July 2013
July 2013
July 2013
July 2013
Presidents Message
Tammie Barfield The Wakulla County Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to assisting and serving Wakulla's business community. The chamber provides a forum for relationship building among Wakulla's business owners and provides a public voice to advocate sound public policies that will improve and enhance opportunities to do business in Wakulla County. One of the objectives of the chamber is to discover and correct factors that prevent the promotion of business and community growth. Occasionally a situation arises when it is prudent for the chamber to participate in developing or improving policies that impact area businesses. When the chamber takes a position in support of or in opposition to public policy, that position is nonpartisan and nonsectarian, as stated in the bylaws, and it is with a consensus of the board of directors. Recently the chamber board unanimously voted to take a position opposing the revised sign ordinance as it was presented and approved. The chamber board supports a sign ordinance for Wakulla County and would welcome the opportunity to participate in the development of an ordinance that would encourage the effective use of signs as a means of communication and enhance the county's appearance, while also remaining business-friendly with fair and reasonable provisions. **** Every year the chamber provides an opportunity for its members and the public to recognize outstanding businesses in our area through the Business Excellence Awards and Environmental Stewardship Awards. These awards were established nine years ago to honor chamber businesses exemplifying excellence in their contributions to the community. Our title sponsors for the awards this year are CenturyLink, a leading provider of Internet, TV and voice services, and Waste Pro, a Florida based solid waste, recycling, processing and disposal company. We are very proud to be partnering with these two premier sponsors to bring these prestigious awards to our businesses. Nominations are being sought now to determine who will be the winners of the awards this year. There is a list of qualifying businesses on the chamber's website as well as the nomination forms. Go to www.wakullacountychamber.com , print the form and complete it, then fax, email or mail it to the chamber office at 850926-2050(fax), [email protected], or Wakulla County Chamber of Commerce, 23 High Drive, Crawfordville, FL 32327-2032. This year's event will be held September 19 at the Wakulla County Senior Center. ****
Partnerships between businesses and schools have not always been widespread. However, that trend is changing as many communities are realizing the importance of the connection between youth education and future employees. Wakulla County Schools invites Wakulla County Chamber of Commerce members to attend a 7 Habits of Highly Effective People workshop as part of The Leader in Me schoolwide leadership development process. Key skills that businesses and educators have identified as vital to the futures of today's students are developed within The Leader in Me process. These skills include: leadership, accountability, adaptability, initiative and self-direction, cross-cultural skills, responsibility, problem solving, communication, creativity, and teamwork. The three day workshop will be held July 8-10, from 8:30-3:30 at Medart Elementary. There is no cost to attend and lunch will be provided each day. Please RSVP to Belinda McElroy, Assistant Principal of Medart Elementary School by email: [email protected] or call 962-4881 ext. 105.
Save the Date Business Excellence Awards Banquet - September 19th, 2013.
July Networking Luncheon Update We will not host a networking luncheon in July as The Wakulla Senior Centers Christmas in July fundraiser is scheduled for the same date.
The Wakulla County Chamber of Commerce is proud to once again announce our partnership with CenturyLink, a leading provider of Internet, TV and voice services, and WastePro, the Florida based company which is one of this countrys fastest growing solid waste collection, recycling, processing and disposal companies in the country. These two organizations are being recognized as the title sponsors of the 2013 Wakulla County Chamber Business Excellence Awards. The Wakulla County Chamber Business Excellence Awards and Environmental Stewardship Awards were established nine years ago to recognize a Wakulla County Chamber business that exemplifies outstanding achievement and contributions to the community. The Environmental Stewardship Award is given to the chamber member that owns and/or operates a business, organization, or a residential development that promotes responsible environmental preservation. With the addition last year of the Chamber Member of the Year Award, we will recognize an owner or an employee of a member business whose service and dedication have made a significant contribution to the chamber and the community. Solicitations for nominations will begin in late June with the awards banquet set for September 19. It is important that as a chamber we strive to develop and sustain viable businesses that serve the citizens of Wakulla County well. As a small business owner, I have begun to keenly recognize the importance of a strong chamber and our chamber has at hand the best interest of all businesses in Wakulla. The Business Excellence Awards shine a spotlight on those businesses that have been selected by their peers as providers of outstanding service to Wakulla area residents. We appreciate the support that CenturyLink and WastePro provide in order to make it possible to recognize these important efforts says Tammie Barfield, chamber president. For more information on the awards, contact The Wakulla Chamber of Commerce at [email protected] or visit our website at wakullacountychamber.com. Please take the time to nominate a fellow member business; nomination forms were emailed to each member.
