Working of CNG Engine

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Assignment No: 01

Submitted by:

Sardar Wasif Ashraf Khan

Roll No:



CNG System and Engine Lubrication






Topic: - CNG System and Engine Lubrication

Introduction................................................................................................ 1 Workings of the CNG Engine.. 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Theory CNG Cylinder Vapor Bag Assembly Filling Connection/Valve Electronic Selector Switch Pressure Regulators Carburetor Ignition System Venturi End speed governor Economics of CNG Safety and precautions Conclusion Lubrication The regimes of lubrication Where Engine Lubrication Begins

Oil Breakdowns..............................................................................................9 References..............................................................................................10

CNG System
Workings of the CNG Engine
Theory The working of a CNG engine is similar to that of a petrol engine. In the petrol engine, the cars carburetor creates a mixture of petrol droplets and air which is then supplied to the inlet manifold of the cars engine. A spark is then introduced, causing a controlled explosion which drives the engine. CNG can be quite easily used in a petrol engine as well. In similar fashion as the petrol engine, when a CNG connection is made and given an inlet at the carburetor, the vapours of CNG (instead of droplets of petrol) get mixed with air and are then led into the combustion chamber, where the ignition process takes place as in the petrol version. A similar mechanism is employed in MPFI versions also. Thus, a petrol engine can easily be ported to CNG as the combustion process is completely the same. The body of research on petrol and diesel version engines is more advanced than on CNG engines. For example, detailed analysis of development of the combustion flame, travel modes, different mixture conditions etc. are available for the combustion process of petrol and diesel engines, whereas the same is limitedly available for CNG.

An important factor in an engines performance is the compression ratio. In a con ventional petrol engine, the pressure of the fuel and air mixture is highest at the end of the compression stroke, which is further increased by the engines heat. As a result, the provision of spark leads to a rapid ignition. The high calorific value and energy density per unit volume of mixture leads to a powerful combustion, but adequate pressure is needed to ensure that enough fuel is available within that unit of volume. If the engine is driven with petrol, droplets of petrol are introduced. However with CNG mode, the fuel component of the mixture is released in gaseous stage. In this case, the pressure becomes important to ensure enough fuel in the mixture. This is managed through temperature: a higher temperature of the fuel is desired, increasing pressure and thus ensuring adequate CNG quantity per volume of mixture. Thus, in CNG there is a need of warming up of the engine so that there is enough heating of the fuel air mixture so as to allow for the start of combustion process. This is in fact the reason why in most of the CNG-kit fitted cars the engine is run for sometime in petrol mode and later switched over to CNG mode, so that the engine is warm enough.

While CNG is mostly used in petrol engines, it is an interesting fact that it can be used also in diesel engines with suitable modifications whereas LPG can be used for petrol engines only. In diesel engines, CNG can be used solely as well a combination of diesel and CNG in dual mode. In dual fuel mode, the quantity of diesel injected is reduced drastically but used to initiate ignition and CNG is carbureted along with the intake air so that engine power is kept almost same. In single CNG mode, only CNG vapors are injected, that too via the air intake valve. The latter also explains why we cannot have LPG diesel combination. LPG is in liquid form and would need to be injected through the diesel valve itself which poses various complications. Versus the pure petrol car, a CNG equipped car adds a number of parts, including Cylinder, Vapor bag assembly, filling connection valve, Selector switch, Pressure regulators, carburetor, Ignition system, Venturi, and End system governor.

CNG Cylinder
These are high pressure cylinders designed for storage of CNG at a pressure of 200 bar. A typical tank capacity is 50 litres. The number of cylinders required depends on the vehicle. As the CNG cylinder stores the inflammable fuel, it is made of a strong material and safeguarded from shocks.

Vapor Bag Assembly

This is made of PVC and is designed to cover the gas outlet valve of the cylinder. It is tubular in shape and has a threaded flange at one end screwed on to the cylinder neck threads and a screwed cap at the other end to give access to the cylinder valve.

Filling Connection/Valve
This valve is used for filling high pressure gas from the CNG station to the CNG tank.

Electronic Selector Switch

This is used to change the fuel operation mode as desired.

Pressure Regulators
Two pressure regulators are used to reduce the gas pressure from 200 bar (in the cylinder) to just above atmospheric pressure before insertion the same into the carburetor.

This ensures proper proportion of CNG and air mixture before inserting into ignition chambers.

Ignition System
There is a change which takes place in the cars ignition system also. A contact-less distributor ignition system with spark plugs is introduced in place of injectors. This is done to ensure a better combustion and only applies for single mode CNG cars.

This is a gas and air mixing and metering device. It meters the gas flow proportionate to the engine speed and is located in the carburetor.

