A This section shall be read closely with Section 15961 (FACILITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) (FMS). This section specifies the equipment in each individual building. Section 15961 (FMS) is for the integration of all buildings of this project. Supplier of the equipment in this section shall seek approval from the FMS contractor. Contractor shall closely coordinate with FMS contractor and obtain his written approval for all equipment, software, installation and testing. .B The Contractor shall furnish and install a complete: Building management system including all necessary hardware and all operating and applications software necessary to perform the control sequences of operation, security functions and lighting control functions as called for in this specification or as shown on the drawings. The system shall include and incorporate the following building subsystems into a single-seat, fully integrated automation system for the building: HVAC Control and Monitoring as describe in Section 15970 HVAC Control System Security and Card Access as describe in Section 16783 Security System Photo Badging as describe in Section 16783 Security System Lighting Control and other KNX/ EIB controls as describe in Section16503 Guest Room Control and Section 16145 Lighting Control Devices Digital Video Surveillance as describe in Section 16783 Security System Fire Alarm Monitoring and Smoke Management as describe in Section 16721 Fire Alarm System The BMS contractor can bid and supply all the system or part of the systems. The BMS shall be able to seamlessly integrate other Vendor system. All the systems have been specified to be open system and (BACnet BTL Listed system) (BTL means BACnet test laboratories) . Contractor shall coordinate and approve other vendor product to be integrated to the BMS. Open systems like KNX, DALI, Modbus, M-bus shall have BTL certified gateway or IP router. For system like fire alarm security, a BACnet gateway shall be accepted without violation of the particular system code requirement. .D Each of the above mentioned system shall be priced separately as guided by the specification and Bill of Quantities
15960-1 Building Management System
.E .F
The integration of all the system is part of the scope of the BMS contractor. All HVAC automation components of the system workstations, application controllers, unitary controllers, etc. shall communicate using the native BACnet protocol, as defined by ASHRAE Standard 135-2001and ISO 16484-3, 2005. No gateways shall be used for communication to HVAC controllers furnished under this section. At a minimum, provide controls for the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Air handling units and fan coil units Return air fans Exhaust and supply fans Parking ventilation fans Kitchen ventilation fans Chilled water system including pumps, chillers, and cooling towers. Coordinate with chiller supplier to provide (CHILLER PLANT MANAGER). Chiller Control applies only for chiller plant building. Heat exchangers and pumps Boilers including hot water pumps Computer room air handling units Refrigerant leak detection system Smoke evacuation sequence of AHUs and return fans including smoke control dampers and fire command override panel. Variable volume and constant volume box control. Cabinet unit heater controls Monitoring points for packaged equipment such as emergency generators, air compressors, electric meter, water meters and chiller (s). Integrate all power equipment provided with electronic control and metering units, these units have been specified to have BACnet or MODBUS interface. All functions as noted on the Input/ Output table appended to this volume as an Appendix and as shown on drawings. Power wiring to DDC devices, smoke control dampers and BMS panels. Wiring shall be coordinated with the general building contractor under BMS supervision.
16. 17.
DESCRIPTION OF WORK .A Except as otherwise noted, the Building Management System shall consist of all Ethernet Network Controllers, Standalone Digital Control Units, workstations, software, sensors, transducers, relays, valves, dampers, damper operators,
15960-2 Building Management System
control panels, card readers, video cameras, power supplies, door locks, and other accessory equipment, along with a complete system of electrical interlocking wiring to fill the intent of the specification and provide for a complete and operable system. Except as otherwise specified, provide operators for equipment such as dampers if the equipment manufacturer does not provide these. Coordinate requirements with the various Contractors. .B The BMS contractor shall review and study all Integrated System drawings and the entire specification to familiarize himself with the equipment and system operation and to verify the quantities and types of dampers, operators, readers, cameras, alarms, etc. to be provided. This section shall coordinate and supervise the installation of pressure taps, flow meters, piping wells, valves, automatic dampers, air flow measuring devices and all devices furnished by this section. Installation of automatic control dampers and air flow measuring station shall be under Section 15891 and installation of wells, flow meters and automatic valves shall be under Section 15100. All interlocking, wiring and installation of control devices associated with the equipment listed below shall be provided under this Contract. When the BMS system is fully installed and operational, the BMS Contractor and representatives of the Owner will review and check out the system. At that time, the BMS contractor shall demonstrate the operation of the system and prove that it complies with the intent of the drawings and specifications. Provide services and manpower necessary for commissioning of system in coordination with the HVAC Contractor, Electrical Contractor, Balancing Contractor and Owners representative.
WORK BY OTHERS .A The BMS Contractor shall cooperate with other contractors performing work on this project necessary to achieve a complete and neat installation. To that end, each contractor shall consult the drawings and specifications for all trades to determine the nature and extent of others work. The Mechanical Contractor shall install all control valves, sensor wells, flow meters, flow measuring stations and other similar equipment provided by the BMS contractor. The BMS Contractor shall provide field supervision to the designated contractor for the installation of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. .D Automatic control dampers. Fire/smoke dampers. Blank-off plates for dampers that are smaller than duct size. Sheet metal baffle plates to eliminate stratification.
The Electrical Contractor shall provide: 1. All power wiring to motors, heat trace, junction boxes for power to BMS and security panels.
15960-3 Building Management System
Furnish duct smoke detectors and wire to the building fire alarm system, HVAC Contractor to mount devices, BMS Contractor to hardwire to fan shut down. Auxiliary contact (pulse initiator) on the electric meter for central monitoring of kWH and kW. Electrical Contractor shall provide the pulse rate for remote readout to the BMS. BMS contractor to coordinate this with the electrical contractor. All power wiring to all smoke damper actuators for smoke control sequence. All power wiring to all lighting circuits.
4. 5. .E 1.4
BMS contractor shall supply and install his specialized system wiring and conduit. The general building contractor shall provide builder works only.
QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDER .A .B .C All bidders must be integrated systems contractors in the business of installing building automation systems for a minimum of 3 years. All bidders must have a service and installation office in the [city name] area. All bidders must be authorized distributors or branch offices of the manufacturers specified, and shall have an established working relationship with the Control System Manufacturer of not less than three years. The Installer shall have successfully completed Control System Manufacturer's configuration, programming, and service classes on the integrated control system. The Installer shall present for review the certification of completed training, including the hours of instruction and course outlines upon request. All products used in this installation shall be new, currently under manufacture, and shall be applied in similar installations for a minimum of 2 years. This installation shall not be used as a test site for any new products unless explicitly approved by the Engineer in writing. Spare parts shall be available for at least 5 years after completion of this contract.
.F 1.5
EXTENDED SERVICE CONTRACT .A Submit the cost of the service contract for years 2 through 5 after contract award.
CODES AND STANDARDS .A All work, materials, and equipment shall comply with the rules and regulations of all codes and ordinances of the local, state, and federal authorities. Such codes, when more restrictive, shall take precedence over these plans and specifications. As a minimum, the installation shall comply with the current editions in effect 30 days prior to receipt of bids of the following codes: 1. 2. EN/ISO 16484 all parts, Building Automation and Controls (BMS) ASHRAE Standard 135-2001 BACnet A data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks.
15960-4 Building Management System
If the drawings and/or specifications are in conflict with governing codes, the Contractor shall submit a proposal with appropriate modifications to the project to meet code restrictions. If this specification and associated drawings exceed governing code requirements, the specification will govern. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all necessary construction permits and licenses. All equipment or piping used in conditioned air streams, spaces or return air plenums shall comply with NFPA 90A Flame/Smoke/Fuel contribution rating of 25/50/0 and all applicable building codes or requirements. All smoke dampers shall be rated in accordance with UL 555S or approved equal.
