01 Biblical Necessity For Child Discipline
01 Biblical Necessity For Child Discipline
01 Biblical Necessity For Child Discipline
I shared to you last Sunday the role of Christian fathers. We learned, not only of the honor and respect children are to render their parents, and especially the fathers, according to the fifth commandment and other passages, but more importantly, we saw the great responsibility of the Christian father. We learned that their role as fathers includes the prophetic, priestly and kingly elements. As a prophet in the home, the father was mainly responsible for the spiritual well-being of the family. He instructs his children with the word of God, declaring to them Gods wondrous acts, His judgments. He evangelizes them and commands them to obey God, and trains them up for God. As a priest, the father blesses his children and prays for their spiritual welfare. He is the main intercessor for his children. As king, the father is primarily responsible for managing his family well. He is to love his children, not to provoke them and he is to provide for their needs. We also learned that he is to discipline them. We learned that this responsibility of disciplining mainly rests on the shoulders of the father.
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parents to feel it is their right to beat their children whenever they wish. Today, communications based on integrity and mutual respect is a more popular idea. We now have agencies like the (Bantay-Bata (163). Abused children 0-12 y.o. Many Christians do not know how to discipline their children in a biblical manner. They are directed more by psychology rather than the Bible. We do not deny the contribution of physicians and psychologists. Through them, we can know better how to handle sickness and disease, or understand better the trauma people experience. But they must all be understood in the light of Gods Word. In order for their works to be really useful, they must be made subject to the Word of God. Those are some of the reasons why I felt the need to deal with the subject of child discipline in a more exhaustive manner. While this study is primarily directed to the fathers, please do not think that this is just for them. This study is for prospective parents, young parents, parents with older children, and even grandparents. Everyone who is in any way related to children must learn to discipline them according to the will of God. As Christian parents we need to ask ourselves a number of questions that other parents dont ask. Why do my children need to be disciplined? What is my objective or goal in disciplining them, what am I trying to achieve? What does God say on how I should correct my children? How can I fulfill my responsibility as a parent before the Lord in a way that will see my children brought to the feet of Jesus Christ? Let me begin to answer the question,
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The effect of that fall upon man as image-bearer can be seen in Gen 5:1-3. In the day when God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. But when fallen Adam became the father of a son, his son was made in his likeness (fallen), according to his image (fallen). Seth, the fallen son of the fallen man, bore an image that was fractured and distorted. This is how the Fall has affected the image of God in man. Mans self-consciousness is twisted into pride, selfishness and prejudice. Reason, instead of being used to receive Gods revelation, is used to plot mischief against others and to get them into trouble. Communication or speech is corrupted: to curse, to lie, and to abuse others with our tongues. Children are noted for their cruelty toward other children. Creativity is turned upside down to become destructiveness. What delight some children take in tearing down, breaking, destroying. It doesnt really matter if a toy is old or new, their or somebody elses. Rule is turned to tyranny. We all know the neighborhood bully. Children soon learn to use their size and weight to promote their own advantage. Morality has become immorality. We dont need to teach our children how to lie or to take things that dont belong to them. They are inclined toward evil and do it naturally. Our time and energy is spent trying to teach them the right things to do. Even such a beautiful thing as imagination is spoiled by the Fall. They use their imagination to escape responsibility for their actions. Who are the children? Theyre made in the image of God. But theyre not innocent. They're fallen sinners. Adults are not the only ones whose hearts are inclined to evil. So are the kids. This is clearly taught in several passages from the Bible. Gen 8:21every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood The root of evil is within. It is not the environment. It is within the heart of man. That tablet is not blank. Its filled with sin, with malice, with wickedness unspeakable. Jesus Himself said in Mt 15:19, For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. Ps 58:3 Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the womb they are wayward and speak lies. Perhaps this refers to infants putting forth a false cry. He cries as though he is hurt. When mother inspects, there is nothing binding him, nothing pricking him, his diapers are clean, there is nothing to irritate him, and that cry which sounded like a cry of hurt was actually nothing more than a cry of anger. So the babe from its very birth, as soon as it is capable of any sort of expression, speaks lies. Then too, when he begins to speak words, he begins to speak lies. We do not have to teach our children to lie; they do it naturally. Children who are born and brought up in the context of church, children whose parents watch over them very carefully and seek to preserve them from any environment which would teach them to lie, still lie. Why? Because their natures are corrupt and they do these things naturally. Ps 51:5 Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. David was shaped just as you and I were: in the womb or in the uterus of our mothers. The point that he is making is that the environment did not affect him, but as he developed within the context of that womb environment, he gained organs capable of fulfilling the sinful intentions of his heart. As his arms and legs were formed, and as his fingers were formed on the ends of his hands, he was shaped in iniquity: fully prepared to come forth from the womb to obey the lusts of the flesh.
