Central Casting Heroes Now by Paul Jaquays

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The key takeaways are that the book provides a detailed system for creating in-depth backgrounds, personalities, motivations and skills for both player characters and NPCs in roleplaying games.

The book provides a detailed, standalone system for creating intensely individualized, involved and invigorating backgrounds, personalities, motivations, and skills for both player characters and nonplayer characters alike, complete with roleplaying hints, gameplay benefits, and guidelines for fitting skills into any roleplaying rules system.

The book provides tables, charts and roleplaying guides for creating thoroughly individualized characters by following step-by-step instructions. It allows Game Masters and players to give life to any character by using only dice.

Unflatten your cardboard characters:

Breathe life into your heroes of the modern age. Give depth, motivation and a sense of personal history to every player character and NPC in your campaign! NOT for Game Masters only!


Character Creation System

for 20th Century Roleplay Games
A detailed, stand-alone system for creating intensely individualized, involved and invigorating backgrounds, personalities, motivations, and skills for both player characters and nonplayer characters alike-eomplete with roleplay hints, gameplay benefits, and guidelines for fitting skills into any roleplay rules system.

by Paul Jaquays
with Randall G. Kuipers & John Terra

EditorIArt Director: Paul Jaquays Cover Artist: Susan Van Camp Illustrators: Tom Dow, Paul Jaquays, Zachary Jaquays, Randall G. Kuipers, Diana Harlan Stein. and L. A. Williams

This book is for my parents William K. and Janet Jaquays, in recognitionof their supreme tolerance in raising a child who they let follow after his own dreams. The author extends his appreciation to William W. Connors, Randy R. Cox, FASA, GDW, Steve Jackson Games, Robert Leake, Mayfair Games, John Olsen, Mike Pondsmith, Greg Stafford, TSR, and Richard Tucholka, for their generous help in providing research material for this book.

~eview & development: Ruta Jaquays

Table of Contents
Introduction........................................................................................ 3 How to Use this Book ........................................................................ 3 Rules & Terms 'n Stuff ....................................................................... 4 D i Explanations 5 Applying the Guidelines 6 Central Casting & 'Skill Buyingw .........................................................9 Creating a Character History ............................................................. 9 Motivations:Justifying a Character's Life ........................................ 10 NPCs: Creating Special Characters................................................. 11 Linking Events 13 Adventure in the 20th Century 14 History of the 20th Century .............................................................. 16 Character Origins .................................................................. 18 Culture & Technology ............................................................ 20 Social Status .........................................................................24 Birth & Family ........................................................................26 Place of Birth 27 Unusual Births ...................................................................... -28 Parents & NPCs .................................................................... 31 Significant Events of Youth ................................................... 33 Special Events of Youth ........................................................ 35 Education .............................................................................. 38 Significant Events of Adulthood ............................................ 39 Alignment & Attitude .............................................................. 42 Occupations .......................................................................... 45 Special Occupations ............................................................. 48 Merchants ............................................................................. 49 Government Jobs .................................................................. 49 Crafts .................................................................................... 50 Occupation Performance ......................................................51 Hobbies ................................................................................. 52 Tragedies .............................................................................. 53 Something Wonderful .......................................................... 55 Superhero Events ................................................................. 56 Horror Events ........................................................................ 58 Espionage Events ................................................................. 60 Pulp Hero Events .................................................................. 61 UnderworldEvents ................................................................ 62 Military Events ....................................................................... 64 Combat!................................................................................. 65 Military Duties...................................................................... 66 Military Rank ......................................................................... 67 Military Skills .........................................................................68 Imprisoned! 69 Religion ................................................................................. 70 Ah Love! ................................................................................ 71 In the Service of ................................................................... 72 Exotic Events ........................................................................ 73 Magical Events ...................................................................... 76 Death Situations 77 Death of a Loved One ........................................................... 78 Secret Origins ....................................................................... 79 Personality Traits .................................................................. 81 Exotic Personality Traits ........................................................ 83 Others ................................................................................... 88 Other Groups ........................................................................ 89 Guardians.............................................................................. 89 Nobles ................................................................................... 90 Aliens .................................................................................... 91 Honors .................................................................................. 92 Unusual Pets ......................................................................... 93 Companions .......................................................................... 94 Rivals .................................................................................... 95 Villains ................................................................................... 96 Gifts & Legacies .................................................................... 97 Perks & Stuff ......................................................................... 98 99 Colors .................................................................................... Birthmarks ............................................................................. 99 Body Locations ...................................................................... 99 Exotic Features ................................................................... 100 Serious Wounds .................................................................. 102 Psychic Powers ................................................................... 103 Appearances ....................................................................... 104 Crimes ................................................................................. 105 Unusual Skills ...................................................................... 106 Vehicles .............................................................................. 107 GM's Specials ..................................................................... 109 Bibliography ................................................................................... 110 Promotion ...................................................................................... 111 Worksheet ..................................................................................... 112

.............................................................................. .....................................................................


............................................................................... .........................................................



Copyright@1991 by Task Force Games.Ail rights resewed.The ~ublisher orants . . permi&'&-to copy (foipersonal use only) the chkacter history woksheet on page 112.Otherwise no part of this book may be reproducedor transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical. including but not limited to photocopying. recording. or computerization. or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in witing from the publisher. Task Force Games. P.O.B. 50145. Amarillo. TX 791440145 . This book has been created for Task Force Games by Jaquays Design Studio. 213 N. Bowen. Jackson MI 49202. Paul Jaquays and his associates welcome your comments and suggestions regarding this other Central Casting books and future products in the Central Casting line. Cover painting copyright Q 1991 by Susan Van Camp. Interior illustrations copyright Q 1987. 1988. 1989. 1990. 1991 by individual artists. illustrations on pages 9,3538.51 and the back cover are@1980 by the Jackson Citizen Patriot and are used here by permission. CentralCastingTM is Task Force Games' trademark for its game aids dealing with character and adventure creation.
. - .

trademarkofColuhiaPicIures Industries Inc. Marvel Su~r.Heroes'~and MSHTY aretrademarks . DC HeroesTY of the Mawel Comics Group. a division d cadence. Industries Corporation Roleplaying Game is a trademarkof DC Comics. Inc. ChilDis a registered trademark of Mayfair T~ilightXXX)~~andDarkConspiracyaretrademarksofGameDaJigners' ~~. Games Inc. M e ~ 2 0 0 0 Workshop. Shadowrunm is a trademark of FASA Corporation . Mercenaries. Spies B Private EyesrU. and Catalyst" are trademarks owned by Flying Buffalo. Inc. A d v a n d Dungeons & Dragon&. ADBDB. Bod Hill" Top SecretTu.Top SecreVS.I.", and GangbustersTuare trademarks owned by TSR. Inc. Indiana Jones" is a trademark d Lucasfilms. Ltd. Hero Systemm Fantasy Hero". Champion&and Champions. the Super RokplayingGamem are trademarks of Hero Games. Teenagers from Outer Spacew TFOS". and Cyberpunk are trademarks of R. Talsorian Games. GURPWand Car Wardare registeredtrademarksof Stem Jackon G w . Supers and SpedalOpsare trademarks of Stme ~&ksonGames Teenage Mutant NinjaTurtle& is a registered trademark of Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. Palbdium BwksB Meaavers& ~ilrk~o?s'~ ~injash Superspies". and Aiftsm are Trademarks of Kevin ~ i e m b i. a trademark of the Blacksburg Tactical Research Center. TORGTYis a trademark of West End Games. TWERPS" is a trademark of Reindeer Games. Cyberspace" and Rolemastet@ are trademarks of Iron Crown Entarprimes .

Superhao(es) IS a raglsteredtrademark held pcntly by D C Comics. lnc and Marvel Comlcs Inc Bureau 13 Stalklng the Nlght Fantast~c IS 8 1990 by Trl Tac Systems Ghostbustersm IS a

Use of the name of any product without mention of trademark status in this book should not be construed as a challenge to such status. The inclusion of these product names and trademarks are for reference and descriptive purposes only and in no way impliesany approved usage or official licensing of the contents of this book with the aforementionedproducts.


How to Use this Book

1 1 1 With this book. the triloav of character creation books that beganwith ~ e n t r a l ~ a ' s t i nfieroes g ~ ~ : of Legend, comes to cornpletion. Each book has dealt with a majortherne from roleplaying. That first book, begun in 1978 and published in 1988, covered the most popular game genre, fantasy. The second, Heroes for Tomorrow encompassed the broad variety of science fiction games that have been ... and are yet to come. W l h HeroesNOW!(or CC3as we call it), we're covering an even broader range of games-those that take place in the 20th century. We've had to adjust the CC3tables to cover a world populated by heroesfromgreatlydifferentgame genres. Hereinyou will be able to create truly memorable (and possibly exotic) pastsfor stealthy spies andsuper-poweredtypes; for hard-bittenprivate eyes andwild-eyed supernatural investigators; and of course, for unshaven two-fisted archeologists and trigger-happygangsters. With all this material, we've had to bring in help to get it done. As in the past, Paul Jaquays has produced the book. Randy Kuipers (whose well-used copies of the first two Central Castingbooks were autographed by the author-but to someone else) reworked old tables and added new ones (and illustratedthings too!). John Terra (who actually plays 20th century RPGs) gave us some new genre event tables. Other contributors include illustrators Tom Dow, Zachary Jaquays, Diana HarlanStein (twice-nominatedforafan artist Hugo),and L. A. Williams. Heaftfelt appreciation goes out to the individuals and companies who providedthe much-neededreference materialforthis book: Bill Connors, Randy Cox, Robert Leake, John Olsen, Mike Pondsmith, Kevin Siembida, Greg Stafford, and Richard Tucholka; and to F.A.S.A., Game Designers Workshop, Mayfair Games, Palladium Books, R. Talsorian Games, Steve Jackson Games, Task Force Games, Tri Tac Systems, TSR Inc., and West End Games. As we said, this book completes the original trilogy. Will Central Casting go on from here? Good question. At this point, we don't know-though a revisedsecondedition to thefirst book is underconsideration. Let us know what you want in the way of game background development aids. Write and tell us you really want more!
"Political Correctness"Warning
It was decided well in advance that this book would definitely not be "politically correct." In fact, its contents tend toward the socially, politically, morally, ethically, and religiouslyconservative side. Totell the truth, the authors and editors thinkour heritage of western culture, heterosexuality,traditionalfarnilies, Judeo-Christian values, Jesus Christ and God are all pretty neat. While we won't force them on you, wedo recommendthemto everybodyyour lifecan only betterfor it. As such, this bookcontains expressions of the authors' personalvalue structuresthat could be quite unpopularwiththose who assign equal value to allcultures, religions, lifestyles, sexual, or moral choices. As to those who may feel that adventure gaming is an incorrect forum in which to express editorial views on these matters, just look at the burgeoning presence of opposing views and decomposing values aired in television, movies, books, "art," public schools, the news and indeed, adventure gaming itself. It's difficultto buckthe trends, but someone has to balancethe scales. Consider this book to be one of the "Op-Ed" pages in gaming. So if yoursensibilities will be offendedby exposure to values otherthan those of the "pop"philosphies of the moment, you had best retum this book to the shelf now. We'd sure like you to buy it, but not at the cost of compromising our own beliefs.



How to Use this Book

Let's do it! Grab yourfavoriie bag of dice, and we'll start creating super-exciting dynamic characters that look, feel, and act like they just walked out of the pages of a comic book, horrornovelor spy adventure.

Before Starting
Make sure you have the following items: a variety of dice (d4, d6, d8, d l 0, d20-if you don't know what these are see Dice Explanationsonpage 5), a sharpened pencil, several photocopies of thecharacterworksheet, andacouple bookmarks (trust me, you will need these at first). Permission is granted to photocopy the worksheet on page 112 for personal use only.

Getting Started
Creating character histories is fun, but it takes time. Plan on spending as much as a half-hour per character. However, there are shortcuts you can take. For aquick NPC (or playercharacter) history, go to NPCs: Creating Special Characters on page 11. If you just want to get going, jump ahead to Adventure in the 20th Century and start rolling dice. On the other hand, if you want to know what to do when you get there ... read on.

Those Funny Numbers

You've probablynoticedthat everytablestartswith a threedigit number like 101 or 745. There are reasons for this. Initially, you use these tables in sequence. After Table 101: CharacterOriginsyougoto 102,thento 103andsoon. When you complete Table 3 12: Alignment & Attitude, you're done (mostly). However (you ask), if 312 is the last table, why do tables 413 through 965exist? Good question! The rest of the tables are like data banks in a computer or reference books in a library. Although the table numbers have nothing to do with the Dewey Decimal System, they do divide the tables into nine general categories. You will be jumping around from table to table, grabbing a bit of data here, a piece of information there until you are done creating the history.

0's0's10's10's10's10's10's10's9 s-

Character's Heritage and Birth Significant Events of Life 8 Education Personality Development Occupations 8 Hobbies Miscellaneous Event Tables Personality Traits (good, bad, and weird) Various PeopleiBeingtypes Miscellaneous Other Stuff

GM's ONLY (players not allowed) -we're serious ut this. Players and GMs don't read this unless you are told the book. Don't spoil it for your later characters.

Rules & Terms ' n Stuff

Rules & Terms ' n Stuff

the basics, but has yet to become competent.


Rules & Terms

' n Stuff

P Rank 3. Average. Most folk who practice this skill never go

much beyond this level of mastery. P Rank 4. Fairly Competent. The character is better than average and shows talent, but nothing extraordinary.

Cenfral CastingTM:Heroes NOW! is a generic roleplaying aid for usewith all game systems. Even though game rules are as varied as humanity, like humanity, they all share basic precepts. The Central ~ a s i i n g system builds upon these likenesses to provide solid game-play benefits for characterswhose histories it creates. A basic set of mechanics for generic attributes and relative skill systems follows. In some cases these are guidelines, in others, minimal rulesystems are setforth to accommodate special skills that may not be duplicated by each and every game system. These "rules" are here to help you adapt the Central Casting historiesto yourfavorite game system, not to replace those rules. In all cases, the Game Master (GM) who moderates the game campaign is the last word on his game world, not this book! The authorstronglysuggeststhatyourGM be allowedto readthis book beforecreatinghistoriesforcharacters in herworldandthat if possible, the GM be allowedto be a part of creating that history. Keep in mind, however, that this is now yourbook; if you wish tochange anything, go ahead! Generic Pronouns: For the most part, Central Casting uses the pronouns "he," "him," and "his" in the genericsense to referto characters, GMs and players of both sexes. Sometimes we use "she," "her," and "hers" in the same sense. For the most part, gender references are interchangeable. Make appropriategender substitutions as necessarywhen creating your characters.

P Rank 5. Good! The character may be a journeyman at this skill. There's real talent here that needs further developing.
O Rank&Very Good!! The character is good enough to have some razzle dazzle at the skill, but is not yet a master. But then, only a master of the skill would know that.

P Rank 7. A Master. Many will seek the character for service

and instruction.
Q Rank 8. A Renowned Master. Folk from distant comers of the world know of the character's skill.

P Rank 9. A Grand Master. There are few, if anywith greater skill. The character's skill is known throughout the world (or even the galaxy!). Such talented people are quite rare. P Rank l Q LegendarySkill.Though stillwithin mortalbounds, tales of the character's prowess will live on long after she is gone. Hardly ever encountered.
CI Rank 11+. Mythical Skill. The character has ability far beyond the mortal norms. Some kind of alien, superscience or supernatural influence must be presentforthe characterto obtain this level of skill.

It is fair to say that no two game rules systems are exactly identical, especiallywhen it comes to a character's attributes, the building blocks which form the character's physical and mental existence and define many of the character's basic skills, his life energy, psionic ability and so on. Nevertheless, most, if not all, systems build their characters up from similar types of attributes. CentralCastingassumesthat most characterswill have basic attributes similarto or based on the ones described below. During thecourseof generating a history, some of these attributes may be modifiedbyevents inthe character's life. Recordany modifications to the character's attributes in the spaces provided in the lower right-handcorner of the history worksheet.

Character History Worksheet

Go to page 112. See the form there? Good! Make a bunch of copies of it (Go on, the publisher's already said it's OK. Trust us!). Notice how lots of lines havethosefunny numberswetalkedabout earlier next to them. Well, the information you need to fill in the blanks next to each number comes from a table in this bookwith a matching number. In fact, if you want, you can ignore all these VERY IMPORTANT (but time-consuming nonetheless) instructions and just go to the tables indicatedby the numbers there and follow those directions. What do you mean where's the NAME Table? Umm ...we think maybe you should just keep reading the rules, OK? We won't tell anybody. We promise.

P Strength. Sometimes called Physical Strength, this is a

measure of the character's ability to lift, move, wearor use things. Lowstrength indicatesaweakling, while high Strength is found in muscle-boundheroes.

Central Casting Skill System

To be all things to all roleplaying games, the Centralcasting game aids use an 11-level Ranking system for all skills and abilities that a character may learn, including combat (weapon use), magic use and occupationalskills. The Ranksystem is designed to work with game systems in a relative manner. Based on the 1 to 10 value range for known skills, a character with a Rank 1 skill at something would be a beginner, novice or apprentice, while a character with a Rank 10 ability would be a master whose skills have reached the mortal limits available to those of his racial heritage. The Rank system is easily extended beyond 10 to accommodate those characters whose skills become mythical, approaching those of legendary heroes or demigods. The Central Casting Ranks are:

P Intelligence. Also called IQ. This is braininess, the ability to think logically, solve problems, and deal with complicatedconcepts. Low Intelligence indicates deficient mental ability. High Intelligence is genius level. 0 Luck. Called Powerby some, it can also be an indicatorofthe character'sSanity. It is a measure of the character's innate ability to ride out the influences of the random events in the universe.

P Willpower. This is a measure of a character's ability to resist psionic (mental)attacks, overcome personaltemptations, or urge his body on to feats above and beyondtheir normalcapabilities. It is also his strength for psionic attacks against others.
P Dexterity. Sometimes referred to as Agility or even Physical Prowess and includes Manual Dexterity. It is a measure of a character's nimbleness, the ease with which he moves. Low Dexterity meansaslow,clumsycharacter,while high Dexteritycan mean a hand that is truly quicker than the eye.

P RankO. None. Thecharacter has no knowledgeof, talentfor,

or skills at the indicated occupation or skill.

P Rank l.A Raw Beginner. The character knows just enough to perform a skill, or be dangerous with it.
Q Rank 2. An Apprentice. The character has learned most of

Q Constitution. This is the measure of a character's health,

Rules L Terms ' n Stuff

his physical well being. A character with a high Constitution can generally be expectedto endure physicalhardshipswithease, and be more resistant to disease and injury. P Charisma. Used here in the sense of personal magnetism or leadership ability, this is not Appearance. A character with low Charisma would have problems attracting followers.

Dice Explanations
from childhood into adulthood. A character at this age will only have (1d6x 10)+30% of his Strength, and Constitution attributes. Adulthood. This is quite often as much a social consideration as it is a physical one. The character is assumed to be a full and responsiblemember of society. All the character's attributes are at their peak. Mature,Elderly, and Ancient. At some point in a character's life, his body beginsto slowly deteriorate underthe burden of age. His reflexes slow, his strength wanes and his mind wanders. Those attributes that decline with advancing age and the stage of life in which attribute decline begins, is listed below. When a character reaches an age in which decline could begin (see chart below), roll a d8 for each affected attribute. If the result is an 8, reducetheattributeby 1 point (See Bonuseson page 8forhowthis affectscharacterswith maximum attribute ranges higherthan 18). Roll once each year thereafter. Dexterity decline begins at Mature Strength decline begins at Mature Appearance decline beings at Elderly Constitution decline begins at Elderly lntelligence decline begins at Ancient

O Appearance. This is also called Physical Beautyor Comeliness, but is often called Charisma. It is essentially a character's looks, what others see. A low Appearance is unattractive,while a characterwith very high Appearancewouldliterallystun members of both sexes. If a game system does not normally have an Appearance attribute, the Charisma attribute does double duty and represents both.

O Age. This is the character's physical age. When a character

is bom, he is age 0 (zero). Most events that happen to a character occur at a specific age. Usually, these characteristics are calculatedfowardfrombirth. Whencreatingbeginningplayercharacters, Central Casting assumes they begin adventuring just as they reachadulthood.Thechartatthe bottomofthepageshowsthe life stages for a typical human character.
Childhood. Childhoodcovers the years priorto adolescence. During this period, a character is rarely able to match an adult in anything. Acharacter at this age will only have (ld6x Age)%of his Strength, Constitution, and Intelligenceattributes. Adolescence. During this period, the character transcends


Adolescent Adult Mature Elderly Ancient

19-39 40-60 61-80 81+

Human 13-18

Dice Explanations
You need dice to use Centralcasting. Raiding acouple board games for a handful of six-sided dice will not do. CentralCasting assumesyou havepolyhedrondice, that is: four, six, eight, 10,12, and 20-sideddice. At least one of each type is needed, but it would be bestto have eithertwo 10-sidedortwo 20-sideddice in different colors. In all likelihood, the place where you bought this book will also have the dice. Throughout Central Casting, abbreviations are consistently used to refer to the different die types. The letter "d" preceding a numberindicatesadie. The numberfollowingthe " d isthe number of sides on the die and usually indicates the the highest number that can be rolled on that die. The number preceding the "d" indicatesthe numberof dice ofthat kind to be rolled. Still otherdice arecreated by combining or modifying other die rolls (see specific die types below). Examples: If a d6 is called for, roll a single six-sided die. For 2d4, roll two, four-sided dice and add the results together. If a die type is shown with a plus (+) sign and a second number after the die type, such as "1d4+3," then the number after the plus sign is added to the die roll. If a minus sign follows the die type, then any following number is subtracted from the die roll as in "2dl0-1." Central Casting uses the following real and simulated dice: O d2 or "HilLo."Technically, this is not adie. When indicated, it means that a six-sided die should be rolled. If the result is 1,2, or 3, the roll is low (Lo) or 1. If the result is 4,5 or6, the roll is high (Hi) or 2. O d3. Not atruedie. Theresult of ad3 isobtained by rolling asixsided die. A result of 1 or 2 means 1. A result of 3 Or4 means 2. A result of 5 or 6 means 3. 0 d4. A four-sided die: generates a number from 1 to 4. O d5. Not atrue die. The result of ad5 is obtained by rolling a 10-

sided die. A result of 1 or 2 means 1. A result of 3 or4 means 2. A result of 5 or 6 means 3. A result of 7 or 8 means 4 and a result of 9 or 10 means 5. O d6. Asix-sided die (probablythe most fami1iartype):generates a number from 1 to 6. d8. An eight-sideddie: generates a number from 1 to 8. O d10. A 10-sided die: generates a number from 1 to 10. However, it is often marked 0, l, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. When used as a d l 0, the zero means 10. A 20-sided die easily simulates a d l 0 if it is marked from 0-9 twice (and not 1-20). O d12. A 12-sideddie. It generates a number from 1 to 12. O d20. A 20-sided die: generates a number from 1 to 20. However, many d20s are marked 0 to 9 like a d l 0, but repeated twice. In this case, you need to indicate which set of 0 to 9 represents 1 to 10 and which set represents 11 to 20 (color each set of numbers with differentlycolored pens orcrayons). Or use a d l 0 and a d6 to simulate the result of a d20. Roll the d l 0 for a number from 1 to10, and the d6 to obtain a "HiILo" value. If the d6 is Lo, the d l 0 value is 1 to 10. If the d6 is Hi, add 10 to the d l 0 roll to get a number from 11 to 20. Od100. A 100-sideddie: generates a numberfrom 1 to 00 (100). A true 100-sided die is commercially available. However, a d l 00 is easilysimulatedwith two d l 0s (which must be different colors). One d l 0 will representa 1O'sdigit (multiplythe die result by 10) and the other the one's digit (1 through 10). After specifying which die represents the 10's digit, roll the dice. Add the results. Example: results of 40 (4 x 10) and 6 added together become a result of 46. O Percentiles. Often, Central Casting will state that there is a percentage chance that some circumstance will occur, such as "There is a 15% chance the characterwill be left-handed." To obtain apercentile result, roll ad100. If the result is lessthan or equal to the given percentage chance, the circumstance occurs. If the result isgreaterthanthechance, the circumstancedoes not occur.

Applying the Guidelines

Applying the Guidelines

shop (Twilight2000TM rules). Can't find a recently published title here? Look for the publisher's game system! Special notes are given for a few systems to improve the conversion, but don't expect these guides to create an absolutely perfect fit foreach and every gamesystem. You, or your GM might want to use these guidelines as a starting place, then tweakthem even further to get a tailored fit.
Trademark Note: The inclusion of these product names in no way implies an approved usage orofficial licensingof the contents of this bookwith any of the mentioned products. Furthermore,the use of any productwithout mention of its correct trademarkstatus should not be construed as a challenge to such status.

Applying the Guidelines

OK, now you know what is meant by havina a Rank 1 skill with a rifle and approximatelywhat characieristic is impliedwhen the text mentions Physical Strength. Although it's easy for me to sayUacharacterwith a Rank 10 abilitywould be a masterof legendaryskillwho has reachedthe mortallimits availabletothose of his racial heritage," what does it mean? How do you applythis to your game? What are some quick, fast rules to convert skill Ranks to yourgame system? CentralCastingTM admittedlyfavorsskill-based game systems (as opposed to character-level-basedsystems). Where the rules already deal with multiple character skills, it is easier to add to or modify those skills. Where such skills do not exist, the player and his GM may want to superimpose them on the game system.

Skill levels (0 to 10+Range)

Games: Twilight 2000TM game system (includes Cadillacs & DinosaursandDarkConspiracyTM games). Cyberpunk game, the CatalysFMroleplaying aids, ShadowrunTM game. Typical Features: These games generally assume a skill range of 01-10, where a "0" ranking means no skill at all. Making the Conversion: The Central Casting skill Rank equals the character's skill level. ShadownrnTMgame notes: Any skills are acquired at a minimum skill Rank of 2 and a maximum skill Rank of 6.

Converting Ranks
Game systems, despite theirdiff erences in content, tend to fall into general classificationsas far as their actual game mechanics are concerned. The guidelines that follow suggest methods for converting skill Ranks gained from a Central CastingTMbackground into skill levels, percentages, bonuses or modifiers for a number of popular, and not-so-popular gaming systems. The classifications are based on the way that the games approach the usage of character skills. Look for your favorite rules system in the examples following each general classification. Note that many publishers have begun using the same game system with many or all of their games. Cheers to companies like Chaosium (Basic Roleplaying), Hero Games (Hero SystemTM), Steve Jackson Games (GURPSB game system), Palladium Books@ (Palladium Book& MegaverseB) and Game Designers Work-

Skill levels (0 to 20+)Range)

Games: GURPSB game, Time LordsTM game, Iron Crown Enterprises'Rolemaste~game systems, Bureau 13-Stalkingthe Night Fantastic. Typical Features:These games often assume askill range of 01-20, where a "0" ranking means no skill at all. The player usually has to roll equal to or undertheskill number on eitherad20 or3d6 for a skill use to succeed. Making the Conversion: Multiply the Central Casting skill Rank by2. Then roll ad6 to decide the final skill level. If the result is 5-6, subtract 1 from the resulting skill level.

Central Casting MSH Rank MSH CAR Rank# DM


TFOS AD&D DM TWPS Bonus TORG Add MSPE(s pointlcost TP1S.I. Level Hero System

I Rank



basic (*)



111 I Q D ~



1 10









1 A D & m and Teenagers from Outer Space game notes: Central Casting skill Ranks 1-2 correspond to the basic level of proficiency or Knack usage (no additional bonuses!). 2 TORGTM game notes: the game only authorizes the addition of a maximum of 3 points to any skill.

3 Mercenaries, Spies & Private EyesTM game notes. In this game, characters may allocate "IQ"points to acquire skills. The numbers below indicatethecostto acquirea 1 point skill at the given CentralCasting Rank values. Skills costs beyond Rank 7 are reserved for powerful NPCs.

Applying the Guidelines

GURPSB game notes: Double the Central CastingTM skill Rankand add 3 to obtain a corresponding skill level forthis game. See section on Skill Buying below. RolemasteKBgamenotes: Subtract 1from the CentralCastingskill Rank. Multiply the remainder by 3. Add l d 3 to the result. Use the Skill Rank Bonus charts inthe individual game systemsto calculate the normal skill bonus. Stalkingthe NightFantasticgamenotes:add 1d4 to all skill Ranks.

Applying the Guidelines

Games that Fit their own Mold

These games don't really fit the standard formats.

GhostbustersTM game
In this game (including Ghostbusters InternationaFM),most characters possess but four Talents (a.k.a. CC "Skills"), one for each of their Traits. There are no skill ranks of any kind. Making the Conversion: When your character history is complete, select one skill that would be an appropriate Talent for each of thecharacter'sfourTraits. Discardthe rest. Total up allthe character'sskill Ranks (even forthose unusedskills) and use that total or20 (whicheveris higher), asthecharacter's Brownie Points. For Experienced or Powerful NPCs: Add any skill Ranks to the character's corresponding Trait value.

Skill Levels (0 to 50+)

Games: DC HeroesTM role-playinggame. Typical Features: These games often assume a skill range of 0 to some high number. Making the Conversion: Multiply the Central Casting skill Rank by Rankl3. Round up to nearest whole number. Examples: Rank 1 = 1 x (1/3) = 0.33. Rounddown to 0 (a minimum level in the skill). Rank 3 = 3 x 3/3 = 3.

Marvel SuperHeroesTM game

Super powers are Ranked by descriptive adjectives, from "Feeble" to "Unearthly." Skills gained from Central Casting are considered "Talents" in this game and are not Ranked. Unusual abilities or powers gained from this book are similar to super abilities and are Ranked. Since a typical Central Casting ability cannot be rated higher than Rank 6, the corresponding MSWM rank will be no more than Excellent. Making the Conversion: See the Big Conversion Table to obtain the comparisonof CentralCastingTM Ranksto MarvelSuper HeroesTM game ranks. For Experienced or ~owerful NPCs: Double the Central Casting Rank before converting to MSH Rank.

Percentage Skills
Games: PalladiumBook@ Megavers& RPGs (includesthe Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle@ and Other Strangeness, Ninjas & SuperspiesTM,Heroes UnlimitedM, and RiftsTM games), Chaosium RPGs (includes Call of Cthulhu, Cthulhu Now and Supen~orl~ GangbustersTM ~). (3rd edition), Chilm(2nd edition), Nightlife, Twilight 2000TM,1st ed. Typical Features: These games generally assume a skill range of 01-100. The player usually hasto roll equal to or underthe skill on ad100. Typically, the skill ratingfor beginning skills is quite low. Making the Conversion: If a Central Castingskill duplicates a skill in the game's rules, use the base chance for the skill in the rules, then multiplythe CentralCastingskill Rank by5 and add the result to the base as a one-timebonus. If the skill is not covered by the rules, then multiply the Central Casting skill Rank by 10 to obtain thestarting value forthe skill. Thereafter, skill increasesare as defined by the game. For Experienced NPCs: Add one to the CentralCastingskill rankvalue,then multiplythetotal by 1Otogetthe NPC'sskill rating. Gangbustersgamenotes: Forabeginning character, noskill or ability will be higher than Rank 1. For experienced player characters or NPCs, use the conversions notes above. Chillgame notes: CentralCastingskill ranks convert to Chill skill levels asfollows: Ranks 1-3equal amstudent" (S) level. Ranks 4-6 equal a "Teacher" (T) level. Ranks 7+ equal a "Master" (M) level. Be sure to read the Skill-buying section in these rules. NightlHe game notes: for a beginning character's skill abilities, add skill Rank to a ld10 roll.

Top SecretlS.I.TM game

Skills are ranked on a level system from 0 to 5, where 0 indicates a basic familiarity with the skill and 5 the highest level of mastery. See the Big Conversion table for details.

Games without skill systems

Games: Villains and Vigilantes. Typical Features:These are often older games that focused on combat and made no provision for non-combat skill usage. Makingthe Conversion:Use the skill system providedin this Central Casting book (Optional: convert the skill system from another favorite RPG to work with this game).

Generic Skill Use Rules

Skill Rules: When a character wants to use a skill, the player must decide what he wishes to accomplish, then use the following steps to determine success at the skill:
1. Have the GM assign a diff iculty rating to the task between two (automatic success) and 50 (nearly impossible for even a Rank 10 skill master). Remember, the statistical average for a single d6 roll is 3.5. 2. For each skill Rank the character has, he may roll l d 6 (up to a maximum of 20d6 for characters with god-like skills). 3. If the value of a character's attributes (such as a high Dexterity or a poor Strength) seems likelyto affect the outcome, dice maybeaddedtoorsubtractedfromthecharacter'sskill dice (GM's decision stands here). Add an extrad6for high attributes, subtract a d6 for poor ones. 4. If the character's totalled die results exceed the task's difficulty rating, he succeedswith the skill. If it is underthedifficulty rating, he blows it (fails). Special circumstances may modify this system. When performing a skill under extreme duress (high stress or danger to life and limb), the GM may, at his discretion, remove one or more of the character's lowest individual die resultsfromthe total. However, he

DiceISkill Modifier Bonuses

Games: Advanced Dungeons & Dragon@ game (and other game systems using the AD&DBgame rules), 7WERPSTMgame, Car Warmgame, TORGTM game, Mercenaries, Spies & Private EyesTM,Teenagers from Outer SpaceTM,Hero SystemTM role playing system (including Champion@, Champions, the Super RoleplayingGameTM and Fantasy HeroTM. Typical Features:These games use a relativelysmall value to modifythe outcome of a dice roll skill check during play or to be added as a one-time bonus to a skill. Making the Conversion: Use the Big Conversion Table to obtain the bonus modifiersfordice rolls or as adds to skills. Cross reference the Central Casting (Cent. Cast.) skill Rank with the column forthe appropriate game system (CAR = Car Wars, AD&D = Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, TWPS = TWERPS, MSPE = Mercenaries, Spies & Private Eyes), TFOSTM = Teenagers from Outer Space).

Applying the Guidelines

must announce this BEFORE the player makes any die rolls.

Applying the Guidelines

Special Success: If the character rolls all 6's on a task he

would have any chance of success at, he succeeds regardless of any other modifiers that might reduce the number of dice. If the result would normallyexceedthe difficulty rating, thecharacter not only succeeds, but the results of the success are beyond his wildest expectations (GM interpretationis very important here!).


Bonus Point Conversion Table

Maximum Possible Attribute Score Conversion Factor

Fumbles: This is a "blow-%-badly" result. There are two ways to set this up. Method A: Mark a big red X on the "1" side of one die usedto rollthe skill check. If this die face comes up duringthe roll, andthe character's die results are less than the difficulty rating, the character'Yumbles." Method B: If the character rolls all l's, regardless of the difficulty rating, the characterfumbles. You may wish to use both methods. Afumble means that not only has thecharacterfailed in what he triedto accomplish, but that theend result istheworst thing he could imagine happening. Improving skills during game play: To improve a skill, the character must perform difficult tasks, ones which allow thecharacterachance tofail. Eachtime acharacteruses askill on a task with a difficulty ratingthat is at least equal to the skill's Rank x 3, make a "hash-mark" next to it. After each adventure, the character may either attempt to improve the skill or wait to accumulate additional hash marks on afuture adventure. To improve the skill, roll 2d6. If the result is less than or equal to the number of hash marks minus the character's Rank with the skill, theskill improves by one Rank. A roll of 12 is ahvaysafailure. After rolling, remove all hash marks from the skill. Regardless of success or failure, the character must start over again collecting new hash marks for successful uses.

Survival Skills
If you were dumped naked in the midst of aforest or in a back alley of an unfamiliarcity,couIdyou survive? Most people havethe skills necessalyto exist by their wits in their own familiar environment, assuming no outside support. Survival Skills are similar to occupations: they encompass a number of skills, rather just one. Survival skills are the means to provide the character with basic necessities: food, water, clothing and shelter. A Rank 1 Survival Skill indicates the character is barely able to survive in afamiliar, "safe," environment. At Rank 3, the character can get by in a familiar place. A Rank of 5 would indicate an ability to get by even in astrange locale,while Rank 1OwouIdindicatethat thecharacter can survive and even thrive in a truly exotic or alien setting. CentralCastingrecognizesthreedistinct environments: Wilderness, Rural and Urban. A character's Cultural Background and Social Status will determine the quality of his skills and the environment for which those skills are best suited. A space for all threesettings has been providedfor Survivalinthe SKILLSsection on the character history worksheet. Wilderness Survival skills let the character survive in the great outdoors. The character can find food, shelter and water in the wilds, avoid natural predators, even live through dangerous weather conditions and environments. Rural Survival deals with a cross between wilderness and Urba found around small villages, farms and frontier outposts. Urban Survival skills let the character may make his way in cities. Thecharacterknowscommoncustoms, whereto buy orfind food, where to find shelter, how to avoid becoming a victim of sentient predators, even how to find work.

Skill BonusedPenalties: These are expressed as a number of Ranks to increase or decrease an existing skill. For beginning characters, the GM should not allow any skill to exceed Rank 6 before starting play. NPC skills may go higher as needed to fulfill their intended purpose in the game. AttributeBonusedPenalties:Throughout CentralcastingTM, characters are rewarded(or penalized)with changesto their existing physical attributes (such as Strength, Constitution, etc.). The player is told to add to or subtract points from an attribute. Recordthesechangesin the section providedforthem in the lower right corner of the worksheet. Although these modificationsare given as afixed value (such as 1 point or l d 3 points), the actual value of the modification depends on the highest score possible forthe character's attributes when creating the character (Example: 3d6 yields a maximum valueof 18). If the maximumpossibleattribute score is higherthan 29, the playermust multiplythe modificationpoints byaconversion factor to find the actual number of points added to or subtracted from the attribute (see the conversion chart on page 8 forthe factors and attribute ranges). The GM should review and approve allchanges brought about by attribute increases or decreases. He may not want a demigod or a hopeless wimp running around in his campaign.

Literacy is acharacter's ability to read and write his native language. Aspace has been providedforthe character's Literacyskill in the SKILLS section on the worksheet. Acharacter's Tech Level, Culture and Social Status will affect the quality of Literacy skills. A literate character's initial Literacy Rank will be equal to I d 4 plus his SolMod(see Table 103:SocialStatus) andwill never have an initial Rank of less than 1 nor more than 7.

Centralcasting HeroesNOW!uses the generic Americanterm "dollars"to representa unit of money. In most places, money is the thing one needs to get by. ~ewplayercharacters are often assigned a certain amount of money to purchase supplies. This is called "Starting Money." Some entries in Central Casting will modify a character's Starting Money, usually multiplyingit bya percentage. Keep a running tally of these money modifications in the space providedfor Starting Money Modifier in the box in the lower right hand corner of the character history worksheet.

Ceal Castinp &"Skill Buying*

Creating a Character History

11 Central Casting..
1 1 1

1 1 1 & "Skill Buying"

In those aame systems (such as the OURPSB, Hero and Gercenahes, spies & Privage EyesTM games) SystemTM, where the creation of "balanced" charactersis based on spending a fixed number of points to acquire a character's attributes and skills, try the following:

Creating a Character History

Although you can create acharacter just forfun, you maywant to actually have a character in your game to write about. Follow these steps below

One. Select the character'sattributes as normal, spending no

morethan 5O%of the character's purchase points on them and reserving the rest for character development.

First Steps to Character Creation

One:Attributes. Generate the attributesfor your character, usingthegame system of yourchoice (forgames where points must "spent" in orderto acquire attributes and skills, see Central Casting & 'Skill Buying'). Two: Starting Notes. On a copy of the worksheet in the backof this book, recordthe character's name, attributes, sex and anything else you or your game master have already decided about the character. Three: Game Genre. Read the Adventure in the 20th Century material on pages 17-18 and pick one genre that most closely applies to your game system. Several table entries will send you togenre-specificgame encounters, so its best you know where to go. The information here helps you better customize the history to the game genre. Four: Start Rolling. Grab your dice. If you haven't chosen the character's national origins, begin at Table 101: Character Originson page 19. Chances are, however, that you've alreadypicked a race (if imporantto you) and national originforthe character. Well then, go to Table 102: Culture and follow the directions, and then on to Table 103 and so on in sequence until you reach Table 312: Alignment & Attitude.

Two. Roll up a Central Casting background, making special note of any modificationsto the character's attributes, or "flaws" that may give the character additional purchase points. Three. Compare the details of the character history against the game system's costs for skills, social standing, physical and character benefits or flaws. Add and subtract points from the remaining purchasepoints as indicatedbythe costs of the abilities or flaws gained from the Central Casting history. Four. If the character's expenditure of points exceeds his allowable purchase points, trim backthe skill ranks of some skills to lower, less costly levels. Five. If the character ends up with additional pointsto spend (due to characterflaws or unspent points), purchase skills that are with the aeneral flavor of the character's background. in kee~ina ~ h o o $ {kills e that ~ ~ ~ i complement c a l l ~ any existing skills.

Table Instructions
Eachtablecontainsthe instructions you needto use it: the kind of dice to roll, where to record information on the worksheet, and whattodonext. Instructionswithinthe table maytemporarilysend you to another table to resolve something. Leave a book mark where you are at before going on to the requested table.

Big Black Bands

When you are done on a page, look at that big black band across the page bottom. The message there tells you where to go next. When it says "From here-Return to the Table that sent you here ..."do justthat, go backto the most recent bookmark you left behind (I said you would need these!). Tables 101through 312follow each other in sequence. The character will use most of these tables in their given sequence. Recordthe information you get on thesetables on the lines provided on the worksheet).

More Steps
Five: Match Skills. Match the character's Central Castingskills against the game system's skills and fill in the character sheet (from the game) with any appropriate notes, skills and attribute changes. Six: Biography. Write the character's "biography." Read Motivations on page 10 for help in selecting the character's reasons for living. Then read through Linking Events on page 13 to get helpful hints for turning your page of raw data into a unified character history (like writing your own fantasy novel-sort of). Don't forget to use A History of the 20th Century to anchor your character into the "real" world by matching events in the character's life with events from history.


guys only. Many evil and misguidedcults have more than their fair share of fanatical followers.

Why would anyone become a professionalhero oreven dabble in things adventurous? What would make someone seek out hideouslydangerous situations or brave the unknown? What makes characters do what they do? In a courtroom situation, an attorney probes to discover why someone would allegedly commit a crime; an actress on stage seeks to justify her movements in front of the footlights; and a teacher looks for a way to make a child want to team. All three search afterthe same thing, a motivation, something that will provide a reason for future actions or explain and justify past actions. Every character, whether he is an NPC or a recentlycreated playercharacter has a reasonfor existing, something that serves as a focus for his life. Usually, it is not a single goal or desire, but something complex, involving several factors.

Justifying a Character's Life

Greed. Unfortunately,this seems to be the basic adventurer motivation:"How much loot can we get (drool, slobber, drool)?" Try to use it as a secondary motivation or at least come up with a justificationfor lootgatheringotherthan gaining experience points. Why does the character want or need the money? Maybe his sick mother needs $200,000 for a vacation home in Aspen.

I ntheNameof Science. The characterseeksto advance the frontiers of scientific, medicalor parapsychologicalresearch good for idealists and mad-scientist-types. I n s i g h t . This is the search for wisdom and it can be separatedfrom the search for knowledge. It almost always involves an attempt by the characterto improve himself through better understanding of himself and others.
K n o w l e d g e . To know more, to know the most, to know it ALL! This is the gain of knowledge purelyfor its own sake, regardless of its value or intended use. L o v e . The character lives her life only to serve someone he loves. She puts this person's welfare and happiness above her own. This is particularly suited tocharacters who have an ongoing romance. The GM maywishto kidnapthe beloved as a hookfor an adventure (hey, it worked about a zillion times for Edgar Rice Burroughs). Love is also the basisforparent/child relationships, in which a sick or missing child could motivate a character unto adventure. Pleasure. The character's goal is to provide pleasure for himself, to have fun, to feel good. This can range from simply havingafuII belly and warm placetosleep, to fulfilling basedesires and living in luxury. P o w e r ! Some people have a need to have the world at their command. It is neveraparticularlycommendablemotivation, even when combined with serving humanity. Other things just seem to get in the way of the lust for power. Revenge. This is a perennialfavorite. Someone did something to the character or his family and now he's gonna pay them back. S u r v i v a l . The goal is to stay alive. In some sense, this is assumed by other motivations since staying alive is usually a necessary part of the goal. However, here it is in its pure form: the character is striving just to stay alive, probably against odds that would frighten lesser men and women.

Select Motivations
Each character should have more than one motivation. One will always be a strong primary motivation, and the others secondary, less important, but still providing direction. Use the list of motivationsthat follows as a guide, but feel free to add your own. Select one or more motivationsforthe character, then customize them to better fit the character and her history. Base the selection of the character's motivations on his past, hisalignment, his attitude and his personalityfactors. Don't select motivationsthat conflict strongly with other aspects of the character's background. Assign a strength to each motivation, particularly for NPCs. This represents the relative importance of the motivation to the character. SuggestedstrengthsareTrivial, Weak, Average, Strong, Drivingand Obsessive. A trivial motivation, would hardlyworththe trouble to resolve. Yet acharacterwho is obsessed with the need tofulfill her motivation maystopat nothingto accomplishhergoals, and heaven help any who get in her way. Primary motivations should have relatively high strengths and secondary motivations substantially weaker strengths. Finally, in your own words, write a brief description of the character's motivations on the back of the worksheet to help you make decisions when roleplayingthe character. A c c o m p l i s h i n g Goals: What happens if and when a character finally does what he set out to do? Does he set a new course for his life or is life as he knows it over? Think on these things as you play your characters. What gets them going again once their goals are met (or do they just sit around and get fat)?

To be thebest.Thisiscommon among athletes,whostrive to be the strongest, the fastest, the most skilled. It also can be a motivation for anyone who has a skill of any kind.

Character Motivations
What follows are common motivationsforfictional characters. You find them in both the best and the worst that genre fiction has to offer. D i s c o v e r y of t h e truth. This is finding the truth about something. The character has learnedthat something in his past is not what he has been told. His goal is to find out the true story, even if the truth hurts.

To r e a c h a goal. The character has a mission. She must findsomethingordosomething that mattersto her. This motivation is particularly sensitive to a 'What-do-I-do-now" situation once the character actually accomplishes her goal.
To S e r v e H u m a n i t y . Other people always need help and the characterrealizesthat his lot is to helpthem (this motivation is easily combined with Faith). This could also be directed towards animal rights, the environment, etc.
W o r k i n g out a p a s t event. One of the events that happened to the character in his past left something unresolved. An adventure is neededtocompletethesituation. Example: The character is kidnapped, disappears, and loses 10 years of his life without a trace. His goal then becomes to discoverwho kidnapped him, and why was his memory been wiped clean?

Faith. The character's greatest desire is to serve Godto the fullest possible extent. Every action will be weighted based on the teachings of the religion and the extent of her personal belief. This is a great motivatorfor quests and crusades in the name of God. Please note that characters motivatedby Faith need not be good

NPCs: Creating Special Characters


NPCs: Creating Special Characters

Creating Special Characters

45to guide you in selectingan occupation foran NPC who may not already have one.

O Professional Competence. How good is the character

at his primary occupation? Decide whether or not your NPC exceeds his peers or is a poor example of his profession. Remember, most people who perform an occupation fall into the low middle Rankvalues(Rank3-6). Use the guidelinesfound on page 4 regarding skill rankings to select an appropriate skill Ranking.

1 1 Quite often, the GM or even a player will need to create asupportingcharacterfor hisgame. If you've rolledupone or more player characters with Central CastingTM, then you know that a good character takes time. everth he less, not every character encountered during a game deserves an indepth background and history description. Those should be reservedfor player characters and major nonplayer characters (NPCs). This section is a set of suggestions for quickly creating NPC backgrounds, focusing on what we call "stock players" and "bit parts,"the kind of almost stereotype characters that one might expect to find in many20th centurygames, regardless of theirgenre. Remember, when creating quick characters: shorter is better (not her height, but the length of her description). Define only as much as is neededto give agood picture of the NPC. One doesn't needto knowthe full life story of the local hardware merchant, only that he has aglass eye, and tells stories of a ruinedtemple he saw briefly while serving in the Peace Corps.

P Culture &Technology.A typical NPC would be from the

most common level of technologyand most common culture in the game universe. Do you want the character's technology level or culture different. Use Table 102: Culture & Technologyto guide you in your selections (use dice if you want!). P Social Status.Atypical NPCwould blend into hissurroundings. In a bad part of the city, he might be Destitute or Poor. In a suburban community, he would be at a Comfortable or Well-to-Do level. Decide whether or not the character would be a part of his surroundings. Use Table 103: Social Status to guide your selections. P Appearance. A typical NPC would have a face or clothing you could easily forget. Lose sight of him for an instant and he is lost in the crowd forever. A memorable NPC would have an appearance that sets him apart from others. Use Table 861: Appearancesto select unusualfeaturesforthecharacter.To make him more unusual, select more appearance features.

Instructions: These guidelines assume that you know what type of character you wish to create. Rather than describe each detail of an NPC's life, focus on the things that are different oroutstanding, thefeaturesof his life orappearance that make him memorable. Each of the categories below outlines major aspects of the NPC that could be different from other NPCs. Follow the steps below to create your NPC.
One. Select an archetype (a basic statement of who or what the characterwill be) from the list of Archetypes on the next page or better yet, create your own archetype to fit a particular need or situation. Two. Use Table 1078: Noteworthy ltems to select some details about the NPC. Three. Review the suggestions below under NPC Special Features to jog your imagination with ideas for customizing the NPCs you create with this Central Casting book. Four. Roleplayyour NPCtothe Max! Make him memorable to the other players!

Personality. An unexciting NPC would have a bland demeanor. His personalitydoes little to color his way of speaking or acting. A memorable NPC would have at least one strong personality feature that figures prominently in his words and deeds. Use Table 312A: Personality Trait Types to randomly select a character's most prominentpersonalitytrait, orselect one (or more!)from Table 641: Personality Traits. Remember the more traits you give to a character (within reason of course), the more memorable he will become. Try using the optional rules for Trait Strength found on Table 3 12:Alignment& Attitude (Table 312F: Trait Strength)to further adjust the character's personality.

P Quirky Personality. In a typical NPC, even one with a strong personality,these oddities of behaviorwill standout. An unusual character might have an equally unusual personalitytrait or two. If you want a character to be a bit quirky or be known as an "odd b i r d or even a real weirdo, give him one or more traits from Table 642: Exotic Personality Traits. Again, try using the optional rules for Trait Strength found on Table 312:Alignment & Attitude (Table 312F: Trait Strength) to further adjust the personality.
Q Values. Everyone assigns some kind of value to things in their lives. What does the NPC consider to be important. Use Tables 3128, C & D : Personal Values to discover these.

NPC Special Features

0 Country of Origin. Most folk in a typical game world are
bound to be human. Yet for some, it might be important to know where theycamefrom. Assume that 75%of all NPCsencountered will be nativeto the setting in which they are encountered. Forthat other 25%, use Table 101: Character Origins to select the background for the NPC.
Q Age. Typically, this character would be an adult, not old and not too young. How old is thecharacter. Be creative. Not every star shipcaptain is awizened veteran nor is every corporate secretary young (or beautiful). Use the suggestions on page 5 to adjust the character's attributesfor the effects of age. Consider giving older characters better skill Rankings-about one additional Rank of skill for each group of 10 years by which the character's age exceeds 20.

P Alignment. Most folkfall into one of the Neutralalignments. Choose an alignment if you think it might aid in roleplaying the NPC. Use Table 312E:Alignmentto help you make your choice.

P Naming Names. How is the character called? It's possible that you may never need to know more about a character than his profession. You can call him the "bartender" or maybe he's just known as "the grizzled old prespector," but many NPCs, particularly well-known ones, will be known by their names. Be creative when giving NPCs names, but try to avoid giving them inappropriate or "joke" names.
Q Background. Some characters are known by the things that they have done or experienced. Use Table 107: Parents & NPCs to select additional items from the NPC's past. Use the instructions that you find with Table 1078: Noteworthy ltems.

P Occupation. What does the NPC do to put food (orwhatever) on the table. Use Table413A:OccupationSelectionon page

NPCs: Creating Special Characters


NPCs: Creating Special Characters

General Types of NPCs

Some NPCs will fall into general classes that have nothing to do with their archetypes. An old prospector or a frontier lawman can be a good guy just as easily as he can a villain (though the lawman may not be quite so open about his evil ways).

0 Good Guys. These are NPCs that the player characters should be able to trust. They do not have to be saints or nobly heroic, butthey should stress theirLightsidepersonalitytraitsover Darkside or Neutral ones.
Q V i l l a i n s . These are the bad guys. They may appear to be allies at first, but their evil nature eventuallyshows through. They never havethe PCs' best interest (oranyone else'sforthat matter) at heart. They are typically followers of Darkside alignments, though characters who follow some of the more selfish Neutral alignments can easily be villains. Decide on the scope of their villainy. Are they small-time hoods or evil dark lords bent on galactic domination. Also use Table 852: Vilains. The more powerful a villain, the greater will be his aspirations and evil goals (small-timehoods rarelydreamof galactic conquest unlessthey have the powerto obtain it). NPC Villains should generally have stronger Darkside traits than Lightside ones.

O L e a d e r s . These characters lead or rule over other men (or beings). They might be military leaders, Nobles, religious, political or business leaders. They might be either villains, good guys or more likely be folks somewhere in the vast gray area in between good and evil. To design a leader, you will needto knowwhom he leads and how great his area of influence (for the latter, see Table 746B:Sphereoflnfluenceonpage 90 for some guidance). Decide whether his followers are especiallyloyal or disloyal. For the most part, givethe leader better attributes orskillsthan hisfollowers, unless itwould be reasonableforthemto be lower(as inthecasewith some hereditary leaders). Make leaders memorable. Decidewhether or not the leader has some secret, a "skeleton in his closet" that he may wish kept a secret. If the leader is a Noble, select his title (if you have not already done so) on Table 746: Nobles.

NPC Archetypes
~rchetypesare the classic characters one finds in many adventurestories. They are the supportingcast inthe PCs' quests foradventure. While itwould be impossibleto listthemall here, the types below are some suggestions in case you need to quickly stock that seedy dive or hotel lobby.

O B a r t e n d e r . He serves drinks, doesn't ask questions and

rarelyanswersthem in return. He'sprobablyseen moreof lifethan he cares to. O B e a t Cop. He's the law in his little corner of the city. More often than not he enforces it equally-yetthere are thosefewwho work for the wrong side. L l B o r e d Civil Servant. A master of the rubber stamp, this government worker might be a stumbling block the PCs must overcome or a vicarious thrill-seeker whose need for tales of adventure brings her in touch with the PCs. 0 Bounty H u n t e r . He doesn't earn his reward until the one he seeks is returned to the client with the credits. He's clever, talentedandtough and probablyhas little mercyforthose he hunts. O Career C r i m i n a l . Crime is his life. He's never known anything else. He definitely has experience from Table 526: Underworld Events in addition to any other character notes. O C l e r g y m a n . He may be devoted wholeheartedly to God, filled with missionary zeal, or he might be a disillusioned man searchin for a truth he once believed in. 0 Exp o r e r . His heart'sdesire is to make the bigdiscovery, the onethat will put his name inthe history books. Of course he usually needs a bi of help to find his heart's desire.

0 G r i z z l e d Old P r o s p e c t o r . He's either made the 'YindVof the century and needs protectionor he's got a "sure-thing" mapto a fortune and wants to sell it to someone he trusts. He's a real characterwithat least Rank9skill at spitting the "juice"from a plug of chea tobacco. 0 Kit!. She's young, she's energetic, maybe even talented. Possibly, she hero-worships one of the PCs. Maybe she has an axe to grind against one of the PCs and issues a challenge. Then again, she could be a victim of some villain, and needs the PCs' help to gain her revenge. P Mad Scientist's Daughter. She's always young, she's always beautiful and she's always available. She believes her father can do no wrong and supports him ... until she realizes the evil he has caused. For some reason, classic adventure fiction never deals with the mad scientist's other kids. 0 Mad Scientist. The problem with his harebrained inventions, is that they work. It's just that he's failed to look far enough ahead to see the problemsthey cause. If he's evil, his inventions are aimed at world or galactic conquest. Luckily, he's just crazy enough not to have covered every angle. 0 M e r c e n a r y . This soldier-for-hire is rarely interested in much more than the bottom line. The job and the reason for it doesn't matter, only the money is important. 0 Military V e t e r a n . He's survived combat situations that few other men orwomen could. Some of his parts maybe missing, but he's just as good without them ... most of the time. O M i n e r . He tirelesslyworks his mine, whether it'sdeep in the mountains or on a whirling asteroid. O Obsessed Scholar. Like the Research Scientist, he pursues knowledge that will change the world. O O l d Coot (Codger, G r a m p s , Granny etc.). This crotchety old person could have been just about anyone or anything azillion years ago. Whateverthetruth, he orshesure has a lot to tell - a good source for information about the "old days." O Private 1nvestigator.Hard-edged and bitter, he knows thecity andthe major players and which rules he can bendwithout breaking 'em (or being broken in return). O Punk.He's got a chip on his shoulder the size of GibraAer. Get in his way and he'll: A) cut you up, 6) gun you down, C) malign your birth situation, D) all of the above. O Reporter. Always hot on the trail of the "big story." O Research S c i e n t i s t . She's always on the verge of a breakthrough that will revolutionizethe way we live or our understanding of the universe. She is to pure science what the mad scientist isto appliedscience-dangerous if she or herdiscoveries fall into the wrong hands. O Seasoned Guide. He knows this country like the back of his hand. He's tough, he's competent and he doesn't like the idea of civilization creeping up on him. O Ship's captain. His ship is his pride, the best ship on the seas.. .or at least it would be if he had the moneyto get it out of dry dock. Maybe the PCs are just the people he needs to get his ship seaworthy again, for one last rendezvous with destiny. O S m u g g l e r . She knows the ins and outs of the official and unofficialshipping lanes. Whether it's internationalcontrabandor illegal refugeeqshe knows howtoget goodsfrom point "A" to point "B" without running afoul of the law (most of the time). 0 S t r e e t Person. Years on the streets have given this character a high survival quotient for the streets and years of cheap booze and drugs have probably done irreparable damage to his mind-though a youngster may have sharper wits than most. O Vigilante. She's convinced that law enforcement officials have failed in their efforts to bring about orderand justice. So now, she takes justice in her own hands. If you're not on her sideyou're part of the problem. 0 W e a s e l y Informer. Shifty and nervous, he knows the hottest news on the street ... if you can trust him.

you'llke what I mean. With a shake of the hanzand a flick of the wrist, dice tables can providequickanswersfor any question or list a dozen odd bits of backgrounddata. Dice tables are great if you know howto usethemforbest effect. Nevertheless, even the best of them are no substitute for a creative imagination. Yet the great thing is: dice tables can stimulate your imagination. Even creative minds tend to slide into ruts. The random dice rolls help establish links between ideas that you might otherwise overlook. Thedicedon't dothe thinking foryou. Instead,theygive you things to think about. Without putting the 01' imagination in gear, you can roll dice forever on Central Casting'sTM tables and still remain uninspired as to howto roleplayyourcharacters.The information is there, but what you're missing is awaytoput it all together, to make a handful of loose and unrelated chunks of data into living, breathing, exciting characters. The end product of a Central Castingbackground session is asheet of raw historydata, some inthe forrnof rounded-outevents and much more as just notes about relatives and unrelated occurrences. In many ways, it's like researching a paper. You can spend a week at the library reading seemingly endless articles in a dozen different encyclopedias and magazines and when you're done, all you have to show for your effort is a tottering stack of index cards and a three-inch-thick sheaf of notes. Regardless of thetopic, it's not until you start filling in the gaps betweenthe notes with your own words and ideas that the papertakes on shape and form. In much the same way, CentralCastinggives you a stack of raw data, the events and influences of a character's hypothetical life. Yet until you "fill in the gaps" between those events and draw logical (or even illogical)connectionsbetweenthem, yourcharacterwill not takeon true life. The bits and pieces of his history remain just a pile of notes.

that they either support the major events as either causes or results, or so that they provide the character with the internal contrasts of personality and interests that most real people have.

Play U p Coincidences.Quite often, severaltable entries will discuss or refer to remotely similartopics, like family, rivals or friends, etc. These are sheer coincidences. Yet by emphasizing and "fudging" them a bit to make them refer to the same thing or person, theytightly link parts of thecharacter's history. Maybe the mysterious stranger who gave the character a gift at birth is the same personwho later becomes his Patron or Companion. Possibly an unknown mutation or power affected the outcome of later events to make them occur as they did. Look for Causesand Effects.This goes backto playing up coincidences. Did one event cause another? The loss of a parent orfriend might be thecause forthecharactertaking upa life of crime. Possiblythescarsthat are the most notable feature of the character's appearance were a direct result of his occupation or even one of his (former) hobbies. Establish cause and effect links between events wherever possible. Establish Thematic Relationships. Examine all the events in the character's life and look for a thread of coincidence or a heavy weighting toward one type of event, such as military events, tragedies, religious occurrences and so forth. Consider letting these related events become the core of the character's experience. All other events would then somehow relate to this general theme. Integrate the Characterinto the World. Make the character a part of the world. Ask the GM to help you fit the character into his game world. Fix the time and place of the character'sbirth inside the milieu of the GM's universe. Establish theactual placesthat events occurred. What city orcountrywasthe character born in? Can the GM give you an actual name for that villain or government officialwho figures so strongly in the character's past? Arrange the events of the character's life in chronologi-

Writing the History

Write out thecharacter's backgroundas if you were telling his life story. Focus on key events. Don't be concerned that your writing style isn't professionalcaliber.That's not important. This is for your benefit, not the world's. Who knows though? If you write enough of these as practice, it may be your name headlining a novel some day. It's possible to just write out simple sentences describing a character's past, but then you lose the opportunity to rewrite historytheway it shouldhavehappened.This is not to saythat you should throw out or change all that lovely dice rolling, but you may want to modify the results, so that they work together in the best way possible. There are a several ways to maximize the relationship between the randomdiceselections.Try using someof the ideas and suggestions that follow when creating your own characters.

Tricks & Hints

Focus on Important Events. One or more events should providethe framework forthe character's background. All other event should be of less importance. Adjust lesser events so

Linking Events
cal order(that is, bythe ageatwhich theyoccurred)then relatekey events in the character's backgroundto major or minor events in the GM'sworld or universe (see A Historyofthe20thCenturyinthis book for a very incomplete look at the last 130 years) . Adjust the ages of event occurrences to better fit the universe's time line.


