UNICEF Youth Review Investment
UNICEF Youth Review Investment
UNICEF Youth Review Investment
Report Compiled by Njonjo K.S., Rugo A.M., and Muigei, N.C. Institute of Economic affairs 5th Floor, ACK Garden House 1st Ngong Avenue P.O. Box 53989 Nairobi- 00200 Tel: +254-20-2717402, +254-20-2721262 Fax: +254-20-2716231 Cell: +254-724-256510, +254-733-272126 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ieakenya.or.ke
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Content Page
Tables and Figures Acknowledgements List of Acronyms & Abbreviations 1.0. Introduction 2.0. Overview of Existing Literature 2.1 2007 World Development Report 2.2 Kenya National Human Development Report, 2009 2.3 Cross-Sectoral Assessment for at Risk Youth in Kenya 2.4 The National Youth Situation Analysis Report (SITAN) 2.5 The Government of Kenya Youth Programmes and Policy Frameworks 2.5.1 Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (MOYAS) 2.5.2 Kenya National Youth Policy (KNYP) 2.5.3 The National Youth Council Bill, 2009 (NYC) 2.5.4 The Youth Employment Marshall Plan 2.5.7 2.5.8 2.5.9 Kenya Vision 2030 First Medium Term Plan (2008-2012) of Kenya Vision 2030 Constitution of Kenya iv v vi 1 3 3 5 7 10 12 12 13 14 15 18 19 19 20 21 23 23 23 24 33 38 38 38 38 39 39 42 61 82 84
2.6 A Situation Analysis, Education in Kenya (UNICEF, 2008) 2.7 Out-Of-School Children and Youth (UNICEF, 2009) 3.1 Introduction 3.2 National Government of Kenya 3.2.1 Youth Empowerment and Employment 3.2.3 Youth Education and ICT 3.2.4 Youth Health 3.2.5 Youth Participation 3.2.6 Youth & Sports 3.2.7 Youth & Entertainment 3.2.8 Youth and Crime/Drug Abuse
3.3 Local Authorities 3.4 Private Sector 3.5 International Development Partners
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Figures Figure 1: Allocations to Youth Enterprise Development Fund (2006-2010) Figure 2: Allocations for Improving Livelihoods in ASAL Areas Figure 3: Per Capita Expenditure Nominal KShs 24 31 34
Tables Table 1: Table 2: Table 3: Table 4: Table 5: Table 6: Table 7: Table 8: Table 9: Kazi Kwa Vijana Programmes Summary Allocations by the Government of Kenya for Youth Development and Training through Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports Allocations through other Ministries and Agencies Economic Stimulus Programme (ESP) allocations in 2009/2010 26 27 28 29
Empowerment and Employment Related Allocations in 2010/11 National Budget 30 Education Programmes and Expenditures Aggregate Education expenditures by sources, 2003/4 to 2008/9 (Kshs billion) Per Capita Expenditure in Education by level (Nominal Kshs) Health Related Allocations in 2010/11 National Budget 32 33 33 35 36 39 51 54
Table 10: Allocations for youth by Local Authorities Table 11: Private Companies Investment of Youth Programmes Table 12A: International Development Partners Investment of Youth Programmes Table 12B: Details of International Development Partners Investment in Youth
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The IEA Kenya and UNICEF would like to thank the all the persons who filled the questionnaires and availed the relevant documents. Particularly we thank Mr. Chrispine Odour and Mr. David H. Otieno for their technical support in collecting and analyzing the data respectively. Theirs has been an immense input in the process. Special appreciation goes to Mr. Kimanzi Muthengi of UNICEF for all the helpful suggestions during the preparation of the report.
Youth Situation Review & Investment in Kenya
Youth Situation Review & Investment in Kenya
Human Immunodeficiency Virus International Conference on Population and Development Information and Communications Technology International Development Association International Development Research Centre Institute of Economic Affairs Kenya Japan International Cooperation Agency Kenya Alliance for the Advancement of Childrens Rights Kenya Commercial Bank Kenya Certificate for Primary Education Examination Kenya Certificate for Secondary Education Examination Kenya Demographic and Health Survey Kenya Private Sector Alliance Kenya Education Sector Support Programme Kenya Integrated Budget and Household Survey Kenya-Italy Debt for Development Programme Kazi Kwa Vijana Kenya Local Government Reform Programme Kenya National Bureau of Statistics Kenya National Youth Policy Kenya Power and Lighting Company KPMG Kenya Kenya Service Provision Assessment Kenya Youth Empowerment Project Kenya Youth Initiative Project Kenya Youth Soccer Events Kenya/National Youth Policy Local Authority Transfer Fund Millennium Development Goal Ministry of Education Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports Medium Term Plan National Agency for the Campaign Against Drug Abuse National Rainbow Coalition Norwegian Church Aid Net Enrolment Rate NonFormal Education Non Governmental Organization National Human Development Report
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National Population Policy for Sustainable Development National Qualifications Framework National Reproductive Health Strategy National Youth Council National Youth Service Orphaned and Vulnerable Children Program for Appropriate Technology in Health Post Election Violence Price Waterhouse Coopers Swedish International Development Agency National Youth Situation Analysis Report Small and Micro Enterprises Technical Industrial Vocational Education and Training Technical Training Institute United Nations United Nations Development Programme United Nations Environmental Programme United Nations General Assembly United Nations International Childrens Fund United Nations Office in Nairobi United States Agency for International Development United States Dollars World Development Report World Health Organization Youth Agenda Youth Development Index Youth Enterprise Development Fund Youth Empowerment Programme Youth-Friendly Services Youth Resource Center
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1.0 Introduction
The number of young people across the world is increasing and today they are the majority in most countries1 including Kenya, where 15 to 34 year olds total 13.66 million, approximately 35.39% of the population2. This proportion of youth is expected to grow and form the bulk of the population in the next 10-20 years, a phenomenon referred to as a youth bulge. This trend has generated interest among development players hence the recognition that young people are important players in development. As such, more literature on youth is emerging but it is scattered in various places and efforts to collate it is minimal. This report is an attempt to assess the youth situation in Kenya by reviewing various Government of Kenya policy documents as well as United Nations (UN), United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and World Bank publications. It also seeks to outline investments on youth by various actors. The methodology of study was mainly a desk top review of secondary data of the relevant documents. From the literature, it is evident that information on youth is growing. However, there are several issues that need to be addressed in subsequent discourses. These include: (i) A harmonized definition of what constitutes a young person in Kenya. This definition needs to go beyond a categorization based on age to include cultural, psychological and political understandings of youth in different contexts which are useful in delineating the role of youth within the society Most reports give sound policy proposals that government should pursue. It is important to note that government has already taken most of these proposals into consideration and implemented a considerable number of them. However there is need for targeted investment by government to effectively realize the desired outcomes. Budget allocations are not disaggregated by age and are still presented as l9ine items. It therefore becomes very difficult to quantify direct resource allocations to young peoples projects as well as monitoring and evaluating the extent to which government allocations are impacting the lives of young people. There is evidence of lack of coordination between government agencies implementing youth related policies and programmes and this must be addressed if youth initiatives are to succeed and have the right impact. Most young people are also unaware of youth related government policies and programmes. They need to be educated on the existing programmes, policies and legislative frameworks in order for them to adequately access services and participate adequately. Ministry of Youth and Sports (MOYAS), National Youth Policy and the National Youth
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1. See World Bank, World Development Report 2007: Development and The Next Generation (The World Bank, Washington D.C., 2006) 2. See KNBS, 2009 Kenya Population and Housing census: Volume 1C (KNBS, Nairobi, 2010)
Council (NYC), though intended to compliment each others work identify youth priorities that are not aligned to each other. (vii) There are no clear distinctions between the functions of MOYAS and those of NYC, a factor that could be a source of constant conflict and rivalry. (viii) If NYC is an electives office, what would be the capacity of these individuals to execute the research and policy analysis role NYC is supposed to play? (ix) Though the UNDP report mentioned the need and importance of talent academies, none of the reports evaluate young peoples talents and how that could be harnessed to create employment and improve livelihoods. (x) Government programs and policies do not acknowledge changing demographics in Kenya and its impact. Other reports acknowledge the demographic changes but do not analyze how the changes will subsequently affect youth development in the future. Investments made for youth development in Kenya have been enormous by both state and non-state actors. However they have remained a multi-stakeholder endeavor that require coordination. Available information on youth investments is not disaggregated by gender and region. The private sector and development partners reports do not indicate the period activities were undertaken or in some cases, the actual amounts spent on programmes and projects. The overall picture of investment in youth projects in Kenya is thus limited by these factors.
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(ii) Develop young peoples capabilities to be aware of the consequences of their action, especially those that will affect them later in life; building their decision-making skills; and giving them the right incentives so that their decisions are well informed, adequately resourced, and judicious. (iii) Provide an effective system of second chances through targeted programs that help young people recover from missed opportunities through remedial education, retraining, treatment and rehabilitation to give them hope and the incentive to catch up from bad luck or bad choices made.
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3. See World Bank, World Development Report 2007: Development and The Next Generation (The World Bank, Washington D.C., 2006)
The report also points out three areas of action that countries need to resolve so as to help mobilize requisite economic and political resources necessary to stimulate reform in addressing young peoples issues. These are identified as: Better coordination and integration with national policy: while youth issues cut across sectors by nature, most policies that influence them are set within sectors. This requires changing by developing comprehensive national frameworks for youth supported by all ministries and integrated into national policy and budgeting; Making the voice of young people heard by encouraging them to organize themselves and participate in public processes; and carrying out evaluations and documentation on young peoples issues to fill the huge dearth of information on youth. The report is very comprehensive on policies and essential interventions needed to make youth programmes thrive. It is also adequate in bringing out the consequences of lack of those policy interventions. However, the report does not analyze budgetary allocations on youth by governments over time to understand how this has affected youth development even though it generally admits that adequate budgetary allocations are necessary for youth programmes. As a result of this deficiency in the report, there is no emphasis on exactly the areas to invest in and by how much or what the impact would be as a result of such an investment. Lack of this information continues to make youth investment especially by governments, a peripheral issue. The report also largely defines youth on the basis of age. Though it admits the different categorizations of youth on the basis of age in different countries, it largely leaves out cultural, psychological and political understandings of youth in different contexts which are useful in delineating the role of youth within these different societies. The report discusses the development challenges and successes pertaining to the young generation, while considering how economic policies can help young people during the period of most fundamental changes in their transition from youth to adult status. In its focus on Sub-Saharan Africa, it questions how the continent can take advantage of the regions demographic window of opportunity. It asserts that the anticipated bulge presents a special challenge in a region that lags in many key areas, such as literacy and health, and is unlikely to meet any of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The report recognizes political participation in adulthood will largely be determined by participation in youth. The report recommends investment in youth citizenship stating, it affects patterns of participation, development priorities, and development outcomes as young people age. The political, moral, and even stylistic choices of youth help society see what is culturally important and achieve what is politically possible4
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According to the report, modification of health behavior during youth will ensure a realization of productive human capital. The report asserts that policies to promote better health for young people rest on three legs. First, give them the knowledge to help them make informed choices about their behaviorand the skills to negotiate safe behavior with peers
4. WDR, 2007
and partners. Second, create an environment for the young to practice in healthy behavior, making risky behavior costly, and limiting the opportunities for it. Third, for young people harmed by poor health decisions or environments, provide health services, treatment, and rehabilitation. Broadening access to these services whether dealing with unwanted pregnancies, obesity, or drug addiction will minimize the long-term consequences and lead to better health5
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Chapter six provides a summary of the key messages and action points drawn from the previous chapters The 2009 KNHDR discusses the various definitions of youth in accordance to the UN, World Bank and various laws of Kenya. According to this report youth are defined as people resident in Kenya aged 15 to 35 years which contradicts the definition provided by the MOYAS strategic plan or the NYC bill but coincides with the definition of NYP. The 2009 KNHDR introduces a new measure for youth development. The index assesses the YDI degree of inclusion and social integration of the youth in national development processes with respect to education, health and income. In this report however, the YDI does not incorporate a variety of youth development indicators. Ideally a comprehensive YDI needs to measure youth participation, self-development, social relationships, identity, leisure time, deviant behaviour and self-empowerment, all of which play a critical role in youth development. The report acknowledges the youth as a vital resource that can be tapped to promote a countrys development. It recognizes that the realization of Vision 2030 and the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) depend on the degree of inclusion of youth in the development agenda. Further on, it highly recommends policy proposals by Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) be mainstreamed with the National Youth Policy. The report recognizes the challenge of unemployment among the youth and recommends non-conventional employment opportunities in areas such as Information and Communications Technology (ICT), music, the performing arts and sports. The three variables used to compute the YDI notably; income, education and health may not be exhaustive and the report asserts that further variables need to be considered for inclusion. It suggests a National Survey on Kenyas Youth Transition to Adulthood so as to develop a more robust Kenya Youth Development Index. The report explores gaps in policy and strategies for youth employment. It advocates for the development of youth empowerment centres to tap and promote youth talent and create opportunities and the construction of regional sports stadia to promote the development of sports and tap into the youth sporting talent. The 2009 KNHDR highlights the need for regional and gender balance in the beneficiaries of the Youth Enterprise Development Fund and it proposes the broadening of the mandate of the National Youth Service through improved funding.
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The KNHDR does not provide an index for youth participation in national governance in Kenya. Rather it discusses the various initiatives, policies and challenges youth undergo and it recognizes good practices for nurturing youth participation in governance in Kenya. The models of good practices used by the report are notably; Kenya National Schools and Colleges Drama Festival, Presidents Award Schemes, universities and colleges student leadership, peace corps volunteer schemes, The scouts and the girl guides, St Johns ambulance youth leadership programs and youth mentorship programs.
