Summary Worksheet: Surname First Middle

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UP REPS PES Form UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Research, Extension and Professional Staff (REPS) Performance Evaluation System

(REPS PES) Rating Period : July-December 2012 Bin Alawi Unit/Office/Dept. Institute of Islamic Studies Middle

Name Mohammad Kamaruddin

Surname First

Position University Researcher II

Summary Worksheet
Performance Measures (R)esearch (E)xtension Part 80% I = (P)rofessional (S)ervices (I)nstruction No. of Units No. of Advisees (AD)ministrative 0 25% 0 49% 10% 100 50 100% Range Workload Performance Measure Rating (PMR) Weighted Score

60% 30%

Total Weighted Score (TWS)

(TWS x 0.8) TOTAL Part I Part II = 20% CRITICAL FACTORS (CF)


Initiative Ability to plan ahead and/or develop creative ways of dealing with work concerns Human/Public Relations Habits, character, conduct Attendance Number of absences incurred (exclusive of 7.5 days vacation and mandatory leave per rating period) Punctuality (Attendance) Arrival in the office or wherever the employees presence is needed Punctuality (Work Output) Submission of work and work-related output Ethical Behavior Conduct expected of the position Commitment Dedication to the cause of the organization and concern for the welfare of the beneficiaries of ones services Judgment Ability to grasp the significance of a situation and make sound decisions

Ave. Score (Ave. score x 0.2) Part III INTERVENING TASKS (IT), if applicable


TOTAL PES SCORE (I + II + III) Adjectival Rating

Areas for Improvement _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The above rating has been discussed with me by my immediate supervisor on 01/15/2007 (mm/dd/yy). Areas for improvement have been mutually agreed upon and I fully commit myself. Attested by: HEAD OF UNIT Kamaruddin Bin Alawi Mohammad REPS Signature Julkipli M. Wadi Dean & Research Coordinator

July 25, 2012 Date

July 25, 2012 Date

UP REPS PES Form UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Research, Extension and Professional Staff (REPS) Performance Evaluation System (REPS PES) Rating Period : Name Mohammad Kamaruddin
Surname First

July to December 2012 Position University Researcher II

Bin Alawi

Unit/Office/Dept. Institute of Islamic Studies

SPECIFIC LIST OF TASKS (Use additional sheets as necessary) PERFORMANCE TARGETS Performance Measures
(encircle one only)

PERFORMANCE RATING Weight Rating Weighted Rating

Entry Number

Tasks/Expectation/Output Research Assistance

i. If necessary, aids faculty and research director in data gathering, updating, and interacting with their key informants. If needed, can transcribe, edit data, write and facilitate business communication mails, and do required research methods (e.g. interviews, field work, documentation, etc.)



Publication Marketing, Selling, Management, and Logistics

Sells occasional papers, journals, and books during forums, RTDs, conferences, and other similar events. Hands out fliers and other similar documents. Disseminates information and updates about research, extension, and publication. Helps the issue editor and managing editors to update and follow-up contributors and their status. Attends regular meetings with head of unit to be abreast with updates and changes.






Event Participation Attends lectures, seminars, workshops , fora, symposia, and conferences Organizes and Facilitates lectures, workshops, fora, and RTD Attends off-campus meetings in behalf of faculty and research director




Administrative Work
Supervises Graduate assistant (e.g. interviews, field work, documentation, organizing and preparing events, etc.) Helps in office equipment maintenance (e.g. printer and computer)



Certified True and Correct: REPS


Kamaruddin Bin Alawi Mohammad July 25, 2012 Date

Julkipli M. Wadi Dean & Research Coordinator July 25, 2012 Date


Initiative ability to plan ahead and/or develop creative ways of dealing with work concerns Human/Public Relations Habits, character, conduct Attendance Number of absences incurred (exclusive of 7.5 days vacation and mandatory leave per rating period) Punctuality (Attendance) Arrival in the office or where the employees presence is expected as agreed by the Supervisor and REPS Punctuality (Work Output) Submission of work and work-related output or timely delivery of services (barring unforeseen events) Ethical Behavior Conduct expected of the position

A self-starter with exceptional initiative. Outstanding and a strong force for office morale. 0 absence 0 tardiness 100% submission on or before the deadline Maintains an unblemished reputation as a professional government employee Serves as role model for employees, spontaneously renders extra services beyond ones work requirements Exercises excellent judgment at all times

Does work without waiting for directions. Fits easily into the group. 1-3 absences 1-5 tardiness 90% submission on time Reasonably respectable behavior, performance, conduct or achievement in the observance of norms of conduct Renders extended services willingly upon instruction without expecting extra compensation or sacrificing personal comfort Demonstrates better judgment most of the time

Does regular work normally upon Instruction. Normally tactful and obliging. 4-6 absences 6-10 tardiness 70% - below 90% submission on time Normally observes ethical standards.

Lacks initiative. Inclined to be quarrelsome; has difficulty in dealing with others. 7 and above absences. 11 and above tardiness Below 70% submission on time Unacceptable ethical behavior.

Self-rating (40%)

Commitment Dedication to the cause of the organization and concern for the welfare of the beneficiaries of ones services Judgment Ability to grasp the significance of a situation and make sound decisions

Ensures that work is finished on time.

Can hardly be counted on to finish assigned tasks.

Manifests acceptable judgment.

