Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview
Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview
Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview
In releasing the Blueprint for Government Schools in November 2003, the Minister
for Education and Training, Lynne Kosky MP, asked the Victorian Curriculum and
Assessment Authority (VCAA) to develop a new framework of essential learning for all
Victorian schools that would both reinforce standards and promote flexibility at the
school level.
The Victorian Essential Learning Standards, the VCAA’s response to this request,
provides the framework for schools to deliver teaching and learning programs that
support students to develop capacities to confidently manage themselves and their
relationships with others, make sense of the world in which they live and effectively
participate in that world.
The Standards are based on the best practice in Victorian schools, national and
international research and widespread consultation with school communities, educators,
professional associations and community groups. They represent an outstanding
collaborative achievement by all sectors of the Victorian education community.
During the consultation phase in 2004 the VCAA received over 1200 written responses
which strongly endorsed the proposed direction for curriculum reform. This support
continued throughout the development process, with hundreds of practising teachers,
academics and other educators involved as writers or critical friends or responding to
draft papers as members of reference groups. The VCAA also worked closely with the
Department of Education and Training’s Office of Learning and Teaching, the Catholic
Education Commission of Victoria and the independent sector in the development of
the Standards.
The VCAA Board particularly acknowledges the commitment to and leadership of this
reform by its P–10 Curriculum and Assessment Committee and Curriculum Reform
Working Party.
Throughout the State, principals and curriculum leaders have embraced the new
curriculum approach, and are enthusiastic about how the Standards will support the
work they are already doing to meet the learning needs of all students.
We look forward to schools using the Victorian Essential Learning Standards as the
basis for developing whole school curriculum planning, effectively monitoring student
achievement, and reporting to parents and the community.
1 Introduction
1 Essential learning
4 Educational principles
7 Structure
8 Learning focus statements
8 Standards
9 Relationship between the learning focus statements and the standards
13 National Benchmarks
14 Assessment
Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview
The Victorian Essential Learning Standards provide a new approach to
organising the curriculum in schools. They give parents and the community
confidence that rigorous standards have been set for students throughout
Victoria. At the same time they recognise the responsibilities of principals
and teachers to devise the best programs for their students to achieve these
Schools have a key role to play in developing skilled, flexible, responsible and
creative young people. To date, however, we have been slow to adapt our
curriculum to the broad demands that society places on young people. This
has led to pressure to include ever more content without establishing clear
priorities. Our curriculum has not provided sufficient support in systematic
ways to the notion of developing learners who can apply their knowledge
beyond the classroom to new and different situations.
Essential learning
The Essential Learning Standards are a framework of essential learning in
two ways. First, the framework is based on the premise that there are three
components of any curriculum which are necessary to enable students to meet
the demands of a modern, globalised world. These components are:
In the Standards, these components become the three core strands; Physical,
Personal and Social Learning, Discipline-based Learning and Interdisciplinary
Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview
Second, the Standards clarify the core elements of each component which
students need to acquire if they are to succeed in further education, work and
Recent research1 has provided new understanding of the learning process and
the development of competent performance in different intellectual domains,
with the result that teaching and learning is focusing on student understanding
and the application of knowledge to different contexts.
Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview
That is why the Interdisciplinary and Physical, Personal and Social Learning
strands are intertwined with the commonly accepted core bodies of knowledge
(disciplines) which are central to any curriculum framework. The Standards do
not replace the core disciplines. The disciplines are related to the other strands
in a new and integrated manner.
Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview
Each of these purposes is embedded within the three core strands of the
Victorian Essential Learning Standards, and incorporated into specific standards.
For example, environmental sustainability will not only draw on the full
range of interdisciplinary domains but will also be embedded within such
discipline areas as Science, Geography and Economics, and programs to
develop students' physical, personal and social capacities. Similarly, community
building is likely to be a core component of the Civics and Citizenship and the
Interpersonal Development domains.
Educational principles
The Essential Learning Standards are underpinned by a clear set of educational
principles which reflects the community’s expectations for schooling in
Learning for all – proceeding on the basis that all students can learn given
sufficient time and support, and that good schools and good teaching make a
positive difference to student outcomes
Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview
What is new, however, is that Victoria now has a set of standards for ensuring
that all three strands, and their domains, are addressed by all schools in their
teaching programs and in their assessment and reporting practices.
Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview
Discipline-based Learning
Knowledge, skills and behaviours in
The Arts; English and Languages Other Than English; The
Humanities; Mathematics; Science
Interdisciplinary Learning
Knowledge, skills and behaviours in
Communication; Design, Creativity and Technology; Information
and Communications Technology; Thinking Processes
to form
Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview
Within each strand of learning, the essential knowledge, skills and behaviours
are organised into domains with further divisions into dimensions. Standards
are written for each dimension. The relationship between the strands, domains
and dimensions is shown in Table 1.
Strand Domain Dimension
Physical, Personal Health and Physical Education Movement and physical activity
and Social Learning Health knowledge and promotion
Interpersonal Development Building social relationships
Working in teams
Personal Learning The individual learner
Managing personal learning
Civics and Citizenship Civic knowledge and understanding
Community engagement
Discipline-based The Arts Creating and making
Learning Exploring and responding
English Reading
Speaking and listening
Languages Other Than English Communicating in a language other than English
Intercultural knowledge and language awareness
Economics Economic knowledge and understanding
Economic reasoning and interpretation
The Humanities Geography Geographical knowledge and understanding
Geospatial skills
History Historical knowledge and understanding
Historical reasoning and interpretation
Mathematics Number
Measurement, chance and data
Working mathematically
Science Science knowledge and understanding
Science at work
Interdisciplinary Communication Listening, viewing and responding
Learning Presenting
Design, Creativity and Investigating and designing
Technology Producing
Analysing and evaluating
Information and ICT for visualising thinking
Communications Technology ICT for creating
(ICT) ICT for communicating
Thinking Processes Reasoning, processing and inquiry
Reflection, evaluation and metacognition
Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview
The domains in each of the three strands comprise two interrelated elements:
• Learning focus statements; and
• Standards.