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of the labor force, albeit often in parttime, underpaid, and shortterm status. Given the very low growth of employment in the formal sector, the growth of micro enterprise provides the best opportunity for youth livelihood. The growth and spread of microfinancing in Kenya is remarkable, providing a strong base for financing startup, smallscale, youthorganized enterprise. Youth who become engaged in viable microenterprise move through what is termed as Three Stage Youth Enterprise Development Process, starting with assessments and often voluntary service projects, then moving onto informal moneyearning activities, and ending with microfinance and viable enterprise. It is a process that typically takes up to three years. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of youthled informal enterprises and organizations that are successful (and even more that are not sustained). (iii) Health and Wellbeing Youth consider that their health problems have been too narrowly defined as sexually transmitted disease and HIV/AIDS. They view health from a broad perspective, which includes personal health; community and environmental conditions; and psychosocial wellbeing, including values of integrity, caring, unity in diversity, spiritual purpose, and lives of service, as well as recreation and sports. Youth activities and organizations, they feel, should engage in activities that promote these values. There is a high level of sexual abuse of girls and young women, with more than 20 percent becoming mothers before the age of 16 years, and a much higher percentage who suffer through abortions. There are many nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and communitybased organizations (CBOs) who began working on these issues, particularly those funded to combat HIV/AIDS that have evolved into multifunctional, youthserving organizations, addressing livelihoods, public advocacy, and capacity building. Youth feel that most existing health services are not youth friendly, and they would like to be able to access information and treatment from onestop, friendly health services that are both confidential and trustworthy. (iv) Capacity Development (Education and Training). There are 155,000 youth enrolled in formal technical, entrepreneurial, and vocational training institutions, yet many do not obtain the competencies needed to be successful in microenterprise, nor do they easily find employment in the formal sector. There are many more youth who are involved in nonformal education experiences, often linked to the development of microenterprise. Yet there is little interorganizational sharing and no quality control of NonFormal Education (NFE). Outofschool youth want and need ways of achieving competencies that are practical and recognized as legitimate. This is a matter of high priority for Kenyas development, and for the growth of opportunity for youth. The Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Technology has proposed to Parliament the development of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) to address this critical need. The report adequately captures the voices of young people with regard to vulnerability.
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However, it omits a substantial discussion on poverty, equity (with regards to access of resources and opportunities), crime and drugs which are some of the glaring causes of risk among young people. The report sought to inform USAID youth programming strategy so as to support the expansion of local youth organizations in those areas most critically affected by postelection violence (PEV) in the Nyanza, Western, Rift Valley, and Central provinces and the poorest areas of Nairobi. The report highlights the centrality of the youth as direct perpetrators and victims of the 2007/2008 PEV. According to the report, almost 2 million youth (1530 years) are outofschool and the majority have no regular work or income, making them vulnerable to recruitment into political campaigns and criminal gangs. Due to this exclusion, the report highlights present youth frustrations and failed expectations, due to lack of opportunity for regular employment. An observation from the report reveals that socio-economic issues connected to unemployment, education and poverty are the key issues in the vulnerability of youth. According to the report, there is an influx of youth from rural areas to urban areas in search of better livelihoods. The report asserts that there is a large and increasing urban population which accounts for 32 percent of the population of those aged (15-30) with a rapid rate of urbanization which is unable to provide employment opportunities to the75 percent outof school youth who do not have regular, fulltime employment. Youth vulnerability in Kenya is traced to the colonial and postcolonial Kenyan experience. The report suggests that youth need to be mentored and proposes a stable community with leadership from adults that guides their own social, economic, cultural, and spiritual development. Although the report showcases Kenyas economic and employment profile, it fails to provide an analysis of specific contributions, roles and picture of the youth in light of the economy and employment in Kenya. Through the profile provided it is difficult to have a proper understanding of the plight of the youth in regards to employment in Kenya. The report explores existing youth policies and programs and discusses the National Youth Policy, MOYAS Strategic Plan, the Kazi Kwa Vijana Program and the proposed Youth Employment Marshall Plan. In trying to assess policy and practice, the report examined the staffing of the MOYAS provincial and district offices, their challenges, priority programs and their activities. The report found out that the MOYAS district offices are seriously understaffed (the majority of districts do not have MOYAS offices in these provinces), are underfunded and are therefore not able to effectively implement their programs with the resources they have. The report acknowledges the problem existing in the definition of youth in Kenya. Throughout the report, youth programs are often categorized under broad topics such as reproductive health, slum upgrading, violence prevention, womens livelihoods which are assumed to have youth as core participants and beneficiaries.
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the putting up of youth friendly services yet the Ministry of Health initiated the Adolescent Reproductive Health and Development Policy (ARH&D) in 2003 and gave National Guidelines for Provision of Youth-Friendly Services (YFS) in 2005. This is indicative of the lack of coordination between government agencies implementing youth related policies and programmes. Because this was a consultative process and the young people made these recommendations, it becomes clear that they may not be fully aware of the policies and programmes available to them. This calls for a countrywide education of the existent of these programmes, policies and legislative frameworks. The report also ought to explore the evaluation of existing youth services and state whether they are working or not so as to inform the planning and allocation of resources of youth programmes. The report brings in unique aspects of equity and support systems for young people. It also recognizes the dearth of strategies, systems and government institutions to identify develop and promote youth talent. It notes the absence of recreational facilities but however fails to account for the few existing ones and justification for what type of facilities may be needed including budgetary allocations government and other partners may need to commit. Throughout the report the private sectors role has been left out even though there are existing initiatives the through played by different organizations such as Safaricom, Zain, Kenya Airways among others in investing into different youth initiatives. The report makes general claims of certain youth challenges without qualifying the statements with appropriate data, thus policy implementation and budgetary allocation can be rendered difficult because the issues raised may be termed as rhetoric hence risk the possibility of being ignored or not prioritized for policy formulation and implementation. The report calls for an establishment of institutions providing second-chance education especially for girls who drop out of school. It recommends flexible schedules, practical curricula with incorporation of life skills. The boy child needs to be considered and the report asserts that, programmes dedicated to the plight of the boy child should be enhanced. An introduction of affirmative action for youth with disabilities is strongly recommended. The report advocates for the inclusion of the youth voice in areas of development targeted at them. It suggests that youth education councils made up of students representing schools throughout the districts should be established to work with the district education office. The report highly recommends youth to be engaged in governance and it suggests that youth should be empowered so as to participate in the national building process and social audit programmes in the decentralized funds meant for the community. Although Kazi Kwa Vijana projects are lauded, the report recommends that it be expanded to operate on a sufficient scale so as to produce relevant output. The report advocates for the initiatives to be professionalized.
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8. See GoK, Office of the Vice President And Ministry of State for Youth Affairs: Strategic Plan, 2007 2012 (GoK, March 2007) and also USAID, CrossSectoral Assessment for at Risk Youth in Kenya: Revised Report (USAID, 2009)
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9. See GoK, National Youth Policy for Youth Development :Office of the Vice President and Ministry of State for Youth Affairs (GoK, 2007)
To implement the policy, government prepared a National Youth Council bill which was discussed and passed in December 2009 in Parliament. Its mandate is to coordinate youth organizations and develop an integrated national youth development plan in collaboration with the Ministry for Youth Affairs and Sports. It is to act as an advisory, research and policy institution on youth affairs in Kenya.
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If NYC is an elective office, what would be the capacity of these individuals to execute the research and policy analysis role?
Youth Situation Review & Investment in Kenya The Trees for Jobs Initiative Programme The trees for jobs initiative was developed by MOYAS in 2009. It is partly financed by UNDP and aims to plant 90 million seedlings per year and employ over 29,000 youth in its first two years. The programme contributes to addressing two problems facing Kenya: deforestation and youth unemployment. For the programme to benefit a large cross-section of the youth, projects are spread throughout the country. Roads 2000 Project The Roads 2000 project was implemented by the Ministry of Roads and Public Works. The project was designed to create short-term labour-intensive employment for young people. Youth Enterprise Development Fund (YEDF) The Youth Enterprise Development Fund seeks to enhance youth participation in socioeconomic development through the provision of credit to youth enterprises. In the 2006/07 budget, the government allocated one billion Kenya shillings to the fund to enable young entrepreneurs to access finances to set up or expand businesses. By September 2008, 1.34 billion shillings had been disbursed through financial intermediaries to finance 47,722 youth enterprises. The fund had also disbursed 322 million shillings to 7,840 youth groups spread across Kenya. According to available data, a total of 34,616 female youths and 26,144 male youths had benefited from the YEDF by September 2009. The higher number of women recipients was a result of a specific policy bias towards helping women. Technical Industrial Vocational Education and Training (TIVET) The TIVET component of the Kenya Education Sector Support Programme enhances handson youth education and training for developing self-reliance and entrepreneurship.
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14. Gok, Adolescent Reproductive Health Development Policy, (Gok, Nairobi, April 2003)
Among the key objectives of this policy are the identification and definition of adolescent health and development needs; provision of guidelines and strategies to address adolescent health concerns; and promotion of partnerships among adolescents, parents and communities. The policy also seeks to create an enabling legal and social-cultural environment that facilitates the provision of information and services for adolescents and youth. It will promote and protect adolescent reproductive rights; strengthen inter-sector coordination and networking in the field of adolescent health and development; and enhance participation of adolescents in reproductive health and development programmes. Finally, the policy Identifies and defines monitoring and evaluation indicators for adolescent reproductive health and development. The report defines adolescents as persons aged 10-19, and states that the World Health Organization (WHO) defines the youth as persons aged 10-24 years
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acceptable to them. Minimum conditions for youth friendly services include: Affordability and accessibility; Safe and basic range of services; Privacy and confidentiality; Provider competence/attitude; Quality and consistency; Reliability and sustainability; Inbuilt monitoring; and Evaluation system. Addressing reproductive health needs of adolescents therefore requires a multi-sector approach.
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The First Medium Term Plan (MTP, 2008-2012), sets out the implementation mechanism of the Vision. Coming into force in July 2008 after the end of the Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation (ERSWEC, 2003-2007), the MTP was expected to accelerate the gains made in the preceding period. However the post election violence in 2007 left the economy destabilized and the gains made retarded. Thus the MTP started off with
an aim to set the economy back on a path of recovery before embarking on programmes of greater growth. It is organized in the same format as the Vision 2030. Specifically on youth empowerment and development, the MTP makes provision under the following chapters Human Resource Development, Labour and Employment, Business Process Outsourcing, Education and Training, and Gender, Vulnerable Groups & Youth. It provides for employment creation through intensive programmes hosted by the relevant ministries of government.
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works; Education for all (EFA), MDGs, International conventions and commitments, UN and UNICEF priorities, Republic of Kenya policy documents such as Kenya Vision 2030 and the Economic Recovery Strategy (ERS paper. The overarching key thematic issues addressed by the report revolve around structures of governance in Kenya, financing and the levels of education. The report further discusses the existing governance structures of education in Kenya. It highlights the importance of devolution at the community level if national policies are to be effectively implemented. On financing, the report calls for a need to re-prioritize commitment and questions whether target expenditure is in fact sufficient to meet needs of currently disadvantaged children, especially those out of school. On the levels of education, the report delves on the characteristics, achievements and the issues affecting early childhood and development, primary education, secondary education, out of school children and adults, non formal and post secondary education. The report recognizes the positive gains made in education in Kenya in the recent years. It acknowledges the positive impact brought by the realization of the goals of EFA and MDGs 2 and 3 through the introduction of free primary education which has led to increased enrolment, with reasonable gender balance. The report discusses the critical importance of Early Child Development Education (ECDE) as well as earlier family-based nurturing and support) to childrens educational performance and outcomes. According to the report, early childhood development and education is perceived and endorsed as an essential underpinning to achieve educational (and social) goals. The report notes the increased ECDE enrolments over recent years and states that majority of Kenyan children do not have access or families choose not to access ECDE centres. Another finding from the report is the mismatch between the policy priority given to early childhood development and education, and the available or projected funding to enable access, with quality. The report highlights the anomalies brought about by inadequate data on the type and coverage of ECDE. It acknowledges existing inconsistencies within available data and key issues like efficiency/cohort progression in the primary system and looming concerns, relating to quality, system efficiency and measurable learning outcomes, especially in the transition to secondary by larger primary cohorts. The report identifies strategic focus areas that have failed and need to be addressed. It indicates a problematic transition from primary to secondary schooling but emphasizes on a shift in focus to transitions from ECDE to primary school while ensuring that the distinctive purpose and nature of ECDE is recognized and valued. The report recommends enhanced advocacy towards non formal education and points out its potential to accommodate the out of school children. More creative strategies and adequate resources are also needed.
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UNICEF Kenya sought to focus on their four key priority areas notably; Child survival and development; Increased use of evidence for policy, Prevention of HIV and AIDS; and Involvement of youth in their own development. Through the report, there was little use of empirical data thus making it hard to plan for policy purposes.
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sector report on the enrolment rates citing, there is little evidence whether Kenya is utilising its potential to provide NFE. The report notes that there has been an increase in the number of secondary schools as well as secondary students. It further acknowledges some system inefficiency due to a reported GER of 37 per cent which is about 50 per cent higher than NER. Even though there has been an improvement as noted earlier, there is still a very low take-up of secondary education which is a major system vulnerability, especially in Nairobi and North Eastern Provinces. The report recommends further research into various destinations of secondary school leavers, including qualitative data on their experiences. These should be incorporated into school reform programs for improvement. According to the report adult and continuing education in Kenya overlap with NFE.The report asserts that the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in any society are illiterate youth and adults. Through the report, recent Kenyan data indicate that among 15-19 year olds, 30 per cent were illiterate. The report highlights some provision variation in literacy rates citing that North Eastern has the lowest literacy rate at eight per cent, to Nairobis 87 per cent. In addressing post secondary education, the report presents data which indicates some system inefficiency in Kenyas education system citing that neither the primary nor the secondary systems have been adequately prepared for the influx created by free schooling at these levels. Although the report exhaustively discusses the vulnerabilities of the children and youth excluded from schooling, it notes the limitation of lack of data on out-of-school children and youth. In effect, data on participation in schooling are used to identify the incidence and patterns of out-of-school children and youth. Empirical data has been used to back up the findings in the report making it a better tool for policy planning .Recommendations made in the report focus on how to improve quality of data as well as areas of the education system which warrant attention in the interest of vulnerable out-of-school children and youth.