Adventure in the 20th Century

Provide for Future Adventures. Lookforways to use events to justify a player character's choice to become a hero or adventurer. What might have caused acharacterto go off looking fortrouble? Is there something that she is running from ora great secret to be discovered? Does the character have unpaid debts (maybe he needs to actually pay for all that schooling he had)? Warning to GMs: It's OKto use personalcharacter motivationsas the reason for asingle adventure or aside plot in a campaign. However, becareful about using acharacter's personalmotivationsfor adventuring as the main basis for campaign-length adventures. Should the central character die (or his player move to Timbuktu) the reason for your carefully laid-out campaign bies the big one. Time and Events. Events that occurwithin a year orso of each other should have some relationship. A later event might occur because of an earlier event. Provide a Nemesis. A nemesis is an enemy, a rival, afoe orvillainwhocan provideachallenge that the character must overcome in later life. Not every character need have a nemesis to be interesting,though severaltable entriesprovidethecharacterwith a rival orenemy (Table 751:Rivalsgoes intodetails), but thecharacter's nemesis need not be a single living being or even a living being at all. Maybe the wilderness where he was born haunts him or the foreign invaders who killed his parents can continue to cause himgrief, or hisfearof computers preventshimfrom leading a normal life. If it seems reasonable for the character to have a nemesis, try to create it out of one of the character's background events. Downplay Unimportant Events. Minimize or delete those events which do not add to the history orwhich detract from its exciting nature. Learning needlepoint as a hobby or surviving several unexciting promotions in the military may not be headline events in your character's life. Nevertheless, don't throw something out just because you dislike it and would rather have something that made your character a Nobleman or gave you 6 skill Ranks with a samurai sword. Eliminate Personal Conflicts. If CentralCastingsays your hero-to-be has developeda mental disorder orsexual perversion, or has undergone an event that would make it personallydifficult for you to roleplay that character, then discard or reroll the event. Remember, even though roleplay is supposed to give the player insight into himself and others, the original intent of adventure gaming is to be fun. If an event in CentralCastingwould compromiseyour havingfun, then it's an event that you can do without.

Adventure in the 20th Century

Game Genre Review & Selection
Heroes NOW!was perhaps the most challenging book of the trilogy to write and design. Until now, each book has dealt with a particular genre of escape literature, one that has generated it's own successful genre of games. Here, we coverthe "ThirdWorld" of gaming: those games that while popular, are not in the same league as fantasy or SF games. Nevertheless, they do have one thing incommon.Theyall take placewithin theconfinesof the20th century (more or less so for some). Now that you know why they are the same, let's look at how they are different and how you can best fit Central CastingTM background into you game world. We've broken down contemporary roleplaying into five major themes. One or a combination of several may be the best match for your game system.
Superheroes:These are your basic superpowered heroes in spandex long-johnssaving the world from villainous evil type games. They can be "brand name" or generic. Horror: Unspeakableevil hauntsthedarkcorners of the world, feeds on its populace and drives them mad. Need we go further (after all, there are indeed things that men were not meant to know!). Espionage: Spies, ninjas, gangster, military and detective roleplay games all lump into this category. PulpHero: Relivethoseheroicdaysof yesteryear, the fictional years of the '20s and '30s when every hero had a torn shirt, bulging muscles and adame at his side (sexist remark noted, but used here for period color). SF Now: This is the true catchall genre. It includes those games that have a distinct "Science Fiction" feel to them. Aliens maywalk the streets and heroes cross time and space, but it alltakesplacewithin theconfinesofthiscentury(andthe heroes definitely came from hereabouts).

The first four have their own tables in this book. The last, well, it's oftenjust tooweirdto pigeonhole,what with charactersjumping across time and space.

Instructions: Read these genre descriptions. Select a genre that most closely fits your game. A selection of suggested games accompanies each genre. For games that are not quite obvious, consult with your GM. Record the genre on the character history worksheet. Some event tables call for a separate roll on the table appropriate to the character's game genre. You will need to know this.

Integrate the Fantastic. Remember, most of these characters are supposed to be larger-than-lifeheroes, not unheralded drudges living out boring little lives. Weave elements of the fantastic into descriptions. Give even mundane events significance to both the character and the world of which he is a part. Make the commonplace unusual and the unusual really weird!
Supply Missing Elements. Central Castingprovides a framework to build the character upon. It is not a "smart" expert system that automaticallyfills in missing details. You will need to add the events or characters in your character's life that could improve the story, or further explain the relationship between events that you have rolled. This might mean adding a "bad guy" who has been dogging the character since the day he was born or establishing your own reason forthe characterjoining the military as an airborne ranger. This goes right back to "filling in the gaps" between events, the reason that Central Casting needs you !

The world of the superhero is a world of excitement. The laws of physics are stretched to their breaking point, and it always seems that, no sooner does a city, country, or even the Earth, recover from one disaster when another one springs up. Coincidences abound, and for every hero that debuts, it seems that two supe~illians pop up to foil him. It's a world of superhuman powers, super gadgets, alien races, sorcery, mentalpowers, spandex costumes, young damsels (and yes, young men too!) in distress, and villains who, despite a thousand and one thrashings, will always come back for the thousand and second thrashing. As a rule, there is little death in the superhero realm. Most heroes work within the law (or at least not too far from its edges), andwill not kill. Manyvillains, despite theirbravado, fear retaliation

Adventure in the 20th Century

by the superhero community at large, so they do not escalate matters to killing (or at least limit their killing to various non-super victims such as rival villain's henchmen and such). As a rule, an archenemy plagues a superhero for as long as the hero (or the villain) lives or is active. Suggested Games: Marvel Super Heroes GameTM, DC Heroes Roleplaying GameTM, Villains & Vigilantes, The Batman Roleplaying GameTM, ChampionsTM, Heroes UnlimiteflM,Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangenessm, Guardians, GURPSB SupersTM,SuperwoflflM,and EnforcersTM. Events.

Adventure in the 20th Century

O Characters from this genre generally do not have seriously

weird backgrounds. O Character is not assumed to actually be an espionage agent, but rather a character who grows up exposed to such things.

Pulp Heroes
These are the two-fisted heroes of '20s and '30s "pulp"fiction, -the stories that your parents and perhaps your grandparents weren't allowed to read (this was before comic books). Theywere men and women whose exploitswere heralded in fiction bywriiers like Edgar Rice Burroughs, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Rider Haggard, Maxwell Grant, and Kenneth Robeson; and depicted on screen in recent movies involving Indiana JonesTMand the RocketeerTM and even Buckaroo Banzai (though he is out of his time period). They were inventors and athletes, scientists and scholars, crimefightersand patriots. Theyfoughtforwhatwastrue and good and fair. In their day, evil was evil and good was good rarely was there any gray area to be found between. Suggested Games: The Adventuresof lndianaJonesTM Roleplaying Game, Justice, IncTM.,GangbustersTM.

Features: O Superherospecific events, use Table522:Superhero Events. O Character is not assumedto actually be a super poweredhero,
but rather acharacterwhogrows upexposedto aworld populated by powerful heroes. O "Normal" characters might have mundane backgrounds. Future heroes would have weird backgrounds. If a character will have superpowers, make certain they are given an origin for those powers on Table 540: Secret Origins.

Any game that focuses on involvement with or investigation of the supernatural falls into this class. Other game genres often include classic horror elements (take the AD&D@ RavenloftTM game set) and some Horrorgenre games lackatrue horrorfeelon purpose. Thus, Horror can be hilariously funny (as found in GhostbustersTM), moderatelyoff-the-wall(Stalkingthe NightFantastic), ordarklyfrightening (CallofCthulhuand Chi/@).Nevertheless, we lumpthemtogether. Of allthe 20thcenturygamesystems, horror also covers the broadesttime spans, from the late Victorian years of the 1890stothe 1920sandon throughthecurrentperiod). Suggested Games: Bureau 13: Stalking the Night Fantastic, Call of Cthulhu, CthulhuNOW!, Chi/@, AD&D RavenlofFM game world, Beyond the Supernatural, GURPSB Horror, Vampire, Nightlife, GhostbustersTM, GhostbustersTM International,and Dark ConspiracyTM.

Features O For Pulp Hero specific events, use Table 525: Pulp Hero

O Character is not assumed to actually be a hero, but rather a

character who grows up exposed to such a world. O This is a world populated by imaginative inventions. Device should have a "gee-whiz" exciting feel to them. 0 A hero from this genre would likely have one or more of the following skills in his background. Roll a d6.

4 5


Ll For:Honor specific events, use Table 523: Horror Events.

O Character is not assumedto actually be an occult investigator,

but rather a character who grows up exposed to such a world. O Characterhas a25%chanceto havean additional feature from Table 642: Exotic PersonalityFeatures.

i 7-8

inventor - has 1d3 items from Table 854: Wondrous Devices. Athlete - has Rank 1d4+2 skill in a professional sport Scientist - could be just a hobby, but has Rank ld4+2 skill in a general applied science skill. Detective- has 1d4+2 Ranks of skill related to detective work, the armchair variety. Scholar - is an expert in a field of knowledge and has ld4+2 Ranks of skill at it. Is a War Hero -Give the charactera military background beginningwith Table 527: Military Events. Roll twice more on this table, rerolling duplicates.

This is a catchall section to accommodate those games involving spies, military action, crime, gangsters, This is potentially the least "weird" of the game genres. Otherthan being involved in adventurous activity, charactersfromspy, mercenary, militaryand detective games will be normal beings. Most likely, they will not have super powers, secret abilities, encounters with magic or horrorsfrombeyond.Yetdon't immediatelydiscardsuch rolls. The world is weird enough to accommodate a lot of strangeness. A weird event in a character's past might have an unexplained, but mundane enough cause (the Historyofthe20th Centurycontains a number of documented weird events). Clearanyweirdevents orabilitiesgainedwithyourGM. Let her be the final arbitrator here. Maybe you can convert them to a more mundane equivalent. Suggested Games: Mercenaries, Spies & Private EyesTM, GumshoeTM,Twilight 2000TM,Merc 2000TM,Top SecreBM, Top Se~ret/S.I.~~, GangbustersTM, James BonflMRoleplayinggame, Ninjas and SuperspiesTM,and ReconTM.

This istheworld of thefuture broughtto bearupon the present. Often it involvestimeordimensionaltravelorthe influenceof other times worlds and planes of reality upon our own. Aliens or creaturesfromotherworlds might share the streets with regularfolkin fact, they may BE regular folk. Characters from such an environment may be more than a little weird by they time they become heroes. Also, thiscan cover any game system where regularfolks are transported from their everyday lives here in the 20th century to participate in weird goings-on elsewhere in the world or in time. Such characters would tend to be more like those found in Espionage genre games - more on the "normal" side. SuggestedGames: Teenagersfrom OuterSpaceTM, TORGTM, TransdimensionalMutantNinja TurtlesB, E!melordsTM, Dr. WhoTM RoleplayingGame, ShadowrunTM.

Features O Characters from this genre might have an additional weird

event in their past from Table 536: Exotic Events.

Features: O For Espionage specific events, use Table 524: Espionage

A History of the 20th Century

A History of the 20th Century

Prohibitionof alcohol sale and use beginsinthe U.S.A. Captain James and his aircraft disappearover NewYork. Frenchsteamshipchaonia lost in Straits of Messina along with 460 lives. 1920 Bolshevikswinthe Russiancivil war. "Red Scare" causes arrests of 2,700 communists, anarchists and radicals in U.S.A. First licensed Radio broadcasts in U.S.A. American women obtain right to vote. Bomb explosion on New York's Wall Street kills 30, injures 100. Earthquake in Kansu province, China kills 100,000. Shafts of light project from the moon. 1921 Ku Mux Klan revival escalates attacks upon blacks in U S A . Numerous ships disappear without a trace. 1922 Union violence causes death of 36 coal miners in Illinois mine strike. Rocks fall from the sky onto Chico, CA. 1923 ltaly becomes a Fascist state. General Pancho Villa, ex-rebel leader killed in Mexico. Three large mounds are found in the Archimedes crater on the moon. King Tut's tomb is opened in Egypt. 1924 Aviators Day and Stewart disappear. Theirfootprintsendabruptly 40 yardsfrom their intact aircraft. 1925 John T. Scopes is found guilty of teachingevolutionataDayton,TN, high school. 1926 Dr. Robert Goddard demonstrates first successful liquid fuel rocket. 1927 Charles Lindbergh crosses Atlantic Ocean infirst non-stoptransatlantic flight. Black rain falls in Ireland. 1928 The Danish training ship, Kobenhoven disappears without a trace. 1929 S t . Valentines Day Massacre" of 7 gangsters in Chicago. Stock Market crash heralds worst American depression. 1930 Rioting against the British in India. Revolutions occur in Bolivia, Peru, Argentina and Brazil. Judge J.F. Crater of the New York Supreme Court disappears without a trace. Many die and 300 are stricken by a poisonous fog in Belgium. 1931 Japan invades Manchuria. Revolutions in Panama, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, and El Salvador. Empire State building opens in New York City. Flooding of the Huang He River in China claims 3,700,000 victims. 1932 Chaco War between Paraguay and Bolivia. Manchurian war continues. Japan attacks Shanghai. Revolutionsin Chileand Peru. Uprisingsin BelgianCongo. FranklinD. Roosevelt is elected Pres. of the United States. Bloodless coup overthrows the monarchy in Siam. 1933 Japan defeats and takes control of Manchuria. Chaco War continues. Adolf Hitler becomeschancellor of Germany. Germanyand Japanquit the Leagueof Nations. Prohibitionof alcohol ends in U.S.A. Albert Einstein flees to the U.S.A. An orange ray projects upwards from the moon for 15 minutes. 1934 A n y suppresses uprising in Spain. Cham War continues. Soviet Union joins the League of Nations. King Alexander of Yugoslavia isassassinated in France. Adolf Hitler purges the Brownshirts in the 'Night of Long Knives." Chinese Communists begin the Long March to escape Nationalist forces. 1935 ltaly attacks Ethiopia. Malaria Epidemic ravages Ceylon. Revolutions in Greece and Venezuela. Chaco War ends. Stalin purges


A History of the 20th Century (...and a few years befbre)

The events given here are not intended as afull or representative history of the world. Instead, they focus on tragedies, disasters, wars, and actual documented weird events. The intent is to give the roleplayer and the GM points at which he or she can link a 20th century character to the "real" world.
Ying King founders off Singapore, 300 die. A unexplained aerial blast in Tunguska, Siberia flattens every tree within 20 miles and bums people as far away as 40 miles. 1909 Henry Fordbeginsassembly-lineproduction of the 'Model T" automobile. Explorer Robert Peary reaches the North Pole. A mine disaster kills 259 coal miners in a Cherry, IL. A lighted airship is repeatedly seen across New England. 1910 Japanannexes Korea. Unionof South Africa formed. Fresh blood falls from sky in South America. Swiss scientist, Gockeldiscovers Cosmic Rays. 1911 ltaly occupies Tripoli, Libya. ltaly at war with Turkey (to 1912). Revolution in Mexico, disorder follows. Explorer Roakl Amundsen reaches the South Pole. Revolution in China overthrowsManchudynasty. flooding of the Chang Jiang River inChinaclaims 100,000. 1912 The luxury liner Titanic sinks with a loss of 1513 lives. First Balkan War pits Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia & Montenegro against Turkey (to 1913). US. Marines sent to Nicaragua over debt dispute. 1913 Greece takes over isle of Crete. Second Balkan war: Turkey, Serbia, Greece, and Romania uniteagainst Bulgaria. Mexican Pres. Francisco I. Madero assassinated. Ambrose Bierce, noted American writer, disappears in Mexico. 263 coal minersarekilled ina Dawson, NM mine disaster. Langmuir invents the multigrid electron tube. 1914 World War1 (to 1918). US. Declares its neutrality. 1915 34,000 British and Empiretroopsare lost during the Gallipoli campaign. Of these 27,000 are never accounted for. British ocean liner Lusitania sunk by German submarine. US. troops occupy Haiti. Bright spots appear on the moon. 1916 U.S.Troops under General Pershing enter Mexico in pursuit of Pancho Villa. US. purchases Virgin Islands from Denmark. 1917 Russian Revolutionbegins. US. declares war on Germany. Vision of the Virgin Mary appears to three children at Fatima, Portugal. The crew of the ship Zebrina disappears during good weather in the English Channel. Luminous objects seen moving on the moon. A train wreck in Modane, France kills 543 people. 1918 WWI ends. Revolution in Germany. World-wideinfluenzaepidemickillsas manyas 21 million worldwide, nearly 548,000 in the U.S.A. alone. Czar Nicholas IIand hisfamily are killed by Bolsheviks in Russia. Unusualweather in many parts of the world. 1919 LeagueofNationsformed. Firsttransatlantic flight. Influenza epidemic continues.

1861 Abraham Lincolninauguratedas the Pres. of the US. Eleven US. states secede to form the Confederate States of America. US. Civil War begins (until 1865) 1863 Slavery abolished in the US. Battle of Gettysburg (US.). French Army occupies Mexico City. 1866 Austro-Prussian War 1887 Flooding of the Huang He River in China claims 900,000 victims. 1889 Johnstown Flood claims 2,200 lives. 1891 Earthquakes level 20,000 buildings and kill 25,000 people in Japan. 1895 Roentgendiscovers X-rays. 1896 Klondikegoldrush begins. Henry Ford makes his first motor car. 1898 Spanish-AmericanWar. Cuba gains independence. Spain surrenders Puerto Rico, Guam and the Phillipines to the U S A . Flammable "sulphur rain" falls in Mount Vernon, Kentucky. Aspirin marketedcommercially. 1899 Boer War between Britishand Boers in South Africa. Rutherforddiscoversalpha and beta rays. 1900 Boxer Rebellion between Nationalistsandforeigners in China. Britain beginsconquest of northern Nigeria. Carrie Nation, a Kansas anti-saloonactivist begins raiding with her hatchet. flooding in GalvestonTexasclaims 5,000 lives.. 1901 Russia occupies Manchuria (northeastern China). Commonwealth of Australia established. US. Pres. William McKinley assassinated by an anarchist. 1902 Boer War ends. Anglo-Japanese alliance formed. British and German fleet seize Venezuelan navy to force debt repayment. 1903 Panama achieves independence from Columbia. Wright Brothersfirst successful heavier-than-airflightoccursin Kittyhawk, North Carolina (U.S.A.). Fire in Chicago's Iroquois Theater claims 602 lives. First fluorescent light developed. 1904 Russo-JapaneseWar. Tibet opened to western trade. A Brief and unexplainable darkness fallson Wimbledon, England. Broadway subways opens in NYC. The steamship General Slocum catches fire near NYC, 1,000 are killed. 1905 Japanese warship Mikasa sunk by an explosion-599 are lost. An aborted revolution also rocks Russia. 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire leaves503+dead. U.S. troopsoccupy Cuba (to 1909). 1907 Dominion of New Zealand founded. 361 coal miners are killed in a Monogah, WV mine disaster. 1908 Belgian Congo founded. Steamship

A History of the 20th Century

military and civilian dissident groups in the Soviet Union. 1936 Civil War breaks out in Spain. ltaly conquers Ethiopia. Rioting in Greece, Palestine, Poland, and Zanzibar. Japanese attack Mongolia. GermanyoccupiestheFrenchRhineland. King Edward Vlll abdiites the throne of Englandto marry acommoner. Pres. Roosevelt is reelected. Coup attempts in Chile and Tokyo are crushed. Germany and ltaly form the Axis. A labor strike ties up all major ports in the U.S. 1937 Sino-JapaneseWar begins. Spanish Civil War continues. Japan sinks a U.S. gunboat in the China sea. Golden Gate bridge is completed. The dirigible, the Hindenburg, explodesand bums in New Jersey. ltaly quits the League of Nations. Amelia Earhardt mysteriously disappears in the South Pacific. DuPont Labs invents Nylon. 1938 Riots in Tunis, Tunisia. Spanish Civil War Continues.Germanyoccupies Austria and Czechoslovakia. Orson Welles scares nation with radio dramatization of H.G. Wells novel War of the Worlds. 1939 Germany invades Poland-World War II begins. The Soviet Union invades Finland. Spanish Civil War ends. ltaly occupies Albania. Regular transatlantic commercial air senrice begins. 1940 ltaly invades Greece. Riots in Rhodesia. Allies invade Italian East Africa. Germany invades Denmark, Norway, and France. The Soviet Union occupies Estonia, Lithuania, and LaMa. Radar researchbegins in the U.S.A. 1941 Germany Invades Russia. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii is attacked by Japanese, U.S. enters into WWII. 1942 Battle of El Alamein in Egypt. Japan captures islands in the Pacific. U.S. forcibly moves and detains 110,000 Japanese-Americans living on the west coast. A fire at the Cocoanut Grove in Boston, MA takes491 lives. 1943 Race riot in Detroit, Michigan leaves 34 dead, 700 injured. Similar riot occurs in Harlem, NYC. U.S. Troops invade Italy. 1944 D-Day: U.S. and Allied Forces invade France at Normandy. U.S. troops land on Leyte in the Phillipines. A fire at a circus in Hartford, CT takes 168 lives, mostly women and children. 1945 U.S. Pres. Roosevelt dies of brain hemorrhage. Germany surrenders. Atomic bombs dropped on cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. Japan surrenders, ending WWII. Tupper invents ...Tupperware. 1946 Phillipines given independence. 1947 An explosion at a pier in Texas City, Texas kills 561. 1948 Mohandas K. Ghandi assassinated in New Delhi, India. USSR blockades German city of Berlin. 1949 U.S. Troops are withdrawn from Korea. NATO alliance is formed. 1950 U.S. becomes involved in Korean conflict. 35 U.S. military advisors sent to Vietnam. A glowing, purple, gelatinous blob falls to earth in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1951 First transcontinental U.S. television broadcast. Crick. Watson & Wilkins discover the structure of DNA. 1952 The first hydrogen bomb is exploded in the Pacific.

A History of the 20th Century

are made on the life of U.S. Pres. Gerald R. Ford. Ranchers in the western U.S. reportfinding dead livestock that had been subjected to weird mutilations--some evidence suggests Satanic cults, others UFOs. 1976 'Legionaires' Disease" kills 29 in Philadelphia, PA. U.S.A. celebrates the B i i n tennial of its independence. 1977 Capital punishment reinstated in some U.S. states. 1978 John Paul II is elected as the first non-Italian Pope in 450 years. A bull is found mutilated in Dulce, NM after locals report seeing glowing orange lights in the sky. 1979 A major accident occurs at Three Mile Island nuclear reactor, near Middletown, PA. Followers of Iranian religious strongman, the Ayatollah Khomeini capture the U.S. Embassy inTeheran, lranand hold90 hostages. A DC-10 crashes in Chicago, killing 275--the highest death toll in U.S. aviation history. U.S. Gov't-sponsored Rommel Report regarding cattle mutilations refutesall theoriesthat do not involve natural predation and scavengers. 1980 U.S.A.doesnotattend 1980 summer Olympics in the Soviet Union for political reasons. Mt. St. Helens volcanoerupts, leaving60 dead in the state of Washington. 1981 The space shuttle Columbia makes itsfirst successfulvoyage. EgyptianPres. Anwar El-Sadatkilled by rebel commandos. Attempts are made on the lives of U.S. Pres. Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II. 1982 Argentina invades the Falkland Islands (a British dependency). British forces reclaim the island. An exdosion in the Salana Tunnel in~f~hanistan kills'l,000to$000 popl; 1983 241 American militarvmen are killed by a suicidal terrorist bomber h Beirut, Lebanon. U.S. Marinesand Rangers invadethe Caribbeanisland nationof Grenada. ASoviet plane shoots down a Korean airliner, killing 269. 1984 India Prime Minister lndira Ghandi killed by two of her Sikh bodyguards. An explosion at a gas storage area near Mexico City, Mexico kills 334 people. 1985 Mikhail Gorbachov becomes Soviet leader. Ina Japan, a Boeing747airlinercrashes into the side of a mountain killing 520-the worst single air disaster in history. 1986 The space shuttle Challenger explodes on lift-off, killing its crew of 7. A serious accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in the Soviet Union spews radiation across Europe. 1987 An lraqiwarplane attacks U.S.S. Stark with a missile, killing 37 sailors. Earthquakesin NE Ecuador claim 4,000 lives. 1988 A terrorist bomb brings down a Pan Am Boeing 747 over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270. Earthquakes in NW Soviet Armenia claim 55,000 lives. 1989 Massive earthquake strikes San Francisco area, killing 59. U.S. Armed Forces invade Panama, overthrowingthe government of Manuel Noreiga. 1990 East and West German reunite under a democratic government. lraq occupies neighboring Kuwait, instigating a build up of multi-nationalcoalition forces in Saudi Arabia. Earthquakes in NW Iran claim 40,000 lives. 1991 Coalition forces attack lraqi military positions in lraq and Kuwait. lraq is defeated.

1953 U.S. finances France's war in Indochina. Dr. JonasSalkcreatesthePoliovaccine. 1954 Nautilus, the first atomic-powered submarine, is launched at Groton, CT. U.S. declares Racial segregation unconstitutional. 1955 U.S. begins training of South Vietnamese army. 1956 First transatlantic telephone caMe goes into operation. Paul Jaquays born to normal parents. 1957 Earthquakesinlranclaim 5,500 lives. 1958 First U.S. satellite, Explorer I, is launchedinto earth orbit. U.S. Marinesare sent to Lebanon. A gelatinous mass falls to earth in the Irish county of Westmeath. 1959 The George Washington, the first InU.S. ballistic-missilesubmarineislaunched. tegratedcircuitsinvented by Texas Instruments. 1960 A United States U2 spy plane is shot down over the Soviet Union. Floodingin Bangladesh claims 10,000 lives. Digital Corporation invents first minicomputer. 1961 Commander Alan B. Shepard Jr. is makes first U.S. suborbital space flight. CIA sponsored Cuban exiles are repulsed in the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. 1962 Lt. Col. John H. Glenn Jr. becomes the first American in Orbit. Soviet Missile Crisis takes place in Cuba. 1963 U.S. Supreme Court accelerates moral decay of America by declaring unconstitutional the reading of the Lord's Prayer and Bible verses in public schools. U.S. Pres. John F. Kennedy assassinated. U.S. fully involvedin Indochinawar (to 1973). 1964 Quake in Alaska claims 131 lives. 1965 Riots by blacks in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles, U.S.A. cause 34 deaths. Power failure blacks out much of the American and Canadian northeast. 1966 U.S. Warplanes bomb Hanoi area of North Vietnam. 1967 Black riots in Newark, New Jersey leave 26 dead. Bigger riots in Detroit, Michigan leave 40 dead, 2,000 injured and 5,000 homeless-military forces are required to put down the rioting. First human heart transplant performed by Dr. ChristianBarnardinSouth Africa. 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and U.S. senator RobertF. Kennedyareassassinated in separate incidents by gunmen. Capital punishment ends in U S A . 1969 American astronauts NeilArmstrong and 'Buzz' Aldrin are first men on the moon. 1970 IBM invents the floppy disk. 1971 East Pakistan becomes Bangladesh. 1972 October War: Arab states attack Israel. Nolan Bushnellinvents'Pong"videogame. 1973 U.S.A. withdraws troops from Vietnam. U.S.A. rocked by Watergate conspiracy. U.S. Vice Pres. Spiro Agnew resigns over tax evasion and bribery charges. Arab oil-producing states impose oil embargoonalliesof Israel. 1974 Greece and Turkey come to conflict in Cyprus. U.S. Pres. Richard Nixon resigns over the Watergate incident and is later unconditionally pardoned by his appointed successor, Gerald Ford. 1975 South Vietnam surrenders to North Vietnam, ending the Vietnam War. Spanish dictator, Francisco Franco dies. Dungeons & D r a g o m is published by TSR. Two attempts

101: Character Origins


101: Character Origins

1 2 0 101k Country of Origin(~ol1 a d20)
Africa. In the late 19th century, European nations conquered h a . The European languages spoken by some countries give a )od idea of who smashed and grabbedwhat. Over the course of this tntury, Africa has changed from a few large European colonies and messions to a myriad of smaller self-ruled nations, many gaining eir full independencein the early 1960's. Roll a d4 to selecta region Africa. 1 Western Africa. Much of the western continent was under Frenchdomination until the 1960's. Roll a d l 2 on the subtable below to select a West African country. 1 Benin &Togo (French, local dialects) Roll HiILo. TM: 1 2 Burkino Faso (French, tribal languages) TM:1 3 Cameroon (English, French, tribal languages) TM: 1 4 Cote D'lvoire (French, tribal languages) TM: 1 5 Ghana (English, tribal languages) TM: 1 6 Guinea (French, tribal languages) TM: 1 7 Liberia (English, tribal dialects). TM: 1 8 Mali (French, Bambara). TM: 1 9 Mauritania (French, Hasanya Arabic) TM: 1 10 Nigeria (English, Hausa, Yoruba, Ibo) TM: 1 11 Senegal (French, tribal languages) TM: 1 12 Sierra Leone (English, tribal languages) TM: 1

J 11 Unlikefantasy and sciencefictiongames, with theirmyriad exotic worlds, 20th century games are based in the known world of the 20th century. Characters from 20th century games often work best if they can grow up from roots that have been firmly planted somewhere definable--a place he or she can call home.
Getting Started: Chances are, you have some strong preferences regarding the selection of your character's national and ethnic background. Then again, maybe you don't. If so, find the country that matches below and record its TekMod(TM) on your worksheet and skip ahead to Table 102: Culture. If not, then this table can provide that answer. Instructions: If you have not preselected a national or racial backgroundforthe character, roll a d20 to select the character's country of origin on Table 101A. Please note that the table is weighted towards characters of North American and European ancestry and reflects more the population of the United States of America ratherthan the world at large. Countries are listedby their current incarnations, though many, particularly in Africa, South America and Asia have changed names in the past 30 years. Next, goon to table 101B:AncestryDetailsto select additional information regarding the character's origins. Languages:Each country lists its official and other primary languages in parentheses. A character who is a native of this country or descended fromrecent immigrant parents from this country will probably know these languages. Technology Modifiers: Country of origin affects the Technological level that a character has been raised within. Each country lists its Technology Modifier, TekModorUTM." Recordthe TekModon the character history worksheet. Roleplay: Regardless of a character's current home, the landfrom whence her ancestors came aff ects herplace in society, hertraditions,herreligion, herlikes anddislikes, her nativecultural affectations, her known languages, possibly herspeakingaccent, and her attitudes about others. To best play an unfamiliar character, do alittle libraryresearch.You'll discoverfunfacts andsurprise your friends with the things you know as you play your character. Additional Reference:For more information, check out
a good world almanac or encyclopedia. World histories will be particularlyusefulforgames based in the early part of the century.

Eastern Africa. Roll a d6 on the subtable below to select an East African country. 1 Ethiopia (Amhara, Tigre, Hamatic, Arabic) TM: 2 2 Kenya (Swahili, English) TM: 2 Madagascar (Malagasy, French) TM: 1 3 Mauritius (English, French, Creole) TM: 1 4 Somalia (Somali, Arabic) TM: 1 5 6 Tanzania (Swahili, English) TM: 1 Central Africa. RolladBonthe subtable below to selectacentral African country. 1 Burundi (French, Rundi) TM: 1 2 Central African Republic (French) TM: 1 3 Chad (French, Arabic, tribal languages) TM: 1 4 Congo (French, Bantu dialects) TM: 1 5 Niger (French, Hausa, Djerma) TM: 1 6 Rwanda (French, Kinyarwanda) TM: 1 7 Uganda (English, Luganda, Swahili) TM: 1 8 Zaire (French, Bantu dialects) TM: 1 Southern Africa. Roll a d l 0 on the subtable below to select a South African Country. 1 Angola (Portuguese, Bantu dialects) TM: 1 3 Botswana (English, Setswana) TM: 1 4 Malawi (English, Chichewa) TM: 1 5 Mozambique (Portuguese, Bantu dialects) TM: 1 6 Namibia (Afrikaans, English, tribal dialects) TM: 1 7 South Africa (Afrikaans, English, Bantu) TM: 2 8 Swaziland (Swazi, English) TM: 1 9 Zambia (English, Bantu dialects) TM: 1 10 Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) TM: 2 Caribbean Islands (English, Spanish, French, Danish). TM: 1 Canada (English, French-Quebec)TM:3 Central American Nations. Roll a d8 on the subtable below. 1 Belize (English, Spanish) TM: 2 2 Costa Rica (Spanish). TM: 1 3 El Salvador (Spanish). TM: 2 Forget 4 Guatemala (Spanish). TM: 1 5 Honduras (Spanish). TM: 2 6 Mexico (Spanish). TM: 2 7 Nicaragua (Spanish, English). TM: 2 8 Panama (Spanish, English) TM: 2 Continued ...

101A: Country of Origin

Thistablecovers aperiod of time in which the borders, names and even existence of many countries have changed over the course of the century, and will most likelycontinue to change. If a country named here did not exist in your game period, do some research and use the country, colonyorterritory that preceded it. O n the other hand, you could always reroll.

101: Character Origins

a d20) d20 101A: Country of Origin(R.011


101: Character Origins

d20 101A: Country of Origin(Rol1a d20)
13 14 15-16 17 18 19-20 14

China, People's Republic of (Mandarin Chinese, many regional dialects). TM: 2 Eastern Europe. Roll a d8 on the subtable below. 1 Bulgaria (Bulgarian, Turkish, Greek). TM: 2 2 Czechoslovakia (Czech, Slovak). TM: 2 3 Finland (Finnish, Swedish). TM: 3 4 Hungary (Hungarian). TM: 2 5 Poland (Polish). TM: 2 6 Romania (Romanian). TM: 2 7 Soviet Union. TM: 2 8 Yugoslavia (Serbo-Croatian). TM: 2 Mediterranean Nations. Roll a d4 on the subtable below. 1 Greece (Greek). TM: 2 2 Italy (Italian). TM: 2 3 Turkey (Turkish). TM: 2 4 Albania (Albanian, Greek). TM: 2 Mideast&other Arab lands. Rollad12on the subtable below. 1 Algeria (Arabic, Berber, French). TM: 2 2 Arabia (includes all countriedtribal groups on Arabian peninsula) (Arabic). TM: 2 3 Egypt (Arabic, English). TM: 2 4 Iraq (Arabic). TM: 2 5 Jordan (Arabic). TM: 2 6 Lebanon (Arabic, French, Armenian). TM: 2 7 Libya (Arabic). TM: 2 8 Morocco (Arabic). TM: 2 9 PalestinelIsrael (Hebrew, Arabic). TM: 3 10 Sudan (Arabic). TM: 1 11 Syria (Arabic). TM: 2 12 Tunisia (Arabic). TM: 2 Scandinavia. Roll a d4 on the subtable below. 1 Norway (Norwegian). TM: 3 2 Sweden (Swedish). TM: 3 3 Denmark, Kingdom of (Danish). TM: 3 4 Iceland (Icelandic). TM: 3


Ecuador (Spanish, Quechua, Jivaroan). TM: 2 Paraguay (Spanish). TM: 2 Peru (Spanish). TM: 2 Suriname (Dutch). TM: 2 Uruguay (Spanish). TM: 2 Venezuela (Portuguese). TM: 2


1 2 3 4 5 6

South Pacific. Roll a d6 on the subtable below Australia (English, Aboriginal languages). TM: 3 Indonesia (Malay-Indonesian,Javanese). TM: 2 Malaysia (Malay-Indonesian).TM: 2 New Zealand (English, Maori). TM: 2 Papua New Guinea. (English, Melanesian Pidgin) TM: 2 A small Polynesian island nation (English, French, Tribal languages). TM: 1 Western Europe. Roll a d l 0 on the subtable below. Austria (German). TM: 3 Belgium, Kingdom of (Flemish-Dutch, French). TM: 3 France (French). TM: 3 Germany (German) TM: 3 Great Britain (includes countries, territories and colonies existing in this region). TM: 3 Ireland (English, Gaelic). TM: 3 Netherlands (Dutch). TM: 3 Don't Portugal (Portuguese). TM: 3 Forget Spain (Spanish). TM: 3 101B! Switzerland (German, French). TM: 3

15-18 United States of America (English). TM: 3 19-20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Table 101BAncestry Details

Even within a character's country of origin, therewill be some otherfactors thatfurtheraffect thecharacter's ethnicbackground.

d20 101B:Ancestry Details (Roll a d20)

The character's ancestry and current nation of resi1-8 dence arethesame. While thecharacter's ancestors may have come from another land, he has no strong emotional, physical or cultural ties to another country. 9-10 The character's recent ancestry and current nation of residence are the same, however, the character has strong ethnicties to, and takes great pride in his or her ancestor's country of origin. Rerollcountry of parents origin again o n Table 1018: Country of Origin for ancestors' homeland. 11-14 The character is a member of a racial minority within the area of ancestry. 15 Character is a member of a repressed people. Subtract 1 point from character's TekMod. 16 Character is a member of a indigenous native people, now a racial minority (Example: American Indians). 17 The character is the child of immigrants to this land. Reroll country of parents origin again on Table 1018: Country of Originfor the homeland. 18 Thecharacterwas born in aforeign land and movedto this land while young. Reroll country of parents origin again on

SouthernEastern Asia. Includes countries, territories and colonies existing in this region prior to a country's national freedom. Roll a d20 on the subtable below. 1 Afghanistan IPushtu. Dari Persian). TM: 1 ~G~lades (a'.k.a. h ~ a sPakistan). t TM: 1 Cambodia (Khmer, French). TM: 1 Hong Kong (Chinese). TM: 3 India (Hindi-Hindustani, English). TM: 2 Iran (Farsi-Persian, Arabic, English, French). TM: 2 Japan (Japanese). TM: 3 Korea (Korean) TM: 2 Laos (Lao, French). TM: 1 Mongolia (Mongolian). TM: 2 Myanmar (Burmese) a.k.a. Burma until 1989. TM: 1 Nepal (Nepali). TM: 2 Pakistan (Urdu-Hindustani, Pushtu). TM: 2 Philippines (Pilini, English). TM: 2 Sri Lanka (a.k.a. Ceylon) (Sinha18 Tamil). TM: 2 Taiwan (Chinese). TM: 3 19 hail and (Thai) a.k.a. Siam (Thai). TM: 1 20 Vietnam (Vietnamese, English, French). TM: 1

II :"

13 South American nations. Includes countries, territories and colonies existing in this region prior to a country's national freedom. Roll a d20 on the subtable below. Argentina (Spanish). TM: 2 Bolivia (Smnish. Quechua. Avmara). TM: 2 5-9 Brazil (~o;tu~ue&, ~ n ~ l i s h h ) .l : 2 ' 10 Chile (Spanish). TM: 2 11-12 Columbia (Spanish). TM: 2 Continued ... @ ?

Table 1018 : Country of Origin. 19 The characterwas born in aforeign land and moved to
this land upon reaching adulthood. Rerollcountry of parentsorigin again on Table 1018: Country of Origin for the homeland. 20 Reroll twice more on this table, combining the results.

102: Culture & Technology

102: Culture & Technology


Overthe relativelybrief span of the 20th century, the world has seen some of the greatest back-to-backleaps in technological advancement in human record. The world at large has gone from relying on horsesfortransportation to contemplating permanent homes in space. Primitivetribes have beenthrust unprepared intothe mainstreamof "civilized" life. Near-instantaneouscommunication has brought the events of ourworld into our living rooms. Yet despite these advances, there is no cultural ortechnological homogeneity in the world. Countries both large and small may have people living at a broad variety of cultural and technological levels. The tables that follow can help a character hone in on his cultural identity.

following the Literacy skill under the SKILLS section of the worksheet. Be prepared to change this value.

Roleplay: Remember, not everyculturewithin agivenfuture historywill be operating at the same level of technology. Generally speaking, a characterwho is exposed to the achievements of the Tech Levelone level above him may understandwhat hesees, but 20 uptwo Tech Levels, and the technology seems like "magic."

dl00 102A: Tech Level (roll a dl00 + Year*)

For any year prior to 1900, subtract 20 from the die result. For each year after 1999, add 1 to the die roll).
-19 - -10 -9-0 01-30 31-50 51-65 66-80 81-130 131-135 136-198 199-210 TM+: Subtract 2 TM+: Subtract 1 TM+: 0 TM+: 1 TM+: 2 TM+: 3 TM+: 4

102A: Tech Level

Tech Level, or Technology Level, acts as a rough measure of a society's technical achievements: the inventions, weapons, modes of transportationand means of communication in common use. It does not deal with theirsocial enlightenment,forms of government or ethical values--that's Culture, and wedealwith itlater. It also does not mean that the people of that society possess exactly the type of culture used to represent the level. Example: Farmers in a developing nation may possess technical skills equivalent to a post-medievalworld, but their culture is unique to themselves. In manycases, theTech Levelrepresents an averaging of a society's native development with the technological incursions of other, more technologically advanced societies.

Reroll, but do not add the year.

TM+: 5 TM+: 6 TM+: 7


Instructions: Begin with Table 102A: Tech Level. Roll a d l 00 and add the current year of the 20th Century (i.e., for 1922, add 22; for 1991, add 91). Match the result against the table and take the resultingTM+value and add it the character's Tech Level Modifier (TekMod) on the character worksheet (there should already be a value there from the character's Country of Origin). This modifiervalue will be used later in the book. Then, look at the Technology Levelsand matchthe character'stotal TekModagainst the numbers in front of each Tech Level description. The one that matches is the approximate level of Technology in which the character was raised. Write the character's Tech Level on line 102A of the worksheet. After completing this table, continue onward to Table 1028: Culture. Education Points: As a character grows up, he usually receives aformal education (see Table210: Education).Technology level provides the base value for the number of points the character may spend once he reaches that Table. Higher Tech levels provide more points than lower level. Record this on the Worksheet on the line labeled "Education Points."

Tech Levels
Stone Age [Lit: 5%. Education Points: 4.1. Fire has found its way into most homes, sharpened sticks and stones form the warrior's basic armament, the lever is the most complex machine, domesticated animals providefood andcompanionship and building villages is coming into vogue. This covers everything from the classic cave man up to pre-ColumbianAmerican Indians. Bronze Age [Lit: 20%. Education Points: 61. Metal working, walled cities, stone monuments, sailing ships, the wheel, and simple writing are the rage. Well-to-do warriors wear metal armor andwage warwith spears, swords, bow and arrows. Ancient Greece and Egypt, the Celts of Europe and the peoples of the Biblical Middle East are examples.

Literacy: The number in brackets after each Tech Level is the base chance for a characterto be literate in his native tongue (see Literacy rules on page 8). Record this chance in the space

ImnAge[Lit:30%. EducationPoints:8].Achievements include iron working (a harder metal than bronze), the keystone arch, and the use of concrete in building to encourage quick development of large cities. Common soldiers wear metal armor and huge stone-hurling,wall-bashing mechanicalsiege machines take some of the guesswork out of flattening enemy fortresses. Imperial Rome is the "classic" example of this Tech Level.

102: Culture & Technology

Medieval Age [Lit: 10%. Education Points: 4 1 .Steel (a harderrnetalthaniron)weapons and armorare used bythewelltodo warriors. Crossbows make even poorly trained troops into deadlyfoes. This is a period notedfor retrogression, even degeneration and lossof technical and social gains made in earlierages. Medieval Europe and Feudal Japan typify this Tech Level. Renaissance[Lit:35%. EducationPoints:l o ] .Learning is rediscovered with a vengeance. Gunpowder makes major changes in the waging of war, movable type printing speeds the spread of information. Equivalentto 1350-1800 in western Europe.


102: Culture & Technology

102B: Culture (Roll a dlOO+TekMOd)

dl W
Level CuMod Survival Skills Education Points

Industrial Revolution[Lit:40% n ducat ion points: 1 0 . 1 . Steam engines drive boats and land transportation, while
steam-powered machinery replaces hand-manufacturing, allowing mass production of goods. Cures arefoundforsomediseases. Electricity is utilized to a limited extent for communication and illumination.Typified by Europe and the U.S.A. of the 1800's, rural America and "advanced" Third World Nations of the early half of the 20th century.

7 Engineering Age [Lit: 60%. Education Points: 121. Internal combustion engines or electricity power most forms of
transportation, including personalcars, war machines, and fixedwing air craft. Radio, television, suborbital rockets and small automatic weapons are developing. This is typified by Western nations of the late 19th century through pre-WWII 20th century, just before atomic escalation, most non-Western nation urban areas in the late 19thcentury, and rural areas of Western nations.

ture isaculture ModifierNumber(CuMod).Recordthis numberon line 1028 of the Die Rolls Modifier box in the upper right corner of the history worksheet. This modifier value will be used later in the bookto modify otherdice rolls. Write theculture level on line 102B. Read the instructions for Level, Survival Skills and Education Points below, along with culture description, record any important information, then continue on to Table 103:SocialStatus.

TechnologicAge [Lit: 80%. Education Points: 161. Nuclear power is used to create both electricity and deadly weapons. Orbltal spacecraft visit nearby satellites and unmanned probes explore planets in the solarsystem. Industrial lasers, small computers, and organ transplants are commonplace. In the real world of the 20th century, this represents the current and highest levelof technology. It is found primarily in the urban areas of Western nations and in a few elite cities elsewhere around the world. Fusion Age [Lit: 90%. Education Points: 201.Energy is createdthrough the combining, not destruction of matter. Laser weapons replace projectile weapons in most armies. "Manned" exploration of the solar system, establishment of orbiial space cities and scientific colonies exist on other planets within system. "Coldsleep"is usedfor long interplanetarytrips.Most manufacturing is completely automated. SpacefaringAge [Lit: 95%. Education Points: 201. Unself-aware artificial intelligence is now found in some large computers. Most planets and major satellites in the solar system contain autonomous colonies or independent "nations." Sublight "manned" exploration of nearbye stars begins.

Level: This is the general classification for the culture in which the character is born. Each culture has its own gameplay benefits and roleplay suggestions. The player or GM may wish to match theseculture descriptions with ones in his own game world. Survival Skills: These are the skills a character needs to survive in one of thethree basic environmentclasses:Wilderness, Rural and Urban (see page 8 for more details). The Survival Skills column on Table 1028:Culture, gives the number of skill Ranks that the character may divide between the three environment classes. At least half of these Ranks should be appliedto the character's primary environment (probably where he grows up). The remainder can be divided between the other two environment classes. Feel free to shift these numbers around as the character develops further. Education Points: Culture also affects education. The points gained from this dice roll are added to the base education points provided by Tech Level and recorded in space 102 on the historyworksheet. Roleplay: Roleplaying a character from one culture within theconfinesof anotherculturemayinitiallyseemdifficult.Yetit becomes much easier if you look for simple guidelines. Just imagine what it would be like for you to be placed in a totally new environment where nothing was familiar, neither customs, language nor day-to-daychores. All but the mosttrustingpeople are naturallysuspiciousof anyone from another culture - it's an extension of fear of the unknown. This can be expressed ascautiouscuriosity, fearful hatred and persecution(thatwhichwedo not understandis evil andtherefore must be destroyed) or even fearful awe and wonder (Primitives treating beings of higher Tech Levels like gods is cliche). Another cliche is for charactersfrom one culture to lookdown on folk from another (or the "You are different, therefore inferior" attitude). Though useful in playing some NPCs, this kind of prejudice is as counterproductive in gaming as it is in "real" life and player characters should try to avoid it.


Culture is the way in which a society of beings collectively live their lives, includingtheir common values and outlook on life. It is not necessarilythe outlook of a single member of that society, but it will at best color or modify his perceptions, attitudes, prejudices and actions. It is a significant factor in later background checks. It is worth noting that on the whole, most nations during the 20th century fall into the Developing or Dynamic culture status, with more than a few who fit the concept of "Barbaric."

Instructions:Rolla d 100, add the character's TekModand match the result against Table 1028:Culture. Following each cul-

Primitive Cultures
Primitivesdo not read and write their own languageand do not form significant permanent settlements. The chief industry of Primitives is the procurement offood, usuallyby hunting (traditionally a male role) and gathering (traditionallythe task of women, children and the elderly). They do not work metal and organized farming is still rare. Still, many many Primitives may possess and even worship itemsfrom higherTech Levels. Political units are the family and the clan. Rulers are the most powerfulwarriorlhunters of the group. The elderly are revered for their wisdom. Historical Primitives include most prehistoric peoples, many American Indian and Arctictribes, Australian aborigines, African bushmenand pygmies, Amazon jungletribes, Pacific Islanders, and NewGuinea natives. Gameplay Benefits: This character automatically has +Id3 ranks of Wilderness Survival skill. A Primitive character learns basic weapon use at Average capability and huntinglgathering skills to Fair competency. The learned weapon is usually a club, spear or bow and arrow. All adult, male Primitives (and some females) can create weapons from natural resources (flint and wood become a spear, a tree root a spiked club, etc.). If he or she remains within a Primitive Culture, a beginning character will always possess at least one hand weapon. A character from a Primitive Culture has only a base 5% chance to be literate. Since Primitives have no written language, this will always be the language of another culture. Roleplay: Characters born into Primitive cultures tend to be superstitious. Tradition is important to them. They are often distrusting of "higher" levels of Culture, viewing theiraccomplishments as evil. A Primitivecharacterwill probablybe less willing to accept the "benefits" of civilization and may even suffer from exposure to civilized cultures. The challenge when playing a primitive character thrust into a modern setting is not to rely on stereotypes. Yes at first it all seems like magic and evil spirits, but remember: this character comes from a culture in which mere survival is adailyfact of life. He or she will learnto survive and make the technological wilderness bend to serve his or her needs.

Nomadic Culture
This culture does not build lasting structures, but instead focuses its energyon transportation-the taskof moving its people from place to place. Governmentsfocuson strong leaders, whose control often does not extend beyond his clan or tribe. Examples of Nomadic folk include classic Gypsies, Bedouins, shepherds, trucking families, migrant laborers, or rebel biker gangs. Otherculture: Roll ad6. On a result of 5-6, roll again on Table 1028: Cultureto obtain a second description of this culture, such as a Developing Nomadicculture,ora Decadent Nomadicculture. Use the lower of the two CuMods. Gameplay Benefits: Character learns to drive or ride the vehicle or beast common to his people at Rank 4. Character has i d 4 Ranks of skill at navigating and path-finding in his culture's primary environment and at caring for or repairing their transportation. A beginningplayercharacter has a40%chance to possess the basic transportation of his people (ofte in poor shape). Roleplay:A Nomadic character may be afflictedwith wanderlust and become uncomfortablewhen tied down to one locale. A Nomadic character will always feel out of place in a city and often distrust those who live in them. A Nomadic character may have a kind of wildvitality, a lust for life that has been lost bythe "civilized."

Barbariccultures live by the cruel exploitation of others. They can be found at any Tech Level, though they are more common at lower levels. Barbaricculturesare typified by charismaticdictators, feudalism, divine right of kings and so on. Power is secured and maintained by racism, violence, ignorance, and fear. Rights for those without power are unheard-of. Cruelty is commonplace. Sentient life has little value ("Not-like-us"peoplehave no value). Although it ispossiblethat Barbaricculturesmight developtheirown technology, it is just as likelyforthemto take it from anotherculture by force. Typical Barbaric cultures might be pirate outposts, Nazi Germany, Stalinist Soviet Union, Cold War Era eastern Europe, South Africa, and many third world dictatorships. Many 20th century nations (even allegedly enlightened and free ones) possess this cultural attribute to some degree. Other Culture: Roll ad6. On a result of 5-6, roll again on Table 1028: Cultureto obtain a second description of this culture, such as a Developing Nomadic culture, or a Developing Barbaric culture. Use the lower of the two CuMods. Gameplay Benefits:Character learnsweapon-use(usually a gun or other hand weapon) at Rank 3. Roll a d6. On a result of 56, select one Darksidepersonalitytraitfrom Table641C: Darkside Traits. Add +1 bonus to character's Strength and Constitution attributes for merely surviving to adulthood. Roleplay: Barbaric cultures often focus upon some form of "hate," either racism, religious bigotry, or class suppression. Barbaric characters commonly view themselves with inflated racial or nationalistic pride. They dislike and persecute members of other races, classes or cultures whom they perceive to be weaker than they are.

Developing Culture
This is a culture that is making great strides to improve itself technologically, socially, and morally. Usually it is coming up from Barbarism or making acomebackfrom Decadence, or Retrogression (see below). A Developing culture is a "Civilized" culture. Its governments favorthose that offer representationof the peoples' interests-anyonecan grow upto becomethe leader of the nation. Its people are aggressive, have a good self image and a desire to makethingsbetterforthernselvesandtheirchildren. These people

102: Culture & Technology

often place substantial emphasis on the moral concerns of technology development. This is the United States of America of the early 20th century and how its citizens still imagine themselves. Gameplay Benefits: Roll a d6. On a result of 3-5, select one Lightside trait from Table 641A: Lightside Traits.On a result of 6, select 1d3 Lightside personalitytraits from Table 64lA: Lightside Traitsand one trait f rom Table 64 18: Neutral Traits. Roleplay:A character from a Developing culture could easily have a pioneer spirit, willing to take risks for the good of other people instead of personal gain. Emphasis is placed on Lightside values (see Table 312: Attitude & Alignment).


102: Culture & Technology

might easily bore a person. On the other hand, they could be so foreign to the character that they intrigue him to no end.

Stagnant Culture
No gains, eithertechnological, sociologicalor artistic are being made, oreven have been made in recent memory.Thisculture has remained as it is now for decades, generations, even millennia. They may not want to make changes, for this is a people steeped in a "We've always done it this way before" tradition. The people may not perform actual work, but instead pursue elaborate hobbies. Governmentstend to beself-servingwith emphasis on struggling (usually against themselves) to merely maintain the status quo. Some Middle-Eastern nations reflect aspects of this culture. Gameplay Benefits:Character has 1d4+2 skill ranks at a lowTech occupation-one passed on to him by his ancestors. Select on Table 4 13F: Lo Tech Occupations. Roleplay: Characters born into Stagnant cultures may not believe that innovations are possible. Tradition is important to them and they are uncomfortable with change.

Dynamic Culture
This is aculture marked by rapidgrowth, development and expansion. New ideas and technologies are being discovered and exploited. Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, often progressingafullTech Levelwithin ageneration orless. However, the fast growth also outpaces the ethical applicationof the newdiscoveries, leaving the culture wide open for future disasters. Governments are similar to Developing cultures, but access to real political power moves out of the grasp of common people. Class stratification increases as fewer and fewer people profit from new discoveries. It is a time of "Humanistic" theology, imagining the people of the culture to be the apex of creation, the "gods" of their universe. This isthe U.S.A in the latterdecadesof the20th century. Gameplay Benefits: Roll a d6. On a result of 3-5, select one Neutraltrait from Table64 18: Neutral Traits.On a result of 6, select 1d3 Neutral personalitytraits from Table 641B: Neutral Traitsand one trait from Table 641C: Darkside Traits. Roleplay: Dynamic cultures are often self-centered, caught up in the wonderfulness of themselves. In their eyes, they can do no wrong (nor take responsibilityfor their individual failures). It is a culture of great Ego, one that believes that great risk taking and great intellect should earn great reward. Moral bankruptcy has begun.Acharacterfrom here might sharethosevalues. Emphasis is placed on Neutralvalues (see Table312:Attitude&Alignmenf).

Retrogressive Culture
Thisis astagnantculture which isslowly losingthetechnological, social and cultural gains of earlier generations. Their Tech Level slowly, but surely slips backwards towards lower numbers. Governments tend towards either dictatorial or authoritarian rule, or the "wisdom" of elders. This is not a common 20th century culture, though it might be representative of Cold War era Eastern Europe. Gameplay Benefits: Character begins with l d 3 objects (no real estate) from Table 853: Gifts & Legacies. Any weapons or devicespossessedbythe character are of 1d3 higherTech Levels (but if they fail, they cannot be repaired). Roleplay: Character may have a "relationship"with anytechnological devices in his keeping, nurturing them along like a sick friend. He may also covet devices of higher Tech Levels, seeking to replace lost or damaged items in his own inventory.

Decadent Culture
~ h e s are e cultures past the peak of their prime. Decay, particularly moral decay, has set in at all levels of society and the people have become pleasure-loving and jaded. Tech Level remains constant, and few significant gains are made. Governments are commonly those which function best with multiple layers of carefully partitioned authority and responsibility (like Bureaucracies, Corporations, and Democracies).The government becomes selfperpetuating and heedless of the people's needs. Although government support of the Poor is predominant, previously common civil liberties and government services beginto disappear. Inflation and unrestrained crime are often rampant. Gameplay Benefits: Street-smarts, survival in the streets, come naturally to this character. Give him l d 3 additional skill Ranks of Urban Survival skill. Roll a d6. On a result of 1-3, select C: Darkside Traits.On a result of one Darksidetrait f rom Table 64 I 4-5, select l d 3 Darkside personality traits from Table 641C: Darkside Traits and one trait from Table 64 1B: Neutral Traits.On a result of 6, treat as a result of 4-5 but also select one exotic personality trait, on Table 642: Exotic Personality Traits. Roleplay: It is not uncommon for citizens of these cultures (eventhe lowliest slaves andstreet folk) to believethat theirculture is not only at its dynamic prime, but that it and they are vastly superiorto everything else. A character could easily have a haughty attitude, looking down his nose at everything. Simple pleasures

Degenerate Culture
Thisisapeople livingwithinthe ruinsof theirformergreatness, unable to understand, let aloneduplicatethe technologicalfeats of theirforebears.They are at least one, possibly even three or more levels beneath their ancestor's Tech Level. They are often superstitious, even worshiping their ancestor's lost technologicalmysteries. The term "degenerate" does not necessarily reflect the society's moralstatus (as is truewith a Decadentculture),though more often than not, their societies function like savage tribes with Primitive, Nomadic or Barbaric cultures. This is not a typical 20th centuryculture. Gameplay Benefits: Character begins with l d 3 objects (no real estate) from Table 853: Gifts & Legacies. These are an inheritance and may even have sacred status (technological devices have only a 50% chance to be functional). He will usually have Rank 3 skill in the religious knowledge of his people. Roleplay: Characters born into Degenerate cultures tend to be superstitious. Tradition is important to them. They may have a "ritualistic" approach to using devices akin to sorne complicated religious ceremonies. They are often distrusting of unfamiliar technology or culture, viewing their accomplishments as evil.

103: Social Status


103: Social Status


1-15 164 41-84 85-86 87-95 96-99 100-110

Social Status

103: Social Status (Roll a dl00 +CUM&

Destitute Poor Comfortable

Social Level SolMod TiMod Education

0 3 -1d4 points 2 3 4 3 +ld4 points (reroll on this table, but do not add CuModto roll) Well-to-Do 5 3 +2d4points Wealthy* 7 3 +2d6 points Nobility** (+5) ** +ld6 points ExtremelyWealthy 10 3 +3d6 points

If the result is less than or equal to the character's TiMod, then he or she is Extremely Wealthy. ** Read the special instructionsunder the Nobility section on the next page.

* Some Wealthy characters will be Extremely Wealthy. Roll a d100.

These people are consideredthe dregs of society. They own no property, and may have no fixed home. Some perform no realwork and are often unemployable. Others are in debt to aconniving employer and live at his whim. Still more barely live off what meager bounty the land provides. These folk may often be a class orUrace" who are discriminated against by others. Their chief industry is foraging andscavenging.This issurvival level-no luxuries. Money is rare and all income goes toward staying alive. Includes street people, unemployables, backwoods folk, sharecroppers, the lowest classes in third world lands, and unfortunate Primitives. Gameplay Benefits: Literacychanceis -3O%to the base Tech Level chance. As achild, a Developing, Dynamic, Retrogressiveor Decadent character attains Rank 3 skill in street fighting (Dagger and Brawling). As an Adolescent, this skill increasesto Rank4. In a Developing, Dynamic or Retrogressive Culture, the character hasa40%chanceto have Underworld Experience (see Table526: UnderworldEvents). In a Decadent culture, this rises to 60%. Money: 25% of normal starting money. No sane or honest person outside the character's own Social Level will loan him money (unless they do so as an act of charity). Roleplay: Destitute characters may believe that they have no real control over their own lives and exist merely at the whim of others, whether it be the gods, the wealthy or just anyone who is not Destitute. This attitude might be expressed as hopelessness, or become hatred and revenge against either society orthose believed to be the cause of his misfortune.

Within a Culture, the social standing of a character's Darents can affect theattitudes that acharacterwill have about him'self and others. Social Status is like a Subculture within a Culture. The basic attitudes and skills of the Culture remain, but they are modified by Social Status. Social Status within a given culture is relative. A prince in onesocietycouId be little betterthan a pauper in another. Social Status indicates the general wealth of the character's family. Shouldsubsequenteventssodictate, thiswealth could become the character's fortune, or lack thereof. It is possible for the course.of events in a character's life to change his Social Status forbetter orworse. Fora beginningcharacter, it affects initialstarting money-a Wealthy character will usually have more money than a Poor character. Poor people have comparatively low income. They usually do not or cannot own property. Dwellings may be government subsidized and usually of lesser quality, sometimes due to uncaring landlords who may also be the Poor person's employer. Transportation is usually old and/or previously owned. Non-Nomadic Poor rarely travel and almost never leave the country, state or province of their birth. Luxuries include nice food, heat, pets and clean water. Includes most laborers, low-level craftsmen and technicians, soldiers, peasants, public welfare recipients, many farmers, apprentices, and low-ranking office or factory workers. Gameplay Benefits: Literacychance is -15%to the base Tech Level chance. As an adolescent, the character has a 50% chance to attain Rank 3 rating in street fighting. Character has a 15% chance to have Underworld Experience during Adolescence (see Table 526: UnderworldEvenfs). Money: 50% of normal starting money. Character will have difficulty borrowing anything more than small change from other than criminal sources. Roleplay: The Poor must work hard to keep what little they have, otherwise they would be Destitute. A Poor character might always be concernedabout having enough to get by; but the Poor usually have hope -that they ortheirchildren might have a better life if they can work hard and long enough (though government hand-out programs often sap these folk's self worth). A character from this Social Level may long for a better life, or she could be satisfied with the way things are. Hard work is good and the ref all the Social Levels, the Poor are most likely wards enjoyable. O to emphasize religious matters in their lives or be superstitious.

Instructions: Roll a dl00 and add the CuModfrom Table 102tothe result. Followingeach Social Levelentry is a Social Level Modifier (SolMod). Write the selected Social Level on line 103 of the worksheet and the corresponding SolModvalue in the Die roll modifiers box. The SolMod is used to modify other die rolls. Modifythe character's Education Point total (see below), read the roleplay notes and the Social Level description, then go to Table 104:Birth& Family. Recordthecharacter's literacychanceon line 103 (see page 8 more more informationon Literacy). Education Points: Add (or subtract) the indicated number of points from the character's Education point total. Roleplay: Like culture, the character retains at least some of the values and attitudes of the Social Status of his birth, even though he later changes social standing. The longer a character spends in a Social Status level, the more he adopts the attitudes of that socialstanding. A Poorcharacterwho becomesWell-to-Do may initiallybefrugal, but the longerhe livesthegood life, the more concerned he becomes about appearing Wealthy.