.D 1.7
Performance Standards. The integrated system shall conform to the following: .A .B .C Graphic Display. The system shall display a graphic with 20 dynamic points with all current data within 10 seconds. Graphic Refresh. The system shall update a graphic with 20 dynamic points with all current data within 8 seconds. Object Command. The maximum time between the command of a binary object by the operator and the reaction by the device shall be less than 2 seconds. Analog objects should start to adjust within 2 seconds. Object Scan. All changes of state and change of analog values will be transmitted over the high-speed network such that any data used or displayed at a controller or workstation will have been current within the previous 60 seconds. Alarm Response Time. The maximum time from when an object goes into alarm to when it is annunciated at the workstation shall not exceed 10 seconds. When the alarm is dialed out by modem, this value shall not exceed 20 seconds. Access Event Response Time. The maximum time from when a card reader sees a valid or invalid card read to when it is annunciated at the workstation shall not exceed 10 seconds. Program Execution Frequency. Custom and standard applications shall be capable of running as often as once every 5 seconds. The Contractor shall be responsible for selecting execution times consistent with the mechanical process under control. Performance. Programmable HVAC controllers shall be able to execute DDC PID control loops at a selectable frequency of at least once per second. The controller shall scan and update the process value and output generated by this calculation at this same frequency. Multiple Alarm Annunciation. All workstations on the network must receive alarms within 5 seconds of each other. Reporting Accuracy. The system shall report all values with an end-to-end accuracy as listed or better than those listed in Table 1.
.I .J
Stability of Control. Control loops shall maintain measured variable at set point within the tolerances listed in Table 2
Table 1: Reporting Accuracy Measured Variable Space Temperature Ducted Air Outside Air Dew Point Water Temperature Delta-T (water and/or air) Relative Humidity Water Flow Airflow (terminal) Reported Accuracy 0.5C [1F] 0.5C [1F 1.0C [2F] 1.5C [3F] 0.5C [1F] 0.15C[0.25F] 5% RH 5% of full scale 10% of full scall (see Note 1)
Airflow (measuring stations) 5% of full scale Airflow (pressurized spaces) 3% of full scale Air Pressure (ducts) Air Pressure (space) Water Pressure Electrical (A, V, W, Power factor) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Note 1: 10%-100% of scale Note 2: For both absolute and differential pressure Note 3: Not including utility-supplied meters Table 2: Control Stability and Accuracy Controlled Variable Air Pressure Control Accuracy 50 Pa [0.2" w.g.} 3 Pa [0.01" w.g.]
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25 Pa [0.1 "W.G.] 3 Pa [0.01 "W.G.] 2% of full scale (see Note 2) 5% of reading (see Note 3)
5% of reading 50 ppm
Range of Medium 0-1.5 kPa [0-6" w.g.] -25 to 25 Pa [-0.1 to 0.1" w.g.]
Building Management System
Space Temperature 1.0C [2.0F] Duct Temperature Humidity Fluid Pressure 1.5C [3.0F] 5% RH 10 kPa [1.5 psi] 0-1 MPa [1-150 psi]
250 Pa [1.0" w.g.] 0-12.5 kPa [0-50"w.g.] differential 1.8 SUBMITTALS .A Contractor shall provide shop drawings and other submittals on all hardware, software, and installation to be provided. No work may begin on any segment of this project until submittals have been reviewed and approved for conformity with the design intent. All shop drawings shall be prepared in AutoCAD release 12 or higher software. In addition to the drawings, the Contractor shall furnish a CD containing the identical information. Drawings shall be A0 size or as approved on site. Shop drawings shall include a riser diagram depicting locations of all controllers and workstations, with associated network wiring. Also it should include individual schematics of each mechanical system and security system showing all connected points with reference to their associated controller. Typical will be allowed where appropriate. Submittal data shall contain manufacturer's data on all hardware and software products required by the specification. Valve, damper, air flow station and VAV schedules shall indicate size, configuration, capacity and location of all equipment. Contractor must provide manufacturers Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) for workstation software and every controller model that are installed. When manufacturer's cut sheets apply to a product series rather than a specific product, the data specifically applicable to the project shall be highlighted or clearly indicated by other means. Each submitted piece of literature and drawings shall clearly reference the specification and/or drawing that the submittal is to cover. General catalogs shall not be accepted as cut sheets to fulfill submittal requirements. Software submittals shall contain narrative descriptions of sequences of operation, program listings, point lists, a complete description of the graphics, reports, alarms and configuration to be furnished with the workstation software. Information shall be bound or in a three ring binder with an index and tabs. Submit five (5) copies of submittal data and shop drawings to the Engineer for review prior to ordering or fabrication of the equipment. The Contractor prior to submitting shall check all documents for accuracy. The Engineer will make corrections, if required, and return to the Contractor. The Contractor will then resubmit with the corrected or additional data. This procedure
15960-7 Building Management System
shall be repeated until all corrections are made to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the submittals are fully approved. .I .J Submittals shall be provided within 8 weeks of contract award. Within one month of contract award, provide a schedule of the work indicating the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .K 1.9 Intended sequence of work items. Start dates of individual work items. Duration of individual work items. Planned delivery dates for major material and equipment and expected lead times. Milestones indicating possible restraints on work by other trades or situations.
Provide monthly written status reports indicating work completed, revisions to expected delivery dates, etc. An updated project schedule shall be included.
PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS: Upon completion of installation, submit three copies of record (as-built) documents. The documents shall be submitted for approval prior to final completion and shall include: .A Project Record Drawings. These shall be as-built versions of the submittal shop drawings. One set of CD ROM media including CAD drawing files also shall be provided. Testing and Commissioning Reports and Checklists. Completed versions of all reports and checklists, along with all trend logs, used to meet the requirements of Part 3: Control System Demonstration and Acceptance. Certification of the pressure test required in Part 3: Control Air Tubing. Operation and Maintenance (O & M) Manual. This shall include as-built versions of the submittal product data. In addition to the information required for submittals, the O & M manual shall include: 1. 2. Names, addresses, 24-hour telephone numbers of Contractors installing equipment, the control systems and service representatives of each. Operators Manual with procedures for operating the control systems, including logging on/off, alarm handling, producing point reports, trending data, overriding computer control, changing set points and other variables. One set of Programming Manuals with a description of the programming language (including syntax), statement descriptions (including algorithms and calculations used), point database creation and modification, program creation and modification, and use of the editor. Engineering, Installation, and Maintenance Manual(s) that explain how to design and install new points, panels, and other hardware; preventive
15960-8 Building Management System
.C .D
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maintenance and calibration procedures; how to debug hardware problems; and how to repair or replace hardware. 4. A listing and documentation of all custom software created using the programming language, including the set points, tuning parameters, and object database. One set of magnetic/optical media containing files of the software and database also shall be provided. One set of magnetic/optical media containing files of all color graphic screens created for the project. A list of recommended spare parts with part numbers and suppliers. Complete original issue documentation, installation, and maintenance information for all third-party hardware provided, including computer equipment and sensors. Complete original issue diskettes for all software provided, including operating systems, programming language, operator workstation software, and graphics software. Licenses, guarantee, and warranty documents for all equipment, software and systems. Recommended preventive maintenance procedures for all system components, including a schedule of tasks (inspection, cleaning, calibration, etc.), time between tasks and task descriptions.
5. 6. 7.
9. 10.
TRAINING The BMS Contractor shall provide both on-site and classroom training to the Owners representative and maintenance personnel per the following description: .A On-site training shall consist of a minimum of (40) hours of hands-on instruction geared at the operation and maintenance of the systems. The curriculum shall include 1. 2. System Overview System Software and Operation a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. System access Software features overview Changing setpoints and other attributes Adding and editing personnel records Alarm operation Scheduling Editing programmed variables Displaying color graphics
15960-9 Building Management System
i. j. k. 3. 4. .B .C
Operational sequences including start-up, shutdown, adjusting and balancing. Equipment maintenance.