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porting already existing enterprises to grow. YEDF was established as a revolving fund with interest rates below the market rates so that it is more affordable to young people. YEDF was established with an inception capital of Kshs. 1 Billion. Kshs. 210 Million was allocated as grants through the Constituency Youth Enterprise Scheme (C-YES). This amount was allocated equally among all constituencies (i.e. Kshs. 1 Million per constituency). Kshs. 100 Million was allocated for capacity building of the youth groups while the remaining Kshs. 590 Million was channeled through financial intermediaries for onward lending to youth groups. So far a total of Kshs. 2.915 Billion has been disbursed through the programme as a shown in Figure 1 below.
2007/8 Year
Figure 1: Allocations to Youth Enterprise Development Fund (2006-2010) Source: Various Printed Estimates of Recurrent and Development Expenditure, Republic of Kenya Kazi Kwa Vijana (KKV) This was a multi-sectoral programme established in 2008 under the Office of the Prime Minister and launched in 2009. It came as a result of the violence that characterized the post election 2007 period in which lack of productive engagement among the youth was seen as a key contributing factor to their engagement in destructive activities. It was designed to engage the youth in short term employment through labour intensive programmes. KKV envisaged that it would employ 200,000 - 300,000 Kenyans, primarily the youths, who are at risk of hunger and starvation. This would enable them to earn income, to buy food and other basic items and to support their families. Those employed in the KKV programmes would be engaged in manual-based small projects in their own communities. In rural areas, they will build water dams and irrigation, repair borehole and access roads, clear bushes, sow organic fertilizers and seeds, and plant tress. This will be done in time to ensure an increase in crop yields and to save water for the period ahead. In urban areas, the KKV workers will build and operate water kiosks, develop and implement waste management
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systems, and repair and maintain access roads, all to improve quality of life particularly in the slum areas. The projects will be introduced in three phases as they become fully prepared for implementation. The projects will be community based. In each Phase, local communities, development partners and NGOs will be invited to propose community-based projects to complement those initiated by the government. Project operation commenced on March 1st 2009. Phase I initially involved water, irrigation, and forestry projects, to be executed by the Ministries of Water and Irrigation, and Forestry. These projects were expected to create about 60,000 over the next 6 months at a total cost of Ksh 1.2 billion. Phase II included Ministry of Roads, Local Governments and Regional Development projects as well as those of other interested parties. These projects were scheduled to roll out in April. Phase III comprised of projects by other interested ministries as well as those initiated by other interested parties. The emphasis in this phase was to employ female youth. Among others, female-oriented projects included care giving for HIV/AIDS victims and orphans. The KKV programme was to be implemented under the overall supervision and guidance of the National Steering Committee. The steering committee is chaired by the Prime Minister and comprises of ministers of relevant ministries. The Ministry of Youth was to assist in the coordination of programme implementation. Each line ministry is responsible for the execution of the projects that it initiates and relevant budget provisions would be made. The funds are channeled through the normal district mechanism via the district treasury. Each ministry is held accountable for the funds under their respective ministerial allocation. Each project is implemented by a unit typically involving 50 -100 workers drawn from the community involved. These units are community driven and are supported by the relevant ministries, development partners, NGOs among other agencies that are involved at the project implementation level. The overall budget for KKV was set at Kshs. 15 billion over six months. It was envisaged that up to two thirds (Kshs. 10 billion) will be funded from the governments own resources. Development partners and NGOs will be approached to bridge the funding gap of the KKV Programme. Table 1 shows the initial allocations to KKV.
Youth Situation Review & Investment in Kenya
Ministry Office of the Prime Minister Ministry of Planning Ministry of Finance Ministry of Internal Security & Provincial Administration Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Ministry of Water and Irrigation Ministry of Roads Ministry of Forestry & Wildlife Ministry of Local Government Ministry of Youths Affairs and Sports Ministry of Regional Development Authority Grand Total
Source: www.kkv.go.ke
No of Projects 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 2 6 21
No of Youth Employed 20,000 3,135 20,000 71,934 57,519 20,000 14,700 9,200 18,950 195,458
Cost of Projects 50,000,000 62,500,000 10,000,000 45,000,000 1,686,160,224 600,000,000 800,000,000 1,080,000,000 330,750,000 193,000,000 250,000,000 5,619,960,224 Other Allocations to Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports The bulk of allocations for youth development and training are allocated through the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (MOYAS). MOYAS was established in December 2005 as a way of firming up the National Rainbow Coalition (NARC) governments commitment to youth development in Kenya. Direct allocations to the ministry were made starting in the fiscal year 2006/2007. Before then, the allocations were made through the Ministry of Gender, Social Services and Sports. Over the last four years the MOYAS has been allocated resources for various programmes. They are as shown in the Table 2.
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Table 2: Allocations by the Government of Kenya for Youth Development and Training through Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports
Allocations (Kshs. Millions) 2006/7 Estimates Actual Estimates Actual Estimates Actual Estimates Actual 2007/8 2008/9 2009/10 2010/11 Estimates Actual
Name of Programme
Youth Enterprise Develop- To enable young people to access credit to start or scale up small ment Fund and medium scale enterprises
To rehabilitate and operationlize at least one youth polytechnic per 105 constituency
Youth Innovation
Create a forum for youth countrywide to discuss matters that affect their social, economic and political welfare
National Youth Service Towards the operations of the National Youth Service
For food rations to cater for expected increased admission for youth training and skill development
To provide support, information and guidance to various youth organizations on entrepreneurial ventures and management
To cater for free tuition in accredited technical training and vocational collages countrywide. Support for middle level technical colleges in order to equip the youth with lifelong skills in areas such as building, engineering, trade, craftsmanship, science and technology and entrepreneurial capabilities
Road Construction
Current grants to government agencies and other levels of govern- 120 ment
Source: Printed Estimates of Recurrent and Development Expenditure & Appropriation Accounts by Kenya National Audit Office
27 Allocations through other Ministries and Agencies The government does allocate resources through other ministries that aim at the youth. They are as shown in tale 3 below. Table 3: Allocations through other Ministries and Agencies
Objective/Description of Programme
Childrens Services Current grants to government agencies and other levels of government Other current transfers, grants and subsidies Scholarship and other educational benefitsSecondary Education
2.173 0.082
Youth Polytechnics
Refurbishment of nonresidential buildings, purchase of educational aid and related equipment and research
60 (D)
Youth Situation Review & Investment in Kenya Economic Stimulus Programme (ESP) In an effort to revamp the economy and shield from further shocks of the world economic crisis and dry weather that had affected the country the Government of Kenya established the Economic Stimulus Package in 2009/10 budget. This was a Kshs. 22 Billion programme that was further increased with an injection of Kshs. 21 Billion in the year 2010/11 national budget. The ESP was expected to focus on sectors that would generate maximum benefit, restore confidence of Kenyans and assist the business community to weather the storm while also protecting the livelihoods of poor and creating employment for the youths. The objectives of the programme include; boosting the countrys economic recovery and return the economy back to the envisioned medium term growth path as outlined in Kenya Vision 2030; to invest in long term solutions to the challenges of food security; to expand economic opportunities in rural areas for employment creation; to promote regional development for equity and social stability; to improve infrastructure and the quality of education and healthcare for all Kenyans; to invest in the conservation of the environment; and to expand the access to, and build the ICT capacity of citizens so as to expand and accelerate economic growth. The projects under the ESP were multi-sectoral with funds channeled through the relevant government Ministries as shown in Table 4 below. Most of these projects were to engage the youth in their implementation through employment creation. Of interest is that the funds were allocated per constituency and thus under the management of the respective Constituency Development Fund Committees.
Ministry Responsible
No. of Total Cost Constituencies Kshs (000,000) Covered 180 140 210 210 200 210 210 1800 1120 525 210 4000 96.6 655.2
Construction of Fresh Produce & Wholesale Market Fish-farming Ponds in 140 Constituencies Construction of Jua Kali Sheds Equipping those Sheds Construction & Equipping of 1 H/C in each Constituency 5 Motor Cycles & 20 Bicycles for Community Health Workers Employ 20 Nurses per Constituency on Contract Constituency Medical Supplies Kitty Upgrading of 2 Primary Schools Construction of one Centre of Excellence in Secondary Recruiting 50 Primary Teachers on Contract Recruiting 10 Sec Teachers on Contract Mobile Computer Lab Tree Planting in 20 primary school per Constituency Rehabilitation & Expansion of Irrigable Land
Ministry of Industrialization Ministry of Fisheries Development Ministry of Industrialization Ministry of Industrialization Ministry of Public Health & Sanitation Ministry of Public Health & Sanitation Ministry of Public Health & Sanitation Ministry of Medical Services Ministry of Education Ministry of Education Ministry of Education Ministry of Education Ministry of Education Ministry of Education Ministry of Water and Irrigation Total
Economic Stimulus Programme in 2010/2011 In the 2010/2011 budget the Minister for Finance allocated Kshs. 21 Billion for the ESP of which Kshs. 9.6 Billion is directly under health and education. The other Kshs. 11.4 Billion is set to boost fish farming, irrigated agriculture and improving livelihoods in the Arid and Semi Arid Land (ASAL) areas.
Youth Situation Review & Investment in Kenya
In line with the targets of Vision 2030 for gainful employment creation among the youth, the Minister for Finance in his budget speech on 10 June 2010, allocated targeted resources for the empowerment of the youth through skills development and support for enterprise development. As shown on table 5, the allocations are towards supporting the youth in advancing their innovations and engaging in productive ventures. Table 5: Empowerment and Employment Related Allocations in 2010/11 National Budget
Intervention/Item Employment of 2000 tutors in Technical and Vocational Institutions Expansion of 26 Technical Training Institutes (TTIs)
Objective Increase Training of Youth in Rural Areas Increase admission of youth for practical training in a diverse range fields
Expansion of 8 National Polytechnics and Increase admission for practical skills and University Colleges technical training under TIVET Upgrade of the 14 Public Information, Science and Technology Colleges SMEs Revolving Fund Free Youth Polytechnic Training Amendment of the Public Procurement and Disposal Act
Source: Budget, 2010/2011 (GoK, 2010)
Supporting growth of SMEs as key driver of 3800 growth and development To enable poor students to access vocational and technical training To give preference to local industries in procurement of goods and services 898
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The creation of an all purpose credit facility for Small and Micro Enterprises (SMEs) was a notable one as it supports public support to all persons including those not in the youth bracket. However, it raises the concern as to the state of the Youth Enterprise Development Fund (YEDF) which has a capital base of about Kshs. 1.5 Billion. The fund management has been questioned especially after it emerged that there are high default rates especially of the Constituency Schemes. It is also worth noting that the proposed mechanism uses the same procedure of disbursing funds through financial institutions like other funds thus posing similar challenges faced in the management of those funds. These financial institutions ask for collateral as per their policies thus locking out many potential borrowers and thwarting the very purpose of creating the fund in the first place. There is need to seek a comprehensive audit of the YEDF before the SME revolving fund is released to the banks/financial intermediaries. As such the SME revolving fund should be built on the lessons from the administration of YEDF. There is also need to ensure that initiatives already started are followed through so that youth development is sustained. Other Investments for Youth Empowerment broadly With about 21 per cent of unemployment among the youth, there is a key need to create an environment conducive for their employment. Whereas government is not a primary employer it has a key role in ensuring that the countrys productive population is meaningfully
engaged. Towards this end, in the 2010/11 budget there were a number of allocations that targeted key areas under education, health, ASAL development and enterprise development. These other interventions shown in figure 2. Investment in ASAL Areas The investments indicated are in millions of Kenya shillings. These are projects that are meant to spur the ASAL economy and implementation of the same would be through labour intensive programmes that target the young people whose skills will be utilized.
5 Mini Leather Processing Factories; 175M Rehabilitating 10 Ranches for Beef Production: 330M
Water Supply Dam Construction; 3800M Construction of 25 Medium size Dams; 2000M
District Hospitals; 375M Electronic Based Animal Tracking; 200M Alternative energy (Solar); 550M Low Cost boarding Pri School; 450M
Youth Situation Review & Investment in Kenya
Allocations (Kshs. Millions) 2005/6 Estimates Actual Estimates Actual Estimates Actual Estimates 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9 Actual 2009/10 Estimates
Name of Programme
100 550 62 (R) 150 (D) 45 (R) + 50 (D) 6245 (R) 44.992 (R) 80 80 80 80.156 100 7433 (R) 3549.4 (D) 25 100 (R) 89.96 (R) 200 25 200 200 2900 800 280 22,000 43,000 199.35 210.00 6405.9 (R) 3534.8 3304.5 (D) (D) 56.78 100 100 100 99.99 110
Free Primary Education, Current grants to government agencies and other levels of government recurrent and capital expenses
Special primary schools Current grants to government agencies and other levels of government
University Education
Transfers in the form of grants and subsidies account for spending- Grants, transfers and subsidies are the second major component and include cash transfers for free primary and secondary grants to schools, bursaries for secondary education, transfers to local government for school supplies and bursaries for university students
Source: Printed Estimates of Recurrent and Development Expenditure & Appropriation Accounts by Kenya National Audit Office
A closer look at the allocation on education as shown on table 7 and table 8 as well as figure 3 indicates an increase in expenditure. This can be attributed to increase in the number of students as well as increase in the cost of providing education in the country. Table 7 shows the total education expenditure against their sources namely; Central Government of Kenya, development partners and decentralized funds (CDF and LATF). The report shows that on average the central government has been meeting 97 per cent of the total education expenditure in Kenya. Development partners support about 2 per cent while CDF and LATF support 1 per cent which is largely in infrastructure development and bursaries to less endowed students. Table 7: Aggregate Education expenditures by sources, 2003/4 to 2008/9 (Kshs billion)
2003/4 Total Education expenditures Central Government (MOE and MoHEST) Development Partners Decentralized funds (CDF + LATF) CDF LATF 75.6 74.07 0.88 1.53 0.80 0.73
Youth Situation Review & Investment in Kenya
Cost Kshs.
20,112 18,283
20,783 24,651
24,918 32,302
29,485 43,474
7,457 2007/8
Figure 3: Per Capita Expenditure Nominal KShs.
Source: Public Expenditure Review 2010, Republic Of Kenya.
