodesk at city
northwestern Indian state of festivals for more info on
Assam. ROSE.
Parijat Academy offers free  Wereldfeest Bruul, Leu-
education to a wide range of ven on Saturday, 30 Sale of Indian accessories @ROSE events
under privileged children in May ‘09
the rural region of Pamohi
near Guwahati, Assam.  Ottertrotter festival Tiv-
oli park, Mechelen on
Did you know? Sunday, 28 June ‘09
To support salary of one ROSE event: BBQ
teacher for a month in Parijat
is equal to a meal for two  ROSE along with its part-
ner VZW Childwellness
people in Belgium!
would be holding a BBQ
Avg. teacher salary per in Broechem-Ranst on
month = 1500 INR = 23 € Saturday, 19 September
2009. All are welcome!
More info on ‘Parijat Academy’: [email protected]

Special thanks to our translation group, who have been quite generous in sparing their valuable time for ROSE activities.
- ROSE team ([email protected])
ROSE – An Organisation for
Supporting Education
BTW BE 0474.242.896 ROSE vzw
[email protected] Tervuursevest 21/201 B-3001 Leuven, Belgium

rekeningnummer 979-5445053-60
IBAN: BE73 9795 4450 5360 /BIC: ARSPBE22
(Vanaf € 30/ jaar wordt een fiscaal attest afgeleverd in BE, NL, DE, CH, UK)
More info: [email protected]

(te bezorgen aan uw financiële instelling)

Ja, ik wens onderwijs projecten van ROSE te sponsoren.

Ik geef daarom de toelating om, vanaf .... / .... / 20....,

 een bedrag van € 15 / maand (gemiddelde maandelijkse kosten voor een

kind op school in India)

 of een bedrag van € . . . . . / maand

van mijn rekeningnummer:.......................................................... over te

schrijven, ten voordele van rekeningnummer 979-5445053-60 van:
ROSE vzw
Tervuursevest 21/201
B-3001 Leuven, Belgium.

IBAN: BE73 9795 4450 5360


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“Bridging the Gap through Education”

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