Lexicology Lecture 11
Lexicology Lecture 11
Lexicology Lecture 11
Regional Varieties
Dialects show distinctive paterns in all areas of language: phonology, grammar and vocabulary. Speech community is any community (small town, village or as large as nation) whose speakers share both a particular language of variety of the standard language and the norms for its appropriate use in a social context. Regional type of language variation a speech variety spoken in a particular geographical area. Dialect continuum is a situation when dialect boundaries are not marked clearly and dialects merge into each other with a fuzzy starting point and unclear end-point. Idiolects is a way of using language which along with our other traits reflects both the linguistic features we share with many other speakers and also our individual favourite way of expressing ourselves. In all languages one dialect is superposed above the others and singled out for future development, standardization and prestige status - STANDARD Different regional varieties in English:(examples) -British and American English -Great Britain and America -Australian English -African English -Indian English Language Birth Pidgin is a speech variety that is developed when speakers of two languages come in contact and do not know each others languages. When pidgin is acquired by children as their native language and has become established as a first language in a given speech community it is called a creole.
Temporal variation
Borrowing is the adoption of linguistic elements (morphemes and words at the lexical level) from another language variety. Calques are borrowings translated part by part into another language (Ubermensch - Superman) Adstratum influence refers to a situation where this language varieties are in contact and neither one is culturally dominant. Substratum influence refers to a situation where the culturally and politically non dominant language variety influences the dominant language variety. Superstratum influence refers to a situation where the culturally and politically dominant language variety influences lexically another language variety. Direct (language-language) and indirect (from one language to another to another and then borrowed) borrowing;
Mode is a dimension of register which accounts for the effects of the medium in which the language is transmitted and received on the choice of our language and vocabulary. Absence and presence of the addressee - If the addressee is present, speakers are not as explicit and are more careful because immediate feedback from the addressee is available. - In face to face situations participants dont have time to prepare - Conversation which is the basic use of speech is almost by definition a dialogue. The speaker and the addressee take turns to speak one after the other. There are turn-taking procedures with turns often indicated by name or eye-contact. Speech in the presence of one or a few addressees tends to produce informality, while the increase of the size of the audience reverses this tendency. Witten language is organized not chronologically but logically and therefore uses a different rhetoric structure. The speech mode is particularly suitable for several language functions.
Ethnolinguistics is a branch of anthropological linguistics which studies language in a relation to the investigation of ethnic types and behaviour. Black English is a language variety also known as Vernacular Black English mostly considered to be a deficient, illogical and incomplete.