Classroom training will include a minimum of (1) training slot for two weeks of course material covering workstation operation and controller programming. The Contractor shall provide a course outline for all training classes at least six weeks prior to the first class. The Engineer may modify any or all of the training courses outline to meet the needs of the Owner. Review and approval by the Engineer shall be completed at least three weeks prior to the first class.
WARRANTY .A The integrated system contractor shall warrant the system for 12 months after system acceptance and beneficial use by the owner. During the warranty period, the integrated system contractor shall be responsible for all necessary revisions to the software as required to provide a complete and workable system consistent with the letter and intent of the Sequence of Operation section of the specification. The Contractor shall respond to the Owner's request for warranty service within 24 hours during normal business hours. Updates to the manufacturers software shall be provided at no charge during the warranty period. The Contractor shall not be required to warrant reused devices, except for those which have been rebuilt and/or repaired. The Contractor shall warrant all installation labor and materials and demonstrate that all reused devices are in operable condition at the time of Engineers acceptance.
.B .C .D
PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .E The Building Management System (BMS) shall encompass the HVAC control system, electronic access control and security system, lighting control system, the video surveillance and recording system. The BMS shall also interoperate with the fire alarm system to annunciate alarms and perform smoke management functions. The BMS shall be controlled through a single graphical, web-based operator interface that allows for instant access to any sub-system through a standard browser. Systems requiring two or more different PC workstations are unacceptable. HVAC Control The BMS workstation and HVAC controllers shall be designed in strict accordance with ASHRAEs BACnet standard, 135-2001, to provide interoperability between
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different building subsystems. The system shall use BACnet MS/TP for field and will use BACnet TCIP network types for management level network and will use BACnet protocols exclusively. The contractor must provide PC-based programming workstations, operator workstations and microcomputer controllers of modular design providing distributed processing capability. Contractor must provide manufacturers Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) for workstation software and every controller model that are installed. .G Access Control See Section 16783 Security System .H Card Holder Management and Enrollment See Section 16783 Security System .I Digital Video Management See Section 16783 Security System. .J Lighting Control See Section 16503 Guest Room Control and Section 16145 Lighting Control Devices .K Fire Alarm Interface The system shall monitor all alarm points from the sites fire alarm system and early warning smoke detection system, and provide secondary fire annunciation to the central workstations. When practical, the system shall monitor the fire alarm values through a serial interface to the fire panel. When a serial interface is used, the system shall provide for all conditions of each alarm point alarm, normal, trouble, fault and reset. Fire alarms shall take priority over other alarms in the system, and at the central workstation, shall automatically display a graphic panel of the site when triggered. .L Smoke Management When a fire alarm or early warning smoke detection alarm is triggered, the system shall perform all necessary fan shutdown and smoke management procedures as appropriate for the site. .M For this project the system shall consist of the following top-level components: 1. Administration and Programming Workstation(s). The BMS Contractor shall furnish Administration and Programming Workstation Computers and printer(s) as indicated on drawings and as described in Part 2 of the specification. These workstations must be running the standard workstation software developed and tested by the manufacturer of the network controllers and the standalone controllers. No third party front-end workstation software will be acceptable. Workstations must conform to the B-OWS BACnet device profile. The workstations must communicate to the Network Controllers through Ethernet 10/100mbps. Workstations that communicate using RS232 or RS 485/422 are
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unacceptable. One workstation shall also be designated as the Photo Imaging workstation and be equipped with card printer, camera and accessories as described later. If this building is part of a bigger site with central BMS, FMS, then this programming workstation is part of the higher level. See Section 15961 FMS 2. Web-Based Operator Workstations The BMS Contractor shall furnish licenses for 3 concurrent users to the BMS system. Web-based users shall have access to all system points and graphics, shall be able to receive and acknowledge alarms, and shall be able to control setpoints and other parameters. If required, a central web server shall be provided to manage the web-based users. The web-based interface must conform to the B-OWS BACnet device profile. 3. Ethernet-based HVAC Network Router and/or Controller(s). The BMS Contractor shall furnish Ethernet-based HVAC network controllers as described in Part 2 of the specification. These controllers will connect directly to the Operator Workstation over Ethernet, using the BACnet/IP protocol at a minimum of 100mbps, and provide communication to the Standalone Digital Control Units and/or other Input/Output Modules. Network Controllers shall conform to BACnet device profile B-AAC. Network controllers that utilize RS232 serial communications or ARCNET to communicate with the workstations will not be accepted. HVAC Network Controllers shall be tested and certified by the BACnet Testing Laboratory (BTL) as Advanced Application Controllers (B-AAC). 4. Standalone Digital Control Units (SDCUs). Provide the necessary quantity and types of SDCUs to meet the requirements of the project for mechanical equipment control including air handlers, central plant control and terminal unit control. Each SDCU will operate completely standalone, containing all of the I/O and programs to control its associated equipment. Each SDCU shall conform to the BACnet device profile B-AAC. SDCUs shall be tested and certified by the BACnet Testing Laboratory (BTL) as Advanced Application Controllers (B-AAC). 2.2 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE .N General The Building Management System (BMS) shall consist of a two-tiered system, an upper-level Ethernet TCP/IP network and a twisted-pair field bus based on BACnet MS/TP. All field bus communications must be routed through Ethernetbased Network Controllers or Routers, and not directly through PC workstations or servers. The contractor shall provide all communications media, connectors, repeaters, hubs and routers necessary for a complete system.
The system shall include Administration and Programming Workstations (APWs), Web-based Operator Workstations (WOWs), and one File Server to support system configurations where more than three operator workstations are required. The BMS shall provide control, alarm detection, scheduling, reporting and information management for the entire facility, and Wide Area Network (WAN) if applicable, using a single MS-SQL database. Level 1 Network Description: Level 1, the main backbone of the system, shall be an Ethernet 10/100bT or higher LAN/WAN, using BACnet/IP as the communications protocol. Network Router/Controllers, DVRs, NVR, Card Access Network Controllers, Operator Workstations, and the Central File Server shall connect directly to this network without the need for Gateway devices. Up to 1,000,000 devices (workstations, controllers, video recorders, etc.) can be connected to this backbone. For detail of the project network, refer to section 16715 and 16716 of this specification. The same unified network shall be used for BMS.
Level 2 Network Description: Level 2 of the system shall consist of one or more BACnet MS/TP field buses managed by the Network Router/Controllers. Minimum speed shall be 76.8kbps. The Level 2 field bus consists of an RS485, token passing bus that supports up to 127 Standalone Digital Control Units (SDCUs) for operation of HVAC equipment and others. The use of ARCNET, LONworks, RS232 serial communications, or BACnet Ethernet for this network is prohibited. Dial-Up (RAS) Connectivity: The BMS shall also be capable of managing remote systems via standard dial-up phone lines as a standard component of the software. Front-end add-on software modules to perform remote site communication will not be allowed. Communication services over the network shall result in operator interface and value passing that is transparent to the network architecture as follows: 1. Connection of an operator interface device to any one controller on the network will allow the operator to interface with all other controllers as if that interface were directly connected to the other controllers. Data, status information, reports, system software, custom programs, etc., for all controllers shall be available for viewing and editing from any one controller on the network. All database values (e.g., objects, software variables, custom program variables) of any one controller shall be readable by any other controller on the network. This value passing shall be automatically performed by a controller when a reference to a object name not located in that controller is entered into the controller's database. An operator/ installer shall not be required to set up any communication services to perform network value passing.
