Luis Moreno: Report For

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Report for:

Luis Moreno

Entry Date Email

24 - 05 - 2012 [email protected]

Company/Depar Energy & Utilities tment Group Function 214 220 Environmental Management

Online Talent Manager

Luis Moreno / IZPSB

You have completed one or more questionnaires in the Online Talent Manager system. This report explains the results of these questionnaires. All Online Talent Manager tests were developed by highly experienced psychologists and are the result of years of research.

The Iceberg Model

The iceberg model is a good way of illustrating the difference between the visible and hidden portions of your personality. The small portion 'above the waterline' is made up of behaviors and characteristics that others can see. Most of your personality is 'below the waterline' and not easily visible to others. This hidden area includes you deep motivations, intrinsic values, and your basic personality, things that influence your behavior and have a big impact on your job performance and satisfaction.

Norm Group
There is no universal, absolute scale of personality. We calculate your results by referencing a 'norm group'. Your personality test results are expressed on a numerical scale that shows how your scores compare to the scores of other respondents to the same test.

Stanine score
The numerical score given for each trait is a representation of how your results compare to those of a norm group. Your score may vary depending on the norm group used to generate this report. Scores range from '1' (very low) to '9' (very high) with '5' representing the average score of the group. The graphic below displays the shape of a normal distribution. This graphic shows the percentages of respondents who fall into each rank. As you can see, the '1' and '9' scores are quite extreme, with each of them only occurring 4% of the time and that fully 20% of all respondents will have a '5' score.

Online Talent Manager

Luis Moreno / IZPSB

The Octogram questionnaire focuses on the personality traits that drive behaviour in the workplace. These 8 personality traits have a strong correlation with Robert E. Quinn's Competing Values Framework description of leadership styles. These scores represent your natural inclinations, you can develop and operate in different ways, but the more your work requires you to diverge from your personal style, the more energy-demanding you will find that work to be. Scores are ranked from 1 (very low) to 9 (very high). The test asks you to make judgements about work behaviour and to order these behaviours to show which ones are the most typically exhibited by you. Based on your answers, the test system has calculated your work style preferences. Your results have Your scores have been compared to a been compared with other persons with similar education and work group of respondents with the experiences. This test looks at your behaviour in a work environment. following characteristics: (B3) When you are in a leadership position, these results relate to your Education level: Bachelor's leadership style. The 8 work styles are grouped into the two dimensions degree Test situation - development defined by Quinn: Internal versus External and Control versus Flexibility.


Pioneers are innovators and dreamers, always innovative, always busy with fresh ideas and trying to do things in a different way. They take the initiative when it comes to making changes.

This score shows that you have a need for certainty and clarity that can prevent you from taking risks or committing to new initiatives. You prefer spending your time improving existing methods rather than aiming toward renewal or change.

Online Talent Manager

Luis Moreno / IZPSB


Networkers are always busy with building new contacts and maintaining existing relations. They are communicative and open. They are able to exert influence and make use of their network.

This score indicates that contacts are important for you and that these relationships are necessary for you to have a pleasant work environment. You have flair, and can easily make contacts and build personal relationships. Your spontaneity, enthusiasm, and optimism help you to gain the trust of and influence others. You build a network of contacts and and have a good feel for how to use this network to help you reach your goals.


Achievers are driven to reach targets and achieve results. They make high demands on themselves and others. They are continuously aiming high and measure themselves against others, competitive.

This score indicates that you work in a quiet manner. You are tolerant and take time to listen to others and give them attention. You find personal matters at least as important as business matters. You have little need to measure yourself against others or to stick out from the crowd. You are prepared to do what is asked of you. From time to time, it is necessary that you be given help in continuing to focus and reaching your goals.


The strategist is the long term thinker, focused on the future. The strategist deals with long term goals and laying out future direction. The strategist identifies fundamental problems and is creative in the sense that they look for effective solutions to problems.

This score indicates that you are a long term thinker and that you enjoy shaking up others to make them aware of more than their immediate surroundings. You bring fundamental problems to light and show creativity in coming up with solutions to those problems. You plan for the future and try to implement those plans with conviction. You make others aware of the need for change.

Online Talent Manager

Luis Moreno / IZPSB


Anchors are most happy when they are introducing structure or implementing procedures. They feel themselves as system builders and people who create order out of chaos.

It is difficult for you to follow through on a project all the way to its completion. You get bored with repetitive or detailed work and find it difficult to concentrate on a single subject for long periods of time. It is difficult for you to focus. You do not work in a systematic or orderly fashion. You are not self-disciplined and rely on external forces to provide you with structure. You can deal with many different tasks at the same time and prefer work that requires you to 'multi-task'.


Analysts seek to break problems apart and weigh alternatives. These are the people in the organization that are 'the voice of reason'. In the Competing Values Framework, this is called the 'monitor' role. Analysts analyze information, deal with facts, focus on being rational, and looking at situations from different perspectives.

You are optimistic and trusting. You place more value on your feelings and intuition than on facts. You do not spend a lot of time looking at a problem from different perspectives. It is difficult for you to look deeply into a situation and prefer dealing with headlines and bullet points.

Team Player

The Team Player is a person who works well in a team. They are the binding elements in your company that keep people working together and keep the atmosphere upbeat and supportive. Team Players are focused on building consensus, team harmony, and conflict management.

You are very focused on the atmosphere of work and do not pay much attention to the bottom line. Your priority is to improve the cooperation and work environment for yourself and your coworkers. You are not pushy or aggressive, especially in group discussions. You find it extremely difficult to take a position that opposes someone else in your group, you avoid conflicts, even when they are necessary. You are diplomatic and tactful.

Online Talent Manager

Luis Moreno / IZPSB


Helpers are understanding and take the time to listen to others. They have a good insight into the feelings and lives of others. Helpers understand the art of supporting the emotional well being of other people. Helpers work to improve communication, develop others, and help others achieve their full potential. Where a Team Player is more focused on the group, a Helper is more focused on individuals.

You make an effort to listen to others and understand how they feel. You can be diplomatic, and try to be tactful with others. You seek a balance between the drive to achieve results and your consideration for the feelings of others. You can be critical and direct when needed, but you have a good sense about when a softer tone would be more productive. When making plans, you try to communicate and understand how those plans will affect others.

Online Talent Manager

Luis Moreno / IZPSB

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