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Pr 22:15 Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him. Chuck Swindoll First the problem: "Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child." Take away the words "the heart of a child," place your child's name here; it applies! Now, when the Scripture mentions foolishness, it doesn't mean fun, lightheartedness, and a good sense of humor. In the Old Testament, a fool was one who despised discipline, one who hated wise instruction. A fool mocked God, was quarrelsome, licentious, morally bad, and wicked. Throughout the Proverbs folly or foolishness is used to describe the person who has no fear of God. The fool is the one who will not hear reproof. The fool is the one who will not submit to authority. The fool lacks wisdom (fear of the Lord). This is the natural state of your children. In their natural state, however, your children have hearts of folly. Therefore, they resist correction. They protest against your attempts to lead them. God has ordained the rod of discipline for this condition. The spanking process (undertaken in a biblical manner) drives foolishness from the heart of a child. Secondly, the direction of the child demands correction. Pr 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. (Literally: Train up a child in his way, and when he is old he will not depart from it.) This passage needs some important clarification. Let us listen to Bruce Ray in his book Withhold No Correction, pp. 32, 33-34. In Proverbs 22:6 we read, Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. This verse is usually taken as a promise, and it is almost always abused by persons seeking a false comfort. Some understand it to mean this: If the child is trained properly (that is, biblically) in his youth, he will not depart from that training when he grows older. Now generally speaking, this statement is true. Whether the Lord regenerated him or not, the morality which has been instilled in him as a child will carry him through his adult years. But it is not the teaching of Proverbs 22:6. In its proper context Proverbs 22:6 is not a promise so much as it is a warning to Christian parents. In the Hebrew text of Proverbs 22:6, the phrase, in the way he should go is entirely lacking. Rather the Hebrew says, Train up a child in his way or after his manner according to his ways. Allow a child to have self-expression, allow him to pick and to choose what he will and will not do, and as that habit is formed in his youth he will not change when he is older. If he does not learn disciplines from you as a child he will never learn it as an adult. That is a warning. Or it is a promise, if you like, but it is a promise in the negative sense. If you let your children run over you, if you withhold the rod, if you fail to discipline them, if you fail to diligently and meticulously instruct them in the little things as well as the bid, if you let your children decide what they will and what they will not eat, what they will and what they will not wear, what they will and what they will not do and when they will and will not do it, look into the future and you will see those same children unbridled, undisciplined, and unable to bring their bodies into submission to the commands of God. That is the stern warning.
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Jay Adams comments on this verse in his book Competent to Counsel and says, The verse stands not as a promise but as a warning to parents that if they allow a child to train himself after his own wishes (permissively) they should not expect him to want to change these patterns when he matures. Children are born sinners and when allowed to follow their own wishes they will naturally develop sinful habit responses. The basic thought is that such habit patterns become deep-seated when they have been ingrained in the child from the earliest day. The point is that he cannot get out of the rut which you have established for him. Train up a child in his way and when he is old he will not depart from it. To allow the child to go his own way, to allow him to take things naturally as they come, is to assure the destruction of his soul. The direction of a child, whose natural way leads to hell, demands correction. The responsibility that God has placed upon us as parents demands that we correct our children. Every privilege has a corresponding responsibility. Pr 23:13,14 Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you beat him with a rod, he will not die. 14 If you beat him with the rod you will save his life from Sheol. Eph 6:1-4 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 "Honor your father and mother" (this is the first commandment with a promise), 3 "that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth." 4 Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
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