The time clocks in all controllers shall be automatically synchronized daily via the network. An operator change to the time clock in any controller shall be automatically broadcast to all controllers on the network. BMS LAN Segmentation: The BMS shall be capable of being segmented, through software, into multiple local area networks (LANs) distributed over a wide area network (WAN), sharing a single SQL file server. This enables workstations to
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manage a single LAN (or building), and/or the entire system with all devices being assured of being updated by and sharing the most current database. In the case of a single workstation system, the workstation shall contain the entire database with no need for a separate file server. .V Standard Network Support: All NRCs, Workstation(s) and File Server shall be capable of residing directly on the owners Ethernet TCP/IP LAN/WAN with no required gateways. Furthermore, the NRCs, Workstation(s) and File Server shall be capable of using standard, commercially available, off-the-shelf Ethernet infrastructure components such as routers, switches and hubs. With this design the owner may utilize the investment of an existing or new enterprise network or structured cabling system. This also allows the option of the maintenance of the LAN/WAN to be performed by the owners Information Systems Department as all devices utilize standard TCP/IP components. System Expansion: The BMS system shall be scalable and expandable at all levels of the system using the same software interface, and the same Level 1 and Level 2 controllers. Systems that require replacement of either the workstation software or field controllers in order to expand the system shall not be acceptable. The BMS shall be capable of controlling 200,000 output points. The system shall be capable of expanding to 200 workstations. Additional web-based operator licenses shall added in the field through an upgrade of the web servers security key, with no re-programming required. The system shall use the same application programming language for all levels: Operator Workstation, Network Router/Controller, and Standalone Digital Control Unit. Furthermore, this single programming language shall be used for all applications. Support for Open Systems Protocols: All HVAC hardware and software included under this section shall conform to ASHRAE standard 135-2001, to promote interoperability between building subsystems. Additionally, the BMS design must include solutions for the integration of the following open systems protocols: LonTalk, Modbus, and digital data communication to third party microprocessors such as chiller controllers, fire panels and variable frequency drives (VFDs). The system shall also provide the ability to program custom ASCII communication drivers, that will reside in a BACnet Gateway, for communication to third party systems and devices. These drivers will provide real time monitoring and control of the third party systems. Once programmed, these data points shall be monitored and controlled in exactly the same manner as native BMS data points.
.X .Y
OPERATOR WORKSTATION REQUIREMENTS .BB General See Section 15961 FMS. Each building requires only a BMS terminal depending on the overall FMS. For the building provide one web-based user license as minimum, or as indicated on drawings.
All workstation software both programming and software and web-based operator software, shall conform to the BACnet B-OWS device profile, using BACnet/ I{ to communicate to other BACnet devices. .CC The workstation configuration shall be as minimum: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. .DD 3 GHz Intel Core 2 processor with 2GB of RAM Microsoft Windows XP operating system Serial port, parallel port, USB port 10/100MBPS Ethernet NIC 250 GB hard disk CD-RW drive High resolution (minimum 1280 x 1024), 17 flat panel TFT display Optical mouse and full function keyboard Audio sound card and speakers License agreement for all applicable software.
Web-Based Operator PC Requirements Any user on the network can access the system, using the following software: 1. 2. 3. Windows 2000/XP or above Internet Explorer 6.0 and above Java-enabled
Modem Provide one Windows XP-compatible 56 Kbaud modem for dial-in diagnostics.
Printer Provide an alarm printer and a separate report/graphics printer. The alarm printer shall be an Epson dot matrix or equivalent and the report printer shall be a blackand-white HP LaserJet.
Web-based Operator Software Day-to-day operation of the system shall be accessible through a standard web browser interface, allowing technicians and operators to view any part of the system from anywhere on the network. Access to the system must be available from a dial-in connection over the Internet.
Graphic Displays The browser-based interface must share the same graphical displays as the Administration and Programming Workstations, presenting dynamic data on site layouts, floor plans, and equipment graphics. The browsers graphics shall support commands to change set points, unlock doors, enable/disable equipment and start/stop equipment. The graphic shall also be able to display live video from any camera on the system. Through the browser interface, operators must be able to navigate through the entire system, and change the value or status of any point in any controller. Changes are effective immediately to the controller, with a copy stored in the system database.
Alarm Management Through the browser interface, a live alarm viewer identical to the alarm viewer on the Administration and Programming workstation shall be presented, if the users password allows it. Users must be able to receive alarms, silence alarms, and acknowledge alarms through a browser. If desired, specific operator text must be able to be added to the alarm record before acknowledgement.
Groups and Schedules Through the browser interface, operators must be able to view pre-defined groups of points, with their values updated automatically. Through the browser interface, operators must be able to change schedules change start and stop times and add new times to a schedule.
Personnel Management Through the browser interface, operators must be able to add access control personnel records, delete personnel records, add and remove area privileges and view the stored image of the person.
Video Management Through the browser interface, operators must be able to view live and recorded video from any digital video recorder or network video recorder on the network. The interface must offer an easy method to select the camera to view, and for recorded video, must offer selections for start and stop time when searching video clips.
Access Reports Through the browser interface, operators must be able to create and view reports of access events and access privileges. Reports must be available based on start and stop time, door, area, and person. Invalid attempts must be color-coded red in the report. Provide hot links to the respective personnel records within the report.
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History Reports
Through the web browser interface, operators must be able to call up graphical reports of historical values over time such as temperature, humidity and any other logged value in the system. The reporting function must also provide graphical reports for analysis of non-analog information such as the alarm log, event log and activity log examples are a graph of the top 10 alarmed points over a certain period of time, traffic counts for each door over time, workstation activity displayed per workstation. 8. User Accounts and Audit Trail The same user accounts shall be used for the browser interface and for the operator workstations. Operators must not be forced to memorize multiple passwords. All commands and user activity through the browser interface shall be recorded in the systems activity log, which can be later searched and retrieved by user, date, or both. .HH BACnet Network Router/Controllers (NRCs) 1. General Network Controllers shall combine both network routing functions and control functions into a single unit. NRCs shall route communications between the BACnet/IP network and the BACnet MS/TP field network. They may also be responsible for monitoring and controlling their own HVAC equipment such as an AHU or boiler. A sufficient number of NRCs shall be supplied to fully meet the requirements of this specification and the attached point list. Each NRC shall be classified as a native BACnet device, supporting the BACnet Advanced Application Controller (B-AAC) profile. Controllers that support a lesser profile such as B-SA are not acceptable. NRCs shall be tested and certified by the BACnet Testing Laboratory (BTL) as Advanced Application Controllers (B-AAC). 2. Hardware Specifications
Memory: Both the operating system of the controller, plus the application program for the controller, shall be stored in non-volatile, flash memory. Controllers shall contain enough memory for the current application, plus required history logging, plus a minimum of 20% additional free memory.
Communication Ports: Each NRC shall provide communication to both the Workstation(s) and the field buses. An on-board 10/100bT Ethernet port shall be provided, as well as a RS-485 port for communications to a maximum of 127 MS/TP devices. All TCP/IP settings, including IP address, default gateway and subnet mask, shall be stored in nonvolatile memory.
Local Status Indicator Lamps: Provide as a minimum LED indication of CPU status, Ethernet LAN status and field bus status. For each output, provide LED indication of the value of the output (On/Off). For each output module provide an LED which gives a visual indication of whether any outputs on the module are manually overridden.
Real Time Clock (RTC): Each NRC shall include a battery-backed, real time clock, accurate to 10 seconds per day. The RTC shall provide the following: time of day, day, month, year, and day of week. The system shall automatically correct for daylight savings time and leap years and be Year 2000 compliant.