This is the middle class of any Culture, regardless of the Tech Level or average wealth of its citizens. These folk usually live in clean, nicely apportioned homes or apartments, often in better

103: Social Status

neighborhoods. They eat regularly and occasionally very well. Children are schooled and often go on to higher education. They usually own a modest automoblie or other inexpensive vehicle. Luxuries include travel vacations, good food, the ability to hire occasional menial services, nice clothing, and leisure devices. This class includes experiencedfactory workers, mid level office workers, professors and teachers, skilled craftsmen and technicians, highly-skilled laborers, lower government officials, lowranking military officers, lesser clergy, and shopkeepers. Gameplay Benefits:Character has a +5/~to baseTech Level chance to be literate. Character has a35% chance to own a sport weapon (e.g., a hunting rifle, target pistol, even a crossbow). Money: 100% of normal starting money. Character has no problem borrowing moderate amounts of money at fair rates. Roleplay: Folk from this Social Status are consideredto represent the mainstream of their Culture's beliefs and attitudes.


1 0 3 : Social Status

Extremely Wealthy
Like the Wealthy, they have heaps of money. However, they view the merelywealthy as cheapskates. ExtremelyWealthy folk own estates the size of small countries, have armies of servants (and often an army), throw parties that would beggar most cities, and are often quite eccentric. They include heirs of old family fortunes who have continued to expand their holdings, national rulers and ruling Nobility, and owners of huge, grosslysuccessful, multinational, heavilydiversified corporations. Gameplay Beneftts: Literacy chance is +50% to the base Tech Levelchance. Thecharacter has a30%chance to be able to speak l d 4 other languages. Character has a vehicle from Table 864: Vehicles and a 75% chance to have 1d3 items from Table 854:Perks&Stuff. Within reason(the GM's), acharactercan begin with just about anything hedesires, includingfineclothing, unusual equipment,groundvehicles, small aircraft, armament, exotictechnology, even alargish sea-goingyacht. Reasonable availability of items should be a limiting factor. Money: Within reason, the character has as much money as he requires-as long as he isat home (limitthisto 20x the normal starting money). Character has no need to borrow money unless he is bankrolling a country or a war. Roleplay:Chancesarethat she will believe that moneysolves all problems. She may never have been exposed to the seamier side of life and may have no concept of what it is like NOT to have a desire gratified instantly. Although cliche, the "spoiled rich" kid routine could easilyfit her. Also, see Wealthy roleplayguidelines.

These folk are the upper end of the middle class. Theytypically ownlarger homes, have a householdservant (a cookand/ormaid), have conspicuous privatetransportation, andtravel abroad. They often own more than one well-appointed home in more than one city or resort area. Their childrenare privatelyeducatedand attend prominent universities. Luxuries include elegantfumishings,original attwork, libraries, parties, fine clothing, andsome exoticfoods. This class includes younger offspring of Nobility, highly skilled craftsmen andtechnicians, high-rankingmilitary officers, successful merchants, ship owners, high-rankingclergy of prominentreligions, high-level off ice and government workers. Gameplay Benefits: Literacy chance is +30% to the base Tech Level chance. Money: 150% of normal starting money. He has no problem borrowing good-sized sums of money at reasonable rates. Roleplay:Outwardappearances are often the be-alland endall of this Social Status and these folk may try to act like they are Wealthy. A strong tendency here to look on lower Social Statuses as something bordering on "unclean" and to attempt to associate only with those of equal or higher status. Of all Social Statuses, Well-to-Do folk are probably the least tolerant of their children becoming adventurers ("What will the neighbors think?").

Thecharacterwhorollsthis isa memberof atitled Noblefamily, the aristocracy of old. A Noble is only likely to have come from a country in which hereditary nobility is still recognized. In the 20th century, it no longer implies wealth or power, only that the character's family once wielded them. These folk have fancy titles, and may be generally better off than theirfellows, yet they may also be paupers, tiedto large estateswhich havedrainedfamily resources dueto inflationand taxation. Followthe instructionsbelowto select titles, lands and so on, then return here. Research: investigate the character's country of origin. Find out what titles may be given to Nobles. Determine if Nobles in that land wield any real political or social power. If a country never had a titled aristocracy (e.g., the U.S.A. or Canada) select an ancestral country of origin on Table 101: Character Origins. Special Instructions: Go to Table 746: Noblesto determine the Noble title of the character's parents and otherdetails. Finally, rerollSocial Status on this table (to find out thefamily'swealth and current situation), adding the TiModfrom Table 746. Rerollresults of 100 to 110. Add 5 to the resulting SolMod. The maximum possible SolModfor a Noble is 15. Gameplay Benefits: Literacy chance is +20% over the base Tech Level +Social Status chance. Education bonus is added to Social Status education points. A Noble character has a 50% chance to have a strange personality quirk, selected from Table 642: ExoticPersonalityTraits and 1d3 items f rorn Table 853: Gifts & Legacies as a family inheritance. Money: Money is determined by Social Status. Roleplay: Even a Destitute Noble will consider himself to be betterthanothers. The importanceand role of Nobilitywillvarywith the Culture.They may bedynamic hereditary leaders, abletocommand men to theirdeaths, or pleasure-loving parasites, tolerated only out of tradition. Readthe roleplayguidelinesunder Table 746: Noblesfor further help in roleplayingthis character.

These peopleare rich. They own large estates, have manyservants, plushfurnishings and large holdingsof commercial property. They usually make their money from investments, real estate holdings, commodities andgouging poorerfolk. What most lower social levels see as luxuries, they take for granted. This class includes most Nobility, high-placed clergy of rich religions, owners of very successfulcompanies, political and criminal leaders. Gameplay Benefits: Literacy chance is +50% to the base Tech Level chance. Characterwill usually have afinelyfurnished home, a vacation retreat in a nearbywilderness or resort area, an expensive new personal vehicle, fine clothing, l d 3 pieces of jewelryworth 1Oxstartingmoneyeach, 1d3 sportweapons (canbe automatic). Character has a 75% chance each to have a vehicle from Table 864: Vehicles and one item from Table 854: Perks & stuff. Money: 300% of normal starting money. Character has no problem borrowing large sums of money at favorable rates. Roleplay: A Wealthy character is accustomed to the finer things in life and may be uncornfortable"roughingit." It may be hard forthis characterto accept someonefrom a IowerSocialStatus as an equal.

104: Birth & Family


104: Birth & Family ld20 104B: The Family (roll ld20)
Two Parents (if illegitimate, parents not married). One Parent. Roll HiILo. Hi = Mother. Lo = Father. Creche. Communal child-rearing. State-run Center. Communal child care. Aunt and Uncle. Older Sibling. Roll Hiflo. Hi = Brother. Lo = Sister. Grandparents. +l d4 Siblings. Guardian.* Noneknown. Lefttofendforself. Changesocial Status to Destitute (+d3 Ranks to Survival Skills). None known. Raised in an Orphanage. Change Social Status to Poor. GM ONLY: See entry #I048 on Table 965: GM 's Specials. Other Relation.Select on Table 1040: Other Relations. More Relatives. Reroll basic family type, ignoring rolls higherthan 18. Then select 1d6 additionalrelationsfrom Table 1040: Other Relations. * If the roll indicatesthat the character was raised by a guardian, roll ld20. If the result of the roll is 8 or less, refer to Table 745: Guardians. If the result of this roll is greater than 8, then the character was orphanedat birthand adopted intoa more-or-less normal family group. Roll a second time on this table, rerolling results of 14 or higher.

1 1 1 A character's life begins among his family. Though they may not figure heavily into her later adventures, a character's first values come from her family. It is here that she may place her strongest allegiances.
104A: Birth Legitimacy
An illegitimatechild is achild begottenof awoman not married to the father and who is not adopted by the father's family. Instructions: Roll a d20. If the result is 19+, the character is illegitimate and has a LegitModequal to 1d4. Subtract the LegitMod from the character's SolMod to get the character's new SolMod. Record birth legitimacy on line 104A of your worksheet. Go to 1048: The Family. Gameplay Notes: If a Noble character is illegitimate, he gains no further benefit from his TiMod, unless he is the sole heir of his Noble parent.

104B: The Family

Most characters begin life as part of a family group, often including a mother and father, a few brothers and sisters and often additional relatives who make up an extended family. Instructions: Roll a d20. Match the result against Table 104Btodetermine the type of family arrangement. Write the result on line 1048 of thecharacterworksheet andgoon tothe next step, 1O4C: Siblings and Birth Order. Roleplay: The family is the core of a character's early growth. A character who grows up surrounded by relatives often has a different perspective on life than a child raised by a single parent. Family may be relied upon for aid in times of need.

104D: Other Relations

Use only if directed here by another table

Instructions: Roll 2d8 on the table below. Unless the relative has an obvious sex (such as a mother), roll Hi/Lo to select the relative'ssex. Hi =female. Lo = male. Also, forrelations outside the immediate family, determine which side of the family the relative is related to. Roll for Hi/Lo. Hi = Mother. Lo = Father. Note: The possibility of Time Travel in some games makes situations involvingdistant descendants or ancestors and even the character's own children possible - use discretion.

104C: Siblings & Birth Order

Chances are that the character has or had one or more brothers or sisters. Birth order affects things like inheritance, family influence, career, titles and personality. Instructions:To find the number of siblings (if any) known to havesurvivedbirth, roll ad6 -1. Recordthis numberontheworksheet. Next roll a d6 again. If the result of this roll is less than the numberof siblings, itthen representsthecharacter'sorderof birth. If the number is greater, then roll for Hi/Lo. Hi = character is firstborn. Lo = character is last born. Record the order of birth on the worksheet, then go on to Table 105: Place of Birth. Roleplay:Siblingscan be best friends, ardent rivals or even worst enemies. They can be ordinary people or they can be exceptional individuals whose talents outshine the character's own (imagine always living in the shadow of a more successful brotherorsister). You maywish tofurtherexpand uponsiblingsby giving them names, sexes, ages, and so on. First boms may be more aggressive and receive most of their parent's attention and resources. A youngerchild maytryto live up toan oldersibling's reputation, ortake on a "why even try" attitude. Gameplay Benefits: First borns usually inherit Noble family titles. Any other inheritance is divided equally among the character and his siblings.

2d8 104D: Other Relations (roll 2d8)

Child. Roll Hi/Lo. Hi = Son. Lo = Daughter. Distant Relative. Shares a common ancestor. 2nd Cousin. A cousin's child or a parent's cousin. Sibling. Roll Hi/Lo. Hi = Brother. Lo = Sister. Spouse (husband or wife). First Cousin. The offspring of an uncle or aunt. Aunt or Uncle. Roll for Hiko. Hi = sibling of a parent. Lo = spouse of a a parent's sibling. Great Aunt or Uncle. Sibling of a grandparent. Parent. Grandparent. Parent of a parent. Great Grandparent. Parent of a grand parent. Ancestor. Roll a d3 and add 1. The result is the number of generations removed from the character's grand parents (Great Grandparent, Great-greatGrandparent, etc.). Descendant. Roll a d3 and add 1. The result is the number of generations removed from the character. Mysterious. The person claims to be a relation, yet the characterwas not aware of the person's existence. Reroll the relationship, ignoring rolls over 15. GM Only: see entry #104D in Table 965: GM 's Specials.

105: Place of Birth

105: Place of Birth 105B: Exotic Places (roll ld20)

Use only directed here by another table

Instructions: Roll on Table 105A: Place of Birth. "Super Hero" and Horrors genre characters add +5 to their rolls on this table. Each entry on this table is accompanied by a number in parentheses. This number is the character's Birth Modifier or BiMod. Write the Place of Birth on line 105 on yourworksheet and the BiModin the Die Roll Modifiers box. From here, go to Table 106: UnusualBirths unless told otherwise. Record the character's home world on line 105 as well. If no specific world is mentioned, assume it is the game world. Roleplay: Imagine the circumstances that would have broughtthecharacter's motherto the location of birth. Couldthere be some event or individual that caused the character to be born here? How does it fit in the with character's Technology Level, Culture or Social Status? Would it be normalfor a characterto be born under unusual circumstances?

Place of Birth

BiMod Character was born:

(10) lna prisoncell (might indicatethatthecharacter's mother was imprisoned at the time). (20) In a scientist's research laboratory. (15) In a temple of a good church or religion. (5) In a corporate building. (5) In a back alley. (5) In a brothel (this does not necessarily indicate that her mother was a prostitute). (5) In a palace. Roll a d4 on the subtable below. 1 A local ruler 2 A powerful and influential ruler 3 A powerful evil despot 4 A powerful good being On stage. Roll a d4 on the subtable below. 1 Theater - either dramatic or operatic. 2 Television - "Live," during an interview. 3 Motion picture - used in the final cut. 4 Video -stopped the music, made the news. In an area reputed to have a highly mystical influence. In a bar or tavern. In the sewers. In a criminal hideout. In the presence of monsters. Select the monster type on Table 748: Horrors. Born within the gravitation effect of a black hole.? In the temple of an evil or malignant cult. In another dimension.? In anothertime peri0d.t On anotherworld. Use Table 105C: World Types.? Rolltwice more on this table. Combine the results (and BiMods) in a workable way.

Your character was probably bom somewhere, possibly some place unusual (or even someplace exotic).

105A. Place of Birth (roll d20*)

(' Super heroes and horror characters add a +5 to the roll)

d20 BiMod Character was born:

In a field (out in the open, not in a building) In a forest (in the trees, not in a hut or house) In a barn (or other farm building) In the character's family home In a combined exotic location. Select two locations on Table 1058: Exotic Places, combine them together and add the BiMods. In a swimming pool (the natural birth idea) In a foreign land (roll on Table 101: Character Originsto determine the land, and then roll again on this table for more information.Addanyresulting BiMods.) In a hospital In a vehicle while travelling. Roll a d4 on the subtable below: 1 In awagon 2 In a motorized land vehicle 3 In a sea going vessel 4 Inanaircraft In an exotic location. Select it on Table 105B: Exotic Places. In a "special" organization'spersonalor affiliated hospital - guaranteed to be prepared for any strange births. In the main hall at agaming convention. Nobody was surprised. In a combined exotic location. Select two locations on Table 1058: Exotic Places, combine them together and add the BiMods.

Characterwastransportedto this world 1d4 years afterbirth.

105C: World Types

Use only if directed here by another table

Instructions: Roll a d10. Characters are assumed to either be protectedfrom,or indigenous to hostile environments.

dl0 105C:World Qpes

Volcanic world. Active volcanism everywhere. WaterISwarnp world. Mostlyseas, islands, and swamps. Earth-like world. Much water, large land masses. Barren world. Rocky and barely habitable. Glacial world. Mostly ice and snow, but life can exist. Forest world. Covered by huge tracts of virgin forest. Desert world. Has atmosphere, but little or no water. Reroll. Add 4 to the die roll result. Alrless rocklice-ball.Like Earth'smoon, heavilycratered. Hollow world. Roll again for inside climate. Artiflclal world. Aworld constructedby sentient beings. White dwarf or neutron star (Incredibly heavy gravity).

106: Unusual Births


106: Unusual Births

Unusual Births
Heroic characters often beain their lives under unusual. dangerous oreven mysterious circuktances. These events oiten knowingly or unknowinglyshape their later lives.

106A: Unusual Births

Instructions: Roll a d l 00 and add the character's BiMod (from Table 105) to the result and match the total against Table 106Atocheckforthe occurrence and number of unusual circumstances surrounding the character's birth. Characters to be used in either Super-poweredor Horror-basedgames also add a +20to this roll. Where the instructionindicates "d2 at + 2 0 rollthe number indicated by the dice roll with an add of 20, that number of events are to rolled at +20 on the die roll on Table 106B. If one or more unusual occurrences took place, record the number on line 106A of the characterworksheet and select them 106B:Birth Events. If there are no unusual birth events, proceed to Table 107: Parents & NPCs. Player Characters:If you are a player, creating a player character and the result on Table 106indicatesthat the GM is to determine one or more unusual birth circumstances, make a note of this on your character worksheet. Your character is not aware of thetrue nature of the resultingcircumstance (or its effects have yet to reveal themselves). Let your GM make those rolls. He will then reveal any obvious results and make a note of the "truth." Discovery of the "truth" about a character's birth could easily become a motivation for the character. Non-Player Characters: If you are a GM, creating a nonplayer character (NPC) and the result on Table 106indicates that the GM is to determine an unusual birth circumstance, make the roll, but assume that the NPC is unaware of the true nature of such rolls.

probably believe that there is something special (for good or ill) about his life and his purpose in the ultimate scheme of things.

dl00 106A: Unusual Births

(R o l l a d100+ BiMd-horror

and supers a d d +20 )

01-50 51-75 76 77-82 83-90 91 92-94 95-98 99 100 101-109 110 -116 121-124 125+

Nothing unusual occurred. One unusual occurrence. One unusual occurrence at plus 20. Two unusual occurrences. Two unusual occurrences -GM selects one. Two unusual occurrences -d2 at plus 20. Three unusual occurrences. Three unusual occurrences - GM selects one. Three unusual occurrences -d3 at plus 20. Four unusual occurrences. Four unusual occurrences - GM selects ld2. Four unusualoccurrences-GM select I d 3 at +20. Four unusual occurrences -d4 at plus 20 Five unusual occurrences - d5 at plus 20.

106B: Birth Events

This table is a collection of unusual events that can surround the birth of heroiccharacters.The mysterious nature of theirbirths often foreshadows lives fraught with the unusual.

Idl00 106B: Birth Events (Rolla d100)

I ( Roll a dlW+BiMd-horror
and supers a d d +20 )
Character was put for adoption at birth and was 01 adopted by a rich, benevolent elderly couple. How rich? Go to Table 103: Social Status, and ignore the instructions there. Instead, make a d20+80 roll, with NO culture mod. Recordthe changes to the character's SolMod, TiMod, and Education in the appropriate places.

Instructions: Take the result from Table 106A and roll a dl00 that many times on the table below, applying any modifiers as noted. If a laterroll contradicts aprevious roll, take the first result obtained. Reroll all duplicate results. Characters from Horror or Super Hero games add "plus 2 0 to all rolls on Tables 106A, and 106B. Recordeach birth circumstanceon the lines providedin the NOTES & EVENTS section of the worksheet (line 106). Roleplay: The circumstances surrounding a character's birth are often seen as omens that foretell the child's life. An asterisk (*) following the number on a table entry indicates that others who know of this occurrence may treat the character differentlythanthey might a"normal"child. The charactermight be seen as being special, gifted, or even "unclean," something to be hidden away. Often the worst events are kept from the child, but

02-04 Father believes the character is not his child, but the offspring of another man (whether true or not). 05-07* Seasonally unnatural weather occurred. This might include blizzards in summer or soaring temperatures in winter. O8* The sky darkened when character was born (like an eclipse). If born at night, the moon and stars went dark briefly. Continued ...

106: Unusual Births dl00 106B: Birth Events (continued

106: Unusual Births


dl00 106B: Birth Events (continued


09-10 Concerned parents or relatives start a savings fund for the characterwhen she is born. Character starts with 2x normal starting money, and will receive 5% starting money in interest monthly. 1 4 1 6 . A person of note in the vicinity of the character's home diedwhen heorshewas born. Charactercouldbe blamedforthe death, or he might be presumed to be a reincarnation of the deceased. Select person on Table 743: Others. 17-18 Birth was such an unpleasant experience forthe character. She was comfortable, warm, and well fed, and those doctorstook all that awayfrorn her. To best reflect hertrauma,go to Table 642: Exotic Personality Traits,and follow the directions. 19-20 The character's birth was well publicized, whether due to deliriously happy parents or due to his family merely being in the public eye, or just the strangeness of the situation. The local communication networks just overran with the news. Not onlydid the doctor arrive just in time, she turned out 21 to beaworkl-renowned brilliant surgeon and obstetrician. Events just seem to fall the character's way. This incredibly lucky character receives a plus 5 to his or her Luck attribute (if applicable) and a 25% favor from the GM on all randomly determined rolls concerning the character. 22-23* Mother died in childbirth. Select additional notes about the death on Table 539: Death of a Loved One. 24-25 Experimentalchemical waste was dumped close by. Due to complications, the character almost dies during 26-28 birth. The doctors are amazed that the character lived. Add 1 to her Constitution attribute. Due to complications, the character's twin dies during 29* birth. Roll for Hi/Lo. Hi = character knows of it. Lo = it was kept a secret. Character has identical twin (20% chance of being 30-34 separatedat birth). Also, roll ad6. On a result of 6, the twin's personality is drasticallydifferent than that of the character, possibly even opposite (if one became good and noble of spirit, the other might become evil and cruel). 35-38* A family member died the day that the character was born. Character could be blamed for the death, or he might be presumedto be a reincarnationof the deceased. Select person on Table 1040: Other Relations. 3941 Character has afraternal twin. Roll HiRo to determine gender (Hi = female. Lo = male). 4245 Character is hidden away to prevent others from the knowing of his birth. 46-48s A psychicdeclares that the characterwill be afflicted by an ancient family curse (that the character's family obviously thought was long gone) upon reaching adulthood. Once each year, the adult character (and those around him) may be afflicted by a tragedy. Roll a d6 on the character's birthday after he reaches adulthood. If the result is 5-6, then have the GM select an event on Table520: Tragediesand workthe outcome into the events of his campaign. 49* GM Only: see item #I 06B on Table 965: GM's Specials. Players STAY AWAY!

50-51* The house became infested with poisonous creatures the next day (someone may have been killed). 52-56* The character was put up for adoption upon birth. The character beginsthe backgroundprocess over again for her new family, starting with Table 102: Culture & Technology. 57-58* Character was born with serious physical afflictions. Physicians replace l d 3 defective or missing body parts with artificial counterparts. The functional ability of the parts reflect available technology. Select the details on Table 858: Exotic Features, but make sure that the part is artificial. 59-6W The infant character was left to die (maybe in a trash bin?) by natural mother. Character is subsequently raised by foster parents who are given custody of the infant. 61-62 No one botheredto recordthe character's birth, and as aresult, he'sslippedthroughthecracks of officialdocumentation. He cannot be traced, ID'd from a photo bank, or even fingerprinted, because no one knows that he exists. Of course, this makes buying anything on credit rather diff icuk (impossible?). 63 Reroll on this table without any dice adds. 64-72. Characteris born immediatelyaftera momentous event. RoIIforHi/Lo.On a Hi result, selectthe occurrenceon Table520: Tragedies.On a Lo result, select the occurrence on Table 521: Something Wonderful.... Roleplay: Superstitious folk often associate one event with another. Otherswho know of this might easily believe the character's birth was related to the event. 73-81* Character is born with an unusual birthmark. Select mark on Table 856: Birthmarks. At birth, the character is discovered to possess abnor82* malities. Select these possibly beneficialchanges on Table858: Exotic Features. 83-87 Character's mother attempted to kill character immediately after birth, but was prevented. No justification was given at the time for her behavior. Character was one of a set of identical triplets. 88 89-93* Character is bornduring the occurrence of a noteworthy event. Roll a d l 0 on the subtable below to select the event. 1 First contact 6 A natural disaster 2 Awar 7 A holiday 3 Arebellion 8 Aplague 4 Ajourney 9 Afamine 5 An attack 10 An astronomical event 94 Character born with l d 3 psychic powers. Select them on Table 860: Psychic Powers. 95-97 Characterwas lost in thewilds almost immediately after birth, andspent 3d6 years being raisedby intelligent (foranimals) wild animals. Choose afairly "smart" animalfromyour your game world, and assume that the character can communicate reasonably well with it. Also, he probably has several skills now that are not normally available to humans (or does some much better). 98-102 A Mysteriousstranger bestowsagift on thecharacter at birth. Go to Table 853: Gifts & Legacies to find the nature of the gift. Roll a d6. On a result of 6, the character later learns the identity of the stranger. Use Table 743: Others to find this identity. Continued ...

dl00 106B: Birth Events (continued



Roll Twice more and add ld20 to the resulting rolls.

The character is indirectly responsible for an104-108* other's death (an infant can't be directly responsible-can she?). Maybe they were hurrying to the delivery room. In any case, some people still blame her. Select the deceased on Table 743: Others. 109-113 Character is part of an unusually large multiple birth. Ro112d4+1todetermine the number of surviving siblings. Roleplay: Character will have to deal with a small amount of lingering fame, due to the bountifulaccident of his shared birth.
114-117* Character is the end product of a eugenics experiment to produce a super-being by way of selective breeding. Roll a d6 for each of the character's attributes (see pages 4 & 5). If the result is a 5-6, add l d 3 points to that attribute.

dl0 106C Horror Birth Events (roll a d10)

I Use only if directed here by another Table I

l * The character had a twin, but instead of crying, it bit the doctor and "ran" out of the delivery area. Character, if he concentrates, can "sense"the environmentllocationof thetwin, although he may not always want to.

Character is the final test subject in experimental 118-119* drug research. Roll I d 6 for each of his attributes (see pages 4 & 5). If the result is 6, add I d 6 to the that attribute. If the result is 1, subtract ld3fromthat attribute. Total upthe nurnberof attributes changed and multiply the total by 5. This is the percentagechanceforthecharacterto receive an itemfrom eachofthe following tables. Make a separate check for each table.
Table 858: Exotic Features Table 859: Serious Wounds (treat as a birth defect) Table 860: Psychic Powers Table861:Appearances(reroll resultsthat seem wrong) 120 The character WAS born yesterday. At least, that's as far backas hecan remember. He'sfullyconsciousand alert, but the body that he's in doesn't feel right. His memories and skills are not the ones he thinks he would have learned. Have the GM create the character's "real" background and let i t by bit through game play. How he ended up in this him learn it b body is a matter of incrediblecircumstancesbest lefttothe GM.

Really, really gross. That's how people described the 2* events of the daythat the characterwas born. Animals within a half mile died horribledeaths, usually by explosion. It's apparent to the character and no one else that she had nothing to do with it, because she finds that animals take well to her, and that she can "feel"their emotions and intents. She also knows that most of them died of fright that day, long before their bodies were destroyed. The character's primary caretaker claims to tiave seen 4* ghoststhe daythatthe characterwas born. She's the onlyone to have seen them.

Newborncharacteristhe onlysurvivorof an unexplained event that devastated his birthplace (from Table 105: Place of Bitth). Some say that it was an encounter from beyond, and some say that it was a visitation of nether-worldly powers.

The character's birth is genre specific to Horror 121-126 and Super Herogenres (all othersgenrecharactersreroll). Use either Table540E:SuperBirthEvents (for super herotypes) or Table 1O6C: Horror Birth Events.
127-128 The character is a natural focus for strange phenomena, and weirdness just seems to follow her around. Fortunately, she has adjusted to his peculiar life. Add +20% to the character's Fear reaction, +20% to her Surprise adjustment (she just isn't fazed anymore), and +2 to her primaryguessing attribute (like intuition, Insight, or for lack of another, Luck). A genre birth has occurred--but not necessarily 129-132 within the scope of the character's normalgamegenre. Resolve the birth on Table 540E: Super Birth Events. 133-136 Horrible, ghastly things accompanied the birth. Make a roll on Table lO6C: HorrorBirth Eventstofindout what. 137-139 Fate hasdecidedthat thecharacterstarts life with alittleexcitement. Maketwo rolls on thegenre birthtable appropriateto the game. Use either Table5408: Secret Birth Origins (for super hero types) or Table 106C: Horror Birth Events.

6* On the day that the character was born, the family received a battered letter addressed, correctly, to the newest family member-though the character's name wasn't public yet. The worn parchment contained one word, something like "precious," and avow-"For you on your every birthday." Roll ad4. On a result of 4, thecharacterdiscovers before his adventuring career begins that the sender has been offing people on a yearly basis (or something equally insidious) ... on the character's birthday.

Since the characterwas born "normal," he really doesn't 7 fit in with the rest of hisfamily. Whenthesignificantfigures in his life, including his parents andsiblings, are rolled up, use Tables 748:Horrors, 8858:ExoticFeatures, and 642: Exotic Personality Traits liberally. Yet the nice thing is, they are all decent, upstanding citizens-it's just that everyone else thinks that they're monsters or something (when only Uncle Boilermaker is a real monster).
8 Grandfather left the character a book and a note, which read "Do not read until you can, do not learn until you know, and do not begin to use until all else is ending." The book is completelyillegibleuntilthe character1s2d1 2+4 birthday, when the powerful words become mysteriouslyvisible. GM decides the effects.

The laws of chance bend to the character's will140 make two more rolls at +20 (this is in addition to the normal +20 received by supers and horrors to get here in the first place.)

9-lo* Go to Table 523: Horror Events and follow directions to create an event occuring around the time of the character's birth. Assume that one or both parents are 'The character."

107: Parents & NPCs


107: Parents & NPCs

Parents & NPCs

111 A character's parents are really Nonplayer characters (NPCs). For most NPCs, just labeling them by their occupation or relationship to the character will be enough. For other important NPCs, you will want to create backgrounds as detailed as those you make up for player characters. Rather than use the regular methodto create every NPC who needs a bit of history, it's nice to touch only the highlights and yet still get an interesting character. The following two tables reveal important aspects of an NPC, those that stand out when he is encountered.
Instructions: Make the NPC's appearance noteworthy. Select an item on Table861 :Appearances. Readthe notes below then go on to Table 107A. Special Notes about Parents: What a character becomes is greatly inf luencedbythe beliefs, attitudes and lifestyle of those who rear him as a child or adolescent. In the best of situations, these are the character's parents; but can also be guardians or masters of an orphanage.

d20 107A: Occupation (roll a d20)

Head of household (NPC) has one occupation. Use 1-12 the appropriate occupation table for the parent's or NPC's Technology Level (see below).

13-14 Head of household (NPC) has one primary occupation which is performedfull-time and a secondary occupation which is performed on a part-time basis. For the primary occupation, use the appropriate occupation table for the parent's or NPC's Technology Level and (see below). For the secondary occupation, repeat the process for the primary occupation, but do not add in any modifiers for Social Status. 15-16 Head of household (NPC) does not work. Other parent works. Use the appropriate occupation table for the parent's or NPC's Technology Level and Social Status (see below). For an NPC or single parent household, treat as a result of 13-14. 17-18 Both parents within the household have an occupation. Use the appropriate occupation table for the parent's or NPC's Technology Level and Social Status (see below) for each parent. For an NPC, treat as a result of 13-14. Head of household (NPC) is or was an adventurer. 19
Head of household (NPC) does not have a readily apparent occupationof any kind. When money is needed, it just seems to be available. GM ONLY: See entry 107A on Table 965: GM 3 Specials .

Table 107A:Occupations
Regardless of technology, culture orsocial status, all persons in asocietyare assumedto have a job, somethingthattheydo that provides food and shelter for themselves and their dependents. Rather than say that the father or mother of a family is the principle money-earner,the term "head of household"is used. The head of the household is the parent upon whom society traditionally places the burden of support. This is often the father or male parent, but it may also be the most skilled worker in the family.

Instructions: Roll a d20 to select the Parent's or NPC's occupation. Note that this table merely selects the number of occupations in the household, not the actual jobs performed. Followthedirectionsgivenforthe result. Select the ParentfNPC's job proficiency on Table4 18:OccupationPerformance.Then continue on to Table 1078 to continue the NPC's (or parent's) development. Note: If you are creating an NPC who already has an occupation, skip this table and go on to Table 1078.

Which Occupation Table is the Right One?

Tech Level is usedto select occupation types as shown in the chart below:
Tech Level 1to 3, use Table 413F: Lo-Tech Occupations. Tech Level 4+, use Table 413A: Occupations.

Table 107B:Noteworthy Items

For Parents and other important NPCs, this table determines the numberof unusualeventsthat have alreadytakenplace in their lives -the things they are best known for. These are the NPC's most outstanding features. Most features will either be readily apparent upon encounteringthe NPC or upon gettingto know him better. For parents and guardians, this table determines the number of thingsthat acharacter remembers about the person orpersons who raised and reared him through childhood or the things that those persons did or became that will eventually affect or involve thecharacter. Forthe most part, these things will be applied to the head of the household.

Instructions:Rollad3once. The resultis the numberof rollsto make for Noteworthy Items about the Parents or NPC. Roll a d20 for each item, match the result on the table below, and record any important information about parents in area 107 of the character history worksheet (use back of sheet if necessary).
For ParentsIGuardiansOnly: For each Noteworthy Item, roll both a d20 and a d6. The d20 indicates the entry in the table. Thed6 determines to which parent (orguardian) the selected entry applies. A d6 result of 1-4 indicates the head of the household. A result of 5-6 indicates the entry applies to the other parent (or guardian). If onlyone parent (orguardian) is alive, then the results are all appliedtothat parent. If an orphanage is being rolled'for,the results are applied to the head master or head mistress of the orphanage.

1 0 7 : Parents & NPCs

d20 107B: Noteworthy Items (roll a d20)
1 NPC is noted for an outstanding aspect of his personality. Roll a d8 on the subtable below to select this noted trait. 1-2 Noted for a Lightside personalitytrait. Select trait on Table 4 1A: Lightside Traits. 3-5 Noted for a Lightside personalitytrait. Select trait on 8 : Neutral Traits. Table 64 1 6-7 Noted for a Darkside personality trait. Select trait on Table 64 1 C : Darkside Traits. Noted for an exotic personality trait. Select trait on 8 Table 642: Exotic Personality Traits. 2 NPC had l d 3 unusual birth circumstances. Select them on Table 106: Unusual Births. 3 Devotes time to a hobby. Go to Table 419: Hobbies to determine the hobby and the degree of interest in it. 4 NPC possesses an unusual item. Select the item on Table 853: Gifts and Legacies.


1 0 7 : Parents & NPCs

d20 107B:NoteworthyItems (continued


13 NPC is noted for and hesitant to speak of something that curred. Roll a d4 on the subtable below to find the situation. 1 NPC is famous for the occurrence of a Significant Event, possibly even a hero. Determinewhat tookplace on Table 2 11 : Significant Events of Adulthood. 2 NPC is persecuted or villainized for the occurrence of an event. Determine what took place on Table 21 1 : SignificantEvents of Adulthood. 3 NPC is important in home village/town/city, not just another face in the crowd. 4 NPC won't speak of something that occurred in the past. GM ONLY: Determine what took place on Table 2 11 : Significant Events of Adulthood. 14 NPC's relationshipwith his family involves one of thefollowing. Roll a d4 on the subtable below. 1 NPC is particularly loving towards family. 2 NPC does not love family or children. 3 NPC is unfaithful to spouse. 4 NPC has married more than once, current spouse is number (roll 1d4). 16 NPC was originally of a diff erent Social Status. Go to Table 103: SocialStatus to select the former social standing. 17 NPC is from a foreign place (1%chance its another world). 18 NPC has made friends andlor enemies. Roll a d6 once on the subtable below. NPC has a Rival. Go to Table 751: Rivalsto select the antagonist. If the NPC is the character's parent or guardian, roll a d6 on a result of 5-6, the Rival also includes and seeks out the character. NPC has many enemies. Roll I d 10+2 to determine the number. Go to Table 751: Rivalstodetermine these antagonists. If the NPC isthecharacter's parent orguardian, roll ad6 on a result of 5-6, the rivals also include and seek out the character. NPC has manyclosefriends (Roll 1d l 0+2fortheirnumber). These folks usuallydwell in the NPC's hometown. If the NPC is the character's parent or guardian, they are known as "uncle" or "auntie." Because they are like family, they may be relied on for aid in times of trouble. Determine backgroundsforthese folks only as needed. NPC has ld6+1 jilted ex-lovers (most are still angry!). NPC had acompanion. Select the companion on Table 750: Companions. If the character searches long enough, the old companion can be found. NPC islwas a member of an organization. Select the type of organization on Table 735: In the Service of ... Members of that organization remember the NPC. NPC has a dangerous enemy. Select the enemy on Table 752: Villains. If the NPC is the character's parent or guardian, roll a d6 on a result of 5-6, the enemy also includes and seeks out the character. Roll twice more on this subtable, rerolling duplicates. 19 NPC was horribly injured once. Select the type of injury on Table 859: Serious Wounds. 20 NPC is noted for an extremely unusual personality. Select l d 3 exotic personality traits on Table 642: Exotic Personality Traitsandlinkthemtogether in someway. Togehter, they should make the NPC character even stranger, possibly a real weirdo.

NPC is noted for his appearance. Select l d 3 additional appearance items on Table 861: Appearances.

6 NPC was affected by an exotic event which is spoken of often. Go to Table 536: Exotic Events to find what occurred.
7 NPC is noted for an unusual ability or physical feature. Select this oddity on Table 858: Exotic Features. 8 NPC has an obsession regarding something that had happened (or might happen), something that dominates the rest of his Me. Roll a d6 on the following table to determine the focus of the obsession: 1 A relationship with someone. Go to Table 743:Others to determine the person. 2 Asignificant event from the past. On Table208:Significant Events of Youth, determine what happened. 3 The working out of a personality trait. Roll a d6. On a result of 1-2, go to Table 64 1A: LightsideTraitsto determine this trait. On a result of 3-4, go to Table 6418: Neutral Traitsto determine this trait. On a result of 5-6, goto Table641B: DarksideTraitstodeterminethistrait. 4 The accomplishment of amotivation. Goto Motivations on page 10 to determine this goal. : Significant 5 Accomplishing a future event. On Table211 Events ofAdulthood, determine what the NPC seeks to have occur. 6 Preventing a future event. On Table 211 : Significant EventsofAdulthood, find what the NPC seeks to stop.

9 NPC has a secret identity. Select the Social Status (Table 103) and occupation (as appropriate to Culture, see previous page) for the other identity. 10 NPC has a patron. Determine the details about this service relationship on Table 535: In the Service of.. . 11 NPC is a military veteran. Select the branch of service on Table 529: Military Duties. 12 NPC is very religious and constantly seeks to evangelize others to join his religion, faith, or cult. Select the religion worshipped on Table 533A: Religions.
15 NPC was originally from a different culture. Determine ori-

ginal home Culture on Table 102:B Culture.

Events of Youth.--I 11
In a sense, this is where the action begins. These are the events that occur during the character's "growing" years, the memories from childhood, the activities of adolescence.

620 208: Events (Roll a d.20+ SoZMod )

All public assistance is terminated because of an exnded, politically charged international war. All able-bodied en are drafted into military service. This causes bloody riots the poorer sectors. The character's family is very much ~olved in these uprisings. [R] While foraging in a trash heap, the character finds an usual object. Select from Table 853: Gifts and Legacies. [L] Character skips school too many times. Subtract l d 4 jucation points from his Education point total. [Dl Character's friends involve him in illegal activities. Go to ~ble 526: Underworld Events and follow the directions [Dl. A Fatefulevent! Roll for Hi-Lo on the subtable below. Hi A Tragedy Occurs. Determine what happens on Table 520: Tragedies.[R] La Something Wonderful occurs. Determine what happens on Table 521: Something Wonderful... [L] Character has an odd experience -wherever he goes, ~ople know him. Even strangers greet him warmly, although 1's never met them. [R] Learn an Unusual Skill from Table 863: Unusual Skills. A special age-specific event occurs. If the character is rrently achild, select event on Table209A:Special Events ol Wdhood.If the characteris currentlyan adolescent, selectthe lent on Table2098:.Special Events of Adolescence. Learn head of household's occupationto Rank 2 compency. If no head, use patron, or random selection from Table '3A:Occupations. [N]

Instructions: Use this table twice. The first time, use the table to select events that occurduring the character'schildhood, age 1 through 12 for a human or use an appropriate age rangefor an alien race(see "Age" below and also on page 5). The second time, use it to select events that take place during the character's adolescent years, age 13 through 18 (for humans). Tofindthe numberof significant eventsthat occurduringchildhood, rollad3. Foradolescence,dothesame. Foreach event, roll a d20 and add the character's SolModto the result (Noble characters: double-check to see if 5 has been added to the SolMod). For each roll, match the result against thetableand recordthe event in the EVENTS section of the worksheet. Many events require additional rolls on other tables. If you are asked to use another table, go to that table, follow it's instructions, record relevant information, then return here until all rolls here are complete. For each event you must determine the age at which it occurs (see "Age" below) and record how it will eventually affect the character's personality (see "Developing a Personality" below). From here, continue on to Table 210: Education. Age: You must determine WHEN each event happens. For human childhood, roll a d l 2 (for ages 1 to 12). For adolescence, roll a d6 and add the result to 12 to obtain an age from 13 to 18. For alien characters, you may have to make your own scale. Developing a Personality: As a character grows, his personalitytakes shape. Many events that occur in a character's life also cause her personalityto develop. Personalitytraits shape the way she acts or responds later in life. Some of these traits are beneficial or Lightside traits; others are considered harmful or Darkside traits; and still others are neutral. Most of the events on the Significant Event Tables (Tables 208, 209, and 21 1) are followed by a letter in brackets. This letter represents the type of personalitytrait that develops because of the event. An [L] means a Lightside trait. A [Dl means a Darkside trait. An [N] means a Neutraltrait and an [R] means that the trait, will be selected by a laterdie roll on Table312A:Personality TraitCheck.Eachtime you select an Event followed by a letter in brackets, also record it's corresponding letter in the brackets to the left of the Event lines. When you get to Table312:Alignment&Attitude, the instructions there will tell you what to do with the letters. Etoleplay: By the time a character reaches adulthood, his personality has already been determinedfor the good or the bad bythe events of childhood. Maturity may refine the character, but rarely does it significantly change his attitudes.

Character runs away from home ... Roll a d6 on the btable below to select the events which then occur. [R] 1 ... and has never returned. Her family still wants her back. 2 ...but returns after (Roll for HiILo) Hi = 2dl00 days. Lo = l d 6 years. 3 ...and is never reported missing. Maybe the authorities are hiding something. Maybe onlythe GM knows. GM Only: see Table 965: GM's Specials, entry #208A/B. 4 ... and falls into the hands of criminals. Select events that occur on Table 526: Underworld Events [Dl. ... and wanders the country, living by wits. Survival 5 skills improve by three Ranks - your choice of environment(s). [N] 6 ... and is "kidnapped" by a cult. After the character escapes in 1d4 years, the deprogrammingcauses him todevelop an odd quirk. Use Table642: Exotic Personality Traitsto determine the quirk. [Dl Continued ...

208: Significant Events of Youth d20208: Events (continued ) . Character has a religious experience. Determine the deils on Table 537: Religion. [R]


208: Significant Events of Youth 1d20208:Events (continued




17 Character serves a Patron or Sponsor. Determine the details on Table 535: In the Service of... [N]

Family has the following attitudes towards the character. oll a d6 once on the subtable below. 1 Character is loved by parents or guardians. [L] 2 Character is unloved. [Dl 3 Family has great plansforcharacter'sfutureand expects character to fulfill those plans. [R] 4 Family does not approve of character's friends. [R] 5 Family encourages character's interests. [L] 6 One parent is distant and cold towards the character. Roll for Hi-Lo. Hi = mother. Lo =father. [Dl Something good happensto thecharacter. Roll ad4on the rbtable below to select the event. [L] 1 The character inherits a large sum of money-10 times what the character's normal starting money would be. 2 A mysterious, but benevolent stranger rewards the character for a selfless deed. The character receives part (only part) of a brittle map, and is told that the other half of that map was given to another kind person. 3 SomethingWonderful Occurs. Determinewhat happens . on Table 52 1: Something Wonderful.. 4 The character acquires a Companion. Go to Table 750: Companions,to work out the details.

Gain a friend. Select friend from Table 743: Others. [L]

19 A special age-specific event occurs. If the character is f currently a child, select event on Table209A:Special Events o Childhood. If the character is currently an adolescent, select the event on Table 2098: Special Events of Adolescence. 20 Roll again, add 2 to the die roll, but DO NOT add in the character's SolMod. 21 Character becomes hooked on collecting something, and spends 20% of his allowancehages on it, whether it's profitable or not. [R] 22 Character hasan exciting a M possiblyweird adventure (or misadventure). Select details on one of the following Events Tables by rolling a d8: [R] 6 ~ a k 524: e Espionage 1 Table 523: Horror 2 Table 522: Superhero 7 Tabla525:Pulp Hero 3 Table 537: Magical 8 Table 536: Exotic 4-5 Rerolltwice on this table, combiningthe resultsfromthe different tables.

1 Something bad happens to the character. Roll a d4 on the ~btable below to select the event. [Dl 1 Character is sexually molested by an adult. On Table 743: Others, to determine who did this terrible thing. 2 A Tragedy Occurs. Determine what happens on Table 520: Tragedies. 3 Characterteases and angers an old man who allegedly puts a "curse" on him. Whether truly cursed or not, he finds that his skill use rolls are 5% harder to make. 4 Character acquires a Rival. Go to Table 751: Rivals, to work out the details. ; Achangeorupheavaloccurs inthecharacter'sfamily. Roll d6 on the subtable below to select this change or changes. )te: Roll all subsequent events using new CuMod or SolMod. (ample: if selecting Childhood Events, then the new Modifier IIaffect Adolescent Events. [R] 1 Character changes Culture Level. Reroll Culture Level on Table 1028:Culture. 2 Character changes Social Status. Reroll Social Status on Table 103: Social Status. 3 Character changes locale. Roll a d l 0 to determine the relative distance of the move. A result of 1 is within the same town, a result of 10 might mean a move to a FOREIGN country. Determine country on Table 101A: Country of Origin. 4 The head of the householdchangesoccupations.Reroll the occupation on Table 4 13: Occupations. 5 Character's parents split up. Roll HiILo to see who the charactergoeswith. Hi= mother. Lo =father. Rolld6for each parent. On a result of 1-4, parent remarries within 1d3 years. If not, subtract 1d5 pointsfromthecharacter's SolMod (but never to less than 0). 6 Roll twice more on this subtable. These changes all occur at the same time. Reroll duplicates. l d 3 more Significant Events occur during this time.

The character has a crush on her teach&. Roll a d6, and 23 on a "6", the teacher is beginning to return the character's attention (this is generally not agood thing to havehappen). [R] A special age-specific event occurs. If the character is 24 currentlyachild, select the event on Table209A:SpecialEvents of Childhood.If the character is currently an adolescent, select the event on Table 2098: Special Events of Adolescence. Rollfor HiILo. If Hi, then reroll on this table and add 5 to the result (scores over35 are treated as 35). If Lo, reroll on this table, but do not add in SolMod.

Wealth has its privileges. Roll on Table854: Perks & Stuff. Character is betrothed in a "business" marriage to be 27 consummatedupon reaching age of majority (aboutthe time that a character would begin adventuring). The character's future mate lives in a financially wealthy, but politically dead country that few have heard of. [Dl
26 28 Head of householdsecures an admired political position. Add l d 3 points to the character's SolMod (up to 15). [N] 29 Family arranges admittance to prestigious military academy. Upon reaching adulthood, character automatically enters the military as an officerwith a Rankequivalent of 13. See Table 527: Military Events. [L] 30 Family throws an extravagant birthday party for the character. Everyone who is anyone attends. When all the gifts are recorded, one unusual gift stands alone with nocardtosaywhere it came from. Select it on Table 853: Gifts and Legacies. [R] 31 Familygivescharactersomeluxurytransportation. Select details regarding this vehicle on Table 8640: Cars, and add +5 to the roll. [R] 32 Character exhibits symptoms of an exotic personality. Select trait from Table 642: Exotic Personality Traits.
33-35 Character receives an estate with ld10 square miles of

property. [Nl


The events on these two tables occuronlyduring specific age periods, either childhood or adolescence. They are occurrences that might happen at one age, but not the other.

Instructions: To select a Special Event occurring during

2 c120 209k Childhood Events (roll 2d20)

childhood, roll 2d20 and match the result against Table209A. TO select aspecial Event occurring during adolescence, roll2d20and match the result against Table 2098. Return to the table that sent you here when you have selected an event.

2d20 209k Childhood Events (continued


A relativeseverely batters and abuses the character, but a

COncerned neighbor rescues herfromcertain death. The relative

is accused, convicted and imprisoned forthe crime. The charactelr has not seen the relative since the last day of the trial. Select th cB relative on Table 1040: Other Relations. [Dl

11 Character is achild prodigyat an unusualskill (at Rank4). Select the skill on Table 863: UnusualSkills. Regardless of his skill, the character hates to do this (even as an adult!). 12-13 In order to impress friends (specifically, that new girl/ boyfriend),the character learns a basic sport, and becomes proficient to Rank 2. Let the sport be one that is common to the character'scultural background. 14-15 The character is set apart from his peers by a size disparity. Select the variation on the chart below by rolling a d6. 1 Character is 25% tallerthan average. 2 Character is 25% shorter than average. 3 Character is 25% thinner than average. 4 Character is 25% heavier than average. 5 Character isan additional 15%awayfromtheaverage. Roll again to find out in what dimension. 6 A painfully obvious disparity-roll twice more and combinethesizedifferences. (Ignorefurther rolls of "6") 16 While playing in an abandoned building, the character witnesses a crime being committed by 1d4 persons. The perpetrators (the criminals) see the character, but are unable to catch him. It may be possible that these criminals still seek the character even now. Select the crime on Table 862:Crimes.[R] 17 The character becomes well-known, even famous forthe occurrence of an event in her life. Rerollthe event on Table208: Significant Events of Youth. [R] 18 One of thecharacter'sgrandparentsdiesof naturalcauses in the presence of the character. Roll a d l 0. On a result of 8-10, the grandparent entrusts the character with a secret.Consult Table 539: Death of a Loved One. Note:the GM should create some piece of information that has been kept from the character until now. [R] 19-21 A genre specific event occurs. Select the genre most appropriate to your game and then roll on one of the following tables: Table522: Superhero Events, Table523: Horror Events, Table 524: Espionage Events, Conth~ed ... or Table 525: Pulp Hero Events.

Character becomes emotionally attached to a simple, love and cannot bear to be parted from it for 2d10 years. [R] ab~ l toy

Character has a collection of related things, like posable figures, stuffed animals, favorite books, or small knick-knacks.


Character has a close friendshipwith a sibling (or a cousin if rl o siblings exist). Sibling is either next oldest or next youngest in relation to the character, and is often sought for advice. [L]

Character'sbestfriend isafamilypet. Rollad6. On a result of 6, the faithful animal becomes his companion.

Baby-sittersare such an influence on developing children. Rc)I1 ad4 on the table belowto find out what kind of baby-sitterthe character's parents saddled her with. Then roll Hi/Lo for Male/ Fs,male. [N] 1 The Dictator. Rules with an iron rod-if the sitter can catch her charges. Add +1 to character's Constitution. 2 The Big BrotherISister. He wishes he had his own youngersibling-so he pases on all their hints and "helpful"tips tothe character. Add +1 tocharacter's Charisma. 3 The Clueless. "Oh, the kids are around here somewhere."This baby-sittermakes randomchecks,butdoesn't pay close attention. The character can get away with murder if she is quick enough. Add +1 to her Dexterity. 4 TheTeacher. Likes to interact with the character and his siblings (if any), and even likes to TALK to the character (snotty little kid that he is). Usually manages to educate him without him realizing it. Add +1 to the character's intelligenceattribute.

The character and a friend discover a secret hiding place nelar his home. The hiding place remains undiscovered and un disturbed at least until he becomes an adult when the friend's ba~ d y is found mysteriouslydead in the hide out. [R]

209: Special Events of Youth


209: Special Events of Youth

2d20 209A: Childhood Events (continued )

22 A friend of the family, an old government agent, tells the character grand tales of adventure and daring do. [L] 23 An Exotic Event occurs. Select the event on Table 540: Exotic Events. [R] A Fateful event occurs on the same day as the character's 24 birthday. Roll for Hiko on the subtable below. Hi A Tragedy Occurs. Determine what happens on Table 520: Tragedies. [R] Lo Something Wonderful Occurs. Determine what happens on Table 521 : Something Wonderful... [L] 25 As a result of being left alone for too long with an underdeveloped but overactive imagination, the character develops a phobia. Select the phobia on Table 642C: Phobias, then write a brief story about how the fear was acquired. [Dl 26-27 An event that would normally affect an adolescent occurs now. Reroll this event on Table 209B: Special Events of Adolescence. 28-29 When the character was little, he had an "imaginary" friend. Roll a d20 and consult the following table. [L] 1-10 Eventually the imaginaryfriendjustfaded away, leaving the character with fond memories. 11-15 The friend still visits the character's dreams. 16-18 Character still talks to the friend as if he were there. 19 The imaginaryfriend wasn't so imaginary. He can call the friend up and activelytalk to it, though no oneelse will be able to see it. The friend can provide insights (hintsfromthe GM) about problems at handdueto his unique view of the situation. Like "19," the friend is real, but NOT under character 20 control. He can be a help, but usually he's just a pain in the neck. 30 The character and her best friend develop a secret language at Rank 3. No one else understands it and both of them still remember it. [L] 31 For2dIO years, terrible nightmares cause thecharacterto wake up screaming and crying. Select the nature of the nightmare on Table 748:Horrors (and praythey never come true). [Dl


2d20 209A Childhood Events (continued ..I

32-33 The character acquires a hobby. Select the type of hobby on Table 419: Hobbies (record in the SKILLS section). The young character is caught playing "doctor" by one of 34 the parents. Roll HiILo on the subtable belowforwhat happens. Hi The parent calmly handled the issue and explained things. As a result, the character becomes a stable, sound individual, and will NEVER develop an exotic personalitytrait. Reroll(using HiILo) any previous rollson the table that sent you to Table 642: Exotic Personality Traits as: Hi = Lightside or Lo = Neutral traits. [L) Lo The character is punished soundly for being indecent. Fromthis traumatic experience, she develops an exotic personality trait. Go to Table 642F: Sexual Perversions for more details (and some explanations). [Dl

Thecharactertakesan uncommoninterest inworld affairs. 35 She receives some attention for her perceptive (for her age) letterstotheeditorof the localpaper. One of the lettersis actually sent to the relevant group, and the character receives both national and internationalacclaim. IN]
36-38 Sickness is a rite of passage for childhood, and the character has met his allotted requirement. Roll ad6 on the next chart to find out why he ended up in the hospital this time. [R] 1-2 Broken bone. Roll on Table 857: Body Locations. 3 4 Stubborn infection. Select one of the basicchildhood contagions. The character is now immune to it. 5 Bad accident. Roll on Table 859: Serious Wounds. 6 Disease. Finally cured, but she spends Id10 years fighting it, I d 4 years in the hospital (total), and makes I d 3 fast friends. 39 An unfortunatekitchen accident leavesthe characterwith severe chemical bums, both internal and external. Subtract 5 from his Appearance attribute. Unknownto any, but the character, however, the strange combination of gases seemed to awaken somethingwithin thechild. Make two rolls, one on Table 858: Exotic Features, and one on Table860: Psychic Powers. [R]

The many family vacations have encouraged a short and sharpattention span. Due to constant zipping around, the character is at -2 to any skill that requires not moving (like hiding or sitting through a speech), but receives +2 to the skills of observation or perception.

2d20 209B: Adolescence Events (roll 2d20)


2d20 209B: Adolescence Events (continued )

9 Through sheer force of will, the character discards one charactertrait and begins to practice it's opposite. Make note of this, then make the change when traits are selected on Table 312: Alignment. Player may choose which trait to change. 10 The character becomes proficient (Rank 4) at a sport not common to his cultural background, like maybe an American rugby player or a Norwegian sumo wrestler. This proficiency earns the character an athletic scholarship (to a truly unusual college) and Id8 more education points. 11-14 Agenrespecificevent occurs[R]. Select thegenre most appropriateto yourgame system: Table522:Superhero Events, Table 523: Horror Events, Table 524: Espionage Events, or Table 525: Pulp Hero Events. Continued ...


Dedication to studies earns the character a scholarship and I d 8 additional education points (line 102 of worksheet).

To be fashionable, avant garde young people tattoo their 5 bodies. Thecharacter istattooed with an unusual marking. Select the type of tattoo on Table 856: Birthmarks. Select a location on Table 857: Body Locations.

As a part of a cultural exchange program, the character lives with a family in a developing country. While there, the air makes him feel strange. Nothing seems to come of it until he returns home, and begins to notice changes. Roll on Table858: Exotic Features to determine what his adventure did to him. [N]

7-8 Character has an encounter with religion. Determine the details on Table 537: Religion.

209: Special Events of Youth


209: Special Events of Youth

2d20 209B: Adolescence Events (continued


2d20 209B: Adolescence Events (continued



15 The character befriends an elderly neighbor, who in tum teaches her an unusual skill. Select the skill (and skill Rank) on Table 863: Unusual Skills. The neighbor is actually a master of Legendaryskill (Rank 10) who has fallen on hard times. Record the skill in the SKILLS section of the worksheet [R]. 16-17 The character acquires a hobby. Select the type of hobby on Table 419: Hobbies. Through the hobby, he makes friendswith 3d6 other hobbyists in 1d6 other countries. Many of these friends become important people on their home countries and makes good contacts later in life. 18 The character attends a specialized school based on proven aptitudes. Roll a d8 to elect the aptitude on the table below.The character receives rank 4 in one related area. 1 Fine Art 5 Technical 4 Acting 7 Writing 3 Dance 8 Mechanical 2 Computers 6 Singing 19 Character isstereotyped by his peers. Even if he is nothing likethe name, that is howotherschosetosee himthen. Roll ad12 to choose stereotypeon the table below. Formerclassmatesstill see him this way. [Dl 1 Airhead 7 "Easy" 2 Headbanger 8 Party Animal 3 NerdMlimp 9 Teacher's Pet 4 Goody-Two Shoes 10 Spoiled Brat 5 "Brain" 11 Shredder (Rad Skateboarder) 6 Punk 12 Fattielpork0

A beginningcharacter is olderthan normalwhen he begins his adventuring career. Roll a d6. Add the result to 18. A beginning character will be at least this old before beginning an adventuring career. On Table 21 1: Significant Events of Adulthoodthe character will need to make 1d3 event rolls (insteadof the usual one roll) to determine what happens to him after he reaches Adulthood. 29 Agenre-specificeventoccurs, but not necessarilyfromthe character's own genre. Roll a d4 on the subtable below to select the select the event table to be used. [R] 1 Table 522: Superhero 3 Table 523: Horror 2 Table 524: Espionage 4 Table 525: Pulp Hero




Character develops jaded tastes for exotic and possibly expensive pleasures. Roll a d6. On a result of 5-6, those pleasures are also quite illegal. [Dl 31-34 The character has finally given in and found a job. Select it on Table 413: Occupations. Roll 2d20-this is the number of months she stays at this job. For eachfull10 months, give the character 1 Rankof skill in an aspect of the job. If she rolls only 2 months, roll a d4. On a result of 4, the characterwas fired, and has trouble getting future jobs (ignore future rolls of 31-34).

20-21 The character has a romantic encounter. Go to Table 534: Ah Love! to determine the details of his romance. If the character is not yet 16years of age, results that indicate marriage are optional events, at the player's (or GM's) discretion. [R] 22-23 Due to intense interest and involvement in extra-curricular activities at school, he may choose l d 4 skills at d2 rank ability. The skills are limitedto thoseavailable in schoolclubsand organizations like the drama club, the biologyclub, choir, etc. [L]

The character learns to speak a foreign language at l d 3 Ranks of competency. Decidewhat language is learned by using Table 101A: Country of Origin.

25 An exotic event occurs while the character is out on adate with a sweetheart. Select the event on Table540:Exotic Events. The event has a significant impact on the character's social life. Roll a d6 and match the result against the subtable below: [R] 1-2 Character becomes extremely popular and has a romance (select details on Table 534: Ah Love!). 3 4 Character becomes unpopular. If currently involved in a romance, the beloved ends it and immediately becomes romantically involvedwith the character's Rival (if the character didn't have a Rival before, helshe has one now -select the Rival on Table 751: Rivals). 5-6 Other than the character, no one makes a big deal about what happened, or indeed, even really noticed it. 26-27 A Fatefulevent occurs. Roll ad6 on the subtable below. 1-2 A Tragedy occurs. Determine what happens on Table 520: Tragedies. [R] 3 4 Something Wonderful occurs. Determine what happens on Table 521: Something Wonderful... [L] 5-6 Conflicting event, both a tragedy and something good take place. Select what happens on Table520: Tragedies and Table 521:Something Wonderful,. . [R]

35 The neighborhoodgets rough. Thecharacter isstoppedby a gang that "runs" the area. They want her to join, or run "merchandise" forthem-no other options. She refuses and is thereafter attacked whenever gang members see her. During one attack, another gang refugee rescues her. They are the nearly the same age, and decide to stick it out together. The rescuerand the character are inseparable. Use Table 750: Companions to create this new friend. [L] 36-37 The character becomes involved in some aspect of the community. Roll a d4 on the subtable below. [N] 1 Polltical.Thecharactertakesan active interest in both local and national government affairs. One day while distributingfliers,something happened. Selecttheevent on Table 524: Espionage Events. 2 Community-Oriented.The characterdonates his time to community re-constructionandwell-being, likecleaning parks, or helping at the food shelter. While restoring an old historic site, he stumbles across an object from Table 853: Gifts & Legacies. 3 Environmental. The character seeks to protect the earth from further abuse. While out doing a pollution check, she becomes lost andwinds up in a remote area. Goto Table537:MagicalEventstofindoutwhatsheencounters there. 4 Humane.Thecharacterlovesanimals, and volunteers at the local animal shelter. The character isthe first one to work one morning and finds a box on the doorstep. Use Table 749: Unusual Pets to discover the contents of the noteless package. The character becomes well-known, even famous for the 38 occurrence of an event in his life. Rerollthe event on Table208: Significant Events of Youth. [N] 3940 Character buys a vehicle! Go to Table 864: Vehicles and follow the instructionsthere, modifying ALL rolls by a -5 (In addition to any other possible modifiers). Character now has his starting money cut in half. [N]

210: Education

210: Education

The focus of moderneducation isto prepareapersonto be a contributing member of his society. Beginning with a broad background of basic skills and knowledge, each person is taught an increasingly large body of knowledge about an increasingly limited area of study. By the time hER education is complete, She is a specialist, a master of a limited area of skill or thought, able to step without faltering into the flow of society (in theory). Central Casting makes three assumptions about education. First, it is freely available (though not necessarilyfree)to all characters, so long as the character shows aptitude for improvement. Second, moneytalks, so even thosewithout aptitude are provided with more and bettertraining because of their socialstanding. And third, education is ultimatelyjob oriented-it teaches a character his future occupation.




cost guidelines given above, he may select skills on Table 863: UnusualSkills.

Roleplay: Consider the amount and type of education the character has hadwhen roleplaying him. Does he have an interest in learning more? Does he feel his time spent in school was well spent or wasted? How might his education or lack of it affect his mannerisms? The player of an under-educated character may have to pretendshe doesn't know things that hercharacter would not or could not know. The player of a highly educated character may need prompting from the GM in areas in which his character is expected to haveextensive personal knowledge.