End Speed Governor

This is a special electric governor, which reduces gas flow at as a specified engine rpm is reached, as measured by the venturi. The conversion then, of a petrol car to a CNG car, involves introducing the above parts into your car, and indeed it is what a CNG kit comprises of. The following image shows the schematic flow of CNG in a CNG car.

Economics of CNG
A user typically will be inclined to use CNG to reduce his cost of running his car. Versus the reduced cost per kilometer, there is however an investment and maintenance implication. Let us take a look at the investment to run CNG and the benefits of the same.

Safety and precautions

A major deterrent for people to use CNG in the past has been safety concerns. Let us take a look at the safety factor of CNG.

Though in general CNG fitted cars be it company fitted or individually are certified and RTO approved, there have been stray incidents of bursting of these CNG cars. However, on inspection it has always been shown that that those accidents had occurred with domestic gas fitment, and not with kitted cars. It is clearly very dangerous to use domestic CNG cylinders for running cars its not only illegal but can also turn out to be fatal. At the same time, clearly, there is no major safety concern as such when running a properly equipped car.

Nevertheless, the foremost thing to take care while using CNG is leakage. The source of leakage could be from the filter provided over the tank, pipelines etc . Generally, pipelines from the rear tank are taken through side panels inside the compartment, to avoid damage in pipe due to hitting of potholes, stones etc. Any regular maintenance carried out will involve a full examination of these components for leakage. Note that CNG comes with an added odour. Hence, as precautionary measure in case of any smell, immediately disengage the engine to stop the flow of CNG and call authorities for immediate rectification of problem.

Using a CNG car has become a well known method of saving money spent on fuels. Huge difference in comparison with the petrol version justifies this, and it becomes even more pressing as petrol prices keep trending upwards. However, considering the investment cost of around Rs 40,000 and the increased maintenance, a driver needs to make significant kilometers to have the financial benefit of CNG. Combined with the continuing safety, maintenance and warranty concerns, these are factors contributing to CNG versions not being as popular as petrol and diesel versions. Some hassles surrounding usage also deter people, such as less power and starting problems. However, CNG as a fuel is very environment friendly, and in practice, the mental roadblocks in using CNG are not really significant. Hence, for those heavy drivers who care about the environment, CNG is the way to go. However, you must ideally opt for factory fitted CNG, as kits have too many practical issues surrounding them. If you already have a car which you want to upgrade, make sure you calculate whether it makes sense for you, and check out warranty issues. If this checks out, it is a wise choice and you will be a happier car owner.

Lubrication of the ship steam engine crankshaft. The two bottles of lubricant are attached to the piston and move while the engine is operating. Lubrication is the process, or technique employed to reduce wear of one or both surfaces in close proximity, and moving relative to each other, by interposing a substance called lubricant between the surfaces to carry or to help carry the load (pressure generated) between the opposing surfaces. The interposed lubricant film can be a solid, (e.g. graphite, MoS2) a solid/liquid dispersion, a liquid, a liquid-liquid dispersion (a grease) or, exceptionally, a gas. In the most common case the applied load is carried by pressure generated within the fluid due to the frictional viscous resistance to motion of the lubricating fluid between the surfaces. Lubrication can also describe the phenomenon such reduction of wear occurs without human intervention (hydroplaning on a road). Adequate lubrication allows smooth continuous operation of equipment, with only mild wear, and without excessive stresses or seizures at bearings. When lubrication breaks down, metal or other components can rub destructively over each other, causing destructive damage, heat, and failure. Contents 1 The regimes of lubrication 2 See also 3 References 4 External links

The regimes of lubrication

As the load increases on the contacting surfaces three distinct situations can be observed with respect to the mode of lubrication, which are called regimes of lubrication: Fluid film lubrication is the lubrication regime in which through viscous forces the load is fully supported by the lubricant within the space or gap between the parts in motion relative to one another (the lubricated conjunction) and solidsolid contact is avoided. Hydrostatic lubrication is when an external pressure is applied to the lubricant in the bearing, to maintain the fluid lubricant film where it would otherwise be squeezed out.