Power Supply: The power supply for the NRCs shall be auto sensing, 10-28VDC and 24VAC, 60/50 Hz power, with a tolerance of +/- 20%. Line voltage below the operating range of the system shall be considered outages. The controller shall contain over voltage surge protection, and require no additional AC power signal conditioning.
Automatic Restart after Power Failure: Upon restoration of power after an outage, the NRC shall automatically and without human intervention, update all monitored functions, resume operation based on current, synchronized time and status and implement special start-up strategies as required.
Battery backup: The NRC shall include an on-board lithium battery to back up the controllers RAM memory. The battery shall have a shelf life of over 10 years, and provide accumulated backup of all RAM and clock functions for at least 3 years. In the case of a power failure, the NRC shall first try to restart from the RAM memory. If that memory is corrupted or unusable, then the NRC shall restart itself from its application program stored in its flash memory.
Software Specifications
General The NRC shall contain flash memory to store both the resident operating system AND the application software. There will be no restrictions placed on the type of application programs in the system. Each NRC shall be capable of parallel processing, executing all control programs simultaneously. Any program may affect the operation of any other program. Each program shall have the full access of all I/O facilities of the processor. This execution of control function shall not be interrupted due to normal
user communications including interrogation, program entry, printout of the program for storage, etc.
User Programming Language: The application software shall be user programmable. This includes all strategies, sequences of operation, control algorithms, parameters, and setpoints. The source program shall be English language-based and programmable by the user. The language shall be structured to allow for the easy configuration of control programs, schedules, alarms, reports, telecommunications, local displays, mathematical calculations, passwords, and histories. The language shall be self-documenting. Users shall be able to place comments anywhere in the body of a program. Program listings shall be configurable by the user in logical groupings.
Controllers that use a canned program method will not be accepted. 4. Control Software: The NRC shall have the ability to perform the following pre-tested control algorithms: a. Proportional, Integral plus Derivative Control (PID) Self Tuning PID Two Position Control Digital Filter Ratio Calculator Equipment Cycling Protection Mathematical Functions: Each controller shall be capable of performing basic mathematical functions (+, -, *, /), squares, square roots, exponential, logarithms, Boolean logic statements, or combinations of both. The controllers shall be capable of performing complex logical statements including operators such as >, <, =, and, or, exclusive or, etc. These must be able to be used in the same equations with the mathematical operators and nested up to five parentheses deep. b. Energy Management Applications: NRCs shall have the ability to perform any or all of the following energy management routines:
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Time of Day Scheduling Calendar Based Scheduling Holiday Scheduling Temporary Schedule Overrides
15960-19 Building Management System
Optimal Start Optimal Stop Night Setback Control Enthalpy Switchover (Economizer) Peak Demand Limiting Temperature Compensated Duty Cycling CFM Tracking Heating/Cooling Interlock Hot/Cold Deck Reset Free Cooling Hot Water Reset Chilled Water Reset Condenser Water Reset Chiller Sequencing
History Logging: Each controller shall be capable of LOCALLY logging any input, output, calculated value or other system variable over user defined time intervals ranging from 1 second to 1440 minutes. Any system can be logged in history. A minimum of 1000 values shall be stored in each log. Each log can record either the instantaneous, average, minimum or maximum value of the point. Logged data shall be downloadable to the Operator Workstation for long term archiving based upon user-defined time intervals, or manual command.
Alarm Management: For each system point, alarms can be created based on high/low limits or conditional expressions. All alarms will be tested each scan of the NRC and can result in the display of one or more alarm messages or reports. Up to 8 alarms can be configured for each point in the controller. Alarms will be generated based on their priority. A minimum of 255 priority levels shall be provided. If communication with the Operator Workstation is temporarily interrupted, the alarm will be time-stamped and buffered in the NRC. When communications return, the alarm will be transmitted to the Operator Workstation if the point is still in the alarm condition. Alarms must be capable of being routed to any BACnet workstation that conforms to the B-OWS device profile and uses the BACnet/IP protocol.
Web Server Interface The Network Controller/Router shall include a built-in web server, such that all point values may be viewed and controlled from a standard browser environment. Custom web pages, passwordprotected, must be able to be stored within the network controller for access by technicians for troubleshooting and maintenance. Each web page may be configured as dynamic, with an automatic refresh rate.
Local Keypad/Display: For each NRC, provide a local display of at least 4 lines, providing current display of all critical inputs and outputs that the NRC is controlling. Provide a keypad such that an operator can log on, scroll through point values, and change setpoints that are changeable. The keypad/display must be capable of being mounted either on the controller, or on a control panel door.
Standalone Digital Control Units (SDCUs) 1. General: Standalone Digital Control Units shall provide control of HVAC, including air handling units, rooftop units, variable air volume boxes, unit ventilators, FCU and other mechanical equipment. Each controller shall be fully programmable, contain its own control programs and will continue to operate in the event of a failure or communication loss to its associated NRC. Each SDCU provided must be a native BACnet device, supporting the BACnet Advanced Application Controller (B-AAC) profile. Controllers that support a lesser profile such as B-SA are not acceptable. SDCUs shall be tested and certified by the BACnet Testing Laboratory (BTL) as Advanced Application Controllers (B-AAC). 2. Memory: Both the operating system of the controller, plus the application program for the controller, shall be stored in non-volatile, flash memory. Controllers shall contain enough memory for the current application, plus required history logging, plus a minimum of 20% additional free memory. 3. Communication Ports: SDCUs shall have a RS-485 communication port to the BACnet MS/TP field bus, operating at a speed of at least 19.2kbps. 4. Input/Output: Each SDCU shall have enough inputs and outputs to meet the applications required point count. Each SDCU shall support universal inputs, whereas any input may be software-defined as: Digital Inputs for status/alarm contacts Counter Inputs for summing pulses from meters.
15960-21 Building Management System
Thermistor Inputs for measuring temperatures in space, ducts and thermowells. Analog inputs measurements. for pressure, humidity, flow and position
SDCUs must support both digital and analog output types: 5. Digital Outputs for on/off equipment control. Analog Outputs for valve and damper position control and capacity control of primary equipment.
Expandability: For larger controllers (16 base inputs and up), provide input and output expansion through the use of plug-in modules. At least two I/O modules must be capable of being added to the base SDCU.
Hardware Override Switches: All digital outputs on air handling unit controllers shall include three position manual override switches to allow selection of the ON, OFF, or AUTO output state. These switches shall be built into the unit and shall provide feedback to the controller so that the position of the override switch can be obtained through software. In addition each analog output on air handling unit controllers shall be equipped with an override potentiometer to allow manual adjustment of the analog output signal over its full range, when the 3 position manual override switch is placed in the ON position.
Room Sensor Support: The SDCU shall support a basic room thermistor in plain plastic cover; a room sensor with override and setpoint adjust slider; and a sensor with a one-line display and 6-button keypad. The display sensor shall be able to display the current temperature, setpoint, outside air temperature, relative humidity and setpoint, occupancy mode and CFM of the individual zone.
Networking: Each SDCU will be able to exchange information on a peer to peer basis with other Standalone Digital Control Units, according to the BACnet MS/TP protocol. Each SDCU shall be capable of storing and referencing global variables (on the LAN) with or without any workstations online. Each SDCU shall be able to have its program viewed and/or enabled/disabled through a workstation connected to an NRC.
Indicator Lamps: SDCUs will have as a minimum, LED indication of CPU status, and field bus status.
