Application 9-10 New
Application 9-10 New
Application 9-10 New
Membership Application
(This information is treated confidentially in our Temple office.)
Full Name ______________________________________________________________________________________
Title: __Mr. __Mrs. __Ms. __Dr. ___Other _________________ (Nickname)________________________
Hebrew Name ___________________________ ben/bat ________________ v ______________________________
Father’s Name Mother’s Name
Residence Address _______________________________________________________________________________
Apt. #
City and State ___________________________________________________ Zip Code _______________________
Occupation __________________________________ Name of Business ___________________________________
Business Address _________________________________________________________________________________
City State Zip
Phone Numbers:
Home _________________________________ Business ________________________________________
Cell _________________________ Email or Fax _________________________________________________
Date you moved to Las Vegas ________________________ from _________________________________________
City State
Other Congregational affiliation _______________________ in ___________________________________________
City State
Date of birth _________ _________ _________ Place of birth ___________________________________________
Month Day Year City State
__Married __ Single ___ Separated ___ Widow ___Widower Anniversary________/ ______/_______
Month Day Year
I was raised:___ Orthodox; ___ Conservative;___ Reconstructionist; ___Reform; ___Non Practicing; ___Not Jewish
Did you convert to Judaism? ___ Yes; ____ No. Conversion Date ________________ Place __________________
City State
___ The child does not reside with me. The child’s address is _______________________________________________________
For school mailings to be sent to both parents, please list both parent’s name and address information
Is the child (children) Jewish by birth? _______ If not, please explain (We consider a child Jewish when the mother was Jewish
At time of child’s birth or if the child converted to Judaism.)
Name of Deceased ____________________________________ Relationship ___________________________________
United Synagogue of America affiliation dues and Ticket(s) for Seating in the
Member’s Section for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are included.
Please check the Membership Category Building Fund Assessment Number of HHD
that applies to your family situation (Payable over 5 years) Tickets Included
$1,450 per
Senior Family (65+ years of age)………… …$1,350 peryear………………………..$2,150
year 2
$ 730
Starting Family (25-29 years of age)……….…..$ 830 per
year 2
Single (30+ years of age)………………...……$1,220 peryear………………………...$2,025
year 1
$1,150 per
Senior Single (65+ years of age)…………….…$1,050 per year………….……………..$1,750
year 1
$ 650
Single (25-29 years of age)……………….……$ 750per
year 1
Please note that members are required to pay at least 1/2 of the Annual Membership Dues to receive courtesy seating in the member
section for the High Holy Days services. Information is available from the Temple office regarding the costs for additional High Holy
Day tickets. The membership year runs from July 1 through June 30 of each year.
Security Fee
Members of Temple Beth Sholom help to defray the cost of security through a Security Fee. The fees
fees for
for the
2009/2010 areyear
2008/2009 $125are $100
for members who do not have children in the preschool or Schechter schools and $150 for households who do have children in one of
these schools.
Credit Card Payments: You may pay by Visa or MasterCard. If you pay in full there will be no additional charge. If you
choose to pay by credit card in installments, a 3% fee will be charged.
____ Partial payment is enclosed in the amount of $_________________ (check or money order)
____ Please charge my credit card in the amount of $________________ Charge to my: ____Visa; ____ MasterCard
___________________________________________________ __________________________________
(Applicant’s signature) (Date)
___________________________________________________ __________________________________
(Applicant’s signature) (Date)