Table 8 and Figure 3 show the per capita expenditure in the four main levels of education namely Primary, Secondary, Technical and University. Secondary expenditure has increased by 191 % over the period 2003/4 to 2008/9. Over the same period, expenditure on Technical Education and University rose by 203 and 51 per cent respectively. It is notable that the provision of public funded tuition in secondary schools and technical institutions has contributed in the immense rise of expenditure per capita. In line with the allocations indicated under the ESP, the budget 2010/11 made allocations for education under the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Ministry of Information and Communication for education and skills development, the Minister made a number of allocations including Kshs. 9.2 billion for Free Primary Education and 16.2 Billion for free tuition in secondary schools. Emphasis has been placed on ICT with allocation of Kshs. 1.3 Billion (Kshs. 6.1 Million per constituency) for the purchase of 300 computers that are meant to spur e-learning. The assembling of these computers (63,000) is expected to be done locally by young people among who have been trained in the Public Information, Science and Technology Colleges for which the Minister allocated Kshs. 560 Million for their expansion. Of concern is that in the technical and vocational institutions 2000 tutors will be employed on contract basis. Their needs to be a mechanism for continuity as these may affect the students learning should the contracts be unsustainable.
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there are key programmes on preventive health and reproductive health as well as HIV/AIDS (prevention and drugs) for those infected. Table 9: Health Related Allocations in 2010/11 National Budget
Intervention Expanding wards for children and adults 5 More Motor Cycles, O&M, 10 CHW and Medical Supplies Employing 15 Additional Nurses & 5 Public Health Technicians 300 Ambulances Purchase of Drugs ARVs
Source: Budget, 2010/2011 (GoK, 2010)
4,400 900
3.2.8 Youth and Crime/Drug Abuse
Control of crime and drug abuse is provided for under the Office of the President, Ministry of State for Provincial Administration & Internal Security. The specific unit is the National
Youth Situation Review & Investment in Kenya
Agency for the Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NACADA) which in 2010/11 received Kshs. 210 Million.
Project Name
Target Group
Allocation (Kshs. Millions) 1.78 1.169 0.848 0.6 0.668 0.323 6 1.06 0.159
2004/05 Laikipia County Council Meru Municipal Council Muranga County Council Mwingi Town Council Nandi County Council Nandi Hills Town Council Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Secondary School Students To support poor students pursue secondary education Secondary School Students
Youth Situation Review & Investment in Kenya
Olkejuado County Council Siaya County Council Ukwala Town Council 2005/06 Baringo County Council
Mjengo Youth Polytechnic Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries Waiga Youth Polytechnic Bursaries Bursaries
To provide opportunity for basic technical training at community level To support less endowed students pursue secondary education Secondary School Students
Bungoma County Council Burnt Forest Town Council Kericho Municipal Council Lodwar Municipal Council Luanda Town Council Malava Town Council Meru County Council Mumias Municipal Council Nandi Hills Town Council Nyambene County Council Nyamira Town Council Nyandarua County Council Nyeri Municipal Council Oyugis Town Council Siaya County Council Suba County Council
4.8 4.8 0.201 2.319 2.032 0.466 0.365 0.865 0.585 0.709 4.57 0.198 1.8 0.7 0.4 0.717
To provide opportunity for basic technical training at community level To support less endowed students pursue secondary education To support less endowed students pursue secondary education
Turukana County Council Voi Municipal Council 2006/07 Bugoma Municipal Council Kericho Municipal Council Kisumu County Council Lodwar Municipal Council Luanda Town Council Malava Town Council Maragua Town Council Mbeere County Council Meru County Council Nyahururu Municipal Council Nyamira Town Council Nyeri Municipal Council Oyugis Town Council
1.212 1.189
Youth polytechnic To provide opportunity for basic technical training at community level Bursaries Bursaries Bursaries To support less endowed students pursue secondary education
Youth Situation Review & Investment in Kenya
West Ugenya To provide opportunity for Youth Polytechnic basic technical training at community level Bursaries Bursaries To support less endowed students pursue secondary education Secondary School Students
Turukana County Council Voi Municipal Council 2007/08 Ahero Town Council Masaku County Council Nyambene County Council
7.954 0.463
Construction of a To provide opportunity for youth polytechnic basic technical training at community level Ndalani Youth Polytechnic Bursaries To support less endowed students pursue secondary education Secondary School Students
West Ugenya To provide opportunity for Youth polytechnic basic technical training at community level
Youth Situation Review & Investment in Kenya
Name of Organization
Type of Intervention/ Programme Youth in Nationwide Enterprise groups Post Secondary Students (Top Boy and Girl in every district) 10
Target Group
Geographical Location
Equity Bank
The money - the highest since the programme was started in 2001 benefited 186 in June 2008 students countrywide who came top of their districts at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary School Examination. Some 106 students benefited from the programme in 2007. Each of the students who include the top girl and boy in every district to ensure gender balance received a sponsorship of KShs 600,000 from the bank to see them through the mentorship programme and university. So far, the programme, which operates in the entire district where Equity Bank has presence, has benefited 417 students who get the rare chance for attachment with Equity bank before proceeding to university for studies. The students enjoy an opportunity for attachment during vacations and upon finishing university; they have an opportunity to join the Bank for permanent employment where they get a chance to utilize their skills. The programmes goal is to equip young people with the requisite knowledge and values that ultimately make them better citizens. University Students
The Bank in conjunction with Kenyatta University, begun a community outreach programme. Through this programme university students live and work with local communities addressing local social and economic challenges through the initiation and implementation of development projects.
The Pre-University sponsorship program topped Kshs. 140 million in April 2010. The program has grown tremendously and has so far benefited over 800 students since inception 12 years ago. The amount - the highest since the programme was started 12 years ago will benefit 200 students countrywide who came top of their districts at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary School Examination (KCPE) last year (2009). To ensure gender balance, each of the students who include the top girl and boy in every district that Equity Bank has a presence will receive a sponsorship of Kshs. 720,000 from the bank to see them through the mentorship program and university education.
6.5 Women and Youth Bright but less endowed Students in Secondary schools Nationwide Amount not stated Nationwide Amount not stated Street Children Mombasa, Nairobi, and Eldoret 106
The aim of the program is to create social transformational leaders who will act as change agents from the grassroots to the national level, achieving good quality education for our youth requires a multi-pronged approach by all stakeholders in support of the government and the ministry of education. The mentorship programme is a unique undertaking that not only seeks to reward outstanding performance in the KCSE, but also nurtures and develops the skills of young people to enable them play leadership roles in the future. 75 per cent beneficiaries of the pre university internship programme come from a poor background and some still have school fees arrears. The internship thus provides them the opportunity to clear the arrears. Equity Bank also assists the beneficiaries apply for scholarships in Ivy League institutions like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia and Stanford. Already, some of the past beneficiaries of the programme have already received admission to the prestigious institutions. The interns are trained in not only all aspects of the banking, but also on other aspects like leadership, interpersonal skills, mentorship, communication and work ethics.
2006- Sponsorship of schools and colleges drama and music festival as part of the mission to support and nurture more talent among the youth of Kenya.
2007- The Bank is committed to raising the financial literacy level in the country and it has been carrying out free training to women and youth. This program is aimed at imparting basic business knowledge to ensure their businesses survive through the formative and vulnerable stages of growth.
Co-operative Bank
The Co-operative Bank Foundation is the Co-operative Banks vehicle for social responsibility. The current flagship project of the Foundation is an education scholarship scheme for bright but less endowed children who are facing difficulties in paying school fees for secondary education. The scholarship beneficiaries are selected every year from the eight provinces of the country, and will enjoy a full 4-year secondary education scholarship. The Scholarship Program began with the Form One class of 2007. As at January 2010, close to 1,200 children have benefited. The program will continue in the days ahead, to enable the children achieve their full potential.
Barclays Bank Support for the Three-year partnership with UNICEF aimed at getting street children off the street, off the poverty cycle rehabilitation of street and into a safe environment that will give them an opportunity of having a brighter future. A total of 4000 children Kenyan children are to benefit from this project.
Barclays has committed substantial amounts of money to address challenges in the education sector. In 2007, Barclays released funds towards the development of infrastructure in public schools. Support involved the construction and equipping of science and computer labs, classrooms, dormitories and the provision of water and sanitation facilities in selected schools in all eight provinces of Kenya. 1.2 5 African Countries 17
Barclays partnered with Kenya Institute for the Blind funds towards the transcription of text books into Braille for visually impaired children in public schools.
KCB Group will invest a total of Kshs 17 million to support various school projects in the five African countries it operates to mark its Community Week in 2010.
KCB is in support of every childs right to education through the provision of learning materials that help facilitate learning. Each of our 210 branches across the region is encouraged to identify a needy school in the locality and make a donation. KCB Foundation donated school items ranging from reading and teaching materials such as desks, books, geometry sets and other equipment that supports and enhances learning.
In special needs schools such as those for the visually impaired, the deaf and the mentally-challenged the Foundation donated learning equipment such as Braille machines, talking calculators and therapy equipment. Last year, 164 schools and learning institutions were beneficiaries during a beehive of the community week activities. This investment totaled to Kshs14.5 million combining various primary and secondary schools, special needs units and rehabilitation centers for children and youth. Secondary Students in 8 Schools
The KCB Foundation invested Kshs. 3 million project that targets to promote quality teaching and learning through Information and Communication Technologies in rural secondary schools in Kenya. The initiative is in partnership with Computers for Schools Kenya (CFSK) and will benefit eight schools, one per province, in a bid to enable students acquire relevant computer skills necessary for future employment needs.
KCB Foundation and CFSK will install 20 computers in each of the eight schools around the country and will also offer technical support and handle maintenance of the equipment.
8 Schools 3 ( One secondary School in each province that is located in a rural area)
The schools benefiting under this project include Maralal High School (Rift Valley), Eluuya Secondary School (Western), Kimana Secondary School (Rift Valley), Habasweni Seconday School (North Eastern), Ngozi Secondary School (Coast), Kyangondu Mixed Secondary School (Eastern), Our Lady of Fatima Secondary School (Nairobi) and Obede Mixed Secondary School (Nyanza).
Nile Road Special School Nairobi 1.2 0.5 Students in Secondary and University Nationwide Amount not stated
At the Nile Road Special School, a City Council-owned school established in 1969 by the Association for Persons with Disability, the KCB Foundation donated equipment for the vocational classes (sewing machines and planes), chairs for the staff, wheelchairs, dry foodstuffs for the school feeding programme and therapy equipment. The donation was valued at over Kshs 400,000. Nile Road Special School is a learning institution catering for the physically challenged, mentally handicapped and multiple handicapped. The school has a population of 105 Students.
Prime Bank
Prime Bank donated a cheque for KShs. 500,000 to St. Marys Mission Educational Centre on the 19th July 2010
City Bank
City Bank supports the work of Junior Achievement Kenya whose scope of activities are in educating young people to value free enterprise, business and economic principles that will allow creation of wealth and improve the quality of their lives. Citigroup combines financial giving and employee participation and has helped Junior Achievement in Kenya reach 5,822 students in its programmes. Citigroup also provides volunteers for classroom and job shadow sessions.
Citigroup has joined a host of various international donors to enable Pathfinder Kenya undertake a comprehensive program of support for 56 orphans and children made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS. The children are enrolled at vocational training centers in Mombasa and Thika that are affiliated with Pathfinders Community-based HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS (COPHIA) project. The site in Mombasa provides vocational training for 25 second-year and 5 first-year students whilst the programme in Thika caters for 26 OVC. Orphan graduates of this program are apprenticed to local artisans e.g. carpenters, tailors, hairdressers and mechanics to gain on-the-job experience. The Citigroup/Pathfinder project facilitates linkages for program graduates with K-Rep, a microfinance institution.
Education, specifically childrens literacy and especially that of the girl child, is a top priority and the main focus of EAPCCs community affairs programs nationwide. In the financial year 2009/10, EAPCC in recognition of the plight that had affected the residents of the greater Kajiado Central Area whose main residents are pastoralists was hard hit by the 2009 drought leading to the loss of countless livestock and eradicating the communities earning power. The effect of the drought had already trickled into the education sector as the parents could not afford to pay fees for their children and more children were being pulled out of schools. It is in consideration of the peoples plight, and the fate of the children, that the Company intervened and donated a one-off bursary of Kshs 2,250,000 to needy students in the Greater Kajiado Central Area. The Company also ran the construction of 3 strategic CSR projects in the Kabini Hill area. The three academic projects were aimed at bettering the academic life and standards in the Kabini Hill area, where EAPCC conducts a majority of its extraction work. The 3 projects include Elerai MCK Girls Secondary School (a twowing dormitory) Elerai Primary School (Classroom No.1) and E.A Kabini Primary School (Dining Hall/Kitchen).
The company constructed a two wing-wing dormitory at Elerai MCK Girls Secondary School as a step in ensuring proper development of education for the girl child in the area. By providing more and better facilities, EAPCC continues to ensure that the girl child is sufficiently empowered through the provision of quality education. This new dormitory block will help house 144 students, giving them more time to concentrate with their education. Primary School Kajiado
Elerai Primary School was the next project to be unveiled. Before EAPCCs intervention young Standard One children were learning under a tree. Today, however, they have an EAPCC built 40- seater fully furnished classroom. EAPCC also awrded needy students in the Greater Kajiado Central area earlier in the year. The Shs 2,250,000 bursary went a long way in ensuring the continuity of education at a time when the area and indeed the country was greatly affected by the drought.
EAPCC constructed a new dining hall/ kitchen at Kabini Primary School and also took over the school to become the E.A Portland Kabini Primary School. By improving the learning conditions of students EAPCC nurtures the young minds that will drive this country in the future.
As at 2007, ARM has helped in establishing dormitories in Kajiado Central District, at the Kenya Marble Quarries Primary School (KMQ). This has been in aid of the Masai girl child especially those pressured to marry of at a young age. The shelter cum institution aids in their education and empowering them. The company has also made financial contributions to the school fees of the local residents.
14 Thika Amount not stated Nairobi Amount not stated Amount not stated Primary School Children Kericho Countrywide Amount not stated Amount not stated
Following the post election violence that saw 118 schools in the country particularly destroyed or completely burnt down, thousands of school going children were exposed to harsh learning conditions. The group joined MOE to launch the cement for schools programme to support reconstruction following the Post Election Violence.