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All SDCUs shall have a real time clock in either hardware or software. The accuracy shall be within 10 seconds per day. The RTC shall provide the following information: time of day, day, month, year, and day of week. Each SDCU shall receive a signal, every hour, over the network from the NRC, which synchronizes all SDCU real time clocks. 11. Automatic Restart After Power Failure: Upon restoration of power, the SDCU shall automatically and without human intervention, update all monitored functions, resume operation based on current, synchronized time and status, and implement special start-up strategies as required. 12. Battery Back Up: All SDCUs shall store all programming in non-volatile flash memory. All SDCUs except terminal controllers shall include an on-board lithium battery to back up the controllers RAM memory. The battery shall have a shelf life of over 10 years, and provide accumulated backup of all RAM and clock functions for at least 3 years. In the case of a power failure, the SDCU shall first try to restart from the RAM memory. If that memory is corrupted or unusable, then the SDCU shall restart itself from its application program stored in its flash memory. 13. Software - General. The SDCU shall contain flash memory to store both the resident operating system AND the application software. There will be no restrictions placed on the type of application programs in the system. Each SDCU shall be capable of parallel processing, executing all control programs simultaneously. Any program may affect the operation of any other program. Each program shall have the full access of all I/O facilities of the processor. This execution of control function shall not be interrupted due to normal user communications including interrogation, program entry, printout of the program for storage, etc. 14. User Programming Language: The application software shall be user programmable, using the same language as that defined for Network Router/Controllers. Controllers that use a canned program method will not be accepted. Control Software, Mathematical Functions and Energy Management Applications must be identical to that which is provided with the Network Router/Controller. 15. History Logging: Each controller shall be capable of LOCALLY logging any input, output, calculated value or other system variable over user defined time intervals ranging from 1 second to 1440 minutes. Any system can be logged in history. A minimum of 1000 values shall be stored in each log. Each log can record either the instantaneous, average, minimum or maximum value of the point. Logged data shall be downloadable to the Operator
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Workstation for long term archiving based upon user-defined time intervals or manual command. 16. Alarm Management: For each system point, alarms can be created based on high/low limits or conditional expressions. All alarms will be tested each scan of the SDCU and can result in the display of one or more alarm messages or reports. Up to 8 alarms can be configured for each point in the controller. Alarms will be generated based on their priority. A minimum of 255 priority levels shall be provided. If communication with the Operator Workstation is temporarily interrupted, the alarm will be time-stamped and buffered in the controller. When communications return, the alarm will be transmitted to the Operator Workstation if the point is still in the alarm condition. Alarms must be capable of being routed to any BACnet workstation that conforms to the B-OWS device profile and uses the BACnet/IP protocol. 17. Air Handler Controllers AHU Controllers shall conform to the BACnet Advanced Application Controller (B-AAC) device profile. AHU Controllers shall be capable of meeting the requirements of the sequence of operation found in the Execution portion of this specification and for future expansion. AHU Controllers shall support all the necessary point inputs and outputs as required by the sequence and operate in a standalone fashion. AHU Controllers shall be fully user programmable to allow for modification of the application software. A manual override switch shall be provided for all digital and analog outputs on the AHU Controller. The position of the switch shall be monitored in software and available for operator displays and alarm notification.
Local Keypad/Display: For each air handler SDCU, provide a local display of at least 4 lines, providing current display of all critical inputs and outputs that the SDCU is controlling. Provide a keypad such that an operator can log on, scroll through point values, and change setpoints that are changeable. The keypad/display must be capable of being mounted either on the controller, or on a control panel door.
VAV Terminal Unit Controllers VAV Controllers shall conform to the BACnet Advanced Application Controller (B-AAC) device profile. VAV shall be BTL certified VAV Terminal Unit Controllers shall support, but not be limited to the control of the following configurations of VAV boxes to address current requirements as described in the Execution portion of this specification, and for future expansion:
a. b. c. d. e.
Single Duct Cooling Only Single Duct Cooling with Reheat (Electric or Hot Water) Fan Powered (Parallel or Series) Dual Duct (Constant or Variable Volume) Supply/Exhaust
VAV Controllers for single duct applications will come equipped with a built-in actuator for modulation of the air damper. The actuator shall have a minimum torque rating of 35 in.-lb., and contain an override mechanism for manual positioning of the damper during startup and service. VAV Controllers shall contain an integral velocity sensor accurate to +/5% of the full range of the boxs CFM rating. Each controller shall perform the sequence of operation described in Part 3 of this specification, and have the capability for local time of day scheduling, occupancy mode control, after hours operation, lighting control, alarming, and trending. VAV Controllers shall be able to communicate with any other Standalone Digital Control Unit on the same MS/TP field bus. BMS contractor shall coordinate with VAV boxes manufacturer at an early stage to guarantee proper operation. 19. Unitary Controllers Unitary Controllers shall conform to the BACnet Advanced Application Controller (B-AAC) device profile. Unitary Controllers shall support, but not be limited to, the control of the following systems as described in the Execution portion of this specification, and for future expansion:
a. b. c. d.
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Unit Ventilators Heat Pumps (Air to Air, Water to Water) Packaged Rooftops Fan Coils (2 or 4 Pipe)
15960-25 Building Management System
The I/O of each Unitary Controller shall contain the sufficient quantity and types as required to meet the sequence of operation found in the Execution portion of this specification. In addition, each controller shall have the capability for local time of day scheduling, occupancy mode control, after hour operation, lighting control, alarming, and trending. Unitary Controllers shall be able to communicate with any other Standalone Digital Control Unit on the same MS/TP field bus. 20. FCU Themostat The FCU Thermostat/Controller shall have the following minimum feature:
a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.
BACnet Communication port. One, two, three speed fan Damper actuator or actuated valve (Modulating on/off) Electric duct heater (Modulating on/off) On/OFF BTL certified Modern look on wall Icon driven information Celsius or Fahrenheit scale selectable
BACnet Gateway to Third-Party Devices 1. General: Where required, provide a BACnet Gateway to interface to non-BACnet open systems that use the Modbus protocol, KNX/ EIB protocol, DALI protocol, M-BUS protocol or other proprietary protocol. The Gateway shall communicate directly over Ethernet TCP/IP, and shall use the BACnet/IP protocol to communicate with a BACnet Workstation (B-OWS). Systems that use a PC to act as a gateway are not acceptable. 2. Communication Ports: In addition to its on-board Ethernet port, the Gateway shall have at least two serial communications ports for interfaces to third-party systems. 3. Memory: The Gateway shall have enough RAM memory to store all point configuration data, plus required history logging and alarm buffering. Minimum RAM shall be 8MB. The operating system of the gateway must be stored in flash non-volatile memory.
User Programming Language: The Gateway shall employ the same user programmable application software that NRCs and SDCUs use. Control Software, Mathematical Functions, and Energy Management Applications must be identical to that which is provided with the Network Router/Controller. Gateways that do not have an application programming language will not be accepted.
History Logging: Each Gateway shall be capable of LOCALLY logging any input, output, calculated value or other system variable over user defined time intervals ranging from 1 second to 1440 minutes. Any system can be logged in history. A minimum of 1000 values shall be stored in each log. Each log can record either the instantaneous, average, minimum or maximum value of the point. Logged data shall be downloadable to the Operator Workstation for long term archiving based upon user-defined time intervals, or manual command.
DDC Sensors and Point Hardware 1. Temperature Sensors a. All temperature devices shall use precision thermistors accurate to +/- 1 degree F over a range of 30 to 230 degrees F. Space temperature sensors shall be accurate to +/- .5 degrees F over a range of 40 to 100 degrees F. Standard space sensors shall be available in an off white enclosure for mounting on a standard electrical box. Where manual overrides are required, the sensor housing shall feature both an optional sliding mechanism for adjusting the space temperature setpoint, as well as a push button for selecting after hours operation. Where a local display is specified, the sensor shall incorporate either an LED or LCD display for viewing the space temperature, setpoint and other operator selectable parameters. Using built in buttons, operators shall be able to adjust setpoints directly from the sensor. Duct temperature sensors shall incorporate a thermistor bead embedded at the tip of a stainless steel tube. Probe style duct sensors are useable in air handling applications where the coil or duct area is less than 14 square feet. Averaging sensors shall be employed in ducts which are larger than 14 square feet. The averaging sensor tube must contain at least one thermistor for every 3 feet, with a minimum tube length of 12 feet.
b. c.