Instructions: Table 102A: Culture provided the character with a base number of Education Points. Table 103:SocialStatus should have modifiedthose points based on thecharacter's Social Status. One or more significant events may have modified the number of points even further. These points will be used later on. Meanwhile, follow the steps below: One: Select an Education. Roll a d4 and a d l 0 at the same time. The results are not added, but are read like atwo-digit number. The d4 result is always the first or "10's" digit. The d l 0 result is always the "1 's" digit. Example: A d4 result of 2 and a d l 0 result of 0 are read as a 20. Next, add both the character's SolModand CuModtothedie roll. Matchthetotalagainst Table210:Education. Two: Select an Occupation. Each education level tells you which table to use when selecting the character's future occupation. Select that occupation or occupations now. Make note of the skillcostmultiplierforthat occupation. The Base Cost Multiplier is given at the top of each occupation table and applies to all skillson that table (see the next step). Three: Buy Skill Ranks. Now you use those education points to buy Ranks in the character's selected occupation. Up to six skill Ranks can be bought in any one occupation. The cost guidelines apply to all occupations. Multiplythe base cost for each skill Rank by the occupation's Base Cost Multiplier (see step two above) to determine the cost in Education Points for each Rank of skill.
Skill Rank 1: Base cost is 1Education Point. Skill Rank 2: Base cost is 3 Educations P0ints.t Skill Rank 3: Base cost is 7 Education P0ints.t Skill Rank 4: Base cost is 15 Education P0ints.t Skill Rank 5: Base cost is 31 Education P0ints.t Skill Rank 6: Base cost is 63 Education P0ints.t

ld4lldlO 210: Education (Roll a d4 & dl0 + SolMod+ CuMod)

No FormalEducation.Select the character's occupa. tion on Table 4 138: Occupation Table I Limited Education.Select the character's occupation on Table 4138: Occupation Table I . Poor Education. Select the character's occupation on Table413B:Occupation TableI. Give the character an additional 1d4 Education Points. Tradeschool Education. Selectthecharacter's occu. Give the pation on Table 413B: Occupation Table I character an additional 3d4 Education Points. Typical Education.Select the character's occupation on Table 4 13A: OccupationSelector. Give the character an additional 2d4 Education Points. Military Academy. Select the character's branch of service and duties on Table 529A: Branch of Service. Next,go to Table531: MilitarySkillsand select thecharacter's skills. The character becomes a Rank 13 officer in his branch of the military (see Table 530: Military Rank for details). Finally, go to Table 527: Military Experienceandselectthe eventsthat affect thecharacter during his tour of duty. Give the character an additional ld4+4 Education Points. Above Average Education. Select the character's occupationon Table413A:Occupation Selector. Reroll results of 5 or less. Give the character an additional 2d6+6 Education Points. Add l d 4 years to final Age. Excellent Education. Select the character's occupation on Table 4 l3A: OccupationSelector. Reroll results of 5 or less. Give the character an additional 2d6+12 Education Points. Add 1d4 years to final Age. Outstanding Education. Select two occupations for the character on Table 413A: Occupation Selector. Reroll results of 5 or less. Give character an additional 3d6+l2 Education Points.Add 1d6 years to final Age.

t This is the total Base cost to buy an occupation skill at this level. Muliply it bythe occupation's Base Cost Multiplier for actual cost. Examples: A Rank 4 skill as a factory worker would cost 15 Education Points, while a Rank 4 medical doctor skill, with its multiplier of 3 would cost a total of 45 points!
Four: Use up Leftovers. If the character does not have sufficient pointsto buythe next Rankof expertise in his occupation, he can spend those remaining points on unusual skills. Using the

whatever Education ~ i i n t he s had in orderto learn an o&upition. Once acharacter reaches maturity, the events that affect her change. The character assumes greater responsibilityfor his life, and to some extent, has more control over surrounding events, although usually not as much as hewould like. This table is primarily used for playercharacters who do not begin adventuring immediately upon reaching adulthood.


211: Events (Roll a d4 & a dl01

Instructions: All player characterswho are just beginning their adventuring careers make one roll on this table. Older characters (that is, anyone older than the minimum adult age) make l d 3 rolls on this table. For each event, roll a d4 and a d l 0 at the same time. The results are not added, but are read like a two-digit number. The d4 result is always the first or "10's" digit. The d l 0 result is always the "1 's" digit. Example: Ad4 result of 2 and a d l 0 result of 0 are read as a 20. Matchthe result against thetable below and record the event that occurs and any relevant information given with it in the EVENTS section of the worksheet. As with earlier event tables, many events require additional rolls on other tables. If you are requestedto use anothertable, goto the indicated table and follow the instructionsfound there, record any relevant information, then return to this table until all rolls on this table are complete. AGE NOTE: For each event you may select the age at which it occurs, rather than roll dice to determine the age. Developing a Personality: As discussed under Table 208: Significant Events of Youth,events cause personality development. Most events on thistable are followed bya letterenclosed in brackets. This letter represents the type of personalitytrait that develops because of the event. An [L] means a Lightside trait. A [Dl means a Darkside trait. An [N] means a Neutral trait and an [R] meansthatthetrait, if anywill beselected bya laterdie roll or! Table 312A: Personality Trait Check. Each time you select and record an Event also record its corresponding letter (if any) in the brackets to the left of the Event lines. The instructionsfor Table 312: Alignment & Attitudewill tell you what to do with the letters.
Fromhere, goon to Table312:AlignmentandAttitudetomake final adjustments to the character's personality.

While exploring an unfamiliararea near his home, the 10 characterhasanencounterwith an unusualperson,who, asfar as the character can tell, has no home orfamily. The character offers to help in any way he can. After partaking of a meal, a bath, a hotdrink, and a long nap the persondisappears, leaving behind a note that simply says "Your kindness will be remembered. GM Only: refer to entry #211 on Table #965: GM's Specials. [L] Unable to earn a living at his chosen career, the 11 character learns a new occupation to Rank 2 ability. Select occupation on Table 413: Occupations, but do not add in SolMod . [N]
12 Followinga whirlwind romance, afateful event (orcircumstances resultingfrom it) ends that romance on the day the character was to be married. Roll for Hi/Lo on the subtable below. Hi ATragedy Occurs. Determinewhat happens on Table 520: Tragedies. [R] Lo Something Wonderful Occurs. Determine what happens on Table 521: Something Wonderful... [L]

13 The charactersuddenlyfinds herself unable to practice her current occupation. The character is ableto go backto college or a trade school and get training for a new career, though not enough to truly excel at it. Give the character l d 6 education points and use Table210:Educationto select a new occupation. [R]

If the character is a superhero, and has not yet determined the origin of his or her super powers, then determine it now on Tabb 540:Secref Origins.

The characterjoinsthe military. Go to Table530:Military Events to determine the details of his military career. Roll a d6 to select the character's reason for joining [R]. 1 Character was drafted during wartime. 2 Characterpatriotically volunteeredtoserve his country. 3 Characterwas roundedup byapressgang who needed to meet a quota (this is not typical for US. military recruiters, but might happen in other nations). 4 Charactermistakenlythoughtthat she wasapplyingfor some other government job. 5 Character was enticed by romantic visions of soldiering, occupational training and post service benefits. 6 Characterwas "at loose ends" and couldn't decide what to do with her life. There's always the military, she II thought ...
Continued ...

211: Significant Events of Adulthood d4ld10 211: Adult Events (continued ... )
15 The character has a "close encounter" with one of the great villains of histime. Whatever happens is not focusedon the character, but involves him as a bystander. Select details about the Villain on Table 752: Villains. Rolla d6 on the subtable below for details of the encounter. [R]. 1 Villain publicly eliminates l d 6 rivals. 2 Villain was eating in a public place and invitedthe character to join him. 3 Villains rivals attempt to eliminate the Villain in a violent and messy manner-ld6 bystanders are killed. The characterreceivedaserious injury. Select injury on Table 859: Serious Wounds. The Villain visits the character in the hospital and apologizes. 4 The character comes to realizethat although she seems to work for someone else, the Villain is her employer. 5 The character discovers that one of his close friends is actuallythe Villain. 6 Roll two more times on this subtable, combining the events. 16 Character has wanderlust and decides to travel. Roll a d6 to determine the number of years spent travelling and addthe resulttothe age at which thecharacter begins travelling. If the resulting age exceeds the character's ''final age," changethe final age to the time when the character ceases his travels. Roll a d8 on the subtable below to select the character's travels. IN1 Visit most of the major cities and towns in her home country. Characterbecomesquite familiarwith several unusual places that might be helpful in later life. Sign on as acommon seaman on a merchantfreighter. Gain Rank 2 skill as a sailor. Work as a missionary in a nearby country. Character gains 1 Rank of skill in her highest Ranked skill. Work as a relief worker in a famine-torn third world country. Roll a d6. On a result of 1, the character is stricken by a disease that almost kills him, but in the end, adds I d 3 points to his Constitution attribute. On a result of 6, the character is stricken with a serious disease that eventually removes l d 3 points from his Constitutionattribute. Travel to adistant country andsee thesights. Character becomes quite familiarwith the country, its people and culture. She comes to consider it a second home, possibly even calling it home from that point on. Live oversees with a foreign family. Learn their language at Rank 3 ability. The character comes to treat this family as if it were his own (Optional: create family on Table 104: Birth & Family). Roll twice more on this subtable, discarding any conflicting events (always discard the second roll).


211: Significant Events of Adulthood d4ld10 211: Adult Events (continued


19 Character serves a Sponsor or Patron. Determine the details on Table 535: In the Service of... [N]. 20 Character has a religious experience. Determine the details on Table 533: Religion [L]. The character saves someone's life. This person be21 comes the character's Companion. Select the Companion and the Companion'ssex and personalityon Table 750:Companions (using Tables 750A and 750C). If the person is of the opposite sex from the character, roll a d10. On a result of 1-5, the companion falls in love with the character. It is up to the player to determine if the character returns the feelings. [L] 22 The character changes jobs within his area of expertise. The new job brings in 25% more money than most similar positions and improves the character's skill in his profession by one Rank. [R] 23 A game genre-specificevent occurs. Select the event on the table most appropriate for your game's genre classification-Table 522: SuperheroEvents; Table523: Horror Events; Table 524: Espionage Events; Table 525: Pulp Hero Events; Table 526: Underworld Events [R] 24 1d3 additional Significant Events occur. 25 An Exotic Event affects thecharacter. Select the event on Table 536: Exotic Events. [L] 26 Agenre-specificevent occurs, but not necessarily one from the character's current game genre. Roll a d6 on the subtable below to select the appropriate event table. [R] 1 Table 522: Superhero Events 2 Table 523: Horror Events 3 Table 524: Espionage Events 4 Table 525: Pulp Hero Events 5 Table 526: Underworld Events 6 Table 537: Magical Events
27 Something bad happens to the character. Roll ad3 on the subtable below to select the event. [Dl 1 A Tragedy Occurs. Determine what happens on Table 520: Tragedies. 2 Asudden mishap leavesthe characterseverely injured. Select the injury on Table 859: Serious Wounds. 3 Character acquires a Rival. Go to Table 751: Rivals, to work out the details. 4 Someone close to the character dies quite suddenly. Roll a d6 on the sub-subtable below, then go to Table 538: Death Situations to determine the cause of death and to Table 539: Death of a Loved One to determine other events around the death. 1 Employer 5 Close friend 2 Coworker 6 Neighbor 3 Mentor 4 Family member, select on Table 1040:Other Relations.

Learn an UnusualSkill. Select skill on Table863: Unusual Skills.

18 The character participates in a violent demonstration or rebellion against local authoriiy. Roll a d10. If the result is 9 10, the rebellion was successful and the local rulers deposed. Any other result means that any known participants are officially outlawed and have a price on their head. Roll a d l 0 again if the rebellion failed. If the result is less than 10, only a few close friends know of thecharacter's participation.A result of 10 means that the character is a wanted criminal. [R]


While travelling, the character catches an unpleasant disease. Though treatable, the treatment must be given once every 6d6 hours. Without it, her Constitution attribute drops by i d 3 points each day. Treatment costs 1d l 0 x 1Odollars perdose and is not commonly available.


211: Significant Events of Adulthood d41d10 211: Adult Events (continued


211: Significant Events of Adulthood d41d10 211: Adult Events (continued



Somethinggood happenstothe character. Rollad3on 19 :hesubtable below to select the event [L]. 1 Thecharacter discoversa'Wholesome"religion. Select the details on Table533: Religion (rerolling events that would indicate membership in an evil orocculticgroup). So long as the character's devotion to this religion remains stronghe or she gains a +1 bonus to all skill and attribute rolls. 2 Something Wonderful Occurs. Determine what happens on Table 521: Something Wonderful... 3 Character acquires a Companion. Go to Table 750: Companions,to work out the details. 4 An accident leaves the character's face disfigured. Underthe care of a highlytalented plastic surgeon, the character'sface istransformed.Thoughher newface is unlike her old, she has become more beautiful than before. Add l d 3 points to the character's Charisma or Appearance attribute. The character becomeswell-known, even famous for 30 the occurrence of an event in his life. Reroll the event on Table 21 1: Significant Events of Adulthood [L]. 31 The character has a group encounter. Select the type of groupencountered on Table 744:OtherGroups,then roll ad6 on the subtable below to determine what type of activity is occurring. 1 Two similar rival groups clash overtheirdifferences, with the character caught in the middle. 2 The characterjoinsthegroup in theirconflictwith another dissimilar group. Select that other group on Table 744: Other Groups. 3 The character watches as angry members of the group demolish a popular night club. Roll a d6. On a result of 6, anotherbystanderclaimsthecharacterwas a memberof that group too! 4 The character joins this group as a full member. 5 The character is named an "enemy" by this group. The group begins an ongoing campaign of harassment and malign deeds. 6 Thecharacterfindsthisgroupto be astrong. Theycan be counted on for future aid and welfare. The character inherits property in anothercountryfrom 32 a relative. Go to Table853: Gins& Legacies, and roll a d20 on t he subtable below entry #14 to find the type of property inherited.

The character acquires a hobby. Select the type of 40 hobby on Table 419: Hobbies (record in the SKILLSsection). Character develops jaded tastes for exotic and possi41 bly expensive "pleasures." Roll a d6. On a result of 5-6, the character is addicted to a "pleasure" (drugs, sex, etc.). [Dl Character has a run-in with a government leader over 42 a point of law. Roll a d4 to determine the end result: 1 The leader becomes a deadly enemy. See Table 751: Rivalsfor details. 2 The leader becomes a close friend. 3 The leader becomes a rival. See Table 751: Rivalsfor details. 4 The leader becomes a patron. Select additionaldetails on Table 535: In the Service o f . .. Fromadistant relative, thecharacter inherits stockand 43 a seat on the board of directors of a powerful industrialcorporation. The company is involvedin military and commercial aircraft and vehicles, electronics, small arms, weapons systems, and war machines. Rollfor HiLo. Hi=thedirectorstake an immediate liking to the character and gift her with samples (GM discretion advised). Lo = the directors dislike this "outsider" and seek to either remove her from the board or "eliminate" her. The charactertakes a much needed vacation aboard 44 a cruise ship. His shipboard successes at his favorite hobby (if character has no preferredhobby, select a recreationfrom Table 419: Hobbies) draw attention to him. He is offered a contract doing this hobby professionally for l d 6 years. The character accepts the job (add 1 Rank to the Hobby skill for each two full years at the new job). [R] Roll ld6. For beginning characters, add the result to 45 the character's "final" age. More Adult Events occur during this time. Roll a d3 to determine the number of events. For NPCs whoseage is already established, ignorethe age change andjust roll 1d3 additional events.

Select the event on Table 209B: Special Events of Adolescence.

Character is selected to become a close advisor to a local government leader. [N] Character develops an exotic personality trait. Select 48 the trait on Table 642: Exotic Personality Features.
47 49

The character has a romantic encounter. Go to Table 534: Ah Love!to find the details of his romance. [R]

Characterbecomes involvedin illegal activities. Select 37 what occurs on Table526: UnderworldEvents (beginwith Table
38 Learnto use an unusualweapon at Rank3 proficiency. The weapon is something alien to the character's Culture.
39 Characterloses his job. Rollad6 on thesubtablebelow to select the reason. 1 Firedfor incompetence. 2 Laid off for lack of work to do. 3 Employergoes out of business. 4 Personal problems interfere with professionalism. 5 Long term recovery from an accident. 6 General economic failure, everyone's out of a job!

A radicalchangein the politicaland economic structure of the land instantly drops the character's Social Level to Poor and strips him of all the benefit of Noble birth (if any) and wealth.

312: Alignment & Attitude


312: Alignment & Attitude

Record the name of the selected trait on a line in worksheet's PERSONALITYsection. To the left of each line are threecolumns of boxes. Above the columns are the letters L, N, and D, corresponding to the types of traits. Mark the box in the column that correspondstothe type of trait recordedonthat line. Repeatthe steps foreach letter in brackets in the EVENTSsectionoftheworksheet. Second: Determine Personal Values. Use Tables 3126 -D. Finally: Determine Alignment: Go to Table 312E:Alignmenl to select the character's Alignment and Attitude.

Alignment & Attitude
To best roleplay a character, the player or GM needs to have afeeling forthat character's personalityand an understanding of his personal values. Alignment is a rough organization of a character's values. Isthe character's personality weightedtoward predominantly acceptable behavior? Is it seriously flawed, or possiblysomewhere in between? Attitude refinesthis organization further, but still uses broad strokes. Building up and out from alignment and attitude and personal values, the character's personalitycan be more finely developedand defined. Thiscollection of tables is the final stop in creating a character. Table 641: Personality Traits gives a further discussion of Lightside and Darkside personalities. Instructions: Follow the steps to develop the character's personality. Record information about personality on the blank lines in the PERSONALITY section of the characterworksheet. First: Select the Traits: While you were selecting events on Tables208-210,you should have been writing the letters that followedthose events inthe brackets next tothe lines in the EVENTS section of the character history worksheet (see Developing a Personality under Table 208: Significant Events of Youth ). The letters indicate the table to be used to select the personality trait that develops. For each letter in brackets in the EVENTS section, go to the table indicated by it (as shown below) and follow directions there to select the personalitytrait.

312A: Personality Trait Types

Instructions: Roll a d l 0 0 and match the result against Table 312A. Go to the Table indicated by the die result.

dl00 3l2A: Personality Trait Types

01-50 51-65 66-80 81-95 96-100

No PersonalityTrait Develops Neutral Trait: use Table 6416: Neutral Traits Lightside Trait: use Table 641A: Lightside Traits Darkside Trait: use Table 641C: Darkside Traits ExoticTrait:use Table 642:ExoticPersonalifyTraits.

312B,C & D :Personal Values

These tables look at the people, things and concepts that are of greatest value to the character. Otherthings on each table may holdsome importanceforthecharacter, butthe selectedthingsare of paramount importance.

Instructions: Follow these steps:

Stepl: Foreachofthesethreetables(B,C, & D), rollad20and match the result against the table Step 2: go to Table312F:Traitstrengthand select the relative importance attached to the valued thing. Step 3: Record these values and their strengths and any relationships between them on the worksheet under VALUES.

[N] [Dl


Lightside trait. Use Table 641A: Lightside Traits Neutral trait. Use Table 64 16: Neutral Traits Darkside trait. Use Table 641C: Darkside Traits Randomly selected trait. Select on Table 312A: Personality Trait Types.

Trait Strength (312F)

This value representsthe amount of influencethe trait has overthe character's life. Trait Strength is measured on a scale of trivial to obsessive.Trait strength can increase as the player plays hischaracter. How and when this occurs is left to the GM. An obsession means that the character's life centers around the trait and he becomes frustrated, possiblyeven dangerous if prevented from fulfilling his needs (see Table 6428: Mental Afflictions, entry #I 4). Assign a relative strength value to each trait. If you wish to use dice for this, roll a d l 00 on the chart below:

Roleplay: Use these values as a guide for determining how the character responds to his world. A character with a Driving passion for Money maydo nearly anything to obtain it. Acharacter who places a trivial value on his Friend (remember this is his STRONGEST value for persons) will probably think even less of anyone else. Assume that for anything valued Strongly or higher, the character will spend a great deal of time activities that either involve, care for, or protect the thing of value.

Table 312B: Most Valued Person

This isthe one person (orperson-like being) in theworldwhom the character values the most.

dl00 Strength
01-10 11-29 30-59

dl00 Strength (cont.)

60-79 80-94 95-00

Trivial Weak Average

Strong Driving Obsessive

Roleplay: For 'real' people, the other people in their lives can be very important. This person selected here plays a key role in the characer's personality. She places a great deal of emphasis on their relationship, whether real, imagined ordesired. ConsiderhowthecharacterwouIdreact if thevalued persondied. What would happen if their relationshipchanged?

For more information about Trait Strengths, see Table 642: Exotic Personality Traits under Trait Control.

312: Alignment & Attitude

312: Alignment & Attitude

columntotals (Lightsideor Darkside) on thecharacter's PERSONALITY chart on the worksheet. The rationale is that devotion to abstract beliefs tends to color the rest of a character's life, often over-riding positive or negative personality traits. Add the number of traits in each column of boxes in the PERSONALITY section of the worksheet and record the total beneath each column. Now, if the formula forthe selected abstraction says "L" plus a number, add that numberto the character's Lightside trait column. If the formula says "DM plus a number, add that number to the character's Darkside trait column. If the formula says "N" minus a number, subtractthat valuefromwhichevercolumn hasthe largest total value (Example: if the character's Lightsidetraits add up to a greater value than the Darkside, subtract it from the Lightside traits). If both Darkside and Lightsidecolumns are equal, then DO NOT subtract the number.

d20 312B: Most Valued Person (roll a d20)

Mother Father Parents A sibling A relative t Family Friend Lover One's self A Pet
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


Politician Media celebrity Sports hero Fictional Hero A writer A musician God A religious leader Child or Children Teacher or professor

t Select on on Table 1040: Other Relations.

Table 312C: Most Valued Thing

The first thing to note is that these are not necessarily things that the character owns. A military pilot or ship's captain can place a great deal of value on his craft-even though another owns it. Second, many items are valued for sentimental or symbolic reasons. A book might have been a gift from a friend or relative, while a cross symbolizes a character's relationship with Christ. Roleplay: In roleplaying, it's quite common to define acharacter in terms of her "stuff." The player values items for their usefulness in game play. Yet, consider how the character feels about her possessions, particularlythatspecial one being selected here. How would she feel if it were lost? Stolen? Destroyed? Where does she keep it? How does she keep it safe?

Roleplay: One can assume that given the choice, the characterwill spend most of his or hertime in some kind of activity involving thisabstraction. Ascientist might spend his lifequesting for knowledge. Someone else might waste their life seeking love, but never realize when they have found it. Consider whether or not a characterwould be willing to die in defense of this ideal. Would he be willing to die in order for someone else to benefit from it? d20 312D: Most Valued Abstraction (roll a d20)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
[L+2] [L+2] [L+2] [N-2) [L+2] [N-1] [N-1] [D+2] [L+2] [L+l] [D+l] [D+2] [D+3] [N-1] [L+3] [L+3] [N-1] [L+l] [N-1] [N-1]

d20 312C: Most Valued Thing (roll ld20)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 15 16 17

Aircraft Article of clothing Boat Book Childhoodtoy Diary Place of residence


10 11 12 13 14

Weapon. Piece of jewelry Knick-knack Painting Letter Drawing Tool

Legacy. Select on Table 853: Gifts & Legacies. Personal item. Examples: lighter, razor, watch, glasses, compact, purse, pipe, cane. Photograph of ... Roll a d4 1 A treasured place 2 The most valued person 3 A relative from Table 1040: Other Relations. 4 Some other person from Table 743: Others. Groundvehicle, such as car, truck, or motorcycle. Select on Table 864: Vehicles. Reroll. ltem is a focus for or symbol of the Most Valued Abstraction. Example: A characterwho values God and selects a book here might possess an old family Bible. Reroll. ltem is linkedto the Most Valued Person: either as , a former possession or a gift.

Family, love of and loyalty to one's kin. Freedom, both personal and national. Friendship, loyalty to one's friends Fun, just having a good time Honesty Knowledge Love (or possibly just Romantic Activities) Money One's Word Patriotism, loyaity to one's country Political beliefs Possessions Power Privacy Religious beliefs? SanctityofLife Scientific beliefs Social Welfare (equal rights, save whales, etc.) Sports Work Thisassumesagood religion, not one devoted toselfishness or evil. If such is not the case, make this into D+3.

18 19

Determine Alignment: Look at the totals beneath the columns of Darkside and Lightside traits in the PERSONALITY section of the worksheet. If the Lightside or Darkside column total is two points greaterthan any other column, then the character's alignment is the same as the highest column total. If either the Lightside column or the Darkside column is NOT two points greater, then the character's alignment is Neutral. Record the character's alignment on the line provided for it. Select Attitude: Readthe attitudetypes below thesection heading on the next page that corresponds to thecharacter's alignment. Each attitude suggests a behavior pattern that might be fo-

312D: Most Valued Abstraction

Abstractions are not physical things. They are concepts, beliefs or states of being upon which the character bases his life.

Special Instructions: Each abstraction entry is preceded by a formula in brackets. This formula modifies one of the

312: Alignment & Attitude

llowed byacharacterof that alignment. Select theone that is most appropriate for the character (whether a player character or an NPC). Record the character's attitude on the line provided for it.


312: Alignment & Attitude

for often choosing to side with good or evil because she doesn't care which wins.
Materialistic:"He who dies with the most toys, wins!" is this character's battlecry. This greedycharacterputs great emphasis on materialthings, particularlyones he can own. He strives to own the best of everything and may compromise other principles for self gain. Like the self-centeredcharacter, he takes the course of action that will best suit his desires for material gain. Anarchic: "lt's my life, I'll do as I please.'' Lives according to a loose personalcode of ethics, though she does not feel bound to tell the truth, keep herword or helpothers if there is nothing in itfor her. An individualist who disrespects higher authority, she does what she pleases, when it pleases her. Egalitarian:"Both sides have a right to their own views." She championsthe underdog, regardless of whetherthecause isgood or evil. She believes infairness and equalityfor all. Likethe chivalrous knight, she is dedicatedto her code of honor. Unfortunately, the causes that she champions may not be the best for society. Conformist: "Don't make waves," "Don't stick your neck out" and "lt's none of my business"are his quotable quotes. He's Joeaverage and likes it thatway. He goes with the flow. His values are the popular ones for his times and make no effort to side with or against good or evil.

Roleplay:Acharacter's alignment is his moralphilosophyof

life, the primary aspects of his value system. It should be based on the predominance of Personalitytraits and modified by the things he values most. His attitude is how he lives outthat philosophy. Like all things, both are subject to change as the character grows and changes. Try to play the character in keeping with his alignment and rememberto play up his attitude. Use yourdiscretion, but try to act in character.

Lightside Alignment
Followers of the Lightside respect others' reasonable rights. The preservation of life and freedom are among their highest goals. Such characters are often considered "good."

Lightside Attitudes
Ethical: "What is true for one is true for all." is herwatchword. She lives according to a strict, universal moral code of ethics. Values fair play and respects authority; does no evil to self or others; and works for the good of all. Conscientious: "Each man knows his own 'good' and defends it." sums up the conscientious character's beliefs. He lives according to astrict personalcode of ethics. He is often an individualist who works forthe law and the good of the greatest numberof people, but who may distrust higher authority, living and working "outside the law." Includes vigilantes and "Robin Hood" types. Chivalrous: "The strong are morally responsible to be the shepherds of the weak." is the chivalrous character's rule for life. Lives by the belief that the strong must protect the weak. This is often found among those of high Social Status and super heroes.

Darkside Alignment
These three are the big "D" attitudes: Depraved, Deviant and Diabolical. The character's personality is weighted heavily towards unpleasant or unacceptable behavior. Darkside attitudes are often marked by a craving for personal power or imposition of theirown morallyflawedvalue systems, at the cost of others' lives and freedom. The character may do anything to accomplish personal goals and is generally considered "evil" by society.

Neutral Alignment
The character's personalityis roughly balancedbetween Darkside, Lightside, and Neutral traits. None has dominance. Such characters are neither strongly good nor strongly flawed. They may quite readilyfit into one of the following attitudes:

Darkside Attitudes
Depraved: "This is going to be fun." is not something one wants to hear this character say. Self-serving and unscrupulous. Likethe Self-centeredattitude (see above) seeks to fulfill personal desires, but unlike that attitude, this character will do anything to obtain his goals. Adepravedcharacter may eventorture and killfor the sheer fun of it. Deviant: "I have rights!" and "What is true for ME is true for all."" Likethe Ethical attitude, he lives by astrict and ordered moral code. But thiscode iscentered around the Deviant'sself-centered personal goals and may have little to do with acceptable morality. He respects honor and discipline in others, and may even protect the innocent, but will not tolerate those who work to cross him. Diabolical: "No one can tell me what to do!" is herwatchword. The despicable Diabolical character has no code of ethics. She is unpredictable, helps others onlyto be able to hurt them later, despises all that is honorable, disciplined or that reminds her of authority.

Neutral Attitudes
Self-centered: "What's in it for me?" is the watchword of the self-centered character. He tends to look out for his own interests above anything else, though there are limits to what hewill do. Like the Lightsidealignments,he tendsto have a high regardforlife and freedom. He may be f riendless, a mercenary who serves a cause only because it pays well, but once he gives his word or his loyalty, he does not go back on it. Nevertheless, there is no higher cause to him than self service and self preservation. Apathetic:"What does it matter and who cares?" are her mottos. Such a character believes that nothing really matters in the end. She lives her life as if there were nothing to be accountable

413: Occupations


413: Occupations

Occupations are what most "normal" folk do to put bread (or junk food) on the table. They are also what adventuring characters dofora living beforethey become adventurers. Since many roleplay game systems assume that the character has gained his professionalskills on the job in the years priorto adventuring,this group of tables provides a selection of those jobs forthe aspiring adventurer (though not all occupations are represented).

Use only if directed here by another Table


413B:Occupation Table I (Roll a d20)

Homeless.Also sometimes called a hobo, bum, beggar, or street person, depending on time and place. Street Punk. A petty criminal. Agricultural worker: roll a d4 on the subtable below: 1 Agriculture technician 2 Ranch hand (cowboy) 3 Farm hand 4 Farmer Merchant Sailor. Laborer: roll a d6 on the subtable below: 1 Miner 4 Warehouse worker 2 Dockworker 5 Landscaper 3 Lumberjack 6 Mail room worker Food Service Worker: waitperson, busboy, short-order cook, fast-food clerk. Flshennan. Household servant: roll a d8 on the subtable below: 1 Butler 5 Gardener 2 Cook 6 Chauffeur 3 Housekeeper 7 Maid 4 Nanny 8 Serving person Tavern Employee: roll a d4 on the subtable below: 1 Bartender 3 Housekeeper 2 Serving person 4 Bouncer

Base cost multiplier: 1

Instructions: Unlessdirectedotherwise,begin byrolling a d l 0 and adding the character's SolModto the result. Match the total against Table 413A to find which Table contains the character's occupation. Go to that table andfollowdirections.This selects the occupation (orgives instructionstogo toanother table). Follow directions until an occupation is selected. If the selected occupation does not seem to fit the game (such as a computertechnician in apre-industrialsociety), reroll until you get onethat works. From here, go on to Table 4 18: Occupation Performance. Roleplay: By learning a trade, a character becomes a
contributing member of society. He gains skills that maybe useful when adventuring and has a means to make money.

Gameplay Benefits: Each occupation should have several skills associated with it that the character can learn and improve upon. If agame system does not specify occupationalskills, the GM and the player will need to determine what these are and how they are to be used in play. Note: Occupations followed by an asterisk "*" may not be appropriate for use in all game genres.
dl0 413A: Occupation Selector( dl0 + SoZMod )
Select on Table 4 138: Occupation Table I Select on Table 4 13C: Occupation Table II Select on Table 4 13E: Occupation Table N Lo-Tech Occupation. If the Tech Levelof acharacter's culture is 6 or less, select the occupation on Table 4 13F: Lo- Tech Occupations(othennrise reroll). Job is special occupation, specific to thegenre of the 1 1 game system. Select the occupation on one of thefollowing tables. Super Heroes: Table 414A. Horroc Table 4 148. Detective/Espionage:Table 4 14C. Pulp Heroes: Table 4 140. A hobby practiced as an occupation. Select occupa12 tion on Table 4 19: Hobbies. An unusual skill is practiced as an occupation. Select 13 occupation on Table 863: Unusual Skills. Select on Table 413C: Occupation Table II. 14 15-16 Select on Table 4130: Occupation TableIII. Reroll, but do not add in SolMod. 17 Select on Table 413E: Occupation TableIV. 18 19-24+ Select on Table 4 13D: Occupation TableIll.

1-5 6-8 9 10

Street Vendor: sells goods he makes, finds, buys, or "acquires" at his movable streetside stall. Often a source of inexpensive (or imitation) goods. Soldier: for details in depth see Table 527: Military Experience. Craftsman: select craft on 41 7A: Craft TableI. Factory Worker. Anything from heavy manufacturing to delicate assembly of electronics. Office Worker: just about any non-management job. Health Care Worker: a clerical worker, orderly or nurse. Technician (a.k.a. "Mechanic"). Operates, repairs, maintains and services equipment in his area of expertise. Roll a d l 0 on the subtable below to select this area. 1 Robotics' 6 Aerospace* 2 Mechanical 7 Power 3 Electrical 8 Medical 4 Computer' 9 Weapons 5 Vehicles 10 Agricultural Retail Worker: a store clerk or cashier. Writer: livesbywriting. Writes nearlyanythingformoney. ProfessionalDriver. Trucker, cabbie, chauffeur. Custodian: cleans up after everyone else.

413: Occupations


413: Occupations

d20 413C: Occupation Table I I (Roll a d20)

Base cost multiplier: 2
Field Scientlst: a scientist who performs much of his work out in the world, rather than a laboratory. 1 Anthropologist 5 Criminologist 2 Archaeologist 6 Geologist 3 Biologist 7 Paleontologist 4 Botanist 8 Reroll twice more. TeievisionlRadio: This person works in broadcasting (radio or television). If time period allows a choice (after 1950), roll a d6 on a result of 5-6, the character works in Television). Character's Rank with skill must be 5+ for exposure or influence to be anything more than local. 1 News Announcer 5 Script Writer 2 Media Producer 6 Sales 3 Technician 7 Management 4 Camera Operator 8 ActorIActress Merchant: go to Table 415: Merchants. Journalist: a reporter of news and events. Roll a d6. On a result of 5-6, character is a photojournalist. At Rank5+, character is assumed to have world travel experience. Public Safety: Roll a d4 to select the type job: 1 Policeman 3 Paramedic 2 Fireman 4 Special Weapons And Tactics Business Owner: roll again on Table413Bto select the type of activity the business performs. The character has employees who perform this service. Craftsman: select craft on Table 4178. Professor: teaches at a college or university. Social WorkerlPsychologist: works to cure the ills of society. Government worker: select type on Table416:Government Jobs. If the selected job appears to be one of a relatively high status, assume that the character is an assistant to that position, maybe a second in command. Craftsman: select craft on Table 4 17A. Chef: cook for a good restaurant or a wealthy family. Manager: managesthe operation of a restaurant, hotel or retail establishment. Hostler: runs a boarding house or bed and breakfast where travellers can get a room. Serves meals and drinks. Aircraft Pilot: can fly most standard aircraft of her day. Construction Professional. Roll a d6 to select the type of job on stable below. 1 Steelworker 4 Heavy equip. driver 2 Mason 5 Carpenter 3 Electrician 6 Plumber Ship Captain: sails ships on the high seas, lakes and rivers. Roll a d l 0. Has a 10 + SolModpercentagechance to own his ship. Engineer: knowsthe ins and outs of designing, maintaining and improving aspects of his area of expertise. Roll a d l 0 on the subtable below to select that area. 1 Robotics* . 6 Aerospace* 2 Mechanical 7 Power 3 Electrical 8 Medical 4 Computer* 9 Manufacturing 5 Structural 10 Agricultural Teacher: teaches children and young people. Barowner: runs atavern where drinks andfood aresold.

d20 413D: Occupation Table 1 1 1 (Roll a d20)

Base cost multiplier: 3
Research Scientist: furthers the wealth of knowledge within the scope of his primary area of expertise. Roll a d l 0 to select that area: 1 Robotics* 6 Aerospace 2 Physics 7 Cybernetics* 3 Chemistry 8 Electronics/Computersf 4 Biology 9 Paranormal 5 Medicine 10 Astrophysics AdministratorIManager: Oversees the operations of a large scale business or other organization. Architect: the designer of impressive buildings, both public and private. Medical Doctor. Roll a d6. On a result of 3-6, the doctor is aspecialist, such as a psychiatrist, radiologist, cardiologist, etc. Merchant:go to Table415:Merchantsand selectthe type of mercantile operation. Contractor: oversees the construction of private and public buildings. Craftsman: select the craft on Table 417C. Commercial Artist: produces art for publication. Diplomat or Negotiator: establishesorsoothes relationships between governments or between businesses and governments. Dentist: fixes teeth that need repair. Attorney: deals in the finer points of the law and defending the innocent against unjust prosecution. On the other hand she may spend most of hertime going forthe "deep pocket" of insurance companies in civil liabilities cases. Philosopher: a thinker, a sage, or even a theologianprobably associated with either a religious institutionor a school of higher learning. Travei Agent: makes travel arrangementsfor clients. interpreter:speaks several important languagesfluently. Is probablyattachedto agovemment office ora largecorporation. Speaks l d 4 languages at Rank 5 skill. Government Official: select the type on Table 416: GovernmentJobs. If the selected occupation appears to be of low status within the government, assume that the character is in charge of all that type of activity for the government. Banker:keeps trackof otherfolkscredit and loanscredits to make credits. BusinessOwner: select the type of activity the business performs by rolling the die again on Table 413B. If the result makes no sense or is too difficult to workout, reroll. The character does not actually do this service, but has employees who do it. Landlord:owns property, rents it to others. Roll I d 10 for the number of properties owned. Select the average Social Status of the landlord's tenants on Table 103: Social Status. MarketingSpecialist:knows howto promote and popularize people, consumer goods, corporations and so on.

413: Occupations


413: Occupations

V (Rolla d20) d20 413E:Occupation Table I

Base cost multiplier: 1d3 Mercenary: an independent professionalsoldier. Fordetails in depth see Table 527: Military Experience. Artist: a fine artist who creates art for sale. Usually talented in more than one artistic media. Adventurer: a professional hero for hire. Select his original occupation on Table 413A. C a t w r Criminal: select on Table 862: Crimes. Clergyman: select religion on Table 533: Religion. An NPC clergyman'sskill Rank representshisstandingwithin the religion. The subtable below shows relationship between Rank and position within the hierarchy of the religion. Titles are representative only. Give the clergyman a title appropriate to his or her religion. Rank 1 = Novitiate Rank 2 = Monk (an initiate of religious mysteries) Rank 3-4 = Full priestlminister Rank 5-8 = Chief Priest Rank 9 = A High Priest Rank 10+ = Earthly head of the religion GuideIPilot: apathfinderwho aids travelers, vacationers and merchants in unknown or "exciting" areas. Jack of All Trades: roll ld3+1. The die result indicates the number of different trades known to the character. Select occupations on Table 417A: Crafts Table I. Entertainer: acomedian, night clubsigner, popular band member, actor, or stage magician. Professional Escort. Acompanionfor hire. Rollad6. On a result of 4-6, the character is a prostitute hiding behind a respectable title. Private Detective: Ferrets out hidden information. May have had underworld experiencef rom Table 529: Underworld Experience. Author: this indicates a successfulwriter. Most practitioners of the literary arts are paupers. Explorer: goes where no one has gone before. Professional Athlete: plays a sport professionally. Must have at least Rank5 skills to be considered a "big league" player. Even then, he is a lesser light in his sport. Professional Hobbyist: the character may teach the hobby, perform it professionally or sell its end products. Select the hobby on Table 4 19: Hobbies. Professional Gambler. Business Owner: Business is based on a specificgame genre. Select the businesson one of the following tables. SuperHero: Table 4 14A. Horror: Table4 148. Espionage/ Detective: Table 4 14C. Pulp Hero: Table 4 14D. Missionary. a person dedicated to spreading the good news of his or her faith. Most missionaries also perform their normal occupation as a part of their mission. Reroll Occupation on Table 413A. The character will also have Rank 3 skill in a foreign language. MysticlMage: a wielder of magical force. If your game system does not allow for magic, reroll! Your GM may needtodesignatewhattype of magic is being wielded and even whether or not the character knows what she is doing. Game Designer. Creates games. May even play them.


413F:Lo Tech Occupations (Rolla d20)

These are occupations found in remote or preindustrialareas of the world, many of which still remain into the late 20th century, even in North America. Base cost multiplier: 1 Fisherman: his livelihood is the sea. Hunter: he stalks wild game, providing both food and clothing. Warrior: afighter. He orshe may also have more peaceful livelihood too. Toolmaker: a craftsman who makes simple tools. Shaman: a religious leader. Often feared and quite powerful. This isthe earlyequivalentof both physicianand priest. In addition to totem spirit magic, he is wise in the ways of plant lore and folk medicines. Tent or Sail maker: depending on the culture, he makes tents (of felt, fabric or leather) or sails for sailing boats. Riding Master: breeds riding beasts, breaksthem to the saddle and teaches riding skills. Shipwright: a builder of sailing vessels. Forester: a warrior, guide and hunter who knows the forest, its flora and its fauna. Farmer: he wrests food from the land. Mountaineer: self-sufficient resident of the wild mountains or the outer wilds. Woodcutter: cuts wood for fuel and lumber. Charcoal burner: converts wood into charcoal. Peat cutter: cuts peat moss blocks for use as fuel. Launderer: washes clothing. Scribe: reads and writes fluently in several languages and has legible, even elegant handwriting. Alchemist: a makerof potions, a"magical" meddlerinthe sciences. Not truly a wizard, not quite a scientist. Prophet: someone who speaks for God, bringing the deity's messages directly to the people. Laborer: a strong body is all he needs. Second Hand Shop: buys used goods, fixes them up a bit and resellsthemfor less than new. Muchjunk, but often real bargains to be found.

414: Special Occupations


414: Special Occupations

Special Occupations
Use only if directed here by another table Each game genre has occupations that are unique, or at least more common to it than to other genres.

e cost modifier: 163 (for all tables)

dl0 414C: Espionage Occupations

Secret Sewlce Agent: seeks to checkthe actions of those who may be dangerous to the government. Bounty Hunter: earns his fees from the government, bringing in criminals, political enemies and other scum. Private Detective: Ferrets out hidden information. Roll a d6. On a result of 3 or more, he has underworldexperience from Table 526: Underworld Events. Company Man: works for the "company," another name for the Government Intelligence Agency. Roll a d6. On a result of 3-6, the character is a field agent (not a desk job). Racer:a professionaldriverwho makes fast cars go even faster. Government Worker: select type on Table 4 16: Government Jobs. Dilettante: exists on an inheritance. Performs no real "occupation," but may be involved in charity work. Theoretical Scientist: a research scientist who investigates and develops new theories about things within his area of expertise. Select type on Occupation Table 4 13C. inventor:designs and develops new devices, processes or production concepts. Unemployed:Rerolloccupation on Table413A:Occupation Selector, but the character is unable (or unwilling) to find work in his or her area of expertise.

Instructions: The table that sent you here should have already told you which table to use. The name of the game genre is at the top of the each table. Roll a d l 0 to select the occupation. From here, continue on to Table 4 18: Occupation Performance.

dl0 414A: Superhero Occupations

Explorer: searches the world for undiscovered places. Explorerhasa40%chance to have his own privateaircraft. 2 Police Officer: Enforces the law. 3 Foreign Correspondent: Travels the world to bring important new stories to light. Medical Doctor. Roll a d6. On a result of 6, the doctor is 4 a specialist, such as a psychiatrist, radiologist, etc. 5 Rock Musician: plays intensely loud, jarring music that can turn a normal brain to mush in minutes. Inventor: designs and develops new devices, processes 6 or productionconcepts. 7 Dilettante: exists on an inheritance. Performs no real "occupation," but may be involved in charity work. 8 Field Scientist: select type on Occupation Table 413C. 9 Test Pilot: tests the reliability of experimental aircraft. 10 Unemployed:Reroll occupationon Table413A:Occupation Selector, but the character is unable (or unwilling) to find work in his or her area of expertise.

dl0 414D: Pulp Hero Occupations

Mercenary: a soldier for hire. Generally has some of his own personal weaponry and equipment. Explorer: searches the world for undiscovered peoples and places. Explorer has a 25% chance to have his own private aircraft. Big Game Hunter:stalks the really big, and often dangerous animals of the wilds. Field Scientist: select type on Occupation Table 4 13C. inventor: designs and develops new devices, processes or production concepts. Dilettante: exists on an inheritance. Performs no real "occupation," but may be involved in charity work. Vigilante: self-appointedcriminal investigator/policeman/ judgeljury. Seeks to bring the lawless to justice. May have a "day" job too. Aviator: has own plane and performs odd jobs with it-air shows, deliveries, passenger service, mail, etc. Archaeologist: brings back the treasures of the ancients for display in museums (less of a scientist, more of a professional tomb robber). Unemployed:Rerolloccupation on Table413A:Occupation Selector, but the character is unable (or unwilling) to find work in his or her area of expertise.

dl0 414B: Horror Occupations

Occult Investigator: investigatesthe paranormal. Professional Psychic: claims to be in contact with the spirit world. 3 CUR Leader: heads up an occultic fringe religion. 4 Horror Writer: writes popular horror fiction. 5 Medical Doctor: Roll a d6. On a result of 6, the doctor is a specialist, such as a psychiatrist, radiologist, etc. 6 Reporter: specializes in stories about the unusual. 7 Weird Scientist: combines the occult with science. 8 ParanormalExterminator:worksto endproblemsbrought about by ghosts, demons and dabblers in the occult. 9 Charlatan: Reroll on this subtable. However, she is afake and uses her "skill" to bilk others out of their money. 10 Unemployed: Rerolloccupation on Table413A:Occupation Selector, but the character is unable (or unwilling) to find work in his or her area of expertise.
1 2

416: Merchants


416: Government Jobs

I Use only if directed here by another table I
Just as important as the business of making and growing things, is the business of selling things. Merchantsare the lifeblood of most economies. They keep money moving. They also provide the things the adventurers so desperately need (or at least covet). Note that the selections here are not a reflection of a "real" economy and are geared towards adventure gaming.

Government Jobs

I Use only if directed here by another table I

These are people who either govern others or work as a cog in the wheel of one of the multitude of governments that oversee the lives of people around the world. In general, these folks are either elected (by the people or a ruling power block) or appointed to perform a job. A society's Culture often determines which.

Instructions: Roll 2d8 and match the total against Table

415 to select a merchant type. From here, go onto Table 418: OccupationPerformance.

GameplayBenefits: Merchants learn languages, usually due to exposure to people who don't speak their own. This translatest0 Rank2skillin ld4foreign languages. Merchantsalso learn the value of what they sell. A merchant will have an ability to evaluate trade goods (usually limited to those he is familiarwith) equal to his skill Rank as a merchant.

Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the result against the Table4 16: Government Jobs. This is the governmentworker'sjob function. Roll HiLo for the official's sex if necessary. Hi = female, Lo = male. From here, go onto Table 418: Occupation Performance. Roleplay:There have beengovernment workers almost as long as there have been governments. There are three reasons that someone becomes a government worker, 1) he has a desire to serve humanity, 2) has a lust for power and enjoys dominating and humiliating others, or 3) is simply not qualified to do anything else. When role~lavina aaovernrnentworker. one or more of these three reasons dansasilibe the character's motivation.


416: Merchant Types (roll 2d8 )

Arms Dealer: Buys and sells weapons, usually in large quantities to questionable clients. Snake Oil Salesman: Sells "miracles" to a needy world. Travels a lot by necessity. Tavern keeper: Sells alcoholic beverages, a cheerful at-, mosphere and a limited meal menu. Pawnshop: Valuables are used to secure loans here. If items are not reclaimed, the pawnshop sells the item. Trader: The descendant of the traveling salesman andthe long-haultrucker. Hotelier: Provides a bed, a meal and more. Retail Merchant: This is most stores, including fashions, books, food, hardware, vehicles, weapons, etc. Importer: A general importer of trade goods, including spices, raw materials or subassembliesfor manufacturing, crafts, grain, curios, and wild beasts. Livestock Trader: Buys and sells farm animals for food and other uses. Shipping Agent: Arranges the transportation of goods to many destinations. May run freight lines or own ships, but usually uses others. RealEstateBroker:Locates potentialpropertiesforclients and arranges the sale. Jewelry Dealer: Trades in gemstones and jewelry. Art Dealer: Acquires and sells works of art. Antique Dealer: Acquires and sells antiquities (ancient statuary and historical artifacts) Monopoly:Roll again on thistabletoselect business. The merchant controls all businesses of this sort in either a major city or a small country.

d20 416: Government Jobs (roll a d20)

Chief executive officer: president or chairman. Office worker: back bone of government. Policeman: a patrolman or maybe a detective. Police chief: top cop. Sheriff: law and order in smaller towns and villages. Revenue Officer:tax collector. Magistrate: a courtroom judge with limited authority. Diplomat or ambassador. City Ruler: a mayor, party chairman, manager, etc. Advisor to the ruler of a country: a counselor. Chief Advisorto a ruler: like a Prime Minister. Governor: appointed to rule a colony or territory. Judge: interprets the law. Secret Policeman: undercover arm of the law. Soldier: a paid member of the standing army. Roll a d l 0. If the result is a 1-5,the soldier is not an officer. If the result is 6-8, the soldier is a noncommissioned officer. If the result is 9-10, the soldier is a commissioned officer. Officers go to Table530:MilitaryRankto selecttheir rank. Postal Worker: Ensuresthat communicationsare transferred and delivered. Bureaucrat:a petty official within a government. Legislator:part of a law-making body. Government Employee: select job on Table 413A: OccupationSelection. Reroll any obvious absurdities (but think first, would any job be too absurd for your favorite government to undertake?). Spy: covert intelligenceagent.

417: Crafts


417: Crafts

Use only if directed here by another table

Crafts are skilled occupations in which the end ~roduct is usuallysomethingtangible, likeapiece of pottery, aship', atool, or a piece of furniture. The crafts are a part of the heriiage of many races. Many craftsmancarry on centuries oldfamilytradiiions.Their crafts appear anachronistic, seeminglyout of place in ourindustrialized world. Yet they still exist and theirgoods will often be of the highest quality.

417B: Craft Table I1 @ll a d20)


C r a f t

Instructions: Each of the three Craft subtables is separate from the others. The occupation table entry which sent you here should have indicated which subtable to use. To select a craft occupation, roll ad20 and matchthe result againstthe appropriate table. Record the craft in the OCCUPATION section of the worksheet. From here, go to Table 4 18: Occupation Performance. Roleplay: Craftsmen are usually respected members of society. Master Craftsmen, especially artistic ones, are treated with honor often reserved for Nobles. Craft skills may be more applicable and appreciated on frontier or colony worlds where mass production is limited and interstellar imports are expensive. Gameplay Benefits: Each craft consists of one or more skills that the character can learn and improve upon. The GM and the playerwill needto determinewhat these are and howthey are to be used in play.

Shipwright: builds sailing ships. WheellCartwright:makes wheels and wagons. Distiller: makes distilled beverages, usually alcoholic. Tinker: repairs simple household objects. Sign Painter: paints signs for all occasions. Clock Maker: makes and repairsmechanicaltime pieces. Miller: grinds grain into flour. Armor SmRh: makes armor and some weapons. Sausage Maker: makes sausages. Brewer: makes beers, ales and meads. Animai Trainer: trains common animals like dogs or horses. Plasterer: plasters walls and ornate decorations. Glazier: makes and installs window glass. Tailor: makesfrepairs clothing of all kinds. Silver Smith: makes and repairs metal vessels. Glassblower: makes bottles and glassware. Cabinet Maker: makes fine wooden furniture. Weapon Master: a teacher of weapon skills. Dress Maker: makes women's clothing Frame Maker: mats and frames attwork.

417C: Craft Table I11 @ll a d20) 417A: Craft Table I @ll a d20)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20



C r a f t

Blacksmith: maker and repairer of metal goods. Potter: makes pottery and glazes. Weaver: makes cloth, usually of natural fibers. Stone Mason: shapes and lays stone. Gunsmith: makes and repairs solid projectile guns. Baker: bakes bread, cakes, cookies, etc. Butcher: butchers animals, smokes meats. Carpenter: builds with wood (or synthetic materials). Tanner: prepares leather from animal hides. Rope and Net Maker. Leather Worker: makes leather goods. Cobbler: a specialty shoemaker. Also repairs shoes. Basket Weaver: maker of baskets and wickerware. Joiner: makes wooden furniture &cabinets. Painter: paints houses, ships, etc. Spinner: spins wool, flax, and cotton into thread. Dyer: colors woven fabrics. Chandler: makes candles. Sail Maker: makes sails for sailing vessels. Saddle and Riding Harness Maker.

Cosmetologist: skilled in the art of make-upcreationand application. Costumer: makes costumes and elegant clothing. Goldsmith: a crafter of gold for all uses. Jeweler: a maker and assessor of fine jewelry. Instrument Maker: musical instruments. Composer: a professionalcreator of music. Cartographer: master surveyor and map maker. Perfumer: makes perfumes and scents. Animai Trainer: train exotic animals. Pharmacist: makes and dispenses medicines. Furrier: makes and sells fine fur clothing. Horse Breeder: blends the bloodlines of fine horses. Fine Artist: paints murals and portraits, sculpts statues. Wine Maker: knows his wines, grapes and fruits. Oculist: makes custom lens, and eyeglasses. Pastry Chef: cakes, sweet breads and pastries. Confectioner: candy maker. Paper and Ink Maker: source of special papers and inks. Knife Maker: makes swords, daggers, and other bladed weapons. Poet: a writer of sonnets, odes and epics.

Occupation Performance
Use only if directed here by another table

Thistable is optional, use it only if you want to. ltgoes into details about a character's or an NPCG performance of his occupation, including attitudes about work, and coworkers, work habits and level of achievement within the occupation.

Instructions: If you chose to use this table, roll a d3. The result is the number of different descriptions which apply to the character's orthe NPC's work habits. Roll ad20 anda d6 for each description to be selected. On Table 4 18A: Work Attitudes, go to the entry indicated by the d20 result. Use the column (either left or right) on the table as indicated by the d6 result. If the characterbeing described here is a nonplayercharacter, go to Table 4188: Levelof Achievement. Roll a d20 to select how well the character does in his chosen occupation, including a relative Rank for his skill level. From here, return to the table that requested that an occupation be selected.

Achievement (roll a d20)

Apprentice: NPC never managed to rise above this level of accomplishment. Roll a d20 again. If the result is 19-20, the NPC was an acknowledgedfailure at his profession. Anyone in that profession will know of it. Skill Rank is l d 2 (Rank 1 or 2) Journeyman: The skills are known, but mastery was never gained. Most probably, he works for someone else, since his skills are hardlyworth noting. Skill Rank is 1d3+2 (Rank 3 to 5).
Skilled Tradesman: A well respected practitioner of the craft or profession, though he has gained little renown for the practice of his occupation. A character with this skill ranking will usually own his own business or be an overseer in someone else's business. Skill Rank is 1d2+4 (Rank 5 or 6).

418A:Work Attitudes
d20 Work Attitudes (roll a d20 & a d6) d6 result of 5-6 d6 result of 1-4

Patient Talented 7 Generous 8 Fair 9 Opinionated 10 InspiredLoyalty 11 Humble 12 Trusting


Impatient lncom~etent Stingy Underhanded A Yesman InspiredMistrust Arrogant Jealous

Master Craftsman: An acknowledged master of the profession. There are few better at it than he. Usually has his own business, though he may be in the employ of some wealthy patron. Many times his business involves training apprentices to the craft. Skill Rank is ld2+6 ( Rank 7 or 8). A Master of Note: The NPC has gone beyond mere practice of the craft to turn it into an art form. He is a Grand Master, knownthroughout the world. His work is in high demand and often demands a high price. Such acharacter'sskill Rankis Rank9. Roll ad20again. If the result is 20, he has legendaryskill at his craft (Rank 10). Roll a d20 once more. If the result is again 20, the characterhas Mythicalskill(Rank 11+). Otherswhopractice the same profession will be in awe of the character.

17 Productive 18 Office Politician 19 WWY 20 Roll again on Table 64 1A: Lightside Traits.

Unproductive Avoids ~olitics Unhappy Roll again on TaNe 64 10:Darks& Traits.

419: Hobbies


419: Hobbies

419A: Type of Hobby b l l a d20)

Base cost multiplier: 2

d2OHobbies & Diversions

Use only if directed here by another table

Regardlessof culture, socialstatus oreven species, it's not unusual for an intelligent being to devote its "free" time to diversions that entertain, challenge or improve oneself.

Instructions: Rollad20 and matchthe result against Table 419A to select a hobby. Then go to Table 419Band roll a d20 to determine the character's degree of interest in the hobby. Finally go to Table 4 l 9 C below and roll a d4 to determine the character's skill at the hobby (as adjusted bythe Degree of Interest modifiers). Roleplay: Hobbies provide characters with unusual, but often useful skills, often unobtainable by other means. Hobbies often have a negative side-effect:they become com~ulsive, consuming all a character's time, energy, and money. '

419B: Degree of Interest (Roll a d20)

d20 Degree of Interest
1-4 5-12
Casual. Easy to put aside when necessary. Spending money on this hobby is a rare occurrence. SporadicandVariabie. Interest runs in spurts, intense at times, totally ignored at others. Character will easily spend 1% of his total income on this hobby.

13-19 Devoted. Given a choice, this is how the character spends his free time. About 10 to 15% of total income is spent on this hobby.

Consuming Passion.This activity is afocal point of the character's life (see Obsessive Behavior description, entry 14, in Table 6418: MentalAfflictions). Character will spend (ld6+2)x10% of his total income on this hobby and may have to be forcibly pried away from the pursuit of the hobby.

419C: Hobby Proficiency

Roll ld4. The result is thecharacter's base orstarting Rank with thisskill. Addorsubtract ranksfromthis abilitybasedonthe degree pf interest modifiers listed below. Rank at hobby will never be less than 1.

Degree of Interest
Casual: Sporadic and Variable: Devoted: Consuming Passion:

S k i l l Modifier

Collect something (weapons, animals, paintings, books, signatures, religious symbols, antiques, etc.). Dancing (either participationor spectator). Unusual Sport. Like squash or bull-fighting. Outdoorsman. Roll a d8 to find the area of interest. 1 Fishing 5 Rock Climbing 2 Scuba diving* 6 Snow Skiing 3 Skydiving* 7 Hunting 4 Hiking 8 Hang gliding* Write Creatively (poetry, histories, fiction, plays) Pursues an unusual skill as hobby, select on Table 863: UnusualSkills. Art. Draw, paint or sculpt. Hobbycraft. Roll a d8 to determine the area of interest. 1 Needlework 5 Baking 2 Knife making 6 Weaving 3 Holography 7 Ceramics 4 Model making 8 Sewing Music. Appreciation & Performance. Study. Roll a d8 to determine the area of interest. 1 History 5 Archeology 2 Religion 6 Other Cultures 3 Art 7 ParanormalActivity 4 Astronomy 8 Weapons Sports and Athletics. Roll a d8 on the subtable below to determine the type of activity. 1 Wrestling (+I point Strength attribute) 2 Running (+1 point to Constitution attribute) 3 Fencing (gain Rapier skill ) 4 Team ball sport (+1 point to Dexterity attribute) 5 Animal racing (gain riding skill) 6 Swimming (gain swimming skill) 7 Target shooting (gain skill with bow) 8 Martial arts (gain skill with fists and feet) Partying. Game playing. Roll ad8 to determinethe area of interest. 1 Computergames* 5 Chess 2 Cards 6 Boardgames 3 Gambling 7 Puzzles 4 Wargames 8 Roleplaygaming* Hairdressingand cosmetics. Flying. Rollad6 to determine the area of interest andskill. 1 Helicopters' 4 Prop planes 2 Ultra-lights* 5 Military Planes 3 Space craft* 6 Jet planes* Gardening. Breeding Dogs (or other hunting animals). Animal Husbandry (breeding livestock). Cinematography (film making and appreciation). ComputerHobbyist. Anachronisms. This area of interestmay not be appropriateforearlytime periods. If it is taken, characteris probably interested in the theory and possibility for development of such things in the future.

-1 Rank

+1 Rank +2 Ranks

520: Tragedies


520: Tragedies

always the first or "10's" digit. Example: a d4 result of 2 and a d l 0 result of 0 are read as a 20. Match the number against the table below. Shouldthedie roll indicateasituation could not occur, such as a parent dying when the character has no living parents or guardians, then reroll until a tragedy that could happen occurs.


Use only if directed here by another table

Indructions: When badthings hawen togoodcharacters, it becomes necessaryto roll a d4 and a d l 0. The results are not added, but are read like a two-digit number. The d4 result is

Roleplay: Tragedies happen to almost everyone to one degree or another and we often learn and grow from them. More than many types of events, these strong emotional occurrences have profound effects upon characters. Atragedycouldeasilyprovide subsequent life-longmotivation forthe character or drastically change his or her perception of the world. The violent death of a loved-one could initiate a vendetta against the perpetrator that may later be played out. A string of tragediescouldmakethe characterfeelthat he has inborn bad luck even that the universe is against

dud10 520k Tragic Result (roll a d4 & a d10)

10 Wild beasts attack. The character receives a grave injury, but survives. She is forcedtowatch whilethe beastsdrag off and devour 1d4family members (if no family, then guardians or friends). Go to Table 859: Serious Wounds to determine the character's injury and its lasting effect. Select relatives on Table 1040: OtherRelations(reroll anythingthat really does not work).

dud10 520k Tragic Result (continued



A favorite, possibly valuable, possession vanishes. Roll a d6 on the subtable below to find how it happened: 1-3 It was lost. 4-5 It was stolen. It was stolen and a fake left in its place. 6

Character is imprisonedforacrime hedid not commit. Go to Table 862: Crimes to select the crime for which the character has been imprisoned. Following each crime is a numberthat indicatesthe type of die to roll to find the number of years for or type of sentence. Go to Table 532: Imprisoned!for special occurrences that happen in prison.
11-12 13 If the character has children, one of them dies. Select thecause of thetragedyon Table5208: TragicCauses.Thengo to Table 538: Death Situationsand select how the death occurred. If the character has no children, then the event affects a sibling. If the character has no siblings, reroll adifferent tragedy. 14-15 An industrialaccident levels a manufacturingfacilityin thecharacter'stown, killing onethe character's parents (orguardians) in the process, contaminating his neighborhood with toxins and radioactivity and giving the character a grave injury (selected on Table 859: Serious Wounds). As compensation from the company, the character receives a ldlOx $10,000.00 monetarysettlernent.