Need and bright Bidco has committed itself to building leaders of tomorrow by sponsoring needy, bright students to further their studies. The company has joined the league of other few companies in the region who are committed students to supporting and uplifting the education standards in the country. With an annual budget running into millions of shillings, the Bidco Education Trust Fund gives new hope of brighter future to bright students who have done well at various levels of education but are unable to continue due to lack of funds. So far a number of needy students around Thika have benefited from the fund.
Kapa is one of the principal sponsors of Mathare Youth Sports Association (MYSA) who are best known for their very famous and ever favourite Mathare United FC. Mathare United FC has an extensive reach countrywide taking in 1,050 boys and girls collectively, who play 10,000 matches every year. All teams are actively involved in slum and environmental clean ups in their areas. They also give active and extensive dialogue to the youth concerning the prevention AIDS.
The company aided the setting up of the Mlolongo primary school project. This was due to the fact that Mlolongo needed a modern primary school. The already existing schools lacked basic learning facilities and hindered with youth development in terms of infrastructure and an essential learning environment. Most of the pupils attending this new school are from low income families from the community around and there are also AIDS orphans
Williamson Tea
Through the Kenya Tea Growers Association Williamson tea operates 4 primary schools and one secondary school. The organization runs a bursary scheme for gifted students proceeding to secondary school
Safaricom Foundation
The Safaricom Foundation seeks to support the achievement for education for all by equipping educational institutions. The foundation has in recent years focused its support towards schools providing learning opportunities for children with special needs. The Foundation aims to contribute towards reducing illiteracy by supporting the enrollment and retention of children in schools, especially children with disabilities.
Economic Empowerment
Youth from The Foundation has supported the construction and equipping of classrooms, libraries and laboratories different walks in order to provide a satisfactory learning environment for children. The Foundation has realised that in a number of institutions children with special needs and students wishing to undertake vocational training did of life not have the necessary equipment. Support from the Foundation has enabled these institutions purchase equipment and start education and income -generating projects. Some funding has also gone into providing school fees and sanitary facilities to help retain girls in schools. In the recent past the Foundation has partnered with the French and South African Embassies to support a Kogelo Kalanya Primary School.
The foundations current partners in education include: Vihiga High School- Additional funds for the dormitory fittings and finishes Kiboti Primary School- Installation of a solar lighting system Githura Primary School- Construction of pit latrines St. Johns Community Centre- Assistance with school desks and text books Kwale Community Library- Installation of power and purchase of a photocopier and printer St. Theresas Tartar Girls Secondary School- Construction and equipping of the computer library The Africa Braille Centre- Production of audio books for the visually impaired St. Charles Khalaba Secondary School- Purchase of text books Kipipiri Constituency- Support for the School desk project in the area schools St. Lucy School for the visually impaired- Construction of classrooms Lunganyiro Unit for the physically handicapped- Construction and equipping of four voacational classrooms Knights Fun house and public library- Equipping the fun house and library St. Kizito Litein School for the deaf- Completion of constrution of the multi-purpose hall Rev. Muhoro School of the deaf - Start-up of a vocational training centre Tetu Secondary School- Completion and equipment of a school laboratory Kikelenzu Mixed Secondary School- Equipment of a laboratory Gamba mixed Secondary school- Equipping of a science laboratory The Dennis C. Hogan Library- Purchase of text books Westlands Primary School- Painting of the school Catholic Intergrated School Wajir- Repair of the school van
Ronald Ngala IC Special Unit- To renovate the special unit that caters for students with disability Joy Town Secondary School- Purchase of school bus for the disabled pupils Computers for Schools Kenya- Equip five youth polytechnics with computers and appropriate peripherals for training and income generating activities Sirembe Secondary School- Text book donation Junior Achievement Kenya- Entrepreneurship Education programme Kids Lib Trust- Construction of a new community library Isiolo School for the deaf- Construction of dining hall and kitchen Mwamba Care Child Centre- Rehabilitation of classrooms and purchase of hard wood desks Milo Primary School- Construction of classrooms Ombogo Girls Academy- Equipping the School Library Osiri mixed secondary school- Providing essential amenities, equipping the library and providing security Rutune primary school- Construction of classrooms and sanitary facilities Uaso secondary school- Security and supporting a water project Uhuru Primary School- Construction and roofing Geta Secondary School- Construction Girl Child Network- Sanitary support for girls in Pokot Golden Top Rehabilitation Center- Construction of a training facility for girls Henry Wanyoike Foundation- Equiping library Immaculate Conception Mukuyu Secondary School- Construction Komarock Primary School- improvement of sanitation facilities and other amenities Liboi Primary School- Piping project to access and store water Maasai Christain Women Development Forum- Equipping the information and resource centre Pillar for Maasai Development- Purchase of furniture for a school and equipping of library The Cradle- School fees assistance for 20 children United Disabled Persons- Naivasha- Construction of a resource centre for persons with disabilities
Communities in Kenya possess unique and innovative ideas aimed at providing sustainable sources of livelihood. However materializing these ideas is often stifled by factors such as lack of capital and lack of expertise. The Foundation partners with organizations and communities to support initiatives in income generation, food security, employment creation in order to improve their livelihoods.
Some of the foundations current partners in economic empowerment include. New Life Community Project- Purchase of school text books and start-up of a dress-making project Baobab Childrens Home- Digging of a water well and production of greenhouse tomatoes Children of God relief Institute (CORGI) Nyumbani- To begin a drip irrigation project and equip a medical clinic Best Buddies Kenya- A project for empowering youth with disabilities Bethseda Childrens Ministry- An income generating project Eastside Youth Self Help Group- A start up Jua Kali project in Eastlands Ebenezer Childrens Home- Funding for an income generation project for the home Salvation Army- Joy Town Secondary School- Start-up of a bakery project Nyasoko for Jesus Youth Group- Farming project Computer for Schools Kenya- Support for a waste recycling project Primary School Kabete Amount not stated
Kenya Airways
Kenya Airways (KQ) CSR helped in supporting the renovations of 14 classrooms and administration block at Farasi Lane Primary School on Lower Kabete. Kenya Airways also helped in replacing windows and doors, painting and plastering of walls, in addition new floors were constructed and the entire school was painted. The technical team donated used furniture and talks are under way to construct a kitchen and dining hall.
The airline fully renovated classrooms, administrative block and staffroom and installed a gate to improve security. The project gave a complete facelift to Riobara PAG Secondary School in a bid to improve learning facilities for about 250 students and staff.
Secondary School
Kenol/Kobil engages in a number of long-term corporate social responsibility projects. These include the Under privileged long-term rehabilitation and capacity-building programme for Mama Ngina Childrens Home, and the Kenol children Scholarship Fund which was set aside to enable bright children from underprivileged families to acquire quality education. The company has since been offering employment opportunities for bright graduates of its CSR projects.
Secondary and University Students Schools around Tana River Amount not stated 1.27 Needy children Mumias 100
With a focus on education as part of its corporate social responsibility, Ken Gen Company continued to offer scholarships for both secondary and university students from schools near its Power Plants. The scholarship programme provides bright, disadvantaged children with an opportunity to change their destiny, enabling them to access education by meeting all tuition and boarding fees. 37 students benefitted from the programme in 2009: 22 in secondary schools and 15 in public universities.
KPLC donated KShs.500, 000 towards the construction of facilities at Duse Primary school, Marsabit.
The company also donated KShs.770, 000 towards the construction of additional sanitary facilities at Yuya Secondary School.
Mumias Sugar Company has an elaborate Company School Assistance Programme with an annual budget of KShs 100 million to support three estate schools i.e. Booker Academy, Mumias Sugar Central and Complex Primary Schools and other needy educational institutions within the Mumias Sugar Zone.
Mumias Sugar Company has a Bursary scheme that benefits 20 top KCPE candidates every year. Of the 20 beneficiaries, ten must be children of company employees and the other ten, children of farmers contracted to Mumias Sugar Company. The students are awarded a full four-year bursary to pursue secondary education. Secondary students Slums Nairobi and Thika Amount not stated
Access Kenya
Access Kenya has catered for the education needs of bright but destitute boys at Starehe Boys Center since 2004.
Computer For Schools Kenya This is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development of e-competent young Kenyans through the provision of computers and auxiliary services to public secondary schools and related learning institutions, and community access centres.
Kibera Cisco Networking Academy Access Kenya in partnership with Cisco Systems set up this facility at the heart of Kibera in June 2007 to empower the community by providing training to young students in key information technology skills, which can be translated into jobs for income generation. Thika School Access Kenya has been supporting this institution since the beginning of 2008.
Education Kasuitu Primary School -A kilometer away from NGP across the river Athi is the Kasuitu Primary school. Majority of the students come from the surrounding slum of Kasuitu, where the school derives its name. Although this is a newly built school with only two class rooms which serve as space for standard one to four pupils and the staff room, it also has toilet facilities. After a visit to the school by Bamburi Community Services Officer, it was agreed that Bamburi Cement would support the school in building a toilet. 16
The company invested over KShs16 million on the facilities in Mombasa, Diani and Likoni.
One of the schools that received the bulk of this support is Bamburi Primary School in the Bamburi area of Mombasa. The school was constructed by Bamburi Cement in 1967 on a four-acre plot provided by the company and was handed over to the municipal council of Mombasa in 1972. It has 900 pupils (500 boys and 400 girls) drawn mainly from disadvantaged informal settlements (slums) of Mombasa.
The Bamburi primary school management committee received the buildings, renovated at an investment of Kshs. 11 million and furnished with another Kshs. 3 million worth of furniture.
In Diani Bamburi handed over a new school building to the Parents Teachers Association and staff members of Denyenye primary school. The new building, which cost over Kshs. 3.7 million, has provided 8 new classrooms and toilet facilities for the pupils. It will help ease classroom congestion at the school which previously only had 16 classrooms for 916 pupils.
In Likoni, the Bamburi Cement handed over a new classroom for children with multiple handicaps to Likoni Blind School. Pupils with multiple handicaps require specific attention and due to lack of facilities have been learning in a converted store. The pupils will now use the classroom constructed at a cost of Kshs. 1.7 million. 14
The organizations cement for schools programme (2009) supports reconstruction of schools following the Post Election Violence.
Fund donations to Kenya Youth Soccer Events (KYSE) that organizes football tournament for boys under 14yrs Soccer Players in Mombasa. In 2008, they got a donation of Ksh 400,000 from Bamburi Cement. In 2009, they were given Kshs. 500,000 for their preparations of 2010 tournaments. The best players/team is offered scholarship to play in European clubs. An under-12 team was sent to Lyon Italy to take part in the Danone Nations Cup and finished 9th out of 40 countries. Mombasa has become rampant with drugs easily available even for children of tender age. Football tournaments such as the ones organized by KYSE keep the young boys out of this and other kind of mischief. As a result of the scholarships that are possible, many teams have enrolled to play in the KYSE tournament. KYSE focuses on the players education as well as football performance. Mombasa Top students in Mombasa District who are less endowed
Bursary scheme- Bamburi Cement Ltd set up an undergraduate bursary scheme in 1998. It grants the top 5 and needy students in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination (KCSE) from Mombasa District an undergraduate bursary that covers tuition, to pursue further education in any of the local universities.
Industrial Attachment/Vacational Employment- In addition to bursary schemes, Bamburi Cement Ltd offer limited opportunities for industrial attachment to students from the national polytechnics, local universities and other training institutions for a period not exceeding 16 weeks (4 months) per year. For university students, attachments are managed in liaison with the respective university attachment coordinators. Student attachments are spread over institutions - Mombasa Polytechnic, other technical training institutions and the local universities.
Apprenticeship Training- The company is also in the process of establishing an apprenticeship-training scheme. In order to be considered for this scheme, potential candidates should be O level or KCSE holders with a minimum grade of C plain and with passes of the same mean grade in math, English and any appropriate science subject. The company is to sponsor selected individuals for various Engineering Diploma studies in the National Polytechnics. The company is also to ensure that in Plant training is provided for the apprentices that cover the necessary skills and operations, which is directly related to the actual area of study. The apprenticeship contracts are to run for three years.
Name of Organization
Description of Programme
Through Ministry Youth in of Education Primary Ministry of Youth Affairs ENABLIS Youth Entrepreneurs (Loans and Training) Unemployed Youths, both males and females aged between 18 - 35 Years of age Small and petty traders a majority whom are youths Youth at Risk
Urban Livelihoods Projects - Solid waste recycling, Sanitation (Bio centres) and Water access Services
Through Partners - Mukuru slums Development Projects, Umande Trust, Maji na Ufanisi, Youth Initiatives Kenya Through Partners - Umande Trust, Kenya Private Sector Alliance USAID Implementing Partners (yet to be identified). PATH
Governance Projects Community access and demand for justice project targeting urban small and petty traders United States Agency for International Development (USAID) YesYouth Can! - Kenya Youth Empowerment Program focusing on; Livelihoods, conflict mitigation, youth voice and youth networks. HIV Free Generation Gpange (a mass media campaign encouraging the youth to know their HIV status. The program also facilitates knowledge and skills acquisition among youth that help avoid risky behaviour as they seek for appropriate ways to earn a livelihood.
Nyanza, Western, USD 47.925 R,Valley/, million Nairobi, Central and Coast Nairobi, Eldoret, Western province, Coast province USD 50 million
Youth Situation Review & Investment in Kenya
Forestry, conflict management, and livelihoods development. (Pro Mara and Mau forest conservation). 1. Civil Society Strengthening Program: Democratization, peace building. 2. Trout (fish) Farming 3. Amboseli Tourism & Games Scouts Conservation Association. Garissa Youth Program (G-Youth). Work readiness and entrepreneurship, Youth voice and civic engagement Cash for work youth project; helps vulnerable youth get employment and use of sports to mobilise youth in promoting inter-ethnic dialogue. The soap TEAM runs on Citizen/NTV and KISS FM. Focuses on governance from a youth perspective - actors are youth. Other themes are corruption, leadership, HIV/AIDS, civic education, reproductive health issues
ARD Inc.
