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James Cambias & Steven S.

STAR HERO • Science Fiction Roleplaying Using
Authors: James Cambias, Steven S. Long
Editing & Development: Steven S. Long
Layout and Graphic Design: Andy Mathews
Cover: Jason Engle
Interior Artwork: Storn Cook, Andrew
Cremeans, Keith Curtis, Malcolm Harrison, Jeff
Hebert, Bryce Nakawaga, Brad Nault, Klaus Sch-
erwinski, Greg Smith, and Chris Stevens. Photos
courtesy NASA/JPL/Cal Tech.

Jim dedicates this book to Dr. Diane A. Kelly, his favorite
scientific advisor.
The Hero staff dedicates this book to RJM Hughes, one of
our fans, who passed away in August 2002. His presence on
our message boards will be missed.
Special Thanks: We’d like to offer our special thanks to the
Digital Hero playtesters and testreaders who reviewed the
Star Hero manuscript, spotted typos, checked the math,
offered suggestions and ideas, and generally helped to
make this book even better than it would have been. Spe-
cial thanks also goes to the fans who participated in mes-
sage board and mailing list discussions of what Star Hero
should be, and what its contents should include; it’s always
great to have the help of enthusiastic fans!

HERO SystemTM ® is DOJ, Inc.’s trademark for its roleplaying system. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
HERO System © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or computerization, or by
Conquerors, Killers, And Crooks © 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the
All rights reserved. Publisher: DOJ, Inc., 1 Haight Street, Suite A, San Francisco, California 94102.
Champions © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. First printing November 2002.
Justice Inc., Danger International, Dark Champions, Fantasy Hero, Pulp Hero, and Produced and distributed by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games.
Star Hero © 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Stock Number: DOJHERO300
ISBN Number: 1-58366-007-0
Introduction The Universe, Part One Venus ....................................... 101
The Moon ................................. 101
Introduction ..................................... 5 Galaxies ......................................... 67 Mars......................................... 102
The Milky Way ............................... 67 The Asteroids ............................ 103
The Genre Other Galaxies ............................... 69 Jupiter ...................................... 104
Globular Clusters ........................... 69 Saturn ...................................... 105
Science Fiction Subgenres .............. 8
Uranus...................................... 105
Apocalypse/Post-Apocalypse .......... 8 Star Sectors ................................... 70
Neptune.................................... 106
Cyberpunk ...................................... 8 Stellar Cartography ........................ 70 Pluto......................................... 106
Earthbound Science Fiction .............. 9 Interstellar Phenomena The Kuiper Belt ......................... 107
Hard Science Fiction ........................ 9 And Dangers ............................... 71 The Oort Cloud .......................... 107
Low Science Fiction ....................... 10 Stars .............................................. 73 Beyond Sol .................................. 107
Military Science Fiction .................. 10 Star System Types ......................... 73 Nearby Stars ............................. 107
Planetary Romance ........................ 10 Orbital Separation .......................... 73 Further Afield ............................ 108
Retro-SF ....................................... 11 Star Types ..................................... 74
Space Opera ................................. 12 Exotic Objects ............................. 75 Civilizations
Time Travel .................................... 12 Sample Sector ............................... 78 Future Worlds .............................. 110
Utopias and Dystopias .................... 13
Utopia ....................................... 110
Science Fiction Elements The Universe, Part Two Bigger Tailfins............................ 110
and Features ............................... 14
Cultural Stereotypes .................. 111
Cross-Fertilization: Metagenres Planetary Systems ......................... 80
Cultural Fusion .......................... 111
in SF ............................................ 17 Orbital Distance ............................. 80 Dystopia ................................... 112
Comedy ........................................ 17 System Zones ............................... 80 Post-Apocalypse ....................... 112
Horror ........................................... 17 System Anomalies ......................... 81
Creating Alien Species ................. 115
Mystery ......................................... 18 Planets ........................................... 82
Alien Archetypes .......................... 115
Romance ...................................... 18 Orbital Effects................................ 82 Alien Bodies, Alien Minds ............. 116
Satire and Social Commentary ........ 18 Mass ............................................ 82 Creating Player Character Species ...119
Tragedy ......................................... 19 Moons .......................................... 84 Package Deal Components ........ 120
Star Hero and Other Genres ........... 20 Planetary Rotation ......................... 85 Alien Species As NPCs ................. 122
Champions ................................. 20 Atmosphere .................................. 86 Alien Civilization .......................... 124
Dark Champions.......................... 20 Climate ......................................... 88
Fantasy Hero ............................... 20 Technology .................................. 124
Life ................................................. 90 Population ................................... 124
Pulp Hero.................................... 21
Exotic Life ..................................... 90 Economics .................................. 127
Western Hero .............................. 21
Other Eras .................................. 21 Complexity .................................... 91 Government ................................ 131
Intelligent Life ................................ 91 The Basics Of Government ......... 131
Character Creation Surface .......................................... 92 Interstellar Governments ............ 133
Hydrosphere .................................. 92 Agencies................................... 134
Racial Package Deals .................... 23 Languages .................................. 138
Dominant Terrain ........................... 92
Species Package Deals .................. 23 Resources ..................................... 93 Diversity ...................................... 139
Environmental Package Deals ......... 28 Culture ........................................ 139
Other Objects ................................. 95
Professional Package Deals .......... 33
Asteroids....................................... 95 Technology
Character Creation......................... 39 Comets ......................................... 96
Characteristics .............................. 39 Space Habitats .............................. 96 Technology In The Campaign ....... 142
Skills............................................. 39 Megastructures ........................... 97 Technology Levels........................ 142
Perks ............................................ 48 Tech Scales .............................. 142
Talents .......................................... 50 The Universe, Part Three Creating A Tech Scale ................ 142
Powers ......................................... 52 Alternate Tech Paths .................. 143
Earth’s Solar System ................... 100
Power Advantages ......................... 59 Varying Tech Paths .................... 143
Power Limitations .......................... 61 The Sun ...................................... 100 Obsolete And Advanced
Disadvantages ............................... 61 The Planets ................................. 100 Technology ............................. 143
Mercury .................................... 100 Alien Technology ....................... 144
Prime Directives And Quarantines ....145 Space Stations and Starbases ..... 208 Terran Empire ........................... 252
Technology Improvements ............ 145 Space Station Types .................. 208 Example Psionic Powers............... 254
Rubber Science ........................... 146 Size .......................................... 208
Weapons And Defenses ............... 148 Location.................................... 210 The GM
Equipment ................................ 210
Melee Weapons ........................... 148 Creating A Campaign ................... 259
Ranged Weapons......................... 148 Space Combat ............................. 212
Campaign Theme ........................ 259
Defenses..................................... 155 Actions In Starship Combat .......... 212
Campaign Types .......................... 259
Military Technology ...................... 158 Starship Combat Movement
Subgenre .................................. 259
Other Technology ......................... 160 And Maneuvers ......................... 214 Campaign Subject ..................... 262
Movement Basics ...................... 214
Computers .................................. 160 Realistic Movement ................... 215 Setting ........................................ 265
Robots ........................................ 165 Dramatic Movement .................. 215 Running The Game ...................... 267
Biotechnology .............................. 168
Attacking And Defending .............. 216 Adventure Structure ..................... 267
Nanotechnology ........................... 169
Sensor Locks ............................ 216 Plotting ..................................... 268
Power And Energy Technology ...... 171 Combat Modifiers ...................... 216
Teleportation ............................... 173 Dealing With Disconnects ............. 270
Combat Maneuvers ................... 216 Disadvantages And How To Use
Miscellaneous Equipment ............. 174 Damage And Its Effects .............. 217
Survival Devices ........................ 174 Them........................................ 273
Other Actions In Combat ............ 220
Medical Devices ........................ 175 The Star Hero Environment ......... 276
Communications And Sensor Example Vehicles ......................... 222 Albedo ...................................... 276
Devices .................................. 175 Gravity ...................................... 276
Tools ........................................ 176 Time Travel Zero Gravity .............................. 280
Acquiring Equipment ................... 177 Temporal Mechanics And Vacuum .................................... 281
Consequences ........................... 233 Atmospheres............................. 283
Starships and Space Stations Explosive Decompression ........... 285
Real-Life Mechanics .................... 233
Game Mechanics ......................... 233 Villains And NPCs ......................... 287
Starship Creation ......................... 180
Expanded Time Travel Rules ....... 233 Villain Archetypes ........................ 289
General Starship Considerations ... 180 Non-Player Characters ............... 292
A Brief History Of Human Methods And Effects .................... 235
NPC Archetypes ........................ 293
Space Travel ........................... 180 Options ....................................... 237
Space Vehicle Types .................. 181 Paradoxes And Complications ....... 238
Fixed History ............................. 238 Characters
Obtaining A Space Vehicle.......... 182
Mutable History ......................... 238 Argos Exploration ........................ 296
Basic Spacecraft Design .............. 183
Power Systems ............................ 184 Time Travel Campaigns................ 239 Robert Avilla ................................ 297
Propulsion Systems ..................... 185 Alternate Histories ....................... 240 Jennifer Degraff........................... 299
Acceleration .............................. 185 Jason Grigori ............................... 301
Normal Propulsion ..................... 188 Psionics Segaro Krez’shul .......................... 302
Faster-Then-Light Propulsion ..... 190 Kiritha Tal .................................... 304
Psionic Considerations ................ 243
Weapon Systems ......................... 194 Villains ......................................... 306
Missiles .................................... 195 The Basics .................................. 243
How They Do It .......................... 243 Major Allyssa Barth ...................... 306
Beam Weapons ......................... 195 Bertrand Devereaux ..................... 308
Guns ........................................ 196 Power Level .............................. 243
Available Powers ....................... 244 Dargen........................................ 310
Defenses..................................... 197 Rarity........................................ 246 Ghenak Vaa’resh ......................... 311
Operations Systems ..................... 200 Social Issues ............................. 246 Zee’gansh ................................... 313
Personnel Systems ...................... 202 Generic NPCs .............................. 314
Rules Considerations ................... 249
Disadvantages ............................. 204
Psionic Campaigns ...................... 251 Bibliography And Filmography ..... 317
Planetary Vehicles And Mecha..... 205
Campaign Types .......................... 251 Index ............................................ 319
Hovercraft ................................... 205
Example: Psionics In The Notes ........................................... 323
Mecha ........................................ 205
Star Hero 5

ver since the australopithecines first ture the SF genre affords. Star Hero is a set of “SF”
looked up and saw the glittering lights rules, guidelines, and advice you can use to run
in the nighttime sky, humans have been gaming campaigns in the style of your favorite To avoid cluttering the
fascinated by space. he vastness of space, science fiction. Like Hero’s other genre books, you text too much, this book
with its equally vast possibilities for other worlds, can think of it as a sort of “instruction manual” often uses the abbrevia-
other forms of life, and even other people like that shows you how to use the HERO System 5th tion “SF” for “science fic-
ourselves, has held a special place in our minds Edition “toolkit” to create the best, most interest- tion.” Another common
that nothing has ever dispelled. ing characters and campaigns possible. abbreviation, FTL,
With the coming of the technological revolu- stands for “faster-than-
HOW TO USE THIS BOOK light” (similarly, STL is
tions of the twentieth century, which made travel
to the Moon and into near space possible, inter- Star Hero is designed both for players experi- “slower-than-light”).
est in science fiction broadened and deepened. enced with SF roleplaying and those who are new
Thousands of stories, novels, movies, and televi- to this style and genre of play. Nothing in these
sion shows featuring the bizarre aliens, almost pages is secret or for the GM’s eyes only, so every
magical devices, and powerful starships of “SF” reader can read it all the way through and then
became a part not only of American, but world, decide which portions he wants to utilize.
culture. Franchises such as Star Trek, Star Wars, Chapter One, Starships, Spacemen, And Bug-Eyed
and Doctor Who became icons, known to billions Aliens: The Science Fiction Genre, describes the
of people around the planet. major subgenres of SF — Hard SF, Military SF,
It’s only natural that gamers, many of whom Space Opera, and so on — with notes about how
were interested in science fiction long before they to simulate them in HERO System campaigns. It
learned what roleplaying games were, would want also discusses common genre elements and “bits”
to simulate the characters and adventures of SF (such as aliens, hyperspace, and robots), and
in their campaigns. Some of the earliest RPGs applying “meta-genres” such as comedy, horror, or
were science fiction games, and numbered among romance.
them are many of the most popular games in the
Chapter Two, Citizens Of The Galaxy: Character
history of the hobby.
Creation, covers the subject of creating Star Hero
Given the interest in science fiction gaming,
characters. It contains dozens of Species and Pro-
it’s only appropriate that the HERO System, a set
fessional Package Deals, and a thorough review
of rules unmatched in its flexibility and adapt-
of the Skills, Powers, and other elements of the
ability to multiple genres, have a genre book
HERO System as they pertain to science fiction
devoted to the infinite opportunities for adven-
Chapters Three through Five are a brief tour
through the wonders of astronomy as they relate
to science fiction gaming. If you want to know
how to create your own galaxies, star systems,
and planets for your Star Hero campaign, these
chapters show you how — and provide random
generation tables for your use. Chapter Five looks
at Earth’s solar system, both as an example system
and as a possible setting for many SF games.
Chapter Six discusses alien life and alien civiliza-
tions. Aliens are one of the most common and
important elements of SF, and this section of
the book shows you how to create intriguing,
plausible, and just plain fun alien species and
societies for your Star Hero games. Again, there
are random generation tables if you want to use
Chapter Seven, Computers, Blasters, And Robots:
Technology, delves into the all-important subject
of technology in Star Hero. It starts with general
concerns — how to establish a “tech level” system
for your game, how different species’s technolo- minor mistakes shouldn’t cause any trouble. Don’t
gies might interact — and progresses to a review spend so much time worrying about scientific real-
of the major categories of technology found in ity that the game suffers because of it.
science fiction, with dozens of examples. The Star Hero strives to present just the right level
chapter also includes a section on acquiring tech- of scientific realism for good gaming — enough
nology and establishing prices for it. that players and GMs don’t make ludicrous errors,
Chapter Eight, To Soar Among The Stars: Star- but not so much that the players need astronomy
ships And Space Stations, covers both those sub- textbooks to figure out what’s going on or start to
jects and ground vehicles such as hovercraft and question the existence of FTL drives. Throughout
mecha. In addition to detailed rules for creating this book, you’ll find plenty of suggestions and
spacecraft and the like, it has an extensive section ideas on when, and when not, to use “real science.”
of rules for starship combat. Where necessary, the book presents rules for simu-
lating “realistic” activity, but in some cases those
Chapter Nine, Yesterday, Today, And Tomorrow: rules are slightly tweaked or fudged to make them
Time Travel, looks at the intriguing subject of easier to use in play. If you know enough to spot
traveling through time. It discusses theories on the technical inaccuracies, and to be bothered by
how time travel might work, possible methods, them, you probably know enough to fix them for
the perils and pitfalls of influencing the time- yourself.
stream, and how to set up a “Time Hero” time For example, beginning on page 185, you’ll
travel campaign. find rules for “realistic” acceleration and movement
Chapter Ten, The Powers Of The Mind: Psionics, in space. While these rules are a lot more realistic
discusses the nature and role of mental powers in than the standard HERO System movement rules,
science fiction generally, and Star Hero campaigns they’re still not truly “realistic.” A truly realistic
in particular. It reviews the types of powers psis tend movement system would involve acceleration per
to possess, their role in society and the campaign, Segment per Segment, requiring 720” of move-
and other relevant factors. It includes a look at how ment per Turn to achieve 1 G of acceleration. That’s
to build psionic powers with the right “flavor” for reaching the point where there’s too much work
SF games, with plenty of sample powers to get you involved; it begins to slow down and hinder the
started. flow of the game. If you really want that level of
detail, you can make the necessary changes to the
Chapter Eleven, A Journey Into The Unknown: Game-
rules, but the average gamer does just fine with the
mastering Star Hero, offers suggestions and ideas
“more realistic, but not totally realistic” system.
for creating and running Star Hero campaigns. It
includes information and rules about common SF
Another good example of stressing playability
environments, such as high and low gravity, unusual
over “realism” can be found in the rules for gravity.
atmospheres, and the like.
The rules on page 278 set a rate of 5 STR Teleki-
Chapter Twelve, Argos Exploration, contains some nesis to equal one gravity (1 G) worth of “pull” (an
sample characters from Hero’s “Terran Empire” set- arithmetic progression), even though the lifting
ting — five heroes and five adversaries. You can use capacity of STR doubles for every 5 points (a geo-
these as starting characters for your own players, or metric progression). This works better for gaming
simply as examples of ways to build Star Hero PCs. because it’s easy to remember, allows for a fairly
The chapter also has some “generic” NPC writeups broad range of effects for gravitic weapons, and
GMs can use. works more like a Grab would when it comes to
The book closes with a bibliography of the determining how characters cope with high grav-
authors’ favorite science fiction, and other books of ity. But it’s easily changed if the GM prefers more
use to Star Hero gamers. “realism.”
So, get your blaster and your energy sword, strap
into the pilot’s seat, and get ready to fly out amongst On a related point, the results provided by
the stars. It’s time for Star Hero adventure! the random tables in Chapters Three through Six
SCIENCE! should be taken as guidelines. No random system
can account for every variable in the galaxy, so if
Moreso than most games, science fiction RPG you find the outcome not agreeing with what you
campaigns have to pay at least some attention to want, make whatever adjustments you need.
scientific reality. You need a certain amount of veri-
similitude, even if it’s just to create realistic-sound- This book was written in early-mid 2002,
ing technobabble, to preserve the feel of the genre. and the scientific facts it presents reflect what was
If the GM starts talking about purple stars, or gives known to astronomers as of about that time. Since
the wrong size for the Milky Way Galaxy, the obvi- new discoveries are being made every day, it’s
ous scientific errors may taint players’ enjoyment of entirely possible that scientists’ views of the uni-
the game. verse will change after this book is printed. But the
That being said, roleplaying games are ulti- odds are, if you’re aware of the differences, you also
mately about fun and adventure, not scientific know enough to account for them in your game in
accuracy. Except for the hardest of Hard SF settings a logical yet fun way.
and campaigns, a little fudging of the facts or a few
Star Hero ■ Chapter One 7

here are probably as many defini- sibility. Often this means little more
tions of science fiction as there than abundant use of “technobabble,”
are readers and writers of it. The but even then the principle holds: the
author and critic Damon Knight appeal is to science, however unlikely or
once famously defined it as bogus, rather than magic or the super-
“Whatever we’re pointing to when we natural. Since Star Hero is a roleplaying
say, ‘that’s science fiction.’” It occupies game, not a critical study of science fic-
the uneasy ground between pure fan- tion as a genre, this chapter tends more
tasy and pure realism. In general, the towards Damon Knight’s definition,
fantastic elements in a science fiction including material on space opera, sci-
story are at least possible — justified ence fantasy, and crossovers with other
(however tenuously) by scientific plau- genres.
8 ■ Starships, Spacemen, And Bug-Eyed Aliens: The Science Fiction Genre HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

COZY he term “science fiction” is broad, encom- into the Planetary Romance subgenre, with Earth
CATASTROPHES passing many different types of stories, char- as the unknown world dotted with strange societ-
acters, and settings. In the course of almost ies. (A few save the revelation that the planet is
Not all apocalypses are a century as an identifiable genre, science Earth for the Big Surprise Ending, as in the original
created equal. Some dev- fiction has spawned dozens of popular subgenres. Planet of the Apes.) Tales of surviving the apoca-
astate the Earth, while Some of them are important enough to rate their lypse and its aftermath can delve into the minutiae
others conveniently kill own sourcebooks (like Cyber Hero). The boundar- of rebuilding civilization, or just center on blowing
off the Human race but ies between them are sometimes fuzzy, and many away cannibal motorcyclists.
leave everything intact. films, stories, or roleplaying campaigns fit into
two or more subgenres at once. (For more on run-
The Stand both managed STAR HERO CAMPAIGNS
ning games in each of the subgenres, see Chapter
to get rid of Human- “Post-Apocalyptic Hero” games (and the
ity without much “Apocalypse Hero” campaigns that may very well
large-scale destruction.
precede them) usually involve Standard Heroic
For the lucky few sur-
vivors, the result is a APOCALYPSE AND PCs built on 75 Base Points + 75 Disadvantages.
If the GM wants to throw in a weird twist, such as
consumer’s paradise: all
the goods and luxuries POST-APOCALYPSE the existence of magic or the supernatural, he may
of modern society are While science fiction is usually described as prefer Powerful or Very Powerful Heroic characters
just lying around to be an optimistic genre, it’s full of stories about the col- instead.
picked up. There may
lapse of civilization. The causes of the collapse are
still be cannibal motor-
cycle bandits to contend
with, but it’s much more
various: plagues which depopulate the Earth (as
in Mary Shelley’s The Last Man or Stephen King’s CYBERPUNK
fun to battle them in an The Stand), endless warfare (in H.G. Wells’s Things Cyberpunk science fiction became popular in
expensive car. To Come), nuclear war (The Road Warrior, Paul the 1980s, with the appearance of William Gibson’s
O. Williams’s “Pelbar Cycle,” Piers Anthony’s Bat- novel Neuromancer and the Ridley Scott film Blade
The work of rebuilding tlecircle, and countless others), asteroid impacts Runner. The name tells what makes it distinctive.
society is much easier if (Lucifer’s Hammer, by Niven and Pournelle), mass “Cyber” reflects the growing fascination with com-
the catastrophe is a cozy blindness (in John Wyndham’s Day Of The Triffids), puter networks, virtual reality, and the accelerating
one; just figure out how a new Ice Age (the film Quintet), shoddy software pace of technological change in the modern world
to get the power plant (remember the “Y2K bug”?), global warming and the near future. “Punk” indicates a focus on the
running and you’re in (Waterworld or John Barnes’s Mother Of Storms),
business. Consequently, seamier side of a world transformed by technology.
and even the literal Apocalypse (in the Left Behind Typically, Cyberpunk stories are set on or
cozy catastrophe stories
tend to focus on strug- series of Christian thrillers). near Earth in the near future, but study or reflect
gles among the survi- The great appeal of The End Of The World the effects of rapid change and the possibilities of
vors about what sort of As We Know It is that all the irritating restrictions melding Humans and machines. The feel is gritty,
new society to create. and complications of modern life are swept away urban, multicultural, and rebellious — characters
and replaced by others more conducive to “adven- are often outlaws battling large, impersonal corpo-
ture.” Instead of battling traffic to get to work on rations. The archetypical Cyberpunk character is
time, the survivors battle each other to survive. the “cyberspace cowboy” — an elite hacker trained
Impersonal threats like inflation are replaced by to outwit sophisticated and deadly countermea-
personal, immediate problems like cannibal motor- sures as he navigates the data networks to steal
cycle gangs. The level of destruction is secondary valuable information. Cybered drivers/pilots, as
to the complete absence of any authority. People depicted in such works as Walter Jon Williams’s
are totally free, and what they choose to do with Hardwired, are a variant on the hacker. The “samu-
that freedom drives the story. Some writers use the rai” (a heavily-cybered warrior with an attitude
apocalypse as a way to sweep away the corrupt old often as lethal as his weaponry) is also popular;
world and allow for the creation of a Utopia; others Gibson’s Molly Millions epitomizes this sort of
use the post-apocalypse setting as a venue for character.
action-adventure. Cyberpunk is sufficiently successful as a sub-
Apocalyptic SF generally divides into stories genre to spin off a couple of daughter types of its
which focus on the big disaster itself, and those own: “biopunk” and “nanopunk” keep the rebel-
which pick up the story generations or centuries lious tone and urban setting, but shift the focus
later in the new societies which have grown up from computer piracy and glittering mechanical
(what SF fans and gamers generally refer to as the implants to “gene hacking” and Humanity altered
“post-apocalyptic” subgenre). The latter type shades by genetic engineering or nanotechnology.
Star Hero ■ Chapter One 9

Cyber Hero games are Heroic campaigns. The
PCs are most often Standard Heroic characters,
with 75 Base Points + 75 Disadvantage points.
However, cyberpunk characters are often quite
powerful, combining high Skill rolls with various
special abilities produced by artificial enhance-
ments. Therefore, the GM may want to consider
making them Powerful or Very Powerful Heroic
characters, particularly if he prefers for the PCs to
buy cyberware with Character Points instead of
getting it for free.
See the Cyborgs sidebar, page 28, for more
information on cyberware, and the Cyberspace sec-
tion, page 162, for details on the virtual world of
the ’Net.

Though space travel remains the iconic image
of science fiction, it’s worth remembering that
many of the early masters of the genre did quite
well with stories set entirely on Earth. Earthbound
science fiction usually focuses more on changes to
Human society rather than interactions with alien
beings. The time period tends to be modern-day or
near-future, although some more pessimistic writ-
ers have examined how Human civilization might
develop if space travel never becomes practical.
Just because a story is set on Earth doesn’t
mean it can’t involve fantastic and exotic cultures
or events. A perennial favorite of pulp-era stories
was the Lost World — a remote or isolated region
where strange beings and stranger societies can
develop. The arrival of aerial mapping and satel- HARD SCIENCE FICTION
lite photography drove most lost world stories Hard SF emphasizes scientific and technical
off to other planets, but they still have a place in accuracy, sometimes at the expense of character
Pulp-style or Victorian adventures. Gamemasters development and plot (though the best Hard SF
who want to put a Lost World in a modern or near- combines both technical and dramatic aspects
future setting need to do some fancy handwaving without detracting from either). The great appeal of
to explain how it has remained undiscovered. a Hard SF story is that the events and technology
Similarly, just because the story’s limited to depicted are, theoretically, really possible, at least
Earth doesn’t mean it can’t involve aliens — they at some point in mankind’s development. In many
just have to come to the PCs, instead of the PCs such settings, not even that most common staple
going to them. They might be invaders (as in H.G. of science fiction, faster-than-light travel, exists,
Wells’s The War Of The Worlds), mysterious grey- though some otherwise Hard SF stories do have
skinned beings who want to harvest Humans for FTL ships because they’re such a useful enabling
their own inscrutable purposes, or simply visitors device.
interested in seeing Earth’s “tourist attractions” who Hard SF’s focus on technical matters and sci-
happen to bring adventure with them. Alternately, entific phenomena often means the stories concern
the “aliens” could be an altered, or newly-intelli- the exploits of inventors and engineers dealing with
gent, form of Earth life, such as the insectile beings unforeseen problems in hostile environments. Con-
of Frank Herbert’s Hellstrom’s Hive or The Green flicts in Hard SF stories are as frequently resolved
Brain. with a little-known piece of real science as with
EARTHBOUND STAR HERO CAMPAIGNS fisticuffs and blaster fire. Many are, in essence, mys-
tery stories where the resolution of the dilemma
Earthbound Star Hero games are Heroic cam- depends not on the characters’ detective work, but
paigns, with Standard Heroic PCs built on 75 Base on their scientific and engineering acumen.
Points + 75 Disadvantage points. Typically the PCs’
access to the fantastic technology so common to
other forms of science fiction is limited, though
they may, as in the movie Men In Black, have access
to technology brought to Earth by alien species.
10 ■ Starships, Spacemen, And Bug-Eyed Aliens: The Science Fiction Genre HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Hard SF Star Hero games are, at best, Military SF is a very popular subgenre, focus-
At its most specula- Standard Heroic campaigns, with PCs built on 75 ing on futuristic military operations and battles. It
tive, science fiction can Base Points + 75 Disadvantage points. Many use can involve space battleships trading broadsides
question the very nature even lower point totals, such as 75 + 50 — charac- in vacuum, or tough battlesuited Space Marines
(or existence) of reality ters’ non-scientific abilities are often quite low, so slugging it out on alien planets. By adjusting the
itself. What if everything
that they have to think their way out of dilemmas. technologies available, the GM can create settings
we see is a dream, or
an illusion? What if which echo the Napoleonic Wars of Captain Horn-
blower, the island-hopping and carrier duels of
everything we remember
is a lie? Philip K. Dick LOW SCIENCE FICTION World War II’s Pacific theater of operations, or the
(Do Androids Dream of ground-pounding horrors of World War I trench
Low Science Fiction is a close cousin of warfare.
Electric Sheep?, which
became the film Blade Hard SF. It avoids most of the high-tech trappings Military SF is often Low SF because of the
Runner) is perhaps the common to science fiction, instead taking place sheer killing power of advanced technology. When
best-known surrealist at the low end of the technology scale. That limits the outcome of a battle depends more on stealth
science fiction writer, the campaign and characters to relatively plausible technology and smart missiles, there isn’t much
but even arch-Hard SF near-future technological developments instead of room for individual heroism. But that’s not a hard
author Robert Hein- the fantastic devices common to Space Opera and
lein managed stories and fast rule; it’s entirely possible to tell Military
the like. The “Aliens” movies, starring Sigourney SF stories in high-tech settings, as the “Dominion
like “Them” and “The Weaver, represent this subgenre in many respects.
Unpleasant Profession of War” story arc on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine so
Low SF is most common in television and movie ably shows. Gamers often have a lot of fun figuring
Jonathan Hoag.” Ques-
SF, since it’s easier (and cheaper) to depict — novel out ways to use teleporting artillery, FTL missiles,
tions about the nature
of reality turn up with writers don’t suffer from budget restrictions. anti-matter explosives, and planetary fortresses to
surprising regularity in In Low SF, characters carry advanced firearms wage war.
films and television. rather than energy weapons. When planetside, they A particularly enduring type of Military SF
travel in advanced all-terrain vehicles or helicop- is the alien invasion story, in which extraterrestri-
The chief feature of sur- ters instead of hovercraft. To travel from world to als drop down out of the sky and begin trying to
realist SF is simply that world, they put themselves into “cold sleep” (cryo- take over the world. It worked for H.G. Wells in
Things Are Not As They genic suspension) for near-lightspeed travel and The War of the Worlds, the producers of the film
Seem. The memories, suffer from time dilation effects (see page 174).
perceptions and identi- Independence Day, and thousands of writers and
Similarly, Low SF characters are almost always moviemakers in between. Alien invasions usually
ties of the characters can Humans; aliens rarely appear in such settings,
all be false. Naturally, land on a modern-day or past Earth; a future set-
since the lack of dependable FTL travel makes it ting is more likely to be a space war story. One twist
this can be overdone: if
difficult or impossible for them to mingle with on this theme, as seen in Robert Heinlein’s Starship
everything is arbitrary
and mutable, it’s hard for Humans (assuming any sentient aliens exist at all). Troopers or Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game, is
the reader or the player Other common SF characters, abilities, or elements to focus on how the PCs train to invade an enemy
to care about what hap- — such as robots, psionics, time travel, and mecha world.
pens. — are typically inappropriate.
One interesting twist on the typical Low SF MILITARY SCIENCE FICTION
Running a wholly setting is a colony, backwater world, or other less- STAR HERO CAMPAIGNS
surrealistic Star Hero advanced part of an otherwise normal, high-tech Military SF Star Hero games are Standard
campaign probably isn’t science fiction setting. Characters find themselves (or sometimes Powerful) Heroic campaigns, with
practical, but GMs could having to make do with lesser tech, instead of the PCs built on 75-100 Base Points plus up to 75-100
certainly inject an occa- cutting-edge devices available to most people in the
sional surrealistic story points of Disadvantages. Some GMs prefer the
galaxy. higher point totals, since the powerful technology
into otherwise normal
Ironically, Low SF isn’t really more “realis- common to this subgenre can easily eclipse the PCs
campaigns. An RPG also
opens up the interesting tic” than other types simply because it limits the in importance if they’re not particularly competent.
possibility of running technology available. Reasonable extrapolations of
two parallel campaigns, future technology show that some amazing things
each of which is a work
of fiction in the other.
may be possible in only a few decades. Low SF tac-
itly ignores potential major advances to focus on
The heroes in the Cyber- recognizable characters in a recognizable setting. Closely related to both Pulp SF and Space
punk setting venture into Opera, Planetary Romance stories center on a
a virtual reality parlor LOW SCIENCE FICTION STAR single world, often teeming with exotic cultures
and enter the Space HERO CAMPAIGNS and menaces. The technology level is usually low
Opera campaign. But the Low SF Star Hero games are mostly the same enough to allow for swordplay and swashbuckling
Space Opera characters as Hard SF games: Standard Heroic campaigns derring-do, though characters can still find nifty
are playing a “psionic
with PCs built on 75 Base Points + 75 Disadvantage remnants of advanced superscience. Stories tend
novel” set in the Cyber-
punk world. Which points. Some GMs allow even fewer points, thus to be quests or picaresque journeys which take
world is the “real” one? further emphasizing the grim-and-gritty aspects of the heroes on a tour of interesting and dangerous
the subgenre; others prefer more points, since the places; Planetary Romances resemble Fantasy Hero
PCs have to rely solely on their own skills — can’t in some ways, but with blasters, force-fields, and
fall back on advanced technology the way other aliens instead of magic and monsters. The “Bar-
Star Hero characters can. soom” stories of Edgar Rice Burroughs serve as a
Star Hero ■ Chapter One 11

model for the genre, but the novels of writers like L. PLANETARY ROMANCE STAR SUPERTANKS AND
Sprague de Camp (in his “Krishna” books) and Jack HERO CAMPAIGNS POWERED ARMOR
Vance (Big Planet, the “Planet of Adventure” series) Planetary Romance campaigns usually feature
hone it to perfection. PCs who are at least Standard Heroic characters One source of Military
A more recent offshoot of the Planetary (75 Base Points + 75 Disadvantages). Since the PCs SF’s enduring popularity
Romance is the “Big Dumb Object” story. These are likely cut off from help or outside resources, the is the hardware, espe-
tales share the colorful landscape and exotic cul- GM may want to give them more Character Points, cially really big fighting
tures, but set the story on a vast and ancient artifi- machines. Supertanks
so that they’re more self-sufficient. Higher point
cial structure. Examples include Larry Niven’s Ring- are one common trope;
totals also suit the quasi-swashbuckling nature of these tend to be hov-
world and John Varley’s “Gaia” series. The goal when these stories. ercraft or antigravity
exploring a Big Dumb Object is usually to find out
vehicles armed with
who built it and why; often the sheer Bigness of the huge energy cannons.
Object is the chief obstacle faced by the heroes.
In either case, the central focus of the story
RETRO-SF Some supertanks
dispense with crews,
is the same: the planet/Object and its inhabitants Since science fiction as a genre has a history letting a sophisticated
and features. Unlike many science fiction stories, stretching back to the 1860s (if not earlier), there’s artificial intelligence
which involve traveling vast distances through now a thriving subgenre in which authors (and run the machine. Sloppy
space in starships, Planetary Romances stick to a gamers!) revive old styles and tropes. The tone usu- programming can lead
single world. Either the characters have no way to ally falls somewhere between affectionate parody to interesting complica-
get off-planet, or their means of space travel has and nostalgic homage. Types of Retro-SF include: tions. Another favorite
big war machine is the
been disabled (which makes “find a way to repair STEAMPUNK humanoid battlesuit,
the ship” an excellent motivator for the GM to usually equipped with
use). This means the GM has to develop that one “Steampunk” is a coined term referring, gen-
erally, to stories which take the work of Verne, an arsenal of built-in
world in detail. He needs to know everything from weapons and the abil-
its planetological data (year, length of day, core Wells, and their ilk as inspiration. They can either
ity to fly. These range
composition, orbital pattern, hydrology, climate, be set in a Victorian-era setting with anachronistic from slightly more than
and so forth), to its major and minor geographi- technology, or in an alternate present based on man-size (as in Star-
cal features, to the people and cultures who call it Steam Age visions of the future. Either way, puffing ship Troopers) to the
home. Part of the goal of the campaign is often to smokestacks and rivets are the order of the day, and city-sized Super-Dimen-
find out about the world, so the GM needs to have the sun doesn’t set on the steam-powered British sional Fortress of the
Empire. The “punk” aspect draws on the genuine animated Macross epic.
answers at the ready when the PCs begin to explore
squalor and misery of the early Industrial Revolu- See Chapters Seven and
and investigate. Eight for some examples
tion, often blended with Cyberpunk tropes like
computer hackers (breaking into of this sort of technol-
the giant Babbage engines that
keep the Empire running) or
mechanical implants (which may
need winding or stoking). The
seminal Steampunk novels are
The Difference Engine, by Wil-
liam Gibson and Bruce Sterling,
and K. W. Jeter’s Infernal Devices.
Steampunk Star Hero cam-
paigns are usually Standard
Heroic games (75 Base Points
+ 75 Disadvantages), though
some GMs prefer to descend
lower, perhaps even to Compe-
tent Normal levels, when setting
games in the Victorian Age.
Science fiction tales featur-
ing the likes of Buck Rogers and
Flash Gordon were extremely
popular in the freewheeling pulp
magazines and film adventure
serials of the 1920s and 1930s,
and Star Hero campaigns and
stories inspired by them have a
particular look, feel, and tone.
Rocketships resemble hood
ornaments, aliens are Humans
with green skin and finned
helmets, and the weapon of
12 ■ Starships, Spacemen, And Bug-Eyed Aliens: The Science Fiction Genre HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
SWORDS AND choice is the Art Deco ray gun. Pulp science fiction like wars, planet-cracking disasters, and the fate of
STARSHIPS adventures often take place in the old-fashioned whole civilizations.
version of the Solar System, with a swampy Venus
A surprising number of and a dry, canal-covered Mars.
science fiction settings Pulp Star Hero campaigns are usually Stan- Space Opera is probably the easiest SF sub-
manage to work sword- dard Heroic games (75 Base Points + 75 Disadvan- genre to run as a Star Hero campaign; most science
play into a high-tech- tages). However, GMs seeking the maximum level fiction RPGs derive from, and use, the elements
nology setting. This is of grandiose adventure and swashbuckling hero- and features of Space Opera more than any other
mostly because sword- ism may want Powerful or Very Powerful Heroic subgenre. The campaigns are usually Heroic, with
fights are a lot cooler characters instead. PCs who are at least Standard Heroic characters
than just incinerating (75 Base Points + 75 Disadvantages). In many cam-
somebody with your FIFTIES SCI-FI paigns, the PCs are built on even more points (as
laser pistol.
“Fifties Sci-Fi” refers to tales based more on Powerful or Very Powerful Heroic characters, or
the monster and alien-invasion movies of the sometimes even Low-Powered Superheroics) —
Since swords aren’t
Atomic Era than on written fiction of the time. In that allows for the high Skill Rolls, psionic powers,
commonly used even
on twenty-first century Fifties Sci-Fi, the main threats are either radiation- and other abilities often displayed by Space Opera
Earth, the author of a spawned giant monsters or flying saucer aliens characters.
science fiction swash- from space. A dash of Cold War paranoia and the
buckler has to explain sense that “the government is keeping this quiet”
why they have returned usually add a slightly malevolent tone to what TIME TRAVEL
to favor. Sometimes would otherwise be pure camp, but in the end
the reason is social: in If space isn’t big enough, characters can also
square-jawed jet pilots and pipe-smoking scientists
L. Sprague de Camp’s go roaming through time. Stories of time travel go
usually save the day. The cheesiness of much of the
“Krishna,” stories the back to Mark Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King
source material makes it almost impossible not to
interstellar authorities Arthur’s Court, but the concept remained strictly
play Fifties Sci-Fi for laughs.
strictly control what fantasy until H.G. Wells came up with the notion
technology explorers Fifties Sci-Fi Star Hero campaigns ordinar-
of a Time Machine in the novel of the same name.
can bring with them on ily feature Standard Heroic (75 Base Points + 75
Even then, of course, it was all just fantasy with
primitive planets, and Disadvantages) PCs. They can handle most of the
technological trappings, but in later decades scien-
enforce the rules with threats with forthright heroism, true-blue Ameri-
tists began to discover curious loopholes in General
brainwashing machines. can scientific genius, and a good right hook, so
A technological solu- Relativity and modern physics which may actually
they don’t need to be extremely powerful.
tion was used by Frank allow time travel under certain conditions.
Herbert in the Dune Tales of time travel tend to break down into
series. His characters
had personal force-fields
SPACE OPERA two main categories. The first follow Twain and
Wells and use time travel as an enabling device that
which could stop high- Originally coined as a derogatory term for the lets characters have exciting adventures in the past
velocity projectiles, but tired old “spaceship yarn” of the early pulps, Space or future. The second type centers on the mechan-
which a slow-moving Opera now refers to stories which try to recap- ics and paradoxes of time travel itself. These tend
blade could penetrate. ture the sense of wonder and high adventure that to be short stories like Robert Heinlein’s “All You
The lightsabers of Star
characterized pulp sci-fi. In Space Opera scientific Zombies” or paradox-riddled films like Back To The
Wars can penetrate any
defenses, but can’t be accuracy and rigorous speculation take a distant Future.
used as projectiles or second place to exotic settings and fast-paced Time travel is such an enduring trope in sci-
beams, making a revival adventure. Probably the purest Space Opera stories ence fiction that it tends to work its way into all the
of sword fighting tech- were the Lensman series by E.E. “Doc” Smith, but
niques essential for the
Jedi Knights. In more
the greatest success of Space Opera has come in
film and television, where Star Trek, Star Wars, and
general terms, it might A potential problem for Space Opera adventures is
Babylon 5 embody all the subgenre’s virtues (and
be a matter of spacefar- “adjective fatigue.” Once the heroes have defeated
flaws). More recently, authors like Iain M. Banks the Ultimate Evil Overlord, they soon run across a
ing safety: an errant and Lois McMaster Bujold have revisited Space
blaster shot aboard a Super-Ultimate Overlord. The giant starships and
Opera, adding a greater depth of character and super-weapons get bigger and more devastating in
starship could penetrate
the hull and cause theme. each episode. After saving the Galaxy, they have to
explosive decompres- Space Opera requires a large canvas: the scale save the whole Universe, and then the entire Multi-
sion that kills everyone is at least the whole Solar System, but most stories/ verse, and then....
aboard, whereas swords campaigns are galactic (or even intergalactic) in The simplest way to avoid this problem is to start
pose no such danger. scope. Spaceships travel at many times the speed at an appropriately low scale. If the heroes begin by
of light, range from merely big to mind-bogglingly toppling the Galactic Empire, it’s hard to top that
huge, and mount weapons which fire brightly- in later scenarios. But if they begin by thwarting
colored beams of devastating power. Alien species one power-mad Imperial governor, then with what
are numerous and often very weird in appearance they’ve learned and the allies they’ve made, they can
and habits. Sophisticated technology is common- work their way up. The Lensman stories followed
this pattern: at first the Galactic Patrol was just
place, and often embodies Clarke’s Law (see page
concerned with fighting drug runners and pirates.
160). Psionics exist, and are sometimes immensely Then they had to face the secret conspiracy behind
powerful. Science is a matter of genius inventors the pirates. Then they confronted an aggressive rival
creating even bigger and more powerful space- empire which sponsored the conspiracy... and so on
ships, superweapons, computers, and tools in a right up to the final battle of Good against Evil.
remarkably short time. The focus is on big events
Star Hero ■ Chapter One 13

other subgenres (except Low SF). Star Trek and RAY GUNS
Babylon 5 both have time travel episodes, and S.M. JUST VISITING
Stirling’s popular Island In The Sea Of Time centers Time travel is a great excuse to let characters from One Retro-SF notion
on the military adventures of modern Americans a historical or present-day roleplaying campaign which rather surpris-
stuck in the Bronze Age. A time-hop can be a spend some time in a science fiction setting. While ingly came true is the
one-shot adventure in an ongoing campaign, or it can be just a fun outing to a different playground, idea of the “ray gun.”
the characters can make a career of visiting other there’s a lot of potential in letting the characters see One early example was
times as agents of the Time Police or simply tour- the consequences of things they were doing back in the Heat-Ray of H.G.
ists. Combining space and time travel lets the sto- the “real” campaign setting. If their visit to the future Wells’s Martian invaders,
reveals that a minor villain becomes the Tyrant of and during the Pulp Era
ries wander all over the cosmos, in the footsteps of
Earth, they’ll certainly redouble their efforts to catch both heroes and vil-
the BBC’s Doctor Who. lains wielded a dazzling
him. (Even more disturbingly, what if one of the
A variant on time travel is visiting alter- array of weapons that
PCs is destined to commit some atrocity?) Similarly,
nate universes and other dimensions. These are visits to the past can let characters meet their earlier projected rays of various
worlds like our own, but existing “next to it” in selves, see (or even cause) the origins of their adver- colors and destructive
some higher level of reality. Alternate histories are saries, and possibly learn some secrets which can effects. Scientists, mean-
worlds in which some particular historical event help them in their ongoing campaign. while, scoffed at the
turned out differently (perennial favorites are the notion because everyone
American Civil War and World War II). They allow knows a beam of light
characters to see the results of changing history This is not without its pitfalls, however: characters or radiation spreads
dropped into a highly-advanced future world are out in a cone and could
without involving them in all the potential para-
likely to hit the malls for a superscience shopping never deliver enough
doxes and complications of visiting their own past. spree, and then either use high-tech firepower when energy to do damage.
Some alternate worlds even have different natural they get back home, or else transform the world Then a team at Bell Labs
laws, with functioning magic or other supernatural economy with new inventions. Those who travel invented the laser, and
powers to liven things up. into the past tend to acquire lots of valuable old today energy weapons
For more on time travel, refer to Chapter postage stamps, or else start up stock portfolios or are the stuff of Pentagon
Nine. bank accounts which have grown to titanic propor- research projects rather
tions when they return to their proper time. Unless than pulp fiction.
TIME TRAVEL STAR HERO CAMPAIGNS the GM wants to have his campaign altered this
Gamemasters can easily center entire cam- way (which would certainly make for an interesting Gamemasters and
paigns around the idea of PCs traveling through change of pace!), he needs to find a way to prevent players who want to
time, either deliberately (perhaps as “Time Cops”), the characters from doing these things — ranging “personalize” their char-
from not giving them the opportunity, to appealling acters’ ray guns a bit can
or involuntarily/uncontrollably (as with Doctor
to the players’ senses of drama and fair play, to have use the following handy
Who, at some points of his career). Player char- items that are “temporally out of place” quickly tables. Roll 1d6 for beam
acters in Time Travel games are usually 75 Base crumble to dust. type, then roll again for
Points + 75 Disadvantages Standard Heroic char- the beam’s color.
acters. Technical Skills and a knowledge of history The flip side of the coin from Utopia is Dysto-
are de rigueur, and usually much more valuable pia: a society in which something (or everything) 1d6 Roll Beam Type
than the ability to fight well. Some GMs may even has gone wrong. As with Utopias, they are often an 1 Straight beam
wish to consider giving characters extra Character excuse for the author to air his political views, by 2 Pulse beam
Points that can only be used to buy history-related showing the awful consequences if those he dis- 3 Wavy beam
Background Skills. agrees with get their way. The most famous dysto- 4 Line of
pia is George Orwell’s 1984, which was a warning 5 Sphere(s)
about the true face of Communism at a time when
UTOPIAS AND DYSTOPIAS it still had a following among the British left.
6 Narrow cone

One of the oldest themes in science fiction Dystopias are slaves of fashion, reflecting 1d6 Roll Beam Color
with uncanny accuracy the concerns of the decade 1 Red
is showing how the world could be a better place. 2 Blue
Usually this is accomplished by creating a society in which they are written. Orwell wrote in 1948
when the Cold War was at its coldest. A few years 3 Purple
in which all the author’s pet ideas are put into 4 Green
practice, and everything he dislikes is eliminated. later Frederick Pohl warned about unconstrained
5 Yellow/Gold
(Or everything she dislikes: feminist utopias are consumerism in The Midas Plague, and a couple of 6 Silver/White
a particularly enduring subset.) Once all that is decades after that the big problem was overpopu-
done, the result is an ideal society. lation in the film Soylent Green. Other dystopias
Ideal societies have an unfortunate tendency retain their appeal: fundamentalist right-wing
to be static and unchanging, because there’s no way dictatorships in America are a perennial favorite,
to improve on perfection. In a roleplaying game from Robert Heinlein’s Revolt In 2100 to Margaret
they are rather unsatisfying places for adventures, Atwood’s The Handmaiden’s Tale. In many ways,
since in a smoothly-running ideal society there the entire Cyberpunk subgenre could be regarded
aren’t all that many adventures to have. One way to as a dystopia reflecting fears over corporate power
have perfection and still go adventuring is to place (and greed) and the dehumanizing effects of tech-
the Utopia in danger from hostile outside forces nology.
who want to destroy it. Alternately, the inhabitants UTOPIA/DYSTOPIA STAR HERO CAMPAIGNS
of a Utopia may feel it’s their duty to spread the Star Hero campaigns focusing on utopias or
benefits of their ideal society to the outside world. dystopias are relatively rare; such places are better
Of course, one person’s ideal society is another’s to visit, for single game sessions or story arcs, than
living hell.
14 ■ Starships, Spacemen, And Bug-Eyed Aliens: The Science Fiction Genre HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
AS GOOD they are to live in. Games permanently focused on bowcaster), and the laser- or plasma-based weapons
AS IT GETS? such settings usually feature Competent Normal or found in many stories. For more information about
Standard Heroic PCs (50-75 Base Points + 50-75 different types of blasters and how to build them in
For a slightly more Disadvantages). However, utopian characters may HERO System terms, see pages 55, 150-53.
grown-up approach, be much more powerful, even Superheroic, because
instead of a dystopia their societies have unlocked the secrets of psionics,
being the result of immortality, superhuman abilities, or what have you. The idea of creating a carbon-copy of a living
Evil Overlords or the being is not a new one, but it’s seen new life in sci-
triumph of a political ence fiction in recent decades with the advance
party the GM didn’t vote
for, what if the dysto-
SCIENCE FICTION of Human genetic science. Now that doctors can
viably clone advanced mammals, and some talk
pia is the best anyone
can manage in a tough
ELEMENTS AND FEATURES about cloning Humans, the concept has even more
No matter what the subgenre, certain elements relevance for Star Hero campaigns. A character
situation? Real-world
examples of this are all and features — or “bits,” in gamer parlance — occur could create a clone of himself or another person
too common: Rome from setting to setting in science fiction. Here’s a for many purposes: artificial immortality (sur-
during the decline of brief review of some of the most important ones. geons transplant the character’s brain from healthy
the Roman Empire was body to health body over the centuries); crime (the
a pretty oppressive and ALIENS character fakes his own death, or creates an alibi,
dystopian place, but Although sentient species from worlds other using the clone); trade (a Human with special abili-
all attempts at reform than Earth aren’t required for science fiction — some ties might be duplicated as an item of commerce, or
were futile, the barbar- a dissolute species might create custom-designed
classics, such as Dune, feature no aliens at all — they
ians kept coming over sex-slaves for sale); or warfare (armies of cloned
the border, and heavy- exist in most science fiction settings. They range
from species identical to Humans in all but superfi- soldiers solve all your recruiting problems). See
handed Emperors were
about the only alterna- cial ways (odd bumps or ridges on the head, unusual page 54 for more on creating clones in the HERO
tive to anarchy. And skin tones, weird alien customs), to species so dif- System.
when the Empire finally ferent from Life As We Know It that Humans can COMPUTERS
did fall, the ensuing barely relate to or interact with them (energy beings,
centuries of darkness psionic life-forms, silicon-bodied aliens). Computers — thinking and calculating
weren’t any better. Some SF settings feature only one or two alien machines — have been a feature of science fiction
species; others, including most Space Opera uni- from the genre’s earliest days. From the helpful
Putting the characters verses, feature hundreds or thousands of them. In ship’s computer of Star Trek, to the dangerously
in a dystopia which can’t either case, their purpose in the story is often to unbalanced ship’s computer HAL in 2001: A Space
really be fixed sounds Odyssey, to tiny computers built into characters’
provide the author with a chance to comment on
like a recipe for a pretty clothing, SF writers have explored how computers
depressing campaign, “the Human condition,” or to cast some Human
custom into stark relief by comparing and constrast- and people might interact in the future. Given their
but there’s still scope for prevalence in twenty-first century Earth society,
individual heroism and ing it with alien practices. In Star Hero campaigns,
alien species provide players with the chance to try computers have become an even more common,
small-scale victories.
You may not be able to something different, and to dive into some unusual and powerful feature of the genre; some subgenres,
overthrow the Over- roleplaying experiences. such as Cyberpunk, can’t really exist without com-
lords, but you can keep For more on creating aliens and alien civiliza- puter as a plot element.
one person from falling tions, and the roles they play in Star Hero stories, see In the HERO System, characters build comput-
into the hands of the Chapter Six. ers using the rules on pages 459-61 of the HERO
Secret Police, or possibly System 5th Edition, Revised rulebook. Page 163 of
bring about the down- BIG DUMB OBJECTS this book has further information, and also con-
fall of a corrupt official. tains several sample computers for starships and
“Big dumb object” is a genre term for gigan-
Characters who are space stations at the end of Chapter Eight.
servants of the regime tic artifacts found in space or on planets. The best
can try to maintain their known examples include the Ringworld (depicted in GALACTIC EMPIRES
own decency in a grim Larry Niven’s novel of the same name) and Dyson
spheres, but plenty of others exist. They’re a staple of In many science fiction settings, particularly
Planetary Romance and some Space Opera settings; Space Operas, the dominant (or a dominant) form
they’re perfect for exploration-oriented adventures. of government is the “galactic empire” — a large
For more information on them, see pages 11, 95, and entity spanning multiple star systems (or even gal-
206. axies), and typically ruled over by a single Emperor,
tyrant, Senate, Council, or other person/institution.
BLASTERS First featured prominently in Isaac Asimov’s Foun-
If you’re in a setting with advanced technol- dation novels, the galactic empire has become a
ogy, what fun is it to shoot at people using weapons feature of many SF stories. It may not always be an
based on gunpowder and bullets? It’s a lot more empire, exactly — the Federation of Star Trek isn’t
in tune with the genre to use an energy pistol that one — but any large, multi-stellar government usu-
fires a brightly-colored bolt of energy. Generically ally fits this theme. See pages 131 and 289 for more
known as “blasters” (or, in earlier SF, “ray guns” or information.
“death rays”), these weapons crop up, in an infin- GENERATION SHIPS
ity of shapes, sizes, and explanations, in most sci-
ence fiction settings. Examples include the phasers Writers unwilling to invent FTL flight (or
of Star Trek, Han Solo’s blaster (and Chewbacca’s similar rubber science methods of rapid travel) for
their settings still need a way to get Humans off
Star Hero ■ Chapter One 15

Earth and out to new planets where they can meet

aliens and have adventures — even though the
trip would take many Human lifetimes. In some
cases, travelers use suspended animation, but a
more interesting device is the generation ship, a
vessel large enough, and properly equipped, to
house multiple generations of Humans as they
live, have children, and die en route to their ulti-
mate destination.
Stories involving generation ships usually
go one of two ways. First, the story can focus on
the ship itself — life aboard it, things it encoun-
ters, how people react to the end of the journey.
Second, it can feature an FTL ship (often one
invented by the same species that launched the
generation ship centuries ago) discovering the
generation ship, and what happens thereafter.
Either situation would make for a fascinating Star
Hero campaign or adventure.
For more on generation ships, see page 190.
In many SF universes and stories, there’s at
least one species — often an insectile one — with
a “hive mind” that psionically links all members of
the species. This has some decided benefits (such
as instantaneous communication and sharing of
knowledge), but also some drawbacks (“individu-
als” treated as disposal elements of the greater
“overmind”). Often hive mind characters appear
in stories dealing with issues of free will and self-
In HERO System terms, hive mind species
typically have Mind Link with each other, bought
to cover interstellar distances. An occasional vari-
ant is a species built as a single individual with In lots of science fiction settings, there’s
massive amounts of Duplication. a planet... or two... or three serving as “resort
worlds” — the ultimate vacation destination.
HYPERSPACE Devoted to a non-stop sybaritic lifestyle, these
Rather than trying to distort science too worlds exist only to please vacationing tourists
much by making physical FTL travel possible, with whatever their hearts desire. In darker SF
some science fiction writers create an alternate settings, “vacation” activities on these planets often
dimension, hyperspace, that starships can enter turn out to be immoral or illegal, but some are just
and travel through at faster-than-light velocities. for good-hearted fun. Inevitably, though, when
In some cases, hyperspace lets physical objects Our Heroes arrive, they discover there’s trouble in
achieve FTL speeds impossible in normal space; in paradise, and they have to put a stop to it.
other cases, it acts as a “shortcut” that allows rapid
journeys from star to star. For more on hyper-
space travel, see page 192. The powers of the mind have fascinated
SF writers for decades, and they exert a similar
THE ORIGIN OF HUMANKIND attraction on gamers. Some science fiction set-
Many science fiction stories have dealt with, tings feature low-powered but intriguing mental
directly or indirectly, the question of mankind’s abilities (like Gil Hamilton’s telekinetic “arm” in
origin. The movie 2001: A Space Odyssey touches Niven’s short stories); in others, such as E.E. “Doc”
on this theme somewhat; so do some parts of Smith’s “Lensman” stories, characters have mental
Larry Niven’s “Known World” cycle, and some epi- powers capable of laying waste planets and galax-
sodes of Star Trek. In these stories, it often turns ies. See Chapter Ten for more about psionics in
out that an Elder Civilization (page 122) jump- Star Hero.
started Humanity, or made sure it was invested
with intelligence, or carried its genetic material to
other worlds (thus explaining why Humans meet From the humanoid mechanical men of
other Humans in other star systems). The “deep Asimov’s Robot series of novels, to the oddly-
mystery” of how Humanity evolved the way it did shaped droids of Star Wars, robots (and the more
makes an excellent background element for a Star Human-appearing androids) have been a feature
Hero campaign. of science fiction since its earliest days. Sometimes
they’re valuable helpers, sometimes deadly ene-
16 ■ Starships, Spacemen, And Bug-Eyed Aliens: The Science Fiction Genre HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
mies, and in a few cases they even gain sentience SCIENTISTS
and become heroes. In the HERO System, they’re Where science (or psuedo-science) is impor-
typically built using the Automaton rules; see page tant to the story, there you’ll often find scientists
165 of this book, and pages 206-10 of the HERO (or their close cousins, technicians and engineers).
System Bestiary, for more information and some Well-versed in the scientific principles important
examples. to the story, they’re of vital importance when
ROGUES someone’s starship breaks down, the motives of
the blood-consuming alien creature need to be
Many SF stories feature at least one “rogue”
deduced, an alien plague ravages a planet, or char-
character — a fellow who’s often in trouble with
acters want to explore a black hole safely.
the law, and sometimes an outright criminal, but
nevertheless has a heart of gold and “does the right SPACE STATIONS AND STARSHIPS
thing” when it’s necessary. Harry Mudd, Han Solo, As common in SF as aliens, if not more so,
and Harry Harrison’s “Stainless Steel Rat” all fit this space stations (and their mobile counterparts, star-
mold, along with hundreds of other characters. See ships) are what allow characters to live, breathe,
Chapter Two for suggestions on how to build such and travel in the dangerous depths of outer space.
characters. In many Star Hero campaigns, the characters’ star-
RUBBER SCIENCE ship or home starbase is as much an NPC as any
shopkeeper or mercenary; it has its own personal-
“Rubber science” is a general term for the
ity, pecadilloes, and way of impacting the story. See
scientific impossibilities that occur frequently in
Chapter Eight for more information.
SF (particularly Space Opera). In many cases, the
characters and story matter more than strict sci- TERRAFORMING
entific or technical accuracy; much of what occurs Terraforming is the process by which Humans
in SF novels and television shows is not physically make an uninhabitable planet suitable for Human
possible (as early twenty-first century Humans life. (Of course, aliens can do the same thing, but
understand “possible,” anyway). If necessary, a the results of “xenoforming” a planet may not be
writer can blithely ignore Science, or develop some the same, if the aliens have highly different physi-
pseudo-scientific principles to explain how things ologies from Humans.) Realistically, it takes cen-
work, and get on with the business of telling a good turies of extraordinary effort, but in Space Opera
story. See Chapter Seven for more information and settings it may be quite easy. See page 87 for more
examples. information.
While some SF settings don’t allow time
travel at all, others feature it frequently, and
some science fiction story cycles depend on
it as their central enabling device. Journeying
back and forth through time raises so many
interesting issues, and creates so many bizarre
questions, that Star Hero GMs willing to put
in a little effort can get a lot of game mileage
out of the concept. See above and Chapter
Nine for more information.
Travel, and the related concept of explo-
ration, is a major element in many science
fiction universes. Space itself, as Star Trek
reminds us, is “the final frontier” — the one
domain that it’s impossible to ever become
totally familiar with. There’s always a strange
new realm to go to, right beyond the next star
system, and many characters can’t resist the
lure of the open “road.”
Star Hero ■ Chapter One 17

hile most science fiction stories fit, sticking to it with relentless tenacity. However, play- ANOTHER SOURCE
broadly speaking, into the meta-genre ers sometimes resent discovering that they’re the OF INSPIRATION
of “action-adventure,” they don’t all fall guys. If they know it’s a comedy, they may be
come from that mold. In the past cen- able to relax and enjoy seeing their characters in Pages 35-43 of Cham-
tury writers and filmmakers have blended science a fix. More competitive gamers may have trouble pions contain advice on
fiction with just about every other mood and theme with the idea of not “winning” the adventure. One applying meta-genres to
possible in fiction. Some of the crossovers are natu- principle to remember is that in a comedy, every- superhero campaigns.
rals, others are difficult to pull off with a straight thing comes out all right in the end. Fate may con- Much of that advice is
general, and could cer-
face. spire against the characters, they may be frustrated
tainly work in Star Hero
at every turn, but nobody gets hurt by anything campaigns as well.
worse than a pie in the face.
Science Fiction and comedy have had an
uneasy partnership. The clichés and earnest tone
of SF make it a natural target for parody or self- Horror and science fiction grew up as genres
parody, as in Douglas Adams’s Hitchiker’s Guide To side by side in Victorian novels and pulps like
The Galaxy series or the cartoon “Duck Dodgers in Weird Tales, so it’s natural for them to borrow from
the 24½th Century.” There is a whole subgenre of each other. Frankenstein is an early classic of both
SF stories which are nothing but elaborate setups SF and horror. The “Aliens” series of movies is one
for excruciating puns. But funny SF is possible, and of the best modern examples of SF horror, and the
stories can be both good comedy and good science genre staple 2001: A Space Odyssey also has impor-
fiction. Examples include the Buck Godot comics tant horror elements.
series, novels like Connie Willis’s Bellwether or the The great advantage to blending the two is that
Hoka series by Poul Anderson and Gordon Dick- science fiction allows you to deploy horror ele-
son, and films like Men In Black. ments which don’t rely on the supernatural. Instead
The simplest way to do SF comedy is to parody of ghosts and vampires you can use alien monsters,
the genre, with silly aliens who look like food dehumanizing brain implants, or predatory cyber-
or cartoon characters, items like the “Kill-o-Zap space entities. The greater realism possible makes
Gun,” and civilization threatened by shortages of it easier to believe in the horrors, and that makes
the shaving-cream atom. This can be very funny them scarier.
and entertaining if done right. But it can get old It’s possible to run a relatively “straight” horror
quickly. One game session spent chasing around adventure in a science fiction setting: a mad slasher
the Planet of the Prune People with phasers set to lurking aboard a deserted starship is just as scary as
“fricasee” is entertaining, but by the second or third one in a castle or a college dorm. But science fic-
game the amusement value of funny names and tion also supplies some elements which amp up the
mocking the conventions of the genre gets thin. horror. If the characters are stuck aboard a space-
A more enduring form of science fiction ship floating in empty space, they can’t flee what-
comedy uses the possibilities of the SF genre to ever evil is stalking them. If they’re wanderers in a
create comic situations and characters. This is post-apocalyptic wasteland, there are no police to
somewhat more difficult than parody, but it has call when horror strikes. The sense of isolation and
more shelf life. Eric Frank Russell’s Hugo-winning (at least partial) helplessness which is so important
story “Allamagoosa” is a good guide: while prepar- to a good horror story is easy to achieve in many SF
ing for an inspection, the crew of a spaceship pains- environments.
takingly goes down the inventory of components However, there’s a countervailing difficulty:
to make sure everything is in order, but discovers the tools and weapons available to the heroes make
one item on the list which nobody can remember them hard to frighten. When you’re packing a
or find. Their increasingly desperate efforts to find plasma rifle and have a belt pouch full of regenera-
the device or account for its absence are the source tion pills, what’s so scary about a werewolf? When a
of the humor in the story, since everything they do character can cross the galaxy in a day or two, how
just makes the situation worse. isolated can he really be?
It’s remarkably easy to do the same thing in a There are two useful approaches to making
roleplaying game, since gamers have a real talent science fiction horror genuinely scary. First, deprive
for picking the wrong course of action and then the heroes of their ultra-tech toys and make them
18 ■ Starships, Spacemen, And Bug-Eyed Aliens: The Science Fiction Genre HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
ROMANTIC COMEDY rely on their own wits. (The film Aliens is a great superhuman AIs help out with police work, other
example of this, as all the Colonial Marines’s super- super-smart computers could be planning or even
Comedy is all about weapons and vehicles are either rendered useless committing crimes.
making people act by the situation, or get broken or lost.) The more
ridiculous, and through the characters (and their players) have come to rely
all of Human history on gadgetry, the more uneasy they’ll be without ROMANCE
the most reliable way to it. Taking away the toys can be as complicated as
do this is to make them Science fiction and romance have had an uneasy
a series of accidents and equipment failures, or
fall in love. Romantic relationship for decades. Until the 1960s, the primary
as simple as starting the adventure in a situation
attraction dissolves readership of SF was young men, and relationships
which doesn’t call for much in the way of equip-
dignity and restraint, were seen as so much “mushy stuff.” An SF hero might
makes people absurdly ment: a vacation or an undercover mission.
be in love with the mad scientist’s beautiful daughter,
sensitive and insecure, The second approach is to make the horrors
but a quick kiss before doing battle with the Lava Men
and puts one’s ego and immune to super-tech weaponry. Maybe they don’t
was about all the reader saw of their relationship. At
happiness entirely at have physical bodies to blow apart, or maybe they
the same time, however, Science Fiction and its twin
the mercy of another can regenerate any amount of damage. However
person. In fact, the Fantasy were both part of a strongly romantic stream
you justify it, a monster who keeps coming despite
ancient Greeks defined of popular fiction. Characters were motivated by love,
a barrage of laser bolts is pretty scary, especially to
a play as a comedy if it even if the readers didn’t want to read about it.
characters who prefer to solve their problems with
ended with a marriage Changes in the readership and the general cul-
gunplay. Jack Vance’s short story “Three-Legged
(tragedies ended with a ture encouraged a change in treatments of romance
Joe” provides a perfect example of an indestructible
funeral). and sexuality in SF, particularly during the 1970s.
monster the characters have to defeat with their
Writers began to explore “adult” themes, more explicit
intelligence, rather than their weaponry.
Romantic comedy in sexual situations began to appear in stories, and the
a science fiction set- genre approached the final taboo: realistic depictions
ting allows a consider-
ably broader range of MYSTERY of relationships.
In SF roleplaying, much the same has happened,
potential partners fall-
Detective stories were another pulp perennial, compressed into a shorter timespan: the hobby went
ing in and out of love:
Humans, aliens, robots, but actual science fiction mystery stories are surpris- from all-male to something approaching an even mix,
clones, artificial intel- ingly rare. The reason is that the story must work both and recent games have paid more attention to rela-
ligences, androids, time as science fiction and as a plausible mystery, which tionships among characters and NPCs in play. A Star
travelers, immortals, can be difficult to pull off. Isaac Asimov managed it HERO campaign can center on love and romance in a
and many others. Sci- in several stories, as did Larry Niven. In a roleplaying variety of settings — if the players are interested.
ence fiction also creates campaign the players have enough time to get familiar Science fiction romance opens up an intriguing
loads of potential new with the setting and the way the world works, which possibility: interspecies romance. Can a Human find
complications. Char- means SF mysteries become quite possible. love with an alien? In Planetary Romance and Space
acters falling in love Another problem with creating science fictional Opera SF, the answer is usually yes, since the aliens
in a virtual environ-
mysteries is the rapid advance of crime-solving tend to be very Human-like anyhow. (Or at least the
ment may not like each
other in the real world; technology. Present-day police can deploy tools like species learn to inquire about such things, as with
someone falling in love DNA analysis, face-recognition software, cell-phone the discussions of rishathra among the inhabitant’s
with one member of a eavesdropping, computer databases, psychological of Niven’s Ringworld.) But what about Hard SF
group of identical clones profiling, and long-range listening devices. A futuristic settings? It’s one thing to fall in love with a green-
could be unable to tell setting could add even more powerful technologies skinned girl dressed in filmy chiffon, but what if the
which is the right one; like nanotech forensic robots, telepathic cops, and “girl” looks like a cross between a spider and a squid?
Humans and aliens superhumanly intelligent computers. The existence of Science fiction writers still have mixed feelings about
in love may be frus- such tools makes it very difficult for a criminal to hide such relationships: are they abhorrent and dehu-
trated by incompatible his traces, and in game terms it makes solving a crime manizing, or noble and enlightened? Issues like this
reproductive systems;
little more than a series of technical Skill Rolls. are perfectly suited for exploration in Star Hero.
advances in biochemis-
try could make genuine The GM can constrain the power of crime-solv-
ing tools somewhat with laws and regulations: judges
“love potions” available
at every drugstore. A may refuse to grant permission for high-tech eaves- SATIRE AND SOCIAL
clever GM can get a lot
of story mileage out of
dropping, and criminals are already getting cagey
about letting the authorities take genetic samples. COMMENTARY
such circumstances. Strict rules may limit when psionic detectives may use Writers have been using science fiction to
their powers, or perhaps psionic evidence isn’t admis- comment on contemporary society ever since Plato
sible in court. invented Atlantis. Gamemasters can follow in this
Crooks are also good at coming up with ways tradition and use SF adventures to air their own
to block or trick forensic technology. If nanobots can opinions on the way the world should be. By exag-
gather up skin cells from the crime scene to trace the gerating a trend or taking something to its logical
culprit’s DNA, clever criminals could either deploy conclusion, one can see potential flaws. If equality
their own nanobots to scour the area clean, or else is good, should society use genetic engineering and
confuse the issue by scattering samples of DNA from brain surgery to make everyone exactly alike? If
dozens of other people at the site. If the cops can use large corporations are growing ever bigger and more
psionics, the crooks can hire rogue telepaths to read powerful, a future world might show everything sub-
the minds of the detectives (and the crooks aren’t ordinated to the Bottom Line. Freedom is good, but
going to be worried about privacy regulations). If is complete anarchy really better than living under
Star Hero ■ Chapter One 19

laws? These are all issues which can be examined in

There are a couple of pitfalls to be avoided
when doing this. The first is simply that the players Tragedies tend to be one-shots: Hamlet comes home,
plots to avenge his father, and the stage is littered
may not share the GM’s views. His brilliant satire
with bodies. Not much sequel potential. Roleplaying
on feminism may strike one of the players as noth- games are usually ongoing campaigns. How to recon-
ing but piggishness, while her nightmarish world of cile the two? There are three ways.
capitalism run wild might be another player’s utopia.
The first is to go ahead and kill off the tragic hero.
The second issue is that a certain deftness of touch
Characters die in games. The player can create a new
is required if the game is not to degenerate into a one — possibly a vengeance-obsessed brother with
series of Ham-Fisted Moral Tales. The TV series The his own tragic fate awaiting him.
Twilight Zone often skated on the edge of this preci-
The second is to recall that being destroyed by fate
pice, and sometimes went right over. Characters can
and being killed are not the same thing. A tragic hero
espouse a view you dislike without being caricatures, could be financially ruined, lose his loved ones, or see
and people have reasons (however flawed) for doing his home planet blown to bits, and still live on, embit-
things you don’t approve of. tered and broken. The character of Athos in Dumas’s
The Three Musketeers is a man who has lived through
a tragedy.
TRAGEDY The final method is the “Rosencrantz and Guilden-
The flip side of comedy is tragedy. The tradi- stern” approach. In this the player characters aren’t
the heroes, but instead are working with an NPC who
tional tragic structure tells of a hero (or heroes)
is. This lets the GM send the tragic figure hurtling
doomed by some flaw, and ultimately destroyed by toward his doom without any worry about players
it. A hero’s tragic flaw can be anything — stubborn changing their minds or derailing the situation. How-
devotion to duty, impetuous action, over-caution, ever, players don’t much enjoy being spectators; the
even love for another. Sound familiar? Those are GM needs to give their characters plenty to do.
all character Disadvantages in the HERO System.
Creating a tragedy is simply a matter of setting up interesting possibilities for tragedy. Time travel, for
a situation in which a hero’s Disadvantages have example, can easily have all sorts of unintended nega-
dire consequences. Having done that, though, a real tive results, even if the characters use it carefully and
tragedy requires that the Gamemaster actually go with the best of intentions. Cultural or biological dif-
through with it. A tragic hero who cheats fate isn’t ferences may doom an interspecies romance from
a tragic hero at all. Being a tragic hero is all about the start. The PCs’ vastly powerful technology may
defying fate even as it overwhelms you. cause equally vast problems if they lose, misuse, or
The elements of science fiction open up some damage it.
20 ■ Starships, Spacemen, And Bug-Eyed Aliens: The Science Fiction Genre HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION


S Dark Champions
THE HERO cience fiction is a broad genre, with almost
UNIVERSE limitless possibilities for storytelling. One
of those possibilities is the mixing of SF The stereotypical Dark Champions grim
In this section, and with other genres, such as fantasy, super- vigilante may not have much place in most SF
elsewhere throughout heroes, or westerns. This ranges from strangely settings, but the Danger International subgenre
this book, the text refers anachronistic planets, to time-traveling SF charac- — espionage and intrigue — is definitely an
to the Hero Universe. ters getting stuck in the past, to using the elements appropriate one to cross with SF. Call it Danger
The Hero Universe is of another genre in an SF setting... and beyond. Interstellar.
a “meta-setting” that Spy stories and science fiction blend seam-
joins together most
lessly into one another. Often the distinction
of the published set- Champions between an espionage “technothriller” and near-
tings produced (or to
be produced) by Hero Superheroes are often ostensibly science fic- future or cyberpunk SF is nothing more than a
Games, thus creating tion characters. Except where a hero’s powers matter of marketing. Certainly James Bond has
a continuum of events explicitly derive from magic, superheroes gener- spent an awful lot of his career facing villains with
and a level of interac- ally have a “rubber science” or “technobabble” secret bases and superweapons straight out of sci-
tion between characters explanation for how they got their abilities. In ence fiction. The crossover goes the other way, too:
not otherwise possible. comic books, Superman is an extraterrestrial, the Poul Anderson’s Ensign Flandry, Harry Harrison’s
If you’d like to learn Slippery Jim DiGriz, and Robert Heinlein’s Friday
X-Men are mutants, Iron Man has a high-tech
more, you can down- accomplish feats of espionage and deception
load the Hero Universe battlesuit, and Plastic Man’s powers come from
exposure to chemicals. which Mr. Bond would surely have approved of.
document from the
“Free Stuff ” webpage at You can use the weapons and equipment Crossing Star Hero with Danger International
www.herogames.com. described in Star Hero to outfit a high-tech super- can simply be a matter of setting the campaign
hero operating in a contemporary Champions a few decades in the future. This lets the game-
campaign (paying the appropriate point cost for master rearrange international politics without
EVERYONE’S A the powers they confer, of course). An alien or worrying about next week’s headlines, and allows
SUPERHERO time-traveler with off-the-shelf supertech equip- the agents to visit Earth orbit or even Mars. Most
ment could be quite effective as a crimefighter of the weapons and gadgets are present-day tech,
If an ordinary soldier (or supervillain) in the present (witness Captain but a few next-generation prototypes like chemi-
or policeman in the Chronos from Conquerors, Killers, And Crooks). cal laser rifles or remotely piloted combat vehicles
twenty-fifth century Some aliens may have superpowers themselves, can liven things up.
has equipment which either as the result of the same sorts of origins On the other hand, the GM can take things
makes him the equal of Human superheroes experience, or because the a step further, setting his “great game” of spycraft
a present-day superhero, alien’s species naturally possesses some sort of and assassination in the distant future. This pres-
what do the heroes in ents some of the same problems as crimefighting
ability that makes him “superhuman.” The Malvan
that setting have? Is — high-tech gadgetry may make some forms of
there much point in gladiators of the Champions Universe are an
example of this. spying too easy, or too difficult, which spoils the
being able to fly and
project bolts of energy Of course, superheroes often get out into fun. The campaign may need to fall back on the
when anyone with a few space themselves. Whether they’re foiling an Human (alien?) element, with scenarios which
credits to spare can buy alien invasion, rescuing a Dependent kidnapped focus on the characters’ ability to gather informa-
an antigravity pack and by intergalactic slavers, or just test-driving a tion on their own, without spy-tech.
a blaster gun? Superhe- gadgeteer’s starship, characters from a Champions
roes in a high-tech set-
ting do face the problem
campaign sometimes visit other planets and meet
exotic aliens. It’s even possible to run a relatively
Fantasy Hero
that their powers may
straight superheroic campaign in an interstellar Other than the equipment list and the scope
not give them much
of an advantage over setting. The Galactic Champions setting in the of the typical campaign, the main difference
the off-the-shelf items Hero Universe involves superheroes who right between Fantasy Hero characters and Star Hero
available to ordinary wrongs and battle evildoers across the galaxy. In adventurers is the existence of magic. Gamemas-
citizens. If those normal comic books the Legion of Superheroes and the ters who want to run a crossover adventure have
folk have cybernetic Green Lantern Corps have similar duties, and the to decide what role magic plays in the Star Hero
implants and are Lensmen of Doc Smith’s pulp epics were certainly universe. Does it work at all? Does it only work
genetically improved, as powerful as any caped hero. on some planets? The official Hero Universe
or are aliens with innate assumes the background magic level of the Earth
powers of their own, the
(and most of Earth’s Universe/reality) changes
Continued on next page over time, going from high in the age of Atlantis to
Star Hero ■ Chapter One 21

low in the Cyberpunk era, and not reviving until Going the other way, science fiction can creep Continued from last page
the Galactic Champions period. Other planets may into Western adventures via the “steampunk” route. superhero is just a guy
be washed by different mystic tides and currents, so Remember, Jules Verne set his fantastic adventures in who likes to wear capes.
that a high-magic world could exist in the middle of the 1860s and 1870s, the golden age of the gunslinger.
a high-technology space empire. And of course, the Perhaps a group of heroic cowpokes could run afoul One way around this
Hero Universe is but one perspective on this issue. It’s of a mad inventor and his amazing steampunk gad- problem is to encourage
easy to envision a setting where fantasy spells and sci- gets, or find themselves acting as Earth’s first line of players to design supers
ence fiction starships merge into an intriguing blend; defense against an alien invasion (as in the amazing with powers that aren’t
the only question is how much the GM wants of each. story “Night of the Cooters,” by Howard Waldrop). easily duplicated by
A planet of mages would be an interesting place One of the most common time travel/alternate technology. Superpow-
for space explorers to visit. Imagine the surprise of history changepoints is the American Civil War, ers like Growth, Stretch-
the heroes when the locals respond to laser fire with which overlaps considerably with the classic period of ing, Desolidification, or
Mental Powers are all
fireball spells! This can be amusing even if the mages Western adventures. Time Police may have to prevent
are actually fakers, doing a “Wizard of Oz” con game Confederate sympathizers from smuggling machine-
using hidden technology or psionic powers to make it guns or death rays to Robert E. Lee’s troops, or else
Another solution is to
appear they can command magic. an alternate history campaign might involve cowboy embrace the problem
Or turn it around and send a group of fantasy adventures as the Union and its rival Confederacy and run with it. The
characters out to explore strange new worlds. This struggle for control of the West. comic series Top Ten, by
assumes magic isn’t limited to just one planet, since Alan Moore, examines
otherwise a magical spaceship won’t get very far. A the problems of super-
whole starfaring magical civilization might exist, with Other Eras heroes working as cops
Fantasy Hero spells instead of Star Hero technology. in a city where everyone
The Victorian period is the home time for
Finally, the GM can just pour it all into the from bum to mayor is
Steampunk science fiction, discussed above. The also super-powered.
blender at once. Characters can use magic spells, Classical era of Greece and Rome is a natural desti- Fighting crime is easy
psionic powers, mutant abilities, or technologi- nation for time travellers, or else might survive the when you can shrug off
cal tools, all at once. Distinctions among them are onslaught of the barbarians in an alternate history, the bad guys’ bullets;
just a matter of vocabulary. The Galactic Emperor’s with laser-armed legions bearing the Imperial Eagles when they have blasters
starships carry scrying-mages and are guarded by to the stars. Shorn of its fantasy trappings, the real- it becomes a dangerous
powerful enchantments, cyber-wizards jack into historical Middle Ages could be an interesting time job. Isn’t doing a danger-
the Hypernet to cast spells in virtual reality, dragons for SF adventures — either full-bore Space Opera ous job what being a
carry blaster-armed riders into battle against psionic as knights battle alien invaders and fight as mer- hero is all about?
demon-cyborgs, and stealthy thieves use suction cenaries on distant worlds, or genuine Hard SF in
boots and gravitic lockpicks along with a Potion of the days when science itself was in its infancy.
Insubstantiality when they try to steal the Soulgem
from a wizard’s orbital fortress.

Pulp Hero
Since science fiction came out of the pulps,
drawing a distinction between it and pulp adventure
seems kind of arbitrary. Most pulp campaigns are
likely to have at least a dose of Weird Science and fan-
tastic inventions. But even the most hard SF campaign
can benefit from an infusion of pulpish vitality and
pacing. If the heroes spend too much time finessing
the interstellar trade system or upgrading their cyber-
ware, toss in a sneering, double-dyed pulp villain with
a beautiful-but-deadly daughter, a lair full of death-
traps and exotic creatures, and a Sinister Plan.

Western Hero
An old criticism of some pulp science fiction was
that it was nothing but “westerns in space.” An enter-
prising GM can make the most of that by playing up
the similarities. Almost any interstellar campaign is
likely to have remote frontier worlds where the only
law is a titanium star and a blaster. The Western ideal
is such a powerful archetype in American culture that
space colonists may well try to create a society based
on a real or imaginary version of the Old West. For
a completely over-the-top campaign, give the heroes
six-shot lasers and robot horses when they try to
clean up a lawless sector of space.
22 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

haracters in science fiction ments you should consider when cre-
adventures come in a variety of ating a Star Hero character — species,
types and shapes: aliens, cyborgs, environment, profession, and more
mutants, gene-modified animals, — and describes how to simulate them
androids, telepaths, and robots. in HERO System terms.
And maybe a normal Human or two.
This chapter discusses the various ele-
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 23

n a star-spanning campaign, players may want ANDROID PACKAGE DEAL
to create characters from a variety of non- A character with this Package Deal is an
Human species. Even if the PCs are all Human, incredibly sophisticated android or robot. Though
the GM may still wish to create alien foes. clearly a “manufactured” sentient being, the char-
Individual GMs must decide for themselves acter is advanced enough to interact normally with
whether to allow players to create their own alien other people. His systems are so high-tech that he
species. In a setting with only a few starfaring spe- takes damage like other characters (loss of STUN
cies, it’s probably best for the GM to define all the represents systems being knocked offline temporar-
alien types and let players choose from that menu ily, expenditure of END represents strain on his
of possibilities. If the campaign is wide-ranging and internal power sources, and so forth). The character
includes hundreds of different species, then GMs also needs the Fringe Benefit Free Robot (page 50)
may wish to allow players to do some of the work, in some settings.
creating their own exotic aliens to run as char- This Package assumes the character looks like
acters. (Of course, the GM should always review an android, and exists in a setting that restricts
player-created Package Deals, and can veto abusive androids’ civil rights (which most do). You can
alien designs, or ones which simply don’t fit in with easily remove those Disadvantages if you prefer.
the campaign’s universe.) For more information about robot and
Although each science fiction setting is differ- android characters, see page 165.
ent, with its own unusual aliens and locales, certain
archetypical species tend to occur throughout SF,
and particularly in science fiction RPGs. This sec- ANDROID PACKAGE DEAL
tion includes Package Deals not only for various Ability Cost
species, but which reflect the culture or unusual Android Form: Armor (6 PD/6 ED) 18
environment the character grew up in (or was Android Form: Life Support: Total 45
genetically designed to thrive in). Sensors: 20 points’ worth of Enhanced
Typically a character should only have one Senses of player’s choice 20
Species Package Deal, plus one Cultural Package Computer Memory: Eidetic Memory 5
Deal, and one Environment Package Deal, if those Onboard Computer Systems: Absolute Time
Sense, Bump Of Direction, Lightning
are appropriate and/or desired. However, a GM
Calculator, Universal Translator (INT Roll) 29
might allow a character to take more than one in
some cases. See also the Crossbreeds sidebar on Disadvantages Value
page 24. Distinctive Features: Android (Concealable
See Chapter Six for more information on cre- With Effort; Noticed And Recognizable) -10
ating alien species. Social Limitation: Android (restricted
civil rights, suffers from prejudice) (Very
Frequently, Minor) -15
SPECIES PACKAGE DEALS Total Cost Of Package: 92
These Package Deals represent common
types of alien species found in much SF. They’re all BOTANOID PACKAGE DEAL
presented “generically,” without reference to any A “botanoid” is a species of sentient plant.
particular setting or location, since Star Hero is not Although tough, and usually strong, they also
a setting book. You should consider making slight tend to be a little slower than other species. Some
changes to them to adapt them to your specific have the ability to communicate with other, non-
campaign, or to create alternate forms of the same sentient, plant species (though plants rarely have
general species. anything interesting to say), or other plant-based
There is no Human Package Deal, because powers.
Humans serve as the “baseline” from which other
species Packages are derived — the Package indi-
cates how the species in question is “better” or
“worse” than Humanity in some respects. Human
characters can, of course, take Cultural or Environ-
ment Package Deals (see below).
24 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
BOTANOID PACKAGE DEAL This Package Deal represents an alien com-
In science fiction set- posed primarily of energy, though not to the extent
Ability Cost
tings with lots of alien that it’s normally insubstantial or totally immune to
+3 STR 3
species, such as Star physical effects.
+1 PD 1
Trek, it’s not uncommon
Bark/Fibrous Skin: Damage Resistance
for sentient species to
crossbreed. The result- (3 PD/3 ED) 3 ENERGY BEING PACKAGE DEAL
Photosynthesis: Life Support (Diminished
ing hybrid offspring
Eating: only has to eat once per week) 1 Ability Cost
usually have some fea-
+5 DEX 15
tures of both species,
Disadvantages Value Energy Body: Physical and Energy Damage
often somewhat muted
-2 DEX -6 Reduction, Resistant, 25% 30
or altered to reflect
-2” Running -4 Energy Body: Energy Blast 4d6, Damage
their “diluted” genetic
Vulnerability: 1½x STUN from Fire Attacks -10 Shield (+½), Continuous (+1), Reduced
heritage. The character’s
Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½),
Everyman Skills, atti-
Total Cost Of Package: -12 Inherent (+¼), Personal Immunity (+¼);
tudes, and the like usu-
Always On (-½) 53
ally depend on which
Options Cost
homeworld he was
Plant Communication: Telepathy 6d6 (Plant Disadvantages Value
raised on; he may also
class of minds), Reduced Endurance (0 END; -3 STR -3
suffer from prejudice or
+½); No Range (-½), Communication -2 BODY -4
discrimination (possibly
Only (-¼) +26 Vulnerability: 1 ½ x STUN and BODY from
simulated with a Social
opposite energy type, or some similar attack
Limitation) if half- Spines: HKA ½d6, Continuous (+1), Damage
(Common) -20
breeds are scorned. Shield (+½), Inherent (+¼), Persistent (+½),
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Always On
Total Cost Of Package: 71
Since each crossbreed (-½), Activation Roll 14- (-½), No STR Bonus
is different, there’s no (-½) +15
Options Cost
Package Deal for them. Spore Projection: Energy Blast 3d6, NND Energysense: Detect Energy (INT Roll)
Instead, the player and (defense is Life Support [Self-Contained (Sight Group), Discriminatory, Analyze,
the GM should work Breathing]; +1); Limited Range (2”; -¼), Range, Sense +27
together to come up 3 Charges (-1 ¼) +12
with an appropriate Zap Touch: Energy Blast 6d6; No Range (-½),
Tendrils: Stretching 1”, Reduced Endurance
Package that com- Side Effect (character loses 1 BODY every
(0 END; +½); Always Direct (-¼), No
bines attributes from time he uses the power; -½) +15
Noncombat Stretching (-¼), No Velocity
the Packages for his
Damage (-¼) +4
parent species. In most
cases those attributes FELINOID PACKAGE DEAL
shouldn’t be as strong as CANINOID PACKAGE DEAL
Cat-people, such as Larry Niven’s Kzinti, are
in either parent species’s Caninoids are aliens who evolved from canine one of the most common types of aliens encoun-
Package. stock — wolves, dogs, hyenas, or the like. Wolf- tered in science fiction literature and gaming. This
humanoids are perhaps the most common in sci- Package Deal represents a sort of “average” felinoid,
ence fiction gaming, but they’re certainly not the one not tied to a particular type of cat. You can
only type possible. Caninoids tend to work well in easily create more specific Package Deals for lion-
groups (coming, as they do, from animals that live men, leopard-men, jaguar-men, ocelot-men, and so
in packs), and can be both tenacious and rapacious. forth by altering this Package slightly.


Ability Cost
+2 STR 2 Ability Cost
+1 DEX 3 +3 DEX 9
Running +2” 4 Claws: HKA ½d6 (plus STR); Reduced
Nightvision: 5 Penetration (-¼) 8
Canine Senses: +1 PER with all Sense Groups 3 Nightvision 5
Running +2” 4
Disadvantages Value Leaping +2” 2
Disadvantages Value
Total Cost Of Package: 17 -1 CON -2
-1 BODY -2

Total Cost Of Package: 24

Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 25


This Package Deal is for sentient species INSECTOID PACKAGE DEAL
descended from herd animals or other grazing
Ability Cost
creatures. Typically vegetarians, and often skit- +1 STR 1
tish, they are fast runners and surprisingly strong +1 DEX 3
— when angered, or frightened into a violent Chitinous Skin: Damage Resistance
response, they can be dangerous, especially if they (2 PD/2 ED) 2
retain horns or hooves. Insect Senses: +1 PER with Smell/Taste Group 2


-1 CON
Ability Cost -2 COM -1
+3 STR 3
+1 CON 2 Total Cost Of Package: 5
Running +3” 6
Herdfolk Senses: +1 PER with Smell/ Options Cost
Taste Group 2 Claws/Mandibles: HKA ½d6 (plus STR);
Reduced Penetration (-¼) +8
Disadvantages Value Faceted Eyes: Increased Arc Of Perception
-2 PRE -2 (360 Degrees) for Sight Group +10

Total Cost Of Package: 11 Hive Mind: Mind Link, any willing target, up
to 8 people at once; Only With Others Who
Option Cost Have Mind Link (-1) +15
Horns: HKA ½d6 (plus STR) +10 Multi-Limbed: Extra Limbs (as many as
Kick: HA +3d6; Hand-To-Hand Attack (-½) +10 desired), Inherent (+¼) +6


Reptilian aliens — snake-men, lizard-men, and
This Package Deal represents an ichthyoid the like — crop up in many different types of sci-
(fish-like) sentient humanoid species, perhaps one ence fiction stories; like felinoids, they seem to hold
native to a waterworld. Typically, ichthyoids define a particular appeal for gamers. This Package Deal
“water” as their normal environment for breathing; represents an “average” reptiloid, one easily custom-
they must take Life Support (Expanded Breathing: izable to suit particular reptile types or perspectives
air) to breathe normally in gaseous environments, on such species.
or wear special life support suits (a Dependence;
see page 62).
Ability Cost +2 STR 2
+2 DEX 6 +1 PD 1
Swimming +4” 4 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance (2 PD/2 ED) 2
Infrared Perception (Sight Group) 5 Running +1” 2
Swimming +1” 1
Disadvantages Value
None Disadvantages Value
Total Cost Of Package: 15
Total Cost Of Package: 8
Options Cost
Insectile species occur fairly frequently in sci- Claws: HKA ½d6 (plus STR); Reduced
ence fiction, often as villains or antagonists because Penetration (-¼) +8
of the Human reader’s instinctive loathing for
Supreme Climbing: Clinging (normal STR);
“bugs.” They range from multi-limbed (and often Requires A Climbing Roll (-½) +7
multi-fanged) monstrosities, to members of hive
mind species whose thinking is utterly alien to Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+¼); Limited
Manipulation (-¼) +5
Humans, to industrious laborers renowned across
the spiral arm for their diligence. Venomous Bite: HKA 1 point; No STR Bonus
(-½) (total cost: 3 points) plus RKA 2d6,
NND (defense is appropriate LS [Immunity];
+1), Does BODY (+1); No Range (-½), 2
Charges (-1 ½), HKA Must Do BODY (-½),
Extra Time (onset time begins 5 Minutes
after victim is bitten; -2), Gradual Effect (10
Minutes; 1d6/5 minutes; -¾), Linked (-¼)
(total cost: 14 points) +17
26 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Although life on Earth is based on carbon, in
a science fiction setting that doesn’t have to be the
case on every planet. Life could be based on other
elements. One of the most common “alternate
element” life-forms in SF is sentient beings with
silicon bodies — rock- or crystal-men, so to speak.
Although tough and strong, they also tend to be
slow and ponderous, and quite heavy.


Ability Cost
+3 STR 3
+3 CON 6
+2 BODY 4
+3 PD 3
+1 ED 1
Silicon Body: Damage Resistance (4 PD/4 ED) 4

Disadvantages Value
-2 DEX -6
Physical Limitation: Heavy (about four
times Human weight) (Frequently, Slightly
Impairing) -10

Total Cost Of Package: 5


Ursoids are aliens who resemble, in form if not
in general attitudes, the bears of Earth. Big, strong,
tough, and often known for their abilities as fight-
ers, they can be surprisingly gentle and philosophi-
cal in the right circumstances.
In some science fiction settings, shapeshifters
— beings with the ability to alter their forms —
exist. The Founders of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Ability Cost
are a good example. In most cases the ability to +5 STR 5
change shape is limited to other humanoid forms, +5 CON 10
but sometimes the beings can assume any shape +3 BODY 6
they wish. This Package Deal presents the more Tough Skin: Damage Resistance (1 PD/1 ED) 1
limited form of shapeshifting, but can easily be
Disadvantages Value
expanded by exchanging Shape Shift for Multiform.
Running -1” -2
Shapeshifters do not often enjoy the trust of
non-shifting aliens, who regard them with suspi- Total Cost Of Package: 20
cion and distrust. The Package Deal reflects this
with a Hunted, but you could substitute a Social Option Cost
Limitation, Reputation, or the like if you prefer. Claws/Fangs: HKA ½d6 (plus STR);
Reduced Penetration (-¼) +8
Roar: +10 PRE; Only For Fear/Intimidation-
SHAPESHIFTER PACKAGE DEAL Based PRE Attacks (-1), Incantations (-¼) +4


+2 DEX 6
Shapeshifting: Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing, Sentient humanoids with the ability to fly exist
Smell/Taste, and Touch Groups; any in many science fiction settings. They range from
humanoid form), Imitate 39 bird-men, to bat-men, to gargoyle- or demon-like
aliens. They tend to be light and relatively frag-
Disadvantages Value ile, and often come from low-gravity worlds. If
Hunted: local non-shifting authorities 11- giving a winged humanoid character Flight could
(Mo Pow, NCI, Watching) -15 potentially unbalance the game, substitute Gliding
Total Cost Of Package: 30
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 27


WINGED HUMANOID Many SF societies are characterized by ram-
pant levels of crime. They may be kleptocracies
PACKAGE DEAL (rule by thieves, or more accurately by organized
crime), or just worlds where anarchy reigns and
Ability Cost every person has to look out for himself. This
+2 DEX 6 Cultural Package Deal may also be appropriate
Wings: Flight 8”; Restrainable (-½) 11
for characters living in societies like Soviet Russia,
+3 PER with Sight Group 6
where one’s ability to interact with the black
Disadvantages Value market, and one’s contacts, are necessary to survive
-2 BODY -4 and thrive.

Total Cost Of Package: 19 CRIMINAL CULTURAL

+1 INT
+1 PRE 1
In science fiction, it’s not uncommon to find 6 points’ worth of Skills from the following list: 6
species that are overwhelmingly associated with Bribery, Climbing, Computer Programming,
a particular lifestyle, manner of interacting with Conversation, Forgery, Gambling, Lockpick-
others, or cultural stereotype. In some cases, it ing, Persuasion, Security Systems, Seduction,
may be appropriate to represent this with Cultural Sleight Of Hand, Stealth, Trading, any Back-
Package Deals, such as the ones described below. ground Skill
Cultural Package Deals should rarely, if ever, be WFs (2 points’ worth) 2
required; a player can always define his character as Contacts (4 points’ worth; player’s choice) 4
a rebel who flouted his species’s cultural trends and
Disadvantages Value
Total Cost Of Package: 14
Science fiction is filled with examples of spe-
cies renowned for their wisdom, learning, spiritual
strength, philosophical depth, and/or contempla- MERCANTILE CULTURE PACKAGE DEAL
tive natures. From the Vulcans and Bajorans of It’s not uncommon for some species in a sci-
Star Trek to the Minbari of Babylon 5, these species ence fiction setting to be depicted only with regard
often demonstrate to PCs from Earth just how to matters of trade and business. The Ferengi of
much potential the Human species has. Star Trek are the best-known example, but many
Though often peaceful, even pacifistic, Con- settings feature species who only seem to enter the
templative Species characters may be highly- story when there’s dealing to be done and profit to
trained fighters, versed in martial arts and other be made.
esoteric combat disciplines. They also often possess
psionic powers. They sometimes embrace logic
and scorn emotional behavior, which can have its MERCANTILE CULTURAL
benefits (Eidetic Memory, high Deduction rolls),
but also some drawbacks (inability to relate to emo- PACKAGE DEAL
tional species, as reflected by various Psychological
and Social Limitations). Ability Cost
Trading 3
6 points’ worth of Skills from the following list: 6
CONTEMPLATIVE CULTURAL Bureaucratics, Conversation, Electronics,
High Society, Oratory, Persuasion, Seduction,
PACKAGE DEAL Stealth, Streetwise, any Background Skill
Contacts (4 points’ worth; player’s choice) 4
Ability Cost
+3 INT 3 Disadvantages Value
+3 EGO 6 None
+3 PRE 3
Any four KSs or SSs at 11- each 8 Total Cost Of Package: 13

Disadvantages Value

Total Cost Of Package: 20

28 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

Even within a single species, people from dif-
ferent environments can show tremendous varia-
tion in appearance and abilities. On Earth, the
people of Peru and Tibet are more comfortable at
high altitude than people native to sea level, and the
Inuit are adapted to Arctic conditions. In the future,
we may see Humans shaped by other worlds, either
naturally or by sophisticated genetic engineering.
Sentient aliens could easily have the same intraspe-
cies diversity.
To represent these variations, characters can
take Environment Package Deals. The abilities pro-
vided by these Packages could come from heredity,
genetic engineering, accidental mutation, or many
other factors, but in general they reflect an adapta-
tion of a sentient being to a particular world or
environment (hence the name). Characters may
buy more than one Environment Package Deal
if they have a good explanation for doing so (for
example, a Heavyworlder could also be Psionic). If
an Environment Package Deal and Species Package
Deal provide the same abilities or Disadvantages,
the player and GM should decide together whether
to combine the abilities (to whatever degree), or to
replace one Package’s ability with something else to
Science fiction is rife with species best known HEAVYWORLDERS
The term “cyborg” refers for their abilities as warriors, such as the Klingons
to any combination of of Star Trek or the Kzinti of Larry Niven’s “Known Humans living on planets with heavy grav-
living and mechanical Space” stories. Usually tough, strong, and skilled ity are likely to be large and massively strong,
systems (in the Cyber- with a variety of weapons, members of warrior spe- simply to survive. Their strength may be the result
punk subgenre, the sys- of genetic modification, or the effect of living in
cies often embrace elaborate codes of honor that
tems are usually referred powerful gravity. Heavyworlders’s abilities keep
to as “cyberware”). The keep their societies from descending into eternal,
anarchistic warfare. Others care only about victory, them from suffering any particular disadvantages
Terminator in the movies in their home setting, but other members of their
is one example — a killer regardless of how they achieve it.
species recognize them as heavyworlders instantly,
robot clad in living flesh
— while television’s Six and often find their squat, over-muscled physiques
Million Dollar Man was WARRIOR CULTURAL unattractive, even dangerous. (Similarly, heavy-
a Human equipped with worlders may find ordinary members of their spe-
super-powered mechani- PACKAGE DEAL cies “petite” or “fragile,” and thus unappealing in
cal limbs. some ways.)
Ability Cost Heavyworlders require a lot of food to sup-
Many Star Hero cam- +3 STR 3 port their prodigious bodies, and when away from
paigns allow characters to +1 DEX 3
their homeworlds may be prone to accidentally
be cyborgs, since replac- +2 CON 4
+2 BODY 4
breaking ordinary objects that can’t withstand their
ing biological material weight and strength. Traditionally, heavyworlders
with technological coun- WFs (6 points’ worth) 6
and lightworlders don’t get along with each other
terparts not only expands
Disadvantages Value (much like the customary fantasy fiction antipathy
the characters’ capabili-
ties, but raises all sorts of Psychological Limitation appropriate to spe- between Dwarves and Elves).
interesting roleplaying cies (Code Of Honor, Belligerent, Hair-Trigger This Package assumes a native environment of
issues, such as “where Temper, or the like) -15 up to 2 G; for heavyworlders native to even higher-
does the man end and gravity worlds, add +5 STR per +1 G. See also pages
the machine begin?”. In Total Cost Of Package: 5 203 and 278.
some games (particularly
Cyber Hero campaigns), LIGHTWORLDERS
GMs let characters buy Just as Heavyworlders are adapted to high-
cyborg parts in-game gravity environments, Lightworlders are optimized
with money, regarding for planets with between 0.1 and 0.6 G. Humans
them as just another form living on the Moon, Mars, or the moons of Jupiter
Continued on next page and Saturn would all be Lightworlders. They tend
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 29

sides of their thick necks. Their eyes are large and Continued from last page
HEAVYWORLDER sensitive, so they normally use sunglasses or similar
protective eyewear on the surface. of equipment. In other
PACKAGE DEAL games, GMs require PCs
to spend Character Points
Ability Cost MERFOLK PACKAGE DEAL for their cyborg parts,
because they consider
+5 STR 5 them more like “super-
+3 CON 6 Ability Cost
Water-Breathing: Life Support (Expanded
powers” than equipment
+3 BODY 6 and want to control their
Heavy: Knockback Resistance -1” 2 Breathing: breathe underwater; Safe
Environments: High Pressure, Intense Cold) 8
prevalence and use.
High Gravity Training: Environmental
Movement (High-G) 1 Webbed Hands And Feet: Swimming +3” 3
Used To High G: Armor (2 PD/0 ED); Only Nightvision 5 Being a cyborg doesn’t
To Protect Against G Force Damage (-1) 1 Environmental Movement: Aquatic Movement 3 usually require a Package
Deal; characters simply
Disadvantages Value Disadvantages Value acquire the cybernetic
Physical Limitation: Large (Infrequently, Vulnerability: 2 x Effect from Sight Group parts they desire by the
Slightly Impairing) -5 Flashes based on bright light (Common) -20 appropriate method for
the campaign. Here’s a
Total Cost Of Package: 16 Total Cost Of Package: -1 list of sample cybernetic
parts characters could
have. They’re built with
to be tall and slender, and are usually not as strong MUTANTS
the Limitation Restrain-
and tough as their normal-gravity kin because they In real life, most mutants are stillborn, or else able at the -¼ level; see
have less tissue mass (making them prime targets go through life with crippling handicaps. In SF page 200 of the HERO
for brutal criminals in some societies). Since low- stories (especially the cinematic kind), some people System 5th Edition for a
gravity planets tend to have low air pressure, light- (be they Human or alien) are born with or develop discussion of this.
worlders are also adapted to thin air. Their features favorable mutations. They may be the children born
may be the result of genetic engineering, or just the a generation after an atomic war, the direct victims Communications
effect of living in low gravity. of that selfsame war (or a similar one involving Implant: This tiny device,
biological or chemical mutative agents), or the implanted in the skull,
Most Lightworlders should take the Gravity
allows a character to
Adaptation Physical Limitation (page 64). The exact unfortunate inhabitants of a high-radiation planet.
receive and broadcast
version of Gravity Adaptation chosen depends on Mutants are a particularly common feature of post- on radio bands without
the level of gravity in the environment the charac- apocalyptic SF stories. using outside equipment.
ter’s accustomed to. Because SF mutants always seem to be recog- Radio Perception/
nizable — either due to their deformities, a distinc- Transmission (Radio
tive manner of dress, or both — this Package Deal
LIGHTWORLDER includes a Distinctive Features Disadvantage. You
Group) (10 Character
Points); Restrainable (-
PACKAGE DEAL can discard the Distinctive Features if you prefer,
or replace it with appropriate Physical Limitations,
¼). Total cost: 8 points.

Ability Cost Social Limitations, and the like. Cybernetic Arm: Made
+1 DEX 3
of titanium steel, micro-
Adapted To Thin Air: Life Support (Expanded
motors, and high-tech
Breathing: can breathe normally in thin MUTANT PACKAGE DEAL plastics, this artificial arm
is much stronger than a
atmospheres) 1
Low Gravity Training: Environmental Ability Cost character’s natural arm.
Movement (Low-G) 4 One mutant ability (see sidebar, page 31) 10 +10 STR (10 Active
Points); Only When
Disadvantages Value Disadvantages Value Using The Right Arm (-
-2 STR -2 -2 COM -1 ¼), Restrainable (-¼), No
-1 CON -2 Distinctive Features: Mutant (Concealable With Figured Characteristics
-1 BODY -2 Effort; Causes Major Reaction [Prejudice]) -15 (-½). Total cost: 5 points.

Total Cost Of Package: 2 Total Cost Of Package: -6 Cybernetic Eye: Incorpo-

rating some of the most
PSIONIC PACKAGE DEAL advanced optical technol-
MERFOLK ogy available, cybernetic
If psionic abilities exist in a game world, char-
Most of Earth is covered by ocean, and many eyes not only replace a
acters who have them are members of a powerful character’s normal vision,
alien worlds could have no landmasses at all, only elite. The nature of psi powers is too variable for a but allow him to see into
oceans. Normal Humans can only venture undersea single Package Deal; in some game worlds Talents other spectra as well.
in submarines or diving suits, but genetic manipu- like Danger Sense, Simulate Death, and Universal
lation could create a race of Humans capable of Translator are psi powers, while in other games Infrared Perception,
living in water permanently. This Package assumes you’re not a real psionic unless you can wreck cities Ultraviolet Perception,
the merfolk’s genetic designers wanted them to with a thought. The Psi-Agent Package Deal (page and Telescopic (+4 versus
have the ability to interact with surface-dwellers, 35) includes one set of Skills and Perks for a work- Range Modifier) (all for
so they can still breathe air and walk on land. In ing psi; otherwise the GM must determine what Sight Group) (16 Active
appearance, they are stocky, hairless people with powers are available and how many points charac-
webbed hands and feet, and visible gill slits on the ters can spend on them. Continued on next page
30 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

Continued from last page A character can take this Package together Cost Size: Insectile (character is about one-sixty-
with any Species Package, unless the GM has fourth Human size)
Points); Restrainable (- declared that certain species never possess psychic 16 Easily Hidden: +12 to Concealment (24
¼). Total cost: 13 points. abilities. Active Points); Self Only (-½)
60 Hard To Hit: +12 DCV
Cybernetic Leg: A char- Hard To Perceive: +12 to Stealth
acter with this high-tech PSIONIC PACKAGE DEAL 24
-30 Less Impressive: -30 PRE (minimum of 0;
artificial leg can run and
jump much better than Ability Cost adjust cost accordingly)
one with ordinary flesh- +5 EGO 10 -36 Shorter Legs: Running -18” (minimum of 1”;
and-blood legs. +3 INT 3 may be changed to compensate for reduced
Psionics: Psionic powers of character’s movement due to negative STR)
Running +5” (10 Active
Points); Restrainable choice (see Chapter Ten for examples) 30 -30 Weaker: -30 STR (minimum of -30; adjust
(-¼) (total cost: 8 points) cost accordingly)
plus Leaping +4” (4 Disadvantages Value -20 Physical Limitation: Insectile (All The Time,
Active Points); Restrain- None
Greatly Impairing)
able (-¼) (total cost: 3 Total cost: -16 points.
points). Total cost: 11 Total Cost Of Package: 43
Cost Size: Minute (character is about one-thirty-
SIZE/WEIGHT second Human size)
Some alien species are significantly larger or 13 Easily Hidden: +10 to Concealment (20
smaller than the defined Human norm. The dis- Active Points); Self Only (-½)
advantages to this are covered by taking a Physical 50 Hard To Hit: +10 DCV
Limitation (see page 63). The benefits are covered 20 Hard To Perceive: +10 to Stealth
by the templates presented here, which include the -25 Less Impressive: -25 PRE (minimum of 0;
appropriate Physical Limitation. In the case of spe- adjust cost accordingly)
cies which are more or less Human height, but still -30 Shorter Legs: Running -15” (minimum of 1”;
weigh significantly more (such as silicon aliens), may be changed to compensate for reduced
reduce the frequency and/or degree of impairment, movement due to negative STR)
as appropriate. -25 Weaker: -25 STR (minimum of -30; adjust
cost accordingly)
-15 Physical Limitation: Minute (Frequently,
Greatly Impairing)
Total cost: -12 points.

Cost Size: Minuscule (character is about one-six-

teenth Human size)
11 Easily Hidden: +8 to Concealment (16 Active
Points); Self Only (-½)
40 Hard To Hit: +8 DCV
16 Hard To Perceive: +8 to Stealth
-20 Less Impressive: -20 PRE (minimum of 0;
adjust cost accordingly)
-24 Shorter Legs: Running -12” (minimum of 1”;
may be changed to compensate for reduced
movement due to negative STR)
-20 Weaker: -20 STR (minimum of -30; adjust
cost accordingly)
-15 Physical Limitation: Minuscule (Frequently,
Greatly Impairing)
Total cost: -12 points.