Hydrodynamic lubrication is where the motion of the contacting surfaces, and the exact design of the bearing is used to pump lubricant around the bearing to maintain the lubricating film. This design of bearing may wear when started, stopped or reversed, as the lubricant film breaks down. Elastohydrodynamic lubrication: The opposing surfaces are separated, but there occurs some interaction between the raised solid features called asperities, and there is an elastic deformation on the contacting surface enlarging the load-bearing area whereby the viscous resistance of the lubricant becomes capable of supporting the load. Boundary lubrication (also called boundary film lubrication): The bodies come into closer contact at their asperities; the heat developed by the local pressures causes a condition which is called stick-slip and some asperities break off. At the elevated temperature and pressure conditions chemically reactive constituents of the lubricant react with the contact surface forming a highly resistant tenacious layer, or film on the moving solid surfaces (boundary film) which is capable of supporting the load and major wear or breakdown is avoided. Boundary lubrication is also defined as that regime in which the load is carried by the surface asperities rather than by the lubricant. Besides supporting the load the lubricant may have to perform other functions as well, for instance it may cool the contact areas and remove wear products. While carrying out these functions the lubricant is constantly replaced from the contact areas either by the relative movement (hydrodynamics) or by externally induced forces. Lubrication is required for correct operation of mechanical systems pistons, pumps, cams, bearings, turbines, cutting tools etc. where without lubrication the pressure between the surfaces in close proximity would generate enough heat for rapid surface damage which in a coarsened condition may literally weld the surfaces together, causing seizure. In some applications, such as piston engines, the film between the piston and the cylinder wall also seals the combustion chamber, preventing combustion gases from escaping into the crankcase. Lubrication plays a key role in the life expectancy of an engine. Without oil, an engine would succumb to overheating and seizing very quickly. Lubricants help mitigate this problem, and if properly monitored and maintained, can extend the life of your motor.

Where Engine Lubrication Begins

The process of lubrication in an internal combustion engine begins in the sump, commonly referred to as the oil pan. From here, the oil is pulled through a strainer, by the oil pump, removing larger contaminants from the mass of the fluid. The oil then goes through the oil filter. It is important to note that not all filters perform the

same. A filters ability to remove particles is dependent upon many factors, including the media material (pore size, surface area and depth of filter), the differential pressure across the media, and the flow rate across the media. Oil is pumped through passageways to the various components of the engine such as the cam, main bearings, rod, pistons, etc. Gravity then pulls the oil back down to the bottom of the motor to drain back into the sump, and the cycle repeats.

Makeup of Oil
To appreciate the full impact of the engine lubrication process, you must understand how oils are formulated. All engine oils have two components: additives and base oil. The total volume of additives in motor oil can range from 20 to 30 percent, depending on brand, formulation and application. These additives can enhance, suppress or add properties to the base oil.

A typical additive package found in engine oil would include a detergent and a dispersant. These two additives work together to help rid the engine system of deposits caused by the burning of fuel and contributed to by blow-by gases. Dispersants and detergents are small particles that have a polar head and an oleophilic tail. The polar heads are attracted to contaminants within the oil and surround them, forming a structure called a micelle. Soot is a good example of a deposit that is controlled by detergents and dispersants. Soot particles are enveloped by dispersant particles, forming a micelle, and are kept from attaching to metal surfaces. They are moved in this state through the oil system until they are removed by the filter. This also prevents a process known as congealing. During congealing, soot particles begin to stack upon each other or congeal into a larger particle. Smaller soot particles that could pass through components without interrupting the fluid film can congeal to make larger particles, which may disrupt the film and damage surfaces. Most vehicle engines use some form of multi-grade oil. This type of oil has an additive called a viscosity-index (VI) improver. A common example would be 10W-30 or 5W-40. These VI improvers are long-chain organic molecules that change shape as the temperature of their environment changes. When in cold environments (engine startup), these molecules are tightly bound. As the oil heats up, they begin to stretch out. This allows an oil to flow more readily at colder temperatures but still maintain an acceptable viscosity and, more importantly, a lubricating layer in the operating temperature range. Another common additive would be an anti-wear (AW) formula. AW additives have particles that are shaped similar to detergents and dispersants, but the polar heads of these molecules are attracted to metal surfaces. Once attached to a metal surface, AW additives form a sacrificial layer that protects the surfaces beneath them

from degradation under boundary conditions. Zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDDP) is a common form of this additive.

Oil Breakdowns
Engine oils are subject to several types of failures. Contamination poses a significant problem within engines. Environmental contaminants can expedite the process of oxidation and cause premature filter plugging. Fuel contamination can lower the viscosity of the oil, leading to boundary conditions within the engines moving parts. Glycol (antifreeze) contamination does the opposite, increasing viscosity so the oil doesnt flow as well into places that require thinner oil. Overheating and long drain intervals can also hasten the degradation of the oil and result in oxidation and poor lubricity. In addition, additive shearing can create engine lubrication problems. Over time, VI improvers are sheared down, reducing the oils viscosity at operating temperatures. The AW and dispersants/detergents are no different. They become depleted, and the remaining molecules are not as effective. An oil change is then needed. This can be caused by extended drain intervals and poor maintenance. When it comes to engines, the same principles of lubrication apply. The lubricating film must be maintained to ensure proper operating conditions and to achieve the maximum life of the engines components. Changing oil regularly and sustaining appropriate fluid levels are the keys to overall engine health and lifespan.


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