by John Shuff
In an effort to keep our members informed on the Restore Act and how it will affect business in Wakulla County, we will be providing monthly updates from the county's Restore Act committee, as well as information on other items of interest with regard to the national and state restoration process. The chambers Restore Act Committee is chaired by Chuck Robinson, the County committees designated member is John Shuff with Rachel Pienta serving as our alternate. The County Committee (CC) has begun hearing proposals from a number of different businesses and organizations over the past 6 months and has been working on an evaluation template to begin analyzing the proposals when we get the final court case judgments and finalized federal rules handed down to us. We are not sure how large the settlement will be or of the timing of distributions, but it will be large and will have a huge impact on our County. implement the final plan. There are provisions in the Act for environmental restoration, economic, workforce, and tourism development, and infrastructure improvements. There is also an emphasis being placed on our seafood industry with consideration being given to aquaculture to relieve the blight we have suffered from the last few years. We encourage local businesses and organizations to get involved in the process as there may be opportunities to develop an excellent business plan; if there is one phrase used most by the county committee it is job creation. If you have questions or ideas please feel free to contact John Shuff at 567-3989. We e need to be prepared to
I always enjoy conversing with people inquiring about our local businesses and I have the most fun when I receive calls for the little restaurant on Crawfordville Highway: What is the name of that little restaurant on the highway? You mean That Place on 319? Yes, that one whats the name of it? You get the idea. And That Place is where some networking was going on today at our monthly networking luncheon. Mike offered a choice of fried shrimp and pork chop combo with mashed potatoes and green beans, or a luncheon salad with grilled shrimp. Mary announced our new member for June, The Cave Connection, specializing in cave diving training, guide services, sales & rentals. Next was our spotlight member, Kim Campbell with Graphic Visions, who promises that she dishes up a whole lotta creativity without the expensive check. Kim has 25 years of graphic design experience, founded her company in 1993, and has worked on an array of projects from menus, billboards, logos, convention materials, directories, brochures etc. She showed a billboard of some of her local projects like the TDC tear off map with local places to visit, and the brochure for Warriors for Quiet Waters Southern Chapter, and the new Shepard Accounting logo as examples. Kim is also a print broker, which means she will shop for the best prices on your printed materials for you. Kim also works closely with our member Chuck Daugherty of TCB Marketing who received a live testimonial about being the best mailing agent around from attending member Harry Bozeman, owner of the UPS Store #6044 on Capital Circle SW. Kim is also a glass artist and a member of the Florida Goldsmith Society. She currently teaches glass art and would like to be able to offer classes in Wakulla in the near future. As customary Kim drew our next spotlight member, City of St. Marks. JoAnn Palmer announced the Chambers upcoming Business Excellence Awards, sponsored by CenturyLink and Waste Pro. The awards categories are start up business, business of the year, non - profit organization of the year, environmental stewardship, Wakulla area business of the year (this business does not have to be a chamber member), chamber member of the year, and new this year chamber director of the year. Sample packets were handed out, and will also be emailed to all of our members shortly, so be on the lookout and send in your nominations; you could be a winner! JoAnn recently obtained a cigarette litter prevention grant for Keep Wakulla County Beautiful and handed out car and pocket book ashtrays for those interested.
5 continued
Jocelyn Hayes, Girl Scout Council of the Panhandle Area informed us about Girls Unity Day, Friday, July 19th from 6-8pm at TCC Wakulla Center, a free event for girls of all ages. Secondly, the 3rd Annual Back to School Outreach Event which will be held on Saturday, August 3, 2013 at Hudson Park in Crawfordville, Florida from 11:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. The theme for this years event is F.R.E.S.H. (fully refreshing and empowering students holistically: mind, body and soul). Sponsors are sought for this event. Email Jocelyn [email protected] for more information. Registration forms are also available on the chamber website. Towards the end of the program Mary thanked Mike Keller and his attentive staff for hosting our luncheon, and Mike drew the cash prize winner of $45, Kim Campbell. We always appreciate items to our raffle and thank the following for their contribution: June Vause, Petra Shuff, Cook Insurance, Graphic Vision, Susan Schatzman, News. Capital City Bank, WORKFORCEplus, Critter Control, Marianne & Lionel Dazevedo, and The Wakulla
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