One or both of the character's parents are outlawed 24 and go into hiding. Roll a d6 on the subtable below to determine the affected parent. The numbers following each name indicate the chance on a d6 that the character and the rest of his family followed the outlaw(s) into hiding. 1-3 Father (1-2) 4 Mother (1-4) 5-6 Both parents (1-5) Now go to Table 862: Crimesto find why the parent(s) was outlawed. Then roll a d6. On a roll of 5-6 the parents go into hiding within a different culture level. Go to Table 102: Culture & Technology to find the Culture (and CUM@ that will affect all the character's future rolls. A vehicle accident kills l d 3 family members (select 15-26 1'rom those recorded on the worksheet), another person (selectedon Table 743:Others) and nearly killsthe character. Select a reasonablevehicle on Table 864: Vehicles. Competent plastic surgery gives the character a new face, but he must live with results of 1d2+1 serious injuries (selectedon Table 859:Serious Wounds). Roll a d6 to select the cause of the accident: The character was drunk or drugged out*. 1 2-3 The other driver was drunk or drugged out. 4-5 Driving conditions were bad. Someone's actions. Go to Table 743: Othersto de6 termine who caused the accident.

A favorite pet dies painfully (special pets created on Table 749:UnusualPetsare included in this). Roll ad6. If the roll is 5 or 6, the death was caused by someone else. Go to Table 743: Others and determine who caused the pet to die.
17-18 19

Orphaned! Go to Table 539: Death of a Loved One.

The town where the character lives is wiped out. Roll ad6foreach close family member orfriend living in the affected area. On a roll of 5-6, that person dies in the tragedy. Select the cause of destruction on Table 5208: Tragic Causes.


In this case the character alsogoes to prison:see Table 862: Crimes and Table 532: Imprisoned!for details.


The character is responsible for a death. Go to Table 743:Otherstodeterminewhodied. Then goto Table538:Death Situationsto determine how the death occurred.

Character receives a severe injury that does not heal properly. Go to Table 859: Serious Wounds to select the injury and its lasting effect. Select the cause of the tragedy on Table 5208: Tragic Causes.


Family/Guardian(s) is wiped out. Roll a d6 for each close family member. On aroll of 3-6, that person dies. Selectthe cause of the tragedy on Table 5208: Tragic Causes.


One of the character's parents (or guardians is killed). Roll for HitLo. Hi = fathertmale guardian. Lo = motherflemale guardian. Select the cause of the tragedy on Table 5208: Tragic Causes. Continued ...

520: Tragedies
d4ld10 520k Tragic Result (continued )
The character's home area is overrun by hostileforces. 31 All his possessions are destroyed and he and his family are forced to perform slave labor for the occupying forces. Select events as if the character were Imprisoned, but do not add the character's SolModwhen selecting prisontype. Thecharacter is tattooed with an identifying number. 1d3 members of his family dieduring captivity. Select them on Table 104D:OtherRelations. The character is bannedfrom performing his or herprimary profession and is cast out of any unions, professional, associations orsocieties associatedwith the trade. If the character's identity is publicly known, he or she cannot practice the profession within the confines of his current society. If the character has a lover, then something terrible 33-35 happens to the beloved. Roll ad10 on the subtable below to discover the nature of this tragic event. If the character has no beloved then reroll a different tragedy. Unfaithful lover leaves character heartbroken. 1 Lover attempts to kill character, but then disappears. 2 On ad6 roll of 6, thecharacter receivesasevere injury that does not heal properly. Select injury on Table 859: Serious Wounds. Lover tries to kill character, but dies in the attempt. 3 4-5 Lover dies. Select cause on Table520B: TragicCauses. 6 Lover becomes severely, even dangerously mentally ill and must be permanently hospitalized. 7 Lover is killed by lover's own jealous former lover. 8 Lover disappears and is never seen again. 9 Lover reveals that he or she can hereafter only love members of his or her own sex. 10 Lover imprisonedfor a crime. Go to Table 862: Crimes to determine what he or she allegedly did.

620: Tragedies


d4ld10 520k Tragic Result (continued



The character's best friend dies. Go to Table 538: Death Situations and determine how the death occurred.


The streets are swept by press gangs seeking "volunteersnforsecretmedicalexperiments. While passing adarkalley the character 'Volunteers." Police rescue him, but not before he has been subjected to the experiment. Give the character l d 3 quirks from Table 642: Exotic Personality Traits and l d 3 items from Table 858: Exotic Features as a result of the experiment. The character is disinherited by parents. For subsequentstandardof living, rerollSocial Status on Table 103. Do not add in a character's CuModor TiModvalues and do subtract 10 fromthedie roll. Ifthecharacterdoes not have an occupationthat he can practice at Rank 3 or better skill, modify the roll by subtracting 45 from it instead. The character is forced into an unwanted marriage. If 46 thecharacter is already married,the old spouse "disappears;' (he or she may have been kidnapped, imprisoned or killed). At the time of marriage, the new spouse dislikes the character and will obviously cause the character grief for some time to come. A shift in the economy causes severe inflation. The 47 value of money becomes a fraction of what it was. All Social Status's above DestitutedropI d 3 levelsfor 1d6years. Afterthat, they rise one level, but remain there (unless changed again). Thecharacter'sfamily isstripped of all titles and lands. 48 Reroll Social Status on Table 103: SocialStatusandsubtract 10 from the die roll. The SolModfrom this new status will be the one that affects all future die rolls. Roll a d6. On a result of 6, the character's family is outlawed (see #24 above). Roll twice more on this table and combine the results 49 into one horrible tragedy.

Adisease almost kills the character and leaves horri36 ble scars. Reduce Charisma and Appearance by l d 4 points.
37-38 War ravages the character's homeland. Roll a d6 on the subtable belowtodetermine the number of additionaltragedies that afflict the character. 1-2 One additionaltragedy. 3 4 Two additional tragedies. 5 1d3 additional tragedies. 6 If 17 years or older, the character is conscripted into military duty. Roll for 1d3 additionaltragedies then go Table 527: Military Experience. 39

520B:Tragic Causes

Use only if directed here by another table

Instructions: Roll a d l 0 on the table below to select the cause of a tragic event. Reroll if the situation doesn't fit.

I dl0

520B: Tragic Causes (Rolla d10)

An unexplainable accident. A terrible fire. A virulent, incurable disease. Someone's actions. Select person on Table 743:Others. AVillain's actions. Createthefiendon Table 752: Villains. An explosion. Roll for HiILo. Hi = A revolt. Lo = a War. Avehicle accident. Select a reasonablevehicle on Table 864: Vehicles. The character's own actions! A natural disaster. Roll a d l 2 on the subtable below: 1 Avalanche 7 Meteor Strike 2 Flood 8 Forest or Brush Fire 3 Earthquake 9 Tornado 4 Solar Flare 10 Mine cave in 5 Volcano 1 1 Hurricane or Storm 6 Lightning 12 Tidal Wave

The character's home is destroyedalong with all belongings. On a d6 roll of 6, the character's Social Status drops by one level. Select the cause on Table 5208: Tragic Causes.

40 The tragedyis like acloud with a"silverlining." Reroll the event on thistable and then select thegoodthing that comes about because of it on Table 521: Something Wonderful ...


The character's family loses all its wealth. Reroll Social Status on Table 103: SocialStatusand subtract 30 from thedie roll. The SolModfromthis newstatuswill bethe onethat affects all future die rolls.

42 All personsbelongingto thecharacter's ethnic background are rounded up by government troops and placed in concentration camps. The character escapes, but does not know the status of his family. The character must assume that he too will be hunted down by the government for recapture.

521: Something Wonderful


521: Something Wonderful


I I[


Something Wonderful.,,

Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the result against the table below. Some entries may require that additional rolls be made. Should the die roll indicate a situation that could not occur, reroll until an event that could happen occurs. Roleplay:Good things DO happen, even miraculousthings. When these sort of things happen, the character may feel extremely lucky or blessed by God. Some characters might accept thiswithgladnessand humility,whileothers mightfeelthattheyare finally getting their due.

Use only if directed here by another table

Life is tough, so when something good happens to a character it always seemst0 be unexpected. This is a list of good, wonderful things that can happen.

d20 521: Wondrous Results (Roll a d2O)

Carnivorous beasts invade the character's camp. During 1 the attack, the character finds that he has the innate ability to psychicallycommandwild beaststo do hiswill (so long as it does not seriously risk the animals lives).

d20 521: Wondrous Results ( continued


2 Get Out of Jail Free. A magnanimousruler pardons all prisoners. Ifthe character, or his friends or relatives are in prison, they are set free with an admonition to "Sin no more."
3 If the character has a lover or spouse, he is blessed with the birth of a healthy, beautifulchild. Roll HiILoforthechild'ssex. Hi = male. Lo = female. 4 While repairing the family home, the character discovers an intriguing item of great value. Go to Table 853: Gifts & Legaciesto determine what has been found.

11 The character gains a loyal friend and companion. Go to Table 750: Companions to determine the details. 10 This is a bittersweet blessing for it is combined with a tragedy. Reroll on this table, then select the accompanying tragedy on Table 520: Tragedies. 12 A despotic local government official outlaws the character's parents. After 1d l 0 years, the official's boss overthrows the evil official andthe character's parents are not onlypardoned,but are honoredfortheir role in the despot's demise. Add 1d4 points to the character's SolMod. Change the character's social status (see Table 103: Social Status) so that it matches the SolMod. 13 Character receives asevere injury that does not heal properly and almost kills her before she is rescued by a benevolent (but slightly mad) scientist who replaces the body part with an experimentalbionicprosthesis which grants the charactersuperhuman powers. Use Table859:Serious Woundstofindwhat has been replaced. Work out any special abilities with your GM.
14 The character becomes renowned for her occupation. Clients from around the world seek her services. The influx of business allows the character to increase her social status by l d 2 levels (but not above Wealthy). 15 Adisease almost kills the character, but miraculously, the character becomes immune to ALL diseases. 17 A lasting peace takes hold in the land. If the character is currently in the military, he is dischargedwith honors (see Table 530: Military Rankfor mustering out benefits.

Character acquires an unusual pet. Go to Table 749: Unusual Pets to determine the details about this animal.

The character is adopted into a Wealthyfamily. If he is an orphan, it is atrue adoption. If he has living parents, he istreated just like ason. Assume that the new family is of the same Culture level as the character at the time of adoption. Roll for important information about the new family on Tables 104: Birth & Family and 107: Parents & NPCs.

7 The town where the character lives is destroyed, but there is little loss of life. However, after the disaster passes, the area is rebuilt and becomes a boom town, more prosperousthan ever before. The Social Status of the character'sfamily raises by one level (but never above Wealthy).
8 The character is responsiblefor saving a life. Go to Table 743:Otherstodetermine who was saved. Then go to Table538: Death Situationsto determine how the death almost occurred. Roll Social Status for the near-victim on Table 103. If the victim was Well-to-Do or better, a reward of the victim's S o l M d x $100 is given to the character.
9 A new market opens up forthe chief source of the character's income (or family's income). Add +20% to the character's starting money.

If the character has an occupation, she is promoted to a 18 position of respect and authority. Her Charisma attribute rises l d 3 points. Her starting money rises by 10%. Add 1 point to her SolMod. If character has no occupation, then reroll.
19 Thecharactermeetsthe love of his life. If adults,theymarry and live happilyeverafter. If children, theywait until age 18, then marry. Select romantic events on Table 534:Ah Love!Reroll any unpleasant or unfavorable romance events.

10 A miracle (the only possibleexplanation)givesthecharacter a favorable modification. Select it on Table 858: Exotic Features. Reroll any unfavorable or undesirable changes.

20 Ashift in the economy increases the value of precious metals. The rich get richer. All Social Status's above Comfortable increase one level (But the Wealthy have only a 1% chance to become Extremely Wealthy).

522: Superhero Events


522: Superhero Events

Instructions: If the game system being played is not a superherogame system, then roll ad20 once on the following table to determine the character's chance encounter with the world of super heroes. If the game IS a super hero game, roll I d 3 events on this table.

I I'

Secret Origins: If you are creating a superpowered characterand have not yet determinedthe origin of his or her powers, do so NOW. Go to Table 740: Secret Origins.
Use only if directed here by another table

This is a foray into the terribly exciting mega-multi-omniuniverse of the super-poweredsuper hero. Forthe most part this table assumes that the character is either a super hero or a super hero wannabee. For those who cross over from other genres, modify the event to fit your game's rules of logic as necessary.

Roleplay: Consider the tone of the campaign well ahead of time. Is it straight hero-bashes-villainstuff, or are the lines of good and evil a bifuzzy? Is reality somethingthat is clearly defined and explainable, or are there weird things that most people would go mad if they knew of such things' existence? Knowing this sort of thing ahead of time will make it easier for the playerwho is putting together his hero's background.

d20 522: Superhero Events (roll a d20)

1 The character was formerly associatedwith a villain, but she reformed. Roll 1d4 to determine level of association. Then, consult Table 5228: Reformation for details of her change of heart and Table 752: Villains to learn about her evil boss. 1 The character was a sidekick. 2 The character was a henchman. 3 The character was an equal partner. 4 The character was a non-criminalemployee.
2 The character falls in love with a superpowered person. Select more details surroundingtheir relationshipon Table534: Ah Love!Also roll a d6 on the subtable below: 1 The beloved is on the wrong side of the law. 2 The beloved is an extraterrestrialbeing. 3 The character falls in love with the beloved's secret identity, not the public, super-powered one. 4 Another superpowered being is a rival for the beloved's affections. 5 The beloved constantly fears for the character's safety and often over-protectsthe character. 6 Roll twice more on this subtable.

d20 522: Superhero Events (continued)


The character is sponsored by a mysterious patron. Roll Hi/Lo, H i= The character has met the benefactor, Lo = The character has only long-distance communication with patron. Consult Table 535: In the Service of. . . .

The character receives extra training from a respected mentor. Roll 1d4to determine which Tabletoconsult. If the player wishes, the mentor's past may be created. 1 Table 863: Unusual Skills 2 Table 853: Gifts and Legacies 3 Table 860: Psychic Powers 4 Table 863: Unusual Skills & 853: Gifts & Legacies

8 An incidenttakes place inwhich the charactergains a new power. Consult Table 540: Secret Origins, beginning with Table 540B:Incidents.Consult with your GM regardingthe new power.

An incident takes place in which the character is stripped of a super power for 2d6 months. Consult Table 540: Secret Origins, beginning with Table 540B: Incidents. The character fears the reoccurrence of such an incident.

3 The character is inducted into a group of 2d6 heroes unitedto fight crime. Roll a d6 on the subtable belowfordetails. 1-5 The character is still a member of the group. 6 Character quits in a huff over differing philosophies, operating methods, etc. Rollfor Hike, Hi =Group begs him to stay. Lo = Group says "Good riddance!" 7 Group is wiped out by 1d4 super villains, and character is the only survivor. Consult Table 752: Villains. 8 Group is so inefficient& mishandled that they disband. 9 The character is kicked out for making a bad mistake during a mission. 10 The character loses interest in group and leaves.

10 Scientific breakthroughby scientist friend gives the super hero a new gadget. Select it on Table 8540: Wondrous Devices. 11 The character is responsible for an innocent bystander's death. Select the circumstances on Table538: Death Situations, then rollfor HiLo. Hi =The characteris directly responsible, then consult Table 522C: Personal Crisis. Lo = The character is indirectly responsible. No recordable effects, though the character receives bad media exposure for 1d20 days. 12 As a result of afailure to prevent a tragedy, the character suffers a crisis of confidence, and halts heroic career (if any) for 1d l 2 months. Select the tragedy on Table 520: Tragedies,then consuIt Table 5226: Personal Crises. 13 The character is involved in an adventure that is so mindtwistingly bizarre and reality shattering, so unlike the traditional hero vs. villain encounters, that it causes the hero to change his outlookon reality, life, and the universe. Roll once on Table312: Alignment and Attitude, reroll r6sults of "No Personality Trait Develops." 14 The character becomes noted for the public display of a peculiar behavior tag from Table 642E: Behavior Tags.

The character was the teen sidekick of an established hero. Create the senior hero's background. Use the subtable for entry#3aboveto determinethecurrent relationshipbetweenthe senior heroand his protege (substituting "seniorhero"forgroup).

5 The character has a companion/sidekick. Create this friend on Table 750: Companions.Use the subtable for entry#3 above to determine the current relationship between the senior hero and his protege (substituting"sidekick for "character" and "character" for "group").

Continued ...

522: Superhero Events

d20 522: Superhero Events (continued)
15 The character intervenes in aseemingly innocent matter, such as putting out a small fire or rescuing a frightenedpet. Yet, this trivial act foils the plans of a petty criminal who declares the characterto be his mortal enemy andgoss on to become a major Villain, with the destruction of the character being numbered among his goals. Create this nemesis on Table 852: Villains. The character has an encounter with an alien. Select 16 details about the alien on Table 747:Aliens. The roll a d6 on the subtable below. The character and alien have a fight, both initially 1 unawarethat the other is peaceful, though theyeventually discover this, and the character helps the alien return home. The Alien crash lands on Earth and is dying. The char2 acter does his best to comfort the dying being, who givescharacteragift of gratitude. Roll Hi/Lo. Hi = Select gift on Table 8540: Wondrous Devices. Lo = Select gift on Table 860: Psychic Powers. The character battles alien scout. Her actions convince 3 the alien race not to invade Earth. The character is completely clueless as to the alien's 4 motives, origin, etc. It departs without giving answers. The character meetsflightsan alien Villain interestedin 5 expanding his criminal base of operations to Earth. Consult Table 752: Villains. The character joined other heroes in repelling a full6 fledged alien invasion. The character takes part in a mission that goes horribly 17 wrong, with the villain triumphing and the hero getting badly injured in the process. If the character does not have a nemesis or rival, go to Table 752: Villainsto determine the opponent, and Table 862: Crimes for the incident in question. The resulting failure is a blowto the character's self-esteem. Not only must he consult Table 522C: Personal Crises, but he also develops a Darksidetraitfrom641C:DarksideTraitsandis hitwithaninjury from Table 859: Serious Wounds. Despite his efforts to the contrary, the public believes the 18 characterto be either a dangerous menace or just plain evil. 19 20


522: Superhero Events

d20 522: Superhero Events (continued)

The character leads adouble life. Neither identityseems 22 to be aware of the other, nor istheworld at large aware of herdual life. Inoneguise, she is a normal, everyday person-in the other, a heroic crime-fighter. Decide which personality is the one to be played and develop the other as an NPC, using Table 107: Parents & NPCs. The character was a villain of some renown, but he has 23 since reformed (and perhaps became a hero). Consult Table 526: UnderworldEventsto learn how he become a villain, Table 752: Villains(begin with 7528) to learn of his sordid career, and Table522B: Reformationtofind how and why hechanged sides. Somehow, the character is captured by a villain and an 24 evilclone copy (either by science orsorcery) is made of him. The public becomes confused as towho is whom, which does nothing to improve the character's reputation. This evil clone is still out there. . . somewhere. The character discovers that he has an evil twin who is a 25 super villain. Create the twin, and consult Table 752: Villains.

Roll twice more on this table. Roll again on this table, adding l d 6 to the result.

The character reaps the intangible rewards due to some21 one of her abilities. Select l d 3 items on Table 854A: Perks.

The character takes part in a phenomenal, world-spanning, secret crisis which involves most of the world's heroes and villains. Lots of death and destruction occurs, plus unlikely alliances against an overwhelming foe. Even though the event affects avast area, it also affectsthecharacter in apersonalway. The character is on the winning side (presumablythe good guys' side!), but his life is dramatically affected by the events. Roll l d 6 to determine which Tables to consult. 1 l d 4 people known to the character die. Select them on Table 743: Others. Randomly select three personality traits on Table312:Alignment. For each personwhodies, use Table 539: Death of a Loved One. 2 The character's personality takes an odd turn. Consult Table 642: Exotic Personality Traits. 3 The character is exposed to things men were not meant to know (norwomen either!). Select this horror on Table 748: Horrors, and give the character a trait from Table 64 1C: Darkside Traits 4 The character acquires both a companion and a rival. Consult Table 750: Companions and Table 751: Rivals. 5 Thecharacteracquiresan item and an injury. Select them on Table 853: Gifts and Legaciesand Table 859: Serious Wounds. 6 A really eventfulcrisis! Consult ALL results of entries 1-5.

d6 522B: Reformation (Roll ld6)

1 The character has a religious experience, repents, and be2 3

d6 522C: Personal Crises (Roll ld6)

1 The character feels like a freak in society. 2 The character feels that the heroic life is interfering with

4 5

comes a good guy. Consult Table 533: Religionfor details. The character is sickened by evil acts, goes straight. Character tires of heroes beating on him and master plans going awry. He decides, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!" A hero takes special interest in character's reforming, and devotes time and energy to get her onto the straight and narrow. Create the hero as an NPC. Thecharacterserves prisonterm and is rehabilitated. Consult Table 532: Imprisoned! Thecharacterissosuccessful as avillain that "allthefun and challenge is gone," and, after making restitution for everything he stole, he decides to switch sides.

personal and work life.

3 The character questions his nation's ethics and morality,

and wanders cross-country in search of himself and his nation's identity. 4 Aclose relative of the characterwhines and begs herto stop being a hero. The relative obviously knows character's secret identity. Consult Table 1040: Other Relations. 5 The character feels undeserving of his powers and skills. 6 The character feels guilty that she cannot solve all of the world's problems.

523: Horror Events


523: Horror Events

I((Horror Events
There are places, creatures and ... things that lie outside the experience and knowledgeof humankind. Sometimes,thedistance'between these places of shadow and fear and our own realms of experience draw close-too close. I n s t r u c t i o n s : If the game system being played is NOT a horror genre game, roll a d20 once on the following table to select the character's brush with the dark unknown. If the game IS a horror game, roll for l d 3 events on this table. All events are presumedto be linkedtosome horrible,darkconspiracy. Now, roll ad6. If the result is less than or equal tothetotal numberof events rolled on this table, then the character develops an Exotic Personality Trait from Table 642: Exotic Personality Traits due to his or her exposure to the dark unknown.


Use only if directed here by anothertable

Gameplay Notes:The player and GM shouldassumethat the mystery surrounding these events has never been solved or satisfactorilyexplained. Roleplay: Imaginethat time when you were scaredof something in the dark, a shape, a shadow, a sound. Now imagine that you didn't imagine it. There really was something there-some-

thing dark, unexplainable and malign. Maybe you'd still be afraid of the dark? That's how your character might feel after this encounter with the supernatural. On the other hand, it may have piqued his or her interest to the point where fear is exchangedfor an unquenchabledesireto knowthe truth of what really happened that dark night.

d20 523: Horror Events (roll a d20)

1 Aplacefrightens the character. Roll 2dlO. Use the first roll on Subtable 1A below to determine the place, then use the second to determine the situation on Subtablel B. Subtable 1A: Place 1 BasementICellar 6 Vacant lot 2 Attic 7 Lockedroom 3 Empty house 8 Darkwood 4 Old barn 9 Abandoned car 5 Empty building 10 Cave Subtable 1B: Situation 1 The shape of something disturbing is outlinedon awall. 2 At certain times, a nauseating odor comes from there. 3 Voices are sometimes heard there. 4 The temperature drops to near freezing. 5 Something was down there. Select the thing on Table 748: Horrors. 6 Bright lights can be seen there. 7 Water boils without heat when left there. 8 An oppressive, even evil, sensation can be felt there. 9 Animals react violently to attempts to take them there. 10 Roll twice again on this subtabte and combine the entries in a frightening way. 2 For a period of several months, peopledisappearwith no explanations. Despite investigations, nothing is ever discovered. Just as suddenly, thedisappearances stop. The character knew at least 1d3 victims. Select the victims on Table 743: Others.

d20 Horror Events (continued


3 The character suspectsthat an evil spirit has taken possession of afamiliar object and is responsiblefor crimes and horrors that have been occurring. Roll a d l 0 on the subtable below to determine what the possessed thing may be. 1 Cat 6 Television 2 Dog 7 Statue 3 Car 8 Doll 4 House 9 PlushToy 5 Horse 10 Computer People are being killed and mutilated by someone orsomething who strikes out of the darkness. Roll a d20 forthe number of victims. Thecharacterknewthe latest victim. Select thevictim on Table 743:Others. Now, to determine the killer. Roll ad6. On a result of 1-4, the killer is a deranged person. Select killer on Table 743:Others.On a result of 5, the killer is an inhuman horror, selected from Table 748: Horrors. On a result of 6, let your GM determine the killer and keep it a secret.
4 5 The character receives agift from an unknown source. The gift is imbuedwith afeeling of intense evil, yet thecharactercannot seem to get rid of it. Just recently (before his or her adventuring career begins), he orshecomes across the unpleasant gift again. Select the item on Table 853: Gifts & Legacies. 6

Thecharacterparticipatesin a"hunt"whichsearchesforand destroys a creature who has been plaguing the area. Select the creature on Table 748: Horrors. Continued ...

523: Horror Events


523: Horror Events

d20 Horror Events (continued ...I
14 See event number 8, but substitute "relative" for neighbor. Select the relation on Table 104: Family. 15 Exposuretothishorror either unhinges the character'smind slightlyorat least convinces others that he is insane. Regardless of thetruth,well-meaning relatives (orfriends) have thecharacter committed to an institution. What transpires inside may be even more horrificthanthe event that sent himthere. If no other Horror event has been previously rolled, roll again once more to discover the terrible cause. Then, roll a d6 on the subtable below ,member, these are still horror events). 1 Character is mistreated by uncaring (possibly evil?) staff members. 2 The character's therapy causes a physical trauma. Select the damage on Table 859: Serious Wounds. 3 The character's friends discover his plight and rescue him from the institution. 4 The character meets an unfortunatesoul who has truly seen things that men were not meant to know, and she tellsthe character all about them. Rollthe darksecreton this table. Whatever it is, it somehow relates to the character's own experience. 5 The character comes to believe that whatever he may have experienced, it was not real. 6 Roll twice more on this subtable. 16 The character finds an old book hidden in the false bottom of a trunk in the attic of an empty house. Despite feelings of fear and dread, the character reads the book and begins to learn horrible secrets. Accidental recitation of a dark spell inflicts a strange change upon the character. Roll a d6. 1-2 Gainanexoticfeaturefrom Table858:ExoticFeatures. 3-4 Gain a trait from Table 642: Exotic Personality Traits. 5-6 Both 1-2 and 3-4 are inflicted on the character!

d20 Horror Events (continued


7 The charactersenses the presence of an unquiet spirii. Roll a cj10. On a result of 1-3, the presence haunts the character's ho me. On a result of 4-5, the hauntedhome isempty. Otherwise, selectthe ownerof the haunted home on Table 743:Others.GM ULY: See entry #523 on Table 965: GM's Specials. 0 1 8 The character is convinced that there is a creature lurking ablout. Roll ad6 on the subtable belowto determine the location. tlect the type of creature believed to be there on Table 748: SE H cwrors. 1 Under his bed 4 lnthewoods 2 In his closet 5 In the sewers 3 In the attic 6 In the neighborhood
A neighbor behaves strangely. The character investigates of concern and curiosity only to discover something totally unnerving. The discovery forces the neighbor to flee, but he or she is still out there.. .somewhere. Roll HiILofor neighbor's sex. Hi = male. Lo = female. Roll a d l 0 to select the neighbor's dark secret. 1 Neighbor experimented with animation of the dead. 2 Neighbor was actually a monster. Select the type of monster on Table 748: Horrors. 3 Neighbor was a cannibal. A few snacks lie about. Neighbor collected weird, frightening artifacts. 4 5 Neighborwas a worker of black magic. 6 Neighborwas a crazed serial killer. 7 Neighbor experimented with opening portals to other worlds, planes or dimensions. 8 Neighbor led a coven of witches. 9 Neighbor is a villain of world class proportions. Select details on Table 752: Villains. 10 Neighbor is an alien from another world. Select the creature type on Table 747: Aliens.



10 The character experiences ghostly apparitions that appear onI a repeating basis. Roll a d20 on the subtable below to select thce nature of the vision. 1 Airplane 12 Horse drawn carriage 2 Automobile 13 Large truck 3 Beautifulwoman 14 Shapeless form 4 Dog 15 Ship 5 Drownedperson' 16 Skull 6 Giant black cat 17 Taxi cab 7 Handsomeman 18 Train 8 Hearse 19 Troop of soldiers 9 Horse and rider 20 Wolf 10-11 Roll twice again and combine the entries. Roll HiILo for sex. Hi =female. Lo = male. 11 At an estate auction, the character discovers the journal of onle who is obviously mad, yet the character is drawn to learn m cwe of the mad things the writer implies. The book tells of lost cit ies, hidden knowledge, incredible creatures and worlds that ex ist next to our own. Any subsequent rolls on this table are dir*ectlylinked to the character's discovery! 12-13 Heroic intervention puts an endto the horrifyingevents thiat the character has experienced. Use Table 743: Others to dettermine who caused the web or horror to end. Roll a d6. On a re:sult of 5-6, the hero sacrif ices himselflherselfRhemselvesin the efl'art. If no other events have been rolled, roll once more on this tall e to find what the investigator solves.

17 The character senses that a weird change has come over several people close to her, almost like they have become entirely different people. Roll a d6. On a result of 5-6,l d4 family members are involved. Thecharactercomes to believethat one of the following situations is occurring. Roll a d4. 1 They are being replaced by emotionless clones. 2 They are being possessed by evil spirits. 3 They are being replaced by shape-changers. 4 They are actually monsters in human guise. Selectthe type of monster on Table 748: Horrors.

18 An evil, depraved cult performs sacrifices in a nearbywood. The character comes upon one of their night time rituals and wlnessesthings best left unseen. Rollad6 on thesubtable below todiscoverotherdetaiIs thecharacter learns, but wishes that he hadn't. 1 The cultists knew the character was there. 2 One of the character's close friends is a cultist. 3 A very prominent member of the community is a cultist. 4 The character's parents (or guardian) are members. 5 The cultists were attempting a ritual that would end the world as we know it. 6 Roll twice more on this subtable. 19-20 Roll three times again on this table and combine the entries to form one weird and frightening event.

524: Espionage Events


524: Espionage Events

Behindthe scenes of publicgovernmentalpolicies lies the world of espionage. Secretive, aloof, a law unto itself, the realmof spies andcount&spies is filled with plots, counterplots, conspiracies, assassinations,blackmail, and other excitementwhich make life worth living.

11Espionage Events I I'

Use only if directed here by another table

I d4 524B: Agency Types (Roll ld4)

1 2 3

Instructions: If the game system being played is not an

espionagegenre game, roll a d20 once on Table524A:Espionage Events to determine the character's chance encounter with the world of spies. If the game IS an espionage game, roll for l d 3 events on that table.

Agency is from character's home country. Agency's country is different than character's, but has same political ideology. Agencyis from a neutral nation, different ideology, but not necessarily for or against character's nation. Agency is from a nation with opposed ideology from the character's home country (a.k.a. "bad guys").

1 d l 0 524C: Terrorist Events (Roll ld10)

Skyjacking. They take control of plane. Bombing. They plant a bomb in a public place. Kidnapping. They kidnap a designated target. Atmssmuggling. They get weaponsfromoutsidesource. Piracy. They take over a commercial ship. Hijacking. They take over a train. Drugs. They smuggle drugs for profit. Assassination. They kill a public figure. Sabotage. They sabotage a public utility. Robbery. They rob a bank or jewel exchange.

Gameplay Notes: If the GM wishes, the events may be linked into one conspiracy. This informationis, of course, secret. Roleplay: Pat answers and logical explanations are not characteristic of the espionage genre. Phrases like "need to know,""eyes only," andl'wecan neitherconfirmnordeny"are used quite often. It is a world of mysteries and conspiracies, whose exact nature can only be found through extensive detective work. Learning the truth behind an espionage event could create the basis of a character's motivations, or even her career. Such work could give the seeker answers, or a quick death.

d20 524A: Espionage Events (rolla d20)

Character discovers that his parents are deep-cover 1 moles for a spy agency. Consult Table 5248: Agency types. Character discoversthat a relative is an active espionage 2 agent. Consult Table 1040: OtherRelationsforthe relative, and consult Table 5248: Agency types. Character is mistaken for a spy. Consult Table 5248: 3 Agency Types.

d20 524A: Espionage Events (continued)

13-14 Characterfallsin lovewith aspy. See Table534:Ah,Love! 15 Characterwinds upwith apackagesought bytwofactions. Roll a d6 to determine its contents: 1 Money (2d1O x $1,000) 4 Biological research data 2 Illegal guns 5 Technologicalschematics 3 Illegal Drugs 6 Computer Microchip 16


Character's ancestor was a spy for an early espionage organization. Consult Table 853: Gifts and Legacies for the distinctive heirloom.

Regardless of his or her age, the character serves as a n operative for Military Intelligence. Find the events on Table527: Military Events.

6-8 Character is taken as a hostage in acrime-related event. Roll for HiLo. Consult Table 862: Crimes.

Characterwitnesses an espionage incident. Roll ld8. 1 Assassination 5 Defection 2 Break-in 6 Smuggling Operation 3 Surveillance 7 Sabotage 4 Interrogation 8 Rendezvous Character is involved in an accident. Later on, she learns 17 that the accident was planned by a terrorist group. Roll 1d4. 1 Train derailment 3 Explosionand fire on a luxury liner 2 Airliner crash 4 Massive automobile pile-up

Characteris pressed into service as agovernmentespio9 nage agent. Refer to Table 416: Government Jobs.
10-11 Character involvedin a politicalorTerrorist Event. Rollfor HiLo. If Hi, consult Table 5248: Terrorist Events. If Lo, consult Table 5260: Political Events.

Character is set up as afall guy for a crime, and forced to 18 work as a spy. Consult Table 862: Crimes to for the crime. Character is an espionagefan. He wants to be involvedin 19 spy affairs in the worst way, but nothing has ever materialized, until now....(roll again on this table, rerolling results of 19 or 20). Character actively dislikes espionage, and would like to 20 lead a nice, normal life. Yet something does happen. (Roll again on this table, rerolling results of 19 or 20).

Character is sponsored by a mysteriouspatron. Shesoon 12 discovers that the patron is grooming her for espionage work. See Table 535: In the Service o f . . . .

525: Pulp Hero Events




/lp Hero Events

Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear, when men were real men and women were dames, and real heroesweretwo-fisted adventurerswho wore tom shirts, jodhpurs and a three-day growth of beard (optional for women).

' II

Use only if directed here by another table

Instructions: Roll a d20 once on the following table to select the character's brush with the heroic adventure.
Roleplay: Each of these events could be the core of an adventure orthe reasonthat acharactertakes up a life of adventure.

d l 0 525: Pulp Hero Events (roll a d10)

The character discovers acareworn (decrepit) vehicle 1 in a shed belonging to an elderly neighbor and he says the character can have it. Over a period of years, the character repairsand reconditionsthevehicle to working condition, though it's far from perfect. Give the character appropriate mechanical skills to Rank4. Select the vehicle and its features on Table864: Vehicles.Roll 1 d3 times on Table864L:Liabilitiesto give it afew quirks. Select a bright colorforthe vehicle on Table855:Colors, and consider giving it a personalized name. The character is an inventor (of the crackpot variety). 2 Nevertheless, he designs and builds a device of astounding abilities. Select this device on Table 8548: Wondrous Devices. Someone the character knows has disappeared in a 3 remotejungle. The circumstances surroundingthe person's visit andsubsequent disappearance are hazy and mysterious. Roll a d6. On a result of 6, the person was quite famous and the disappearance caused a stir in the newspapersand on the radio. Though years have gone by, evidence suggests that this person is still quite alive and dwells in the jungle ...against his or herwill. Select the person on Table 743: Others.

d l 0 52Gpulp Hero Events (roll a d10)

Whiletraveling,thecharacter iscaught upinthe frenzy 6 of a revolution against the monarch of a small, backwards, isolated country. The character is imprisoned (select events on Table 532: Imprisoned!), but escapes. Regardless of age, the character is instrumental in saving the royal family. Without asking permission,the monarch officially betroths the character to one of hislher young children. The marriage will be finalized when both the character and the child are of age-which occurs sometime afterthe characterbegins adventuring. To complicate matters, the character actually fell in love with a different child, much closerto the character's own age. Of course, the character's belovedis soon to be wed in a politcal marriage and agents for the aging monarch are afoot in the world, seeking out the character for yet another royal wedding. Evil is afoot in the world. Reroll the event on this table. 7 Assume that some larger-than-lifevillain is in some way either responsible for the event or involved in it in some manner. Use Table852: Villainstocreatethis paragon of evil. Assumethatthis villain appears on a recurring basis to vex the character. While travelling in a remote part of the world, the 8 character undergoes an initiation ritual that marks her part of a primitive society. As a by-product of the ritual, the character is markedwith acolorful scarltattoo. Select the markon Table856: Birthmarks, its color on Table 855: Colors, and its location on Table857: Body Locations. In time of great need, 1d4 members of this society appear on the scene to aid the character, regardless of distance orthe character's abilityto anticipate such need.

A relativewas once a masked crime fighter. He or she has since died and passed legacy of hislher career onto the character. This legacy includes 1d4 items from Table 853: Gifts and Legacies. Each item is somehow related to the task of fighting crime andlor maintaining a hidden identity. Select the deceased relative on Table 1040: Other Relations. While browsingthrough the library of afriend, thechar5 acter discovers a journal describing a lost world, filled with prehistoric beasts and primitive tribes. The location of the world is hazy, but it seems that someone with determination should be able to find it. Roll a d6 to select the implied location on the subtable below. 1 Earth's Core 4 South Pole 2 Remote Jungle 5 Mountain Valley 3 Remote Canyon 6 UnderseaCaverns

The character acquires an antique weapon (of her choosing) from a strange little shop on a winding side street. The quality of this weapon is such that it adds one Rank of ability to his skill when he uses it. There is writing in a weird script on the weapon. As yet, the character has been unable to decipher it. Alinked series of events catch the character up intheir 1 0 action andcreatethescenario that draws him or her intothe hero business. Reroll on this table ld3+1 times. All these events are linked in some plausible (or even implausible) manner.

526: Underworld Events


526: Underworld Events

' I I

Underworld Events
Use only if directed here by another table

a6 526B: Type of Crimes (roll a d6)

Pettytheft.Thecharacterand several pals steal thingsthey want or need. They act in violation of any organizedcrime syndicates. Organized burglary gang. The character works under the direction of gang leaders. The thieves are not a crime network and limit themselves to stealing and smuggling. Organized crime. This is a crime network which sets high morals and standards for its own members, but treats the rest of the world as ripe for plunder. A character who becomes involvedwith organizedcrime should go to Table 862: Crimes, and make 1d4 rolls for the types of crimes he regularly commits (ignore footnotes). The character gains l d 4 Ranks in a weapon skill of his choice (such as pistol, knife, fists, automatic weapon.) Independentcriminal. The character is heavily involved in one ormoreof thefollowing activities. Roll ad10 on thesubtable below: 1 Prostitution 2 Assassination 3 Burglary 4 Smuggling 5 Illegalgambling 6 Computer hacking (data theft &destruction) 7 Selling illegal drugs or pleasure stimulators 8 Robbing banks, stores and money machines 9 Kidnapping 10 Roll again 1d2+1 times on this table. Rerollduplicates. Political Criminal. Roll for political crime events on Table 5260: Political Events (do not use regular crime events). Banditry. Thecharacter is part of agang of rural banditswho prey on the nearby countryside.

When a character becomes involved with criminals, he often follows their ways and learns their skills. A character with undennrorld experience may not become a professionalcriminal, but he will certainly be wiser about criminals' ways and customs. Instructions: The first of the three things that a criminal character must do on this table is determine how he became involved in criminal activities on Table 526A: The Wrong Path. Roll a d l 0 to select this. Then roll a d6 and match the result against Table 5268: Type of Crimesto select the general type of activity that the character undertakes. Finally go to Table 526C: Crime Events. Roll a d3 for the number of events that occur. Then roll a d20 for each event, matching the result against that table.

Roleplay: Possiblythe character has not become acriminal himself, and is only involved with them. How does the character feel aboutthiscriminal past? Is hestill acriminal or has he reformed and gone "straight?"

ldlO 526A: The Wrong Path (roll a d10)

1 2 3 4 5

8 9

The character needs money to pay debts. Peer pressure "forces" character to do criminal acts. The character has a pathological urge to do wrong. The character wants to defy authority. The character feels he is punishing those responsible for misdeeds done to him. Thecharacterwantsto live a lifestyle hecould otherwise not afford. The character seeks a lifestyle filled with dangerous thrills and excitement. The character seeks to wield power in the crime world. The character is forced into a life a crime by criminals who threaten his loved ones. Roll two more times on this table and combine the results in some logical manner. Reroll duplicates.

d20 526C: Crime Events (Roll a d20)

1 Join a street gang. Members are usually of the character's

same age and sex. Give the gang a name, such as the Homeboyz, Rifs, Sharks, Nasty Pretties, etc. 2 Jailed for a few days in a sweep of the streets by law enforcement officials. 3 Character is seriously wounded in a fight. Select injury on Table 859: Serious Wounds. 4 Whenever a crime occurs in a city, the character is automatically a suspect, even if law enforcement officials are unfamiliar with his past. The character just looks like a hardenedcriminal.
Continued ...

526: Underworld Events


526: Underworld Events

. . ) ld20 Table 526C (continued .



10 1 1



1 4





2 0

Character becomes an informant forthe law. Roll ad6. On a result of 6, the character is labeleda snitch bythe underworld and has a contract out on her life. Character participates in a large heist, only to have his partners vanish with the loot. There were l d 4 others involved andthe valuables have never reappeared.GM: This is an chance to create either a revenge adventure or a recapture scenario (depending on which side of the lawthe character now stands). A key gang boss is killed and the character is blamed. Members of the slain boss's gang seek character's death. Thecharacter is imprisonedforacrime. Selectthecrime on Table 862: Crimes, then determine the length of imprisonment. After being freed, the character goes straight, but maintains her underworldcontacts. The character acquires l d 4 Ranks of skill as a thief (all thieving skills are leamed at this skill rating). Thieving skills include wall climbing, lock picking, hiding, moving silently, disarming traps, security & surveillance devices, picking pockets, blueprint reading and evaluating stolen goods. The character chooses to go straight, ending his life of crime. Still, he is often recognizedby criminalswho remember him from the "old days." The character develops extensive contacts in the underworld, including thieves, informants, smugglers, thugs, fences, and spies. So long as she does not turn in her formercronies, they remain friendly and can even serve as allies in "legal" activities. The character learns the sewers of his home town (or a nearbycity) aswell asshe knowsthe backof her hand. This knowledge is also useful in other cities, since waste and service systems tend to be built along similar lines. The character learns the secret passages, entrances and exits to an important local leader's estate. Thecharacterdiscoversthat several items taken in a recent heist are allegedly "cursed." No fence will take them and even the owner is making no attempts to recover his property. Select 1d3 items on Table853: Gifts & Legacies. GM Only: see entry #526 on Table 965: GM's Specials. A crime lord becomes the character's patron, and begins grooming the character to be a leader of organized crime. The character'sfriends are being killed off in horribleways. Law enforcement officials are uninterested in stopping the killer, since only criminals are being slain. Soon only the character and one other are left. The character discovers that a prominent and popular government official is really the head of a major crime ring. Roll a d6. On a result of 1-4, the official is unaware of the character's knowledge. On a result of 5-6, the officialthinks the character should be silenced. The character learns an unusual skill. Select the skill on Table 863: Unusual Skills. Thecharactersteals and hides a valuable, but quitedistinctive object worth 50 times her normal "starting money."The object has remained hidden until the present (or until a beginning characterstarts adventuring),butwhen she goes to reclaim the thing, it's gone. She discovers that it's now owned by one of her criminal "friends." Reclaiming the object would give the character much money. The character becomes the leader of a gang.

526D:Political Crime Events

Use only if directed here by another table Some crimes are committed in order to further the political aims of the character or a cause that she believes in. Acts of revolution and terrorism have been prevalent throughout the history of the 20th century. If the world perceivesthat the target of their actions is corrupt or unjust, then these people are freedom fighters. If not, they are terrorists, the worst scum of the earth. The character is assumed to belong to one such group.

Instructions:Rollad3todetermine the number of Political Crime events. Roll ad1Otoselect each event. Compare thedie roll result against the table below. Reroll any duplicates. The events are assumed to take place in the character's own home country. Then return to Table 526Cto roll any additional criminal events.

dl0 526D: Political Events (roll a d10)

1 Abombis plantedaboard acommercial airliner. All passengers on the plane are killed, along with several people on theground. While herfellows rejoice, thecharactersecretly grieves for the dead and reconsiders her own beliefs. 2 A bomb is detonated in apublicshopping area. The person who set the bomb, one of the character's friends, is killed in the blast, along with 1d20 innocent bystanders. 3 The head of the opposition party is gunned down in front of his family and friends by members of the group. 4 Memberof the group rebel againstthecurrent group leader and the character is voted in as leader. The old leader escapes and vows revenge on the rebels andtheir leader. 5 The grouptakes an important foreigner as a hostage. From thecaptive, the character learnsthat hisgroup iswrong and their targets are correct. The character helps the hostage escape in return for guarantee of his own safety. 6 Members of the group engage in a fire-fight with government troops and aregunned down without mercy. Onlythe character escaDes. 7 The character I'earns that the group is really a government sponsored organizationwhoseviolent acts are designedto make the government look good in comparison. 8 The character participatesinthe assassinationof an important foreign government leader. 9 The character participates in acoup that deposes the government in power. He suddenlyfinds that the new government has little use for ex-terrorists and flees for his life. 10 Reroll the event. The event takes place in a politically powerful foreign country.

527: Military Events


527: Military Events

acter hasenteredthe service of his or her own nation's military. On a result of 9-10, the army serves a foreign government. Duration of Enlistment:A standard military enlistment is fouryears. This time period begins at the age when thecharacter enters the military. Events may result in an early mustering out, or reenlistment. Military service may increase the "adult" years prior to a character's adventuring career. Select the events: Roll a d3 to determine the number of events that occur during the military hitch. For each event, roll a d20 and match the result against the table below (527).These events occur in addition to any significant events that would normally occur during the current period of the character's life. Noncombat Notes:All Noncombatant troops add 5tothed20 event rolls. Determinethe age at which an event occurs by rolling ad4. The result correspondstoayearwithinthe hitch period. A roll of 1 indicates it happensduring the first, year, a roll of 2 during the second year and so on. Getting Out: When the character leaves the military, he often gets additional benefits. See Mustering Out benefits under Table 530: Military Rank. BackAgain?:If anothersignificant Event directsthecharacter into the militarv again, the character retains his former rank (regardless of whAh&or not he rejoins the same unit). Rationale: Leadership skills are obvious to other leaders.

Military Events
Use only if directed here by another table

Instructions: Follow the steps below.

Select the service:Go to Table529:Military Dutiesto select
the character's branch of military service. Select the rank: Then go to Table 530: Military Rank and select the character's rank in the military. Selectthe skills: If in a combat unit, go to Table531: Military Skills and select the skills which the character learns while enlisted. The next step is to find out who runs the a n y . Select theleader: Roll ad10. If the result is 1 to 8, the char-

d20 527: Military Events

(roll a d20)

d20 527: Military Events ( Continued


1-6 Conflict! Character is involved in a major battle. To find the battle's outcome, go to Table 528: Combat!

Character reenlists in his branch of service for another four year hitch, and another I d 4 Military Events. Roll a d6. On a result of 6, he is promoted one rank.

Character reenlists in a different branch of service for 17 another four year hitch, and another I d 4 Military Events. Select the branch of service on Table 529: Military Duties.

Character learns a new weapon skill (player's choice).

Character's prowess and obvious smarts earn him a reassignmenttoa Special Duties unit forthe rest of his enlistment hitch. Select the new unit on Table 5298: Special Duties.

The character's hitch is extended by 1d4 years because 19 a majorwarbreaksout. The fighting is intense. Rolltwo additional events for each year of extension. Subtract 5 from those event rolls due to the increase in battles.
20-21 Fierce fighting breaks out. The situation is grim. All Noncombat troops are put in the field as light infantry. Determinethe enemy by rolling a d l 0 on the subtable below. The character's unit is in the thickest fighting for months and sees more action than most. ld4+1 battles occur. Using Table 528: Combat!to determine the outcome of each battle and the effects on the character. 1-3 Forces from a neighboring country. 4-5 Multi-nation war (like a world war). 6-7 A multi-factioncivil war. 7 Rebellion against a government. A war to determine a new ruler in another country. 8 An evil dictator's personal army. 9 10 A massive invasion of unknown enemies. 22-23 Character increasesone occupationskill by one Rank of ability (player's choice).

Character is transferred to a Noncombat unit for the re10 mainder of his enlistment hitch. Select the new unit on Table 5298: Special Duties. Reroll until a noncombat unit is obtained. Character is trained to become an officer of minimum 11 rank (or promoted one rank if already an officer). Add Id3 skill Ranks to his existing Military Skills. Character's unit is involvedin numerous skirmishes. Roll 12 a d l 0. On a result of 8-10, resolve the battle on Table 528: Combat! Character's unit is ambushed by a superior force. Re13 solvethe battle on Table528:Combat!, but subtract ld4fromthe first d20 roll (character's side). Character's unit is involved in a plotto overthrowthegov14 ernment andtakecontrol. A battle isfought. Resolvethe battle on Table 528: Combat! If the character's side wins, the commanding general of the unit becomes the new ruler. If the character's side loses, all the troops in the unit are declared to be traitorous terrorists and are made outlaws. The character is promoted one rank. 15 Disease ravages the army. Roll ad6. On a result of 6, the 16 character becomes sensitive to the cold and damp, as if he had an allergy to it (see Table 6420: Allergies).

Character's unit is assigned to a combat u n l in the field. Roll the event again, but do not add +5 Noncombat bonus. If the character is not acommissioned officer, he attends 25 Officer Candidate School. If he is a commissioned officer, he is promoted one rank. Character is then reassigned to a combat unit within his general branch of service (Army, Navy, Air Force). Select new unit on Table 532A: Branch of Service, using the subtablethat applies to thecharacter's current branchof service.

528: Combat!

528: Combat!

decisive victor. Record the outcome on vour worksheet. 4. Battle Events. subtractthe loweidie resultfromthe higher

and match the resulting number against the table below for additional battle results. -

528: Battle Events (use battle outcome result)

0-1 The carnage was awesome. ld100% of the character's side was killed. The character almost died when he received a grave injury. Roll a d6. On a result of 6, the character's military careerends. Determinetheinjury on Table859:Serious Wounds.
2 3 4

528: Battle Events (continued


14 Characterfoughtwell. Many foe died at his hands. Roll a d6. On a result of 5-6, the character may improve one weapon skill by one Rank of ability.

Serious casualties. Characterwasinjuredand has an impressive scar to show for it.

The honor of it all causes the character to develop an exotic personalitytrait from Table 642: Exotic PersonalityTraits. Character's best friend dies at his side. Character is the only survivor of his unit.

15 Regardless of the outcome of this battle, the character performed a successful heroic mission that did real damage to the enemy's abilitytowage war. Because of this, the conflict ends in l d 6 months and innumerable lives are saved. 16 Character messes up royally in battle and is personally responsibleforthe deaths of (1d l 0 multiplied by his military rank #) of his comrades or followers. 17 An act of the character reverses the battle's outcome (a losing battle is won, a winning battle lost). Roll a d6. On a result of 6, he is recognized for it (A loser is demoted l d 3 ranks, a winner is promoted one rank). 18 Character's immediatesuperiorofficer isslain and he assumes command (effectively a field promotion, by one rank. If this is rolled again, he advances yet another rank). 19 Regardlessof his performance in battle, the character is accused of dereliction of duty and is court-martialed and demoted one rank. 20 Characterslaystheleaderof theenemyunit in apersonal confrontation. 21 Thevictor's sidesuffers light casualties. Roll2dlOon this subtable for one additional event (reroll results that indicate casualties that conflict with this table entry).

6-7 Rollad20 1d3+l times on thissubtable. Rerollconflicting and duplicate results. 8-9

Character sees action, but nothing noteworthy.

10 Character fought well and with notable heroism. Many comrades owe their lives to his heroics. The character is promoted one rank for his valor (or made a commissioned officer if not an officer). Roll a d6. On a result of 4-6, the character may improve one weapon skill by one Rank of ability. 11 Character is captured and imprisoned. Military service ends with this event (do not roll any more military events). Determine events of imprisonment on Table 532: Imprisoned!
12 13

Regardless of the battle's outcome, the character is decorated for his heroism.

Character was a coward in battle. Roll a d6. On a result of 1-4, no one else noticed, but he must live with his actions. On a result of 5-6 the character is demoted 1d3 ranks for cowardice.

The loser's side is utterly destroyed. Character is promoted one Rank for personal valor.

529: Military Duties



529: Military Duties

Military Duties
mililaryservice may perform. In reality, the proportionof noncombatant troops to combat troops is much, much higher than sugges;ted here. The balance ischanged here fordramatic purposes.

529B:Special Duties

I Use onlv if directed here bv another Table I

Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the result against the table below to select the branch of Special Duty service that the characterenters.Select militaryskills on Table531:MilitarySkills only if directed to do so by a numbered footnote.


I These are the general tasks which men and women in the

Use only if directed here by another table

Instructions: Roll a d4 and match the result against the

TalYe 529A: Branch of Service to select the character's duties.

529B: Special Duties (roll a d20)

Support occupation. Select an occupation on Table 413: Occupations. Reroll any absurdities.@ Medical corps. Enlistedcharacter is trained as a field paramedic.Officers aredoctors and nurses. Beginwith Rank 2 first aid skill. Gain 1 Rank of skill for each additional 2 years in this service. O Recruiter. Character's unit recruits new personnelfor the military. O Quartermaster corps. Provide supplies. O Instructor (only if character has prior military experience, otherwise, reroll on this table). O Engineer. Design & build camps, bridges, etc. O Technician. Operate, maintain & repair equipment. Office worker. O Military police. Q Rangers. Wilderness masters. Deadly warriors who can operate behind enemy lines. 8 6 Recon. Like the Rangers, they are adept in the Wilderness, but theirfocus is informationgathering and not as much on combat. 8 6 Sniper. Specialist in infiltration and hitting long range targets. Q 8 Special Operatives. Best of the best. They are the elite warriors -superbly trained for quick, surgical strikes behind enemy lines. O 6 8 Espionage. Infiltrate the enemy, and return with key information. @ Intelligence. Interpret information about the enemy.@

d6 529A: Branch of Service (Roll a d6)

1-2 Army. These are troops who slug it out on the ground. Roll a d l 0 on the subtable below to select the type of service. 1 Infantry. Foot soldiers. 2 Airborne Infantry. Paratroopers. 3 Mechanized Infantry. Infantry in armored vehicles. 4 Field Artillery. Howitzers & Rockets. 5 Air Cavalry. Helicopters and light planes.' 6 Armored Cavalry. Tanks. 7 Technical Specialist. Frontline technician. 8-9 Special Duty. Select duties on Table 5298: Special Duties. 10 Helicopter Pilot. Flies rotary-wing aircraft.'
3 4 Navy. These are the ships who prowl the seas and the troops who guard them. Roll a d l 0 on the subtable below to select the type of service. 1 Marines. Amphibious assault troops. 2 Gunnery. Fire the big guns. 3 Fighter Pilot. 4 Bomber Pilot. ' 5 Helicopter Pilot. 6 Submarines. 7 Technical Specialist. Frontline technician. 8-9 Special Duty. Select duties on Table 5298: Special Duties. 10 Flight Crew. Aircraft mechanics.

5-6 Air Force. These are the pride of the skies. Roll a d6 on the subtable below to select the type of service. 1 Fighter Pilot. ' 2 Bomber Pilot.* 3 Transport Pilot. Flies large cargo craft.' 4 Ground Assault Pilot. ' 5 Technical Specialist. Frontline technician. 6 Ground Crew. Aircraft Mechanic. 7-8 Special duty. Select duties on Table 5298: Special Duties. Character must be an officer to be a pilot. Otherwise, the character is a ground crewman.



No military skills gained in this service (beyond basics), unless transferred to a combat unit. Character gains military skills on Table 531: Military Skills as if assigned to an infantry unit. Gains skills as infantry, but add I d 4 additional Combat skills, selected on Table 531: Military Skills. Gains skills as infantry, but add I d 2 additional combat skills. Select skills on Table 531: Military Skills. Gains +d6 Special Survival Skills. Select skills on Table 531C Special Survival Skills. Treat as infantry, but gain one additional combat skill, Disguise at ld4+1 Ranksof skill. Gain I d 4 Ranksof thieving skills.Selectmilitary skills on Table 531: Military Skills. Gains +3 Ranks of Camouflage & Concealment skill and +3 Ranks of Ranged Weapon skill.

530: Military Rank


530: Military Rank


Military Rank
Use only directed here by another table

In the military, rank is everything. Those who lead are supposedto be superiorto those who follow (intheory). In most cases, special education is required to become an officer. Yet this is not always the case.

Instructions: If acharacter's previous background events or education have included military academytraining,the character automatically enters the service as an officer of minimum rank (rank 13). Without a militaryacademy background, all other player characters enter as minimum rank enlisted men. Player Character Military Rank:A beginning non-officer PC characterahays begins at the minimum rankfor his branch of the service, as shown in Table 530A: Enlisted Rank. Unless he gets officer training through an event, he cannot rise above the maximum rank listed on that table. A beginning officer PC character always begins atthe minimum officer rankfor his branch of service, as shown on Table 5306: CommissionedRank. Such a character may rise through promotionor appointment to the top of that table. NPC Military Rank: Roll a d l 0 and add the character's SolMod.Maat the result against Tables 530A & 5308. This gives the NPC's Rank. Rank#:Thisvalue is usedtodetermine musteringout benefits (see below), and the number of men the character's actions can directly effect during Military Events (Table 527: Military Events). Musteringout benefits:"Mustering out" means leaving the military. Uponfinally leavingthe military,thecharacterreceives a bonus of cash. This amounts to a number of credits equal to 100 timesthecharacter's rank#, plus 1xrank#foreach yearof service. Thus a character who leaves the army as a Captain after two hitches (8 years) is paid 25x 100 + 25x 8 credits (or an additional 2,700 credits on top of his starting money). Officer Benefits: Military officers gain the following:
l).Training: Eachtime acharacteradvances in military rank, he may either chose a militaryskill to improve by one skill Rank or choose a new skill from Table 531: Military Skills. New skills must be appropriate to the character's service branch. 2). Comrades: If an officer's unit survived his hitch in the

military, he hasapercentagechance equal to his rank#tofind I d 3 veterans of his unit in a majorcity (GM'sdiscretion). Ad1 00 result of 95orgreaterahaysfails. If thecharacter's rank# isgreaterthan 100, his chance to find former comrades is 100% but a percentile dice roll must still be made. Furthermore, divide the over-100 rank # by 100. The result is the number of d6 to be rolled to find the number of former troops now available. Former comrades will remember the character and might still be loyal to him, willing to become faithful henchmen, or may hate him for his actions and failures. Former comrades are not necessarily the character's friends.

Roleplay: True leadership skills are not found in everyone. Even though a character's family is able to initially influence an officer's commission for him, this does not make him a leader. Is thecharacterloved by his formercomrades or hatedforfailures on the battlefield, ashamed to show his face where soldiers gather?

I 530B: Commissioned Rank

1 18

I I 1

I 1 1 11

50 200 500 1,000 5.000


Lt. Commander Commander Captain 8 Admiral @ Admiral of the Fleet@


~t. colonel


1 22

0eneral Q Field Marshal @ Dictator @@

24+ 50,000

F o o t n o t e s
@ Add I +1 to SolModfor all future uses (Max of 15).

@ @ @

530A: Enlisted Rank (NPCs: roll a dlO+SoZMaE )

I 1I

5 Sergeant
10 20 50 100 Staff Sergeant Platoon Sergeant Master Sergean Sergeant Major



Add +2 to SolModfor all future uses (Max of 15). Add +3 to SolModfor all future uses (Max of 15). Add +5 to SolMod for all future uses (Max of 15). @ Commander of all military forces in the land. 8 The character is assumed to have usurpedthe leadership, taking it by force. Such a domain is held so longas the character has military backing. Acharacterwho "retires" Bo'sun from being a ruler usually



Staff Sergeant Staff Serqeant Pettv Officer 2nd Class ~echnicai ~ergeant ~ u n n e r y ~ r g e m pet& t Officer 1st C I S C h i Master Sergeant Master Sergeant Chief Petty Officer (CPO) First Sergeant Sergeant Major Senior CPO @



does so because he forced out by apolitical revolutionor .COUP.. The Musteing out bendts are looted from the national treasury.

531: Military Skills


531: Military Skills

Military Skills
Basic Skills: First, give the character the followina skills. regardless of branch or dutks (choose specific weapon$

Ill 1 1 1

Instructions: Skills depend on the branch of millary.

Use only if directed here by another table

I d l 0 531C: Special Survival skills

Tracking (following tracks). Find food (plant & animal). Camouflage & Concealment. This is an ability to move across a battlefield unseen and hide things in plain sight. 4 Trailing (followingsomeone unseen). 5 Pathfinding. Finding one's way in the wilderness. 6 Find water (know if its drinkable). 7 Make traps & deadfalls with natural items. 8 Making own shelter (against cold & damp). 9 Specialize in survival in a specific environment. Choose hostile, forest, jungle, desert, mountain, or winter. 10 lmprove an existing military skill by 1d3 Ranks.
1 2 3

Rank 2 in a ranged combat weapon (rifle, pistol, etc.) Rank 1 in martial arts (hand to hand combat) +1 Rank to Wilderness Survival skill
Service Skills: Use Table 531A: Service Skills to find what skills the character has. Cross reference the character's duties with the Table columns. The number in each column (if any) represents the number of rolls the character may make on that experience table. Use all duties or branches of service (Army, Navy, etc.) that apply to the character (such as being infantry or a helicopter pilot). The first roll of a skill is always learned at Rank 3 ability. Duplicate rolls add 1 Rank to the skill.

Table 531A: Service Skills

Service &/or Duty Air Cavalry Air Force Armored Cavalry B
1 1 1


2 1


d l 0 531D: Naval skills

Swimming. Handle small boats. Sail large craft. 4 Gunnery. Use & maintain the on-board weapons systems. 5 Computers. Operate, program and maintain them. 6 Ship maintenance & repair. 7 Climbing 8 Navigation. 9 Communicationsand sensors. 10 lmprove an existing military skill by 1d3 Ranks.
1 2 3

1 1

Infantry Marines

3 2

1 2

d l 0 531E: Aerospace skills

Technical m i a l i s t 1
1 1

d l 0 531B: Combat skills


4 5

6 7

9 10

lmprove ranged weapon skill (of choice) by one Rank. First aid. Reduce severity of damage by Rank x 5%. Survivalsense. Modify attacks against character by 1 point (in the character's favor). Martial Arts. This is expert hand-to-handcombat. Militarystrategy(changedieresuitson Table528:Combat! by 1 point in character's favor -up to 3 points). Learn additional weapon skill of choice. See weaknesses. Can seefoe'sweaknesses and thusgain a +1 attack bonus for each ranking with this skill. Endurance exercises. For each 2 Ranks with this skill, the charactercan improve his Constitution attribute by 1 point. Field repair of weapons and armor. lmprove an existing military skill by 1d3 Ranks.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Pilot single engine fixed-wing aircraft (officers only). Pilot multi-enginefixed-wing aircraft (officers only). Pilot rotor-wing aircraft (helicopter) (officers only). Gunnery. Use & maintain the on-board weapons systems. Communications. Aircraft maintenance and repair. Computers. Operate, program and maintain them. Fighter craft combat techniques (officers only). Communicationsand sensors. lmprove an existing military skill by 1d3 Ranks.