USD 7 million
PACT Kenya
North Eastern
Rift Valley
3 PS-People to People Peace Catholic Relief Project. Working with many Service (CRS) youth /peer groups, eg mango plantation by youth. Civic Education Program KPMG Kenya
Community including youth Community including youth Community including youth Countrywide
USD 5 million
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Northern Rangeland Trusts. Community games scouts, youth monitoring and management, wildlife management in Turkana, Pokot and Samburu. Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Scholarship Fund
LEWA Conservancy
Rift Valley
USD 10 million
Kenya Institute of Education (KIE) Life Skills Program Conflict mitigation and civic engagement United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Youth, including those involved in the activities of militias and in violence actively engaged in the promotion of dialogue and reconciliation; support to value chain addition processes for socio-economic opportunities
Kenya Institute of Children and Education youth OTI/DAI Through Partners - Ministry of Youth and Sports (MOYAS), ACORD, Picha Mtaani, Arts Canvas; work in 20 constituencies on value chain processes for the youth National Steering Committee on Peace building and Conflict Management Youth Both male and female youth aged between 18-35 in the target geographic area Rift Valley ,Coast, Nyanza, Nairobi 2007 PostElection Violence affected areas and areas affected by armed violence USD 399,285
Vulnerability of youths to criminality, armed violence and recruitment into militias reduced
Both male and TBD by baseline female youth study engaged in, or vulnerable to recruitment in armed gangs and militia.
USD 200,000
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Table 12B: More Details of the International Development Partners Investment of Youth Programmes
Name of Programme Development Partner German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) Project Prosyr
Target Group
Area of Operation
Children & The project supports street children Youth at and youth at risk. The project reached Risk 60,000 children, adolescents and young adults aged eleven to twenty-four in the Kenyan capital. There was a real need for action in the education sector. Kenya had introduced the right to primary education in 2003, but state school education was not reaching the children on the street, who had to earn a living to make ends meet. GTZ has also promoted non-governmental schools. One of these is the Rosa Mystica Academy, a centre for AIDS orphans in the northern part of the Mathare slum. Many of the students attend school regularly and some manage to make the transition to a state school education.
The project is targeted at non-profit organizations and government bodies both at national and provincial level. It aims at them using the social and educational potential of football and sports in general for youth development. The focus is on disadvantaged girls and boys. The project provides skills that help them to shape their lives and improve their future perspectives and inspires to create enduring structures that will become a long-term investment. The project cooperates with governmental and non-governmental institutions that already successfully use football for youth development and further capacitates them. In Kenya the project is being implemented by the public benefit organization streetfootballworld. Thematic focal points relevant to development include the prevention of crime and violence, HIV/ AIDS, environmental protection, the promotion of peace, and possibilities for political and social participation.
Youth in Soccer
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Government of Kenya Ministry of Finance, Children in The Treasury- Strengthening basic Schools education Education policy and administrative management- The Kenya Education Sector Support Programme (KESSP) is a sector-wide approach covering 23 investment programs in education. The over-arching goal of KESSP is enhanced access, equity, and quality at all levels of education and training. The program covers the entire education sector, however, primary education receives the largest share of the programs financial resources. This project builds on the success of the FPE project supported by CIDA. The purpose of that project was to provide textbooks and instructional material for students and teachers across Kenya, contributing to a substantial increase in the quality of primary education. Results achieved by May 2009 include: an additional 2.3 million children attending primary school; a net enrolment rate increase from 83% (2005) to 92% (2008); a sharp decrease in the ratio of pupils to textbooks, from 15 students sharing a textbook in 2003 to 2 or 3 sharing a textbook in 2009. Lastly, gender parity in terms of enrolments has been achieved in primary education
Nationwide $ 15,500,000
Strengthening basic education policy and administrative management. The project aims at supporting Kenyas FPE commitments by contributing to the UKs Department for International Development (DFID) Strengthening of Primary Education Project. In addition, a locally administered responsive fund provides technical assistance to the Kenya Ministry of Education to support the implementation of Free Primary Education and the KESSP 2005-2010.
Nationwide $ 16,400,000
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Results as of November 2008 include: A significant reduction in the text book to pupil ratio through the provision of essential learning materials. Before the introduction of Kenyas FPE, often more than 15 children would have to share a textbook, a number now reduced to a mere 2-3 children. Furthermore, an improvement in learning at primary school level was demonstrated by enhanced performance at the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination, which is the national examination process for primary education. Kenyas Ministry of Education has also improved its capacity in project monitoring and evaluation through training in result-based management tools, and a national Gender in Education Policy is now being rolled out at district and school levels. Kenya Post Election Violence - Save the Children Response 2008 Emergency assistance Material relief assistance and services- Widespread violence broke out across Kenya following a dispute over the results of the December 27, 2007 presidential election. As a result, an estimated 500,000 people in Kenya require humanitarian assistance, with more than 250,000 people displaced from their homes. Key needs are identified as food, shelter, health and hygiene, water and sanitation, and protection. With CIDA support, Save the Children Canada will help meet the protection needs of children displaced by the unrest through the creation of child friendly spaces in camps for internally displaced persons, as well as the registration of children and training of camp personnel to prevent family separation and/or cases of abuse or exploitation of children. Nationwide $ 150,000
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School Improvement
Strengthening basic education-Education facilities and training: 25%-Education policy and administrative management: 25% Primary education: 25%-Teacher training: 25%- This project aimed at improving the quality of primary education in 150 public schools in Mombasa and Samburu Division of the Kwale and Mombassa Districts, in Kenya, by building the capacity of teachers, head teachers, school management committee members, and district education officers, through a cluster approach. The project focused on improving teaching and learning, school management, gender equality and sustainability. Results as of November 2007 included: increased ongoing pedagogic and subject support for teachers, improved physical school buildings, increased motivation and participation among students in their own learning, and enhanced capacity of Head Teachers to facilitate whole school improvement. The above has contributed to improved capacity to deliver quality primary education in targeted schools, improved educational management capacity at the local level, and more equitable gender participation and access at all levels. For example, gender parity in enrolment was almost achieved in the Mombasa school division; and there was a 90% increase in the number of women head teachers and deputy head teachers in the targeted schools.
$ 3,582,265
IDRC is supporting Computers for Schools Kenya (CFSK), a nonprofit organization inspired by the Canadian government program, Computers for Schools Canada. CFSK trains students to refurbish used equipment donated by local businesses and provides teachers with computer training. As a result, some 150 Kenyan schools have acquired over 3000 computers and the Kenyan government has announced an initiative to equip all schools with computers.
Children in School
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Now in its third phase of IDRC support, CFSK is testing technology to enable multiple computers to connect to the same software on a single server and will pilot wireless technology in five schools. It is developing a business plan to make CFSK self-reliant within the next three years. Department for International Development (DFID) United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Rights of deaf children and their families 1440 family members of deaf children in seven districts educated on childrens rights to family life, education and protection. Project start date 01/06/2008 end date 30/09/2013 Increases pre-school and primary school opportunities for children marginalized by cultural practices and poverty in the North Eastern and Coastal Provinces of Kenya. EMACK facilitates learning by encouraging effective learning environments supported by parents and enjoyed by children. The project helps teachers to deliver a quality education to all students. The project which begun in November 1, 2006 is to run to October 31, 2011 and is being implemented by the Aga Khan Foundation working in partnership with NGOs, CBOs and key MOE Directorates in Kenya. EMACK: Works with communities to train school management communities and teachers Builds and renovates schools. Promotes the transition between community primary schools and early childhood development schools to local boarding schools. Works closely with Koranic schools to provide a foundation for introducing literacy and numeracy. Builds and strengthens partnerships amongst key actors in the educational system, government, private sector and NGOs, at the community, school and district levels. Nationwide 139,635
Children in Districts: Marginalized Mombasa, Communities Kwale, Kilifi, Garissa, Wajir, Ijara, Lamu, Malindi.
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Improves the teaching skills, practices, and competencies of teachers, focusing on the needs of students from marginalized populations (i.e., pastoralists, girls, orphans and vulnerable children). Tests, replicates and shares innovative strategies and approaches to improve education sector policies that ensure quality learning for marginalized communities Supports the implementation and review of policies that impact the education of marginalized children. OVC Scholarship Fund Offers scholarships for secondary schools, two-year colleges, and universities. Using PEPFAR funds, the scholarships are designed for children who have been orphaned or otherwise affected by HIV/ AIDS. The scholarships provide a complete package of financial support, including tuition, accommodations, uniforms, books and other fees. Scholarships cover tuition fees, registration fees, basic stationery, textbooks, school, boarding costs, examination and research fees, cost of practicum, and other miscellaneous costs such as transport, medical fees, or activity fees. Project Duration and Budget- November 17, 2008 November 16, 2013. It is being implemented by PricewaterhouseCoopers in partnership with the Kenyan MOE, Ministry of Higher Education and Technical Training, and the Department of Childrens Services. USAID has provided more than 5,000 OVC students with scholarships. $10,119,640 The program works with 1,200 schools (secondary schools, colleges, and universities) in Kenya from all districts in the country.
Youth Situation Review & Investment in Kenya
G-Youth is a project designed to empower youth to make sound career and life decisions as they transition from high school to the next phase of their lives. The project offers youth interventions that help them to: build skills, facilitate appropriate career choices, provide employment and/or income generating information, bridge technical and university education opportunities and provide a fun and safe space for youth to socialize. The project also gives the youth opportunities to become active participants in the design of programs that impact their lives. Project Duration is from October 2008 to October 2010 and is being implemented by the Education Development Centre (EDC). The project: Provides youth with structured career development information, which gives youth the skills and opportunities to get jobs, start their own businesses or transition into higher education. Secures, educates and links employment opportunities to students from the North Eastern Provincial Technical Training Institute (NEP TTI) in a way that addresses the market realities in Garissa Provides work readiness training and career development support to Garissa youth to prepare them for the formal and informal workforce Provides civic action training and opportunities for youth to learn how to engage and contribute to issues and activities that affect their lives
Garissa District
Youth Situation Review & Investment in Kenya
Yes Youth Can! supports youth-led recovery and development in areas that experienced post-election violence or are at risk to experience violent conflict in the future. This program aims to encourage youth voice, youth entrepreneurship, and youth leadership. Yes Youth Can! is being designed to empower Kenyan youth to achieve a greater voice in national reform and create new livelihood opportunities. The project will support the creation of effective national and local networks of youth leaders to advocate peacefully for meaningful reforms of the government and economy. Youth Innovate for Change Fund: This key component will be a youth-managed fund to support grass-roots community development and empowerment projects implemented by youth and youth-serving organizations. By incorporating youth into the management of the fund, Yes Youth Can! will promote transparency and accountability, and further youths leadership skills. Yes Youth Can! will: Support quick-impact projects to promote youth voices on national issues, particularly the reform process, through independent grassroots organizations and activities Build new skills in youth leadership and entrepreneurship Establish a youth-led and managed Innovate for Change Fund that promotes economic opportunities in their own communities Support and expand youth networks to encourage collaboration and leverage resources Improve the enabling environment for youth enterprises and organizations.
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Youth Empowerment in Nairobi Slum Youth in Communities Slums Awardee: Eastleigh Community CentreStart date: 3/2/2010-End date: 9/1/2011. ACTIVITY SUMMARY: This grant will promote peace building initiatives and employment creation initiatives in the community targeting the youth to reach the other community members. Cases of conflict in slum areas have been attributed to the continuing increase in poverty level especially among the youths in the slum communities. Lack of employment among the youths has resulted to recruitment of the youths into illegal and tribal groups. The urge and competition by the groups in ownership of the resources within the community often have resulted into emergence of conflicts and crime rate in the community such as tribal conflict, youth politically induced to perpetrate violence to the interest of the politicians, conflicts due to resources ownerships in the community among others. The project will target youths between ages of 15 years to 25 years It will work with the community youths, youth groups/ structures and community youth leaders to promote peace-building initiatives and entrepreneurship. Youth Leadership Development for Reforms Awardee: Centre for Transformational Leadership (CTL)-Start date: 2/4/2010 -End date: 12/4/2010. ACTIVITY SUMMARY: This grant engages in the training of youth in Leadership Skills in order to boost youth participation and contribution to the reform agenda. Kenyans have been yearning for a different approach and generation in leadership and this grant is one of several KTI grants focused on youth leadership. The project involves training the youth in ways of managing emotions and how to engage constructively with others, enhance conflict resolution & mitigation skills, improve their ability to envision
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a better future and better enable them to inspire a shared vision within the communities. It will culminate with civic service reform and accountability projects with high school students to create awareness and participation as well as improving relationships in the community. Projecting Hope and Enriching Lives: Promoting Dialogue Among Youth Awardee: Film Aid International: Start date: 2/15/2010 -End date: 12/15/2010. ACTIVITY SUMMARY: To effectively generate their own agenda and play a meaningful role in reconciliation, leadership, civic affairs and reform, it is critical that the youth develop a shared concern of issues that are important to them regardless of their ethnic and geographical background. This involves creating a platform of dialogue and learning on these issues. It is with this backdrop that FilmAid seeks to engage the youth in Inter-ethnic dialogue around ethnic stereotypes, violence and tolerance, and developing shared concerns while creating a platform for articulating national youth issues outside definition by mainstream media. $82,997
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Engaging Youth Muslims in Reform and Democratic Processes Awardee: Kenya Muslim Youth Alliance (KMYA) - Start date: 2/10/2010 -End date: 2/10/2010. ACTIVITY SUMMARY: This grant aims at enhancing the participation of the Muslim youth alongside other young Kenyans from diverse ethnic backgrounds in monitoring and advocating for the speedy and full implementation of reform initiatives to give hope to the Kenyan youth whose only future relies on the suggested fundamental reforms that would transform the country into a more democratic, open and equitable society. Young people must take a leading role in shielding the ongoing reform process from narrow and partisan interests. This grant will not only increase inter-ethnic youth participation in current civic affairs and reforms, but it will also seek to mitigate inter-ethnic conflict involving youth, particularly in geographic areas that experienced violence. The project activities will underscore the need for national cohesion and healing and will therefore involve various youth communities from different religious and cultural backgrounds. Subsequently, the participation of youth in these activities will be Muslim inclusive and not Muslim exclusive. Inter-ethnic Youth Participation in Reforms and Conflict Transformation Awardee: Wareng Youth Initiative for Peace and Development- Start date: 3/1/2010 End date: 1/31/2011. ACTIVITY SUMMARY: The on-going reforms in the country must take cognizance of the large youth population if they have to achieve anything, hence development of comprehensive and effective strategies to facilitate total participation by the youth in ANY and ALL ongoing reforms and decision making processes. This project proposal seeks to provide some of the
Kibera and $83,722 Huruma slums in Nairobi; Nakuru and Eldoret in Rift Valley province; Kisumu in Nyanza, Butere/ Mumias in Western province, Isiolo in Eastern province, Garissa in North Eastern Province and Mombasa/ Kwale in Coast province.