Cost Size: Tiny (character is about one-eighth

Human size)
8 Easily Hidden: +6 to Concealment (12 Active
Points); Self Only (-½)
30 Hard To Hit: +6 DCV
12 Hard To Perceive: +6 to Stealth
-15 Less Impressive: -15 PRE (minimum of 0;
adjust cost accordingly)
-18 Short Legs: Running -9” (minimum of 1”;
may be changed to compensate for reduced
movement due to negative STR)
-15 Weak: -15 STR (minimum of -30; adjust cost
-10 Physical Limitation: Tiny (Frequently, Slightly
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 31

Impairing) Reach for Large Characters MUTANT ABILITIES

Total cost: -8 points. Large characters’ extra reach is simulated with
inches of Stretching, bought with these Power These mutant powers
Cost Size: Diminutive (character is about one- Modifiers: Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); are all based on realis-
quarter Human size) Always Direct (-¼), No Noncombat Stretching (- tic biology, usually the
5 Easily Hidden: +4 to Concealment (8 Active ¼), No Velocity Damage (-¼). effect of an enlarged
Points); Self Only (-½) As with everything else in a Size package, or duplicated body
20 Hard To Hit: +4 DCV reach is not required. Some characters, particularly part. Each is worth 10
8 Hard To Perceive: +4 to Stealth Humaniform ones, need it. Others can’t reach sig- Character Points. In
a comic book-, pulp,
-10 Less Impressive: -10 PRE (minimum of 0; nificantly far away from their bodies, so they don’t
or cinematic-oriented
adjust cost accordingly) need reach. game, more astonishing
-12 Short Legs: Running -6” (minimum of 1”; powers are possible —
Large Characters and DCV
may be changed to compensate for reduced psionic abilities, energy
As noted under Physical Limitation, for every
movement due to negative STR) blasts, shapeshifting, and
step larger than Human size, a character suffers
-10 Weak: -10 STR (minimum of -30; adjust cost so forth.
-2 DCV, and all PER Rolls to perceive him are at
+2. The DCV penalty was included in the Physical
-10 Physical Limitation: Diminutive (Frequently, Double Heart: +3 CON,
Limitation for two reasons: first, it almost never +2 BODY
Slightly Impairing)
varies from the standard (unlike the DCV bonus
Total cost: -9 points.
for being smaller than Human size, which often Four Arms: +4 STR and
varies); and because the rules for negative DCV Extra Limbs (2), Inher-
Cost Size: Small (character is about half Human
Levels (HERO System 5th Edition, Revised, page 54) ent (+¼)
are optional. However, the value of the negative
3 Easily Hidden: +2 to Concealment (4 Active
DCV Levels (using the standard cost of 5 Character Four Eyes: Increased
Points); Self Only (-½)
Points per Level) exceeds the points the character Arc Of Perception (360
10 Hard To Hit: +2 DCV
gets from the Physical Limitation. If you prefer, Degrees) (Normal Sight)
4 Hard To Perceive: +2 to Stealth
you can adopt the negative DCV Levels rule, and and Nightvision
-5 Less Impressive: -5 PRE (minimum of 0;
then instead of including the reduced DCV as part
adjust cost accordingly)
of the Physical Limitation, subtract the negative Giant Brain: +5 INT and
-6 Short Legs: Running -3” (minimum of 1”; Eidetic Memory
Levels’ cost from the cost of the Size Template.
may be changed to compensate for reduced
movement due to negative STR) Fangs: HKA 1d6; No
Cost Size: Large (character is up to twice Human
-5 Weak: -5 STR (minimum of -30; adjust cost STR Bonus (-½)
15 Greater Strength: +15 STR
-5 Physical Limitation: Small, down to half Huge Eyes: Increased
6 Greater Mass: +3 BODY
Human size and/or mass (1m, or ½”) (Infre- Arc Of Perception (240
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3”
quently, Slightly Impairing) Degrees) (Sight Group)
5 More Impressive: +5 PRE
Total cost: -4 points. and Nightvision
12 Long Legs: Running +6”
3 Tougher: +3 ED
Incredible Digestive
4 Reach: Stretching 1” System: Life Support
-5 Physical Limitation: Large (Infrequently, (Diminished Eating:
Slightly Impairing) once per week; Immu-
Total cost: 46 points. nity: Alcohol, Phytotox-
ins; Longevity: ages at
Cost Size: Enormous (character is up to four half normal rate)
times Human size)
30 Greater Strength: +30 STR Incredible Immune
12 Greater Mass: +6 BODY System: Life Support
12 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -6” (Immunity to all dis-
10 More Impressive: +10 PRE eases and bioagents of
character’s homeworld)
24 Long Legs: Running +12”
6 Tougher: +6 ED
Thickened Skin: Armor
9 Reach: Stretching 2”
(3 PD/3 ED) and Life
-15 Physical Limitation: Enormous (Frequently, Support (Safe Environ-
Greatly Impairing) ment: High Pressure)
Total cost: 88 points.

Cost Size: Huge (character is up to eight times

Human size)
45 Greater Strength: +45 STR
18 Greater Mass: +9 BODY
18 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -9”
15 More Impressive: +15 PRE
36 Long Legs: Running +18”
9 Tougher: +9 ED
32 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
17 Reach: Stretching 4” 137 Reach: Stretching 32”
-15 Physical Limitation: Huge (Frequently, -20 Physical Limitation: Colossal (All The Time,
Greatly Impairing) Greatly Impairing)
Total cost: 143 points. Total cost: 399 points.
Cost Size: Gigantic (character is up to sixteen
times Human size) Also known as Belters or Freefallers, Spac-
60 Greater Strength: +60 STR ers are people born and raised in a microgravity
24 Greater Mass: +12 BODY environment. For example, Humans raised in the
24 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -12” asteroid belt or in orbital space stations would be
20 More Impressive: +20 PRE Spacers. They may have genetic modifications to
48 Long Legs: Running +24” help them survive — in particular, bones which
12 Tougher: +12 ED don’t weaken in low gravity, improved resistance
34 Reach: Stretching 8” to radiation, immunity to spacesickness, and pos-
-15 Physical Limitation: Gigantic (Frequently, sibly the ability to use feet more as gripping hands
Greatly Impairing) (like those of chimpanzees or orangutans). Spacers
Total cost: 207 points. tend to be physically weak and very tall. Because
they can only visit planets wearing exoskeletons
Cost Size: Gargantuan (character is up to thirty- or riding float chairs, Spacers naturally prefer their
two times Human size) own artificial environments. In some settings, Spac-
75 Greater Strength: +75 STR ers may be the norm for certain species, with only
30 Greater Mass: +15 BODY a small proportion of “groundlings” or “dirtsiders”
30 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -15” living on planets.
25 More Impressive: +25 PRE
Long Legs: Running +30”
Tougher: +15 ED
69 Reach: Stretching 16” Ability Cost
-15 Physical Limitation: Gargantuan (Frequently, Spaceborn: Life Support (Safe
Greatly Impairing) Environment: High Radiation) 2
Total cost: 289 points. Feet As Useful As Hands: Extra Limbs (2) 5
Zero-G Training: Environmental Movement
(Zero G) 4
Cost Size: Colossal (character is up to sixty-four
times Human size) Disadvantages Value
90 Greater Strength: +90 STR -2 STR -2
36 Greater Mass: +18 BODY -1 CON -2
36 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -18” Physical Limitation: Cannot Move In Normal
30 More Impressive: +30 PRE Gravity Without Assistance (Frequently,
72 Long Legs: Running +36” Greatly Impairing) -15
18 Tougher: +18 ED
Total Cost Of Package: -8
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 33

pecies Package Deals reflect a character’s Skills with the Talent Environmental Movement
genetics, and Environment Package Deals (Zero-G). For more heroic colonist player charac-
show how the place he grew up in (or was ters, the Jack Of All Trades Skill Enhancer is very
bio-engineered for) affected him. In many useful.
cases a character’s background dictates which of
these Racial Package Deals he can select. Profes-
sional Package Deals are different. They represent On twenty-first century Earth, diplomats
the training and study people go through to learn are mostly middle-level bureaucrats doing the
a career, and as such usually indicate voluntary detail work of policies set by government leaders.
choices on a character’s part. In a future world of interstellar travel, they may
The following Packages represent jobs or become more important as communication lags
lifestyles common to science fiction stories and make it impossible for national leaders to simply
settings. Not all Packages are appropriate for all pick up the phone during a crisis. In that case a
campaigns, and some may need adjustments or diplomat may find himself making policy on the
additions for specific settings. None of the Packages fly, hoping his decisions meet with his superiors’
have the Galactic Computernet Access Card Fringe approval down the line.
Benefit, since that may not exist in some Star Hero Diplomats assigned to make contact with
campaigns, but it’s an appropriate addition to many alien species must be able to adapt to strange ways
of them. of thinking and communicating. Moreover, intelli-
A few of these Packages include a Psychologi- gence-gathering and occasional discreet espionage
cal Limitation (such as Overconfidence for Pilots). have always been part of diplomacy, and that will
That’s because those attitudes or codes are very likely continue in the future.
closely associated with that profession in science This Package assumes a diplomat with a fair
fiction. However, if it’s not appropriate for the char- amount of autonomy and responsibility. It does
acter you have in mind, you can easily switch it for not include the Universal Translator Talent (either
another Disadvantage. naturally or built into a Focus); if that exists in
the campaign, most diplomats will have it. Other
COLONIST useful improvements include the Traveler and
The people who journey into space to settle Well-Connected Skill Enhancers, Money, Follow-
distant worlds come from a variety of back- ers, and lots of Contacts. The Diplomatic Immu-
grounds. Some leave home because they are nity Fringe Benefit means the character’s host
hoping for a better life, others are searching for planet cannot prosecute him for ordinary crimes
political or religious freedom. A few are on the run. (although anything beyond a misdemeanor will
The only thing they have in common is the deter- certainly get him sent home). By replacing Diplo-
mination to stick it out in a hostile environment. matic Immunity with some appropriate Skills, you
Colonists on habitable planets learn farming, while can also use this Package Deal for other types of
those living in space or on hostile worlds learn politicians.
hydroponics. Asteroid or space station colonists
should replace the Animal Handler and Survival
Conversation 3
Ability Cost High Society 3
Animal Handler (choose group) 2 KS: Political Science (INT Roll) 3
AK: colony’s region 11- 2 Language (player’s choice; fluent conversation) 2
Mechanics 3 Persuasion 3
PS: Farming, Hydroponic Farming, or Mining Contacts (11 points’ worth of player’s choice) 11
(player’s choice) 11- 2 Fringe Benefit: Diplomatic Immunity 5
Survival (choose environment) 2
TF (2 points’ worth) 2 Disadvantages Value
WF (2 points’ worth) 2 Hunted: host government 8- (Mo Pow, NCI,
Watched) -10
Disadvantages Value Social Limitation: Subject To Orders -20
Total Cost Of Package: 0
Total Cost Of Package: 15
34 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
DOCTOR practicing physician with access to the local hospi-
Futuristic medicine can work miracles, but tals and medical community), Cramming (essential
only if there’s someone handy to provide treatment. for getting through medical school!), Money, and
This Package can represent a starship’s medical perhaps some Favors from grateful former patients.
officer, a cyberpunk “black clinic” operator, or the EXPLORER
self-taught general practitioner on a colony planet.
Explorers survey new worlds and make contact
The Hippocratic Oath requires doctors to treat any
with alien civilizations. They may work for some
patient (even an enemy), and forbids them to use
agency like NASA or the Interstellar Scout Service,
their skills to cause harm.
or they may be freelancers driven by wanderlust and
If you want to expand this Package, consider
the hope of finding a valuable world and striking it
adding Contacts (particularly appropriate for a
rich. Explorers are optimized for planetary-surface
work; scouts who never leave their spaceships are
DOCTOR PACKAGE DEAL best modeled with the Pilot Package Deal, below.
Player character Explorers may want the Jack Of All
Ability Cost Trades or Traveler Skill Enhancers. The Universal
Deduction 3 Translator Talent is extremely useful for Explorers, if
Paramedics 3 it exists in the setting.
PS: Doctor (INT Roll) 3
SS: Biology (INT Roll) 3
SS: Medicine (INT Roll) 3
SS: Surgery (INT Roll) 3 Ability Cost
SS: Xenobiology (INT Roll) 3 Navigation (Land, Space) 3
Fringe Benefit: License To Practice Medicine 1 Any two SSs at 11- each 4
Survival (4 points’ worth) 4
Disadvantages Value TF (4 points’ worth) 4
Psychological Limitation (Hippocratic Oath) -20 WF (2 points’ worth) 2
9 points’ worth of Skills from the following list: 9
Total Cost Of Package: 5 Breakfall, Climbing, Electronics, Gambling,
Inventor, Paramedics, Riding, Shadowing,
Stealth, Systems Operation, Tracking, any
Background Skill

Disadvantages Value
Rivalry: Professional (other explorers) -5

Total Cost Of Package: 21


From the cop on the beat in cyberspace, to the
incorruptible Space Patrol officer, to the hard-bitten
bounty hunter in a remote frontier dive, lawmen are
a staple in science fiction. They can be upright rep-
resentatives of order and civilization, or the street-
level enforcers of tyranny. Whatever the setting, law
enforcers have authority and know how to use it.
The Package assumes a uniformed officer empow-
ered to carry weapons and arrest people on a given
world; for authority throughout a region of space,
upgrade the Fringe Benefit to Interstellar Police
Powers. For plainclothes officers, bounty hunters,
or private detectives, drop the Distinctive Feature.
Bounty hunters and private investigators downgrade
Police Powers to a 2-point Private Investigator’s
License, but also don’t have the Subject To Orders
Social Limitation.
Pilots fly spacecraft, be they orbital shuttles,
space fighters, interstellar merchant vessels, scout
ships, or galactic dreadnoughts. They tend to have
fast reflexes, good vision, and an intuitive grasp of
Newtonian physics. Pilots in fiction traditionally
have a healthy ego and a willingness to test the
design limits of their spacecraft with risky maneu-
vers, hence the Overconfidence Psychological Limi-
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 35

ordinary law enforcement officers with “unsolv-

LAW ENFORCEMENT able” crimes. Unless society is very tolerant of
those with psi powers, the combination of public
PACKAGE DEAL fear and their admittedly formidable powers gives
Ability Cost
KS: Criminal Law 11-
PS: Law Enforcement Agent 11- 2 Ability Cost
WF (2 points’ worth ) 2 Psionic powers (as appropriate; must be
9 points’ worth of Skills from the following list: 9 approved by GM) 40
Bugging, Computer Programming, Deduc- Analyze Psionics 3
tion, Forensic Medicine, Interrogation, KS: The Psionic World 11- 2
Lockpicking, Paramedics, Security Systems, Power Skill (player’s choice) 3
Stealth, Streetwise, Systems Operation, any SS: Psionics 11- 2
Background Skill WF (2 points’ worth) 2
Contacts (10 points’ worth; player’s choice) 10 6 points’ worth of Skills from the following list: 6
Fringe Benefit: Planetary Police Powers 5 Bugging, Computer Programming, Crimi-
nology, Deduction, Forensic Medicine,
Disadvantages Value Interrogation, Lockpicking, Paramedics,
Distinctive Features: Uniform (Easily Security Systems, Stealth, Streetwise,
Concealed; Noticed And Recognizable) -5 Systems Operation, any Background Skill
Social Limitation: Subject To Orders -20 Contacts (player’s choice) 5
Fringe Benefit: Interstellar Police Powers 8
Total Cost Of Package: 8 Fringe Benefit: Psionic Police Powers 3

Disadvantages Value
PILOT PACKAGE DEAL Distinctive Features: Uniform (Easily
Concealed; Noticed And Recognizable) -5
Ability Cost Hunted: local authorities 8- (Mo Pow, NCI,
Combat Piloting 3 Watching) -10
Navigation (Space) 2 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders -20
SS: Astronomy 11- 2
TF: Science Fiction & Space Vehicles 2 Total Cost Of Package: 39
9 points’ worth of Skills from the following list: 9
Computer Programming, Electronics, Psi-Agents a frightening reputation. To prevent
Mechanics, Paramedics, Stealth, Systems them from misusing their abilities, Psi-Agents are
Operation, any Background Skill closely watched, both by the “mundane” authorities
Environmental Movement (Zero G) 4 and other Psi-Agents.
Disadvantages Value ROGUE
Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence -15
It’s hard to make a living. Why not let other
Total Cost Of Package: 7 people do the work, then live off them? That’s how
rogues manage: swindling, stealing, and smug-
tation. You can replace this with Thrillseeker instead, gling their way to success. The most honest rogues
or with a suitable Rivalry, Hunted, or DNPC. are merchants who just happen to deal in things
PSI-AGENT forbidden by local laws. The worst are simply
predators, willing to kill for hire. A Rogue’s exact
Psi-Agents are law enforcement or espionage nature depends on the campaign style and tone.
specialists with psionic powers. In tyrannical A swashbuckling Space Opera can have color-
societies, they use their mental powers to seek out ful space pirates and gamblers (many with hearts
rebellion and dissent. In more open cultures, Psi- of gold, of course). A Cyberpunk game might
Agents specialize in solving crimes committed by have “heroes” who really are cynical professional
psionics, tracking psionic bad guys, and assisting thieves and assassins. Hard SF runs to slightly
36 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
ing enemy planets from orbit, tough mercenaries
ROGUE PACKAGE DEAL ready to fight anything anywhere, post-apocalyp-
tic warlords, and bioengineered super-troopers.
Ability Cost Tactics and technical skills are as important as
Streetwise +2 7 weapon training.
WF (2 points’ worth) 2
If necessary, you can easily customize this
15 points’ worth of Skills from the following list: 15
Acrobatics, Breakfall, Bribery, Climbing, Package by altering or adding Skills to represent
Computer Programming, Combat Piloting, specialized types of soldiers (space marine, tele-
Conversation, Forgery, Gambling, High Soci- artillery officer, mechanized infantryman, and
ety, Lockpicking, Persuasion, Security Systems, so forth). With a few additions (such as Combat
Seduction, Sleight Of Hand, Stealth, Trading, Luck, Combat Sense, Danger Sense, or Mental
any Background Skill Powers) you can create “super-soldiers” or “psi-
Contacts (8 points’ worth; player’s choice) 8 warriors.” You can also add some appropriate Dis-
advantages — conscripts may only feel loyalty to
Disadvantages Value their unit, professionals are responsible to the ser-
Hunted: local authorities 8- (Mo Pow, NCI,
vice or the state, and mercenaries obey whoever
Watched) -10
Reputation: rogue, 11- -10 signs the paycheck.

Total Cost Of Package: 12 SOLDIER PACKAGE DEAL

shady “entrepreneurs” and smugglers evading Ability Cost
oppressive bureaucracy. This Package assumes a PS: Soldier 11- 2
rogue whose shady nature is known to, or at least Tactics 3
suspected by, the local authorities, but who hasn’t TF (player’s choice) 1
been caught — yet. Weaponsmith (one category) 2
WF (6 points’ worth) 6
SCIENTIST 15 points’ worth of Skills from the following list: 15
Breakfall, Bureaucratics, Combat Driving,
It is called science fiction, after all. Scientists
Combat Piloting, Computer Programming,
are often characters in SF stories, especially in Demolitions, Electronics, Mechanics, Para-
Hard SF and stories of exploration. In Cyberpunk medics, Security Systems, Stealth, Survival,
SF, scientists are apt to be NPC researchers in Systems Operation, any Background Skill
thrall to some megacorporation. In Space Opera,
they’re often white-coated supergeniuses, capable Disadvantages Value
of whipping up a weapon to stop an intergalactic Distinctive Features: Uniform (Easily
menace (with a little help from their beautiful Concealed; Noticed And Recognizable) -5
daughters). In Military SF, they may be shipboard Social Limitation: Subject To Orders -20
engineers, weapon designers, or analysts. Despite
Total Cost Of Package: 4
their reputation as ivory-tower eccentrics, many
are pretty capable and well-rounded individuals.
From the shapeshifting saboteurs and wily
SCIENTIST PACKAGE DEAL Romulan espionage agents of Star Trek: Deep
Space Nine to Robert Heinlein’s “courier” Friday,
Ability Cost
spies are a staple of many science fiction settings.
Computer Programming 3
Deduction 3 Smart, competent, ruthless, and well-equipped,
Any two KSs at 11- each 4
Any two SSs (INT Roll each)
Any two SSs at 11- each
6 points’ worth of Skills from the following list: 6 Ability Cost
Electronics, Inventor, Mechanics, Security Computer Programming 3
Systems, Systems Operation, Weaponsmith, Conversation 3
any Background Skill Systems Operation (3 points’ worth) 3
Contacts (6 points’ worth; player’s choice) 6 TF (2 points’ worth) 2
WF (2 points’ worth) 2
Disadvantages Value 15 points’ worth of Skills from the following list: 15
Psychological Limitation: Curiosity -15 Bugging, Bureaucratics, Climbing, Combat
Rivalry: Professional (another scientist) -5 Driving, Combat Piloting, Deduction,
Demolitions, Electronics, Forgery, Gambling,
Total Cost Of Package: 12 High Society, Lockpicking, Persuasion,
Security Systems, Seduction, Stealth,
SOLDIER Survival, any Background Skill
Humans have been waging war for all of Contacts (10 points’ worth; player’s choice) 10
recorded history, and there’s no reason to expect
Disadvantages Value
they’ll stop in the future — or that other sentient
Social Limitation: Subject To Orders -20
species aren’t equally warlike. Soldiers in science
fiction include battlesuited Space Marines attack- Total Cost Of Package: 18
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 37

they’re often far more dangerous than a squad of

Large, spacefaring navies and exploratory
institutions are found in many science fiction set-
tings. Any such organization needs specific types
of officers to crew its starships and keep them
safe in the face of the many dangers the universe
Command officers range from the captain,
who usually has absolute authority over the crew
and the ship, to junior officers responsible for the
day-to-day operation of various departments on
the ship. Since ships often spend months or years
away from their home bases, command officers
shoulder a heavy burden — they have to keep
morale up and efficiency high, protect the crew,
and perform many other duties.
Most command officers, particularly high-
ranking ones, feel responsible for the safety and
well-being of their crews. You can simulate this
with various Psychological Limitations, or even by
taking the crew as DNPCs (assuming it’s not too
large a crew).

Ability Cost
Combat Piloting 3
AK (region of player’s choice) 11- 2
KS: Regulations 11- 2
Navigation (Space) 2
PS: Starship Command Officer 11- 2
TF: Science Fiction & Space Vehicles
WF (2 points’ worth)
15 points’ worth of Skills from the following list: 15
Bureaucratics, Computer Programming,
Electronics, High Society, Paramedics, Per- Ability Cost
suasion, Stealth, Survival, Systems Operation, Computer Programming 3
any Background Skill Electronics 3
Inventor 3
Disadvantages Value AK (region of player’s choice) 11- 2
Distinctive Features: Uniform (Easily KS: Regulations 8- 1
Concealed; Noticed And Recognizable) -5 Mechanics 3
Social Limitation: Subject To Orders -20 PS: Starship Engineering/Science Officer 11- 2
Any three SSs at 11- each 6
Total Cost Of Package: 5 Systems Operation (3 points’ worth) 3
WF (2 points’ worth) 2
STARSHIP OFFICER — 6 points’ worth of Skills from the following list: 6
ENGINEERING/SCIENCE Bureaucratics, Combat Piloting, Paramed-
ics, Persuasion, Stealth, Survival, any Back-
Officers in the Engineering and/or Science ground Skill
departments of a starship are responsible for
various scientific and technical tasks. They study Disadvantages Value
nearby astronomical phenomena, keep the ship in Distinctive Features: Uniform (Easily
good repair, help upgrade the weapons to fight off Concealed; Noticed And Recognizable) -5
an otherwise unbeatable foe, and bring their ana- Social Limitation: Subject To Orders -20
lytical skills to bear on many problems.
Total Cost Of Package: 9
This Package Deal represents “average” starship
officers — the operations personnel who fly the
ship, man the sensors and communications con-
soles, and perform other routine duties.
38 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
mechanic or technician, capable of maintaining sys-
OPERATIONS OFFICER tems, constructing things from existing designs, or
even creating his own inventions.
PACKAGE DEAL Both in the real world and science fiction, tech-
Ability Cost nicians are often better with machinery than people.
Computer Programming 3 You can represent this by adding an appropriate Psy-
AK (region of player’s choice) 11- 2 chological Limitation.
KS: Regulations 8- 1
PS: Starship Operations Officer 11-
Any SS at 11-
Systems Operation (7 points’ worth) 7
Ability Cost
WF (2 points’ worth) 2
Any two SSs at 11- each 4
12 points’ worth of Skills from the following list: 12
15 points’ worth of Skills from the following
Bureaucratics, Combat Piloting, Electronics,
list, two at +2, three at base roll: 23
Mechanics, Paramedics, Persuasion, Stealth,
Bugging, Computer Programming, Deduc-
Survival, any Background Skill
tion, Demolitions, Electronics, Inventor,
Mechanics, Security Systems, Systems Oper-
Disadvantages Value
ation, Weaponsmith (+1 category)
Distinctive Features: Uniform (Easily
Concealed; Noticed And Recognizable) -5
Disadvantages Value
Social Limitation: Subject To Orders -20
Total Cost Of Package: 6
Total Cost Of Package: 27
A starship’s tactical and strategic officers oper- Omnipotent beings with godlike powers, or
ate its weapons and defensive systems, devise new advanced societies with access to replicator technol-
weapons (or improvements for existing ones), and ogy, can make whatever they want simply by wishing
advise the captain during emergencies and times of for it. Everyone else has to buy things from a trader
war. They also often function as the ship’s security or a merchant. Wherever somebody has something
personnel. and wants something else, someone can make a
profit on the deal. A reliable trope of science fiction
is the daring interstellar trader, seeking out new life
TACTICAL/STRATEGIC and market opportunities. On a backwater planet or
among the blasted ruins of a post-apocalyptic future,
OFFICER PACKAGE DEAL the trader in his battered truck may be the only thing
Ability Cost keeping civilization alive. On a space station, the
Computer Programming 3 trader may set up shop and become a more seden-
AK (region of player’s choice) 11- 2 tary merchant. Even in cyberspace there are traders,
KS: Regulations 11- 2 brokering secrets and vital data.
PS: Starship Tactical/Strategic Officer 11- 2 Improvements for more powerful trader char-
Systems Operation (3 points’ worth) 3 acters include the Lightning Calculator Talent, a few
Tactics 3 points in Money, and the Traveler or Well-Connected
WF: Small Arms, plus 2 more points’ worth 4
Skill Enhancers.
Weaponsmith (choose category) 2
9 points’ worth of Skills from the following list: 9
Bureaucratics, Combat Driving, Combat TRADER PACKAGE DEAL
Piloting, Paramedics, Persuasion, Security
Systems, Shadowing, Stealth, Streetwise, Ability Cost
Survival, Teamwork, any Background Skill Bureaucratics 3
High Society or Streetwise 3
Disadvantages Value AK: trading area 11- 2
Distinctive Features: Uniform (Easily Trading +2 7
Concealed; Noticed And Recognizable) -5 TF (2 points’ worth) 2
Social Limitation: Subject To Orders -20 9 points’ worth of Skills from the following list: 9
Combat Piloting, Conversation, Electronics,
Total Cost Of Package: 5 High Society, Mechanics, Oratory, Paramed-
ics, Persuasion, Security Systems, Seduction,
TECH Stealth, Streetwise, Survival, any Background
As technology becomes more important, so do Contacts (8 points’ worth; player’s choice) 8
the people who know how to keep it running. On
a spaceship, the miracle-working engineer (with or Disadvantages Value
without Scottish accent) is often the most important Psychological Limitation: Always Has His
person on board. How would Cyberpunk’s street Eye On The Bottom Line -10
samurai or cyberspace cowboys do their cool stuff Rivalry: Professional (with competitor[s]) -5
without someone to keep their cyberware and com-
puters working? This Package represents a skilled Total Cost Of Package: 19
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 39

he HERO System character creation rules music. Only rebels and eccentrics would leave their GRAVITY PENALTIES
are tremendously broad and flexible. Here appearance unimproved or below average. In such a
are some suggestions, re-interpretations, and world, a genuinely beautiful person might stand out in Skills involving physi-
“tweaks” to make them more appropriate or the crowd of “generic” good looks. cal motion, such as
useful for Star Hero games. Acrobatics, Breakfall,
SPEED or any technology-
Cyberpunk computer hackers or space pilots manipulation Skill, may
CHARACTERISTICS who fly their ships through direct brain links may suffer penalties due to
higher or lower gravity.
wish to purchase extra SPD with Limitations such as
The Characteristics are the same in any setting, Only In Cyberspace (-1) or Only For Flying Vehicles The HERO System rules
but some of them become more important in Star (-1). The player and the GM should work out which assume a character grew
Hero campaigns. Segments the character gets his “extra” Phases on, the up, as Humans tend to,
in an environment of
STRENGTH effects of Aborting, and so forth; see Menton in Con- about 1.0 G. If a char-
querors, Killers, And Crooks for an example. acter was trained in a
With machinery to do the heavy work, physical
strength is generally less important in most future set- different environment,
he may suffer different
tings. An old cliché of science fiction is the people of
the future with huge heads and puny bodies. As noted
SKILLS penalties — for example,
a heavyworlder is fine in
in the Heavyworlder and Lightworlder Environment Given the breadth of the SF genre, any of the 1.5 G, but might suffer
Packages (see page 28), a character’s Strength may Skills in the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised rule- low-gravity penalties at
vary with his home gravity. The relation isn’t direct, book could come into play at some point. Here are a 1.3 G, when most char-
because even in free fall a person still needs some few notes on special applications for various Skills. acters would experience
strength. For information on Skill Roll penalties for deal- high-gravity penalties
Gravity affects both how much a character can ing with alien or obsolete technologies, see pages instead. Characters
lift and how far he can throw things. See page 278 for 143-44. trying to perform tasks
more information. in high-G may have to
DEXTERITY Star Hero characters often buy KSs, PSs, and SSs Rolls to move (page
Some SF characters, particularly spacers who with the prefixes “xeno-“ or “exo-,” such as SS: Exobiol- 278); those in either type
of environment may
are used to working in cramped but delicate environ- ogy, SS: Xenoarchaeology, or KS: Xeno-Art History. suffer Skill Roll penalties
ments, have high manual deftness, but their reflexes Both prefixes mean “foreign” or “alien,” and refer to a of -1 to -2 to reflect their
aren’t necessarily any faster than other peoples’. You character’s knowledge of the subject in question as it unfamiliarity with the
can simulate this by buying DEX with the Limitation pertains to species other than his own. A Human with environment.
Only For DEX Rolls (-1). DEX with that Limitation SS: Exobiology might know a lot about Denebian biol-
increases DEX Rolls, and Skill Rolls based on DEX, ogy, whereas a Denebian with the same Skill would Characters can buy
but does not affect a character’s CV or initiative in known about Human biology instead. appropriate Environ-
combat. In a setting featuring few alien species, a Xeno/ mental Movement Tal-
Exo Background Skill is easier to use, because there’s ents to eliminate gravity
CONSTITUTION penalties; see page 51.
less to know, and therefore the Skill Roll penalties
The effects of spending long periods in differ- are likely to be smaller. In settings featuring dozens,
ent gravity are poorly understood, but it appears that hundreds, or even thousands of alien species, a gen-
both low and high gravity environments might reduce eral Xeno/Exo knowledge may not help the character
a Human’s fitness. (Presumably alien species would much — he’d be better off buying Background Skills
suffer similar effects when away from their normal relating to particular species he knows about.
gravity.) Gamemasters in Hard SF campaigns may Technically, a Xeno/Exo Skill provides a char-
wish to include a CON penalty in Package Deals for acter with knowledge of the subject as it pertains to
characters and species native to zero gravity or any- any species besides his own. However, this may entail
thing over 1.5 G. some hefty penalties; GMs can adapt the rule for KSs
COMELINESS (page 43) if necessary. For better results and/or greater
realism, characters should buy Background Skills by
Beauty, they say, is only skin deep. As plastic sur- species.
gery gets easier and cheaper, buying a beautiful skin
becomes only a little more difficult than getting some INTERACTION SKILLS
nice clothes. In futuristic settings, everyone may have In some settings, characters of one species
the same Comeliness, and trends in personal appear- have difficulty interacting with characters of any
ance might come and go like trends in clothing and other species — something about the “alien” nature
40 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
EVERYMAN SKILLS of other species makes it hard to relate to them. It may seem odd, but Breakfall is a useful Skill
Sometimes this phenomenon depends on “classes” to have in zero gravity! Characters can use Break-
Different science fiction of aliens; a mammalian species might relate just fall to cushion the impact when they bounce off a
settings have different fine to any other mammalian species, but reptil- wall in free fall. They receive a +2 bonus to the roll
Everyman Skill sets. ian or ichthyoid species give it the willies. This for this purpose.
Listed below are sug- trait is most common in Low SF or “realistic” set-
gested Skill sets for vari- BUGGING
tings; it almost never exists in Space Opera or Pulp
ous types of Star Hero SF, where dozens of alien species freely mingle On twenty-first century Earth, surveillance
campaigns. together. devices are already fantastically small and easy
To reflect this discomfort, GMs can impose to conceal, and future advances in nanotechnol-
Cyberpunk a penalty on all Interaction Skill rolls between ogy will only make them harder to find. Advanced
Acting bugs may actually be tiny robot insects, capable of
members of two different species: -2 for relatively
Climbing crawling into a room to eavesdrop. The technologi-
similar species; -4 for dissimilar species; and -8 (or
Computer Program- cal arms race is particularly intense in bugging
ming more) for greatly different species (like a physical
being and an energy being). — obsolete bugs or countermeasures get large
penalties. See Obsolete And Advanced Technology,
Conversation ACTING
Deduction page 143.
Native Language (4 Characters may have difficulty acting like
points’ worth; includes members of another species, since aliens are, well,
literacy) alien. When a character impersonates a member Except for a few Low SF settings such as Dune,
Paramedics of a species other than his own to a character who computers are omnipresent in science fiction. From
Persuasion knows what members of that species are like, he massive supercomputers capable of running entire
One PS at 11- (job, suffers a -2 to -5 penalty to his Acting roll. He can civilizations, to bio-computers able to catch true
hobby, or other area of eliminate this penalty by buying bonuses to Acting “viruses,” to hand-held computers containing many
interest) Only To Impersonate [Species] (-1), or by succeed- thousands of times the processing power and stor-
Shadowing ing with a KS: [Species] roll. Gamemasters may age capacity of the computers of twenty-first cen-
Stealth tury Earth, they crop up in Star Hero games all the
also wish to impose some of the penalties from the
TF: Small Motorized time, and that makes the Computer Programming
Ground Vehicles Alien Disguise Table (page 42) on Acting rolls.
Skill especially useful.
AK: Home City or ANALYZE
Cyberspace Paradoxically, computers become both more
Psionic characters with Analyze Psionics can and less complex in science fiction. On the one
Hard SF determine another psionic’s abilities with a Skill hand, ease-of-use and user-friendly features
Acting Roll, per the normal rules for the Skill. Technicians improve to the point where most characters can
Climbing and scientists who study alien technology may “perform” complex computing tasks simply by
Computer Program- also learn Analyze Alien Tech. Astrobiologists or telling the computer what they want to do — they
ming xenologists who study lots of different alien beings never have to press a key or control panel. Thus,
Concealment with weird powers can learn Analyze Alien Powers Computer Programming as a Skill may die out
Conversation — a tremendous help when dealing with unknown among large segments of the population, to be
Deduction creatures and strange abilities. replaced by, if anything, a PS: Use Computer Skill.
Native Language (4 On the other hand, the internal workings of com-
points’ worth; includes ANIMAL HANDLER
puters become more and more sophisticated,
literacy) In realistic Hard SF campaigns, alien animals meaning engineers, scientists, and hard-core com-
Paramedics are all completely different from any terrestrial puter users still need Computer Programming to
Persuasion species. Each planet has its own menu of animal build, repair, and get full benefit from their com-
One PS at 11- (job, categories, and knowing how to deal with crea-
hobby, or other area of puters. Characters may need a Fringe Benefit like
tures native to one world doesn’t help on a new Galactic Computernet Access Card to use certain
Shadowing or strange planet (though the GM might allow an networks or computer systems, in much the same
Stealth Animal Handler roll at -5). way that people on modern Earth subscribe to
TF: Small Motorized In a more cinematic setting, such as a Pulp or Internet service providers.
Ground Vehicles or Space Opera campaign, alien animals may well look In some settings, computers diversify incred-
Hovercraft or Per- and act like Terran creatures. If it has wings and ibly, making the ability to use or program one type
sonal-Use Spacecraft feathers, it’s a bird, even if it comes from a planet of computer virtually useless when the character
AK: Home Planet orbiting Epsilon Eridani. Characters should still encounters another type of computer. You can
suffer a Skill Roll penalty of -2 for working with simulate this with a -1 to -5 penalty to Computer
Low SF alien creatures in a group they know how to handle Programming rolls, depending on the degree of dif-
Acting — at least until they’ve spent a game session or two ference between the systems. But again, ease-of-use
Climbing learning about those animals’ habits and instincts. features may compensate for much of this.
Computer Program-
ming BREAKFALL In a Space Opera or Pulp-oriented Star Hero
Concealment campaign, having a single Computer Programming
Breakfall gets easier in low gravity and harder Skill is sufficient; there’s no point getting bogged
Conversation in high gravity. Apply a Skill Roll penalty of -1 for
Deduction down in technical details or imposing penalties
every 20% increase above 1.0 G. For example, on a for using unusual systems. On the other hand, in
Native Language (4
planet with a surface gravity of 1.6 G, the Breakfall a Cyberpunk or Hard SF type of game, GMs and
points’ worth; includes
penalty is -3. On the other hand, low gravity gives a players may want to take technical differences into
+1 Skill Roll bonus at anything between 0.3 and 0.6 account. One of the easiest ways to do this (besides
Continued on next page
G, and +2 for gravity below 0.3 G.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 41


At higher tech levels, the amount of infor- literacy)
mation a forensic scientist can squeeze out Paramedics
of a corpse or a crime scene is astounding. Persuasion
Even on modern Earth, a fragment of One PS at 11- (job,
hair or skin can provide identifying hobby, or other area of
DNA. In near-future campaigns, interest)
that DNA could be decoded Shadowing
to create a genetic model of Stealth
the suspect or an unidenti- TF: Small Motorized
fied body, in effect making a Ground Vehicles
AK: Home Planet
“virtual clone” for identifica-
tion purposes. Criminals
Military SF
will have to develop equally
sophisticated methods to avoid
leaving trace evidence (or to destroy Computer Program-
whatever they do leave behind). ming
The growth of computer networks and Deduction
electronic commerce has turned encryption from Native Language (4
something known only to intelligence agencies points’ worth; includes
and theorists to a booming subset of the software literacy)
industry. Codes and code-breaking methods are Paramedics
extremely technology-sensitive — apply the Obso- Persuasion
lete Technology rules from Chapter Seven when One PS at 11- (job,
Skill Roll hobby, or other area of
penalties characters tackle codes that are ahead or behind
their own knowledge (or the “knowledge” of the interest)
suggested Shadowing
above) is to split equipment they’re using).
Computer Program- DEMOLITIONS TF: Small Motorized
ming up into various categories, the way Ground Vehicles or
Improvements in technology make chemical Hovercraft or Per-
Gambling and Survival are normally. A
explosives both more powerful and safer to use. sonal-Use Spacecraft
sample list of subcategories is suggested in the
Asteroid miners, large-scale engineers, and mili- AK: Home Planet
accompanying box. Characters can learn any one
taries may make more use of nuclear explosives,
category for 2 Character Points for a (9 + (INT/5))
or even antimatter explosives. Apply the penalties Post-Apocalyptic SF
roll; each additional category costs +2 Character
for Obsolete and Advanced Technology when Acting
Points, or each additional subcategory +1 Character
characters try to use unfamilar demolition gear, Climbing
Point; improving the roll for all categories known
and be ruthless about the effects of failures. Concealment
costs +2 Character Points for each +1 to the roll.
DISGUISE Deduction
EXPANDED COMPUTER Advanced prosthetics, high-tech surgery, Native Language (4
artificial flesh, and smart materials make Disguise points’ worth; no lit-
PROGRAMMING easier, but characters in a Star Hero game may eracy)
need to disguise themselves as weird aliens or Paramedics
Personal Computers
variants of their own species. Use the modifiers Persuasion
Handheld Computers
from the table on page 42 when a character tries One PS at 11- (job,
Portable Computers (laptops and such)
hobby, or other area of
Desktop Computers to disguise himself as a member of a very differ- interest)
Computer Networks ent-looking alien species. Use all modifiers that Shadowing
Local Networks apply. Stealth
Cyberspace Survival (choose one
Mainframe Computers And Supercomputers 1-point environment
In pulpish SF, being able to fix one electronic subcategory)
Hacking And Computer Security
device lets you fix any electronic device. In more TF: Small Motor-
Defense realistic campaigns, characters need to purchase ized Ground Vehicles
the appropriate categories of Systems Operation or Riding Animals
Military And Starship Computers (choose one 1-point
(see below) for devices they actually know how to
Artificial Intelligence fix. Working with an unfamiliar system imposes a subcategory)
AK: Home City or
-3 penalty. Region
In a Cyberpunk-era game, Gamemasters may
refine the categories even more, to specific manu- FORGERY
facturers and years. After all, programming an
Forgery is a very technology-sensitive skill.
IBM computer running a Microsoft OS in 1992 is
very different from doing the same thing in 2002. Forgers who can absolutely fool contemporary
methods of detection can be easily exposed by
high-tech equipment, while a forger trying to Continued on next page
beat advanced countermeasures may not even
42 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Continued from last page Brainwashing. The Science Skills Neurobiology and
Space Opera
ALIEN DISGUISE TABLE Psychology are Complementary. A successful use
not only makes the subject tell what he knows, but
Acting Alien Type Modifier can implant suggestions and false memories
Climbing Posture At the GM’s option, either use of Interrogation
Computer Program- Similar posture -0
ming may be able to implant or alter memories. If so,
Semi-Erect -1 consider this a Major Transform 2d6, with +1d6 for
Concealment Horizontal posture -2
Conversation every 2 points by which the brainwasher makes his
Limbs roll. Achieving this effect usually takes a lot of time,
More limbs -1 however (1 Hour or more), and may involve a Skill
Native Language (4
Fewer limbs -2 Versus Skill Contest against the target’s EGO Roll.
points’ worth; includes
literacy) Size
Paramedics Smaller than character -2 INVENTOR
Persuasion Less than half character’s mass -3 per halving As a genre which centers on the effects of tech-
One PS at 11- (job, Larger than character -1 nological change, science fiction is a natural habitat
hobby, or other area of More than twice character’s mass -2 per doubling of the Inventor Skill. There are two ways to handle
interest) Skin inventors in science fiction games.
Shadowing Body covered with hair or feathers +1 Cinematic inventors can improvise gadgets on
Stealth Body covered with shell +2 the fly, create a superweapon out of odds and ends,
TF: Hovercraft or Per- Bare skin -1
sonal-Use Spacecraft and turn simple farm equipment into a cabbage-
Miscellaneous throwing war machine during a commercial break.
AK: Home Planet, Star Distinctive scent or other emission -2
System, or Sector Cinematic inventors need Skill Rolls to overcome
Amorphous blob -4
penalties for inadequate time and material, and a
Different home environment -2
lenient GM who wants instant gadgeteering in the
know what he has to fake. Apply the Obsolete And campaign.
Advanced Technology rules from Chapter Seven Realistic inventors need a lot of time, equip-
whenever forgers and detectors from differing tech- ment, and money to create new devices. Gamemas-
nology levels are involved. ters can use the point cost of the new invention as a
rough guideline for how hard it is to create. Divide
the Active Point cost by 10 and apply the result as
What constitutes “High Society” and how to a penalty to the Inventor’s Skill Roll. (Gamemas-
behave properly in it are both culture- and time- ters who want to make inventing harder should
dependent. Time travelers, dimension-hoppers, and increase the penalty to -1 per 5 Active Points.)
interstellar tourists may experience serious prob- When an inventor just wants to improve an existing
lems. Unless a character has an appropriate Area device, use only the difference between the original
Knowledge or Culture Knowledge for any alien device’s Real Point cost and the improved version’s
culture or any time more than a century removed Real Point cost to determine the penalty. (This
from the character’s home era, he’ll suffer penalties means it’s easiest to create a bulky, fragile, unreli-
to his High Society rolls. able prototype and then gradually refine it.) The
The exact penalties for strange cultures GM should monitor the inventing process carefully
depends on how realistic the campaign is. In a to make sure characters don’t abuse the rules, and
cinematic world, an interstellar adventurer can use that using Inventor contributes to the fun of the
High Society fairly easily: -1 penalty for planets game.
other than home, and another -1 for non-Human
aliens. A cinematic time traveler’s penalty is never Example: Doctor Kelly is trying to build a por-
more than -2, no matter how far back he goes. table laser weapon using modern-day technol-
In realistic settings (Cyberpunk or Hard SF, for ogy. The laser is an RKA 1d6, Armor Piercing
example) the penalties are steeper: -3 for all alien (22 Active Points) (which imposes a -2 penalty
cultures, with an additional -2 if the aliens have to her Inventor roll). Like all lasers it has the
different dietary habits or environmental require- Beam (-¼) Limitation. Doctor Kelly’s prototype
ments. has only 4 Charges (-1), and is a OAF Bulky
Fragile (-1¾). The total Limitation value is -3,
INTERROGATION so the total cost is 5 points.
In settings where direct neural implants are
Some time later, Dr. Kelly wants to improve the
commonplace, this Skill might become Mind
device, making it less bulky and fragile, and
Hacking — the ability to use intrusive computer
giving it more Charges (12). The new laser will
programs to examine (and perhaps even alter) the
cost 9 Real Points, which is 4 points more than
subject’s memories. Cinematic versions may require
the original. That gives Dr. Kelly a -0 penalty to
the Mind Hacker to enter some sort of virtual
improve the laser.
reality dreamscape as his consciousness wanders
through the subject’s brain. Computer Program- This process assumes the new invention
ming and SS: Psychology are Complementary Skills involves an application of existing technology.
for Mind Hacking. Double the penalties for devices which are more
Settings with advanced knowledge of psy- advanced than the available technology in the
chology and hypnosis replace Interrogation with campaign world. If the campaign uses Tech Levels
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 43

(see Chapter Seven), double the penalty for each per kilogram for commercially-available items. KNOWLEDGE SKILL
tech level above the campaign norm. The GM can Exotic materials can cost considerably more — up PENALTIES
always rule that some devices are simply impossible to millions of dollars per gram for scarce radioac-
to invent at a given Tech Level because the inventor tive isotopes or complex hormones (the final price As a rough guideline for
doesn’t have the right theoretical background. As tag is up to the GM). An ordinary, well-stocked the effects of “scale” dis-
an example, consider an inventor trying to create workshop costs about $100 per day to operate. cussed in the text, GMs
new superweapons for the American Civil War. Advanced facilities like particle accelerators or can use the following
The theoretical science behind submarines existed chemical refiners can cost $1,000 or more per hour ranking of magnitudes
as early as 1860; so a sufficiently large and well- of use. “Throwing money at the problem” can pro- of knowledge. Figure
funded program could have built World War I-style duce better and faster results: for every doubling out which category the
character’s KS falls into,
submarines half a century early. But aerodynamics of expenses the inventor gets a +1 to his Skill Roll.
then what category the
was not well understood in 1860, so no amount of However, inadequate money is a project-killer: for fact he wants to know
money could produce a workable airplane. every 10% below the calculated expenses, the inven- is most appropriate
Gamemasters may wish to rule that some tor suffers a -2. In realistic campaigns, the project is for. For each step up
very complex inventions require a number of “sub- simply impossible below half the appropriate cost. or down the list, the
inventions” to create — before the hero can invent In cinematic games, a sufficiently clever inventor character suffers a -5
the liquid-fuelled rocket he has to invent gyro- can improvise and scrounge with no money at all. penalty to know the
scopic stabilization, high-speed fuel pumps, and fact. The GM may alter
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS this penalty for facts
cryogenic fuel storage first. A big project like the
Manhattan Project or the Apollo Program required When characters operate on a progressively he feels are particularly
larger and larger scale, their Area Knowledges noteworthy or obscure.
thousands of sub-inventions and sub-sub-inven-
become less and less useful at the local level. A Thus, if a character has
tions to accomplish. (Tacitly ignoring these precur- KS: Galactic History, he
sors is the easiest way to encourage cinematic lone character with AK: The Solar System would know
suffers a -25 penalty for
inventors creating marvels.) about the planets and their major states, but would trying to remember an
know relatively little about individual cities. Area average fact about an
Time Required Knowledge for a sector would mean the character event that took place in
The time required to create an invention knows about star systems and planets, but would some nation.
depends on the device’s Active Point Cost: it probably have very little knowledge of planetary-
requires about a day’s work for each Active Point of scale nations, and might miss a few minor moons Intergalactic
a device. Rushing things applies a penalty to skill or asteroids. Galactic Area Knowledge would allow Galactic/Interstellar
— consult the Time Chart on page 45 of the HERO someone to know the major interstellar states, a few Star Sector
System 5th Edition, Revised and apply modifiers as of the most important sectors and star systems, and Solar System
appropriate based on how much the inventor wants the most common starfaring species. Most stars Planet
to speed up the process. On the other hand, inven- and planets would be too trivial for the character to Continent/Region
tors can take longer and obtain extra time bonuses. know more about than the name and perhaps one Nation
key fact, at most. Province/City
Help Village/Locality
Having help can be a real boon for the inven- The same holds true for other types of KSs. A
tor. When figuring the time required, divide by the KS in Galactic History or Galactic Cultures doesn’t
provide as much precise information about a given Gamemasters may
number of people working on the project. Col- not want to use this
laborators can use their appropriate Skill Rolls as historical event or culture as a similar KS focusing
system, or may want to
Complementary Skills to the lead character’s Inven- on a sector, solar system, or planet. significantly reduce the
tor Skill Roll. But there’s a penalty for having lots of LANGUAGES penalties, in campaigns
help — use the worst skill level of all the characters with a more “cinematic”
In Space Opera and other low-realism games, feel, such as many Space
involved with the project when making the Com-
everybody may speak a common language — Opera and Retro-SF
plementary Skill Roll.
Galactic, or Interlang, or whatever. (In really pulp- games.
Example: Steve is designing a new game ish games, aliens all mysteriously know English.)
system. He has Inventor 14-, and his PS: Game For more detailed settings, each alien civilization
Designer is 18-. But to get the game out the has its own language, and learning them can be
door in time, he has called in two helpers, a major headache. Alien languages add points to
Jim and Ken. Their PS: Game Designer rolls the cost of each level of fluency, as shown on the
are 12- and 13-. With three of them working, accompanying table. Use all modifiers that apply.
the development time is cut to a third, but the The table accounts for two variables: the alien-
Complementary Skill Roll to assist the Inven- ness of the language, and the method of communi-
tor roll uses Jim’s mediocre 12- skill instead of cation. The GM determines the level of alien-ness
Steve’s excellent 18- level. (with “Human” meaning “the character’s own spe-
cies”). In a Space Opera campaign, many languages
Cost will be Virtually Human, while in a more realistic
In Heroic games, characters often have to game Moderately Alien is the best the characters
worry about monetary costs. The cost to create an can hope for in most situations.
invention depends on the required time and how The methods of communication may prevent
exotic the materials are. At modern prices, figure a character from learning a language at all (or at
$200 per person per day of development work for least using it without special technology). If the
salaries and associated expenses (adjust for the era). Rigellians communicate with scents that Humans
For materials, a modern baseline would be $100 cannot emit, the two species cannot communicate
44 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION


Energy Blades (page 148) are an elite weapon, and
the techniques for fighting effectively using them
are closely guarded secrets of the masters. Because
Energy Blades do immense damage and pierce most
defenses on their own, this fighting art emphasizes
hitting one’s opponent, avoiding hits, and disarming,
rather than increasing the amount of damage done.
Battles between Energy Blade warriors are often long,
drawn-out affairs, but against unskilled opponents,
Energy Blade masters are devastatingly quick.
Usable with Energy Blades Weapon Group; Energy
Blades Weapon Element is free
Maneuver Phs Pts OCV DCV Damage/Effect
Disarm ½ 5 +0 +1 Disarm, +10 STR
Dodge ½ 4 — +5 Dodge all attacks,
Parry ½ 4 +2 +2 Block, Abort
Swift Strike ½ 4 +2 +2 Weapon Strike
Wary Strike ½ 5 +1 +3 Weapon Strike
Defense Maneuver
Fast Draw
Two-Weapon Fighting
WF: Blades
WF: Energy Blades*
WF: Off Hand

Of course, some types of aliens are so non-

Human that mankind cannot learn their fighting
styles. An octopoid alien whose fighting depends
on using his many tentacles to Grab and crush, or a
clawed alien with a martial art that emphasizes his
natural weaponry, probably can’t teach a Human
ALIEN LANGUAGE until Humans develop special devices to emit the
anything. But in most science fiction universes a sub-
MODIFIERS TABLE proper odors. See Jack Vance’s superb short story
stantial portion of the alien species are humanoid, so
“The Moon Moth” for an example of how charac-
Humans can probably study their martial arts with-
Alienness Extra ters can get themselves into trouble with unfamiliar
out much problem.
Of Language Cost methods of communication.
At the GM’s discretion, some maneuvers (such
Gamemasters who posit a common origin
Virtually Human +0 as Nerve Strikes) may only apply to a single species
for the sentient species of the Galaxy — a mutual
Moderately Alien +1 (typically, the character’s own species) when learned.
progenitor, or an ancient race that “seeded” the
Very Alien +2
Characters have to buy a Science Skill in the anatomy
planets genetically — might try to come up with a
of an alien species before they can use such attacks
Extremely Alien +3 Language Familiarity Table suitable for their Star
successfully on members of that species.
Hero campaigns. However, even allowing for such a
One option for science fiction martial arts is to
common origin, most languages diverge so quickly
Method Of Extra limit or abolish the Style Distinctive Feature (see The
from planet to planet that there’s not enough simi-
Communication Cost Ultimate Martial Artist, page 135). In a galaxy pos-
larity between them to justify a point savings.
Spoken +0 sibly featuring thousands of martial arts forms, it’s
Spoken, but uses LOCKPICKING extremely unlikely a particular fighter has in-depth
difficult sounds +1 Opening locks gets much easier when you knowledge of more than a tiny fraction of them.
have more advanced tools to do it with. Apply the Therefore the odds are against the Style Distinctive
Ultrasonic or
other non-Human Obsolete and Advanced Technology rules when a Feature actually being a Disadvantage most of the
sounds +2 high-tech character tries to open a low-tech lock, or time, particularly if the character travels extensively.
vice-versa. Therefore the GM should think about giving fewer
Visual language +2
points for the Disadvantage, or even disallowing its
Scent or Exotic MARTIAL ARTS use entirely.
Sense Language +3
In most Star Hero campaigns, a character’s Alternately, a character’s Analyze Style Skill
opportunity to learn new and intriguing martial might only apply to martial arts developed by his
arts styles increases dramatically. After all, a poten- own species; he would have to purchase the Skill for
tial student now has not just dozens of styles to each species or region whose fighting styles he stud-
choose from, but dozens of worlds’ worth of styles, ies (for example, Analyze Bandarian Styles, Analyze
with all the variation that implies. Fomalhauti Cluster Styles, and so forth).
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 45

See also The Ultimate Martial Artist, pages 86- or particular methods of FTL travel, may require new
87, for two SF martial arts styles, Maashira and Zero Navigation subskills. Navigation (Hyperspace) allows
Gravity Combat. a character to determine his position in hyperspace,
both relative to other points in hyperspace and to
normal space; if the environment of hyperspace is
Mechanics remains mechanics in the future, sufficiently weird and unlike normal space, GMs may
even if it takes a back seat to electronics or more opt to make this an entirely separate Skill. Navigation
advanced technology. The chief difference is that (FTL) allows a character to determine his position
some systems require extremely specialized tools while whipping along at FTL speeds, and involves
— repairing a nanotech device would call for a pow- compensating for redshift, light lag, and the move-
erful microscope and tiny manipulators, while fixing ment of objects throughout the Galaxy.
a nuclear reactor demands remote-operated robots Time and interdimensional travel allow travel in
to avoid a messy death. Apply the Skill Roll modifiers two entirely new ways, and consequently require two
on page 45 of the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised new subskills. Navigation (Time) allows a character
rulebook, paying close attention to the modifiers for to determine where in the past or future he is. Knowl-
proper equipment and familiarity with the subject. edge and Science Skills such as History, Astronomy,
MIMICRY Archaeology, and possibly Anthropology serve as
Complementary Skills. Navigation (Dimensional)
When mimicking an alien, assume the base Skill allows a character to determine his location among
Roll penalty is -2 for species which speak in the same the dimensions of the multiverse. It may be the same
sound range as the character, -3 to -5 for aliens using as Navigation (Hyperspace) if all dimensions open
very difficult sounds in their language. (This is in onto the same hyperspace.
addition to the penalty for foreign languages.) Char-
acters cannot use Mimicry to imitate beings who POWER
make sounds the character cannot produce. If a spe- This Skill occurs in Star Hero under a variety of
cies communicates through means other than sound names. If a character is psionic, he may have Psionics.
(such as flashing lights or pheromonic emissions), the Alien species with natural powers may get it as an
GM must decide whether a character can mimic their Everyman Skill.
“speech” at all, and if so what penalties this entails
(usually at least -5). PROFESSIONAL SKILL: ZERO-G
Professional Skills abound in Star Hero, as in
In a spacefaring campaign, Navigation (Space) any other Heroic campaign. But one in particular is
is crucial, though other forms of Navigation may also of note for science fiction characters — PS: Zero-G
be common if the PCs are explorers or the like. Operations.
At the GM’s option, the existence of FTL travel,
46 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
mum -3 penalty to all rolls. Creatures larger than the
“Huge Animals” TF category (such as the sandworms
of Dune) may impose additional penalties on the
Riding roll, because they’re so large and tough it’s
hard to control them.
Every piece of “rubber science” (see page 146)
in a Star Hero campaign should have an appropriate
Science Skill associated with it. Some new sciences
for use in science fiction campaigns include:
Dimensional Engineering: The science of inter-dimen-
sional and time travel (the latter subject, by itself, is
also known as Temporal Physics).
Hyperspace Physics: Sometimes known as Tachyon-
ics or Warp Physics, this is the science of faster-than-
light travel.
Memetics: The science of ideologies and mass
manipulation (sometimes called socioengineering or
Psionics: The study of mental powers and their appli-
Xenobiology: The study of alien life forms.
Xenology: The study of alien civilizations and societ-
Zero-G Operations is a DEX-Based Professional As with Lockpicking, Security Systems is a
Skill. A character with this Skill can perform all ordi- technology-dependent Skill. A high-tech crook can
nary tasks in Zero-G with none of the penalties listed cut through low-tech systems with appalling ease,
on pages 278-79. If a task is especially difficult or while low-tech intruders may not even know of the
complicated, or the character must perform it under existence of advanced security systems until all hell
crisis conditions, he has to make a PS: Zero-G Opera- breaks loose. Use the rules on Obsolete And Advanced
tions roll. If he succeeds, he can perform the task Technology in Chapter Seven.
without penalty. (That includes suffering none of the SEDUCTION
difficulties described on pages 278-79.) If he fails, he In realistic game worlds, Seduction is only pos-
can still attempt the task, but suffers the standard -3 sible among members of the same species. Humans
penalty and other associated difficulties. can seduce Humans, and Rigellians can seduce Rigel-
RIDING lians, but a Human and a Rigellian can only be good
Riding requires the same consideration as friends. Among members of a species from radically
Transport Familiarity (see below), since the types of different cultures, GMs may wish to apply a penalty
animals a character can ride depends on his TFs. In of -1 to -3 to reflect differing standards of romantic
a Space Opera or Pulp-style Star Hero campaign, a behavior.
character’s ability to ride a particular type of animal In Space Opera or Pulp science fiction, where
from his homeworld may automatically extend to many aliens resemble Humans with minor cosmetic
similar creatures on other worlds. For example, a differences, inter-species Seduction is possible. (See
Human who can ride horses can ride any horse-like many episodes of Star Trek for examples.) In such
creature on any world (though the GM may impose a cases, consult the Alien Seduction Table and apply all
minor penalty, such as -1, until the character and his relevant modifiers. For “Human,” read “member of
mount get to know each other). Alternately, for pur-
poses of Riding the GM may allow characters to buy ALIEN SEDUCTION TABLE
2-point Riding TFs by planet: Earth Riding Crea- Alien Form Skill Modifier
tures, Venusian Riding Creatures, Spica IV Riding Externally very similar to Humans -0
Creatures, and so forth. Minor differences from Human -1
In a Hard SF game, Riding (and associated TFs) Non-Human but mammalian -2
rarely, if ever, carry over from world to world. A Nonmammalian vertebrates -4
character who wanted to ride horse-like creatures on Invertebrates -6
many worlds would have to pay for each 1-point TF Non-Material/no physical form -8
separately: Earth Equines, Venusian Equines, Spica Additional Modifiers
IV Equines, and so on. Alien species is asexual -2
At the GM’s option, a character can use Riding Alien species has specific mating cues
for creatures he does not have a TF for, but at a mini- (e.g., scent, color) -2
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 47

the character’s own species,” and make other appro-

priate changes. EXPANDED SYSTEMS
If characters simply use Seduction to make
friends or ingratiate themselves, the GM may wish
to consider reducing or eliminating the penalties Communications Systems (may be purchased
described above. as a group)
Telephone Communications (installing and
SURVIVAL using the phone system)
In Space Opera campaigns, planetary environ- Cellular & Digital Communications (cellular
ments are broadly similar, so an expert in Mountain phones, pagers, and so forth)
Survival on Earth can get along in high-altitude Radio (standard radio systems, CB radio, ham
regions on other Earthlike worlds with only a -1 pen- radio, military radios)
alty. In Hard SF and other realistic settings, each plan- Broadcast Communications (television or
et’s environments are distinct, so that Survival: Earth broadcast radio equipment)
Deserts and Survival: Martian Deserts are separate Satellite Communications (use of satellites and
Skills. In such campaigns, characters must specify the satellite networks to transmit signals, GPS sys-
planet where they learned Survival. tems)
Gamemasters may also wish to take into account Communications Jamming Equipment (equip-
the relative degree of similarity between planets. Even ment specially designed to jam transmissions)
among worlds classifiable as “Earthlike,” a great deal FTL Communications
of variation can occur. See the accompanying table Dimensional/Temporal Communications
for suggested modifiers; these modifiers are in addi-
tion to the -1 penalty described above, if that’s used. Environmental Systems (may be purchased as
Of course, no amount of skill can overcome a group)
the absolute limits imposed by the environment. A Life Support Systems (breathing gases, heating,
character on Mercury can’t find water using Survival and so forth)
because there simply isn’t any water to find. Personnel Support Systems (food synthesizers,
waste management, and so forth)
PLANETARY SIMILARITY TABLE Recreation Systems (games, holo-chambers, and
so forth)
Degree Of Similarity Survival Roll Penalty
Very similar -0 Medical Systems (may be purchased as a
Mostly similar -1 group)
A little similar -2
Mostly different -3 Medical Sensors (x-ray equipment, MRI equip-
Very different -4 ment, and so forth)
Extremely different -5 Surgical Equipment

SYSTEMS OPERATION Sensor Systems (must be purchased separately)

As described in the HERO System 5th Edition, Air/Space Traffic Control Systems (other than
Revised rulebook, Systems Operation is a “cinematic” radar and radio)
Skill — characters using it can operate any kind of Medical Sensors (see above)
system. This approach may not be appropriate for Metal Detectors
highly realistic campaigns. Instead, they may wish to Radar
break the Skill down into categories. The accompany- Sonar (passive and active arrays, towed arrays)
ing box presents one possible scheme for subdividing Sensor Jamming Equipment (equipment specifi-
Systems Operation, though others are certainly pos- cally designed to jam sensors)
sible given the nature and prevalence of technology FTL Sensors
in a campaign. Characters can learn any one category Dimensional/Temporal Sensors
for 2 Character Points for a (9 + (INT/5)) roll; each
additional category costs +2 Character Points, or each Weapons Systems (must be purchased
additional subcategory +1 Character Point; improv- separately)
ing the roll for all categories known costs +2 Charac- Advanced weapons such as missiles are
ter Points for each +1 to the roll. launched with the Systems Operation Skill. Each
Technology affects Systems Operation heavily. If type of advanced weapon has its own Weapon
appropriate, apply the Obsolete And Advanced Tech- System subgroup — Patriot missiles, antimatter
nology rules from Chapter Seven. space torpedoes, and so forth. (This does not
apply to vehicular weapons; those require WF:
In the standard HERO System rules, all spacecraft
and starships are covered by one simple, inexpensive Space Vehicles” as a separate, 2-point TF category of
Transport Familiarity. While that may work well for its own.
some Space Opera and Pulp SF campaigns, it’s not In some campaigns, GMs may wish to add an
appropriate for many Star Hero settings. For games additional category: Dimensional/Time Vehicles. It
where the GM desires greater detail, consider each covers time machines, dimension-ships, and any other
of the subcategories listed under “Science Fiction & vehicle that can travel between realities or times.
48 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
SKILLS AS TOOLS In Hard SF or high-realism games, GMs may
want to go one step further and make each plan- WEAPON FAMILIARITIES
One trend of technology et’s or species’s space vehicles a separate TF. Thus,
has long been to move a character with TF: Human Military Spacecraft Uncommon Melee Weapons (add to
the skill from the user to couldn’t safely pilot Mon’dabi Military Spacecraft. existing category)
the device. Rifle sights Electric Whip
As noted in the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised,
are built-in accuracy, Energy Blades
page 74, methods of construction, number and Inertial Gloves
and nowadays things placement of manipulatory limbs, control panel
like microwave ovens Stun Rods
organizational logic, and other factors may make
have a little bit of built- Small Arms (add to existing category)
it difficult or impossible for one species to use Liquid-Propellant Rifles
in cooking skill. This is
only going to accelerate another’s starships. Gauss Guns
in the future. It’s fairly Most of the hovercraft, landspeeders, and Polymer Guns
easy to model this using gravitic/magnetic ground vehicles common in Rocket Pistols
the HERO System — some SF settings typically fall under the Common Rocket Rifles
simply buy the Skill as Motorized Ground Vehicles category as a Hover- Missile Guns
a Power with the Focus craft subcategory. Larger hovercraft, or military Sonic Stunners
Limitation, using the hovercraft, are usually subcategories under the Tranquilizer Dart Guns
rules on page 141 of the Uncommon Motorized Ground Vehicle category. Beam Weapons (may be purchased as a group)
5th Edition rulebook. Laser Pistols
If direct brain links The number and types of weapons available Electron Beam Weapons
exist, it may be pos- to characters is greater in science fiction than any Particle Guns
sible to “jack in” a skill other genre, given the panoply of worlds, cultures, Energy Weapons (may be purchased as a group)
module which contains Ion Blasters
and technological levels to choose from. It’s not
a skill the user doesn’t Plasma Guns
already know. This is uncommon for characters in a Star Hero game to
carry everything from clubs, knives, and swords Disintegrators
purchased the same
way — the control- to blasters and disintegrators. See the accompa- Alternately, for some campaigns GMs may prefer
ling Characteristic is 0, nying table for suggested additions to the WF to establish a Science Fiction Small Arms category
because presumably the categories; GMs are, of course, free to alter or add including all weapons listed in the Small Arms,
skill module software to the existing lists to better suit their individual Beam Weapons, and Energy Weapons categories
is generic and doesn’t of this table.
get to take advantage of Gamemasters may want to consider making ter who has access to equipment more advanced
the user’s own abilities. each planet’s or species’s weapons a separate WF.
But of course, the better than the campaign setting standard. Maybe he’s
Thus, a character with WF: Ackálian Common from a planet with better technology, found a
the software, the higher
the roll it provides the Melee Weapons or WF: Human Small Arms cache of ancient technology, or is a highly-skilled
character. can’t use Varanyi Common Melee Weapons or inventor.
Denebian Small Arms without suffering the The GM should monitor and control all
normal nonproficiency penalty. Depending on a uses of this Perk. Having Advanced Tech does
species’s number of limbs or fingers and similar not necessarily mean that every piece of equip-
considerations, other species may find it difficult ment a character possesses is better than normal,
or impossible to use their weapons, regardless of or that he can at any time re-equip himself with
proficiency. tech as advanced as what he starts the game with
WEAPONSMITH (or obtains in mid-game). It also does not allow
him to distribute advanced technology to all of
Because lasers, blasters, and the like are so his friends (i.e., the other PCs), give it away freely
common in Star Hero settings, GMs may wish to allies, and then get more; typically he only has
to break out the “Energy Weapons” category of enough for himself (and to keep himself re-sup-
Weaponsmith into two or more categories. The plied, as reasonably necessary).
categories in the Star Hero Weapon Familiarities Advanced Tech costs 15 Character Points
table work well in most settings: Small Arms, per Tech Level above the campaign standard (or,
Beam Weapons, and Energy Weapons. That way, at the GM’s option, only 10 Character Points per
knowing how to fix a laser may tell a character Tech Level for a single type of technology, such as
almost nothing about working on a disintegrator. computers, weapons, or sensors). Gamemasters
should be very cautious about allowing more than
PERKS one level of Advanced Tech, and characters must
get the GM’s permission to buy this Perk (particu-
Star Hero characters find Perks just as useful larly after the game starts).
as modern-day or fantasy characters do. They ANONYMITY
even have access to a few that aren’t available in
other genres. As information-gathering technology
becomes both more powerful and more ubiqui-
ADVANCED TECH tous, anonymity becomes harder to obtain, and
This new Perk is suitable primarily for Star more valuable. In highly-regimented Star Hero
Hero campaigns that have a defined system of societies, GMs may wish to increase the cost of
Tech Levels (see page 142). It represents a charac- this Perk to 5 or more points.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 49

FRINGE BENEFITS See page 161 for more information on the STAR HERO
Most of the existing Fringe Benefits — including Galactic Computernet. HEAD OF STATE
Starship License and Galactic Computernet Access Head Of State
Card — are appropriate for Star Hero campaigns. Given the size and power of the galactic gov- Cost Fringe Benefit
Galactic Computernet Access Card ernments in many Star Hero settings, GMs may 10 Head Of State of
Depending on the nature and extent of the com- wish to expand this Fringe Benefit a little (see a single nation
puter nets in a Star Hero setting, the GM may want to accompanying sidebar). For characters who aren’t 13 Head Of State of
change the cost of this Fringe Benefit. In an empire leaders of a government, but instead are powers a planet
ruled by a cruel overlord, access to the computer behind the throne, heirs waiting to take command, 15 Head Of State of
networks might be restricted, so the Fringe Benefit or the like, buy the next-lowest Fringe Benefit. a small interstel-
would cost more points. On the other hand, in a Police Powers lar society
quasi-utopian Space Opera setting, the cost might In Star Hero campaigns, you should rename 20 Head Of State of
drop to 1 point (or even no points) to reflect the International Police Powers Planetary Police a medium-sized
openness of society. Powers (though the old name still applies on bal- interstellar soci-
Additionally, the cost of the Fringe Benefit may kanized worlds). For 8 Character Points, characters ety
depend on how much access a character has. The can buy Interstellar Police Powers, giving them the 25 Head Of State of
standard cost (be it 3 Character Points, as in the rule- authority to enforce the law throughout a single a large interstellar
book, or 1 point in a less restrictive setting) reflects star-spanning government. society
the lowest, most common level of access available — In campaigns which feature special psionic
the access of the average citizen. Gamemasters may police, GMs may allow a related Fringe Benefit,
want to charge characters with greater access (such Psionic Police Powers, for 3 Character Points (this
as high-ranking military officers, security agents, and is in addition to the cost of the character’s Police
government officials) more. Use the guidelines for the Powers Fringe Benefit). This Perk means the char-
Computer Link Perk (which is essentially the same acter is licensed to use psionic powers as part of
thing) to determine the cost. the investigative process, and gives him primary
In some settings, this Fringe Benefit may count jurisdiction over crimes involving the use of psion-
as an “Everyman Perk” — everyone gets it at the ics.
lowest level for free. Characters with greater access Similarly, campaigns involving “time cops”
pay for that access, typically as part of a Professional who travel back and forth in time to prevent
Package Deal. “chrono-criminals” from disrupting the time-
Despite the name, this Fringe Benefit doesn’t stream may use the Fringe Benefit Temporal Police
necessarily involve having a “card.” It could just as Powers for 3 Character Points (again, this is in
easily be a personal passcode, DNA scan, identity addition to the cost of standard Police Powers).
chip, or the like.
50 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Starship License people to have groups of colleagues and friends
This Fringe Benefit gives a character the right spread across the world (or even the galaxy), which
to own and operate a single starship. Characters can provide tremendous “leverage” for a character’s
who own more than one ship have to buy the Reputation.
Fringe Benefit multiple times. Alternately, the GM In Star Hero, a character’s Reputation could
can allow a new Fringe Benefit, Starship Master’s be known across thousands of worlds, or even
License, for 2 Character Points. This qualifies the throughout time; characters almost always have
character to captain any civilian vessel (there may to pay the 2-point cost for “large group” for their
be restrictions as to size or type), and allows him Reputation. But they can, and often should, only
to own as many vessels as he can afford. take the Reputation on an 8-, since it’s difficult to
be known by everyone (or even a substantial por-
New Fringe Benefits
tion of “everyone”) among trillions of aliens.
Here are a few Fringe Benefits specific to Star
Free Robot (1 point): In most cases, robots and Since Star Hero is a Heroic genre, characters
androids, even artificially intelligent ones, are con- can usually buy starships, houses, and the like
sidered property. One with this Fringe Benefit is with money. However, given the enormous cost of
not property; it is recognized as an independent starships in many settings (millions or billions of
sentient being with legal rights and citizenship. units of currency), a character may find it more
(Robotic characters may also need to change or convenient to spend Character Points on these
not take Social Limitations pertaining to their items. That also ensures he won’t have interstellar
status.) mortgage brokers constantly pestering him for a
monthly payment. On the other hand, the need to
Licensed Psionic (1 point): A character with this
acquire enough money to buy a ship with cash is
Fringe Benefit may use his psionic powers for legal
a great character motivator for the GM to use. See
purposes and according to established regulations
Chapter Eight for more information about Vehicles
— for example, to assist with business negotiations,
and Bases generally, including options for acquir-
find lost objects, or the like. In some settings, the
ing them.
authorities hunt down and capture unlicensed psis.
Time Machine License (2 points): A character with
this Fringe Benefit is allowed to own and operate a
time machine for legal purposes — scientific and
historical research, noninvasive tourism, recovery Science fiction dramatically expands the
of endangered species and lost artworks, and so opportunities for people to have unusual abilities.
forth. The Time Police may pursue and arrest unli- For example, you can simulate the abilities pos-
censed time travelers. sessed by many aliens with Talents. All members
of a serpentine species might be Double-Jointed,
MONEY and rigorous training in childhood might give
In some SF settings, money is obsolete or use- all members of a contemplative species Eidetic
less. The “Culture” of Iain M. Banks’s novels and the Memory. Some Talents may become universal,
Federation of Star Trek are posteconomic societies like Absolute Time Sense in a world with implant
where individuals can get pretty much whatever computers (see “Everyman Powers,” page 52). In
they want without money. Of course, even there a campaigns involving psionic powers, many Talents
person can’t just walk off with a starship or a space are probably low-grade psi abilities. Danger Sense,
habitat. For anything over a defined limit in value Simulate Death, and Universal Translator are good
(set by the GM based on local resources and the candidates for truly uncanny powers.
needs of the campaign), posteconomic characters
must make a roll to persuade whoever’s in charge
of production facilities that they really need the Characters may define this Talent as a com-
item. Use Bureaucratics, Persuasion, Seduction, puter implant, since all computers have a built-in
or Trading (whichever is most appropriate for the clock function. (The same “implant” special effect
situation), with a penalty to the roll based on how can apply to many other Talents, such as Bump
much the value of the requested item exceeds the Of Direction, Lightning Calculator, or Universal
established limit (typically -1 for every +10% value, Translator.)
but the GM makes the final determination). This Talent becomes particularly useful in
See the Economics section of Chapter Seven campaigns involving time travel. At the GM’s dis-
for more information. cretion, a character with Absolute Time Sense can,
with a successful PER Roll, also tell approximately
REPUTATION how far he’s traveled in time from his normal
Andy Warhol once observed that in the future, time-frame. Alternately, for +5 Character Points,
everyone will be famous, but only for fifteen min- a character can convert Absolute Time Sense into
utes. Certainly mass media makes it possible for Time Travel Sense, which gives him the innate abil-
people to have a widespread reputation, but the ity not only to gauge the passage of time, but to
constant “churn” of the media landscape means determine how far he has travelled in time and the
this year’s hero is next year’s trivia question. At current date.
the same time, improved communications allow
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 51

In worlds with psi powers, Danger Sense is a
low-powered form of Precognition. Gamemasters may
decide to let characters with Danger Sense improve
their ability to full-fledged Precognition with proper
training and experience.
Eidetic Memory crops up frequently in science
fiction settings. Not only is it handy for super-scientist
types and technical geniuses, it’s de rigueur for species
oriented toward logic, regimentation, or the like (such
as the Vulcans of Star Trek). It’s virtually required for
robotic characters.
Zero-G Training (the form of Environmental
Movement that eliminates penalties for performing
tasks in zero gravity) is common among space trav-
elers. Here are a few other gravity-related forms of
Environmental Movement; see pages 278-81 for more
information about gravity penalties.
High Gravity Training (1 Point): Negates the -1 penalty
for heavy gravity, but does not change the encum-
brance penalty.
Low Gravity Training (1 to 4 Points): Negates penalties
for low gravity. For 1 Character Point, characters can
negate up to -1 worth of low gravity penalties; for 3
points, up to -2; for 4 points, up to -3.

Zero G, high G, and low G are all separate envi-

ronments for purposes of Environmental Movement;
a character who wants to function in two or more of
them must buy the Talent multiple times.
Some science fiction settings limit the ability to
pilot FTL-capable ships to only certain persons. Typi-
cally, FTL pilots have to possess certain “perceptions”
or analytical skills that make it possible for them to fly
at superluminal speeds safely. Anyone else who tries to
pilot an FTL ship quickly runs it into a star, destroying
the entire vessel and everyone aboard. If FTL travel
involves hyperspace, only some people know how to
open hyperspace portals, or can stand to look at the
chaotic vista of hyperspace (as a pilot must) without
going insane.
In Star Hero settings that adopt this trope, char-
acters who want to be able to pilot FTL ships must buy
■ FTL Pilot Cost:4 Character Points (Navigation (FTL In Star Hero games featuring psionic powers,
or Hyperspace) and TF: FTL/Hyperspace Spacecraft) typically characters gain those powers through hered-
ity, i.e., they are born with them, and thus should start
HOTSHOT PILOT the game with them. However, some players might
This Talent represents a character who’s a natu- not want for their characters’ psionic abilities to have
rally gifted or highly-trained pilot. This has two effects. manifested at the time game play begins (either for
First, he receives a +2 bonus for all Combat Piloting dramatic reasons, or because they can’t afford to spend
rolls. Second, when piloting a ship no larger than 100 Character Points on Mental Powers yet). The GM
ktons in starship combat, his piloting skills make the might allow such characters to buy the Talent Latent
vessel harder to hit (granting it +2 DCV). Psionic for a set cost (typically 5 Character Points).
■ Hotshot Pilot Cost: 24 Character Points (+2 to This means the character can buy psionic abilities
Combat Piloting plus +2 DCV, Usable By Other [any later in the game — without this Talent, or some
ship of up to 100 ktons; +5]; Only For A Starship Char- appropriate in-game explanation, characters cannot
acter Is Piloting [-2]) buy psionic powers after game play begins. When a
52 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
UNIVERSAL character is ready for his latent psionic potential to be
TRANSLATORS realized, he simply converts the points spent on this EVERYMAN POWERS
Talent into points spent on his first psionic ability.
Some settings assume a fairly impressive arsenal
Universal Translation ■ Latent Psionic Cost: 5 Character Points (5 points of genetic and cybernetic modifications for ordi-
Matrix: This device, set aside for later purchase of Mental Powers) nary people: the inhabitants of Iain M. Banks’s
commonly built into
“Culture” novels have longevity, are immune to
communications SIMULATE DEATH
most poisons and diseases, and can trigger the
systems, hand-held Besides being an appropriate psionic power, release of artificial bloodstream chemicals to go
translators, and the like,
Simulate Death works perfectly for simulating “cold without sleep, overcome fatigue, and boost reac-
can convert a person’s
sleep pods” for STL travel, “stasis boxes” in which tion time. Gamemasters may consider giving
speech into any of the
objects (or people) are kept for decades or centuries certain abilities out for free, if they are universal in
thousands of languages
without deterioration, and similar technologies. Some the campaign.
in its database without
effort. It can analyze and alien species may have this Talent to reflect their abil- One good example is advanced medicine. If some
convert languages not ity to slow down their metabolic processes without means of delaying aging or preventing diseases
in its database, but this harm. exists, anyone who can afford it will want it. In
takes time and a suf- any setting more advanced than the present, a
ficiently large sample of UNIVERSAL TRANSLATOR near-total immunity to viral diseases could be
the new language. This This Talent shouldn’t exist in Hard SF cam- universal, and if medical nanobots are available,
device does not neces- paigns or other settings emphasizing realism. It’s hard this could even be immunity to any and all forms
sarily confer literacy; of infection. Genetic modification or nanosurgery
enough for Humans to learn and understand other
that depends on the could give everyone increased longevity or even
Human languages. immortality!
situation and the GM’s
evaluation of the tech- Gamemasters who want to dodge the issue of
having characters learn new languages every game Widespread cybernetics opens up other possibili-
nology. ties for “Everyman Powers.” In a world where
Universal Translator 15- session can allow this Talent, typically bought as a
everybody has a communicator implant, then the
(26 Active Points); OAF psionic ability or device; such gadgets are common Radio Perception/Transmission power could be
(hand-held translator; in many science fiction settings. See the sidebar for available for free.
-1), Restricted Function some examples. Don’t forget the penalties for trans-
(only works instantly Some common “Everyman Powers” for future
lating languages “extremely different” from the ones
on languages in its data- settings:
the character (or the designers of his translation
base, others require time Chronometer Implant: Absolute Time Sense. Total
device) knows; there are lots of weird ways for aliens
and samples to analyze; cost: 3 points.
-0). Total cost: 13 points to communicate.
(or 17 points for OIF). Communication Implant: See the “Cyborgs” sidebar,
page 28.
Intrinsic Language: The POWERS Gland Override: Aid 2d6, Variable Effect (either
character speaks the STR, CON, DEX, or EGO, one at a time; +¼),
In science fiction settings, HERO System Powers Delayed Return Rate (points fade at the rate of
“hard-wired” language
embodied in the Human have numerous uses. In addition to high technology 5 per Minute; +¼) (30 Active Points); Self Only
brain structure. He can — FTL starship drives, teleportation pads, advanced (-½), 2 Charges (-1 ½). Total cost: 10 points.
make himself under- sensors — and weapons such as laser pistols, Powers
Longevity Treatment: Life Support (Longevity:
stood by any Human simulate the abilities of aliens and alien fauna. half normal aging rate). Total cost: 1 point.
being, past or future. Described below are some potential uses for various
Aliens are still too alien powers; other, more obvious uses (such as Armor Nanobot Immune Enhancers: Life Support (Immu-
to understand, but this nity: all diseases and biowarfare agents common
to build Space Marine armored battlesuits) are not
is a good way to let to one planet or species) (10 Active Points); Acti-
mentioned (though they may be used for examples in vation Roll 15- (-¼). Total cost: 8 points.
time travellers speak Chapter Seven).
to everyone they meet. Superefficient Sleep: Life Support (Diminished
It does not necessarily DEFENSE POWERS Sleep: 8 hours per week). Total cost: 1 point.
convey literacy; that
In Star Hero campaigns, many Defense Powers, Universal Vaccine: Life Support (Immunity: all
depends on the situation
particularly those protecting spacecraft, use the viral infections). Total cost: 4 points.
and the GM’s evaluation
of the technology. optional form of Ablative described on page 116 of
the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised, under which Groups to the “Targeting” rate.
Universal Translator In campaigns featuring a lot of starship combat,
(INT Roll) (20 Active shots subtract Active Points from the defense. See
Chapter Eight for some examples. GMs may want to declare the Radio Group a Target-
Points); Human Lan-
guages Only (-1). Total ing Sense Group, at least for purposes of building
cost: 10 points. MOVEMENT POWERS stealth defenses for starships. Most of the Senses used
Many Movement Powers are affected by gravity. by one ship to target another are based on Radar, or
Psychotronic Translator: See page 279 for further information. are assigned to the Radio Group.
Campaigns including
psionic powers some-
times have these devices, In Space Opera settings featuring lots of aliens Alien creatures who feed directly on energy may
which essentially with lots of weird senses, it may prove difficult or have this Power. Realistically, it should only work
read people’s surface impossible to affect or “blind” a reasonable percent- against a tightly-limited group of effects, but a Space
thoughts as they speak age of any group of characters with any given Sense- Opera energy creature may have the ability to absorb
and broadcast them as any type of energy.
Affecting Power. Gamemasters may wish to consider
words. Psychotronic Some fictional spaceship defensive screens
either (a) lowering the cost of all Sense Groups to the
Continued on next page “Nontargeting” rate, or (b) raising the cost of all Sense actually absorb energy rather than reflecting it. You
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 53

can build this as Absorption Linked to Force Field CLAIRSENTIENCE Continued from last page
or Force Wall, with the points Absorbed typically In science fiction stories and films, Clairsentience Translators don’t work
feeding into the starship’s power plant (Endur- is usually a psychic or psionic ability, often with the with written languages,
ance Reserve). Overloads may be a problem — the No Conscious Control or Activation Roll Limitations. recordings, or machines,
device may specify, as a Side Effect, that any energy You can also use it to model “telepresence” devices and are blocked by
“Absorbed” beyond the maximum translates which allow people to connect their senses to robots Mental Defense.
directly into damage to the ship in some fashion. at remote locations, or to build security monitor cam- Detect Meaning Of
AID eras. Speech (INT Roll) (10
Ordinarily, once a character establishes his Active Points); OAF
Aid shows up quite a bit in the form of sci- (-1), Living Beings Only
Clairsentience perception point for a given activa-
ence fiction wonder drugs to boost a person’s per- (-¼), Does Not Work
tion of the power, it’s “fixed” at that point. To move it Against Beings With
formance. Just about any Characteristic can have
to another point, he’d have to deactivate that use and Mental Defense (-¼).
an appropriate booster drug — even Comeliness
activate the Clairsentience again at the new percep- Total cost: 4 points.
(possibly with the -½ Limitation Only To Coun-
tion point. To move the perception point while its
teract Aging). Usually there is a cost or side effect
the power remains active is a +5 Character Point Translator Chip:
— booster drugs may have the Costs Endurance
Adder, Mobile Perception Point. The perception point Implanted in a charac-
Advantage, or Side Effects that apply when the ter’s skull, this device
can move up to 6” per Phase, and travels in three
power stops working (once the Aided points wear allows easy real-time
dimensions (i.e., it can “fly”). The perception point
off, the user “crashes,” taking STUN and/or BODY translation of known
can pass through solid objects, though that may blind
damage). languages, but is use-
the character, disorient him, cause him to move the
less when dealing with
CHANGE ENVIRONMENT point “off course,” or the like, based on the situation,
some tongue outside its
This power may show up as a psionic ability, special effects, common sense, and dramatic sense. database.
especially with pyrokinesis or cryokinesis, which (If the point cannot move through solid objects, the
Universal Translator
alter the temperature around the psionic character. Clairsentience takes a -0 Limitation.) A character can (INT Roll) (20 Active
Sometimes the temperature change is an uncon- double his perception point’s rate of speed for every Points); Restricted
trollable side effect of other psionic abilities. +5 Character Points. Moving the perception point Function (only works
any number of inches up to its maximum movement instantly on languages
Terraforming — the conversion of planets
requires a Half Phase Action. in its database, others
which cannot support Human (or other) life into require time and sam-
inhabitable worlds — is a specialized form of Clairsentience normally allows a character to
ples to analyze; -0). Total
Change Environment suitable for settings or plan- perceive only one perception point at a time — if he cost: 20 points.
ets where the effects have to be maintained through wants to look at some other location, he has to either
powerful atmospheric generators or similar tech- move his perception point (as described above), or
nology. (Permanent changes require Area Of Effect de-activate the power and re-activate it at the new
location. At the GM’s option, a character can buy an STAR HERO
Major Transforms.) This type of terraforming is POWERS
Change Environment bought with the Megascale Adder called Multiple Perception Points to have the
Advantage (enough to affect the entire planet), and ability to perceive multiple perception points at once.
For each +5 Character Points, the character can have Adreno-Booster Drug:
Limitations such as Extra Time, Focus, Gradual Aid STR 3d6, Delayed
Effect, and Requires A Skill Roll. Although the envi- up to double the number of perception points active
Return Rate (points
ronmental changes may be immense, they may take at one time (two perception points for +5 Character fade at the rate of 5
decades or centuries to effect. (See page 87 for some Points, up to four perception points for +10 Character per Minute; +¼) (37
examples.) Points, and so forth). Active Points); OAF
The perception point for Clairsentience is not (-1), 4 Charges (-1), Side
CHARACTERISTICS normally perceivable by other characters. If it is, the Effects (character suffers
There are many ways to enhance a character’s Clairsentience may take the Focus or Visible Limita- Drain STUN 3d6 when
basic abilities, including: tion to reflect that. drug’s effects wear off,
always occurs; -1). Total
Tools: Powered exoskeletons (increased STR) CLINGING cost: 9 points
Cyberware: Nerve-boosters (improving Dexterity), This power is suprisingly common in Hard SF,
respiratory superchargers (improving Constitution since it’s useful to simulate things like magnetic boots Sensor Drone: Clairsen-
or Endurance), implanted dermal armor (providing (for walking around on spacecraft hulls or in zero-g tience (Sight and Hear-
environments) or suction-cup gloves. These are usu- ing Groups), 16x Range
extra PD and ED), and so forth
(2,800”), Mobile Percep-
ally OIFs, with Limitations indicating what types of
Drugs: These can boost just about any Characteris- tion Point (cannot move
surfaces they can cling to (metal for magnetic boots, through solid objects)
tic, though they are often better modeled with Aid
smooth hard things for suction cups). Alien beings (55 Active Points); OAF
(see above).
may have this power naturally, in which case it may (-1) (total cost: 27
qualify for the Inherent Advantage. points) plus Stealth 15-
Genetic engineering can also increase Char-
(total cost: 15 points).
acteristics, but it’s best applied by simply buying up DAMAGE REDUCTION Total cost: 42 points.
the individual’s Characteristics during character Tough aliens, especially those with silicon-based
creation, since it isn’t really possible after concep- biology, may have natural Physical Damage Reduc- Mag-Boots: Clinging
tion except in truly fantastic Space Opera cam- tion, as may Cyberpunk characters with artificially (normal STR) (10 Active
paigns. reinforced bones and flesh. Robots with good power- Points); OIF (-½), Only
surge control may have Energy Damage Reduction, To Cling To Ferrous
and psionics with layered mental defenses can pur- Objects (-½). Total cost:
chase Mental Damage Reduction. 5 points.
54 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
include “Psi Suppression Helmets” to negate an
individual’s abilities. This is simply a special effects-
based Drain bought through a Focus (see Champi-
ons, pages 120-21, for an example).
Suppress can be used the same way as Drain,
Splitting into Duplicates is rare in science fic-
tion. Shapeless blob creatures might be able to do it,
or colony beings. Duplication could also represent
the mindless drones of a hive creature.
Another application of Duplication is the cre-
ation of clones. Assuming the setting has even the
slightest respect for “realism,” creating the Duplicate
should take a while — days, at least, and possibly
months (you can simulate this with the Extra Time
Limitation). Unless artificial-aging and memory-
implantation methods are available, the clone has
to grow up and be educated in the normal fashion
for members of its species (which may require the
Altered Duplicates Advantage, if care isn’t taken to
make the clone turn out just like its “parent”). Of
course, the Cannot Recombine Limitation is neces-
Time cops and other characters who can move
through time may have a “Temporal Fugue” power
which is effectively Duplication: they hop back in
time to the very recent past, creating a multitude of
alternate selves to help in a battle or with a difficult
task. This form of Duplication requires a -½ form
of the Feedback Limitation — STUN and BODY
damage done to any Duplicate affects all “later”
ones, and the death of any Duplicate is the death of
the character.
Darkness can represent several effects in sci- Batteries, power cells, or a vehicle’s fuel supply
ence fiction. The first is natural Darkness defenses are all examples of Endurance Reserves. In espe-
analogous to a squid’s ink jet. They are usually Sight cially realistic campaigns, different devices and sys-
Group Darkness, although a spray of nasal anaes- tems may have independent Reserves which are not
thetic could affect the Smell/Taste Group instead. compatible — the sensors draw power from their
Most animals have only a few Charges of their batteries, and the laser cannons from their power
Darkness defense available. You can also use Dark- packs, while the engine requires fuel. Reserves often
ness to model sensor countermeasures, like chaff or have the Limited Recovery Limitation to reflect their
jamming; see page 199. specialized requirements. Chapter Seven offers
some suggestions on how to simulate different
DISPEL power sources with Endurance Reserve.
You can use Dispel to create sensor jamming Because Endurance Reserve does not cost
strong enough to burn out the opposing communi- END to use, ordinarily characters cannot Push it. At
cations device, or “reverse harmonic” countermea- the GM’s option, resourceful starship engineers in
sures to bring down an enemy’s force-fields. Cyber- cinematic or Space Opera campaigns might be able
punk computer hackers may use Dispel to create to “Push” a device’s Endurance Reserve to get just
various sorts of offensive or defensive software. a little bit more power efficiency out of it. Have the
Most such uses of Dispel have Limitations reflect- engineer take an appropriate amount of time (min-
ing the fact that they only affect certain special imum of a Full Phase) and make a Skill Roll (typi-
effects of the power they target (a device that shorts cally Electronics or Mechanics). For every point he
out electronically-generated force fields won’t nec- makes the roll by, he can “Push” the Reserve’s END
essarily have any effect on an alien’s self-generated by 1, to a maximum of 10. Characters can only do
Force Field power). this once per Reserve per game session, unless the
GM rules otherwise.
You can simulate rubber science “suppression ENERGY BLAST
fields” or “draining fields” with a Drain against a Slinging bolts of energy has been a staple of
specific Power. Campaigns with Psi powers may science fiction since H.G. Wells’s Martians first
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 55

used their Heat-Rays to incinerate the British taste) usually have very short ranges. Sound and THE RANGE OF
Army. While many of these attacks work better, in vibration senses require some medium, like water, TRANSMIT
game terms, as RKAs, Energy Blast is appropriate air, or solid material. Sensors are generally built to
for several types, including the ones listed below. detect one specific effect or emission, and cannot be Usually it’s not neces-
See Chapter Seven for examples of some of these tuned to read an “unknown form of energy.” sary to establish an
weapons. More cinematic campaigns typically have exact range over which
more capable and flexible sensors. To save time and a Sense with the Trans-
Blasters are superscience weapons which fire bolts
effort, GMs should consider allowing characters to mit Sense Modifier can
of undefined energy at the target. They are straight “broadcast” — the GM
Energy Blast effects, and in some models are set build starship sensors (and perhaps some forms of
personal sensor technology) as Power Frameworks can simply establish
for “stun only.” They’re most appropriate for Space ranges for Transmit on
Opera settings. (typically Variable Power Pools) only for Enhanced
a case-by-case basis,
Senses. That way the ship’s crew can shift from depending on special
Electric Guns fire a bolt of electricity along a path of one type of sensor to the next, limited only by the effects, the technology
ionized air heated by a small laser beam. The inten- science officer’s ability to twiddle the dials and used in the campaign,
sity of an electric shock can be set to do STUN only, the engineer’s skill at reconfiguring the main dish common sense, and
so they’re usually bought as a Multipower with two antenna. dramatic sense. In situa-
slots (one an ordinary EB, one with the STUN Only Star Hero GMs should also let characters apply tions where knowing the
Limitation) and Charges on the reserve. They take appropriate Advantages, particularly MegaScale, exact range is important,
the Limitation Not In Rain, Vacuum, Or Water (-½). to Senses, even though this is not allowed in most GMs can use one of two
genres. Otherwise, it becomes difficult to simulate methods.
Force Projectors shoot a beam of “force” (by means
unknown to modern science) which hits the target many of the abilities and actions typically seen in
science fiction. For strict precision, give
like a physical blow. This is typically a physical
any Sense with Transmit
EB with the Double Knockback Advantage (+¾) Because Active Detects make the user’s pres-
a broadcast range of 1
(assuming the campaign uses Knockback). ence and location obvious, most spacecraft have kilometer per Active
both active and passive sensors, so they can lurk Point. To increase this
Heat Beams are like a giant searchlight projecting
silently when they have to and then “light up” when range, apply the Mega-
intense heat (a favorite of Wells’s Martians). Heat
they attack. If sensors are accurate and defenses Scale Advantage, with
Beams can be built using either EB or RKA; they
are limited, space battles often resemble submarine the +¼ level increasing
usually have the Power Modifiers Area Of Effect
actions — lots of listening and waiting, and then it to 10 km per Active
(Line) and Reduced By Range. Point, and so on up the
sudden all-out attacks. For a more Space Opera feel,
Particle Beams project a stream of subatomic par- limit the sensors to make space pilots rely on their MegaScale Table from
ticles accelerated to near the speed of light. They own steely eyes. there. Characters may
damage the target both with radiation effects and need to apply MegaScale
an ionizing blast. They’re built as Energy Blasts with EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL MOVEMENT as a naked Advantage,
or put Senses in a Mul-
the Armor Piercing and Beam Power Modifiers. Ever since the idea of higher and parallel
tipower (one slot Mega-
Plasma Weapons, such as fusion guns or plasma dimensions was put forth, science fiction writers Scaled, one not), to
blasters, fire or spray superheated matter at the have been using them for all kinds of effects. Some create both short-range
target. They tend to be straightforward Energy of the more common include: and long-range sensors.
Blasts, often with high numbers of dice. Cyberspace: If virtual reality worlds are a major
part of the campaign, then one way to model them For more “dramatic”
Sonic Weapons in science fiction are usually harm- results, assume a trans-
less stunners — Energy Blasts with the NND is to describe entering Cyberspace as a Limited
form of Extra-Dimensional Movement (see page mission can reach any-
Advantage and the Limitations Does Not Work In A where within an area
Vacuum (-¼) and Reduced By Range (-¼). Deadlier 163).
defined by the GM (one
sonic blasts, capable of disrupting tissue and shat- Hyperspace Drive: One method of faster-than-light city, one nation, one
tering rigid materials, are Killing Attacks. travel shifts the spaceship into an alternate universe planet, one solar system,
or dimension in which distances are smaller, then or the like). For each +5
Tachyon Beams fire bolts of tachyons — theoretical Character Points, the
particles which can only travel faster than light. In back into our world at the appropriate destination.
See page 192 for more information and examples. character can increase
game terms, this is just a special effect, but when the range of transmis-
combined with faster-than-light sensors it enables Mindscapes: Telepaths exploring a person’s mental sion by one step down
spaceships to do battle over extremely long dis- landscape may model it as a form of Extra-Dimen- the MegaScale Table.
tances without worrying about time lag. sional Movement, taking them to the “world” inside
the target’s head.
Microverse Travel: When scientists determined that
Technology has been boosting Human senses
atoms resemble tiny solar systems, a number of
since the first telescopes were invented, and Star
authors quickly turned out stories about Humans
Hero campaigns often feature many different types
visiting the tiny planets inside an atom. These were
of sense-enhancing technology (not to mention
usually Pulp SF planets with beautiful princesses.
alien species with strange senses of their own).
Visiting the microverse is a form of Extra-Dimen-
In Hard SF settings, the available senses should
sional Movement (the character Shrinker, in Con-
be those which detect real phenomena: electro-
querors, Killers, And Crooks, has this sort of ability).
magnetic radiation, trace chemicals, electrical or
magnetic fields, sound and vibration, gravity, the Time Travel: This is Extra-Dimensional Movement
passage of time, and changes in position. Senses to any date in time. See page 233 for expanded time
relying on chemical detection (such as smell and travel rules.
56 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
STAR HERO Most Extra-Dimensional Movement devices settings, particularly those combining spaceships
POWERS are bought either as vehicles, or as Fragile Foci and swordplay, are energy-only shields. These
(and in the latter case, they’re often Independent stop energy attacks and high-velocity projectiles,
Jetpack: Flight 10” (20 as well). Typically, they require a Skill Roll to use but not slow-moving attacks like blades and
Active Points); OIF (-½), properly, with failure meaning the characters punches. This would best be modeled as a Force
Only On Earth (-1), 1 either don’t go anywhere, or end up somewhere Field with lots of Energy Defense and the Limi-
Continuing Fuel Charge they hadn’t intended! tation Only Against High-Velocity Projectiles (-½
(special fuel cells, Easily or more) for the Physical Defense.
obtained, 1 Hour; -0). FASTER THAN LIGHT TRAVEL
It’s traditional for science fiction force fields
Total cost: 8 points. One of the key concepts in science fiction is to be transparent. Some writers who pay atten-
the ability to travel to other stars and encounter tion to detail make them mirror-surfaced or
Personal Force Barrier other civilizations. To get around that spoilsport matte black so visible-light lasers can’t pierce
Generator: Force Wall Einstein’s universal speed limit, writers have them. In that case, they block the vision of
(8 PD/8 ED), Reduced come up with a variety of faster-than-light travel
Endurance (0 END; +½) anyone inside the shield (a -½ Side Effect).
methods. Exactly how fast stardrives go depends Many science fiction force fields behave
(60 Active Points); OIF
(-½), Self Only (-½) on the GM and the rules of the campaign setting. more like Force Walls in game terms — they
(total cost: 30 points) Most forms of FTL travel assume that there are create a barrier or bubble rather than hugging
plus Telekinesis (20 no relativistic time-dilation effects, though GMs the user’s skin. In some cases, a force field gen-
STR), Reduced Endur- willing to calculate such effects can sometimes erator may be able to switch modes and do both
ance (0 END; +½) (45 use them to create plot points (as in Dan Sim- (a Multipower). Characters cannot normally use
Active Points); OIF (-½), mons’s Hyperion novels, where characters have to Force Walls to push against things, but many sci-
Linked (-¼), Only To account for time-debt when using FTL ships). ence fiction shields can; you can simulate this
Push With The Force FTL Travel is the simplest way to create power by Linking Telekinesis with Force Wall.
Wall (-1) (total cost: 16 a faster-than-light craft, because the cost and
points). Total cost: 46 HEALING
effects of travel are easy to calculate. See page
190 for more discussion of FTL drives. You can model the improved medical tech-
nology found in most SF settings with the Heal-
Personal Force Shield: FLIGHT
Force Field (0 PD/20 ing power. Realistic Healing should take lots of
In Hard SF settings, Flight requires either extra time — at least a day per die of Healing.
ED), Reduced Endur-
ance (0 END; +½) (30 wings or some kind of thruster capable of lift- Even nanotech medicine can’t just magically
Active Points); OIF (-½) ing the character’s weight. Realistic flying gear make you well. Space Opera and Pulp SF have
(total cost: 20 points) is usually specialized for a given environment: near-magical healing, invoking rubber science
plus Force Field (12 PD/ helicopters built for Earth’s gravity and atmo- devices like “regeneration fields” and “cellular
0 ED), Reduced Endur- sphere won’t work properly on Mars (and defi- stimulators” to cut the time down to mere hours.
ance (0 END; +½) (18 nitely won’t work on the Moon). In campaigns Regeneration is still close to rubber science,
Active Points); OIF (-½), which span multiple planets, some Flight equip- although since some animals can regrow limbs
Only Against High- ment may have the Limitation Only On [Planet] Humans may someday learn the trick. It takes a
Velocity Projectiles (-½) (-½ to -2, depending on how much of the cam-
(total cost: 9 points). while — on the order of weeks or months.
paign takes place on that world). Obviously any The literal resurrection of dead people is
Total cost: 29 points.
kind of aerodynamic or aerostatic flight won’t impossible even in Space Opera, but if “brain
work at all in vacuum. taping” or other means of recording a person’s
Less realistic campaigns aren’t so restricted. mental state exists, then one can simply grow
They may feature jetpacks (a staple of Pulp SF), a new body (cloned from a tissue sample) and
antigravity belts, or superscience “repulsorlift” input the personality and memories. In some
devices. Some of these devices work as well in settings this requires characters to keep clones
the vacuum of space as in atmospheres, others in storage at a “clone bank” and make periodic
do not. updates to their recorded selves. This is Resur-
See page 279 for more information regard- rection with at least a week of Extra Time and
ing the effects of gravity on Flight. various other Limitations (inlcuding Immobile
FORCE FIELD AND FORCE WALL Fragile Focus); destroying any of the equipment
stops the Resurrection.
To real scientists, a “force field” is a techni-
cal term used to describe the effects of things IMAGES
like gravity and magnetism. We live in a force The invention of holography quickly made
field that holds us to the surface of the Earth. three-dimensional projected images a stan-
The only type of protective Force Field plausible dard feature of science fiction. Decades later, it
under hard science is a magnetic shield like the appears that creating free-standing visual images
Earth’s magnetic field, offering protection against in thin air may not be possible (but of course
charged particles and cosmic rays. Otherwise, that’s no barrier to having such things in Space
armor is the only real defense. Opera Star Hero campaigns; see page 175 for
But in Space Opera, force fields are every- an example). On the other hand, sophisticated
where, from personal shield belts, to starship computer-controlled speakers do make sound
“integral defense fields,” to planetary force or sonar images quite feasible. Some forms of
shields. These often have Limitations or other electronic countermeasures would have the effect
restrictions. For example, common to some SF of creating Images for the Radio sense group.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 57

The Set Effect Limitation is appropriate for many which involves a lot of time in zero-G should prob- POWER EXAMPLES:
such uses. ably include some way to avoid those effects — a MIND CONTROL
While most Star Hero Images require a pro- serum to counter the degeneration, or “resistance
jector (a Focus), some alien beings may be able to suits” to keep the muscles toned. Hard SF characters Mind Control Drug: Mind
create them unaided. Creatures like dolphins or can buy this as a 1-point form of Life Support, Safe Control 12d6 (60 Active
bats with sonar senses may be able to generate false Environment: Zero Gravity. Space Opera and cin- Points); OAF Fragile
sonar images. David Brin’s novel Sundiver included ematic characters don’t have to worry about such (easily spilled or diluted
an alien with an organic laser eye which could gen- things, and at the GM’s option any character with drug; -1 ¼), No Range (-
erate holograms. Environmental Movement (Zero-G) doesn’t suffer ½), Based On CON (ED
from these negative effects anyway. applies; -1). Total cost:
INVISIBILITY 16 points (or 13 points
When H.G. Wells wrote The Invisible Man, the MENTAL DEFENSE if the drug has the Set
Effect Limitation).
idea of making someone invisible seemed plausible. In game settings where psionic powers are
Later discoveries made it seem completely fantastic, known and reasonably common, Mental Defense
Alien Pheromones: Mind
but modern developments in stealth technology, of some sort will definitely be widespread. This
Control 10d6, NND
“smart” camouflage materials, and fiber optics have is likely to be true even in a world dominated by (defense is Life Support
put it back into the realm of the possible. powerful psionic individuals: they won’t want other [Self-Contained Breath-
Stealth coatings create Invisibility, either for the psis spying on their thoughts. The exact nature of ing]; +½), Reduced
Radio Group (airplanes, spacecraft) or the Hearing the defenses depend on what mental powers are Endurance (½ END;
Group (submarines). Smart or reactive camouflage common and how they work in the game world. The +¼) (87 Active Points);
can provide visual Invisibility, usually with the Cha- most obvious is some kind of helmet, headband, or Limited Range (3”; -¼),
meleon or Only When Not Attacking Limitations. “tinfoil hat” providing Mental Defense through a Set Effect (defined when
Invisibility without some kind of “fringe” effect is Focus. character buys power,
very hard to achieve in SF — if nothing else, no Non-psionic characters without access to psi- typically sexual arousal
or rage; -1). Total cost:
amount of camouflage can get rid of your shadow! blocking technology can sometimes “hide their
39 points.
To achieve that effect, you’d need sophisticated thoughts” by mentally repeating catchy tunes, con-
light-bending devices or the like, appropriate only in centrating on unpleasant images, or cloaking ideas
Neural Probe: Mind
Space Opera and Pulp SF-style games. in obscure metaphors. It isn’t infallible and requires Control 15d6, Reduced
Alien beings may have chameleon powers, effort, but sometimes it’s just what’s needed: Mental Endurance (0 END;
giving them Invisibility to whatever sense their Defense (10 points) (10 Active Points); Concentra- +½) (112 Active Points);
natural enemies use for hunting. Psionic Invisibility tion (½ DCV, must Concentrate throughout; -½), OAF Bulky Fragile
is another possibility, in games with mental powers. Requires An EGO Roll (assuming an EGO Roll of (neural probe equip-
Psi invisibility can have no fringe and work when 12-; -¾). Total cost: 4 points. ment; -1 ¾), Extra Time
the character is moving and fighting, but it would (1 Hour; -3), Requires
MIND CONTROL A PS: Brain Hacking
have the Limitation Doesn’t Affect Machines — a
sensor, lacking any mind for the character to affect, Mind Control is fairly common in science fic- Roll (-¼). Total cost: 19
tion. In addition to psionic forms of mental domi- points
still perceives him normally.
nation (see Chapter Ten), characters can control
LIFE SUPPORT others’ minds by mundane methods. Mind control
Just about all science fiction stories which take drugs, alien pheromones that overwhelm the senses
place away from Earth involve some form of Life to induce lust or rage, and “brain hacking” with
Support — without it, the characters can’t get very neural probes are all forms of Mind Control.
far. Space suits and starships provide their occu-
pants with a Safe Environment against vacuum,
radiation, and intense cold. This power has several applications in sci-
Most forms of life support are created by ence fiction. It can be a telekinetic’s ability to divert
protective suits or vehicles (diving suits, medical attacks, a starship’s “deflector shields” or “repulsors,”
cleansuits, radiation-shielded capsules, and the like). or even a sophisticated antimissile system like
But various medical treatments can also provide the Strategic Defense Initiative. The Ranged and
forms of Life Support: vaccinations or nanotech Uncontrolled Advantages are often applied when
immune-enhancers create Immunity against certain this Power is bought as part of a starship’s or space
diseases and toxins. Good medicine in general can station’s defenses, and MegaScale is often applied in
create Longevity, as can rubber science substances conjunction with Ranged.
like the boosterspice used in Niven’s “Known Space” MULTIFORM
In a Hard SF campaign, Terran medical science Shape-changing aliens are a fixture of Space
can’t vaccinate against unknown diseases. Immunity Opera and Pulp SF, but are less common in Hard
only applies to viruses and pathogens known to the science fiction. Realistically, it’s difficult for creatures
people creating the vaccines. On the other hand, to change their shape — think of how long it takes
alien bugs may not be able to affect Humans. a caterpillar to become a butterfly, or a woman to
NASA and Russian space medicine specialists recover from pregnancy. For all but the most cin-
have learned a lot about the effects of zero grav- ematic Star Hero campaigns, Multiform should usu-
ity. Without gravity, Human muscles and bones ally take the Extra Time Limitation (hours or days),
get weaker over time (presumably the same would and perhaps Costs Endurance and Increased Endur-
apply to alien species). Any realistic campaign ance Cost, to reflect the fact that changing your
body around is physically demanding.
58 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
STAR HERO Halfway plausible shapeshifters have a set (similar to the Neural Probe on page 57 — just
POWERS “menu” of alternate forms, using the standard substitute Telepathy for Mind Control). Telepathy
Multiform rules. Completely cinematic shapeshift- versus the Machine class of minds can simulate
Sonic Multitool: Elec- ers can adopt any form, but that’s really a Variable special electromagnetic sensors that read what’s
tronics 15- (15 Active Power Pool limited to Multiform powers, or a Mul- inside a computer.
Points); OAF (-1) tiform with a large menu of additional shapes.
(total cost: 7 points) TELEPORTATION
and Mechanics 15- (15 SHAPE SHIFT In Space Opera, Pulp, and other cinematic
Active Points); OAF (-1) While characters who can actually change forms of SF, devices for teleporting characters
(total cost: 7 points). their features to resemble others are best left to across great distances are common, since they
Total cost: 14 points. pulpish or cinematic campaigns, this power does make it easy for the author to avoid wasting time
have a place in Hard SF or Cyberpunk games. A on boring travel scenes. The transporters of Star
Underwater Impeller computer hacker who can adopt someone else’s Trek, transmat beams of Doctor Who, and transfer
Pack: Swimming +10” identity in cyberspace is effectively using Shape booths/stepping disks featured in Niven’s “Ring-
(10 Active Points); OIF
Shift (Radio Sense Group) with several Limita- world” novels are all good examples. For crossing
(-½), Side Effect (noisy,
-3 to Stealth rolls or +3 tions. Spacecraft with electronic countermeasures interplanetary distances, a few levels of MegaScale
to Hearing PER Rolls to let them fool IFF systems have Shape Shift are usually required. You can even simulate some
to perceive user, always (Radio Sense Group). A high-tech disguise kit FTL drives, such as stargates, with MegaScale Tele-
occurs; -½). Total cost: is Shape Shift (Sight and Touch Groups) with a portation (plus a few appropriate Limitations, like
5 points. Required Skill Roll, Extra Time, and a Focus. Extra Time) rather than Flight or FTL Travel.
Gamemasters striving for “realism” should
Personal Tractor Beam: disallow the No Relative Velocity and Safe Blind
Telekinesis (20 STR) One effect of advanced technology is that the Teleport Advantages for this Power. They can also
(30 Active Points); OAF machines get more skillful rather than their users. take the different rotation speed and direction of
(tractor beam device; - Devices like GPS receivers essentially give the user places on a planet’s surface into account — jump-
1), Affects Whole Object the Navigation Skill, for example. This trend is ing to the other side of the world means you arrive
(-¼), Limited Range likely to continue; many SF settings feature tech- with a velocity of 3,200 kilometers per hour east-
(10”; -¼). Total cost: 12 nology able to perform almost any Skill, often with
points. ward. This limits the maximum jump to no more
Skill Levels to boot. than a couple of degrees of longitude or latitude, or
Characters in Cyberpunk games can pur- about 200 kilometers.
Skillchip Interface
chase Skills “off the rack” as programmed chips The existence of Teleportation technology
System: A 13-point
Multipower with four that plug into neural interface sockets. These are raises all sorts of interesting dilemmas and poten-
ultra slots; each slot is an Skills bought as OIFs, typically as part of a Power tial story hooks; Star Trek has explored many of
OIF (skillchip), and as Framework (assuming the GM permits this). them. Can characters use a teleportation device to
a result, the reserve also While handy for the character, they raise a host of create armies of “cloned” soldiers, or to instantly
takes the OIF Limitation questions and can lead to all sorts of plot hooks for heal someone? Is it possible to accidentally dupli-
(defined as the interface the GM to exploit: if an enemy has used the same cate a character, or merge two characters, and what
system installed in the chip, can he figure out what the character will do are the legal and moral implications of such an
character’s head, which and take advantage of that knowledge? What hap- accident? Does using the device pose any other
is easily removed for pens if a chip is mis-programmed, or has a “bug”
cleaning and mainte- risks? What happens if the equipment fails in
in it? If a chip is “used,” is it possible it accidentally mid-teleport? By developing a reasonable expla-
nance). Four example
slots for a burglar char- stored some information from its previous owner’s nation for how teleportation devices work (even
acter: Climbing 14-, brain — information that owner desperately wants if it’s a rubber science theory), GMs can answer
Electronics 14-, Lock- to keep secret? these questions consistently, and even plan stories
picking 14-, Security around them. See Chapter Seven for more infor-
Systems 14-. Total cost: mation.
13 points. From the planet-moving telekinesis displayed
by the characters in some Space Opera stories, to TRANSFORM
If the GM does not the barely-useful “arm” of Larry Niven’s character Science fiction involves many forms of trans-
permit Skills as Powers Gil Hamilton, Telekinesis occurs frequently in SF. formation, both voluntary and involuntary.
in Power Frameworks, Psionic telekinesis (psychokinesis) works about as Viruses or nanotech machines can Transform
buy each chip separately, described on page 231 of the HERO System 5th Edi- characters’ bodies — usually with the Gradual
with the Limitations tion, Revised (Telekinesis BOECV, and often with Effect Limitation, and often with No Normal
Lockout (cannot use any Fine Manipulation). Force projectors or “tractor
other chip while this Defense (the defense is an appropriate Life Sup-
beams” are Telekinesis bought with the Focus and port [Immunity]). Such transformations can be
chip is in use; -½) and
Extra Time (takes a Full Affects Whole Object Limitations, and often able to Major or Minor. Healing may occur normally, or
Phase to switch chips; function across MegaScale ranges. may require an all-or-nothing cure.
-½). Total cost: 24 TELEPATHY Nanotechnology can also transform inani-
points (6 points per mate objects into other things. Again, the process
chip). In fiction, “telepathy” and “telepathic” are takes some time, and a key Limitation is that the
often used as a broad term to describe many dif- nanobots can only make one specific product.
ferent types of psionic abilities, even if those As described in Chapter Seven, realistic nano-
powers aren’t built using this Power. In addition tech should require lots of cooling and energy to
to straightforward psionic telepathy, this can also accomplish in less than several days’ time.
represent invasive “brain scanning” using devices In Pulp SF, various rubber science rays and
to remotely read out a brain’s electrical impulses
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 59

serums can transform hapless victims — de-evolu-

tion rays, monster serums, accelerated time projec-
tors, and so forth. Unlike viruses and nanotech,
Pulp devices work quickly, and tend to be massive
Immobile Foci.
Psionic powers and sophisticated brainwash-
ing can transform the Mind and Spirit, typically
using the rules for Mental Transforms on page 240
of the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised. Healing
from this sort of Transform can be normal healing
as the character’s brain readjusts, or it may require
a specific cure (usually some kind of counter-brain-