1 2 3 4 5

531F: Vehicle skills

Drive unit's main vehicle. Trick driving. Special stunts & survival tactics. Field repair damaged vehicles. Gunnery. Use & maintain the on-board weapons systems. Drive other vehicle (one not used by unit). lmprove an existing military skill by 1d3 Ranks.

532: Imprisoned!


532: Imprisoned!

' II

Use only if directed here by another table

Barbaric societies have a simple way to punish criminalsthey kill them and have it done with. ~ r k o n ' i s an enlightened society's way of dealing justice to transgressors of the law. Prisons in the 20th century span a wide variety of conditions and theories in the way they deal with the punishment and or rehabilitation of offenders. They may be the traditional dungeon with dank, dark cells, or walled compounds with no individual rooms orprivacy, or luxuriouscamps where influentialnon-violent prisoners learn the errors of their ways(and play a lot of tennis!). The material here is fictional, and in no way represents any particular prison system, present or past. While it is true that most folkfound in prisondeserve theirfate, it can also be said that some are there who should not be there. They had the misfortune to either be at the wrong place at the wrong time, look like somebody else, or be on the losing side of an argument with someone who wielded political power corruptly.

result. Compare the total against Table 532A: Prison Typs to determine where the character is punished or rehabilitated. Duration:The type of crime determines the number of years imprisoned, lmprisonment begins at theage determinedfor it (see "Age" under Table 208: SignificantEvents of Childhood& Adolescenceor Instructionsunder Table21 1 : SignificantEventsofAdulthood. Imprisonmentthat begins in childhood may overlap into adolescence.Adolescence lmprisonment may extend into adulthood. lmprisonment beginning in adulthood may further increase the "adult" years prior to a character's adventuring career. Events: Roll adatodetermhethe numberof eventsthat occur during the period of imprisonment. For each event, roll a d l 0 and match the result against Table 5328: Prison Eventsbelow. Follow directions if use of othertables is indicated. For each event (except escape or early pardon-see events below), you may select the age at which it occurs (within the period of imprisonment), rather than roll dice to determine the age.

Roleplay: Generally speaking, those imprisoned for committing crimes deserve their punishment, but are not necessarily deserving of other events that take place while imprisoned. If the character is imprisoned (justly or unjustly), imagine his attitudes toward fellow prisoners, the guards and those who run the prison.

ldlO Table 532A:Prison Type(rollldl043olMod)

1 2-4 3-9 10 11-15 16 17+

Instructions: If the table that sent the character here did not specify acrime, go to Table862:Crimesand select acrime and punishment (number of yearsto be imprisoned),then return here. PrisonType: Roll ad10 and addthecharacter's SolModtothe

Horrible pit-like dungeon cells High securiiy cells Medium security work camp Reroll, but do not add SolMod Low security farm Reroll, but do not add SolMod Low security luxury camp

dl0 532B: Prison Events (Rollld10)

1 The character escaped. Roll a d l 00 to determine the percentage of the prisontermserved. Example: acharacterescapes after serving 60% of an 11 year sentence, serving only 6 112 years. Roll a d8 on the the subtable below. 1-2 A reward of 1d20 x 1,000 dollars is offered. 3 4 l d 6 other prisoners accompanied the character. A guard aided the prisoners in their escape. 5 6 Thecharacterwas forcedto kill aparticularlycorrupt guard during the escape. If caught, the character's life will be forfeit (work this out during game play). 7 A prisoner who escaped with the character is a powerful criminal (Findtype on Table 862:Crimes). He goes relatively straight after escaping, and becomes the character's patron. Select details on Table 535: Inthe Service of ...beginningwith 5358. Roll twice more on this subtable. Duplicate results 8 indicate adoubling of the earlier roll (a rewardwould bedoubled, twoguards aidedtheescape, morethan one guard was slain, etc.) 2 A general amnesty is declared. The character is freed after serving only I d 10 ~ 1 0 % of his sentence (do not make any more event rolls on this table). 3 A disease ravages the prison. The character survives and gains fame as a tender of the sick. Surviving prisoners and guards treat the character as a hero. Gain Rank 1 medic skill.

dl0 532B: Prison Events (continued ...I


The character serves out his sentence in a special type of punishment. Roll a d4 on the subtable below. Character learns a trade at Rank3skill. Select an oc1 cupation on Table 413: Occupations. Character issentto isolationfor hisown oranother's 2 safety. Character is placed in a work gang. Add 1 point to 3 Strength attribute. Character works in an unhealthy environment. 4 Subtract 1 point from Constitution attribute.

6-7 Character learns thieving skills at ld3+1 skill Ranks.

8 Character escapes, but is caught. Add 5 years to sentence duration and 1 additional event roll on this table. 9 Character participates in a prison uprising. Roll a d6. On a result of 6, the character leads the uprising. Roll ad6 again. If the result is 4 to 6, the uprisingsucceeds. Otherwise itfails. Roll ad6 athird time. If the result is6, Idloguardsare killed. If the uprising succeeds, the character escapes (determine details on the subtable below Event #I). If the character is the leader of a successful uprising, he or she continuesto lead 1d6 low-abilityNPC followers (see Table 750C: Companions- What Kindof Guy?). If the revolt fails, the character is tortured and receives a grave, permanentinjury. Selectthe injury on Table859:Serious Wounds.
10 Character is tortured and receives agrave injury. Select the

Character is beaten frequently by cruel guards.

injury on Table 860: Serious Wounds.

533: Religion


533: Religion


533B: How It Begins (roll a d10)

Hostlleencounter. Followersof the religionare persecuting unbelievers. Evangelism.Believerssharetheirfaith with thecharacter in hopes of gaining a new follower. Curiosity. The character hears stories of the religion and goes to personally investigate. An inner need. The characterfeels he must seek out the believers of religion. Voices. The character hears voices inside her head. Parent's religion. The character has grown up with this religion, but is now personally confronted by it. Friend's religion. A friend invites the character to come to a worship service. Refuge. In a time of personal crisis, the church was a warm, dry place with an open door. A chance encounter. In a lonely place, the character meets a intriguing follower of the faith. Healing. The clergy of the faith heal the character of an injury or illness (possibly of a Serious Wound).

Use only if directed here by another table

the turbulent times of the 20th century, with its globespanning wars, all-pervasive, morally degenerating media, and deceptive cultic influences, mankind's need for God, truth, and salvation has never been greater. Being sent here does not necessarily mean that the character "gets religion," or becomes a member of the clergy, or even a memberof a religion. It indicatesa brushwith the supernatural, an encounterwiththe followers of a religion (orpseudo-religion),orin the extreme, a personal awareness of a higher power's influence in one's life. All events are assumed to revolve around a single deity, religion orcult. Consider both the time period and the game involved when selecting appropriate religions. Instructions: First, roll a d l 0 on Table 533A: Religions to select the type of religion encountered. Considerwhat contemporary or game religion best fits the selection. Next, roll a d l 0 and match the result against Table 5338: How It Begins to find how it all begins. Then roll a d3to selectthe number of events that occur. For each event, roll ad20 and matchthe result against Table533C: Religious Events. Events occur in no set order.

d20 5336: Religious Events (roll a d2O)

1 Character is accused of a crime against God. If she is a member, she is excommunicated.

2 4 Character makes a pilgrimage to an important, but distant shrine of the religion. 5-7 In a vision, God asks the character to perform a sacred, but dangerous mission. GM should create mission. 8-12 Character joins the religion. Roll a d l 0 on the subtable

Roleplay: Tread carefully here, since you are probably dealing with contemporary religions. Despite media bias,followers of religionsare not fanatical morons unabletothinkforthemselves; nor are religious clergy all conniving two-faced con men. The supernatural does exist. Forces both good and evil are at work in the world (Ephesians 6:12). Whose sibe will you be on?

below to determine the strength of the character's devotion.

1-4 5-7 8-9 10

Merely an attendee, no serious devotion. Devoted follower of the principles of the faith. Fervent Belief, seeks to spread the faith. All-consuming, fanatical passion. Entire life is focused on her faith, with a willingness to die for what she believes.


533A: Religions (rolla d10)

13 Character makes prophetic statements. Roll ad10. On a result of 6-10, he becomes unpopular for what he says. 14

1-2 Mainstream Monotheism.This is one of several global-

wide religions, devoted to a single God and rich in history and tradition. Depending on the locale, this could include Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, and Islam. 3 4 Splinter Faith. This religion believes in the same God as prevalent MainstreamMonotheists, but disagreeswiththe way that God is worshipped or that Holy Scriptures are interpreted. 5 Radical Personality Cults. Belief in the deity or special calling of a charismatic leader. Cult often ends tragically. 6 Organized Atheism. A well-organized, often politically active "religion" devoted to the belief that there is no God or supernatural. 7 Occultism. Belief in the power of self and that mortals can eventually become gods. Often related to Entry #8. 8 Evil Worship. Devotion to the enemy of God. Easily includes "Cthulhoid" mythos deities. 9 MuRl-god Pantheons.Can also include spirit and ancestor worship, including modern Paganism. 10 Combination of Religions. Reroll twice and creatively combine the results.

Character inadvertently desecrates a holy shrine. Roll a d4 on the subtable below to find the consequences.
1 2-3 4


Followers actively persecute character. Followers shun character and seek reparations. Religious assassins seek character's death.

The character uncovers the activities of an evilcult. Roll 15 a d4 on the subtable below to find the consequences.


The cult seeks to have the character join them. The local cult organization is destroyed. The character becomes a hero, but the cult now wants him dead. Character is shunned, possibly out of fear of the evil cult.

16-17 Enemies of the religion persecute the character. 18-19 The character studies for the clergy for 1d4 years. This improves her Literacy skills by two Ranks and gives the character one skill Rank of religious knowledge for each year. 20 From a dusty book, the character learns more than he ever wished to know about evil. Roll a d100. If the result is 80 or higher,the knowledge causes himtodevelop an exoticpersonalitv trait. Select it on Table 642: Exotic Personalitv Traits.

534: Ah Love!


534: Ah Love!

Ah Love!
Use only if directed here by another table Romance often catches us off guard. While we are making plans for our lives, love has other ideas.

A childhood romance lasts ld10 months. An adolescent romance lasts 1d4years, but if a 4 is rolled, assume that the relationship continues into adulthood unless terminated by an event (on this or other tables). Romances beginning in adulthood are assumed to continue unless ended by an event. Events on this table that can prematurely end romances are preceded by an [E-#%I symbol. The#sign indicatesthepercentagechancethatthis event will end the romance.

Age, Social Status & Culture: Assume that the Age, Social Status and Culture of the beloved are roughlythe same as the character's unless a table entry declares otherwise.
Roleplay: If you have ever been in love, you will have agood idea how love and romance will affect the character's life. If not, imagine the character being devoted to someone more strongly than he isto his own life. The loss of a beloved (ora love affairthat ends badly) can create emotional wounds that may take years to heal-if they heal at all.

Instructions: Roll a d20 twice on Table 534A: The Beloved, to select details about the character's loved one. Next, roll ad3 toget the number of events that occur because of a romance. For each event, roll ad20 and match the result against Table534B: RomanticEvents.Follow anydirectionsgiven and return here until all rolls on this table are complete. For each event, you may select theage atwhich it occurs, ratherthan rolldicetodeterminetheage. Events that produce children should not occur prior to age 13. d20 534A: The ~ e l i v e d (roll a d20)
The character's love is unrequited (beloved does not return her affections). She can only love from afar. The beloved is already married to another. The beloved has been widowed before. Beloved has children. Roll a d4 for the number. Belovedis an imitation of a living being (a robot, aclone, an android, simulacrum, etc.). Beloved'sSocial Status isdiff erentfrom that of thecharacter. Select the Social Status on Table 103: Social Status, rerolling results that indicate a similar status. Beloved's Culture is different from that of the character. Select the it on Table 102: Culture, rerolling any results that indicate a Culture similar to the character's. Belovedisthe sibling of one of the character'sfriends(or future adventuring companions). Beloved's age is significantlydifferent from the character's. Roll ad6forHi-Lo. Hi = much olderthan character. Lo = much younger than character. The beloved is from a different country. Select it on Table 10 1: Character Origins. Belovedis notedfora personalityquirk.Select apersonalitv trait on Table 642: Exotic Personalitv Traits. ~ e i o v e is d notedforastrong personalityt;ait. Use Table 312A:Personality Trait Typestoselectthetrait. Assume that the Trait has a strength of ld20+80 (see Table 312C: O~tional Rule for details). 13-14 The beloved's appearance is exceptional. Roll a d6 on the subtable below: 1 4 Beloved is extremely good-looking 5 Beloved is rather unattractive Beloved is ugly, even repulsive. 6 15-18 Beloved has an appearance quirk. Select the quirk on Table 86 1 : Appearances. Beloved is involved in a romantic triangle, in which an19 other lover pulls at his or her affections. Roll twice more on this Table. 20

d20 534B: Romantic Events (roll a d20)

Character marriesthe beloved (assumes both character and beloved are of legal age). The character and the beloved are intense rivals until they suddenly realize their rivalry springs from their mutual love. Thefamilies ofthecharacterandthe beloveddisapprove of their love. Roll a d6 on the subtable below. 1 [E-65%] Beloved's family forces beloved into an arranged marriage with someone else. 2 [E-45%] Character's family forbids the romance. 3 [E-45%] Beloved's family forbids the romance. 4 [E-25%] The beloved's family sends the beloved away to live with distant relatives. 5 [E-25%] The character's family sends him or her away to live with distant relatives. 6 Roll two more times again on this subtable. [E-75%] Character is unfaithful to the beloved. [E-75%] Beloved is unfaithful to the character. A tragedy aff licts the beloved. Select the tragic event on Table 520: Tragedies. [E-50%] Beloved is kidnapped (a lead-in for adventure?). When together, the character and his beloved have a psychic power that they do not have when separated. Select the power on Table 860: Psychic Powers. [E-35%] Beloved is called to overseas military service. The character rescues his beloved from certain doom instigatedby avillain. Create an imaginativenear-doom scenario. Use Table 752: Villainsto developthe badguy. The beloved inspires the character to greater accomplishments. Improve one skill by one Rank. The character has I d 4 children by the beloved. Roll for the occurrenceof an unusual birthforeach child on Table 106: Unusual Births (do not add in any BiMods). The beloved becomes the character's Companion. Select details on Table 750: Companions. [E-100%] Characterand the beloved end their romance, but remain good friends. Roll a d l 0. On a result of 10,the beloved becomes the character's Companion. Select details on Table 750: Companions. [E-100%] Character and the beloved bitterly end their romance, becoming fierce rivals. Select additional details of the rivalry on Table 751: Rivals.


535: In the Service of



535: In the Service


535B: Scope of Influence

Inthe past, many artists, musicians, craftsmenand explorers were supported by wealthy patrons, men and women who expected service in exchange for their support. In the 20th century, direct patronage of one individualby anotherwanedto the point of disappearing. Instead, organizationstook over the role. In such a role, they are seen more as "sponsors." When a patron is a single person, he or she is eitherwealthy or in a high position, someone who can afford to trade favors for favors, or provide assistance in exchangeforallegiance.Patrons andsponsors arealso awonderful source of employment for adventurers.


the Service of ... 11 In '

Use only if directed here by another table

Instructions: Roll a d l 0 and match the result against the table below to select the Patron/Sponsors area of influence. From Here: Go to Table 535C: Service Events.

ld10535B: Scope of Influence

1-2 3-6


Local. Patronlsponsor has little influence outside immediate area around residence. State/ProvinWerritory. Though the PatronlSponsor may be known outside this area, hisliis power is not effective further than this. National. PatronISponsorhasinfluencethroughout the nation in which it is based. InternationaLThis patron is verypowerful with ties and influence that extend beyond national boundaries.

Table 535C: Service Events.

Instructions: Roll d3 to select the number of events that occur. For each event, roll a d20 and match the total against the table below for each event to select what hamens durina the , Patronage. Reroll any duplications.

Instructions: To gain a picture of the character's Patron,

questions must be answered. Who is the Patron? Why does the character give it or him allegiance? What notable events have occurredduringtheir relationship?Start with Table535A: Whoisthe Patron?and follow directions.

Duration of Service: A character is assumed to remain alliedto his patron unlessthat allegiance is terminated by an event on Table 535C: Service Events below. Roleplay: How does the character feel about giving his allegianceto someone? Doesthe relationship benefit boththe character and the patron? What kind of "favors" might the character providefor his patron?What kind of benefits are receivedin return?

535C: Service Events (Roll a d20)

Travel widely for patron. Learn the world. Patron providesforcharacter'sformal education (+1d8 Education Points-see Table210: Education). Patron dies (organization goes under) while character is in his/itsservice.No provision is madeforthose under hislits patronage. Meanwhile, authorities seek to recoup back taxes and debts from the patron's followers. Patron has a rival who has threatened the character's life. Select rival on Table 751: Rivals. The character leaves the patron's entourage after l d 6 years. Gains giftlbonus of years x 1,000 dollars. Patron trains character as if she were in the military. Select "branch of service" on Table530: Military Duties and appropriate skills on Table 531: Military Skills. Patron requires the characterto perform criminal acts. Select the crime on Table 862: Crimes. Patron is outlawed. All those under hislits patronage are watched closely by secret police. Patron is a radical extremist who will do anything to advance hislits cause. The character is involved in 1d3 "events" of this type. Select the events on Table 5260: Political Crime Events. Patron decides that the character is actually an enemy of thecause anddrives thecharacterfrom his/its ranks. The character is now watched by agents of the patron. Patron teaches character an occupationto l d 3 Ranks. Select occupation on Table 4 13: Occupations. Patron sets character up in business. Patron owns the business, but the character runs it. Select the business on Table 4 13: Occupations. Patron introduces character to several very influential people, the kind of people who often hire mercenaries and adventurers.

535A: Who is the Patron?

Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the result against the table below to select the character's Sponsor (group) or Patron (individual). An Individual Patron is always l d 3 levels of Social Status higher than the character and always at least Well-to-Do (see Table 103: Social Status ). From Here: Go to Table 5358: Scope of Influence. NOTE: if gender of the Patron is not predetermined, then roll a d6 for H/-Lo. Hi = male. Lo = female.

ld20 535A: Who? (Roll a d20)

Scientific Society PoliticalOrganization Religious Organization CriminalOrganization Social Action Group ArtsGroup Large Corporation Violent Political Activists Trade Organization. Sele!ct the type of business it promotes on Table4 13: occupations. Militaryorganization. Paramilitaryorganization Law EnforcementAgency Medical Organization EnvironmentalActivists Special Interest Group Hate Organization SocialIRecreational Club Pseudo Religious Group An Individual. Select the person on Table 743: Others. 20 Government.
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

6 7 8 9

536: Exotic Events


1 1 Beyond the merely unusual, these events are the strangest of the strange things that can happen to a character, almost guaranteed to be life-changingevents. Instructions: Roll a d20 to select the unusual event. Record the event on the character's worksheet.

I/ Exotic Events I '

Use only if directed here by another table

Roleplay:These events maycause acharactertoquestion the nature of the universe, asking things like, "Why do strange things like these happen? How can I correct the problem?," and "'Will my friends ever believe that this happened?" These events can easily be cause to seek adventure, if only to explain why they happened or to change their outcome.

20 536: Exotic Events (roll a d20) d'

The character is the first to contact an alien race. This 1 encounter greatly affects all future relations with the beings. dect the type of alien on Table 747:Aliens. Then roll a d6 and SE miatch the result on the subtable below to discoverthe outcome of the meeting. 1 Character was kidnapped. His people are suspicious. 2 Character kills an alien. The aliens are furious. Roll ad6. If the result is 1-4, the aliens demand that the character be punished. If the result is 5 or 6, the aliens are overtly hostile and a war ensues. 3 The aliens kill one of the character's companions. His people respond with a punitive strike. Roll a d6. If the result is 1-4, the aliens respond in kind. If it is 5 or 6, the aliens now are overtly hostile and a war ensues. 4 The race was befriended due to the character's actions and have become staunch allies. 5 The alien was the lone survivor of his race and passed on agift to the character. Roll ad6. If the result is 1-3, select the gift on Table 853: Gifts & Legacies. If it is 4-6, select it on Table 858: Exotic Features. 6 The aliens found the dying character amidst the ruins of avehicle and "repaired"him. He now has 1d6 bionic parts that function as normal limbs or organs, and have no standardearthly equivalent. The aliens usedthemselves as an anatomical guide. Character is plagued with incredibly detailed dreams is learning skillsfromthe people in he!r dreams, either by interaction or by observation. Character leiams ld4+1 skills, to Rank ld3, with the skills being those av!ailable in your game world. The skills are FREE - no money to pay, no teacher to find, no points to sacrifice. The character is be!ginning to suspect, however that the dreams are REAL, and thiat her two worlds will one day collide.

\ d20 ~ 8 6Exotic : Events (continued


A large meteorite impacts nearwhere the character lives. 3 Whileeveryonestands in aweof the glowing, smoking crater, the characternoticessomething that may have been thrown clearof the blast. It isan animal, orat least an animal-likething. It appears dead, but moments later, the creature's eyes open and it begins to calmly and casually clean and preen itself. The character has acquired an unusual pet. Select it on Table 749: Unusual Pets.

SOI much sothat thecharacter

Afterfinding an odd little talisman in a curio shoppe, the characterwakesupthe next morningfeeling different.Tofind out just how different, roll a d l 0 on the subtable below. The character gains an ability from Table 858: Exotic 1 Features. The character's gender changes male to female and 2 vice versa. A glowing mark appears on the character. Select the 3 shape on Table 856: Birthmarks,color on Table 855: Colors and location on Table: 857: Body Locations. Character gains an ability from Table 860: Psychic 4 Powers. 5 The character appearance changes. Select the changes on Table 861: Appearances. 6 The character has become someone else entirely. Though he or she remembers a different past, everyone else sees the character as this different person. Roll twice more on this subtable. 7 8-10 Roll a d4 on the subtable below to determine further details about the change. 1 Character's mind is transferred into a new body. 2 Genetic surgery accomplishes the change. 3 An ancient artifact causes the change. 4 Character only imaginesthat a change was made.

A freak accident grants the character a psychic power at a Rank 3 skill ability. Select the power on Table 860: Psychic Powers. Unfortunately, each use of this power ages the character by one full year. Continued ...

536: Exotic Events

d20 536: Exotic Events (continued


536: Exotic Events

d20 536: Exotic Events (continued



An interdimensional rift opens and the character is abducted by beingsfrom another dimension. Moments later, the characterreappears,but he has physicallyaged I d 10+1O years, has no memories of that lost time, and has not mentally aged even a minute. 7 The character awakens one morning with three men, all dressed in black, standing over him. He's then knockedout, and finds out later that his house and all his belongings are gone the result of a terrible explosion and a report that he had died in it. His family, if any, survived and consider him dead. This agency has decided that the character is who they need fortheir covert, justice oriented operations. The character has a new name, alteredfeatures, and new SolMods-"Comfortable"to how other people see him, and "ExtremelyWealthy," without the TiMod, to the primary agency (which has access to unlimited government funds) and possibly afew relateddepartments. The character is always on call, but is used only two or three times a year. Continue rolling up the character, using the new "Comfortable" a +5 SolMod. Also, make a roll on Table413A:Occupationswith and follow the results there. The occupation is more of a token coverthan anything else since the agencysupports him, but it's what the character likes to do with his time. 8 The followers of an unheard-of-religionclaim that the character isthe "Chosen One, He-who-has-been-fore-ordained" to leadtheircult ontoglory. He initiallydisagreesand atthis time, the cultists are still pleading with and harassing him.
9 While poking around in some abandoned, ruined place that other people avoid, the character comes across a hidden treasure. Unfortunately, the character is not able to do anything with the treasure. To the best of his knowledge, it remains untouched. Roll a d4 on the subtable below to determine the exact type of treasure. 1 Gold and silver artifacts worth 1d6 X 10,000 dollars. 2 1d3 devices from Table 8548: Wondrous Devices. 3 1d6 objects f rom Table 853: Gifts & Legacies. 4 A lode of valuable mineral resources. 10 The character befriends an Extremely Wealthy person. Roll HiLo to select the being's sex. A Hi result is a male. A Lo result is female. Then roll a d4 to determine the person's age. 1 Much, much older than the character. 2 About the same age as the character. 3 Much youngerthan the character (maybe a child) 4 The wealthy being is an monster. Reroll age and select the creature on Table 748: Horrors.

While out one day, the character encounters a ring of 12 mushrooms about 15' in diameter. Intrigued,the charactersteps into the ring. Everything beginstowaver, andshe hears faraway voices, singing softly. Roll ad4 onthe table belowto find out what happens next: Characterpanicsandstarsto stomp on mushrooms.Just as the ring is broken, the character's "world" collapses. When she awakes, her head swims with honors -both real and imagined. Give her a roll on Table 642: Exotic Personality Traits, and age her 2d20+10 relative years. Somewhat unnerved, the character steps out of the circle. He no longer hears singing, but something is definitely different outside- 1d l 2 months have passed, and the character may be ill-prepared for the change in climate or season. The ring disappears. The enchanting music keeps the character's attention, but nothing else seems to be happening. After several minutes, thecharacterdecides that this is nice, but no big deal. When she leaves, she looks back, and just before the ring fades away, it seems to glow. The character has the ability to "see" things magical (only she would have seen the glow) and the abilitytocontact the faeries again should she need to. Unfortunately, ldlOO years have passed. Dropthecharacter's social statusto Destitutea result of being declared "dead." All possessions have been sold (or given to heirs). The beauty of the music caught the character, and he sang along. Spacefoldedaround him, and hethought he saw faeries and elves and many things mythical. When the character "awakens," one of the items he had seen lies at his feet. Select the object on Table 853: Gifts and Legacies. Assume it has magical powers or will be very important to him in the future. Through a complicated chain of events, the character has been marooned, lefi for dead on aremote, hostile island. Yet he survives and returnsto civilization. As a result of the encounter, the character's Wilderness Survival skill jumps 1d4 ranks. Select the person or persons responsiblefor the abandonment by rolling ad8 on thesubtable below. Thecharacter has a burning desire to "pay back" those who abandoned him. 1 A rival. If no rival, create one on Table 751: Rivals. 2 A relative. Select on Table 1040: Other Relations. 3 Pirates! 4-5 Other Person. Select type on Table 743: Others. 6 Renegades, rebels against the government. 7 Government forces, soldiers of the ruling power. 8 Enemy forces, soldiers of an enemy power.
14 Quietsobbingfromadarkcorner of thecemeterycatches the character's attention. When she goes to offer sympathies, she istaken abackbywhat she finds-a monster bemoaning its lonely life. She befriends the creature andtheydiscoverthat they enjoy each other's company. Roll the creature on Table 748: Horrors, re-rolling any result that doesn't make sense. Assume that the creature is an outcast of his race, probably for not being violent enough. The horror is intelligent, and desires only someone to talk to. Although the monster will not let anyone else see him, he chooses to 'Travel" with the character, always there, and always out of sight.

11 The character's world is unavoidably doomed to destruction. Those in the know keep their knowledgesecret,but prepare for their own escapes. The character participates in a secret project to both stop the rulers and let some or all of the world's people escape the destruction. The character and his friends succeed in at least saving themselves. Roll a d6 on the subtable below to determine additional outcomes. 1 The evil leaders are foiled and die in the destruction. 2 Half the world's population is saved. 3 All are saved. 4 The planet is only ravaged, not utterly destroyed. 5 Only the character escapes. 6 The catastrophe is averted by what can only be called a Heavenly miracle.

Continued ...

d20 536: Exotic Events (continued


An event reveals that the character is 15 different, a RAREoffshoot (average one every 10 years) of humanity - a separate species known to exist in myth and legend, but not in the 20th century. Roll a d4 on the table below to choose this strange race. Then reroll the event on Table 536: Exotic Events. Immortal - cannot die, except 1 (usually) by one specific method. The charactercan "hurt," but healswith impossible speed. The healing is not necessarily perfect, and on a d4 result of 4, the character has 1d4 impressivescars. Use Table 857: Body Locations. Select the event on Table 538: Death Situations. Assume that the character is the "Victim," and does not die. 2 Magi - a physical predisposition towards magic. All magic-related skills can be learned at half the cost or half the time, if the character chooses to develop herability. Even if she chooses not to, the character will still be able to sense and interact with things magical like no one else is able to (except a Keeper). Select the event on Table 537: Magical Events. 3 Superior-a mutation -could be the next evolutionarystep,if the character survives. Add +1 to all the character's attributes, and an additional +1 to two of the attributes. 4 Keeper - not a magic user, but privytothingsfantastic, in ordertosustain and protectthethings not understood until the time comes when the world is again ready forthem. They live lives measured in centuries, hold MUCH knowledge, and often protect the world from things magical, natural, unnatural, and supernatural. They often deal with magic, but not IN magic. Select the event on Table 537: Magical Events. (Read the fantasy series "The Dark is Rising" by Susan Cooper to get an idea of a Keeper and its mission) . The character is present durin~lan experiment which unleashes a terrible curse into the universe in the form of (roll a d4 to select the thing): 1 A deadly, incurable plague. 2 A sentient energy force. 3 A being from another dimension. 4 An ancient being, trapped since prehistory. A strange woman gives the character 17 an ornate box sealed with wax and hoarsely whispers "It's up to you now, keep it safe, keep it from ...them." It's not until shedrops dead at the character's feet that the bullet hole in her back becomes obvious. GM Only: refer to entry #536 on Table 965: GM's Specials.

d20 536: Exotic Events (continued


The lampwasn't supposedto be inhabited, and thegenieshould have been nicer.Thecharactergetsadisgruntledgeniewhogrants him one, notthree,wishes, and warns him not to tell anyone or she won't even get one wish. At this point, the character has yet to make that wish.

19 There is a terrible accident and the character is killed! Medical science returns thecharacter's bodyto life. Roll ad6 on thesubtable belowto select what has happened as a result of the accident: 1 The character was actually dead for 1d l 00 years. 2 The character's mind awakens in adifferent body. Roll HiILoforgender. Hi = male. Lo = female. 3 The character's brain has been cyborged. He is now a living mind in an android or robot body. 4 The death experience is also a religious experience. The character joins a popular religion. Select details on Table 533: Religion. 5 The originalcharacteractually DID die. The being now occupying his body is someone else altogether. Select the new personality's original form or previous life on Table 743: Others. 6 Reroll. The character is obsessed with avoiding death.
An unfortunateaccident leavesthe character in acomafor 1c i 2 0years. Surprisingly, when the character finally awakes, she seems to have not missed anything that happened in the intervening years. Unknown to any but herself, she discovered that she can project herself astrally- i.e., leave her body and take her conscious mind elsewhere.

537: Magical Events


537: Magical Events

children's books and old wives'tales, this would be a good time to change her mind.

Instructions: Roll ad20 and match the number againstthe table below. Some events are personal, and some are on a larger scale--reroll any events that are situationally inappropriate.


Magical Events
Use only if directed here by another table
If yourcharacterthought magic in the 20th century was for

Roleplay: In the 20th century, magic is what stage magicians practice. Rarely does a character encountertrue magic and even more rarely will the character realize it. The strange event may prompt the characterto understandthese forces, or it may so unsettle him that even the mention of a fortune teller causes discomfort. If many such events follow the character, he may decide that he is naturally inclined to the strange rituals of magic.

1d20537: Magical Events (roll a d20)

1d20537: Magical Events (continued


Event appears magical to the character, but is really a 1 eventfromatechnologically-advancedculture. Rollagainon this table for the actual event, and then give it a technical source unknown to the character. Characterdecidesto have hisfortune told. The tellerholds 2 his hand a long while, then slowly gives the fortune. Roll three The f irst two times on Table21 1:SignificantEventsofAdulthood. events have already occurred, but the third event has yet to occur.
3 While borrowing some sugar from a new neighbor, the characterthinks hesees a broomsweepingthefloor-no human attached. Upon a second look, the broom is propped in the corner, and the neighbor is suggesting that the character get some sleep.

12 The character discovers a cache of aging black and white ~h0t0~0fClreat aunts and uncles, taken when they werechildren. i h e y w o i d hardly be worth noting, save forthe small animated, butterfly-winged,fairy-like figures with whom they are posing. 13 The character's favorite librarian has an accident and is pinned under a fallen bookshelf. The character happened upon her, andwhile helping her, noticedthattheflooring undertheshelf had liftedwhen the shelffell over-revealing a hiddenbook. After helping her to the hospital, the character returns forthe booka tome of magic. The character must spend at least l d 4 years from his age at this event to figure it out. 14 Poltergeist activity terrorizes a shopping area that has never had any reports of this kind before. Obviously someone summonedthem. 15 Roll Id3 times on this table. These events are related and seem to suggest a cataclysmical encounter is developing between the supernaturalforces of Good and the forces of Evil. The character is somehow pivotal in this encounter (though he orshe may not actually take part in the conflict). 16 Somethingrips a hole in the side of the headquarters of the nationalmilitaryagency, anda notethreatening worse is received the same day. Scientists can't find any explanation. 17 A bizarre rift in thecontinuum allows the character to encounter people from the past, and even people he thought were purely fictional. Use Table 743: Others to select l d 4 persons encountered. Rollad4. On a result of 4, the person isorwasquite famous in his or her time. 18 One of the character'sfavoriie items suddenly acquires an intelligence of its own. Roll a d4. On result of 4, the item is quite i t smarter than the character. Otherwise, it's about the same. ab Makefour rolls on Table312A: Personality Trait Types and select appropriate traits as indicated. If "no traits" are rolled all four times, the object is considerablydumberthan the character and will serve as a loyal "yes man." 19 An acknowledged master (in the right circles) of the mystical arts (Rank 1 0 - m his way to 11) makes his once-in-alifetime appearance (about once every 150 years) to scout for potential students. Roll a d100, and on a result of "100," he chooses the character for intense magical training. The character is kept for 15 years, and when he returns, he has learned magical skills to Rank 7. 20

lncrediblesightingsofmythologicalcreaturesoccur. 2d100 people report seeing a large dragon-like creature in the bay. Others claim to have been rescued by a unicorn or to have watched their pet turned to stone by a basilisk. An itemwith historicalvalue and rumored mystical powers 5 has been lost for 1Odl00 +50 years. Recentlyfound byafriend, heentrusts it tothecharacterforsafe-keeping-but warns: never directly touch it with bare hands. The characterwitnesses a woman accidentallywalkinto a 6 'Iurf war" (gangs, mob, etc.) and emerge unscathed. Bullets nevertouch her, people seemedto freeze near her, and aftershe passed through, she literally disappeared around the corner. Inthe middle of a large metropolitancity, in the middleof the 7 day, a huge hand came out of the clouds and scooped up 2d6 people. One of them was a friend of the character. An old man comes up to the character and slaps her on the 8 forehead. He's gone before thecharacter can react. She has just received the old man's life work, a very complex and powerful spell. Assoon asshefigures out allthosesymbolsfloating around in her head, she'll be able to use it-it will take about 3d4 years. A glowing pentacle is discovered on the back door of the 9 home of a respected, prominent citizen in the community. "It's thecurse, thecurse!"Crops aredrying up, animals are 10 dying, and local businesses are going bankrupt. The people say it's becauseof acurse, incurredwhenthetown'sforefathers built on the holy ground of the natives. They may be right.
11 Character buys a rock crystal for a living room display, but feels much betterwhile holding it. It's a healing crystal that really works. GM Only: see entry #537 on Table 965: GM's Specials.

Roll twice more on this table and combine the events.

538: Death Situations

538: Death Situations

Death Situations
Use only if directed here by another table

I 11

Occasionally a character or an important person in the character's life will cause thedeath of another person, oraperson importanttothecharacterwill die an untimelydeath. However, this does not necessarily mean that the victim was murdered.

Instructions: When this table is called for, roll a d20 and match the result against this table to determine Cause of Death. Then roll a d l 0 to determine responsibility. On a d l 0 result of 10, thecharacter is linkedwith the death in some unfavorable manner.

The use of the term, "Someone" in the descriptions refers to the causer of the death, whether it is the character or some other person. Roleplay: Responsibility for a death and the guilt associated with it can haunt a characterforever, changing attitudes about death and relationships. Even if wrongly accused of causing a death, the character can spend the rest of his life proving it otherwise-and still not succeed.

d20 538: Cause of Death (roll a d2O)

Victimdied accidentally (falling from a ladder, run over by 1 a vehicle, touching a live wire, etc.). No one is really to blame (unless someone has Causedthe death to occur, in which case it is an arranged accident). However, it is possible that people thinkthe character is responsible. Roll ad20 and a d l 2 together. If the d l 2 roll is equal to or higherthan the d20 roll, all who know the victim blame the character for the death. Premeditated,violent murder. Someonewantedthevictim dead and took personal, violent action to ensure that death occurred. You or the GM will need to create the situation surrounding the death, including method and motive. Victimwas killed in afit of blind passion. It'sstill murder, but 3 the killing may be defensible. Assassination. Professionals were hired to perform the 4 act. A motive will be necessary.

d20 538: Cause of Death (continued ...)

The deceased sacrificed his or her life. Roll a d6 on the 12 subtable below to determine the reason: 1-3 To save the character from death. 4-5 To save a relative who was endangered by someone. 6 To save some other person(s) whose life was endangered by someone's actions. Go to Table 743: Others, to determine just who was saved. 13 Victim is thrown into prison because of someone's actions and later dies there. Roll a d6. On a result of 3 or less, the victim committedacrime andwas justly imprisoned. On a roll of 4-5, the victim was unjustly imprisoned. If the result is a 6, the victimwas imprisoned in someone else's place.

Victim was tortured to death by someone.

Victim died in a fight. A cause for the fight needs to be 5 constructed (be creative !). Victim was poisoned. This is not necessarily murder. Roll 6 ad10. On a result of 5 or more, it occurred accidentally (see entry #1 above for accident details). Victim was killed during the commission of a crime. Roll a 7 d10. If the roll is less than 5, the victim was committing a crime when killed. If 5 or greater, someone killed the victim while committing a crime. Go to Table 862: Crimes to determine the nature of the crime committed. Victim was killed in self-defense. 8

15 Victim is one of many who die as the result of a catastrophe, such as a natural disaster, explosion, plane crash, ship wreck and so on. Use Table 5208: Tragic Causesas asource of ideas. In the event of a natural disaster, someone could have saved the victim's life had he or she tried. Victim dies of a disease caught from someone. Roll a d6. 16 On a result of 6, the person is stigmatized as a plague bearer.


Several friends of the victim actively seek the death of the killer. Treat them as 1d4+1 Deadlyor even Obsessive Rivals (see subtable 751Con Table 751: Rivals).

Victim was driven to suicide by someone's actions.

10 Victimwas killed by an equipment malfunction.Something that should have worked, failed instead. Victim died of starvation. Roll a d6. On a result of 1-4, the 11 victim dies due to circumstances initiated by a catastrophe. Use Table 5208: Tragic Causes as a source of ideas. In the event of a natural disaster, someone could have saved the victim's life had heorshetried. On aresult of 5-6, someonedeliberatelywithheld food.

18 The victim's spirit cannot rest and haunts the person responsibleforthe death. Some form of atonement may remove the ghost (at the GM's discretion).
19 The person allegedly responsible for the death is hated and reviled by all who hear of it. Law enforcement officials actively seek to capture the 20 killer. One officer has made this case an obsession. Treat him as an Obsessive Rival (see subtable 751C on Table 751: Rivals) whose goal is to bring the character to justice.

539: Death of a Loved One


539: Death of a Loved One d20 539B: Other Events (rolla d20)
Nothing unusual occurred. Character is stricken with grief. He becomes obsessive about preserving the memory of the deceased. Unless the character can come to terms with this obsession, he is unable to form meaningful relationships.The GM may wish tocreatean adventurethrough which thecharacter finally works out his grief and lets the dead rest. Roll twice more on this table. Papers found in the deceased's home reveal a secret. Roll a d4 on the subtable below to learn the secret. 1 Deceased was once a Noble, living in exile. Select the Noble title on Table 746: Nobles. 2 Deceased was an important research scientist. 3 Deceased is secretly the child of a powerful leader. Deceased was not a human being, but a cleverly 4 made, self aware android. The deceased is not truly dead, since machines do not die (as we know it). When the character visits the deceased's grave, the grave has been opened and the tomb is empty. Roll ad6. On a result of 5-6, weird events from Table 523: Horror Events start taking place. Deceased's spouse (if any) remarries within l d 4 years. Deceased's spouse (if any) remarries immediately. A close friend of the deceased confides in the character that he or she believes the deceased was murdered. The deceased's spouse (ora close relative if no surviving spouse) blames the characterfor the deceased's death. Select the cause of death on Table538:Death Situations. When character tries to collect his inheritance, it has already been claimed by another relative (selected on Table 1 O4D: Other Relations). The deceased's spirit appears to the character and demands that an injustice be righted. A journal found in the deceased's effects hints at the location of a lost treasure. A mysterious stranger offers to buy any items inherited from the deceased for much more than they could possibly be worth (1d l 00 x $1,000). A book found in the attic turns out to be plans for a fantastic (but experimental) device. Acharismatic, but mysterious (andobviouslyevil) stranger claims the deceased's estate for himlherself. Everything looks legal, but something smells fishy about it. If the character has living siblings, they fight over the deceased's personal belongings. The deceased was declared legally dead after having disappeared years ago, but may actually be alive. Upon dying, a small serial number is revealed on the body. Apparently, a clone was substituted for the deceased some time in the past. Does he or she still live? Thedeceasedis apparently not dead! Heorshe appears atthe readingof thewill! Something seems not quite right though. Roll a d4 on the subtable below 1 The person who died was not who he or she appearedto be. 2 The person who returns is an imposter. 3 The deceased has returned, but is not truly alive (undead or reanimated). 4 The deceased's brain has been transferred into a look-alike constructed body.

Death of a Loved One

I Use only if directed here by another table I
A Loved One is anyone whom the character cares for, a mother, father, guardian, brother, sister, mentor, good friend, or romantic lover. A Love One's death can have a drastic eff ect on a character's life. There is thegrief of loss, the possibility of receiving an inheriiance or being saddled with financial burden, the chance that a surviving parent may remarry ... and still stranger things.

Instructions:Tableswhich sendthe character here should already have stated who has died (or instructedyou to select the deceased). If the deceasedwas an adult, roll a d8 on Table 539A: lnheritanceto determine the character's inheritance, if any. Then roll a d20 on subtable 5398: Other Events to select a significant event surrounding the death of the Loved One. Follow directions given with the selected table entries, returning there until all rolls on that table are complete. Note: If a spouse of a parent or guardian survives the deceased, roll a d100. On a result of 75 or less assume that the spouse remains in possession of any property and most money. Roleplay: How does the character feel about losing a parent? How would you feel if (or when) it happened to you? Would the value of an inheritance in any way compensate for the loss?

dB 539A: Inheritance (Roll a d8)

The character receives ld10 times his base starting money in cash. The estate is liquidated to pay off debts. Roll a d6. If the result is 6, the debts remain unpaid and the character is liable for Id100 times her base starting money. Thecharacterreceives nothing. The Loved One's last will and testament condemns the character's lifestyle. The character receives a map, a key and a strange gift. The three are somehow related (GM's discretion as to how they are related). Determine the gift on Table 853: Gifts & Legacies. The character becomes heir to the Loved One's estate and may assume control of any lands, monies, properties, and possessions. As described for #7 above, but with a condition selected by rolling a d4 on the subtable below. 1 Character must first marry and produce an heir. 2 Character must change lifestyle (forego adventuring career, become a priest, etc.) 3 Character must perform a task, mission, or quest described in the will (GM's discretion). 4 Character must devote life tochampioningthe poor, the weak, and the downtrodden.

540: Secret Origins


540: Secret Origins

d20 540B: Incidents (rolla d20)

This table assumes that acharacter has superabilitesand tells us how he or she came bythm. Some characters are stranger than others and have obtained abilities above and beyondthose of everyday citizens. This is particularly true for Superhero and Science Fiction Now genre games, but may not be appropriatefor spy, horror, pulp or military genre games. Use your bestjudgement here. If you want to play the spy from Alpha Centauri, then go ahead, just clear it with your GM first.

' I

Use only if directed here by another table

Instructions:Make one roll on each of tables A-D, recording the information on the appropriate lines of the character worksheet. These tables suggest how the character received his super powers, and could be stated: "As a result of '540B1,which was apparently caused by '540C' at '5400', the character gains super abilities."
640A: Secret (?) Origins.Was the character really born on this planet, in this time and reality? HOB: Incidents. What caused the character to gain superhuman abilities? 640C: Who or What is Responsible? Who caused the character to gain super human abilities? HOD: Where? Where did this origin situation occur? 540E:SuperBirthEvents.These are extra-specialevents surround the birth of a super hero to be.

Born that way. Use Table 540E: Super Birth Events. Finds a device. from Table 8548: Wondrous Devices. Anaturaldisaster. Select it on Table520B:TragicCauses. Radiation. Character is bathed in some type of radiation. Animalllnsect bite. Either roll on Table 749: UnusualPets or select something from the game world. Given. By some means, she is simply given powers. Experiment. Character is the successful test subject. Botched experiment - Character is the result. Wreck. Use Table 864: Vehiclesto find what the character crashed. Accident. Roll a d6 to select type on the subtable below: 1 Scientific experiment 2 Stupid (dropping a hair dryer dropping into a tub) 3 Industrial (like falling in a vat of chemicals) 4 Recreational (like a parachute failing) 5 Occupational, related to the character's job. 6 Catastrophic, somethingthat affects manypeople. 13 14 Disease. Contracting a disease triggers changes. Combat. Brings out an unknown aspect of the character. Roll for HiILo. Hi = Military combat - the character was or is in the armed services. Go to Table 527: Military Experience to find out the basic details, and then to Table 528: Combat!forthe main event (Table 527 may send the character to Table 528- if not, go there anyway.) Lo = Personal fight - perhaps in a schoolyard or bar. FindanItem.ChooseitonTable853:GiftsandLegacies. Find a Legendary Teacher. High-risksituation.This was aventure most thought was doomed from the start. Many, including the character himself, doubted his safe return. Character dies, and is returned to life later. More than one incident. Roll twice more on this table. GMOnly: Select Incident and subsequent details. Keep them a secret from the player and character.

15 16 17 18 19 20

dl00 5 4 O A : Secret (?) Origins (roll a d100)

It's no secret, the character is a resident of this world an1 time. If acountryof origin has not been selected yet, us Table 101: Character Origins to do so. Character was born on another planet, a native of its environment. Roll a d100. If the result is greater than 10, then it's a secret, otherwise, it's common knowledge. Select the planet type on Table 105C: World Types. The character has skills and abilities suited to his home world which may benefit him with "super" abilities on Earth,due to planetary differences. Now roll a d20 on the subtable below: 1-15 Character is human. 16-18 Character is near human (or mostly human). 19 Characterisanaliendisguisedtoappearhuman. Select alien on Table 747:Aliens. 20 Character is an alien (undisguised).Select alien on Table 747: Aliens. Character was born in another time. Roll Hi/Lo. Hi = Future. Lo = Past. For futures, see also Table 540E: Super Birth Events, entry #13. Character was born in a parallel dimension. Roll twice more on this table, combining results.

3 d 2 O5 4 O C : Responsible Party (roll 3d20)

3-10 Nothing is responsible - it just happened. 11-13 Parents or guardian - re-roll if none. 14-20 An event - select the event on one of the following tables by rolling a d20. The actual event does not affect the character directly. 1 208: Sig. Events of Youth 10 526C: Crime Events 2 209: Special Events 11 526D: Political of Youth Crime Events 3 21 1: Sig. Events of Adulthd. 12 527: Military Events 4 520: Tragedies 13 532: Imprisoned! 5 521: Something Wonderful 14 533C: Religious 6 522: Superhero Events 15 534B: Romantic 7 523: Horror Events 16 535C: Service Events 8 524: Espionage Events 17 536: Exotic Events 9 525: Pulp Hero Events 18 537: Magical Events 10-11 Roll twice more on this subtable. Combine the Events

Continued ...

540: Secret Origins 3d20540C: Responsible Party (continued)

Aforeign government agency-choose the country on Table 10 1: Character Origins. One of the character's teachers or former teachers. Supernatural being. A spirit, ghost, angel, demon, etc. Some occupationalguild (couldbe asecret one) -Use Table 4 13: Occupations. Areligiousgroup-findtypeon Table533A:Religions. Character is -she volunteered. Character is - he made a mistake. Character is - she attempted a heroic action. The character's beloved. Someone -find out who on Table 743: Others. An organization -select on Table 535A: Who? A group -choose on Table 744: Other Groups. An item-some object has set these events in motion. A powerful being - a minor deity to many people. Roll twice more on this table -two parties share the responsibility.


540: Secret Origins

ld12640D: Where? (roll a d12)

7 Use Table 105A: Place of Birth Outerspace 9 Field experiment 10 Streets 11 School 12 Battlefield

1 Hobbyconvention 2 Laboratory 3 The wild outdoors 4 Character's home 5 Off ice building 6 Caverns

Use only if directed here by another table

d20 540E: Super Birth Events (roll a d20)

1-3 A genetic ''throw-back," the character is born with an obvious resemblance to an animal. Select the animal on Table 749A: UnusualPets.To find the degree of resemblance, roll ad6: 1-3 The character has only a minor animal cast. 4-5 The look is more pronounced. 6 The character would be hard pressed to pass for normal. GM decides any animal-like abilities.

d20 540E: Super Birth Events (continued)

12-15 Character is a definite true genetic mutation. Roll ad4, on this subtable and go where it sends you. 1 1d3 rolls on Table 858: Exotic Features. 2 1d3 rolls on Table 860: Psychic Powers. 4 Two rolls, one on each Table (858 & 860) 5 One roll on each Table(858&860),plus one roll of choice on either table. 16 Thecultureandtechnologythat thecharactergrew upwith are not the same as the ones she was bom into. She has a TekModthat is plus l d 3 higher than normal because she was born in the future, and wound up in the present by unknown means. Her friends are amazed at her ability to grasp cutting edge technology and foreign scientific concepts. 17-18 The character's parents are not hertrue parents. She was an equation given life due to a bizarre accident. Select the accident's cause on Table 5208: Tragic Causes.Assume that it affectedthe laboratorywherethe researchwas being done. The character's current form is, or can be, humanoid. Select the character's "biosystem" on the subtable below by rolling a d12. Unless consciously kept in line, the character's biosystemtends to give off telltale hints. 1 Electromagnetic 6 Chronological(time) 2 Electrical 7 Sonic (sound energy) 3 Botanical 8 Chemical 4 Acidic 9 Nuclear 5 Elemental. Roll a d4. 10 Inorganic (silicon base, etc.) 1 Fire 3 Air 4 Water 2 Earth 11 Drearnlmyth(characterexists as long as people believe in her, and herpowertendstoflux in proportionto them.) 12 Some unknown power source has transformed the character's body into a core of limitless energy, but he has no idea what it does.

Upon delivery, the glowing character lit up the room. Chooseacoloron Table855:Colors. Roll adl0, and ifthe result is a "10," the light was seen outside the building as well. It lasted only seconds.

5 The characterdevelops or is born nearthe area of eff ect of some strange item, and begins to exhibit properties of that item. Select the item on Table 8548: Wondrous Devices, and apply any powers that are appropriate to the game system. The character has an affinity for similar devices and if he chooses, may develop skill with them easily. 6 Unknown to the character, he is the offspring of a major villain. Select this bad person on Table 752: Villains. 7 Afriend of thefamilyisabrilliant scientist, but a bit mad. As he delivered the character, he injected herwith an experimental drug. It apparently did nothing. As the character develops, however, she realizesthat she is using much more of her brain's potential than other people - up to 90% of her potential, compared to the 10% of normal people. Add 6 bonus points to the characters main mental attribute(s). Oh by the way, the character REMEMBERSthe scientist and the incident. 8-9 Not many people noticed the character's birth, as it occurredduring an unprecedenteddisplay of supernatural powers. Select the occurrence on Table 537: Magical Events, and assume that the event distractedthe people nearestthecharacter. The character is bathed in the glow of mystical power upon delivery, andthe surge affectsthecharacter-GM decides how. 10-11 Character is the offspring of l d 2 super-powered parents. There is a50%chance that powers match those of parents.



Roll twice more on this table, combining results.

641: Personality Traits


e only if directed here by another tab1 Usethis table when the character has assumed a Lightside, Darkside or Neutral personalitytrait. Central Casting begins with the assumption that it is possible to classify a character's behavior in terms of right, or "good" behavior andwrong, sinful orUbad" behavior. Lightsidetraitsareso called because they represent the "lighter" or better aspects of a person's character. Folks who exhibit these traits are often considered "nice" people, though that may not be the truth. Even characters who are mostly bad will have their good points. The Neutraltraitsfound in Table64 IBarethose that tendto be moslyfree from association with the concepts of right and wrong (thoughthis is also often a matter of opinion). They are easilyfound in characters who tend toward eitherorneitherextreme of right or wrong. Finally, there are traits that represent the darker, unpleasant and wrongful forms of human behavior. These traits, found on Table 641C, are flaws in makeup of a character's personality and are harmful to oneself and others. They are called Darkside, and more often than not, characterswho exhibit several of these traits are either knowingly evil or have become trapped in a lifestyle of wrong behavior. Nevertheless, these traits can also be found in characters who are otherwise good.

dad10 MIA: Lightside Traits (roll d4 & d10)

Optimist: always see the good side of things. A l t ~ i s(*): t selfless concern for others' welfare. Helpful: helps others in need. Kindly (*):warmhearted and friendly. Careful: cautious in thought and deed. Considerate: thinks of others' feelings. Sober: serious, plain-thinking, straightforward. Teetotaler: abstains from drinking alcohol. Trusting (*): trusts others to behave correctly. Peaceful: serene of spirit Peacemaker: attempts to calm others. Pious: reverentlydevoted to worship of God. Honest (*): always gives what is due. Loving: affectionately concerned for others. Giving: gives of self and possessions. Organized: everything has a place. Clean: practices good hygiene. Punctual: always on time. Self-confident: sure of self and abilities. Courageous: brave in the face of adversity. Respectful: shows respect for others. Calm: difficult to anger, a peaceful spirit. Patient: able to wait with calmness. Wise: understands what is true, right or lasting. Generous: willing to give more than fairly. Imaginative: a clever, resourcefulmind. Forgiving (*): able to pardon faults in others. Virtuous (*): chaste, pure, of excellent morals. Dependable: does duties reliably, responsibly. Well-mannered: polite, courteous. Benign ("): gentle, inoffensive. Friendly: warm and comforting. Humble: lack of pretense, not proud. Energetic: does things quickly, with verve. Truthful (*): always tells the truth. Cheetful: always happy and smiling. Enthusiastic: excited, can't wait to act. Thrifty: careful with money. Diplomatic: careful to say the right thing. Extra trait: roll twice more on this table

Instructions: For each trait to be selected, roll a d4 and a d l 0 at the same time. The results are not added, but are read like a two-digit number. The d4 result is always the first or "10's" digit. Example: A d4 result of 3 and a d l 0 result of 0 are read as a 30. Matchthe total against the appropriate table todetermine the trait. Note that each Lightside trait in Table 641A: Lightside Traits has an opposite trait to be found in the same numerical position in : Darkside Traits. Table 64 1C
Roleplay:The presenceof a Lightside or Darksidetrait in a character's personality does not mean that a character is either good or evil, it is only when the traits of one side or the other dominate a character's personalitythat the character can be said to lean in one direction orthe other. While it is likelythat acharacterwill have Darksidetraits,it has been stated before that the designers of Central Casting strongly feel that actively roleplaying out Darkside traits is a bad idea. Instead. Central Castina takes what can best be called a red em^tiveapproach tocharacferdevelopment. Thegoal of thecharact'er afflictedwith Darksidetraitsshould be to roleplayout how heorshe overcomes the problem aspect of his or her personality.

Good vs. Evil: Certaintraits are usuallyfound only in good people, asthey are not in keepingwith evil acts. Traits markedwith an asterisk (*) will usually not be found in strongly evil characters (such as NPC villains) unless they are a part of split personality (that is to say, a good personality and an evil personality in the same being). Sometraits are normallyfoundonly in evil people, as they are not in keepingwithgood acts. Traits markedwith adagger (f) will usually not be found in "good" characters.

d41d10 641B: Neutral Traits (roll d4 & d10)

Curious: inquisitive, needs to know. Hedonist: pleasure is the most important thing. Precise: always exacting. Studious: studies often, pays attention to detail. Mysterious: has an air of mystery about him. Loquacious:talks and talks and talks and ... Silent: rarely talks. Foppish:vain, preoccupiedwith appearance. immaculate: clean and orderly. Rough: unpolished, unrefined. Skeptic: disbelieving of things unproven. Immature: acts younger than age. Even-tempered: rarely angry or over joyous. Rash: acts before thinking. Extroverted:outgoing. introverted: focus one's interests in oneself. Materialistic: puts emphasis on possessions. Aesthetic: possessions are unnecessary. Amoral: no care for right or wrong. Dreamy: a distant daydreamer. Creative: able to make something out of nothing. Leader: takes initiative, can take command. Follower: prefers to let others lead. Emotional: rarely keeps emotions in check. Emotionless:rarely shows emotions. Humorous: appreciates humor and likes to joke. Grim: unsmiling, humorless, stern of purpose. Conservative: restrained, opposed to change. Liberal: tolerant of others, open to change. Aggressive: assertive, bold, enterprising. Passive: accepts things without resisting them. Selfsufficient: does not need others. Dependent: needs others around him. Romantic: given to feelings of romance. Logical: uses deductive reasoning. Illogical: may not use reason to make decisions. Frivolous:flighty, harebrained, rarely serious. Aloof: distant from others, even cold. Atheistic: denies existance of the supernatural. Extra trait: roll twice more on this table

d4fd10 641C: Darkside Traits (roll d4 & d10)

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Pessimist: always see the bad side of things. Egoist: selfish concern for own welfare. Obstructive:acts to block other's actions. Cruel (t): coldhearted and hurtful. Careless: incautious in thought and deed. Thoughtless: rarely thinks of others' feelings. Flippant: unable to be serious about anything. Drunkard: constantly overindirlges in alcohol. Suspicious:trusts no one. Violent (t):seeks physical conflict. Argumentative: starts arguments and fights. Irreverent (t):mocks religion and God. Cheat (t): shortchanges others of their due. Hateful (t): strongly dislikes others. Selfish: unwilling to share time and possessions. Slovenly: messy, nothing is ever put away. Filthy: knows nothing of hygiene. Tardy: always late. Selfdoubting:unsure of self and abilities. Cowardly: afraid to face adversity. Disrespectful:does not show respect. Angry: spirit always unsettled, never at peace. Impatient: unable to wait with calmness. Foolish: unable to discern what is true or wise. Greedy: hoards all for self. Dull: a slow, uncreative mind. Vengeful: revenge is the way to punish faults. Immoral: lecherous, lawless, devoid of morals. Untrustworthy (t): not worth trusting. Rude: polite, courteous. Harsh: ungentle, sharp-tongued. Unfriendly: cold and distant. Egotistic:proud and conceited. Lazy: difficult to get motivated. Liar: hardly ever tells the truth. Morose: always gloomy and moody. Unenthusiastic: can't get excited. Spendthrift:spends money without thought. Tactless: speaks before thinking. Extra trait: roll twice more on this table

642: Exotic Personality Traits


642: Exotic Personality Traits

Exotic Personality Traits

I Use only if directed here by another table I
Use this table when the character assumes some truly unusual, often exotic, oreven undesirable personalitytrait. he traits here might even be called personality afflictions. They run the gamutfromsimplefears to bizarre behavior. Folkswiththese traits are considered eccentric, odd or even bizarre.

Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the result on Table 642A: Exotic Feature Categories.This selects the general category of the exotic personality feature. To determine the specific feature, go to the table indicated by the selected category. Recordthe feature in the PERSONALITYsection of the worksheet and if the trait is also a Lightside, Darkside, or Neutral trait, mark the box that corresponds to the trait's alignment. Write any additional information in the EVENTS section. Developing a Personality: Many events that occur in a character's life also cause his personality to develop. Personality traits shapethe way he acts or responds later in life. Some of these traits are good or Lightside traits; others are considered bad or Darksidetraits; and still others are Neutral, neither good nor bad. Most features here are not aligned (that is, they are neither Darkside, Lightside, nor Neutraltraits) and do not count toward determining alignment. Those that will affect the selection of the character's alignment are followed by a letter enclosed in brackets. This letter represents the type of personalitytraitthat develops because of the event that sent you here. An [L] means a Lightside trait. A [Dl means a Darkside trait and an [N] means a Neutraltrait. When you get to Table 312:Alignment & Attitude, the instructions there will tell you what to do with the letters. Trait Control:Use the chart belowto gauge the amount of
control the character has overthe trait or vice versa. Select a trait strength from the left-hand column that best suits the character.

Role~lav: A Derson with an exotic ~ersonalitvfeature is decided~~diiferehfrom other folk, regardle'ss of whetherthe feature is readilyapparenttoothers or not. Often, a personwith such atrait may try to hide it from others. He may imagine that what he does or is, is normal and acceptable, or taken to the extreme, may not even be aware that he possesses such an odd personalityfeature. RealLife: Notethat the depictionof these personality traits, many of which are considered physical and mental illnesses or handicaps, is in no way intendedto belittle those who must cope with them on a day to day basis in their own lives. Very few would choose to be as they are, but learning to deal with their problems often forges them into better representatives of humanity than those of us who are healthy andwhole. People do not gain strength by overcoming small challenges.

642A: Exotic Feature Categories

Instructions: Rolla d20 and matchthe result aaainst Table
642A below.