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strategies and activities to spearhead the full participation of youths in reform agendas in the North Rift. The grantee will promote the interest of youths in leadership, mentoring, peace building, conflict management and reform activities through youth clubs, training of peer educators, and development of information centers. Youth Voices For Reform Awardee: Centre for Education and Rural Development (CERD). Start date: 3/24/2010-End date: 12/31/2010. ACTIVITY SUMMARY: This grant will empower youth within Nyanza and Western regions of the country and facilitate their integration into political, social and economic systems at community, district and national levels. Youth will be empowered to actively participate in the current reform processes and to demand more participatory and effective local governance, while supporting the development of responsible and responsive systems to better meet their needs. The grant uses a three tiered training of trainer approach starting with 9 community based organizations (18 persons); members of these CBOs (135 persons) and then community outreach sessions targeting a total of 2700 youths over 5 months. Key issues are reforms and accountability. Youth-led Community Reform Initiative for One Kenya Awardee: Youth Alive! Kenya- Start date: 4/12/2010- End date: 1/15/2011ACTIVITY SUMMARY: The Kenya Ni Moja Youth-led Community reform Project will inspire youth-led social reconstruction and reforms process among the communities of Kisumu and Eldoret through the development and strengthening of transformative youth leadership to promote participation in the reform processes at the community and national levels; fostering interethnic $77,916
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dialogue and enhancing civic awareness and the respect for human rights among young people in the region and Kenya at large; strengthening the capacity of grassroots youth community-based organizations in inter-ethnic peacebuilding and social reconstruction within the communities in Kisumu and Eldoret regions and the wider Kenya. Laying the Foundation for Nurturing the Youth to Become Responsible Leaders Awardee: Economic Projects Trust Fund- Start date: 4/1/2010 -End date: 1/15/2011. ACTIVITY SUMMARY: Enterprise development is vital to economic empowerment and in bringing together people of ethnic diversity in addressing challenges that are commonly experienced. Entrepreneurship is an avenue that should be pursued further in promoting youth participation and in mitigating inter-ethnic conflict and opening dialogue on solutions to pressing community concerns. Building on the organizations ongoing entrepreneurship development programmes, the programme will take a threefold approach in fostering entrepreneurship development and increased inter-ethnic youth participation in national affairs. This will involve entrepreneurship training, mentoring and business development services. The training will lay emphasis on youth participation, advocacy and sustainable development in business. $77,037
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Duration: 2nd October 2006 - 4th December 2008 BUSINESS SKILLS & ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT TRAINING The Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Trade with financial and technical support of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is rolling out a youth training initiative to empower the youth and catalyze competitive growth of trade by enhancing self-employment, and injecting a new breed of productive labour force into the countrys economy in micro and small enterprises adversely affected by the post-election violence. As a result of the post-election violence, the YES-MSE programme, (now being implemented under the Kenya National Youth Development and Training Programme). STRUCTURE OF PROGRAMME Phase 1: Business Skills and Entrepreneurship Development (BS&ED) Course The main aim of this phase is to inculcate an entrepreneurial mindset and develop business skills amongst the participants. Administered in two parts, part I shall be a 3 week intensive training that will provide an opportunity for trainees to reflect upon and explore their own potential, behaviour, business skills and attitudes towards potential economic activities in their communities. Part II of this phase shall be a 3 week business experiencing attachment (BEA) whose objective is to expose trainees to best business practices. Phase 2: Enterprise Development Agents (EDA) Course Using a set criterion, the programme will identify and select potential (EDAs) from the BS&ED graduates and train them to offer tailored business advisory services relevant to the communities needs within the regions of focus. This phase shall consist of a 2 week intensive training followed by a 4 weeks district business profiling task.
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Out of the YES-MSE has come the YES-EA, an association that is made up of University Graduates from diverse professional backgrounds who have undergone an intensive training in Entrepreneurship and Business Skills Development under the YES - MSE Programme. It was initiated by the candidates themselves but supported by the UNDP Kenya, the Ministry of Youth Affairs and the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Business as usual as UNDP/ Ministry of Youth Affairs support Kenyan Youth Youth employment scheme on micro and small enterprises initiative is a global initiative Tuelewane Youth Exchange Programme to Enhance Peace Business as usual as UNDP/Ministry of Youth Affairs support Kenyan Youth Youth employment scheme on micro and small enterprises initiative is a global initiative, which can only be localized through media intervention in Kenya. The intention of this YES MSE initiative is to introduce entrepreneurship into formal schooling at foundation stages, enable the introduction of youth in business policies by government. Also to strengthen the indigenous capacities, networking of business skills and increase delivery of education on the subject to the youth. The youth have been relegated to the passive position of standers by. 3rd January 2007 - 31st January 2012 In 2007, the Tuelewane Youth Exchange programme was initiated by the Government of Kenya in partnership with UNDP-Kenya in response to the realization that Kenya was on the brink ethnic fallout as observed through the negative messaging that contributed to the post-election crisis. As a result, between October 2007 and December of 2009, six Tuelewane activities have taken place, with 360 youth having being directly targeted for training and education on peace and conflict resolution, with six major conflicting communities have been involved. Each youth leader reached has been able to reach 12 youth directly, and therefore the exchange has reached over 4,320 youth leaders across the country in the majorly conflict prone areas. Kiambu, Kisii, Nyeri, Marakwet, Rarieda, Nairobi Amount not stated
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It is estimated that in every Tuelewane activity, 5,000 people are reached through the rallies, community soccer, community activities like clean-ups, home stays and religious activities. The youth have also been able to penetrate community radios to engage with the community on the message of reconciliation. This has helped shift the perceptions among communities, particularly in rural communities, that the other community is not the enemy and have concentrated on real development challenges. Ethnic prejudices, inadequate life skills, limited technical skills and knowledge, skewed world views, cultural barriers and attitudes, insufficient role models, trauma from the post election violence, ethnic politics and media influence are some of challenges that Tuelewane has been able to address among Kenyan youth. The Youth Exchange Programme conducted by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports with the support of UNDP Kenya, has made it possible for youth to travel to other communities and engage in dialogue with the intergeneration members of these communities in the endeavour to broaden their world views, promote diversity, inculcate tolerance and promote acquisition of technical and life skills. Rarieda, Tetu, Turkana and Eldoret East were among the 16 constituencies that the youth were drawn from and actively integrated in the cultural exchange. The Kenya Youth Empowerment Programme (KYEP) has set up a network of all the empowering projects established by the youth who participated in the exchange programmes. The network has been linking up all the groups that have been formed up through the exchange programme and drawn from the 16 constituencies. 75% of the groups in KYEP have initiated
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socio-economic activities ranging from cereal banking, tree planting, joint reconstruction of houses destroyed during PEV, peace dialogues amongst other innovative and empowering projects. Tuelewane has enabled youth mentorship, enhanced intergenerational dialogues, directed linkages with traditionally conflict communities and built an entrepreneurial culture amongst the youth. To read more about the Kenya Youth Empowerment Programme (KYEP), visit www.kyep.org. Promoting Sustainable livelihoods for Youth to avert Conflict An information sharing meeting was held Youth in in Naivasha on 27 January 2010 on how various parts to promote Sustainable Livelihoods for of Kenya the youth so as to avert conflict situations. Hon. Martha Karua, MP Gichugu, contributed to the discussions on the Entire Value Chain Intervention approach that seeks to sustain livelihoods and peace building efforts through the engagement of the youth in entrepreneurial initiatives hence progressively eliminating militant tendencies. The objective of this initiative is to operationalise a nationwide brand Akili Holdings through the Constituency Development Associations. They would be incorporated in the framework/principles; startup, including capital requirement / business plan; progressive acquisition of shares; approval of initial directors/ terms including composition of the board structure. UNDP Kenya is supporting the development of an entire value chain approach with the aim of enhancing economic development in an initial twenty constituencies in Kenya with a target of mobilizing 10,000 youth in each of the selected 20 constituencies. US $ 100,000 - 200,000
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The Kazi kwa Vijana Trees for Jobs initiative was successfully launched on 22nd December 2009 at a tree planting ceremony attended by the UN Humanitarian Coordinator and the UNDP Resident Representative, Aeneas Chuma. 550 trees were planted during this occasion. The initiative will enlist 200 youths in Kajiado North District in planting and nurturing 30,000 trees on a 12 acre piece of land provided by the Ministry of Forestry. This is in line with the overall goal of increasing Kenyas forest cover up to 4% by 2012. This initiative is a partnership between the UNDP and the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. It seeks to engage the youth in gainful employment whilst creating awareness and providing solutions to global warming through programs that mitigate the impacts of climate change. UNDP is also supporting the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports to implement the Kenya National Youth Policy, with projects that include the indoctrination of peaceful co-existence among the youth, revitalizing Youth Polytechnics and inculcating an entrepreneurial culture to enable them realize their dreams and aspirations. Sixty per cent of Kenyas population is aged between 18 and 30. UNDP, in conjunction with the Ministry of Youth Affairs has recently launched the Youth Employment Scheme and Micro, Small Enterprises Programme or in short, the YES-MSE Programme. In line with the spirit of the governments Economic Recovery Strategy, the Ministry of Youth Affairs Strategic Action Plan for Kenyan Youth 2006-2011, the overall objective of the YESMSE Programme is to enhance the capacity of Kenyan youth to unlock their potential, to transform themselves from job seekers to job creators and to make them relevant to the development of the countrys MSE sector which promises to be an engine for economic growth.
