Interpersonal Skill

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Interpersonal skill

What is Interpersonal skill?

The set of abilities enabling a person to interact positively and work effectively
with others. Interpersonal skills are traits you rely on when you interact and
communicate with others. They cover a variety of scenarios where
communication and cooperation are essential.
We all use interpersonal skills every day. Strongly associated with emotional
intelligence, interpersonal skills refer to how we interact with others.
Employers often seek out those candidates who have strong interpersonal skills.
They actively look for applicants who can work collaboratively, communicate
effectively and have positive relationships with customers and co-workers.
What are the 6 Key components of
Interpersonal Skills?
 Active listening means listening to others with the purpose of gathering
information and engaging with the speaker. Active listeners avoid distracting
behaviors while in conversation with others. This can mean putting away or closing
laptops or mobile devices while listening, and asking and answering questions
when prompted.
 Teamwork involves many other interpersonal skills like communication, active
listening, flexibility and responsibility. Those who are good team players are often
given important tasks in the workplace and may be seen as good candidates for
 Dependable people can be relied on in any given situation. This can include
anything from being punctual to keeping promises. Employers highly value
dependable workers and trust them with important tasks and duties
 Leadership is an important interpersonal skill that involves effective decision
making. Effective leaders incorporate many other interpersonal skills, like
empathy and patience, to make decisions. Leadership skills can be used by both
managers and individual contributors. In any role, employers value people who
take ownership to reach common goals.The ability to work together as a team is
extremely valuable in every workplace.
 Empathy is a worker’s emotional intelligence is how well they understand the
needs and feelings of others. Employers may hire empathetic or compassionate
employees to create a positive, high-functioning workplace.
 Positive Attitude Candidates and employees who demonstrate positivity are
much more likely to find success in a position and be well-liked at the company.
It pays for individuals in such a supporting role to be conscious of workplace
morale and to approach otherwise stressful situations with a reliably calm and
upbeat attitude.
How to improve Interpersonal
Skills ?
 Ask trusted friends or colleagues for constructive criticism. It is helpful to
get a third-party perspective about your skill level and specific ways you can
improve. Ask friends or trusted colleagues to provide constructive criticism
regarding your interpersonal skills.
 Look for online training. Once you have identified the areas you need to
improve, look for some online courses that will help you learn certain interpersonal
and social skills that would be useful in the workplace. Try searching on Coursera or
OpenLearn. There are also many books and articles on this topic you could review.
 Observe other positive interpersonal interactions. It can also be helpful to
learn by seeing others use interpersonal skills. Observe positive interactions of
those around you and apply those qualities you admire to your own relationships.
 Develop your emotional intelligence. Interpersonal skills rely on reading
others correctly and having empathy. Good emotional intelligence will help you
accept other's differences and understand their point of view
 Practice communicating (and listening). If you are normally reserved at
work, try to put yourself out there and practice your newly learnt
communication skills. This will give you the confidence to keep improving.
 Be thoughtful about ways your interactions could improve. Take time to
review the interactions you have and consider ways you could have interacted
more effectively. This might be certain words you said, ways you reacted or
body language you used
Importance of Interpersonal Skill to
our learning
Interpersonal skills are essentially required, they help people learn how to establish effective
communication within an organization on a daily basis.
Interpersonal communication skills are essential to developing other key life skills. Being able to
communicate well with others is often essential to solving problems that inevitably occur both in our
private and professional lives.
Good interpersonal communication skills enable us to work more effectively in groups and teams,
which may be either formal, like at work, or informally - in social situations. It is often desirable to build
strong relationships with others, which can in turn lead to better communication and understanding.
People with strong interpersonal skills are often more successful in both their professional and personal
lives, which is why interpersonal skills are therefore vital in all areas of life at work, in education and

Difficulties faced; Interpersonal skills is an essential life skill which is used daily and
which we face and deal with in all aspects of our life therefore, writing about it was an
easy task, but after I further researched the topic, it has benefited me a lot in ways and
skills that I haven’t noticed before.

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