Immersion sensors shall be employed for measurement of temperature in all chilled and hot water applications as well as refrigerant applications. Thermal wells shall be brass or stainless steel for non-corrosive fluids below 250 degrees F and 300 series stainless steel for all other applications. A pneumatic signal shall not be allowed for sensing temperature.
h. 2.
Humidity Sensors a. Humidity devices shall be accurate to +/- 5% at full scale for space and +/- 3% for duct and outside air applications. Suppliers shall be able to demonstrate that accuracy is NIST traceable. Provide a hand held field calibration tool that both reads the output of the sensor and contains a reference sensor for ongoing calibration.
Pressure Sensors a. Air pressure measurements in the range of 0 to 10 water column will be accurate to +/- 1% using a solid-state sensing element. Acceptable manufacturers include Modus Instruments and Mamac. Differential pressure measurements of liquids or gases shall be accurate to =/- 0.5% of range. The housing shall be Nema 4 rated.
b. 4.
Current and KW Sensors a. Current status switches shall be used to monitor fans, pumps, motors and electrical loads. Current switches shall be available in solid and split core models, and offer either a digital or an analog signal to the automation system.
Flow Sensors a. b. Provide an insertion vortex flowmeter for measurement of liquid, gas or steam flows in pipe sizes above 3 inches. Install the flow meter on an isolation valve to permit removal without process shutdown.
Control Valves 1. Provide automatic control valves suitable for the specified controlled media (steam, water or glycol). Provide valves which mate and match the material of the connected piping. Equip control valves with the actuators of required input power type and control signal type to accurately position the flow control element and provide sufficient force to achieve required leakage specification. Control valves shall meet the heating and cooling loads specified and close off against the differential pressure conditions within the application. Valves should be sized to operate accurately and with stability from 10 to 100% of the maximum design flow.
15960-28 Building Management System
3. 4. .MM
Trim material shall be stainless steel for steam and high differential pressure applications. Electric actuation should be provided on all terminal unit reheat applications.
Dampers 1. Automatic dampers, furnished and installed by the HVAC Contractor shall be single or multiple blade as required and specified in Section 15891 HVAC Ductwork. Dampers are to be installed under the supervision of the BMS Contractor. All blank-off plates and conversions necessary to install smaller than duct size dampers are the responsibility of the Sheet Metal Contractor. For high performance applications, control dampers will meet or exceed the UL Class I leakage rating. Provide opposed blade dampers for modulating applications and parallel blade for two position control.
2. 3. .NN
Damper Actuators Damper actuators shall be electronic, and shall be direct coupled over the shaft, without the need for connecting linkage. The actuator shall have electronic overload circuitry to prevent damage. For power-failure/safety applications, an internal mechanical, spring return mechanism shall be built into the actuator housing. Non-spring return actuators shall have an external manual gear release to allow positioning of the damper when the actuator is not powered. BACnet damper actuators are recommended.
Airflow Measuring Stations 1. 2. Provide a thermal anemometer using instrument grade self heated thermistor sensors with thermistor temperature sensors. The flow station shall operate over a range of 0 to 5,000 feet/min with an accuracy of +/- 2% over 500 feet/min and +/- 10 ft/min for reading less than 500 feet/min. The output signal shall be linear with field selectable ranges including 0-5 VDC, 0-10VDC and 4-20 mA.
PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES .A General Installation of the Building Management System shall be performed by the Contractor or a subcontractor. However, all installation shall be under the personal supervision of the Contractor. The Contractor shall certify all work as proper and complete. Under no circumstances shall the design, scheduling,
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coordination, programming, training, and warranty requirements for the project be delegated to a subcontractor. .B Demolition Remove controls which do not remain as part of the Building Automation and Controls System, all associated abandoned wiring and conduit, and all associated pneumatic tubing. The Owner will inform the Contractor of any equipment which is to be removed that will remain the property of the Owner. All other equipment which is removed will be disposed of by the Contractor. .C Access to Site Unless notified otherwise, entrance to building is restricted. No one will be permitted to enter the building unless their names have been cleared with the Owner or the Owners Representative. .D Code Compliance All wiring shall be installed in accordance with all applicable electrical codes and will comply with equipment manufacturer's recommendations. .E Cleanup At the completion of the work, all equipment pertinent to this contract shall be checked and thoroughly cleaned, and all other areas shall be cleaned around equipment provided under this contract. 3.2. WIRING, CONDUIT, AND CABLE .A All wire will be copper and meet the minimum wire size and insulation class listed below: Wire Size 12 Gauge 14 Gauge Std. 18 Gauge Std. 18 Gauge Std. Per Mfr. Isolation Class 600 Volt 600 Volt 300 Volt 300 volt Per Mfr.
Wire Class Power Class One Class Two Class Three Communications .B .C .D
Power and Class One wiring may be run in the same conduit. Class Two and Three wiring and communications wiring may be run in the same conduit. Where different wiring classes terminate within the same enclosure, maintain clearances and install barriers per the National Electric Code. Where wiring is required to be installed in conduit, EMT shall be used. Conduit shall be minimum 1/2 inch galvanized EMT. Set screw fittings are acceptable for dry interior locations. Watertight compression fittings shall be used for exterior locations and interior locations subject to moisture. Provide conduit sealoff fitting where exterior conduits enter the building or between areas of high temperature/moisture differential.
Flexible metallic conduit (max. 3 feet) shall be used for connections to motors, actuators, controllers, and sensors mounted on vibration producing equipment. Liquid-tight flexible conduit shall be use in exterior locations and interior locations subject to moisture. Junction boxes shall be provided at all cable splices, equipment termination, and transitions from EMT to flexible conduit. Interior dry location J-boxes shall be galvanized pressed steel, nominal four-inch square with blank cover. Exterior and damp location JH-boxes shall be cast alloy FS boxes with threaded hubs and gasketed covers. Where the space above the ceiling is a supply or return air plenum, the wiring shall be plenum rated. Teflon wiring can be run without conduit above suspended ceilings. EXCEPTION: Any wire run in suspended ceilings that is used to control outside air dampers or to connect the system to the fire management system shall be in conduit. Fiber optic cable shall include the following sizes; 50/125, 62.5/125 or 100/140. Only glass fiber is acceptable, no plastic. Fiber optic cable shall only be installed and terminated by an experienced contractor. The BMS contractor shall submit to the Engineer the name of the intended contractor of the fiber optic cable with his submittal documents.
.H .I .J
HARDWARE INSTALLATION .A Installation Practices for Wiring 1. 2. All controllers are to be mounted vertically and per the manufacturers installation documentation. The 120VAC power wiring to each Ethernet or Remote Site controller shall be a dedicated run, with a separate breaker. Each run will include a separate hot, neutral and ground wire. The ground wire will terminate at the breaker panel ground. This circuit will not feed any other circuit or device. A true earth ground must be available in the building. corroded or galvanized pipe, or structural steel. Do not use a
3. 4.
Wires are to be attached to the building proper at regular intervals such that wiring does not droop. Wires are not to be affixed to or supported by pipes, conduit, etc. Conduit in finished areas, will be concealed in ceiling cavity spaces, plenums, furred spaces and wall construction. Exception; metallic surface raceway may be used in finished areas on masonry walls. All surface raceway in finished areas must be color matched to the existing finish within the limitations of standard manufactured colors. Conduit, in non-finished areas where possible, will be concealed in ceiling cavity spaces, plenums, furred spaces, and wall construction. Exposed conduit will run parallel to or at right angles to the building structure.