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In a short period of six months, since May 2006, the YESMSE Programme will have turned out close to 100 well trained entrepreneur/trainers who will move to the Districts to set up their own enterprises in both the product and service segments of the MSE sector. These entrepreneur trainers will in turn train other entrepreneurs in their chosen Districts and thus expand the YESMSE training and service provision to the grassroots. This is a great achievement, which both the Ministry of Youth Affairs and the UNDP wish to encourage so that these young people can maintain their enthusiasm, becoming role models and teachers to other young people in search of jobs. UNICEF National Youth Talent Academy Unicef And Government to Sponsor Talented Secondary School Students Shimba Hills Secondary School from the Coast province, Nairobis Upper Hill School and Maseno School from Nyanza are among eight schools identified as centres of excellence in sports by the government and which will be funded to develop sports through sponsorship from the United Nations Childrens Fund (Unicef). Under the new arrangement - a partnership between UNICEFs Kenya country office and MOE, the eight schools will have their top athletes funded for their studies and sports talent development by UNICEF and MOE. The other schools are Matuu Memorial (Eastern), Kerugoya Girls High School (Central), Garissa High School (North Eastern), Cheptil (Rift Valley) and Kakamega High School (Western). The sponsorship will include school fees, shopping and pocket money for the entire period the talented students will be in school. National Amount not stated
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The programme, National Youth Talent Academy, mainly targets talented but disadvantaged youth in Kenya and will see the boys and girls kept in camp by
UNICEF every two weeks of the school holidays to develop their sports talents. Shimba Hills will have their basketball and netball players fully sponsored with a possibility of the schools football team also getting funding depending on availability of funds. Upper Hills basketball and football teams will be the beneficiaries with the schools rugby team being the third option, while Masenos basketball and rugby teams will benefit with football as the third option. Matuu Memorial have handball and football lined up first with basketball the third sport while Kakamega High School will have their football and rugby teams sponsored. Kerugoya Girls hockey team has been identified while Cheptils volley ballers and Garrisas footballers have been selected. Girls football programme Backed by UNICEF, the Mathare Youth Sports Association (MYSA) helps them develop life skills and provides information on how to stop HIV from spreading. Some 17,000 children take part in activities organized by MYSA, which was originally set up in 1987 as a football club for boys from the local slum districts. It became one of the first programmes to integrate youth sports with community service, gradually expanding to include an environmental clean-up initiative, a study hall and library, leadership training and girls football. The programme empowers girls through sports and life skills development to help prevent HIV/AIDS. Providing the girls with these skills enables them to spread accurate information and help to reduce the incidence of the disease, as well as combat other threats such as rape, prostitution and drug abuse. MYSA trains new peer educators on these issues every year. MYSA staff launched their HIV/AIDS Prevention and Awareness Project in response to an increase in the spread of the Amount not stated
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disease in Mathare. They recognized that young people from MYSA could play a key role in AIDS prevention. In fact, hardworking single mothers, who make up the majority of the Mathare population, have little or no time to communicate with their children. Peers are therefore left with the responsibility of passing on vital information, which, if incorrect, can lead to risky behaviours. MYSA has become a place for physical, emotional and educational support; a place offering guidance so that they make the right choices; and a place that encourages them to give back to their communities. The Kenya The Kenya Youth Initiative Project Youth Initiative (KYIP) was a national communication Project response designed to address: the youth reproductive health policy environment, and the lack of information available to youth. KYIPs advocacy program addressed the policy issue and the processes of alternative reproductive health education to in- and out- of school youth and parents. The Kenya Youth Initiatives Project meets the five criteria defined by UNAIDS Best Practices Guidelines: effectiveness, ethical soundness, relevance, efficiency and sustainability. Kenya-Italy Debt for Development Programme (KIDDP) Education In line with the Strategic Plan 2007-2012, KIDDP foresees the revitalization of Youth Polytechnics in particular and the vocational training sector in general. It funds projects aimed at upgrading youth polytechnics through capacity building, curriculum implementation, provision of training equipment and rehabilitation of infrastructure; The KIDDP intervention in the youth sector is structured in line with the National Strategic Plan 2007 2012 and aimed at supporting the Kenyan government strategy for the establishing of a sustainable and market-oriented vocational education system. Through the KIDDP each beneficiary polytechnic will be enhanced to develop a dynamic Nairobi District, Tharaka District, Suba District, Kilifi District, Nyandarua District, West Pokot District Amount not stated
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demand driven vocational education system able to produce graduates with skills in tune with market requirements. Every intervention will be undergone over a period of three years with a financial commitment of 43 million Kenya Shillings. The main activities, carried out over a period of three years on each polytechnic thought the KIDDP, will be as follows: a) Capacity Building KIDDP will provide training activities in pedagogical skills , management, administration and finance, skills upgrading, guidance and counselling and project management. The training activities undertaken will involve polytechnic personnel (teachers and technicians), community representatives as well as officials from national and district levels. Approximately 500 teachers and technicians will be trained, and through the new competences acquired, teachers will be able to develop curriculum with methodology competencies based on learning approach, to include new technologies in teaching activities and to update nationally defined subjects with competencies required by the labor market; at the same time technicians will be capable of routine and nonroutine maintenance intervention through external services in order to guarantee sustainability in the long-term. Training activities will be also addressed to administrative and managerial polytechnics Norwegian Church Aid Norwegian Church Aid began its youth programme in 2008. AYICC Kenya nominates NCA youth NGO of the year, 2009. The National youth conference on Climate Change held in Nairobi November 2009 was attended by over 100 youth from all parts of Kenya, the Environment Secretary, Heinrich Boll Foundation, Oxfam GB, Norwegian Church Aid, Kenya Private Sector, UNEP, PACJA, Christian Aid, Earth-watch Institute, Universities, Members of Parliament and Media Houses. Youth Engaged in Climate Change Amount not stated
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This could not have been possible without the support of the Norwegian Church Aid office in Nairobi, says AYICC on their web site. Now they have nominated Norwegian Church Aid youth NGO of the year 2009. This is an honour and it commits us to continue our engagement together with Kenyan youth, area representative Gaim Kebreab says. Norwegian Church Aid in Kenya began its vibrant youth programme in 2008 with a National Youth Conference on Climate Change. This paved way to youth mobilization in both urban and rural areas, where young people are empowered first to take action in protecting their environment and training other youth people in schools, churches, mosques, and universities. Secondly, the youth hold their leaders both at local and national level accountable. So far the organizations main advocacy work is run by youth alongside civil society. Celebrities and politicians have joined NCA youth initiative and are currently building momentum for further engagement on issues such as governance, constitutional review and economic justice, Toroitich says. The Kenya youth movement works very closely with Change Maker in Norway. Koch FM Slum based youth organization community media. Koch FM is the first community owned ghetto radio in Kenya. It was founded in 2006 by the youth from Korogocho. The radio is an extra ordinary innovation by the community youth who are truly committed to provide the constituents with the requisite information that is needed for their effective participation in the socioeconomic and political processes for greater achievement. The radio inspires community pride and confidence as it amplifies the voices of the people and ensures that they are clearly heard. Its editorial focus includes human rights, governance, gender, health, environment, entrepreneurship, religion, sports, child welfare amongst others. Amount not stated
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World Bank
Kenya Youth Will support the Government of Kenyas Empowerment efforts to increase access to youthProject (KYEP) targeted temporary employment programs and to improve youth employability. Youth in Kenya face serious challenges, including high rates of unemployment and underemployment. The overall unemployment rate for youth is double the adult average. Kenya, like many other African countries, is struggling to manage a growing population of youth, of whom about one in five are in school nor working. While Kenyas youth can be an asset and a source of growth, if they are neglected or marginalized they can also be a potent source of crime and violence, says Johannes Zutt, the World Banks Country Director for Kenya. Working with the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), among others, the Youth Empowerment project aims to provide disadvantaged unemployed youth with opportunities to acquire training, apprenticeships, and short-term jobs that will improve their long-term employability and transform them into productive members of society. The Government has renewed its commitment to addressing youth issues and youth unemployment has emerged as a top priority. The Government developed a Marshall Plan for youth unemployment in 2007, emphasizing the importance of a coordinated and multi-sectoral approach to addressing the problem of youth unemployment and youth idleness. In April 2009, and as part of Kenyas stimulus package addressing the impacts of the global economic crisis, the Kazi Kwa Vijana (KKV) program was launched, aiming to employ youth in rural and urban areas in labor-intensive public
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works projects implemented by different line ministries. The KYEP project will focus on three main components: (i) labor-intensive works and social services; (ii) private sector internships and training; and (iii) capacity building and policy development. This is the first public works program targeting youth in Africa that has been supported by the World Bank. In addition, the second component is highly innovative, using KEPSA as the implementing agency to ensure adequate links with the private sector and promote sustainability of the project activities, says Task Team Leader, Yasser El-Gammal. This project will be an important opportunity to create lessons for possible expansion and replication elsewhere in Africa. The credit is approved on standard terms of a 40-year maturity with a 10-year grace period provided by the International Development Association (IDA)the World Banks concessionary lending arm. UN Habitat Youth Empowerment Programme in Kenya ICT and Life Skills Training Within the umbrella of the Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP) pilot project in Kenya, nearly 300 youth from informal settlements of Nairobi have, with the support of UN-HABITAT, formed a Youth Brigade that will act as a guild and regulating body for the youth as they graduate from their vocational trainings and begin entering the construction market. Of the 300, a number of youth who had attended the planning sessions with HABITAT expressed a strong desire to contribute to the Brigade in other ways, rather than to undertake the offered vocational trainings in construction trades. HABITAT, in collaboration with the youth, identified suitable partner organizations and found a unique way to creatively meet the youths request and strengthen the Brigades pool of skills, with ICT and Life Skills training. Youth in Informal Settlements Nationwide Amount not stated
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Starting in early August 2008, the first intake of YEP youth began their training at the United Nations Office in Nairobi (UNON) Cyber Caf. Through partner organization Environmental Youth Alliance (EYA), an agreement was struck with Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) Kenya, an ICT and Life Skills training organization that provides an innovative programme called Reach Up. Reach Up is a modular course running approximately 120 hours of training time, which integrates all basic ICT components such as computer operation, Microsoft Office software, internet browsing, setting up and using email, plus business skills from etiquette to business planning, and personal empowerment and social skills. As the second intake of youth is about to begin their own training with DOT, the first intake is now preparing for intensive training with a facilitator from Environmental Youth Alliance, who will build on the business and employment topics in greater depth. EYA will deliver an integrated programme of business simulation modules and games, training in business writing and workplace organization, and continued emphasis on personal empowerment. By the end of October 2008, the YEP Brigade will have approximately 60 members trained and ready to assist with the administration and office processes that it will need in order to flourish as a sustainable youth-led organization thanks to the courage of the youth in asking for ICT training, and the creative flexibility of HABITATs Partners and Youth Section in responding to the request. Youth The programme supports the Habitat Youth in Kibera and $1.235 Empowerment Agenda, UN-HABITAT Governing Council Kibera Slums Mavoko million Programme resolutions on urban youth empowerment Settlements and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that recommend support to youth empowerment programmes and the development and implementation of strategies that give young people everywhere a real chance to find decent and productive work.
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The overall goal of the programme is to improve the livelihoods of at least 250 youth, both male and female, living and working in Kibera slums and the Mavoko informal settlements, through the provision of practical training in construction, business development and information communication technology that will lead to income generation activities. The programme aims to equip young people with managerial and organizational skills, certification and apprenticeship experience to compete for jobs in the construction industry. Specific Goals: Train youth from informal settlements in Kenya, starting with youth from Mavoko and Kibera slum areas, in employable skills in construction, business employment and information communication technology; Activate and strengthen key strategic civil society and public and private sector partnerships related to housing constructions, microenterprise development and information communication technology and; Promote youth entrepreneurship with the aim of establishing economically viable and competitive small enterprises that are youth-led. Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) Child Protection and HIV/AIDS Programme Sida and UNICEF entered into a three year agreement effective January 2004, under which Sida is providing thematic support to UNICEFs Child Protection and HIV/ AIDS Programme, and certain activities in the Strategic Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Programme and the Communication, Participation and Partnership Programme, both of which are cross-sectoral programmes. The Child Protection Programme has six projects, four of which are substantially supported using Sida funding: Youth and HIV/ AIDS; Gender Violence, Discrimination, Exploitation and Female Genital Mutilation; Children orphaned by AIDS; and Juvenile Justice. The Nationwide Amount not stated
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thematic funding also covers three Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) active in the area of children rights and advocacy. These CSOs: The Child Rights, Advisory, Documentation & Legal Centre (CRADLE), Children Legal Action Network (CLAN) and Kenya Alliance for the Advancement of Childrens Rights (KAACR), previously received direct support from Sida. Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Training The 18 day-training programme in Programme for specialized field for participants (from Young Leaders 20 to 35 years) who will eventually hold important positions in their country. This Training Programme for Young Leaders is a revision of Youth Invitation Programme starting from fiscal year 2007 aiming more emphasis on technical training aspect with Japanese citizens participation built up in the Youth Invitation Programme era. Strengthening of Mathematics and Sciences in Secondary Education (SMASSE) Project, July 1998December 2008, TA This Project which started off as strengthening of Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education (SMASSE) is a 2-level cascade model of in-service education and training (INSET) which aims at making mathematics and science teachers throughout the country more effective through use of student-centered teaching approaches. This is expected to upgrade Kenyan youth capability of these subjects and consequently enhance development of scientific and technological manpower needed for implementation of Kenyas Vision 2030. Youth with an interest in national leadership Amount not stated
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Government of Kenya, Office of the Vice President and Ministry of State for Youth Affairs. (2007, March). Strategic Plan, 2007 2012. Nairobi, Kenya Government of Kenya. (2003, April). Adolescent Reproductive Health Development Policy. Nairobi, Kenya Government of Kenya. (2005, July). National Guidelines for Provision of Adolescent YouthFriendly Services (YFS) In Kenya. Nairobi, Kenya Government of Kenya. (2009, April). Kazi Kwa Vijana Programme Manual. Nairobi, Kenya Government of Kenya. (2009, May, 15th). Kenya Gazette Supplement: Bills 2009. Bill for introduction into the National Assembly The National Youth Council Bill, 2009 303. Nairobi, Kenya Government of Kenya. (2010). Budget, 2010/2011. Nairobi, Kenya Government of Kenya. (2010). Economic Stimulus Programme 2009-2010. Nairobi, Kenya Government of Kenya. (2010). Public Expenditure Review 2010. Nairobi, Kenya Kenya Local Government Reform Programme. (Various). Annual Reports of the Local Authority Transfer Fund Advisory Committee. Nairobi, Kenya Kenya National Audit Office. (2010). Printed Estimates of Recurrent and Development Expenditure & Appropriation Accounts Kenya National Bureau of Statistics. (2010). 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census: Volume 1C. Nairobi, Kenya Office of the Vice President and Ministry of State for Youth Affairs. (2007). Government of Kenya, National Youth Policy for Youth Development. Nairobi, Kenya United Nations Development Programme. (2010, June). Kenya National Human Development Report 2009. Youth and Human Development: Tapping the Untapped Resource. Nairobi,Kenya United States Agency for International Development. (2009). CrossSectoral Assessment for at Risk Youth in Kenya: Revised Report. Nairobi, Kenya World Bank. (2006). World Development Report 2007: Development and the Next Generation. Washington D.C., US
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Internet Sources
www.accesskenya.com www.africanfinancial.com www.africanfinancials.com
www.africanfinancials.com www.armkenya.com www.bamburicement.com www.barclays.com/africa/kenya www.bidco-oil.com www.co-opbank.co.ke www.eastaficanportland.com www.equitybank.co.ke www.equitybank.co.ke www.jica.go.jp/kenya www.kapa-oil.com www.kcbbankgroup.com www.kengen.co.ke www.kenolkobil.com www.kenya-airways.com www.kiddp.org www.kkv.go.ke www.kplc.co.ke www.mumias-sugar.com www.primebank-kenya.com www.safaricom.co.ke www.unhabitat.org www.usaid.gov www.worldbank.org/ke
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Data Collection
Government data on relevant youth allocations to Ministries and Local Authorities will be drawn from both secondary and primary sources of data. Secondary sources of data include: i. Ministry and Local Authority Strategic plans (to review intended projects and programmes for young people) ii. Budget estimates (Recurrent & Development) - to review budget allocations iii. Appropriation Accounts (Recurrent & Development) iv. Public Expenditure Review Reports to assess implementation and level of funds used on youth related programmes Primary sources of data include: i. Visits to the 21 Ministry of Youth and Sports District offices UNICEF works with. Interviews will be conducted to obtain information on district specific projects, sources of funding and amounts /cost of projects. Other available documentation will also be reviewed and relevant information recorded. ii. Visits to Local Authorities within those 21 districts UNICEF works in. Interviews will be conducted to obtain information on specific projects and amounts /cost of projects. Other available documentation will also be reviewed and relevant information recorded. Template for data collection
Government of Kenya Ministry & Department Name of Objective Number Allocations Programme Targeted disaggregated by gender 2005/6 Est Act 2006/7 Est Act 2007/8 Est Act 2008/9 Est Act
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Local Authorities Ministry & Department Name of Objective Number Allocations Programme Targeted disaggregated by gender 2005/6 Est
NB: Est = Estimate, Act = Actual
Data from development partners and private sector on relevant youth allocations will be drawn from both secondary and primary sources of data. Secondary sources of data include: i. Strategic Plans ii. Project Evaluation Reports iii. Annual Budgets and audited accounts Primary sources of data include: i. Interviews with local leaders and selected NGOs on private sector and donor programmes carried out in the district to target youth. Interviews will be conducted to obtain information on district specific projects, sources of funding and amounts /cost of projects. Other available documentation will also be reviewed and relevant information recorded.
Private Sector (CSR funds) Name of Organization Type of Intervention e.g. Objective of intervention Geographical Location Amount Allocated Number reached disaggregated by gender male female
Development Partners Name of Partner Programme Development Organization partner implementing programme Objective Amount Allocated Number reached disaggregated by gender
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