Trait Control Chart

Feature is barely noticeable,even when actively affecting the character. Special circumstances may have to exist for the feature to come into play. Weak Feature is easily sublimated, overcome, or ignored, but is noticeable when actively affecting character. Average There is an uneasy balance. Feature is not active unless the character is caught off guard or is too fatigued to control himself. Strong Unless character consciously resists the feature, it manifests itself strongly. Driving Feature dominatesthe character'slife -character finds it difficult to resist its compulsions. Obsessive Character cannot rest or find peace unless actively pursuing the desires, needs or compulsions of the feature.

d20 642A:Exotic Feature Categories


07-10 11-16 17-18 19-20

Mental Affliction (Go to Table 642B)' Phobia (Go to Table 642C) Allergy (Go to Table 6420) Behavior Tag (Go to Table 642E) Sexual Perversion (Go to Table 6426' Several Features manifest themselves. Roll 1d3+1 times on this table.

Warning: the author recommends that these features be playea only by adults capable of roleplaying them in a mature manner. If roleplaying a character with a mental affliction or sexual perversion makes you uncomfortable, rerollthe feature.

642: Exotic Personality Traits


642: Exotic Personality Traits

poses. Many are treatable, even by today's medical practicesif the person desires help. Real Life: The following are game descriptions-yet if you notice these symptoms in afriend (particularlydepression ortalk of suicide), confide in someone youtrust: a parent, acounselor, a doctor, a minister, priest, or rabbi. Don't wait, youmay be the only help yourfriend will ever have.

642B:Mental Afflictions
Instructions:Rollad20 and matchthe result against Table 6428: Mental Afflictions.
Roleplay: Many roleplay games lump these tions together as insanity. They are best defined as mental illnesses. The symptoms are greatly simplified here for game pur-

d20 642B: Mental Affliction (roll 2d10)

1 Catatonia. When overstimulated or over stressed, the character collapses into a fetal position completely and totally withdrawing from the world -deaf, unfeeling, unseeing. Multiple personalities. The person literally becomes 2 someone else. l d 3 additional personae may manifest themselves, usually to help the character deal with something his "normal" identitycan't handle. Each individual personalityshould have one key personalitytrait that typifies it, possibly basing the entire personality aroundthat trait. Selectthetrait on Table312A: Personality Trait Types.Additionally, each personality has a 60% chance to have an Exotic Personality Feature.

d20 642B: Mental Affliction (roll 2d10)

13 Hysterical Injury. Person believes he suffers the effects of aserious injury. Determine"injury" on Table859:Serious Wounds. 14 Obsessive behavior. With a need to perform some action tothe exclusionof everything else, the charactercannot becomfortable, or in extreme cases, think rationally, until the obsession is resolved. The obsession can vary from something simple, like cleaning, to a need to expunge evil (or good) from the universe. Toselecttheobject of theobsession, eithermake something up, or roll a d l 0 on the subtable below: 1 Devotion to a Lightside trait. Select on Table 641A. 2 Devotion to a Darkside trait. Select on Table 641C. 3 Character has an obsessive hatred. Roll a d3 to select the target of the hate [Dl: 1 Any nonhuman 2 Machines 3 Someone. Select type on Table 743: Others. Character feels an obsessive need to destroy. [Dl. 4 5 Character feels an obsessive need to clean. 6 Character is obsessively superstitious. 7 Character feels an obsessive need to help others. 8 Characterfeels an obsessive need to collect particular objects (possibly even owning everything of that type). Roll a d4 to select the object on the subtable below: 1 An item taken from Table 853: Gifts & Legacies. 2 Gold (or maybe platinum, gemstones, etc.). 3 Animals 4 Beautifulthings (including people).

3 Compulsive Lying [Dl. The person cannot tell the simple truth, but must always reinterpret or expand upon it.

Paranoia [D].This is afeeling of persecution,that everyone is out to get you, or is plotting against you. Extreme cases may imagine fantastic plots concocted by alien beings. May plot to strike back at his oppressors (i.e., at everyone).

5 Hallucinations. She sees unreal visions and distortions of reality. Each occurrence has a 10% chance of driving the character into temporary Catatonia (see entry #1 of this table).
6 Megalomania [Dl. This is infantile delusionsof personalomnipotence and grandeur (commonly found in petty tyrants, selfimportant bosses, and other egotists).

7 Severely Phobic. Character has an unreasoning, obsessive fear of something of the GM's choice. 8 Hypochondria [N]. This is an unhealthy concern for one's health. Person only has to hear of a new disease to imagine that he suffers or is even dying from it.

Manic-depressive [Dl. Alternating, excitable hyperactivity and inabilityto cope with everyday pressures.

15 Delusional 1dentity.Character believesself to be afamous personage, usually someone quite well known from history or current events. Actions are otherwise quite normal, if one accepts that the character is acting as someone else.
16 Kleptomania [Dl. This is an obsessive impulse to steal, regardless of want or need.

10 Quixotism. This deluded soul sees proof of the fantastic everywhere she looks. Even the most mundane thing becomes an example of the supernaturalorfaery. The character'svisions are most likely hallucinatory.. .butthen again, maybethey're not. GM Only: see entry #642A on Table 965: GM's Specials. 11 Panzaism. This character cannot see evidence of the fantasticorsupernatural in anyway shape orform. Even obvious examples are seen as things mundane. Such a character could easily be an atheist, too. GM Only: see entry #642B on Table 965: GM's Specials.

17 Pyromania [Dl. This is an obsessive impulse to set, and then watch fires.

12 Depression. Beyond merely feeling a bit "down" or "blue," the afflicted person feels that all hope is gone. Unable to cope with their problems, or even ask for help, talking about or attempting suicide is how they communicate their unspokencry for help. Reduce all skill Ranks to half when depressed.

18 Hebephrenia. Character remains semi-aware of surroundings, but ignoring others. He may wander aimlessly, giggling, muttering to self and sometimes acting in a childish manner. If sufficiently annoyed, the character may become violent, then subside into a catatonic state for a few hours. 19 Berserker Rag-Mindless Aggression [Dl. Person is d l 00 minutes. subject to fits of mindless aggression lasting I 20 Multiple Afflictions. Roll ld3+1 more times on this table. Afflictions have a60%chance to have some form of interrelationship: one intensifies another or causes it to occur, or is the object ortarget of the other. Example: A phobia reaction is so intense the character becomes catatonic.

642: Exotic Personality Traits


642: Exotic Personality Traits

The phobias included here have been chosen fortheir appropriateness to contemporary roleplay gaming. The thing feared is listed first, then the phobia's name.

Instructions: Roll a d10. Match the results against Table 6420 below to select the allergy, then read the allergy rules that follow. Allergy rules:After being exposedto the allergen (thing causing allergy), the character begins to react to the allergen and suffer from the allergy's effects. Roll a d l 0 to select the allergy's Trait Strength (thisvariesfromthe rules on page 82). The effects vary with the allergy's Trait Strength, but are classed as Mild (1-4), Serious (5-7), Severe (8-9), and Deadly (10). A character with a below-average Constitution attribute adds l d 3 points to the allergy's initial Trait Strength. A character with an above-average Constitution attribute subtracts 1d3 points from the allergy's initial Trait Strength. Allergy Treatments: Allergies can be treated and controlled with drugs. If character is taking allergy medicine, reduce level of Allergy Reaction by 1d4 levels. Allergy Reaction Effects
Mild: Red, itchy eyes, sniffles. Minus 1 Rank to combat skills until l d 3 hours after exposure ends. Serious: As above, plus asthmatic reaction (hard to get one's breath). Minus3 Ranks to combat skills, minus l d 8 to Strength attribute. Severe: As above, plus skin rash and high fever. Subtract ld6+3 Ranks from all skills. Victim is verv ill and cannot clear head to concentrate (especially on psy&hic abilities). l d 3 hit points are lost, if victimdoes not end exposure upon occurrence of symptoms. Deadly: Asabove, but victim is unconscious. Medicalattention will be necessary to revive the victim.

Instructions: Roll a d4 and a d l 0 at the same time. The results are not added, but are read like atwo-digit number. The d4 result is alwaysthe first orU1O's"digit.Example: ad4 result of 4and ad10 result of 0 are read as a40. Match the number against Table 642Cto select the thing feared. Roleplay:Aphobia is something that the character is deeply afraid of, possibly for no known reason. The afflictedcharacter willdowhat hecanto avoidthethingfeared. Aperson in power may try to have the source of his fear destroyed.

d4ld10 642C: Phobia (roll a d4 and a dl01

Alone (Monophobia)-fear of being alone. Animals (Zoophobia) Blood (Hematophobia) Cats (Ailuroophobia)-especially house cats. Cold (Psychrophobiaor Frigophobia) Colors (Chromophobia)-usually specific colors (selec the color on Table 855: Colors). Computers (cyberphobia or Technophobia) Corpses (Necrophobia)-may include undead. Darkness (Achluophobia) Enclosed spaces (Claustrophobia) Everything (Pantophobia) Females (Gynephobia)-usuallyfound in males. Fire (Pyrophobia) Flying (Acrophobia)-also fear of the air. God (Theophobia)-one God or all gods?!?! Hair (Trichophobia)-hairy monsters/aliens, hair on people Heights (Acrophobia) Insects (Entornophobia)-also buglike monsters/aliens. Machinery (Mechanophobia)-alsospaceships. Males (Androphobia)-usually found in females. Monstrosities (Teratophobia )-fear of monsters. Mutants (Mutatophobia) Night (Nyctophobia) Open spaces (Agoraphobia ) Physical Love (Erotophobia) Pain (Algophobia) Plants (Botanophobia)-they're everywhere .... Poison (Toxiphobia) Reptiles (Batrachophobia) -possibly aliens & monsters Sinning (Peccatophobia) afraid of doing wrong. Slime (B1ennophobia)-slimy aliens & monsters too! Snakes (Ophidophobia) Space-fear of outer space and space travel. Spiders (Arachnophobia) Storms (Astraphobia) including thunder & lightning. Strangers (Xenophobia) -including aliens! Water (Hydrophobia) Wind (Anemophobia) Wounds or injuries (Traumatophobia ) More than one fear. Reroll ld3+1 times on this table.
10 11 12 13 14 15

dl0 642D: Allergies (roll a d10)

Fur. Additional symptom of constant sneezing. Dust. Additional symptom of constant sneezing. Insect BitesIStlngs. Multiple bites orstings, increase the reaction level by one. 4-5 Food. Roll a d6. If the result is 1-3, it's a common, usually high protein food. Cheese, eggs, red meat and wheat flour are examples. If the result is 4-5, it's an unusual food like caviar, foreign cuisine, soybean souffl6, marshmallow and anchovy pizza, etc. If the result is 6, it's an exotic (or even alien)food. Use your imaginationand considerwhat an alien might find yummy. 6 Fabric. Allergiesto wool orother naturaland even synthetic fabrics can be unpleasant to the wearer. 7 A Common Mediclne. Maybe aspirin, antibiotics, stimulants, depressants, home-made chicken soup. 8 An Unusual Mediclne. Could be experimental, ancient or even alien medications. 9 Mold. Includes mildew and possibly even dampdirt. Additional symptom of constant sneezing. 10 Energy Radiation. The character is sensitiveto one of the following types of radiated energy. Roll a d6 and match the results on subtable below:
1 2 3

1 Nuclear Radiation 4 2 Solar Radiation 5 3 CosmicRays 6

Laser Light Electricity Magical Energy

642: Exotic Personality Traits


642: Exotic Personality Traits

6423: Behavior Tags

A Behaviortag is an unusual, or uncommontype of action or activity which the character performs, usually out of habit. It is a personality trait bywhich the character becomes known, such as "an absent-mindedprofessor," or "the cat lady."

results are not added, but are read like atwo-digit number. The d4 result is alwaysthefirst or"1O'sndigit.Example: ad4 result of 1 and a d l 0 result of 0 are read as 10. Match the number against Table 642Et0 select the unusual

Instructions:Roll ad4and ad10 at the same time. The dad10 6423: Behavior Tags (roll a d4 & a d10)
10 Secret Identity. Maintainstwoseparate identities, switching as necessary to keep both "active." Create a second background. Decidewhich is real and which acharade. Come upwith a good reason for this (often a requirement forthe spandex suit and cape set). 11 Flirtatious. Most interchanges with members of the opposite sex involve some kind of "innocent" or playful sexual innuendo. 12 Chemical Addict [Dl. Character's day-to-day existence centers around achemical substance, such astobacco, alcohol, narcotics, caffeine, chocolate, etc. Character becomes "ugly" and unpleasant if deprived of the substance fortoo long. All skills drop by 1 Rank until character gets a "fix." 13 Primps Constantly. Character is constantly and publicly combing orbrushing hair, applying makeup, straightneningclothing or otherwise maintaining, correcting or improving his or her physical appearance. 15 Absentminded.Thecharactermisplacesthingseasilythe more important something is, the greaterthe chance it will be mislaid. Items that are set down, dropped or hidden have a 1d20% chance of being lost permanently. 16 Fumble-fingers. Regardless of her Dexterityattribute or skills, this character is often clumsywith things she holds in her hands. Atthe worst moments,theyseemtoslipormore likely, flip out of her hands. The base chance is I d 4 x 10%. 17 Collector. The character surrounds himself with things that appeal to him. These things may be valuable, historically important, attractive, or just plain unusual. 18 Romantic. Character yearns for idealized adventures and can't understandwhythe world has to be so harsh and real. 19 Distinctive Possession. Select an object on Table 853: Gifts & Legacies,forwhich the character is well known and from which he may not wish to be parted. Roll until you get something with which you are comfortable. 20 Ego Signature [N]. Charactercannot do anything anonymously, but must leavesome markoritemthat links himwith the act (An example is the 'Markof Zorro'). This character has a 25% shance to be a Vandal [Dl who leaves his mark by destroying or defacing property. 21 Hiccupping. Brought on by stress or eating, these range irom mild "hics" to thunderous body shakers. At the GM's jiscretion, these diaphragm glitches can cause penalties to lighting and skill use checks.
2 2

Roleplay:These are colorful "trademarks" by which a characterbec6mesknown. Have fun with them-

dad10 6423: Behavior Tags (continued


Know-it-all [N]. Has an opinion orknowsthe "truth"about 23 everything (but, of course, you already knew that). Actually has only a 10% chance to really know something.

Perfectionist. The character insists that all tasks be performedin accordance with her own extremelyhigh standards.

25 Squeamish. Can't standto be around little creepy-crawly things, ortouch slimystuff orwatch otherpeople bleed, oreat certain types of foods. Treat like a phobia. See Table642C:Phobias. 26 Stuttering. Reduce Charisma attribute by l d 4 when talking. Penalize any speaking skills by l d 3 Ranks, more if the character is under pressure or nervous. 27 Sexy. Regardless of his or her appearance, members of the opposite sex are strongly attracted to the character.

28 Bloodthirsty [Dl. Seems to enjoy combat just a little too much, particularly when blood is spilled.
29 An Attitude! Go to Table 418: Occupation Performance and roll ad20 and ad6 on Table418A:WorkAttitudes.Thisworkrelated attitude strongly influences all aspects of the character's behavior.

Dislike something. Go to Table 642C: Phobias and 30 determine what the character doesn't like. This is not a fear, but is instead something the character does not care for. The strength of the trait determines the degree of dislike. High PainThreshold. She laughs off wounds that would 31 normally incapcitate another character. Each time the chararacter receives a wound that would incapacitate her, she has a 60%chance to treat it as a non-incapacitatinginjury and to continue to function (the GM may have to make judgement calls as needed here). Low Pain Threshold. ANY pain makes the effective 32 value of all skills and attributes drop by l d 6 Ranks or points. Insomniac. Characterfinds it almost impossible tosleep 33 orget any rest ... at least during the night.

Fanatic. Strong belief in some idea and an equallystrong devotion to its achievement, even to the point of death.

35 Picky Eater. Character won't try new foods, even to the point of going hungry rather than eat something disliked. Diet maybe limitedto afew"comfortfoods" enjoyedduring childhood. When presented with any new food, the character has a d l 0 x 1O%chancetodislikethefood. Thisdoes not mean thecharacter is thin. Comfort foods are often high in carbohydrates and fat!

Unusual Appearance. The character compensatesfor, 3r isself-consciousabout some aspect of his or her appearance. Select the feature on Table 861: Appearances.

36 Glutton. Charactereats like there is no tomorrow, whether he is hungry or not. Eats at least twice as much as a normal being of his race. Has a 70% chance to be grossly overweight.
Continued ...

d41d10 6423: Behavior Tags (continued

642F:Sexual Perversions [DI*
Sexual Perversions are considered to be Darkside personality traits by most societies during much of the 20th century.

Pacifist. Character will not fight. This ranges from 37 vowing neverto kill, nevertaking an offensive stance incombat (selfdefense only), or even 'rurning the other cheek" and not defending oneself at all. Gung Ho! This character has an aggressive, excited 38 attitude that she applies to every task.

Pet Lover [L].Has many pets. Usually brings one along. Always lookingforsomething else to bring home. Mayfocus on a type of animal, cats, dogs, giant amoebae, etc.

Political Activist [L]. Always involved in some kind of cause. Most support the masses against their overlords, but it may involve protecting something from destruction like "Save the Ice Caps" or "Equal Rights for Field Mice."

A Position Statement

Practical Joker. Enjoys pulling off jokes at other's expense. He's aguywho hot-wirestoilets,puts shoe-polishon the eyepieces of binoculars, and soaps the windows of your allterrain vehicles. Whose side is he on anyway?
41 42

Neatnik [N].This is an obsessively neat person. Personal effects are always clean, polished, sharp, well-organized, and neatly arranged. Dislikes mess and has a 10% chance to have a phobia regarding dirt.

Some forms of behavior are wrong, that's why they are called Darkside traits. Engaging in such behavior hurts oneself and others. Some forms of sexual behavior fall into the category of wrong behavior, for they are perversions of nature. While the people who performsuch behaviormay be otherwise "good," they can performwrongactions, just as adriverof acarmaysometimes speed, or a parent snap at a child in anger. Nevertheless, wrong behavior does not become right just because many misguided people engage in it.

Real World Stuff

Despite "popular" trends in culture and psychology, the authorsof this bookbelievethe following threestatements to betrue: A. Any sexual relationshipotherthan that between a husband and wife is wrong. B. Perverse sexual desires are aform of learnedand ingrained behavior and as such can be controlled, overcome and eventually replaced by healthy desires and behavior. C. Using roleplay to vicariously experience wrong behavior is a bad idea. While we are not called to be judges, it is our belief that those who chose tocontinue in perverse behaviorwill ultimately be held accountable for their actions. Those who seek to brainwash society into accepting such behavior as normal are only making the problem worse forthemselves and others.


Slob. Unconcernedabout the appearance of her person or property. Tends to be disorganized where belongings are involved, takes longer to find things (though she may be a master of the "vertical piling" system in which items are located in a manner similarto geological sedimentation.


Packrat [N]."Say, this looks like it might be useful!"is the battle-cry of this fellow who picks up everything, but never throws any of it away. On the other hand, he always has just the right thing for any situation ... if he can just find it. Unique Physical Habit. An action which the character performs unconsciously. Select from the following, or create your own-winking, rapid blinking, licking or smacking lips, swallowing, rubbing part of face or body, waving hands while speaking, twisting hair, snapping or drumming fingers.



Figures of Speech [Dl. Constantly fills her conversations and pronouncements with colorful phrases, often based on homeysayings, like "Dance 'ti1thecowscome home,"oruThicker'n fleas on a dawg," or "We have wonderful old saying in my country ..." Tags. Reroll conflicting Tags, such as Neatnik and Slob.

Gameplay Stuff
Thegoalforacharacterafflicted with asexual perversionthen, is the goal of a character afflicted with any Darkside trait-not to experience acting out wrong behavior, but instead, to overcome the wrong behavior through roleplay.

4749 QuiteEccentric.Roll ld3+1 timesformultiple Behavior

Rather than dwell on the vast variety of possible perverse behaviors, theauthorssuggestthat if aplayeror DM reallyfeelsthe need to create an NPC or player character afflicted by a sexual perversion, he or she need only refer to recent news headlinesfor a selection of popular perversions. Select something appropriate for the character and his or her purpose in the game.

743: Others


743: Others

Use only if directed here by another table Thisisagenerallistingoftypesof"0therPersons"encountered, people and creatures who may act as friends orfoes, antagonists or allies. Many tables in this book require an identity for a foe, a victim, an instigator or a chance encounter. This tabie pro-

vides that identity, acting as a sort of "central clearing house" for other lists of persons. Instructions:Rolladlo and matchthe resultanainst Table 743. This is the general class person that has been encountered, although it may also be aspecificperson. Some entrieswill require additional rolls on anothertable. Roll Hi/Lo for the person's sex if necessary. Hi =female, Lo = male. Both GM and player maywish to add more details to some of these NPCs. To do so refer to the chapter on NPCs on page 11 and/or Table 107: Parents & NPCs.

Roleplay: Throughout life, the character will interact with other persons. Imagine the character's reaction to this person within thecontext of theevent inwhich he orshe appears. Imagine the other ~erson's reaction to the character. Does the encounter have a gdod outcome, or are ill feelings generated?


743: Others (roll a dlO)


743: Others (continued...)

Friends and Family. These are persons with whom the 1 character is familiar. Roll a d6 to select the encounter. 1 A close friend. Possibly a Companion (see Table 750: Companions).Let the GM decide who this will be. 2 A relative. Select on Table 1040: Other Relations. 3 The character's lover. Reroll if currently no lover or spouse. 4 A coworker. Someone who works with the character. 5 A neighbor. This is someone who lives nearby. The GM should decide who this will be. 6 A mentor. The wise person who guides the character. Known Folks. These are persons who the character knows, though they may not be close friends. Roll a d6 to select the encounter. 1 A rival. Select Rival on Table 751: Rivals. 2 A family friend. Probably a friend of the character's parents. 3 Employer. Character's current employer (if any). 4 A clergyman. Select details regarding his religion Table 533: Religion. 5 Old friend. This is someone whom the character has not seen for a number of years. 6 A fellow member. Most folks are "belongers." They join clubs, churches or temples, secret societies and social groups. This person is a member of a group to which the character might also belong.

Weird Folk.These are veryunusual Others. Roll ad6 on the subtable below to determine more details. 1 Avillain. This is an active bad person. Select details about the villain on Table 752: Villains. 2 A monster. Select from Table 748: Horrors. 3 An alien. Select type on Table 747:A/iens, then roll again on this table. 4 A deranged person. This person has a strong mental affliction (Driving strength or greater). Select the affliction on Table 6428: Mental Afflictions. 5 A timetraveler. This is aperson (or persons)from another period of history, who is out of place now. Reroll on this table to select the type of person or person encountered. Roll HiLo. Hi =fromdistant past. Lo =from last200 years 6 A robot. This is an artificially constructed being. Use the sub-subtable for a brief classification. 1 Acomputer 5 A beast-like robot 2 A human-like android 6 Machine like robot 3 A biosynthetic creature 4 An alienoid robot

Unusual People. These are strangers, unknown to the 3 character. Roll a d6 to select the encounter. 1 A criminal. Select type on Table 862: Crimes. 2 A professionalhero. This person is well known as a hero. 3 A retired villain. Once a name to be feared, he now lives in retirement. Select details on Table 752: Villains. 4 A retired hero. This is someone who once was renowned for heroic deeds, possibly someone the character may have hero-worshippedas a child. Now, she lives a quiet life, her great deeds forgotten by all. 5 A noble. Select title on Table 746: Nobles. In the world of the 20th century, nobleswill usually not be Americans. Use Table 101: Character Origins table to select a possible homelandfor the noble. 6 An outcast. A street person, beggar, bum, hobo, hermit, leper, or prostitute.

Kids. These are generic young people. Unless the characteris also ayoung person atthetimeof the encounter, she may not know this other person. Roll a d4 to learn more. 1 A teenager. Someone between the ages of 14 and 19. 2 A kid. Someone between the ages of 8 and 13. 3 A young child. Someone between the ages of 3 and 8. 4 A baby ortoddler. Child between the ages of birth and 2. 6 Just Folks. Roll a d6 to learn more about these people. 1 Government worker. Use Table 416: GovY Jobs. 2 Someone known by occupation. Select occupation on Table4 13:Occupations. 3 A youngfamily. Amother,fatherand I d 3 young children. 4 A large family. Parents and 3d4 children of varying ages. 5 An elderly person. A person beyond their middle years. 6 A couple. This is a man and a woman together.

Aforelgnperson. Rerollthe encounter on thistable. The 7 resulting encounter is from another country or part of the world. Use Table 101: Character Originsto select the point of origin.

A group. Select the group on Table 744: Other Groups.

Several others together. Roll ld3+1 more times on this 10 table.

744: Other Groups


745: Guardians

Other Groups
I Use only if directed here by another table I
Rather than individuals, these are groups of Others. They are treated as a group, not as individual NPCs, so don't worry about their sex, age or personal details.
744: Other Groups.


I Use only if directed here by another rable I

Instructions:Rollad20 and matchthe result against Table -

When a child's parents die or disappear, someone must be come responsiblefor her upbringing. This person, persons, creature, creatures or family become the character's guardians. In many respects they take over the functions of parents.

Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the result against the table to find the character's guardian. When an event calls for something to happen to aparent, it happensto the guardian. If the player so desires, the guardian's background can be developed further. Refer to Table 107: Parents & NPCsfor details.

Roleplay:The loss of one's parents is a tragedythat affects the rest of a character's life. However, the role of the parent may be replaced (to some extent) by others who either willingly or unwillingly take up the responsibility of raising the character to adulthood. A guardian might merely provide for the character's physical needs, or become a loving replacement for lost parents.


744: Other Groups (roll a d20)

d20 745: Guardians (Roll a d20)

A relative. Select the relative on Table 104D: Other Relations (rerolling results of mother or father). 5-6 Character is raised in an orphanage with dozens, even hundreds of other children. 7-9 Character is raisedby some Otherperson(s). Select the guardian on Table 743: Others. 10-11 Character is adopted by anotherfamily. Beginning with Table 104: Birth & Family, create this family as you - just . would for the character's birth family. Raisedbypriestsornuns in a monasteryorconvent. Go to Table 533: Religion to determine I d 3 events that occur because of this background. Character has no guardian and fends for himself completely. Add I d 6 Ranks to Urban Survival skills. Character is raised by street people. Add I d 4 Ranks to Urban Survival skills. Drop Social Status to Destitute. Character is raisedby acriminal. Select the criminal type on Table 862 Crimest hen go to Table 526: Underworld Events, to find criminal events that occur. Character is passed from relative to relative until reaching the age of majority. Characteris raisedby a professionalhero who saves her from a tragedy. Select t ragedy on Table520: Tragedies. Character is raised in a clinic by scientists. GM Only: see entry #745 on Table 965: GM's Specials. Character is raised in a secretive adademy and gains 3 bonus points that may be distributed between Constitution, Strength and Dexterity attributes. Roll twice more on this table and combine the two guardian types together in an imaginative way.

1 Popular music group. They look funny and make loud music and are accompanied by fans 50% of the time. 2 Refugees. Victims of political persecution. 3 Pilgrims. Pious Folks on theirwayto a holy shrine. Might be devout fanatics, or little more than tourists. 4 Tourists. Visitors from afar, here to see the sights. 5 Commuters. Folks on their way to or from work. 6 School children. A group of kids. 7 Rowdy sports fans. Violence just lookingfor an excuse to happen. 8 Terrorists. Anything for the cause, no matter how heinous. Use Table 101: Character Originsfor their homeland. 9 Cultists. Members of a secret religious organization. 10 Roving youth gang. Young toughs looking for trouble. These are not good kids. 11 Vigilante gang. Well-meaning citizens out looking for troublemakers. 12 Military patrol. Soldiers on the job. 13 Revelers. Partying folks out for a good time. 14 Governmentwork crew. Expect to find aboutthree supervisors for each worker. 15 Biker gang. Tough folk on big machines. 16 Gypsy-like wanderers. Mysterious. They come andgo in the night. 17 Protesters.Something'swrong with societyandtheywant everyone to know it. 18 Rioters. These are protestersturned ugly and violent. 19 Police patrol. Out and about to keep the peace. 20 Roil twice more. Combine the results.

746: Nobles


746: Nobles

' I I

command loyal retainers to follow him. A Noble will have l d 4 hobbies in addition to an occupation. Select these hobbies on Table 4 19: Hobbies.

Use only if directed here by another table

GMing Note: Players character Nobleswho insist on being public figures should find themselves subjected to unwanted attention much the same as a celebrity political figure - or popular . . might encounter.

Though Nobility has lost much of its value and meaning as the years of 20th century have marched onward, there is still this wonderfully romantic imagery conjured by the possibility of being of Noble blood (or at least marrying into it).

dl00 746A: Noble Notes (roll a d100)

Emperor (Empress): Rules over kings and princes. TiMod: 10d10. Lands: 1d20x10. King (Queen): Rulerwho is the supreme authority in his land. A king normally owes fealty to no other. TiMod:7d10. Lands: 1d l 0x10. Archduke (Archduchess): Royal duke, possibly next in line for the throne, always a sibling of a king or queen. TiMod:+4d10. Lands: 1d l 0x5. Prince (Princess): Child of a king or an emperor. Also may be the ruler of a Principality in which case he is equal to a king. TiMod: +4dlO. Lands: 1d20x5. Duke (Duchess): Rules over one or more marquises. TiMod: +4d8. Lands: ld l 0x5. Marquis (Marquese): Rules over one or more viscounts. TiMod:+3d10. Lands: 1d20+12. Viscount (Viscountess): Rules over one or more counts. TiMod:+3d8. Lands: 1d20+10. Chieftain: Tribal leader, usually leads a single tribe. TiMod: +3d6. Lands:2d6+8. Count or Earl (Countess): Rules over barons. TiMod: +2d8. Lands:2d10+4. Baron (Baroness): Rules a barony, smallest sized d20. Lands: 1d l 0+4. f iefdom. TiMod: +l Baronet (Baroness): Below a baron, given to commoners. TiMod:+2d8. Lands: 1d l 0. Subchieftain: A tribal chieftain's lieutenant.TiMod: +2d6. Lands: 1d8. Knight ("Sir" or "Lady"): An earned title which cannot be inherited. Usually granted by a king or queen. TiMod: +2d6. Lands: 1d4. Squire: A country gentleman of considerable local d6. influence, not really Nobility though. TiMod: +l Lands: 1d 10+4. Hetman (Hetwoman): A village leader. TiMod: +I d6. Lands: 1d4.

Instructions: Roll ad100 to determine the title possessed bya Noble and matchthe result against Table 746A: Noble Notes. Follow the steps belowto define the Noble's power and influence. For a Noble whose Culture has not been previously determined, select the Tech Level on Table 102A and the Culture on Table 1028. If the character's sex has not been determined, roll for Hi/ Lo. Hi = female. Lo = male. Title: The titles for Nobles are given in terms of western European and British peerage, along with a number of tribal-type leadershiptitles.Forothercountries, usethe titlethat most closely corresponds to the selected rank of Nobility. They are listed (top to bottom) in a rough hierarchy of who is more important than whom. If the Noble is an alien or if the GM's world history is based on some otherform of society, he is goingto have to convert these titles to ones that correspond with his chosen milieu. TiMod: Each title has an associated Title Modifier(TiMod), a numberthatis addedtothecharacter's die roll (and CuMod)when Social Status is rerolled(see below). Some TiModsarecreated by rolling dice) Influence: Roll ad100 and addthe NPC Noble's TiModtothe result. Matchthe total against Table 7468: Sphereof lnfluenceto determine the actual extent of a Noble's influence and power. Lands: Roll the indicated dice. This is the number of square miles of land possessed by the Noble or at least deededto him by his liege lord (usually in the form of personal estates). Player Characters: For player characters who are the offspring of Nobles, the final step is to return to Table 103: Social Statusand reroll Social Status, adding both the character'sTiMod (see above) and CuModto the roll. Roleplay: Nobles exist and live bythe works of others, having social value only when they coordinate, represent and protect those who do work. The justification of Nobility is based on the assumptionthatthe accident of birth makessome people more fit to lead others. Thecontinuance of Nobility is based uponthe facts that 'them what has, gets more" and "might makes right." Gameplay Benefits: Unless it has already been determined that a character's parents have died, a player character of NobleSocialStatuswill begin asthechild of an NPC Noble and will have no actual title himself. Due to their assumed importance to the scheme of things, characters of Noble birth may add l d 4 points to their Charisma attribute so long as it is publicly known that they are a Noble. An NPC Noble will have guards or other retainers with him at all times. The numberwill be equal to the the character's TiMod. At the GM's discretion, a Noble player character may be able to


746B: Sphere of Influence

Local: influence limited to a county, shire, or town, either by control or renown (fame). 71-95 Regional: influence affects a limited, but substantial portion of the country. 96-110 National: influences affects entire country, either by control or renown (fame). Greatly Renowned!: influence is greater than title 110+ would indicate, due to character's great fame. Chances are that people around the world know of this character.

747: Aliens


747: Aliens

physicaldifferences. Imagine how one of these beingswould react when encounteringthecharacter. Would their backgroundscause them to be instant friends, rivals, or even enemies, or merely be suspicious of each other? Considerthese things and what follows before playing an alien or mutant like just another human.

Use only if directed here by another table This is a selection of typical aliens orwildly mutated races that might appear in a more unusual roleplay game. Instructions: Roll a d20 and compare the results against Table 747A:Alien Types. Next, roll a d20 on Table 7478: Custom Parts to make the alien a little more unique and personalized.

Roleplay: Aliens are nonhumans, and nonhumans are just that, not human. Like humans, they have their own motivations, but these will be colored and skewed bytheir exotic lives and their

Aliens should have a unique value structure. What a human considers trivial may be of great importance to an alien. Aliens find the appearance of humanity just as hideous as humans find them to be. Most races, human and alien alike, tend to be ethno-centric. Theyfavordealingswith theirown kind abovedealingswith others. The more physicallyorcuIturallydifferentthat a race is from another, the greater will be the initial distrust. Make human-like races just as alien and unfathomable as you might make a race of three-legged, silicon-basedtoadstools. Havefun with aliens attemptingto use humanspeech. Spice up dialog by creatively muddling phrasing in alien speech: "So to be star-travellingyou are, eh." Dothesame with accents. Some aliens won't speak with a radio announcer's perfect diction. Buzz, click, chirp and hum to your heart's delight.

d20 747A: Alien Types (roll a d20)

Human-appearing.Looks like a standard issue human being, yet he or she is somehow different. Human-like.These beings so closely resemblehumankind that only a few characteristic features set them apart, such as pointed ears or an exotic skin color. Typical of aliens from games based on TV shows. Near Human. This creature is much like a human, but has subtle features from anothertype of alien. Select the type of alien by rerolling on this table. intelligent Animal Species. Use Table 749: Unusual Pets to create a creature. Make it sentient. Amoeboid. Amorphous, malleable shape. Bestial. A "humanized" version of a common animal. Use Table 749: Unusual Petsto create a creature. This creature is now a humanoid, animal-like alien species. Aerial. Flyers, often with bird-like or bat-likewings. Amphibian. Dwell in water or air equally well. A Horror. It really looks likesomething out of a late night movie. Select the alien type on Table 748: Horrors. insectoid. Closely resemble bugs or spiders. Radially symmetrical. A starfish is an example of a radiallysymmetrical being. Multipedal. Has many feet and possibly a corresponding number of manipulative limbs. Piscean. Fishlike beings. Mayor may not be restrictedto water-filledenvironments. Reptilian.Reptile-likebeings, usuallywithscales and often with tails. Includes snake-like beings. Young Alien. Alien is a child. Reroll its species on this table. Botanic. Plant-like beings, including molds &fungi. Non-organic. This is a broadclassificationthat includes, mineral-based life forms, energy-basedbeings and even robots. Combined alien. Rolltwice more on this table and combine the results. Example: multipedal reptilian. Reroll 1d4 more times on this table. Alien can appear human if it desires to do so. Alien is a striking and unusual color. Select it on Table 855: Colors. Alien's reproductive/sexual mores are different from human normal. What humans consider a perversion, they see as normal and vice versa. Alien eats bipedal, sentient mammals. Alien has 1d4 abilitiesfrom Table 860: Psychic Powers. Alien has 1d4 abilities from Table 858: Exotic Features. Alien has l d 4 "alienized" features from Table 861: Appearances. Alien is 1dlOx largerthan a human being. Alien is Id1O x smaller than a human being. The alien requires a different atmospheric mix than a human. Roll a d6. On result of 6, this atmosphere is deadly poisonous to Earth life forms. Alien's Tech Level is 1d4 levels above Earth's highestl. Alien's native technology is l d l O levels lower than current earth level. Alien's body fluids are highly corrosive. Alien is a villain among its own kind. Select relevant details on Table 752: Villains (begin with 7528). Alien is mindless, not sentient as we understand it. Alien is a mundane sort of creature with a mundane sort of job. Select it on Table 413: Occupations. Alien can interbreed with humans (usually human females). Roll 1d6. On a result of 6, the alien uses other life forms as hosts for its larvae. The alien's 12d+l sexes are RADICALLY different from each other. Decide whether the type of creature first selected is the "fertilizer"orthe "nurturef" or"other," and reroll the other racial type as if it were a completely different being.

Use only if directed here by another table These are the creatures out of ninhtmare. They are rarelv benevolent and often hold only ill for humankind.

Instructions:Roll ad20 and match the result against the table

of monsters below. Roleplay: Imagine how your character would react to meeting this honor. Think about the way you may have felt or reacted to something unknown that frightened you.

d20 748: Monster Type (roll a d20)

1 Vampire. A blood orenergysuckingfiend. Nevertheless,of all the monsters here, it has the greatest chance to be urbane, charming and resistant to its own base desires. 2 Werewolf. Cursed by the bite of another werewolf, this creature prowls in search of prey on moonlit nights and agonizes over his sorry existence by day. 3 Zombie. This animatedcorpsewalks at the bidding of some dark master. It might be a dumb, mindless creature or one of the fiendish hungrydeadwho prey on living flesh. 4 Ghoul. A vile eater of the dead, once a human being, now decidedly not. 5 Ghost.The wretched soul of someone whose tie to life, and possibly a place is too great forthem to let mere death get in the way. 6 Tentacled Horror. There arethings that men are not meant to know. These creaturesare often guardians of such knowledge and drip with noisome slime. 7 DemonIEvil Spirit. The true war against evil is not fought against flesh and blood, but against beings such as this, one of the powers or principalities from Hell itself. 8 Gelatinous Blob. Maybe it came from outer space. Maybe it escaped from some scientist's lab. Regardless, you can bet it will be at leastthree times as big as any vehiclethe charactercan find - and it's growing! 9 Mummy. Many ancient cultures mummifiedtheir dead, but the Egyptians were the avowed masters of the art. Possibly the creature has come back to avenge the desecration of his tomb. 10 Reanimated Corpse. Frankenstein's monster is the classic example of this honor. It might be one corpse brought backtofull life, or pieces of many. 11 Nasty Goblin. This mean-spiritedlittle fiend from fairy tale might live unseen in any home, though it generally prefers older homes that have character. It often plays little pranks, but can becomequitemean and vicious. This also includesthingslikethe bogeyman, gremlins, evil fairies and terrible little men. 12 Skeletal Horror. Little remains of this creature but bones, a few b i s of rotted or dried flesh and some motivation for coming back from the grave.

d20 Monster Type (continued


13 Terrible Plant. Whether it came from space, from a scientist's laboratoryor issupernatural in nature, this fiendish vegetation is often bent on world domination. Roll a d6 on the subtable below. 1 Carnivorous Plant 4 Sentient Fungus 2 Animatedvegetables 5 EvilTree 3 CreepingVines 6 Deadly Flower 14 Flying Horror. This could be a bat-winged monster, an ancient dinosaur, or a giant carnivorous bird. It rarely leaves tracks, because it swoops down from above to carry its victim away. 15 Machine Menace.The creation of awell-meaning (usually) scientist or inventor, this thing has gone amok and set its own goals. Roll a d6 on the subtable below. 1 Sentient computer 4 Alien machine 2 Giant robot 5 Home-built robot 3 Human-likeandroid 6 Golem (magical being) 1 6 The Horde. Hundreds, even thousands (millions?)of small, otherwise (relatively) harmless creatures suddenly act as if they had a single, deranged and evil mind. Roll a d8. 1 Mice 6 Bats 2 Cats 7 Insects 3 Dogs 8 Fish 4 Birds 9 Spiders 5 Rats 10 Frogs and Toads 17 Alien Fiend. Select this creature on Table 747:Aliens. This creature looks horrible and inspires terror in all who see it. 18 Deceptively BeautifulAlien. Select this creature on Table 747: Aliens. Despite its weird appearance, this creature has an unearthly beauty to it. 1 9 Giant Animal. Select this creature on Table 749: Unusual Pets. Weird science has turned this ordinary animal into a fearsome monster of immense proportions. 20 Reroll again on this table. Several of these creatures are working together.

749: Unusual Pets


749: Unusual Pets

749B: Special Pet Abilities

' I I
01-15 16-30 31-37 38-50 51-52 53-54 55-56 57-58 59 60 61-62 63-70 71 72 73-75 76

1 1 1

Unusual Pets
Use only if directed here by another table

Instructions: First, roll a d l 0. On a roll of 2 or less, the pet has special ability "1-3" (personality), but no other abilities. On a result of 3-6 the pet has l d 3 special abilities. On a roll of 7 or greater, the pet's I d 3 special abilities are unknownto the character. The GM should roll and record these special attributes. For each ability, roll a d20 once on Table 7498. Reroll all duplicated abilities. The GM will need to determine how these abilities work within the game.

If thistable is beina consulted.then atsome~oint in his life. the character has obtained an unusual pet. ~ h e s e pets have above average intelligencefor an animal. Unlessspecified otherwise, the pet its more common brethren in size and appearance. Most such pets will be unusually long-lived.

d 2 0 7 4 9 ~Special : Abilities (roll a d20)

Pet exhibits a definite personality - roll three times on Table 312A: Personality Trait Types, re-rolling any results of "50" or less. Very Intelligent-betterthan average human sentience. There is a 60% chance of it being able to "speak a decipherable animal language, or human language if the animal could normally mimic human speech. Pet is quick at learning new skills and commands, and takes one-third the normal time to teach. Knows more commands than similar animals. Pet is unusually colored (go to Table 855: Colors). Pet is remarkablyfearless, and neverpanics. The pet'will attempt to defend its master from anything, unless the master commands otherwise. Pet has camouflage ability, and tends to blend in with the background. This is a Rank 3 bonus to the animal's naturalskillsforthe purposes of detection, sneaking, and surprise attacking. Pet heals at three times the normal rate. Pet can detect three times farther and more accurately than others of its race. Pet has unusual size. Roll a d6 for HiILo. Hi = pet is unusuallylargefor its species (even gigantic). Lo = pet is unusually small, a miniature animal. Pet's life energy is two times the standard for the race. The pet will take 2x the damage and take 2x as long for the "soul" to leave. Pet is a blessed with a lucky life. Pet will escape from death-dealing situations nine times before one finally catches up with it. Pet can increase its strength 1d l Otimes its normalvalue, once each day for 1d6 hours. Pet'ssalivais adeadly poison (potency equals 1d6xpet's Constitution) which can be spit, or bite injected. Pet is more than unusual - it's weird. Roll a d6 on the subtable below for details:
1 Pet has been altered. Portions of the animal have been

Instructions: Roll a d l 00 once for the type of pet on Table 749A below. Then go to Table 749B:Special PetAbilitiesfor the pet's powers or skills. Roleplay: The pet is the character's constant companion and would probably rather die than be separated from its master. To roleplay the pet, think of that special pet you may have once had, the one that followed you everywhere.

749A: Special Pet Types (roll a d100)

dl00 Pet
Standard dog Standard cat Cute Rodent Horse Lizardtreptile Raccoon Snake Ferret Hawk Tiger Cougar Big dog mongoose Owl Monkey Camel

dl00 Pet (continued

77 78 79-80 81-82 83 84-85 86-87 88-90 91 92-93 94-95 96 97 98 99 100


Dolphin (or small whale) Big spider or insect Barnyardanimal Tropicalhalking bird Kangaroohallaby Wolf Wild cat (ocelot, bobcat, lynx) Distinctive horse Exotic animal (like an elephant) Turtle Songbird Lion otter Extinct animal Dinosaur Prehistoric mammal

749C: Animal Transportation

Instructions: Roll a d6, and on a result of "4-5," the standard animal is included. On a result of "6," a non-standard, but feasible, animal is included. What is "standard"will be relevant to the character's particular culture.


d20 749C: Transportation (roll a d20)

1-5 6 7-9 10-12 13-15

Riding animal only Little red wagon Cart Carriage Buckboardwagon

16-17 18 19 20

Covered wagon Dogsled Chariot Trolley (needs a track)

5 6

replaced with bio-mechanical 'bionic" parts. Roll a d4 to determine the number of artificial parts, then use table 857: Body Locations to find out which ones. Pet has l d 3 items from Table 858: Exotic Features. Adapt to fit, but reroll results that cannot be made to work. Pet is really an assumed guise for an alien beingfrom Table 747: Aliens. Pet is really an assumed guise for something horrible from Table 748: Horrors. Pet has an ability from Table 860: Psychic Powers. Pet is really weird! Roll twice more here. Reroll duplicates.

Reroll l d 3 more times on this table. A duplicate roll doubles the effectiveness of a duplicated feature. A pet will not have more than four special abilities.

750: Companions


7M): C , P \ S

~ ~ ~

' I I

I ldlO 750B: Why? (rolla d10)

Use only if directed here by another table

Here isthe hero'scompanion, hertrusted right-handman, the faithfulsidekickwho hasjoinedthecharacterin adventure. The Companion may be a bumbler, a whiner, a bit of comic relief, or a serious hero with his own destiny to fulfil. Possibly the character may be merely the Companion's faithful sidekick?

Instructions:To developa pictureof the character's Companion, questions must be answered. Who is the Companion? Why has she joined upwith the character? What are the Companion's feelings toward the character? What is the Companion's predominant personality? Start with Table 750A and follow directions. Record information as you go. Roleplay: The Companion is an NPC who can either be controlled by the GM or by the player. She should not be just "cannon fodder." Give the Companion personalgoals that he can work out during adventuring. It may be that once those goals are accomplishedthe Companion partscompanywiththe characterto seek his or her own ultimate destiny.

Character saves her life. They seek a similar goal (30% chance to be friendly rivals in this regard -see Table 751C: Rivals). 3 Their parents were Companions in adventure. 4 They share the same enemy (create aVillain on Table 752: Wains). 5 They happenedtobe in thesame placeand in troubleatthe same time. 6 The Companion imagines the character to be a real hero and wishes to learn from him. 7 The Companion's original intent was to steal from the character. 8 The Companion feels a need to protect the character. 9 Mysteriousvoicesand feelings told the Companionto seek out the character and join her. 10 GM ONLY: See Entry #7508/751 on Table 965: GM Specials.

Table 750C: What kind of Person?

Instructions: Roll a d l 0 and match the result against the table below to learn the Companion's outlook on life. From Here: Give the Companion a name, develop him as an NPC on Table 107: Parents & NPCs, and round out his background.

750k Who is the Companion?

Instructions: Roll a d l 0 and match the result against the table 750A below to select the character's Companion. Select Companion's Culture on Table 102andhis Social Status on Table 103. From Here: go to Table 7508: Why a Companion? Gender Note: If the gender of the Companion is not preselected, then roll ad6. Aresult of 1-4is same sex asthecharacter. A result of 5-6 means the Companion is of the opposite sex.

ldlO 750C: What? (rolla d10)

1-3 Loyal Friend: Companion might lay down her life forthe character. Will support the character in all he does.

ldlO 750A: Who? (rolla d10)

1 A childhood friend. ARelative.Selecton Table 104D:OtherRelations. 3 An alien. Select on Table 747:Aliens. 4 Some other person. Select on Table 743: Others. 5 A group member. Select on Table 744: Other Groups. 6 A kid. Roll a d6. Add the result to 6 to find kid's age. 7 Sibling (roll a d6 for HiRo: Hi = older, Lo = younger). 8 Aprofessional adventureror hero. If the Companion is relatively more powerful than the character, assume that the character is his Companion. 9 Former enemy or rival. Select on Table 751: Rivals. 10 GM ONLY: See Entry#750A on Table965: GM'sSpecials.

Bumbling Buddy: A buffoonwho tries to be a hero, and inadvertently succeeds more often than he fails. Give him comical quirks. Intensely loyal to the character, but little help in a fight. May have an inferiority complex.

Grim Ally: Doesn't talk much. Does what must be done 6 to the best of her ability. Dislikes frivolity, especially in the face of danger. Quite sure of herself at all times.
7 Gung-ho Joe: Enthusiasmis not his middle name, it's his first. Always readyfor adventure, willing to leap into the fray and face unbeatable odds.

8 Groaning Griper: She may follow the character to Hell and back, but she doesn't haveto like it and lets every-one know about it. May be a wise-cracking "smart mouth."

Good 01' Boy: A down-to-earthtype who enjoys simple pleasures like hot food, cold drinks, good company, tall tales, and fast action. Loves a good knock-downfight.

Table 750B: Why a Companion?

Instructions: Roll a d l 0 and match the result against the table below to select why the Companionship exists. From Here: Go to Table 750C: What Kind of Person?

10 Incurable Romantic: Imagines himself to always be questing after some greater goal. Always attempts noble and chivalrous deeds. Always quoting somebody, usually obscure

751: Rivals

Use only if directed here by another table

Table 751B:W h y an Opponent?

Instructions:Roll a d l 0 and match the results against the table belowtoselect why the rivalry exists. From Here: Go to Table 751C: What Feelings? -

ldlO 751B: Why? (roll a d10)

1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Not evervone encountered durina life is aoina to be the character'spal. ?here are those who will covet whit thzcharacter has, who are jealous of what the character is, and who seek the same goals that the characterseeks. These people become competitive rivals, unfriendly foes, or even deadly enemies.

Instructions: To gain a picture of the character's Rival, questions must be answered. Who is the Rival? Why is she an opponent? What are the Rival's feelings toward the character? What does the Rival seek to accomplish? Start with Table 751A and follow directions. Record information as you go. Roleplay:The Rival is essentially a plot element forthe GM to use, an opportunity to create a continuing bad guy to foil the character'sactivities. To develop the character's attitudes toward this foe, think about how you felt when you discovered someone didn't like you, especially if you liked that person in return. Optional Rule: Each time the character has an encounter with the rival that ends with the Rival's own plans being thwarted, roll ad10 on Table 751C. If the result isthesame asor higherthan the Rival's current level of feelings, that level increases by one. Thus a jealous relationshipwould become an intense hatred.

They love the same person. They are sporting event rivals. Their parents were rivals. Rival is jealous of the character's looks. An insult was perceived by one or the other. They seek the same goal. Rival is jealous of the character's possessions. Always trying to outdo each other in everything. Their distant ancestor's were rivals. GM ONLY: See Entry #750B/751 on Table 965: GM Specials.

Table 751C:What Feelings?

Instructions: Roll a d l 0 and match the result against the table below to learn the Rival's level of antagonism towards the character. If you wish, roll ad8forthe character'sfeelings towards the rival. Optional: From Here: If desired, give the Rival a name, anddevelo~ her as an NPC on Table 107:Parents & NPCs. Set her up as a foil'to the character's plans.

751A: Who is the Rival?

Instructions: Rollad10and match against thetable below to select who is the character's rival. The Rival is usually of the same Social Status as the character. Roll a d6. On a result of 1-4, the Social Status is the same. On result of 5-6, find the Rival's Social Status on Table 103:SocialStatus.From Here:Go to Table 7518 : Why an Opponent? Gender Note: If gender of the rival is not predetermined, then roll a d6. If the result is 1-4 the Rival is the same sex as the character. If the result is 5-6, the Rival is of the opposite sex.

ldlO 751C: What? (roll a d10)

1-3 Friendly: Rival and character can still be friends. Rival enjoys competing against the character. Rival may even remain a good friend.

Jealous: Rival dislikes the character, and takes secret pleasure in embarrassing, thwarting or beating him. Physical injury is usuallynot intended, but if it happens, it happens. Rival may be appear to be a friend or ally.

6-7 Intense: Rival hates the character, and goes out of his way to foil him. Secretly hopes for the chance to injure the character in some way (physically, emotionally, financially, socially, etc.)

ldlO 751A: Who? (roll a d10)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A former lover (if character is a child, reroll). A relative. Select on Table 104D: Other Relations. A villain. Select on Table 752: Villains. Some other person. Select on Table 743: Others. A former friend. An enemy of the family. A sibling (roll a d6 for Hi-Lo: Hi = older, Lo = younger). A professional rival, with the same occupation. A friend (rivalry other than "friendly" is kept secret). 10 Reroll. The resulting person has risen to become a station where he or she wields real physical, political, social or religious power.

Fierce: Rival hates character bitterly. This is an unhealablegrudge. This rivalry often cloudsjudgement andcould lead to no-holds-barred conflict. The rival maximizes all opportunities to thwart the character, hoping to cause injury in so doing.
9 Deadly: This is a potentially fatal hatred. Severely Injuring the character in any way is the rival's goal. He plots and plans the character's downfall as a part of his own path to success. Given the chance, the rival will kill the character.

10 Obsessive: The rival's entire life focuses on the characterand his ultimatedestruction.No risktoself orothers istoo great in the rival's quest to utterlydestroythe character. In this competition, there can be only one survivor. See Obsession under Table 6428: Exotic Personality Traits:Mental Afflictions.

Use only if directed here by another table

Every hero needs a nemesis or maybe even two! Every campaign needs an evil mover and shaker, one whose sheer vileness requiresthe actions of men and women, good andtrue to overcome. Come on! These are more than just petty rivals. Let's make us some bad guys! Instructions: To create a villain, answer these questions byfollowingdirectionsorrolling the indicateddieforeach subtable that follows. Record information as you go: 752A: Who is the Villain? 7528: What are the Villain'sgoals? 752C: Whatis the Villain'sAlignment? 7520: Whatis the Wlain's swpe of operation? 752E: What are the Villain'snasty habits? Finally, go to Table 107:Parents& NPCsandfollow directions to give the Villain more personality.

I ld10752C: What Alignment?* (roll a dl01

I' 1-6
For alignment details, see Table 312: A/@nmant6 Attitude.

Gender Note: If the gender of the Villain is not predetermined, then roll HiLo. Hi = male. Lo =female.

Roleplay:Villains are not pettycriminals.They are powerful people who seek more of the same. They have lofty, dangerous, even insane goals. They w o k in extremes. They do not just murder someone, they annihilate towns andcities. Theydo not rob banks, they bankrupt entire governments. They do not extort money from shopkeepers, they dominate cites. And worst of all, they usually think that they are doing the world a favor!


Total Darkside. Roll a d6 to select attitude. 1-2 Depraved 3 4 Deviant 5-6 Diabolical Neutral (but still evil). Roll a d6 to select attitude 1 Self-centered 4 Anarchic 2 Apathetic 5 Egalitarian 3 Materialistic 6 Conformist

9-10 Mostly Darksidewith tendenciestowards Neutral. Select relevant attitudes above.

I ld10752D: Operations? (roll a d10)

14 5-7 8-9 10

ld10752A: Who? (roll a dl01

7 8 9 10

Some other person. Select on Table 743: Others. A childhood friend. A relative. Select on Table 104D: Other Relations. A sibling (roll a d6 for Hi/Lo: Hi = older, Lo = younger). A rival. Select details on Table 751: Rivals.

1 2

Villain is a "local" evil-doer, and works close to home. Villain is a nationalthreat. He hasn't expanded his crime to other countries - yet. Villain is aworld class problem, whetherthe world knows it or not. Villain plans on either solar system or galaxy or (gasp) universe domination -adjust this to the power level of yourgame.

d l 0 752B: What Goals? (roll a d10)

Obtain immeasurable wealth. Achieve absolute knowledge. Obtain absolute power. Obtain some item from Table 853: Gifts & Legacies. Expand area of domination. Destroy everything. Humiliate/Punishothers for imagined wrongs Right some imagined wrong. Convert others to own point of view. Roll a d4. 1 Religious 2 Philosophical From Here: 3 Legal GOto 752C 4 Scientific

l d 1 0 7 5 2 ~Nasty : Habits? (roll a dl0)

Villain tortures his victims for his own pleasure. Villain has a trait selected from Table 642: Exotic Personality Traitswith an obsessive trait strength. 3 Villain destroys all who cross him or who do not join him. 4 Villain is notedfor repeatedlycommittinga crime. Select it on Table 862: Crimes. 5 Villain has 1d3 traits selected from Table 642: Exotic Personality Traits. 6 Villain only pretends to be human. Select its real form on Table 748: Horrors. 7 Villain sacrifices captured foes to appease some dark and horrible god. 8 Villain forces others to listen to her rantings, ravings ortales of woe - often revealing her secrets and evil plans. 9 Villain is certifiably insane, and does anything he pleases. 10 Roll two more times on this table.

Roll twice more on this table and combine the results.

863: Gifts & Legacies

853: Gifts & Legacies

Gifts & Legacies

artifacts, heirlooms or pieces of mysterious junk. They can be shrouded in legendor merely pieces of trash that are hardto lose. These gift ideas are only catalysts, the GM must bear the Thecharacterwill sometimes be given agiftat birthor later weight of deciding whyagift is important.Gifts should in Me. ~ h e s gifts e are sometimes given bysomeoneofm~sterio~~ in such a way that they serve as a motivation for a great quest or aspect (the 01' "mysterious stranger") or they might be a gift or at least an interesting inheritancefrom a relative, afriend, a mentorora benefactor.The exact nature of these itemsshould bedeterminedbvthe GM. Thev Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the result against the may be disguised technological (even if not roiled as suchj, table below to determine the nature of that gift. Use only if directed here by another table

20 853: Gifts and Legacies (roll a d20)

A weapon. Make a d l 0 roll on the subtable below to determine the kind of weapon. 1 An ornate dagger. 2 An ornate sword. 3 An automatic assault rifle. 4 A pearl-handledrevolver pistol. 5 A laser pistol (any form of "blaster" pistol). 6 A laser rifle (any form of "blaster" file). 7 A civil war vintage cannon 9 A primitive tribal weapon (spear, ax, dagger, etc.) 10 An archaic weapon (something from another time or place, like a muzzle-loading musket, a crossbow, a spear, a flint hand ax, etc.) The guardianship of a young ward. This is an NPC. Create this person as if it were a companion to the character. See Table 750: Companions. An UnusualPet. Select pet on Table 749: Unusual Pets.The pet survives at least until the character begins adventuring. A piece of jewelry. Make a d l 0 roll on the subtable below to determine the kind of jewelry. 1 Amulet. 7 Torc (neck ring). 2 Necklace. 8 Pin or brooch. 3 Earrings. 9 Large crown. 4 Tiara (small crown). 10 Medal. 5 Ring. 6 Roll again on this subtable, but the jewelry is extremely valuable, more so than its looks reveal. A nifty thing selected from Table 8548: Wondrous Devices. A piece of ancient sculpture. GM Only: see entry #a53 on Table 965: GM's Specials. A key. A locked or sealed book. A sealed cannister with a small monster floating in it. The creature seems to be alive. A sealed bottle (determine contents). A care-worn, but functional old space suit. An interesting and unique vehicle. Select details on Table 864: Vehicles. There is a 35% chance that the vehicle is a "vintage" vehicle of an earlier time. " A locked or sealed box that says "Do not open until , which is, of course, the current time in the adventuregame.

d20 853: Gifts & Legacies (continued ...)

14 Adeed to a Drooertv. Make a d20 roll on the subtable below

to determine what ihe deed is to. 1 An apartment building 10 An abandoned mine 2 An ancient fortress 1 1 An ancient, palatial house 3 A country manor 12 Swampland 4 A tract of jungle 13 An office building 5 An old restaurant 14 An old military base 6 Afactory 15 A remote island 7 An amusement park 16 A mysterious forest 8 Ancient ruins 17 An old temple/church 9 An old farm 18 An inn (or hotel) 19-20 The deeded property is in a far country. Reroll. A musical instrument. A piece of clothing. Roll a d20 on the subtable below. 1 A hat 9 Boots 2 Shoes 10 A space suit helmet 3 A belt 1 1 A complete space suit 4 A cape 12 An unusual coat 5 A tunic 13 A woman's dress 6 Pants 14 Priestly g a b 7 A one piece jumpsuit 15 A military uniform 8 Deep sea diving gear 16 Ultra-coldweather gear 17-20 Roll l d 4 times on this table. The pieces are part of a related set, possibly an unusual costume. Afile of papers. Make ad10 roll on the following subtable to determine what the pouch contains. 1 An ancient ancestor's letter to hislher descendants. 2 A map. 3 An undelivered letter. Diagrams and plans for a mysterious invention. 4 5 A chemical formula for a popular soft drink. 6 A wild story of adventure. 7 A last will & testament. 8 A treasure map! 9 The character's true (and colorful) famiw history. 10 Roll for 1d2+1 items. Reroll results of 10. Asealedtrunk. There is a60xchancethat it contains 1d3+1 additional items from this table. A suit of medieval armor, that actuallyfits the character! Roll again. The resulting item definitely has at least one special or magical function and some great significance to the character's destiny and the over-all scheme of things.

854: Perks & Stuff


854: Perks & S t u f f

854B:Wondrous Devices

Use only if directed here by another table

1 1 1


Perks are the nifty things often associated with a position, a job, or even wealth. They make life easier, more fun, and make the character look good in the eyes of others.


Perks & Stuff

Use only if directed here by another table

Wondrous Devices are those devices and inventions whose levelof technology, sophisticationortechnical feasibility is beyond that commonly available. These things are almost magic. Assume that the Wondrous Device is a radical improvement or variation on any existing technology.

Instructions:Roll a d20 on the following table. Roleplay: The device is very much beyond anything the
character has ever seen. The character may be awed or even scared bv the device. Others may be less so, and seek to relieve the character of the item.