7. 8. 9. .B
Wires are to be kept a minimum of three (3) inches from hot water, steam, or condensate Vpiping. Where sensor wires leave the conduit system, they are to be protected by a plastic insert. Wire will not be allowed to run across telephone equipment areas.
Installation Practices for Field Devices 1. 2. Well-mounted sensors will include thermal conducting compound within the well to insure good heat transfer to the sensor. Actuators will be firmly mounted to give positive movement and linkage will be adjusted to give smooth continuous movement throughout 100 percent of the stroke. Relay outputs will include transient suppression across all coils. Suppression devices shall limit transients to 150% of the rated coil voltage. Water line mounted sensors shall be removable without shutting down the system in which they are installed. For duct static pressure sensors, the high pressure port shall be connected to a metal static pressure probe inserted into the duct pointing upstream. The low pressure port shall be left open to the plenum area at the point that the high pressure port is tapped into the ductwork. For building static pressure sensors, the high pressure port shall be inserted into the space via a metal tube. Pipe the low pressure port to the outside of the building.
3. 4. 5.
Enclosures 1. For all I/O requiring field interface devices, these devices where practical will be mounted in a field interface panel (FIP). The Contractor shall provide an enclosure which protects the device(s) from dust, moisture, conceals integral wiring and moving parts. FIPs shall contain power supplies for sensors, interface relays and contactors, and safety circuits. The FIP enclosure shall be of steel construction with baked enamel finish, NEMA 1 rated with a hinged door and keyed lock. The enclosure will be sized for twenty percent spare mounting space. All locks will be keyed identically. All wiring to and from the FIP will be to screw type terminals. Analog or communications wiring may use the FIP as a raceway without terminating. The use of wire nuts within the FIP is prohibited. All outside mounted enclosures shall meet the NEMA-4 rating. The wiring within all enclosures shall be run in plastic track. Wiring within controllers shall be wrapped and secured.
15960-32 Building Management System
2. 3.
5. 6.
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Identification 1. Identify all control wires with labeling tape or sleeves using either words, letters, or numbers that can be exactly cross-referenced with as-built drawings. All field enclosures, other than controllers, shall be identified with a bakelite nameplate. The lettering shall be in white against a black or blue background. Junction box covers will be marked to indicate that they are a part of the BMS system. All I/O field devices (except space sensors) that are not mounted within FIP's shall be identified with name plates. All I/O field devices inside FIP's shall be labeled.
3. 4. 5. .E
Existing Controls and Security Devices. Existing controls and devices which are to be reused must each be tested and calibrated for proper operation. Existing controls which are to be reused and are found to be defective requiring replacement, will be noted to the Owner. The Owner will be responsible for all material and labor costs associated with their repair.
Control System Switch-over 1. Demolition of the existing control system will occur after the new temperature control system is in place including new sensors and new field interface devices. Switch-over from the existing control system to the new system will be fully coordinated with the Owner. A representative of the Owner will be on site during switch-over. The Contractor shall minimize control system downtime during switchover. Sufficient installation mechanics will be on site so that the entire switch-over can be accomplished in a reasonable time frame.
Location 1. 2. 3. 4. The location of sensors, card readers and cameras is per mechanical, electrical and architectural drawings. Space humidity or temperature sensors will be mounted away from machinery generating heat, direct light and diffuser air streams. Card readers will be mounted on the wall adjacent to the door being controlled. Outdoor air sensors will be mounted on the north building face directly in the outside air. Install these sensors such that the effects of heat radiated from the building or sunlight is minimized.
5. 3.4.
Field enclosures shall be located immediately adjacent to the controller panel(s) to which it is being interfaced.
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION .A General. The Contractor shall provide all labor necessary to install, initialize, start-up and debug all system software as described in this section. This includes any operating system software or other third party software necessary for successful operation of the system. .B Database Configuration. The Contractor will provide all labor to configure those portions of the database that are required by the points list and sequence of operation. .C Color Graphic Displays. Unless otherwise directed by the owner, the Contractor will provide color graphic displays as depicted in the project drawings for each system and floor plan. For each system or floor plan, the display shall contain the associated points identified in the point list and allow for setpoint changes as required by the owner. .D Reports. The Contractor will configure a minimum of 6 HVAC reports for the owner as listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Central Plant Status Report Air Handler Status Report VAV Status Report Energy Consumption Report Space Temperature Report Specialty Equipment Status Report
The Contractor will also configure a minimum of 10 Security reports for the owner as listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .E Access Events, by time, by department, by door Alarm Events, by date and by priority Personnel, by name, by department, by card number, by expiration status Door Status Area / Door / personnel cross reference reports
As built software documentation will include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3.5. Descriptive point lists Application program listing Application programs with comments. Printouts of all reports. Alarm list. Printouts of all graphics
COMMISSIONING AND SYSTEM STARTUP .A Point to Point Checkout. Each I/O device (both field mounted as well as those located in FIPs) shall be inspected and verified for proper installation and functionality. A checkout sheet itemizing each device shall be filled out, dated and approved by the Project Manager for submission to the owner or owners representative. .B Controller and Workstation Checkout. A field checkout of all controllers and front end equipment (computers, printers, modems, etc.) shall be conducted to verify proper operation of both hardware and software. A checkout sheet itemizing each device and a description of the associated tests shall be prepared and submitted to the owner or owners representative by the completion of the project. .C System Acceptance Testing 1. All application software will be verified and compared against the sequences of operation. Control loops will be exercised by inducing a setpoint shift of at least 10% and observing whether the system successfully returns the process variable to setpoint. Record all test results and attach to the Test Results Sheet. Test each alarm in the system and validate that the system generates the appropriate alarm message, that the message appears at all prescribed destinations (workstations or printers), and that any other related actions occur as defined (i.e. graphic panels are invoked, reports are generated, etc.). Submit a Test Results Sheet to the owner. Perform an operational test of each unique graphic display and report to verify that the item exists, that the appearance and content are correct, and that any special features work as intended. Submit the Test Results Sheet to the owner. The BMS contractor shall commission and set in operating condition all major equipment and systems, such as the chilled water, hot water and all air handling systems, in the presence of the equipment manufacturers representatives, as applicable, and the Owner and Architects representatives.
15960-35 Building Management System
Perform an operational test of each third party interface that has been included as part of the automation system. Verify that all points are properly polled, that alarms have been configured, and that any associated graphics and reports have been completed. If the interface involves a file transfer over Ethernet, test any logic that controls the transmission of the file, and verify the content of the specified information.
Successful completion of the system test shall constitute the beginning of the warranty period. A written report will be submitted to the owner indicating that the installed system functions in accordance with the plans and specifications. The BMS Contractor shall provide all manpower and engineering services required to assist the HVAC Contractor and Balancing Contractor in testing, adjusting, and balancing all systems in the building. The BMS Contractor shall have a trained technician available on request during the balancing of the systems. The BMS Contractor shall coordinate all requirements to provide a complete air balance with the Balancing Contractor and shall include all labor and materials in his contract.
TRAINING .A Provide a minimum of (40) hours of on-site training for (3) system operators. The training will be hands-on type at the owners office. The training class will use the actual Operators Manual that will be submitted for this project. In addition provide (2) weeks of classroom training for one individual at the Manufacturers sponsored training courses.
SEQUENCES OF OPERATION .A .B .C .D .E .F .G .H .I .J .K .L Chiller control Boiler Control Single Zone Air Handlers Multi Zone Air Handlers Packaged Roof Top Control Cooling Only VAV Fan Powered VAV Fan Coil Control Heat Pump Control Unit Ventilator Control Smoke management system control Staircase pressurization control END OF SECTION