Most Power Advantages work in the normal
fashion in Star Hero campaigns. Here are a few
notes on non-standard applications.
This is most useful in situations like Cyber-
punk campaigns, where a computer hacker can
have only a certain number of programs run-
ning at a given time. The hacker prepares his
attack software (using Extra Time to keep the
cost down) and applies Delayed Effect so he
can trigger it when he meets stiff opposition in
This powerful Advantage is useful for
simulating certain types of nanotech weapons,
psionic powers, bizarre alien poisons, and the
like. Because attacks with Does BODY are often
lethal, GMs should be wary about allowing them
unless the PCs at least have a chance to apply
The Persistent Advantage is a good way to
represent that hoary SF chestnut, the machine
that keeps running for centuries or millennia
after its creators vanish (though of course there
may be a malfunction or two to make the PCs’
lives interesting when they find the device...).
And Inherent, of course, is appropriate for many
aliens’ innate powers, such as a reptiloid’s tail.
Depending on special effect, Explosions may
behave unusually in a vacuum (such as outer
space). In that situation, fragments of shrapnel
and such may travel much further than they oth-
erwise would, while still retaining the ability to
cause damage; GMs should consider giving them
an extra 1” per -1 DC effect. On the other hand,
the expanding gases of an Explosion may dis-
sipate so quickly that they’re not as effective as
they could be without air or some other medium
to propagate through; GMs may want to forbid
characters to buy some Explosions with a greater
than -1 DC per 1” damage reduction rate.
60 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Because of the vast distances involved in Although, as the rulebook indicates, not
most science fiction stories, particularly those belonging to a particular species is not generally a
featuring a lot of starship combat or space valid defense against an NND, GMs should remem-
travel, this Advantage is extremely common in ber that in a Space Opera setting with many differ-
Star Hero campaigns. It’s most often applied to ent species, an NND that affects one may not affect
engines (and other movement devices), weapons, others. A substance poisonous to Humans may be
and sensors. a delicious taste treat to Fomalhauti, for example.
As mentioned above under Teleportation, It may be worthwhile for the GM to define which
MegaScale Teleportation is a good way to simu- species a given poison, drug, or other attack does
late devices like the transporter of Star Trek. or does not affect; this may justify a Limitation (see
Similarly, starships may model jump drives as Limited Power, below).
MegaScaled Teleportation (usually at the 1” =
1 light-year or 10 light-years level), and fixed
stargates may combine the “gate” rules with Penetrating can simulate the way radiation
extremely long-range Mega-Scaling (say, 1” = 100 weapons interact with armor. Armor (or any mass)
or 1,000 light-years, or more). Some FTL drives stops a part of radiation energy, but some always
may work better if built with MegaScale Flight gets through. When combined with Continuous,
instead of FTL Travel. Penetrating can represent attacks like chemicals or
For beam weapons, a good scale is 1” equals nanobots which gradually seep through armor.
10, 100, or 1,000 kilometers. See page 217 regard- STICKY
ing lightspeed lag.
Although the standard rule is that charac- This is a great way to model the horrifying
ters shouldn’t apply Advantages to Senses, Star effects of things like nanotech “gray goo” weapons
Hero Gms should allow them to apply MegaScale or voracious swarms of weird alien insects. It can
— otherwise, it becomes very expensive to build also represent computer viruses, when applied to
the sort of long-range sensors so common in SF. attacks in cyberspace. Realistically, electric current
Sensors can have ranges of thousands of light- is Sticky — touching someone in contact with a
years, but resolution requires very big detectors powerful electric source means you get shocked,
— to see anything smaller than a star at interstel- too.
lar ranges, you need huge telescopes separated by TRANSDIMENSIONAL
thousands of kilometers, or rubber science. The
If the GM defines a “hyperspace” or “subspace”
practical limit for realistic vehicle-mounted sen-
dimension for his campaign setting, powers which
sors is about 1” = 1 million kilometers, though
can “reach into” or affect that dimension without
rubber science sensors can work over much
leaving normal space need this Advantage. (The
greater ranges. Detecting things at interstellar
same applies to most powers that can affect other
ranges also brings up the question of light-
points in time.) Transdimensional attacks are
speed lag. In the real universe, distance equals
even possible — a ship which can attack targets
time — an image a light-year away is a year
in hyperspace from normal space (or vice versa)
old. Faster-than-light sensors based on tachyon
would have a significant tactical advantage against
pulses or other rubber science definitely require
a species lacking such technology.
A MegaScaled power cannot be “scaled VARIABLE ADVANTAGE
down” to less than 1”, whatever the MegaScale Powers with a technological or biological basis
defines 1” as equalling. For example, a sensor tend to have a set effect, so Variable Advantage
with MegaScale (1” = 1 light-year) can’t detect usually isn’t appropriate. If the GM allows it at all,
anything closer than 1 light-year away (in much it should be limited to a specific set of Advantages
the same way that an observatory telescope can — like a blaster which can switch among High-
view the Moon and stars, but not a city a few Intensity (Armor Piercing), Wide-Angle (Area Of
miles away). At the GM’s option, any MegaScaled Effect), and Autofire modes.
power at greater than 1” = 1 kilometer can pay
for an additional +¼ Advantage to scale down VARIABLE SPECIAL EFFECT
as far as 1” = 1 kilometer, thus allowing much This is really hard to justify in a science fiction
greater flexibility. However, a MegaScaled power setting — how can a device have the same effect but
can never work at a closer range than 1” = 1 switch between causes? A laser can’t suddenly start
kilometer (or whatever 1” is defined as, since emitting sound waves. One really weird example
the +¼ level of MegaScale allows for 1” to equal of this Advantage in an SF story is the Lazy Gun
anything up to a kilometer). To affect things in Iain M. Banks’s Against A Dark Background,
closer than that, buy the MegaScaled power in which never destroys its target the same way twice.
a Multipower with a regularly-scaled version of (Nobody in the story can explain it, either.)
the same ability.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 61

POWER LIMITATIONS -0 if they rarely appear in the campaign. Obvi-

ously, if aliens don’t exist at all in the campaign, it
Most Limitations work in the normal fashion isn’t a Limitation.
in Star Hero campaigns. Here are a few notes on Similarly, some devices or abilities may only Most Star Hero cam-
non-standard applications. work against a particular species’s technology. paigns are Standard
This most often occurs with defensive technology Heroic campaigns. The
ALWAYS ON — a force field attuned to defend against Mon’dabi rules typically limit
This Limitation is particularly suitable for blasters may have little or no effect against Se’ecra characters in a Standard
certain psionic powers. A favorite cliche in SF weaponry. This is worth -¼ to -1, typically, Heroic campaign to no
depending on how often the GM expects the char- more than 25 points’
stories is the telepath who wants to get away from
worth of Disadvantages
other people’s thoughts because he can’t fully acter to encounter technology he cannot affect.
from any one type of
shut down his Telepathy. (In some cases you can Does Not Work In A Vacuum is a common Disadvantage — up
simulate this with a Physical Limitation instead of form of Limited Power, and is usually worth -¼ to 25 points’ worth of
Limiting the Telepathy itself.) in most campaigns. In some Star Hero campaigns, Hunteds, 25 points’
it may be worth more — -½, or even -1 — if the worth of Psychologi-
CONCENTRATION characters spend a lot of time in space. But even cal Limitations, and so
Psionic powers in SF stories often take this in Star Hero, most characters stay in pressurized, forth.
Limitation — the mentalist has to stop, focus on breathable environments most of the time, so the
his target, furrow his brow, and really think about -¼ may still be appropriate. This may cause some
affecting the target. The same applies to devices problems, since char-
that require a lot of focusing or adjusting. Vehicles SIDE EFFECTS acters in Heroic cam-
may have this Limitation on their Movement Many SF powers have Side Effects, especially paigns usually don’t
Powers, if the vehicle has to power down or come in the prototype stage. Examples include super- have access to as many
weapons which may blow up, psi powers which Disadvantages as Super-
to a halt to use a special engine (such as a “jump
heroic characters do.
drive”). cause everyone nearby to suffer a splitting head-
Disadvantages like Acci-
ache, or simply machines which make a deafening dental Change, Enraged/
INCANTATIONS roar when running. Berserk, Susceptibility,
This Limitation has relatively few applica- Some aliens may have powers which don’t and Vulnerability don’t
tions in SF. However, you can sometimes use it to have Side Effects on their species but which do occur nearly as often in
simulate a spoken security password a character affect others — a silicon-chemistry being’s Tun- Heroic games. Star Hero
has to recite to make a device work, or the spoken neling ability which showers everyone nearby with characters may run into
protocol used to engage a starship’s self-destruct acid, for instance. The alien itself doesn’t mind trouble trying to come
sequence (such as in Star Trek III: The Search For a little acid, but his Human companions have up with 75 points’ worth
Spock). grounds for complaint. This is a ¼ reduction in the of Disadvantages from
the ones they can, realis-
GRADUAL EFFECT value of the Side Effect, since it affects the being’s
tically, take.
environment but not himself. If the campaign
Many realistic powers take time to work. involved all silicon aliens, the Side Effect wouldn’t
Even nanotech super-medicines won’t make Gamemasters concerned
be a real Limitation at all. about this problem have
injured characters well in an instant. In addition
several options. First,
to poisons and drugs, it can simulate Space Opera
they can waive the 25
weapons like “plasma envelopes” which take time point limit — either get
to chew through a starship’s shields (thus allowing rid of it altogether, or
the heroic engineer to develop a countermeasure Most Disadvantages work in the normal fash- increase it to, say, 30 or
before the hull melts). ion in Star Hero campaigns. Here are a few notes 40 points. Second, they
on non-standard applications. Gamemasters should can increase the char-
LIMITED POWER also refer to page 273 for information on using Dis- acters’ Base Points, thus
Technological devices are often designed to advantages in the campaign. diminishing the number
work in very specific conditions, and GMs can use of points they have to
the Limited Power Limitation to reflect that. How- ACCIDENTAL CHANGE acquire via Disadvan-
ever, it’s only a Limitation if the characters can Beings with multiple forms, who might be sus- tages.
reasonably be expected to encounter other condi- ceptible to Accidental Change, are most common
tions! If the campaign is set on Titan and all the on the Pulp or Space Opera end of the science
characters’ gear is built for a methane atmosphere fiction spectrum. Examples include things like
at low temperatures, then there’s no reason to alien shapeshifters masquerading as Humans, bio-
reduce the point cost just because things wouldn’t engineered super-soldiers keeping their enhance-
work right on Mercury. If the characters travel ments hidden, or possibly aliens who change sex in
from planet to planet regularly, then it’s a fair response to certain stimuli.
Limitation. The value of the Limitation typically AGE
varies from -½ to -2, depending on how often the
GM expects characters to encounter those condi- Most Star Hero campaigns are Heroic, and
tions (or visit that planet). therefore impose Normal Characteristic Maxima
Many medical devices (and poisons) are on the characters as a default, for no points. Age
species-specific. Human medical tech won’t help would still be a valid Disadvantage; many charac-
aliens much, and vice-versa. This is a -½ Limita- ters in science fiction are older than adventurers
tion in situations where aliens are present most of in other genres, due to the beneficial effects of
the time, -¼ if they only turn up occasionally, and advanced medical science. In game terms, this often
62 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
means not taking the Age Disadvantage until much DEPENDENT NPC
later than the character otherwise would, or taking In a science fiction setting, characters can
the “40+” version even though the character’s in have a startling variety of DNPCs. Besides the
his 90s... or 120s.... See page 273 for a discussion of usual cast of loved ones and relatives, alien charac-
other aspects of aging in a setting involving both ters can have nonsentient mates, parasites can have
alien species and high-tech medicine. their hosts, and time-travelers can have ancestors
DEPENDENCE or descendants as DNPCs. A character with a sen-
tient Vehicle or Computer might even take that
All characters have a “Dependence” on their
piece of “equipment” as a DNPC, with the GM’s
natural breathing gas — Humans on the proper
permission, though this should be rare.
oxygen-nitrogen mix, for example. However, they
don’t get any Disadvantage points for this unless DISTINCTIVE FEATURES
the campaign requires them to spend significant In a Star Hero campaign featuring a wide
amounts of time (more than half of their in- range of aliens, cyborgs, mutants, and androids
game time) in other environments. For example, who commonly show up during stories, few (if
a character who belongs to a methane-breathing any) species should get a Distinctive Features
species who’s part of a PC group where all the Disadvantage (few of the Species or Environment
other characters are oxygen-breathers could take Package Deals listed earlier in this chapter have
a Dependence, since he spends most of his time in it, for example). In that sort of campaign, a spe-
oxygenated atmospheres. He’d have to wear special cies should qualify for Distinctive Features only if
breathing equipment most of the time, and if he there’s some significant hindrance or restriction
lost it could easily suffocate. On the other hand, if related to it — for example, a Distinctive Feature
the campaign features a variety of environments, defined as a noxious body odor that offends most
with all characters equally inconvenienced over the other species, or a species so reviled throughout
course of the game, then this sort of Dependence the galaxy that everyone automatically distrusts its
counts as an “Everyman Disadvantage” for which members. Even then, don’t forget to apply the Not
no characters gets points. Distinctive In Some Cultures Or Societies -5 point
Of course, breathing gases aren’t the only modifier, if appropriate; an alien’s not likely to be
thing PCs could become Dependent on. Charac- distinctive on his homeworld. (See also Interspecies
ters may well develop exotic addictions in a sci- Society on page 116.)
ence fiction setting; there’s a universe of drugs and In more realistic campaigns, where most
other seductive forms of entertainment out there. characters are Human and aliens are rare, any non-
But food, even rare and specific types, doesn’t nor- Human species might qualify for Distinctive Fea-
mally qualify for a Dependence; everyone has to tures. It all depends on how disadvantageous the
eat to survive (see Weird Diets, page 117). GM considers “alien appearance” to be. Remember,
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 63

just looking different isn’t necessarily enough forbid characters to take Hunters with the Limited SIZE PHYSICAL
to earn Disadvantage points; the alien character Geographical Area modifier for this reason. LIMITATION
has to suffer because of his appearance for some Of course, plenty of other types of Hunteds
reason. exist. A character who offends a particular alien Value Physical
Advanced technology opens up new forms species may find that species Hunting him (at the Limitation
of Distinctive Features, such as a recognizable GM’s option, being Hunted by an entire species
android whose particular model is notorious for gains a character +10 Character Points for his 20 Insectile, down
erratic behavior. In a high-tech setting, a charac- Disadvantage). After an interstellar war, a known to 1/64 Human
ter’s Distinctive Feature may require special senses war hero may find his “victim’s” relatives seeking size and/or mass
to detect, such as “unusual genome.” vengeance. The possibilities are as endless as the (.032m, or .016”)
Take the campaign’s tech level into account Galaxy itself. or smaller (All
when determining how easily a character can con- The Time, Greatly
ceal his Distinctive Features. If holographic dis-
guise technology or rapid-healing plastic surgery Physical Limitations in most science fiction
are available, few features may count as anything settings have to be pretty severe, or pretty distinc- 15 Minute, down
tive, to overcome advanced medicines, medical to 1/32 Human
other than “Easily Concealed.”
nanobots, and other high-tech methods of keep- size and/or mass
ENRAGED/BERSERK (.064m, or .032”)
ing bodies functioning properly. Typical ones, like
Characters in a futuristic setting can become Blindness or Missing One Limb, aren’t applicable in Greatly Impair-
Enraged just as often as those in a modern or fan- most Star Hero settings; players have to be more ing)
tasy environment, but some unique science fiction imaginative than that. At the very least, they have
variations exist. A person might be psychologi- to explain why, for example, a character’s blindness 15 Minuscule, down
cally conditioned to attack something in response cannot be cured through implants or neurotech- to 1/16 Human
to a code phrase or visual stimulus. (Call this the nology, as with Geordi La Forge on Star Trek: The size and/or mass
“Manchurian Disadvantage.”) These “Human Next Generation. On the other hand, contact with (.125m, or .064”)
time bombs” aren’t necessarily angry or irrational; alien life-forms might create as-yet unsuspected (Frequently,
they’re behaving like programmed machines. physical problems. Greatly Impair-
The more conventional form of Enraged is Two types of Physical Limitations that medi- ing)
acceptable, too; science fiction is full of characters cal science can’t cure relate to characters’ size, and
who like to pick fights out of species hatred or their acclimation to different levels of gravity. 10 Tiny, down to 1/8
anger at having been on the losing side in a war. Human size and/
Size/Weight or mass (.25m,
They’re a dependable source of distractions in play.
In a Star Hero setting, it’s possible to have or .125”) (Fre-
A hero who gets Enraged around Rigelians is going quently, Slightly
sentient alien species who are significantly larger
to get into lots of bar fights in spaceports where Impairing)
or smaller than the game’s defined Human norm
Rigelian freighters dock.
of 1” tall and 100 kilograms in weight. Larger
HUNTED and/or heavier characters have problems in a tech- 10 Diminutive,
nological society because they can’t fit through down to one-
In high-tech SF societies, being Hunted by the quarter Human
authorities is no joke. It becomes a serious prob- doors easily, have trouble walking on upper stories
size and/or mass
lem when widespread data networks, DNA trac- because they break through the floor or ceiling, (.5m, or ¼”) (Fre-
ing, foolproof facial-recognition software, and the can’t be carried in normal vehicles, accidentally quently, Slightly
like exist. To avoid being found the character has crush furniture and break things, and so forth. Impairing)
to live outside normal society — no credit cards, Smaller and/or lighter characters are less disadvan-
no System Identification Code, no passport, no taged, but sometimes have trouble reaching things, 5 Small, down to
government jobs (or jobs requiring a background making themselves noticed, and the like. half Human size
check), no higher education, and no medical insur- Additionally, there are some drawbacks more and/or mass (1m,
ance. Having a fake identity helps somewhat, but easily defined in game rules terms. For every step or ½”) (Infre-
larger than normal Human size, a character suffers quently, Slightly
dedicated investigators equipped with high-tech
-2 DCV, and all PER Rolls to perceive him are at Impairing)
surveillance methods can find specific individu-
als given enough time. Thus, in Star Hero, the +2. For example, a Gargantuan alien is at -10 DCV,
and +10 PER to perceive. For every step smaller 0 Human size and/
police and similar agencies almost always count or mass (no Limi-
as More Powerful and have Non-combat Influ- than normal Human size, a character suffers +3”
ence. If appropriate, the GM may want to make Knockback from attacks. These extra inches only
all Hunteds involving “the authorities” or persons/ add to the distance traveled, not the damage taken
5 Large, up to twice
institutions with access to official records worth from being Knocked Back.
Human size and/
another +5 Character Points (similar to the “Public The accompanying table provides suggested or mass (4m, or
Identity” bonus), to reflect how difficult it can be to Physical Limitation values for characters of vari- 2”) (Infrequently,
hide in such settings. ous sizes. (For the benefits of being smaller and/or Slightly Impair-
On the other hand, with convenient interstel- larger, see the Size/Weight Environmental Pack- ing)
lar travel, fugitives may be able to hop from world age Deals on page 30.) These guidelines assume
to world ahead of the authorities. Teleportation the character spends a significant amount of time 15 Enormous, up
technology provides even better escape oppor- (more than half of his in-game time) in settings to four times
tunities, especially if, as in Dan Simmons’s novel suited for characters of “normal Human” size and Human size
weight. If that’s not the case, the GM should reduce and/or mass (8m,
Hyperion and its sequels, it’s extremely common
and has interstellar range. Gamemasters may the value of the Disadvantage appropriately. Continued on next page
Size does not necessarily indicate that a
64 ■ Citizens Of The Galaxy HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Continued from last page character is taller than a normal Human; it may Medicine, and any similar rolls when treating the
reflect length or girth instead. The Physical character. If doctors suffer Skill Roll penalties of
or 2.1-4”) (Fre-
quently, Greatly Limitation reflects overall size and bulk, not just -3 to all rolls, the Limitation is Slightly Impair-
Impairing) height. The specified parameters are guidelines; ing. For each additional -3, the Impairment
GMs should give each character the Physi- increases one step (-6 for Greatly Impairing, -9
15 Huge, up to eight cal Limitation that fits him best, regardless of for Fully Impairing).
times Human whether the character is exactly the listed size. The second factor varies from campaign
size and/or mass to campaign; discuss the situation with your
Gravity Adaptation
(16m, or 4.1- GM before determining a value. Typically Alien
8”) (Frequently, Characters who come from species or
Physiology affects a character Infrequently, but
Greatly Impair- groups native to low-gravity environments expe-
in some games (like Military SF campaigns), it
ing) rience difficulties in normal-gravity settings.
may rise to Frequently.
At the GM’s discretion, the following Physical
15 Gigantic, up to Limitations may be appropriate, assuming the PSYCHOLOGICAL LIMITATION
16 times Human character spends most (if not all) of his in-game In a Star Hero game, a character can have
size and/or mass time in normal gravity environments. his own Psychological Limitations, Psychologi-
(32m, or 8.1- cal Limitations from his Package Deals (rare, but
Low Home Gravity (All The Time, Slightly Impairing;
16”) (Frequently,
15 points): The character is used to 0.6-0.8 G. In possible), and perhaps even Limitations imposed
Greatly Impair-
ing) normal gravity, he tires more quickly; increase by brainwashing or conditioning. For example, in
the END cost of any physical activity by ten per- SF stories it’s not uncommon to find alien spe-
15 Gargantuan, up to cent (10%) (minimum of +1 END). cies who all subscribe to some bizarre code of
32 times Human honor, or at least pretend to (like the Klingons in
Very Low Home Gravity (All The Time, Greatly
size and/or mass Star Trek), or whose societal or cultural pecadil-
Impairing; 20 points): The character is used
(64m, or 16.1- loes rise to the level of imposing a Psychologi-
to 0.3-0.5 G. In normal gravity, he tires more
32”) (Frequently, cal Limitation on all the natives (as in many of
quickly; increase the END cost of any physical
Greatly Impair- Jack Vance’s short stories, including “The Moon
ing) activity by twenty percent (20%) (minimum of
+1 END). Additionally, he can’t move as quickly;
20 Colossal, up to he must sell back his Running and Swimming by REPUTATION
64 times Human 2” (minimum of 1”). A Reputation is worth -5 points if it’s known
size and/or mass Extremely Low Home Gravity (All The Time, Fully to only a “small or limited” group. That takes on
(128 m, or 32.1- Impairing; 25 points): The character is used to 0- new meaning in a Star Hero campaign that uses
64”) or larger (All 0.25 G. In normal gravity, he tires more quickly; an entire star sector or galaxy as its setting. In
The Time, Greatly
increase the END cost of any physical activity such a vast area, a Reputation that’s only known
by one-third (33%) (minimum of 2 END). Addi- on a single world should be worth even less. The
tionally, he can’t move as quickly; he must sell accompanying table has suggested guidelines
back his Running and Swimming by 4” (mini- for reducing the value of a Reputation based on
mum of 1”). how widely it’s known; the numbers listed are
approximate, GMs may use others if necessary.
Alien Physiology
As always, the minimum value of the Disadvan-
In some campaigns, some types of aliens
tage is zero.
have physiologies so unusual that they have dif-
In campaigns involving time travel, GMs
ficulty getting proper medical attention in the
should also consider how well known the char-
usual campaign setting. This is fairly rare; most
acter may be in his future (or, in some settings,
science fiction doctors are pretty well-versed in
even his past!). If a Reputation is so strong and/
“xenomedicine” and usually able to cope with
or widespread that it’s known throughout time,
whatever medical emergencies arise. But some
it’s worth +5 Character Points.
characters are so alien that doctors have trouble
treating them when they get sick or suffer injury. RIVALRY
The value of the Alien Physiology Physical In addition to the ordinary kinds of Rival-
Limitation depends on two factors: how unusual ries, characters in a science fiction setting could
the character’s physiology is; and how often this face Rivals who are, in essence, themselves —
causes him difficulty (i.e., how often he tends to robots or androids from the same manufacturer,
need medical care). The first factor is reflected identical clone-siblings with the same implanted
by the penalty doctors suffer to Paramedics, SS: memories, or even their past or future selves in a
time travel campaign. If this would give the Rival
REPUTATION SCALE MODIFIERS special insight into how the character acts and
thinks, he may qualify for the +5 point “More
Number Of People Campaign Scale Powerful” modifier.
Aware Of Reputation -5 Points -10 Points -15 Points
Planet (1 billion) 1 million beings 50,000 beings 1,000 beings
System (20 billion) 100 million beings 1 million beings 50,000 beings
Sector (100 billion) 1 billion beings 100 million beings 1 million beings
Quadrant (10 trillion) 20 billion beings 1 billion beings 100 million beings
Galaxy (1 quadrillion) 100 billion beings 20 billion beings 1 billion beings
Star Hero ■ Chapter Two 65


The possibilities for Social Limitations are as Artificial beings or aliens may be Susceptible
broad as the possibilities for societies in science fic- to things which ordinary Humans ignore; if so, the
tion. For example, in many science fiction settings, GM should include the Disadvantage in the appro-
the Minority Social Limitation (Very Frequently, priate Species Package Deals. And unless a species
Minor; 15 points) occurs frequently — proving that is very rare or secretive, its Susceptibilities are prob-
neither Humanity, nor other alien species, neces- ably common knowledge. This means villains can
sarily outgrow prejudice when they become smart take advantage of them, but that ways to counteract
enough to build starships. Common targets of dis- the Susceptibility likely exist. For example, if the
crimination in science fiction stories include aliens nocturnal Akrai are Susceptible to sunlight, a villain
(in a society dominated by a single species), the facing Akrai heroes will only go out in the daytime
genetically engineered, mutants, telepaths and other — but Akrai characters can buy protective suits and
psionics, and artificial life-forms (robots, clones, sunglasses in stores, and many businesses stay open
and the like). all night for the convenience of Akrai customers.
Other Social Limitations depend on the set- Assuming these effects cancel each other out, charac-
ting or the nature of the campaign. In a Military SF ters get no additional points for their Susceptibilities
game, most characters are Subject To Orders. In a being well-known; if they’re more restricted than
campaign focusing on a barbaric star-empire, slav- normal, GMs may allow a +5 Character Point modi-
ery may exist, making the Slave Social Limitation fier.
Other forms of Social Limitation change or
become obsolete in future societies. For example, Like Susceptibility, Vulnerability most often
maintaining a Secret Identity is difficult when DNA occurs in Star Hero as part of a Species Package Deal.
tracing, computer image-enhancement, and voice- Many alien races may be more sensitive to certain
print analysis let the authorities see through any attacks than Humans are. Engineers may deliberately
disguise. (The GM may want to require anyone who manufacture synthetic beings like robots or androids
has a Secret Identity to also buy a Deep Cover.) For with a Vulnerability to make them easier to control.
a computer hacker, a Secret Identity in cyberspace Of course, social customs and laws will reflect
is the only thing keeping him out of jail! widely-known Vulnerabilities: if sonic attacks are
Given the scale of most Star Hero settings, deadly to Chiroptans, then the laws on Chiroptan
and the ease with which characters can travel vast worlds regulate sonic weapons as strictly as lasers or
distances, it may be possible to escape, at least tem- particle blasters. By the same token, however, merce-
porarily, the effects of social stigma. Characters can naries hired to attack a Chiroptan installation know
reflect this by decreasing the frequency at which to load up on heavy sonics. As with Susceptibility,
the Disadvantage applies, or GMs may impose the the GM may allow a +5 Character Point modifier to
same modifiers as indicated in the Reputation Scale a Vulnerability if the drawbacks of its being public
Modifiers table. knowledge are more severe than any related benefits.
66 ■ Galaxies And Stars HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

ne of the attractions of Star Hero do is find a way to get the PCs to it.
is the vast landscape characters Since the astronomical backdrop is
can explore and adventure in. an important part of most science fic-
The Milky Way Galaxy alone tion RPG campaigns, Star Hero has three
contains more stars and plan- chapters devoted to things that fill the
ets than most people can comfortably universe. Going from biggest to smallest,
think about, and it’s just one of millions this chapter starts off with a discussion
of galaxies! Given that much real estate of galaxies and stars. Later chapters delve
to work with, the GM can create just into the mysteries of planets and Earth’s
about any sort of setting or locale he solar system.
needs for an adventure — all he has to
Star Hero ■ Chapter Three 67

alaxies are very big collections of stars. Big on there. Between the arms there are plenty of stars, DANGEROUS
galaxies contain up to 400 billion stars, and they’re just old, stable, and dim — like the Sun. GALAXIES
can be 100,000 light-years across. Galaxies The spiral arms of the Milky Way Galaxy include
exist singly and in clusters of half a dozen (from innermost to outermost) the 3 Kiloparsec Arm, Not all galaxies are as
or so. Within a group, galaxies are relatively close Norma Arm, Scutum-Crux Arm, Sagittarius Arm, peaceful and stable as
together — spaceships that can quickly cross a single Orion Arm, and Perseus Arm. Earth’s sun is on the the Milky Way. Astrono-
galaxy can also handle intergalactic distances. Typical inner edge of the Orion Arm. mers have observed
separations within a cluster are 50,000 to 1 million The rest of the Galaxy’s mass is in the halo, a some where titanic and
light-years. spherical region extending up and down from the highly energetic events
Galaxies are pretty self-contained — stars form plane of the galactic disk. The halo contains few stars, occur — huge jets of
matter shoot into space,
inside them from interstellar dust and gas, live out and most of those are clumped into globular clusters. blasts of energetic par-
their lives orbiting the galactic center, and then Stars in the halo orbit the center of the Galaxy, which ticles bombard planets,
explode, replenishing the interstellar medium for the means they plunge through the disk every few million energy emissions thou-
next generation of stars. Only when galaxies collide years. sands of times greater
or pass near each other can stars be kicked out into than normal exist.
intergalactic space.
Galaxies come in three main types: spiral gal- COUNTING THE STARS Jets and particle emis-
axies (like the Milky Way), with spiral arms and a sions are probably
defined core; elliptical galaxies, which are simply big Despite years of study, astronomers differ on some caused by massive black
spherical or egg-shaped blobs of stars; and irregular basic facts about the Milky Way Galaxy. Some say holes in the galactic
it contains 400 billion stars, others only 200 bil- core, consuming stars
galaxies, which are often bodies distorted by close
lion. Some say it’s 2,000 light-years thick on the and catapulting some
encounters with other galaxies. Elliptical galaxies don’t average, others 1,000 light-years. Effort has been material out at high
contain as much interstellar gas and dust as spirals, made to choose the most plausible (or probable) speeds. The radiation
and their stars seem to be older, so astronomers sus- facts for use in Star Hero, but GMs and players can produced by this would
pect spiral galaxies gradually turn into ellipticals as always use different numbers and measurements certainly render most
they age. if they prefer. of the galaxy uninhabit-


Recently, scientists have determined that only
One interesting possibil-
ity is that some destruc-
Earth’s home Galaxy is a big one, a classic double some parts of the Milky Way are suitable for the tive galactic events may
spiral. It is accompanied by two dwarf galaxies, the formation of planets capable of supporting life (as be artificial. A galactic
Magellanic Clouds, and is in the process of absorb- Humans currently know of and define “life”). The civilization might be
ing another, called the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy (this same is likely to be true of all galaxies — each one has creating a mass jet to
is happening on the far side of the Milky Way from a “Galactic Habitable Zone” where conditions favor rearrange the useful
Earth). The Milky Way contains 400 billion stars, and the development of life. matter in a galaxy, get-
can be divided into three distinct regions: the core; Two factors establish the bounds of the habit- ting it out into space
the galactic disk; and the halo. able zone: radiation and metals. Radiation is deadly instead of locked up in
The core is a spherical bulge at the center, where to most life forms, and it’s difficult to see how life as stars. They might even
be trying to move their
much of the Milky Way’s mass is concentrated. It’s as Humans know it could evolve in a high-radiation galaxy, either to get away
much as 6,000 light-years thick. Scientists believe the environment. The core of the Milky Way has a high from some unimagi-
core of the Milky Way holds a large black hole, and level of background radiation, and moreover is prone nable danger, or to get
that all galaxies may have one. to frequent supernova explosions. Scientists estimate closer to a cluster of
Most of the remaining mass is the galactic disk, that life is impossible within 14,500 light-years of the other galaxies for piracy
a flat plane extending out from the core. The disk is galactic center. (Of course, the radiation levels may on a cosmic scale.
about 100,000 light-years across and less than 1,000 not bother suitably exotic kinds of life; see Chapter
light-years thick in most places. The spiral arms wind- Four.)
ing out from the core are the disk’s most visible fea- To astronomers, “metals” are everything that isn’t
ture, but they are something of an illusion. The density hydrogen and helium. All the heavy elements like
of stars is roughly constant throughout the disk (dens- oxygen and iron, the building blocks of planets as well
est near the core, thinnest at the rim); the arms are as living things, are formed in supernova explosions.
visible only because they contain a high proportion of Consequently older Population II stars tend to be very
new, bright stars. Current theory holds that the arms metal-poor, and are unlikely to have planets. They
are “ripples” where the interstellar gas is more concen- are most common in the galactic halo and out at the
trated than elsewhere, so that new star formation goes edges of the galactic disk. Current estimates suggest
68 ■ Galaxies And Stars HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

ENERGY BARRIERS that the zone beyond 37,000 light-years from

AND INTERGALAC- the center of the galaxy is too metal-poor to
TIC PERILS have lifebearing planets.
Of course, there’s still plenty of room in
Gamemasters who don’t the Galactic Habitable Zone; it contains about
want their campaign to 100 billion stars. Moreover, the boundaries are
go intergalactic, but who hardly fixed; it is certainly possible to have a
do like the convenience lifebearing world at the rim, just very unlikely.
of rapid travel within Other galaxies probably have a similar “habit-
a galaxy, can solve that able zone” scaled appropriately by size. Small
dilemma by making the galaxies may have no radiation-filled core, but
trip from one galaxy to probably have more of a metal shortage, so it
another very dangerous.
balances out.
Star Trek postulated an
“energy barrier” at the Population I And II Stars
edge of the Galaxy, by Generally speaking, stars come in two
analogy with the radia- types: Population I and Population II. Popula-
tion belts created by
tion I stars contain hydrogen, helium, and lots
the Earth’s magnetic
field. Scientists haven’t of other stuff astronomers collectively designate
observed any such bar- “metals.” Earth’s Sun, and many nearby stars, are
rier, but in a Star Hero Population I. Population II stars, on the other
campaign that shouldn’t hand, are most common in globular clusters
stop you from having and around the galactic halo. They consist
one if you want it. mostly of pure hydrogen and helium as cre-
ated in the Big Bang. Most astronomers believe star available for study (the Sun) has nine planets, but
Other writers have sug- Population II stars are “first growth timber” formed there was no way to know if it was ordinary or rare.
gested that physical laws from the original interstellar medium, while Popula- Since then, planets have been found around dozens
may work differently tion I stars are “second growth timber” formed from of other stars, suggesting that most if not all stars of
in intergalactic space; gas enriched with heavy metals created in the cores
Vernor Vinge made it appropriate age have a suite of companions. For now,
of Population II stars and blasted into space in super- assume the Sun is average, and take 10 as the number
home to incomprehen-
sibly powerful entities nova explosions. of planets per star.
who could destroy THE DRAKE EQUATION The term fh, the proportion of planets suitable
intruding spacecraft for life, requires more guesswork. The planet must be
on a whim. A. Bertram The astronomer Frank Drake was among the the right size, must be in the life zone (or close to a
Chandler’s stories set first modern scientists to think seriously about the giant planet capable of heating it to liquid-water tem-
among the Rim Worlds possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the Galaxy. peratures), and must have a stable orbit. Estimates of
at the edge of the galaxy He devised a mathematical expression to estimate the fh range from 0.1 (or about one per system) to 0.001
suggested that the number of technological civilizations in the Galaxy, or lower. For a Space Opera setting, choose the higher
fabric of reality itself which nowadays is known as the “Drake Equation” in
grows thin beyond the number; other campaigns should use 0.01 or 0.001
his honor: for fh.
Galaxy’s edge, so that
spaceships venturing The next term, fl represents the number of
into intergalactic space
N = N* x fp x Np x fh x fl x fc x Lc/Lg potentially lifebearing worlds where life actually does
may find themselves in arise. Since experiments trying to duplicate conditions
a completely different N is the number of civilizations capable of send- on the early Earth rapidly create complex organic
universe! ing out a message detectable across interstellar dis- molecules, and amino acids have been detected in
tances. It is the product of the other terms. space, it appears fl is at least 0.5, possibly as high as 1.
N* is the number of stars in the Galaxy, about The term fc is basically complete guesswork. It
400 billion. In the light of recent discoveries about represents the proportion of lifebearing worlds that
the Galactic Habitable Zone we can reduce this to produce a technological civilization. Earth got by for
100 billion, representing the number of stars in the billions of years without intelligent life, and a study of
zone. Space Opera campaigns may wish to ignore the human history suggests the path to high technology is
Galactic Habitable Zone in favor of a larger and more not straight and inevitable. An optimistic figure (suit-
populous Galaxy. This is about the only number in able for a Space Opera setting) would be 0.5; more
this equation which is known with any certainty. The brutal realism could put the figure at 0.001 or lower.
rest are estimates, and Star Hero GMs can adjust them The final term is the ratio of a civilization’s aver-
as they wish. age life (Lc) to the life span of the galaxy (Lg). We
The term fp is the proportion of stars which last know the Galaxy has existed for about 10 billion years,
long enough for lifebearing worlds to form around but how long do civilizations endure? Our own has
them. Astronomers believe a star needs at least 5 bil- had advanced technology barely a century. On the
lion years for planets to reach a state where life can other hand, once a species has space travel it could
exist. This means mostly dim, long-lived stars. The potentially survive indefinitely. A short average lifes-
proportion isn’t known exactly, but estimates for fp pan means the Galaxy has a few widely-separated
range from 0.5 to 0.9 or so. civilizations which don’t have enough time to com-
Np is the average number of planets per star. municate before self-destructing. A long life means
Until recently, it was complete guesswork. The only space should be crowded — which leads to the ques-
Star Hero ■ Chapter Three 69

tion, “Where are they?” on a test flight, or get accidentally catapulted to the INTERGALACTIC
For now, assume civilizations last about 10,000 Magellanics by some cosmic accident or wormhole. TRAVEL
years before going extinct, entering a “higher stage,” Since they are smaller than the Milky Way they prob-
or otherwise losing interest in communicating with ably contain fewer civilizations, and those are likely to Since the distances
primitive starfaring beings. That makes the ratio 1 to 1 be less advanced; the smaller scale of the Clouds also between galaxies are only
million, or .000001. means civilizations there wouldn’t have the resources an order of magnitude or
Now run the numbers. Taking the most “realistic” available to empires in the Milky Way. so greater than the scale
values we get N = 100 billion x 0.5 x 10 x .001 x 0.5 x of galaxies themselves, any
0.5 x .000001, which works out to 125 civilizations in galactic-scale civilization
the Galaxy, with an average separation of some 6,000 GLOBULAR CLUSTERS can probably manage
intergalactic expeditions.
light-years. No wonder Earth hasn’t heard from them.
Globular clusters are clumps of stars existing The exact mechanics of
Taking highly optimistic “Space Opera” values
within and around galaxies. Some orbit within the FTL drive do have tre-
we get N = 400 billion x 0.9 x 10 x 0.1 x 1 x 0.5 x mendous influence on
galaxy itself while others follow long orbits taking
0.000001, or 180,000 technological civilizations in the intergalactic travel. (See
them hundreds of thousands of light-years out. Scien-
Galaxy, with an average separation of about 400 light- page 190 for informa-
tists think clusters formed early in the Galaxy’s history,
years. Clearly Earth is overdue for a visit! tion on the types of FTL
since they contain almost no gas and very old stars.
Due to globular clusters’ age, the supply of heavy
OTHER GALAXIES elements (i.e., anything but hydrogen and helium)
is low, so there won’t be very many planets and little
Hyperspace and warp
drives presumably oper-
The Milky Way is part of a small cluster of gal- chance of life. On the other hand, their great age does ate the same in interga-
axies known as the Local Group. The Local Group mean clusters could hold outposts or ruins of very lactic space as they do
contains two large galaxies (the Milky Way and M31 ancient civilizations. within galaxies. Traveling
[Andromeda]) and several dozen small satellite galax- In a universe of slower-than-light travel, a very between galaxies with
ies. patient and long-lived civilization could “hitch a ride” those drives is simply a
in a globular cluster on a long elliptical orbit, as a way matter of packing enough
ANDROMEDA supplies and making sure
to reach nearby galaxies. True, there are no planets to
The Andromeda Galaxy, also known as M31, is settle on, but the stars provide energy, and might be there’s enough fuel for the
the Milky Way’s closest large neighbor. It lies 2.2 mil- journey.
dismantled to provide useful mass (see text box).
lion light-years away in the northern sky. M31 is about
50 percent bigger than the Milky Way, and has a larger Jump drives may have
core region. This suggests that Andromeda should STELLAR ENGINEERING problems on an interga-
lactic scale. If ships must
have at least as many civilizations as the Milky Way.
Stars represent a very valuable resource, and advanced refuel after each jump, or
In science fiction, the Andromeda Galaxy is most can only jump between
often used as a potential home of extragalactic men- civilizations may wish to exploit them for more than
light and heat. Since massive stars burn brightly but stars, then intergalactic
aces. A mighty empire has conquered all of Androm- trips are impossible. A
blow up soon, civilizations might take steps to “bank
eda and now looks hungrily at the Milky Way; a chain of stars linking
their fires” and extend the lifespan of stars. In the
cosmic disaster (like a gamma-ray burster) is going to process the civilization would gain access to large one galaxy with another
render most of Andromeda uninhabitable so its civi- amounts of mass from the star’s outer layers. (the result of past close
lizations are seeking new homes here; an ancient evil encounters) could become
Here’s how it might work: the civilization constructs a vital highway in that
driven out by the Andromedans is now hiding out in
a chain of huge stations orbiting over the star’s equa- case.
the Milky Way; and so on. tor, using solar energy to generate powerful magnetic
THE MAGELLANIC CLOUDS fields, driving matter from the star upward in two Wormhole drives or
huge streams from the poles. Immense collectors stargates depend on the
The Magellanic Clouds are a pair of irregular (similar in principle to the Bussard ramjet discussed
dwarf galaxies near the Milky Way. They are con- existence of intergalactic
on page 190) would gather and sort the material. connecting links. Whether
nected to our galaxy by a ribbon of gas called the The heavy elements would be put aside for use, while such links are possible
Magellanic Stream, apparently the result of a close hydrogen and helium would be allowed to stream out is entirely up to the GM —
encounter in the distant past. to the outer reaches of the star system, where it would natural wormholes might
The larger of the two (called, logically enough, condense into planet-sized blobs of gas. only link points within a
the Large Magellanic Cloud) is about 200,000 light- The process would continue until the star was given galaxy, or all links
years away, and contains some 20 billion stars, making reduced to the mass and brightness of a dim Type K could be intergalactic, so
it 1/20 the size of the Milky Way. The Large Magel- or bright M dwarf. In that state, the star could burn that star systems right next
lanic Cloud is rich in dust and gas, and has many for billions of years. When its brightness starts to door in normal space are
young bright stars. Among others, it contains the drop, the managing civilization would drop in a few thousands of wormhole
brightest known star — S Doradus, a star which is planet-sized blobs of hydrogen to throw another log jumps apart. The range of
on the fire. With proper attention, a star’s life could be stargates depends entirely
believed to have a mass several thousand times that of
extended to tens of billions of years. on the builders’ level of
the Sun, and a brightness several million times greater. technology and area of
The Small Magellanic Cloud is connected to In a Star Hero campaign, stellar engineering can be
either an enigmatic project by long-dead ancient exploration. Perhaps most
its big sister by a streamer of gas and dust called the gates link nearby stars, but
aliens, or something done by inscrutable and power-
Magellanic Bridge, and many astronomers consider a few very rare and valu-
ful beings the heroes are trying to communicate with.
the two of them a single body. The Small Magellanic Of course, if it turns out they’re hostile, how do you able ones are intergalactic
Cloud holds about a billion stars. fight beings who can take stars apart? gates — which means
In fiction, the Magellanic Clouds are good targets that whoever controls the
for pioneering intergalactic voyages. Explorers using intergalactic gate controls
a new super-fast interstellar drive can aim for them all traffic between galaxies.
70 ■ Galaxies And Stars HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

ACROSS THE here’s no reason to create an entire galaxy of To determine distances between stars, use the
ELEVENTH 400 billion stars for a roleplaying campaign Pythagorean Theorem: for two stars with coor-
DIMENSION! — it would take the GM about 20 million dinate (X, Y, Z) and (A, B, C) the distance is the
years to generate them all! Instead, most Star square root of (X-A)2 plus (Y-B)2 plus (Z-C)2. If
The text mentions the Hero campaigns take place either in a more loosely- you’re working in only two dimensions, ignore the
possibility of there defined galaxy, or across one or more sectors. A third coordinate.
being eleven dimen- sector is simply a convenient-sized region of space.
Example (two dimensions): Rhombus Alpha is
sions. According to Depending on the speed of interstellar travel and
“Superstring theory,” a located at coordinates +4, -8; Beta Manticorum
the frequency of inhabited systems, a sector can be
Hot New Idea in phys- is located at -2, 5. The distance between them
anything from a few light-years across to a slice of
ics and cosmology as of is the square root of (+4 minus -2)2 plus (-8
the entire Galaxy. The scale should be something
2002, the universe has minus 5)2, which equals the square root of (2)2
the characters can cross in a reasonable length
11, or maybe 13, dimen- plus (-13)2. This translates to the square root of
of time (typically no more than three months in-
sions. All but three 4 + 169, or 173. The square root of 173 is 13.15,
spatial dimensions are game), and in most cases the number of inhabited
or about 13 light-years.
extremely tiny. Basically, systems should be three to 12 (thus ensuring a rea-
the universe is really sonable degree of variation, while not overwhelm- Example (three dimensions): Cambias’s Star is
big in directions X, Y, ing the players with details). located at coordinates +3, +7, +5, and Apanar
and Z, and almost flat in is at -5, +4, -6. The distance between them is
directions ZZ through the square root of (3-[-5])2 plus (7-4)2 plus (5-[-
ZZZZZZZZ. There’s an
even Hotter New Idea
STELLAR CARTOGRAPHY 6])2. The terms simplify to 64, 9, and 121, which
total 194. The square root of 194 is 13.9, which
called Membrane theory You can’t create a sector entirely by random
rounds off to 14 light-years.
(or “Brane theory”) generation. The interplay of civilizations, galactic
which may change the politics, and exploration all affect who lives where. Note that a flat two-dimensional Galaxy will
dimension count. But you can create the basic physical environment be more sparsely populated and dispersed. A sector
randomly — after all, real stars and planets form by will have relatively few worlds, and even with FTL
These theories open up essentially random processes. travel most planets only have a few neighbors. The
some intriguing pos- On average there is one star per 400 cubic plus side is that borders are easier to guard, as a
sibilities for Star Hero light-years in the outer regions of the Galaxy. This space fleet only has to patrol a “line in the vacuum.”
games. The relative flat-
translates to an average separation of 9 light-years A three-dimensional sector is denser, with more
ness of Earth’s Universe
in most dimensions per star. In the galactic core and in globular clusters worlds and easier communication among them. On
means there could be the density can be much higher, up to one star per the other hand, this more populous sector is more
other universes parallel cubic light-year, with an average separation of one vulnerable — borders are surfaces rather than out-
to it in those “direc- light-year or less. When mapping out a region of lines and are much harder to monitor and patrol.
tions.” Cutting through space the GM has two options. On a small scale — sectors of 20 light-years or
the higher-dimensional The simplest way to map a region is to pretend so — it’s possible to actually map out all the stars in
space in which our 11- the Galaxy is flat, so that all stars exist in the plane a given region of space. On a big scale — 100 light-
dimensional universe of your sheet of paper. While this throws astronom- years or more — GMs have to content themselves
is coiled could be a ical accuracy to the solar wind, it’s simple to draw with mapping the important systems and simply
convenient explanation
and makes it easy to measure interstellar distances. ignoring uninhabited star systems (or make them
for FTL travel. As with
Star Trek’s subspace, one In such a “two-dimensional” universe, a 20 by 20 up “on the fly” during the game, as needed).
of the other dimensions light-year sector would contain about six stars (roll Stars are scattered more or less randomly
could be a source of 1d6+3, or 2d6, for more variation). through space. The simplest way to determine their
energy, a communica- In reality, space has three dimensions (actually, arrangement is to roll dice to get three coordinates
tions medium, or a con- according to current physics it may have eleven, but for each star. Ten-sided dice work best, if you happen
venient explanation for don’t worry about that). To map a volume of space to have some, but you can break the sector up into
almost any pseudoscien- in three dimensions the GM has to give each star smaller “blocks” and use other dice. Roll one die for
tific fact the GM needs a “vertical” coordinate, indicating how far above each of the star’s three coordinates, using a second
to create. or below the plane of the page it’s located. On the die to determine if each roll is positive or negative as
map you can note the star’s distance “above” or measured from the sector’s center point.
“below” the plane of the page in light-years with a
+ or - sign. A sector measuring 20 light-years on a Example: Steve is generating coordinates for a
side would hold about 20 stars (roll 6d6 for more star in his campaign. He rolls three ten-sided
variation). dice and gets 8, 3, and 6. He rolls a second die,
using odd numbers to indicate a negative coor-
Star Hero ■ Chapter Three 71


Earth’s Solar CHECKLIST
System is surrounded
by a shell of comets Step 1: Decide if you are
called the Oort Cloud, mapping in two or three
extending out to dimensions.
nearly two light-years
from the Sun. (All Step 2: Decide on your
other solar systems scale — how many light-
years on a side is the
have comet clouds of
their own.) That far
out, the Sun’s gravity
Step 3: Determine
is very weak, scarcely how many stars there
greater than that of are. If you have a small
other nearby stars. It sector (20 ly per side or
wouldn’t require much less), roll 1d6 for every
of a push to send a 1,400 cubic light-years
comet or asteroid into of space. If it is a large
an elongated orbit sector and only the
which would carry it interesting star systems
into the sphere of influ- are being mapped, roll
2d6 for the number of
ence of some other star.
populated systems.
Interstellar comets may
be relatively common
dinate and evens to indicate positive numbers. Step 4: Determine coor-
— in which case they would be a serious threat to dinates, as described in
The results are negative, negative, positive. So space voyagers traveling at nearly the speed of light.
the star’s coordinates are -8, -3, +6. the text.
They could also serve as secret bases for pirates,
rebels, and spies, or even as a home for colonists Step 5: Roll on the
who tunnel into the ice and grow crops by the light System Type Table (page
INTERSTELLAR PHENOM- of fusion reactors. Some highly advanced civiliza- 72) for each system to
ENA AND DANGERS tions might use Oort clouds and interstellar comets
for fuel and raw materials.
determine the number
of stars.
Humans of the twenty-first century don’t WANDERING PLANETS
know much about what lies between the stars. Step 6: Determine
If comets can be found in interstellar space, orbital separation. For
Interstellar space may be completely empty, or it
why not planets? They can either be bodies formed close companions roll
may be full of nebulae, interstellar comets, wan- 2d6-2 times 10 AU; for
out there in the endless darkness, or else exiles,
dering planets, cosmic strings, space storms, and distant companions roll
kicked out of the star system where they formed by
spaceborne life. Considering them in order from 2d6 times 1,000 AU.
some tremendous disaster (such as a close encoun-
hardest-science to most-rubbery:
ter with a massive object like a neutron star or a
NEBULAE black hole). Planets might also be deliberately sent Step 7: Roll on the Star
Types Table (page 74) to
The Galaxy contains huge clouds of gas and wandering. Doing so would require either some
determine the spectral
dust which serve as nurseries for new stars. Inter- kind of rubber-science space drive (like the “Spin- type of the stars.
stellar nebulae are vast, extending across hundreds dizzy” of James Blish’s Cities In Flight series, which
of light-years. They are not very dense, however; converts mass to velocity) or a very big explosion
compared to planetary nebulae (see page 73) they which somehow doesn’t just blow the planet into
are essentially “dense vacuum” with only a few bits.
dozen atoms per cubic meter. This can make them Wandering planets could be a useful resource,
something of a threat to ships moving through especially if they carry ruins of some ancient civili-
normal space at high speeds. Any ship going more zation. They can also be a menace — a loose planet
than 0.9 times the speed of light takes 1 pip of careening through an inhabited system would do
damage per Phase per hex of front facing when tremendous damage just due to tides and orbital
passing through a nebula (no defense applies). This perturbations even if it didn’t crash into a popu-
may or may not apply to warp-drive ships, at the lated world. Powered planets with a space drive
GM’s option. steered by a predatory civilization would be the
Nebulae also block sensors, but only over ultimate pirate menace, arriving in peaceful star
distances of light-years. Impose a -1 penalty to systems to loot and conquer before moving on to
any Systems Operation roll for each light-year of the next victim. How can the Space Patrol defeat an
nebula between the observer and the target. In entire planet of raiders? Or, as with the Puppeteers
Space Opera games, GMs can make these penalties of Niven’s Ringworld, planets on the move could
more severe (up to -4) over shorter distances if it simply be massive vehicles.
serves the dramatic needs of the story (as with the INTERSTELLAR LIFE
final starship combat in Star Trek II: The Wrath Of
And maybe there’s something living out there
in the dark between the stars. Humans evolved
72 ■ Galaxies And Stars HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

on a planet, so naturally they assume all life has on a successful Systems Operation (or appropriate
to develop on planets... but they could be wrong. PS) roll. Consider a particle storm to do RKA 3d6
Astronomers have detected fairly complex organic damage to objects within an Area Of Effect with a
molecules in interstellar nebulae. Given enough radius of 3d6 x 10,000 kilometers; the storm affects
time, they might evolve into vast, wispy organisms an area for a period of 1d6 Turns, perhaps longer.
living in space. Such space creatures would be very The GM decides whether some, all, or none of the
unlike planetary life — instead of using chemical ship’s defense applies to protect it from this batter-
reactions they would be based on magnetic fields, ing.
gravity waves, and flows of charged particles. In a Another possibility is “gravity tsunamis”
Hard SF setting, interstellar creatures would be a — sudden and very powerful gravity waves moving
fascinating phenomenon to study. In Space Opera through space which threaten to rip apart anything
they might be a world-threatening menace, snatch- they pass over or around. They travel at approxi-
ing ships which venture too far from the light of mately the speed of light. They do 2d6+12 dice of
the Sun. Killing Damage, Penetrating, over an Area Of Effect
(Line) 1d6 times 10,000 kilometers long and 1d6 x
100 kilometers “deep.” The wave should take at least
Star Trek introduced the concept of the “ion 1 Turn, if not longer, to pass by the ship’s location.
storms” and “plasma storms” — violent showers or The GM decides whether some, all, or none of the
waves of charged particles moving through inter- ship’s defense applies to protect it from the wave’s
stellar space at the speed of light. In Star Hero, a effects.
particle storm is modeled as a sudden, unexpected A space storm may also interfere with sensors
Energy Blast attack on ships in space. Science offi- and communications, imposing a -1 to -5 penalty
cers or sensor operators can detect them in advance to Systems Operation rolls to use those systems.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Three 73

pace is big, but it’s mighty cold and empty. NAMING STARS
Here and there throughout the void are
bright, warm little points of light: the stars.
Astronomers have used
There are close to four hundred billion While this chapter keeps the technobabble to a several systems to desig-
stars in the Galaxy. Circling many of those stars are minimum, astronomy and astrophysics are complex nate stars. The brightest
planets, and on some of those planets living beings subjects and have developed a technical vocabulary. stars in a planet’s sky usu-
have developed enough intelligence to look upward Some important terms include: ally are given individual
and wonder about the stars. This game is called Star Astronomical Unit (AU): An Astronomical Unit is names. Less distinguished
Hero for a reason; most of the interesting things defined as the average distance from the Earth to ones are known by their
within the Galaxy happen near stars. its Sun. One Astronomical Unit (abbreviated AU) is constellation, and the
This section and the following chapter pro- 150,000,000 kilometers (75 billion hexes). It is a very vast majority get a simple
handy yardstick for describing distances on the scale catalog number.
vide a system for generating stars and star systems
of star systems.
which emphasizes scientific accuracy. You can
Light-year: A light-year (sometimes abbreviated ly Hard Science: This means
either use it as a guide to making your worlds more
or LY) is the distance light travels in a year at the most star systems have
plausible, or you can use dice to randomly create names like “DM+56
speed of approximately 300,000 kilometers (186,000
star systems and see what you get. Note that most 3496” or “Lalande
miles, or150,000,000”) per second. One light-year is
star systems will not have planets suitable for “life equal to 9,467,000,000,000 kilometers (4.73 quadril- 211385,” giving the star’s
as we know it.” This is not as big a problem as it lion hexes). When describing interstellar distances number in some star
might seem, as there are many other forms of life, it is much more convenient to use light-years than catalog. As new stars are
ranging from silicon-based beings which live in kilometers. discovered, new catalogs
furnace heat to liquid-helium beings which thrive are created. The GM may
Parsec: Another yardstick for interstellar distances wish to use Galactic Star
at Absolute Zero. (See page 91 for details.) Most is the parsec (parallax second), defined as the dis-
star systems have a world which some organism Atlas numbers, which
tance at which a star would have a parallax of one should have at least six
finds comfortable. second of arc as observed from the Earth. A parsec or seven digits, leading to
Some gamers want hard science accuracy, equals 3.25 light-years, or 30 trillion kilometers (15 system names like “GSA
while some want Space Opera accuracy which fits quadrillion hexes). 2837961.” Of course,
the spirit of television shows and films. At many any star system which is
motions of stars through space. About a tenth of all
points in the process of creating a sector, a star inhabited by intelligent
star systems have three or more members, usually
system or a planet, the GM can choose which beings can have a name
a close binary pair with a distant companion or in the local language,
method to follow. The options are flagged as either
companion pair. regardless of what the
Hard Science or Space Opera.
GMs creating star systems from scratch should Star Atlas calls it.
Note that even the hard science options are
avoid making too many complex multistar systems.
only as accurate as possible according to early
To determine the number of members randomly, Space Opera: In a Space
twenty-first century science. Discoveries next week
roll 2 dice and consult the System Type Table. Opera universe, few
or next decade can make some of these rules either
stars are known by their
ridiculously optimistic or far too conservative.
catalog numbers. Most
All the tables for system and planet creation
are organized for random generation using one
ORBITAL SEPARATION have old Greek or Arabic
names bestowed by
or more six-sided dice. You should be aware that Having figured out how many stars there are, astronomers on ancient
they never have to rely on random die rolls. You now you must determine the separation of the stars Earth, or else names
can always pick what you want. The dice results are if there are two or more. This becomes important given by civilizations
there to make it handy when you need a system in a when you start placing planets. Stars can be either on other worlds. Game-
hurry, and they give an idea of what the most likely close or distant companions. As the names imply, master can pick real star
results are. close companions orbit close to the central star names from a star atlas
(but be warned: most
while distant companions orbit far away. In any
stars bright enough in
system with more than two members, the central
STAR SYSTEM TYPES pair will be close binaries; in a system with four
Earth’s sky to get an indi-
vidual name are probably
members, there is a pair of close binary compan- not suitable for lifebear-
Approximately half of all star systems have
ions with a second pair orbiting them at distant ing planets), or else can
more than one star. They can be anything from
binary ranges. Two stars are close companions on a invent new names of
contact binaries, orbiting so close together their
1d6 roll of 1-3, distant companions on a 4-6. their own. Other stars can
photospheres touch, to stars orbiting light-months have names which are
Close companions orbit at “planetary” dis-
apart. In general, the close-orbiting stars are true simply a pair of Greek let-
tances — within about 100 AU — while distant
twins, formed at the same time, while the distant ters, like Alpha Upsilon or
companions can be thousands of AU apart. For
companions tend to be captured as a result of the Omicron Theta.
close binaries pick a distance or roll 2d6-2 and mul-
74 ■ Galaxies And Stars HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
SYSTEM tiply by 10 AU; a result of 0 indicates a close binary
TYPE TABLE pair separated by less than a million kilometers. WELL-KNOWN STARS
Roll 2d6 System Type Distant binaries are 2d6 times 1,000 AU apart. For
most purposes a distant binary companion is effec- Here are the star types for some of the stars best
2 Triple star known to Humans. Stars with double entries indi-
tively a separate star system, although civilizations
3 Triple star cate binaries.
on planets of distant binary stars could make con-
4 Single star tact with each other using only sublight spaceships. Star Spectrum And Type
5 Single star 61 Cygni K5V, K7V
Achernar B3V
6 Single star
7 Single star STAR TYPES Aldebaran
8 Double star Astronomers classify stars by two characteris- Alpha Centauri G2V, K1V
9 Double star tics: spectrum (color) and size. Altair A7IV-V
Antares M1I, B4V
10 Double star
11 Double star Barnard’s Star M4V
Stars were first classified by spectrum, or the
12 Four or more BD +5o 1668 M5V
stars mix of colors in the star’s light. The color of a star Bellatrix B2III
corresponds to its surface temperature. There are Betelgeuse M2Ib
In October 2002, astron- seven main types: O, B, A, F, G, K, and M. They are Canopus F0I
omers at the University organized in order from hottest to coolest: Capella G8III, G1III
of Texas announced the Type O stars are intensely hot blue stars Deneb A2Ia
discovery of a planet Epsilon Eridani K2V
twice the size of Jupiter Type B stars are slightly cooler blue-white stars Epsilon Indi K8V
orbiting the star Gamma Type A stars are cooler still but also white Fomalhaut A3V
Cephei — a binary star Groombridge 34 M1V, M6V
with a dim companion Type F stars are yellow-white stars Kapteyn’s Star M0V
at an average distance Type G stars are yellow stars like Earth’s Sun Kruger 60 M3V, M4V
of only 200 million Lacaille 8760 M0V
miles. This is the first Type K stars are orange and cooler than the Sun Lacaille 9352 M2V
time scientists have Type M stars are cool red stars Lalande 211385 M2V
found a planet in a close Luyten 725-32 M5V
binary system; previ- Luyten 726-8 M5V, M6V
These basic types are further subdivided by Luyten 789-6 M6V
ously-discovered binary
systems with planets numbers from 0 to 9, with the lower number indi- Polaris F7I-II
have companion stars at cating a hotter star. Thus, a B5 star is hotter than a Pollux K0III
least 100 times further B7 star. Procyon F5IV-V, DA2 (white dwarf)
apart than the Gamma Astronomers also recognize type D (white Proxima Centauri M5V
Cephei stars. This may dwarf), N and R (“carbon stars” with some mole- Regulus B7V
mean planets are even cules containing carbon), S (containing some heavy Rigel B8Ia
more common in the metal oxides), and Wolf-Rayet (O-like stars with Ross 128 M5V
universe than previously very hot, exposed cores because a companion has Ross 154 M4V
believed! Ross 248 M6V
“stolen” their outer material) stars.
Ruchbah A5III
STAR SIZE Sigma 2398 M4V, M5V
Sigma Draconis K0V
The second important thing about a star is its Sirius A1V, DA2 (white dwarf)
size, given by a Roman numeral. The size scale runs Spica B1V, B2V
from I to V: Tau Ceti G8V
I indicates a supergiant (type Ia is brighter than Van Maanen’s Star F5V
type Ib) Vega A0V
Wolf 359 M8V
II indicates a bright giant
III indicates a giant
In general, small and cool stars are numerous,
IV indicates a subgiant large and bright ones are rare. This is because the
V indicates a dwarf star big bright stars only last a few million years before
exhausting their fuel and blowing themselves to
Earth’s Sun, for example, is a G2V star — type bits in a supernova explosion, while a Type M
G2, size V, or a hot yellow dwarf. The “dwarf ” types dwarf star can keep simmering for billions of
far outnumber the giants. For game purposes, you years. About two-thirds of all stars are Type M
can simplify matters by lumping all the giant types dwarfs, and most of the rest are relatively sedate
into simply “Giants” and “Supergiants.” Type K, G, and F stars. Less than one percent
Some classification systems also have size VI of stars are bright supergiants like Rigel, or red
(subdwarf) and VII (white dwarf). supergiants like Betelgeuse. Those few giants are
the most famous stars, simply because they can
be seen across vast distances while a dim star like
Earth’s Sun is known only in the immediate neigh-
Star Hero ■ Chapter Three 75

Big, bright stars seldom have

planets, because they don’t live long
enough for the small bodies orbit-
ing them to accrete into planets of
any size. In a few cases, giant stars
may have captured planets, or pos-
sibly worlds placed in orbit by ancient
civilizations. It is up to the GM to
decide if a giant star has captured or
“herded” planets; such worlds should
be extremely rare in a Hard SF setting.
Red giants and white dwarfs are
both stages in the death of a star. After
spending its lifetime as a star on the
main sequence, a star which has used
up most of its hydrogen fuel turns
into a red giant, swelling up until its
radius extends out to 1 or 2 AU. The
star’s density drops to almost nothing
— starships with sufficiently strong
protective shields can fly within a
red giant for short periods until heat
buildup becomes a problem. The red
giant stage lasts a few tens of millions
of years, but during that time frozen
worlds in the outer system can sud-
denly find themselves in the habitable
zone. While life seldom has the chance
to evolve during a star’s life as a red
giant, such worlds can be terraformed
and inhabited by spacefaring civiliza-
tions for thousands or millions of
After a star goes through the red
giant phase it either explodes or col-
lapses. Stars with a mass greater than
1.4 times that of Earth’s Sun go up in
a supernova explosion, leaving behind
a supernova remnant — a planetary
nebula with either a neutron star or a
black hole at the center. Smaller stars
(which are vastly more numerous)
collapse into white dwarfs, burning
hot with the energy of the collapse
and gradually cooling over billions of
years. Unfortunately, any planets of a
white dwarf have already been cooked
or absorbed during its red giant phase.
When determining the composition of
a white dwarf ’s planets, use the “Red
Giant” line on the accompanying table.
Only a captured planet snagged after
the collapse can have enough volatiles
to develop life. Civilizations can build
artificial structures near a white dwarf, or possibly
Exotic Objects
move planets to a suitable distance; with proper Astronomers think regular stars are kind of
tending the star serves as a useful source of energy boring. What they really enjoy looking at are exotic
for billions of years. objects, which can have all kinds of weird proper-
To determine what type of star is in a given ties.
system, roll or select from the accompanying Star
Types Table. In a multiple star system, place the
most massive or brightest star in the center, and A black hole is an object so dense its escape
make any dimmer stars its companions. If you are velocity exceeds the speed of light. They’re created
generating only populated star systems, then roll when a star with a mass greater than three times
2d6+6 instead of 3d6. that of Earth’s Sun exhausts its nuclear fuel and col-
76 ■ Galaxies And Stars HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
BROWN DWARFS lapses. As it shrinks its gravity increases, until the
STAR TYPES TABLE force of the star’s gravity is greater than any matter
A “Brown Dwarf ” is an can withstand, and it collapses into a singularity
object which is either a Roll 3d6* Star Type & Size of infinite density. No matter or energy can leave
very small star or a very 3-8 M5V a black hole, and its enormous gravity warps the
large planet. If they exist, 9-11 M0V fabric of space-time. Not even a faster-than-light
they would have masses 12 K5V
starship can escape a black hole’s gravity if it ven-
less than a tenth that of 13 K0V
14 G5V tures within the “event horizon,” as the distorted
the Sun. They are called
15 G0V fabric of space makes it impossible for the engines
“Brown” because a body
of that size would radi- 16 F5V to work. A ship which enters the event horizon and
ate infrared light, but 17 F0V gets sucked into/through a black hole should be
not enough to be visible. 18 Bright or Giant Star (roll on the considered destroyed, unless the GM mercifully
Bright or Giant Star Table below) decides the hole sends the ship somewhere (a par-
Brown dwarfs feature *: Roll 2d6+6 if you’re generating only populated allel universe, perhaps).
prominently in one of star systems. Even outside the event horizon, the region
the current hot theories around a black hole is very dangerous. The tidal
about the “missing mass BRIGHT OR GIANT STAR TABLE forces created by the black star’s immense grav-
problem” in cosmol- ity can tear a ship apart (this is RKA, AVLD Does
ogy. The idea is simple: Roll 3d6 Giant Star Type BODY, Continuous damage; the defense is a force
dim, low-mass stars are 3-7 A5V field constructed specifically to preserve a ship’s
more common than 8-9 A0V structural integrity; see page 186 regarding Protec-
bright massive ones. 10 White Dwarf
Then presumably really tion From G Forces). The black hole’s “accretion
11 Type F Giant disk” is like a dense planetary nebula full of mete-
dim, really low-mass 12 Type A Giant
objects should be more oroids. Objects falling into the hole’s event hori-
13 Type B Giant
common still. It’s pos- 14 Type O Giant zon reach the speed of light, and give off energetic
sible that a significant 15 Supergiant x-rays as they fall, flooding the area with deadly
part of the Galaxy’s 16-17 Red Giant radiation.
mass consists of brown 18 Exotic Object (roll on the Exotic Time actually moves more slowly around a
dwarfs. Objects Table below) black hole; the crew of a ship orbiting close to the
event horizon will find that weeks have passed
In a Star Hero campaign, EXOTIC OBJECTS TABLE
elsewhere while only hours have gone by for them.
brown dwarfs can serve Artifacts of fantastic age can sometimes be found
a variety of purposes. Roll 2d6 Exotic Object in the vicinity of black holes. Rotating black holes
They can be vital links 2 Black Hole
along the jump-drive have even weirder effects on spacetime. It is pos-
3-5 Protostar sible to plot a course around a spinning black hole
routes between more 6-8 Flare Star
visible stars. They can which emerges earlier in time! (See Chapter Nine
9-10 Supernova Remnant
be “hidden islands” with for more on time travel.)
11 Pulsar
moons suitable for rebel 12 Anomaly (wormhole, sentient
bases, pirate hideouts, PROTOSTARS
star, antimatter star, or the like)
and secret enemy lis- A protostar is a star system that’s still form-
tening posts. They can ing. If the GM
have life of their own gets a Protostar
— either creatures living result when
in the dwarf ’s upper determining
atmosphere, or on a
the star type,
close-orbiting moon
warmed by the dwarf ’s the system is
infrared radiation. an interstellar
nebula, a cloud
The star system map- of gas and dust,
ping and generation which is in the
system is biased toward process of col-
visible stars. To add lapsing into a
brown dwarfs to the star and plan-
mix, increase the den- ets. Interstellar
sity of star systems by a nebulae are
factor of 10 in a given fairly thin, so
volume of space, and for
ships can move
each system roll 2d6: on
a result of 10 or less the through them at
system is a brown dwarf. sublight speeds
normally, but
any FTL drive
which oper-
ates in normal
space (like warp
drive) is limited
Star Hero ■ Chapter Three 77

to only the speed of light because of friction with

the gas and dust. See page 69 for more informa- STAR SYSTEM DATA TABLE
In this table, brightness and mass are given relative to the Sun, which Earth astrono-
Close to the developing star the nebula
mers use as their “standard star.” These numbers represent “average” or “typical” stars;
becomes much denser, and ships cannot travel at individual stars within a classification may vary from these figures. The distance
more than 10 percent of the speed of light because listed for each zone is the inner radius — Yellow, Green, Blue, and Black — in AU;
the dense gas can literally melt the hull at high each zone extends out to the next. So for a G0V star the Yellow zone extends from .25
speeds. The swirls of energetic gas also interfere to .77 AU, and the Green zone from .78 to 1.2 AU. Note that the Yellow zone of brown
with sensors, so any Systems Operation rolls to dwarf objects begins effectively at the surface. (This information is important for the
use sensors are at -4 near a protostar (sometimes random generation methods in Chapter Four, Planets.)
more). In addition, showers of meteoroids are
common. Type Brightness Mass Y G B Bl Age (years)
Type A Giant 100-1500 3-6 (these stars do not have planets)# ≥ 10 million
FLARE STARS A0V 50 2.7 1.8 5.5 9.3 140 2d6 x 100
In certain stars the nuclear fusion reactions at million
A5V 10 1.8 .8 2.5 4.2 60 ½d6 billion
the core are unstable. This phenomenon seems to
Type B Giant 200-8000 4-10 (these stars do not have planets)# ≥ 5 million
be common in stars of all types. These flare stars Type F Giant 10-500 2-5 (these stars do not have planets)# ≥ 100 mil-
can suddenly increase in brightness at irregular lion
intervals, in some cases becoming more than six F0V 7 1.6 .66 2.1 3.5 50 1d6 billion
times brighter than usual. Radiation levels also F5V 2.5 1.3 .4 1.2 2.1 32 1d6 billion
become six times greater. While most starships G0V 1 1 .25 .78 1.3 20 2d6 billion
can handle the increased radiation, the danger G5V 0.6 .9 .2 .6 1 15 2d6 billion
is that flare stars do not follow a predictable pat- K0V 0.4 .8 .16 .49 .83 13 3d6 billion
tern, and can go off without warning. Ships in K5V 0.1 .6 .08 .25 .42 6 2d6 x 2 bil-
the vicinity of a flare star must remain on alert lion
M0V 0.01 .3 .03 .08 .13 2 2d6 x 2 bil-
with defenses active at all times. Planets orbiting
a flare star have no way to avoid the occasional M5V 0.001 .2 0 .025 .042 .63 2d6 x 2 bil-
increases in brightness. The flares make it hard for lion
life to evolve on any planet of a flare star, but some Type O Giant 10-20,000 10-12 (these stars do not have planets)# ≥ 2 million
especially hardy life forms might develop natural Brown Dwarf .000005 1 0 .002 .003 .04 2d6 x 2 bil-
defenses enabling them to survive being baked lion
every few weeks. White Dwarf 0.1 1 .08 .25 .42 6 2d6 billion*
The GM should treat the energy from a flare Supergiant 7000-100,000 9-18 (these stars do not have planets)# ≥ 2 million
star as an RKA with MegaScaled Explosion so that Red Giant 4000 .2-10 5 60 67 1200 2d6 x 10
it loses about half its dice of damage for each AU million*
of distance out from the star (full damage within 1 *: White Dwarf and Red Giant stars are the end stages of other types and may have
AU, half at 1.1 to 2 AU, and so on). planets formed during the earlier history of the system.
#: Realistically, these types of stars cannot have planets. In a Space Opera game, you
can put a planet around any star you like, giving these stars zones equal to red giants.
A supernova remnant is the tomb of a giant After all, what fun is it when there aren’t any Rigellians?
star. When massive stars use up their fuel they
explode in a supernova detonation, scattering A rapidly-rotating neutron star can emit a
much of their matter through space in the form pulse of intense radiation in a narrow beam, like
of a planetary nebula. Planetary nebulae seldom a lighthouse beacon. The beam flicks around and
extend more than a light-year from the remnant around several times a second. These are known
of the exploding stars which formed them. As in as pulsars, and they can be quite dangerous (but
the vicinity of a protostar, ships cannot travel at also make useful navigation beacons for starfar-
more than 10 percent of the speed of light in a ing civilizations). The radiation beam is intense
planetary nebula, and any sensor task is at -4 to enough to damage ships at up to a light-year away
the Systems Operation roll in a dense nebula. At — anything caught by the beam suffers an RKA
the center of the nebula is the remains of the star’s 10d6, Penetrating attack.
core, now a neutron star.
NEUTRON STARS AND PULSARS Anomalies are any objects unknown to con-
A neutron star is the remnant left over by a ventional science, or which conventional science
massive star blown apart in a supernova. A neu- only theorizes. In a pulpish campaign anomalies
tron star is the densest things in the universe next can include wormholes (stable or unstable) con-
to black holes — essentially it’s an atom the size necting two distant locations in space, sentient
of a planet. Their gravity is so intense that normal stars, cosmic strings, time distortions, living
matter collapses into a mass of tightly-packed nebulae, fields of unknown energy, and negative-
neutrons. This gravity poses great danger to space- entropy zones. There is no way to randomly roll
craft. Like a black hole, a neutron star can damage for anomalies; the GM gets to choose.
ships passing nearby with tidal forces. Unlike a
black hole, neutron stars cannot capture ships
capable of reaching lightspeed.
78 ■ Galaxies And Stars HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
DISTANT M: -9,-2,5 N: 4,-1,7
These are the 24 star systems nearest the Sun, listed Q: -3,3,1 R: 8,7,1
Here are the distances by distance from Earth, type, and brightness relative
from Earth to other to Sol. In a slower-than-light campaign, these prob- S: -4,-6,9 T: -6,1,-3
well-known stars more ably represent the limit of human expansion in the U: 6,7,-1 V: 1,7,2
than 12.7 light-years near term. In a campaign with FTL travel, these will
away. be home to the oldest colonies. Multiple star systems W: -5,-10,-2
Star Distance (LY) have the primary listed first; the exception is Proxima
Centauri, a distant compaion of Alpha Centauri, Susan notices some patterns. There are some
Achernar 69
which is listed separately. close pairs (G and K, F and J, E and M, P and W);
Aldebaran 60 these could be likely political units. Systems G, K,
Algol 92 R, and U form a nice compact group, suitable for
System Distance Star Type Brightness
Altair 16 Proxima Centauri 4.5 ly M5V 0.00006 a small empire or trade cluster. System H is fairly
Antares 604 Alpha Centauri 4.5 ly G2V 1.53 isolated, making it a good place for a lost colony or
Arcturus 34 K1V 0.44 secret base.
Barnard’s Star 6 ly M4V 0.00044 Now she determines the system types. B and
Bellatrix 1,400
Wolf 359 7.5 ly M8V 0.00002 H are triple star systems; E, F, L, O, P, Q, R, and W
Betelgeuse 427 Lalande 211385 8 ly M2V 0.0052 are double stars; the rest are singles. She determines
Canopus 74 Sirius 8 ly A1V 23.0
that F, Q, R, and W are close companions while E, L,
Capella 43 DA2 (white dwarf) 0.002
Luyten 726-8 8.75 ly M5V 0.00006
O, and P are distant binaries.
Deneb 3,230 Next she determines star types:
M6V 0.00004
Fomalhaut 22 Ross 154 9.5 ly M4V 0.0004 A: M0V B: Close M5V-M5V pair
Polaris 316 Ross 248 10 ly M6V 0.0001 with distant M5V com-
Pollux 35 Epsilon Eridani 10.75 ly K2V 0.3 panion
Luyten 789-6 10.75 ly M6V 0.00012
Regulus 69 C: M0V D: G0V
Ross 128 10.75 ly M5V 0.00033
Rigel 770 61 Cygni 11 ly K5V 0.082 E: M0V with distant F: Close K0V-M0V pair
Ruchbah 59 K7V 0.038
M5V companion
Sigma Epsilon Indi 11 ly K8V 0.14
Draconis 18.8 Procyon 11.5 ly F5IV-V 7.6 G: G5V H: G0V with close M0V
Spica 220
DA2 (white dwarf) 0.0005 companion and distant
Sigma 2398 11.5 ly M4V 0.003 M5V
Van Maanen’s M5V 0.002
Star 14.3 Groombridge 34 11.7 ly M1V 0.006 I: M5V J: K0V
Vega 25 M6V 0.0004 K: G5V L: G0V with distant M0V
Lacaille 9352 11.7 ly M2V 0.012 companion
Tau Ceti 12 ly G8V 0.47
BD +5o 1668 12.3 ly M5V 0.0015 M: M5V N: M5V
Luyten 725-32 12.3 ly M5V 0.0003 O: G5V with distant P: F5V with distant G0V
Lacaille 8760 12.3 ly M0V 0.027 K0V companion companion
Kapteyn’s Star 12.7 ly M0V 0.004
Kruger 60 12.7 ly M3V 0.0015 Q: Close M5V-M5V pair R: Close G5V-K0V pair
M4V 0.0004 S: G0V T: M0V
U: M5V V: M5V
SAMPLE SECTOR W: F0V with close K0V
Susan is planning a sector for her new Star
Hero campaign. She’s a hard SF fan, so she wants
Now she focuses on star system H, determin-
it to be fairly realistic. She decides to use a three-
ing the distances between the three stars in the
dimensional mapping plan, and chooses a sector
system and how many planets they have. The main
size of 20 light-years on a side. That gives her a total
star is a G0V with an M0V companion orbiting at
of 8,000 cubic light-years of space, so she rolls 6d6
a distance of 50 AU. The distant M5V star is 5,000
to determine the number of stars. She gets a result
AU away. For the system age she rolls for the main
of 23 stars, about average density.
star and gets an age of 8 billion years. The next
Next she rolls coordinates (using some handy
chapter develops the planets of the system.
10-sided dice) and gets the following results:
“System H” is a kind of boring name, so Susan
gives it the provisional Galactic Survey number “GS
A: 9,-2,8 B: 9,4,9 5553-781-H,” using the digits of a phone number
C: 5,-4,2 D: 2,2,-10 and the letter H to remind her which one it is on
her map. If the system turns out to have a colony or
E: -10,-2,6 F: -2,2,-6
native life, it may get a better name.
G: 10,3,1 H: 2,-8,-10
I: 9,-10,2 J: -2,2,-3
K: 10,4,2 L: -8,-7,-10
Star Hero ■ Chapter Four 79

ectors and stars are just the first and individual planets — where most of
step when it comes to designing the action in many Star Hero campaigns
your Star Hero galaxy. After you takes place. From hospitable Earth-like
consider the broad questions and worlds inhabited by friendly aliens, to
issues raised in Chapter Three, desolate, dangerous planets containing
it’s time to start focusing down a little bit no life at all, this chapter helps you design
more so you can create planetary systems the perfect worlds for your game.

tars are pretty and shiny, but planets are
where most people in the Galaxy live.
Gamemasters can come up with the Once a distance has been set, check the Star
number of planets in a system in one of System Data Table (page 77) to determine which
One way to generate a
planet’s orbital distance three ways. The first is just to pull a number out of zone the world orbits in. There are five zones in all,
is to use Bode’s Law thin air. If you want Aldebaran to have nineteen color-coded Red, Yellow, Green, Blue and Black.
(known more prop- planets, then that’s how many it has. Second, you Closest to the central star is the Red zone, the
erly as the Titius-Bode can roll dice. Assuming Earth’s solar system has a region within the distance listed for the start of the
Relation), a formula roughly average complement of planets, roll 3d6 Yellow zone. Planets simply cannot exist in the Red
for determining the for the number of planets orbiting a star. zone because it is too hot. They never solidify and
distances of the planets Finally, you can generate the planetary orbits eventually boil away.
from the Sun in Earth’s and pick some distance as the system boundary.
solar system. Bode’s law The Yellow zone is the belt in which solid planets
This should be proportional to the square of the can exist, but liquid water and the building blocks
works as follows: start
central star’s mass. See the Star System Data Table of organic life are rare. Some unusual worlds in the
with the series 0, 1, 2, 4,
8, 16, 32, 64, and so on. (page 77) for typical masses. Multiply the star’s Yellow zone can have water — tidally-locked planets
Multiply each term by 3, mass squared by 40 AU to get the size of a poten- or bodies with extreme axial tilt may have the proper
giving us 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, tial star system. This means very large massive temperatures over a portion of their surfaces. Planets
and so on. Now add 4 stars can have planets orbiting up to six light-days in the Yellow zone may be home to silicon-based life
to each member of the out! or energy beings in Pulp or Space Opera settings.
series, giving the num- The Green zone is the belt in which the tempera-
bers 4, 7, 10, 16, 28, 52. Example: Isaac is using the system-boundary
method to determine how many planets the ture permits liquid water. Worlds in the Green zone
Divide those numbers by
10 and you have a close star Wolf 359 has. Wolf 359 is a Type M dwarf have the best chance of developing DNA-based life,
approximation of the star, with a mass of .2; squaring that and mul- so the Green zone is also known as the Biozone or life
distances of the planets tiplying by 40 AU gives Isaac a system size of zone. Not all planets in the Green zone are suitable
from the Sun in AUs: .4 .04 times 40, or 1.6 AU. The star will not have for life, of course — they may still be too small, too
(Mercury), .7 (Venus), 1 any planets orbiting beyond that distance. big, or otherwise wrong.
(Earth), 1.6 (Mars), 2.8 Planets in the Blue zone are too cold for liquid
(the Asteroid Belt), 5.2 water, but exceptions are possible. Tidal heating or
(Jupiter), and so on. The volcanic activity may make some worlds in the Blue
system breaks down at
the outer system, with
ORBITAL DISTANCE zone capable of supporting DNA-based life. Other
At present, scientists are still working out how Blue zone worlds may have life based on ammonia or
Neptune and Pluto,
but otherwise it works planetary systems form. If the Solar System is any methane.
pretty well. Bode’s Law guide, planets tend to have orbits closely spaced In the outer fringes of the system is the Black
may reflect some actual near the central star, getting progressively fur- zone, where the central sun is just a bright star in the
principle of planetary ther apart as one moves outward. The exact rules sky. Water is a rock in the Black zone, and even light
formation, or it may are unknown. One possibility is the relationship gases like hydrogen and helium exist as slushy liquids.
simply be coincidence Tidal heating can create a few islands of warmth on
known as Bode’s Law (see sidebar).
— Humans are good at moons of large planets, but life based on water and
finding patterns even in Until astronomers know more, you can simply
generate planetary orbits randomly. Start by roll- organic molecules is very rare in the Black zone.
random data. Exotic life forms using liquid hydrogen or superfluid
ing 1d6 and divide the result by 10. That gives the
innermost planet’s orbital distance in AU. To get liquid helium might exist on Black zone worlds.
There are two ways to
apply Bode’s Law when the second planet’s distance, roll 2d6, divide by 10, Orbital Restrictions
creating planetary orbits. and add 1, for a result between 1.2 and 2.2. Multi- With a binary star, certain orbits within the
The simplest is the ply the first planet’s orbital distance by that to get system are unusable for planets. As a simple principle,
“strong Bode’s” principle, the second world’s orbit. Each subsequent planet’s the companion star makes planets impossible in a
which is that all star orbit is 1 + (2d6/10) times the next innermost band between 1/3 and 3 times its own orbital dis-
systems have planets in planet’s distance. tance. So in the Alpha Centauri system, Alpha Cen-
approximately the same
orbital positions as those tauri B orbits at a distance of 24 AU, making planets
of Earth’s solar system. impossible between 8 and 72 AU.
The strong Bode’s Law is Companion stars can have planets of their own,
the easiest to apply, but subject to the same limits, so Alpha Centauri B can
also the most unlikely. only have planets out to 8 AU itself. Any planets
orbiting beyond 3 times the companion star’s dis-
Continued on next page tance are actually orbiting both stars.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Four 81


Counterworlds are planets which share the
Continued from last page

The second way to gen-

Some star systems contain very atypical same orbit but are separated by 180 degrees, so erate distances is the to
objects, ones which cannot be created using the they orbit on opposite sides of the sun. Such worlds vary the mechanisms of
standard planet generation tables. These include are extremely rare, and almost always occur in the the series. This could be
captured planets, “counterworlds,” and rosettes. inner system, close to the star. Such bodies never called the “weak Bode’s”
form naturally — over time orbital perturbations principle. Instead of
CAPTURED PLANETS counting up 0, 3, 6, 12...
would either shift the counterworlds into different
Captured planets are bodies which did not orbits or else smash them together. If they exist, the GM can roll a die to
form in the system but have wandered in from the they must be the work of some extremely advanced create the “seed” number.
depths of interstellar space. They typically have very Instead of 3 it could be
civilization. They are not listed in the random cre- 2, or 5. Similarly, instead
eccentric orbits, often sharply inclined to the plane ation tables, but GMs can place them wherever they of adding 4 to each term,
of the system in which the other planets orbit. The wish. roll 1d6 and use that as
GM can place a captured planet in any orbit at all, the standard adder for
including one normally restricted by the presence ROSETTES
the system. Divide the
of a companion star. It can even cross the orbits of Rosettes are the extreme case of counter- results by 10 to get dis-
other worlds in the system, although that arrange- worlds. Instead of two planets, a circle of three or tances in AU.
ment probably won’t last forever. more worlds share the same orbit. These are almost
If the GM creates the system randomly, a always artificial arrangements, and consequently
system has a captured planet on a roll of 18 on 3d6. are most often found in the Green zone of a long-
Its closest approach to the central star is 2d6 AU; lived Type M star or white dwarf. As with counter-
the most distant point in its orbit is 2d6 times 10 worlds they are too rare (i.e., too impossible under
AU out. When creating the planet, treat it as a Black current theories) to show up in random generation.
zone world.

QUICK PLANETARY his section describes the physical character- safely within the Green zone. The maximum
SYSTEM CREATION istics of planets, with random-generation distance is 1d6 times 10 percent greater — a
rules where appropriate. The social details of roll of 4 indicates 40 percent, so the maximum
Step 1: Determine the worlds with intelligent inhabitants are cov- radius is 1.12 AU, which puts Fimbul into the
number of planets, ered in Chapter Six. Blue zone during part of the year.
either by rolling 3d6 or
by figuring the system INCLINATION
boundary size. ORBITAL EFFECTS Most planets form in the plane of their central
Where a planet orbits determines a lot about star’s equator, as the collapsing protostar swirls
Step 2: Determine
its composition and conditions. The Planetary about in its nursery nebula. The orbits of planets in
orbital distances for the
planets, either by using Systems section above describes the zones in a star a system seldom vary by more than a few degrees.
Bode’s Law or by rolling system and how to place planets. However sometimes the passage of another star or
1d6 divided by 10, then the arrival of a rogue planet can disrupt this tidy
multiplying by 1 + (2d6/ YEAR LENGTH arrangement. To determine the inclination of a
10) for each subsequent To figure the length of a planet’s year, do a little planet’s orbit, roll 3d6. On a roll of 18, the planet
planet. quick calculating, using the formula first discovered has a highly-inclined orbit. Roll 2d6 times 5 degrees
by the astronomer Kepler. The year length (in Earth to determine its inclination.
Step 3: Remove any years) equals the square root of (orbital distance Orbital inclination has little effect on a planet
planets in the Red zone cubed divided by star mass). This means planets of itself, but it can pose problems for explorers or
or in orbits made unten- very bright massive stars can have enormously long space travelers. Interstellar explorers surveying a
able by the presence of a orbital periods — over a century in some cases. system for the first time are more likely to miss
companion star.
Multiply by 365 days to get the year in standard planets which have cockeyed orbits. Apply a Skill
days. The GM may also want to calculate how many Roll penalty of -2 to find worlds in highly-inclined
Step 4: Add any system
local days there are in a year after the planet’s rota- orbits during the initial survey of a system. Space
tion has been determined below. voyagers who live on a planet with a tilted orbit
usually have trouble visiting other worlds.
No planet orbits its sun in a perfect circle. All
orbits are ellipses, and some are more eccentric
than others. A planet in an eccentric orbit can
sometimes veer between zones, spending part of The two most important parameters for a
the year at a habitable distance from the star, swing- planet are its orbital distance (page 80) and mass.
ing far out for a very cold winter, or zooming in The combination of the two determines if a world
close for a brief but scorching summer. However, is a gas giant, a ball of rock, or a green and habit-
highly eccentric orbits tend to be unstable — inter- able planet. The yardstick for planetary mass is the
actions with other planets tend to pull eccentric mass of the Earth (5.974 x 1024 kilograms); all plan-
orbits into more circular paths, or else sling the etary masses are expressed in fractions or multiples
planet out of the system entirely. of the Earth’s mass.
When creating a star system randomly, roll Gamemasters can pick the mass for each
2d6 for each planet. A result of 12 indicates a planet or roll randomly. The planets of the Solar
planet with a very eccentric orbit. Planets in the System are a good yardstick: small airless worlds
star’s Black zone get a +1 bonus. If a world has an like Mercury have a mass of .05 or less; marginal
eccentric orbit, use the base orbital distance as its worlds like Mars have masses of .1 to .3 or so; larger
closest approach to the star. Roll 1d6, multiply by solid planets have a mass of .5 to 2. Small gas giants
10 percent, and add that much to the orbital dis- like Uranus and Neptune have a mass of about 20,
tance to get the maximum radius of the orbit. If while bigger ones like Jupiter and Saturn weigh in
the eccentric orbit intersects the orbit of a smaller at 100 to 300 times the mass of the Earth. Really
planet, then remove the smaller world. If it crosses gigantic planets are possible, verging on brown
the path of a bigger planet, then the eccentric world dwarf stars, with masses of 500 or more.
either gets kicked off into interstellar space, swal- To randomly determine planetary mass, roll
lowed up in a giant impact, or captured as a moon 2d6 and consult the Planetary Mass Table, cross-
(GM’s option). indexed by orbital zone. The result is the planet’s
mass in Earth masses. A result of 0 means no planet
Example: Fimbul orbits its G5V star in an formed in that orbit. Either it is completely empty,
eccentric orbit. The inner distance is .8 AU, or it is occupied by asteroids.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Four 83

are .3 to .5 depending on the ratio of rock to ice. PLANET NAMES

PLANETARY MASS TABLE (GMs may roll randomly 1d6/20 plus .2 to deter-
mine density.) If a planet is inhabited,
Roll 2d6 Yellow Green Blue Black or in a system with
2 0 0 0 0 Rock-Iron: The body has a core of liquid iron and
a crust of rock. Density is typically very close to 1, native intelligent life,
3 .1 .1 .1 0 it probably has a local
4 .1 .2 .2 .1 but for extremely massive bodies can approach 1.5.
name. Otherwise, the
5 .2 .5 .5 .2 (To determine randomly roll (1d6/20) plus .8 to get standard practice is
6 .3 .8 .8 .3 density.) to give each planet a
7 .5 1 1d6x5 .4 Roman numeral indicat-
8 .8 1.2 1d6x5 .5 DIAMETER
ing its orbital position.
9 1 1.5 1d6x10 1d6x5 Density is mass divided by volume, and The innermost planet
10 1.5 2 1d6x50 1d6x10 volume is proportional to the cube of the diameter, of Alpha Hydri is Alpha
11 1d6 1d6x50 1d6x50 1d6x50 so once you know the mass and density you can Hydri I. The planet
12 1d6x50 1d6x100 1d6x100 1d6x100 four orbits out is Alpha
figure out the size of the planet. Use the following
Hard Science: The GM can make these numbers a formula to get the diameter from the mass and Hydri IV. Planets with
bit more variable by rolling 2d6 and reducing the density: eccentric orbits (such
mass by that percentage. So a result of 4 for a blue as captured worlds)
zone planet would be .2; rolling an additional 2d6 have their number
and get 10; subtracting 10 percent from .2 gives a
Diameter = cube root of (mass/density) based on their average
final mass of .18 earths. distance from the star.
If you don’t have a calculator which can do Counterworlds, rosettes,
Also, it seems that a large gas giant (anything
cube roots, consult the sidebar on page 84. The and double planets get
with a mass over 50 earths) tends to “cannibalize”
nearby worlds. Divide the mass of any smaller
result is the planet’s diameter relative to the Earth. a letter following the
planet within 3 AU of a giant by 10; if the result is To convert that to kilometers, multiply by the Roman numeral — VIIa
less than .05 there is an asteroid belt in that orbit Earth’s diameter of 12,800 km. and VIIb, or IIa-IIf. A
instead. colonized system may
Example: Kalumar has a density of .8 and a keep the numerals, or
DENSITY AND COMPOSITION mass of .5, so its diameter will be the cube root give the planets names
of (.5/.8), or .625. The cube roots sidebar shows based on some scheme
A planet’s density depends upon its composi- that the closest approximation is .75, which has chosen by the colonists.
tion, which depends in turn on the planet’s mass a cube root of .9, so Kalumar has a diameter
and orbital zone. Consult the Planetary Composi- of .9 times that of the Earth. Multiplying .9 by Hard Science: The Inter-
tion Table and compare the mass with the zone 12,800 kilometers gives us a diameter of 11,500 national Astronomi-
to get the composition, which in turn determines kilometers. cal Union has a set of
density. guidelines for naming
features on other planets
Gas: The planet has a solid core but the bulk of it is Gas Giants in the Solar System. The
composed of liquid or gaseous methane, ammonia, A gas giant is a planet with a diameter of two most important
helium, and hydrogen. Density is low, about .2 to .3. 48,000 to 130,000 km (sometimes more) and a rules are that discover-
Hydrogen: The planet is composed almost entirely thick atmosphere of Gas or Hydrogen. (Neptune ers cannot use names
of hydrogen and helium, with traces of other gases and Uranus are on the small end of this scale; Jupi- from living religions or
ter and Saturn on the upper end.) They have masses the names of living per-
in roughly the same proportions they are found in sons. (A living religion
interstellar space. The core is highly-compressed of 50 or higher. They usually exist in the Blue or
Black zones; closer in, the heat of their sun would is one which still has
metallic hydrogen. Density is .2. active believers; Islam,
boil away the gases of all but the largest ones. Large
Ice: The planet is composed almost entirely of ices, Hinduism and Christi-
gas giants actually generate heat on their own, anity are living religions,
with a density of .1 to .2. which may warm their moons (gas giants always the Aztec, Greek and
Rock: The world is composed of rock and is too have moons) enough to make them habitable (see Babylonian religions are
cold or not massive enough to form an active core. Tidal Heating, below). In science fiction, gas giants not.) It seems likely that
Density is .6 or .7 but seldom higher. frequently provide fuel for starships, which “skim future space explorers
off ” part of their atmospheres. would follow a similar
Rock-Ice: The body is composed of rock and ice; scheme.
smaller bodies are an undifferentiated “pudding,” GRAVITY
but larger ones may have a rocky core covered by The relative diameter times the relative density
an ice crust. Typical densities for a rock-ice world gives the planet’s surface gravity as a fraction of BIG WORLDS
Earth’s gravity. The value for Earth’s surface gravity
PLANETARY COMPOSITION is 10 meters per second squared. As of 2002, Human
astronomers have dis-
Zone Example: Kalumar (in the example of diameter covered extrasolar plan-
Mass Yellow Green Blue Black computation above) has a diameter of .9 and a ets with masses up to
≥ .1 rock-iron rock rock-ice ice
density of .8, which gives it a surface gravity of almost 14 times that of
.1 to .3 rock-iron rock-iron rock rock-ice
.4 to .5 rock-iron rock-iron rock-iron rock-ice
.9 x .8, or .72 standard gravities. Jupiter! To simulate this
with the table, any time
.6 to 1 rock-iron rock-iron rock-iron gas Most life forms cannot live long in a gravity you get a result of 300
1.1 to 10 rock-iron rock-iron gas gas field more than about 50 percent greater than that of or more, roll another d6.
10.1 to 50 gas gas gas gas
their native environment. This applies to individuals On a 1-3, multiply the
50.1 to 100 gas gas hydrogen hydrogen
100.1+ hydrogen hydrogen hydrogen hydrogen
more than species: a Human raised on a high-gravity planet’s mass by 2d6.
planet has no trouble there, but a person whose bones
CUBE ROOTS developed on a low-gravity world would be in danger. MOON SIZE
One important exception to this is that creatures Moons range from tiny asteroidal chunks of
which live in the water are largely immune to gravita- rock to small worlds. In general, the inner moons of
Number Cube Root
tion effects because the fluid that surrounds them gas giant planets tend to be large, with masses on the
.001 .1 supports them as well. So as long as all the other order of .01 Earth; outer moons of gas giants and
.005 .18 conditions are the same, swimmers can live anywhere moons of solid planets are more like asteroids. Excep-
.01 .2 regardless of gravity. (See page 278 for more on the tions are possible, of which the most famous is Earth’s
.05 .37 effects of gravity.) Moon. To determine moon size randomly, roll on the
.1 .46 Moon Size Table, with a +1 for close and medium
MOONS moons of gas giant planets. For small asteroid-type
moons the result is its size in kilometers; surface grav-
1 1 Most planets are accompanied by one or more ity and atmosphere are minimal. For bigger moons
1.25 1.08 moons. As a rule, the bigger a planet, the more moons the result is the body’s mass. Determine the density,
it has and the bigger those moons can be. Solid “ter- gravity, atmosphere, and other details for a large moon
1.5 1.14
restrial” planets tend to have no more than a couple, exactly as if it were a planet.
1.75 1.2
usually no bigger than asteroids. All gas giants have
2 1.26
2.5 1.36
moons, and some of them can be the size of planets
in their own right.
3 1.44 To determine randomly how many moons a Roll 1d6 Moon Size
4 1.6 solid planet has, and how far out they orbit, roll on 1 Asteroidal; 1d6 km diameter
5 1.7 the Moons Table below. Planets in the Yellow zone 2 Asteroidal; 1d6 x 5 km diameter
suffer a -1 to the roll. All gas giant planets have 3 Asteroidal; 1d6 x 10 km diameter
10 2.15 4 Asteroidal; 1d6 x 100 km diameter
15 2.5 moons — small gas giants (mass up to 50) have 2d6
5 Planetary; mass of .01 times 1d6
moons, and large ones have 3d6.
20 2.7 6 Planetary; mass of .1 times 1d6
30 3.1
40 3.4 MOONS TABLE Not all worlds have ordinary moons. Even within
50 3.7
75 4.2 Roll 1d6 Number Of Moons the Solar System Saturn has a pair of moons sharing
1-2 No moons the same orbit, and Pluto’s moon Charon is almost
100 4.6 3-4 One moon as big as Pluto itself. The Moon Anomalies Table lists
150 5.3 5 Two moons some of the more common kinds of weird moons.
200 5.8 6 1d6 moons Gamemasters can pick what they find interesting (but
300 6.7 no more than two or three per star system), or can
400 7.4 MOON ORBITS roll randomly. Roll 2d6; on a roll of 12, a planet has
500 7.9 There does not seem to be any simple rule some anomalies about its moon system (which you
750 9 governing moon orbits, in part because they affect can determine randomly with the Moon Anomalies
each other much more than planets do. The standard Table).
1000 10
“yardstick” for moon orbits is the planetary radius
(half the planet’s diameter). The GM can either keep
2000 12.6 the distances in radii or convert them to kilometers If a gas giant has multiple moons, the conflicting
by multiplying by the parent planet’s radius. For each gravitational pulls of the planet and the other moons
moon choose an orbital distance of between 3 and can cause tremendous heat and pressure in a moon.
100 planetary radii, or else roll on the Moon Distance This can also occur with a single moon that has an
Table to determine orbital distance. elliptical orbit. Sometimes there’s enough heat to make
There are a couple of things to consider: moons an otherwise uninhabitable body warm enough for
within 2.44 planetary radii (the distance known as life to evolve. Tidal heating depends on the distance
the Roche limit) break up if they are bigger than aster- from the primary planet to the moon. Check the Tidal
oidal in size, often forming a ring system. Replace Heating Table to determine how much the tidal effects
any moon more than 100 kilometers across at that raise the moon’s temperature. If the tidal heating raises
distance with a ring. Moons usually can’t occupy the temperature into the range of liquid water, then
the same orbit (exceptions are noted in the Moon the moon may be capable of supporting life. (Use the
Anomalies Table), so reroll if a moon’s orbit is rules under Climate, below, to determine the base
already taken. temperature of a moon.) A moon with a trace atmo-
sphere or none at all may still have a subsurface ocean
if it is rock-ice or ice in composition. Close moons
Roll 1d6
Orbital Distance
Close orbit (1d6 planetary radii)
3-4 Medium orbit (3d6 planetary radii) Distance (radii) Heating (degrees Centigrade)
5-6 Distant orbit (1d6x10 planetary radii) 5 600
6 150
7 50
8 20
9 10
Star Hero ■ Chapter Four 85


Roll 1d6 Moon Anomalies:
1 Co-Orbial Moons
2 Giant Moon
3 Retrograde Moon
4 Inclined Orbit
5 Subsatellite
6 Synchronous Moon

Co-Orbital Moons: The planet has two or more

moons sharing the same orbit. This is most
common in very low orbits near the Roche limit,
indicating a moon which has fragmented due
to tidal stress. More rarely a planet may have a
rosette of moons, spaced at 60 degree intervals
along the same orbit. Rosettes are usually artificial,
and the moons themselves may have underground
habitats or be old space stations.
Giant Moon: The planet has a moon which is really
big, a full-fledged planet with a mass of 2d6 times
.1 Earth. The moon may not have a mass greater
than its primary planet. Giant moons of solid
planets are likely to have the same composition
as well.
Tidal effects can slow a planet’s rotation tre-
mendously, and some worlds appear to just have
Retrograde Moon: The moon orbits in a direction very unusual rotation rates. Solid planets with a
opposite the planet’s rotation and the orbits of the
large moon (mass of .01 or more) add 1d6 hours
other moons. Often the orbit is highly eccentric
as well, indicating a captured moon. If there are
to day length if the moon is in a distant orbit, 2d6
several moons this arrangement is unstable, but a if it is in a medium orbit, and 3d6 hours if the
solitary retrograde moon is in no danger. moon orbits close in. Double planets and worlds
with giant moons are always tidally locked to their
Inclined Orbit: The moon’s orbit is tilted with
respect to the planet’s equator, as much as 90
companions, presenting the same face to one
degrees. (To determine the amount of tilt ran- another and rotating in the time it takes the two
domly, roll 2d6 times 10 degrees; results greater bodies to revolve around each other.
than 90 indicate a retrograde tilted orbit.) Moons Moons are almost always tidally locked to
with highly tilted orbits often have very eccentric their primary worlds. The only exception is dis-
orbits as well, and may be captured bodies. tant moons which may have a “resonant” rotation
Subsatellite: One of the planet’s moons has a — turning twice every three orbits, or something
small moon of its own. The smaller moon is a similar.
captured body, asteroidal in size. If the planet has Tidal effects from the primary star can also
multiple moons a subsatellite can’t last very long slow a planet’s rotation. Worlds with an orbital
before gravitational interference either flings it out distance of less than .5 AU multiply the day
to become a moon itself, or else sends it crashing length by 1d6, while worlds within .4 multiply
into something. the day length by (1d6 x 10). All worlds within .3
Synchronous Moon: One of the planet’s moons AU are automatically tidally locked, turning one
orbits with exactly the same period as the planet’s face always towards the sun. (Tidal effects don’t
rotation, so that it is forever hidden from half the change a gas giant’s rotation.)
planet. (This is not possible for a planet which is
tidally locked to its sun.) Synchronous moons
usually orbit in a medium orbit unless the pri- PLANETARY ROTATION TABLE
mary planet rotates very quickly or very slowly.
Mass Day Length
up to .5 20 to 30 hours (6d6)
may be heated to the point of being semi-molten, with
.5 to 5 15 to 20 hours (5d6)
constant volcanic eruptions and a very active surface. 5.1 to 50 10 to 15 hours (4d6)
50.1 or more 5 to 10 hours (3d6)


Planetary rotation indicates how fast the Some worlds just have peculiar rotation
planet turns on its axis, which in turn dictates the rates. Gamemasters may select one or two worlds
length of the planet’s day. Rotation seems to depend per system to have unusual rotation, or roll 2d6
loosely on a planet’s mass, but moons and nearness for each planet — on a result of 11 or 12 the
to the primary star can affect it, too. The Planetary world has a rotation anomaly. Choose or roll on
Rotation Table gives some rough guidelines for the Rotation Anomalies Table.
random determination.