Cannot think by himself; lacks confidence; decisions are sometimes unsound. Weighted Score

Confirmed by: KAMARUDDIN BIN ALAWI MOHAMMAD REPS July 25, 2012 Date

Name of REPS: Kamaruddin Bin Alawi Mohammad PART II. CRITICAL FACTORS 20%
Initiative ability to plan ahead and/or develop creative ways of dealing with work concerns Human/Public Relations Habits, character, conduct Attendance Number of absences incurred (exclusive of 7.5 days vacation and mandatory leave per rating period) Punctuality (Attendance) Arrival in the office or where the employees presence is expected as agreed by the Supervisor and REPS Punctuality (Work Output) Submission of work and work-related output or timely delivery of services (barring unforeseen events) Ethical Behavior Conduct expected of the position

Unit/Office/Dept.: Institute of Islamic Studies 4 3

Does work without waiting for directions. Fits easily into the group. 1-3 absences 1-5 tardiness 90% submission on time Reasonably respectable behavior, performance, conduct or achievement in the observance of norms of conduct Renders extended services willingly upon instruction without expecting extra compensation or sacrificing personal comfort Demonstrates better judgment most of the time

Position: University Researcher II 1

Lacks initiative. Inclined to be quarrelsome; has difficulty in dealing with others. 7 and above absences. 11 and above tardiness Below 70% submission on time Unacceptable ethical behavior.

Does regular work normally upon Instruction. Normally tactful and obliging. 4-6 absences 6-10 tardiness 70% -below 90% submission on time Normally observes ethical standards.

Supervisors rating (60%)

A self-starter with exceptional initiative. Outstanding and a strong force for office morale. 0 absence 0 tardiness 100% submission on or before the deadline Maintains an unblemished reputation as a professional government employee Serves as role model for employees, spontaneously renders extra services beyond ones work requirements Exercises excellent judgment at all times

Commitment Dedication to the cause of the organization and concern for the welfare of the beneficiaries of ones services Judgment Ability to grasp the significance of a situation and make sound decisions

Ensures that work is finished on time.

Can hardly be counted on to finish assigned tasks.

Manifests acceptable judgment.

Cannot think by himself; lacks confidence; decisions are sometimes unsound. Weighted Score

Confirmed by: JULKIPLI M. WADI IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR July 25, 2012 Date

A. Setting Performance Targets 1. 2. Define and classify tasks/expectations/outputs according to each of the performance measures (Research, Extension, Professional Services, Instruction or Administrative). List each task/output in the corresponding Tables. Encircle the appropriate classification for each table. Determine the Percentage Distribution of the Workload following the limits below: Research, Extension and Professional Services Any one or a combination Instruction Min = 0% Max = 25% Administrative Min = 0% Max = 49% The sum of total workload should equal 100%. For example, 50% Research and 50% Extension; 75% PS and 25% Instruction; 65% Extension, 35% Administrative, etc.

3. B.

Computing Individual Performance Ratings Part I: Workload Rating 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Rate each task using a four-point scale (4-Outstanding, 3-Very Satisfactory, 2-Satisfactory, 1-Unsatisfactory) based on performance standards to be established by the unit. Under each performance measure (REPIA), compute for the weighted rating of each task by multiplying the rating with the weight. The sum of the weights should be 100%. Compute for the performance measure rating (PMR) by adding the weighted ratings of the tasks/entries. Transfer these under the PMR column in the summary table for Part I. Multiply the workload percentage with the PMR to compute for the weighted score for each performance measure. Do steps 1 4 for each performance measure that is part of the workload. Add the weighted scores for each performance measure to obtain the Total Weighted Score (TWS). Part I = TWS x 0.8

Part II: Critical Factors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The REPS and the Supervisor will accomplish separate sheets indicating their individual ratings. Use a 4-point scale (4-Outstanding, 3-Very Satisfactory, 2-Satisfactory, 1-Unsatisfactory) for each critical factor. Compute for the average critical factor rating by adding the scores and dividing by 8. The accomplished REPS and Supervisor forms will be separately submitted to the head of the units APC who will assign a staff who will compute for the score for Part II. The Supervisors rating will account for 60% of the critical factors rating, while the REPSs self-rating will account for 40%. Part II = (60% Supervisors Rating + 40% Self-Rating) x 0.2

Part III: Intervening Tasks With the presence of intervening tasks, evaluate the performance of the REPS by using the following 5-point rating (Part III): 4 - Outstanding 3 - Very Satisfactory 2 - Satisfactory None 1 - Unsatisfactory + 0.5 + 0.4 + 0.3 0 - 0.1

A 0.5 maximum score is given for intervening tasks so that it could not be used to cover for unsatisfactory performance of regular tasks. A negative score (-0.1) is given for unsatisfactory performance of intervening tasks so these will not be taken for granted. Each Supervisor should have a standard procedure (e.g., points system) for rating the intervening tasks: Scoring is more generous because work is performed beyond the expected tasks. Also, it is assumed that the reason the employee is given additional tasks is that he/she is a good employee (at least VS rating). Total PES Score: 1. 2. Total PES Score = Part I + Part II + Part III (if applicable) Translate the numerical value of Total PES Score to Qualitative Ratings (Adjectival Rating) using the following range scale: 3.5 4.0 3.0 below 3.5 2.5 below 3.0 below 2.5 Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory



(Optional Form) UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Research, Extension and Professional Staff (REPS) Performance Evaluation System (REPS PES) Rating Period : Name
Surname First Middle

January June 20 ___ July December 20 ___ Position


SPECIFIC LIST OF TASKS (Use additional sheets as necessary) PERFORMANCE RATING Performance Measures
(encircle one only)

Entry Number




Weighted Rating


(SPECIFIC LIST OF TASKS (Use additional sheets as necessary) PERFORMANCE RATING Performance Measures
(encircle one only)

Entry Number




Weighted Rating


Certified True and Correct: REPS __________________________ (Printed name/Signature) ___________ IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR ________________________ (Printed name/Signature) ____________ HEAD OF UNIT ________________________ (Printed name/Signature) ______________




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