Instructions: Roll a d20 on the following table. The result is the "reward" the character gets for being that character.

d20 854k Perks (roll a d20)

High quality wardrobe. Individual outfits are either I flashy or immaculatelytailored and cost more than the average annual clothing budget of a family at the Comfortable level. 2 Military Commission. Position is given outside the normal channels. If the character already has officer rank, increase rank by two levels. 3 Toys. Character has access to ld4+4 of the latest technological gadgets (though not quite Wondrous devices). 4 Body guards. 2d4 of them. 5 Animal companion.Select on Table 749:Unusual Pets. 6 Specialtraining.Maybe askill from Table863:Unusuai Skillsor it may be a skill applicable to the game world -follow Table 863's rank rules. 7 Celebrity. Character is knownwhere evershe goes and is often accorded preferred service treatment. 8 Multi-passport.Can travel anywherewithoutproblems. 9 Power. Character has a lot of positional power. Character commands 1d6 x 1d20 followers, who DO listen to her. 10 Exclusive club membership. 11 Living quarters. Only the best! All furnishings are museum quality and the place is rent free. 12 Double identity. For work or kicks, the character leads two lives. 13 Preferred opinion. Whether the character knows anything or not. Personai vehicle given to character. Use Table 864: 14 Vehicles and add 5 to the die rollson Table 864B-G. 15 Connections. Many powerful and influentialfriends 16 Access. Though not a celebrity, the character still has preferred privileges, only in different and possibly more clandestine circles 17 Eccentric. Character feels he can afford to act out a stereotype roll associated with his station in life. 18 Vehicleuse. Character has unlimited use of avehicle not normally accessible by other folks (example: Air Force 1) 19 Roll twice more on this table. 20 Advanced Techno-Toy. Select on Table 8548: Wondrous Devices.

d20 854B: Wondrous Devices (roll a d20)

1 Timemachine. It moves through time, it movesthrough space, going anywhen, traveling anyplace. 2 Resurrection machine. It brings 'em back, but the GM shoulddecidethe duration andquality of life forthe resurrected. 3 Portable super-computer. Loaded with memory and designed to interface with all known computer types. 4 Armored military vehicle. The latest heavy duty battle type. On a d4 roll of 4, the character actually owns it. 5 Detection device. Sees heat, motion, radiation, metal, etc. Character may choose which one, but only one at a time. 6 Bio-regenerationequipment. This is the ability to repair or replace damaged body parts by growing new ones. 7 Communicator. Palm-sized device that can use ANY type of wave and any channel - satellite, telephone, or TV. 8 Personai jet-pack. Technically relevant to your game. 9 ld4+1 Gadgets. Small things a spy would use. 10 Recordingdevice. lncrediblysmall and accurate, with a good range. This includes microphones, bugs, and cameras. 11 Lifelike bionics. Bionic replacement blends very well with a living body-about 10 years beyondcurrent technology. 12 Translator. This incredible device translates languages into the character's native tongue -an adustable setting. 13 Liedetector. This tiny item allowsthe characterto accurately and scientifically read another's emotional level. 14 Anti-detection device. Foils TV monitors, radar, speed guns, etc., but only one at a time. 15 Energy weapon. A powerful hand-helddevice that may be more deadly to both user and target than similar devices. 16 Battle-suit. A cutting edge suit tailored to reflect your game's technology. Provides food, protection, and weapons. , 17 Sentient computer. May be almost anything: a ship's computer, a robotic construct, or a even a desktop computer. 18 Unknown object. GM ONLY: see entry #854 on Table 965: GM's Specials. 19 Alien artifact. This could be an exotic magical item or a alien object of unknownpowers. Have your GM select orcreate several powers for this object. Roll twice more on this table and combine the results. 20

855: Colors


857: Body Locations

1 5 Colors 5 :
Use only if directed here by another table This table is used when an exotic color is required for a physical attribute or object. Colors are assumed to be rich, bright and saturated (though they could be muted too).

Use onlv if directed here bv another table

If a character is determined to have an unusual birthmark (or tattoo!), that birthmarkwill generally be brown or red (on humans, aliens are probably different), unless another color is indicated.

Instructions: Roll a d20 to determine the color.

d20 855: Color (roll a d20)

Red (also Crimson, Scarlet or Blood red) Red Orange (Sunset orange) Orange Yellow Orange Yellow Yellow-Green (Citrine) Green (also Emerald) Blue-Green (also Aquamarine, Turquoise) Blue Blue-Violet (also Royal blue) Violet (also Purple, Lavender) Red Violet (also Magenta, Hot pink, Fuchsia) Pink White (Snow white, Off white, Ivory) Black (Ebony, True-black) Gray Maroon (Reddish or Purplish brown) Reroll the color. The color has a metallic sheen. Reroll the color. The color has a pearlescent look. Reroll thecolor, rerolling results over 19. Then roll a d6 for HiiLo. If the result is Hi, the color is mixed with white to produce a pastel tint. If the result is Lo, the color is mixed with black to produce a dark shade.

Instructions:Roll a d20 on the table below to determinethe typeof unusual birthmarkpossessedbythecharacter. Then roll a d l 0. If thedl 0 result is a 10,thenthe birthmark isacolorotherthan normal. Select the color on Table855 Colors.In addition, the body location of the birthmark must be determined on Table 857: Body Locations.

856: Birth Marks (roll a d20)

ld20 ld20 1 2 3

5 6 7 8 9 10

(continued 11 Dragon Skull 12 Bat 13 14 Sword Hand 15 Fist ' 16 17 Cross 18 Spider Web Spider 19 Heart 20

Monster (you pick one) Claw Eagle (or hawk) Star Animal (you pick one) Fish Geometric pattern Alchemical symbol AWord Weird (see note below)

Weird Birthmark: Roll again on this table to determine what the birthmark looks like. The birthmarkthen has a unique aspect, likeglowingor looking likethe realthing, not just a markon theskin. Possibly it is afocal point for a psionic power or special talent that the character may also possess.

a humanoidbody. For aliens, monsters, oranimals, create a hit die table similar to the one found here for each type - . of creature.

Instructions: Roll a d20 to determine body location.

857: Body Location (roll a d20)

d20 Location d20 Location (continued ... )

Use only if directed here by another table

1 2 3 4

This table is used to determine the body locations of physical features, such as birthmarks, tattoos, wounds, afflictions, etc. on

7-8 9

Right Foot Left Foot Right Leg Left Leg Abdomen Buttocks Back

10-13 14 15 16 17 18 19-20

Chest Right Ar Left Arm Right Hand Left Hand Head Face

powers, talentsand liabilities. are afew more to spiceihings up. Wheredotheycomefrom? Well, you're abright person, come up with something that fits the character's background.


Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the result against the table below to select the talent, mutation or modification.
Roleplay: Unusualor uncommonappearances and abilities set characters apart from the rest of humanity. While these differences may not be offensive or harmful, characters who are "different" may be subject to behind-the-backwhispers, strange looks and curiosity seekers throughout life.

d20 858: Exotic Features (roll ld20)

1 SubtractlAdd 1d4 points from an attribute. Roll for HiLo. Hi = Add, Lo = Subtract. Then roll a d l 0 on the subtable below to select the affected attribute. 1 Strength 6 Charisma 2 Intelligence 7 Wisdom 3 Luck 8 Appearance 4 Dexterity 9 Self-disciplineor Power 5 Constitution 10 Roll two more times on this table. 2 Character has unusual size. Roll for HiLo. Hi = d6 x 10% larger than species norms. Subtract 1 from Dexterity, add 1 to Strength. Lo = d6 x 10% smallerthan species norms. Subtract 1 from Strength, add 1 to Dexterity.

d20 858: Exotic Features (continued. . . )

Roll a d4 to select one of the special abilities listed below. 1 Tough skin. Bonus of 2versus physicalattacks orshifts the defensive table 1 category in favor of the character. 2 Photographic memory. Treat as high bonus or low difficulty. 3 Temperature insensitive. Not affected by extremes of heat or cold. 4 Reinforced Skeleton. Some bones in the body have been reinforced with an internally compatible metal. Take half physicaldamage fromcrushing attacks. Select the bones by making 3 rolls on Table 857: Body Locations.
9 Characteris naturally lucky. Roll 1d3 and multiplythe result by 5 to obtain the character's Luck percentage. If the result of a die roll for anyskill, combat orsaving roll iswithin this percentage of the amount needed, the roll is successful. Nevertheless, an absolute low roll always fails. 10 Character has a natural immunity to psychic powers or mental magic. Roll ad8 and multiplythe result by5. The result is the percentage chance that the characterwill be immune to the effects of any mind based power used against him. 11 Character is blessedlcursed with features that do not represent his actual age. Roll HilLo to see how old people think the characterto be. Hi = Baby face - the character's face is half his real age. Lo = Ancient face -the character's face is twice his real age. 12 Character is unaffected by one kind of poison. Choose the type by rolling a d4 on the table below: 1 Respiratory-constrictschest muscles-can't breathe. 2 Circulatory -shuts down the heart. 3 Nerve - kills the brain and all neural connections. 4 Reduction -turns internal organs into soup.
Continued ...


Character heals three times as fast as a normal being.

Dame Fortune has given the 20th century character the marks of a 18th century pirate. Find out what by rolling a d l 0 on the subtable below: 1-2 Eye patch. One eye is badly damaged. HiRo for UR. 3 4 Peg-leg. One leg is gone below the knee.Hi/Lo for UR. 5-6 Hook. One hand has been sliced off. HlRO for UR. 7-8 "Pirate"voice. Larynxdamagecauses inflectedspeech. 9-10 Roll twice more on this subtable, reroll duplicates. Character is Bad Luckandcausesfriends to fumble when 5 within 20feet of them. Roll ad6tofind his Bad Luck rating. Each time a friend misses a skill use roll, roll a d l 0. If the result is less than or equal to the Bad Luck rating, the friend has a serious accident, such as wounding himself or a friend, or pouring a soft drink into a computer keyboard. Character is Good Luck. His presence improves all the skill rolls of his companions by 1 rank or (+1 bonus to non-skillrolls) when within 20 feet of them.


7 Astrange mutation enables the characterto radically alter his appearance to resemble other members of his own race or similar races and even impersonate members of the opposite sex at Rank 6 ability.

858: Exotic Features


858: Exotic Features

d20 858: Exotic Features (continued ...)

13 The character'sappearance can only be defined as exotic. Roll a d l 0 on the subtable below to determine the exact nature of the character's distinctive appearance. 1 Character is an albino, with pale almost white skin and hair, and pink eyes. Subtract 1d3 points of damage per hour of unprotected exposure to strong sunlight. Add i d 3 points to Charisma or Comeliness. 2 Character is androgynous, with little difficulty, he or she could pass for an attractive member of either sex. 3 Character is hunchbacked. 4 Character is unusually hirsute. Hair grows nearly everywhere. Character shaves regularly just to look human. 5 Character's hair is naturally an exotic color. Select this color on Table 855: Colors. 6 Character's skin has a waxy look and a deathly pallor. 7 Character's skin is unusually dark for someone of her background. 8 Character's skin is unusually light for someone of her background. 9 Character's skin is unusuallythin andfragile. Add +1 to any damage received in combat. 10 Character's skin is unusually thick and gnarly, almost like tree bark. Subtract 1 from any damage received in combat. 11 Character's teeth are sharp and fang-like. 12 One part of the character's body is unusually large (about 50% larger proportionately than it should be). Select the body part on Table 857: Body Locations. 13 The iris portion of the character'seyes is an exoticcolor. Select the color on Table 855: Colors. 14 Character's face is frightening to look upon. 15 Character has naturally pointed ears. 16 Character's skin is an exotic "unnatural"color. Selectthe color on Table 855: Colors. 17 When the character expresses any extreme emotion, whorls, swirls and other patterns appear on his skin. 18 The character's fingers and toes are naturallywebbed. 19 Select l d 3 appearance features on Table 861: Appearances. Each of these becomes an extreme example of that type of appearance. 20 Roll twice more on this subtable. Character gains a unique talent, something that she can 14 quietly use to hers or others' benefit when the need arises. Roll a d6 to select this unique talent on the subtable below. ~t h . e r b e i n ~ s w ato n ttrust thecharacteras 1 ~ilnd~rus il he were their best friend. 2 Sense Evil. The character can detect evil in a thing, place or person. Evil beings can attempt to shield this fact from the character. 3 insight. The character can question the wisdom of an action (i.e., ask the GM). Base chance equals d4 times 10. Answers should always be vague and allow for misinterpretation. 4 Direction Bump. Character knows which direction is north, up or down, the center of the galaxy, etc. 5 Sense Psychic Activity. Character can detect current or recent psychic activity in a person, place or thing. 6 Encourage Others. This talent encourages others to perform 1d3 Ranks above their normal skill, but temporarily restricts the character's own skills by minus 2 ranks.

d20 858: Exotic Features (continued )

15 Character is bom with a natural talent. Select the talent on Table 863: Unusual Skills. He has the selected skill at Rank 5 proficiency. 1 6 Character has a natural aptitude for learning. Whenevera new skill is learned, the character always learns it at one Rank higher. 17 Character acquires an unusual tattoo. Select the tattoo on Table 856: Birthmarks, its primary location on Table 857: Body Locations,and its predominant color on Table 855: Colors. Roll a d l 0. On a result of 9-10, this tattoo is very large, covering 2d20 + 50% of the character's body. 18 The materialthat makes upthe character'sfingernails and hairis incrediblyhard, similarto aluminum ortin. Thiscould make them effective daggers or lock-picks, and make the hair a dangerous garrote. 1 9 The character is double-jointed. Roll a d8 and apply it to the table below: 1 Head -spins 180 degrees. +1 to perception skills. 2 Neck-folds way forward orback. +1 todisguiseskills. 3 Shoulders - unrestricted movement. +1 to fighting skills. 4 Elbows - bend both ways. +1 to "picking" skills. 5 Waist -can bend body in half. +1 to defenseldodging skills. 6 Knees - bend both ways. +1 to "leg" skills (dance, stalking). 7 BackboneISpine - omni-directional. +1 to "sports" skills. 8 Roll twice more on this table, using further "8's," but rerolling any other duplicate rolls. Characterhas hemisphericallyindependent brainactivity, 20 and can perform two tasks at the same time, provided the tasks are compatible.


859: Serious Wounds


859: Serious Wounds

More than just a skinned knee, a broken arm or a clean knife cut -these are injuries that leave lasting physical effects, visibly scarring, reducing physical attributes, or permanently removing a body part. The injuries are not fatal, but they affect the character for the rest of her days.

II ' I I

Serious Wounds
Use only if directed here by another table

Roleplay: These injuries are physical reminders of something in the character's past-a warwound, the byproduct of torture, the end-result of a mugging. Along with the physical scars, there may be mental and emotional scars too. Imagine how the character will react if once again confronted with the person, creature or situation that caused the injury. Also imagine how others might react to the character's injury. Isshe treated as being handicapped, is she pitied, or possibly now known as "Claw" or "Scar-face?"

@ Roll a d100. On a result of 1-50add 1 point to Charisma attribute. On
a result of 51-00, subtract 1 point from Charisma attribute.

O Subtract 1 point from Dexterity attribute.

@ Subtract I 1 point from Appearance attribute.

Instructions: Roll a d20 and match the result against the table below to select the injury that has occurred. Unique affects for the wound are included with the description. More common symptoms and effects are indicated by the footnotes in parentheses followingthe table entry. If more than one footnotefollows, apply them all.

Q Reduce all skills requiring manual dexterity by 1 Rank. @ Movement speed is half normal, unless an artificial limb is attached. Roll a dl00 to find percentage of speed regained with artificial limb. @ Subtract 1 point from Strength attribute. B) W~thout painkillers, the character must Make an Intelligence Check (usually a d20 roll less than or equal to lntelligence attribute) to perform any action requiring concentration. 6 9 Movement speed is 314 of normal speed. 6 3 Subtract 1 point from Constitution attribute.

d20 859: Serious Wounds (roll a d20)

1 Impressive facial scar. Q 2 impressive body scars. Use Table857: BodyLocations to locate the most impressive scar. Eye put out. RollHiILo. Hi is left eye. Lo is right eye. Depth 3 P Crception is gone, reduce all combat and visual perceptionskills by one Rank. O 4 Lose 1d4 teeth.

d20 859: Serious Wounds (continued


Ear is torn or cut off. Roll HiRo. Hi = left ear. Lo = right

10 A body part lspermanentlyseveredfromthebody. Roll ad6 on the table belowto determine which body part is affected. 1 Hand. Roll HiILo. Hi is left, Lo is right. Q @ 2 Arm. Roll HiILo. Hi is left, Lo is right. Q @ 3 Foot. Roll HiILo. Hi is left, Lo is right. Q Q 4 Leg. Roll HilLo. Hi is left, Lo is right. Q 6 5 Thumb. Roll HiILo. Hi is left, Lo is right hand. It is impossible to grip a weapon with that hand. 6 l d 3 fingers. Roll Hi-Lo. Hi is left, Lo is right hand. If more than two are lost, it is impossible to grip a weapon. 11 injury heals badly causing loss of attribute points (see footnotes). Q @ 12 Liverdamage. Constitutionhalvedforprotecting against poison damage. Alcohol becomes a poison. 8 13 Lung damagecauses racking cough and pain afterphysical exertion (running, fighting, climbing). 8 8 14 Stomach injury. Causes recurrent nausea, particularly in stress situations, usually lasts ld20 minutes (Subtract ld10 Ranks of ability from skills during nausea). 8 15 Kidneydamage. Characterneedsthree tofourtimesthe amount of water normally needed, otherwise body poisons build up, causing l d 6 points of damage daily. 6 16
Genital injury. Character loses all sex drive.

8 8lr. Roll a d10. If the result is 7-10, a permanent hearing loss OCcurs, in which case, reduce all listening skills bytwo Ranks. O

Disfigurement. The injury causes terrible scars andlor 6 arrangesthe character'sface in a mannerwhich is unpleasant re' to look upon. Reduce Appearance and Charisma attribute by 1c110 each. Head injury causes brain damage. Roll a d8 on the 7 SUbtable below to determine the effects of the injury. 1 Reduce lntelligence attribute by l d 3 points. 2 All skills drop one Rank. 3 Characterdevelops a MentalAff liction. Select the aff liction on Table 6426: Mental Afflictions. 4 The character develops an Exotic Personality Feature. Select the affliction on Table 642: Exotic Personality Traits. 5 Reduce Dexterity attribute by 1d3 points. 6 Increase one skill by 1d8 Ranks. All other skills drop by l d 6 Ranks. 7-8 Roll ld3+1 more times on this subtable. Do not reroll duplicates-add the effects together. 8 injury causes constant pain. Reroll type. Q @ 8

17 Throat lnjury. Roll ad1Ofordegree of voice loss, 10 being the worst, unable to speak at all. 18 Back Injury. Reduce Strength by l d 6 points. 19 Bionic Replacement. Reroll on this table, the damaged part is replacedby an experimental bionicpart that seems to defy the capabilities of known science. 20 Multiple injuries occurred. Roll 1d2+1 times. Duplicate rolls are discarded and not rerolled. Reroll results over 19.

9 Knee Injury causes slowness and constant limp. After str.enuous physical exertion (running, fighting, climbing), knee causes pain. 8 @

860: Psychic Powers


860: Psychic Powers

Psychic Powers
Use only if directed here by another table Psychic powers the d~aracter to manipulate the world through sheer mind power. TraditionallyUcommon" psychic powers are represented here (the GM may have to rule whether or not these powers are allowed in his or her campaign).
a d20 and match the result against the table be~owto select a power (or powers). Record reh3vant informationon t h e ~ ~ k s h eand e t return tothetablethat sent you here.

Using Pschic Abilities: If the game system being used has rules for psychic (sometimes called "psionic") power, use the power or powers that most closely match those selectedfrom the table below. Otherwise, use the guidelines that follow. Each power is aseparate skill. Psychic powerscan be improved like other skills. Unless anothertable states otherwise, use of psionic abilities begin at a Rank 1 skill. To use a psychic power in a simple manner, a character must expend Strength attribute points. The cost of each power is given in brackets (relative to a 3-18 Strength range). Difficult feats burn off more Strength than shown here (GM's discretion). Expended Strength is regained at the rate of 114 of the character's total points per 6 hours of rest (sleep or bed rest). Active characterscannot regain Strength lost through psionicendeavors. ~fpsychic power usage reduces a character to 0 (zero) Strength, the character collapses into unconsciousnessfor 2d8 hours. Roleplay: Throughout the century, psychic powers have beenconsideredweird, even evil, particularlyto the generalpopulace. HOW will the character deal with his new powers? Will the character try to hide them or flaunt them openly and fearlessly. d20
860: Psychic Power (continued..I
8 Persuasion: [ I 5 minus Rank] Mass Hypnosis that may be used against one additional target for each Rank of Persuasion skill possessed by the character. At Rank 6, the character gains Mind Control at Rank 1 skill. 9 Telekinesis: [11 minus Rank. Add one point for each 20 Ibs of object weight over 10 lbs] Allows character to move inanimate objects by force of thought, even making them fly. 10 Suspended Animation: [8 minus Rank + # days suspended] Character enters a sleep-like state and exists without food, water, air, or heat for up to Rank+ld8 days.
11 Teleportation: [ I 6 minus Rank] Allows the character to move betweentwo placeswithout actuallycrossingthe distance that separates them. Rank increases distance.



860: Psychic Power (roll a d20)

1 Psychic Bolt: [ I 5 minus Rank] The ability to summon and shape energy to shatter, burn or melt non-living matter. Each Rankof skill adds 1d6tothecharactets possible damage.

Psychometry: [ I 1 minus Rank] The ability to learn the past history of an object or person by touching it.

3 Clairvoyance I: [ I 1 minus Rank] To see or sense things occurring at a distance not normally possible with normal senses. Character gets a fuzzy view of what is occurring sound may be jumbled. Character may attempt to focus the power, but more often than not, visions are random (at the discretion of the GM). Upon attaining Rank 6, the character may use Clairvoyance I1 at Rank 1 ability. Clairvoyance 1 1 : [ I 3 minus Rank] Like Clairvoy-ance I, except that character may select what is wished to be seen and receives clear sensory impressions from wherever the point of visual reference is placed. Upon attaining Rank6, thecharacter may use Clairvoyance 111 at Rank 1 ability.

5 Clairvoyance IiI (Astral Projection): [17 minus Rank] 1 , but character is able to create an Similar to Clairvoyance 1 impression that he is physically in that area (creating an astral image) and is able tochangethe point of view, as if he waswalking around the place being viewed. 6 Psychic Healing: This is a healing ability that trades Strength points for lost hit points at the rate of 2 Strength points for each 1 point of damage. It will also cure a minor illness at the cost of I d 6 Strength, or a life-threatening disease at the cost of 3d6 Strength points. The character may use his Rank with the skill as if it were extra Strength points. Thus a Rank 3 Psychic Healercould Heal an additional2damage points (1 112 rounded up), at no additonal Strength cost. It has a minimum cost of 2 Strength per use.
7 Hypnosis: [ I 1 minus Rank] Places victim in a sleep-like trance, open to suggestionsfrom the hypnotist (within reason). At Rank 6 skill, the character also gains Persuasion at Rank 1 skill. At Rank 1O,,character also gains Mind Controlat Rank 1 skill.

Mind Block: [ I 4 minus Rank] Character can attempt to 12 shieldagainst intrudingor offensive psychicabilities. Amimimum rank is needed to block certain powers. Rank 1 blocks ESP. Rank 2 blocks Hypnosis. Rank 3 blocks projected thoughts. Rank 5 blocks mental probes. Rank 7 blocks Mind Blast. Rank 9 blocks Mind Control. 13-14 ESP: [ I 1 minus Rank] Sense the surface thoughts of other minds. Detect the presence of others. 15 Telepathy: [13 minus Rank] Rank 1 = ESP. Rank3 = Project thoughts into other minds. Rank 5 = Probe into other's minds. At Rank 7 may use Mind Blast at Rank 1. 16 Mind Blast: [ I 1 minus Rank, plus Id61 Using mental power only, character can do physical damage to a foe. Damage equals ld4+ Rank. 17 Body Control: [ I 1 minus Rank, plusthe numberof points added to attribute] With this power, the character can temporarily increase any attribute by 1d4 points. 18 Mind Control: [ I 5 minus Rank] This is the abilityto take over the mind of another for a short while. 19-20 Roll ld3+1 more times on this table for additional mental powers. If subsequent rolls duplicate previous rolls, add I d 3 Ranks to skill with that power.

861: Appearances


861: Appearances

Instructions: Roll a d3. The result is the number of itmes to select on this table. For each time, roll a d4 and a d l 0. The d4 represents the "10's" digit, the d l 0 is the "1's" digit. A d4 result of 2 and a d l 0 result of 0 would be 20. Modify descriptions as needed to be more appropriate for an alien race.

Use only if directed here by another table

Roleplay: A character's personal affectations that she has

developed, are buildingher blocks physique, that you how can she use dresses, to develop and uniquecharacterihow she speaks zation. While a character's outward appearance could be symbolic of his inward nature, it could just as easily bea mask, hidingthetrue character within. Remember, appearances can be deceiving.

dad10 861: Appearances (roll a d4 & a 10)

Foppishclothlng.Thecharacterdressesin vainlyinappropriate, dandified clothing. Out-of-date clothing. The character's clothing is from an earlier time period. Military garb. Regardless of his past, he wears militarystyle uniforms. Clothing reveals profession. Whatever the character does for a living is readily apparent in his clothing. Dresses simply. Wears plain, unadorned clothing. Dresseswell. Clothing is smartlytailored and usuallyquite expensive. Dressespoorly. Clothing is cheap, often gaudy and usually inappropriateto the occasion. DressesSeverely.Wears strict, unadorned, no-nonsense clothing. Flashy. Wears an excessive amount of jewelry and or designer label clothing. Rebel. Dresses in a manner appropriate to someone who is cuRurally at odds with society. Unkempt. Uncombed hair and a three-day beard (or unwashed for those who can't manage beard growth). Effeminate. The character's actions remind one of a woman, even though a "real" woman might act otherwise. Macho. Thecharacter hides any personalweaknesses behind an "I-can-handle-anything" tough-guy demeanor. Unusualspeech.Thecharacter'swayof speaking sets him apart. Roll a d l 0 on the subtable below. 1 Lisping voice. Replace "s" sounds with "th" sounds. 2 Loud voice. 3 Commanding voice. Sentences sound like orders. 4 Hissing voice. "S" sounds are dragged out. 5 Heavy accent. 6 High-pitchedvoice (possibly even squeaky) 7 Deep, low, gravelly voice (also "husky") 8 Raspy, wheezy voice. 9 Soft, whispery voice. 10 Roll ld2+1 more times on this subtable. Tattooed. Has a prominent tattoo. Use Table 854: Birthmarks to determine its appearance. Casual demeanor. Veryrelaxed. Nothing can be so important that it makes her get upset or hurry. Hyperintense. Obviously no one understands the importance of this situation or they'd be upset too! Thin. Character is noticeably thinner than average. Cadaverouslythin.Characteristhin tothe point of looking malnourishedor a victim of war crimes. Body odor. Characterhas adistinct odor. Smell may not be bad, but it is readily apparent.

dad10 861Appearances ( continued


Overweight. Character is heavier than average. Grossly overweight. Character is so morbidly obese that normal motion is impaired. Unusually muscular. Character has a body like a professionalweight-lifter. Unusually frail. Character looks like a slight wind would bowl her over. Greasy-looking.Hair is oily, skin seems oily, mannerisms are oily. Looks like he might whip out either an illegal knife or an automobile sales agreement at any time. Impressive-looking. First impressions are important and this guy looks like he could be a hero or a superstar. Unimpressivelooking.Atfirst glance, this characterseems hardly worth noting, he is lost in the crowd. Stoop-shouldered. Exhibiting bad posture, the character constantly hunches over. Extremelytall.Characteris muchtallerthan average, towering above folk usually considered tall. Extremelyshort. This character is so short that she is considered as being a dwarf or midget. Blg (really BIG). Character is substantially more massive than the average person, regardless of height. Petite (really small). Character is smaller, substantially less massive and more delicate than the average person (but would not be considered a dwarf or midget). Hair. Roll a d4 on the subtable below. 1 Hairless. No hair on head. 2 Unusual hair style. Most people do not and would not wear their hair this way. 3 Close-cropped hair. Character wears hair much shorter than currently popular styles. 4 Very long hair. Character wears hair longer than currently popular styles. Infirm. Character suffers from a disease that plagues her with recurring and readily apparent symptoms, such as a hackingcough, chills, dizziness, open sores, boils, crippled limbs, gangrene, or changes in skin color, etc. Visible injury. Charactersufferedaseriouswound at some point in the past. The wound's effects are still apparent. Select the injury on Table 860: Serious Wounds. Attractive. Members of the opposite sex find the character good to look upon. Unattractive. Character is unpleasant to look upon. Plain. Neither physically attractive nor repelling. Allen-looking. Character has a weird, or alien look. Multiple features. Roll 1d2+1 additional times on thistable. If two rolls contradict each other, use the first roll and reroll the second.

862: Crimes


862: Crimes

Use only if directed here by another table When someone intentionally injures another, takes or ruins their belongings, violates their rights, or does anything that society considers as wrong, they have committedacrime. Society then takes upon itseif the burden of punishing and rehabilitating the criminal, normally fitting the punishment to the crime.

d20862: Crimes & Criminal Wpe (rolla d20)


3 4


Crime and Punishment

Instructions: Flip back to Table 743: Othersto determine against whom the crime was committed. Select the victim's Social Status on Table 103: SocialStatus, then return here. Roll a d20 and match the result against the table below to select the crime committed. The normal punishment for each crime follows infootnote references after it. Applythemall. If acharacteris imprisoned for a crime, get details on Table 540: Imprisoned! Notes: If the character committing the crime is Wealthy, reduce the length of the sentence by l d 4 years. If the character is Extremely Wealthy, roll a d6. On a result of 6, no sentence is served, otherwise reduce the sentence by 2d4 years.

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

These are people who commit crimes. Some are hard-core professionals, some only do it once (for whatever reason), and some do it because they are not, so to speak, well.



Instructions: Roll ad20 and match the result against the table. This is the criminal's primary illegalactivity. If necessary, roll HiLo for the criminal's sex. Hi = male. Lo = female. Select the scaleor extent of his illegalactivities by rolling ad20. A low result means acriminal of relatively little importance, such as astreet punk, or a murdererwho killed once. A middle range result is an average career criminal with a long list of offenses. A high result is a well-known criminal, like a crimelord, who directs a criminal empire or possibly a psychopathic mass murderer who stalks the streets and heinously slays innocents. Roleplay: Crime can change a character's life forever. If known, it brands him as a criminal, to be known forever by his crime, not by his profession or other deeds. If prosecuted, a characterfaces years of imprisonment or even physical injury. Family, friends or allies of the victim may come seeking compensation. Yet, a crime that remains unknown, can still gnaw at the character's conscience forever. CriminalNPCs are peoplewho knowinglydowrong.They may be personable, nice to their moms, and give gifts to orphans, but ultimately, they preyon others (usuallytheweak)andseetheworld astheirvictim. Some elevatecriminalstothe status of hero. Others feel they are victims of society and can't help but do what they do and often give criminals more rights and privileges than their victims). Before you make a criminal out to be a hero or feel too sorry for him, imagine yourself the victim of a crime, losing valuables ...ora lovedone. That's part of what roleplay is all about.


Murderer. Kills people. Has a 30% chance to be a professional assassin who kills for cash. 9 8 Kidnapper. Grabs victim and holds him for ransom.@ Burglar. Breaking & entering specialist. Q or 0 @ Pickpocket. Secretly removes valuables from passersby or stores and shops.@ or 0 Extortionist or blackmailer. O Confidence artist. A "con man." 0 Thief. Steals from them what has. Roll a d6 on the subtable below. 1 Banditry. Robs travelers and raids villages.@@ 2 Mugging. Robs lone victims.@ 6) 3 Holding up banks or stores. 8 4 Uses a computertosteal information, services or merchandise. Q 5 Shoplifter. O 6 Software Pirate. O Smuggler. Transports illegal goods. Q Racketeer. Runs organized crime operations. 6 Spy. Discovers and steals the secrets of nations. @ Drug dealer. Sells deadly substances for profit. 6 Pirate. Scourge of the seas. @ Q Embezzler. Secretly takes money from employer. @ Terrorist. Uses fear as a political weapon. @0@ Thug. Muscle man for a gang. Q ldea Criminal. Thinks wrong thoughts, particularly ones that disagree with prevailing social beliefs. Roll a d6.1-2 = Heretic (religious wrong-thinker). 3-4 = Radical (Political wrong-thinker). 5-6 =Activist (social wrong-thinker).8 Vandal. Destroys others' property. 00 Substance abuser. Root of the drug problem. 00 Sex Offender. Criminal accused of a sex-related crime. Roll a d6 on the subtable below. 1 Unlawfulperversion. 0 @ 2 Rape. @ @ 3 Illegal Prostitution. 0 4 Violates local sexual taboos. 0 5 Creating Pornography. Q 6 Child Molesting. @ @ Character committed two crimes that were linked together in some way. Roll twice more on this table.

@ ld4 years imprisonment. @ 2d4 years imprisonment. 8 Id6 vears imprisonment. @ Id10 vears imwisonment. @ 1d8 years imprisonment. @ 2dl0 bars imbisonment. 8 If in ~arbakc culture or a Tech ~evel-of 4 or jess, ldea criminal

(Heretic or Radical) is imprisoned until wrong-thinking is renounced. NPCs have a 45% chance to be executed. For player characters, this becomes 2d10 years of imprisonment. All other cultures, Heresy means ejection from society. 9 (50 - Tech Level)% chance that NPCs are put to death. Player characters receive life sentences (1d20+20 years). 0 Add ld6 years to length of sentence. e) Character is publicly flogged. Subtract Id4 from Charismaattribute. (B (30 - Tech Level)%chance that Character is tortured. Roll a d6. On a result of 6, the character receives a serious injury. Select the injury on Table 859: Serious Wounds. 0 Character must perform community service. 8 If the victim was of higher social status, add footnote 0.

863: Unusual Skills


863: Unusual Skills

Unusual Skills
Use only if directed here by another table Sometimes the skills one learns are not immediately applicable to the job of being a legendary hero. Yet they do add dimensionto acharacter. Who knows, maybea hero's skill at wine

tasting may save his companions some day.

Instructions: Roll a d20 on the table below to select the character's unusual skill. Then roll a d6 (for each skill, if additional skills are selected). If the d6 roll is less than 6, the character has a Rank 3 competency with the selected skill. If the d6 result is 6, the character is Rank 4 with the skill. The player and GM must decideand agree upon thedetails regarding each skill. Be inventive! Roleplay: Use the unusual skill to add a bit of spice to the character's abilities. The character may never have to use her social dancing skills in a life ordeath setting, but one never knows.

d20 863: Unusual Skills (rolla d20)

1 2 3 4

d20 863: Unusual Skills (continued


6 7 8


11 12 13 14 15

Social dancing -both formal and informal. Professionalgambling. Pick pockets. Gourmet cooking. Sexual seduction. Skiing. Skating. Artistic ability. Roll a d6 on the subtable below to select the nature of this talent. 1 Painting and Drawing. 2 Holography (making holograms). 3 Sculpting. 4 Jewelry making. 5 Architectural design. 6 Severaltalents. Roll 1d2+1 additionaltimes on this subtable. A duplicate roll indicates skill is used at the next higher Rank of competency. Musical ability. Roll a d8 on the subtable below to select this talent. 1 Play common musical instrument of own choice. 2 Sing. 3 Song writing. 4 Musical theater (acting and singing). Make or repair musical instruments. 5 6 Play exotic musical instrument of own choice. 7 Play by ear - hear a song, then play it instantly. 8 Severaltalents. Roll 1d2+1 additionaltimes on this subtable. A duplicate roll indicates skill is used at the next higher Rank of competency. Ability with textiles. Roll a d6 on the subtable below to select the nature of this talent. 1 Sewing. 5 Embroidery. 2 Weaving. 6 Knitting. 3 Tapestry design. 4 Severaltalents. Roll 1d2+1 additionaltimes on this subtable. A duplicate roll indicates skill is used at the next higher Rank of competency. Mountaineering- professional climbing. Opposite hand weapon use with weapon of choice. Computerskills -can programor operate most anycomputer. Model making - make realistic miniatures of things. Inventing -all sorts of useful and useless contraptions.

16 Theatricalability. Rolladl Oon thesubtable belowtoselect the nature of this talent. 1 Acting -all the world's a stage. 2 Artistic dancing. 3 Oration -dynamic public speaking. 4 Story-telling. 5 Ventriloquism. 6 Makeup & Disguise - appear as someone else. 7 Circus skills (select on subtable 17 below). 8 Voice impersonation. 9 Juggling. 10 Severaltalents. Roll 1 d2+1 additional times on this subtable. A duplicate roll indicates skill is used at the next higher Rank of competency. .. 17 Circus skills. Roll ad8 on the subtable below to select the nature of this talent. 1 Aerial Acrobatics, including flying trapeze. 2 Tight-ropewalking. 3 Animal training -exotic animals. Clowning -acting like a clown. 4 5 Stage Magic -perform feats of prestidigitation! 6 Theatrical ability (select on subtable 16 above). 7 Horsemanship- riding and tricks. 8 Severaltalents. Roll 1d2+1 additional times on this subtable. A duplicate roll indicates skill is used at the next higher Rank of competency. 18 Miscellaneous skills. Roll a d l 0 on the subtable below to select the nature of this talent. 1 Astronomy- star watching. 2 Astrology-fortune telling. 3 Calligraphy -formal or fancy penmanship. 4 Lassoing with a lariat. 5 WineLiqueurTasting. 6 Sailing small craft - including pleasure boats. 7 Bargainingwith merchants, etc. 8 Negotiation and diplomacy. 9 Deep sea diving 10 Imitate monster noises. 19 Dabbler at manyskills. Roll 2d3 moretimes on this table to select the skills possessed by the character. 20 Enthusiastat skill. Roll again on thistabletoselect theskill. Character has l d 2 additonal Ranks of ability with this skill.

864: Vehicles


864: Vehicles

Use only if directed here by another table

I ld20864C: Personal (roll a d20)

Motorized bicycle - go to the "bicycle"subtab1e on Table 864F: Personal Self-Powered. Go-cart ATC - all terrain cycle ATV - all terrain vehicle (4 wheel) Motorcycle. Roll a d6 on the Table below. 1-2 Touring (traveling in style) 3 4 Dirt (rugged off-road) From Here 5-6 Road Racer (sleek and fast)

This table is set UD to define the basic attributes and condition of a specific vehicle. It will not tailor a vehicle to your game system, it will only give a brief description. Since you have to fit this to your system, it's a good idea to let the GM review the result-he may not want you to have a passenger airliner.

Instructions: This is a multi-step procedure to developthe attributes of a vehicle obtained or encountered by the character. First roll on Table 864A: Vehicles,and proceed to the indicated table. After deciding the specific vehicle, roll once on each of Tables864H-L, unless instructed otherwise. Recordthisinformation onthe backof yourcharacter historyworksheet. Some genres have additional modifiers to the rolls on these tables:
1. "Pulp Hero" is -5 on Tables 8648-G (vehicles). 2. "Super heroes" are +5 on Table 864K: Special Features. 3. "SFToday" is -5 on Table864M:Vehicle Type(if instructed). 4. "Honor" and "Espionage" are +5 to Table864J:Armament.

Table 864H Motor scooter Roll again on this table at +5. Snowmobile - use the motorcycle "Size" table. Composite - you built something yourself. Roll three more times on this table and combine them. Special Type - roll on Table 864M: Type. Golf cart Jet Ski (water vehicle) Six-tracker - six wheel ATV.

r l

F d 2 0 8 6 4 ~Automobiles : (roll a d20).

ld20864A: Vehicles (roll a d20)

1-2 3-5 6-11 12 13-17 18-19 20
Boat or Ship -Table 8648. Motorized Personal -Table 864C. Automobile-Table 8640. Lo Tech. -Table 749C: Animal Transportation Truck-Table 864E. Self-Powered Personal -Table 864F. Aircraft -Table 8640.

I Roll a d6, and on a result of 6, the car is a convertible.

1-2 3-6 7-9 10-14 15 16 17-19 20 21-23 24-25+

ld20864B: Boats & Ships (roll a d20)

1-3 4-6 7 8-12
Rowboat with outboard Ski boat Pontoon Fishing boat (roll a d6) 1-3 Local lake size 4-5 Deep lake size 6 Deep sea size
From Here Gob Table 8648

Dune Buggy Compact~Economy Station wagon From Here Mid-size Roll again on this table at +5. Table 8648 FUII-sbe Sports car Special Type - roll on Table 864M: Type Limousine Race car.

I ld20864E: Trucks (roll a d20)

I Roll a d4. On a result of 4, truck is 4-wheel drive. if applicable.

Small pick-up truck - half ton Small range vehicle -two man (Example: Jeep CJ). Mud Runner - with oversized tires Camper, pick-up style RV (recreational vehicle) -four man Large pick-up truck - three-quarter ton Large range or "safari" vehicle - six man RV (recreational vehicle) - eight man Panel truck (small enclosed delivery truck) Roll again on this table at +5 From Here Semi-truck (cab & trailer). Heavy Duty, Specialized. Table 864H Van. Not a passenger vehicle. Special Type - roll on Table 864M: Type "Puller" - the county fair main events "Crusher" -the car crunching variety

Speed boat Sail boat - Roll d6+1 for needed crewsize. Roll again on this table at +5. Tug boat Freighter (large cargo ship) Air boat - everglades variety Special Type - roll on Table 864M: Type 30' Cabin cruiser "Cigarette Boat" -world class speed boat 45' Yacht Hydro-foilyacht Hovercraft - roll for Hi/Lo. Hi = six man, Lo = largeferry

F l

864: Vehicles ld20864F: Self-Powered(roll a d20)

Note: Table 864J: Armaments is modified by -5 when using results from this table.
1 2 3


864: Vehicles Id2086453 Armament (roll a d20)

1-12 13-16 17-18 19 20


Skates. Roll for HiLo. Hi = Ice. Lo = Roller. Skateboard Scooter Bicycles - roll a d l 0 on the subtable below. 1-3 Mountain Bike 8 Unicycle 4-6 Touring Bike 9 Three-wheeler 7 Two-man Bike 10 Racing Bike Rowboat Canoe Rubber raft - seating for ld4+1 ~assengers. Roll again on this tcble at +5. ' From Here Paddle boat Wind-surfer Table 864H Hang glider Special Type - roll on Table 864M: Type Hot air balloon

From Here None - the standard for most vehicles. Lightly Armed -defensive weapons. Go to Well Armed - offensively well off. Table 864K Heavily Armed - like it says. Armed to the Teeth - incredible destructive power.

I ld20864:K Special Features (roll a d20)

1-6 7-8 9 10-11 12 13-14

11-12 13 14 15 16 17 18-19 20 21+

15 16-17 18 19-20

1d20864G:Aircraft (roll a d20)

Bi-plane - commonly used for crop-dusting. Sea plane Kit-plane - a one man build-it-yourselfkit. Gyrocopter Helicopter. Roll ld6+1 for passenger capability. Personal travel plane. Roll a d4: Single engine prop driven - seats up to three. Double engine prop driven - seats up to six. Single engine turbine - seats up to four. Double engine turbine - Seats up to eight. FromHere

None. Computer(ordevice)-assistednavigation-thiscould be anything, just make it appropriate. The vehicle carries 1d4 items from From Here Table 8548: Wondrous Devices. Large compartments or storage area. ~ ~8 6 b 4~ l Combination vehicle - Roll again on Table 864A: Vehicles,and combine the results. Special Defenses - the defenses are better than those found on similar vehicles. Innovative"drivetrain" - uses half the fuel energy, and lasts twice as long. Hiddencompartments-onlycharacterknows them all Engineeringmiracle-vehicle is easilydisassembled, making it easy to hide. Repairs take half as long. Roll twice more on this table.

F l

ld20864L: Liabilities (roll a d20)

None. Foreigndesign. Vehicle is unfamiliartothecharacter. Defective"drive trainM-until fixed, will operate at only half the normal speed. Almost no cargo space - half the normal. Unfinished. It needs anothereight hours inthefactory. Recognizable- An obvious vehicle, known by MANY. Inefficient "drive trainM-takestwicethefueltenergy of similar models. Customized- uses non-standardparts. Repairs cost 1d l 00% more than normal. GM Only: See #864 on Table 965: GM's Specials. Roll twice more on this table.

Glider GOto Table 864H Roll again on this table at +5. Cargo plane - lots of empty space. Conversion kit - attachesto a specificcar and lets it fly. Special Type - roll on Table 864M: Type Passenger Plane - prop driven Passenger Jet -turbine

ld20864H: Age (roll a d20)

New - right out of the factory. 1-4 5-7 Recent -within d4 years. Table 8641 Average - within 2d4 years. 8-12 13-16 Older - 3d4+4 years 17-19 Aged - 3d4+12 years. Antique - roll again and add +25 years to the resuit. 20 For subsequent "antique" results, add another 25 years. This vehicle need NOT be a classic-it just hangs on.



I Id20 864M: Type (roll a d20)

For each result on this table, go back to the vehicle table that sent you here and roll again to determine the vehicle's nature. Advanced Prototype- Vehicle is 2d3 years ahead of 14 it's time. For each successivetimethis isselected, add another 2d3 years and give the vehicle one item from Table 8548: WondrousDevices. Classic - Considered a classic by those who know. 5-12 The vehicle's value is d4+1 times the standard for a vehicle in its condition. A value roll is allowed every time "classic" is selected, and the value multiplier is cumulative. 13-19 Luxury -Vehicle simply exudes money, and is one of the finest in its class. The vehicle's value is d6+4 times the standard for a vehicle in its condition. Every time that "luxury" is selected, up the value by another l d 4 increments. Roll twice more on this table.

pd208641: Condition (roll a d20)

1 24 5-16 17-19 20

Wrecked - can be repairedat cost, or can be sold for useable parts. Abused - looks terrible, but runs. Normal -standard wear and tear. Pampered - very good condition. Mint -show and showroom quality.

I 20

965: GM's Specials


965: GM's Specials

2 3


1 2 3 4

GM's Specials
Use only if directed here by another table

It has drained the life from ld1OO people. An ancient wrong is righted. It is destroyed b magic or weird science. Itk undecayed k d y is properly interred. Right now, its in a famous museum, on exh~bit as a curiosity. It is a guardian or sentinel spirit. It seeks either a willing re lace m e n soul t o perform its task or an end to the need k r it; r t e c t i o n . What it guards against will be fairly awesome in itself. t is an ancient horror, entombed long ago by a ehistoric shaman. ltisjust now stirring towakefulnessandworl&mqwst.

Instructions: The numbers before the entries below correspond to the table that instructed you to come here. Read onlythat entry and then return to the table that sent you here. Be honest or you may spoil a later surprise for yourself. 1048: All the character's siblings are unknown to the orphaned character- as are his actual birth order, place of birth and time of birth. The GM should roll these separately. Roll a d4 on the subtable below for further information.
The character's parents are not dead and still seek hm. The character's starting money is the remnants of a trust fund started by his arents. ~ h ~ r a c t e rR wvi e ~I ~ d4 companionsof a similar age who are like family to him. Select themon Table 750: Companions. Roll twice more on this subtable, rerolling duplicates.

104D: Assume that the relative was previously unknown to the character, likealong-lost brotherorcousin, orthat maybe hecould not exist unless a fluke or flaw existed in time orthe nature of the universe, such as an ancestor or descendant. 106B: Characterwas part of siamese twins, though since separated, they are more effectivetogether(touching) than when apart. 106C.Characterwasswitchedatbirth bya kinddoctor-his or her real family is very dark, mysterious, and evil ... and they are still looking for the character. 107A: The NPC's moneycomesfromsomeplaceotherthan a normal occupation or social position. Roll a d6 on the subtable below to determine where the money comes from.

2 3 4 5 6

NPC has an adventurer's hoard of gold and treasure. NPC is secretly a criminal. Income comes from crime. NPC's money comes from a secret inheritance. NPC discovered a lost treasure and loots it as needed. NPC recieves money from investments. NPC manipulates credit accounts with computers.

208 AIB: Roll for HiILo: On a Hi result, the character is an heir to a fortune that would advance his Social Status 1d3 levels. Relatives who would stand to profit from his disappearance don't want him to come back. On a Lo result, the character is heir to a special piece of property. Select it under entry 14 of Table 853: Gifts & Legacies. 211:Years later, thecharacter gets a letter in the mail. Apparently the personwhom she helpedwas an incredibly wealthy eccentric who has died and left a fortune to the character, equal to 1d l 00 x 10 times the character's base starting money. Then go to Table 539: Death of a Loved One and follow instructions there. 523: The unquiet spirit cannot rest until one of the following conditions is met:

526: The items were stolen from an ancient treasure trove. Go to entry 853 for the source of the treasure. Secretly put a 5 point penalty on all the character's actions so long as he possesses these items. Make it very hard forthe characterto get rid of them. 536: The boxcontains an itemfrom Table853:GiftsandLegacies. Whothewoman refersto asl'them"andwhythe object is important is a mystery that you can develop into an adventure. "They" might be evil cultists trying to retrieve an artifact, hired assassins sent to retrieve a valuable heirloom, or inhuman monsters bent on conquering the world. The woman could be a Noble, an adventurer, or just a luckless officerworker, in the wrong place at the wrong time 537: Thecrystal also awakens aUWildTalent"in the characterthat only comes into being under times of stress. Select this talent on Table 860: Psychic Powers. 642A: This character has a 50%chance to have latent supernatural powers. Such powers may come to the fore later in life or iithe character is exposed to some intense supernatural event. 6428: Thischaracter has a natural immunityto magic.This is a +4 bonus to all attempts to use magical or supernaturalforce on him or her. Conversely, this is a -4 penalty to any attempts to use supernaturalforces. 745: Thecharacterwasthe result of agenetic breeding experiment and was born without a recognized mother orfather. He has been raisedby l d 6 now-elderlyresearch scientistswho consider himto be their "child." Select l d 3 abilities taken from Table 858: Exotic Features, but do not inform the character of these abilities until such time as he might accidentally discover their existence. 750A: The Companion is really a supernatural being in the guise of a mortal (possibly an angel, demon, spirit, or ancient "god"). If this is ever discovered, the Companion departs, leaving the character with a parting gift f rom Table 853: Giffs & Legacies. 75081751:The Companion/Rival(presumedto be of the opposite sex) is secretly in love with the character. He or she will not reveal the affection for the character, since he or she feels that the character will probably reject itr. 853: Roll a d l 0 on the subtable below to determine what type of ancient culture producedth'e item or sculpture. The GM may have to further define the result.
Egyptian 9 American 10 Grecian 1 1 Roman 12 African 13 Australian 14 Central American 15 8 Early Christian 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 17 Euro an ~ i d d g ~ a s t e r n 18 Far Eastern 19 Pacific Island Unknown 20 Indian (India) A alien culture An inhuman culture

lncan Mayan Sculpture is cursed. Reroll. Scul ture is magical. geroll.

Continued ...

8548 : Reroll the device on Table 8548: Wondrous Devices, then roll ad10.If thedl0 result is 1-4, give the device some form of fatal flaw, possibly a deadly side-effect, or a built in predisposition towards failure at the worst time. If the d l 0 result is 6-10, keep the powers of the machinesecret, a mysteryforthecharacterto solve. 864: The vehicle is stolen. Assume that the law is looking for this one. Use Table 743: Others toselect thevehicle's previous owner.




Abrams, April; Abrams, Stephen; Everson, Anita; and Everson, Jon. [Midkemia Press]. 'Populating Sanctury." In Robert L. Asprin's Thieves World Game Master's Guide for Sanctuary. Edited by Steve Penin, Greg Stafford, and Lynn Willis. Berkley, California: Chaosium, Inc., 1981. Abrams, Stephen; and Iverson, John. Cites: A gamemaster's guide to encounters andother rules for fantasy games. San Diego, California: Abrams and Everson, 1979. Acres, Mark, Krebs, Rickand Moldvay, Tom. Gangbusters. 3rd ed. Steve Winter, Jon Pickens, Steven E. Schend, ed. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin: TSR, Inc., 1990. Allston, Aaron and Kaufman, Douglas. Ghostbusters International. Bill Slaviscek, Jonatha Ariadne Caspian, ed. Honesdale, Pennsylvania: West End Games Barker, Jack A. and Winnegar, Ray. The Batman Role-Playing Game. Jack A. Barker, Jacqueline Leeper, and Ike Scott, ed. Niles, IL: Mayfair Games Inc., 1989. Barlowe,WayneandSummers, Ian. Barlowe's Guide to Extra-Tenestials. New York: Workman Publishing,l979. Blume, Brian; Gygax, Gary; Winter, Steve; Cook, Dave; Grubb, Jeff. Boot Hill.3rd ed. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin: TSR, Inc., 1990. Caparula, J. M.; and Haring, Scott. GURPS Horror. 2nd ed. Lloyd Blankenshipand Steve Jackson, ed. Austin, Texas: Steve Jackson Games, 1990. Chadwick, Frank. Twilight:2000. Bloomington, Illinois: Game Designers' Workshop, 1984. Chadwick, Frank. Twilight: 2000. 2nd ed. Bloomington, Illinois: Game Designers' Workshop, 1984. Charette, Bob; Hume, Paul and Dowd, Tom. Shadowrun. Chicago, Illinois: FASA Corporation, 1989. Costikyan, Greg. Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Edited by Eric Goldberg, Paul Murphy, and Bill Slaviscek. New York: West End Games, Inc., 1987. Dee, Jeff and Dee, 'Manda. TWERPS Basic Rules. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Reindeer Games,1987. Dee, Jeff and Herman, Jack. Villains & Vigilantes. Roslyn, New York: Fantasy Games Unlimited, 1982. Gorden, Greg; Kaufman, Douglas; Slavicsek, Bill. TORG. Honesdale, Pennsylvania: West End Games, 1990. Gorden, Greg; Winnegar, Ray; and Cook, Thomas. DC Heroes RolePlaying Game. 2nd ed. Niles, Illinois: Mayfair Games, Inc., 1989. Grubb, Jeff and Winter, Steve. Marvel Super Heroes The Heroic RolePlaying Game. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin: TSR, Inc., 1984. Gygax, Gary. Dungeon Masters Guide. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin: TSR Games, 1979. Hoffman, Mark S., ed. The WorldAlmanacand Bookof Facts 1991. New York, NY: Pharos Books, 1990. Jackson, Steve. GURPSBasicset. 3rd ed. Austin, Texas: Steve Jackson Games, 1989. Jaquays, Paul. "The Fantasy Role-PlayingPrevious History System." The Dungeoneer. January-February, 1979. Jaquays, Paul. Centralcasting: Heroesfor Tomorrow. Van Nuys, California: Task Force Games, 1989. Jaquays, Paul. Centralcasting: Heroesof Legend. Van Nuys, California: Task Force Games, 1988. Jaquays, Paul; Cox, Randy; and Wieland, Tamara. "Idiosyncracies in D&D." The Dungeoneer. June-December 1977. Ladyman, David; Leason, Jeff R.; and Prosperi, Louis J. Chill. 2nd ed. Niles, Illinois: Mayfair Games, Inc., 1990. McCall, Randy and Siembieda, Kevin. Beyondthe Supernatural. Detroit, Michigan: Palladium Books, 1988. McDevitt, Bradley K.; Cerny, L. Lee; and Mytczynskyj, Walter H. Night Life. Swanton, Ohio: Stellar Games. McDonald, George and Peterson, Steve. Champions, The Super Hero Role Playing Game. 2nd ed. Belmont, California: Hero Games, 1981. Melville, Joy. Phobias and Obsessions. New York: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, Inc., 1977.

Niles, Douglas. Top Secret S.I. Edited by Warren Spector. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin: TSR, Inc., 1987. O'Green, Mark. Personal letter. 22 September, 1987. Penin, Steve; Stafford, Greg; Henderson, Steve; and Willis, Lynn. Runequest. 2nd ed. Berkeley, California: Chaosium, Inc., 1979. Perrin, Steve; Stafford, Greg; Henderson, Steve; and Willis, Lynn. Runequest. 3rd ed. Edited by Yurek Chodak, Sherman Kahn, Charlie Krank, and Sandy Petersen. Baltimore, Maryland: Avalon Hill Game Company, 1984. Petersen, Sandy. Call of Cthulhu. 4th ed. Lynn Willis, ed. Oakland, California: Chaosium, Inc, 1989. Petersen, Sandy. Call of Cthulhu. Berkley, California: Chaosium, Inc., 1981. Petersen, Sandy; Willis, Lynn; and Stafford, Greg. Ghostbusters. Edited bv Paul Murphvand Gren Costikyan. New York: West End Games, . I&., 1986. Pondsmith, Mike. Cyberpunk. Berkeley, California: R. Talsorian Games, Inc., 1988. Pondsmith, Mike. Teenagers from Outer Space. Mike Jones, Lisa Pondsmith, Linda Bryant, Steve Hall, Debbie Notkin, ed. Berkeley, California: R. Talsorian Games, Inc., 1989. Rahman, Glenn. "New Phobias" In Cfhulhu Companion. Editedby Sandy Petersen. Berkley, California: Chaosium, Inc., 1983. Rose, Greg. GURPS SpecialOps. Austin, Texas: Steve Jackson Games, 1989. Siembieda, Kevin. Heroes Unlimited. Revised edition. Detroit, Michigan: Palladium Books, 1983. Siembieda, Kevin. The Palladium Role Playing Game. Revised edition. Detroit, Michigan: Palladium Books, 1987. Slavicsek, Bill and Smith, Curtis. The Star Wars Sourcebook. Edited by Jeffery L. Briggs and Paul Murphy. New York: West End Games, 1987. Stackpole, MichaelA. MercenariesSpies & Private Eyes. Liz Danforth, ed. Scottsdale, Arizona: Blade, 1983. Stackpole, Michael A., editor. Citybook 1 1 1Deadly Nightside. Van Nuys, California: Task Force Games, 1983. Stock, Bradand Lane, Brian. "BirthTables for D&D." The Dragon.October 1976. Sustare, B. Dennis; and Hendrick, Arnold. Swordbearer. 2nd ed. Roslyn, New York: Fantasy Games Unlimited, 1985. The Bible: The New OxfordAnnotatedBible. RevisedStandard Version. Edited by Herbert G. May and Bruce M. Metzger. New York, New York: Oxford University Press, 1973. Thompson, Kevin. 'Insanity, or Why is My Character Eating Leaves?" The Dragon. September 1978. Tucholka, Richard. Bureau 13 Stalking the Night Fantastic. Madison Heights, Michigan: Tri Tac Systems, 1990. Wujcik, Eric. TeenageMutant Ninja Turtles& OtherStrangeness. Detroit, Michigan: Palladium Books, 1985. Wujcik, Erick. Ninjas & Superspies. Detroit, Michigan: Palladium Books, 1988.

A Final Note of Thanks

The editor would like to thank a number of fme folks who helped make this book happen. To Randy Kuipers and John Terra, who put up with my incessant houndingforfinal copy; to Diana Harlan Stein and Tom Dow who came through withillustrationson a tight deadline; to Randy Cox who slapped pages down on art boards while enduring the black hole that is my studio; to Tom Cushman, T.R. and Ken at ABC Reproduction, who did my production cameraworkonthisandanother bookat the same time; toSuzanne atJackson Printing who ran out the cover type; to Darlene who rendered the logo these many years ago; to Kelly, Phil, Dave, Fernando and the other folks at the Jackson Inacomp Computer Center, who put up with me hogging the laser printer and using weird paper for hours on end; to Susan Van Camp who gave me a good cover on next to no notice at a l l : and eswciallv to my wife Ruta. who &ngly ranproduction errands around the state and to my kids, Zachary and Amanda. all of whom put up with a grouch when the deadlines became deadly; to all of you, my &artfelt THANKS!


D i d you know that you can create exciting backgrounds for characters from other games? Regardless of what type of games you play, there's a Central CastingTM character creation system for you!

mor-plated fighting machines? Are your wizards synonymous with "heavy artillery?" Are your thieves simply mobile lock picks? Do your elves just have pointy ears? True? Then make them truly come alive with Heroes of Legend. The special background tables provide your heroes and NPCs, human and nonhuman alike with exciting and mysterious backgrounds. As the events of their lives are revealed, it seems as if you are actually watching them come to life. Can your fantasy character be truly fantastic without it?

Can't find these Central CastingTM game books at your Heroes for Tomorrow retailer?Place a special order! Don't re your fantasy heroes flat and o you find that your science fiction deprive your charlusterless with no sense of history, depth or acters of the life they gaming heroes are little more than weappersonality? Are your warriors merely arons platforms for gigawatt microdoom dedeserve!

Central CastingTM Heroes of Legend

And don't forget to show your Central Casting books to your friends.Central Casting game books are foreveryone, not just Game Masters alone.

Product #8542

vices or the under-utilized organic parts of 50 ton battle machines? Do your archetypes quickly degnerate into stereotypes? What your game needs is an infusion of Heroes for Tomorrow, the Central Casting game aid that deals with the myriad futures of Science Fiction gaming. Here you will find tables specially designed for cyberpunk, space exploration, battles against evil empires, and survival in a world destroyed by nuclear holocaust. Here are aliens and spacecraft, techno-wonders, artificial persons and off-world adventures. Can your futuristic heroes really find life and happiness without Central Casting: Heroes for Tomorrow?

0 1991 Task Force Games

Central Casting:lH is a trademark of Task Force Games tor its game aids dealmg with character and adventure creation.

Product #8543

Player's Name:

Die Roll Modifiers

(101) (l02B) (103) (105) (746)
Name: Tech Level Modifier Culture Modifier Social Level Modifier Birth Modifier Title Modifier

(TekMod): (CuMod): (SolMod): (BiMod): (TiMod):

(101) Country: (102B) Culture: (746) Nobility Title (if any): (104B) Family: (104C) Siblings: (104C) Birth Order: (106) Unusual Births: (107) Notes about Parents:

Sex: (101B): Details: (on back) (102A) Tech Level:

Game Genre: (102) Education Points:

(103) Social Status: (103) Literacy Chance: o l n (104A) Legitimate Birth? Yes Q No Q

(105B) Place of Birth:

(208 211) NOTES & EVENTS


Skill Name


Event or Note

Trait Name


SUMV~(~): Survivd(R): Survival(U): Literacy:


: 1Il: 1- 1:

Values (312B, C & D)
Person Abstraction [


Total by Column Alignment Attitude

li I

I I ((

1Use the back of this form if more space is needed.

Attribute Modifiers & Age Final Character Age: Starting Money Modifier: Strength: -Intelligence: " Dexterity: -Willpower: Charisma: Constitution: Appearance: w

Task Force Games grants permission to photocopy this page for personal use only.

Copyright 6 9 1991 Task Force Games (vers. 3)

~hey're'not stereotypes nor are they cloned from a picture or television Real heroes are unique. ,hen made larger than life, they still.vibrate with that last key word: "LIFE!" Yet so often, mle players fall back on stereotypes - flat, unoriginal, elichb characters. If characters are developed at all, it's in terms of their possessions or powers. Can someone really be defined by the ear they drive or how well they throw a punch? With the Central C a ~ t i n g ? ~ character creation system, characters take an lives of their own. They gain families, friends, enemies, personalities, detailed past histories, and most importantly, -they gain motivations for life and adventuring. Complete a Central Casting history far a character and you will know where she came from, what she's done with her life, and who she knows -both her friends and her enemies. You'll have a real character on your hands. The Central Casting system is a stand-alone network of tables, charts and roleplay guides for creating thoroughly individualized characters. By f o l ~ lowing step-by-step instructions, Game Masters and players can give life ta any character. All you need is dice.

G t l L IlGl V G U

come in all shapes and,sizes.

te any and all contemporq roleplaytng game system?

ntral Casti@M Heros-NOW! s been produced by Jaquays Design Studio T u k Force Games 1991 Task Force Games



EBAE &si.lslEs

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