Iqr Code Qrcode - Com Denso Wave
Iqr Code Qrcode - Com Denso Wave
Iqr Code Qrcode - Com Denso Wave
iQR Code is a matrix-type 2D code allowing easy reading of its position and size. This code allows a wide size range of codes from ones smaller than the traditional QR Code and Micro QR Code to large ones that can store more data than these. This code can be printed as a rectangular code, turned-over code, black-and-white inversion code or dot pattern code (direct part marking) as well, allowing a wide range of applications in various areas.
*iQR Code is registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED in Japan and in other countries. Links within this page:Features of iQR Code | Specifications of iQR Code | Data capacity of iQR Code
Using iQR Code, smaller-sized codes than the regular QR Code can be generated. The minimum size consists of 11 by 11 modules for the regular QR Code. On the other hand, it is 9 by 9 modules for the iQR Code. The area required for this code can be reduced by up to roughly 60% compared to the regular code.
iQR Code
QR Code(Micro QR)
1 (9 x 9 modules) to 61 (422 x 422 Version configuration modules) R1(5 x 19 modules) to R15(43 x 131 modules)
QR Code: 1 (21 x 21 modules) to 40 (177 x 177 modules) Micro QR: M1(11 x 11 modules) to M4 (17 x 17 modules)
Character mode
16 divisions
QR/ Module 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 : 422 123 : 40,637 63 : : 97 72 81 34 60 60 44 45 30 36 33 18 24 21 8 16 12 5 10 iQR Code 6 6 Micro QR Code DataMatrix
With a rectangular code, the minimum 5 x 19 module size code can store 6 numerals, and the maximum 43 x 131 module size code, about 1200 characters.