Standards define what students should know and be able to do at different
levels of schooling and are written for one or more dimension within each
domain. They are, in effect, outcomes against which student achievement will
be assessed and reported on and provide valuable information about student
progress which can form the basis of further teaching and intervention.
By clearly specifying the standards appropriate at each of the six levels, broadly
equivalent to Prep and Years 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10, the Standards provide a clear
picture of the sequence of development a student should progress through
in the three strands. The standards enable teachers, parents and students not
only to determine the knowledge and skills a student currently demonstrates,
but also what that student needs to know and be able to do to progress to the
next level, through to the end of Year 10.
Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
Table 2: Relationship between years of schooling and levels in the Essential Learning Standards
Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview
Table 3 provides a summary of the levels in each domain that have formal
standards against which student achievement will be assessed and reported.
Standards are introduced where they are central to future learning and success
and where research suggests they are developmentally appropriate.
Interpersonal Development
Personal Learning
The Arts * *
Discipline-based Learning
The Humanities
Thinking Processes
Formal standards apply to those levels shaded in each domain in Table 3, while
only learning focus statements are provided for the levels that are unshaded.
(Learning focus statements for Economics, Geography and History at Levels 1
to 3 are included within the Humanities. Levels 4 to 6 outline separate learning
focus statements for Economics, Geography and History.)
Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview
This does not suggest that students should not or cannot be introduced to
concepts from particular domains before standards apply, such as Science
or Geography in the early years (Levels 1 and 2) where there are no formal
standards for assessment and reporting. The purpose of the learning focus
statements at these levels is to give advice about learning experiences that will
assist students to work towards the achievement of the standards in later years
when they apply.
Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview
In the domains other than English, ESL learners usually need to express
their understanding using English. It is therefore important that assessments
of progress in these domains are made in the context of the learner’s
development as a learner of English. The ESL Companion will assist in assessing
such development.
From 2006 the school curriculum and reports to parents will be organised
around the new strands and domains and not around the eight key learning
areas defined in the CSF. This will mean that schools are able to give greater
recognition to the knowledge, skills and behaviours which are part of the
Interdisciplinary and Physical, Personal and Social Learning strands.
Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview
A major difference between the documents is that the key learning areas are
no longer the main organising feature for the curriculum. The role of physical,
personal and social along with interdisciplinary learning has been made
explicit, in acknowledgment of the work that schools already do, and the value
they place, on developing these areas.
The Victorian Essential Learning Standards replace the CSF. The Department of
Education and the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria provide advice to
schools about reporting against the VELS.
National Benchmarks
National Literacy Benchmarks are used for reporting achievement in three
aspects of literacy – reading, writing and spelling – at Years 3, 5 and 7.
National Numeracy Benchmarks are used for reporting achievement in three
aspects of numeracy – ‘Number sense’, ‘Spatial sense’ and ‘Measurement and
data sense’ at each of Years 3, 5 and 7.
For purposes of comparison and ease of reporting, the national literacy and
numeracy benchmarks have been embedded in the Standards in the English
and Mathematics domains. However, these benchmark performance indicators
articulate nationally agreed minimum acceptable standards, and the Standards
are set at a challenging level. This means, for example, that even though there
is an expectation that students in Year 7 will be working towards achieving
the standards at Level 5, the National Benchmarks for Year 7 are embedded at
Level 4.
The Standards are not intended as a total curriculum for schools. They instead
seek to describe what is essential for students to achieve during the compulsory
years of school (Prep to Year 10). Schools will construct appropriate curriculum
programs which ensure these essential outcomes are achieved, in ways which
reflect the resources and expertise available, and the particular needs and
interests of the school community.
Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview
There is, however, no single approach. Schools have responsibility for, and
control over, the educational program they develop to enable their students to
achieve the standards.
Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Overview
The VCAA and Department of Education and Training have developed a set
of assessment principles2 which have been published on the Victorian Essential
Learning Standards and Student Learning websites. Applying these principles to
the structure of the Essential Learning Standards will require some careful initial
A question that will undoubtedly arise is, ‘When has a student achieved the
Each set of standards describes a range of things that a student should know,
understand and be able to do. It cannot be considered that a student knows
or understands something unless they are able to use that knowledge, or
apply that skill, in a range of contexts, including those that are new to them.
Consequently, achievement of a standard has to be demonstrated across a
range of tasks and situations allowing the teacher to make an on-balance
judgment regarding performance over time.
End Notes
Bransford, John D, Brown, Ann L and Cocking, Rodney R (eds) 1999, How People Learn:
Brain, Mind, Experience and School, National Academy Press, Washington DC
Victorian Essential Learning Standards website:
Blueprint for Government Schools website:
The development of the Victorian Essential Learning Standards is a key initiative in the
Government’s education reform agenda. The Department of Education provides the
Government with policy and planning advice for the delivery of education and training.
For more information on the Blueprint for Government Schools and other Department of
Education initiatives visit:
Department of Education