Roll 2d6 Anomaly The atmospheric composition of a planet
2-3 Fast Rostation is very important in determining whether it can
4-6 Slow Rotation develop life. A planet’s atmosphere is the result
7 Roll 1d6: 1-3, Fast Retrograde of numerous factors: what zone the planet orbits
Rotation; 4-6, Slow Retro- in; its mass and composition; and its age. There’s
grade Rotation
also a strong element of chance — some worlds
8-10 Retrograde Rotation
11-12 No Rotation wind up with a very thick atmosphere simply
because they happened to pick up a lot of lighter
Fast Rotation: The planet spins extremely fast, elements during formation.
with a day length of only 2d6 hours. In extreme
All planets start out with an atmosphere
cases, where a very big planet has a very fast spin,
the gravity at the equator may be perceptibly less of hydrogen, the most common element in the
than at the poles due to centrifugal effects. The universe. Most smaller planets lose this within a
formula is (500 x diameter)/(3600 times rotation) few million years as the heat of the sun boils the
squared. So the Earth’s rotation reduces its gravity hydrogen away into space. Big planets are able
at the equator by only .0009 meters per second keep their primordial atmospheres, and some
squared, or .009 percent. bulk up until they become gas giants.
Slow Rotation: The planet spins extremely slowly. Solid worlds then generate a new atmo-
Its day length is 3d6 times 20 days. If the length sphere from volcanic outgassing, which is rich
of a day is greater than the year length, then the in water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and
planet is tidally locked and spins once a year. sulfur compounds. On small planets or worlds
Retrograde Rotation: The planet spins backwards. close to the sun, this second atmosphere is also
Most planets rotate in the same direction that they temporary, as the planet’s gravity can’t hold on to
orbit; this is defined as “counterclockwise” or west the gas molecules. But larger and cooler worlds
to east. A retrograde planet spins the opposite way retain this second atmosphere. If it is too dense
from its orbit. Retrograde rotation may indicate a and has too much carbon dioxide, the planet
captured planet, or may be the result of some mas- can suffer a runaway greenhouse effect, winding
sive impact which flipped the planet’s axis in the up like Venus, with a surface temperature hot
distant past.
enough to melt lead.
No Rotation: The planet does not rotate at all rela- If the atmosphere isn’t too dense and the
tive to the stars; this is most common in captured temperature is suitable for liquid water, the
planets or worlds very far from their parent star. planet may develop life. Life can have an amaz-
Note that a planet with no rotation is not the same
ing effect on a planet, transforming the very
thing as a tidally-locked world — a tidally-locked
planet keeps the same side towards its primary, atmosphere itself. Oxygen atmospheres cannot
but a nonrotating world has effectively one day form without life. Free oxygen reacts with other
and night per year. elements on the planet; in a few thousand years
none would be left. Planets can only have an
AXIAL TILT oxygen atmosphere when photosynthetic organ-
isms continually renew the air.
The majority of planets have axial tilts in the 0
If the system is young — less than 1 bil-
to 30 degree range, but a few have radical tilts of up
lion years old — all planets have essentially the
to 90 degrees. Roll 1d6 on the Tilt Table.
same atmosphere, a mix of hydrogen, methane,
A planet’s axial tilt can have profound effects
and ammonia. This is called a Primordial atmo-
on its climate, as it is the main cause of yearly
sphere. For older systems, 2 billion years old or
seasons. Worlds with minimal tilt have a nearly
more, consult the Atmospheric Composition
uniform climate year-round. Ironically, this has the
Table to get the atmosphere composition based
effect of reducing a planet’s habitable area, as dry
on the planetary composition and zone. All
regions never get any seasonal rains and cold areas
planets with a Gas composition have Primor-
have no summer at all. When computing popula-
dial atmospheres, and all Hydrogen composi-
tion based on the planet’s habitable area, apply a -1
tion planets have atmospheres of hydrogen and
to the die roll for worlds with minimal axial tilt.
Gamemasters may be puzzled to find that
TILT TABLE oxygen is not one of the gases listed on the
Atmospheric Composition table. That is because
Roll 1d6 Tilt
planets can’t have free oxygen without life to gen-
1 Minimal tilt: 1d6 degrees
2-3 Moderate tilt: 10 plus 2d6 degrees
erate it. At this stage you’re creating the planet’s
4-5 High axial tilt: 20 plus 2d6 degrees “prebiotic” atmosphere; you’ll take the effects of
6 Extreme axial tilt: 2d6 times 10 living things into account later on.
degrees (tilt greater than 90 degrees To determine the atmospheric density, con-
indicated a retrograde rotation) sult the Atmospheric Density Table, then go on
to the Pressure step to get surface pressure. Note
that since pressure and atmospheric density both
depend on gravity, higher-gravity worlds have
much thicker atmospheres than small planets do.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Four 87

There are five classes of atmosphere densities: water and biomass. The atmosphere becomes 1d6 ATMOSPHERIC
None: The planet has no atmosphere, or at least times 5 percent oxygen, with the remainder made COMPOSITION
none detectable without instruments, and thus up of whatever components were not eliminated TABLE
no atmospheric pressure. Any visitors must wear by the plants (nitrogen and argon are the only
vacuum suits and full life-support gear. The Moon elements which do not readily form oxygen com- Roll 1d6 x 10 percent for
has no atmosphere. pounds). Halve the atmospheric density. boldface components,
For more on the effects of atmospheres, see 2d6 x 1 percent for
Trace: Trace atmospheres are very thin, typically 5 page 283. plaintext items)
to 10 percent of the density of Earth’s. Again, visi-
tors must wear vacuum suits and full life-support ALIEN LIFE AND ATMOSPHERES Rock Or Rock-Iron
gear. Roll 1d6 times 1 percent to get the atmo- The Life step (page 90) allows for a variety of Worlds
sphere’s density relative to Earth’s, then multiply by exotic life chemistries which might flourish on very Yellow zone: Carbon
the surface gravity to determine pressure relative to hot or very cold worlds. It seems reasonable that Dioxide, Nitrogen,
Earth’s. Mars has a Trace atmosphere. those forms of life might have as much of an effect Sulfur Dioxide, Argon,
on a planet’s environment as carbon-water organ- Chlorine, Fluorine
Thin: Thin atmospheres are typically about a third
as dense as Earth’s; some worlds with thin atmo- isms. (This is all extreme rubber science — early
twenty-first century Humans have no way of know- Green or Blue zones:
spheres can support life. Thin atmospheres have an Carbon Dioxide, Nitro-
atmosphere density of 2d6 times 3 percent. Multi- ing if these types of life exist or have the effects
gen, Methane, Argon,
ply by gravity to get the surface pressure. described.)
Ammonia, Sulfur Diox-
Ammonia-based life does much the same as ide, Chlorine, Fluorine
Standard: Standard atmospheres are about as water-based life, sucking carbon dioxide out of
massive as Earth’s, with a density of 3d6 times 10 the atmosphere and releasing oxygen. The oxygen
percent of Earth’s (multiply by gravity to get the Black zone: Hydrogen,
removes methane and hydrogen, but on cold Helium
surface pressure). They often support life, and can ammonia worlds, the water freezes solid, becoming
also create a significant greenhouse effect, helping essentially another mineral. As on water planets,
planets retain heat. Ice Or Rock-Ice Worlds
this makes the remaining atmosphere much thin- Blue zone: Carbon
Dense: Dense atmospheres are many times more ner. Dioxide, Methane,
massive than Earth’s — from where Standard Fluorine-silicon life removes carbon from the Argon, Nitrogen,
leaves off to 2d6 times 10 times the mass of Earth’s atmosphere, combining it with silicon to create Ammonia
atmosphere (or more). Multiply by gravity to get complex silicone compounds. The free oxygen
the surface pressure. In the inner parts of a system, released by this gets taken up by silicon, so the net Black zone: Hydrogen,
worlds with dense atmospheres retain too much result is to remove all the carbon dioxide from the Helium
heat, leading to a runaway greenhouse effect that planetary atmosphere. On some worlds this reduces
makes the world into a virtual oven. Venus has a the temperature to the point where fluorocarbon- Boldface items are
Dense atmosphere. sulfur life takes over from the silicon types. major constituents (1d6
Fluorocarbon-sulfur life converts carbon diox- times 10 percent of the
The result is the atmosphere for a lifeless ide and sulfur dioxide to oxygen. This may create atmosphere); the others
are minor components
planet. For most worlds, this is the final result. But a world which has a breathable atmosphere for
(2d6 percent). Start with
planets which develop native life may have their Humans even though the temperatures are those of the first item listed and
atmospheres changed further. So the next step is to molten sulfur. roll the abundance of
determine if life has evolved on the world. Check Energy-based life has no effect on atmo- each gas until you reach
the Life step to see if life has evolved on the planet. spheres, nor do hydrogen or helium-based life. 100 percent. If you get
If the planet has life and is 3 billion years or They simply don’t conduct enough large-scale to the end before reach-
more in age, modify its atmosphere to reflect the chemical reactions to have any major effect. ing 100 percent, add the
action of living things. Photosynthesizers convert remainder to the first
PRESSURE item on the list.
all atmospheric carbon dioxide to oxygen, but that’s
only the first step. The free oxygen in turn com- Atmospheric pressure depends on the com-
bines with any methane to make water and more position of the planet’s atmosphere and its surface
carbon dioxide. The result is an atmosphere con- gravity. After determining what the planet’s atmo-
siderably less massive and a surface covered with sphere is like, multiply the atmospheric density
by the surface gravity, then multiply that result by
1000 millibars (approximately 1 atmosphere) to get
ATMOSPHERIC DENSITY air pressure at sea level. Any result less than 10 mil-
libars indicates a world which is effectively airless.
Planet Mass Yellow Or Green Blue Or Black Humans from Earth require 20 percent oxygen
.1 or less None Trace
at 1000 millibars pressure; this is called a partial
.11 to .3 None Trace
.31 to .5 Trace Thin
pressure of 200 millibars of oxygen. If the partial
.51 to .7 Thin Thin pressure of oxygen (percentage times air pressure)
.71 to .9 Standard Standard is less than 100, Humans cannot survive unaided
.91 to 1.3 Dense Standard over the long term. Similarly, a partial pressure
1.31+ Dense Dense greater than 400 is also harmful. Other species may
For more variety, roll 1d6 for each world: 1 indicates have different limits, of course.
an atmosphere one step thinner, 6 indicates an atmo- Altitude does affect pressure; on Earth the air
sphere one step thicker, and 2-5 indicates the result pressure drops by approximately 10 percent per
shown on the table. kilometer of altitude. The gradient on other worlds
ATMOSPHERIC would depend on the
1000 meters by the local
gravity to find the equiv- Atmospheric Density (Trace Atmospheres)
Here are a few notes on
alent for other planets. Gravity .02x .03x .04x .05x .06x .07x .08x .09x .10x .11x .12x
the gases that frequently
.5 .01 .015 .02 .025 .03 .035 .04 .045 .05 .055 .06
compose atmospheres. When pressure reaches
.75 .015 .0225 .03 .0375 .045 .0525 .06 .0675 .075 .0825 .09
See the rules on page 0, the atmosphere ends 1.0 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12
284 regarding “Poison- and space begins. Oddly, 1.5 .03 .045 .06 .075 .09 .105 .120 .135 .15 .165 .18
ous” or corrosive atmo- this means big planets 2.0 .04 .06 .08 .10 .12 .14 .16 .18 .20 .22 .24
spheres. actually have a thinner 2.5 .05 .075 .10 .125 .15 .175 .20 .225 .25 .275 .3
atmospheric envelope 3.0 .06 .09 .12 .15 .18 .21 .24 .27 .30 .33 .36
Ammonia: Ammonia than small ones, because 3.5 .07 .105 .14 .175 .21 .245 .28 .315 .35 .385 .42
(NH3) is extremely 4.0 .08 .12 .16 .20 .24 .28 .32 .36 .40 .44 .48
the big planets’ heavy
poisonous as a vapor. 4.5 .09 .135 .18 .225 .27 .315 .36 .405 .45 .495 .54
Fortunately, it’s also very gravity keeps all the
air close to the surface. 5.0 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .55 .60
soluble in water; if a
world has liquid water, While some planets have
Atmospheric Density (Thin Atmospheres)
you’ll find the ammonia surface pressure too high Gravity .10x .15x .20x .25x .30x .35x .40x .45x .50x .55x .60x
in its seas, not its atmo- for Humans to survive, .5 .05 .075 .10 .125 .15 .175 .20 .225 .25 .275 .30
sphere. there may be altitudes at .75 .075 .1125 .15 .1875 .225 .2625 .30 .3375 .375 .4125 .45
which the partial pres- 1.0 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .55 .60
Carbon Oxides: Carbon sure is appropriate for 1.5 .15 .225 .30 .375 .45 .525 .60 .675 .75 .825 .90
oxide (CO) and carbon Humans to breathe with- 2.0 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1 1.1 1.2
dioxide (CO2) often out assistance. 2.5 .25 .375 .50 .625 .75 .875 1 1.125 1.25 1.375 1.5
exist on terrestrial Here’s a quick-refer- 3.0 .30 .45 .60 .75 .90 .105 1.2 1.35 1.5 1.65 1.8
worlds that haven’t 3.5 .35 .525 .70 .875 1.05 1.225 1.4 1.575 1.75 1.925 2.1
ence table for determin-
evolved plant life yet. 4.0 .40 .60 .80 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4
Plants break these down, ing pressure at the plan-
4.5 .45 .675 .90 1.125 1.35 1.575 1.8 2.025 2.25 2.475 2.7
freeing the oxygen so etary surface (measured 5.0 .50 .75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3
other forms of life can in atmospheres, where 1
breathe it. atmosphere is the Earth Atmospheric Density (Standard Atmospheres)
average pressure at sea Gravity .30x .45x .60x .75x .90x 1.05x 1.2x 1.35x 1.5x 1.65x 1.8x
Chlorine, Fluorine: These level). Atmospheric .5 .15 .20 .30 .375 .45 .525 .60 .675 .75 .825 .9
two gases both react density is expressed as a .75 .225 .3375 .45 .5625 .675 .7875 .9 1.0125 1.125 1.2375 1.35
with many other ele- mulitple of the mass of 1.0 .30 .45 .60 .75 .90 1.05 1.2 1.35 1.5 1.65 1.8
ments, so they probably Earth’s atmosphere. 1.5 .45 .675 .9 1.125 1.35 1.575 1.8 2.025 2.25 2.475 2.7
won’t exist in an atmo- 2.0 .60 .90 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3 3.3 3.6
sphere unless they’re 2.5 .75 1.125 1.5 1.875 2.25 2.625 3 3.375 3.75 4.125 4.5
somehow being pro-
duced or freed (either
1.35 1.8 2.25 2.7 3.15 3.6 4.05 4.5
1.575 2.1 2.625 3.15 3.675 4.2 4.725 5.25
by the natural life pro- The climate of a 4.0 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4.8 5.4 6 6.6 7.2
cesses of weird aliens, world depends on its 4.5 1.35 2.025 2.7 3.375 4.05 4.725 5.4 6.075 6.75 7.425 8.1
or artificially). Both are 5.0 1.5 2.25 3 3.75 4.5 5.25 6 6.75 7.5 8.25 9
temperature, which in
extremely poisonous to
turn depends on what Atmospheric Density (Dense Atmospheres)
Humans and other ter-
restrial life. zone the planet’s orbit Gravity 20x 30x 40x 50x 60x 70x 80x 90x 100x 110x 120x
lies in. The basic temper- .5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Helium: The second- ature is 350 Centigrade .75 15 22.5 30 37.5 45 52.5 60 67.5 75 82.5 90
most abundant element in the Yellow zone, 10 1.0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
in the universe after Centigrade in the Green 1.5 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180
hydrogen, helium is of zone, -100 Centigrade in 2.0 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
course unbreathable the Blue zone and -200 2.5 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
by terrestrial life. But Centigrade in the Black 3.0 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360
at least the intrepid 3.5 70 105 140 175 210 245 280 315 350 385 420
space explorers will 4.0 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480
Gamemasters 4.5 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 405 450 495 540
get to shout for help in who want to figure a
squeaky voices before 5.0 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
planet’s temperature
they die.
more precisely can use ALBEDO
the following formula: temperature is 280 degrees Albedo refers to the fraction of light or elec-
Hydrogen: Because it’s
flammable, hydrogen Kelvin times the fourth root of the star’s luminos- tromagnetic radiation an object reflects. The more
can be extremely dan- ity, divided by the square root of the distance in AU it reflects — the higher its albedo — the brighter
gerous if it’s present in from the star. To convert from degrees Kelvin to it appears. Planets may reflect back a significant
large quantities. Even Centigrade, simply subtract 273. amount of incoming energy, especially if their
worse, its tiny atoms Once the base temperature is determined, atmospheres contain large amounts of dust or
can sometimes get apply various modifiers based on the planet’s atmo- water vapor, or if the surface is covered by ice and
inside sealed protective sphere and other characteristics.
garments, potentially snow. For any planet with an atmosphere more
dense than Trace but less than Dense, reduce the
Continued on next page temperature by 5 degrees Centigrade; Dense atmo-
Star Hero ■ Chapter Four 89

spheres reduce it by 20 degrees. Continued from last page

See page 278 for more information on, and CLIMATE TYPES leading to fires inside
rules for, albedo. a spacesuit if they
Temperature Climate Type encounter an errant
GREENHOUSE EFFECT -101o C or colder Extremely Cold spark or too much fric-
Certain gases can act to trap heat, raising -51o to -100o C Very Cold tion. Hydrogen can also
the temperature of a world. There are a variety of -21o to -50o C Cold bond with oxygen to
-1o to -20o C Cool form water vapor, which
greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide and
0o to 19o C Temperate is itself corrosive.
water vapor. Use the following rules of thumb: on 20o to 49o C Warm
worlds with Trace or Thin atmospheres there is 50o to 99o C Hot
no appreciable greenhouse effect. Standard atmo- 100o to 149o C Very Hot Methane: Like hydrogen
spheres increase the temperature by a number 150o C or hotter Extremely Hot (with which it’s usually
of degrees Centigrade equal to the twice the per- found), methane is also
TERRAFORMING dangerously flammable.
centage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and
Dense atmospheres increase the temperature by 10 Terraforming is the process of making a
Nitrogen: Although
degrees for each 1 percent of carbon dioxide. hostile world suitable for life. Since the word was
necessary for life on ter-
If this raises the planetary temperature above invented by Humans, it literally means “making like restrial worlds (Earth’s
50 degrees Centigrade, the planet experiences a Earth,” but aliens could use the same methods to atmosphere is about
runaway greenhouse effect. Its oceans boil, pump- make planets more like their homeworlds as well three-fourths nitrogen),
ing the atmosphere full of water vapor and vastly (“xenoforming,” so to speak). by itself nitrogen is
increasing its ability to hold heat. Add another 1d6 Humans can only change certain aspects of unbreathable.
times 100 degrees to the planet’s temperature. a planet easily. Mass and orbit are effectively fixed
— by the time you can move planetary masses Nitrogen Oxides: Various
TIDAL HEATING compounds of nitrogen
around you don’t need to live on planets any more
Moons of gas giant planets can also get addi- (like the Puppeteers of Niven’s “Known Space” sto- and oxygen are highly
tional heat from tidal energy. This can sometimes ries). Composition and density are similarly immu- corrosive.
provide enough energy to make a world warm table. Atmosphere can be altered, by either large-
enough for life. See the discussion on page 84. scale brute-force methods (slamming comets into Oxygen: Oxygen, obvi-
a planet to increase the supply of volatiles) or the ously, is necessary for
ROTATION terrestrial life. However,
application of genetically tailored microorganisms
Tidally-locked planets or worlds with days a world can have too
(to change gases like carbon dioxide and ammonia much of a good thing;
longer than 10 standard days can get extremely hot into nitrogen, oxygen, and water). Changing atmo-
on the day side. The temperature on the dayside oxygen is both flam-
sphere can indirectly affect climate, as thickening mable and corrosive if it
in degrees Kelvin is doubled; on the nightside it is and altering the composition changes the green- composes about 30%, or
halved. (To convert from degrees Kelvin to Cen- house effect. more, of a world’s atmo-
tigrade, subtract 273.) This can mean the oceans A species can also alter a planet’s climate by sphere.
on the dayside literally reach boiling. The planet brute force. Using orbital mirrors to warm a cold
won’t have a runaway greenhouse effect because the world or “sunshades” to cool a hot one is surpris- Sulfur: Sulfur exists
moisture all freezes out on the night side. On tidally ingly possible. There are practical limits — altering mainly in various com-
locked worlds, all the water winds up as glaciers on temperature by more than 50 degrees Centigrade is pounds, many of them
the night side. probably impossible. corrosive or toxic.
ECCENTRIC ORBITS In HERO System terms, these are all applica-
Planets in eccentric orbits may have two cli- tions of the Change Environment Power. Dropping
mate ratings, based on the innermost and outer- a comet on a planet to thicken the atmosphere is:
most distance from the star. Compute the tempera- Change Environment 1” radius (increase atmo-
ture separately for each extreme. spheric pressure), MegaArea (1” = 10,000 km;
CLIMATE CLASS +1 ¼) (11 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge
lasting for 1 Century which Never Recovers
The final climate class is based on the planet’s (-0), Side Effect (EB 14d6 [physical] with a
average temperature. By way of comparison, the 10 km area MegaScale Explosion centered on
Earth’s average temperature is about 12 degrees target point, always occurs; -2), Requires A PS:
Centigrade (53 Fahrenheit) for the entire planet, Planetology Roll (-¼). Total cost: 3 points.
making it Temperate. Obviously various regions
are warmer or colder than this. Assume a planet’s Mirrors or sunshades to change the tempera-
equatorial regions are about 20 degrees Centigrade ture are:
warmer than the base temperature, the mid-lati- Change Environment 1” radius (raise or lower
tudes are close to that temperature and the polar temperature), MegaArea (1” = 10,000 km;
regions are 20 degrees colder. As a result, plan- +1 ¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (14
ets which are Cold or Hot are uninhabitable by Active Points); OIF Fragile Immobile (orbital
Humans over most of their surface, but may have mirror/sunshade; -1 ¾), Gradual Effect (25
livable temperatures in the equatorial or polar years; -3 ¼), Requires A PS: Planetology Roll
regions. Very Cold or Hot and Extremely Cold or (-¼). Total cost: 2 points.
Hot planets are uninhabitable, period. Humans vis-
iting them must wear life-support gear.
Altering atmospheric composition using micro- PS: Planetology Roll (-¼). Total cost: 4 points.
organisms is:
Because these forms of terraforming use Change
Change Environment 1” radius (alter atmospheric Environment, they have to be maintained — remove
composition in one specific way), MegaScale (1” the orbital mirrors, or let the microorganisms die out,
= 10,000 km; +1 ¼), Reduced Endurance (0 and the transformation of the planet quickly wears
END; +½), Uncontrolled (power stops function- off. Permanent changes require Mega-Scaled Area Of
ing when microorganisms expire; +½) (16 Active Effect Major Transforms.
Points); Gradual Effect (5 Years; -3), Requires A

ife as early twenty-first century Humans tidal heating. Planets which get hotter than 50o C
know it is made up of complex carbon have boiling oceans too warm for complex mol-
molecules (nucleic acids, proteins, and car- ecules.
bohydrates) existing in a solution of water. This section deals only with the possibility
This is by far the most common type of life in that life exists, and its general type. Chapter Six
the Galaxy, and seems to develop wherever liquid discusses the nature of sentient alien life and alien
water and simple carbon compounds are available. societies.
Any planet with an average temperature between
-20 and 50 degrees Centigrade is likely to develop
life. This includes colder planets which reach the EXOTIC LIFE
liquid water range as a result of eccentric orbits or
Interstellar explorers in Space Opera or Pulp
SF settings may encounter life forms based on
chemicals very different from those found in ter-
restrial life. Most of these kinds of life require a
fairly narrow range of conditions, and so are much
less common than life based on carbon molecules
in water. Gamemasters who want to throw in some
exotic forms of life can choose from the following
On Very Cold planets with substantial
amounts of liquid ammonia, life forms similar to
carbon-water organisms can evolve using ammo-
nia as a solvent instead. Carbon-ammonia beings
require a temperature range of -80 to -30 degrees
Centigrade and a methane-ammonia atmosphere.
Hydrogen can act as a solvent for carbon
compounds at temperatures between -250 and -
260 Centigrade (higher in the immense pressures
of a gas giant world). Hydrogen-based life does not
alter its environment because it can only form in
places with no sunlight or other sources of exter-
nal energy.
On still colder worlds where methane exists in
liquid form, it is possible to have life forms made
of carbon molecules in a methane medium. Meth-
ane-based life requires Extremely Cold tempera-
tures between -180 and -160 degrees Centigrade,
and a planetary atmosphere rich in methane and
Star Hero ■ Chapter Four 91

How beings of “pure energy” could exist and LIFE COMPLEXITY TABLE
remain stable is unknown. If such a thing is pos-
Planetary Age In Years Types Of Life
sible, energy beings would probably evolve in a 1 billion or less Prebiotic (complex mol-
very high-temperature environment with strong ecules but no organisms)
magnetic fields. Rock-Iron worlds with Very Hot 2 billion Single-Celled organisms
or Extremely Hot climates and Thin or Trace 3 billion Plants
atmospheres rich in argon seem to be the best can- 4 billion or more Multicellular organisms
didates. Energy-based beings do not have a direct
effect on a planet’s atmosphere or environment. Space Opera: In science fiction stories, intelligent
life turns out to be much more common. Roll 2d6
FLUORINE-SILICON and give the planet intelligent life on a 12. Note
Organisms with a complex body chemistry also that many worlds in SF turn out to be ancient
based on fluorosilicone compounds can evolve on colonies.
Extremely Hot planets with fluorine and carbon
dioxide atmospheres. They require a temperature
range of 400 to 500 degrees Centigrade. Even if they lack indigenous sentient life,
potentially life-supporting planets may house colo-
FLUOROCARBON-SULFUR nies of species from other worlds. To determine if
Where liquid sulfur is present, on planets with a planet is home to a colony, roll 2d6 and apply the
a temperature range of 150 to 400 degrees Cen- modifiers in the Colonies Table, then subtract 11.
tigrade and atmospheres poor in oxygen but rich The result is the number of colonies. Some colonies
in fluorine, life forms based on fluorocarbons and may be quite old, on the order of centuries or mil-
sulfur can evolve. Such organisms can create atmo- lennia, making the inhabitants effectively native to
spheres which Humans can actually breathe, as the world. The age of a colony is up to the GM.
they release oxygen from carbon dioxide to make
complex fluorocarbon molecules.
Modifier Condition
Far out from any star, in the reaches where
+1 Green Zone
planets move through space warmed only by the +1 Temperature between 0 and 50
residual heat of the Big Bang, helium can exist as degrees Centigrade
a liquid, at temperatures approaching absolute -4 Gas Giant
zero (-270 Centigrade). The organisms based on +1 Lifebearing World
liquid helium are very alien, and do not make use +1 Spacefaring civilization on another
of chemical reactions at all. Helium-based life does planet in the system
not alter the planetary environment. +1 Valuable Resources

COMPLEXITY In classic Pulp science fiction there are many
examples of planets with two or more sentient spe-
Having determined the type of life, next figure
cies. This is not as odd as it sounds; in the distant
how complex it is. Use the planet’s age in billions
past two or more hominid species may have co-
of years (from the Star System Data Table on page
existed on Earth. When rolling randomly, GMs can
77) and consult the Life Complexity Table. For a
roll a second time for intelligence (using either the
little variation, roll 1d6 — on a 1 the planet’s life is
Hard Science or Space Opera options) — if the dice
one level more primitive, on a 6 it is one level more
come up all sixes again, there are two sentient spe-
cies. Conceivably the process can go on as long as
the GM keeps getting boxcars. (A planet with three
INTELLIGENT LIFE or more native sentient races could be a very inter-
esting place.)
This is the big question. Does the planet have The relationship of two species on a single
intelligent life? Worlds without sentient inhabitants world depends a great deal on how much they
may nevertheless be interesting places to visit, but compete with one another. Two sentient species
to cause real problems you usually need sentient with the same diet and the same climate prefer-
beings. ences are likely to fight fiercely with one another,
Hard Science: All evidence available to Human and may wind up living on separate continents.
science at the start of the twenty-first century indi- But a pair of species who don’t compete — say, a
cates intelligent life is very rare. For any world with land-dwelling race of vegetarians and a coastal fish-
multicellular life roll 4d6; on a result of 24 exactly, eating race — may have perfectly amicable relations
there is an intelligent species. This translates to a 1 and even develop into a single biracial civilization.
in 1,300 chance of intelligence, which is about in
line with Earth’s history (multicellular life for the
past billion or so years, Humans for the past mil-


QUICK PLANET wo planets can have identical atmospheres than small ones.
CREATION and climates and still be vastly different. The Climate also plays a big role. Worlds which
amount and arrangement of land on the are Hot have only half as much ocean because a
Step 1: Check orbital surface makes some worlds rich and pros- large amount of water is in vapor form. Very Hot or
eccentricity, inclination, perous while others are nearly uninhabitable. Extremely Hot worlds have no oceans at all.
and determine year Very Cold or Extremely Cold worlds have no
length oceans of water, but might have seas of ammonia
HYDROSPHERE or liquid methane. If those chemicals exist and the
Step 2: Determine mass planet has a Dense atmosphere, the GM may roll
by rolling on the Plan- The hydrosphere of a planet is how much of its
for the coverage of other liquids. Otherwise they
etary Mass Table. surface is covered by water. This is influenced by
have a Hydrographic percentage of zero.
several factors. Since a planet’s oceans are formed
Finally, there is a random element depending
Step 3: Determine com- of water released by volcanic activity, big planets
on how rough the surface is. A planet with deep
position on the Plane- (which are more active) tend to have more water
ocean basins could have a lot of water but still have
tary Composition Table,
plenty of dry land; a smooth planet with little relief
then compute density
based on composition. PLANET CLASSIFICATIONS might be completely covered by a shallow ocean.
To compute hydrosphere randomly, roll 2d6
At present, scientists only have the planets of the
Step 4: Compute diam- Solar System and a few bodies detected around
and multiply by 10 percent. (Apply the modifiers
eter, equal to the cube other stars to study. They have only been able in the accompanying table.) Add or subtract 1d6
root of (mass divided by to recognize some very general types — gas percent for some variability, if you want. The result
density) in Earth diam- giants, solid planets, and icy bodies like Pluto. An is the amount of surface covered by ocean. If the
eters. Multiply by 12,800 interstellar society with data on hundreds of star result is 10 exactly, then the planet has large islands;
to get kilometers. systems and thousands of planets might come up an 11 indicates a few small islands; and 12 means a
with a set of standard “planet classes” as a short- true “waterworld” with absolutely no land at all.
Step 5: Determine grav- hand for scientists and explorers. For example, in
ity by multiplying den- the Star Trek series, planets get a letter classifica-
sity by relative diameter. tion — habitable Earth-like worlds are “Class M,”
gas giants like Jupiter are Class J, and so forth.
Step 6: Roll on the The exact criteria for a planetary classification Modifier Condition
Moons Table to deter- scheme depend on who is doing the classifying, +1 Planetary mass greater than 1.25
mine how many moons and why. Space travelers and merchants might -1 Planetary mass less than .75
the planet has; figure simply group them into “inhabited” and “unin- +1 Warm climate
orbital distance by roll- habited,” while planetologists could have a highly -1 Cool climate
ing the the Moon Dis- detailed system based on internal structure and -2 Cold climate
tance Table; determine chemical composition.
size by rolling on the
Moon Size Table; check
the Moon Anomalies
The Terran Empire, in the Hero Universe timeline,
uses a system of loose types geared mostly toward DOMINANT TERRAIN
determining a planet’s suitability for colonization The terrain of a planet varies widely, of course
or economic exploitation. The types are denoted
— just think of all the different landscapes on
by numbers, on a scale which indicates the planet’s
Step 7: Roll on the Plan- usefulness:
Earth. The most important factors in figuring
etary Rotation Table to landscapes are hydrosphere, climate, and tectonic
determine day length; Type Description activity (a function of mass). Hydrosphere indicates
check the Rotation 1 Earthlike planets with compatible how much of the surface is desert, climate tells how
Anomalies Table; roll native life much tundra or icecap there is, and mass gives an
for axial tilt on the Axial 2 Lifebearing worlds requiring life sup- idea of how mountainous the world is. But because
Tilt Table. port for Humans so much depends on random accidents of the
3 Planets suitable for terraforming planet’s history, there is no convenient formula. The
Step 8: Determine (Mars) GM simply has to decide on his own.
atmosphere composi- 4 Icy dense-atmosphere worlds (Titan)
tion by rolling on the Earth’s land surface has approximately 25 per-
5 Airless rocky worlds (Moon, Mercury)
Atmospheric Composi- 6 Airless icy worlds (Pluto, Europa)
cent desert, 10 percent ice cap, 10 percent tundra,
tion Table. 7 Asteroids (Phobos, Ceres) and 5 percent mountainous terrain. The rest is a
8 Greenhouse planets (Venus) mix of tropical forest, temperate forest, grassland,
9 Small gas giant planets (Uranus, and wetland.
Neptune) Since Earth is 70 percent ocean and still has
Continued on next page 10 Large gas giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn) deserts, any world with less water is likely to have
Star Hero ■ Chapter Four 93

very extensive deserts. A good Continued from last page

rule of thumb is that the non- Step 9: Determine
desert portions make up a per- atmosphere density by
centage of the planet’s land area rolling on the Atmo-
roughly equal to the percentage spheric Density Table,
of the planet as a whole that is then calculate pressure
covered by land. So a world with by multiplying atmo-
50 percent ocean area would have sphere density by sur-
land that is 50 percent desert, and face gravity.
a planet with 30 percent ocean
would have desert covering 70 Step 10: Determine
percent of its land surface. climate, either by calcu-
lating temperature based
Icecaps depend on climate
on distance or by using
and hydrography. The ice surface the base temperature for
varies between 0 percent (on the planet’s orbital zone.
Warm worlds) and 100 percent Modify for albedo, tidal
(on Very Cold planets). For every heating, and greenhouse
2 degree of temperature below 50 effect.
degrees Centigrade, increase the
ice cap and tundra coverage by 1 Step 11: Determine if
percent each. Ice caps can never the planet has any native
cover more of the surface than the life. If so, modify the
oceans. atmosphere accordingly,
Mountains depend on how then refigure climate.
active the planet’s crust is. Small
planets like Mars have few moun- Step 12: Roll on the Life
Complexity Table to see
tains (but those it does have are
what kind of creatures
really big because they stay in one exist.
place and keep growing). Multiply
the planet’s mass by 5 percent to Step 13: Roll to see if
get the amount of the surface cov- any intelligent life exists
ered by mountains. Obviously, the (a 2d6 result of 12, or a
single environment on one planet. The products of
result cannot be greater than the total land surface. 24 on 4d6 for hard sci-
intelligent species obviously come only from planets
The other terrain types depend heavily on ence); check to see if the
that have inhabitants capable of making them.
the local life forms and the way the continents are. planet has any colonies
Gamemasters creating a world randomly can on it.
One can assume that drier worlds are likely to have
roll for each resource type using 1d6. On a roll of 1,
more grassland, wetter ones to have more wetlands,
the planet is poor in that material, on a 6 it is rich. Step 14: Determine
hotter ones to have more tropical forest, and cooler
The description of each category, below, includes ocean coverage by roll-
ones to have more temperate forest. But a cold
modifiers based on the planet conditions. Worlds ing 2d6 times 10 per-
planet might have all its continents in the relatively
rich in a given resource are likely to be exporters, cent, with modifiers for
warm equatorial regions, and so have a high pro-
while worlds poor in something must import it or mass and climate.
portion of tropical landforms.
do without. Planets in the middle range have enough
to supply local demand. Gamemasters building a Step 15: Determine the
RESOURCES world should only bother listing the rich and poor
resources on the template unless more detail is
dominant terrain based
on climate, hydrography,
There are ten types of resources found on desired or necessary. and mass.
HEAVY METALS Step 16: Roll 1d6 for
Heavy Metals
Heavy metals are radioactive substances like each resource category;
uranium and thorium, or precious metals like gold on a 6 the world is rich
Nonmetals in those resources, on a
Volatiles and silver. They have many applications — at lower
1 it is poor (use modifi-
Organics technology levels they are valued as money, and at
ers based on other plan-
Plants higher ones they become useful as sources of nuclear etary characteristics).
Animals power, or in construction of electronic devices. Heavy
Crafts metals, like other metals, are most common on rock-
Manufactures iron planets, and can be found on rock and rock-ice
Specialties worlds as well. The more dense a planet is, the more
likely it is to have heavy metals in quantity. Rock-iron
Of course, this is a highly simplified list. The first planets get a +1, rock-ice planets get a -1, and ice
five are found on nearly every world, though quanti- planets get a -4. The roll gets an additional +1 if the
ties may vary and it may be easier to extract certain planet’s density is greater than 1.
minerals on certain planets. Animals and plants are METALS
found on just about any lifebearing world, but certain
Metals are substances like iron, aluminum,
species with valuable properties may exist in only a
copper, and titanium. They are most often used for
structural purposes, particularly in civilizations any world with life in the Yellow, Green, or Blue
with industrial-era or higher technology. Metals zones; the die roll indicates how useful or valuable
are common on rock-iron worlds, available on the world’s plants are.
rock worlds and rock-ice worlds, and rare on ice
worlds. More massive planets tend to have more
metals. The die roll is +1 for rock-iron planets, As with plants, animals exist only on lifebear-
unmodified for rock and rock-ice, and -4 on ice ing worlds. Not all lifebearing planets have animal
planets. There is a +1 modifier for planets with a life — the GM should decide if a given planet does.
mass greater than 1 Earth. Animals are used for food by many races, and their
skins are a traditional material for clothing. Some
NONMETALS animal species produce toxins or other substances
Nonmetals are solid substances like sulfur, which can have importance as medicines. The roll
silica, crystals, potassium nitrate, and the like. for animal resources requires that the planet have
They have a variety of uses, both as materials for native multicellular life, but is otherwise unmodi-
ceramics and as feedstocks for chemical indus- fied.
tries. Crystals are nonmetals, and in fiction often
have remarkable properties. Nonmetals are most
common on rock worlds, and are available on Crafts are the products of preindustrial cul-
all others except gas and hydrogen planets. Rock tures, chiefly from societies at Stone Age through
worlds get a +1 for nonmetals, others are unmodi- preindustrial technology. Pottery, cloth, woodwork,
fied. and items made of bone and leather are typical
crafts. Their value in interstellar trade derives
VOLATILES mostly from aesthetic value, and they are treated
Volatiles are liquids and gases, especially as artworks. When rolling randomly, treat a die
water, ammonia, hydrogen, helium, and the like. result of 1-5 as neutral — the planet’s people make
They are hard to find on Yellow zone planets, but crafts for their own use but don’t export anything.
are available in the Green zone and are common in A result of 6 means the culture’s crafts are interest-
the Blue and Black zones. Rock-ice and ice planets ing or beautiful enough to have value elsewhere.
have good supplies of volatiles. Volatiles have three The roll for crafts has no modifiers, but obviously
main uses: as fuel for rocket-powered spacecraft; the planet must have intelligent inhabitants with
as the raw materials for life support for ships and manipulatory limbs to make them. (For an exam-
space stations; and as the basis for a great many ple of an intelligent species without manipulatory
chemicals. Planets in the Yellow zone get a -4 limbs, and the problems this causes, see Arthur C.
modifier on the roll for volatiles, worlds in the Blue Clarke’s short story “Second Dawn.”)
and Black zones get a +1. Ice and rock-ice planets
get a +3 modifier.
Manufactures are those products made in
ORGANICS factories at industrial or later technology. Manu-
Organics are chemicals made from the amaz- factured goods are seldom as lovingly made or
ingly versatile element carbon. They range from beautiful as handcrafts, but they are vastly cheaper
simple substances like methane and cyanide to and available in enormous quantities. This means
complex lipids, alcohols, and petrochemicals. factories are built only when there is a sufficiently
Organics are very rare on Yellow zone worlds large market for their wares. Many planets import
as the high temperatures break them down. On manufactured goods, either because the local tech-
Green zone worlds with life, organics are found in nology cannot produce them or because the local
the biomass. In the Blue and Black zones primor- population is too small to support a factory. The
dial organics can be found, especially on worlds range of manufactured goods is vast — from plas-
with abundant methane. Organics are an impor- tic trinkets to starships. When rolling randomly,
tant energy source at industrial-era technology, all worlds with preindustrial technology get a -1; a
and are also vital for making plastics, pharmaceu- spacefaring or higher technology get a +1. A plan-
ticals, or chemicals. Yellow zone worlds get a -4 on etary population below 1000 gives a modifier of -2,
the roll for organics, rock-ice and ice planets get and population less than 1 million gives a modifier
a +1, and any world with life that is water-based, of -1.
ammonia-based, or methane-based get a +3.
PLANTS Many worlds have some resources which are
Plants and plant products are only available the result of particular local conditions and do not
on planets where plant life has evolved. Plants in occur elsewhere. They may be natural products or
general are common on such worlds, but particular items made only by one culture on that world, or
species with special properties can be exceedingly luxury items like a unique mineral water. On a roll
rare. They are most commonly used for food, but of 6, a planet has some special resource; the GM
plant extracts can also be a source of pharmaceuti- gets to decide what it is.
cals or spices. Trees and similar big plants provide
materials for building, and other plants supply
fibers for cloth. When rolling for the resource, one
can assume that there are plants growing all over
Star Hero ■ Chapter Four 95

lanets are not the only things one can find G Operations roll, or a DEX Roll at -3, to avoid
circling a star. There are asteroids and kicking up dust. On a failed roll, the character is
comets, space rubble which may turn out to surrounded by one hex of dust, which functions
be more useful in some ways than planets as Darkness to Sight Group (and, depending on
themselves. Intelligent beings can construct space composition, possibly the Radio Sense Group and
stations and habitats. And extremely advanced senses like Sonar). The dust settles in 6 Segments
civilizations may construct really huge structures unless the character fails another roll. In a battle
bigger than worlds. situation, characters may choose to kick up a lot of
dust deliberately, to block laser weapons and sen-
ASTEROIDS Their low gravity makes asteroids attractive
for space mining and manufacturing because there
Asteroids are small bodies orbiting a star.
is no need to waste much energy hauling mass out
They range in size from a kilometer across to 1,000
of a deep gravity well. Asteroids with ice deposits
kilometers in diameter. All asteroids are airless, and
could draw colonists, tunneling into the rock and
have a surface gravity of 0.01 G or less. They have
farming under domes or bright lights.
no surface water, but may contain deposits of ice.
To determine if a system has asteroid colo-
In the Solar System, the asteroids are most
nies or bases, the system must either have a planet
common in the Asteroid Belt, a loose collection
with spacefaring technology, or the system must
of bodies orbiting between Jupiter and Mars. Any
be claimed by a spacefaring civilization. If either
planetary mass result of 0 during planet generation
of those is the case, roll 2d6-11 and add 1 for each
indicates an asteroid belt. Other star systems may
have multiple asteroid belts, and young stars won’t
have anything else.
The exact composition of asteroids varies.
Some are stony-iron bodies, composed of rock and
metal with little in the way of volatiles. These are
most common in the inner system (the Red, Yellow,
and Green zones), although they can be found any-
where. Carbonaceous asteroids are rich in carbon
and volatiles, though rock and metal still makes up
the bulk of their mass. Carbon asteroids are most
common in the Green and Blue zones. In the outer
system (the Black zone), comets predominate.
The structure of asteroids also varies. Some are
simply huge single chunks of rock or iron, possibly
with a coating of dust pulverized by eons of mete-
oroid impacts. Others have been shattered by large
impacts, or formed by low-energy collisions, and
so are really just a collection of fragments loosely
packed together.
Humans operating on an asteroid face several
hazards. The surface of an asteroid is essentially
“outer space,” with no protection from cosmic
rays or solar heat. (See page 281 for conditions in
space.) The low gravity means staying on an aster-
oid’s surface can be difficult. On small bodies (up to
20 kilometers or so) a vigorous leap can send one
into a long ballistic path, sometimes circling the
entire asteroid. Explorers and workers need tethers
to keep from “falling off ” into space.
The surface of an asteroid is likely to be a mass
of powder like Moon dust. In the minuscule grav-
ity, any motion quickly raises a cloud of obscuring
dust. Each Phase characters must make a PS: Zero-
TARGET: ASTEROID! inhabited planet in the system. The result is the Belt Density OCV Penalty
number of asteroid bases. To determine population, Tight -2
If a starship has to shoot roll 1d6 and consult the Asteroid Population Table. Very Tight -4
at an asteroid, comet, or Asteroids can have resources just like planets. Extremely Tight -6
the like for some reason, It’s safe to assume nobody would settle on a given
the GM needs to deter- asteroid unless it was rich in something. Stony-iron Of course, ships may still be able to obtain
mine how much damage asteroids are rich in either metals, heavy metals, or cover behind individual asteroids, in the GM’s dis-
the target can withstand. nonmetals. Carbonaceous asteroids have metals, cretion; if so, normal Concealment rules apply.
nonmetals, and organics. Comets have volatiles,
Defense organics, and nonmetals. Any asteroid with a
A rock asteroid has DEF
5; a rock-metal asteroid
Colony or Large Colony is assumed to produce COMETS
Manufactures as well.
has DEF 5-7; an ice Comets are similar to asteroids, but are com-
asteroid or comet has posed mostly of ice, with chunks of rock embedded
DEF 2-4. in them. They are found in the Black zone of all
ASTEROID POPULATION TABLE star systems. Like asteroids, comets represent valu-
BODY able resources due to their accessibility. Because
Roll 1d6 Population
To determine BODY, they’re so far out from the central star, they’re less
1-2 Small base (1d6 x 5 people)
assume the object is a suitable for colonization. As with asteroids, they are
sphere. Determine its 3 Medium base (1d6 x 10 people)
4 Large Base (1d6 x 100 people) only colonized if the system contains a spacefar-
radius in hexes. To find
out the volume of hexes 5 Colony (1d6 x 1,000 people ing planet or is owned by a starfaring civilization.
in the object, cube its 6 Large Colony (2d6 x 10,000 people) Roll 2d6-12 and add 1 for each inhabited planet;
radius (multiply it by the result is the number of comet bases in a system.
itself, and then multiply FLYING IN ASTEROID BELTS Roll on the Asteroid Population Table with a -1
that product by the penalty to get the population of a comet base.
radius), then multiply A staple of science fiction movies is for a hero
being pursued by a numerically- or technologi- See page 71 for more information about, and
that product by pi
(3.14), and then multiply cally-superior enemy to duck into an asteroid field, ideas for, comets.
that product by 1.33. (In using his superior reflexes to avoid a collision. Not
short, use the formula
4/3πr3.) The end result
is the volume of cubic
only does this offer him visual and physical cover
from his pursuers, but since they don’t have the SPACE HABITATS
hexes in the object. same degree of piloting skill he does, they end up Sometimes there isn’t a convenient planet or
smashing into the big, floating rocks. asteroid where people want to live or work. In that
A rock or rock-metal To pull this trick, a PC pilot has to make a case they need an artificial habitat, like a space
asteroid has 19 BODY Combat Piloting roll every Phase to avoid colliding station or star base. These can be anything from a
per hex. An ice asteroid with an asteroid. The difficulty of the roll depends trailer-sized orbital laboratory (like Skylab or Mir),
or comet has 13 BODY on how densely packed the asteroids are: to a large permanent station (like Deep Space 9
per hex. Apply the stan- in the Star Trek universe) to a giant self-sufficient
dard rules (+1 BODY Belt Density Modifier space city (like Babylon 5 in the television series of
per doubling of size) Very light +2 the same name). See page 208 for more on Bases in
to determine overall Light +1
BODY. space.
Average +0 As with asteroid or comet colonies, a system
Tight -3 must hold or be controlled by a spacefaring civi-
Here’s how much BODY Very Tight -6
to add, based on size: lization. If that is the case, roll 2d6-12 and apply
Extremely Tight -9 the following modifiers: +1 if there are one or
5” radius: +9 BODY
more asteroid colonies, +1 if there is more than
10” radius: +12 BODY Even “Very Light” assumes the asteroids are one inhabited planet, and +1 if the system is on an
20” radius: +15 BODY close enough together that the character’s ship important trade route. The result is the number of
50” radius: +19 BODY passes a few each Turn. If they’re extremely dif- major stations. Roll 2d6 on the Space Station Table
100” radius: +22 BODY fuse — as in Earth’s asteroid belt, where there’s an to determine the size of each station.
200” radius: +25 BODY average of a million kilometers between asteroids
— characters don’t have to roll at all, but they gain
1 km radius: +29 BODY
100 km radius: +49
no cover, either. SPACE STATION TABLE
Failing a roll indicates a collision. If the
BODY Roll 2d6 Station Type and Size
roll fails by 1-3, the character merely swipes (or
2-7 Small Station (1d6 x 5 people)
is swiped by) an asteroid, and takes its velocity
See Target: Earth!, page 8 Medium Station (2d6 x 10 people)
divided by 5 in dice of Normal Damage. If the roll 9 Large Station/Star Base (1d6 x 100
197, for more informa-
tion and ideas. fails by 4 or more, it takes its velocity divided by 3 people)
in dice of Normal Damage (or more, at the GM’s 10 Large Star Base (2d6 x 100 people)
discretion). 11 Small Colony (2d6 x 1,000 people)
If the character can make the rolls, in some 12 Large Colony (2d6 x 10,000 people)
cases his ship becomes harder to hit with attacks,
thanks to the cover of the intervening rocks:
Star Hero ■ Chapter Four 97

Megastructures Making an orbital that size would take only

a fraction of the Earth’s mass, so dismantling one
Highly advanced civilizations can build really Terrestrial-sized planet would create thousands of
big structures, bigger than planets. A society at the times the living space of that planet’s surface. A star
“stellar engineering” stage may well build things on system could hold dozens or hundreds of orbitals,
the scale of stars. each with tens of billions of inhabitants.
All megastructures are impossible to place
randomly; the GM must decide which systems have
them. Exploring even a small megastructure would Larry Niven’s essay “Bigger Than Worlds”
be an entire campaign in itself. Given their poten- noted another interesting type of megastructure
tially huge populations, a single megastructure called a Topopolis. The idea is simple — a tube one
could easily dominate all the nearby systems. In the or two kilometers across, looped around the central
case of a Dyson sphere or ringworld, the inhabit- star in a big circle the size of a planet’s orbit. The
ants may simply disregard planets as too tiny to be result is a long, thin doughnut. Since it’s orbit-
worth conquering. ing, the topopolis would be in zero gravity, but its
designers can rotate the tube for spin gravity. This
ORBITALS is possible because the diameter of the tube is so
A common type of habitat in Iain M. Banks’s tiny compared with the enormous scale of the ring
“Culture” series is the orbital. An orbital is nothing around the central star; it behaves locally like a
but a really really big space colony — a ring some straight cylinder.
400,000 kilometers across and hundreds or thou- A single-loop topopolis would have an area of
sands of kilometers thick, turning once a day and about 2 billion square kilometers, or four Earths.
producing gravity by spin. In Banks’s novels most But as Niven pointed out, the civilization can go
orbitals are made up of smaller segments called on adding loops almost indefinitely, with fraction-
plates, so that the whole thing can be built incre- ally smaller or larger diameters, inclined so as not
mentally over time. An orbital 4,000 kilometers to block one another’s sunlight. A planet like Earth
thick would have a surface area of about a trillion could furnish material for 5,000 topopolis loops,
square kilometers — two thousand times the Earth enough room for 100 trillion people!
itself — not to mention any usable interior volume.
Niven also devised
the idea of a ringworld
— a huge ribbon like
an orbital, but as wide
as the Earth’s orbit
around the Sun. A
ringworld requires
super-scientific build-
ing materials (in other
words, stuff with
impossible properties
by modern standards)
and a mass equal to
ten Earths. However, it
would provide living
space equal to at least
20,000 Earth-sized
planets, allowing a
population in the
hundreds of trillions
with no crowding. (The
ringworld in Niven’s
stories has 600 trillion
square miles of surface
area, the equivalent of
three million Earths!)
The chief problem
with a ringworld is
that it isn’t in orbit. It’s
spinning to create grav-
ity, but it’s just parked
around the central
star. Such a situation is
unstable over the long
term. Niven suggested
the use of large Bussard ramjets as attitude thrust-
ers, or the builders might use the solar wind to keep MEGA-BASES
the ringworld centered. His novels Ringworld, The
Ringworld Engineers, and The Ringworld Throne Characters with serious claustrophobia may want a
megastructure as a private base. Point costs are pretty
turn in large part on Hard SF facts about how such
high, and include no resources whatsoever beyond
a structure would be built and maintained, and the space itself. Gamemasters should consider using
contain many fascinating ideas for GMs looking to the alternate rules for large Bases on page 209 and
include ringworlds in their Star Hero settings. just assigning a flat cost for each of these mega-Bases
(950 to 1,850 points, depending on location and
The ultimate megastructure is to enclose an
Orbital: An orbital 400,000 km across and 4,000 km
entire star in a sphere. This would capture all of the thick would have a surface area of approximately 500
star’s energy output, and would allow a population trillion hexes, at a cost of 138 points. It has BODY
in the billions of billions! 20 (18 points), DEF 10 (24 points). It’s a location in
There are two ways to go about this. Freeman Space (25 points). The orbital provides Life Support
Dyson’s original idea envisioned simply surround- for its inhabitants (self-contained breathing and pro-
ing the Sun with a swarm of orbiting habitats and tection from vacuum and radiation; 14 points). Total
solar collectors. But later visionaries and SF writers cost: 219 points.
liked the notion of a single huge structure, a sphere Topopolis: A single-loop topopolis at Earth’s orbit
as big as the Earth’s orbit. Such a sphere would need with an internal diameter of 2 kilometers would have
artificial gravity, because it couldn’t spin (the poles an area of 1.5 quadrillion hexes, costing 144 points.
would still be in zero-G), or else the inhabitants It has BODY 15 (13 points), DEF 10 (24 points). It’s
would simply have to learn to live in freefall. The a location in Space (25 points). The topopolis pro-
sphere wouldn’t be in orbit, and it wouldn’t need to vides Life Support for its inhabitants (self-contained
breathing and protection from vacuum and radia-
be — the net gravity over a hollow sphere is zero, so
tion; 14 points). Total cost: 220 points.
it could exist in a stable arrangement for millennia.
Ringworld: A ringworld has a surface area of 600
trillion square miles (1.5 quadrillion square kilome-
ters), or approximately 750 quadrillion hexes, cost-
ing 170 points. It is very tough, with BODY 30 (28
points), DEF 30 (84 points). It’s a location in Space
(25 points). The ringworld provides Life Support for
its inhabitants (self-contained breathing and protec-
tion from vacuum and radiation; 14 points). It has
the Physical Limitation Unstable (requires constant
effort/maintenance to keep it functioning properly;
All The Time, Slightly Impairing; -15). Total cost:
306 points.
Dyson Sphere: A solid Dyson sphere has a surface
area of 70 hextillion hexes (7 x 1022 hexes), at a cost
of 220 points. The sphere itself isn’t especially strong,
with BODY 20 (18 points), DEF 10 (24 points). It’s
a location in Space (25 points). The sphere provides
Life Support for its inhabitants (self-contained
breathing and protection from vacuum and radia-
tion; 14 points). Total cost: 301 points.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Five 99

any science fiction stories take similar motivations, this chapter pro-
place right in Earth’s back- vides a brief look at the solar system
yard — in its solar system, in from a gaming perspective. Addition-
other words. The nine plan- ally, Earth’s solar system can serve as
ets (and one asteroid belt) an example of what solar systems are
orbiting Sol are the cosmic real estate like, providing guidance to GMs who
Humans know best, so it’s only natu- want to create their own. The chapter
ral for science fiction authors to use concludes with some information about
them as the settings for stories. Since other nearby stars and galactic features
Star Hero GMs and players often have of interest.
100 ■ The Solar System HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

VISITING THE SUN arth’s solar system has nine planets. From
closest to the Sun to furthest, they are:
While it may seem insane Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, The nine planets of the Solar System have all
to think of landing on the Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Additionally, been extensively observed through telescopes, and
Sun or even approach- there’s an extensive asteroid belt between Mars and all but Pluto have been visited by space probes.
ing within a few million Jupiter, and a cloud of comets out beyond Pluto. Long before NASA got to any of them, science fic-
miles of it, science fiction tion writers were exploring the planets in stories.
stories have imagined it.
The key is to carry along THE SUN
enough insulation or
enough matter to absorb Earth’s Sun is a type G2V star, a bright “yellow
the incredible heat before dwarf.” As stars go, it’s relatively large — most stars Diameter: 4,900 kilometers
the characters roast. are type M dwarfs a tenth the Sun’s mass. Com- Distance From Sun: .39 AU
posed almost entirely of hydrogen and helium, it Gravity: .37 G
In HERO System terms, has a mass 330,000 times Earth’s, and is 1.4 million Year: 88 Earth days/1.5 Mercury days
visiting the Sun’s “sur- kilometers in diameter. Ninety-nine point nine per- Moons: None
face” (the photosphere, cent of the mass of the Solar System is in the Sun Orbital Velocity: 47.6 kilometers/sec
the edge of the opaque itself; the planets are, essentially, debris. It rotates Atmosphere: None
plasma of the Sun’s atmo-
once every 27 days, which reveals the interest-
sphere, where it’s a mere
5,000o C) requires Life ing fact that the planets contain most of the Solar Mercury is the innermost planet, an airless,
Support: Intense Heat, System’s angular momentum, even though the Sun cratered body half again as large as Earth’s Moon.
High Radiation, and has most of the mass. It is notable for its high density — almost that of
High Pressure (5 Active About 4.6 billion years ago the Sun condensed the Earth, which is twenty times larger. Apparently,
Points). More realistically, from a cloud of dust and gas in some now-distant because it formed so close to the Sun, solar heat
it should also include a part of the Galaxy. As that cloud contracted, it cooked all the lighter elements out of Mercury. That
large amount of abla- heated up as gravitational potential energy turned suggests, in turn, that it may be very rich in heavy
tive armor to boil away. to kinetic energy. That heat eventually made it pos- metals, a mineral treasure trove. Because Mercury
Immersion in the solar sible for the Sun’s core to begin fusion reactions. moves so quickly about the Sun, it’s hard for space-
surface plasma inflicts
Over time, the Sun has gradually brightened — a craft launched from other planets to reach it.
10d6 Normal Damage,
Continuous, Armor billion years ago it was only about 90% as bright Observing Mercury by telescope is difficult
Piercing, per Segment as it is today. This brightening will
(i.e., as if the Sun has SPD continue into the future, so that in
12). Using the optional another billion years Earth may well
rules for Ablative that be uninhabitable.
remove Active Points The Sun is, as characters might
instead of imposing an expect, hot. Its surface temperature
Activation Roll (since a is about 5,000 degrees Centigrade,
single failed Activation and at the core it can reach an
Roll could kill everyone
unimaginable 15 million degrees.
aboard the ship!), for a
five minute visit a Solar SOLAR FLARES
Exploration Module
needs DEF 500 just to Solar flares are eruptions on
absorb the damage from the surface of the Sun that release
the visit (it loses 20 DEF large amounts of energy. Often
per Turn, at the rate of 5 the flare is contained in a loop of
Active Points’ worth of the Sun’s magnetic field, creating a
DEF per Segment). huge “prominence” extending up to
100,000 kilometers above the sur-
Descending deeper into face of the Sun. Flares can release
the Sun (which has a showers of charged particles and
diameter of 1.4 million radiation, damaging electronics and
km, or 700 million hexes) posing a threat to character health
and safety.
Continued on next page
Star Hero ■ Chapter Five 101

because of glare from the Sun. Consequently,

astronomers goofed in determining Mercury’s rota-
tion period. The mistake was easy to make because
Mercury’s rotation (58 days) and orbital period
(88 days) are “resonant” — it turns around three
times for every two orbits. When astronomers got
rare glimpses of the surface of Mercury, it appeared
to keep the same face to the Sun. For decades in
classic and pulp science fiction, Mercury was the
one-face world, its bright side eternally baking
under the harsh light of the Sun, its night side one
of the coldest places in the Solar System, forever
in shadow. Sadly, in the 1960s, radar observations
determined Mercury’s true rotation period, and the
one-face world was no more.
Adventures on Mercury often involve the
monstrous heat of the Sun, either as something the
heroes must survive, or as a lurking menace every-
one must constantly worry about. When a member
of the Mercury base crew goes mad and sabotages
the cooling machinery, it’s a race against time
before the deadly dawn.

Diameter: 12,200 kilometers The Moon Continued from last page
is even more dangerous.
Distance From Sun: .72 AU
Diameter: 3,480 kilometers The next layer down, the
Gravity: .88 G
Distance From Earth: 384,400 kilometers convective zone, contains
Year: 223 Earth days/0.9 Venus days superhot gases; it’s about
Gravity: 0.16 G
Moons: None two million degrees Cel-
Month: 28 days
Orbital Velocity: 34.9 kilometers/sec sius. It does 350d6 Killing
Atmosphere: None
Atmosphere: Dense (100 times the mass of Earth’s) Damage, Continuous,
Armor Piercing (x2),
Earth’s Moon is big — it would be perfectly at
Venus is a pretty close approximation of Hell. Penetrating (x4), per Seg-
home among the planet-sized moons of the outer ment.
Its thick carbon dioxide atmosphere traps solar
gas giants. What a relatively small planet like Earth
heat, raising the surface temperature to 450 degrees
is doing with such a big moon has kept scientists The next zone, the
Centigrade (850 Fahrenheit) — hot enough to melt
puzzled for decades. The current theory holds that radiative zone, contains
lead. Sulfuric acid rain blown by gale-force winds
the Moon formed from material blasted into space streams of photons
lashes the barren landscape, and intense lightning
by a collision between Earth and a Mars-sized body coming from the core. It’s
discharges occasionally zap the rocks. The surface
early in the history of the Solar System. The result about 5 million degrees
pressure is 90 times that of Earth’s atmosphere Celsius, and does 560d6
is that the Moon is similar in composition to the
— equivalent to the pressure of the ocean a kilome- Killing Damage, Con-
rocks of the Earth’s crust.
ter down. Explorers on the surface of Venus need tinuous, Armor Piercing
The Moon’s tiny gravity means it cannot
armored diving suits with heavy refrigeration. The (x4), Penetrating (x8), per
hold onto any air or water (although there may be
planet’s day is 243 Earth days long, and Venus turns Segment.
deposits of ice under the surface or in perpetu-
counterclockwise, so the Sun rises in the west on
ally-shadowed craters at the poles). However, it also
Venus and sets in the east. Assuming a ship makes
makes it easy for lunar explorers to carry heavy
This is all in sharp contrast to how Venus was it all the way to the Sun’s
equipment with ease. core — the region where
long depicted in science fiction. Until the 1960s,
In fiction, the Moon is often portrayed as an the nuclear reactions
all that was known about Venus was that it was
industrial outpost, supplying raw materials for occur — it encounters
wrapped in clouds. Scientists (and SF writers)
orbital colonies and factories. Earth’s proximity temperatures of 15 mil-
naturally assumed they were clouds of water vapor,
means plenty of opportunity for economic rivalry lion degrees Celsius. The
as on Earth. A planet covered by clouds must be a core inflicts 975d6 Killing
and political conflict, ranging from wars of Lunar
rainy, wet place. In fiction it was either a planetary Damage, Continuous,
independence to a tense Cold War over inter-
ocean with no solid land at all, or else a vast steam- Armor Piercing (x8),
planetary trade. A Moon colony equipped with an
ing swamp, lush with plant life — maybe even Penetrating (x16), per
electromagnetic catapult to launch cargoes into
dinosaurs! Segment.
space could use it to bombard Earth with artificial
That certainly ought to be
THE LAGRANGE POINTS enough for the PCs to get
a good suntan....
The “Lagrange Points” are hot real estate in
Earth orbit because the combined gravity of the
Earth and Moon make them very stable loca-
tions. Satellites or space colonies at the Lagrange
102 ■ The Solar System HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
TERRAFORMING Points can remain in place without
VENUS using up a lot of fuel. There are five
Lagrange points, but the two impor-
When the true nature tant ones are L4 and L5, located 60
of Venus was discov- degrees ahead and behind the Moon
ered, some planetary in its orbit. They are also called
scientists wondered if “Trojan points” because there are
the planet was just wait- clusters of asteroids named after
ing for life. Carl Sagan heroes of the Trojan War clumped
suggested shooting a at the Lagrange Points on Jupiter’s
few rockets full of fast-
orbit around the Sun.
breeding single-celled
plants into the upper Gerard K. O’Neill suggested
atmosphere of Venus. that the Moon’s Lagrange Points
The plants would con- would be ideal locations for space
vert the carbon dioxide colonies, as they could have easy
of Venus’s atmosphere access to Lunar materials for con-
to oxygen, reducing the struction. A leading space coloniza-
greenhouse effect and tion group was named the L5 Soci-
eventually creating a ety in support of that notion.
habitable world. In fiction, the Lagrange Points
are often depicted as a cluster of
Later discoveries indi- habitats, ranging from big govern-
cate that it wouldn’t be
ment-run space colonies to tiny stations inhabited people, the term “Martian” is synonymous with
so easy — Venus is short “alien from outer space.” Near-future adventures
on water and nitrogen, by crackpots and criminals. A wealthy and pros-
perous Lagrange society might try to break away could take place against the backdrop of a growing
and there’s that pesky colony, while later ones set on a terraformed Mars
sulfuric acid to worry from Earth and become independent — no easy
task when the space cities are all very delicate and could use it as a rival planet to Earth.
about. Still, the notion
of “bioterraforming” vulnerable. Earth and the Lagrangians might be AREOGRAPHY
by letting the plants rivals for influence on the Moon and in the rest of
do their thing remains
Mars is divided into two geographical regions:
the Solar System. A less powerful Lagrange culture the southern highlands, occupying roughly two-
very attractive. The might serve as a spacegoing version of Cold War
investment is low and thirds of the planet; and the northern lowlands.
Macao or WWII Casablanca — a lawless place A boundary zone, often containing prominent
the payoff is a whole
where anything can be had for the right price. features such as buttes and mesas, marks the line
planet to live on. Per-
haps advanced genetic between the two regions in most places. The north-
engineering could create
plants to convert Venus’s
Mars ern zone is relatively smooth, whereas the south
has enough craters to make it look like the Moon;
atmosphere to a more Diameter: 6,800 kilometers the exact reasons for this remain unclear.
breathable mix. Distance From Sun: 1.5 AU Some prominent Martian features include:
Gravity: .38 G
Chryse Planitia: This relatively flat, uncratered
Year: 686.6 Earth days/672.6 Mars days
region, located almost in the center of the planet
Moons: 2
TERRAFORMING on most maps, has been a primary site of Human
Orbital Velocity: 24 kilometers/sec
MARS exploration of Mars. Both Viking 1 and the Mars
Atmosphere: Trace
Pathfinder landed in the “Plains of Gold.” The
Mars is too small and Chryse Planitia region also includes the so-called
Mars is a fascinating world, worth a whole
too cold to support Cydonian Face (a rock formation which, when
book to itself. Its atmosphere is very thin (surface
Earthly life, but in both viewed from certain angles, resembles a face) and
pressure is about 0.5 percent of Earth’s), and is
cases the margin is very the star-shaped “City Square” of outcroppings and
slim. Making it warmer composed of carbon dioxide. There is no oxygen to
and giving it a thicker breathe. Water is apparently common in the form
atmosphere could make of underground ice deposits, and the canyons and Utopia Planitia: Another fairly flat and easily-tra-
Mars habitable over a channels on the Martian surface indicate it once versed region of Mars, Utopia Planitia was where
scale of tens of thou- flowed abundantly in liquid form. Viking 2 landed. It’s likely that initial Human
sands of years. Current As a colony, Mars could be quite valuable settlements of Mars would be located either here
plans envision doubling — Humans could use its ice and atmosphere to or on Chryse.
the planet’s solar heat manufacture rocket fuel, and its low escape velocity
input by means of
Tharsis Province: An 8,000 by 4,000 kilometer long
makes it easier to ship payloads from Mars to the uplifted region straddling the north-south bound-
giant mirrors in space,
asteroids and outer system than hauling them up ary, Tharsis is well-known for its volcanic features.
and adding volatiles to
thicken the atmosphere from Earth’s surface. Scientists and space enthu- Chief among this is Olympus Mons, the largest vol-
by sending comets siasts have also done a lot of planning for how to cano in the Solar System. Twenty-seven kilometers
smashing down onto the terraform Mars (see sidebar). high, and with a diameter of 624 kilometers and a
Martian surface. Mars is the planet of science fiction. Ever since caldera 100 kilometers wide, it’s three times as tall
H.G. Wells writers have been sending explorers as Mt. Everest and covers about as much land as
there, dealing with invaders from there, exploring the state of Missouri. Three other large volcanoes,
the ruins of ancient civilizations there, setting up the Tharsis Montes, dot the Province.
colonies there, and terraforming the place. To many
Star Hero ■ Chapter Five 103

eases. Martians invaded Earth with

regularity from 1900 right up to the
days of the first Mariner probes.
Diameter: 27 x 19 kilometers
(Phobos); 15 x 11 km (Deimos)
Distance From Mars: 9,380 kilo-
meters (Phobos); 23,500 kilometers
Gravity: Negligible (see text)
Month: 0.32 days (Phobos)/1.26
days (Deimos)
Atmosphere: None

Mars has two moons, Phobos

(“Fear”) and Deimos (“Terror”).
Both are small and irregularly-
shaped. Their gravity is so weak that
a person standing on them could
throw objects with enough force to
achieve escape velocity (or acciden-
tally make a strong enough leap to
hurl himself into space). Their origin
is unclear; they may be captured
Elysium Planitia: South of the Utopia Planitia lies
asteroids, or built up out of materials left over after
another volcanic region, the Elysium Planitia.
Mars itself formed.
Among its many unusual geographic features are
Phobos, the larger and closer of the two
the Giant Polygons, a plain filled with enormous,
moons, is covered with impact craters, including
deep cracks forming various roughly geometrical
Stickney crater, which is 10 kilometers in diameter.
shapes up to 20 kilometers wide.
The enormous impact which created Stickney also
Valles Marineris: This series of chasms and valleys created kilometers-long grooves that streak the sur-
up to 200 kilometers wide stretches over 4,000 face of Phobos. Deimos, although much smoother,
kilometers — roughly the distance from New York also has numerous small craters.
City to Los Angeles. The Valles has some canyons In 1959, Soviet astronomer Iosif Schlovskii,
up to 10 kilometers deep that are big enough to upon discovering how light Phobos is, suggested
hold the entire Rocky Mountains! It merges with that it was hollow — perhaps even a space station
the Tharsis Province in a region called Noctis Laby- built by some long-lost Martian civilization. Sadly,
rinthus (the Labyrinth of Night), the largest net- he was incorrect, but it could easily be true in a Star
work of intersecting valleys in the Solar System. Hero game.
In the 1890s, the astronomer Percival Lowell The Asteroids
announced he had discovered a network of canals
Diameter: 10 to 1,000 kilometers
spanning the surface of the planet Mars. Obviously,
Distance From Sun: average of 2.8 AU
Mars had intelligent inhabitants, fighting to keep
Gravity: Minimal
their planet habitable by titanic engineering works.
Year: average 4.7 Earth years
Though Lowell was actually just imagining the
Orbital Velocity: 17.7 kilometers/sec
canals, his vision inspired generations of science
Atmosphere: None
fiction writers.
In the days of classic pulp science fiction,
The asteroids — rubble left over from the for-
Mars was the original “sword and planet” world,
mation of the Solar System — are most common
with decadent kingdoms of humanoid Martians,
in a belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
crystal towers, desert barbarians, and a surpris-
Although there are thousands of asteroids in the
ing number of sword-swinging Earthmen. Later
belt, there is a lot of empty space there, too; the
on, writers like Leigh Brackett and Ray Bradbury
average separation between asteroids is a million
imagined the delicate crystal cities and ancient
decadent Martians coming face to face with greedy,
Individual asteroids are irregular chunks of
pistol-packing adventurers from Earth, in a kind of
rock, ranging from a few kilometers across to giants
British Raj in space.
like Ceres, half the size of Earth’s Moon. Their sur-
Meanwhile, a rival vision of Mars stemmed
faces are probably powdered regolith, shattered by
from H.G. Wells’s super-advanced invaders
frequent impacts. The composition of individual
— Martians as a coldly hostile Elder Race, pitting
asteroids varies quite a bit, with some rich in
their superior technology against Earthlings armed
metals, some in carbon, some in ice, and some in
only with courage, numbers, and infectious dis-
nothing but rock.
104 ■ The Solar System HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
INSIDE JUPITER In fiction, the Belt
has often been depicted
Astronauts venturing as a futuristic version of
into the atmosphere the Gold Rush, with lone
of Jupiter are in for asteroid prospectors steer-
an exciting time. The ing their jury-rigged ships
winds are fierce: 360 from rock to rock, search-
kilometers per hour in ing for asteroids rich in
the upper atmosphere, valuable radioactives or
and 500 kph or more
Helium-3. Often the inde-
deeper down. Storms
like the Great Red Spot pendent-minded Belters
can last for centuries. come into conflict with
The pressure increases Earth’s stuffy bureaucrats
with depth, starting at and greedy corporations.
about .001 atmosphere Life in permanent zero
at the cloud tops and gravity sometimes makes
doubling for every 20 the Belters physically dif-
kilometers down. Tem- ferent from Earthlings,
perature is 0 Centigrade unable to walk upright
at the cloud tops, going
even in Mars’s light gravity.
up by 1 degree per
kilometer of depth. This The asteroids also
means explorers could present a potential threat to
fly through the upper Humans, since their orbits EUROPA
200 kilometers with sometimes bring them uncomfortably near Earth.
Diameter: 3,120 kilometers
reasonable life support It’s likely that an impact with one millions of years
systems, but below that Distance From Jupiter: 671,000 kilometers
ago led to the extinction of the dinosaurs, and an
the heat and pressure Gravity: 0.13 G
impact today could easily wipe out Humanity. Many
begin to damage, and Month: 3.55 days (82 hours)
stories center around threats by megalomaniacal
will eventually destroy, Orbital Velocity: 13.74 kilometers/sec
villains to draw an asteroid down to Earth, or the
spacecraft. Atmosphere: Trace
efforts of a bold team of adventurers to stop an
asteroid from hitting the planet.
Europa is a large moon, comparable in size
to Earth’s Moon, composed largely of ices with a
JUPITER’S Jupiter solid core. It has no atmosphere to speak of, and
RADIATION BELTS its surface is dirty water ice. What makes Europa
Diameter: 140,800 kilometers interesting is that it has almost no craters, which
Like everything else Distance From Sun: 5.2 AU suggests some process constantly resurfaces the
about Jupiter, its mag- Gravity: 2.6 G (at cloud tops) crust. Current theories suggest that beneath the icy
netic field and radiation Year: 11.9 Earth years surface lies a deep ocean of liquid water, kept warm
belts are huge and pow- Moons: 16 known by tidal heating from Jupiter. If that is the case, then
erful. The belts extend Orbital Velocity: 13 kilometers/sec Europa’s ocean may be home to some form of life.
out from the planet to Atmosphere: Dense Adventures on Europa can be exploration missions
a distance of half a mil-
lion to a million kilo- in search of native life, who’s-hunting-who battles
Jupiter is the biggest of the planets, with a mass with dangerous Europan predators under the ice,
meters, and are at least
300 times that of Earth. It’s about twice as big as or covert operations to find hidden pirate or rebel
ten times as intense as
Earth’s Van Allen belts. all the other objects in the Solar System combined bases in the black ocean.
The inner moons, Io, (excepting the Sun, of course). Jupiter itself is no
Europa, and Ganymede, place for Humans — the gravity at the cloud tops is GANYMEDE
are in the thick of the almost 3 G, and there’s no identifiable solid surface. Diameter: 5,280 kilometers
radiation. Explorers The atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and helium, Distance From Jupiter: 1,070,000 kilometers
visiting the inner moons though clouds of ammonia and methane give the Gravity: 0.14 G
of Jupiter need Life Sup- planet its swirling yellow and scarlet appearance. Month: 7.16 days
port: High Radiation, or The most notable feature of Jupiter is the Great Orbital Velocity: 10.88 kilometers/sec
considerable amounts Red Spot, a storm covering an area about twice Atmosphere: Trace
of armor. The icy crust
the size of Earth. Its origins are unknown, though
of Europa would offer
adequate protection, it’s apparently been in existence for at least 300 Ganymede is the biggest moon in the Solar
so radiation suits aren’t years (probably much longer), and becomes redder System — bigger than the planet Mercury, in fact.
necessary down in the during periods of heightened solar activity. It has a metallic core with a crust and mantle of ice,
subsurface ocean. Carl Sagan once speculated about the possibil- and appears to have active geology driven by tidal
ity of life in Jupiter’s titanic atmosphere, envisioning forces from Jupiter and the other moons. It was once
huge balloon creatures drifting among the clouds. considered a possible site for terraforming, but now
While current theories suggest Jovian life is unlikely, that its composition is known, raising the tempera-
nobody has actually gone there to check. However, ture to habitable levels would create an ocean miles
at least one of Jupiter’s moons, Europa, is currently deep. Ganymede has its own magnetic field, shield-
on the hot list of places where Humans might find ing it somewhat from Jupiter’s radiation belts.
alien life.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Five 105

The biggest moon of

Saturn, Titan is a remark-
able place. Its surface is
hidden by a dense atmo-
sphere of nitrogen and
methane, with a surface
pressure half again as
great as Earth’s. Current
theories suggest Titan’s
surface may have oceans
of liquid methane dotted
with islands or continents
of dirty ice. The tempera-
ture on Titan is a chilly
94 degrees Kelvin (-194
Centigrade). It is thought
that Titan is very rich in
organic chemicals, making
it potentially very valuable
to future space colonists.
Titan could possibly
be home to some form
of exotic life, based on
ammonia or methane (see
Saturn page 88). As a colony world it might be the Persian
Diameter: 120,300 kilometers Gulf of the outer system, with valuable carbon for
Distance From Sun: 9.5 AU sale.
Gravity: 1.2 G (at cloud tops)
Year: 29.5 Earth years
Moons: 18 known (probably more)
Orbital Velocity: 9.6 kilometers/sec Diameter: 56,300 kilometers
Atmosphere: Dense Distance From Sun: 19 AU
Gravity: 0.8 G (at cloud tops)
Saturn is much like Jupiter, but is less than Year: 84 Earth years
a third as massive (only 95 times the mass of the Moons: 21 (possibly more).
Earth), less dense, and less active. Like Jupiter, it Orbital Velocity: 6.8 kilometers/sec
has an atmosphere of hydrogen and helium, with Atmosphere: Dense
clouds of methane and ammonia giving it a pale
yellow color from space. It is best known for its Uranus is very similar to Neptune, a small gas
spectacular ring system, a belt of ice and rock par- giant with an atmosphere of hydrogen, colored
ticles extending from a few thousand kilometers
above the surface to about 70,000 kilometers up.
Saturn has a large family of moons, ranging from
tiny asteroidal chunks like Pan or Atlas, to good-
sized objects like Tethys and Iapetus, to the aptly-
named Titan.
The astounding beauty of Saturn and its rings
make it a natural tourist attraction for a spacefar-
ing future society (as in Arthur C. Clarke’s short
story “Saturn Rising”). There might be orbiting
resorts or hotels on the moons. Tycoons could
build luxurious private stations just to admire the
view. The rings could also hide fugitives or space
Diameter: 5,150 kilometers
Distance From Saturn: 1.2 million kilometers
Gravity: 0.14 G
Month: 16 days.
Orbital Velocity: 5.58 kilometers/sec
Atmosphere: Standard (atmospheric pressure
approximately 1.5)
106 ■ The Solar System HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
blue-green by methane clouds. It is notable because
of its extreme axial tilt — 97 degrees. It rolls about
the outer Solar System on its side, surrounded Diameter: 49,900 kilometers
by a dark ring of dust and pebbles. Uranus has a Distance From Sun: 30 AU
large family of moons, mostly small objects 100 Gravity: 1.2 G (at cloud tops)
kilometers across or smaller. The five biggest are Year: 164.8 Earth years
Titania (1,578 kilometers), Oberon (1,522 kilo- Moons: 8 known
meters), Umbriel (1,170 kilometers), Ariel (1,158 Orbital Velocity: 5 kilometers/sec
kilometers), and Miranda (see below). The moons Atmosphere: Dense
of Uranus, unlike those of other planets in the Solar
System, have names taken from the plays of Shake- Neptune’s day is 16 hours long, which makes
speare instead of classical mythology. it slightly flattened at the poles. Like Jupiter and
Conditions within Uranus and Neptune are Saturn, it emits more heat than it receives from the
considerably less violent and dangerous than in Sun. Its atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and helium,
Jupiter or Saturn. The gravity is bearable, and the with clouds of methane. All of Neptune’s moons
winds aren’t as fierce. Explorers in high-tech bal- except Triton are small objects, no more than 400
loon-spaceships might venture beneath the clouds, kilometers across. The planet also has faint dusty
and thus encounter airborne life. rings.
Like Uranus, Neptune qualifies as a “bearable”
gas giant. As the outermost major planet, it might
Diameter: 470 kilometers serve as the launching station for interstellar mis-
Distance From Uranus: 129,780 kilometers sions, especially for slower-than-light ships using
Gravity: .008 G huge nuclear rocket motors. Neptune’s atmosphere
Month: 1.41 days would provide fuel.
Orbital Velocity: 6.68 kilometers/sec
Atmosphere: None TRITON
Diameter: 2,700 kilometers
Miranda is not the biggest moon of Uranus, Distance From Neptune: 354,800 kilometers
but it is a remarkable object. Photographs from the Gravity: 0.076 G
Voyager probes show Miranda’s surface as a chaotic Month: -5.88 days
jigsaw-puzzle of different terrains, and the current Orbital Velocity: -4.39 kilometers/sec
theory is that the moon was literally smashed apart Atmosphere: None
by some immense impact long ago, and the jum-
bled fragments gradually fell together again. This Triton’s orbit is retrograde, going the opposite
suggests the interior of Miranda may be a maze of direction from most moons in the Solar System
faults and crevices, possibly extending all the way (hence the “negative” numbers for its month and
to the core. Who knows what adventurers might orbital velocity). It is also highly tilted, 157 degrees
find in such deep places? from the plane of Neptune’s equator. These suggest
it was captured, rather than forming along with
Neptune itself. Its most likely origin is the Kuiper
Belt, but GMs can have Triton be an interstellar
interloper, perhaps with artifacts or even survivors
in stasis. Triton is composed of rock and ice, with a
fairly smooth icy surface, though there are patches
of old cratered terrain. It has a very thin atmo-
sphere of methane and nitrogen.

Diameter: 2,300 kilometers
Distance From Sun: 39 AU
Gravity: .06 G
Year: 247.7 Earth years
Orbital Velocity: 4.7 kilometers/sec
Atmosphere: None

Pluto is the outermost planet, and is the excep-

tion to almost every rule. It is tiny, less than half
as massive as Mars. It has a giant moon, Charon,
which is nearly as big as Pluto itself. Its orbit is
tilted and very eccentric, at times taking it within
the orbit of Neptune (the two planets orbit in a
resonant relationship so there is no danger of a col-
lision). A growing number of astronomers prefer
to classify Pluto as the biggest of the Kuiper Belt
Star Hero ■ Chapter Five 107

The Oort Cloud QUAOAR

The Oort Cloud is In October 2002,
a huge sphere of comets astronomers announced
and icy asteroids, contain- the discovery of an
ing trillions of objects, extremely large object
extending out from the in the Kuiper Belt: a
Sun 30,000 AU to about frozen body about 1,300
kilometers in diameter,
2 light-years. Other
or over half the size of
stars have similar comet Pluto. Named Quaoar
clouds around them. The (KWAH-oh-wahr), a
Oort Cloud is the source name taken from South-
of long-period comets, ern California Indian
which are sent tumbling myths, it has an orbital
down into the inner Solar period of 288 years.
System by the gravity of According to its dis-
passing stars. The total coverers, it has a mass
mass of the Oort is even roughly equal to that of
all of the asteroids com-
larger than the Kuiper
bined. The existence of
Belt, estimated at 20 to 40 Quaoar confirms many
times that of the Earth. astronomers’ belief
The Oort represents a sub- that Pluto isn’t really a
stantial “bank” of matter, planet; like Quaoar, it’s
but the distance to even simply one of the larg-
objects rather than a true planet, but in the popular the nearest Oort objects is so great it would be est Kuiper Belt objects.
mind it’s unlikely to be kicked out of the planet almost as hard as colonizing another star system. Scientists estimate the
club. Pluto has a trace atmosphere of nitrogen with Kuiper Belt may hold
tiny amounts of methane. five to ten objects of
CHARON BEYOND SOL comparable size to Pluto
or Quaoar.
Diameter: 1,200 kilometers Past the Oort Cloud one is no longer in the
Distance From Pluto: 20,000 kilometers Solar System. The nearby stars may have planets
Gravity: .015 G and even life forms of their own, and beyond is the
Month: 6.4 days whole Galaxy to explore. (See Chapter Three for
Orbital Velocity: 0.23 kilometers/sec data tables regarding the stars nearest Sol.)
Atmosphere: None

Pluto and Charon essentially compose a Nearby Stars

“double planet.” Pluto is the larger of the pair, with The stars near the Sun are a pretty ordinary lot,
a mass 5 times that of its big moon. Both Charon which is probably a good thing. There are no dan-
and Pluto are tidally locked, keeping the same face gerous supernovas waiting to go off, no gamma-ray
towards each other. The two worlds are composed bursters, no black holes.
almost entirely of ices — mostly nitrogen, methane,
carbon monoxide, and water in solid form. ALPHA CENTAURI
The nearest star to the Solar System, Alpha
The Kuiper Belt Centauri is in fact a trinary star system. The pri-
mary, Alpha Centauri A, is a G2V star very much
Extending out from the orbit of Neptune to like the Sun. Its close companion, Alpha Centauri
about 130 AU is the Kuiper Belt, a collection of icy B, is a dimmer K1V star, orbiting with a period 81.2
asteroid-size objects orbiting in the plane of the years at a distance of about 19 AU. Far from the two
Solar System. There are at least 70,000 Kuiper Belt of them, the red dwarf Proxima Centauri circles
objects in the 100-kilometer size range, with mil- at a distance of 0.17 light-years. For now, and for
lions of smaller bodies. The total mass of the Belt centuries to come, Proxima Centauri is closer to the
is estimated at 5 to 10 times that of the Earth. This Sun than its primary pair, and so is likely to be the
represents a vast resource for future space colonists target of the first interstellar missions.
— the Kuiper Belt could provide enough volatiles The Alpha Centauri system could have plan-
to give Mars and the Moon breathable atmospheres, ets, even habitable ones, but as yet Humans have
fill up millions of space habitats with air, and fuel detected none. In fact, it’s possible for both Alpha
a virtually infinite number of fusion reactors and Centauri A and B to have lifebearing worlds, so
rockets. GMs running a campaign without FTL travel can
still have multiple exotic planets in just one star
108 ■ The Solar System HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
The second-closest star system to Sol is the
Further Afield
red dwarf Barnard’s Star. The star itself is relatively With as many as 400 billion stars in the
ordinary, but it moves remarkably quickly — its Galaxy, it’s impossible to describe them all. Here’s a
velocity is nearly 190 kilometers per second. It is a quick rundown of some interesting objects.
red subdwarf, type M4, with a luminosity 0.0004 WITHIN 50 LIGHT-YEARS
times that of the Sun. It may have a companion
body about 1.6 times as massive as Jupiter, though Arcturus: Alpha Bootis, a type K2III giant 37 light-
astronomers have not confirmed this. Barnard’s years away. Arcturus is 100 times as bright as the
Star is unlikely to have habitable planets, but the Sun, and is currently moving toward the Solar
system might be suitable for space colonies or System at high speed. It will pass nearby in a few
asteroid miners. thousand years.
SIRIUS Capella: Also known as Alpha Aurigae, Capella is a
binary type G8 and G1 giant pair orbiting only 0.7
The closest bright star to the Sun, Sirius is a
AU apart, circled at a distance of 10,000 AU by a
type A1V star 21 times brighter than the Sun is.
pair of red dwarf stars.
Its companion Sirius B is a white dwarf, the last
remnant of a bigger, brighter star which burned out Fomalhaut: Twenty-five light-years distant, Fom-
millions of years ago. Sirius B is only four times the alhaut is a type A3V star, 16 times as bright as the
size of the Earth, even though it is as massive than Sun.
the Sun, and its brightness is 0.0025 times that of Vega: Alias Alpha Lyrae, Vega is 25.3 light-years
the Sun. The two orbit at a distance of 7 AU, with away, a type A0V star 40 times as bright as the Sun.
a period of 7 years. Sirius may be a target for early Astronomers believe it is surrounded by a proto-
interstellar missions, as scientists would love to planetary system of asteroids and growing planets,
study Sirius B up close. so it might attract scientists interested in watching
EPSILON ERIDANI the process of planetary formation.
Located 10.7 light-years from Earth, Epsilon DISTANT STARS
Eridani is a type K2 star with a luminosity 0.3 times
that of the Sun. This makes it a good candidate for Antares: A huge red giant (type M1), 604 light-
having lifebearing worlds nearby, as well as a star years away, with a luminosity 10,000 times that of
early Human FTL explorers could reach without the Sun.
too much difficulty. Betelgeuse: Also called Alpha Orionis, it is 427
light-years distant, a huge red giant thought to be 6
AU in diameter. It is type M2Ib, with a luminosity
61 Cygni is a binary pair of type K stars (K5 14,000 times that of the Sun.
and K7) orbiting each other at a distance of 75 AU,
Deneb: Known also as Alpha Cygni, it is a very
so there is plenty of room for both to have lifebear-
bright young star, a type A2Ia giant 3,230 light-
ing worlds. 61 Cygni A has a luminosity 0.08 times
years away. Deneb is one of the brightest stars
that of the Sun, and B’s brightness is half that. They
known, 250,000 times as bright as the Sun.
orbit with a period of 653 years. Some observations
suggest 61 Cygni A has a Jupiter-sized planet with a Rigel: Also known as Beta Orionis, Rigel is a huge
period of 5 to 12 years. bright type B8Ia star, 770 light-years distant. It is a
dazzling 40,000 times as bright as the Sun, and has
TAU CETI a faint binary companion orbiting at a distance of
Tau Ceti is 12 light-years from the Sun, and 0.03 light-years.
one of the best nearby candidates for lifebearing
planets. It is a type G8 star, with a luminosity 0.47 EXTRAGALACTIC OBJECTS
time that of the Sun, so it could certainly have a Bright Quasar 3C 273 is among the brightest
decent-sized habitable zone. and closest quasars to Earth. It’s 3 billion light-years
away (and thus that old), and its output equals 100
VAN MAANEN’S STAR trillion times the Sun’s. It varies in output with a
Also known as Wolf 28, Van Maanen’s Star is cycle less than a year long, so it must be less than a
variously classified as an F5V star or a white dwarf. light-year across. Astronomers believe it may be a
It is 14.4 light-years from the Sun. Its luminosity is black hole with a mass of 1 billion solar masses, the
0.00018 times that of the Sun, and it is thought to core of a developing supermassive galaxy.
be about half the size of the Earth. Like Sirius B, it
is likely to attract scientific interest.
Also called Alpha Aquilae, Altair is a type A7
subgiant/dwarf, the closest giant star to the Sun.
It is 16.8 light-years away. Altair is 10 times as
bright as the Sun, and has an extremely rapid rota-
tion — 6.5 hours — so it would appear noticeably
Star Hero ■ Chapter Six 109

ne of science fiction’s great worlds; other stories show alien cul-
strengths is its ability to show us tures. But all civilizations have features
strange and imaginary worlds in common. The GM needs to consider
and civilizations. Unlike fantasy, those features when inventing a soci-
science fiction’s worlds are pos- ety, and players need to consider them
sible, at least if certain assumptions are when deciding what their characters are
allowed. Some SF takes place in future like.
Human societies, or colonies on distant
110 ■ Alien And Future Civilizations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

SCIENCE FICTION ver the years, science fiction has presented False And Flawed Utopias
WITHOUT ALIENS several views of how the world may Not all Utopias are really as utopian as they
develop in the future. Of course, the future seem. Both false and flawed Utopias exist.
While the concept of has a way of turning out completely dif- A false Utopia is one in which the perfect
sentient alien life is ferent from predictions, but when you’re creating society is a sham, maintained either by deception
central to many science a future world these are some models to consider. or tyranny. Real-world false Utopias include Stalin’s
fiction stories, it’s not a They range from the wildly optimistic to the grim Soviet Union, where the jolly unity and progress
requirement. Many SF and depressing. of the propaganda films was maintained by tens
sagas — such as Frank of millions of murders. Some false Utopias can
Herbert’s magnificent use extremely advanced and insidious methods
epic Dune — feature Utopia of social control: brainwashing, computer brain
Humans, and Humans implants, drugs in the water supply, television
only (though sometimes The most optimistic view of the future is
those Humans are heav- a utopia, in which Humans learn to solve every hypnosis, the super-sophisticated propaganda and
ily altered by genetic problem and create a world in which people can be social engineering seen in the universe of Dune, or
engineering or other happy and content. The exact nature of a utopian even genetic engineering to create a docile popu-
forces). Some subgenres, setting depends a lot on the author’s political beliefs lace. Adventures in false Utopias usually involve
such as Post-Apocalyp- and opinions; a Green Socialist and a Libertarian becoming aware of the iron fist beneath the velvet
tic and Low SF, also tend would probably have vastly different views of what glove, and attempts to escape or overthrow the
to have only Human an ideal society would look like. Star Trek, by and regime.
characters. Flawed Utopias are less malevolent, but instead
large, depicts a utopian setting (at least for Humans
and other Federation members), one vaguely based address the basic question of whether a Utopia
In these stories and set- is possible or even desireable. One common fea-
tings, the author usually
on 1960s-era liberal/socialist theories.
When creating a utopian society as the GM, ture of many Utopian visions is stability, and this
differentiates Humans often means stagnation and a lack of innovation.
by grouping them into you have to watch out for several pitfalls. First of
organizations with iden- all, there’s the problem of ramming your opinions Adventures in a flawed Utopia of this sort are often
tifiable traits, abilities, down your players’ throats. Your idea of a Utopia attempts by nonconformist original thinkers to
and agendas. In Dune, may not match theirs, and they may consider your shake things up and inject a little life into the static
for example, Herbert jolly ideal future a nightmarish vision. Stacking society.
presents various Houses the deck in favor of your utopia by making all its
(Atreides, Harkon-
nen, Corrino...), social,
opponents evil or idiotic doesn’t help — it just ren-
ders your “preaching” more blatant. The solution
Bigger Tailfins
political, and quasi-
religious organizations
is to make your Utopia realistic. Recognize that no Somewhat less idealistic than Utopian visions,
(the Bene Gesserit, the world is absolutely perfect, but try to depict a soci- other futures common in science fiction assume
Spacing Guild), and ety in which the leaders and citizens know about current trends continue, nothing seriously disrupts
cultures (the Fremen). their problems and struggle to resolve them. the world system, and the world of tomorrow is the
In other settings, “pure” Another problem is simply that utopias are world of today — with bigger tailfins.
and genetically-engi- kind of boring. If there are no problems then what This view is not as unrealistic as it sounds.
neered Humans are is there for the characters to struggle against? Now that the year 2000 is past, one striking thing
recognizably different, Usually the solution is to send the heroes beyond about some past visions of the twenty-first century
or Humans from dif- Utopia to defend it against enemies or bring the is how overly “futuristic” they were. Sadly, Humans
ferent planets compete advantages of Utopian civilization to less enlight- don’t have flying cars or vacations on the Moon
against each other. In
some ways, these groups
ened cultures. Iain M. Banks’s series of novels about now; what they do have is a world which would be
and institutions take the the Culture are an example of this: the Culture very recognizable to someone from 1950 who paid
place of the competing itself is a Utopian setting, but the novels mostly deal attention to social trends already in place then.
alien species common with the exploits of the “Special Circumstances” Big Tailfins futures are handy because they
to Space Opera settings agency, as its operatives thwart Galactic aggres- don’t require a lot of explanation to give the play-
and other such science sors and meddle in the affairs of primitive planets ers a feel for the setting. When the characters meet
fiction tales. like Earth. This sort of story can be as simplistic as someone who works for the FBI, the GM doesn’t
“we’re right and they’re wrong,” or as complex as an need to stop and explain that in 2029 the Bureau
Star Hero GMs can, if examination of ends and means. Is it right to inter- was sold off to a Japanese conglomerate. Interstel-
they wish, take a simi- fere with less advanced cultures? Is it right to stand lar explorers who work for NASA know something
lar approach to their by and watch them suffer? about how astronauts are supposed to act, even if
campaigns. Rather than they are dozens of light-years from Earth.
That very familiarity is also Big Tailfins
Continued on next page
futures’ chief problem. There’s no sense of wonder
Star Hero ■ Chapter Six 111

there be a revival of, say, Continued from last page

pagan Norse religion in presenting the players
the twenty-third century? with a lengthy menu of
— the idea isn’t completely Species Package Deals,
impossible. One thing instead require all char-
which might motivate acters to be Human.
people to leave Earth and Then give them a series
settle in space habitats or of Package Deals to
choose from that rep-
remote planets is the desire
resent organizations,
to preserve a traditional cultures, institutions,
culture and way of life. and other groups within
Sometimes the GM can Human society. These,
have fun if the transplanted together with Profes-
culture and its new set- sional Package Deals,
ting don’t go together well can do just as much to
— if the Arab planet New define and differentiate
Medina is a world of gla- characters as Species
ciers and boreal forests, or Package Deals do in
other campaigns.
the Russian colony St. Basil
is a warm ocean planet
The benefit to this
dotted with lush islands.
approach is that it allows
Some authors have the players and GM to
even applied the Stereotype focus on one species,
idea to alien civilizations. developing its cultures,
The justification is that politics, and society to
given similar conditions, a a much greater degree
society will develop in sim- than might otherwise be
ilar ways to historical ones. possible. The drawback,
While that’s probably true of course, is no aliens...
to a degree, it doesn’t mean and many gamers enjoy
aliens a lot. Ultimately,
all cultures with a medieval
whether to include
technology level will have aliens largely comes
knights in armor on horse- down to personal pref-
back, feudal governments, erence, but don’t assume
or strangeness in that sort of future. If things are and a powerful Church. you must have them to
about the way they are now, then why set the cam- Like the Bigger Tailfins future, Stereotype play Star Hero.
paign in the future at all? And sometimes things do worlds do have their uses. It’s very convenient if
change in dramatic and unexpected ways. A Bigger the players can tell in advance what the people on
Tailfins view of the future in 1950 probably would a given planet will be like, especially if the PCs are
not have predicted the fall of Communism or the supposed to be citizens of an interstellar commu-
relatively rapid development of genetic engineer- nity. The GM describes an important NPC as “the
ing. This makes the Bigger Tailfins approach most Capo di Tutti Capi of Nova Sicilia” and the players
suitable for near-future scenarios, in which trends immediately think of The Godfather. This works
are recognizable and surprises few. especially well in Pulp or Space Opera settings.
Adventures in Stereotype settings often make
Cultural Stereotypes use of fictional tropes associated with the culture in
question: High Noon gunfights with laser pistols in
A close cousin of the Bigger Tailfins view, the the New Texas colony; paranoid political intrigue
Cultural Stereotypes vision of the future empha- on Novy Russia; and chrome cyberpunk samurai
sizes how much people will retain their traditional swordfights in New Tokyo. Sure, it’s unrealistic and
culture and society even in a high-tech future can go right off the edge into silliness, but it does let
world. Englishmen still have tea in midafternoon the GM crank the “flavor” knob up to 11.
and get knighted, Italians are still bad drivers,
American Indians retain their tribal and spiritual
identities, and Arabs are pious Muslims. This view Cultural Fusion
often turns up in depictions of colony planets or In some ways the antithesis of the previous
space habitats populated by a single nationality. view, a Cultural Fusion future assumes that cur-
New Scotlanders speak with an exaggerated brogue rent trends of cultural exchange continue, leading
and often go into engineering, Arabs settle desert to a future society that mixes elements from all the
worlds and use star charts to pray toward Mecca, world’s peoples. Certainly the idea is supported
and samurai in powered armor rule New Nihon. In by late twentieth/early twenty-first century social
extreme versions, New Texas and Penn’s World take trends. Who would have predicted, even as recently
regional stereotypes into space. as 1970, that sushi would become an American
While in many cases Stereotype settings are, favorite, or that every shopping mall in suburbia
realistically speaking, ridiculous — why should would boast an espresso bar?
112 ■ Alien And Future Civilizations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
A Fusion future takes that notion and runs The chief difference between a Dystopia and a
with it, postulating hybrid religions like Pentecostal false Utopia is that nobody in the Dystopia has any
Shi’ite or Zen Catholic, suburban teenagers going illusions. Things are bad, everybody knows it, and
on vision quests, Artificial Intelligences living in the challenge is getting through the day. The Secret
cyberspace taking on the form of Voodoo loas or Police don’t even bother to act friendly, and the cam-
Japanese kami, government offices in America and eras watching on every corner aren’t disguised. Star-
Europe closing for Hindu holy days, advanced tech- spanning Dystopian societies are usually oppressive
nological industries in Bali, and pop music based Galactic Empires or creepy hive-minds.
on Tibetan throat-singing rising to number one The usual adventures in a Dystopia are escape
on the charts. One advantage to this view is that it or revolution (although the roleplaying game Para-
only takes a few glimpses to give players the feel of noia demonstrated that there’s plenty of potential for
a world radically different from our own. However, excitement and humor in just accomplishing routine
the same thing can be a disadvantage: too often a missions). Escape requires someplace to escape to
Fusion future is simply a Bigger Tailfins world with — if the dystopia is a worldwide tyranny, dissenters
a side order of sushi. may try to flee to the stars.
To make a Fusion world seem realistic, think If escape is impossible, the only alternative is
about the reasons cultures borrow things from each revolt. Of course, the Secret Police aren’t going to take
other. Cuisine is easy — if people in one country that lying down. Almost every dystopia is lavishly
like a certain food, people elsewhere probably will, furnished with surveillance devices, spies, goons in
too. Music and clothing are very fashion-driven, black armor, and high-tech torture chambers. Poten-
and can change from year to year. Political and eco- tial rebels have to plan in secret, develop a robust
nomic systems tend to follow the leading powers: organization and ways to ferret out police informers,
when Great Britain and Imperial Germany were gather weapons and followers, and then strike — a
world powers, countries like Japan and Serbia perfect framework for a Star Hero campaign.
adopted constitutional monarchies. In the Ameri- Characters from an outside society (or another
cas, newly-independent Latin American nations planet) can enter a dystopia in secret, perhaps to
modeled their governments on that of the United rescue someone important, or identify ways to over-
States. When the Soviet Union was one of the throw the tyranny. Especially daring agents could
world’s two superpowers, new states in Africa called even lead the revolt themselves.
themselves “People’s Republics.” In a Fusion future, In a blackly humorous vein, the characters
nations might try to emulate China’s one-party can be agents of the dystopian government — why
regime or European-style bureaucracy. should NPCs have all the fun of summary executions,
People adopt foreign religions and philoso- black leather trenchcoats, and planet-busting weap-
phies when their own don’t provide the answers ons? This can be as silly as the GM will tolerate, or a
they seek. Changes in the world might make some fairly serious examination of how people can serve an
religions better suited for the new environment evil regime.
— in a setting with advanced nanotechnology and
artificial intelligence, an animist faith that treats
everything as alive would be a pretty accurate view Post-Apocalypse
of the world. A “post-apocalyptic” setting is one in which
In adventures, a Fusion setting allows for exotic society has been destroyed or devastated, plunging
elements cheek by jowl with familiar ones. Characters people back to a more primitive existence. The idea
don’t have to venture to Africa to get involved in a is not a new one in SF — nearly 200 years ago Mary
tribal conflict; instead rival immigrant groups are Shelley’s novel The Last Man postulated a plague
fighting right downtown. A prosperous and stable which wipes out Humanity.
Fusion society could be a near-Utopia worth defend- Post-apocalyptic settings are often an excuse to
ing against outside threats, while an impoverished sweep away all the petty, bothersome details of life
and violence-ridden one is absolutely perfect for in a complicated society. People are no longer bound
gritty cyberpunk adventures. by laws or good manners. The conflicts are not over
abstractions or distant concerns, but over immediate
Dystopia things like food, shelter, and survival. The end of soci-
ety and its restrictions also allows lots of vicarious
The opposite of Utopia, a Dystopia is a setting anarchy and destruction. Wiping out society is also a
in which everything is going wrong. In particular, good way to restore civilization to a low-technology
dystopias are a staple of “dreadful warning” science condition. Heroes can swing swords and ride horses
fiction, showing how particular political ideas or like King Arthur’s knights, even if their armor is
social trends can lead to a world of oppression and Kevlar and their quest is for a stockpile of antibiotics
despair. Probably the most famous dystopia is George instead of the Holy Grail.
Orwell’s 1984, with its haunting depiction of what a Destroying the world requires a disaster. There
Soviet-style Great Britain would be like. Science fic- are many ways to wipe out a civilization, depending
tion dystopias set centuries in the future often include on how much of it you want to wipe out and how
chilling applications of science, like the embryo many survivors you want to leave. And of course,
manipulation and universal drugging in Aldous Hux- any disaster that could affect Earth could affect any
ley’s Brave New World. Dystopias ruled by computers similar planet.
date back to E.M. Forster’s The Machine Stops.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Six 113


