The Real Line: Rational Numbers Irrational Numbers

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REAL NUMBERS The set formed by the rational numbers and irrational numbers is the set of real numbers,

and is designated by .

With real numbers all operations can be performed, except for the root of an even index and negative radicand, and division by zero.

The Real Line

For any real number there is a point on the straight line and for every point on the straight line, a real number.

Representation of Real Numbers

The real numbers can be represented in the straight line with as much approximation as needed, but there are cases in which they can be represented in exact form.


Adding Real Numbers


1. Closure: The result of adding two real numbers is another real number. A+b + 2. Associative : The way in which the summands are grouped does not change the result. (a + b) + c = a+ (b + c)

3. Commutative : The order of the addends does not change the sum. a+b=b+a

4. Additive identity: The 0 is the neutral element in the addition because every number added to it gives the same number. a+0=a +0= 5. Additive inverse: Two numbers are opposites if they are added together and the result is zero. a + (a)= 0 ee=0 The opposite of the opposite of a number is equal to the same number. ( )=

Subtracting Real Numbers

The difference of two real numbers is defined as the sum of the minuend plus the opposite of the subtrahend. a b = a + (b)

Multipying Real Numbers

The rule of signs for the product of integers and rational numbers is still maintained with the real numbers.


1. Closure: The result of multiplying two real numbers is another real number. ab 2. Associative: The way in which the factors are grouped does not change the result. (a b) c = a (b c) (e ) =e( )

3. Commutative: The order of factors does not change the product. ab=ba

4. Multiplicative Identity: The 1 is the neutral element of the multiplication because any number multiplied by it gives the same number. a1=a 1= 5. Multiplicative inverse:
A number is the reciprocal of another if when multiplied by each other, the product is the muliplicative identity.

6. Distributive: The product of a number for a sum is equal to the sum of the products of this number for each of the addends. a (b + c) = a b + a c (e + )= e+

Removing a common factor:

It is the reverse of the distributive property.

a b + a c = a (b + c) e+ = (e + )

Dividing Real Numbers

The division of two real numbers is defined as the product of the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor.
INTERVALS Definition of an Interval

An interval is a to set of real numbers between two given points: a and b, which are called ends of the interval.
Open Interval

An open interval, (a, b), is the set of all real numbers greater than a and smaller than b. (a, b) = {x / a < x < b}

Closed Interval

A closed interval, [a, b], is the set of all real numbers greater than or equal to a and less than or equal to b. [a, b] = {x / a x b}

Half-Closed Intervals

(a, b] = {x

/ a < x b}

[a, b) = {x

/ a x < b}

Half-closed intervals are also called half-open intervals. When there are a set of points formed by two or more of these intervals, the sign used between them.

(Union) is

The half-line is determined by a number.


(a, +) = {x

/ a < x < +}


[a, +) = {x

/ a x < +}


(-, a) = {x

/ - < x < a}


(-, a] = {x

/ - < x a}

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