Killer Whale: © Primary Leap Ltd. 2010
Killer Whale: © Primary Leap Ltd. 2010
Killer Whale: © Primary Leap Ltd. 2010
Name: Date:
Killer Whale
Quick facts Diet: Carnivore Life span in the wild: 50 - 80 years Size: 7 10 m Weight: 5,450 kg Group name: Pod Killer whales, (Orcinus Orca) also known as orcas, are the largest members of the dolphin family - Delphinidae. They can be found in all oceans of the world, but are most likely to be spotted off the west coast of the United States and Canada. Orcas have extremely powerful jaws and very strong teeth that can measure 10 cm long. They have a layer of fat called blubber which keeps them warm in the icy waters. Their diet consists of marine mammals such as seals, sea lions, otters and other whales. They also feed on fish, squid, sea turtles, penguins and seabirds. Killer whales are very social animals and travel in groups called pods. They communicate with each other by producing sounds such as squeals, screams and squawks. Their daily routine includes foraging, travelling, resting and socialising. They are very active animals and will display a wide variety of behaviours such as tail-slapping, breaching, flipper slapping and spyhopping. Pods can vary in size from 5 to 30 whales. Groups of orcas will work together when hunting their prey and often force animals such as fish into one area so they are easier to attack. Female killer whales, also called cows, are very protective of their young. They usually give birth to one calf after 16 to 17 months of pregnancy and will stay with their calf for 2 years. The Orca has no natural predator.
Primary Leap Ltd. 2010 - Primary Resources
Name: Date:
Killer Whale
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the scientific name for a killer whale? ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Where are you most likely to see a killer whale? ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Write down three things that orcas like to eat. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. What is a group of orcas called? a b A troop A swarm c A pod
d A colony
5. What is the layer of fat called that helps orcas to stay warm? ___________________________________________________________________ 6. What is a carnivore? ___________________________________________________________________ 7. How much do orcas weigh? ___________________________________________________________________ 8. What do we call a baby orca? ___________________________________________________________________
Primary Leap Ltd. 2010