A big asteroid or comet smashes into the Nearby supernovas, gamma-ray bursts any-
Earth. The level of the catastrophe depends on where in this part of the Galaxy, or massive solar
how big the object is, how many bits it breaks into, flares are all ways to devastate the Earth. Cosmic
and where it strikes. A relatively small one (up disasters can’t be predicted or prevented, their
to a kilometer or so) would be like a single large effects are sudden and massive, and they’re over in
bomb, devastating the immediate surroundings an instant. They all unleash a sudden tremendous
where it strikes but leaving the rest of the world burst of radiation, killing everyone on the side of
intact — good for a “temporary apocalypse” in the the Earth affected by the flash. A few minutes with
disaster-movie mode. A larger body (tens of kilo- a globe can help the GM decide what parts of the
meters across) could flatten an entire continent Earth to irradiate. The worst case would be a radi-
and cause dramatic climate changes (see below), ation flash centered above north-central Russia,
affecting the entire world. If an object of that size which would catch just about all of Europe, Asia,
landed in an ocean basin, the tidal waves created Africa, and parts of North America. The best case,
by the impact would devastate every coastline over the southeastern Pacific, would still get South
on that sea. An impact of that scale is thought to America, Australia, and all the Pacific islands.
have wiped out the dinosaurs at the end of the A cosmic disaster is like a neutron bomb on
Cretaceous Era. Finally, a body the size of a large a planetary scale — it kills off the living things
asteroid (hundreds of kilometers) could destroy (especially vertebrates) but leaves all the ruins
just about all multicellular life. intact. A few people in the affected region might
Asteroids are good menaces for heroes trying survive in mines, bomb shelters, or submarines,
to avert the apocalypse. Astronomers might pre- and they’d have all the food supplies from before
dict the impact and space agencies could launch the blast neatly sterilized and preserved.
a mission to divert or destroy the object with Adventurers in a world blasted by a cosmic
nuclear explosives. Villains might try to direct disaster can scavenge the ruins for treasures,
the falling rock onto an enemy nation, or use the battle other scavengers and survivors, struggle to
threat to blackmail governments. reach the unaffected parts of the world, and try to
rebuild civilization with all the toys easily at hand.
Cosmic disasters and plagues both qualify as “cosy
The Earth’s climate changes tremendously catastrophes” for the survivors.
over the eons. In the age of the dinosaurs the poles
were ice-free; twenty thousand years ago half of FAMINE AND RESOURCE DEPLETION
North America was covered by glaciers. Changes Usually connected with overpopulation, a
in either direction could have dire effects on shortage of food and/or energy is an often-used
Humanity. In past decades, the fashionable climate catastrophe, especially during the oil crisis of the
change to worry about was a new ice age — cities 1970s. The world starts to run out of some crucial
buried in the ice, sea levels dropping, famine and resource, or food production can’t keep up with
mass migrations as people flee the advancing gla- booming populations, and civilization cracks under
ciers. Carl Sagan and colleagues proposed that a the strain. Famine and resource shortages often
large-scale nuclear war might trigger an ice age, lead to the same sort of situations that turn up in
and many scientists believe a large asteroid impact climate change disasters: highly-regimented soci-
might do the same. eties preserving civilization, surrounded by “wild
More recently, scientists have become con- lands” full of heavily-armed psychopaths stealing
cerned about the prospect of planetary warm- each others’ food and gasoline.
ing. Increases in temperature might cause rising
sea levels as the polar caps shrink, the spread of
deserts, more storms, and unpredictable shifts The tidiest catastrophe, a plague is a deadly
in rainfall and weather. Global warming lets you disease which kills off most of Humanity. The cities
have cities like London or New York half-sunk in are all left intact, the animals all survive, but sud-
the ocean, hot winds howling across the dry bed denly there aren’t any people. This was the premise
of Lake Michigan, and Atlanta covered by tropical of Stephen King’s The Stand. Plague is the ultimate
jungle. “cosy catastrophe” — one in which, if you survive,
Climate change is a good disaster if the GM you can sleep in the best hotels, drive the fastest
wants to preserve some areas almost untouched. cars, and generally enjoy all the fruits of civiliza-
Global warming might flood the eastern US and tion.
plunge the Great Plains into desert, but Quebec If a plague can wipe out the Human race, any
and Scandinavia would bloom in the warmer post-plague campaign must explain why the heroes
temperatures. One drawback is that societies didn’t die like everyone else. Did they get an experi-
coping with climate change, swarms of refugees, mental vaccine? Are they naturally immune? Were
and conflicts over food and water supplies would they isolated long enough for the virus to burn
be likely to become more regimented and tightly- itself out?
organized, rather than anarchic “Road Warrior” As recent headlines demonstrate, plague can
environments. begin as an act of war or terrorism, making it a
good candidate for Something Awful the heroes
must race to prevent. Time travelers from the
114 ■ Alien And Future Civilizations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
future might bring back a vaccine. Human colony worlds fallen into barbarism can
Note that a plague doesn’t necessarily have evolve cultures as weird as any alien species. If the
to target Humans (or their alien equivalent) to Long Night affected a large interstellar empire, then
destroy civilization — anything vital that’s suscep- hundreds of Human worlds may be waiting to be
tible to destruction by bacteria or viri is a poten- rediscovered by whichever planet struggles back
tial candidate. In Niven’s Ringworld, for example, to starfaring technology first. This way the heroes
the Puppeteers use an engineered bacteria to have technology which is recognizably near-future
destroy superconducting materials on the Ring- — energy weapons, spaceships, computers, robots,
world, causing its civilization to collapse when and the like — but they are adventuring in a setting
their machinery fails. centuries or millennia removed from the present in
terms of cultural change.
One thing for GMs to consider when creat-
For more than fifty years, war has been the ing a fallen civilization is how to keep it isolated. If
unchallenged leader in the apocalyptic category. one planet falls back to barbarism but its neighbors
Even before nuclear weapons made it possible for have starships, then the neighbors will simply send
one country to destroy every town on Earth in a in peacekeeping forces, aid convoys, and so forth to
day, H.G. Wells postulated a civilization-wrecking get things going again. (They may take the oppor-
war of poison gas and aerial bombing in Things tunity to conquer and rule the planet as well, but
To Come. The tropes of a world ravaged by war that’s a different problem.) In fiction, authors have
are familar to everyone — ruined cities blighted come up with various ways to keep the Dark Age
by fallout, mutant humans and animals spawned dark. First of all, spaceships are very complex and
by radiation, gangs of looters and refugees, and expensive things, and may depend on special parts
worse. Nuclear war assimilated many of the other or scarce resources which are suddenly unavail-
disasters, with a “nuclear winter” ice age, biowar able when civilization collapses. Sure, you’ve got a
plagues, and all the best resources destroyed. starship — but the Hyperspace Matrix Stabilizer’s
What makes war particularly useful as an busted and there aren’t any spares handy. The fac-
apocalyptic disaster is that it’s intelligent devasta- tory which makes Matrix Stabilizers is only fifty
tion. The weapons would be targeted to do the light-years away, which would be a short hop... if
most damage. Both sides really would be doing your starship were working. Oops.
their best to wipe out the enemy’s civilization. Another possibility is that planets might
There’s no need to drop comet fragments on choose to isolate themselves. If the interstellar
inland cities or assume unrealistically fast-spread- empire is tyrannical and oppressive, subject worlds
ing and incurable plagues. There may not be any might prefer freedom to slavery, even if it means
enclaves of high-tech civilization because second- a lower standard of living. If bioweapons are
strike weapons and submarines would have taken common, planets might quarantine themselves to
them out. keep the plagues at bay, much as medieval villages
REGRESSION AND DECADENCE refused to admit travelers in the days of the Black
Apocalyptic wars and civilization-smashing A society may voluntarily decide to adopt a
disasters are often the kickoff for a period of low low-technology way of life. Perhaps a new and fast-
technology and a return to barbarism. In science growing religion denounces all high technology as
fiction stories this era is sometimes called the “Long sinful or tainted. In Frank Herbert’s Dune series,
Night” or the “New Dark Age.” The most direct computer technology and robots were abolished in
historical model is the collapse of civilization in the “Butlerian Jihad” because people refused to live
Western Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire. in a society where thinking machines were more
A Long Night may affect only a single planet, or important than Humans. Mass movements might
hundreds of worlds at once if the fallen civilization oppose interstellar travel, fusion power, or science
was an interstellar one. in general. The motivation need not be religious; on
The decline and fall of Rome are also the contemporary Earth there are activists convinced
model for another kind of collapse — civilizations that Human technology has disrupted the balance
which grow decadent and fail because of internal of Nature.
rot rather than external invasion. In decadent civili- Finally, decadence or regression is a matter of
zations, people become absorbed in entertainment opinion. The ruling planet or species of an inter-
and petty intrigues, scientific inquiry sinks to mere stellar empire could have a change of heart and
pedantry and reclassifying of existing knowledge, withdraw from subject worlds — much as the Brit-
and government becomes remote and bureaucratic, ish and French withdrew from their colonies after
unable to respond to crises or accomplish routine World War II. To someone from the age of imperial
functions. Manchu China is another historical expansion, this would seem intolerably wimpy, a
example. Decadent cultures in fiction often refuse sure sign that the old virtues were gone. But to the
to admit they have declined from their era of great- post-imperialists, it’s a sign of moral advancement
ness. (or simply rigorous cost-benefit analysis).
Both regression and decadence are convenient
ways for authors to reset the clock of technologi-
cal advance while allowing cultures to develop
and diverge into interesting and unusual forms.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Six 115

fter you’ve given some basic thought to FUNNY-LOOKING HUMANS RUBBER SUIT
what a future world is like, you can create Many alien species are, by and large, not that ALIENS
its dominant sentient alien species — typi- different from Humans. Other than a few odd cus-
cally a species intended as a PC species or toms, and perhaps modes of dress or speech, the Often budget-conscious
to play a major role in the campaign setting. You only way to distinguish them from Humans is to SF film and television
should also refer to page 122 for a discussion of the producers make the tacit
look at the color of their skin and the bumps/ridges
roles alien species can play in the campaign, and assumption that alien
on their heads (see the “Rubber-Suited Aliens” life is broadly similar
page 90 regarding alien life generally. sidebar). This is a convenient way for writers (and to life on Earth. The
The main issue you need to address is: is this GMs) to create “alien” species readers can identify justification is “paral-
species available for use as a PC species? If so, it with fairly easily... and roleplay without too much lel evolution.” This is a
needs a Species Package Deal, and a good bit of difficulty. real biological concept
thought regarding its presence and role in the set- — that creatures in sim-
ting. If not, you mainly need to think about the role HIVE CREATURES ilar conditions develop
the species plays in the game, and how best you can Hive insects have long been used as a model along similar lines. The
create it to fulfill that role. for Human societies; the industriousness and Pulp Science approach
If there is any One Golden Rule of alien cre- apparent loyalty of ants and bees makes Humans takes this to an extreme,
ation, it’s this: make sure the aliens serve a purpose. look greedy and fractious by comparison. Hive making most pouncing
If a Human can play the same role in the story, why carnivores recognizably
aliens are the ultimate social beings, with spe-
catlike, most small flyers
go to the trouble of creating an entire alien spe- cialized castes optimized for work, breeding, or insectile, and most intel-
cies and civilization? The potential roles described defense. They allow storytellers to examine issues ligent species shaped
below provide some guidance when you create an of individual identity in mass society. In today’s like Humans in heavy
alien species, but many other possibilities exist. individualistic climate, the hive is often a dreadful makeup.
warning of how society can destroy an individual’s
rights and personality. Hives make good Warrior
Similarly, on Star Trek,
species, with endless hordes of single-minded sol- Babylon 5, and other
diers bred for fighting. television shows, what
Some kinds of aliens turn up again and again sets “aliens” apart
Since hives are based on Terran insects,
in science fiction films and stories. This isn’t neces- from Humans is often
fictional hive civilizations almost always have
sarily because the writers are lazy. Certain aliens little more than a few
insect-like inhabitants. The regimentation and
have become archetypes — recognizable symbols head bumps or ridges,
specialization of a hive fits in neatly with computer-
with a suite of accompanying concepts and ideas. unusual skin or hair col-
controlled cultures or cyborg civilizations. oration, and/or distinc-
ENERGY BEINGS Characters from a hive culture are likely to be tive modes of dress and
Probably the most alien beings in science rebels or freaks, unable to exist in the regimented behavior. This is because
fiction are energy beings, immaterial creatures society that produced them. An interesting variant it’s easy to use makeup
composed entirely of energy rather than matter. In is the character who is a hive himself — a collective and costumes to turn
many works they serve as a slightly scientific way to being made up of nonintelligent or semisentient a Human actor into an
creatures. “alien,” but much more
have ghosts or spirits in the story.
When creating a hive species, the GM should difficult (and expensive)
The nature of energy beings depends on their to create a blob-alien,
power level and what kind of energy they’re made decide whether the hive remains together for social
octopoid-alien, or other
of. Electrical beings often learn to communicate or biological reasons, or actually has a “group mind”
non-humaniform being
through telephones or computers, and sometimes that psionically links all its members together. The on a regular basis.
are nothing more than advanced AI programs gone latter requires Mind Link or some other power Star Hero campaigns
feral. Psionic beings are pretty close to being dis- that represents the hive mind; both types may have often mimic this, since
embodied spirits. Superhot plasma beings from the Psychological or Social Limitations reflecting their Human players can
surface of a star may not even know solid matter attitude towards themselves and others. more readily identify
beings exist, and can destroy Human spacecraft and with aliens who seem
TALKING BEASTS at least a little Human
colonies as casually as a person stepping on a bug.
With roots going back to Aesop’s fables, the themselves.
Characters composed of pure energy do need
Talking Beast is among the oldest and most reso-
a way to interact with the outside world — some
nant alien archetype. A Talking Beast is a sentient
form of telekinesis, say, or the ability to create semi-
alien species based closely on some kind of real-
solid limbs to manipulate objects. They also can’t
world animal. Appearance, diet, and personality
be deadly to their companions! In play, they tend
traits closely track those of the original animal. The
to have truly amazing powers, and usually some
most common Talking Beast aliens in science fic-
severe disadvantages to compensate.
tion are probably Felinoids (cat-people), Insectoids,
116 ■ Alien And Future Civilizations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
INTERSPECIES Reptiloids, and Winged Humanoids (often bird- Niven’s “Known Space” stories.
SOCIETY people). Warriors tend to come in two varieties: the
Talking Beasts are relatively easy to create disciplined horde and the feudalists. Disciplined
Aliens in Human soci- because the model species provides a whole hordes are regimented, organized, and unfailingly
ety will naturally seem suite of behaviors and traits which naturally fit loyal. They often serve a galactic tyrant. They draw
strange. If the campaign together. It makes sense for a Felinoid to be soli- on images from Earth history — the grey columns
takes place in a mul- tary, proud, carnivorous, selfish, and territorial of the Wehrmacht, or Communist tank divisions
tispecies setting, then because real cats act that way. Since Humans are parading on May Day. In fiction they are frequently
aliens and Humans meet animals too, with our own set of biological traits, non-Human in appearance, often running to insec-
on equal terms, and gamers can use Talking Beast aliens to reveal and toid looks or cyborg bodies.
generally neither may
comment on different aspects of Human behav- Feudalists hearken back to medieval Europe or
take Distinctive Features
(see page 62). But if ior. Shogunate Japan. They have clans, fight duels at the
aliens are seen as hos- Modern developments in genetic engineering drop of a hat, and spend as much time battling each
tile conquerers, slaves, have created a more hard-science subset of the other as fighting aliens. Feudalists are a bit more
monsters, or food, they Talking Beast archetype: the Uplifted Animal. appealing and useful as characters — belonging
may have problems get- Uplifted Animals really are talking beasts — they to of a vast horde of interchangeable soldiers isn’t
ting along with Humans are existing Terrestrial species given intelligence nearly as much fun as being a hot-tempered duel-
(or vice-versa). Social and the ability to use tools by genetic modifica- ist with an elaborate code of honor. Consequently,
matters of this kind are tion. Stories often depict Uplifted Animals as feudalist Warriors are usually more Human-like in
best represented with slaves or second-class citizens, allowing the writer appearance.
Disadvantages such as
to explore just what it means to be Human. Sometimes one Warrior species fulfills both
Distinctive Features,
Psychological Limita- roles, either due to differences within society or
tion, Reputation, and because they change over time. For example, the
Social Limitation. Some If the Talking Beast explores Humanity’s Klingons in Star Trek functioned more like a disci-
examples: connection to its biology, a Super Intellect exam- plined horde in the Original Series, but changed to
ines minds freed from the tyranny of bodies. Sci- more feudalistic warriors in The Next Generation
Distinctive Features: ence fiction usually depicts them as skinny guys and later series.
Alien (Concealable with oversized heads (often with a cleft down the
With Effort; Noticed middle), or disembodied brains. Either way, Super
And Recognizable; Not
Distinctive In Some
Intellects are concerned purely with matters of
the mind. They are relentlessly logical, seldom let-
Cultures Or Societies): ting emotions interfere with their decisions. Aliens are, of course, alien. Depending on how
5 points. In fiction, Super Intellects often serve as a alien they are, they may have serious problems
dreadful warning of what may happen if Humans living in an environment comfortable for Humans.
Distinctive Features: devote themselves completely to reason, with no This section discusses various alien traits and how
Alien Conqueror (Con- room left for emotion and feeling. Other writers to model them using the HERO System rules. Some
cealable With Effort; general guidelines:
use them of a symbol of ultimate enlightenment,
Always Recognized,
Causes Major Reaction pure minds devoted to pure thoughts. Often ■ Any effect produced by a limb or an external body
[fear]; Not Distinctive In Super Intellects have psionic powers, or their part may (or may not) qualify for the Limitation
Some Cultures Or Soci- advanced brains put their civilization ahead of Restrainable.
eties): 10 points. others technologically. Either way they have great
■ You should consider making any permanent qual-
powers other races don’t.
ities of the being’s body, such as a tail, Inherent. Ask
Reputation: murderous In recent decades, the idea of creating artifi-
yourself: would it make sense for other characters
alien, 11- (Extreme): 15 cial intelligence computer programs has led to a
to Aid or Drain this ability or quality? If the answer
points. new subtype of the Super Intellect: the Sentient
is “no,” then Inherent is probably appropriate.
Program. Sentient Programs are about as pure
Social Limitation: Slave mind as it is possible to be, software existing only ■ Any power requiring effort from the creature
Species (Very Fre- in cyberspace, interacting with the real world should be left at full END cost, or take the Costs
quently, Major): 20 through robot tools and computer screens. Like Endurance Limitation if it doesn’t already use END.
points. Super Intellect aliens, the Sentient Program can ■ The following Advantages are usually inappropri-
be either a menace of logic without pity, or a ate for a being’s innate powers or abilities: Autofire,
benevolent pure intellect free of hate and negative Indirect, Invisible Power Effects, MegaScale, Pen-
emotions. etrating, Time Delay, Trigger, Usable On Others,
WARRIORS Variable Advantage, or Variable Special Effects.
Humans are pretty aggressive creatures; ■ The following Limitations are usually inappropri-
check any history text or the local police reports ate for a being’s innate powers or abilities: Focus,
for confirmation. Many science fiction stories Independent, Only In Heroic Identity, or Variable
ask what would happen if we met beings even Limitations.
more warlike than ourselves. They make useful AMPHIBIANS
antagonists in action stories, if only because the
Beings at home in both water and air have the
author doesn’t have to come up with any better
Expanded Breathing (water) form of Life Support.
reason for the conflict. They’re Warriors, they
If they can go deep underwater, they also have Safe
fight — ’nuff said. Examples from fiction include
Environment: High Pressure. Just about any being
the Klingons of Star Trek and the Kzinti of Larry
which swims in the ocean should also have Safe
Star Hero ■ Chapter Six 117

Pool with Limitations reflecting what it can and WEIRD DIETS

cannot do with its body. Some Blobs may even
have the ability to divide their bodies in two Aliens often eat food
(Duplication). that is weird or alarming
by Human standards.
BODILESS BEINGS If their diet is merely
Some aliens in science fiction have disgusting to observers,
no physical form at all, existing as pat- this is no more than
terns of data in computer networks, or as an entertaining special
free-floating psychic energy. Being Bodi- effect (or possibly a
less isn’t the same as being Immaterial Social Limitation). If the
alien’s diet causes harm
(see below); Immaterial beings can
to others (perhaps it eats
interact physically with each other, plutonium, or fuming
and still have some effect on the hydrochloric acid, or
material world. A truly Bodiless the flesh of sentient
alien has no physical attributes beings), it may deserve
or powers at all. To simulate a Reputation or Social
this, give the being Invisibility, Limitation.
Desolidification (both Always
On and Inherent), the Physical If an alien’s food is dif-
Limitation No Body (typically ficult or harmful to
All The Time, Fully Impairing; obtain, the alien might
25 points) and sell back its STR, deserve a Dependence
that causes weakness or
CON, and COM to zero. Usually the
incompetence. However,
being cannot take or give physical or GMs should think care-
energy damage at all; it’s only vulnerable fully before allowing
to Mental Powers. Bodiless beings which such a Disadvantage.
possess the bodies of others are best modeled as Humans do not get a
Parasites or Symbiotes (see below). Dependence on normal
food, and vampires don’t
Environment: Intense Cold, since water is usually COLONY CREATURES get a Dependence on
pretty chilly. A being which has evolved to live in A colony creature is a being composed of sev- blood (HERO System
both air and water will probably be uncomfortable eral smaller beings living together in symbiosis. If Bestiary, page 124-27).
in dry environments; amphibians may well have a the colony components can’t live apart, this is just All creatures have to
Dependence on water, causing Incompetence after a cool special effect, but a colony being which can consume food in some
6 hours or more. This is a 0-point Disadvantage in way, and normally they
separate temporarily probably has Duplication, and
a setting with lots of water, but in a dry or desert don’t get a Disadvantage
perhaps Multiform and other powers as well. for it; it’s a default condi-
environment (like Mars, or the Moon) it would be tion all characters suffer
worth 5 or 10 points. DIGGERS
from. An alien’s diet
Aliens derived from underground creatures would have to be unusu-
BLOBS like moles have the Tunneling power with the Lim- ally difficult or danger-
Creatures with no fixed shape are Blobs. ited Medium Limitation (soil and sand only; -½). ous to obtain to qualify
They are liquid or gelatinous in consistency, with Beings which live underground all the time and for a Dependence.
no bones and no limbs. In fiction they usually “swim” through rock and soil have Tunneling with
appear as viscous monsters. Blobs can move, and the Fill In Adder and no Limitation on the medium.
can pick things up using pseudopods or formed They should also have some form of ground-pen-
hands. Some Blobs can’t do any fine work requir- etrating sense like N-Ray Perception or Normal
ing manual dexterity; being a Blob of this type Hearing with the Targeting Sense option. They often
requires a Physical Limitation, Limited Manipula- have tough or armored skins (represented by Armor
tion (All The Time, Greatly Impairing; 20 points). or Damage Resistance), and may need Life Support
Most Blobs can ooze through small apertures to survive underground.
and porous materials (Desolidification, Cannot
Pass Through Solid Objects (-½); 27 points). A FAST BEINGS
Blob’s elastic body may have Damage Reduction Creatures so fast Humans can hardly see them
to reflect its ability to absorb impacts, Stretching are not uncommon in science fiction. While in a
to represent its flexibility, and even Shape Shift or Hard SF setting, invisibly fast beings would burn up
Multiform to simulate its ability to assume other from air friction, it’s still possible to have creatures
shapes. which live much faster than Humans do — consider
Blobs with more control over their forms hummingbirds. Superfast aliens are best represented
can create temporary features and organs, such as with high DEX and SPD, and possibly increased
claws, wings, or gills. If they have only a limited Running. If they are pulpish beings who live so fast
“menu” of possible body parts to create, you can they cannot be seen, give them Invisibility with the
best model this with Multiform or a few specific Limitation Not While Standing Still (character must
Powers, perhaps in a Power Framework. If the make at least a Half Move every Phase or Invisibility
Blob can transform itself completely at will, it deactivates; -½). Living in the fast lane takes more
probably has Shape Shift and/or a Variable Power energy (and thus more food and drink), which is
118 ■ Alien And Future Civilizations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
IMMATERIAL represented by the Physical Limitation Increased and Limitations such as Always On and Only
FORMS Life Support Needs (Frequently, Slightly; 10 points), Affects Beings Who See Character (-½).
and possibly a short lifespan.
Standard Immaterial FLYERS
Form: Desolidification Some creatures may not be made of solid
(affected by attacks Most realistic flying aliens have wings, and matter. Examples include gaseous beings, energy
dictated by the special thus buy Flight with the Restrainable Limitation. creatures, and aliens whose matter is somehow
effects of the immateri- Because they must be light enough to fly, they “out of phase” with the rest of the universe.
ality), Reduced Endur- probably have reduced BODY and possibly a Vul- Immaterial aliens typically have Desolidification;
ance (0 END; +½), Per- nerability to ordinary physical damage. Another see the accompanying sidebar for some examples.
sistent (+½), Inherent option is to give them Gliding. Living gasbag “Out of phase” beings should either buy Life
(+¼) (90 Active Points); creatures are fairly common in fiction — build Support, or figure out some way to obtain their
Always On (-½), Cannot
them using a very slow Flight power, no more transphased food. Energy creatures may be able
Pass Through Solid
Objects (-½). Total cost: than 1-2”, with the Increased Endurance Cost to create solid extensions, giving them the Affects
45 points. Limitation to reflect the effort needed to move Physical World Advantage on some physical
a bulky balloon through the air. More unusual Characteristics or powers.
Energy Form: Deso- aliens, like energy beings or psionic creatures,
lidification (affected by may be able to fly without using wings or lifting
similar type of energy), gas (straightforward Flight, often with Movement There are many species of animal life on
Reduced Endurance (0 Skill Levels). Earth which don’t move much, not including
END; +½), Persistent dedicated TV watchers. Clams, oysters, tube-
(+½), Inherent (+¼) (90 GIANTS worms, and adult termite queens are examples.
Active Points); Always Some aliens in fiction are very big. Land Alien species may combine a sessile existence
On (-½), Cannot Pass creatures on an Earthlike world could easily be with Human-level intelligence. A sessile being
Through Solid Objects the size of dinosaurs, while water-dwelling aliens which nevertheless has arms gets a 20-point
(-½) (total cost: 45 or gasbag creatures might well be hundreds of Physical Limitation, Unable To Walk (All The
points) plus Energy
meters long. This is not Growth; instead really Time, Greatly Impairing), and can sell back its
Blast 5d6, Affects Physi-
cal World (+2), Damage huge aliens should buy their Characteristics and Running to 0” (-12 points). Beings with neither
Shield (+½), Continuous abilities at a suitably high power level. Other size- arms nor legs get a 25-point Physical Limitation,
(+1), Reduced Endur- related abilities may include increased Movement No Limbs (All The Time, Fully Impairing), and
ance (0 END; +½), Powers and increased reach; see page 31 for ideas. probably can sell back not just Running, but most
Persistent (+½), Inher- Disadvantages associated with large size can be of the major physical Primary Characteristics.
ent (+¼) (144 Active summed up as a Physical Limitation; see page 63. As always, this Disadvantage isn’t worth as much
Points); Always On (-½) if the alien has technological means of getting
(total cost: 96 points). HANDLESS BEINGS
around that compensate. For example, perhaps
Total cost: 141 points. Perhaps intelligence can develop in a spe- an alien who relies on a powered wheelchair
cies which lacks usable hands. Sentient dolphins or hover-platform has the Physical Limitation
Gaseous Form: Deso- or dogs would also have this problem. A creature Cannot Move Without Help (Infrequently, Greatly
lidification (affected with no hands at all, like a dolphin, would have Impairing; 10 points).
by wind/air attacks), a 25-point Physical Limitation, No Hands (All
Reduced Endurance (0 MULTIPLE LIMBS
The Time, Fully Impairing). Beings which could
END; +½), Persistent
(+½), Inherent (+¼) (90 manipulate objects with difficulty — like a panda- It’s only a historical accident that land-dwell-
Active Points); Always or a squirrel-based alien — would have a 20- ing vertebrates on Earth are descended from a
On (-½), Cannot Pass point Physical Limitation, Limited Manipulation fish with four fins. We could easily have six, eight,
Through Solid Objects (All The Time, Greatly Impairing). As with handi- or even more limbs, or a tail. The Extra Limbs
Or Airtight Barriers (- capped Human characters, if the alien routinely Power, naturally, is the best way to model this.
½). Total cost: 45 points. has technology or special powers to overcome its Use the Inherent Advantage to reflect the fact that
lack of hands, this Disadvantage is worth fewer or a limb can’t easily be “turned off.” Note that Extra
Pure Psionic Energy no points. Limbs primarily applies to manipulatory limbs
Form: Desolidification like arms — if a being has a lot of extra legs or
(affected by psychoki- HIDEOUS BEINGS
other nonmanipulatory limbs, he might instead
netic powers), Reduced In a setting with lots of alien species, the buy this as some other power (such as increased
Endurance (0 END; average alien’s appearance probably won’t cause Running), or apply the Limited Manipulation
+½), Persistent (+½), any problems (i.e., characters shouldn’t take the
Inherent (+¼) (90 Limitation to his Extra Limbs.
Distinctive Features Disadvantage). But aliens in a
On (-½). Total cost: 60 setting where strange beings are uncommon may
points. cause shock, fear, or revulsion in Humans they Humans are symbiotic organisms; our intes-
encounter. The simplest way to handle this is to tinal bacteria help us digest materials we other-
give them Distinctive Features; a negative Come- wise can’t process. But what if the situation was
liness may also be appropriate. reversed, and the internal symbiote or parasite
Some aliens may be so alien and unearthly in was the one with the brains? In a relatively hard
appearance that their looks actually damage the SF campaign, an intelligent symbiote or parasite
minds of those who behold them. H.P. Lovecraft’s would be specialized to live in a particular host
Great Old Ones are an example of sanity-blasting species, in which case it is effectively nothing
ugliness. Model this as an Ego Attack with the more than a “special effect” or perhaps an odd
Area of Effect (Radius) and Inherent Advantages form of longevity (as the parasite moves from
Star Hero ■ Chapter Six 119

body to body — similar to the Trill of Star Trek). to something like a starfish we move about in a SPECIES WITHIN
In a more cinematic or pulp-oriented cam- superfast blur. Intelligent aliens from a cold or SPECIES
paign, intelligent parasites may be able to exist low-energy environment may be similarly slowed
in a variety of hosts — even Humans. A univer- down. Extremely slow aliens should buy down Even within a single
sal parasite which dominates its host without DEX to no more than 5 or 6, and have SPD 1. species there may be
destroying the original personality is best mod- Their slow metabolism may also give them vari- groups sufficiently dif-
eled as a bodiless being (see above) with high ous types of Life Support — Extended Breathing, ferent from each other
levels of Mind Control, Limited so the parasite Diminished Eating, and possibly Longevity. as to almost qualify as
can only use it against someone it has physical separate “species” for
SMALL ALIENS game purposes. The
contact with. A parasite which completely takes
It’s not clear how small a sapient creature can Environment Package
over its host and destroys the original mind is
be. Certainly Human children are fully intelligent Deals on pages 28-32
using a form of Killing Attack, with the “posses- are an example of this,
sion” of the mindless body acting as a special (supposedly), and creatures with a more sophis-
but the difference can be
effect for Life Support (Longevity). The Killing ticated brain could be smaller still. As with giant- racial or cultural instead
Attack may be BOECV (for “psychic parasites” size beings, this is best modeled by buying down of environmental. If
and the like); other creatures may use an infec- the creature’s Characteristics to an appropriate there are factions with
tious attack or other physical means of implant- level and adding a Physical Limitation (see pages their own long history,
ing the parasite. 31, 63). secrets, and physical
Non-destructive parasites may well have a types, they may func-
willing host; in that case the host may qualify tion like subspecies
as a Follower or even a DNPC. If the parasite is CREATING PLAYER — as with the different
Houses in the Dune
weaker than the host, then make it the DNPC
or Follower. On the other hand, the host and
CHARACTER SPECIES novels. In a campaign
this is a great way to
parasite may both be PCs, each with its own When creating an alien species for use as a provide some easy
point value and a Psychological (and/or Physical) player character species, the GM (or player) must variety, especially if the
Limitation reflecting the attachment. Except in consider the following three questions. If you can’t players are still learning
humorous campaigns, the Gamemaster probably answer all of them “Yes,” the species probably isn’t all the background. An
shouldn’t let a parasite and its host be Rivals. suitable for PCs. hour’s work gives the
GM a selection of Pack-
SLOW BEINGS Can the character work with others? A water- age Deals to offer the
breathing alien in a crew of air-breathers is going players, so everyone can
Humans don’t seem particularly fast, but
to have problems, as will get on with the impor-
a dinosaur-sized being tant business of actual
aboard a ship built for gaming.
Humans. Advanced tech-
nology can overcome a
lot of restrictions — a
water-breather can wear a
liquid-filled environment
suit, or a sessile plant-
creature can ride about
on a powered scooter
— but not necessarily all
restrictions. This is where
the GM’s input is crucial,
since he is likely to know
more about how the game
world works and what is
and isn’t practical.
Can the character function
in society? A member of
a primitive species in a
high-tech setting will be
constantly bewildered
by advanced technol-
ogy; an individual from
a species of carnivores
which regards other
sentient beings as noth-
ing more than food may
have trouble at meal-
times. Created beings like
robots or androids may
be considered slaves. If a
non-Human character is
120 ■ Alien And Future Civilizations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
HOW MANY going to cause a brawl wherever the PCs go, the BALANCED
POINTS IN A GM should forbid it, or perhaps suggest changes In HERO System game terms, it’s also impor-
PACKAGE DEAL? to make the character more playable: the primi- tant that a species be “balanced” — that is, provides
tive learned about high technology from visiting enough game-based benefits and abilities to make it
There’s no specific cost traders, the carnivore has a personal code against attractive as a player character choice, but not so many
requirement for Species eating sentients, and the robot character pretends that every player wants his character to belong to that
Package Deals, since to serve another while secretly being autono- species. No species is perfect; each should provide a
the cost depends on mous. proper mix of advantages and drawbacks, making it
how many innate abili-
Can the character have interesting adventures? three-dimensional and beneficial to the game.
ties and traits a species
has. Some species have While this question should be asked about any Fortunately, the HERO System rules make this
many positive attributes, character, GMs should be particularly alert to fairly easy, since characters have to pay for all promi-
leading to expensive species designs which are either too powerful or nent abilities with Character Points. If a species has
Package Deals (like too limited. Super-powerful aliens may unbalance so many abilities that its Package Deal costs 50 points,
the Android Package the game, short-circuiting adventures and leaving then the character only has another 100 points to
Deal on page 23, which the other characters with little to do. Overly-lim- spend on Characteristics, Skills, and the like. A char-
costs 92 points). Others ited species may not be able to do much in the acter of a “lesser” species might only have a 4-point
have more drawbacks campaign. Package Deal, but that leaves him with 146 points to
than benefits, leading spend on other things. In the end, both characters
Besides those points, generally speaking a
to Package Deals with
species suitable for use as a player character spe- are built on 150 Character Points, which means that,
negative costs (in other
words, the Disadvan- cies needs to be two things: first, interesting and over the course of the campaign, each one should be
tages associated with the distinctive; second, reasonably balanced in game equally effective. One may be better at combat, the
Package outweigh the terms. other at diplomacy, but in the end they contribute to
benefits). the group’s accomplishments (and the players’ fun) in
DISTINCTIVE equal measure.
However, in most Star It’s easy to create a group of more or less
Hero campaigns, Species “typical” species as seen in science fiction gener-
Package Deals work best ally; that’s part of what Chapter Two of this book Package Deal Components
if they cost about three does. The species described there are “generic,” A Species Package Deal, such as the ones in
to 15 Character Points. easily adapted to many different settings, and
That way the investment Chapter Two, consists of two parts: abilities and Dis-
should save you the work of creating similar spe- advantages.
of Character Points cies for your own games — just adapt the Package
is significant, but not ABILITIES
Deals as necessary, and provide some setting-spe-
so overwhelming that
players can’t personal- cific description and context, and you’re ready to “Abilities” are the Skills and other attributes
ize their characters with go. native to the species. They consist primarily of three
other purchases. Creating an all-new species, solely for your things:
own campaign, requires a little more effort. Since
■ Characteristic bonuses
the “standard” types of alien species are already
well-known, you usually need to find a way to ■ Skills, Perks, and Talents possessed by every
make yours distinctive, intriguing, and in some member of the species
way “new.” There are two main ways to do this. ■ Powers
First, you can distinguish your species
through its appearance and/or mannerisms. Characteristic Bonuses
Maybe your reptiloid aliens have special scale The most common element of Species Pack-
coloration patterns that say certain things about age Deals are Characteristic bonuses. Using Human
the individual and have significantly influenced as a baseline (no additions or subtractions to the
the species’s culture. Perhaps the psionic species base Characteristic values established by the HERO
in your setting speaks in a particularly notable System 5th Edition, Revised rulebook), decide what
way, because its members aren’t used to vocal your species is like. Is it stronger, tougher, smarter,
communication. Maybe the bird-men from Altair more insightful, or stronger-willed than Humans, on
VI descend from a prey species and so are prone the average? If so, a starting bonus to the appropri-
to nervous behavior and constant watchfulness ate Characteristic(s) may be in order. Typically these
that’s easily portrayed when playing them. bonuses range from +1 point to +3 points’ worth
Second, you can distinguish your species of the Characteristic, paid for at the normal cost.
through attitude and behavior. Many science fic- Bonuses above +3 points are possible, but should be
tion species have their own “codes of honor,” ones relatively rare.
Humans sometimes have trouble comprehending, In most cases Characteristic bonuses are
that makes them distinctive. Others have vari- assigned to Primary Characteristics; these of course
ous personality traits — absolute logic, pacifism, factor into the Figured Characteristics. Bonuses
aggressiveness, piety — that are so ingrained, for directly to Figured Characteristics are uncommon,
biological or cultural reasons, that the vast major- though an unusually tough species may have some
ity of species members display them. A unique extra PD or STUN.
behavioral pattern often goes a long way toward Skills, Perks, And Talents
setting a species apart. Just be careful it doesn’t Skills, Perks, and Talents are much less
become a caricature. common in Species Package Deals than Charac-
Star Hero ■ Chapter Six 121

teristic bonuses. As the HERO System 5th Edition, For standard Disadvantages, it’s usually
Revised notes on page 30, it’s unusual for every best to stick to physical handicaps that would
member of a species to have the same Skills obviously affect every member of a species. For
(other, of course, than Everyman Skills). Given example, all of the bat-people may have weak eye-
the many different ways characters in any setting sight. Mental and social restrictions should rarely
(particularly a Star Hero setting encompassing be a part of Species Package Deals. Characters are
entire galaxies!) can grow up and learn, it’s highly individuals (except for certain hive-mind species
unlikely that every member of the species would and the like), and shouldn’t be required to act
learn the same Skills. Typically, Skills in a Package alike because of a common Psychological Limita-
Deal represent some innate ability native to the tion or the like. Even among a relatively homog-
species which is best represented as a Skill. For enous species, like the Klingons of Star Trek,
example, all members of a caninoid alien species individuals don’t think exactly alike, or approach
might have Animal Handler (Canines) to repre- problems the same way. However, in a specific
sent their natural ability to relate to dogs, wolves, campaign setting, species which are widely dis-
and the like. (However, Skills may be appropriate criminated against may qualify for a Hunted
for Cultural Package Deals; see page 27.) (Watched) or Social Limitation.
Perks should rarely occur in Species Package
Common Alien Traits
Deals. They’re often appropriate for Professional
Individuals living in a civilization cannot
Package Deals, but it’s uncommon for every member
help but be affected by it. In particular, they
of an entire species to have a particular Perk.
often acquire the same Disadvantages reflecting
Talents are the same as Skills — a good way
common attitudes and assumptions — as noted in
to simulate innate abilities possessed by a species.
the main text, it’s all too common in SF for every
Most Talents are useful only for individuals, but a
single member of a given alien species to have
few make good species abilities. For example, an
certain personality traits or beliefs. Here are some
avian species might have natural Bump Of Direc-
suggestions on how HERO System Disadvantages
tion, derived from an ancient need to migrate
link to various aspects of a civilization.
south during cold weather. On the other hand, it’s
relatively unlikely that every given member of a Dependent NPC: In many traditional societies, ties
species would have Lightning Reflexes or Speed of kinship and personal loyalty are strong. They
Reading. are also one of the bulwarks of hereditary gov-
ernment. Characters from Farming or Nomadic
Powers economies, or from states where rulership is
Some species have Powers in their Pack- Hereditary, are likely to have numerous DNPCs
age Deals, to reflect natural abilities that can’t be in the form of distant relations, loyal retainers,
accurately created using other game elements. liegemen, and the like. (Similarly, this can lead to
Typically, these include: characters having a plethora of Contacts and/or
■ natural weaponry (HAs, HKAs) Followers; GMs might even mandate this by allot-
■ natural defenses (Armor, Damage Resistance) ting points to those Perks in the Species Package
■unusual senses (Nightvision, Increased Arc Of
Perception) Enraged/Berserk: Warrior cultures, like Nomadic
economies or carnivorous species, may have this
■ enhanced or expanded forms of movement Disadvantage, especially at low tech levels where
(Flight, increased Swimming) personal combat isn’t automatically lethal. Trig-
gers often include “sense of honor offended” or
In most cases, the Powers bought for a Spe- “insulted.”
cies Package Deal have relatively few Active
Points, and/or are heavily Limited. There are a Hunted: In civilizations with intrusive govern-
few exceptions, such as the Android and Energy ments (Force-based rule) or repressive legal
Being Package Deals in Chapter Two, but keeping systems, just about everyone may be Watched
the costs and effectiveness of innate Power-based at times. Those who oppose the government are
abilities low is usually best for game balance. Hunted. If one species is at war with another, each
species may be Hunting its enemy.
Psychological Limitation: Codes of conduct are
Most Species Package Deals have two types the most common culture-specific Psychological
of Disadvantages: reduced Characteristics or Limitations. Honor-bound societies have Codes
movement; and standard Disadvantages such as Of Honor, Honorable, or Vengeful; the GM and
Physical Limitations. players should be certain to define the boundaries
Reduced Characteristics and movement are of such codes, to minimize disputes about how a
the opposite of the Characteristic bonuses dis- character should act in a given situation. Pacifist
cussed above. Some species are weaker, more frail, cultures have Code Versus Killing. Religious soci-
stupider, or less insightful than average (i.e., than eties encourage Piety (Common, Moderate) if not
Humans), and a reduction in their starting Char- outright Religious Fanaticism (Common, Total).
acteristics reflects this. In most cases, the reduc- Vital, expansive cultures may also encourage
tion should be -1 to -3 points; more than that Overconfidence, as with nineteenth-century Eng-
may cause problems for a starting character. lishmen or twenty-first century Americans.
122 ■ Alien And Future Civilizations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Some species’s primary role is as the allies
of the species to which the PCs (or most of
them) belong (usually this means Humans,
of course). Examples include the Pogs in Phil
Foglio’s “Buck Godot” comics, and to some
extent the Vulcans in Star Trek. Rarely (if ever)
depicted on its own, this species acts primarily
in concert with the PCs’ species... though occa-
sionally there’s a good story to be told when the
Ally species turns against the main species, or
objects to its conduct for some reason.
A few species appear in a setting solely
for the purpose of getting a laugh from the
audience (i.e., the players, in a Star Hero game).
Sometimes bumbling and clumsy, often mysti-
fied by the ways of Humans, this species usu-
ally possesses some bizarre customs (“No, we
don’t eat them; we play vrgblat with them. What
kind of barbarian are you?”). Being the source
of humor doesn’t necessarily make a spe-
cies nonthreatening, though; in the Star Wars
saga, everyone laughs (or groans) at Jawas and
Ewoks, but both hold their own against bigger,
tougher species.
Science fiction is rife with philosophical
species brought into the story, in large part, to
compare and constrast with Humans so the
author can comment on “the Human condi-
tion.” Star Trek’s Vulcans and Bajorans, and the
Minbari of Babylon 5, fit this mold. A Con-
templative species often fills other roles (such
But a society can also have built-in fears and as Ally or Cultural Antagonist); its members,
hatreds. A totalitarian society induces Paranoia in while possibly condescending or sarcastically obser-
most citizens. Citizens of a state with a long his- vant, often possess attributes of great use to the PCs
tory of warfare with a neighbor may develop an (advanced science or technical knowledge and skills,
ingrained Hatred of those people — witness the psionic powers, martial arts prowess...).
remarkable persistence of Anglophobia among the CULTURAL ANTAGONIST
Similar to the Contemplative, the Cultural
Social Limitation: Societies which include racial or Antagonist exists largely to set off another quality of
linguistic minorities may have widepread prejudice some other species (typically, but not always, Human-
against them among the majority population; this ity). Something about the two species prevents them
could create a common Minor Social Limitation. from seeing eye-to-eye; one may be logical, the other
Other minorities could be actively persecuted — sub- passionate; one aggressive, the other pacifistic; one
ject to constant harassment and the threat of mob greedy, the other philosophical. The Ferengi of Star
violence. That’s a Major or Severe Social Limitation. Trek, with their unalloyed greed contrasting so starkly
with the Federation’s nigh-moneyless economy and

ALIEN SPECIES AS NPCs social utopia, are a perfect example.

For species not intended as PC species, the
“The Ancients” — an old, usually incredibly
main issue is what role the species plays in the
advanced alien civilization that disappeared from the
campaign. Although a species consists of millions,
Galaxy hundreds of thousands or millions of years
billions, or even trillions of individuals, in many
ago — is a staple of many science fiction settings. The
ways, alien species in various science fiction settings
Slavers, Tnuctipun, and Pak of Larry Niven’s “Known
serve as large-scale NPCs, broadly speaking. To put
Space” stories, the Iconians of Star Trek, and the Vor-
it another way, a given species is often so associated
lons and Shadows of Babylon 5 all fit into this category
with a particular attitude, philosophy, practice, or
to varying degrees.
custom that it becomes one-dimensional. Some of
Typically, an Elder Civilization was incredibly
the most common “classifications” of alien species are
powerful, possessed amazingly high-tech devices, and
described below.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Six 123

ruled huge swaths of the Galaxy (or even multiple ing down, or exploding, or the competition to obtain
galaxies). In most cases, the Elder Civilization has the device leads to its destruction instead. Giving
left behind only its relics, ranging from mysterious Elder Civilization tech to the PCs, who are constantly
ruins on various planets to caches of extraordinarily on “center stage” in the campaign, may cause prob-
advanced technology. Player characters and NPCs lems, but letting an occasional adversary have it could
alike seek those relics (either to gain knowledge, or to work just fine... assuming the PCs don’t get their
acquire money and power by selling or using them). hands on it after they defeat him.
But in some settings, such as the universe of Baby- Elder Civilization species come in various
lon 5, a few Ancients have remained behind to help, forms, often as Super Intellects or Energy Beings (see
hinder, or harm Humanity and other “modern,” but above). Individuals are generally quite wealthy by the
much less advanced, species. standards of other cultures, much as American or
Elder Civilizations that stay around for PCs to European tourists in Earth’s poorest countries would
interact with are often decadent or contemplative, if be. If the GM allows players to have characters who
only because their tremendous power would other- are members of an “Ancients” species, those characters
wise allow them to conquer the Universe with ease. should take the Perk Advanced Tech (page 48), and
Sometimes, the writer solves this problem by having probably a Reputation as well.
only one or two survivors of the species exist. But in
any case, individual members of an Elder Civiliza-
tion can still go out slumming with primitives like Some aliens serve mainly as enemies (two-
Humanity.... dimensional or otherwise) for the PCs. See Villain
In a Star Hero campaign, the existence of one Archetypes, page 289, for more information.
or more Elder Civilizations provides the GM with all TRADING PARTNER
sorts of potential scenarios and plot hooks. Characters
with the Advanced Tech Perk may justify it by explain- Some alien species are known primarily for their
ing that they once found some hidden Ancient tech- role in commercial activities. Either the entire spe-
nology. Antagonists with access to Ancient weapons cies is devoted to earning money (as with Star Trek’s
may threaten the PCs’ homeworld. A race to explore Ferengi), or the species only enters the story when
a world thought to contain Ancient ruins could moti- matters of finance or trade are involved. The species is
vate a group of characters. probably actually much more diverse and multi-fac-
Of course, the GM should take care not to let eted, but all Our Heroes ever see is how it conducts
Ancient technology unbalance his campaign or business. A clever GM may eventually develop a
change his setting — unless that’s what he wants. If Trading Partner species into a full-fledged species
necessary, Elder Civilization devices should only func- during the course of the campaign.
tion a few times before running out of energy, break-
124 ■ Alien And Future Civilizations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

o what is a civilization, anyway? It’s the don’t, they’ll be trying to grab as many high-tech
way a large portion of a sentient spe- goodies as they can. One useful technique to con-
cies lives — their art, their economy, how trol this problem is to make the aliens advanced in
they govern themselves, their methods of only one or two areas rather than all fields, or to
The Russian astro-
physicist V.I. Kardashev resolving disputes, their recreations, and so on. It’s create or define the technology in such a way that
classified possible alien everything a given population does. The scale is the PCs can’t use it (or can only get limited use out
civilizations by energy necessarily large — typically a continent, planet, or of it).
output, as a guideline for multiplanet empire. Usually a civilization is self-
scientists searching for contained, at least for essentials. It doesn’t have to
alien signals. be a single political unit, although in science fiction POPULATION
that’s the norm.
Type I: A civilization Once you’ve determined a civilization’s level of
This section discusses the elements of civiliza-
capable of using all the technology, figure out how many people it includes.
tions. It includes random generation tables for GMs
energy resources of a To determine how many people a planet supports,
who need to create a civilization quickly, don’t have
single planet. In practice decide if they are natives or colonists. Some worlds
any specific ideas for what they want, or are look-
this means intercepting have a mix of both, and colonies which have lasted
ing for inspiration. When creating a civilization for
and using all the avail- for several centuries are effectively “native” popula-
able sunlight reaching a newly-generated planet, the GM needs to note in
tions and can be treated as such. If the planet is a
the planet, about 40 advance whether it’s an indigenous native culture
colony, skip down to the section on colonies below.
billion megawatts. Our or a colony world (see Chapter Four regarding
own civilization is not planet creation). POPULATION CAPACITY
yet a Type I, as Earth’s Native populations tend to be at the maximum
current energy budget is
far less than that. A Type
I civilization would be
TECHNOLOGY possible for a given planet (at least at prestellar
technology levels). When determining the native
detectable by radiotele- Technology determines so much about how population, first determine how many people a
scope at a distance of a a civilization looks and what it can do that it’s best given world can support. The base surface area in
few tens of light-years. to start with it. This section uses general descrip- millions of square kilometers depends on the diam-
tions of technology levels — for other technology eter, as shown in the accompanying table.
Type II: Capable of classification systems, see page 142. Gamemasters Multiply the surface area by the hydrographic
using the entire output creating a new world should assign the technol- percentage (page 92) to find out how much of that
of a star or star system, ogy level based on what purpose that planet serves area is covered by oceans. The remainder is dry
or some 400 billion bil- in the campaign. A powerful spacefaring empire
lion megawatts. Type II
obviously needs mature interstellar technology; a
civilizations can move
planets and build struc- “sword and planet” world should have Renaissance- PLANETARY SURFACE AREA
tures millions of kilome- era technology (at best). For random determina- Surface Area (millions
ters across. They could tion, see the Technology Classification Table. Diameter (km) of square kilometers)
be detected hundreds of Problems can arise when there is a large differ- 1,000 3
light-years away. ence between the technology available to the PCs 2,000 12
and that of a planet they’re visiting. If the world 3,000 28
Type III: Capable of is low-tech, the heroes’ guns and body armor can 4,000 50
using the entire energy give them a significant advantage over the locals. 5,000 80
output of a galaxy Many stories get around this problem by invoking a 6,000 110
(1037 watts). A Type III 7,000 150
“technology quarantine” to protect primitive societ-
civilization could create 8,000 200
ies (see page 145). Quarantine rules may require 9,000 250
structures on a scale of
visitors to use only locally-available equipment, 10,000 310
light-years, and move
entire stars. It would be and there may be strict penalties for introducing 11,000 380
detectable across the new technologies or ideas. Such rules may not stop 12,000 450
entire observable uni- greedy PCs or immature players, but at least they 13,000 530
verse. give the GM an in-game means for dealing with 14,000 610
violations. 15,000 700
The opposite problem can occur when an alien 16,000 800
world is far more advanced than the heroes’ own 17,000 900
18,000 1,000
civilization. This makes the PCs primitive barbar-
19,000 1,130
ians trying to use devices they barely understand. 20,000 1,250
Players may find this frustrating, and even if they
Star Hero ■ Chapter Six 125

land. (Note: if the dominant species lives in water,

treat the oceans as “dry land” for all calculations of TECHNOLOGY CLASSIFICATIONS TABLE
a planet’s habitable area.)
You can use this table to randomly determine the technological level of a given civiliza-
Next calculate how much of that dry land sur- tion. It’s biased toward creating low-technology cultures. A look at Human history on
face is actually usable by rolling on the Usable Land Earth indicates Humanity spent upwards of half a million years at Stone Age technol-
Table. Even a lush world like Earth has only limited ogy, and about several thousand at Bronze Age. Therefore, it’s reasonable to assume that
regions where agriculture is possible. Mountains, a randomly-encountered civilization is most likely low-tech.
deserts, and polar icecaps make much of the sur- If the planet is a recent colony world, it is either at or below the technology level of its
face unusable. Colony planets get a slight penalty parent world. Roll 1d6; on a 1-2 the planet is the same technology level as its founding
because no colonists are ever as perfectly suited to a civilization, on a 3-4 it is lower (1 step on the Technology Classification Table), and on a
world as organisms which evolved there. 5-6 it considerably lower (1d6 levels). If the planet is a lost colony, then its technology is
Multiply the habitable fraction by the popula- 1d6 levels lower than the parent civilization’s. (Exclude results of 2, “Mature Interstellar,”
tion density for the planet’s level of technology to when determining lower tech levels.) For older colonies which may have diverged signifi-
determine how many people can live on the world. cantly from their parent culture, determine technology as if the inhabitants are natives.
This is the planet’s carrying capacity. At lower tech- Planets which have suffered a major disaster may regress technologically. See the sec-
nology levels, the planet will have about as many tion on planetary disasters for their effects on technology levels and population.
people as it can possibly support. But at higher
technology levels, beginning at the Industrial stage, Roll (2d6) Technology Classification Roll (2d6) Technology Classification
populations may level off as the birth rate declines. 2 Mature Interstellar 9 Iron Age
With the development of object-creation devices 3 Cyberpunk Era 10 Preindustrial
4 Industrial Era 11 Industrial/Atomic Era
or nanotechnology, any world can support almost
5 Bronze Age 12 Early Interstellar
any number of people, limited only by living space 6-8 Stone Age
and energy supply. In general, interstellar societies
seldom increase their population beyond that of an
Advanced And Retarded Technology
information-age civilization; for them, once you’ve Some worlds may not have followed the same path of technological progress as Human
determined how many people the planet has, sub- civilization. They may be more or less advanced in a given field than their general level
tract (1d6-1) times 10 percent. of technology would indicate. Roll 1d6 and consult the following table:


Technological Advance Or Lag
No deviation from the standard technology scale
Roll (2d6) Habitable Fraction 3 -1 step in one area (roll below)
0 or less 10 percent 4 +1 step in one area (roll below)
1 20 percent 5 +1 step in one area, -1 in another
2 30 percent 6 +1 step in 1d6 areas, -1 in 1d6 areas (if the same area gets a +1 and a -1
3 40 percent then the net result is no change)
4 50 percent The Technology Areas Table lets you determine what areas a civilization has advanced
5 60 percent or lagged in. It concentrates mostly on practical technology which affects the way
6 65 percent people live, rather than pure science. A civilization might have an anomalously high
7 70 percent understanding of geology or mathematics, but that won’t have much impact on daily
8 75 percent life (as demonstrated in Arthur C. Clarke’s short story, “Second Dawn”).
9 80 percent Technology Areas (roll 1d6 and 1d6)
10 85 percent First Second
11 90 percent Die Die Area
12 95 percent 1-2 1 Agriculture
1-2 2 Astronomy
Condition Modifier 1-2 3 Automation or Machinery
Mass greater than 0.2 -1 1-2 4 Biology
Mass greater than 1 -2 1-2 5 Chemistry
Minimal axial tilt (less than 10 degrees) -1 1-2 6 Communication
Hydrographic 60 to 90 percent -2 3-4 1 Computers or Information-Handling
Hydrographic 30 to 60 percent -4 3-4 2 Construction
Hydrographic less than 30 percent -8 3-4 3 Economics
No oceans -10 3-4 4 Energy
Cool climate -1 3-4 5 Manufacturing
Cold climate -2 3-4 6 Materials
Colony world -1 5-6 1 Medicine
5-6 2 Physics
EFFECTS OF BIOLOGY 5-6 3 Sensors or Optics
5-6 4 Transportation
Diet: If the species is carnivorous, divide popula- 5-6 5 Weapons
tion density by ten for all levels of technology 5-6 6 Weird Technology
before nanotech or replicator technology, to reflect
the fact that there are more intermediate steps in Most of the headings are self-explanatory. “Weird Technology” refers to areas in which
the food chain between the basic energy source the planet’s scientists have made discoveries unknown to Earthly researchers. Examples
and the population supported. Conversely, crea- include time travel, shape-shifting, immortality, and advanced robotics.
tures which are able to consume energy directly
are vastly more efficient. For all technology levels
126 ■ Alien And Future Civilizations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
POPULATION DENSITY On some worlds different continents may
have civilizations with different technology levels,
BY TECHNOLOGY TYPE making for drastic differences in population. On
Earth, for example, Europe and Asia had approxi-
Population Density
Technology (people per square km) mately a quarter-billion people in the year 1500
Stone Age 1 per square kilometer while the Americas had a tenth as many, because
Bronze/Iron Age 5 per square kilometer the Eurasians had generally Preindustrial technol-
Preindustrial 10 per square kilometer ogy while the American civilizations were limited
Industrial 30 per square kilometer to Stone and Bronze Age techniques. If the planet
Atomic Era 50 per square kilometer has such differences, the GM may want to figure
Cyberpunk Era 60 per square kilometer the population separately for each continent. For
Interstellar 70 per square kilometer simplicity’s sake assume all continents have an
Nanotech/Replicator Unlimited equal share of the habitable area.
below nanotech or replicators, use the Interstellar
era population density if the native life can absorb
energy directly. To determine if a planet is not natively inhab-
ited, but instead is home to a colony or colonies
Size: The size of a species also can affect carry- established by a spacefaring civilization, roll 2 dice
ing capacity — divide the species’s average size by and apply the modifiers listed below, then subtract
100 kilograms, then divide the population by that 11. The result is the number of colonies.
number. A planet inhabited by large creatures will
have a proportionately smaller population, while a Lifebearing Planet: +3
world with tiny inhabitants can support more. In Green Zone: +1
Metabolism: Warm-blooded beings require pro- Gas Giant: -4
portionately more food than cold-blooded ones do. Spacefaring Civilization on another planet in
Double the carrying capacity at all tech levels for system: +2
beings with a cold-blooded metabolism. Valuable Resources: +1

Where more than one colony exists on a

planet, the GM must decide if they were planted by
different spacefaring civilizations. They don’t have
to be: consider the fifteen separate British colonies
established in North America on Earth. Different
colonies may be the same age, or may have been
planted at different times (the American colonies
were established over more than a century). Mul-
tiple colonies are especially likely on lush, lifebear-
ing worlds which are very attractive to settlers, or
on mineral-rich marginal or hostile worlds which
may experience a “gold rush” to exploit the available
resources. Colonies on a planet may cooperate on
large-scale projects and eventually form a single
society, or they can come into conflict over limited
resources and create a balkanized world. See the
Colony Size Table to determine population of each
A colony’s growth can be very rapid at first due
to immigration. Often the limiting factor is not how
fast people arrive but how fast room can be made
available to them. This is especially important for
colonies on worlds which do not have a habitable
environment for the colonists.
For colonies the two most important details
are age and how habitable the world is. There are
three categories for habitability. Habitable means
the colonists can live on native foods or grow their
own crops without any form of life support or
environmental modification. Growth can be fairly
rapid as there is always room for more settlers.
Marginal planets have breathable air but require a
lot of infrastructure to make a given area produc-
tive — irrigation, soil treatment, terracing, or other
large-scale effort. Lifebearing worlds are Marginal
if they have less than 50 percent oceans, a Cool
Star Hero ■ Chapter Six 127

more than 10 percent can also reduce the general MACRO-LIFE

COLONY SIZE TABLE technology level as industries and communica-
tions centers are destroyed. Add 1d6 times 10 to the The idea of “Macro-Life”
Age Habitable Marginal Hostile percentage population loss from the disaster; if the refers to a civilization
New 10,000 5,000 1,000
result is 80 or more, lower the technology by 1 step; residing completely
5 years 15,000 7,000 2,000
if the result is greater than 100, lower it by 2 steps. aboard large mobile
10 years 30,000 10,000 2,000
Lowering the technology level may in turn space habitats, exist-
20 years 50,000 17,000 3,000
reduce the planet’s carrying capacity below the ing in space the way
50 years 220,000 40,000 5,000
post-disaster population level. In that case the single-celled organisms
100 years 2 million 100,000 7,000
live in water. Even lim-
200 years As natives 2 million 50,000 planet suffers a second catastrophe in the form of
ited to sublight speeds,
To allow for some variation, the GM can roll 1d6, mass famines, reducing the population to what the habitats could spread
multiply the result by 10%, and increase or reduce technology can support. This counts as a second, through the galaxy
the colony’s size by that percentage. separate disaster and can cause further technologi- over millions of years.
cal collapse, reducing the technology even more Individual macro-life
climate, or an average atmospheric pressure below and possibly resulting in further famines. Thus, a habitats would grow,
50 percent of standard (.5 atmospheres). Growth is relatively minor disaster can throw a world into a move, react to stimuli,
slower because new areas must be made habitable nosedive. Prompt intervention by other planets can and reproduce by creat-
before they can be settled. Hostile worlds require make the difference between a “mere” disaster and ing daughter habitats
total life support, and all growth requires expan- the collapse of civilization. from raw materials. The
sion of the colony’s mechanical systems. Any world Human crew would be
without oxygen or native life is Hostile. the equivalent of a cell’s
Some planets may be colonized by different
species, or a starfaring species may plant colo-

nists on worlds with a native civilization. The GM Although accurately described as “the dismal A macro-life civiliza-
science” in many respects, economics is an impor- tion would not be tied
should calculate the population levels separately
tant part of a civilization. Basic economic issues can to planets, and star
as described above, using the native population systems themselves
method for the original inhabitants and the colony have a serious effect on a Star Hero setting, and a
would be valuable only
level for the newcomers. Of course, a planet which clever GM can use them in adventures in fun and as sources of matter
is Habitable to one species may be Marginal or even intriguing ways without having to know too much and energy. Macro-life
Hostile to another. A Human colony on an Earth- about the real nuts-and-bolts of the subject. habitats could make use
like world would grow much faster than a settle- of brown dwarf stars
ment of high-temperature silicon beings. The GM or planet-sized bodies
should also take into account the possibilities of In many SF settings, the default unit of cur- in interstellar space,
inter-species conflict; the natives may fight back if rency is the “credit.” Typically credits are an elec- comets and Kuiper Belt
tronic currency, stored solely in computers and on objects on the fringes of
they feel threatened or taken advantage of, the way
characters’ personal credit-keeping devices (be they star systems, and even
American Indians did against settlers descended the wispy matter of
from European colonists. cards, sticks, chips, or the like). People don’t actually
hold credits in their hands, and governments don’t nebulae.
DISASTERS mint or print them the way less advanced govern-
ments do coins and paper money. Macro-life cultures
Planetary disasters can have a negative effect are highly mobile and
on both population and technology. To determine The existence of credits raises numerous
focused on the interac-
if the planet has suffered a disaster in the past issues for the GM to consider. One is the pos- tions between different
century and what its effects have been, roll on the sibility of computer robbery; a skilled hacker can habitat cultures, and on
Disasters Table. get away with tremendous fortunes, whereas the conflicts and politics
Any disaster which reduces population by classic “strong-arm thug” may only be able to steal within a specific habitat.
things like jewelry. Another is whether an “under- In a Star Hero campaign,
PLANETARY DISASTERS ground economy” involving “normal” money exists.
Because credits are electronic, every use of them
the characters might
spend their whole lives
Roll (2d6) Disaster is easily traced — a prospect that alarms not only aboard one habitat
2-6 No Disaster criminals, but civil libertarians, spies, and para- during interstellar voy-
7 Plague (reduce population by 1d6 ages, or could visit a
noid player characters. Cash, on the other hand,
times 10%) planetary system with
can’t really be traced at all, making it the economic thousands of different
8 Global Warming (only at Industrial medium of choice for many... if there’s a way to
technology or above; reduce habit- habitats. Since a given
spend it. habitat’s crewmembers
able area by 10 percent due to rising
oceans and spreading deserts, and Of course, there’s no requirement that a spe- might modify them-
recompute population accordingly) cific Star Hero setting use credits, or only credits. selves with genetic engi-
9 Global War (only at Industrial tech- Many SF worlds have more traditional economies, neering and cybernetics,
nology or above; reduce population where each species, planet, or even nation issues Humans from different
by 1d6 times 10 percent) its own currency. Star Trek, for example, features habitats could be as dif-
10 Ice Age (reduce habitable area by 50 not only the Federation credit, but gold-pressed ferent as any aliens.
percent and recompute population) latinum (in various denominations), the Cardassian
11 Asteroid Impact (reduce population lek, and dozens of other forms of currency. In such Iain M. Banks’s “Cul-
by 1d times 10 percent) ture” series describes a
a setting, the PCs may soon find themselves caught
12 Massive Solar Flares (reduce civilization which is at
in a maze of monetary confusion while the GM
population and habitable area by 50
percent) chuckles wickedly. “What do you mean, I can only Continued on next page
get 57 djarbecs per credit on Halana Prime? I got
128 ■ Alien And Future Civilizations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Continued from last page 72 per credit back on Deneb IV!” Clever merchant sedentary societies to fight back against nomadic
least partly Macro-Life, characters may find ways to leverage this sort of warriors.
as much of the popu- situation for their own benefit.
lace lives aboard huge
Barter Farming economies produce food and
sentient starships. The
flying cities of James Last but not least, maybe there is no real form resources by manipulating the environment via
Blish’s “Okie” series, of currency. Some interstellar economies could farming, herding animals, or digging mines. Pro-
and the Ousters of Dan revert to that oldest form of exchange, barter. duction is in the hands of individuals or families,
Simmons’s “Hyper- Rather than having to figure out the best place to and so villages or even single households are
ion” novels, are other sell their cargo of fine Guthalan diamonds based largely self-sufficient. Farming requires at least late
examples. on monetary exchange rates so they can buy Stone Age technology, but is likely to persist in
weapons, the PCs may have to find someone who’s specialized forms at any technology level. Farm-
willing to trade diamonds for weapons directly... ing makes large states possible, and allows people
a potentially daunting prospect, even in a setting to live together in towns. This often promotes the
involving computerized record-keeping and FTL development of writing and record-keeping. Since
communications. But such a situation teems with farming is tied closely to the cycle of the seasons,
plot seeds and story hooks. farming societies are usually the first to develop
astronomy and other sciences.
Farmers are less warlike because it’s almost
as hard to steal a field of grain as it is to grow it.
How the people of a given planet make a On the other hand, farming is unforgiving. If you
living is closely related to the planet’s technology. don’t do everything right, the crop fails, and you
How people live says a lot about what’s important can’t try again for a year, so you starve to death. As
to them and how they react to new situations. For a result, farming cultures do not value innovation
game purposes, a world’s economy can be defined highly; trying something new can be dangerous.
as Gathering, Nomadic, Farming, Manufacturing,
Information, or Posteconomic. Different parts of Manufacturing
the same planet may have different economies. Manufacturing systems produce goods and
food in specialized facilities, like factories or big
Gathering single-crop farms. This specialization only works
Gathering societies live on available resources if everything is connected by a web of efficient
produced by the environment. Hunting, fishing, transportation. It becomes widespread after the
and logging are all examples. Gathering is the only industrial technology that makes it possible
form of economic system possible at early Stone arrives. Specialization and economics of scale
Age technology. At more advanced technology mean manufacturing economies are based on
levels, gathering becomes less important but never large organizations like corporations or collec-
completely disappears. Mineral prospectors, who tive farms. These organizations can be privately
gather up easily-accessible ore they can trade, are owned, controlled by shareholders, or run by the
also gatherers, even when they are looking for government. Manufacturing spurs the growth of
radioactives on distant worlds. Because few envi- large cities, which are hotbeds of political change
ronments produce lots of food or resources for and scientific research.
the taking, gathering populations tend to be small Urban societies at any tech level have a differ-
and spread-out. This often means large political ent set of priorities than farmers or herders, and
organizations are hard to maintain, and scientific in a Manufacturing economy the city-dwellers
progress is slow because it’s hard to share ideas are paramount. Townsmen have to be able to get
and there are fewer minds to have them. along with each other, so they can’t be too vio-
Nomadic lent, but they aren’t as tied to the cycles of nature,
Nomadic populations move with the seasons, either. They value skill and initiative, but aren’t
either following herds of animals or perhaps interested in codes of honor.
moving between two areas of crop-growing (on Information
worlds with a long year or extreme seasons). They Information economies are the result when
require at least late Stone Age technology, and technological change makes skill and knowl-
usually become obsolete when improved transport edge more important than materials or labor. An
appears at the Industrial level. Nomads tend to information economy depends on rapid flows of
be quick to fight — they have to be, because their enormous amounts of data. Information econo-
wealth is mobile and thus easy to steal. The best mies can begin to develop as soon as telegraphs
way to protect your herd is to develop a reputa- and telephones link distant communities, but are
tion for winning fights and avenging any insult. most common once computers are widespread.
This hypersensitivity tends to encourage honesty An information economy allows people to live
and honorable behavior. Because they are both anywhere and still remain connected to society.
warlike and mobile, nomads often conquer other With everyone linked up to form a single “city,”
groups on worlds with low technology, so an oth- technological progress and political change can
erwise placid farming society might be ruled by take place very rapidly. Information economies
aggressive nomads. The development of advanced work best when there is little secrecy, and so tend
weaponry (bows, siege engines, firearms) enables to encourage free inquiry.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Six 129

Posteconomic sea trading). With the coming of industrial-era

Posteconomic systems arrive with the develop- technology, railroads and highways make bulk
ment of nanotechnology, automated microfactories, transport on land possible, forging the web of spe-
or superscience “replicator” devices. Individuals can cialized industry characteristic of a manufacturing
basically make whatever they desire, and wealth economy. Aircraft makes a planetary economy even
becomes almost incidental. The only trade is in more interconnected, and high-tech transporta-
ideas and creative works. The worlds of Star Trek’s tion such as hovercraft or teleportation booths only
Federation or Iain M. Banks’s Culture are Posteco- extends this trend.
nomic. Posteconomic societies permit a great deal
of decentralization, since individuals are once again
almost self-sufficient. The fact that nearly everyone Space transport is seldom cheap, even in the
can have any material possessions he wants makes most optimistic fiction. A spaceship is fabulously
owning things less important. expensive, and the fuel to boost payloads into orbit
is more expensive still. Launch costs of a thousand
DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH credits per kilogram or more are often the norm.
While technology determines how people Given those expenses, space trade is likely to deal
make a living, it doesn’t control how wealth is in very compact, high-value items in most Star
distributed. The two main ways to allocate wealth Hero settings. Planets and space habitats must be
are market and command economies. In a market self-sufficient in bulk goods and the necessities of
economy, decisions about resource allocations are life. While highly advanced science fiction technol-
made by individuals or private organizations; this ogy, like rapid, easy FTL travel or teleportation
can create tremendous inequality but is flexible devices, can make interstellar trade much easier
and adapts rapidly to changing conditions. In a and cheaper, even then it often remains more dif-
command economy all decisions about allocat- ficult than planetary trade.
ing wealth are made by some central agency. The Space traders are a staple of science fiction,
results are fair (maybe), but command economies but the task is considerably harder than just land-
are vulnerable to poor decision-making and cor- ing and passing out glass beads to the natives. Any
ruption, and often do not adapt easily. In times of obvious trade routes are probably taken already by
war or crisis, even market economies function on a merchants who have ongoing relationships with
command basis, at least temporarily.
Although certain economic systems are char-
acteristic of certain technology levels (manufactur-
ing economies in the Industrial era, posteconomic
in the Nanotech age, and so forth), there is no
reason why a society can’t have a more “primitive”
economy. A group of colonists on a new world
might be equipped with the very latest in super-
scientific technology, but live by gathering and
farming simply because those systems are suited for
small, dispersed populations.
When designing a planet, the GM should
assume that native societies usually have the most
“advanced” type of economy possible for their tech-
nological level. Colony worlds generally suit their
economic arrangements to their population levels.
Since no place produces everything one might
want or need, people trade with one another. It
seems likely that sentient aliens trade also. Of
course, trade depends on transportation — a pro-
ducer can’t sell his goods if he can’t get them to his
customers. At low tech levels, when people can only
trade what they or their pack animals can carry,
trade consists of fairly compact, high-value items
— jewels, gold, furs, spices, wine, cloth, and so forth.
Boats and ships make bulk trade possible, but only
on short, relatively safe voyages. The risks of long
sea voyages mean merchants still concentrate on
carrying luxuries. Thus, river barges and coastal
schooners carry salt fish and flour, but clippers and
galleons carry tea and treasure.
Trading societies at lower tech levels are urban,
and usually rely on sea transport (though caravan
trade across a desert or steppe is very similar to
130 ■ Alien And Future Civilizations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
suppliers and markets. They may even use force final price, and increase the price when the roll suc-
to discourage competitors, especially if there’s no ceeds. (Gamemasters may adjust these numbers to
interstellar navy to keep the peace. create higher or lower profit margins, if desired.)
Gamemasters can handle trade either of two
Example: Trader Vic and Trader Joe are both
ways: by “gaming it out” as a part of the adventure;
trying to buy animal products on the planet
or by abstracting it to a series of die rolls. Trade
New Texas. New Texas is rich in animals and
during an adventure means the merchant charac-
has no demand for them, so the base price is
ters meet with vendors, see their wares, negotiate
10% less than 1,000 credits, or 900 credits per
prices and other terms, try to avoid being cheated,
ton. Trader Vic makes his roll exactly, so he gets
and have to guess what items are likely to sell for
a load of 5 tons of neobeef for 4,500 credits.
a good price at the next planet. Important skills
Trader Joe’s skill is 11- and he rolls a 14, so
include Area Knowledge, Trading, and Bureaucrat-
he fails by 3. Joe pays 3% above the cost of the
ics. Often the cargo can be the hook for an adven-
neobeef, or 4,635 credits. The traders go their
ture — the shipment is stolen, the crates don’t hold
separate ways.
what their labels say they do, the ancient artifacts
are actually aliens in stasis, or the Galactic Mafia Trader Vic hauls his neobeef to the asteroid
wants its goods back. There are certain pitfalls, Baikonur. Since that’s a lifeless world and poor
though: the players may wonder if they can ever in animal products, the going rate is 1,000 plus
just move a cargo from Point A to Point B without 10%, or 1,100 credits. Vic makes his roll by 2
getting involved in some nefarious scheme, and the and sells his 5 tons of neobeef for 5,555 credits
scenes of dickering with shippers and brokers can (base of 5,500, +1%), pocketing the 1,055 credit
all start to sound the same. profit. Trader Joe makes the mistake of taking
Abstract trade avoids those problems, but his neobeef to the planet Carthage, another
makes the whole process a bit more dry and rou- lifebearing world. It is neither rich nor poor
tine. It also means that when the GM does try to in neobeef, so there is no modifier to the price.
play out getting a cargo, he alerts the players that Joe makes his roll exactly, so he sells it at 1,000
there is Something Different about this one. credits per ton, leaving a profit of only 365 cred-
Abstract trade groups items into the basic its. While he mopes in the spaceport bar, he’s
resource categories, as described on page 93. Each approached by some shady characters offering
lot is 5 tons (about what can be carried in a single a lot of money if he can get them off-planet
hex of cargo space aboard ship for the heavi- without attracting official attention....
est items). Base price for each type of resource is
given in the accompanying Cargo Price Table. To Note that all these profits are before expenses.
determine the purchase price at the origin, apply Traders will soon discover that moving low-value
all modifiers, then roll the trader’s Trading or PS: items like metals or plants is a quick way to bank-
Merchant Skill. On a successful result, the trader ruptcy unless spaceships are very cheap to run.
gets the desired cargo at base price, -1% for every SPACEPORTS
2 points by which the roll succeeded. On a failure,
Worlds with spacefaring or interstellar tech-
increase the price by +1% per point by which the
nology are likely to have some facilities available for
roll failed (sometimes more). Sale price uses the
visiting starships, and these tend to be important
same modifiers, but the result is reversed — sub-
parts of the economy. They vary widely, from the
tract the amount by which a roll failed from the
cleared shuttle landing field of a new colony to vast
orbital spacedocks. To get an idea of the facilities
likely at a given planet, consult the Ship Facilities
The Cargo Price Table presents suggested “average” prices for a “typical” Star Hero cam- None indicates the planet has no provision for visit-
paign. Specific settings may vary from this, sometimes extremely. Gamemasters should ing spacecraft at all. Either the inhabitants don’t
decide whether this table applies to their campaigns as-is, or if they need to create a want contact with space travelers, or they haven’t
setting-specific version.
been able to construct anything yet. There may
Resource Type Price Per Ton Demand be places flat enough to land a shuttle, but any
Animals 1,000 credits (cr) repairs must be done with onboard equipment. The
Crafts 1,000 cr planet has little or no orbital traffic control, and the
Heavy Metals 100,000 cr Atomic or better technology inhabitants may have no way of detecting ships in
Manufactures 10,000 cr Lower tech than source of items orbit at all. Space voyagers may have trouble get-
Metals 100 cr Ice or Rock-Ice world ting down to the surface if their ship is not suited
Nonmetals 500 cr for atmospheric flight. Planets with no facilities are
Organics 1,000 cr Industrial or better technology also unlikely to have any defenses against attacks
Plants 100 cr from space.
Specialties 10,000 cr
Volatiles 100 cr Vacuum or no oceans Minimal facilities are about the equivalent of a large
starship’s own onboard maintenance and repair
Modifiers shops. Worlds with minimal services probably have
Subtract 10% from the price if the planet is rich in that resource. one paved “spaceport” on the surface, but no orbital
Add 10% if it is poor in the resource, and another 10% if the planet has a demand for station or spacedock. Worlds with minimal facili-
the resource. All planets are considered poor in Specialties from other worlds. ties may be able to repair shuttles or small craft,
Star Hero ■ Chapter Six 131

but it takes some time and the results probably

won’t meet first-class standards. Minimal facilities
do usually include some form of sensors to detect Roll 1d6 and index with population. Apply a +1 modifier for worlds located on major
approaching space vessels, so ships can’t enter orbit trade routes, -1 for pre-starfaring planets.
without somebody noticing.
Average facilities are the level spaceship captains Roll 1d6 1000 or less 1001-1 Million 1 Million-1 Billion Over 1 Billion
expect at most civilized starfaring worlds — an 1 None None Minimal Average
orbiting space station, maintenance and repair 2 None Minimal Average Average
available for shuttles and small starships, and rep- 3 None Minimal Average Good
licators or stores of most standard components. 4 None Average Good Good
Fuel for normal engines is available, and major 5 Minimal Average Good Extensive
systems are likely to have supplies to maintain and 6 Minimal Good Extensive Extensive
refuel FTL drives. Worlds with average facilities are
almost certain to have some form of space defense,
even if it is only a few fighter craft or perhaps some GOVERNMENT
surface-to-orbit missiles. Any group of beings larger than a single family
Good facilities are the equivalent of a starbase or a needs some form of government. There is no good
major port. They have orbital docking platforms correlation between a civilization’s advancement in
and possibly a spacedock for large ships, and can science and technology and its government. Some
repair almost any ship. All replacement parts are brutal tyrannies have existed in very high-tech set-
easily available, and there are stocks of every kind tings, while Stone Age tribes can develop highly
of fuel. Worlds with Good facilities can probably enlightened forms of government. Technology does
build their own starships, though they may not limit the size of the area a given state can control
have shipyards currently operating. Good facilities — a single tribe or valley at Stone Age technol-
probably have long-range sensors capable of track- ogy, a region up to a thousand kilometers across at
ing ships at a distance of several light-years. Bronze Age (larger if water transport is available),
entire continents by the Iron Age, and Industrial-
Extensive facilities are the best possible — multiple era technology permits a single state to rule a
spacedocks, orbital shipyards, shuttle service, and world.
probably large industries capable of manufacturing
anything. Systems with extensive facilities can build
top-of-the-line starships, and can repair any ship The Basics Of Government
no matter how badly damaged. Extensive facilities
are not common; their presence usually indicates Government forms can be described by who
a strategically and/or economically important makes the decisions, how those people are chosen,
system. Defenses are likely to be strong, often and what decisions they are permitted to make (i.e.,
including both armed spacecraft and huge weapon what the government can do).
installations. WHO RULES
To decide how a society is governed, first con-
All starship facilities are potential targets for
sider who rules it. The rulers can be a single indi-
spies and saboteurs, and can also be the subject
vidual, a small group (1-10 members), a medium
of economic rivalries. Nations on a planet may
group (10-100), a large group (100-1000), a subclass
compete at building spaceports to draw interstellar
(1000-10,000), or a ruling class (a significant pro-
trade, and neighboring systems can do the same.
portion of the entire population).
Of course, space facilities are often home to exiles,
wanderers, and seedy characters unwelcome on any Individual Rule
planet for long. They sometimes exist apart from Rule by one person is an extremely common
a system’s ordinary legal jurisdictions, and clever form of government; at times it appears that
crooks can make use of that to escape prosecution. Humans have an instinctive need for a “pack
leader” to follow, and many alien species may have
the same instinct. (For RPG purposes, a single
person who embodies “the government” is useful
because it keeps the GM and players from getting
bogged down remembering who is who in the
Individuals ruling by force are dictators or
emperors. They seldom leave office alive, and when
they die it is usually by violence. In any society
larger than a few thousand people, the dictator
must have a band of warriors or an army to sup-
port his rule, and in advanced societies the dictator
supplements his soldiery with police, spies, and
Single rulers who reign by virtue of heredity
are called monarchs. Depending on the state they
132 ■ Alien And Future Civilizations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
rule, monarchs can also be called chiefs, barons, An extremely large hereditary group of rulers
princes, kings, or emperors. They often bolster may be called a ruling caste. Often they must
their claim to authority by appeals to religious choose the actual decision-makers by voting or
authority. In large states monarchs have to rule other means, since the group itself is too large to
through a bureaucracy of appointed officials, an perform the day-to-day business of governing.
elected parliament, or a feudal structure of heredi- Large elected governments may be called leg-
tary nobles. islatures, congresses, or assemblies. Often a large
A single ruler who is chosen by merit, legislature cannot decide on every specific issue
appointment, or election may be known as a chan- and delegates power to subcommittees. Elected
cellor, president, premier, or governor. In all four legislatures almost always involve some form
cases the problem is that the qualities which allow of political parties or factions, as members with
someone to gain the position are not necessarily common opinions band together. In corrupt sys-
the best ones for a ruler. In states which choose tems, the ruling party may rig elections or bribe
leaders by election, there may be limits on who is voters to remain in power.
permitted to vote. Age is a common criterion, but
societies may also use sex, race, occupation, wealth,
or religion to choose who may or may not vote. The way the rulers are selected can vary tre-
mendously. The most common methods on Earth
Small Groups have been force, heredity, appointment, merit, or
A small group holding power by force is often election. Other possibilities include no government
called a junta. Usually one member of the junta is (anarchy), total participation, random selection,
dominant, but not so powerful he can overcome omens or oracles, computerized government, and
the others if they combine against him. Each purchase.
member of a junta has his own military forces, and
may even fight wars with the others. Appointment
A small to medium group which inherits the In any government which rules by appoint-
right to rule is sometimes called an oligarchy or an ment, the big question is: who does the appoint-
aristocracy. One member of the ruling group may ing? A state which has been conquered by another
hold the title of “king” but cannot rule without the state, or which is a colony, may have an appointed
support of the others. A group of monarchs joined government. But a state might simply permit offi-
together in a confederation would function as an cials to choose their own replacements, or have
oligarchy. one branch of government appoint the members
Small groups of elected rulers may be known of another branch (as the United States Supreme
as a council or senate, but could have various other Court’s members are appointed by the President).
titles. While elected rulers usually are considerate In a one-party state, candidates for the legisla-
of the wishes of the majority of voters, they can ture or presidency might be hand-picked to run
still be harsh or oppressive to minorities or those in sham elections by the party leaders. The chief
without the vote. How long the elected officials problem with any appointed government is that
serve also affects how they behave in office. Rulers the interests of those appointing the rulers may
elected for life don’t have to be as responsive to not coincide with what is best for the people.
the will of the people as those who have to get re- Merit
elected every few years. Of course, responsiveness Merit-based governments vary depending
isn’t always a good thing — sometimes the will of on how the society defines merit. It may be com-
the people is wrong. petence at one’s job (bureaucracy), religious faith
Large Groups (theocracy), scientific knowledge (technocracy),
A medium to large group governing by force wealth (plutocracy), psionic power (psychocracy),
could be a conquering army or the officers of a or sheer age (gerontocracy). There could be rituals,
military government. Such situations are rare physical ordeals, riddling contests, or gladiatorial
because it is hard for a large group of conquer- battles to select the rulers — the possibilities are
ors to work together. Either a junta or dictator practically endless. Rulers chosen by merit may be
emerges, or the whole society collapses into anar- highly effective, so long as the system for deter-
chy. If a group of conquerers can hold on for a mining merit is sufficiently accurate and honest.
generation, the society becomes a feudal one. All large organizations have some aspects of merit-
When a large group or class holds power by based selection.
heredity the government is called a feudal system. Merit-based systems are prone to two major
While there may be a king at the top of the struc- flaws. The first is that the definition of merit may
ture, the real power lies with the local barons. In not have much to do with ability to rule. A theo-
their early stages, feudal governments may be little cratic government could well be staffed by the
better than anarchies, but over time custom and most pious and devout members of the priesthood,
tradition can act as a check on what individual but that doesn’t mean they’re any good at making
nobles can get away with. Governments with at economic or military decisions. The second prob-
least some feudal aspects are popular in science lem is that since the rulers are members of an elite
fiction, since the spread-out nature of galactic (however society defines that elite), it is hard for
society often mimics that of medieval Europe on them to consider the rights and wishes of the rest
Earth. of the people when making decisions.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Six 133

Other Systems
Besides the methods described, there are
a variety of “Other” government types possible.
Some states have literally no government at all
— this can be either a bloody war of all against
all, or an enlightened civilization determined to
live and let live. Small groups or highly advanced
cultures may be governed by volunteers, or by the
entire population linked up in a real-time deci-
sion-making network. Races with psionic abilities
or brain implants might form a single mass mind.
Some other methods of choosing rulers
include random selection — drafting people to
govern whether they want to or not (as juries are
chosen in the United States; see R. A. Lafferty’s
short story “Polity And Customs Of The Camiroi”
for an interesting SF take on a society that func-
tions this way). Oracles or omens might be used
in religious societies to choose those who should
rule. Technological civilizations might simple del-
egate the job of governing to artificial-intelligence
computer systems.
What the government can do is determined
by the culture in general. A very open, freedom-
loving culture is unlikely to put up with tyranny,
but a highly disciplined society may submit to
a regime which promises order. It is possible to
have a repressive government in a freedom-loving
society, but there are likely to be rebels working
to overthrow the tyranny.
War called themselves “Democratic Republics” or
Usually the limits on state power are related
something similar even though they were repres-
to how the rulers are chosen — a government that
sive oligarchies.
has to worry about re-election is more likely to
Last but not least, GMs should consider the
respect the rights of voters — but there is consid-
often unusual nature of societies and cultures in
erable room for variation. Often a government’s
science fiction stories. Aliens may have a very
power is checked by the existence of powerful
different perspective on what powers a govern-
groups or institutions outside of government, like
ment should (or should not) have than Humans
religions, business interests, labor organizations,
do. An alien government might, for example, have
or the news media. Repressive states must con-
extensive power to regulate and control citizens’
centrate all power in the hands of the rulers to
entertainment and leisure, but almost no military
eliminate possible rivals.
authority. A truly bizarre (from a Human view-
Governments exist in layers. There is the
point) government such as that could make for an
planetary government, regional or national states,
interesting Star Hero adventure.
provincial administrations, and finally the local
city, county or tribal structure. Worlds without
a unified planetary government (“balkanized” Interstellar Governments
worlds) have nothing above the national level,
and may have regions where provinces or even Some worlds are members or possessions of
city-states are the largest units. Each layer has dif- large interstellar states comprising multiple plan-
ferent responsibilities, and may have an entirely ets or star systems. There are a number of ways
different structure. A planet with an absolute planets can organize into an interstellar state.
dictator in charge of planetary affairs could have A league or alliance is a voluntary collection
elected councils at the regional and provincial of planets, each of which remains entirely sov-
levels, and conduct local affairs by town meet- ereign and is not subject to any interference by
ings. It’s also quite possible for different parts of a its partners. Planets in a league often have some-
world to use different systems at the same level of thing in common — they may all be colonies of
government. the same civilization, they may have economic
Of course, there may be a tremendous differ- ties, they may simply have a common enemy. An
ence between the official system of government economic league may result when a few worlds
a world (or a nation) has and the regime actually are rich in a certain resource and want to prevent
in place. Most of the surviving monarchies on competition. Worlds in a league may cooperate
Earth today are actually republics with a heredi- on military matters but be bitter economic rivals;
tary figurehead. Many nations during the Cold alternately they may permit a little “gentlemanly”
134 ■ Alien And Future Civilizations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
warfare among members but hold the line on MILITARY
keeping up fuel prices. The one thing which just about any govern-
A confederation or federation is somewhat ment needs is an army. If a state can’t defend its
more unified, and involves more control over the sovereignty against invaders, then it isn’t a state at
members by a central governing body; Star Trek’s all. Peace-loving societies with no enemies might
United Federation of Planets is a good example. get by without military forces, but such idyllic
Federations are almost always voluntary, although situations are rare, and often come to grief when
they may have rules preventing members from an enemy finally does appear. Military forces in
breaking away just because they don’t agree with science fiction settings can be broadly lumped
certain policies. into two categories, planetary and space.
A union of worlds is tighter still, shifting
most of the powers and responsibilities of gov- Planetary Militaries
ernment away from the individual planets to a Planetary forces are the military units famil-
central administration. This means the union can iar to contemporary readers — armies, navies, air
efficiently mobilize all of its resources to cope forces, and so on. They fight on a planet’s surface
with threats or solve problems. On the other or in its atmosphere. The exact nature of the
hand, it also means mistakes by the central gov- forces depends on the civilization’s technology
ernment affect the entire union. level, although high-tech armies in novels tend to
Leagues, confederations and unions are all have battlesuited troopers and hovercraft tanks,
voluntary associations of worlds. But unfortu- while in anime films they emphasize giant mecha.
nately there are many interstellar states which How a government organizes its planetary
don’t much care if their member worlds want to forces depends a lot on accidents of history,
join or not. The usual term for such states is an the planet’s environment, and the nature of the
empire (or hegemony, where one nation domi- main threats faced by the society. Environment
nates many others), although they may refer to determines the mix of land and sea forces — a
themselves by a more friendly-sounding term. world with lots of oceans needs more navy units.
Empires vary in how tightly they control their Threats to the planet determine what those units
subject systems. Some run everything from the will be. If the enemy is a large organized force,
capital world; this has the same advantages and then the government needs large organized forces
problems as a voluntary union. Other empires are to meet them in battle. If the enemy is guerrilla
more decentralized or feudalistic, with powerful units or rebels, then a light, highly mobile mili-
system or planetary governors able to set policies tary is the order of the day. A society whose main
for their own districts. The trouble with those enemy is substantially more powerful might have
arrangements is that governors sometimes rebel. a guerrilla-style army designed to hamper and
Permissive empires give their subject worlds a lot resist an enemy it can’t face directly.
of autonomy on internal matters, while others try Finally, much of a world’s military organi-
to impose uniformity. zation depends on accidents of history. Armed
An empire does not have to have a tyrannical forces on Earth tend to be very tradition-bound
or monarchic government. Republics can conquer organizations, which means “because we’ve always
subject worlds as easily as dictatorships can. In done it that way” is a fundamental principle. For
Earth history, extensive empires were conquered example, the Prussian navy at the time of German
by the Republics of Rome, Venice, Athens, and unification was commanded by an Army general,
France, to name a few. Often the imperial power simply because Prussia at the time was a land
is motivated by altruism as much as greed or power.
aggression — “we’re not conquering them, we’re Space Militaries
bringing civilization.” Space forces are the planet’s military that can
fight and operate in space. They are often divided
Agencies by into planetary-defense (orbital and suborbital
craft and surface-to-space weapons), system-
Regardless of what a given ruler can and defense (interplanetary craft), and interstellar
cannot do, most governments have certain broad units (starships). The exact balance depends on
powers — they enforce the law, protect the citi- the planet’s position in interstellar affairs — an
zens from threats within and without, regulate isolationist world has heavy planetary-defense
the economy, and so forth. To accomplish this, forces and little else, while a planet with lots of
they typically have agencies, departments, insti- merchant shipping and off-world colonies to
tutes, and other such “sub-organizations,” each protect emphasizes interstellar forces. Often plan-
with power over a specific subject or sphere of etary and system defense are a separate service or
authority. These organizations may or may not branch from the interstellar forces; a planet with
work together well; in some regimes, each organi- a powerful star fleet might lump everything else
zation is a virtual power unto itself, pursuing its together with surface units as “garrison troops.”
own agenda at the expense of the others. A powerful space fleet can have its own Marines,
orbital-attack vessels, atmospheric fighter craft,
and the like.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Six 135

The Military’s Size intelligence” — talking to people, bribing or per-

You can calculate the size of military forces suading enemy officials to pass on information,
from a planet’s population with some precision. Most and sometimes inserting agents to go have a look
societies on Earth have supported about 1 soldier at sensitive sites. Human intelligence is the most
per 100 citizens. The ratio is sometimes lower, either romantic and dangerous part of spying.
in states with no need for defense or states with inef- The second function of an intelligence agency
ficient governments, and can be as high as 5 soldiers is counterespionage. Agents seek out foreign spies
per 100 people in states on a full war footing. How- and operatives in the country, especially enemy
ever, anything above 1 percent is hard to sustain over moles who have penetrated the counterespionage
the long term. Some aggressive states get around agency itself. Counterspies tend to be very para-
this by pillaging conquered territories — essentially noid, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. Detect-
making their enemies support their armies. This ing enemy spies involves much of the same work
allows them to field very large armed forces as long as intelligence-gathering — analyzing patterns of
as they have enemies to prey upon. Once the pace of information, intercepting communications, and
expansion slows, the financial strain catches up. directly surveilling suspects.
In Star Hero adventures, even a small military The third function is “covert operations,” a
force is probably more than any group of PCs can general term for anything a government wants to
handle. The armed forces are the GM’s big stick do that it doesn’t want to publicly admit doing. This
— when they show up, the heroes should know the includes activities like supplying one side in a con-
situation is beyond them. If the PCs are in the mili- flict despite being officially neutral, starting a con-
tary, they probably should be some sort of highly- flict in a hostile state, spreading money to influence
trained elite force accustomed to operating alone an election in another state, helping foreign mili-
and without supervision — commandos, rangers, or tary officers stage a coup, assassinating individuals
special forces. who pose a threat, and generally sneaking around
doing unpleasant stuff.
Covert operations overlaps extensively with
Just about every state in history has had some military action, so spies sometimes wind up work-
form of intelligence-gathering agency. In early soci- ing with commandos or special forces. This is by far
eties, this usually consisted of some scouts traveling the most exciting and glamorous part of espionage
ahead of the army to locate enemy positions. Rulers work, but it’s also the most dangerous and the least
and commanders had small personal staffs of spies common. If a covert operative is caught, that can
to gather information on enemy troop movements be a major embarrassment to the agent’s govern-
or the plots of political opponents. ment. Often covert ops are handled and financed
With the development of large nation-states, through a series of dummy corporations or friendly
espionage became professional and bureaucratic. third-party governments. This sort of “deniability”
Every country had its intelligence agency, and spying sometimes means overambitious agents (or those
became standard practice even in peacetime. Coun- seeking personal gain) can turn an operation from
ter-espionage operations to thwart
enemy intelligence-gathering became
as important as spying. As wars
became potentially more devastat-
ing, covert operations and infiltration
turned into an alternative to military
Spy agencies typically have
three functions. Often these jobs are
handled by different sections, or by
entirely different agencies. The first,
obviously, is intelligence-gathering.
The great majority of this is done
perfectly openly, by analysts read-
ing news reports, foreign technical
journals, trade reports, and industrial
statistics. They build up a picture of
enemy capabilities based on publicly-
available information. Other analysts
focus on intercepted communica-
tions, working with a huge staff of
code-breakers and computers to find
out what the enemy is saying. Orbital
and aerial reconaissance uses pictures
and video, often taken through large
space telescopes.
When those methods fail, intel-
ligence agencies fall back on “Human
136 ■ Alien And Future Civilizations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

Roll (2d6) Strictness
0-2 Permissive (only violent crimes
illegal, police tightly restricted)
3-4 Loose (only violent and property
crimes illegal, police regulated)
5-7 Moderate (laws protect citizens
from harm or loss, police regulated)
8 Regulated (laws govern most
aspects of life, police regulated)
9 Strict (intrusive laws, police well-
10 Harsh (total control, broad police
powers, harsh punishments)
11-13 Repressive (arbitrary arrest, severe
punishment without trial)

Modifiers: -2 for elected governments; +1 for

governments by force

Romulan Tal Shiar and Cardassian Obsidian Order

are both highly-feared intelligence agencies that
suppress internal dissent; and in Frank Herbert’s
Dune universe, spies, informers, and secret security
personnel are everywhere. Eric Frank Russell’s
marvelous novel Wasp chronicles the adventures
of a Human spy and saboteur dropped on an alien
planet to disrupt its entire society by himself!
In a Star Hero game, espionage of any sort is
great for roleplaying adventures. In Space Opera
settings, espionage follows the James Bond mode,
with small teams of daring operatives working
on their own to thwart enemy plots, infiltrate the
Galactic Tyrant’s headquarters, and disarm the
Doomsday Device before it goes off. Hard SF tends
its original purpose to their own goals. This may to be more like modern-day spying, relying heavily
require another covert operation as Headquarters on “technical intelligence” from satellites and radio
seeks to secretly wipe out its rogue agent! intercepts. Cyberpunk focuses on the nitty-gritty
In tyrannical states, spy agencies take on a of computer espionage, although the spy agencies
fourth mission: seeking out and suppressing inter- may work for corporations instead of govern-
nal dissent. They may infiltrate dissident groups ments. Adding psionics to the mix only livens
(or even organize their own groups to ensnare things up, as psi-agents try to get close enough to
anyone opposed to the regime). They arrest or read a rival leader’s mind while the enemy’s psi-
assassinate opposition leaders, and constantly cops attempt to stop them.
hunt for rebels and traitors. Sometimes internal One thing to keep in mind when running
security agencies can have very extensive military espionage adventures is that some tropes of the
forces of their own — in Stalin’s Soviet Union, the spy-story genre don’t always work as well in an
NKVD security troops were practically an entire SF setting. How can a secret agent, no matter
second army dedicated to making sure the Red how suave and daring, go undercover in a society
Army didn’t turn on its masters. Science fiction of non-Human aliens? What if they don’t even
offers plenty of its own examples. In Star Trek, the breathe oxygen? On the opposite end, the mas-
sive amounts of information that even near-future
realistic satellite snooping and communications
LEGAL SYSTEM TABLE eavesdropping can gather is colossal. The answer
you want may be in there, buried in a mountain of
Roll (1d6) Legal Structure extraneous data.
1 Cases Judged by Oracles or Ordeals
2 Judges Decide Each Case LAW AND JUSTICE
3-4 Judgements Based on Tradition If military and espionage forces are a civi-
5-6 Written Laws/Jury Trials lization’s protection against outside threats, the
7+ Algorithmic Laws (cases decided
legal and justice system preserve order internally.
by application of rigid, “scientific,”
formulae) Systems of law tend to be extremely conservative
and tradition-based, since continuity and consis-
Modifier: +1 for Preindustrial or later tency are a primary goal of any legal system. Laws
societies (or +2 for Cyberpunk era) are designed to prevent things the society doesn’t
Star Hero ■ Chapter Six 137

like, protect things it does, and resolve disputes either via psionic powers or neurotechnology.
between individuals. Cybernetics: Cybernetic implants allow crooks to
Exactly what things a society bans and what it hide tools and weapons in their mechanical limbs.
permits vary tremendously. A culture where duels If the weapon is built into a suspect, how do you
are an acceptable way to resolve disputes might not disarm him? Crooks might also do a big business
consider some forms of murder a crime, while a in stolen cyberware, and a character with especially
society of empaths could make it a crime to merely valuable equipment might get jumped by “junk-
dislike someone! Gamemasters can create some men” in some dark alley.
odd laws — all spoken communication be sung,
nudity is mandatory at public functions, no drink- Genetic Engineering: Humans are already worrying
ing or eating allowed between the fifth and sixth about the possibility of terrorist states creating new
hours — as a way of adding color to an adventure. diseases by genetic modification; more advanced
As a rule, however, societies make laws to protect techniques might make it possible to “target” a
their members from violence, preserve property, germ against people with specific traits — maybe
and protect the operations of government from even creating “personalized” diseases to afflict
interference — not just to be “weird.” only one person. Unethical scientists could misuse
Laws don’t work without some way to enforce cloning by taking peoples’ DNA against their will
them. On Earth, this is accomplished by police (genetic piracy), creating illegal copies of celebri-
agencies, but many cultures still have a tradition of ties, or establishing “clone farms” to keep live copies
law enforcement by the entire community... and a of aging tycoons as a source of transplant organs. If
hive-mind species may require little or no actual governments ban genetic modification of Humans,
law enforcement. The limits on what law enforce- then “black labs” could offer illegal engineering
ment operatives can do depend on the general tone — and the potential for blackmail.
of the society and on the level of crime — a soci- Nanotechnology: Nanotech devices in the hands of
ety that values order above freedom grants police criminals or terrorists could be very dangerous. The
broad powers, while those that value individual least subtle would be a “gray goo” weapon capable
rights carefully restrict the police. If crime is seen of devastating large areas by converting all the
as “out of control” and the citizens feel threatened, matter it encounters to more nanobots. Nanotech
they will likely prefer tough, aggressive policing. spy devices could gather valuable or dangerous
You can use the accompanying Legal System information without being detected. Most insidi-
and Legal Strictness tables to randomly determine ously, medical-type nanobots could subtly attack
the nature of law and law enforcement on a given victims by damaging parts of the brain — the
planet, or among a particular species. The tables are victim wouldn’t die, just lose his memories and
fairly simple; once you use them to establish a basic skills. Medical nanobots also make possible the
legal framework, flesh it out with a few details and ultimate in impersonation, duplicating a person
quirks. right down to his finger and retina prints.
Crime Negligent Insentiation: Creation of an intelligent
In addition to the list of crimes familiar to being without proper authorization or safeguards
modern-day gamers, Star Hero campaigns offer the might be a crime in some settings. In others, the
opportunity to thwart (or commit) a whole new creation of an intelligent beings would only consti-
range of offenses. In just the past couple of decades tute a crime if done deliberately.
computer crime has moved from the pages of Robotics: Intelligent or nearly-intelligent robots
cyberpunk novels to the courtrooms of America. can create all kinds of headaches for law enforce-
Other emerging or fictional technologies will have ment. If a robot is programmed to kill a man, who
their own criminal applications. is the murderer — the machine or the program-
Aggravated Murder: Killing a person’s physical body mer? Is it murder to kill a robot? What if it has a
and destroying any backup memory records may backup chip?
be considered even worse than first degree murder, Space Travel: Travel to other worlds allows
and thus merit even worse punishment. Humans to commit crimes in new places, but it also
Biotechnology: There are many criminal applica- creates some entirely new offenses. Space piracy
tions of advanced biotechnology. Stealing organs and smuggling (both of goods and of persons)
for transplant (“organlegging”) is a possibility (one are standards of Pulp SF and Space Opera stories.
explored at length in several Larry Niven short For piracy to thrive, the technology must exist to
stories); so is the creation of new addictive drugs. allow a pirate ship to catch and capture its prey.
Already some nations on Earth restrict access to That means either extremely efficient rockets or
forests and jungles to control the valuable genetic some kind of rubber-science “space drive.” Second,
material of native species; gene smuggling could pirates have to be able to sell what they steal, which
become a big criminal business. If life is discovered means either a neutral planet willing to ignore
on other worlds, smuggling species from planet their offenses, or a well-organized system of black
to planet would certainly be a crime in some markets and fences. Finally, piracy requires a lack of
instances. law enforcement, or a way for the pirates to evade the
police. An efficient space navy can blast the pirates out
Bodyjacking: Illegal use of a body belonging to
of the sky, land star marines on their bases, and gener-
someone else may be possible in some SF settings,
ally ruin the party.
138 ■ Alien And Future Civilizations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Teleportation: Teleportation, whether psionic or developed spoken and written language. Others are
mechanical, is a thief’s dream come true. Locked possible: a tactile language (like Braille), a language
doors and alarms can’t stop a teleporter, and how can based on scents or tastes (an important part of the
he be traced? Devices like Star Trek’s transporters, way many animals on Earth communicate), or a
which allow the user to snatch objects at a distance, language using color changes or light flashes (like the
only make it easier to steal things. A society with tele- signals of squid or fireflies). Psionic aliens might have
portation must either have some way to block it, or a partially or wholly telepathic or empathic language,
draconian police powers to control its use. while beings with electric field sense might use that to
Theofraud: Use of technological or psionic methods to communicate in a kind of living radio.
impersonate a divine being. The ultimate “con game,” Aliens who communicate in ways Humans can’t
theofraud presents all sorts of interesting possibili- perceive make for interesting situations in a science
ties for roleplaying stories addressing the question of fiction adventure. How do you say “We come in peace”
“what is faith?”. when the locals use color changes and scent to com-
municate? The Universal Translator Talent can’t help if
Thoughtcrime: As described in Chapter Ten, psi a character doesn’t have the right organs to talk with
powers create all kinds of opportunities for lawbreak- the natives.
ing. Telepaths can spy on people’s thoughts, mind- For any kind of complex civilization, some form
control their victims (“brain slavery”), and erase all of permanent language is needed. Humans write
memory of their crimes. Memory theft could aug- things, so they and others can read them later. As of
ment ordinary identity theft. Telekinetics make ideal the twentieth century, they can also record sound
thieves and killers. Even ESP could be used for evil, and video. The alien equivalent of writing should be
either for spying or to case the scene of a robbery. low-tech, and suitable for the environment. Possibili-
Time Travel: Time travel creates the opportunity for ties include tying patterns of knots in cords, notch-
several new crimes, including illegal time-tamper- ing bones or sticks in a pattern representing words,
ing, kidnapping people from the past (is it a crime to punching holes in hides, and so forth. However it is
kidnap someone who’s been legally dead for a cen- done, it should be relatively easy (nobody takes notes
tury?), manipulating the stock market or gambling by chiseling words in stone), relatively permanent, and
games using future information, and murdering relatively portable.
someone by preventing his parents from ever meeting Of course, most GMs aren’t dedicated and obses-
(chronocide). sive enough to create an entire alien language for a
campaign. Nor are most players willing to learn one.
Of course, as crime advances, so does crime So in a game, an alien language usually comes down
prevention and detection. Human police already have to names for things and places. There are three main
access to advanced techniques involving the analysis factors to keep in mind when inventing alien words
of DNA trace evidence; in the future, technology and names. Sound is the first thing to consider. This is
might allow them to obtain and analyze the most fiction, so you can choose your alien words and names
microscopic bits of DNA. Psychometry (psionically for the way they sound. Look at some of J.R.R. Tolk-
reading the “emotions” and events associated with an ien’s creations: Rivendell sounds like a pleasant place,
object) and retrocognition (viewing the past) could while Mordor sounds ominous. Second, consider
make committing a crime virtually impossible — or animal sounds. In the case of aliens based on Human
clairvoyants might have the ability to predict a crime animals, use the noises the animals make as a basis for
in advance, allowing them to arrest the criminal the alien speech — hisses and rasps for reptile-beings,
before he commits his crime! purrs and vowels for cat-people. Lastly, if you can’t be
evocative, at least try not to sound goofy. Many profes-
sionals have failed at this. Don’t use thinly-disguised
LANGUAGE names of real people, or jumbles of nonsense.
In a pinch, real Human languages are a good
Language is one of the key elements of a civiliza- resource. Real languages have an internal logic and
tion. In particular, the individuals and subgroups that structure of their own. Using an existing tongue for
make up the civilization must be able to communi- aliens only creates problems if any of the players rec-
cate with each other. Most civilizations have a single ognizes the words, but GMs can get around that by
language, or at least a common secondary language appropriating the sound and feel of a real language
known to most educated people. In Classical civiliza- without using specific vocabulary. An atlas is a very
tion, Latin and Greek were the unifying languages; in good source for the sounds of a given language. As
Medieval and Renaissance Europe, Latin and French an example, you could try to base an alien tongue on
did the job. Since the Industrial Revolution, English Malay — appropriate for a species inhabiting a world
has increasingly become the single unifying language with lots of islands. A map of Malaysia provides place
for modern Western and global civilization. names like Penang, Kelantan, Trengganu, Berhala,
Alien languages depend heavily on how the and Batang. Instead of using them directly, you can
organisms communicate and sense their environ- recombine them, getting Penggana, Kelang, Trengala,
ment. Humans use sound and visual signals, and have Berantan, and Batanu.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Six 139

Members of alien species are
often all depicted as alike in science
fiction television shows and movies.
Every Tarshalan speaks the same
language (Tarshalanese), practices
the same religion, has the same skin
and hair color, follows the same tra-
ditions, and has the same attitude
or psychological profile (they’re all
obsessed with honor, or violently tem-
peramental, or pacifistic). While this
may be appropriate in some instances
(particularly for hive-mind species),
few (if any) civilizations are totally
uniform. Even a nation as small as
the United Kingdom has pronounced
and recognizable regional differences
— a Scotsman, a Midlander, and a
Welshman are all different from one
another and from Londoners. As a
rule, assume any society larger than
100,000 people contains at least a few
minority groups. They may speak a
different language (or have a mark-
edly different accent or regional dia-
lect), follow a different religion, or be from a different
racial background. In high-tech cultures a minority CULTURE
might be genetically engineered beings, aliens, citi-
zen-robots, mutants, psionics, a hive mind, clones, or Culture is the way people act and the things that
androids. Consult the Diversity Table if you prefer to they do, apart from the business of making a living
determine minority percentages randomly. and running society. It includes things like art, litera-
Gamemasters should note that it is a Bad Idea to ture, food, and roleplaying games. These things can be
directly map current social problems into a science very important to the identity of a nation or civiliza-
fiction setting. Players often have strong opinions tion — two groups with the same kinds of govern-
which don’t match your own, and it’s extremely easy ment and economy can be bitter enemies because of
to look ham-handed or silly. If you want to explore cultural differences.
themes of prejudice, assimilation versus ethnic iden- ARCHITECTURE
tity, or cultural diversity, it’s probably more effective to Technology underlies most architectural styles
use issues which exist in the game world and are part — you can’t build skyscrapers until you have steel
of the setting, rather than pasting in something from girders and cranes. Other materials depend on the
today’s headlines. environment. You need trees to build with wood,
and usable stone to build in stone. Environment also
affects design. Wet or snowy climates have peaked
DIVERSITY TABLE roofs to shed rain, while desert settings run to flat
Roll (2d6) Diversity of Civilization roofs and thick walls for insulation. Alien architecture
0-3 Completely uniform: no minority also must fit the size and shape of the builders.
4-5 Mostly uniform: 1d6% minorities,
no more than 1% each The fine arts depend on the senses of the artists.
6-7 Slight diversity: 2d6% minorities, A deaf species can’t have music, while a species able
1d6% each to sense electric fields might create magnificent works
8-9 Some diversity: 3d6% minorities, of current and wiring invisible to Humans. Art is one
1d6% each area where low-technology worlds can compete on an
10 Diverse: 1d6 x 5% minorities, even footing with advanced civilizations, which means
2d6% each
a successful artist might be a low-tech planet’s most
11 Pluralistic: 2d6 x 5% minorities,
3d6% each
valuable asset in interstellar trade. What if he wants
12 Polyglot: No group more than to move?
3d6% of population EDUCATION
Modifiers: -1 for population 100,000 or less; Humans, like most mammals, care for and
-4 for 10,000 or less; -6 for less than educate their young. Alien species might view
1,000 things differently. Juveniles might be subintelligent,
140 ■ Alien And Future Civilizations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
sources of inspiration and identity. Reading
indigenous literature instead of the crass com-
mercial products of galactic mass media would
be a way to show one’s identity as a member of
a planetary culture.
Printing (or its equivalent) is the first
mass medium, allowing the rise of newspapers,
magazines, and books for a general audience.
Telephones could have been a broadcast-style
system, a kind of “cable radio,” but on Earth
that never caught on widely. Radio and televi-
sion were the defining media of the twentieth
century, allowing people all over the world
to experience major events in near-realtime.
Mass media are also a powerful tool of con-
trol in totalitarian societies. Futuristic media
in SF include holovideo (Images), full-body
simulated reality (Images or Mental Illusions),
or direct brainlink feeds (Mind Link). Psionic
societies could have “psi-casts” beaming
thoughts directly at the audience.
little better than pets or vermin, and so only worth All young mammals play, and Humans
educating if they survive to adulthood. play even in adulthood. Technology allows for
Methods of education vary, often with the eco- all kinds of new ways to have fun. Virtual reality
nomic system — in farming cultures children learn and direct brain-link “dream films” combine film
at home or in a small village school, while in manu- and computer games, taking both to the limits of
facturing societies kids learn in big schools which realistic experience. More active sorts can engage
even look like factories. An information-age society in high-tech sports — orbital skydiving with a per-
might switch to decentralized home education. sonal heat-shield, zero-gravity football, or magma
Science fiction technology makes other methods surfing. Improved medicine may bring back dan-
possible — learning via virtual-reality instruction, gerous pastimes like gladiatorial combat or duel-
uploading through a cybernetic brain link, or direct ling. Alien planets will have their own sports, like
implanting by psionics. skiing down the thousand-mile slopes of Olympus
Mons on Mars, or ballooning in the atmosphere of
Jupiter. Hunting alien beasts on distant planets can
A species’s diet is obviously the most impor- get very exciting. Other species might enjoy hunt-
tant part of cuisine. Carnivores eat meat dishes, ing Humans, as in Jack Vance’s novel The Dirdir.
herbivores eat vegetables, and omnivores like
Humans combine the two. Science fiction has a RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY
long tradition of devising weird and disgusting While science fiction has long explored ideas
things for aliens to eat. Imagine a species of car- of religion and ethics, this is a very tricky subject
rion-eaters like intelligent vultures, with a whole to handle. Gamemasters need to be careful not to
cuisine based on carefully-controlled decay. step into the minefield of players’ personal faith and
As with art, cooking is an area where wealthy beliefs. Presenting alien religions is one way to keep
high-tech societies don’t have much advantage over things safely distant from real-world controversies.
more primitive civilizations. A remote backwater Treatments of religion in SF span the gamut from
world could suddenly become the culinary center Christian allegories (in the works of C.S. Lewis or
of the Galaxy if its local cuisine is delicious enough. Gene Wolfe), to efforts to define an alien religion
Problems may arise if local plants or creatures are and work its tenets into the story as important plot
in demand enough to become endangered species. elements (as on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine), to
In an advanced society that has machines to pre- quasi-anthropological studies of the phenomenon
pare food, cooking might be an art form. (by Ursula K. LeGuin), to outright attacks (by H.G.
Wells or Greg Egan). In Pulp SF and Space Opera,
alien religions usually come equipped with jewel-
Humans tell stories, and it seems likely any studded idols, beautiful sacrificial victims waiting
alien beings capable of language will do the same. for rescue, and sinister high priests. One recurring
Literature is written stories, drama is stories acted theme is ancient technology disguised as super-
out on stage or on film. Again, the senses and com- natural power, so the idol may turn out to be a
munication methods of a species are important superscience matter replicator or weather-control
here — blind creatures won’t make movies, but may system.
have sophisticated versions of radio plays. Often a
culture’s stories and works of literature are major
Star Hero ■ Chapter Seven 141

echnology is the means by which ever, it’s not a comprehensive equipment
most sentient species do things. catalog — that requires a specific setting
Humans are almost helpless with- and defined type and level of technology,
out some kind of tool, even if it’s which this book does not have. Instead,
nothing more than a rock or a Star Hero gamers should use the informa-
stick. Science fiction came of age when tion in this chapter to help them develop
technological change became something the technology used by their characters
that happened on a time scale of years or and in their campaigns, and thus create
decades rather than centuries. The name is equipment catalogs of their own.
“science fiction” but a better one might be Many of the sample technological
“tech fiction,” since at its heart, most SF is items have a price listed in “credits,” cal-
all about the effects of new technologies on culated using the formulas suggested on
people and their world, and the interaction page 177. These prices are just suggestions;
between people and technology. feel free to change a price to suit your own
This chapter discusses issues related to campaign’s economics, the situation the
technology in science fiction gaming, and characters are in, and so forth.
includes plenty of example devices. How-
142 ■ Computers, Blasters, And Robots: Technology HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

SIGNATURE efore running or playing in a Star Hero usually implies that cultures develop along a similar
TECHNOLOGIES campaign, gamers should take some time path. Broad tech classifications also encourage cin-
to consider the impact of technology on ematic-style invention and gadgeteering — if you’re
Here are some (but by the characters and the setting. an Industrial Age mechanic you can fix anything from
no means all) of the an early steamship to a World War II fighter plane.
important break-points Narrow tech scales are more useful in eras when
in technology, organized TECHNOLOGY LEVELS technology changes quickly. A real-world example of
by related fields. “Rubber this is the Gulf War of 1990, in which the 1990s-tech
science” inventions are A useful concept in science fiction gaming is the
Coalition forces just walked over the 1980s-tech Iraqi
listed in parentheses. technology level (or “tech level”), denoting what a given
army — using equipment which, by the standards of
world or society can create or do, technologically. On
2002, is often inferior or obsolete. This sort of system
Energy Production contemporary Earth, we tend to use decades as rough
is appropriate to Cyberpunk or technothriller-style SF,
Fire indicators of technology — the United States boasts a
in which hackers breeze through last year’s defensive
Animal Power “twenty-first century” military, while poorer and less
Wind and Water Power software, and getting a beta-test copy of new intru-
advanced countries have “1960s-era” forces.
Steam Power sion programs can make a kid from the projects into a
Technology classifications tend to either be very
Internal Combustion heavy hitter in cyberspace — for a few weeks, anyway.
broad or very narrow. An example of a broad schema
Atomic Power Obviously, narrow tech bands make it harder for a
Fusion Power is the notion of “Ages”: Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron
specialist trained in one tech level to work in others,
Antimatter Reactors Age, Industrial Age, Information Age, PostHuman
and a character’s skills can get rusty in just a few years
(Cold Fusion) Age, and so forth. Broad technology schemes cover
(Zero-Point Energy)
if he doesn’t study and stay current in the field.
centuries or millennia, and they describe a whole suite
Continued on next page of interrelated technologies and social structures. This
Tech Scales
Most technology-rating schemes have a “signa-
ture” technology which is the ultimate yardstick. If
you have technology X, then you are tech level Y. The
signature technology in a tech level rating system
says as much about the people devising the system as
it does about the cultures described. Archaeologists
once classified Earth cultures by their artifacts, giving
rise to the system of Stone, Bronze, and Iron Age. This
works for archaeologists because they learn about cul-
tures by examining things left in middens and tombs.
By contrast, the Russian astronomer Kardashev clas-
sified civilizations by energy output, because energy
emissions are what astronomers can detect. A culture
interested in trade would rate civilizations by what
they can make, while an aggressive conquering empire
would be interested in the military potential of alien
planets. Frequently space flight or interstellar travel
are major demarcations in tech level. Sometimes a
system combines two or more signature technologies
for higher resolution.

