The Real Line: Rational Numbers Irrational Numbers
The Real Line: Rational Numbers Irrational Numbers
The Real Line: Rational Numbers Irrational Numbers
and is designated by .
With real numbers all operations can be performed, except for the root of an even index and negative radicand, and division by zero.
1. Closure: The result of adding two real numbers is another real number. A+b + 2. Associative : The way in which the summands are grouped does not change the result. (a + b) + c = a+ (b + c)
3. Commutative : The order of the addends does not change the sum. a+b=b+a
4. Additive identity: The 0 is the neutral element in the addition because every number added to it gives the same number. a+0=a +0= 5. Additive inverse: Two numbers are opposites if they are added together and the result is zero. a + (a)= 0 ee=0 The opposite of the opposite of a number is equal to the same number. ( )=
The difference of two real numbers is defined as the sum of the minuend plus the opposite of the subtrahend. a b = a + (b)
1. Closure: The result of multiplying two real numbers is another real number. ab 2. Associative: The way in which the factors are grouped does not change the result. (a b) c = a (b c) (e ) =e( )
3. Commutative: The order of factors does not change the product. ab=ba
4. Multiplicative Identity: The 1 is the neutral element of the multiplication because any number multiplied by it gives the same number. a1=a 1= 5. Multiplicative inverse:
A number is the reciprocal of another if when multiplied by each other, the product is the muliplicative identity.
6. Distributive: The product of a number for a sum is equal to the sum of the products of this number for each of the addends. a (b + c) = a b + a c (e + )= e+
a b + a c = a (b + c) e+ = (e + )
The division of two real numbers is defined as the product of the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor.
INTERVALS Definition of an Interval
An interval is a to set of real numbers between two given points: a and b, which are called ends of the interval.
Open Interval
An open interval, (a, b), is the set of all real numbers greater than a and smaller than b. (a, b) = {x / a < x < b}
Closed Interval
A closed interval, [a, b], is the set of all real numbers greater than or equal to a and less than or equal to b. [a, b] = {x / a x b}
Half-Closed Intervals
(a, b] = {x
/ a < x b}
[a, b) = {x
/ a x < b}
Half-closed intervals are also called half-open intervals. When there are a set of points formed by two or more of these intervals, the sign used between them.
(Union) is
(a, +) = {x
/ a < x < +}
[a, +) = {x
/ a x < +}
(-, a) = {x
/ - < x < a}
(-, a] = {x
/ - < x a}