Creating A Tech Scale

Gamemasters devising a tech scale need to
make three decisions:
■ Will the scale be narrow or broad?
■ What will the signature technologies be?
■ How will the levels be identified and/or labeled?
Star Hero ■ Chapter Seven 143

As an example, suppose Jim is creating an organism for it. Or maybe the aliens lack some Continued from last page
the Terran Empire’s technology classification device common on Earth. H.G. Wells’s Martians, for Information
scale, known officially as the Available Technical example, didn’t have the wheel. Writing
Resource Index, or ATRI number. Printing
Narrow or broad? Well, the Empire is a type Telegraph
of Space Opera campaign setting, so technology Varying Tech Paths Photography
changes aren’t a major element. Characters will visit Mechanical Computers
Within a given civilization, it’s entirely possible Telephone
worlds at a variety of tech levels, but Jim doesn’t for the tech levels to vary from place to place. For Sound Recording
want to handicap the low-tech NPCs too much. So, example, the most advanced nations or regions on Motion Pictures
he aims for no more than about a dozen levels on a particular planet might have Tech Level Theta Radio
the scale, so that even with the -3 per level Skill Roll devices, whereas less advanced or more isolated Television
penalty (see below), mechanics on primitive worlds Electronic Computers
locations might only have reached Tech Level Video Recording
can still work with advanced gear. Delta. Similarly, Kalidar IV might possess extremely Computer Networks
Signature technologies? Weapon tech is an advanced technology, while Haroldson’s Planet is Pocket Computers
obvious choice, but on an interstellar scale almost much less developed technologically. Not only is Biocomputers
any technology has some military value. Instead, this realistic, it’s dramatic — it provides the GM Artificial Intelligence
Jim pegs the ATRI scale to Energy Production and with a lot of potential story and character hooks,
Transportation. Since Humans run the Empire, Jim all centered around the issue of why the differences Medicine
sets the scale according to Human history (other exist. Do the Tech Level Theta regions actively Herbal Medicine
species might invent things in different order). oppress their neighbors, preventing technologi- Surgery
Here’s the basic ATRI scale: Antiseptics
cal development from occurring? Are those areas Vaccination
0: No Technology inhabited by two different species, with the more Antibiotics
1: Fire advanced imposing a technology embargo on itself Transplants
2: Animal Power/Riding Animals/Boats to keep from interfering with the other? Has Kali- Genetic Medicine
3: Wind Power/Sailing Ships/Balloons dar IV historically been a haven for scientists and Cybernetics
4: Steam Power/Steamships/Railroads free thinkers, while Haroldson’s Planet persecutes Cloning
5: Electric Power/Submarines Nanotech Medicine
them... or is Haroldson’s Planet a young colony on
6: Internal Combustion/Aircraft the fringes of the Galactic Commonwealth, whereas
7: Atomic Power/Jet Aircraft/Orbital Spacecraft Transportation
Kalidar IV is a Commonwealth core world? Riding Animals
8: Solar Power/Interplanetary Spacecraft Nor do tech levels have to be uniform from Boats
9: Fusion Power/FTL Travel one type of technology to another. Ordinarily Sailing Ships
10: Cold Fusion/Fast FTL advances in one field tend to lead to advances in Balloons
11: Antimatter Power/Antigravity Vehicles other fields, so that technology progresses in a Steamships
12: Teleportation broadly uniform sort of way. But that’s not inevi- Submarines
table. A civilization could have, for example, Tech Orbital Spacecraft
Alternate Tech Paths Level 15 computers and communications equip-
ment, but only Tech Level 10 weapons. Again, the
Human beings invented sailing ships before intriguing question is why this state of affairs exists. (Interstellar Spacecraft)
gunpowder, balloons before the germ theory of By considering and answering that question, the (Antigravity)
disease, and steam power before rocketry. But GM and players can develop the setting further, (Teleportation)
there’s no reason things had to happen in that creating more opportunities for adventures and
order. The Greek scientists of Alexandria devised enjoyable characters. Weaponry
toys which contained all the principles of steam Clubs and Axes
power almost two millennia before James Watt. An
Egyptian doctor might have mixed saltpeter, sulfur, Obsolete And Bows
and charcoal thousands of years before the Chi-
nese invented gunpowder. Hot-air balloons were
Advanced Technology Pikes
possible a thousand years before the Montgolfier Often technologies introduced at an earlier Cannon
Brothers. tech level remain in use for long periods. Humans Muskets
still use automatic pistols designed before 1900 Breech-loading Rifles
Gamemasters can have a lot of fun mixing and High-Velocity Artillery
matching technologies. Early development of steam (and still manufacture some, with minor improve- Automatic Rifles
power allows naval battles between steam-powered ments). Axes and hammers are among the earliest Guided Missiles
Roman galleys firing catapults at each other. Early known tools, and are still available at the hardware Atomic Weapons
ballooning lets one have knights, castles, and aerial store. In general, characters get no penalty using Lasers
reconaissance. But don’t forget that some technolo- equipment from an earlier tech level. There are Gauss Guns
exceptions to this: some technologies become so (Particle Weapons)
gies depend on others — germ theory requires (Antimatter Warheads)
microscopes, airplanes need internal-combustion obsolete that characters accustomed to a more (Plasma Weapons)
motors, and submarines aren’t practical until they advanced tech landscape are completely unfamiliar (Disintegrators)
can use electric batteries. with them. Firemaking is a good example — until
More exotic alternate technology paths could the invention of matches just about everyone could
skip entire areas of knowledge — one common kindle a fire with flint and steel; now it’s something
way to make an alien civilization alien is to give to study in wilderness-survival courses or historical
them a technology based on biology rather than reenactment workshops. Forgotten tech imposes a
inanimate materials and machinery. Instead of minimum -3 Skill Roll penalty, or the GM may not
making a device to do something, they would breed allow the character to make a roll at all.
144 ■ Computers, Blasters, And Robots: Technology HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
LOW-TECH SF Advanced technology is much harder to use. At the GM’s discretion, a character dealing
The standard skill penalty is -3 for each Tech with sufficiently alien technology suffers a -1 to
Some science fic- Level beyond that with which the character is -5 Skill Roll penalty. Over time, this penalty may
tion stories and films familiar. This is for equipment based on under- diminish for a specific character as he becomes
depict worlds in which standable principles — an Industrial-Age steam accustomed to the odd tech, or a character can
the technology is less engineer trying to fix an Atomic Age chemical eliminate the penalty altogether by having a KS or
advanced than present- rocket motor, for example. If the technology PS in the alien technology on at least an 11- roll.
day equipment, either involves new concepts unknown to the low-tech What constitutes “sufficiently alien” is up to
in some areas or overall. person, there is an additional -5 penalty. So our the GM. In a setting that mixes and mingles a
One example is the
steam engineer would be at -8 to fix a nuclear wide variety of humanoid aliens, they may all be
Dune series by Frank
Herbert, in which the power plant, because the whole phenomenon of able to use each other’s technology (or the tech
“Butlerian Jihad” wiped nuclear fission is outside his worldview. Charac- may automatically adapt itself to the species of
out all computer tech- ters can use the Cramming Skill to quickly famil- the user). Large galactic federations and empires
nology. Gamemasters iarize themselves with local technology. automatically spread technological knowledge
who want science fiction The modifiers work in reverse when char- among their citizens (unless they want to keep
without super-advanced acters are using high-tech skills and knowledge them ignorant for purposes of repression). On the
technology can use against low-tech equipment — like a computer other hand, a secretive alien species may refuse to
various methods to put hacker breaking into an obsolete system or a teach anyone about its tech.
the brakes on scientific weapon officer on a modern warship trying to
hit a target with old-fashioned countermeasures.
Advanced tech gets a +3 bonus per Tech Level of Gamemasters and characters may also have
Decadence: A very rich to deal with situations where technology created
difference, with an additional +5 if the high-tech
and advanced culture by different species doesn’t work together well.
might become the equipment uses principles unknown to the build-
ers of the low-tech target. If the PCs’ ship has a Human-built hyperdrive
victim of its own suc-
cess, if everyone studies Alert readers may be wondering which Tech thruster, a D-coil manufactured by the Perse-
the arts or spends their Levels are meant — Star Hero doesn’t include a ids may not quite fit or work right. A group of
lives immersed in vir- list of official Tech Levels, so how to figure these characters could easily find itself in the frustrat-
tual-reality games. The modifiers? The answer is it depends on your ing situation of having access to plenty of spare
machines make every- campaign’s tech system. If the game has narrow parts... that don’t work with their equipment!
thing, and the robots fix tech levels — a Cyberpunk or technothriller set- In this situation, GMs have to decide on the
everything, and nobody ting — then things rapidly go obsolete and tech relative compatability of two species’ technology,
bothers to understand using the following classifications:
levels are single years. If the campaign has broad
how or why — until
Something Goes Wrong. technology levels, then obviously tech differences Fully Compatible: The two species’s tech is totally
aren’t that important. compatible; it works together automatically, with-
Disaster: Some tremen- out the need for Skill Rolls.
dous catastrophe might
knock whole planets
Alien Technologies Mostly Compatible: The two species’s tech is
largely, but not entirely, compatible. Typically
or sectors back into a Characters in Star Hero settings may also characters have to make an appropriate Skill
Dark Age of low tech- run into tech level-related problems when they
nology. An interstellar Roll at -2 to get the two types of tech to func-
encounter alien technology that’s highly differ- tion together properly. Even then, there may be
war might devastate
ent from what they’re used to. Maybe the alien a loss of 2-12% efficiency (measured in terms of
industries and disrupt
trade, leaving planets devices and systems require a different size, type, dice/points of effect, Active Points, or the like, as
to struggle on alone. or arrangement of hands than the character’s, chosen by the GM).
A powerful supernova involve senses the character lacks, or are simply
so different that the character can’t fully or prop- Partly Compatible: The two species’s tech is some-
explosion could fry elec-
tronics for light-years in erly comprehend them. times compatible, sometimes not. Typically char-
every direction. A run- acters have to make an appropriate Skill Roll at -4
away nanovirus might to get the two types of tech to function together
selectively destroy inte-
grated circuits, creating
ADVANCED, OBSOLETE, AND properly. Even then, there is definitely a loss of
4-24% efficiency, and possibly as much as 10-60%
a civilization dependent ALIEN TECH MODIFIERS efficiency.
on vacuum tubes and
slide rules. Skill Roll Modifier Situation
Barely Compatible: The two species’s tech works
-3 per Tech Working with Advanced together properly only on rare occasions. Typi-
Fiat: A much more Level difference Tech cally characters have to make an appropriate Skill
advanced civiliza- -5 Working with advanced Roll at -8 to get the two types of tech to function
tion could decide that tech using unknown together properly. Even then, there is definitely a
Humanity simply “isn’t principles loss of 10-60% efficiency, and possibly as much as
ready” for high technol- -3 Working with forgotten tech 40-90% efficiency.
ogy, and back up that +3 per Tech For high tech versus low Incompatible: The two species’s tech is not com-
decision with firepower. Level difference tech contests
The initial stage of an patible in any way, and cannot be made to work
+5 For high tech with new
enforced ban would be together at all.
principles versus low tech
like a war, followed up contests
-1 to -5 Working with sufficiently
Continued on next page alien technology
Star Hero ■ Chapter Seven 145

PRIME DIRECTIVES world technology export controls in America and

elsewhere.) The trouble with this is that just about
Continued from last page
by technology policing
AND QUARANTINES anything can have military applications, either
directly or indirectly. Adventures in these settings
by the advanced civi-
lization and desperate
Earth history has several unfortunate examples may involve hairsplitting definitions of “weapons” attempts by Humans
of what can happen when high-tech and low-tech and the social effects of advanced alien tech on to get around the ban.
collide. While the Spanish conquest of Mexico may primitive societies. (See Arthur C. Clarke’s
have been due more to political instability in the short story “Loophole,”
Aztec Empire than Spanish matchlock muskets, in which Humans invent
the European colonial expansion in Africa and the TECHNOLOGY teleportation technol-
ogy to strike back at the
South Pacific was based solidly on Maxim guns and
steamboats. Even benign applications of high tech- IMPROVEMENTS Martians, who have for-
bidden them to develop
nology can have unintended ill effects: eradication Improved technology makes better gadgets. rockets.)
of malaria in tropical regions led to rapid popula- But how? Technological improvements tend to
tion increases, straining food production and social fall into two categories — incremental changes Rejection: For whatever
structures in those areas. and replacements. Incremental changes are small, reason, people have
To prevent both empire-building and unhelp- gradual improvements which increase the useful- deliberately rejected
ful “help,” many insterstellar societies in science ness or effectiveness of a device. The rubber grip on advanced technology.
fiction have rules prohibiting the introduction or a hammer is one example — it’s still a hammer, but This may be a single
use of advanced technology on low-tech planets. you can hit harder with it because your hand won’t world where Humans
Star Trek’s “Prime Directive” is the most famous, are trying to “get back to
get numb. Things like stronger alloys, ergonomic
but L. Sprague De Camp’s Viagens Interplanetarias nature,” or a pan-Galac-
design, and improved energy efficiency are all incre- tic movement to ban
enforced Regulation 268, and C. J. Cherryh’s Union mental changes. As a rule of thumb, devices tend to technologies which are
was guided by the Gehenna Doctrine to similar get lighter, more durable, and more energy-efficient seen as threatening. This
effect. Conveniently, technology embargo rules as time goes on. could be the result of a
mean space-faring heroes can go about having By contrast, replacement creates entirely new revolt of the robots, or
sword-swinging adventures on low-tech planets, devices which perform the function in a different some nanotech plague.
which many writers and readers consider a plus. way. Often they add new functions as well. So air- Or perhaps people just
Less conveniently, they mean unscrupulous NPCs planes replaced ocean liners for long-range travel, become convinced there
can smuggle high-tech weapons to primitive peo- and also transformed warfare and business. Com- really are limits to the
ples, causing all sorts of problems the PCs have to benefits of technology.
puters replaced adding machines and typewriters,
resolve. Will the PCs accept
and added things like computer games, e-mail, and that notion, or rebel
The exact details of the technology quarantine the Internet. against it? This is an
rules in a given campaign setting are up to the GM, Characters using incrementally improved especially good way to
of course. Some possible rules are listed below: technologies can easily familiarize themselves with limit certain power-
Total Embargo: All contact with the inhabitants of advanced versions of devices they already know ful technologies like
the planet is forbidden. This is often done to prevent how to use. A hammer is a hammer, after all, rubber Artificial Intelligence or
the tremendous shock to a culture’s world-view handle or no. An automobile of 2002 is vastly dif- nanotechnology, with-
created by the knowledge that they are not alone. ferent under the hood from one made in 1932, but out throwing the whole
a driver skilled with one could get behind the wheel campaign back into the
For roleplaying purposes, this lends itself to daring
Stone Age.
attempts to evade the blockade, “gods from space” of the other, take a spin around the block to famil-
encounters with the natives, and so forth. Some iarize himself with the car, and zoom off. Replace-
covert contact by explorers in native disguise may ment technologies require completely new skills.
be allowed. Knowing how to use an adding machine means
Local Tech Only: Aliens can visit the planet, but are nothing when you’re using a computer.
restricted to locally-available technology. Often this One area where replacement technology fre-
is enforced by extremely strict methods: De Camp’s quently revolutionizes things is warfare. Modern-
Viagens Interplanetarias used brainwashing devices day weapons are incredibly powerful, even when
(the St.-Remy treatment) to make it impossible for compared with systems only a couple of decades
offworlders to even discuss advanced technology old. A recognizable trend in weapon tech is not so
with the natives. This is best for “sword and planet” much greater destructive power but superior accu-
adventures. racy and ease of use. Battleship shells of the First
World War packed about as much explosive power
Personal Tech Only: Space travelers can visit a low- as a modern antiship missile, but nowadays one
tech world and bring advanced devices for personal missile can take out a ship because it can seek out a
use, but are not allowed to introduce technologies weak point. That’s an accuracy issue.
to the planet. Thus, a visiting spacer can pack his Ease of use is demonstrated by the replacement
trusty blaster, but can’t open a blaster factory. This of the longbow by crossbows and guns. Properly
lends itself to smuggling, enterprising locals devel- handled, a longbow had much better range and hit-
oping knockoff technology, and offworld mercenar- ting power than early muskets did. But as the old
ies conquering kingdoms. English expression put it, to train a longbowman
Restricted Technologies: Introducing some technol- you begin by training his grandfather, whereas a
ogies is permitted, but others are strictly controlled. few weeks of training could turn plowboys into
Advanced medicine and clean energy sources are gunmen. “Smart” missiles take the burden of aiming
okay, but weapons are not. (This matches the real- and controlling a weapon away from the soldier, so
146 ■ Computers, Blasters, And Robots: Technology HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
that anyone who can point and shoot can use one.
Of course, sheer power does play a role. RUBBER SCIENCE
Nuclear weapons pack more firepower than entire You’ve got a problem. You want to run a Star
A recurring problem in battles of preatomic munitions. But it’s worthwhile Hero campaign, but you want to include stuff like
Star Hero is the way the to note that nuclear weapons may simply be too forcefields, faster-than-light travel, and antigravity.
heroes tend to get over- powerful to be useful. Modern physics is mean and won’t let you have any
shadowed by their stuff. of those things in a realistic campaign. Looks like
Instead of individual skill IMPROVING TECHNOLOGY IN THE GAME
it’s time for rubber science!
and ability, problems are The HERO System rules generally only
solved by hauling out the Rubber science is imaginary science, but not
account for aspects of technology that may have quite fantasy. It looks like science and sounds like
right toy. And since char- some affect on game play. There are no Advantages
acters can buy new toys, science, but it assumes some things are possible
for simulating rubber grips on hammers, or for that present-day science considers impossible. Now,
this quickly turns into an
miniaturizing devices which started out large and scientists themselves freely admit they don’t know
“arms race” in which they
buy cool equipment to clunky. Those things rarely factor into the game, everything, so it’s just barely conceivable that some
earn the money to buy and so are simply assumed as part of the “special rubber sciences may turn out to be true. That’s all
more cool equipment to effect” of a particular device. the loophole you need.
earn more money to buy However, there are several ways, in game Examples of rubber sciences are Gravitics (the
cooler equipment.... terms, to reflect the development of technol- science of gravity, antigravity, and artificial gravity),
ogy over time. The first, and most obvious, is to Hyper-Physics (the study of hyperspace and faster-
There are ways for GMs increase the Active Points in the Power(s) used to than-light travel), Psionic Engineering (creation of
to keep things from get- build a device. Doing so makes it more powerful,
ting out of hand. The psionic machinery), and Temporal Mechanics (the
stronger, more durable, able to broadcast a stron- science of time travel). (In some campaigns, Hyper-
first is a matter of player ger signal, or what have you. This is often a good
expectations — make Physics and Temporal Mechanics are combined
way to represent relatively crude initial techno- into one discipline, Dimensional Engineering.)
sure the GM and the
logical breakthroughs, since adding raw power is To create a good rubber science, the GM
players have the same
idea of what the cam- often the most primitive way to increase the utility should think it through. Take teleportation as an
paign is about. If they’re of a device. example. Jim (the GM of the Galactic Federation
going to be heroic space Second, you can remove Limitations. Early or campaign) wants characters to be able to blip from
knights battling Evil, well primitive versions of a particular type of technol- an orbiting spaceship down to the surface of a
by golly heroic space ogy are often loaded with Limitations — Activa- planet in the wink of an eye, without landing the
knights don’t rely on tion Roll, Charges, Costs Endurance/Increased
gadgets. Other methods whole ship. Now he has to figure out “how it works.”
Endurance Cost, Extra Time, Side Effects, and the This doesn’t mean devising the actual equations
include: like. Removing these inconvenient hurdles to ease and technology for teleporting, but it does mean
of use is an excellent way to simulate the march of coming up with a rough idea of what happens
Prevention: Put charac- technological progress.
ters in situations where when someone steps into the teleporter. Does it
Third, you can add Advantages. This works scan them at the molecular level and reconstruct
they can’t buy equipment
particularly well for weapons, since so many of them somewhere else? Does it open a tube through
(or replace lost equip-
ment) — or at the very the Advantages primarily affect combat, but it can hyperspace connecting the ship and the target?
least, have to expend lots be just as important for other devices. A life sup- Does the passenger make a sudden quantum dis-
of resources (money, port suit may get more Fuel Charges, for example, placement to the destination?
favors, and so forth) to or a radio adds MegaScale so it can transmit to Based on that, think through the implications
get what they want. If the the stars. If you can apply an Advantage in incre- and choose the method which best fits the cam-
campaign mainly takes ments, or buy it multiple times, usually it’s best to
place out in the galactic paign world you want. The scan-and-reconstruct
take it only once to begin with, then add more of method requires some way to rebuild the passenger
hinterlands, it’s not as it later on as the technology becomes even better.
easy for the PCs to find at the destination, which isn’t suitable if the charac-
Fourth, you can expand the device’s func- ters are visiting unexplored planets. It also means
replacement warp drive
tions. This has the effect of increasing the Active the teleporter could be used as a “Human photo-
parts or the latest weap-
ons for sale. and Real Point costs, but without necessarily copier” to make duplicates of passengers. Scanning
making any single function of the device more teleporters could also function as replicators and
Countermeasures: Any powerful. For example, a simple wrist-radio immortality machines. That isn’t what Jim wants, so
powerful technology (Radio Perception/Transmission) later adds vid- he rejects that approach.
soon calls forth a way eoconferencing (increase the points to “trade” that The Hyperspace Tube and Quantum Displace-
to foil it. Police radar Sense for HRRP), and then includes computer ment methods both avoid those problems, so he
guns begat radar detec- functions (add a small, simple Computer). Some- decides to use one of them. How do they fit with
tors, which in turn begat times this requires you to convert a single-Power
police using laser speed the rest of the campaign’s technology? If interstellar
gadget into a Power Framework-based gadget. travel uses ships voyaging through hyperspace, then
detection. If the PCs For example, a force field belt (Force Field) might
abuse a particular tech- a Hyperspace Tube becomes a natural outgrowth of
develop the capacity to project barriers of force hyperphysics. That’s good, because it’s always useful
nology in the game, it’s
away from the wearer (now it’s a Multipower with to keep the total number of imaginary sciences in a
likely other people do,
too... and that a counter- two slots, one Force Field and the other Force setting low.
measure will soon hit the Wall). What other applications are there for tubes
market, if it hasn’t already. that join distant points in space? If spaceships use
fuel, one can imagine putting a hypertube in the
fuel tank, connected directly to the refinery, giving
Continued on next page
them infinite fuel supplies! Tubes could link places
Star Hero ■ Chapter Seven 147

on a planet’s surface, allowing people to live any- use tube-boosted missile launchers and railguns to Continued from last page
where they like and step to work on the other side reduce the range to the target, making space battles Training: As anyone with
of the world. Hypertube weapons could bypass a very large-scale affairs, with ships millions of miles a blinking VCR clock
ship’s defenses and place bombs inside the hull. apart able to strike at one another. Once a lucky hit knows, having a cool
Obviously Jim needs to limit his campaign’s takes out one side’s damping generator, the attacker gadget and knowing how
hyper-technology; some of those results, while can send the Marines through the tube — or a to use it are very different
plausible, aren’t much fun in game terms. A Rubber Nova Bomb. things. Instead of letting
Science which allows anything to happen is just This is going to affect space tactics and ship heroes use things right
magic. Jim doesn’t like the infinite fuel idea, and design. Since ships can fight at very long range, out of the box, impose
doesn’t want hypertube commuting. So he decides the model for space warships is likely to resemble a training period, or a
penalty for untrained use.
on some limits to the technology: hypertubes are modern-day missile cruisers or nuclear submarines.
Sure, your targeting com-
unstable; they only exist for short periods and There won’t be “carriers” because the figher craft puter gives you an OCV
become exponentially harder to maintain the they carry won’t be able to mount hypertube damp- bonus with rifle fire, but
longer they last. This means the crew can open a ers or projectors. if you didn’t read the
tube for one second — long enough for an explor- Rubber sciences, like real ones, need a manual, you won’t get the
ing party to jump through — but every additional vocabulary. A good set of consistent-seeming full benefit. For military-
second requires a Systems Operation roll with a technobabble can make a rubber science sound as grade equipment, training
penalty of 2 times the duration in seconds. So one real as plumbing. Often new sciences borrow or may not be easy to come
additional second is at -2, two seconds is -4, three redefine existing words — to describe the flow of by, and asking about it
is -6, and so on. A miracle-working ship’s engineer electricity, early inventors called it a “current,” like can attract the attention
of the police.
can keep the tube open when the captain’s life is at a flow of water. Since hyperspace is a concept from
stake, but tubes can’t be permanent. (If necessary, geometry, Jim decides to use a lot of terms evok-
Compatibility: Are you
Jim can also impose penalties based on the “length” ing shapes and geometric concepts: tubes, folds,
sure your gadgets work
of the tube; the longer the tube, the harder it is to ripples, holes, and so forth. He can also just tack together? Does your
keep stable.) the prefix “hyper-“ onto a lot of existing terms to targeting computer plug
To keep hypertubes from making all space get hyperengineering, hyperphysics, hyperdynam- fit your night-vision
battles into very short contests of who can pop a ics, hypertechnology, and so on. It’s easy to overdo goggle socket? GMs
bomb into the other’s bridge fastest, the campaign this: a hyperengineer using a hyperspanner to fix can have a lot of fun
needs a defense against hypertubes. Since they’re the hyperdrive is getting silly. Instead, the Spatial with the potential for
unstable anyway, Jim can justify “hyperspace damp- Engineer has to use his spacetime curvature meter incompatible devices,
ing generators” which create destructive interfer- to adjust the hyperdrive. Sounds much better. especially if they’re made
ence and prevent tube formation. Ships can still by different species. At
the very least, characters
must make Electronics,
Weaponsmith, or even
Inventor rolls to jury-rig
connectors and patch the
software bugs. (See page
148 ■ Computers, Blasters, And Robots: Technology HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

ALIEN BLADE eapons are among Humanity’s oldest sile Deflection), or even fire them himself from his
WEAPONS technology, and are an area where prog- blade (EB, RKA). A skilled user can weave such a
ress is still rapid. Offensive systems and “web” around himself that anyone who comes close
Here are a few alien defenses are locked in a never-ending gets hurt (RKA, Area Of Effect: One Hex, Trigger, No
blade weapons from the round of escalation. Range).
Terran Empire setting: Presented below are two examples. One is a basic
Energy Sword, which damages not only that which it
Ackálian Sickle: The MELEE WEAPONS strikes, but any matter which strikes it. The other is a
traditional hand weapon more sophisticated Force Blade, that can also project
of the Ackálians, this is a As advanced as weapons may get, sometimes
a protective force screen around its wielder. Both
one-handed sharp blade nothing beats a good, old-fashioned club or axe.
require WF: Energy Blades.
curved forward to strike Melee weapons crop up in SF frequently, both in
point-first. The outer the fists of primitive natives and in the hands of
edge is sometimes saw- characters also versed in the use of blasters and Energy Sword: RKA 3d6, NND (defense is
toothed for backhand teleporters. ED Force Field/Force Wall, or being blocked
slashes. Ackálians are by another energy blade; +1), Does BODY
strong enough to fight ALIEN BLADES
(+1), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (157
with one in each hand, It has become common in recent film and televi- Active Points); OAF (-1), No Range (-½) (total
and normally carry sion SF to give alien cultures their own unique bladed cost: 63 points) plus RKA 2d6, NND (defense
sickles in scabbards weapons. This usually allows for a certain amount of
strapped to the thighs. is ED Force Field/Force Wall, or being blocked
“ethnic bad-ass” effect — someone from another cul- by another energy blade; +1), Does BODY
Price: 660 credits, or
more. ture armed with a weird or archaic weapon is always (+1), Continuous (+1), Damage Shield (+½),
more effective than a regular guy with a regular sword Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (150 Active
HKA 1d6 (plus STR),
Reduced Endurance (0 or knife. Points); OAF (-1), Linked (-¼), Only Affects
END; +½) (22 Active Most alien weapons are simply varieties of HKA Material Objects Which Strike Blade (-½)
Points); OAF (-1), STR with spiky bits for added coolness. There are some (total cost: 54 points). Total cost: 117 points.
Minimum (12; -½), Real principles to keep in mind, however. One is that size Price: 184,200 credits, or more.
Weapon (-¼). Total cost: matters — an alien species uses weapons appropri-
8 points. ate to its members’ average size and strength. About Cost Force Blade
1/20 of lifting capacity is right. Another factor is alien 117 Force Blade: As Energy Sword, above
Mon’dabi Cha’shur: The anatomy. Boneless or tentacled aliens go for swinging 12 Force Screen: Force Field (6 PD/10 ED),
cha’shur is a weapon weapons like axes and broadswords; short-limbed Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½)
similar to an axe, but (24 Active Points); OAF (-1)
species may prefer thrusting weapons. It’s also worth
with a slightly down-
ward-curving spike considering the anatomy of what the aliens usually Total cost: 129 points. Price: 198,600 credits, or
attached to the upper fight. Aliens with natural body armor may develop more
outer edge of the blade, armor-piercing hand weapons like rapiers and dag-
pointing forward. Heavy, gers, or whips and garrotes to entangle and strangle.
and often unwieldy, the
weapon was originally ENERGY BLADES
designed to punch A mainstay of Space Opera SF ever since Star As popular as melee weapons may be, in most
through the thick skins Wars, energy blades have a variety of names: light- cases they can’t beat a ranged weapon, whether it’s
of Mon’da’s many fear- sabers, force swords, laser-blades, and so forth. Typi- a chemical-propellant gun or the most advanced
some reptilian preda- cally, they are rare, difficult to build, and/or restricted disintegrator available. Here are some of the types of
tors. Price: 1,350 credits, to a limited group of warriors. Possible explanations firearms available in Star Hero settings.
or more.
for them include molecularly-thin force-fields or ADVANCED FIREARMS
HKA 2d6 (plus STR), energy fields, molecularly-thin wire stiffened by an
Reduced Endurance (0 During the past few centuries, guns have steadily
END; +½) (45 Active internal force-field, and force-fields containing a laser
bolt or superheated plasma. The blade can cut through improved in several areas: rate of fire, range, accuracy,
Points); OAF (-1), STR and hitting power. But there’s still plenty of room
Minimum (15; -¾), Real any matter with its subatomically sharp “edge”; only
Weapon (-¼). Total cost: another energy blade, or a force-field of some sort, can for improvement. Some of these can be combined,
15 points. stop an energy blade. See page 44 for a possible Mar- making for really devastating weapons.
tial Arts style for energy blades. Rate Of Fire: Early twenty-first century automatic
A character armed with an energy blade can rifles can fire half a dozen rounds per second, empty-
often use it to do other things besides cut, slash, and ing a clip in less than a minute. More compact ammu-
Continued on next page block. He may be able to deflect energy bolts (Mis- nition and other new technologies could improve
Star Hero ■ Chapter Seven 149

Science fiction bullets could incorporate all of these Continued from last page
MISCELLANEOUS STAR advances, and ones as yet unforeseen. Some might Se’ecra Wrist-Blades:
have cores of degenerate matter, making each one
HERO MELEE WEAPONS hit like a cannonball. The ultimate bullet would
Worn by the insectoid
Se’ecra, this weapon con-
Here are a few more example melee weapons. hold a small amount of antimatter in magnetic sus- sists of a heavy leather
Each requires its own WF to use properly. pension — literally a “pocket nuke.” or metal wrist-band
with one or more blades
Electric Whip: Also known as an Energy Whip, this Example Advanced Firearms Technology projecting outward. The
weapon looks like a whip made out of a glowing All of the example bullets assume an advanced shape and number of
strand of energy. Essentially, it’s a blaster with a round roughly the same size as a .45 cartridge. You blades varies, but most
highly limited range, since the energy lash can can easily create other such rounds by altering the have one to three blades
only reach so far; however, skilled users can wrap damage done. that curve forward.
the energy-strand around a target, causing him Price: 450 credits, or
to keep taking damage until freed. Price: 3,000 Liquid-Propellant Sniper Rifle: This big gun fires more.
credits, or more. extremely high-velocity rounds doing substantial
EB 8d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; HKA ½d6 (plus STR),
damage at long range. It is large and clumsy, best Reduced Endurance (0
+½) (60 Active Points); OAF (-1), Limited used from a prepared concealed position. Later END; +½) (15 Active
Range (4”; -¼) (total cost: 27 points) plus versions make the weapon smaller, lighter, and Points); OAF (-1), STR
Continuous (+1) for power (40 Active easier to handle, and eventually add automatic fire Minimum (7; -½), Real
Points); OAF (-1), Requires A Sleight Of Weapon (-¼). Total cost:
features. If you want to make the weapon inher-
Hand Roll (-½), Victim May Cancel Effect 5 points.
By Spending One Full Phase Unwrapping ently more accurate at range, add some Range Skill
Self (-½) (total cost: 13 points). Total cost: Levels on a Focus. Price: 2,100 credits, or more
40 points. (Early and Later versions); 3,300 credits, or more
(Autofire version).
Inertial Gloves: These are heavy gauntlets
equipped with rubber science inertia-enhancing Early Version: RKA 2½d6, Armor Piercing
generators. The user triggers the effect in mid- (+½), Increased Maximum Range (1,500”;
swing, so the gloves hit like a freight train. Price: +¼) (70 Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1½),
1,680 credits, or more.
Real Weapon (-¼), STR Minimum (18; STR
HA +5d6, Double Knockback (+¾), Minimum Doesn’t Add To Damage; -1½),
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (56 Two-Handed Weapon (-½), 6 Charges (-¾).
Active Points); OIF (-½), Hand-To-Hand Total cost: 13 points. (Later version is STR Min
Attack (-½). Total cost: 28 points.
12, and non-Bulky; total cost is 15 points.)
Stun Rod: Law enforcement agents and soldiers
on peacekeeping missions have long wished for Autofire Version: RKA 2½d6, Armor Piercing
a reliable way to subdue people without deadly (+½), Autofire (5 shots; +½), Increased Maxi-
force. Stun rods are the answer — a short baton
with a contact-triggered neural stun pulse. The
victim feels no pain, only numbness and weak-
ness. Price: 2,250 credits.
EB 6d6, NND (defense is ED Force Field;
+1), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (75
Active Points); OAF (-1), No Range (-½).
Total cost: 30 points.

both rate of fire and ammo capacity.

Range: Improved propellants, like liquid-explosive
guns (which inject propellant into the barrel behind
the bullet so it continues to accelerate until it leaves
the muzzle) could dramatically increase the range
(and damage) of rifles. The drawback is bulkier
ammunition and fewer shots, though other improve-
ments may mitigate these difficulties.
Accuracy: Electronic sights and targeting computers
built into a rifle or a soldier’s helmet could improve
accuracy, especially at long range. As electronics get
smaller, “smart bullets” become possible. They would
have tiny sensors, a miniscule computer brain, and
fins for guidance. The bullet could actually correct for
wind, avoid tumbling in flight (unless that’s desired),
and even track a moving target to hit. Naturally, smart
bullets wouldn’t be cheap.
Damage: High-velocity bullets from a liquid-
propellant gun would naturally hit harder and do
more damage. Scientists are also working on tiny
shaped-charge warheads to blast through armor.
150 ■ Computers, Blasters, And Robots: Technology HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
mum Range (2,500”; +¼), 60 Charges (+½) GAUSS WEAPONS
(110 Active Points); OAF (-1), Real Weapon Gauss weapons, or electromagnetic slugthrowers,
(-¼), STR Minimum (14; STR Minimum use powerful magnetic fields to launch metal projec-
Doesn’t Add To Damage; -1), Two-Handed tiles at high speeds. They have the advantange of being
Weapon (-½). Total cost: 29 points. much quieter than chemical-propellant rifles, and can
sustain very high rates of fire. Gauss weapons typically
Targeting Computers: Mounted in a visor and linked use very small caliber rounds, making their attacks
to a small camera on the weapon, a targeting com- Armor Piercing.
puter shows the shooter exactly where his weapon The chief disadvantage of Gauss weaponry is that
is pointing. Early versions are relatively simplistic; like lasers and other energy weapons, they require a
more advanced targeting computers can take into lot of energy. Early gauss weapons have disposable
account target movement, firer movement, wind, and chemical-energy cartridges in a power pack; later ones
other conditions for even greater accuracy. Price: 200 have highly efficient batteries or capacitors. Heavy
credits, or more (basic version); 400 credits, or more gauss guns use dedicated generators to achieve really
(expert system). massive rates of fire.
Basic Targeting Computer: +2 OCV (10 Active Early Gauss Cannon: This is a heavy gauss “assault
Points); OAF Fragile (-1¼). Total cost: 4 points. cannon” intended for Cyberpunk-era games. It’s not
Expert System Targeting Computer: +4 OCV (20 commercially available, but may be a top-secret mili-
Active Points); OAF Fragile (-1¼). Total cost: 9 tary prototype or the latest from a megacorporation’s
points. laboratories. It has a very high rate of fire but requires
large ammunition clips and an external power pack
Homing Bullets: These rounds have tiny fins, onboard which pumps out a lot of waste heat. Price: 27,000
sensors, and a built-in guidance chip to keep them credits, or more (includes “cutting edge” modifier).
flying straight. A dedicated targeting computer built RKA 2d6, Armor Piercing (+½), Autofire (10
into the weapon even allows the shooter to direct the shots; +1), 4 clips of 30 Charges each (+½) (90
bullets to fire around walls and other obstacles! Price: Active Points); OAF Bulky Fragile (-1¾), STR
2,250 credits, or more, per bullet. Minimum (17; STR Minimum Doesn’t Add To
RKA 2½d6, +1 Increased STUN Multiplier Damage; -1¼), Real Weapon (-¼), Two-Handed
(+¼), Indirect (always originates from shooter, Weapon (-½), Side Effect (automatic Change
but can strike target from any angle; +½), No Environment +3 Temperature Levels over a 6”
Range Modifier (+½) (90 Active Points); OAF (- radius area, -1 Temperature Level per 2”; -¼).
1), STR Minimum (10; STR Minimum Doesn’t Total cost: 18 points.
Add To Damage; -1), Real Weapon (-¼), 12
Charges (-¼) (total cost: 26 points) plus +1 Gauss Rifle: This is a more compact and handy gauss
OCV (5 Active Points); OAF (-1), Real Weapon weapon with a lower rate of fire but more reasonable
(-¼) (total cost: 2 points). Total cost: 28 points. power requirements. It is a common military weapon
in its time, and is highly accurate. Price: 2,250 credits,
Shaped-Charge Bullets: These rounds contain a tiny or more.
shaped-charge warhead for better armor penetration. RKA 2d6, Armor Piercing (+½), Autofire (5
As with Homing Bullets, determine the round’s base shots; +½), 4 clips of 30 Charges each (+½) (75
damage normally. Price: 2,250 credits, or more, per Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum (13;
bullet. STR Minimum Doesn’t Add To Damage; -1),
RKA 2½d6, Armor Piercing (+½), +1 Increased Real Weapon (-¼), Two-Handed Weapon (-½).
STUN Multiplier (+¼) (70 Active Points); Total cost: 20 points.
OAF (-1), STR Minimum (10; STR Minimum
Doesn’t Add To Damage; -1), Real Weapon (-¼), Gauss Pistol: A gauss pistol is more compact than
12 Charges (-¼) (total cost: 20 points) plus +1 the rifle, but sacrifices the high rate of fire and hitting
OCV (5 Active Points); OAF (-1), Real Weapon power. Gauss pistols are very popular sidearms in mil-
(-¼) (total cost: 2 points). Total cost: 22 points. itary and police forces. Price: 1,320 credits, or more.
RKA 1½d6, Armor Piercing (+½), Autofire (3
Antimatter Bullets: The ultimate in handheld fire- shots; +¼) (44 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR
power, these cinematic rounds carry a microscopic Minimum (10; STR Minimum Doesn’t Add
fragment of antimatter magnetically contained in To Damage; -1), Real Weapon (-¼), 15 Charges
the tip. On impact the antimatter contacts matter (-0). Total cost: 13 points.
and annihilates itself in a tremendous bang. Should
only be used at long ranges, due to blast effects. Price: Heavy Gauss Gun: Designed to take on armored foes
6,000 credits, or more, per bullet. and light vehicles, the heavy gauss gun fires relatively
EB 20d6, Explosion (-1 DC/3”; +1) (200 Active large projectiles at tremendous velocity. It is somewhat
Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum (10; STR clumsy to carry, but the tremendous hitting power
Minimum Doesn’t Add To Damage; -1), Real makes up for it. Price: 2,700 credits, or more.
Weapon (-¼), 4 Charges (-1). Total cost: 47 RKA 3d6, Armor Piercing (+½), Autofire (5
points. shots; +½) (90 Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1½),
Star Hero ■ Chapter Seven 151

STR Minimum (16; STR Minimum Doesn’t self-contained, although that reduces the number of
Add To Damage; -1¼), Real Weapon (-¼), Two- shots it can fire. Price: 1,350 credits, or more.
Handed Weapon (-½), 15 Charges (-0). Total
RKA 2d6, Increased Maximum Range (750”;
cost: 20 points.
+¼) (37 Active Points); OAF (-1), Beam (-¼),
Real Weapon (-¼), STR Minimum (10; STR
Minimum Doesn’t Add To Damage; -1), Two-
Lasers are real technology; probably all HERO Handed Weapon (-½), Blocked By Smoke
System players have lasers in their homes, in the form Or Steam (-¼), 8 Charges (-½). Total cost: 6
of CD players or laser pointers. As of 2002, the Pen- points.
tagon is developing real laser antimissile systems, and
laser rangefinders and target designators are standard Laser Pistol: This early laser pistol is connected to
military gear. Lasers emit beams of coherent light, a belt power pack by a cable. It is used as a military
in which all the light waves are in phase with one sidearm by vehicle pilots and artillery crews, or by
another. They are perfectly straight, and remain tightly police in situations calling for deadly force. It lacks the
concentrated over long distances. Higher-powered advanced focusing of its bigger siblings, and so is only
lasers use more energetic photons, like ultraviolet useful at relatively short range. Price: 750 credits, or
light, x-rays, or gamma rays. more.
As weapons, lasers do damage by suddenly
superheating the surface of whatever they hit. The RKA 1d6+1 (20 Active Points); OAF Fragile
energies are modest, but concentrated into so tiny an (-1¼), Beam (-¼), Real Weapon (-¼), STR
area that they cause significant damage. Solid materi- Minimum (8; STR Minimum Doesn’t Add To
als melt and shatter, and living tissue burns. More Damage; -1), Blocked By Smoke Or Steam (-¼),
powerful lasers pierce better, and x-rays do additional 16 Charges (-0). Total cost: 5 points.
damage from radiation effects. In combat, lasers are
UV Laser Pistol: An advanced laser pistol, this weapon
useful because it is very hard to detect where they
is self-contained and can fire only a few times before
were fired from (they only show up in the air if smoke
recharging. Its beam can stop even armored oppo-
or other particulates render them visible), there is no
nents, making it a popular weapon among mercenar-
recoil, and they can fire as long as the power holds out.
ies and smugglers. Price: 1,050 credits, or more.
The main limitation for lasers (as with any
directed-energy weapon) is power. Early optical lasers RKA 1d6+1, Armor Piercing (+½) (30 Active
use chemical reactions for sudden bursts of energy; Points); OAF (-1), Beam (-¼), Real Weapon
later ultraviolet ones are powered by advanced capaci- (-¼), STR Minimum (8; STR Minimum Doesn’t
tors. Hand-held X-ray lasers depend on micro-fusion Add To Damage; -1), Blocked By Smoke Or
powercells (in other words, “rubber science” power). Steam (-¼), 8 Charges (-½). Total cost: 7
Most laser weapons have built-in laser sights, using a points.
low-power beam to paint a spot on the target before
firing. Military UV Rifle: A rugged and powerful laser rifle
In game terms, lasers are Killing Attacks with used by front-line infantry, this weapon can punch
the Beam Limitation. Ultraviolet lasers are Armor through body armor and even damage some vehicles.
Piercing, and X-Ray or Gamma-Ray lasers are Armor Price: 9,000 credits, or more.
Piercing and Penetrating. Early lasers are bulky and
RKA 2d6, Armor Piercing (+½), Increased Max-
fragile, but over time they become more compact and
imum Range (1,125”; +¼) (52 Active Points);
OAF (-1), Beam (-¼), Real Weapon (-¼), STR
Optical and ultraviolet lasers are blocked by
Minimum (12; STR Minimum Doesn’t Add
smoke and steam (reflected by a Limitation, since
To Damage; -1), Two-Handed Weapon (-½),
these phenomena are common); X-ray and gamma
Blocked By Smoke Or Steam (-¼), 8 Charges
ray lasers are not, but special anti-laser aerosols do
(-½). Total cost: 11 points.
interfere with them normally.
Experimental Laser Rifle: This is an early optical laser Sustained-beam Laser Rifle: This is an old-style opti-
weapon, suitable for Cyberpunk or near-future games. cal laser rifle upgraded with advanced power systems
It’s fragile and bulky, and depends on chemical power and cooling to allow a continuous high-power beam
cartridges in a backpack power unit connected to the rather than a series of individual pulses. It is most
weapon by an armored hose. Price: 13,500 credits, or effective as a way to burn through the defenses of
more (includes “cutting edge” modifier). large armored targets like military vehicles. Price:
3,150 credits, or more.
RKA 2d6, Increased Maximum Range (750”;
+¼) (37 Active Points); OAF Bulky Fragile RKA 2d6, Continuous (+1), 30 Continu-
(-1¾), Beam (-¼), Real Weapon (-¼), STR ing Charges lasting up to 1 Turn each (+¾)
Minimum (15; STR Minimum Doesn’t Add (82 Active Points); OAF (-1), Limited Range
To Damage; -1¼), Two-Handed Weapon (-½), (100”, -¼), Beam (-¼), Real Weapon (-¼), STR
Blocked By Smoke Or Steam (-¼), 8 Charges Minimum (14; STR Minimum Doesn’t Add
(-½). Total cost: 6 points. To Damage; -1), Two-Handed Weapon (-½),
Blocked By Smoke Or Steam (-¼). Total cost:
Laser Rifle: This is a dependable optical laser, widely 18 points.
used for hunting and as a light military weapon. It is
152 ■ Computers, Blasters, And Robots: Technology HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
LASER FLASHING X-Ray Laser Rifle: The ultimate hand-held laser 1u 2) Stun Setting: EB 3d6, NND (defense is
weapon, the X-Ray rifle can bore through even tank being in vacuum, water, a magnetic field, or a
Although it rarely armor and is strictly limited to military use in all but metal casing, or having an ED Force Field;
turns up in science fic- the most anarchic societies. Note that portable X-Ray +1); OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-¼), STR
tion films or stories, lasers require very “rubbery” science, as currently Minimum (see above; -1), Two-Handed
one application of the only known way to excite an X-Ray laser effect Weapon (-½)
laser weapons in the involves nuclear explosions! Price: 16,800 credits, or 2 Laser Pilot Beam: +1 OCV; OAF (-1), Real
real world is as “dazzle more. Weapon (-¼)
lasers” to blind and Total cost: 14 points
disorient enemy troops. RKA 3d6, Armor Piercing (+½), Penetrat-
Gamemasters or players ing (+½), Increased Maximum Range (2,250”; Ion Beams
who like this option can +¼) (101 Active Points); OAF (-1), Beam (-¼), These weapons fire a beam of ionized gas at the
convert laser weapons Real Weapon (-¼), STR Minimum (14; STR target, doing damage by heat, impact, and secondary
into Multipowers, with Minimum Doesn’t Add To Damage; -1), Two- electrical effects. They are very close to the cinematic
one slot for the Kill-
Handed Weapon (-½), 10 Charges (-¼). Total blaster weapon in terms of special effects. The ionized
ing Attack described
above, and the other cost: 24 points. beam does glow brightly as it fires, and the bolts, while
for a Sight Group Flash fast, do not travel at the speed of light. A disadvantage
with DCs equal to the BLASTERS is that ion beams need both a supply of gas (usually
laser’s Killing damage. Blasters are energy guns. In science fiction films argon or neon) to ionize and a power supply; most
This setting may involve and stories, they come in a myriad of forms — plasma ion guns use special cartridges which are not compat-
such a a low-powered ible with other energy weapons or electrical devices.
beam that it is 0 END
guns, ion guns, particle guns, electron beams. Film
blasters shoot big glowing bolts like tracer bullets and They cannot be “set to stun” and have no pilot beam
(requiring no Charges), as a sighting aid. At the GM’s option, characters can
or the entire Multipower are just called “blasters.”
substitute the equivalent DC in Killing Damage for
may have one pool of Electron Beams the weapons’ standard Normal Damage.
These are real technology — every television set Early Ion Gun: This is a heavy, delicate device based
has an electron beam generator inside it. A powerful on ion-motor technology, suitable as a gadgeteer’s
beam of electrons traveling along a laser “pilot beam” prototype or a special weapon to take down the Ion
(to create an ionized pathway for the electrons) would Creature in a “Bug Eyed Monsters” adventure. Price:
damage the target by heat and electrical effects. Mag- 1,500 credits, or more.
netic fields deflect electron beams, and any kind of
closed metal protection lets the charge pass around EB 10d6 (50 Active Points); OAF Bulky Fragile
the target without doing any harm. In a vacuum the (-1¾), Real Weapon (-¼), STR Minimum (15;
electrons repel one another, turning the deadly beam STR Minimum Doesn’t Add To Damage; -1¼),
into a harmless spray; water also disperses the blast. Two-Handed Weapon (-½), 12 Charges (-¼).
Electron beams can be fired on both lethal and “stun” Total cost: 10 points.
settings, with the latter delivering a shock strong
enough to knock out opponents without doing per- Ion Rifle: Basically a more durable version of the early
manent damage. All electron blasters have Boostable ion gun, this weapon boasts improved rate of fire and
Charges. ammunition capacity. Price: 1,860 credits, or more.
Electron Rifle/Pistol: The first-generation electron EB 10d6, Autofire (3 shots; +¼) (62 Active
weapon, an Electron Rifle is reasonably robust, and Points); OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-¼), STR
can be boosted for extra effect. Its pilot beam acts as a Minimum (12; STR Minimum Doesn’t Add
laser sight. Price: 2,400 credits, or more. To Damage; -1), Two-Handed Weapon (-½), 15
The pistol version of the same weapon (16 Boost- Charges (-0). Total cost: 16 points.
able Charges, STR Min 10, not a two-handed weapon)
costs 2 points less. It’s a more refined development of Ion Pistol: Often just called a “blaster,” this is a smaller
the electron rifle, commonly used as a law-enforce- version of the ion rifle, with slightly less hitting power
ment weapon. and greatly reduced range. A very popular sidearm in
many SF settings. Price: 1,500 credits, or more.
Cost Electron Rifle
EB 8d6, Autofire (2 shots; +¼) (50 Active
10 Electron Rifle: Multipower, 30-point reserve,
Points); OAF (-1), Limited Range (50”; -¼), Real
20 Boostable Charges (+½) for entire Multip-
Weapon (-¼), STR Minimum (9; STR Mini-
ower; all OAF (-1), Does Not Work In
mum Doesn’t Add To Damage; -1), 12 Charges
Vacuum, In Water, In Magnetic Fields, Or
(-¼). Total cost: 13 points.
Against Targets Encased In Metal (-¾), Real
Weapon (-¼), STR Minimum (14; STR Mini- Pocket Ion Pistol: A cut-down version of the standard
mum Doesn’t Add To Damage; -1), blaster, suitable for concealment on one’s person.
Two-Handed Weapon (-½) Price: 1,050 credits, or more.
1u 1) Standard Setting: EB 6d6; OAF (-1),
Beam (-¼), Does Not Work In Vacuum, In EB 7d6 (35 Active Points); OAF (-1), Limited
Water, In Magnetic Fields, Or Against Targets Range (30”; -¼), Real Weapon (-¼), STR
Encased In Metal (-¾), Real Weapon (-¼), Minimum (9; STR Minimum Doesn’t Add To
STR Minimum (see above; -1), Two-Handed Damage; -1), 12 Charges (-¼). Total cost: 9
Weapon (-½) points.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Seven 153

Particle Guns their fuel — in pre-fusion societies the weapons cannot

Particle guns are small hand-held proton accel- be refueled. Assuming portable fusion generators are
erators. They function in much the same way electron possible at all, plasma weapons don’t involve any major
beams do, but the proton beam has more penetrating violations of the laws of physics.
power, and cannot be set to stun. Like electron beams, Early Plasma Gun: Even in experimental form, plasma
proton beams use a laser pilot beam to create an ion- guns are devastatingly effective, making this a good
ized pathway through the air. In vacuum and water the “ultimate weapon” for Cyberpunk-period and “early
protons disperse into a harmless stream. The proton interstellar exploration” campaigns. Its chief disad-
rifle and particle blaster depend on as-yet-undiscov- vantage is that if it fails, the results are catastrophic for
ered power sources. bystanders. Price: 22,500 credits, or more (includes
Particle guns cause damage through surface “cutting edge” modifier).
blasting and radiation effects. Characters may substi-
tute equivalent DCs in Killing Damage with the GM’s EB 10d6, Explosion (+½) (75 Active Points); OAF
permission. Bulky Fragile (-1¾), Activation 15-, Jammed
(-¾), Limited Range (30”; -¼), Real Weapon
Accelerator Pack: This could be used by near-future
(-¼), Side Effect (5d6 EB Explosion; -½), STR
ghost-fighters to deal with weird menaces immune to
Minimum (15; STR Minimum Doesn’t Add To
ordinary weapons. The actual accelerator is in a back-
Damage; -1¼), Two-Handed Weapon (-½), 12
pack, with only the targeting magnets and pilot beam
Charges (-¼). Total cost: 11 points.
in the hand unit. Price: 1,980 credits, or more.
EB 7d6, Armor Piercing (+½), 20 Charges (+¼) Single-shot Plasma Gun: Filling the same role as a
(61 Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1½), Beam (-¼), bazooka or antitank rocket, this is a single-shot dispos-
Does Not Work In Vacuum Or Water (-½), Real able plasma weapon. It can give Space Marines extra
Weapon (-¼), STR Minimum (14; STR Mini- punch against armored foes, or be used to blast holes in
mum Doesn’t Add To Damage; -1), Two-Handed fortifications. Price: 3,360 credits, or more.
Weapon (-½) (total cost: 12 points) plus +1 OCV
EB 15d6, Explosion (+½) (112 Active Points);
(5 Active Points); OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-¼)
OAF (-1), Limited Range (50”; -¼), Real Weapon
(total cost: 2 points). Total cost: 14 points.
(-¼), STR Minimum (14; STR Minimum Doesn’t
Add To Damage; -1), Two-Handed Weapon (-½),
Proton Rifle: This weapon is a fairly standard particle
1 Charge (-2). Total cost: 19 points.
gun, common to many SF settings. Price: 1,980 credits,
or more.
Plasma Rifle: This is the smallest practical plasma
EB 7d6, Armor Piercing (+½), 30 Charges (+¼) weapon, a large rifle with a barrel big enough to shoot
(61 Active Points); OAF (-1), Beam (-¼), Does Not grapefruit. It features improved fail-safe containment,
Work In Vacuum Or Water (-½), Real Weapon (- so that misfires no longer blow up the user. Price: 2,610
¼), STR Minimum (12; STR Minimum Doesn’t credits, or more.
Add To Damage; -1), Two-Handed Weapon (-½)
EB 10d6, Explosion (+½), 20 Charges (+¼) (87
(total cost: 13 points) plus +1 OCV (5 Active
Active Points); OAF (-1), Limited Range (30”;
Points); OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-¼) (total cost:
-¼), Real Weapon (-¼), STR Minimum (12; STR
2 points). Total cost: 15 points.
Minimum Doesn’t Add To Damage; -1), Two-
Handed Weapon (-½). Total cost: 22 points.
Particle Blaster: A heavy pistol that squeezes a proton
accelerator into the smallest possible space, this weapon
Plasma Battle Rifle: A serious infantry support weapon,
has limited power but is almost as effective as a proton
the plasma battle rifle uses a large backpack both for
rifle. Price: 1,350 credits, or more.
fuel storage and extra cooling. The result is a rapid-fire
EB 6d6, Armor Piercing (+½) (45 Active plasma gun which can do massive damage. Price: 4,950
Points); OAF (-1), Beam (-¼), Does Not Work credits, or more.
In Vacuum Or Water (-½), Real Weapon (-¼),
EB 12d6, Explosion (+½), Autofire (5 shots; +½),
STR Minimum (10; STR Minimum Doesn’t Add
100 Charges (+¾) (165 Active Points); OAF Bulky
To Damage; -1), 10 Charges (-¼) (total cost: 11
(-1½), Limited Range (40”; -¼), Real Weapon (-
points) plus +1 OCV (5 Active Points); OAF (-1),
¼), STR Minimum (13; STR Minimum Doesn’t
Real Weapon (-¼) (total cost: 2 points). Total cost:
Add To Damage; -1), Two-Handed Weapon (-
13 points.
½). Total cost: 37 points (or 41 points for a non-
Bulky version).
Plasma Guns
Plasma weapons are an outgrowth of fusion Plasma Pistol: For campaigns not worried about real-
power technology. They generate a tiny fusion reaction ism, scientists can make practical pistol-sized plasma
which releases superhot plasma; the gun then directs guns. Price: 2,010 credits, or more.
this plasma at the target via magnetic fields. The plasma
spreads quickly over a wide area, which gives it a large EB 9d6, Explosion (+½) (67 Active Points); OAF
area effect but limits the weapon’s range. Designers can’t (-1), Limited Range (25”; -¼), Real Weapon
scale them down to pistol size easily, but they’re quite (-¼), STR Minimum (10; STR Minimum Doesn’t
powerful as battlefield weapons. Plasma guns use deu- Add To Damage; -1), 12 Charges (-¼). Total cost:
terium pellets, similar to those used in fusion rockets, as 18 points.
154 ■ Computers, Blasters, And Robots: Technology HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
DISINTEGRATORS 4u 4) Medium Stun, Wide-Beam Setting: EB
Disintegrators are a beloved weapon in science 6d6, NND (defense is ED Force Field; +1),
fiction, with almost no basis in reality. Most of them Area Of Effect (6” Radius; +1); OAF (-1),
work by somehow suppressing the atomic forces Requires 6 Charges Per Use (-½)
which hold matter together — one hit, and the target 3u 5) Heavy Stun: EB 8d6, NND (defense is
flies apart! Other seem to apply energy damage on ED Force Field; +1); OAF (-1), Requires 6
an atomic level uniformly to a target to thoroughly Charges Per Use (-½)
destroy it. The phasers of the old Star Trek series are, 4u 6) Heavy Stun, Wide-Beam Setting: EB
in part, a type of disintegrator; so are the disintegra- 8d6, NND (defense is ED Force Field; +1),
tor “tools” in Niven’s Ringworld. In a campaign with Area Of Effect (8” Radius; +1); OAF (-1),
disintegrators, GMs must consider the problems they Requires 12 Charges Per Use (-¾)
create — murderers could literally make their victims 1u 7) Light Blast: EB 6d6; OAF (-1), Requires
disappear! 6 Charges Per Use (-½)
2u 8) Light Blast, Wide-Beam Setting: EB 6d6,
Disintegrator Pistol: A large pistol with a complicated Area Of Effect (6” Radius; +1¼); OAF (-1),
emitter at the front, the disintegrator pistol is only Requires 12 Charges Per Use (-¾)
effective at short range because the beam energy rap- 2u 9) Medium Blast: EB 9d6; OAF (-1),
idly dissipates. Price: 8,100 credits, or more. Requires 12 Charges Per Use (-¾)
RKA 6d6, NND (defense is ED Force Field; 3u 10) Medium Blast, Wide-Beam Setting: EB
+1), Does BODY (+1) (270 Active Points); 9d6, Area Of Effect (10” Radius; +1¼); OAF
OAF (-1), -1 Decreased STUN Multiplier (-¼), (-1), Requires 24 Charges Per Use (-1¼)
Reduced By Range (-¼), Real Weapon (-¼), 2u 11) Heavy Blast: EB 12d6; OAF (-1),
STR Minimum (10; STR Minimum Doesn’t Requires 24 Charges Per Use (-1¼)
Add To Damage; -1), 8 Boostable Charges 4u 12) Heavy Blast, Wide-Beam Setting: EB
(-¼). Total cost: 67 points. 12d6, Area Of Effect (12” Radius; +1¼);
OAF (-1), Requires 48 Charges Per Use (-1½)
Disintegrator Rifle: A big rifle version of the disinte- 7u 13) Disintegrate: RKA 6d6, NND (defense
grator pistol. Price: 8,100 credits, or more. is ED Force Field; +1), Does BODY (+1);
OAF (-1), -1 Decreased STUN Multiplier
RKA 6d6, NND (defense is ED Force Field; +1), (-¼), Requires 48 Charges Per Use (-1½)
Does BODY (+1) (270 Active Points); OAF (-1), 8u 14) Disintegrate, Wide-Beam Setting: RKA
-1 Decreased STUN Multiplier (-¼), Reduced 6d6, NND (defense is ED Force Field; +1),
By Range (-¼), Real Weapon (-¼), STR Does BODY (+1), Area Of Effect (1 Hex;
Minimum (12; STR Minimum Doesn’t Add +½); OAF (-1), -1 Decreased STUN
To Damage; -1), Two-Handed Weapon (-½), 12 Multiplier (-¼), Requires 96 Charges Per
Boostable Charges (-0). Total cost: 63 points. Use (-1¾)
1u 15) Heat Rocks: Life Support (Safe
MULTI-PURPOSE ENERGY WEAPON Environment: Intense Cold), Area Of Effect
In Space Opera and Pulp SF settings, it’s easy to (2” Radius; +¾); OAF (-1), Nonpersistent
create a weapon that features multiple settings usable (each Charge’s effect lasts for 1 Minute; -¼),
for a variety of purposes — disintegration, stunning, Requires Appropriate Substance To Be
blasting, even projecting a low-power burst at a rock Heated (-¼).
or metal wall to provide heat in cold climates. Each Total cost: 480 points
of its effects comes with multiple settings, including
wide-beam settings; the more powerful the effect,
the more energy it uses. Here’s an example in HERO Hand grenades are reaching the limit of
System terms; it’s so high-tech and sophisticated it improvement as of the early twenty-first century
doesn’t qualify as a Real Weapon, or have a STR Mini- — since they must be thrown, they can’t be too pow-
mum — even a small child can pick it up, press the erful or they injure the user. Although a few SF set-
trigger-button, and wreak havoc. Price: 60,810 credits, tings do feature energy grenades — which through
or more. rubber science means emit contained energy fields
similar to those created by blasters — or like weap-
Cost Multi-Purpose Energy Weapon ons, for the most part the emphasis is on nonlethal
433 Multi-Purpose Energy Weapon: Multipower, grenades and rocket grenades. The ultimate develop-
315-point reserve, 1,000 Boostable Charges ment of the rocket-propelled grenade is the Rocket
for entire reserve (+1¾); all OAF (-1) Gun, which appears as a rival to firearms in many
2u 1) Light Stun: EB 4d6, NND (defense is ED SF settings (particularly Low SF, or stories set in the
Force Field; +1); OAF (-1) early days of interplanetary exploration). Rocket guns
2u 2) Light Stun, Wide-Beam Setting: EB 4d6, launch tiny solid-fuel missiles with a variety of war-
NND (defense is ED Force Field; +1), Area heads. Improvements in electronics make them highly
Of Effect (4” Radius; +1); OAF (-1), Requires accurate, and their larger size makes them far deadlier
3 Charges Per Use (-½) than bullets (or allows them to carry other, nonlethal,
2u 3) Medium Stun: EB 6d6, NND (defense payloads).
is ED Force Field; +1); OAF (-1), Requires 3
Charges Per Use (-½) Energy Grenades: These thrown weapons create
deadly energy fields, causing great destruction but in
Star Hero ■ Chapter Seven 155

a more controlled manner than an explosive grenade. — instead of remaining hidden and launching deadly
Price: 2,700 credits, or more (Standard); 6,750 credits, all-or-nothing attacks from concealment, charac-
or more (Disintegrenade). ters go back to engaging in stand-up slugfests more
reminiscent of fistfights or superhero battles than
Standard Energy Grenade: RKA 2½d6, Area Of
Effect (8” Radius; +1¼) (90 Active Points); OAF
(-1), Range Based On STR (-¼), 4 Charges (-1). NEAR-FUTURE BODY ARMOR
Total cost: 28 points. Early twenty-first century Human policemen
and soldiers can rely on the likes of Kevlar, Spectra,
Disintegrenade: RKA 4d6, NND (defense is and defensive ceramics to protect them from bullets.
ED Force Field; +1), Does BODY (+1), Area Of As technology improves and develops, even stronger
Effect (2” Radius; +¾) (225 Active Points); OAF materials are likely to become available. Here are a
(-1), -1 Decreased STUN Multiplier (-¼), Range few examples of possible near-future body armors.
Based On STR (-¼), 4 Charges (-1). Total cost: All provide 12 PD/ED Armor, though it’s possible that
64 points. advanced materials could offer even more protection.
Early Rocket Gun: A descendant of rocket-propelled Armored Vest: A standard vest, covering Hit Locations
grenade launchers, this weapon lobs unguided explo- 11-13. Price: 540 credits, or more.
sive missiles. Price: 1,560 credits, or more. Armor (12 PD/12 ED) (36 Active Points); OIF
RKA 2d6, Explosion (-1 DC/2”; +¾) (52 Active (-½), Activation Roll 9- (-1½), Mass (half mass;
Points); OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-¼), STR -½), Real Armor (-¼). Total cost: 10 points.
Minimum (14; STR Minimum Doesn’t Add
Combat Suit: This is a battlefield outfit of helmet,
To Damage; -1), Two-Handed Weapon (-½), 6
upper body covering (typically a jacket and/or vest),
Charges (-¾). Total cost: 11 points.
gauntlets, and high boots, covering Hit Locations 3-14
Military Rocket Pistol: Issued to soldiers on many and 16-18. Price: 540 credits, or more.
worlds, this weapon fires homing rockets with explo- Armor (12 PD/12 ED) (36 Active Points); OIF
sive warheads. Price: 10,500 credits, or more. (-½), Activation Roll 15- (-¼), Mass (half mass;
RKA 2½d6, Explosion (-1 DC/2”; +¾) (70 -½), Real Armor (-¼). Total cost: 14 points.
Active Points); OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-¼),
Full Body Armor: A full suit of polymer armor with a
STR Minimum (9; STR Minimum Doesn’t Add
helmet and gloves, providing total protection. Price:
To Damage; -1), 6 Charges (-¾). Total cost: 17
540 credits, or more.
Armor (12 PD/12 ED) (36 Active
Military Rocket Rifle: A rifle-sized version of the Points); OIF (-½), Mass (half mass;
Rocket Pistol, capable of fully automatic fire. Price: -½), Real Armor (-¼). Total cost:
15,000 credits, or more. 16 points.
RKA 2½d6, Explosion (-1 DC/2”; +¾), Autofire
(5 shots; +1½), 30 Charges (+¼) (140 Active ABLATIVE AND
Points); OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-¼), STR REFLECTIVE ARMORS
Minimum (14; STR Minimum Doesn’t Add To As energy weapons
Damage; -1), Two-Handed Weapon (-½). Total become more common,
cost: 37 points. synthetic materials like
Kevlar get vulnerable.
One solution is to cover
DEFENSES the armor with a layer
of ablative material which
The race between offense and defense has been absorbs and disperses the energy of
going on since the first Stone Age warrior made a a beam weapon attack. The disadvan-
shield to block spear thrusts. Since then, personal tage to ablative armor is that each shot
armor and personal weapons have seesawed back and burns away a little more protection.
forth in effectiveness. For a time after the invention Related to ablative armor, but
of gunpowder it appeared that offense had won the without the drawback of being
race, but in recent decades super-strong synthetics like removed by attacks, are reflec-
Kevlar have restored armor to the battlefield. In the tive armors. These are ordinary
future, the race is likely to continue, and to progress to body armors with a layer of
things like force fields. thin mirror-finish plastic
Force fields and their ilk are an entirely “rubber which reflects much of the
science” defense, but one which is quite common, energy of laser, ultraviolet
especially in Space Opera and Pulp science fiction. laser, and plasma attacks.
Often the force field can do more than just protect Unfortunately, wearing a
an individual; it may also provide Life Support bright shiny suit makes one
capabilities or the like. Note that powerful force very visible.
shields change the face of combat at high tech levels
156 ■ Computers, Blasters, And Robots: Technology HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
SUPERCONDUCTING Ablative Vest: A standard vest, covering Hit Locations Armor (4 PD/4 ED) (12 Active Points); IIF
SURFACE 11-13. Price: 540 credits, or more. (-¼), Activation Roll 8- (-2), Mass (half mass;
-½), Real Armor (-¼) (total cost: 3 points)
Armor (6 PD/6 ED) (18 Active Points); OIF (- plus Armor (+4 ED) (6 Active Points); IIF
A more high-tech ½), Activation Roll 9- (-1½), Mass (half mass;
way to defeat energy (-¼), Activation Roll 8- (-2), Only Protects
weapons comes from
-½), Real Armor (-¼) (total cost: 5 points) plus Against Laser And Plasma Attacks (-½), Mass
developments in super- Armor (+12 ED) (18 Active Points); OIF (-½), (half mass; -½), Real Armor (-¼) (total cost: 1
conductive materials. Activation Roll 9- (-1½), Ablative (-1), Mass (half point). Total cost: 4 points.
These are substances mass; -½), Real Armor (-¼) (total cost: 4 points).
which instantly conduct Total cost: 9 points. Reflective Coverall: This is worn over other armor
electricity or heat with by combat personnel who have to face laser-armed
no resistance. A suit of Ablative Foam: A cheap way to get some anti-laser opponents. It is a light hooded coverall providing only
superconducting armor protection, ablative foam sprays onto a person or
spreads an attack over anti-laser protection. Price: 270 credits, or more.
vehicle, forming a thick, flexible layer. It is packaged
the entire surface of the in cans holding enough foam to coat 3 men (or, at Armor (+12 ED) (18 Active Points); OIF (-½),
suit, radiating it harm- the GM’s discretion, a single vehicle no larger than an Activation Roll 15- (-¼), Only Protects Against
lessly away. Characters
automobile). It is not waterproof. Price: 180 credits, Laser Attacks (-1), Real Armor (-¼). Total cost:
can add a supercon-
ducting surface to any or more. 6 points.
other armor; it provides Armor (+8 ED), 3 Continuing Charges lasting
Energy Damage Reduc- BATTLE ARMOR
1 Hour each (removed by water or being shot
tion, Resistant, 75% (60 This is a full-body suit of rigid armor, suitable
Active Points) (apply the
off; -¼) (15 Active Points); OIF (-½), Ablative
(-1). Total cost: 6 points. for future infantrymen. Traditionally, good guys use
appropriate Limitations
transparent faceplates while bad guys’ are opaque.
for that type of armor
to determine the final Reflective Undervest: This is a small vest covering Hit The suit is sealed and has a filter to keep out chemi-
cost). Price: 900 credits Locations 12-13 only, worn by dignitaries or secret cal agents, but is not space-rated. It may be fitted
for a full suit. agents who want a little protection but can’t wear with a superconducting surface, and sometimes
combat gear. Price: 270 credits, or more. with other equipment suitable for a full powered
battlesuit. Price: 855 credits, or more.
Cost Battle Armor
20 Protective Armor: Armor (15 PD/15 ED)
(45 Active Points); OIF (-½), Mass (half
mass; -½), Real Armor (-¼)
8 Limited Life Support: Life Support (Self-
Contained Breathing; Safe Environment:
High Radiation) (12 Active Points); OIF (-½)
Total cost: 28 points
This is a very powerful and high-tech suit of
armor, akin to what’s depicted in Robert Heinlein’s
Starship Troopers or the many books influenced by
that novel. It makes an average Space Marine into
something like a comic-book superhero. The limbs
are powered to boost the user’s strength, the legs
have boost-jets for great leaps, and the suit mounts
a built-in arsenal of guns, beams, and missile
launchers (the user can also carry weapons in his
hands, of course). Naturally, such a supersuit isn’t
cheap; they are usually reserved for commandos or
elite assault troops. Price: 34,650 credits, or more
(cost assumes battlesuit has two weapons of 45
Active Points each).
Cost Powered Battlesuit
34 Protective Armor: Armor (20 PD/20 ED)
(60 Active Points); OIF (-½), Real Armor
13 Life Support: Life Support (Self-Contained
Breathing; Safe Environments: High Pres-
sure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense
Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum) (19 Active
Points); OIF (-½)
7 Boost-Jets: Leaping +10” (10 Active Points);
OIF (-½)
3 Visual Sensors: Infrared Perception (Sight
Star Hero ■ Chapter Seven 157

Group) (5 Active Points); OIF (-½) 9 Limited Life Support: Life Support (Self-
3 Visual Sensors: Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Contained Breathing; Safe Environments:
Group) (5 Active Points); OIF (-½) Intense Cold, Low Pressure/Vacuum)
2 Auditory Sensors: Ultrasonic Perception (14 Active Points); OIF (-½)
(Hearing Group) (3 Active Points); OIF (-½) ■ Total cost: 66 points.
7 Onboard Radar: Radar (Radio Group)
(15 Active Points); OIF (-½), Affected As
Sight Group As Well As Radio Group (-½) In Space Opera SF, and other stories involving
6 Communicator System: HRRP (Radio extremely advanced technology, force fields usu-
Group) (12 Active Points); OIF (-½), ally replace physical defenses such as body armor.
Affected As Sight And Hearing Group As Ranging from personal “force screens” to large force
Well As Radio Group (-½) shields configurable into a variety of shapes, their
8 Onboard Computer: Absolute Range Sense, generating equipment often weighs little. However,
Absolute Time Sense, Bump Of Direction, they do require some source of power to keep func-
Lightning Calculator; OIF (-½) tioning, and thus are vulnerable to attacks which
Total cost: 83 points deplete their energy reserves.

Cost Powered Battlesuit Options Personal Force Screen: This creates a shield which
20 Laser: RKA 2d6, Increased Maximum Range hugs the user and stops incoming attacks. A vari-
(925”; +¼), 32 Charges (+¼) (45 Active ant only blocks high-speed projectiles and energy
Points); OIF (-½), Beam (-¼), Real Weapon beams (a -½ Limitation), leaving the wearer free
(-¼), Blocked By Smoke Or Steam (-¼) to engage in melee combat. Price: 450 credits, or
62 Rocket Gun: RKA 2½d6, Explosion (-1 DC/ more.
2”; +¾), Autofire (5 shots; +1½), 30 Charges Force Field (10 PD/10 ED), Protects Carried
(+¼) (140 Active Points); OIF (-½), Real Items (30 Active Points); OIF (shield belt; -½),
Weapon (-¼), 8 Charges (-½) 1 Continuing Fuel Charge (fueled by electric-
48 Heavy Missile: RKA 6d6, Explosion (-1 DC/ ity, recharge is easily obtained; 20 Minutes;
2”; +¾) (157 Active Points); OIF (-½), Real -¼). Total cost: 17 points.
Weapon (-¼), 2 Charges (-1½)
112 Plasma Cannon: EB 12d6, Explosion (+½), Advanced Personal Force Screen: This version of
Autofire (5 shots; +1½), 100 Charges (+¾) the shield belt creates a field strong enough to hold
(225 Active Points); OIF (-½), Limited Range in atmosphere. When combined with a small air
(40”; -¼), Real Weapon (-¼) purifier and oxygen tank, it works just like a space
suit. Price: 660 credits, or more.
Instead of the rigid armor beloved of 1950s
science fiction, this is organic-looking bioplastic,
made of materials spawned from the meeting of
nanotechnology and genetic
engineering. It is a deceptively
thin and flexible suit of smart
nanofibers which can react
instantly to impacts or energy
attacks, going rigid or reflec-
tive as needed. Elastic fibers
and liquid microtubules rap-
idly disperse the energy of an
attack, and semi-autonomous
nanomachines can actually
“heal” damage to the suit. The
suit is fully capable of operat-
ing in space or underwater,
with an adaptive life-support
system. Price: 1,710 credits,
or more.
Cost Bioplastic Armor
34 Protective Armor:
Armor (20 PD/20 ED)
(60 Active Points); OIF
(-½), Real Armor (-¼)
23 Protective Armor: Phys-
ical and Energy Damage
Reduction, Normal, 50%
(40 Active Points); OIF
(-½), Real Armor (-¼)
158 ■ Computers, Blasters, And Robots: Technology HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Force Field (10 PD/10 ED), Protects Carried power of battlefield weapons — high explosive
Items (30 Active Points); OIF (shield belt; -½), shells lead to fuel-air explosive bombs, which can
1 Continuing Fuel Charge (fueled by electric- be as powerful as low-end nuclear weapons. In the
ity, recharge is easily obtained; 20 Minutes; worlds of science fiction, this trend can easily con-
-¼) (total cost: 17 points) plus Life Support tinue, as basic nukes evolve into smaller and more
(Self-Contained Breathing; Safe Environments: powerful versions. Other possible weapons of mass
Intense Cold, Low Pressure/Vacuum) (14 Active destruction include new explosives based on high-
Points); OIF (-½), Linked (-½), 1 Continuing tech chemistry, biological and chemical weapons
Fuel Charge (fueled by air supply, resupply is that make today’s gases and plagues look mild, FTL
easily obtained; 20 Minutes; -¼) (total cost: 6 kinetic weapons, antimatter bombs, teleporting
points). Total cost: 23 points. weapons and weapon launchers, black hole genera-
tors, and more. The problem, as on modern Earth, is
Force Shield Projector: A force shield projector is not how how to destroy something, but how to find
usually arm-mounted, and creates a force barrier in it and hit it.
front of the user. Price: 450 credits, or more.
Dimensional Missile: This missile is launched
Force Wall (6 PD/6 ED) (30 Active Points); OIF through a nearby higher-order dimension, using
(shield bracer; -½), Self Only (-½), No Range transdimensional sensors to home in on its target.
(-½), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge (fueled by elec- When it gets close enough, it drops into normal
tricity, recharge is easily obtained; 20 Minutes; space and attacks from the most advantageous angle.
-¼). Total cost: 11 points. Price: 57,300 credits, or more (includes “military
technology” multiplier).
Force Dome: This portable but bulky device creates
RKA 6d6, Explosion (-1 DC/3”; +1), Indirect
an 8-meter radius force dome. The dome is airtight,
(+¾), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible;
and the life support unit in the device creates a tem-
+1), Increased Maximum Range (42,125”, or
porary habitat in hazardous environments (though
about 52 miles; +½) (382 Active Points); OAF
the more people that are within the dome, the
(-1), 1 Charge which Never Recovers (-4). Total
quicker the air gets used up). Price: 1,455 credits, or
cost: 64 points.
Force Wall (8 PD/8 ED; 12” long) (62 Active Emplaced Plasma Cannon: This weapon, usually
Points); OAF Bulky (-1½), No Range (only mounted on a moon or satellite and used for plan-
works in radius around generator; -½), etary defense, projects an enormous burst of plasma.
Restricted Shape (dome only; -¼), 1 Continu- Price: 97,500 credits, or more (includes “military
ing Fuel Charge (fueled by electricity, recharge technology” multiplier).
is easily obtained; 1 Hour; -0) (total cost: 19
EB 40d6, Explosion (-1 DC/4”; +1¼), Increased
points) plus Life Support (Self-Contained
Maximum Range (1,406,250”, or about 1,748
Breathing; Safe Environments: Intense Cold,
miles; +1) (650 Active Points); OIF Immobile (-
Low Pressure/Vacuum), Area Of Effect (fills
1½), 12 Charges (-¼). Total cost: 236 points.
entire area beneath dome; +1½) (35 Active
Points); OIF (-½), Linked (-½), 1 Continuing Self-Propelled Nuclear Bomb: Small enough for an
Fuel Charge (fueled by air supply, resupply average Human to carry easily in a backpack, this
is easily obtained; 1 Hour; -0) (total cost: 17 devastating device packs a one megaton nuclear
points). Total cost: 36 points. punch. (This is an extremely simplistic representa-
tion of how nuclear weapons work — it doesn’t
include things like the radiation blast, flash effect,
MILITARY TECHNOLOGY or electromagnetic pulse — but it should suffice
for most game purposes.) Price: 101,250 credits, or
Technology has always had a great effect on more (includes “military technology” multiplier).
the battlefield, and that is likely to continue into the
future. There are three areas of particular interest in RKA 20d6, Explosion (+½), MegaRange (1” =
military tech: heavy weapons, mobility, and infor- 10 km; +½), MegaArea (1” = 1 km; +¼) (675
mation handling. Active Points); OAF (-1), 1 Charge which Never
Recovers (-4). Total cost: 112 points.
Most of the weapons described above have their MOBILITY
battlefield-scale equivalents. A “quick and dirty” way Because of the great power of battlefield weap-
to make an artillery version of a personal weapon is ons, if you stay in one place you’re dead. But if you
to add the MegaScale Advantage to range (and per- move, you become visible, and then you’re dead
haps the Area Of Effect/Explosion, if applicable), and again. Fighting vehicles have had to get very fast just
make it Immobile. Gamemasters willing to do a little to survive — an early twenty-first century heavy
more work can make Automaton weapons, such as main battle tank can move across open country
artillery launchers with built-in AI computers and almost as swiftly as a car on a highway. In the air,
the ability to drive, fly, or even teleport themselves. new fighter designs envision planes which can cruise
Even in the early twenty-first century, there’s around at supersonic speeds rather than flying that
already almost no upper limit to the destructive fast just in combat.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Seven 159

In the future, battlefield hovercraft may

be able to roar around the battlefield at more
than 200 kilometers per hour; a couple of
generations later, the difference between a
tank and a combat helicopter may disap-
pear. At sea, “supercavitating” submarines
will be able to go almost as fast underwater.
It’s likely that vertical take-off airplanes will
make submarine carriers feasible, so the sur-
face will be left to hydrofoils, hovercraft, and
the super-fast “Ekranoplans” (a hybrid of air-
plane and hovercraft developed in Russia).
See page 205 for more on hovercraft.
What about the poor, bloody infantry
amid all this fast and powerful technology?
Well, already soldiers ride instead
of march, and some of those fast
vehicles will be personnel carriers
or landing craft. Jetpacks, jump-
jets, personal teleporters, and other
such movement technology may also
exist in an SF setting. The development of
compact power systems to drive an armored
battlesuit will let the infantry compete once
again, as soldiers on foot take over some of a
tank’s duties.
Military Communicator: Typically worn on the wrist,
this device transmits both video and audio, and is
The idea that knowledge and information are hardened to prevent it from being jammed. Price:
paramount on the battlefield is not new. What is 2,100 credits, or more (includes “military technol-
new is that improved communications and comput- ogy” multiplier).
ers are finally making it possible for commanders
and troops to know exactly what is happening and HRRP (Radio Group), Difficult To Dispel (x8
where, in real time. Soldiers “paint” a target with Active Points; +¾) (21 Active Points); OIF
lasers and a plane makes the attack, or artillery does (-½), Affected As Sight And Hearing Group
the job from kilometers away. Or the information As Well As Radio Group (-½). Total cost: 10
is relayed to a missile platform, which launches a points.
cruise missile from over the horizon. What makes
it all work is control of space: spy satellites for rec- Personal Teleporter: This device (possibly a mesh
onaissance, GPS satellites to give everyone highly woven into armor) allows a soldier to teleport him-
accurate position data, and communications satel- self brief distances on mental command. It typically
lites to put everyone in touch. This works very well requires access to positioning and power-generating
when one side has air and space command and the satellites, so anything that cuts off that access (being
other doesn’t — a conflict between two modern-day deep underground, Darkness to Radio Group) stops
armies might be a lot more confused and bloody. In it from functioning. Price: 6,200 credits, or more
a science fiction setting, communications and infor- (includes “military technology” multiplier).
mation-gathering become even more advanced, pos- Teleportation 20”, x8 Noncombat, Reduced
sibly incorporating rubber science explanations that Endurance (½ END; +¼) (62 Active Points);
expand battlefield options even further. OIF (-½), Does Not Work If Cut Off (see text;
The flip side of perfect information is stealth. -¼). Total cost: 35 points.
If you can be seen you can be killed, so everyone
spends a lot of time not being seen. Airplanes now Stealth Field: This device, incorporated into a sol-
have stealth design and radar-absorbent coating; dier’s armor or uniform, bends energy waves around
submarines have silent propellors and sound-baf- him, providing effective invisibility. However, some-
fling hulls. It’s likely the next generation of surface one standing close enough may notice the “bending”
ships (if there are any) will be low and stealthy (right effect (i.e., the Fringe), or see physical traces the
now carriers and their escorts rely on electronic jam- soldier leaves behind (footprints, dust). Price: 2,500
ming and the ability to wipe out all possible threats). credits, or more (includes “military technology” mul-
Stealthy tanks are also likely. Soldiers wear camou- tiplier).
flage, but infrared vision gear is making that almost
irrelevant. Future soldiers may wear chameleon cam- Invisibility to Sight and Radio Groups (25
ouflage and some form of infrared masking. Finally, Active Points); IIF (-¼), 1 Continuing Fuel
countermeasures and jamming to interfere with Charge (fueled by electricity, recharge is easily
all that elaborate real-time information streaming obtained; 1 Hour; -0). Total cost: 20 points.
would do a lot to even the odds.
160 ■ Computers, Blasters, And Robots: Technology HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

CLARKE’S LAW ow that the business of blowing stuff up is Patrol (using Combat Piloting, Concealment, and/or
out of the way, what else can technology do? Stealth). The “and” in the second Program is a clear
Famed science fiction Almost anything, it turns out. indicator that two Programs are necessary; the Pro-
author Arthur C. Clarke gram attempts to include two commands into one
once made a statement Program, which is improper in most cases.
that SF fans have come Some players may want to set up triggering
to call Clarke’s Law. It
states: “Any sufficiently
COMPUTERS conditions, so that their computers take action or
activate programs in the event of certain circum-
advanced technology The HERO System rules for computers (pages
stances. Examples of this would include “If I am
is indistinguishable 459-61 of the 5th Edition, Revised rulebook) allow
from magic.” In other
knocked out, get us to safety.” Again, that’s really
construction of both simple and artificial intel-
words, when technology two Programs — the trigger is one Program, and
ligence devices. In most Star Hero games, normal
becomes high enough, can activate the other. The computer needs two
computers are “equipment,” bought with money
most people — particu- Programs: “If I Am Knocked Out, Activate Pilot
rather than Character Points, while AI computers are
larly “primitive” people Ship Program”; and Pilot Ship. Since Pilot Ship takes
— can’t really tell it apart
typically NPCs. It is possible to purchase an AI (if
the ship from one specified location to another, the
from “magic.” Eventually, the local laws allow it), but the machine won’t have
player should decide in advance where the ship
the two sort of become any particular loyalty to the heroes unless one of
heads if he is rendered unconscious (in this case,
one. them spends Character Points to buy it as a Follower,
Location A is “ship’s current location”).
part of a Base, or the like.
Of course, the GM may, in his discretion, allow
Beyond the classic SENSES a program to combine two closely-related functions
impress-the-natives- — such as “Monitor Sensors; Report Anomalies
with-a-cigarette-lighter Computers cannot, by themselves, “perceive.”
trick, Clarke’s Law has Unlike Automatons, they don’t come with the basic Detected.” The decision depends on how tightly
some interesting rami- suite of Senses for free. They have to be hooked into linked the functions are, how frequently the program
fications Star Hero GMs sensory systems (like the security cameras at a Base, is used, and other factors.
could explore. At what or the sensors on a starship) to give them the ability Undefined Programs
point does technology to perceive, or the builder has to buy specific senses
become magic? Could
Obviously, it’s difficult for players and GMs
for the Computer (using the costs from the sidebar to think up all the possible actions and contingen-
a Star Hero campaign
really be, or become,
on page 161 of the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised cies a computer might need to take into account. If
a Fantasy Hero cam- for normal Senses). If bought with the ability to per- appropriate, the GM can allow characters to create
paign... or vice-versa? ceive, a Computer can make PER Rolls based on its computers with a pool of Character Points set aside
Were the magicians of INT, and can recall things it has perceived with an for Programs which aren’t yet defined. When a situa-
ancient legend actually INT Roll. tion arises where the computer should be able to act
time travelers? Could a in a certain way, but no specific Program covers that
Star Hero setting feature PROGRAMS
situation, the GM may (if he wishes) let the player
“tech-mages” command- The distinction between Skills and computer assign one of the “unspent” points to a new Program
ing technology far more programs is subtle. Skills allow the use of equipment,
advanced than the cam-
specifically for that contingency.
Powers, and abilities. Programs tell the computer
paign norm, but cloaked what to do with those Skills. COMPUTERS AS CHARACTERS
in a veneer of mysticism? Creating proper Programs requires a little bit of One familiar trope in science fiction is the
planning and forethought. Ideally, you should be able perky ship’s computer, which is just as much a char-
to phrase the Program in one short, simple sentence acter as the crew. With the GM’s permission, players
COMPUTERS AND — one subject, one verb, and one object. If you can’t
MENTAL POWERS may run computer characters. Because this may
describe the Program in a single simple sentence, unbalance the campaign, and often makes it difficult
you should split it into multiple Programs (or, if to get the computer character involved in scenarios,
Mental Powers bought to appropriate, buy it as a Skill). However, a Program
affect the Machine class the GM should consider very carefully before allow-
of minds can affect both
can allow for some simple variables. ing computer PCs into his Star Hero campaign.
normal and AI com- For example, “Pilot Ship From Location A Computer characters are built on the normal
puters (see the HERO To Location B” is a proper Program. It’s simply Base Points + Disadvantages for the campaign; they
System 5th Edition, expressed, and uses Navigation (Space) and Trans- do not get to divide their total cost by 5 to determine
Revised, page 117). The port Familiarity. It allows the user to input two the Real Point cost, as with standard computers.
GM may, if he chooses, easily-defined variables (Location A and Location They do not receive Senses for free; as noted above,
apply some of the rules B). However, “Pilot Ship From Location A To Loca- they must buy Senses or be connected to sensory
for robots and Mental tion B And Avoid Star Patrol Ships” should be two devices. All computer characters are considered AI
Powers (see page 165) to Programs — one to fly the ship (using the Skills computers; they have EGO and may have Psycho-
computers as well. mentioned above) and one for avoiding the Star logical Limitations.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Seven 161

Perks And Talents THE GALACTIC

HAND COMPUTER Computer characters rarely have Perks; it’s more COMPUTERNET
likely they’ll suffer from restrictions on their status
Many SF characters carry this device, or something
and activities than have special benefits (see Disad- Many SF settings feature
like it. It’s a small computer used to store personal
data and download information (the “Database” KSs
vantages, below). However, some may be appropri- a vast, star-spanning
represent whatever music, video material, and read- ate. A computer with financial skills could amass its computer and commu-
ing material the user currently has installed on the own private fortune and have Money. One that can nications network for
device). While this version is a discrete unit (an OAF), “download” its personality into a robotic body might use by the inhabitants of
it’s possible to build one into a bracelet or other piece build that body as a Vehicle. those settings. Typically
of jewelry (OIF or IIF), or even to weave the neces- On the other hand, many Talents are highly any citizen can have at
sary circuitry into clothing (IIF). least basic access to the
appropriate for computer characters. Almost all
network, though this
Cost Hand Computer computer PCs should have Absolute Time Sense, depends on the society
5 Communications Function: HRRP (Radio Bump Of Direction, Eidetic Memory, Lightning Cal- in question — and of
Group); OAF (-1), Flashed As Sight And culator, and Speed Reading, which represent various course some people
Hearing Group As Well As Radio Group (-½) built-in functions common to computers. Universal (government officials,
8 Computer: Computer (see below); OAF (-1) Translator is also appropriate in Space Opera-style military officers, and the
campaigns. like) have much greater
Val Char Cost
degrees of access. (See
15 INT 5 Powers page 49 for more infor-
10 DEX 0 A computer character’s Powers, if any, depend mation on buying this as
2 SPD 0
primarily on his “body” and how the GM wants him a Perk.)
Cost Skills to access it. The GM must consider the issue of what
11 AK: Milky Way Galaxy 20- the computer controls. If it’s wired into every system The Galactic Comput-
2 KS: Archived Recent News 11- aboard a starship and can use them as easily as a ernet provides its users
5 KS: Current News 14- person uses his body, then he may require the com- with access to vast reams
3 KS: Contact Information 12- puter character to pay Character Points for those of information. Think
11 KS: Known Sentient Species 20- of it as KS: Everything
abilities, rather than allowing it to have them for free
1 KS: Literature Database 8- This Society Knows 60-
1 KS: Movies Database 8-
just because the campaign features a PC-owned star-
and SS: Every Science
1 KS: Music Database 8- ship. Alternately, the GM may require the computer This Society Knows 40-.
4 PS: Personal Assistant 13- character to buy the Vehicle (or Base) itself, so that But of course, searching
2 Systems Operation (Communications (like any character who owns a Vehicle or Base) it for any particular fact
Systems) 12- pays for the resources it controls. entails massive penalties
Similarly, a computer character may have a in such a broad data-
robotic body it uses. In that case, the character base. On the average,
1 Alert Owner Regarding Scheduled
should pay for the body’s abilities. In some cases, the the ’Net can provide an
“computer” character is really a sentient robot for answer to any simple
1 Prioritize Incoming Calls According To User
game purposes, even if it conceives of itself as a com- question in just 1-3 Seg-
ments; this requires no
1 Search Reference Material For Information puter (see page 165).
roll. The more esoteric
On A Topic One power common to most computer charac- or complex the query,
1 Send Communication To Recorded ters is the ability to make a “backup” copy of them- the longer it takes to
Identicode On Spoken Cue selves in the event they’re destroyed. The easiest way find it out, and the
1 Send Emergency Call To Emergency to build this is as Resurrection Healing; the Resur- harder the Skill Roll. An
Authorities If Specified Protocols Are Not Met
rection can be stopped by any means that destroys or esoteric/complicated
Talents tampers with the backup copy. Alternately, it could question probably
3 Clock: Absolute Time Sense be defined as Duplication with appropriate Limita- requires around a 15-
5 Memory: Eidetic Memory tions, including Cannot Recombine and Duplicate roll and up to an hour
3 Calculator: Lightning Calculator Only Becomes Active Upon Original’s Death (-1). In of time; a very esoteric/
3 Instant-On Feature: Lightsleep complicated one a 12-
either case, the backup only possesses the character’s
20 Translator: Universal Translator 12- roll and up to a day; and
memories and abilities up to the last time a backup an extremely estoteric/
Total Computer Cost: 85/5 = 17 was made; if the character doesn’t take the time to complicated one an 8-
update his backups frequently, he may experience and up to a week.
Total cost: 13 points
significant losses.
Characteristics And Skills Another ability often possessed by computer The Computernet also
Depending on how you define a computer characters is the power to “download” themselves provides users with
character, it may be able to sell back many of its into “vessels” such as robotic bodies, or even other HRRP with a range
Primary Characteristics. On the other hand, some computers. There are many ways to represent this sufficient to cover the
(particularly INT) need to be quite high. ability. It might be a form of Duplication, if the char- entire area controlled by
acter has a brigade of robotic forms it can use. Multi- the ’Net’s creators and
Skills for a computer character represent its
form might be appropriate, if the computer character overseers. Long dis-
stored/programmed knowledge and abilities. Com- tances may entail time-
puter characters do not require Programs; as PCs, is ordinarily confined to a “body” (such as a star-
lags, especially if FTL
they have as much free will and self-control as any ship). For transferring into and taking over another communication doesn’t
other character (but perhaps some important Psy- computer, a Linked combination of Teleportation exist.
chological Limitations also; see below). and Mind Control would do the trick.
Computer characters naturally are skilled at
working with other computers. They can access
162 ■ Computers, Blasters, And Robots: Technology HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
“My prime programming requires me to steer this
vessel to a safe location regardless of your commands,

Computer characters usually have one or more

Psychological Limitations. Programming can consti-
tute a Psychological Limitation as well as a Physical
one; the difference is that Psychological Limitation
programming can be overridden with Mind Control
(or, in the GM’s judgment, a Computer Program-
ming roll made at the same penalty imposed on the
character’s EGO Rolls to overcome the Limitation).
Typically Programming is Common, Strong (and thus
worth 15 points).
Many computer characters have the Psycho-
logical Limitation Emotionless (Common, Total; 20
points). This signifies that they have no emotions,
approach all situations from the standpoint of logic
and reason, and usually have difficulty understanding
decisions other characters make for emotional reasons
(often resulting in a -3, or greater, penalty on Interac-
tion Skills). Other Psychological Limitations common
to computer characters include:
Considers Self Superior To Organic Beings
(Common, Moderate; 10 points)
Must Obey Orders From Crew (Common, Total; 20
Wishes To Experience Emotions (Common, Strong;
15 points)

In many science fiction societies, computers,

even sentient ones, aren’t considered “citizens” or
accorded full civil rights. This constitutes a Social
Limitation (typically one that’s Very Frequently,
cyberspace, if it exists, effortlessly (Extra-Dimen- Minor; 15 points).
sional Movement), often have powerful programs
for “hacking,” and perhaps even Mental Powers that CYBERSPACE
affect the Machine class of minds. (See below for more Depictions of “cyberspace” vary tremendously
information about cyberspace). in SF. Some writers base it on modern computer
Disadvantages networks, with most information moving via text or
As powerful as computer characters can be, they graphics, and battles of hackers and security fought
also suffer from some significant restrictions. through keyboards. That’s best modeled as characters
With the GM’s permission, a computer character pitting their Computer Programming Skills against
who’s “built in” to a starship or base and cannot leave each other.
that facility at all can take a Physical Limitation, Built- More exotic visions of cyberspace see it as a
In (typically this is Frequently, Greatly Impairing; “place” in which avatars of the characters interact with
15 points). However, a computer character with this other people and programs in a kind of metaphori-
Disadvantage may cause problems for the campaign; cal landscape. Gamemasters can make this a version
GMs should only allow it after careful consideration. of Extra-Dimensional Travel (see below). A modem
Another possible Physical Limitation is Program- or dataport becomes the portal to another realm.
ming (typically this is Frequently, Greatly Impairing; Combat in cyberspace is mostly a matter of offensive
15 points). This represents the fact that the computer and defensive programs, with various effects (see
character is “hard-wired” to do (or not do) certain below). Since most of the “people” one meets in cyber-
things, and that even Mind Control can’t override space are computer systems, programs tend to focus
these instructions. The GM and player should define, on attacking their abilities. Security programs which
in at least vague terms, what’s included in the charac- can do actual harm to a Human user exist, but they
ter’s programming, keeping common sense and dra- are illegal in many jurisdictions.
matic sense in mind. Science fiction television shows While adventuring in cyberspace, characters
and movies provide lots of examples: exist as software avatars, and protect themselves and
attack others with software as well. A character’s avatar
“I’m sorry, you cannot override the engine’s safety lacks his STR, Skills other than Computer Program-
restrictions without command authorization.” ming, physical abilities, Mental Powers, and the like,
“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that, Dave... it’s against but retains all his other Characteristics (including
regulations.” Figured Characteristics based on his STR). Characters
Star Hero ■ Chapter Seven 163

who want STR or higher Characteristics that only the Cybernet, as defined by the location of the
work with their avatars, or Skills and abilities for use computer containing the modem), Reduced
only in cyberspace, buy them with the Limitations Endurance (0 END; +½) (37 Active Points);
Only In Cyberspace (-2) and OAF (the disk, computer, OAF (-1). Total cost: 18 points.
cyberdeck, or other system the character stores his
cyberspace utilities on; computer and robotic charac- Jacking In: More common than an ordinary modem
ters don’t take this Limitation). Thus, to create a secu- is the ability to “jack in” to cyberspace directly, via a
rity-penetration utility, a character might go for the “dataport” implanted in the character’s brain. The
stealthy approach (Stealth or Invisibility), the puzzle- character’s body remains in the “real world,” but
solving approach (Lockpicking and Security Sys- cannot sense anything there or act, leaving it vulner-
tems), or the brute force approach (HKA). His choice able. Moreover, deadly computer security programs
depends not only on personal preference, but on how can kill the character by killing his cyber-self.
the target system defines its security utilities.
Extra-Dimensional Movement (any location
A character can run a number of cyberspace
in the Cybernet, as defined by the location
utilities equal to either his or his computer’s INT/5,
of the computer where the character jacks
whichever is lower. Computer characters and AIs who
in), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (37
buy utilities as innate abilities can run as many as
Active Points); OIF (dataport; -½), Meat Body
they wish, which is one reason they’re so fearsome in
(character’s body remains in the real world, but
cannot move, perceive, or act, and damage to
Cyberspace Movement either the virtual form [in cyberspace] or the
Characters “move” in cyberspace in two ways. real body [in the real world] can hurt or kill the
Narratively, characters can move from any location character; -1). Total cost: 15 points.
in cyberspace to any other location in one Phase.
This assumes no impediments to movement, such as Example Cyberspace Utilities
access-blocking security utilities; the GM must judge Avatar Defense: This standard defense utility protects
the effects of those individually. For “combat” pur- an avatar from the effects of deadly security utilities.
poses, all avatars move at a standard rate of Flight 6” Price: 400 credits, or more.
per Phase. The “inches” in this case don’t involve literal
movement (the character’s body remains where it is +10 ED and Damage Resistance (up to 20 ED)
in the physical world), but rather “virtual movement” (20 Active Points); OAF (cyberdeck; -1), Only in
through the electronic world (they’re defined as Flight Cyberspace (-2). Total cost: 5 points.
so characters can soar up to the top of towers of data
and so forth). They represent relative speed between Connection Jammer: A very frustrating attack, this
avatars, for the purposes of virtual chases and the like, utility slows down one’s opponent’s net connection.
not an actual restriction on movement. A character Price: 900 credits, or more.
visiting the cyberspace home of a bank in New York Drain SPD 3d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END;
City can switch to a virtual nightclub in Tokyo in +½) (45 Active Points); OAF (cyberdeck; -1),
one Phase, as described above... but a more powerful Only in Cyberspace (-2). Total cost: 11 points.
avatar that’s bought Flight +3” can “chase” and catch
the character (and also do more damage with virtual Cyberattack: This is a basic brute-force attack pro-
Move Throughs). The inches of Flight simply reflect gram, allowing an avatar to smash through virtual
relative movement skill and speed within the virtual walls and assault other avatars. Price: 800 credits, or
realm. more.
Cyberspace Perception And Combat EB 8d6 (40 Active Points); OAF (cyberdeck; -1),
Avatars have the standard perception abilities of Only in Cyberspace (-2). Total cost: 10 points.
a normal character, though in cyberspace usually only
Sight, Hearing, and Touch are of any use. They may Deadly Security: These collection of security utilities
buy Enhanced Senses as utilities. actually cause power surges which can injure Humans
Avatars may use all Standard Combat Maneu- jacked in to the ’net. The computer the character
vers, and any Optional Combat Maneuvers the GM uses has a surge protector, and so is not affected itself
allows, at STR 0. If they want more STR, Martial (though rumors exist of security utilities powerful
Maneuvers, Combat Skill Levels, or attack abilities enough to fry shielded systems as well as users).
like a “virtual gun,” they must buy them as cyberspace
utilities. Light Deadly Security: RKA 2d6, Reduced
Endurance (0 END; +½) (45 Active Points);
Accessing Cyberspace OAF (cyberdeck; -1), Only in Cyberspace (-2),
Modem: “Realistic” forms of SF use a device like a No Range (-½). Total cost: 10 points. Price: 900
modem, built into a computer, to access cyberspace. credits.
The user is limited to what he sees “on the screen”; he
doesn’t actually “enter” cyberspace, but rather “opens Heavy Deadly Security: RKA 4d6, Reduced
a window” that lets him view and participate in the Endurance (0 END; +½) (90 Active Points);
online world. OAF (cyberdeck; -1), Only in Cyberspace (-2), No
Range (-½). Total cost: 20 points. Price: 1,800
Extra-Dimensional Movement (any location in credits.
164 ■ Computers, Blasters, And Robots: Technology HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
programmer chooses the specific effect in advance.
Price: 700 credits, or more.
Change Environment 64” radius, -1 to opposing
OCV (35 Active Points); OAF (cyberdeck; -1),
Only in Cyberspace (-2), No Range (-½). Total
cost: 8 points.

Kung Fu: This program enhances an avatar’s HTH

Combat abilities, making it more likely he can defeat
other avatars he encounters. Price: 700 credits, or
+20 STR and Martial Maneuvers (15 points’
worth, defined when program is purchased) (35
Active Points); OAF (cyberdeck; -1), Only in
Cyberspace (-2). Total cost: 9 points.

Location Defense: The chief form of defense for vir-

tual locations (like the “vault” where a bank keeps
electronic records of deposits, withdrawals, and
accounts). It’s big enough to block one “door” or other
point of access (the “walls” of the location would be
defined as part of a virtual Base, with at least as much
DEF as this program). Price: 1,500 credits, or more.
Force Wall (10 PD/10 ED), Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½) (75 Active Points); OAF (cyber-
deck; -1), Only in Cyberspace (-2), No Range
(-½). Total cost: 17 points.

Masking: This program renders an avatar invisible to

most other avatars and cyberspace “sensors.” Price:
Cutting-Edge Deadly Security: RKA 3d6, NND 900 credits, or more.
(defense is appropriate defense program, typically
defined as Life Support [Immunity]; +1), Does Invisibility to Sight Group, No Fringe, Reduced
BODY (+1), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) Endurance (0 END; +½) (45 Active Points);
(157 Active Points); OAF (cyberdeck; -1), Only OAF (cyberdeck; -1), Only in Cyberspace (-2).
in Cyberspace (-2), No Range (-½). Total cost: 35 Total cost: 11 points.
points. Price: 31,400 credits, or more (includes
“cutting edge” multiplier). Program Defense: The chief form of defense against
Decompiler utilities. Price: 600 credits, or more.
Decompiler: This utility scrambles other cyberspace
Power Defense (30 points) (30 Active Points);
utilities, shutting them down. Each Decompiler is tar-
OAF (cyberdeck; -1), Only in Cyberspace (-2).
geted against a specific other utility. Price: 540 credits,
Total cost: 7 points.
or more.
Dispel [Defined Utility] 6d6, Reduced Endur- Pulse: This emits a blast of virtual light which blinds
ance (0 END; +½) (27 Active Points); OAF other avatars in the vicinity. Price: 1,500 credits, or
(cyberdeck; -1), Only in Cyberspace (-2), No more.
Range (-½). Total cost: 6 points. Sight Group Flash 5d6, Explosion (-1 DC/3”;
+1), Personal Immunity (+¼), Reduced Endur-
Decoys: This utility creates fake avatars to confuse
ance (0 END; +½) (69 Active Points); OAF
opponents and security programs. Price: 440 credits,
(cyberdeck; -1), Only in Cyberspace (-2), No
or more.
Range (-½). Total cost: 15 points.
Sight Group Images, Increased Size (8” radius;
+¾), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (22 Relocate: This utility allows an avatar to move much
Active Points); OAF (cyberdeck; -1), Only in faster in cyberspace. Price: 600 credits, or more.
Cyberspace (-2), Set Effect (up to 6 duplicates of Flight +10”, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½)
avatar; -1). Total cost: 4 points. (30 Active Points); OAF (cyberdeck; -1), Only in
Cyberspace (-2). Total cost: 7 points.
Interface Editor: This utility changes the appearance of
a character’s immediate surroundings to an interface Trace: Feared by all hackers, this lets security software
style of his own choice — so in a cyberspace of glow- find out where an avatar originates in the real world,
ing lines and abstract shapes, suddenly there is a car- which often reveals a hacker’s real identity. Price: 160
toon landscape. This often confuses opponents. The credits, or more.
effects fade in 1d6 Segments unless maintained. The
Star Hero ■ Chapter Seven 165

Detect Cyberspace Connection Address (INT or androids with more limited functions (and then THE LAWS OF
Roll) (Radio Sense Group), Tracking (8 Active gradually expand his abilities), or find some way to ROBOTICS
Points); OAF (cyberdeck; -1), Only in Cyber- explain why he’s temporarily “crippled.”
space (-2). Total cost: 2 points. Robot and android characters should not be Renowned science
built as Automatons; that poses too many game fiction author Isaac
balance problems. They should be sophisticated Asimov devised, with
ROBOTS enough to function like ordinary characters.
Suggestions for powers, abilities, and Disad-
the help of John W.
Campbell, three famous
Robots in science fiction go back a long way, vantages for computer characters (see above) gen- Laws of Robotics
erally apply to robot and android characters, too. — standing orders with
possibly to Frankenstein, or even to the Golem of
which the robots in
Prague. The term comes from the SF play R.U.R. by his stories were pro-
Characteristics And Skills
Karl Capek; it’s a Czech word meaning “worker.” grammed. They are:
Robots and androids usually have high Char-
Generally speaking, robots come in two cat-
acteristics across the board. They’re not only stron-
egories: robots and androids. True robots can be The First Law: A
ger and tougher than Humans, but smarter, too.
just about any type of fully automated machine, robot may not injure
However, their EGO, PRE, and COM may all be
ranging from tiny flying spy-bots, to a collection a human being or,
low; they don’t necessarily understand “organics” or
of mechanical arms on a wheeled base, to human- through inaction, allow
relate to them well.
oid servant-robots. The Star Wars films provide a human being to come
Skills, similarly, should have fairly high rolls. to harm.
an excellent example of the possible diversity of
They represent the character’s extensive knowledge
robots (or “droids,” as they’re called). Androids, on
and programming. Technical Skills (such as Com- The Second Law: A
the other hand, are humanoid-shaped mechanical
puter Programming and Systems Operation) are robot must obey orders
constructs, sometimes distinguishable from true
the most common, but many others are possible. given to it by human
Humans (or other species) only upon detailed
Some robots and androids may have high beings, except where
examination. Data, from Star Trek: The Next Gen-
Disguise Skills, so they can pass as normal organic obeying an order would
eration, is an android. conflict with the First
In HERO System terms, robots are usually Law.
Automatons with normal computer “brains.” They Perks And Talents
don’t have EGO or Psychological Limitations. Robots and androids approach Perks and Tal- The Third Law: A robot
Androids have AI brains, or in the case of the most ents the same as computer characters. In almost all must protect its own
advanced types, may simply be built as normal cases they should have the Talents listed for com- existence, provided
characters with appropriate abilities. In that case, puter characters. doing so does not con-
STUN represents how easy it is for the character’s flict with the First and
Powers Second Laws.
systems to become temporarily disoriented due to
Robots and
damage or impact, EGO the sophisticated nature of
androids tend to have In various forms, these
their computer brains, and so forth.
certain powers — call laws have been incor-
Like other Automatons, robots and
androids are recognizably artificial and/or porated, to one degree
or another, into many
machines. If you want one to pass as
different settings, and
Human, he needs certain Skills or science fiction fans
Powers (see below). Androids not built (including Star Hero
as Automatons can pass for flesh-and- gamers) often know
blood Humans unless they take a Dis- about them. Gamemas-
tinctive Feature indicating otherwise. ters who wish to use
them, or allow their
ROBOT CHARACTERS use, can simply give
With the GM’s permis- robots the Psycho-
sion, players can play robots or logical Limitation, Must
androids as PCs (there’s even a Obey Laws Of Robot-
suggested Android Package Deal ics (Very Common,
Total; 25 points). (You
on page 23). However, GMs
could also make this a
should consider this carefully. Physical Limitation so
Robots and androids often it cannot be “overrid-
present the same potential den.”)
for unbalancing the game
as computer characters (see Of course, GMs can
above), but to an even greater alter these laws to suit
degree, since they’re mobile. their campaigns, or
They are powerful, tough, come up with their
smart, and highly capable — own sets of laws that
so much so, in fact, that players don’t resemble these
may not be able to build a “real- at all. Regardless of
what the laws are like
istic” robot or android on the
in the game, inevita-
campaign’s starting Base Points bly a scenario or two
+ Disadvantages. In that case,
they should either design a robot Continued on next page
166 ■ Computers, Blasters, And Robots: Technology HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Continued from last page them “Everyrobot Powers,” if you will. These include: CARGO LOADER/HEAVY LABOR ROBOT
turns around the issue Robot/Android Form: The character’s mechanical/ Val Char Cost Roll Notes
of whether a robot artificial form is more resistant to damage than flesh. 30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [3]
violated one of them 12 DEX 6 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4
(typically the First Law, Armor (6 PD/6 ED). Total cost: 18 points. 10 CON 0 11-
in murder mystery sto- (Alternately, Damage Resistance (6 PD/6 ED), 15 BODY 10 12-
ries). The Doctor Who total cost: 6 points.) 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
episode “The Robots
0 EGO 0 — ECV: N/A
Of Death” provides one Robot/Android Form: Robots and androids can sur-
good horror-mystery 10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
vive in situations that kill organic beings.
example of such a story, 10 COM 0 11-
but there are plenty Life Support: Total. Total cost: 45 points.
of others out there for (Long-lasting robots and androids may also 4 PD 6 Total: 4 PD (4 rPD)
GMs to draw inspira- have Longevity.) 4 ED 9 Total: 4 ED (4 rED)
tion from. 2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
Sensors: Most robots and androids have senses 8 REC 0
organic beings lack. They should have at least 10 0 END -10
points’ worth of Enhanced Senses, if not more. — STUN — Total Characteristics Cost: 41
(+10 with NCM)
Beyond these abilities, a robot or android could
have just about any Power — built-in weapons Movement: Running: 6”/12”
(Attack Powers), the ability to alter form to resemble Leaping: 6”/12”
an ordinary organic being (Shape Shift), “backup”
powers such as those described for computer charac- Cost Powers END
ters, enhanced movement abilities, you name it. The 22 Tractor Beam: Telekinesis (10 STR),
main limits are what the setting’s technology allows, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 0
what the GM permits, and what the character can 15 Android Body: Does Not Bleed 0
afford. 45 Android Body: Takes No STUN 0
15 Tireless: Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½) on 30 STR 0
Here are a few examples of Disadvantages
6 Tireless: Reduced Endurance
common to robot and android player characters:
(0 END; +½) on Running 0
Distinctive Features: Android (Concealable With 3 Tireless: Reduced Endurance
Effort; Noticed And Recognizable; 10 points) (0 END; +½) on Leaping 0
Physical Limitation: Sophisticated Computer Brain 1 Tireless: Reduced Endurance
(affected by Mental Powers (0 END; +½) on Swimming 0
that work against either 12 Android Body: Damage Resistance
the Human or Machine (4 PD/4 ED) 0
classes of minds) (cost 45 Android Body: Life Support: Total 0
varies depending on 5 Visual Sensors: Infrared Perception
the commonality of (Sight Group) 0
Mental Powers in the 5 Visual Sensors: Ultraviolet Perception
campaign) (Sight Group) 0
10 Visual Sensors: x100 Microscopic for
Physical or Psycho- Sight Group 0
logical Limitation: Pro- 3 Auditory Sensors: Ultrasonic Perception
gramming (see page (Hearing Group) 0
162). 12 Radio Sensors: HRRP (Radio Group) 0
Social Limitation: Android
(restricted civil rights, suf- Talents
fers from prejudice) (Very Fre- 32 Onboard Computer Systems: Absolute
quently, Minor; 15 points) Range Sense, Absolute Time Sense, Bump
Of Direction, Lightning Calculator,
Universal Translator 11-
The HERO System Bestiary has,
on pages 207-10, three example Skills
robots: a Duplicator Android, a 1 Climbing 8-
General Purpose Robot, and a 2 Language (GM’s choice)
Hunter-Seeker Drone. Here are 2 PS: Warehouse Operations 11-
two more examples:
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 236
Total Cost: 277

75+ Disadvantages
0 Dependence: must recharge every 6 Hours
or suffer Weakness, and eventually total shut-
Star Hero ■ Chapter Seven 167

down (Very Common) 18 Robot Body: Damage Resistance

10 Physical Limitation: Affected By Cyberkine- (6 PD/6 ED) 0
sis (has EGO 10 for purposes of cyberkinetic 45 Robot Body: Life Support: Total 0
powers, and can be affected by cyberkine- 6 Robot Legs: Running +3” (9” total) 0
sis-based Presence Attacks) (Infrequently, 5 Visual Sensors: Infrared Perception
Greatly Impairing) (Sight Group) 0
15 Physical Limitation: Enormous (four times 5 Visual Sensors: Ultraviolet Perception
Human mass, and sometimes size) (Fre- (Sight Group) 0
quently, Greatly Impairing) 15 Visual Sensors: x1000 Microscopic for
25 Psychological Limitation: Must Obey Sight Group 0
Programmer’s/Owner’s Commands (Very 9 Visual Sensors: +6 versus Range Modifier
Common, Total) for Sight Group 0
25 Psychological Limitation: Must Not Cause 3 Auditory Sensors: Ultrasonic Perception
Or Allow Harm To Humans (Very Common, (Hearing Group) 0
Total) 15 Sonar Unit: Active Sonar (Hearing Group) 0
127 Experience Points 12 Radio Sensors: HRRP (Radio Group) 0
15 Radar Unit: Radar (Radio Group) 0
Total Disadvantage Points: 277 3 Sensor Enhancements: +1 PER with all
Description: Warehouses, starport cargo bays, and Sense Groups 0
other such businesses need a lot of heavy lifting
done. Why should Humans strain their backs and Talents
put themselves at risk of injury, when they can get 32 Onboard Computer Systems: Absolute
a Cargo Loader robot to do the work for them? Range Sense, Absolute Time Sense, Bump
Equipped with powerful arms, and even a tractor Of Direction, Lightning Calculator,
beam, this robot can perform all sorts of hard labor Universal Translator 11-
without the need for a coffee break. Some versions
have multiple limbs (Extra Limbs, +5 points) to Skills
enhance their carrying capacity. 6 +3 OCV with Hand Blaster

■ Price: 55,400 credits. 12 Suite of Skills specifically programmed into

1 Climbing 8-
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
2 Language (GM’s choice)
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2]
3 Stealth 13-
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
6 WF: Beam Weapons, Energy Weapons,
10 CON 0 11-
Small Arms
15 BODY 10 12-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 347
0 EGO 0 — ECV: N/A
Total Cost: 427
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
10 COM 0 11-
75+ Disadvantages
5 Physical Limitation: Affected By
6 PD 15 Total: 6 PD (6 rPD)
Cyberkinesis (has EGO 15 for purposes of
6 ED 15 Total: 6 ED (6 rED)
cyberkinetic powers, and can be affected by
3 SPD 0 Phases: 4, 8, 12
cyberkinesis-based Presence Attacks) (Infre-
6 REC 0
quently, Slightly Impairing)
0 END -10
0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
— STUN — Total Characteristics Cost: 80
25 Psychological Limitation: Must Obey
Programmer’s/Owner’s Commands (Very
Movement: Running: 9”/18”
Common, Total)
Leaping: 4”/8”
322 Experience Points
Cost Powers END
Total Disadvantage Points: 427
52 Hand Blaster: EB 7d6, Reduced
Endurance (0 END; +½) 0 Description: Guardian robots are used as soldiers,
15 Robot Body: Does Not Bleed 0 security personnel, and bodyguards by many com-
45 Robot Body: Takes No STUN 0 panies, people, and governments. This writeup rep-
10 Tireless: Reduced Endurance resents a typical guardian robot; many other types
(0 END; +½) on 20 STR 0 are possible.
9 Tireless: Reduced Endurance Since each guardian robot is programmed
(0 END; +½) on Running 0 with a selection of Skills specific to it, this char-
2 Tireless: Reduced Endurance acter sheet simply specifies the amount of points
(0 END; +½) on Leaping 0 allotted for Skills, allowing the GM to assign the
1 Tireless: Reduced Endurance appropriate ones. Common guardian robot Skills
(0 END; +½) on Swimming 0 include Bugging, Combat Driving, Combat Pilot-
ing, Combat Skill Levels, Computer Programming,
168 ■ Computers, Blasters, And Robots: Technology HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Deduction, Electronics, Mechanics, Navigation, In game terms, cloning is usually built as Dupli-
Penalty Skill Levels, Shadowing, Systems Opera- cation with a host of Limitations (see page 54). How-
tion, Tactics, Transport Familiarity, and Weapon ever, in some cases the GM may prefer for characters
Familiarity. to use Summon, or even to buy clones as Followers.
■ Price: 85,400 credits. There are interesting possibilities for adven-
tures involving clones and cloning. Being genetically
identical, clones would be ideal candidates for organ
BIOTECHNOLOGY transplant for their originals. The clone might know
this fate is in store, but accept it as his duty — or he
Discoveries in biology in recent years point to might decide he doesn’t want to be a walking organ
amazing possibilities for the future. Humans may be bank, and flee. If you ignore the idea that fingerprints
able to transform themselves and other species, for and retina prints differ in a clone, a clone makes the
good or ill. perfect way to frame someone for murder (or to fake
someone’s death). In the early years of the technology,
clones are certain to face all kinds of public hostility;
A clone is a genetic copy of another individual. cloning is one of the more misunderstood forms of
That doesn’t mean it’s an exact duplicate — many fea- biotechnology.
tures are not genetically determined. Fingerprints and
retina prints would be different, for instance. And the GENETIC ENGINEERING
clone would be younger than the original — cloning “Genetic engineering” is a general term for mod-
an adult would give you a baby who’ll look like that ifying living beings by altering their genes in some
adult in a couple of decades. A clone naturally has way. Genetic modification of species isn’t new — look
different memories from the original, which means at what people managed to do with horses and dogs
it’s likely to have a different personality. If nothing else, by sheer persistence and selective breeding. Genetic
the clone is affected by the experience of growing up modification of sentient species will probably proceed
as a clone, which the original lacked. by slow stages rather than massive transformations —
Clones grow up at the same rate as other babies, get one new system working right before you tinker
which means an “invincible clone army” would take with the others. Some writers have depicted Human
some 20 years to raise. It’s usually easier to go out and genetic engineering creating entire new species, vastly
hire people. Moreover, clones still have to be carried to different from the current models (including Humans
term by host mothers, which means an army of clones specifically adapted for high-gravity worlds, water
would require an army of young women willing to worlds, and the like). Others suggest a more cautious
have babies at the same time. approach, with modifications limited to curing inher-
Of course, all of this assumes a relatively “realis- ited diseases and modest improvements by borrowing
tic” approach to cloning, which many SF stories and from other mammals.
settings don’t take. In some Star Hero campaigns, In HERO System terms, low-key genetic engi-
rapid-growth and memory-implantation technology neering simply means no Physical Limitations for
may allow for the swift creation of clones who are characters, and possibly high Characteristics or a few
almost indistinguishable from the original. Talents (like Eidetic Memory). More exotic methods
bestow Talents and low-level Powers.
In the campaign, genetic engineering has a
variety of uses. Entire subraces of Humanity may be
created by modification, leading to all sorts of exotic
cultures as they strive to be different and prove their
superiority. The unmodified majority may view them
as monsters, leading to conflict — which side are the
heroes on? If tinkering with your kids’ genes is no dif-
ferent from paying to get their teeth straightened, the
variation among Humans may be tremendous, with
no “normals” left.
On the other hand, modification of animals and
plants is often routine in SF settings. New variants and
subspecies optimized for other worlds help interstel-
lar colonization, for example. On a more sinister note,
creatures might be engineered into “living weapons.”
Genetic Modifications
Cerebral Enhancement: The character’s brain processes
and remembers information more efficiently.
+3 INT and Eidetic Memory and Lightning Cal-
culator. Total cost: 11 points.

Enhanced Musculature: The character’s muscles and

skeletal system are enhanced, making him stronger
and faster.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Seven 169

+3 STR and Running +2”. Total cost: 7 points. materials — it can’t create something out of noth- THE GOO
ing, although in many cases waste, air, and dirt are SPECTRUM
Sensory Enhancements: The character’s senses are far all the matter needed.
more acute than a normal person’s. Making nanotech work at large scales is very Besides the deadly “grey
tricky — a nanotech skyscraper would have to grow goo” mentioned in the
+2 PER with all Sense Groups. Total cost: 6
from the ground up, and making the construc- text, scientists have
tion microbots follow the building plan would be a speculated about other
matter of pruning and training, like working with nanotech weapons/tools
Spatial Analysis: The character’s mind has the ability that might become fea-
to gauge distances and spaces more accurately than plants. Because of the small scale, nanotech is slow.
Individual devices move at the speed of cells or ants sible in the future. They
normal. include:
— minutes per meter. A horde of nanobots building
Absolute Range Sense and Detect Size Of Area a skyscraper would start out quickly, but soon would
(INT Roll) (Sight Group). Total cost: 6 points. Blue Goo: Beneficial/
be spending days just hauling tiny amounts of mate-
protective nanotechnol-
rial up to the top. Growing objects using nanoma- ogy designed to coun-
chines would proceed like growing living creatures teract grey goo.
NANOTECHNOLOGY — a time scale of days, at least. No “instant cars,” in
other words, unless you want to use total rubber sci- Green Goo: Nanotech
Nanotechnology is a term coined by futurist ence. designed to sterilize
Eric Drexler to describe a new field of engineering Nanotech is also limited by the laws of phys- Humans through the
dealing with extremely tiny machines — devices ics. Nanobots can’t stop a bullet in midair any more use of otherwise harm-
on the same scale as cells or viruses. The advantage than a swarm of gnats can (but the nanomachines less infections. Could
to such miniscule machinery is it can work with could repair the bullethole fairly quickly, or stabi- be used by repressive
and manipulate single molecules of material. As it lize someone who’s been shot). Nanotech can’t defy governments engaging
has moved from being just a neat theoretical idea gravity (although at small scales, air is thick enough in forced population
control, eco-terrorists,
toward practicality, “nanotech” has become syn- to swim in). And nanotech, like any other technol-
or the like.
onymous with “magic” in some circles — perhaps ogy, needs energy. The amounts are tiny, but just
because of inflated gee-whiz claims by enthusiasts. as having a swarm of a million nanobots at work
Golden Goo: Designed to
By manipulating matter at the molecular level, speeds up a job, the energy requirement of a million filter gold from seawater,
nanotechnology allows the use to refine and syn- tiny workers gets large. So does their waste heat and golden goo could cause
thesize extremely pure substances (even the highly other byproducts — a “nanofactory” the size of a problems (both ecologi-
complex molecules of drugs or hormones) or exotic dishwasher would emit heat like a furnace, requiring cal and economic) if it
crystals. Nanotech devices can operate within living a steady stream of coolant and raw materials. was not carefully con-
things at the cellular scale, performing surgery trolled.
on microscopic nerves or blood vessels from the
inside, or patrolling the body like robot cops, look- In Star Hero campaigns, nanotech can be part Khaki Goo: Another
ing for rogue cells. By putting nanomachines to of the background or an exciting new technologi- term for grey goo or
work making more nanomachines, a small “seed” cal “MacGuffin” driving the plot of an adventure. other military nanotech-
unit can leverage itself up into a vast swarm of tiny Societies with high nanotech tend to also emphasize nology.
devices, working together en masse. Incorporat- the biological and information sciences: lots of
ing nanotech-scale machinery and systems into computer implants, synthetic beings, wonder drugs, LOR Goo: “LOR” stands
and brain hacking. Nanotech devices are mostly self- for “Lake Ocean River”;
Human-scale technology allows all sorts of amaz-
maintaining and self-repairing, which may eliminate the term refers to nano-
ing “smart” or “living” materials — structural mate- tech that would clean
rials able to adapt to changing conditions, repair some Limitations ordinarily associated with technol-
pollution, and harvest
damage, or transform on command. ogy. usable resources, from
The combination of nanotechnology and One colorful aspect of an advanced nanotech bodies of water. Poses
advanced biotechnology makes the distinction campaign is that just about everything is potentially the same dangers as
between living and nonliving completely arbitrary. “alive.” Chairs may be able to walk about, clean golden goo.
When tools can heal and animals are designed, themselves, and adjust to fit different users. Houses
what’s the difference? This suggests that a lot of may be living or semi-living systems. Combine this Red Goo: Various forms
things twenty-first century Humans consider “natu- with widespread artificial intelligence (running on of grey goo deliberately
ral” products will be manufactured using nanotech- extremely compact nanotech computers) and the created and used as a
nology — food could come from solar-powered result is almost like a fantasy setting — Clarke’s Law weapon.
nanofabricators which look nothing like growing in action.
plants. By the same token, many “manufactured” Another likely result of advanced nanotech is
items might be grown. longevity, even immortality. The ability to provide
Used in weapons, nanotech combines all the medical treatments at the cellular level means doc-
nastier features of biological and chemical weapons tors could retard or reverse the causes and results of
with “smart” guidance and insidious armor pen- aging. Even resurrection may be possible, if swarms
etration. The ultimate nanoweapon is the dreaded of nanobots can perform a brain scan and recover
“grey goo” — an unstoppable mass of tiny machines the memories and personality of a person before
mindlessly converting all matter they find into decay sets in. In a nanotech world, death may be no
more machines just like them. more than an inconvenience.
However, nanotechnology isn’t infallible. Since The economics of a nanotech society are hard
it’s fundamentally matter-based, it can’t manipulate to predict. It’s easy to get optimistic and envision a
large amounts of energy. Nanotech requires raw day of infinite material abundance for everybody. It
170 ■ Computers, Blasters, And Robots: Technology HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
is likely that a nanotech society would be wealthier (-¼). Total cost: 35 points.
than the present day, just as we are richer than our
Victorian forebears. But nanotech can’t do everything. Medical Nanobots: These are microscopic machines
Land remains valuable (though specific parcels may which remain dorman in the patient’s tissues and
change: a toxic landfill might become quite desireable bloodstream until the body suffers serious injury, at
for nanotech mining of heavy metals). Intellectual which point they go to work stabilizing the patient’s
property won’t change unless society wants it to. condition and repairing damage. Price: 400 credits,
Energy is still important, though nanotech certainly or more.
changes how a society uses and distributes it.
Healing 1d6 (Regeneration; 1 BODY per Turn),
Nanotechnology Devices Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent
(+½) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn;
Disassembler Grenade: The basic nanotech weapon:
-1¼), Self Only (-½). Total cost: 7 points.
a canister of voracious nanomachines which reduce
everything around them to individual atoms. Fortu-
Protective Nanoswarm: A cloud of flea-sized nanobots
nately, the machines don’t reproduce, so in time the
patrolling the air around the character, checking for
spray stops working. Price: 1,350 credits per grenade,
enemy nanomachines, germs, and pests. Price: 645
or more
credits, or more.
RKA 1d6, Area Of Effect (1 Hex; +½), Continu-
Force Field (12 PD), Hardened (+¼), Invisible
ous (+1), Penetrating (+½) (45 Active Points);
Power Effects (Sight Group; +½), Reduced Endur-
OAF (-1), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Turn
ance (Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) Uncon-
(neutralized by fire or any other area-affecting
trolled (removed by fire, any other area-affecting
damage-causing phenomenon; -1¼), Range
damage-causing phenomenon, sufficiently strong
Based On STR (-¼). Total cost: 13 points.
winds, or the like; +½) (33 Active Points); Only
Versus Nanotech Attacks (-1) (total cost: 16
Grey Goo Grenade: This horrible nanoweapon, used
points) plus Life Support (Immunity: all terres-
only as a desperation measure because it remains
trial diseases and biowarfare agents) (10 Active
on the battlefield so long, converts all the matter it
Points); Only Versus Airborne Diseases/Agents
encounters into more nanobots. Price: 2,370 credits
(-½), Linked (-½) (total cost: 5 points). Total cost:
per grenade, or more.
21 points.
RKA 1d6, NND (defense is ED Force Field, being
surrounded by fire, or having counter-nanobots;
+1), Does BODY (+1), Area Of Effect (6” Radius;
+1), Continuous (+1), 1 Continuing Charge last-
ing 1 Day (neutralized by fire or any other area- TECHNOLOGY
affecting damage-causing phenomenon; +¼) (79
Active Points); OAF (-1), Range Based On STR Science fiction technology is versatile and pow-
erful — when it works. Many gadgets and weapons
require a lot of energy from a compact source. In
HERO System terms there are three primary ways to
model power supplies.
Devices which need only small amounts of
power and can operate for weeks or months between
battery changes are simply bought with the Reduced
Endurance (0 END) Advantage. Changing batteries
and recharging them is just part of the normal main-
tenance implicit in the Focus Limitation. (Alternately,
Fuel Charges may be appropriate for these devices.)
Devices with batteries or power cells that do get
drained after only a few uses are best designed with
the Charges Power Modifier. Getting new Charges is a
matter of putting in new power cells or plugging the
device into a recharger overnight.
Large devices and vehicle or base systems may
need a constant power supply. In HERO System terms,
powerplants and the like are typically the special
effects of the Endurance Reserve Power, producing
END points in the form of electricity. These Endur-
ance Reserves typically have REC equal to their
END; this simulates how they work in “real-world”
terms, and makes for easier bookkeeping. At the
GM’s option, since Fuel Charges don’t work well
with Endurance Reserves, you may apply a Requires
Fuel Limitation to represent the fact that they need
refueling at least once a month or so. This Limitation
Star Hero ■ Chapter Seven 171

is worth -0 or -¼ for Very Common or very easily duration voyages. The Space Shuttle gets its power BEAMED POWER
obtained fuels, -½ for Common or easily-obtained from fuel cells, since its missions typically last less
fuels, and -1 for Uncommon fuels (or fuels which are than two weeks. Many SF stories, par-
difficult and/or extremely expensive to obtain). If the A basic fuel cell has a mass of approximately 1 ticularly ones written
Endurance Reserve doesn’t require refuelling on at kilogram and costs 25 credits (not counting fuel). It in the early decades
least a monthly basis, it doesn’t qualify for this Limita- can produce up to 4 END/4 REC, and uses 1 liter of of the genre, featured
tion. fuel per hour in the process. For up to each +4 END/ robots, vehicles, and
+4 REC, double the number of cells. other devices running
REAL WORLD POWER SUPPLIES on beamed power rather
Fuel Cell Generator: This array of fuel cells includes than batteries or other
Some sources of power found in SF stories actu-
enough fuel for a month’s operation, has a total mass built-in power sources.
ally exist in real life, or could plausibly be developed in
of 2,500 kg, and costs 8,000 credits (including fuel, Beamed power involves
the future.
fuel tanks, pumps, and so forth). a central power-generat-
Solar Power ing station of massive
Endurance Reserve (20 END/20 REC) (22 Active capacity, which can then
Solar power is abundant, especially in space,
Points); OAF Immobile (-2), Only Powers Electri- “beam” the power out
and requires no fuel, but the solar panels to collect
cal Devices (-¼), Requires Fuel (-¼). Total cost: as invisible, intangible
it are often large and bulky — the larger the panels,
6 points. waves of energy to any
the more power they can generate. However, the device capable of receiv-
primary difficulty with solar power is not panel size, ing it.
but the fact that the farther away the panels are from Radiothermal Generators
a star, the less power they generate. For example, a For missions to the outer solar system, space
probes use compact radiothermal generators which In game terms, you can
solar panel at the orbit of Mars produces only half simulate beamed power
the power of the same-size panel in Earth’s orbit; at produce electricity from the heat given off as radioac-
in either of two ways:
Jupiter, the same panel generates 1/25 of the energy it tive materials decay. These are extremely reliable and
generates at Earth. long-lasting, but don’t produce a great deal of power
1. Buy devices and Vehi-
In game terms, a solar power array is an Endur- and would need radiation shielding on manned cles with the Advantage
ance Reserve. The Reserve’s END and REC depend on spacecraft. Reduced Endurance (0
its size. Both take a -½ Limitation, Requires Solar Prox- At the earliest stage of this technology, a radio- END), with the beamed
imity, to reflect the fact that the energy output drops thermal power plant generates 2 END/2 REC of power functioning as
as the panels get further away from a star. The listed power per kilogram of weight, and costs 400 credits the special effect of the 0
per kilogram. As radiothermal generator technology END cost.
END and REC for a solar power Reserve indicate its
maximum power-generating capacity at a distance of improves, increase the power output while reducing
the weight. 2. Buy the central power
up to 1 AU. For each AU (or fraction thereof) beyond
station as an enormous
that distance, halve the Reserve’s END and REC. (In Small Radiothermal Powerplant: This is a small radio- Endurance Reserve with
some respects, this is a form of the Limited Recovery thermal generator, such as a space probe might carry. the Usable By Others
Limitation for Endurance Reserves, so those taking Price: 400 credits, or more. (a lot of others!) and
Requires Solar Proximity may not also take that Limi- Ranged Advantages,
Endurance Reserve (2 END/2 REC) (3 Active
tation to simulate the need for proximity to a star.) and then have devices
Points); OAF (-1), Only Powers Electrical Devices requiring power draw
A one-hex solar power array (2.6 square meters)
(-¼). Total cost: 1 point. from the Reserve. The
can generate up to 12 END/12 REC. Add at least one
hex to the array for each additional point of END and larger the number of
REC (keep the two equal). Nuclear Fission devices that draw power
This is what most people mean by “nuclear from the Reserve, the
As of the early twenty-first century, each hex of
power” — a tested and reliable technology which more END and REC it
solar cells has a mass of 10 kilograms and costs 1,000 needs — amounts in
credits. Advanced technology makes cells lighter generates power by splitting atoms. As of the early
twenty-first century, nuclear fission supplies a quarter the tens of thousands of
and cheaper: by the middle twenty-first century, a points’ worth are often
one-hex panel masses only 5 kilograms and costs 500 of the United States’s electricity and allows France
credits per hex, and the weight and price in most set- to be an energy exporter without oil. Modern Earth
tings continue to go down from there as the decades nuclear reactors are large and bulky, useful only when
The intriguing thing
progress. really huge amounts of power are needed. They can about beamed power
run for up to 5 years between refuelling. A reactor from a storytelling view-
Solar Panel: This is a 25-hex panel generating enough masses about 10 metric tons per 20 END/20 REC point is the possibility
power for a small space station or spaceship. Price: produced and costs 500,000 credits per metric ton of that the power gets shut
25,000 credits, or more. mass. off. How does society,
Endurance Reserve (36 END/36 REC) (40 Active Technology can improve reactors somewhat, deprived of power,
reducing the mass of shielding and the cost. Halve react? Could charac-
Points); OAF Immobile Fragile (-2¼), Only
the weight, volume, and cost of a fission power plant ters responding to an
Powers Electrical Devices (-¼), Requires Solar emergency be stranded
Proximity (-½). Total cost: 10 points. at near-future (Cyberpunk) technology levels, and
when their powerless
again a generation later. After that stage of technologi-
hovercars settle on the
Fuel Cells cal development, fusion powerplants replace fission ground? Could terror-
Fuel cells burn hydrogen and oxygen to produce powerplants. ists hold the power gen-
electricity. Some versions can run on other combina- Nuclear Reactor: A modern reactor (such as a subma- erating facility hostage?
tions of reactive gases, but hydrogen-oxygen cells are rine or interplanetary spacecraft might carry) masses A clever GM can come
popular because their waste is fresh water. While fuel about 100 metric tons. Price: 50 million credits, or up with lots of similar
cells are compact and powerful, they do require fuel more.
on a monthly basis, making them less useful on long-
172 ■ Computers, Blasters, And Robots: Technology HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Endurance Reserve (204 END/204 REC) (225 kilogram. The heavy water in a cold fusion cell
Active Points); OAF Immobile (-2), Only Powers lasts 1 year before replenishing. Technology rapidly
Electrical Devices (-¼). Total cost: 69 points. improves cold fusion cells, increasing the output
more than decreasing the size.
SPECULATIVE AND RUBBER SCIENCE Cold Fusion Generator: This is a second-generation
POWER SUPPLIES cold fusion device, providing enough power for a
Science fiction writers and space scientists have household or a personal vehicle. Price: 10,000 cred-
suggested several possibilities for new power sources. its, or more.
Some of them will probably become practical, while
Endurance Reserve (72 END/72 REC) (80
others remain in the realm of rubber science. Since
Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1½), Only Powers
all of these are highly speculative, mass and cost are
Electrical Devices (-¼). Total cost: 29 points.
just estimates.
Fusion Power Antimatter Power
Nuclear fusion power is the most likely candi- Well-known to SF fans from its use on Star
date for a new type of power generation, at least in Trek, antimatter power is the ultimate form of
the near future. Current research is creeping towards nuclear energy, because it converts all the mass of
a fusion reactor which produces more power than it its fuel into energy. Tiny amounts of matter com-
consumes. A fusion powerplant would need only a bined with antimatter would result in immediate
few kilograms of deuterium or helium-3 to produce annihilation of both in a reaction releasing immense
large amounts of power for long periods. Just like amounts of power. Aside from containing and chan-
fission plants, fusion generators require some fairly nelling this immensely powerful reaction, the chief
heavy shielding. problem is that antimatter doesn’t occur naturally.
A fusion powerplant when the technology Civilizations can’t mine it, they must manufacture it.
first becomes available in the early-mid twenty-first It may someday be used as a means of storing and
century has a mass of 500 kilograms per 20 END/20 transporting energy, with huge solar-powered anti-
REC generated (fusion reactors are lighter than fis- matter factories in remote star systems generating
sion powerplants, but bulkier). They cost 1,000 cred- antimatter by the gram for distribution to planets
its per kilogram. and starbases. Handling antimatter is extremely
Technology rapidly improves fusion power- tricky — it requires magnetic force-fields and the
plants. At late Cyberpunk-era tech the output per like — and an accident could wipe out an entire
kilogram increases, while the cost is halved (500 facility, continent, or planet.
credits per kilogram). By early starfaring technology Given the rubber science involved, an antimat-
the cost is 250 credits per kilogram, and at mature ter reactor usually doesn’t need heavy shielding in
starfaring tech the cost drops to 100 credits per kilo- addition to the special containers for the antimatter.
gram of power plant. Early antimatter generators weigh 1 ton per 20 END/
Early Starship Fusion Plant: This fusion plant is suit- 20 REC, and cost 10 million credits (or more) per
able for early interstellar spacecraft. It has a 10-year ton; the antimatter fuel costs 100,000 (or more) cred-
supply of deuterium fuel and a mass of 4 metric tons. its per gram, with a single gram sufficient to run the
Price: 1 million credits, or more. plant for a year. Technological advances can improve
antimatter power substantially. Divide the cost of the
Endurance Reserve (156 END/156 REC) (172 fuel in half for each tech level beyond introduction
Active Points); OAF Immobile (-2), Only Powers (or, if the GM prefers, for every decade). The cost of
Electrical Devices (-¼). Total cost: 53 points. the plant itself reaches 1 million credits per ton, with
the plant weighing 1 ton per 40 END/40 REC gener-
Personal Fusion Unit: Built with late starfaring-era ated. Power output may increase, and cost decrease,
technology, this is a portable fusion plant weighing beyond that.
100 kilograms and occupying about as much space
as a filing cabinet. It can run for a decade on one Experimental Antimatter Reactor: This is a first-gen-
supply of fuel. Price: 25,000 credits, or more. eration antimatter power plant, too expensive to
compete commercially with fusion powerplants, but
Endurance Reserve (108 END/108 REC) (119 suitable as the goal of an adventure. It costs 90 mil-
Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1½), Only Powers lion credits (or more), plus another 100,000 credits
Electrical Devices (-¼). Total cost: 43 points. (or more) for the antimatter fuel.
Endurance Reserve (168 END/168 REC) (185
Cold Fusion
Active Points); OAF Fragile Immobile (-2¼),
A variant form of fusion power, “cold fusion”
Activation Roll 14-, Burnout (-¼), Only Powers
was announced with great fanfare in the late 1980s
Electrical Devices (-¼). Total cost: 49 points.
and then quietly dropped when the researchers
discovered flaws in their experiment. Cold fusion
Starship Antimatter Reactor: This is a large, power-
uses as-yet-undiscovered chemical or electrochemi-
ful reactor capable of running a major spacecraft.
cal means to cause fusion a few atoms at a time. The
It weighs six tons, and costs six million credits (or
energy given off is low, but cold fusion generators
don’t need any shielding and are very compact.
When they first appear, cold fusion cells weigh Endurance Reserve (228 END/228 REC) (251
1 kilogram per 2 END/2 REC, and 100 credits per Active Points); OAF Immobile (-2), Only Powers
Star Hero ■ Chapter Seven 173

Electrical Devices (-¼). Total cost: 77 points. multiple “copies” of a person or object be created, on
purpose or by accident? Could teleportation cause
Singularity Power physical or brain injuries over repeated use? Could
Singularity power sources make use of tiny black two people be “merged,” accidentally or on purpose,
holes, either artificially created in giant particle accel- via teleportation? Gamemasters should consider these
erators or left over from the early days of the universe, issues carefully before allowing teleportation technol-
contained in special force-fields. Feeding mass into ogy into their Star Hero campaigns, or else they may
the black hole causes the matter to release almost all soon find that they’ve unleashed a force they can’t
its energy. This means a singularity powerplant can control. Players, unlike TV SF writers, aren’t likely to
use anything for fuel. On the other hand, all the mass ignore nifty new weapons and tools once they’ve cre-
remains in the singularity, which makes it gain weight ated them.
over time (at the rate of 1 kg per year). Singularity
power sources don’t scale down well — they can pro-
vide energy for a large starship or even a whole planet, The most realistic form of teleportation would be
but not a car or a personal energy weapon. a kind of “fax” system — the device scans the passen-
The singularity inside a power plant is an ger down to the atomic level and then creates a dupli-
extremely valuable object — salvagers and pirates cate at the receiving end. Often the scan destroys the
may want to recover or steal it, and finding a singular- original, which means any interruption in the process
ity is an excellent adventure hook. However, it’s also is fatal. A matter fax has interesting side effects: you
extremely dangerous. If the force-fields and other can presumably beam the signal to multiple receivers,
safeguards holding it “inert” are shut off, the black hole creating as many duplicates as you wish. You can also
“manifests” in real space, destroying objects on an store the “blueprint” on disk, making this a convenient
interstellar scale. method of immortality. Matter faxes are by defini-
At first introduction a singularity plant gener- tion “replicators” capable of manufacturing anything
ates 400 END/400 REC and masses 400 metric tons which can fit into the scanning booth, so this kind of
or more (plus the mass of the singularity, which starts teleportation not only creates immortality but infinite
at 1 billion metric tons). As technology progresses, wealth as well. Most matter faxes require a transmitter
the plant becomes smaller and lighter, and the power and a receiver, and realistically need insane amounts
output doubles, then triples. of power.
Matter Fax Booth: A standard MFB, found on many
Zero Point Power
developed worlds. (Technically, to create multiple
Zero Point Energy is a theoretical method of
“copies” of a person, this system also need a Duplica-
using the energy inherent in space itself. If this could
tion effect.) Price: 1,900 credits per device, or more.
actually be accomplished, it would effectively be
perpetual motion — free energy from nothing at all. Teleportation 10”, x16 Increased Mass (1.6
It could also be a terrifying weapon if the release of metric tons), MegaScale (1” = 1,000 km, scalable
energy could be triggered from a distance. This is seri- down to 1” = 1 km; +1¼) (90 Active Points); OIF
ous “rubber science” at present, although it has a basis Immobile (-1½), Can Only Teleport To Fixed
in real physics. Power output, costs, and weights are Locations (-½), Extra Time (1 Turn, -1¼) (total
pure guesswork, but should eventually become better cost: 21 points) and 1 Floating Fixed Location
than fusion (though probably not as good as antimat- (any other matter fax booth, chosen at the time of
ter or singularity power). use) (5 Active Points); OIF Immobile (-1½) (total
cost: 2 points). Total cost: 23 points.


The concept of teleportation has been around This is slightly more rubbery science than matter
for a while, but it was Star Trek which made “beam faxes. Quantum displacement somehow makes all
me up” part of everyday slang. In science fiction, tele- the particles in the passenger’s body “jump” to the
portation devices work in various different ways, and destination. It is the closest to classic teleportation,
each has its unique side effects. and probably would work best over short distances. It
All teleporters create the problem that everyplace would not need a receiver, and so shouldn’t have Fixed
is instantly “next door” to everyplace else, for good Locations. This makes quantum displacement a natu-
or ill. Injured patients arrive directly in a hospital in ral military technology: instead of launching missiles,
zero time, soldiers deploy to a war zone (or the enemy quantum displace those warheads right into the ene-
leader’s command post) in a flash — and places like my’s bases. Guns might even be replaced with ranged
the Grand Canyon or Florence become overwhelmed quantum displacement devices to “pop” rounds into
with even more tourists than they already have to protected areas.
cope with. Larry Niven suggested teleportation might As a transport system, quantum displacement
create “flash crowds” at major events, a prediction sup- would be simplest as an individual device — put on
ported by the way Internet users crowd popular Web your teleport belt and go hopping about. It would
sites at times. make theft ridiculously easy, and jails impossible to
Most forms of technological teleportation also keep people in. The combination of social chaos and
create a host of other problems. Can a character’s military value might keep quantum displacement a
“teleportation pattern” be stored, thus leading to effec- Top Secret technology until some form of barrier or
tive immortality, and possibly instant healing? Can countermeasure becomes available.
174 ■ Computers, Blasters, And Robots: Technology HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Using essentially the same rubber science as
warp drives (page 192), folded space teleporters bend
the fabric of the Universe to put your current loca-
tion next to your target. It needs a transmitter and a
receiver, and can cover interstellar distances. If the
cost is low enough, houses could have portals built
into doorways, so that different rooms might be in
different places, or even on different planets (as shown
in, for example, Dan Simmons’s Hyperion). Of course,
if the system breaks down while you’re in a room on
a distant world, it might take months or years for a
repairman to arrive by starship.
Teleportal Network: This is a network of standard
space-folding device, connecting points on different
worlds. Price: 11,000 credits per device, or more.
Teleportation 20”, x16 Increased Mass (1.6
metric tons), MegaScale (1” = 1 light-year; +3½)
(270 Active Points); OIF Immobile (-1½), Can
Only Teleport To Fixed Locations (-½) (total
cost: 90 points) and 1 Floating Fixed Location
(any other teleportal, chosen at the time of use) (5
Active Points); OIF Immobile (-1½) (total cost: 2
points). Total cost: 92 points.

Here are a few items Star Hero characters might
find useful that don’t fit into any of the categories
described above.
Quantum Displacement Transporter: A standard tele-
poration device found on starships, space stations, and
developed worlds. It typically consists of a chamber
Survival Devices
containing one or more “teleportation pads” on which Star Hero characters often have to work in some
the users stand, while another character operates pretty hostile environments. These devices help them
the controls. It’s particularly handy for teleporting survive the rigors of open space or heavy atmo-
personnel and objects to and from a planet’s surface spheres.
without the need to land a starship or use shuttles.
Spacesuit: Anyone venturing into Trace atmospheres
(If characters want to Teleport over shorter ranges,
or outer space needs a spacesuit. This version repre-
add two non-MegaScaled slots.) It requires similarly
sents early twenty-first century Human models, with
MegaScaled sensors to locate the destination (or the
a rigid chest section for easy access to controls. It pro-
objects to be teleported to the device). Price: 14,000
vides pressure and temperature support indefinitely,
credits, or more.
and oxygen for up to six hours. Price: 300 credits, or
Cost Quantum Displacement Transporter
80 Quantum Displacement Transporter: Multi-
Cost Spacesuit
power, 240-point reserve, all OIF Immobile
3 Environment Protection: Life Support
(-1½), Extra Time (Full Phase; -½)
(Safe Environments: Intense Cold, Low
4u 1) Teleporting Away: Teleportation 10”, x8
Pressure/Vacuum) (4 Active Points);
Increased Mass, Position Shift, MegaScale (1”
OIF (-½)
= 100,000 km, scalable down to 1” = 1 km;
7 Breathing Gases: Life Support (Self-
+1¾); OIF Immobile (-1½), Extra Time
Contained Breathing) (10 Active Points);
(Full Phase; -½)
OIF (-½), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge
8u 2) Teleporting To: Teleportation 10”, x8
(easily obtained; 6 Hours; -0)
Increased Mass, Position Shift, MegaScale
2 Protection: Armor (2 PD/2 ED) (6 Active
(1” = 100,000 km, can scale down to 1” = 1
Points); OIF (-½); Activation Roll 11- (-1)
km; +1¾), Usable As Attack (+1), Ranged
Total cost: 12 points
(+½), MegaRange (1” = 100,000 km, can
scale down to 1” = 1 km; +1¾); OIF Advanced Spacesuit: As space travel becomes more
Immobile (-1½), Extra Time (Full Phase; -½) common, people want suits which are less bulky and
Total cost: 92 points. allow more freedom of movement. Skinsuits are the
Star Hero ■ Chapter Seven 175

solution — instead of wearing a pressurized balloon, Multisyringe: This handheld device contains an
the user wears a suit that hugs the skin, turning his extensive supply of different medicines its user can
own skin into a “spacesuit.” The helmet is a clear inject into a sick person to cure him. The Activation
bubble, and the backpack can provide oxygen for up Roll represents the fact that the multisyringe might
to a day. (Use the first two powers for the standard not have quite the right medicine for a specific ill-
Spacesuit, above, but the Breathing Gases last for 1 ness (or a specific species); if characters know in
Day.) Price: 200 credits, or more. advance what illnesses they may encounter, they can
Armored Spacesuit: For environments like the atmo- load the multisyringe with the appropriate medica-
sphere of Jupiter, characters need a space suit that’s tions and ignore the roll.
also designed to keep pressure out, and to provide Note that the multisyringe does not provide
more protection in general. This particular suit any sort of Healing — it simply stops the course of
resists up to 90 atmospheres of pressure (see page a disease or illness. Characters who have lost BODY,
283), enough to allow a character to walk on the STUN, or other Characteristics to an illness must
surface of Venus. It also works fine as a deep-diving recover them normally (or with the help of other
suit in the oceans of Earth or Europa. Price: 1,380 medical technology). Price: 1,600 credits, or more.
credits, or more. Minor Transform 8d6 (standard effect: 24
BODY) (sick persons into well persons) (80
Cost Armored Spacesuit Active Points); OAF (-1), Activation Roll 11- (-
5 Environment Protection: Life Support 1), No Range (-½), All Or Nothing (-½), Limited
(Safe Environments: High Pressure, Target (sentient beings; -¼). Total cost: 19
Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low Pressure/ points.
Vacuum) (7 Active Points); OIF (-½)
7 Breathing Gases: Life Support (Self-
Contained Breathing) (10 Active Points);
OIF (-½), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge
Communications And
(easily obtained; 6 Hours; -0) Sensor Devices
50 Protection: Armor (30 PD/20 ED) (75
Active Points); OIF (-½) Comm Button: The descendant of modern cell phones
Total cost: 62 points and portable radios — a tiny unit no bigger than a
nickel, with a sensitive microphone and voice-acti-
vated controls, capable of automatically linking up to
Medical Devices the local wireless network to allow instant commu-
Characters in SF settings often get hurt, or fall nication with anyone else on the planet (or in orbit).
victim to mysterious alien maladies. Here are some They need no maintenance because they’re cheap
of the devices the doctors of the future use to treat enough to be disposable. Price: 15 credits, or more.
their patients. Radio Perception/Transmission (3 Active Points);
Autodoctor: A marvel of Space Opera technol- IAF (-½). Total cost: 2 points.
ogy, this device is a small chamber on a pedestal. A
person seals himself in, and the computers operat- Electronic Binoculars: Serious vision aids used by sol-
ing the Autodoctor go to work, using its built-in diers, scientists, and explorers, these devices provide
diagnostic systems and medical technology to repair light amplification, thermal sensing, magnification,
injured bodies, cure illnesses, and otherwise restore and real-time image enhancement. Price: 740 credits,
the character to good health. This often takes a long or more.
time — a minimum of 1 Minute, but usually one
hour to one day per BODY lost. Price: 3,200 credits, Cost Electronic Binoculars
or more. 2 Basic Nightsight: Nightvision (5 Active Points);
OAF (-1)
Simplified Healing 8d6 (80 Active Points); 2 Thermal Sensing: Infrared Perception
OAF Immobile (-2), Extra Time (see text; -1½), (Sight Group) (5 Active Points); OAF (-1)
Requires A Paramedics Roll (-½). Total cost: 16 9 Magnification: +12 versus Range for Sight
points. Group (18 Active Points); OAF (-1)
3 Image Enhancement: +2 PER with Sight Group
Medkit: The standard first-aid pack in futuristic set- (6 Active Points); OAF (-1)
tings, a Medkit includes bandages which function 1 Rangefinder: Absolute Range Sense
like stitches, drugs to stop bleeding and prevent (3 Active Points); OAF (-1)
shock, stimulants, and immunoboosters. Price: 400 Total cost: 17 points.
credits, or more (this price assumes the user has
access to a free source of resupply, like a starship’s Holoprojector: A very common gadget used for enter-
sickbay; if not, he may buy refills for 75 credits tainment, advertising, “telepresence,” and various other
apiece). purposes ranging from deadly serious to silly. It proj-
ects visual images, either realtime feeds from a camera
Simplified Healing 2d6 (20 Active Points); or recorded. Price: 440 credits, or more.
OAF (-1), Extra Time (1 Turn, -1¼), Requires
A Paramedics Roll (-½), 6 Charges (-¾). Total Sight and Hearing Group Images, 1” radius,
cost: 4 points. Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (22 Active
176 ■ Computers, Blasters, And Robots: Technology HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Points); OAF (-1), Set Effect (recorded or broad- Fine Manipulation; OAF (-1), Reduced By
cast images only; -½). Total cost: 9 points. Range (-¼)
1u 3) Toolbox-In-One: +3 with Mechanics;
Nightsight Glasses: Next-generation descendants of OAF (-1)
modern night-vision goggles, these are as light and Total cost: 15 points.
comfortable as a pair of thick sunglasses and adjust
Gravity Lifter: The development of antigravity technol-
automatically to ambient light, providing both night
ogy makes moving heavy objects easy. A gravity lifter
vision and glare protection. Price: 500 credits, or
is simply an antigravity module and a strong clamp.
Attach it to a load, switch on the module, and sud-
Cost Nightsight Glasses
denly a child can lift the heaviest cargo. Price: 200
2 Basic Nightsight: Nightvision (5 Active Points);
credits, or more.
OAF (-1)
2 Thermal Sensing: Infrared Perception +20 STR (20 Active Points); OAF (-1), 1 Continu-
(Sight Group) (5 Active Points); OAF (-1) ing Fuel Charge (refuels by recharging; 1 Hour;
2 Ultraviolet Sensing: Ultraviolet Perception -0), Only for Lifting (-1). Total cost: 7 points.
(Sight Group) (5 Active Points); OAF (-1)
5 Glare Protection: Sight Group Flash Multitool: Instead of carrying a whole toolbox, why
Defense (10 Active Points); OAF (-1) not use a Multitool? Made of “smart matter” and a
Total cost: 11 points. mini-computer with a database of hundreds of differ-
ent configurations, the Multitool can take just about
Personal Sensor Unit: Carried by explorers, scientists,
any shape needed. Price: 150 credits, or more.
detectives, and anyone who needs to gather informa-
tion from a locale, this handy device includes spec- +3 with all Construction/Mechanical Skills (15
trographic scanners to analyze materials, a battery of Active Points); OAF (-1). Total cost: 7 points.
electromagnetic radiation detectors, and a powerful
built-in analytic computer. Scanning takes some time, Powered Exoskeleton: This bulky and powerful open-
but the results can be recorded and studied later. Price: frame suit gives the wearer the strength for heavy jobs.
700 credits, or more. Typically used for construction, cargo loading, rescue
work, and various rough-and-tumble sports, it also
Detect Electromagnetic Radiation And Physi-
serves as an effective hand-to-hand combat weapon in
cal Objects 14- (Radio Group), Discriminatory,
some instances. Price: 400 credits, or more.
Analyze, Range (35 Active Points); OAF (-1),
Requires A Systems Operation Roll (-½), Affected
As Sight And Hearing Group As Well As Radio Cost Powered Exoskeleton
Group (-½) (total cost: 12 points) and Eidetic 13 Clamps, Grips, And Servos: +30 STR (30
Memory (5 Active Points); OAF (-1), Requires A Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Character
Systems Operation Roll (-½), Only To Remember Cannot Use Own STR (-¼)
Things Detected (-½) (total cost: 2 points). Total 5 Battery: Endurance Reserve (20 END/8
cost: 14 points. REC) (10 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1).
Total cost: 18 points.
Sonic Multitool: This variant on the Multitool uses
Tools focused sound waves and other forms of electro-
magnetic radiation to assist with work on elec-
Characters often have important tasks to per- tronic devices.
form, and sometimes the right tool is just what they
need to get the job done quickly and well. +3 with all Electronic/High-Tech Skills (15
Active Points); OAF (-1). Total cost: 7 points.
Forcebeam Tool: An outgrowth of force-field tech-
nology, this versatile gadget is a cutter, a short-range
Towel: An essential utility item for space travelers.
forcebeam projector, and an all-purpose tool. Price:
Price: 10 credits, or more.
410 credits, or more.
Cosmetic Transform 1d6 (wet things to dry
Cost Forcebeam Tool things), Reduced Endurance (Reduced Endur-
12 Forcebeam Tool: Multipower, 25-point reserve, ance (0 END; +½) (7 Active Points); OAF (-1),
all OAF (-1), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge (refuels No Range (-½). Total cost: 3 points.
by recharging; 1 Hour; -0)
1u 1) Cutter: RKA 1d6; OAF (-1), No Range (-½)
1u 2) Tractor Beam: Telekinesis (10 STR),
Star Hero ■ Chapter Seven 177

ince Star Hero is a Heroic-level game, char- country’s government. Characters may be able to STAR HERO
acters typically obtain equipment by pur- bluff or con their way around these rules by means PRICING GUIDE
chasing it with money instead of spending of Bureaucratics, Bribery, or Forgery.
Character Points. General exceptions to this Since Star Hero is a
include cyberware, which gives the character innate genre sourcebook rather
powers, and Vehicles/Bases in some campaigns (see Often the characters get their gear from other than a specific cam-
page 184). However, some Star Hero GMs allow people, either directly or by borrowing money. paign setting, it can’t
character to purchase even those technologies with Patrons sometimes issue special equipment give a definite price list
money. (See page 127 for more on money and eco- to adventurers for a specific job — heavy weapons for every technological
nomics in Star Hero.) for a military operation, or specialized netrunning item. Instead, here’s a
software for a Cyberpunk scenario. Usually the meta-system, used in
BUYING STUFF gear is expensive, and often the boss wants it back this book to compute
the cost of equipment.
There are limits to buying equipment. Is after the job is done. If the heroes make keeping the Gamemasters can allow
the device available where the heroes happen to equipment part of their terms of employment, they it into their campaigns
be? Often gear from a higher technology level is may well discover their pay gets cut in proportion. as-is, modify it as
unavailable on low-tech planets. If it can be found, Heroes who “lose” or “break” stuff because they desired, or come up with
multiply the price by a factor of 10 for each Tech want to keep it may find themselves gaining a nega- their own.
Level difference between the item and the place. tive reputation as sticky-fingered weasels. Game-
And that’s assuming the authorities let you masters need to be sure both sides understand the To use this price guide,
buy it. Weapons and armor are likely to be strictly conditions of the deal and what is supposed to first determine the base
controlled, especially in societies which are more happen to the gear afterwards. price of the desired item.
interested in order than the right to bear arms. As For big-ticket items like spaceships, characters If a device has multiple
a general rule, nonlethal weapons (like polymer may wind up having to borrow money. This is a powers or functions
guns or sonic stunners) are available in all but the Disadvantage for the vehicle — Hunted (Watched) (like a weapon defined
as a Multipower), add
most repressive societies. Armor allowed to civil- the Active Costs of all
ians includes expedition suits and possibly ablative
foam. STAR HERO PRICING GUIDE Powers together. (If
the Power Framework
Civilian weapons for hunting or personal Class Of Item Base Price has Advantages on its
protection (like a defensive rocket pistol, stun rod, Communications 10 credits x Active Points reserve or base cost,
alien blades, ordinary shotgun, inertial gloves, Computers 20 credits x Active Points apply those to the most
and possibly an electron pistol) are allowed with a Defenses 15 credits x Active Points expensive slot when
permit and background check — how easy it is to Electronics 20 credits x Active Points determining its Active
get the permit and what background information Medical 20 credits x Active Points Points.) If the device
disqualifies a buyer depends on the society. In a Robots 200 credits x total Character combines powers or
Points functions from different
repressive state anyone who isn’t an active sup- classes, like a weapon
Sensors 20 credits x Active Points
porter of the regime may be denied a permit. These Tools, general 10 credits x Active Points that also provides
rules also apply to most armor (except battle armor Vehicles 1,000 (or more) credits x total defense, use the most
or battlesuits), and items like stealth suits, teleport- Character Points expensive credit value
ers, medical equipment, and any powerplant over Weapons 30 credits x Active Point for any of its categories
60 END/60 REC output. Force tools may also be Modifier Multiplier to calculate the base
controlled because they can do lethal damage. Cutting-edge technology x10 base price price. Then apply any
Actual military gear (any of the weapons or Demand for item exceeds supply x2 base price, or appropriate modifiers. If
armor not already listed, plus most of the firearms more two or more modifiers
in the HERO System rulebook) is closely controlled Illegal items x2 base price, or apply, use them all; for
more example, cutting-edge
even in open societies. Anyone buying gear like that military technology
— or trying to buy it — attracts official attention Luxury or high-quality x4 base price
Military or military-grade x5 base price, or would be (x5 x x10) 50
and should have a legitimate need for the items. times base price.
The nature of a legitimate need varies, of course.
Rare or handmade items x2 base price
If the campaign has interstellar mercenaries, then Supply of item exceeds demand x½ base price, or Most of the base price
being a licensed merc is probably sufficient. Some less calculations derive from
societies may allow export of military gear, but Tech Level difference x10 per level (see an item’s Active Point
again, only if the buyer has a legitimate purpose. text) cost. However, GMs
Selling guns to criminals or rebels in another Vehicle/base technology other x2 base price, or should keep in mind
country is a good way to get into a war with that than weapons and defenses more Continued on next page
178 ■ Computers, Blasters, And Robots: Technology HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Continued from last page by the bank. The temptation to skip out on pay-
that Active Points may ments can be strong. After all, the bank is only on
not always tell the whole one planet, and there are so many planets out there.
story. As the examples The GM can discourage this kind of behavior with
earlier in this chapter social sanctions in the campaign: deadbeats can be
show, sometimes a pursued by bounty hunters and repo men, they can
more sophisticated or lose their licenses and permits (and who will hire
advanced device has them or take passage on their ship then?) — they
the same Active Points may even find themselves pursued by the Interstel-
as an earlier, cruder lar Navy.
model — the difference
is that the earlier version HOW MUCH FOR THE ARMOR-PIERCING
has more Limitations. AMMO?
Similarly, sometimes a
powerful effect doesn’t Star Hero characters often want to know the
end up costing many price for different types of ammunition, energy
Active Points. In these cells, batteries, or fuel cartridges for various weap-
cases, the GM may want ons. This poses some difficulties, because in the
to adjust the price to HERO System, the cost of the ammunition isn’t a
reflect the circumstances discrete value; it depends on the overall cost of the
and/or utility of the weapon.
equipment. For example, If you want to allow characters to buy different
many starship defenses types of ammunition separate from their weapons,
base their cost partly
here’s a simple method for determining the cost.
on the size of the ship,
and some equipment First, calculate the price of the weapon using its
designed to affect a large ordinary ammunition. Then calculate the cost using
area bases its cost partly the different type of ammunition the characters
on the size of that area. want to buy. Subtract the first cost from the second
cost, and multiply the result by 30 credits (as for all
weapons). That’s the cost of one standard “clip” of
the different ammunition.
Example: Garrett Starbow owns a pistol that’s
built as follows:
RKA 2d6, Autofire (3 shots; +¼), 20
Charges (+¼) (45 Active Points); OAF
(-1), Real Weapon (-¼), STR Minimum
(10; STR Minimum Doesn’t Add To
Damage; -1). Total cost: 14 points.
He wants to buy a clip of armor piercing
ammunition for his pistol. To determine
the cost, the GM calculates the cost of the
pistol with the AP ammo:
RKA 2d6, Armor Piercing (+½), Auto-
fire (3 shots; +¼), 20 Charges (+¼)
(60 Active Points); OAF (-1), Real
Weapon (-¼), STR Minimum (10; STR
Minimum Doesn’t Add To Damage; -1).
Total cost: 18 points.
The GM subtracts the first result (14)
from the second (18), for a total of 4.
Then he multiplies that by the cost of
a weapon (x30), for 120 credits. So, if
Garret wants a clip with 20 rounds of
AP ammo, he’ll have to shell out 120 of
his hard-earned credits.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 179

hen many people think of “sci- Nine and Babylon 5) take place primarily
ence fiction,” the first thing aboard a specific space station, and Star
they think of is starships. Hero GMs can create similar campaigns if
From the gleaming super-sci- they wish.
ence vessels of Star Trek to the This chapter discusses how to build
grimy, oddly-shaped, clunky-looking STL and use starships and space stations using
craft of Aliens, starships are an integral the HERO System rules. The information
part of the genre. They provide not only a provided should cover most situations, but
way for characters to cross the vast reaches of course GMs should adapt it as necessary
of space, but for many characters, a home. to their specific campaign settings and
On the other hand, in SF settings, preferences — after all, there’s a whole uni-
many characters do live in space — on verse full of ships and stations out there.
starbases, space stations, orbital fortresses, This chapter also includes information on
and other such habitats-in-space. Many ground vehicles, including mecha (giant
science fiction novels, TV shows, and combat vehicle-robots).
movies (including Star Trek: Deep Space
180 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

pace travel is a central concept in science and Sojurner rover expanded on the Viking dis-
fiction. Writers have been writing about coveries. Meanwhile the Mars Global Surveyor
voyages to other worlds since Jules Verne mapped the planet with spy-satellite precision.
sent a trio of explorers around the Moon The outer Solar System was explored by a
by means of a huge cannon. Space hardware has series of probes launched in the late 1970s to
improved since then, but the dream remains the take advantage of a rare alignment of the planets.
same. Pioneer 11 flew by Jupiter in 1973 and Saturn in
In science fiction stories, starships range 1979. Its bigger cousins Voyager 1 and Voyager 2
from tiny, one-person vessels to planet-sized ships followed. Voyager 1 reached Jupiter in 1979 and
capable of devastating entire solar systems. The Saturn in 1980, before swinging out into deep
types of ships available to characters are virtually space. Voyager 2 reached Jupiter just four months
unlimited; the only restrictions are the technology after its twin, encountered Saturn in 1981, and
available in the campaign and the GM’s limits on went on to study Uranus in 1986 and Neptune in
what’s allowed. 1989, making it far and away the most success-
ful space mission ever. Those probes dramatically
changed Humans’ knowledge of the outer solar
GENERAL STARSHIP system. Following in the footsteps of the Voyagers,
CONSIDERATIONS specialized probes were launched to the two larg-
est planets — Galileo to study Jupiter and Cassini
Designing a starship can be a difficult process, to Saturn.
since such complicated vessels require a lot of dif- Human Space Travel In The Future
ferent systems (and thus a lot of Character Points!). The near future of Human space travel
Here are a few things to consider and keep in mind. depends a great deal on the willingness of Earth’s
governments to pay for projects. The technol-
A Brief History Of ogy to send Humans to Mars exists as of 2002;
the political willpower does not. Plans currently
Human Space Travel on the drawing board envision missions to Mars
which would rely heavily on “In-Situ Resource
Space travel was science fiction until October
Utilization” — living off the land, so to speak, by
of 1957. That was when the Soviet Union placed
producing rocket fuel and oxygen from Martian
the satellite Sputnik I in orbit about the Earth.
resources. Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin has pro-
The first living being in space was the dog Laika,
posed a permanent “cycler” spaceship to provide
launched a month later. The first Human to leave
regular service between Earth and Mars, thus
Earth was Yuri Gagarin in 1961, aboard Vostok I.
saving the cost of launching an interplanetary
The first Human to reach another celestial body
spacecraft for each trip.
was Neil Armstrong, who set foot on the Moon in
Other space planners have proposed a return
1969. Since then, Humans have mostly confined
to the Moon, using it as the site for radio observa-
their activities to low Earth orbit, aboard a series
tories or mining operations to extract Helium-3
of space stations (Skylab, Salyut, Mir, and the
(an isotope with great potential value as a fuel for
International Space Station) and the Space Shuttle.
nuclear fusion powerplants).
On the other hand, robot space probes have
Lunar mines could also support the construc-
ventured to the farthest reaches of the Solar
tion of permanent habitats in high Earth orbit or
System. The Soviet Luna 3 probe returned the first
located at the Lagrange positions (see page 101).
pictures of the Moon’s far side in 1959, Venera 2
The engineer Gerard K. O’Niell envisioned huge
reached Venus in 1966, and Mariner 10 surveyed
self-sufficient space colonies at L-4 and L-5, pro-
Mercury in 1974. Mars has been a frequent target
viding homes for millions of permanent citizens
of space probes, though more than half of them
of space. (The Babylon series of space stations
have failed for various reasons (space engineers
in the television series Babylon 5 are essentially
half-joke about the “Great Galactic Ghoul” which
O’Niell colonies in another solar system.)
lurks between Earth and Mars). The first success-
The biggest technical hurdles to overcome in
ful Mars probe was NASA’s Mariner 4 in 1964, and
near-future space travel are propulsion and life
the Russian Mars 3 probe landed on the surface
support. Engineers are trying to develop compact
successfully (though the lander failed soon after).
and powerful rocket engines which can cut down
In 1976 the Viking probes analyzed Martian soil
the travel time for interplanetary voyages. So far
for signs of life, and in 1996 the Pathfinder probe
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 181

the best candidates are nuclear-thermal rockets,

which use a small nuclear reactor to superheat
hydrogen fuel; and the brand-new VASIMR drive,
which heats hydrogen to plasma with microwaves
and can switch between a high-thrust mode and a
more fuel-efficient setting.
Life support is a bigger problem than space
visionaries once realized. It’s prohibitively expen-
sive to launch all the food and oxygen a crew
would use on a five-year Mars mission, so nowa-
days NASA scientists are trying to develop “regen-
erative life support systems” using compact green-
houses or hydroponic farms to recycle wastes into
food and oxygen.
Radiation levels in space also pose a problem.
Current methods of reducing the radiation hazard
focus on either minimizing the exposure time (by
building faster rockets) or fitting spacecraft with
small “storm shelters” where the crew can wait
during radiation storms.

Space Vehicle Types

Spaceships in science fiction are usually clas-
sified by size, range, purpose, or a combination of
the three. In this book, “starship” refers specifically
to ships capable of interstellar travel while “space-
craft” or “space vehicle” means anything that can
travel in space. Some settings distinguish between
“ship” (starship) and “boat” (spaceship). A vehicle’s
prefix may tell what it can do: starships may be
called “I.S.” (for interstellar ship) or “S.V.” (star
vehicle), while spaceships are “S.S.” (space ship) or
“P.V.” (planetary vehicle). Enterprises of Star Trek) combine aspects of all
Size is of course a relative term — one three.
setting’s giant spaceship may be middle-sized or Warships are any kind of spaceship designed
small in a different Star Hero campaign. In gen- for combat. They can be broadly categorized into
eral, larger vehicles are more durable and self-suf- battle craft (which fight other space vehicles) and
ficient than small ones, allowing them to go on attack craft (which attack planets and similar
longer voyages. targets). Large warships (battleships or dread-
Range often relates to size; larger vehicles can noughts) carry massive armor and powerful
travel further and stay in space longer. Range clas- defenses, along with weapons which can blast
sification is particularly important if interstellar through the protection of enemy ships. Smaller
travel requires a different drive system than inter- ones (destroyers or frigates) tend to rely on speed
planetary voyages. and stealth for defense, and mount the most
Purpose is considerably broader than size. powerful weapons they can fit on board. Fighters
There are dozens of potential roles for spacecraft. are small ships, often with a single pilot and no
People mostly use civilian ships to move things passengers, designed to harass and attack larger
from place to place. Freighters are ships carrying ships or dogfight with enemy fighters. Carriers
general freight, often in large container modules. are a way to combine these concepts: a big, well-
Bulk carriers are freighters carrying homogeneous protected mother ship and a squadron of fast,
cargoes like grain or hydrogen in large quantities. expendable combat units. Cruisers or patrol ships
Passenger liners transport passengers in varying are warships not designed to fight other combat
degrees of comfort, ranging from luxury liners to units — they tend to be fast, long-range vessels
tightly-packed colony transports or refugee ships. intended for commerce raiding and peacetime law
Tugs are ships with powerful motors designed to enforcement.
move other spacecraft, unpowered barges, or simi- In game universes with “hyperspace” or some
lar massive objects. other dimension accessible from our own, there
Science and exploration ships learn things in may be the equivalent of submarines — spacecraft
space. Scout ships venture into unknown space, which lurk “outside space” and appear suddenly to
often spending years on a mission. Research ves- attack. Cloaking devices or other invisibility gad-
sels come equipped with laboratories to study gets allow the same style of operation.
specific planets or phenomena. Support vessels Military ships also include equivalents of var-
are mobile repair and resupply ships. A few long- ious civilian ship types. Tenders are a kind of sup-
range exploration ships (such as the various U.S.S.
182 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

Obtaining A Space Vehicle

IMPERIAL SHIP CLASSIFICATION Gamemasters and players need to consider
Here’s an example of a space vehicle classification system — the one used by the Terran both campaign and rules matters when deciding
Empire in the Hero Universe future history. Since the Empire is large and has lots of how to acquire a vessel.
specialized vehicles, the system is fairly detailed. The tone is intended to echo modern Setting considerations include things like
naval ship designations. It uses three letters to denote ship types: the first denotes
the monetary cost of a space vehicle, the avail-
range, the second role, and the third size.
ability of the type of ship the character wants, and
First Letter Type Notes governmental restrictions on spacecraft owner-
O Orbiter Vehicles limited to planetary orbit ship. Space vehicles are large, powerful, important
S Spaceship Vehicles capable of interplanetary flight
things; it’s unlikely the characters can simply walk
I Starship Vehicles capable of interstellar travel
into a dealership and buy one, the way Humans
Second Letter Type Notes buy automobiles. This is even more true if the PCs
A Attack Warship to attack planets or bases want a ship that’s armed. While many ships prob-
B Battle Warship to attack other space vehicles
ably have “blasters” with which to destroy space
C Carrier Vessel carrying smaller ships
E Exploration Scout or explorer ships debris and the like, few come with military-grade
F Freighter Freighter or containership weaponry. The authorities probably take a dim
H Heavy Lift Tugs or boosters view of private citizens flying around with enough
I Intelligence Espionage or intelligence-gathering firepower to ravage planets. Unless the characters
L Lander Surface-to-orbit transport have some sort of governmental authorization
M Merchant Passenger liner or passenger-cargo ship (maybe they’re special government operatives, or
P Patrol Patrol ship or cruiser privateers), there are probably going to be some
Q Covert Covert-operations or decoy ship restrictions on what space vehicles they can and
R Research Scientific ships cannot own, and how those vessels are equipped.
S Support Support ships or tenders
Whether they try to evade those restrictions, and
T Transport Bulk transport or tanker
U Utility General-purpose vehicle whether they succeed, are great plot hooks for the
X Experimental Experimental ship GM.
Y Yacht Personal vehicle In game terms, characters can acquire a
ship in one of three ways. First, since Star Hero
Third Letter Type Notes
P Personal Approximately 100 cubic meters; single pilot games are Heroic campaigns, they can buy them
S Small Approximately 1000 cubic meters; 10 crew with money. However, even the cheapest space
M Medium Approximately 10,000 cubic meters; 50 crew vehicle is likely to cost millions, if not billions,
L Large Approximately 100,000 cubic meters; 500 crew of credits, and a high-end vessel outfitted with
V Very Large One million cubic meters, or more military-grade systems and luxury appointments
Thus, an IMS is a small merchant starship, an SBL is a system-defense monitor, and an could cost even more. That means it’s unlikely
OBP is a space fighter. Other common ship types are OHS (orbital tugs), OLS (stan- PCs will have the wherewithal to buy a ship out-
dard orbital shuttles), SMM (common interplanetary liners), SPS (in-system Customs right (unless they’ve spent a lot of points on the
cutters), STL (large interplanetary tankers), IBS (commerce escorts), IBV (super-battle- Money Perk). Instead, they may have to do a favor
ships), ICL (carrier starships), IES (scouts), and so on. Individual vessels follow this for someone who rewards them by giving them a
prefix with a unique registry or hull number. Often a class of ships gets numbers in space vehicle, steal one, or find some other way to
series. get the credits they need.
port ship, usually supporting small independent Second, characters can spend Character
warships like cruisers or a destroyer squadron. Points, buying spacecraft as Vehicles as described
Assault transports are military passenger liners, in the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised rulebook.
carrying troops and landing craft for planetary This neatly avoids the whole “Where do I get the
assault operations. Spy ships are military versions money?” problem, but comes with problems of its
of scouts or research vessels, dedicated to gathering own. Since spacecraft need all sorts of systems to
information about enemy operations and capabili- function, and PCs are likely to want to add a lot
ties. more things that aren’t necessary but sure are fun
Combining size and role produces a dazzling (mega-blasters, cloaking devices, teleporters...),
variety of ship types, which can be as broad or these Vehicles can end up costing a lot of points,
narrow as the GM wishes. In campaigns with lots even after you divide the Vehicle’s total cost by 5.
of specialized ship types, the classifications will be In fact, they may cost so many points a starting
precise and detailed; in worlds where all spacecraft character can’t afford them. In this case, the GM
can do a little of everything, classifications will be has several options. First, he can follow the rules
simpler. Space Opera campaigns sometimes borrow as-is, forcing the characters to skrimp and save
terms from the Age of Sail for the proper swash- Character Points until they can afford the ship
buckling feel: “Star Galleons” for the big ships, they want. Second, he can make it easier on them
“Clippers” for rapid passenger liners, and “Caravels” some way. Maybe he changes the divisor to 10
for smaller vessels. If ships come in a few distinct or 20, thus substantially reducing the cost, or he
classes, they may simply be named for the proto- could include only some of the ship’s systems in
type ship (as the British battleship “Dreadnought” the cost of what the PCs have to pay for (maybe
gave her name to an entire type of warship). they get basics, like artificial gravity and com-
munications systems, for free as “Everyvehicle
Equipment”). Or he could let the characters buy
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 183

the Vehicle “on credit” and require them to spend

50% of their Experience Points on the ship until
it’s paid off. Length Width Area
Third, the GM can simply give the characters Cost (hexes) (hexes) (hexes) Mass DCV STR KB BODY
the ship. Maybe he wants to ensure they remain 0 1 .5 .5 100 kg 0 10 0 10
together as a group, and uses the ship as the “glue” 5 1.25 .64 .8 200 kg 0 15 -1 11
binding the team together. Or perhaps he arranges 10 1.6 .8 1.25 400 kg -1 20 -2 12
the campaign so that sometime within the first few 15 2 1 2 800 kg -2 25 -3 13
adventures, the PCs have the chance to find, steal, 20 2.5 1.25 3.2 1.6 ton -2 30 -4 14
25 3.2 1.6 5 3.2 ton -3 35 -5 15
or otherwise acquire their own ship. However he
30 4 2 8 6.4 ton -4 40 -6 16
explains or justifies giving the PCs a ship, the GM 35 5 2.5 12.5 12.5 ton -4 45 -7 17
can then use the ship as the basis for all sorts of 40 6.4 3.2 20 25 ton -5 50 -8 18
stories. 45 8 4 32 50 ton -6 55 -9 19
50 10 5 50 100 ton -6 60 -10 20
55 12.5 6.4 80 200 ton -7 65 -11 21
BASIC SPACECRAFT 60 16 8 125 400 ton -8 70 -12 22

65 20 10 200 800 ton -8 75 -13 23
70 25 12.5 320 1.6 kton -9 80 -14 24
75 32 16 500 3.2 kton -10 85 -15 25
Designing Vehicles in the HERO System is a 80 40 20 800 6.4 kton -10 90 -16 26
matter of purchasing the effects you desire, rather 85 50 25 1,250 12.5 kton -11 95 -17 27
than stuffing components into a box until it’s full. 90 64 32 2,000 25 kton -12 100 -18 28
Consequently the design rules in this chapter 95 80 40 3,200 50 kton -12 105 -19 29
describe the sorts of effects (equipment) characters 100 100 50 5,000 100 kton -13 110 -20 30
might want for space vehicles (with notes about 105 125 64 8,000 200 kton -14 115 -21 31
making them “realistic,” if desired), and then discuss 110 160 80 12,500 400 kton -14 120 -22 32
how to create that effect in rules terms. The listing 115 200 100 20,000 800 kton -15 125 -23 33
of equipment and systems isn’t comprehensive, of 120 250 125 32,000 1.6 mton -16 130 -24 34
125 320 160 50,000 3.2 mton -16 135 -25 35
course; no listing could be. But it covers most of the
130 400 200 80,000 6.4 mton -17 140 -26 36
things commonly seen in different types of SF. 135 500 250 125,000 12.5 mton -18 145 -27 37
It’s important to remember that the HERO 140 640 320 200,000 25 mton -18 150 -28 38
System rules don’t impose specific requirements of 145 800 400 320,000 50 mton -19 155 -29 39
“realism,” or use “realistic” guidelines for things like 150 1,000 500 500,000 100 mton -20 160 -30 40
space vessel equipment. The size and weight of a 155 1,250 640 800,000 200 mton -20 165 -31 41
system isn’t relevant; depending on the technology 160 1,600 800 1.25 million 400 mton -20 170 -32 42
level, a given system might be huge or tiny. Where 165 2,000 1,000 2 million 800 mton -21 175 -33 43
this book lists dimensions or other such “realistic” 170 2,500 1,250 3.2 million 1.6 gton -22 180 -34 44
information for equipment, that information is just 175 3,200 1,600 5 million 3.2 gton -22 185 -35 45
180 4,000 2,000 8 million 6.4 gton -23 190 -36 46
a guideline. Feel free to ignore it or change it, as
185 5,000 2,500 12.5 million 12.5 gton -24 195 -37 48
desired and appropriate for the campaign. 190 6,400 3,200 20 million 25 gton -24 200 -38 48
SIZE 195 8,000 4,000 32 million 50 gton -25 205 -39 49
200 10,000 5.000 50 million 100 gton -26 210 -40 50
The Vehicle Size Table on page 463 of the HERO 205 12,500 6,400 80 million 200 gton -26 215 -41 51
System 5th Edition, Revised covers vehicles up to the 210 16,000 8,000 125 million 400 gton -27 220 -42 52
size of a destroyer — but in science fiction, spacecraft 215 20,000 10,000 200 million 800 gton -28 225 -43 53
are often much larger than that. The accompanying 220 25,000 12,500 320 million 1.6 tton -28 230 -44 54
Expanded Vehicle Size Table provides the cost and 225 32,000 16,000 500 million 3.2 tton -29 235 -45 55
game attributes for really large vessels. 230 40,000 20,000 800 million 6.4 tton -30 240 -46 56
235 50,000 25,000 1.25 billion 12.5 tton -30 245 -47 57
OTHER VEHICLE CHARACTERISTICS 240 64,000 32,000 2 billion 25 tton -31 250 -48 58
The STR and BODY of a spacecraft usually 245 80,000 40,000 3.2 billion 50 tton -32 255 -49 59
depend solely on its Size, but this varies. Spacecraft 250 100,000 50,000 5 billion 100 tton -32 260 -50 60
255 125,000 64,000 8 billion 200 tton -33 265 -51 61
in general often have more BODY than listed,
260 160,000 80,000 12.5 billion 400 tton -34 270 -52 62
since they have to survive the rigors of space. Tugs, 265 200,000 100,000 20 billion 800 tton -34 275 -53 63
freighters, carriers, and the like usually have much 270 250,000 125,000 32 billion 1.6 pton -35 280 -54 64
greater STR than normal, because their whole raison 275 320,000 160,000 50 billion 3.2 pton -36 285 -55 65
d’etre is to haul large, heavy things around. 280 400,000 200,000 80 billion 6.4 pton -36 290 -56 66
Spacecraft usually need lots of DEF — 5 points 285 500,000 250,000 125 billion 12.5 pton -37 295 -57 67
or more — because of those same rigors of space. 290 640,000 320,000 200 billion 25 pton -38 300 -58 68
Military vessels usually have even more. 295 800,000 400,000 320 billion 50 pton -38 305 -59 69
300 1 million 500,000 500 billion 100 pton -39 310 -60 70
kton: kiloton (1,000 metric tons)
Typically, Vehicle equipment automatically mton: megaton (1 million metric tons)
counts as Bulky, as described on page 469 of the gton: gigaton (1 billion metric tons)
HERO System 5th Edition, Revised. Given the tton: teraton (1 trillion metric tons)
enormous size of many space vehicles, some of pton: petaton (1 quadrillion metric tons)
184 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
STARSHIP DESIGN their equipment may qualify as Immobile instead. story purposes, ideally the ship should have enough
AND FOCUS It moves with the vehicle, of course, but within power to run its basic and a few military systems
the vehicle it stays put. A Teleportation Platform at normal strength without difficulty. But if it starts
Most equipment aboard located on Deck 37 Aft remains there all the time; Pushing weapons, using lots of weapons, or the like,
a starship is built with it can’t show up on Deck 15 Starboard, even if it has to dip into “power reserves” (smaller, backup
the Focus Limitation the characters desperately need it there. The GM Endurance Reserves), or conserve power, lest it risk
(plus Bulky, as usual for determines when Immobile applies; the equipment running out of energy.
vehicular equipment). described in this book provides some guidelines. For “basics” the spacecraft needs to maintain
If the Focus is Inacces- Typically only Vehicles that are large enough to constantly (like gravity and life support), and which
sible, that means it’s not have crews in the dozens or hundreds should have affect the entire spacecraft (or a significant part of
only difficult to move,
Immobile equipment; smaller ships are sufficiently it), consider them the equivalent of Constant Area
but difficult to disable
— just shutting it off at maneuverable and traversable that their equipment Of Effect attacks. They affect the entire “area” (the
one point on the ship remains simply Bulky. And of course, the equip- ship), and remain in existence on the Segments
isn’t necessarily going to ment/system itself must be both large and firmly between the ship’s Phases. However, the ship only
stop it from function- attached to the ship to qualify as Immobile. pays END for them on its Phases. For equipment
ing throughout the ship, In some cases, a space Vehicle’s equipment not in constant use, like weapons and cloaking
because the ship has only affects its crew, not the Vehicle itself. Often, devices, END expenditure depends on the SPD of
backup systems or some Vehicle powers affect the vehicle itself, and anyone the computer or character operating them.
other method of main- inside it. For example, a Vehicle with Teleportation Ordinarily, a character with an Endurance
taining that system even can Teleport itself and all its passengers, equipment, Reserve specifies whether a power uses personal
if a particular part of the
and cargo, without having to pay for the Increased END or Reserve END. A spacecraft (or starbase)
ship gets damaged or
disabled. It takes 1 Turn Mass Adder. However, a Vehicle might have a has no personal END, so it always uses Reserve
of effort to disable/break Teleportation Platform for use by the crew. Obvi- END. If a Vehicle or Base has multiple Endurance
such a system through- ously, this sort of system does not allow the Vehicle Reserves (typically defined as “auxiliary” power or
out the ship. itself to Teleport. In most cases GMs can control the like; see below), it may draw END from any of
this situation through the simple application of them without paying for an Advantage or the like.
An Accessible star- common sense, but if necessary, they may apply a (Sometimes, Limitations on the Reserve restrict
ship system also prob- -0 Limitation, Only Affects Passengers/Crew, to any which systems can draw END from it.)
ably isn’t easy to move such abilities. Pages 170-73 have numerous examples of
(though it may be, Endurance Reserve-based power systems for Star
depending upon the Hero campaigns, many of them suitable for space-
nature of technology in
the setting). However, it’s
POWER SYSTEMS craft. If none of those work for the ship you have
in mind, you can easily use them as examples for
easy to deprive the ship The first thing to consider when building a
(and its crew) of the use designing your own.
spacecraft is power. Space vehicles need a lot of
of that system, whether power — to run the drives, maintain life support, NO ENDURANCE
by reprogramming it, operate the sensors and control panels, fire weap-
damaging it, or some Alternately, characters can buy all the equip-
ons, and so forth. The bigger the ship, the more ment on their spacecraft as costing no END.
other method.
power it needs. The advantage to this is it’s simpler; it eliminates
Chapter Seven provides some information END bookkeeping. The drawbacks are that (a)
Unless the GM prefers
otherwise, starship on possible Star Hero power sources. Realistically, it increases the expense of the ship, and (b) it
equipment uses the solar power, radiothermal generators, and fuel cells removes the potential drama and fun of the ship
standard rules for Dura- are most likely for present-day and near-future running out of power in crucial situations. How-
bility (HERO System 5th spaceships. Nuclear fission power would be used ever, if the GM and players are willing to roleplay
Edition, pages 189-90) on near-future missions to the outer Solar System. “we’re runnin’ outta power, Cap’n!” situations with-
to determine whether a Fusion or cold fusion takes over in the next century, out regard for the rules, this option may work best
particular attack stops a to be supplanted by antimatter or singularity power. for the campaign.
system from function- Zero-point energy is the ultimate “rubber science”
ing. At the GM’s option, power source — it requires no fuel and runs indefi- “I NEED MORE POWER!”
characters may define
nitely. A common trope in many science fiction
a particular system as
Unbreakable, with the There are two primary ways to represent stories is for characters to increase the power to a
special effect being not spacecraft power in HERO System terms: Endur- system on their spacecraft to improve that system’s
that it’s totally undam- ance Reserves and equipment bought to cost no performance — they boost the sensors to detect
ageable, but that it’s so END. something at greater range, increase the strength of
diffused throughout their ship’s weapons to punch through an enemy’s
the ship, has so many ENDURANCE RESERVES
defenses, or enhance the shields to withstand the
backup systems, or is The first, and most common, way to simulate effects of a radiation storm.
otherwise so protected ship’s power is for the ship to have an Endurance In HERO System terms, increasing equipment
that only massive Reserve. Virtually every system on the ship, even performance by pumping in more power is best
amounts of damage to basics like artificial gravity and life support, runs off
the ship as a whole can reflected by Pushing. Pushing in Heroic campaigns
this power. Therefore, when determining the END is normally limited to 5 Character Points’ worth of
destroy or disable it.
and REC of the Endurance Reserve, you need to effect (plus bonuses based on the EGO Roll). That
take into account both the “basic” systems (things rule works fine for characters, but for spacecraft,
Starship systems built
the ship needs to run all the time, like life support) GMs should normally allow at least 10 Character
Continued on next page
and things that aren’t always in use (defensive Points’ worth of Pushing, with no need for an EGO
shields, weapons, propulsion, and so forth). For
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 185

Roll. However, the GM may require a Systems effect being “really fast flight,” dimensional portals, Continued from last page
Operation roll to route the power successfully, and/ or the like). without Focus are
or an Electronics or Mechanics roll to keep from Under the standard HERO System rules, usually so diffuse (as
damaging the system with the pulse of extra power. Vehicles’ movement automatically does not cost described above), or so
Gamemasters may even want to consider END. Since many spacecraft do have to “power” intrinsically a part of
allowing spacecraft equipment to be Pushed for their movement through fuel, a power plant, or the the Vehicle, that they
more than 10 points’ worth of effect. There are sev- like, they often take the Costs Endurance Limita- don’t qualify for the
eral ways to approach this. First, GMs can require tion for it. Limitation — characters
spacecraft to pay for the privilege — they buy extra cannot normally destroy
points’ worth of effect for their equipment, with the or disable them without
Limitations Only When Pushing (-1) and Increased Acceleration doing the same to the
entire Vehicle. A space-
Endurance Cost (x10 END; -4). However, that Given the incredibly high velocities at which craft’s Movement is the
can get expensive, and clutters up the spacecraft’s spacecraft move, acceleration and its effects could most common example.
character sheet. Second, GMs can simply increase become an issue in your Star Hero game. Many But don’t forget the
the Pushing threshold — perhaps to 20 points, or GMs prefer not to clutter a game session with these special effects involved;
maybe varying from system to system (“In this concerns; they assume ship technology and/or the even without a Focus
campaign, you can Push sensors for 10 points’ crew automatically takes care of any problems. On Limitation on a system,
worth of effect, weapons for 20 points, and defenses an invader or crazed
the other hand, some Hard SF gamers like to pay
for 30 points, at the standard END cost for Push- crewmember may be
close attention to these issues and devise realistic able to damage or dis-
ing”). Alternately, the effect may depend on the solutions to them. able a system by attack-
appropriate roll: a character who makes the neces- In game terms, 1 G (one gravity) of accelera- ing its access panels,
sary Skill Roll (typically Systems Operation, Elec- tion equals 5” of Flight... roughly speaking. Since causing it to overload, or
tronics, Mechanics, or Computer Programming) the HERO System uses SPD and Phases to deter- the like.
exactly can Push for 10 points of effect, with +5 mine when vehicles move, what really matters is a
points per point the roll is made by, to a predefined vehicle’s velocity per Turn. One G of acceleration
maximum. The exact parameters depend on the actually amounts to 60” Flight per Turn. For a vehi-
dramatic effect the GM wants to achieve — some cle with SPD 12, or for the natural force of grav-
campaigns benefit from the dramatic scenes where ity which acts every Segment, 1 G therefore does
a character says, “More power to the shields!”, equal 5” Flight. On the other hand, a ship with SPD
others don’t. 3 needs to fly 20” per Phase (either 20” Combat
Reserve And Auxiliary Power Movement, or 10” with a standard Noncombat
Many spacecraft have one or more backup
power sources, usually referred to as reserve
power, auxiliary power, batteries, or the like. Some
also have specific power sources dedicated to one
system or weapon, to keep it functioning when
the rest of the ship’s power has dwindled or been
exhausted. In HERO System terms, these are just
other Endurance Reserves, with much less END
and REC than the ship’s main power system, and
sometimes other Limitations (such as Only Powers
Specific System, typically a -¼).
The HERO System does not base the END cost
for Movement Powers on the weight of the object
being moved — but “realistically,” the greater a
ship’s mass, the more END it should require to fly
through space. If you want to simulate this in your
game, divide the cost of the spacecraft’s Size by 5
and add the result to the END cost for Movement
Powers. This would also apply to Bases, if they have
thrusters or the like.

Propulsion systems are the devices used to
move spacecraft around, whether puttering along
between a planet and its moon or zipping across
the Galaxy at many times the speed of light.
Moving through space typically involves the Powers
Flight or Faster-Than-Light Travel, though in some
rare cases Teleportation or Extra-Dimensional
Movement may be involved (with their special
186 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
LIGHT DISTANCES Multiple) to achieve 1 G acceleration. Increase or Growth when making the STR Versus
As the text below describes the different meth- STR Roll).
Here’s a quick reference ods of normal propulsion used in science fiction The Damage done to the character is Attack
to distances traveled settings, it offers suggestions for the maximum Versus Limited Defense damage; the defense is
by light in given time speeds attainable with various engines. These rep- one of the methods of protection from G forces
periods. resent “average” figures for “average-sized” engines (see below). The character takes this damage on
and spacecraft with “average” SPDs. In reality, the each of his Phases that the increased “gravity”
One light-second amount of thrust an engine can generate, and thus remains in effect.
(or light-Segment) the maximum speed it can attain, depends not only If the damage would cause the character to
is 300,000 kilome- on the type of engine, but on the relationship of lose consciousness, he may attempt a CON Roll
ters (186,000 miles), the power/size of the engine to the size/mass of the at the indicated modifier to maintain quasi-con-
spacecraft. sciousness. The Roll may only be attempted if
Engine ratings are also chosen to reflect their the character would be at -0 STUN or worse. If
One light-Turn is
usefulness in combat. That’s the main situation in it’s successful, the character can stay conscious
3,600,000 kilometers, or
1.8 billion hexes. which gamers need to determine precisely how fast enough to operate his controls (he can take no
and maneuverable a ship is; the rest of the time, other actions), though at -1 to Skill Rolls per -
One light-minute is knowing a ship’s exact velocity is usually unimport- 2 STUN below 0 he is at. A character may only
18,000,000 kilometers, ant. Typically, the more advanced an engine, the attempt this Roll to overcome damage from G
or nine billion hexes. more efficient it should be at moving a spacecraft forces; it must be the most recent damage done,
around in combat, and the more maneuverability it and the only damage that’s put the character
One light-hour is a little should provide. Therefore, more advanced engines, below 0 STUN.
over 1 billion kilometers, such as fusion drives and antimatter drives, allow Any Skills requiring physical movement
or 540 billion hexes. for faster normal Flight relative to engines like (including Control Rolls) are at the same penalty
chemical rockets. as the CON Roll; this is in addition to overcoming
One light-day is about 26 the STR of the gravity (see above).
billion kilometers, or13
trillion hexes. G FORCES TABLE Protection From G Forces
Obviously, it’s better for the characters in
CON AVLD a fast-moving vehicle if they don’t suffer any
One light-year is Movement G STR Roll Damage
9,467,000,000,000 kilo- damage from acceleration — especially when FTL
60” per Turn 1 5 -0 None
meters, or 4.73 quadril- travel becomes possible, since rapid acceleration
61-120” per Turn 2 10 -1 1d6
lion hexes. 121-180” per Turn 3 15 -2 2d6
to velocities of that magnitude reduces characters
181-240” per Turn 4 20 -3 3d6 to pulp (as shown in Dan Simmons’s novel Endy-
241-300” per Turn 5 25 -4 4d6 mion, where characters must be resurrected after
301-360” per Turn 6 30 -5 5d6 each FTL journey).
LIMITED ...and so on In most cases, it’s easiest to simply assume
MANEUVERABILITY that spacecraft come with “G Force Dampers” as
G FORCES part of their “Everyvehicle Equipment,” and that a
As dramatically por- High rates of acceleration or deceleration, or vehicle’s Damper suffices to protect its occupants
trayed in Arthur C. abruptly sharp turns, can put a lot of extra gravi- from movement-related G force damage. That way
Clarke’s short story characters only have to worry about acceleration-
tational or centrifugal force on a character in a
“Hide and Seek,” some related issues when the Damper malfunctions or
starships, particularly vehicle. This doesn’t happen very often in every-
day life, but when space travel or vehicular combat is destroyed. (The example ships later in this chap-
those using rocket pro-
are involved, it can happen repeatedly. ter use this method.)
pulsion, can be difficult
to maneuver. You can Forces greater than normal Earth gravity (1G, If the GM prefers that each spacecraft pay
simulate this with the or 60” per Turn) can cause characters to suffer Character Points for its G Force Damper, you can
Limited Maneuverabil- momentary blackouts (not enough blood to the build one in several different ways. The simplest
ity Limitation (HERO brain) and redouts (too much blood to the brain). is to buy a PD Force Field that provides 2 points
System 5th Edition, page The greater the acceleration (or deceleration, or of PD per dice of AVLD damage the acceleration
316). The GM could centrifugal force), the greater the G forces on the could cause. The Force Field takes the Limita-
even expand the Limita- tion Only To Protect Occupants Against G Force
character, and the greater his chances of experi-
tion, making maneuver- Damage (-1). Thus, a ship capable of 5 G accelera-
ability worse in -1/4 encing problems or suffering injury.
To determine the effects of G force on the tion (5d6 damage) can protect all the occupants
increments (only one
characters in a vehicle, determine the vehicle’s rate from G forces with a 10 PD Force Field costing
turn per Phase for -1/2,
1 turn per Turn for -3/4, of movement per Turn (don’t forget to account 5 Real Points. (Of course, a ship could have a
and so forth down the for moving straight “up” or “down” compared to Damper providing less than full protection for its
Time Chart). the local gravity; see page 279). Then consult the maximum acceleration.)
accompanying G Forces Table. Alternately, the GM might prefer that space-
In the G-Forces Table, the STR column craft use some other Defense Power for their
provides a STR rating for the pull of gravity. If a Dampers. For example, Damage Reduction would
character tries to move in the increased gravity, he counteract some of the acceleration, but not all;
has to succeed with a STR Versus STR Roll against Power Defense might be more appropriate than
the force of the gravity. If he fails, he can’t move. Force Field in some settings or for some types of
(For “realism” purposes, the GM may not want to technology.
allow characters to use STR gained from Density
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 187

OPTIONAL REALISTIC SPACE with a radius of 8,952 kilometers has 1.4 R. OPTIONAL
In space, acceleration is constant — as long as FLIGHT
4. Determine the square root of the result of Step 3.
a vessel keeps generating thrust in some fashion, it MULTIPLIERS
keeps moving faster and faster. That doesn’t work 5. Multiply the result of Step 4 by 11.1. That tells
well in the HERO System, where movement rates you the escape velocity in kilometers per second. Value Multiplier
are fixed. A HERO System Vehicle with Flight 10” +¼ x2
moves at Flight 10” every Phase, not Flight 10” the Thus, VE = 11.1 x (square root of (G x R)) in
kilometers per second. +½ x4
first Phase, Flight 20” the second Phase, and so on.
While not realistic, this is much easier for gaming For the planet described above, the escape +¾ x8
purposes. velocity would be 11.1 x 1.67 (the square root of 2 +1 x16
If you want to more closely simulate realistic x 1.4), or 18.5 km/sec. +1 ¼ x32
(Newtonian) acceleration with rules, you can use To convert kilometers per second into inches +1 ½ x64
a variant of the Cumulative Advantage. Instead of of Flight per Phase, use the following formula: +1 ¾ x125
buying up the total effect, you buy up the inches of 1. Multiply the kilometers per second rating by 12. +2 x250
Flight — each +¼ Advantage after the first doubles This tells you how many kilometers the vehicle has +2 ¼ x500
the number of inches of Flight the Vehicle can to move per Turn. +2 ½ x1,000
attain (see the accompanying sidebar for Cumula-
2. Divide the result of Step 1 by the Vehicle’s SPD. +2 ¾ x2,000
tive multipliers). The upper limit of the Cumula-
That tells you how many kilometers it has to move +3 x4,000
tive is as fast as the ship can go; this may represent
per Phase to achieve that velocity.
a limit on its fuel supply, its equipment, its struc- +3 ¼ x8,000
tural integrity, or the like. (For even greater real- 3. Multiply the result of Step 2 by 500; that converts +3 ½ x16,000
ism, establish a flat cost for the Cumulative Advan- kilometers per Phase to game inches per Phase. +3 ¾ x32,000
tage for Flight, but impose no upper limit, other That’s how fast the vehicle has to move (using Non-
+4 x64,000
than just under the speed of light. The only other combat movement) to achieve escape velocity.
For example, Earth’s escape velocity is 11.1 +4 ¼ x125,000
restriction would be how much fuel the ship had; it
has to stop accelerating when it runs out of fuel.) km/sec. That equals 133.2 km/Turn. For a Vehicle +4 ½ x250,000
The acceleration for a ship using Cumulative with SPD 3, that’s 44.4 km/Phase, or 22,200” per +4 ¾ x500,000
Flight increases constantly — it adds its inches of Phase (call it 22,000” for ease of calculation). That +5 x1,000,000
Flight each Phase until it reaches the maximum. equates to Flight 11”, x2000 Noncombat (total cost:
In the example above, the ship would fly as a rate 72 points). MegaScale might provide a cheaper way For multipliers not indi-
of 10” the first Phase, 20” its second Phase, 30” its to build this in some cases (e.g., Flight 5”, MegaS- cated on the table (such
third Phase, and so on until it reaches 2,000”. The cale [1” = 10 km; +½] [total cost: 15 points]), if the as x200), use the next
GM may rule that a ship adds velocity at a slower GM allows it. highest multiplier.
rate, such as inches per Turn.
SPACE ELEVATORS Here’s an example:
The drawback to this is that the ship can’t
decelerate any more quickly. It can only remove To overcome the energy cost and other dif- Flight 10”, Cumula-
velocity at the same rate it adds velocity. That usu- ficulties associated with achieving escape velocity, tive (+½), Increased
ally means ships have to start braking at roughly some scientists have suggested the concept of a Cumulative Inches
the halfway point to their destination. Vehicles “space elevator.” Also known, in science fiction (x200, or 2,000”; +2).
terms, as a “beanstalk,” a space elevator is a miles- Total cost: 70 points.
using these optional rules cannot apply the
Increased Acceleration/Deceleration Advantage to tall structure that reaches from the planet’s surface
their Flight. This form of acceleration only works to a geostationary orbit in outer space. Passengers
in the vacuum of space; if a ship can enter atmo- and cargo ferry up and down the stalk in elevators,
spheres, it uses normal movement rules in them. while ships remain docked to it in outer space and
None of the propulsion systems described in never have to worry about entering the atmosphere,
this book use these optional rules, unless specifi- landing on the planet, or getting out of the planet’s
cally noted. gravity well.
In HERO System terms, you can define a
ESCAPE VELOCITY beanstalk as Flight Usable By Others, with the Extra
Planets exert gravity on objects on or near Time Limitation to represent how long it takes to
them, including spacecraft. This means space- get from the surface to a docked ship. Naturally, the
craft that cannot accelerate continuously (such as structure also shelters users, providing Life Support.
twenty-first century rockets) have to exceed the Assuming an Earth-size planet (with a geostation-
force of gravity to get into orbit or leave a planet. ary orbit of 35,880 km), it might look something
If they can’t fly fast enough, they’re stuck there... or like this:
they may crash into the planet!
Space Elevator: Flight 4”, Usable Simultane-
Earth’s escape velocity is 11.1 km/second. You
ously (up to 800 kg worth of people and cargo;
can determine other planets’ escape velocities with
+¾), MegaScale (1” = 10,000 km; +1 ¼) (24
the following formula:
Active Points); Extra Time (1 Hour; -3) (total
1. Determine the planet’s gravity (G), relative to Earth. cost: 6 points) plus Life Support (Self-Con-
Thus, a planet with twice Earth’s gravity has 2 G. tained Breathing, Safe Environments: High
2. Determine the planet’s radius (R), relative to Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low
Earth (Earth’s radius = 6,400 km). Thus, a planet Pressure/Vacuum), Usable Simultaneously (up
188 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
to 800 kg worth of people and cargo; +¾) (total which burn once ignited. They are simple and
cost: 31 points). Total cost: 37 points. dependable, but can’t be turned off once lit. This
makes them most suitable as boosters or missiles.
In HERO System terms, you can represent a solid-
Normal Propulsion fuel rocket as Flight with 1 Continuing Charge;
typically the Charge Never Recovers.
“Normal propulsion” refers to engines and Liquid-fuel rockets combine chemicals like
drives which move spacecraft in normal space at liquid hydrogen and oxygen, or kerosene and
STL speeds. In Star Hero there are two ways to oxygen. Unlike solid rockets, pilots can throttle
represent normal spacecraft movement. The first them down, or switch them on and off. In HERO
is the Hard Science path, using rocket motors System terms, you can simulate liquid-fuel rockets
and following Newtonian mechanics. The second with Fuel Charges.
is the grand tradition of Space Opera, in which Chemical rockets intended for manned
spacecraft behave like fighter planes and the spaceflights usually cannot exceed 180” per Turn
objections of science purists are drowned out by (3 G), since more would endanger the passengers.
the whooshing of engines in vacuum. Chemical rockets for unmanned craft can attain
DELTA-V velocities of 420” per Turn (7 G).
A rough guideline for the size of chemical
The main currency of realistic space travel rockets depends on acceleration. High-accelera-
is “delta-V,” or how much change in velocity a tion rockets (like the ones used to boost off Earth
spacecraft’s engines can impart to it with a given or other planets) take up about 1 hex times the
load of fuel. This is important because veloc- required delta-V in kilometers per second, per
ity determines what orbit a spacecraft follows, hex (5 tons) of payload (defined as everything
whether it can escape from a given planet’s grav- that isn’t the rocket motor or fuel). This means
ity well, and how fast it can make the transit to chemical boosters are really big — a Saturn moon
another world. rocket was as tall as a skyscraper, for example.
In HERO System terms, this is best repre-
sented by using the ship’s movement as its delta- Thermal Rockets
V: if a spacecraft has Flight 12”, it can change its Thermal rockets take a fluid fuel (usually
velocity by 12” per Phase. This assumes rockets hydrogen gas) and superheat it. As the fuel gets
use Noncombat Movement whenever possible, hot it expands, and this produces thrust. Thermal
throttling down to “battle speed” only when thrust usually isn’t enough to lift a rocket off a
maneuvering and evading becomes important. planet, but the rocket has good fuel efficiency,
This converts to kilometers per second by divid- making this a favored choice for future interplan-
ing total Move per Turn by 6000. For really high- etary missions. Of course, thermal rockets need a
speed rockets, the MegaScale Advantage simplifies heat source.
calculation — buy the final delta-V as MegaScale Nuclear thermal rockets direct the fuel
Flight and then apply the Extra Time Limita- through a compact nuclear fission reactor. This
tion to get the time needed for a “full burn” (i.e., provides a lot of heat, but unfortunately both the
to burn the fuel and accelerate the vessel to full reactor and the exhaust pose a radiation hazard.
speed). In HERO System terms, Nuclear Thermal rockets
have up to 60” Flight per Turn with a Side Effect
ROCKETS (automatic Change Environment to increase
In the real world, the only way to make radiation levels; -¼).
yourself move in space is by Newton’s Third Law: Solar thermal rockets focus sunlight directly
for every action there is an equal and opposite onto the fuel heating chamber with giant mirrors.
reaction. Rockets make use of this by throwing This is more efficient than a solar-powered elec-
their exhaust away at high speed, imparting an trothermal rocket, but it drops off in effectiveness
equal momentum to the rocket in the opposite as the intensity of sunlight decreases. The large
direction. Solar sails take the opposite approach mirrors are also fragile and bulky. Solar thermal
— they catch fast-moving particles streaming out propulsion is up to 6” per Turn Flight (0.1 G)
from the Sun, and thereby gain momentum in the bought with the Limitations OAF Bulky Fragile
same direction. and Requires Solar Proximity (use full inches
Realistically, rockets are likely to remain within 1 AU of a star, halve the inches of Flight
the most popular method of getting around in for each AU beyond that; -½).
normal space: they’re compact, powerful, and All thermal rockets are bulky, taking up at
allow people to move relatively heavy loads. They least 2 hexes each, and use about ½ hex of fuel
come in several types. per hex of payload per kilometer per second of
delta-V. Low-thrust rockets either buy Flight at
Chemical Rockets
low velocities to simulate a long slow burn, or else
These are the oldest, and still the most
buy MegaScale Flight with a lot of Extra Time.
common, form of normal space propulsion. They
burn chemicals in energetic reactions to produce Ion and Plasma Rockets
thrust. Chemical rockets come in two main types: These highly efficient rocket motors use
solid-fuel and liquid-fuel. Solid-fuel rockets con- extremely tiny amounts of fuel, but accelerate it to
tain energetic solid compounds like gunpowder, tremendous speeds using electrical or magnetic
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 189

fields. The motors are fairly compact,

but they do need lots of power. Ion
motors can only manage very low
accelerations — no more than 1”
Flight per Turn (0.017 G). Plasma
rockets can get up to 30” Flight per
Turn (0.5 G). Fuel use for ion motors
is very efficient; they need about 1 hex
of fuel for up to 20 hexes of vehicle.
Plasma rockets need more: about 1/5
of the vehicle hexes per kilometer per
second of delta-V.
This is a real-world space propul-
sion system, developed for near-future
Mars missions. It is popular among
space engineers because it combines
the relatively high thrust of a thermal
rocket with the efficiency of an ion
drive. It can’t do both at once, but can
switch between modes. Price: 6,000
credits, or more.
Flight 30” (60 Active Points); 1 Con-
tinuing Fuel Charge (easily-obtained
fuel; 1 Month; -0). Total cost: 60
Reactionless Drives
These completely blow the laws of conserva-
tion of energy out of the water, and are entirely
Science fiction writers have come up with a Rubber Science. A reactionless drive moves the ship
variety of space propulsion systems using tech- in a given direction without squirting anything out
nology that doesn’t exist yet. They range from the back. Their convenience makes them popular
things which may fly in a few years to completely in science fiction games — no worrying about
imaginary technologies. fuel consumption. Reactionless drives are pretty
Fusion Rockets compact (1/10 of vehicle hexes), but do use a lot of
If you have fusion power, then a fusion reac- power. They can have as many inches of Flight per
tor with a nozzle on one end is a pretty effective Turn as you want.
rocket. Thrust would be high, at least as good as SPACE SAILS
nuclear-thermal rockets and probably better. Fuel
Rockets need so much fuel because they accel-
consumption would rival VASIMR or ion drives.
erate by shooting stuff out the back. But instead of
Fusion rockets are extremely common in science
shooting stuff out at high speeds, a spacecraft can
try catching stuff that’s already moving fast. That’s
Realistically, a fusion rocket can reach
what a sail does.
velocities of 180” per Turn for manned flights
Space sails come in three varieties. Solar sails
and 420” per Turn for unmanned ships; in Space
ride the solar wind — the pressure of light and
Opera and the like, they can go much faster. Fuel
particles streaming out from the Sun. Obviously
requirement is 1/100 of the ship’s hexes per kilo-
this wind isn’t very strong, so sails must be huge
meter per second of delta-V.
and delicate to carry even a small payload. The
Antimatter Rockets advantage is that they can accelerate indefinitely,
For real oomph, drop a pellet of antimat- building up speed over long periods. Solar sails
ter in your fuel and stand back. Since antimatter could be used for unmanned cargo hauling within
releases staggering amounts of energy, exhaust the Solar System, especially on trips out to the giant
velocities are very high and so thrust and fuel planets. A sail ship could also keep going, aiming
economy reach amazing levels. This is probably for Proxima Centauri or some other nearby star.
the most powerful rocket possible. However, the It would take a while — top speed for a solar sail
drive itself may be fairly large because of shield- would be around 300 kilometers per second (1.8
ing requirements (assume ¼ of vehicle hexes), not million inches per Turn), or 1,000 years per light-
to mention expensive to run (assume antimat- year. Sails have about 1 hex of payload per square
ter costs 1,000,000 credits per hex of drive per kilometer of sail.
month). In game terms it can reach just about any A second sail design starts with the basic solar
level of STL acceleration; the issue is how much sail and adds a huge laser built on Mercury or the
G force the crew and contents of the ship can Moon. The laser shines on the sail, boosting it as it
withstand. flies outward. The laser would have to be gigantic,
190 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
BUSSARD RAMJETS but it doesn’t have to be mobile and is entirely re- the unimaginable sums to build and launch a gen-
usable. Laser-boosted sails could reach 1 percent of eration starship when nobody alive at the launch
For a time in the 1960s the speed of light, making star probes or trips to the lives to see its arrival? One possible reason is a ter-
it seemed the stars Oort Cloud possible. rible calamity which promises to make the home
might be easy to reach The final type of sail is a “plasma sail.” Instead planet uninhabitable. It has to be a calamity which
after all. Aerospace of a thin sheet of silvery plastic, a plasma sail is a can’t be solved by the kind of effort needed to
engineer Robert Bus- web of wires and a bubble of hydrogen. The wires launch a starship. Perhaps a black hole or neutron
sard envisioned a fusion carry power to turn the hydrogen into a plasma, star is due to pass through the Solar System, dis-
rocket which would which is contained by the magnetic field generated rupting orbits and flinging homeworld into its sun
use magnetic “scoops”
by current flowing through the wires. The advan- or deep space.
to collect interstellar
hydrogen for fuel. A tage is that the sail itself is lighter, and can interact Why stop — if the starship is comfortable and
Bussard ramjet would with the Sun’s magnetic field for extra thrust and has everything the crew needs for long-term sur-
thus be a slower-than- maneuverability — but at the cost of requiring an vival, why should they bother stopping at the target
light starship with no on-board source of power. system for the tedious job of colonizing a planet?
need for fuel tanks, After generations in space, they might prefer life
and could accelerate Solar Sail
aboard ship. Of course, the crew may not have any
almost arbitrarily close This is a typical solar sail, built using the
say in the matter, if the ship is controlled by a com-
to lightspeed. Time optional space acceleration rules (the vehicle with
puter system following instructions programmed
dilation would make the sail is assumed to have SPD 2). Price: 12,000
by the ship’s builders. Or the natural Human
voyages seem quick to credits per square kilometer, or more.
(Venusian, Denebian...) inclination to explore new
the people on board,
allowing expeditions to Flight 1”, Cumulative (+½), Increased Cumu- places might make the inhabitants want to get off
nearby stars. lative Inches (x900,000, or 900,000”; +5), the ship.
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (14 Active
Only it doesn’t really Points); OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 ¼), Requires
Bears do it, brine shrimp do it, why not
work that way. Scooping Solar Proximity (use full inches within 1 AU
Humans? If a way could be found to put the crew
up even the thin hydro- of a star, halve the inches of Flight for each AU
into stasis, the whole project of interstellar travel is
gen of interstellar space beyond that; -½). Total cost: 5 points.
means friction, and the greatly simplified. Crew in hibernation (sometimes
friction goes up with referred to as “cold sleep”) use less life support,
ROCKETS TO THE STARS don’t get bored, don’t die of old age before the trip
speed. The maximum
velocity for a ramjet To reach other stars, you don’t need a faster- is over, and don’t care how long the journey takes.
would be about 12 per- than-light starship; all you really need is one of the With hibernation equipment and a sufficiently
cent of the speed of light rockets described above and a whole lot of fuel. It long-lived power supply, ships could take decades
— not bad, certainly, may take a while, though. Chemical and thermal or centuries to travel between stars. Hibernation is
but not fast enough for rockets can’t really power a ship to anything above a fairly common means of interstellar flight in Low
easy interstellar travel. 1 percent of the speed of light (3,000 kilometers SF settings.
If some rubber sci- per second [18 million inches per Turn]). Even that
ence method could be Hibernation Unit: This is a one-person “cold sleep
would take a gargantuan ship and a long time to
devised to negate fric- pod.” It requires external power, but so little that it
tion, the Bussard ramjet accelerate a tiny payload on its way. At 1 percent of
can run for decades without maintenance — the
is the way to go. the speed of light, a probe to Alpha Centauri would
need for power is a special effect, not an END cost.
take more than 400 years to make the trip — which
Price: 160 credits, or more.
In HERO System terms, suggests it would be better to wait for someone to
a Bussard drive is FTL invent a faster rocket. Life Support (Longevity: age at one-eighth
Travel at the speed of Fusion and antimatter rockets would be able normal rate) (3 Active Points); OIF Immobile
light, with the Extra to reach speeds on the order of 10 percent of light- (-1 ½). Total cost: 1 point.
Time Limitation to speed (30,000 kilometers per second [180 million
reflect the time required inches per Turn]). That would put Alpha Centauri
to boost up to full speed
(at least a year, assuming
within reach for an unmanned probe. Humans Faster-Than-Light Propulsion
traveling at those speeds would need some way to
acceleration is limited All faster-than-light (FTL) travel is currently
pass the decades in flight. There are two possibili-
to 1 G). beyond the laws of physics as we understand
them. This means GMs are free to select their FTL
Generation Ships drives on the basis of how they affect the campaign
Who cares how long it takes? Launch a large structure, rather than strict realism (though once
self-contained space colony at the stars, and entire a method is chosen, the GM should try to discern,
generations can grow up and grow old before the make clear to the players, and follow its “realistic”
ship reaches its destination. By the time Humans implications). Factors to consider are the speed of
can launch something big at thousands of kilome- interstellar travel, the cost and reliability of FTL
ters per second, they should have solved the prob- flight, what constraints on operation exist, and how
lems of maintaining a self-contained environment ships interact with the universe while traveling.
for decades. Generation ships would carry popula-
tions of hundreds or thousands (carefully chosen SPEED
for genetic diversity), and everything a colony Speed of FTL flight in a star-spanning cam-
might need, because it’s going to be a one-way trip. paign is a relative matter. The question is how
The two main problems with generation ships quickly characters can go from one inhabited star
are: why go, and why stop? Why go — why expend system to another. If inhabited systems are close
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 191

together, on the order of 10 light-years or so, then planet (like Venus) than try to establish colonies BREAKING THE
a drive capable of 100 to 1000 times the speed of on Earth-like worlds that are too far away to travel FTL MONOPOLY
light makes them easy to reach. Greater distances to easily. Campaigns in such a setting may spend
require faster drives. long periods in one system. A very interesting cam-
Speed of travel affects the structure of inter- On the other hand, if star flight is cheap paign hook is to set up
stellar governments, the conduct of trade, and a and easy, it’s more like air travel on twenty-first the society with one set
host of other issues. If star travel is as rapid as, say, century Earth: it takes place constantly; even rela- of rules for FTL travel...
modern air transport, then interstellar society can tively low-income people can afford to fly occa- and then introduce
be fairly uniform — the same fast food outlets on sionally; many companies or institutions compete a technology which
every planet. Quick starflight also allows highly for travelers’ credits; trade and contact between changes them. Suppose
interstellar travel has
centralized government, efficient interstellar law worlds is commonplace. That makes for a very dif-
been the monopoly of
enforcement, and a well-integrated web of com- ferent campaign setting, one in which the PCs can psionic star pilots for
merce. flit from one planet to another without trouble. centuries; now some
Slow FTL travel creates a situation more like genius has found a way
the Age of Sail. Interstellar empires are possible, to let anyone pilot a ship.
but the local rulers or governors have a lot of Gamemasters can make FTL travel subject Suddenly the long peace
autonomy because they can’t wait for instructions to whatever limits they desire. Many drives in fic- enforced by the Guild is
from home in a crisis. Military forces can’t react tion don’t work near a planetary mass (or within over: the wealthy indus-
quickly, either. Trade is possible, but becomes the gravity well of a star), requiring a voyage in trial planets are building
much more speculative and risky, since market normal space to the “jump point” or “warp limit” space fleets to conquer
before activating the FTL drive. This has useful their neighbors. But
conditions can change during the voyage.
dramatic effects: space pirates can waylay ships in the economic malaise
Another point to consider is how fast ships has ended, too: trad-
are compared to each other. Can a ship with normal space, an invading armada can’t material-
ers are venturing out in
bigger engines go faster in FTL mode than an ize directly above a planet, and star travelers can’t search of markets, and
underpowered one... or is there a set FTL speed, just jump away from problems. explorers are finding
with the engine size varying only to match the size Some drives require a living pilot, possibly new worlds. The char-
of the ship? If big ships can go faster, then they with a psionic talent or cybernetic modifications. acters could rediscover
may act as “carriers” for smaller vessels. If crowd- This has two effects: designers cannot build auto- lost colonies forgotten
ing the ship with engines and power makes it mated starships, which makes interstellar message by the Guild, and there
faster, then governments and businesses can build drones and FTL missiles impossible; and it gives are great opportunities
the pilots a great deal of leverage. Pilots’ organiza- for anyone with a ship,
dedicated courier ships to carry messages and
tions (like the Spacing Guild of Frank Herbert’s a trusty blaster, and an
important passengers. Warships will be either fast adventurous spirit.
and lightly-armored or slow and well-protected. Dune) become major players in interstellar poli-
As a useful guideline, the GM should look tics if star travel is a limited monopoly. Characters
at the astrographical scope of his campaign and with the right Talent (see page 51) can always find
decide how quickly he wants characters to travel work, even if they have serious personality flaws
across it. If, for example, a campaign uses the or a checkered past.
entire Milky Way Galaxy (100,000 light-years in Alternately, the interstellar drive may depend
diameter), and the GM wants characters to have on a very rare substance, like Star Trek’s dilithium
the ability to cross from one edge of the Galaxy to crystals or the psychoactive spice melange in
the other in one year, then the fastest FTL drives Dune. Whoever controls this resource controls the
have to be 100,000 times the speed of light. Galaxy, or at least travel between planets. Sources
of “unobtainium” become the galactic equivalent
COST AND DIFFICULTY of oil fields or gold mines. A remote frontier world
If star flight is expensive or dangerous, it can boom overnight if prospectors find a useful
becomes a lot less common, even if travel is fairly lode. If only one civilization or species knows
rapid. The best modern-day analogy is orbital about the magic ingredient, all the others will try
spaceflight — a Space Shuttle reaches orbit in less as hard as they can to learn the secret and break
than an hour, but the cost is astronomical and the the monopoly.
danger is real. Instead of interstellar tourism, star Some methods of star travel rely on natural
travel becomes the province of highly-trained features of the Galaxy — wormholes connect-
and dedicated explorers like modern astronauts. ing distant star systems, stargates (either natural
Colonies in other star systems are smaller, without or left by an ancient civilization), or just regions
a flow of poor immigrants looking for a better where light moves faster. This kind of “geography”
life. Instead, colonies begin with small but well- determines how colonies spread and where an
equipped groups, and grow by their own efforts. interstellar empire’s fleets can conquer. Star sys-
This tends to create highly diverse colony worlds tems on wormhole routes are “valuable real estate”
after a few centuries, since difficult star travel and will be settled even if they aren’t especially
makes it hard for the mother world to retain inviting. Remote systems without stargates may be
control. Trade is limited to extremely high-value home to weird and isolated societies.
items worth the risk and expense.
Expensive and dangerous interstellar travel
also encourages the development of less-than- Some FTL drives evade Einstein’s speed limit
habitable planets in colonized star systems. It may by taking short cuts through other universes or
be easier, and cheaper, to terraform a difficult dimensions. A ship in hyperspace or jumpspace is
192 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
completely cut off from the normal universe. This of “hyperspace” is up to the GM — it can be a
has a number of interesting implications. Enemy featureless void, or a universe of its own with
fleets may be able to travel undetected to the bizarre natural laws (and possibly inhabitants).
heart of an interstellar empire; this means each There may be different “levels” of hyperspace
planet has heavy defenses, creating a situation like allowing faster travel with greater risk or energy
castle-studded feudal Europe or Japan. expenditure. Hyperspace may be easily navigable,
Ships in hyperspace may also be cut off from or ships could instantly become lost without a
communication or help, which means the passen- beacon to follow (and communications equip-
gers and crew are entirely on their own if some- ment to follow it with). It may have no planets
thing goes wrong. This makes a ship in jumpspace or inhabitants, or it could be the realm of bizarre
a great location for a “whodunit” style mystery or creatures whose very appearance drives Humans
a “mad slasher” horror scenario. insane.
An interstellar civilization linked by ships Navigating in hyperspace can be tricky.
jumping through hyperspace is like a group Often the ship emerges only generally near the
of islands connected by air routes. The empty target system, and hazards in hyperspace itself
expanses of space between the stars can hold all may push the starship off course. Gamemas-
kinds of surprises — brown dwarf stars too dim ters may require characters to buy Navigation
to see, drifting relics of ancient alien cultures, or (Hyperspace) to find their way, or may forbid
space-dwelling life forms. Hyperspace may have them to have any such Skill, forcing them to rely
similar features, or be home to even stranger on established beacons or landmarks.
things.... Hyperdrive usually requires a large pulse of
energy when entering and leaving hyperspace.
Some types of hyperdrive need a large fixed
Over time, science fiction stories and films portal (like a star gate; see below) to enter or
have created a suite of fictional star drives with leave hyperspace (and usually beacons to guide
interesting properties. ships between portals). This naturally makes the
Warp Drive portals very important and well-protected loca-
The FTL drive made famous by Star Trek, a tions, but makes it possible for any spaceship
warp drive works by distorting (“warping,” so to to venture into hyperspace. Movement while in
speak) the space-time continuum in ways that hyperspace itself can be Newtonian, or subject to
allow the ship to propel itself at superluminal whatever bizarre natural laws exist in the alter-
speeds. Similar to warp drives are “folded space nate dimension.
drives,” which compress the distance the ship If hyperspace is generally empty and fea-
travels as it moves. The ship moves at a modest tureless, posing few threats to ships or charac-
speed, but covers great distances because the ters, you can build hyperdrives as MegaScaled
drive “shrinks” the space in front of it. Teleportation with the Extra Time Limitation. If
Warp drives usually allow starships to hyperspace is a “real place,” then hyperdrive is a
interact with the rest of the universe, though combination of Extra-Dimensional Movement
slower-than-light weapons aren’t very useful and FTL Travel (or, in some cases, MegaScale
against a ship in warp drive. Warp drives aren’t Teleportation).
usually limited by natural conditions, but some- Hyperdrives are usually fairly bulky systems
times depend on rare elements. Distorting space requiring a lot of power. Assume the hyperdrive
requires a lot of energy (and the faster you go, takes up about one-fourth of the ship’s total
the more energy you need). This means warp space.
travel is fairly expensive for all but the most Hyperdrive: This is basic hyperdrive, built on the
advanced and affluent Space Opera civilizations. assumption that nothing noteworthy happens
Movement with a warp drive is non-Newto- to ships or people in hyperspace. It has a range
nian — the ship moves forward while the drive is of up to 10 light-years. Price: 90,000 credits, or
on, and stops when the drive is shut off. Naviga- more.
tion is fairly simple: the crew can look out of the
Teleportation 10”, MegaScale (1” = 1 light-
cockpit window and see where it’s going. Warp
year; +3 ½) (90 Active Points); Extra Time (1
drive units in fiction are bulky, requiring as
Week for a full journey, or a little more than
much as half the total hexes of the ship.
1 LY per day; -4 ½), Increased Endurance
Warp Drive: This is a typical warp drive engine, Cost (x5 END; -2). Total cost: 12 points.
able to drive its ship at the rate of one light-year
per day. Price: 28,000 credits, or more. Hyperspace Engine: This is a form of hyperspace
travel used in settings where hyperspace itself
FTL Travel (1 LY per day) (28 Active Points);
has features and possible dangers. Characters
Costs Endurance (-½), Increased Endurance
need to use Navigation (Hyperspace) to find
Cost (x10; -4). Total cost: 5 points.
their way while there. Price: 53,000 credits, or
Hyperdrive works by going “around” normal Extra-Dimensional Movement (any location
space, through another universe or dimension in hyperspace, corresponding to the location
where distances are shorter. The exact nature in normal space where the ship enters) (total
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 193

cost: 25 points) plus FTL Travel (1 LY per Star Gates And Wormholes
day) (28 Active Points); Costs Endurance (- These are FTL drives which are outside
½), Increased Endurance Cost (x10; -4), Only the ship itself. Star Gates are immense portals,
In Hyperspace (-1) (total cost: 4 points). either into Hyperspace or linking distant systems
Total cost: 29 points. through a form of Teleportation. Wormholes are
as-yet-undiscovered natural holes in space con-
Jump Drive necting places light-years apart. Navigating a
The jump drive lets starships “jump” instan- wormhole or star gate may be about as hard as
taneously from one star system to another, navigating a railroad (the gate leads where it leads,
whether by quantum tunnelling, converting the and you either go through or you don’t), or it may
ship to tachyons, or some other rubber science require tricky flying through hyperspace. Gates
method. Navigating with a jump drive is very may be the only way to travel — in which case
difficult — a mistake can send the ship to the they must be moved to other star systems aboard
wrong star system, or possibly to deep space. slower-than-light ships — or they may be only
Really serious errors could catapult a jump ship a supplement to other drives. Babylon 5 posited
across the Galaxy, or back in time, or into an gates into hyperspace for the convenience of small
alternate dimension. A more practical concern craft, while large starships could carry their own
is fuel; if a ship jumps to a place where it cannot gate-opening technology.
refuel, it may not have enough energy left to However they work, stargates and wormholes
make more jumps! instantly become places of vital importance. Con-
You can build jump drives using Mega- trol of a portal means control of all traffic along
Scaled Teleportation. Jump drives can be compact that route; depending on the layout of the system,
devices (about 1/10 of ship’s hexes), but require a dozens of worlds could depend on a single gate-
lot of power. way.
Jump Drive: A standard jump drive, suitable for Star Portal: This is a gateway through a safe
most ships. Price: 47,000 credits, or more. hyperspace; ships must go to other gates. The
gates, built by some ancient civilization and not
Teleportation 5”, MegaScale (1” = 10 light- fully understood by Humans, are irreplaceable
years; +3 ¾) (47 Active Points); Extra Time (1 and heavily guarded. Only one ship can enter the
Turn; -1 ¼), Increased Endurance Cost (x10 portal at a time, and it has to be small enough to
END; -4), Requires A Navigation (Space) Roll fit through. Ships themselves don’t have to pay for
(-½). Total cost: 7 points. this “engine” at all; the gates are maintained by an
194 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
appropriate authority (which taxes and regulates Good question.) Inertialess drives are simply the
them as it sees fit). Price: 335,000 credits, or more. FTL Travel Power. They tend to occupy about
a quarter of the ship, but can also be used as
Teleportation 10”, MegaScale (1” = 1 light-
a normal Flight drive. Price: 1,400 credits, or
year; +3 ½), Area Of Effect (3,500” Radius;
+2 ¾), Usable As Attack (does not work on
ships with incompatible drives or certain types Cost Inertialess Drive
of energy sources; works on masses of up to 13 Inertialess Drive: Multipower, 45-point
800 mtons; +9 ¼) (330 Active Points); OAF reserve; all Costs Endurance (-½),
Immobile (-2), Independent (-2), Extra Time Increased Endurance Cost (x5 END; -2)
(1 Week for a full journey, or a little more than 1u 1) FTL Mode: FTL Travel (1 LY per Hour);
1 LY per day; -4 ½), Increased Endurance Cost Costs Endurance (-½), Increased
(x5 END; -2), Only To Fixed Locations (-½), Endurance Cost (x5 END; -2)
Gate (-½), Only One Ship Can Use Portal Per 1u 2) Spaceflight Mode: Flight 10”, MegaScale
Segment (-¼) (total cost: 26 points) plus 1 (1” = 1,000 km, can scale down to 1” = 1
Floating Fixed Location (any other portal, km; +1 ¼); Costs Endurance (-½), Increased
chosen at the time of use) (5 Active Points); Endurance Cost (x5 END; -2), Only Works
OAF Immobile (-2) (total cost: 2 points). In Space (-½)
Total cost: 28 points. Total cost: 15 points
Probability Drive
Wormhole: This is the same as the Star Portal,
First made famous in Douglas Adams’s Hit-
but without the OAF Limitation; the Independent
chiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series, a probability
Limitation reflects the fact that the persons con-
drive alters the laws of chance to the point where
trolling the wormhole can’t stop it from shifting,
the odds that the ship will spontaneously hop
collapsing, or temporarily closing. Additionally,
to its destination become good. Amazingly, this
the Fixed Location does not “float.” Total cost: 33
isn’t as crazy as it sounds; Hard SF maven David
Brin used a similar drive as one method of FTL
Inertialess Drive travel in his “Uplift” books. Probability drives are
The big limitation to faster-than-light travel MegaScaled Teleportation, sometimes with a Side
in Einsteinian space is that mass increases with Effect of Unluck or Change Environment.
velocity. Consequently the energy to acceler-
ate approaches infinity the closer you get to the
speed of light. Novelist E. E. “Doc” Smith came WEAPON SYSTEMS
up with one way around that problem: if your
Now comes the interesting part: blowing
ship can be made “massless” or “inertialess” then
holes in the opposition. Spacecraft weapons
it can cruise right through the speed of light
come in three main classes: Missiles (which
and keep on accelerating. (How does that work?
are essentially little unmanned spaceships that
hunt down the target); Beams and Guns (which
TIME DILATION fire directly at the target); and Special Weapons
(which do other stuff). Missiles and beams are
As objects move at speeds approaching the speed of mostly realistic weapons, but Special Weapons
light, weird things happen. Mass increases and time are often deep in Rubber Science territory.
slows down. The formula for time dilation is the Characters often build starship weapons as
square root of (1 - v2/c2), where v is the ship’s speed Multipowers, with one ordinary slot (for shots
and c is the speed of light. So if you’re going half the at nearby targets) and one slot with the Mega-
speed of light, your time dilation effect is the square
Scale Advantage (for use against long-range tar-
root of (1 - .25/1), or 0.86. So for every minute a clock
ticks on Earth, a clock on board your ship only ticks gets). The practical limit on a weapon’s range is
52 seconds. The effect gets more pronounced at high 300,000 km — anything faster than that and the
speeds. Clever GMs can get some interesting story weapon’s projectile/beam is moving faster than
hooks out of this, the way Dan Simmons does in his the speed of light. Of course, warp and inertia-
“Hyperion” novels. less starships often roar around at FTL speeds
Speed Time Dilation Days To Go 1 Light-Year anyway, and may have weapons that can work
0.5 x lightspeed 0.86 730 (objective) / 632 (crew) at those speeds (or not: Star Trek ships have to
0.6 0.80 608 / 487 “drop out of warp” to engage in most forms of
0.7 0.71 521 / 372 combat).
0.8 0.60 456 / 274 Typically weapons occupy ½ to 1 hex per 10
0.9 0.44 406 / 177 Active Points, but the GM may vary this as he
0.95 0.31 384 / 120 sees fit.
0.99 0.14 369 / 52
0.999 0.045 365 / 16
0.9999 0.014 365 / 5
Of course, rubber science FTL travel often ignores
time dilation entirely — it’s inconvenient and messy
for storytelling purposes. So Star Hero GMs should
feel free to ignore it as well, if they want.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 195

Missiles 5u
Group), Discriminatory, Analyze
2) Far-Range Radar: Radar (Radio
Missiles are warheads that propel themselves Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, For the ultimate in
into the enemy’s ship. The simplest missiles use MegaScale (1” = 100 km, can scale ranged attacks, star-
nothing but the force of their impact to damage down to 1” = 1 km; +1) 0 ships can fire FTL mis-
the foe, while others mount explosive or atomic 18 Radar Enhancers: +12 versus Range for siles. These are built as
warheads. In most cases they’re short-range Radio Group 0 Vehicles with SPD 6 and
weapons, though theoretically a rubber science 24 Communications Systems: HRRP (Radio enough Flight to reach
Group), MegaScale (1” = 100 km, can twice the speed of light.
power source could keep one flying after its
The speed of light, c, is
target for a long, long time. scale down to 1” = 1 km; +1) 0
300,000 km per second,
In HERO System terms, most missiles are or 1.8 billion hexes per
small Vehicles (or Automatons) themselves, Skills Turn, which means a
equipped with Flight engines, sensors, what- 20 Homing Sensors: +10 OCV with Nuclear SPD 6 missile that can
ever other systems they need, and a No Range Warhead reach 2c needs 600 mil-
attack with 1 Charge which Never Recovers (and 20 Maneuverable: +4 DCV lion inches of Flight per
destroys the Vehicle). Their guidance comes 3 Stealth Systems: Stealth 13- Phase (call that Flight
from a remote operator (which can be cut off 6”, x100 Million Non-
with interference, a Physical Limitation), or an Total Abilities & Equipment Cost: 386 combat, costing 142
Total Vehicle Cost: 455 points). At that speed,
onboard computer (which means the builder
doing damage based
has to buy Senses for it). In most cases it’s not on a Move By (to avoid
necessary to buy the computer separately (just Value Disadvantages the horrendous Move
assume the missile has INT 10), but the most 15 Physical Limitation: Can Be Missile Through OCV penalty),
sophisticated missiles do need a separate com- Deflected By Spacecraft (Frequently, the missile would inflict
puter. They have the Physical Limitation, Can Greatly Impairing) 120 million dice of
Be Missile Deflected By Spacecraft (Frequently, 10 Physical Limitation: Costs Firing Ship 10 Normal Damage. (Make
Greatly Impairing; 15 points), to reflect the fact END To Fire (Frequently, Slightly Impairing) the missile SPD 12, and
that point defenses (see page 198) can destroy 15 Physical Limitation: Remote Guidance the damage becomes a
them before they impact their target. They also (enemy ships can interfere with or disable guid- mere 60 million dice.)
ance system (Infrequently, Fully Impairing) Obviously, building or
have the Physical Limitation, Costs Firing Ship 10
using an attack like this
END To Fire (Frequently, Slightly Impairing; 10 requires the GM’s per-
points), to represent the END cost of launching Total Disadvantage Points: 40 mission.
them at a target. Total Cost: 415/5 = 83
NUCLEAR SPACE MISSILE Description: This writeup represents a typical SF
nuclear missile, suitable for use only in space. It has a SUMMON MISSILE
Val Char Cost Notes
range of approximately 1,000 kilometers; beyond that
10 STR 0 Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [0]
point it runs out of fuel, and drifts in the direction it Because missiles are
10 BODY 0 Vehicles, and Vehicles
was last flying until it hits something (which usually
5.”x.5” Size 0 Mass 100 kg; -0 KB; -0 DCV have a defined point cost,
triggers the explosion).
5 DEF 9 with the GM’s permis-
The goal of the person guiding the missile is to
20 DEX 30 OCV: 7/DCV: 7 sion characters could
try to get right next to its target before detonating. If
6 SPD 30 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 define a ship’s missiles
necessary the guider can detonate the warhead as long
Total Characteristic Cost: 69 using Summon, instead
as a target is within range to be damaged. of buying them individu-
Movement: Ground: 0” Price: 392,000 credits, or more. ally. The cost of Summon
Flight: 40”/40,000” derives from the Vehicle’s
total cost (not its cost
Abilities & Equipment
Beam Weapons divided by five), and
the Slavishly Loyal (+1)
Cost Power END Beam weapons tend to be the most common Advantage must be
109 Nuclear Warhead: RKA 20d6, Explosion type of starship armament in Star Hero games, applied. Applicable Limi-
(+½), MegaArea (1” = 10 km; +½); No because they’re easy for gamers to use. In a setting tations typically include
Range (-½), 1 Charge which Never using rubber science, they can be explained as just Focus (as with other
Recovers (-4) [1nr] about any type of energy; the examples listed below starship equipment) and
15 Electronic Counter-Countermeasures: assume some reasonable effort to be “realistic.” Charges (the number
Radio Group Flash Defense (15 points) 0 of missiles the ship can
7 Electronic Counter-Countermeasures: LASERS carry for that launcher
Lasers are the most likely energy weapons in at once). Refilling the
Power Defense (15 points); Only Versus
Charges requires manu-
Electronic Jamming (-1) 0 near-future scenarios. They’re currently under devel-
facturing new missiles, or
125 Engine: Flight 40”, x1,000 Noncombat, Non- opment and have great destructive potential. Lasers visiting a military supply
combat Acceleration/Deceleration (+1); 1 use a fair amount of power, however, and are them- depot, but the power
Continuing Fuel Charge (easily-obtained selves rather fragile. In Space Opera games, generic does not get an Increased
fuel; 1 Minute; -¾), Only In Space (-¼) [1cc] energy beam weapons are often called “lasers” even Recovery Time Limita-
-12 Only Flies: Running -6” though they don’t act like them. tion for this, since that
50 Radar Array: Multipower, 50-point doesn’t necessarily take
Space Combat Laser: Designed for use against lightly-
reserve any extra time.
armored spaceships and satellites rather than heavily-
2u 1) Close-Range Radar: Radar (Radio protected warships. Price: 10,110 credits, or more.
196 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
protons at the target. Particle weapons are powerful
but have limited range because the beam tends to
disperse as the particles repel each other.
Particle Accelerator: A huge weapon running down
the center of a ship’s hull. Due to its size and con-
figuration, it can only be fired in the direction the
ship’s nose points, and it cannot be aimed at targets
closer than a kilometer. Price: 7,860 credits, or
RKA 10d6, Penetrating (+½), MegaScale (1” =
1 km; +¼) (262 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-
1), Real Weapon (-¼), Limited Arc Of Fire (60
Degrees, Only On Same Horizontal Level; -¾).
Total cost: 87 points.

In the history of SF film and fiction, starship
combatants have deployed a whole host of other
colorful beams. They include:
Ion Cannon: Made popular by The Empire Strikes
Back, an ion cannon fires a blast of ionized hydro-
gen, creating electrical effects that bypass a ship’s
hull defenses (but are useless against force fields).
This is of course a highly rubber science weapon.
Price: 11,250 credits, or more.
Cost Ion Cannon
87 Ion Cannon: Multipower, 195-point reserve;
all OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-¼)
9u 1) Distant Shot: RKA 4d6, NND (defense
is ED Force Field or Force Wall; +1), Does
BODY (+1), MegaScale (1” = 1 km; +¼);
OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-¼)
Cost Space Combat Laser 8u 2) Close-Range Shot: RKA 4d6, NND
(defense is ED Force Field or Force Wall;
90 Space Combat Laser: Multipower, 202-point
+1), Does BODY (+1); OIF Bulky (-1),
reserve; all OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-¼)
Real Weapon (-¼)
9u 1) Distant Shot: RKA 6d6, Autofire (5
Total cost: 104 points.
shots; +½), MegaRange (1” = 10 km, can
scale down to 1” = 1 km; +¾); OIF Bulky Fusion Beam: A starship-sized version of the
(-1), Real Weapon (-¼) plasma weapons for soldiers, this ejects fusing
6u 2) Close-Range Shot: RKA 6d6, Autofire hydrogen at the target and somehow keeps it from
(5 shots; +½); OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon dispersing and cooling before impact. Price: 5,070
(-¼) credits, or more.
Total cost: 105 points. Cost Fusion Beam
Superheavy Laser: A major military laser capable of 42 Fusion Beam: Multipower, 94-point reserve;
punching through heavy armor at a range of up to all OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-¼)
one light-second. Price: 18,000 credits, or more. 4u 1) Distant Shot: RKA 5d6, MegaScale
(1” = 1 km; +¼); OIF Bulky (-1), Real
Cost Superheavy Laser
Weapon (-¼)
167 Superheavy Laser: Multipower, 375-point
3u 2) Close-Range Shot: RKA 5d6; OIF Bulky
reserve; all OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-¼)
(-1), Real Weapon (-¼)
17u 1) Distant Shot: RKA 10d6, Autofire (5
Total cost: 49 points.
shots; +½), MegaRange (1” = 100 km, can
scale down to 1” = 1 km; +1); OIF Bulky
(-1), Real Weapon (-¼)
10u 2) Close-Range Shot: RKA 10d6, Autofire
(5 shots; +½); OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon These weapons project a physical object
(-¼) directly at the target through some means, caus-
Total cost: 194 points. ing damage through kinetic impact, explosions,
or the like. The most common example in SF
PARTICLE BEAMS is the railgun, essentially a huge gauss gun (see
Particle weapons are also near-future tech, page 150). Even high-velocity projectiles can’t go
with work on them progressing right now in vari- as fast as beams, so railguns are limited to short
ous military labs. They fire streams of energetic range — no more than 100 kilometers. Ships
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 197

often install them as point-defense weapons. SPECIAL WEAPONS

Railgun slugs are usually just chunks of metal,
but they could also be used to launch nuclear
TARGET: EARTH! Besides offensive beams,
warheads, smart homing missiles, or anything Attacks on planets usually take place from many missiles, and guns, SF
else which can survive hundreds of Gs of accel- miles above the surface. Rather than applying No writers have imagined
eration. Range Modifier so that the attack has a chance of hit- a variety of weird and
ting, attackers rely on the size of the target cancelling fantastic space weapons.
Railgun: A typical starship-mounted railgun of out the Range Modifier penalties. It’s hard to miss an Some examples:
average size and range. Versions used for plan- entire world!
etary defense and the like are often much larger. Damping Field: This
Here’s a summary of the Range Modifier for long
Price: 6,060 credits, or more. ranges: device somehow sucks
RKA 6d6, Armor Piercing (+½), Increased Range Range Modifier
the energy from a target
ship’s power supplies,
Maximum Range (x75, or 50,000”, or 100 8,000” (10 miles) -22
16,000” (20 miles) -24
rendering it helpless.
km; +¾) (202 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1),
Real Weapon (-¼). Total cost: 90 points. 24,000” (30 miles) -26
32,000” (40 miles) -26 Electromagnetic Web:
40,000” (50 miles) -28 This weapon creates an
Planetary Kinetic Bombarder: This massive impenetrable web of
50,000” (60 miles) -28
weapon is used to attack planets rather than electromagnetic field
64,000” (80 miles) -28
starships. It launches a large metal rod which 125,000” (150 miles) -30 lines (don’t ask how),
impacts at roughly five times the speed of sound, 250,000” (300 miles) -32 which can serve as a
devastating a wide area. A variant simply bom- 500,000” (600 miles) -34 barrier or a trap.
bards a world with large asteroids, which is often 1,000,000” (1,200 miles) -36
enough to wipe out all life on that planet. Either In contrast, the Target Size bonus to an attacker’s OCV
Space Warp Projector:
type requires Extra Time for the missile to hit for attacking a planet the size of Earth (3,200,000”
A natural outgrowth of
the target, if fired from beyond 50,000” range radius) is +42. So, the odds of hitting it, even from
warp drive technology,
— but it’s not as if a planet can Dodge. Price: 1,000 miles away, are much better than average; from
a Warp Projector twists
10,110 credits, or more (standard); 18,570 cred- 20 miles (roughly equivalent to geosynchronous
and distorts the target
like taffy, rending the
its, or more (asteroidal). orbit), you’ll only miss if you roll an 18.
ship’s structure.
RKA 10d6, Explosion (+½), MegaArea (1” = If you can hit a planet, what does it take to destroy it?
A rocky planet like Earth has a volume of about 1.37 x Stasis Projector: A
1 km; +¼), Increased Maximum Range (x25,
1020 hexes, if it’s considered a perfect sphere. Assuming device which somehow
or 32,750”, or about 41 miles; +½) (337 Active it all counts as stone (19 BODY, 5 DEF), it has a total
Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-¼), freezes the target ship
BODY of 86 (base of 19, +1 for each doubling of size). in time, so that the crew
Extra Time (missile travels at 50,000” [100 km] (GMs desiring greater precision can re-calculate to and ship can do noth-
per Segment; -0), 12 Charges (-¼). Total cost: account for the molten and solid metals at Earth’s core, ing while the enemy
135 points. if desired.) Therefore, a single shot doing 177 BODY attacks freely. In Larry
would vaporize it. Given an average roll, that would Niven’s stories, being
Asteroidal Bombardment Variant: RKA 15d6, require an RKA 51d6. Half that much damage would
Explosion (+½), MegaArea (1” = 100 km; +¾), put in stasis does have
probably suffice to crack it into two or more pieces, the useful side effect of
Increased Maximum Range (x25, or 63,250”, effectively rendering it useless. making you immune to
or about 79 miles; +½) (619 Active Points); In rules terms, that may make the Earth a little too harm.
OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-¼), Extra Time easy to destroy. To counteract this effect, assume
(missile travels at 50,000” [100 km] per Seg- standard weapons either (a) are so “narrow” in effect Gamemasters can amuse
ment; -0), 12 Charges (-¼). Total cost: 248 they’re considered to have the Beam Limitation when themselves creating
points. used against worlds, and thus at best only punch rela- other such rubber sci-
tively small holes in a planet; and (b) surface Area Of ence weapons using
Effect/Explosion attacks take the path of least resis- the HERO System rules.
DEFENSES tance and conform to the planet’s surface (otherwise,
nuclear test explosions might already have cracked
Many are permutations
of Drain, Entangle, or
Earth open!). Thus, only weapons specifically designed Transform.
To keep attackers from vaporizing them to affect huge swaths of a planet at once, or to burrow
with all this aggressive hardware, spacecraft need deep within it before taking effect, have a serious
defenses. In a realistic setting there are three Beware the arms race!
chance of destroying it. Arthur C. Clarke’s short
ways to defend a ship in space: armor to soak
ships of the same size and power should have story “Superiority”
up damage; point defenses to stop missiles; and describes an interest-
stealth to avoid being shot at. In games with the ability to damage each other. That doesn’t ing object lesson about
abundant rubber science, ships can also mount mean they can destroy each other with a single efforts to build better
force shields, dimensional phase systems, cloak- shot, but rather that a shot with an above-average weapons.
ing devices, and the like. damage roll should inflict at least a little damage
When determining the defenses for starships on the target. The ship’s size (i.e., BODY) keeps
in your Star Hero campaign, keep the nature and it from being significantly damaged too quickly,
type of weapons used in the setting in mind. but enough shots can, slowly but surely, blow it
Ideally, a ship’s total defenses should protect into chunks of space debris.
against most damage, but not all of it. While large For example, suppose the GM decides the
ships may be effectively immune to the attacks average starship weapon in his campaign does
of smaller/weaker ships, and some ships (like RKA 6d6. That means, on the average, a roll of
the fighters in Star Wars) tend to be fragile, two about 21 BODY, with a maximum of 36 BODY.
198 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
The average powerful starship mounting this sort mated, in which case it’s the OCV of the ship’s
of weapon should therefore have a DEF in the computer which determines whether a success-
range of about 16-24 — tough enough to keep ful interception happens. Of course, that means
from being too badly damaged by most shots, but the ship is using an Action to Deflect, which may
not enough to be invulnerable. A bigger, more keep it from moving that Phase. If a character, or
powerful ship might have more DEF; smaller, a dedicated computer, operates the point defenses,
weaker ones (like scouts and fighters) probably they can function without requiring any Actions
have less. by the ship itself.
Making a ship’s defenses Ablative changes
this calculation a little. Since ablating defense
constitutes a form of “damaging” the target, GMs Force-fields in all their variations are the clas-
might allow much higher Ablative defenses than sic ship defense of Pulp and Space Opera SF. From
ordinary defenses. Star Trek’s deflectors to the Langston Field of The
Mote In God’s Eye, ships surrounded by bubbles of
ARMOR energy have been shrugging off attacks capable of
Armor — a thicker, stronger, and/or better- reducing them to confetti for decades.
protected hull, in other words — is the simplest A force shield is defined as either a Force
form of starship defense. All spacecraft carry a Field or Force Wall. A Force Field is much cheaper,
little armor for protection against micrometeors, since a spacecraft has to make a Force Wall long
the friction of entry into an atmosphere, and so enough to surround itself. (Alternately, a ship may
forth; 5 DEF suffices for those purposes. Anything buy two or more Force Walls, each covering part
more than that is for protection against cosmic of the ship, but joining together to form a single
energy storms, enemy weapons, large meteors, and “bubble” around the whole ship, as if they were a
the like. single Wall; that way you can arrange situations
Spacecraft designers need to worry about where one shield isn’t functioning, but the others
mass, which limits how much armor they can are.) On the other hand, the protection offered by
plate on — even science fiction technology can the Force Wall is superior in many cases, because
only reduce the weight of metal and plastic so it stops attacks at some distance from the ship
much. As a rough guideline, maximum “realistic” itself. (Even though the Power should have the
spaceship DEF in the near future is no more than Self Only Limitation — starships rarely have the
20 (and usually less); Space Opera battleships can ability to surround other ships with force bubbles
carry 100 or more (assuming the weaponry used — spacecraft may, if they wish, make their Force
against them justifies having that much). In set- Walls long enough that they surround not only
tings featuring force shields and like defenses, a the ship, but a small amount of space as well.)
ship’s armor should almost always be significantly A ship designer can make force shields Ablative,
lighter (i.e., offer far less DEF) than its force just like a ship’s armor. The shields in Star Trek work
shield. that way; attacks gradually wear them down until
Often spaceship armor is ablative, boiling off they “collapse.” In this case, the -1 optional version
as it gets hit. This is not only more realistic, but of Ablative usually works best (see page 115 of the
makes it a little cheaper. Another common tech- HERO System 5th Edition, Revised).
nique is to put very heavy armor on one side of a Ordinarily, an Ablative defense that’s lost
spaceship, then keep that side facing the enemy. can only be recovered at the end of an adventure.
Warship armor may be optimized against the That works fine for physical defenses like armor,
weapons the designers expect them to face — if but doesn’t make quite as much sense for a force
lasers are the standard weapon, then ships will shield — in science fiction, a ship can often re-
have heavy ED and light PD, and perhaps even create a “collapsed” shield, just not immediately
extra ED with the Limitation Only Protects Against after it collapses (the shield-generating systems
Lasers. If railguns are the queen of battle, ships’ have to work back up to full charge, or the like).
ED will be light. Gamemasters should allow a ship to re-activate a
In game terms, armor is just more DEF for “destroyed” Ablative force shield after a defined
the vehicle. In some cases, designers may use other period of time has passed (typically 1 Minute,
Defense Powers, but that should be rare. or 5 Minutes, or an Hour — any of which are an
eternity in battle), unless the shield-generating
equipment itself is damaged or destroyed. (At the
The whole idea of point defenses is to stop GM’s option, the value of Ablative may be ¼ less
incoming physical weapons (missiles and the like) Limitation due to this change.) For Force Walls
before they damage the ship. Most use light rapid- without Ablative, you can simulate this same effect
firing lasers or railguns to blow up approaching with the Extra Time Limitation.
missiles. Rather than engaging in a battle where Some ships have different layers of shields
the ship tries to do enough BODY damage to — perhaps an outer Force Wall and an inner Force
a missile to destroy it, it’s best to define point Field, or multiple nested Force Walls. In Iain M.
defense systems as a form of Missile Deflection (as Banks’s “Culture” series, some starships are com-
noted on page 194, missiles have a Physical Limi- posed of nothing but force fields holding in air for
tation that allows spacecraft to Deflect them). the crew.
Often point defenses are completely auto-
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 199

STARSHIP DEFENSES Stealth Hull: This isn’t a system so much as how

the ship is built. The ship’s hull is distinctively-
Deflector Field: A force-field like energy shield shaped and made of special materials, so that it
that destroys/deflects incoming physical objects absorbs radar waves or allows them to pass over
to keep the ship safe. Price: 225 credits per hex of it without registering its presence. Stealth hulls
ship’s length and width, or more. are distinctive, readily recognizable if seen, so the
Missile Deflection (all physical projectiles) (15 ship may have a Distinctive Features Disadvantage.
Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Costs Endur- Price: 675 credits per hex of ship’s length and
ance (-½). Total cost: 6 points. width, or more.
Invisibility to Radio Group, Persistent (+½),
Point Defense Lasers: An array of small, but
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Inherent
powerful, lasers mounted all around a ship’s hull
(+¼) (45 Active Points); Always On (-½),
for the purpose of destroying incoming missiles.
Limited Effect (Radar only; -¼). Total cost: 26
Price: 510 credits per hex of ship’s length and
width, or more.
Missile Deflection (all physical projectiles), Radar Jammer: This device blocks radar within a
Range (+1), MegaRange (1” = 1 km; +¼) (34 large region centered on the ship. The enemy can
Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Costs Endur- easily tell there’s something there generating the
ance (-½). Total cost: 14 points. jamming field, but it’s impossible for him to locate
exactly, or target with his radar. The downside
Starship Force Shield, Type I: A basic force shield, is, the ship generating the field can’t use its own
tuned against both physical and energy attacks. radar, either. Price: 1,125 credits, or more
Price: 1,200 credits per hex of ship’s length and
Suppress Radar 6d6, Area Of Effect (8” Radius;
width, or more
+1 ¼), MegaArea (1” = 1 km; +¼) (75 Active
Force Field (40 PD/40 ED) (80 Active Points); Points); OIF Bulky (-1), No Range (-½). Total
OIF Bulky (shield generators; -1), Ablative (- cost: 30 points.
1). Total cost: 27 points.
Radar Spoofing: This system attempts to fool
Starship Force Shield, Type II: This shield offers an enemy radar by creating false images to confuse
outer layer of protection. It’s designed to provide targeting systems. Price: 465 credits, or more.
one-fourth of a shield bubble 100” in circumfer-
Radio Group Images, -5 PER, 1” radius, Mega-
ence. Price: 2,220 credits per hex of ship’s length
Area (1” = 1 km; +¼) (31 Active Points); OIF
and width, or more.
Bulky (-1), No Range (-½), Set Effect (up to 6
Force Wall (20 PD/20 ED; 25” long) (148 images of the target ship; -1), Limited Effect
Active Points); OIF Bulky (shield generators; (Radar only; -¼). Total cost: 8 points.
-1), Self Only (-½), Restricted Shape (one-
fourth of “bubble” around ship; -¼), Extra Chaff Generator: This weapon fires a shell which
Time (1 minute to re-erect Force Wall after it scatters reflective particles through a large area,
collapses; -1 ½). Total cost: 35 points. blocking sight and radar in that region. (Alter-
nately, you can define this as an “energy interfer-
STEALTH ence field” or the like, and get rid of the Charges.)
Price: 900 credits, or more; individual shells are
The art of not being seen remain important
50 credits each, or more.
in space combat no matter what the era or tech-
nology. Stealth design is usually a form of Invis- Darkness to Sight and Radio Groups 3” radius,
ibility, sometimes with Inherent if it’s a matter of MegaArea (1” = 1 km; +¼), MegaRange (1” =
the ship’s shape. Concealment like a camouflage 1 km; +¼) (60 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1),
hull is the Chameleon form of Invisibility. 12 Charges (-¼). Total cost: 27 points.
Closely related to stealthiness are various
forms of electronic warfare, and related equip- Cloaking Device: This marvelous device uses force
ment — jamming enemy sensors and commu- field technology to bend light and other radia-
nications (Suppress), tricking sensors (Images), tion around the ship, making it invisible to most
interference fields and chaff (Darkness), and so senses. Price: 6,000 credits per hex of ship’s length
forth. This can go back and forth, with electronic and width, or more (includes multiplier for “cut-
countermeasures, and counter-countermeasures, ting edge” technology).
and counter-counter-countermeasures....
Invisibility to Sight and Radio Groups, No
The most rubber science form of stealth is the
Fringe (40 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1),
cloaking device, first made famous by Star Trek’s
Extra Time (Extra Phase to activate; -¼),
Romulans. It’s a highly effective invisibility device
Increased Endurance Cost (x4 END; -1 ½).
which bends light and other forms of energy
Total cost: 11 points.
around the ship, making it almost impossible to
detect. It allows starships to act like submarines,
lurking hidden until it’s time to strike.
200 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION


Here are some notes on

other systems a starship
might have.

Airlocks are specially-
sealed chambers that
allow a character to
enter and exit a star-
ship when it’s in space.
Normally an airlock is
pressurized and filled
with breathing gases. A
character enters through
the door that connects
the airlock to the rest of
the ship, and in prepa-
ration for leaving the
vessel dons a spacesuit
or other protective gear.
When he’s prepared,
he shuts the door to
the ship (to seal the
chamber) and opens (or
orders the ship’s com-
puter to open) the other
door, which leads to
space. When he’s ready
to come back inside,
he enters the chamber
and shuts the space-side
door, and the ship then
re-pressurizes the cham-
ber and refills it with OPERATIONS SYSTEMS (-½), to their MegaScale Advantage. This means that
at ranges over 300,000 kilometers, a lightspeed lag of
breathing gases. one second per +300,000 kilometers distance occurs.
“Operations” systems refers to a broad cat-
egory of systems used to run the ship that don’t fit Thus, it may take hours to get a reply from a message
In game terms, you can sent to another system, and communications across
into any other category. They include communica-
build an airlock as a the Galaxy are impossible. In settings using this sort of
Change Environment 5”, tions, piloting, sensors, and tractor beams. If the
ship has teleporters (page 173) or other such sys- communications technology, characters “in the field”
Varying Effect (restore
tems, they count as operations systems as well. have a lot more autonomy and authority — they can’t
or remove normal
pressure and breathing call headquarters to get instructions or relay the latest
gases; +1/4) (total cost:
6 points). They often Starships mostly communicate via radio or Faster-than-light communications get Mega-
make for great dramatic light beams — or, in Space Opera games, via rubber Scale without the Lightspeed Delay Limitation (though
scenes where a character science methods that allow instantaneous com- the GM may still, in his discretion, impose a slight
running out of oxygen munication across vast distances. In game terms, time lag over long distances). The existence of FTL
has to get back inside, communication systems are simply the appropriate communications makes a great change in the feel of
or manually open the Senses (sensor systems; see below) with the Trans- the campaign setting. Ships in constant contact with
spaceside door to cause home base are subject to more immediate and intru-
mit Sense Modifier. High Range Radio Perception
explosive decompres-
(HRRP) is the most common Sense used for commu- sive meddling by commanders. Diplomats become
sion to suck some space
monster out of the ship. nications devices. simple relays for messages from home. It’s easier to
Communication systems often include the call for help in a distant star system. News can travel
Docking Systems MegaScale Advantage so they can “talk” to each other fast (possibly faster than ships), which means the
over vast interstellar distances (see page 55). Ordinar- authorities can track pirates or hijackers effectively.
Most ships need a way
to attach themselves ily characters shouldn’t apply Advantages to Senses,
— “dock” — with other but in Star Hero campaigns GMs should allow this
ships, space stations, for the sake of simplicity and smooth game play. The Closely related to communications systems are
and the like. That allows MegaScale is often bought as a naked Power Advan- sensor systems — the eyes and ears of a starship. They
personnel to travel back tage so the user can easily turn it on and off (thus range from simple visual cameras to advanced rubber
and forth, workers to allowing him to communicate with a world in another science devices able to detect trace particles from
transfer cargo and con- light-years away if properly “configured” (set up or
sumables to and from star system one minute, and the space station his ship’s
orbiting the next). programmed).
the ship, and so on.
Some campaigns, including almost all Low SF Sensors are bought as various Enhanced Senses,
games, have communication systems that work at STL often with the MegaScale Advantage (as discussed
speeds (or, at most, the speed of light). These com- above) and the Telescopic Sense Modifier. Characters
municators can apply a Limitation, Lightspeed Delay should ordinarily define a ship’s Senses as belonging
Continued on next page
to the Radio Sense Group (though a few may qualify
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 201

as Sight Group). Radar is the most common general Continued from last page
Sense used by ships, even if it’s defined as a “hyper- SENSOR/COMMUNICATIONS In most cases, GMs
space detector” or in some other rubber science way. simply let a ship have a
In many types of science fiction settings, par- INTERFERENCE reasonable number of
ticularly Space Opera, a starship’s sensors seem able to Modifier Phenomenon docking systems with-
detect just about anything (though locating obscure -1 to -3 Atmospheric electromagnetic interference out worrying about a
substances or energy phenomena may require the -1 to -3 Large masses of rock directly between ship point expenditure; it’s
crew to “reconfigure” or “recalibrate” the sensors first). and target object just a part of the hull
-1 to -5 Energy field (plasma or ion storm, intense paid for by the cost of
Rather than requiring ship designers to try to think the ship’s Size. If you
of all the possible Senses a ship needs in advance and solar radiation, or the like)
-1 to -4 Ship or target is inside a nebula (see page want to establish an
pay for them separately, GMs should allow ships to individual cost for them,
buy Variable Power Pools just for sensor and commu- build them as the ship’s
-3 to -8 Ship or target is inside a star’s chromo-
nications systems. This constitutes an exception to the sphere or a planet’s polar magnetic field standard Life Support
general rule against putting Special Powers in Power package for a small area
Frameworks, but it lets the game progress much more on their size, as defined by the GM), and so forth. (i.e., with the Partial
smoothly and seem more like typical SF. If a ship has Coverage Limitation,
a Sensor Pool, it can buy a single naked MegaScale Long-Range Reconnaissance Probe: Clairsen- with the size based on
Advantage it can apply to any Sense bought with the tience (Radio Group), Mobile Perception Point, the size of the people
Multiple Perception Points (up to four at once), and objects who have to
Pool. The ship may, of course, have some commonly- pass through).
used senses (such as HRRP) bought outside the Pool, MegaScale (1” = 1 billion km; +2 ½) (122
to free up Pool resources. Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1 ½), Extra Time
(takes probe 1 Phase or more to get to percep- In most settings and
Because characters using a ship’s sensors aren’t situations, docking a
literally perceiving things with their own Senses, a tion point, depending on distance thereto; -0),
ship to another ship or
“Perception Roll” made by a ship’s crew should be Perception Point Cannot Move Through Solid
a station is a routine
made using Systems Operation, not a PER Roll. How- Objects (-0). Total cost: 49 points. Price: 4,880 piloting task requiring
ever, a ship’s computer using its ship’s sensors would credits each, or more. no Skill Roll. In unusual
make a PER Roll using its INT, as normal (but any or emergency situations,
form of interference which penalizes Systems Opera- Sensor And Communication Interference such as when a ship’s
tion rolls also applies to its PER Roll). In addition to problems deliberately caused by docking systems are
Cost Sensor And Communication Systems electronic warfare (see below), ships may experience damaged, the GM may
other forms of interference with their sensor and require a Combat Pilot-
46 Sensor And Communication Systems: ing roll at -2 (or worse),
Variable Power Pool (Sensor Pool), 40 communications systems. Strange energy fields, nebu-
with failure causing
base + 20 control cost; OIF Bulky (-1), lae, large masses of rock, and other such phenomena
both docking objects to
Only For Senses And Communications may prevent a ship from using its sensors or com- suffer Move Through
(-1), Costs Endurance (-½) municators, or make using them harder. For example, damage at 0” velocity.
70 Long-Range Sensors: MegaScale (1 light-year a ship on one side of a planet may not be able to track
per Active Point, can scale down to 1 km per an object on the other side of that planet accurately, Hangars
Active Point; +3½) for any Sensor Pool Sense; and a courier hiding from an enemy warship in a Large “carrier” ships
OIF Bulky (-1) nebula may have to rely on eyesight (via a viewscreen) (and many space sta-
12 Long-Range Sensors: +20 versus Range for to find its way through the gas cloud. Gamemasters tions) have a comple-
Radio Group; OIF Bulky (-1), Lockout (can’t can represent interference by imposing penalties on ment of two or more
use Telescopic when MegaScale is in use; -½) the Systems Operation rolls required to operate the smaller spacecraft
sensors and communications system. The accompa- — usually fighters or
Total cost: 128 points. Price: 11,200 credits, or like ships. They trans-
more. nying table has some suggested modifiers, but since
port these vessels in
the modifiers depend largely on the type of technol- large open areas called
Probes ogy used in the campaign, the GM should adjust the hangars. Hangars should
In some science fiction settings, characters have table to suit his own campaign. have a minimum of
access to probes — small sensor devices they can fire Starships with advanced sensor and/or com- two times the hexes
like missile weapons to extend the range of a ship’s munication systems often represent this by buying necessary to house all
sensors, get a sensor package close to a dangerous bonuses to Systems Operation that apply when Vehicles intended to
phenomenon without risking the ship itself, or expand be within them (based
anyone uses the ship’s equipment. These bonuses help on the Vehicles’ area in
the scope of a large-scale search. Characters can build to counteract interference and make electronic war- hexes, per the Expanded
probes in two ways. The more complicated way is to fare easier. Vehicle Size Table);
design them as Automatons (possibly with Computer this assumes each has
“brains”), so they can act independently (without Electronic Warfare its own separate exit.
oversight or direction from a character). The easier Electronic warfare refers to the practice of jam- For hangars where the
way is to define probes as MegaScaled Clairsentience, ming, counterjamming, fooling, misdirecting, and vehicles share routes out
with the ability to move the perception point and otherwise interfering with an enemy’s electronic sig- to common exits, the
nals. This inhibits his ability to communicate with his minimum room should
maintain multiple perception points at once (see page be four times the hexes
53). The multiple perception points in this case repre- allies, control his probes, and locate targets. Of course,
necessary to house all
sent how many probes the ship can monitor and track one ship’s electronic countermeasures (ECM) can be vehicles intended to
at once; each active probe counts as a single percep- neutralized by another’s electronic counter-counter- be within them. If the
tion point. Clairsentience probes have the Limitation measures (ECCM), and so on. hangar has a repair
OAF Bulky, signifying that they can be removed from In game terms, there are several ways to repre- section, the repair area
a ship, shot down in mid-flight (their DCV depends sent electronic warfare. The simplest is for crewmem-
Continued on next page
bers on both ships to use their Systems Operation
202 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Continued from last page Skills in a Skill Versus Skill Contest, with the victor Suppress Electronic Warfare 8d6, any two Powers
requires room equiva- being the one who successfully neutralized (or avoided simultaneously (+½), MegaRange (1” = 10 mil-
lent to eight times the the neutralization attempted by) his opponent. lion km; +2) (140 Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1
hexes taken up by the Ships desiring more advanced ECM/ECCM sys- ½). Total cost: 56 points.
total number of vehicles tems can create them with Powers. To generate an area
to be repaired simulta- of interference that hinders (but doesn’t necessarily PILOTING SYSTEMS
neously. stop) sensing or communicating, use Change Envi- Besides the engines themselves (see page 185),
ronment (with combat effects that penalize Systems there are several types of piloting (or “flight control”)
Operation). Creating an area of totally impenetrable systems characters may want to include on their ships.
interference requires Darkness, or perhaps Suppress. First, some ships have improved, expanded,
Fooling or confusing an enemy ship’s sensors usually or enhanced systems that make it easier to fly and
requires Images. Countering any of these abilities maneuver the ship. You can buy this as bonuses to the
typically requires Suppress. Ships sometimes apply the Combat Piloting roll of anyone flying the vessel.
Personal Immunity Limitation so they can perceive Second, some ships also have navigation comput-
through their own interference, but this should be ers (“navcomps”) to make it easier to steer the vessel
rare; it can cause too many game balance problems in toward its destination. You can buy this as bonuses to
starship combat situations. Navigation (Space) or (Hyperspace). If a ship has a
Electronic Warfare Systems navcomp, its main computer may have only a slight
See also page 199 for other electronic warfare- amount of navigation information (i.e., it takes the
type defensive systems. Navigation Skill as a Familiarity). In some settings,
pilots themselves know little or nothing about the
Enhanced Sensor/Communications System: This rep-
complex subject of astronavigation; if a ship’s com-
resents a ship with particularly advanced sensor and
puter and/or navcomp stop functioning, the pilot has
communications technology. Price: 320 credits, or
no idea which way to go.
Third, most ships have thrusters, small rockets
+4 to Systems Operation roll (8 Active Points); used to maneuver the ship in tiny increments so that
OAF Bulky (-1 ½). Total cost: 3 points. it can safely enter repair bays and other close spaces.
You can buy thrusters as a few inches of Flight (no
Interferiation Field: A ship with this technology can more than 10”), without any MegaScaling.
generate an energy field that inhibits the use of sen-
Piloting Systems
sors and communications. Price: 4,830 credits, or
more. Enhanced Flight Control: +4 to Combat Piloting roll (8
Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1 ½). Total cost: 3 points.
Change Environment 16” radius, -4 to Systems
Operation rolls, MegaArea (1” = 1 million km; Navigation Computer: +4 to Navigation (Space) roll (8
+1 ¾), MegaRange (1” = 10 million km; +2) (161 Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1 ½). Total cost: 3 points.
Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1 ½). Total cost: 64 Thrusters: Flight 10”. Total cost: 20 points.
Intense Interferiation Field: This energy field is similar In settings where artificial gravity control tech-
to the standard interferiation phenomenon, but is nology exists (mainly Space Opera universes), ships
much stronger. Price: 14,250 credits, or more. often come equipped with tractor beams — generators
able to project beams of gravitic force, which the ship
Darkness to Radio Group 10” radius, MegaArea
uses to move obstacles out of the way, tow a disabled
(1” = 1 million km; +1 ¾), MegaRange (1” = 10
ship to spaceport, or even as a weapon to hurl aster-
million km; +2) (475 Active Points); OAF Bulky
oids at other ships. Tractor beams are built as Teleki-
(-1 ½). Total cost: 190 points.
nesis, usually with a high level of STR and the Affects
Whole Object Limitation.
Sensor Ghosts: A clever tactical officer can use his
ship’s systems to generate false images of other ships, Tractor Beam: Telekinesis (100 STR) (150 Active
thus making an enemy think, for example, that there Points); OIF Bulky (projector; -1), Affects Whole
are more ships present than there really are. The Object (-¼). Total cost: 67 points. Price: 6,000 credits,
trickery quickly falls apart if the enemy can get close or more.
enough to observe the affected area visually. Price:
4,320 credits, or more.
Radio Group Images, -5 to PER Rolls, Increased
Size (16” radius; +1), MegaArea (1” = 1 million The whole purpose of starships is to move people
km; +1 ¾), MegaRange (1” = 10 million km; +2) and things from place to place. Consequently they
(144 Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1 ½). Total cost: need room on board for people, and systems specifi-
58 points. cally designed to keep passengers and crew healthy
and happy.
Electronic Counter-Countermeasures: When the enemy
tries to jam your sensors or play other electronic
tricks, you have the technology to counter his efforts. Perhaps the most crucial systems on a starship
Price: 4,200 credits, or more. are the life support systems, which keep the crew from
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 203

dying in the airless vacuum of space. Starships must

provide the following sorts of Life Support to those
on board: Self-Contained Breathing, Safe Environ-
ments (High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat,
Low Pressure/Vacuum). (Many also provide protec-
tion against High Pressure; see page 283.) The vari-
ous environmental protection systems are just part
of having an airtight, insulated hull, but breathing
requires some complex equipment. Supplying oxygen
(or other breathing gases, as appropriate to the spe-
cies) to people in space is done in one of two ways:
Consumable or Regenerative.
Consumable life support means just a big tank
of air, which gets used up during the voyage. You can
simulate this with a Fuel Charge, or simply make it the
special effect of having the ship’s Life Support cost no
END. The longer the voyage and the larger the crew,
the more appropriate the “0 END” solution becomes.
Regenerative breathing systems use greenhouses
(at current and near-future technology), “atmospheric
scrubbers,” or nanotech systems to convert carbon
dioxide back into oxygen for the crew to breathe.
They can operate indefinitely as long as there is power,
which means you should buy the Life Support as
having an END cost. Greenhouses are fairly bulky
— assume 1 hex of greenhouses for every 4 people on
board. Nanotech recyclers or air tanks are more com-
pact, taking up 1 hex for every 100 people.
In the game, a ship running out of oxygen pres-
ents the heroes with a serious problem to solve and
lots of opportunities for suspense and adventure (see
Arthur C. Clarke’s short story “Breaking Strain,” or
many episodes of Star Trek, for some good examples).
Despite the fact that most ships’ life support systems makes maneuvering easier — even if the ship is flying
supposedly contain multiple redundant backups and straight “up,” the crew still perceives the deck floor as
other safeguards, somehow an accident or invader “down” and can move and act accordingly. The crew
always seems to find a way around them. may also be able to selectively decrease (or perhaps
Life support also includes providing enough food increase) the gravity from place to place in the ship by
and water for the crew. You buy this as the Diminished controlling the gravity generators.
Eating category of Life Support, with the special effect In either case, you can simulate gravity as Teleki-
being that the ship provides food for the occupants to nesis with the Limitation Only To Pull Objects Straight
eat. This may cost no END (representing stored pre- Down To The Floor (-1) (this is a broader and more
served food which the crew can cook using minimal restrictive form of the Affects Whole Object Limita-
power), or have an END cost (representing the power tion). Normal Earth gravity (1 G) is equivalent to 5
needed to refrigerate and prepare the food). Fuel STR Telekinesis, with every +5 STR equalling +1 G
Charges may be an appropriate Limitation instead of (10 STR is 2 G, 15 STR is 3 G, and so forth). This grav-
Costs Endurance. ity applies throughout the ship; you do not have to
GRAVITY add the Area Of Effect Advantage to it. However, for
artificial gravity generators, ships may, with the GM’s
In many cases, gravity is almost as important as
permission, apply the Selective (+½) Advantage to the
life support — it’s hard to get most jobs done, much
Telekinesis so they can give some areas stronger grav-
less fight in a star-battle, if everyone in the crew is
ity, and some lighter gravity.
flailing around in zero-G!
For general rules about moving in variant gravi-
There are two basic ways to generate gravity.
ties, see page 279.
The first is to spin the ship so that centrifugal force
holds the contents and inhabitants of the ship against Gravity Systems
the floors and hull with the same force as planetary Spinning Gravity: This represents gravity generated by
gravity. This is typically the only solution available in spinning the ship. Price: 360 credits, or more.
low-tech settings, and it dictates many features of star-
ship (or space station) design — long, symmetrical Telekinesis (5 STR) (9 Active Points); Only To
structures (cylinders, typically) are necessary. Pull Objects Straight Down To The Floor (-1),
The second is the rubber science method of Must Maintain Spin (-¼. Total cost: 4 points.
artificial gravity generation, usually through special
“plates” or “generators” built into each deck of a ship. Artificial Gravity: This represents a system that gener-
This allows for any sort of starship design, and also ates gravity artificially. It can go as high as STR 20 (4
204 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
G), though it’s usu- It’s bought as a laboratory for Paramedics and SS:
ally kept at STR 5 Medicine (and perhaps other Skills). At a minimum,
(1 G). Price: 1,800 sickbays require one hex of space per ten people in
credits, or more. the standard crew + passengers complement, plus
one hex per doctor intended to work in the facility
Telekinesis (20
at once. A ship’s medical facilities may be especially
STR), Selective
advanced (bought as bonuses to SS: Medicine), or
(+½) (45 Active
include autodoctors (page 175) or like technology.
Points); OIF
Bulky (-1), Only
To Pull Objects
Straight Down
To The Floor The Disadvantages system described for vehi-
(-1). Total cost: cles on page 470 of the HERO System 5th Edition,
15 points. Revised generally applies to Star Hero spacecraft.
Gamemasters may want to consider allowing some
QUARTERS, other Disadvantages as well.
MAINTENANCE A specific vehicle might be sought by the
authorities, covetous collectors, or other people. This
All the crew-
is different from Hunting the owners or crew of the
members and
vehicle — someone Hunting a starship wants the
passengers need
ship; he doesn’t necessarily care what happens to the
places to sleep and
people on it.
relax. One hex can
hold up to three PHYSICAL LIMITATION
Human-sized per- Players designing spacecraft could use Physical
HOLOGRAPHIC sons in bunks or racks, or a single person in mini-
ENTERTAINMENT Limitations to represent a ship with perpetual engi-
mal comfort. More pleasant accomodations require neering problems. Perhaps the ship is an old junker,
two to eight hexes per person; luxurious quarters always on the verge of falling apart, or maybe it’s
In some SF settings, can be virtually any size. For recreation and related
characters on starships got so many cross-wired, jury-rigged alien replace-
activities, allot two to four hexes per person the ment parts the crew doesn’t know from day-to-day
can fulfill their need for
entertainment and recre-
ship normally carries (both crew and passengers). whether everything will function properly. Some
ation in ultra-advanced In Space Opera settings, ship designers may use examples:
holography chambers holographic and/or dimension-altering technology
to make tiny recreation spaces seem enormous and Physical Limitation: Constant Malfunctions (Fre-
that create any sort of
“reality” or adventure varied. quently, Greatly Impairing; 15 points). The GM rolls
they can imagine using Ships also need a command center, with at least for the ship each game session. On a roll of 11-,
photons and inert raw 1 hex of space per officer present at once. One-man something on the ship malfunctions or stops work-
materials. It looks, ships may have just a pilot’s seat, but larger ones ing at a crucial moment; the GM randomly deter-
sounds, and sometimes have multiple control stations. Really big ships have mines which system goes kablooie, or chooses the
even feels real, but it’s all a command bridge with space for dozens of special- one with the most dramatic impact.
just an elaborate illusion
(at least until the controls
ists and an impressive chair for the captain. Physical Limitation: Alien Computer (Frequently,
malfunction and the For corridors, elevators, access tunnels, and Greatly Impairing; 15 points). The ship’s computer
holograms gain the abil- other means of physically moving through the ship, was built, modified, or warped by aliens, and doesn’t
ity to kill...). Here’s how a you should allot about ten percent of the total inte- always work the way it’s supposed to. Once per
“holographic entertain- rior space devoted to other facilities and systems (or, game session, the GM should have the computer
ment room” might look for ease of calculation, a straight ten percent of the make an INT Roll at -3. If it succeeds, nothing goes
in HERO System terms: ship’s volume). wrong. If it fails, a program or Skill Roll is misinter-
Ships often include repair shops, for purposes preted, with comic and/or dangerous results.
Sight, Hearing, and Touch of maintenance and damage control. You can simu-
Group Images, -3 to PER late this by buying “labs” for Mechanics and various Another good use of Physical Limitation is
Rolls, Increased Size (16” other Skills. Per the standard rules, the ship needs to represent spacecraft that cannot enter planetary
radius; +1) (58 Active a minimum of one hex of space per lab, but most atmospheres:
Points); OIF Immobile
(-1 ½), Only Within
ships have even larger labs so more than one engi- Physical Limitation: Cannot Enter Atmospheres
Defined Area (16” radius neer can work at once; this requires at least one hex (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing; 10 points). A ship
chamber; -2). Total cost: of space per person who can be in the lab. Game- with this Physical Limitation was not built to with-
13 points. Price: 18,560 masters may also want designers to make labs with stand the rigors of atmospheric flight. For every
credits (1,160 credits per better rolls larger — for example, one hex for a base Phase it spends within an Earth-equivalent atmo-
hex of radius), or more. roll, +1 hex per +1 to the roll. sphere, it takes 1d6 Killing Damage (no defense
MEDICAL FACILITIES applies) (the GM can alter the number of dice to
reflect atmospheres thinner or denser than Earth’s).
Frequently known as “sickbay” thanks to the
If it stays too long in the atmosphere, it gets torn
influence of Star Trek, a ship’s medical facilities need
enough room for doctors, patients, and equipment.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 205

n many science fiction settings, planetary vehi- Some hovercraft can attain speeds significantly
cles receive little, if any, attention; Star Trek, for higher than even the fastest ground-based vehicle,
example, has shown about 600 hours of science which means they often need some extra equip-
fiction television while barely even mentioning, ment, too. Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing)
much less showing, any ground-based vehicles. On may be necessary if the vehicle isn’t physically
the other hand, some settings, particularly in Mili- sealed; this would represent a force-bubble holding
tary SF, involve a lot of planetary vehicles — every- a pocket of air “inside” the vehicle so passengers
thing from gas-powered trucks not far different can breathe.
from what twenty-first century Humans drive every Similarly, high speeds require a high degree of
day, to hovertanks using artificial gravity fields protection from collisions. Many hovercraft have
to move. Some settings focus entirely on a type Force Fields or Force Walls like those used for star-
of ground vehicle called mecha (singular, mech), ships (page 198), but not nearly as strong.
meaning a large humanoid- or animal-shaped mili- Hovercraft that can fly above 4” usually have
tary robot/vehicle driven by a pilot and carrying Radar with Increased Arc Of Perception (360
heavy armament. Degrees) so they can keep track of other objects
in the air. Even ground-based hovercraft may have
radar, since the dangers of a high-speed impact are
HOVERCRAFT so severe.
In some settings, hovercraft are primarily (or
Hovercraft are built like typical ground vehicles
exclusively) used by law enforcement authorities
(such as those in the HERO System 5th Edition,
and/or the military. In that case, they usually come
Revised rulebook), with a few important differences.
equipped with weapons — mounted blasters, rocket
MOVEMENT launchers, and the like.
Hovercrafts’ movement doesn’t depend on
generating friction against the ground. Instead,
they use artificial gravity technology (sometimes MECHA
coupled with rockets) to generate thrust and “fly” Mecha are large ground vehicles common to
near the ground. A basic hovercraft must remain some science fiction settings. In fact, they are the
within 1” of the ground, and buys its movement as primary feature of some SF universes and Star
ordinary Ground Movement (but without any of Hero campaigns. They usually have a humanoid
the terrain-based Limitations that some forms of form (though some are shaped like various animals
Ground Movement suffer from). instead), and in effect are gigantic combat robots
More advanced hovercraft can get as much as requiring Human drivers. The driver rides in a
4” off the ground (or a like surface, such as a body cockpit that’s usually located either in the “head”
of relatively calm water). They buy their move- of the vehicle, or in the body just below the head;
ment as Flight, with the Limitation Must Remain mecha often have transparent screens so the driver
Within 4” Of A Surface (-½). They have some can view the battlefield with his own eyes as well as
maneuverability that less advanced hovercraft don’t his sensors.
(for example, they can go over obstacles 3” tall or Mecha use the same Vehicle Size Table as ordi-
shorter with ease), but still cannot cross chasms or nary vehicles, but substitute “height” for “length.”
other such “gaps” in the ground. Typically they are 8-20” tall at most, but can be up
A few hovercraft can fly at unlimited altitudes, to 32” (about 200 feet) tall in some settings.
which they buy as Flight without any of the Limi-
tations described above. These effectively aren’t MOVEMENT
ground vehicles at all, but the science fiction equiv- Mecha have legs and “walk” like humanoids.
alent of airplanes and helicopters. To simulate this, they buy Extra Limbs with the
Limited Manipulation Limitation. Their legs are
used for moving; their arms typically serve as
Most hovercraft equipment is the same as for weapon mounts and don’t have hands. On those
other ground vehicles (e.g., headlights to illuminate mecha that do have hands (typically to wield enor-
the path of travel at night). But hovercraft also have mous guns and other weapons), the hands aren’t
a few systems of their own. built for fine manipulation. The typical mech has
206 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
two legs and two arms, but more are possible. In some settings mecha engage in HTH
To determine how fast a mech can move on its Combat as well. Some use their metallic fists
legs, refer to the Size/Weight Package Deals on page and legs to pummel other mecha, even buying
30. At a minimum, a mech should have the amount Martial Arts in some cases. (Standard rules for
of Ground Movement (Running) appropriate to its buying Martial Maneuvers apply.) Mecha can
size; some have more, because of their highly effi- only engage in unarmed HTH Combat against
cient motors and servos. Mecha don’t take any sort targets of large size; they can’t use their Martial
of Limitation on their Ground Movement; unlike Maneuvers against ordinary Human-sized char-
vehicles with tires or treads, their legs allow them acters, but only against other mecha, buildings,
to negotiate rough terrain without difficulty. Since giant monsters, large terrain features, and so
they’re using limbs to move, they don’t suffer from a forth. On the other hand, some mecha use gigan-
Turn Mode like other ground vehicles. tic melee weapons — typically swords of blazing
The Size/Weight categories also indicate how energy, or other such “powered” weapons. Most
much reach a mech should have, if appropriate. of these weapons are OAFs, because other mecha
Mecha who just use their arms as weapon mounts can disable them or disarm the user, though they
don’t need to buy any reach, but mecha who can are far too big and heavy for a character to wield.
fight in HTH Combat should have some.
Mecha Melee Weapons
Mecha often have other forms of movement
as well. Many have “jumpjets” for making rocket- Blazing Energy Sword: HKA 3d6 (up to 6d6 with
assisted leaps. Others can even fly, though “flight STR), Armor Piercing (+½) (67 Active Points);
mode” is most common among mecha that can alter OAF Bulky (-1 ½). Total cost: 27 points. Price:
their shape (see below). 2,010 credits, or more.
Mecha Movement Powers Power Mace: HKA 4d6 (up to 8d6 with STR) (60
Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1 ½). Total cost: 24
Mech Limbs: Extra Limbs (4 — two legs, two arms) points. Price: 1,800 credits, or more.
(5 Active Points); Limited Manipulation (-¼). Total
cost: 4 points. Naturally, with all this weaponry around,
Jumpjets: Leaping +40”. Total cost: 40 points. mecha also come equipped with defensive sys-
Flight Mode: Flight 40”, x4 Noncombat. Total cost: tems. First and foremost, they tend to rely on
85 points heavy armor and sturdy construction; they
have more DEF and BODY than similarly-sized
WEAPONS AND DEFENSES normal vehicles. They may also have “primitive”
Mecha are combat vehicles, and as such come defenses, such as gigantic shields (extra DEF on
heavily laden with weapons. Most rely on ranged an Activation Roll, Missile Deflection) to accom-
attacks: long-range beam weapons, missile launch- pany their gigantic swords.
ers, autocannons, and the like. More exotic attacks, If the tech level of the setting is high
such as Flash, Darkness, Drain, and Transfer are pos- enough, mecha may also have defensive energy
sible, though less common. Here are a few examples: shields similar to starships’ (though of course
less powerful). Many define their energy shields
Laser Assault Cannon: This enormous weapon
primarily as Missile Deflection, though that does
resembles a distinct weapon the mech carries in
little good against Explosions and similar attacks.
a “holster” and fires with its hands, but in fact it’s
Designers can also use Force Field and Force
firmly attached to the mech’s body by an armored
Wall to create mecha defense shields, though
cable and other linkages. Price: 3,150 credits, or
they drain the vehicle’s power (i.e., cost END).
Other possible defenses include: Flash
RKA 4d6, Armor Piercing (+½), Increased Max- Defense (polarized viewing screens to protect
imum Range (x5, or 2,250”; +¼) (105 Active the pilot’s eyes; hardened communications and
Points); OIF Bulky (-1). Total cost: 52 points. sensor systems able to resist electronic pulses;
and so forth); Lack Of Weakness (to counteract
Autocannon: This weapon uses gauss technology to targeting sensors defined as Find Weakness); and
fire barrages of high-speed, high explosive rounds. Power Defense (in settings where Drain-based
Price: 5,070 credits, or more. mech weapons exist).
RKA 5d6, Autofire (5 shots; +½), 64 Charges OTHER EQUIPMENT
(+½), Increased Maximum Range (x5, or 3,750”; For the most part, you can use the starship
+¼) (169 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1). Total equipment detailed elsewhere in this chapter for
cost: 84 points. mecha; all you have to do is “downgrade” it a bit
or otherwise adapt it to ground-based warfare.
Missile Pod: This weapon, mounted on a mech’s For example, mecha have sensor and communi-
shoulder next to its “head,” contains 16 large, power- cations systems similar to those starships pos-
ful missiles. Price: 4,500 credits, or more. sess, but need much less (if any) MegaScale — a
RKA 4d6, Armor Piercing (+½), Explosion (-1 few levels of Telescopic take care of their needs.
DC/3”; +1) (150 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Because of the discomforts of the battlefield,
16 Charges (-0). Total cost: 75 points. not to mention the possibility of biochemical
warfare, most mecha provide Life Support for
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 207

their drivers. In lower-tech settings, the driver Targeting Sensor: This is a combat sensor built as
may have to use his own personal breathing gear Find Weakness. Similar sensors are built simply
instead. as Combat Skill Levels or Penalty Skill Levels.
Perhaps the most interesting type of “equip- Price: 1,200 credits, or more.
ment” found on mecha in some settings is
the ability to shift shape. In these universes, a Find Weakness 13- with all Mecha Ranged
humanoid mech may be able to transform itself Weapons (30 Active Points); Costs Endur-
into a beast-shaped mech for different attack ance (-½). Total cost: 20 points.
forms, or a plane-shaped mech for fast travel, or
Secure Laser Communication System: This short-
a submarine-style mech for underwater combat.
range communication device, using both laser
You can buy this ability as Multiform, with the
and radio, allows for a high level of coordination
cost of the Power deriving from the total cost
between two mecha. However, it can easily be cut
of the alternate vehicle shape (not its total cost
off by intervening obstacles or electronic war-
divided by five). Mecha Multiform cannot have
fare. Price: 600 credits, or more.
the Instant Change Adder (in fact, it may take an
Extra Time Limitation to reflect the fact that it Mind Link, any willing target (15 Active
takes longer than a Half Phase to change forms), Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Only With Other
and usually takes the Costs Endurance (-½) Limi- Mecha Who Have Mind Link (-1), Must
tation. Maintain LOS (-½). Total cost: 4 points.
Mecha Equipment 360 View System: Hardened cameras mounted
Basic Mecha Sensors: This represents a basic all around the mech’s body allow its driver to see
sensor system for a mech, with a small amount everything around him. Price: 800 credits, or
of hardening to protect it from enemy “radarzap- more.
pers.” Price: 1,760 credits, or more.
Infrared Perception (Sight Group) (total cost:
Radar (Radio Group), Discriminatory, 5 points) plus Ultraviolet Perception (Sight
Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Group) (total cost: 5 points) plus Increased
Telescopic (+14 versus Range Modifier) (total Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees; Sight Group)
cost: 39 points) plus Radio Group Flash (total cost: 10 points); all OIF Bulky (-1).
Defense (5 points) (total cost: 5 points); all Total cost: 9 points.
OIF Bulky (-1). Total cost: 21 points.
208 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

pace stations and starbases are similar to stations are centers for trade and ports of entry
starships in most ways, and use the same for ships visiting a planet; almost every world
creation rules. The main difference between engaged in off-world trade has at least one com-
spaceships and space stations is that ships mercial station. Transit stations orbit between two
get to go places. Stations, while they aren’t necessar- planets in the same system, acting as an interplan-
ily stationary, remain in place or follow a predeter- etary liner that never docks. Military stations can
mined orbit and can only make minor adjustments. be either planetary defense bases to guard against
They can buy any type of starship equipment the attack, or space superiority platforms keeping an
GM deems appropriate, but may not have Move- eye on the planet itself. Finally, colonies are very
ment Powers except for low-powered thrusters big self-sufficient space stations, often combining
(page 202) to help them maintain their position. the functions of smaller ones.
In most settings, governments have a clas-
sification system for space stations. Most classifi-
Space Station Types cation schemes account for the station’s location
Space stations serve many purposes. Science (either generally, or at specific coordinates), pur-
stations are orbiting laboratories, either studying pose, and size.
the planet below or used for research too danger-
ous to perform on an inhabited world. Commercial
IMPERIAL STATION CLASSES Small stations are usually built in the early
days of a society’s spacefaring period, in low orbit
Like the spaceship classification system, the Terran Empire’s station classification around the home planet. Typical small stations are
system uses three letters, the first describing how the station orbits, the second its pur- little more than large airtight cans with life sup-
pose, and the third its size.
port, solar panels for power, and docking ports.
First Letter: They are most likely designed as orbital labora-
Letter Type Notes tories, although weapons platforms or customs
G Geosynchronous Station orbits with a period of 1 day
quarantine stations are possible if the planet has
H High orbit Station orbits thousands of miles up
L Low orbit Station orbits just above the atmosphere contact with other civilizations. Starfaring civi-
P Planetary orbit Station orbits a star lizations may put small science stations in orbit
T Trojan orbit Station occupies a Lagrange point around interesting worlds to study them. Asteroid
Second Letter: miners may work out of a small station equipped
Letter Type Notes with thrusters to move from rock to rock.
A Agriculture Food-producing station Only mature spacefaring societies can
B Base Forward base to support spaceships construct large space habitats, which they typi-
C Construction Orbital shipyard cally intend to use permanently. They may not
D Defense Armed military station be entirely self-sufficient in food production or
F Fuel Fuel refining and storage facility life support, but can operate for months or years
G General Multipurpose station before resupply. A permanent station must have
H Habitat Residential colony radiation shielding and some form of gravity
I Industrial Orbital factory or smelting plant
(either spin gravity or artificial gravity field gen-
M Meteorology Weather-monitoring station
O Observation Station monitoring planet below erators), unless the inhabitants are adapted to
P Powersat Large solar power satellite microgravity.
Q Quarantine Medical isolation station Large stations are often used as orbital ports,
R Research Scientific station where ships too big for surface landings can
S Spaceport Orbiting spaceport dock so passengers can transfer to other ships
Third Letter: or shuttles down to the planet. They may also be
Letter Type Size manufacturing centers, especially in a rich asteroid
O Outpost 1,000 cubic meters, up to 10 crew cluster where valuable minerals are common. Most
S Station 1,001-50,000 cubic meters, 11-100 crew interstellar civilizations need large stations as bases
B Base 50,001 cubic meters or more (typically at least 1 mil- to repair and resupply starships — and often place
lion), 101 crew or more them in strategically-located systems which don’t
C Colony 50 million+ cubic meters, 10,000+ colonists have a habitable world. Equipped with force shields
Thus, a small manned military platform in high orbit would be an HDO, while a com- or heavy armor, batteries of big guns, and long-
mercial port in low orbit would be an LSS. An O’Neill colony at L-5 would be a THC. range sensors, a large station could be a formidable
Like spaceships, stations get individual numbers, grouped together by class. space fortress.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 209

If a species wants to settle permanently in

a system but doesn’t want to live on a planet or
inside an asteroid, a space habitat is the answer.
These are very big space stations indeed — pro-
posed designs include ring-shaped colonies a mile
across, spheres two miles in diameter, and huge
cylinders five miles wide and twenty miles long! At
that scale, colonies are bound to be self-sufficient
in just about everything, and can support popula-
tions of tens of thousands of people. The purpose
of a space habitat must be an important one to
justify the cost: a major port or way-station in a
strategically-located system without planets, or the
center of an asteroid-based society, or an orbiting
industrial complex above an advanced high-popu-
lation world.
The accompanying table expands the Base Size
Table from the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised to
allow for the construction of the truly enormous
Bases often featured in science fiction stories.
Since many space Bases are not firmly
attached to anything, but instead float in space,
it’s possible a sufficiently large attack could cause
Knockback to one. If necessary, use the equivalent
Size category on the Expanded Vehicle Size Table
to determine a Base’s mass and Knockback modi-
In some campaigns, it may even be possible Area Versus Volume
for characters to own entire planets! This gets When a character builds or buys a large base
costly, though (even with dividing the total points such as a planet or an orbital, the issue of area
by 5). Assuming an Earth-sized planet, that means versus volume comes into play. The Expanded Base
approximately 1.28 quadrillion hexes of surface, Size Table calculates only the area (length times
which costs 150 Character Points for the area width) of a Base. It doesn’t calculate volume. One
alone — never mind the cost of all the resources, Base with 2,000 square hexes of area might be a
facilities, and people. Gamemasters who want to single-story structure with twelve-foot high ceil-
allow this may find it easier to simply assign a flat ings, while another is divided into ten floors with
cost for owning a planet, based on the planet’s size, 30-foot ceilings — and they cost the same amount
resources, and quality (see text box). (See also the of Character Points for their Size, even though one
Mega-Bases text box on page 98.) contains a much great volume of space than the
For planet Bases, it’s usually easiest to deter-
PLANET COST TABLE mine the Size of the Base based on the surface area
of the planet (assume the planet is a sphere and
Cost Size Of Planet
use the formula 4πr2 to derive the surface area).
75 Small planet
150 Medium (Earth-sized) planet
Though characters can dig down into the volume of
300 Large planet the sphere, by and large they restrict themselves to
600 Gigantic planet the surface, so that’s the simplest way to gauge the
1,000 Multi-planetary (ringworld, Dyson sphere, size of the Base. The same method applies to things
and so on) like ringworlds and Dyson spheres; all that matters
Cost Resources is the livable surface area.
+0 Completely undeveloped/uninhabited or For Bases such as orbitals, which are vast
very poor resources habitats in space, interior volume, not surface area,
+100 Lightly developed/inhabited or poor may be what counts. In this case, consider “area” as
resources volume. Thus, an orbital with an interior volume of
+200 Average developed/inhabited or average 8 quadrillion cubic hexes would use the cost for a
resources Base with an area of that same size — 150 points.
+400 Heavily developed/inhabited or good
This provides a big cost break to characters build-
+800 Extremely developed/inhabited or very
ing such Bases, which can hold far more inhabit-
good resources ants than any Earth-sized planet. As an optional
rule, GMs interested in strict cost accounting
Cost Location
-50 Poor location
should consider the volume of a Base as equal to its
+0 Average location area times four.
+50 Good location
210 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION


Most Star Hero bases are located In Space,
Length Width Area
which normally costs +25 points. That cost typi-
Cost (hexes) (hexes) (hexes) DCV
0 4 2 8 -4 cally assumes a planet-based campaign, where
2 5 3 15 -4 having a base in space provides a number of
4 6.4 3.2 20 -5 advantages. In a science fiction game, the action
6 8 4 32 -6 may all take place in space, in which case space
8 10 5 50 -6 bases are commonplace. In that case, the GM may
10 12.5 6.4 80 -7 wish to ignore the cost for an In Space location.
12 16 8 125 -8 Bases in space typically do not have grounds.
14 20 10 200 -8 Bases located on a planet could have grounds as
16 25 12.5 320 -9 normal. A base on an isolated planet, asteroid, or
18 32 16 500 -10
the like might even, with the GM’s permission,
20 40 20 800 -10
22 50 25 1,250 -11 define the entire body it’s on as its “grounds.”
24 64 32 2,000 -12
-13 Equipment
30 125 64 8,000 -14 Equipment for Bases is usually the same as or
32 160 80 12,500 -14 similar to starship equipment. Space bases need
34 200 100 20,000 -15
defensive shields and weapons, artificial gravity,
36 250 125 32,000 -16
38 320 160 50,000 -16 power plants, and sensors, just like spacecraft. See
40 400 200 80,000 -17 below for a few examples.
42 500 250 125,000 -18 Generally, equipment bought for a Base
44 640 320 200,000 -18 applies to the entire base and/or everyone within
46 800 400 320,000 -19 it automatically; the Base’s designer doesn’t have
48 1,000 500 500,000 -20 to apply Area Of Effect or some other Advan-
50 1,250 640 800,000 -20 tage to make a power cover the entire Base. For
52 1,600 800 1.25 million -20 example, if a Base buys Life Support, the Life
54 2,000 1,000 2 mil -21 Support applies to everyone inside the base, even
56 2,500 1,250 3.2 mil -22
without Area Of Effect. Based on common sense,
58 3,200 1,600 5 mil -22
60 4,000 2,000 8 mil -23 dramatic sense, or “realism,” the GM may make
62 5,000 2,500 12.5 mil -24 exceptions to this rule, or establish limits on how
64 6,400 3,200 20 mil -24 many people a Base’s equipment can support. For
66 8,000 4,000 32 mil -25 example, maybe a Base’s life support systems can
68 10,000 5.000 50 mil -26 handle a load of up to 1,000 Human-sized people;
70 12,500 6,400 80 mil -26 more than that, and the air and other supplies
72 16,000 8,000 125 mil -27 get used up faster than they can be replenished,
74 20,000 10,000 200 mil -28 which soon leads to trouble.
76 25,000 12,500 320 mil -28 If a type of equipment only works within a
78 32,000 16,000 500 mil -29
certain part of the Base, it can take the Partial
80 40,000 20,000 800 mil -30
82 50,000 25,000 1.25 billion -30 Coverage Limitation (also written as, for many
84 64,000 32,000 2 bil -31 effects, Only Within Defined Area). For example, if
86 80,000 40,000 3.2 bil -32 a 2” x 2” prison cell on a starbase has extra DEF,
88 100,000 50,000 5 bil -32 or a special weapon used to restrain/incapacitate
90 125,000 64,000 8 bil -33 prisoners, Partial Coverage/Only Within Defined
92 160,000 80,000 12.5 bil -34 Area would apply to that power.
94 200,000 100,000 20 bil -34 Since Bases don’t have SPD, Base equipment
96 250,000 125,000 32 bil -35 costs END based on the SPD of the character
98 320,000 160,000 50 bil -36 using it. If a weapon uses 10 END per shot, and
100 400,000 200,000 80 bil -36
a character with SPD 4 fires it for a Turn, it’s just
102 500,000 250,000 125 bil -37
104 640,000 320,000 200 bil -38 used 40 of the Base’s power plant’s END. For
106 800,000 400,000 320 bil -38 equipment that has to function constantly, such
108 1 million 500,000 500 bil -39 as life support or gravity, assume all Bases have
110 1.25 mil 640,000 800 bil -40 SPD 3.
112 1.6 mil 800,000 1.25 trillion -40
114 2 mil 1 million 2 tril -41 Space Station Equipment
116 2.5 mil 1.25 mil 3.2 tril -42 Fire Extinguishing System: This system detects
118 3.2 mil 1.6 mil 5 tril -42 and then extinguishes fire. It can only cover a cer-
120 4 mil 2 mil 8 tril -43 tain area, so a large station installs multiple extin-
130 12.5 mil 6.4 mil 80 tril -50 guishers. Price: 5,640 credits each, or more.
140 40 mil 20 mil 800 tril -53
150* 125 mil 64 mil 8 quadrillion -60 Detect Unauthorized/Uncontrolled Fires (INT
*: This size category approximately equals the surface Roll +5, using Base’s Computer, or 14- if no
area of Earth (1.28 quadrillion hexes). Computer) (total cost: 8 points); Only Within
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 211

Affected Area (20” x 20” zone; -2) (total cost: Secondary Life Support System: If the starbase’s
3 points) plus Dispel Fire Powers 20d6, all main life support systems are disabled, station
Fire powers simultaneously (+2) (180 Active residents can proceed to a special chamber where
Points); Only Within Affected Area (20” x a backup system will keep them alive until help
20” zone; -2), 16 Charges (-0) (total cost: 60 arrives... or supplies run out. Price: 840 credits,
points). Total cost: 63 points. or more.

Internal Security Monitors: A space station’s Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing;

security team uses this system to keep an eye on Diminished Eating: no need to eat; Safe
events around the station. Price: 2,600 credits Environments: Intense Cold, Intense Heat,
each, or more. High Radiation, Low Pressure/Vacuum) (21
Active Points); Only Within Affected Area
Clairsentience (Sight And Hearing Groups), (20” x 20” chamber; -2), 1 Continuing Fuel
Mobile Perception Point, Multiple Percep- Charge (easily replaced from sources outside
tion Points (up to eight at once), 8x Range the station; 1 Month [i.e., 30 man-days]; -0).
(2,000”) (65 Active Points); OAF Immobile Total cost: 7 points.
(-2), Perception Point Cannot Move Through
Solid Objects (-0). Total cost: 22 points.
212 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

SLINGSHOTTING pace battles are a long-standing part of COMPLEX STARSHIP ACTIONS
science fiction, both in print and on the For greater “realism,” and a greater degree
“Slingshotting” is a silver screen. This section of Chapter Eight of participation by the PCs, GMs can use more
spaceflight term for provides some additional and expanded complex rules to resolve starship actions. In the
flying in a close arc HERO System rules for conducting battles between complex system, the starship counts as one char-
around a star or planet ships in space. However, the nature of space combat acter who can act on its own Phases (or using the
to increase the ship’s depends largely on the types of technology avail-
velocity. The downside is per-Turn rules for Dogfight or Intercept Combat,
able — the spectrum of tactical options in a setting if those are in effect). It can move, fire one weapon,
that if the ship gets too
with easy FTL flight and starship maneuvering perform a maneuver, or the like. It uses its own
close, it could damage
itself... or even crash. differs significantly from the available choices in a DEX and SPD, or the DEX and SPD of its control-
Low SF game. Therefore, the rules presented here ling computer, to determine when it can act (see
To slingshot, a character are general ones, intended for use in a wide variety pages 471-72 of the HERO System 5th Edition,
must plot a “close arc” of Star Hero campaigns. Gamemasters can, and Revised for general rules on this subject).
flight course around a should, alter and adapt them for use in their own Additionally, each PC, and any other promi-
nearby star or planet, games, and create new rules appropriate for their nent character aboard the ship, also gets to act,
with a defined “exit” campaign settings as well. according to his own SPD and DEX (or, to simplify
point (the point at There are two schools of thought regarding things, the GM may rule that all characters on a
which he wants to break starship combat. The Fun school emphasizes all ship act with the ship’s SPD). That allows charac-
his ship free from the the cool space opera stuff — whooshing fighters,
body’s gravity and sling- ters to do things like pilot the ship, fire a weapon,
cruisers trading broadsides, and tactics Horatio activate point defenses, perform first aid on injured
shot in the direction he
Nelson would have approved of. The Accurate crewmembers, fight boarders, and so forth. Charac-
wants to go).
school emphasizes what is known about conditions ters use their own DEXs, Skills (including relevant
in space and modern trends in warfare, with high Combat Skill Levels), and other attributes to resolve
then make a Skill Roll.
He suffers a penalty of levels of stealth, prolonged duels of sensors and the outcome of actions they attempt. If the char-
-1 for every 5” Flight he countermeasures, and devastating weapon strikes. acters fire the ship’s weapons, they use the ship’s
uses in this maneuver Gamemasters can pick which method they prefer. OCV; if they get involved in personal combat, they
(plus an additional -2 The Accurate school is more appropriate for Low use their own CVs. If the characters use the ship’s
if he uses MegaScaled SF and Military SF games; the Fun school is more weapons or equipment, the ship pays the END for
movement). He only has appropriate for Pulp and Space Opera games. them in the Segment when they’re used.
to make one roll, even
One exception to this general rule: if a char-
though his flight course
requires multiple Phases
of movement. If he suc-
ACTIONS IN acter acts as the “pilot” of the ship, his action in
a Phase is to do that — pilot the ship. He cannot
ceeds, he increases his
ship’s velocity — multi-
STARSHIP COMBAT also fire a weapon, operate the sensors, or the like
(unless the GM permits). However, he can, as part
ply his inches of move- Gamemasters running starship combat have of his piloting, perform maneuvers with the ship,
ment per Phase by the two options for determining who can act, and or make attacks like ramming other ships (Move
planet’s gravity relative when: a simple rule; and a complex rule. Through). If the GM chooses to resolve ship
to Earth’s. (Thus, a ship movement first in a Phase (see below), a character
that slingshots around SIMPLE STARSHIP ACTIONS
serving as pilot gets to act first in that Phase, even
a 2 G world multiplies The “simple” rules consider each starship as a if his DEX isn’t the highest in the group.
its movement by 2.) single entity, regardless of how many crewmembers
This effect lasts for 1d6 The GM determines how many crewmem-
they have, weapons they mount, or computers they bers on a ship count as “prominent” for purposes
Phases (+1 Phase per
use. Each ship moves according to the standard of this rule. For example, assuming a ship had
2 points by which the
character made his vehicle rules: its uses its own SPD or its pilot’s sufficient power, theoretically it could fire every
Combat Piloting roll), SPD (whichever is lower), and its defined inches of single weapon it has, since a separate crewmember
and does not cost extra movement. It performs actions as if it were a single can man each weapon and fire it individually. But
END or use up fuel. entity: it can make one attack using one of its that could take a lot of time, so the GM may not
weapons, for example, but that’s it. want to consider every crewmember capable of
If the roll fails by 1 to 4 The benefit to the “simple” starship action rules firing a weapon as “prominent.” He may prefer to
points, the ship enter’s is that they make the combat easy to understand designate only the PCs and major ship’s officers as
the star’s photosphere and run. The drawback is that they’re not in any prominent, or only enough gunners to man half
(see Visiting The Sun, way “realistic.” Even if it has the power to do so, the weapons, or the like.
page 98) or the planet’s the ship can’t fire multiple weapons or engage in a Some characters’ actions can affect the actions
lot of fancy maneuvering, and that saps a lot of the of all other characters on the ship. For example, a
Continued on next page
flavor from starship battles.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 213

he’s uncovered to the other PCs. Continued from last page

All the ship’s attacks get to take upper atmosphere (see
advantage of the halving of the page 285). If the roll fails
target’s defenses, not just attacks by 5 or more points, the
made by Rodriguez. ship crashes into the
body (taking damage as
The next PC, Ensign Flynt, is indicated on page 98 for
an engineer who’s been assigned a star, or Move Through
to repair duty. He Holds his damage for entering an
Action, waiting until the ship atmosphere/hitting a
suffers damage before he acts. planet).

The last PC is Dr. Petrine, who’s

waiting in sickbay for injured
crewmembers. She, too, Holds
her Action until she needs to
The GM now resolves the
actions of any NPC crewmem-
bers firing weapons or perform-
ing other tasks. To keep the pace
of combat moving quickly, the
GM uses the optional rule on
page 221 — he rolls once for
all NPCs making attacks, using
that one roll to determine how
many of them hit. He also just
assumes the attacks do average
damage, rather than rolling dice
for each attack that hit.

character who uses sensors to obtain a +2 Attack Val Char Cost Roll
Roll bonus for the ship’s weapons doesn’t just Notes
obtain that bonus for himself — it applies to all 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
other attacks the ship makes that Phase. The GM 15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
determines who a character’s actions affect. 3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12
Total Characteristic Cost: 23
Example: The Sword Of Orion is a large war-
ship with a crew of 500 persons, including five Cost Skills
PCs. The GM decides that, in battle, each PC, 6 +2 with Ship’s Weapons
each of the ship’s six major officers who aren’t
PCs, and enough average crewmembers to man 6 KS: Known Enemies & Threats 15-
one-third of the Sword’s weapons are “promi- 6 Systems Operation (player chooses
nent” characters. categories) 12-
The Sword gets into a fight with a strange enemy 3 Tactics 12-
ship. The Sword itself counts as a character, and 1 WF: [Ship’s] Weapons
moves to attack. One PC, Lt. Jackson, is the
ship’s Flight Officer, so he’s piloting the ship, and Programs
that counts as his action (he could have made 1 Locate Target
the ship perform a maneuver, if he’d wanted). 1 Analyze Target
Jackson’s DEX isn’t as high as some of the other 1 Attack Target
PCs, but since the GM resolves ship movement
first, Jackson gets to act first. Total Abilities Cost: 25
Total Computer Cost: 48
The first PC in the initiative order is Lt. Thalira,
who’s manning a torpedo launcher. She acts on Value Disadvantages
her own DEX, and uses the ship’s CV to deter- None (or chosen by player)
mine whether she hits the enemy ship.
Total Disadvantage Points: 0
The next PC is Ensign Rodriguez, who’s manning
Total Cost: 48/5 = 10
the sensors. One of the ship’s sensors is defined
as Find Weakness, so he uses his action to make Description: Characters determined to get maxi-
the roll. He succeeds, and relays the information mum firepower out of their ships can buy tacti-
cal computers. Some ships have just one or two
214 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
tactical computers, with each operating whichever sors which can detect and hit a ship 300,000
weapon it thinks will be most effective; other kilometers away won’t fit on a single map, unless
ships have one computer per weapon, meaning you increase the scale of the hexes to the point
they can fire everything they’ve got every Phase where they’re of no use. In those cases, the ships
(as long as the power holds out). are effectively at rest — the GM simply states the
range at which they first detect each other, and
the ships bang away at extreme range with no real
STARSHIP COMBAT maneuvering at all.
MOVEMENT AND If a ship counts as a character (no matter
whether you use the simple or complex rules
MANEUVERING described above), it can only make a Half Move
with its Flight if it also wants to perform an
The basic HERO System vehicle combat rules action (a Combat Maneuver, an attack, or the
are appropriate for cinematic battles. Vehicles get like).
their Move each Phase, and maneuver freely.
Gamemasters running starship battles must
Movement Basics consider the scale of ships’ movement.
Tracking space vehicle movement works Normally, space combat takes place at
best if you have a hex map. You should get a large slower-than-light speeds. That’s easier to show
map for space combat — particularly when using on the screen, and avoids all sorts of questions
“realistic” movement rules, because the cumula- about how various weapons would perform at
tive nature of space movement means ships can FTL velocities. In game terms, that means ships
rapidly move very far apart. Gamemasters may are using ordinary Flight to move around the
prefer to use non-mapped vehicle combat (as battlefield. The GM can assume ships maneuver
described on pages 473-75 of the HERO System 5th fairly close to one another, so that each hex on the
Edition, Revised), especially if there are only two map is of the standard distance — 2 meters. That
ships in a battle. All that requires is keeping track means you can resolve movement according to
of the distance between the two. the normal rules.
At the beginning of an engagement, the For greater “realism,” GMs may wish to
GM should “peg” the map to the slowest-moving establish that each hex on the map is larger than
vehicle, or some other vehicle that’s particularly 2 meters. For example, each hex might be 100
significant to the battle. That vehicle begins at rest meters, or 1 kilometer, or 10 kilometers. If ships
with regard to the map. It isn’t at rest of course, use normal movement, it may take a long time for
it’s just that the map is “moving” along with the one to cross a single hex (and the GM may need
ships. As the battle progresses, the GM may peg “sub-maps” of individual hexes, if ships want to
the map to some other ship, as appropriate. fight close to each other). Alternately, the GM can
Of course, most space battles occur over apply a scale change to movement as well. Maybe
ranges too great for any map. Weapons and sen- each 1” of Flight works on the same scale as the
map, or at some lesser rate (but one still
greater than 1” = 2m).
If one or more ships have Mega-
Scaled Flight, the GM must also
account for that when setting the scale
and determining distances moved. If
all ships have MegaScaled Flight, the
GM can simply set the map scale so
that 1” equals the shortest distance the
slowest ship could move, and then let
other ships move accordingly. If some
ships have MegaScaled Flight but some
don’t, the GM needs to keep that in
mind when setting the scale of the map
and ship movement — it’s not fair to let
ships that haven’t paid for MegaScale
fly as fast as those that have, but it may
still be necessary to let non-MegaS-
caled ships move at least a little faster
than 1” = 2m to keep the pace and
scope of the battle reasonably fast and
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 215

THREE-DIMENSIONAL MOVEMENT out and no combat maneuvering. For early drives

Starship combats take place in three dimen- like chemical or thermal rockets, there just isn’t
sions — the ships can go “up” and down” as well enough fuel to waste ducking and weaving, and
as toward the four edges of the map. Unfortu- ion motors have such slow rates of acceleration
nately, it’s difficult to simulate this in gaming, they have to move at Noncombat speeds to get
because maps are flat. Unless you’re willing and anywhere at all. More advanced engines allow
able to build special multi-level mapping tables for greater “agility,” but at vast distances Intercept
for your games, you need to consider other solu- Combat rules still make more sense for a “realis-
tions. For example, you can mark a ship’s position tic” battle.
with numerical notations indicating its position
in the Z (up and down) scale, using some pre-
defined unit of measurement (such as 100 meters
Dramatic Movement
or 1 kilometer). A “+” note indicates a ship that’s For dramatic movement, ignore the reali-
above the plane of the map; a “-“ notation one ties of movement in space. Ships move as they
that’s below the map. For example, a ship marked normally do — up to their full inches of Flight
as +3 might be 300 meters above the map; one per Phase, in whatever direction they desire (and
marked -1 is 100 meters below the map. their Turn Mode allows).
Precise calculations of distance to ships
above or below the map are possible using the
Pythagorean Theorem, but generally this is a Instead of using Dogfight and Intercept
waste of time for gaming purposes. The GM Combat, GMs taking a more dramatic approach
should simply count the hexes normally on the should simply treat starships as if they were char-
map, and then add a few to reflect distances above acters using Flight, and have them maneuver and
or below the map (if appropriate). fight accordingly. Alternately, GMs who want a
little more “flavor” for their starship battles, but
at the cost of introducing a new rule, can try the
Realistic Movement
In realistic movement, a vehicle’s space STARSHIP MANEUVERS
Flight is its delta-V, the amount by which it can
accelerate or decelerate. Most vehicles have their Maneuver Roll Notes/Description
movement and facing determined relative to the Clever Positioning -4 The pilot positions the ship near or between one or
more designated targets in a way that minimizes
“stationary” one to which the GM has pegged the
exposure to counterattack. Against those targets only,
map. the ship’s DCV for performing Rapid Fire is reduced
Each Phase, mark where each ship begins only by -2, not halved. (If -2 would equal halving the
and ends its movement. On its next Phase the ship’s DCV, the Maneuver only imposes a -1 penalty.)
ship automatically moves the same distance and Close Combat -6 May only be used against a ship which is at least 10
direction, plus whatever delta-V it applies with Size categories (see page 217) larger than the attack-
its engines. Ships applying any delta-V automati- ing ship. The pilot maneuvers in so close to the
cally face in the direction they are adding move- target’s hull that: (a) it’s virtually impossible for him
ment. (Unless the GM chooses to waive the Turn to miss (+6 OCV to hit that target); and (b) the target
Mode rules, a ship can only change its direction ship typically cannot bring its large weapons to bear
against the attacker (GM’s decision as to the exact
of movement up to 60 degrees (one hex side) per
effect); and (c) any other ship that attacks the attacker
Phase.) When moving the ship, apply the new and misses has a 50% (1-3 on 1d6) chance of hitting
delta-V first, and the old movement second. the ship the attacker is in Close Combat with. How-
Example: The Mockingbird, a small space- ever, future failed rolls may indicate he’s crashed into
the larger ship’s hull.
craft, has Flight 30”. It’s currently heading
Defensive Maneuver -2 Against a single designated attacker, the ship receives
straight “south” (toward the bottom edge of +1 DCV in the Phase in which it performs the
the map) to escape a pursuer. It detects an maneuver.
obstacle in the way and needs to maneuver. Evade -3 The pilot maneuvers the ship in such a way that he
It applies “thrust” (i.e., its inches of Flight) at breaks a single enemy ship’s sensor lock.
an angle 60 degrees to the left of its current Extreme Defense -4 Against up to four designated attackers, the ship
trajectory. Its player first moves it 30” along receives +1 DCV in the Phase in which it performs
the “60 degrees left” vector. Then he moves the the maneuver.
Mockingbird the same distance and direction Extreme Offense -6 Against up to four designated targets, the ship receives
it was traveling before — 30” to the “south.” +1 OCV in the Phase in which it performs the
Maneuver Positioning -4 A ship needs to use this Maneuver to position itself to
REALISTIC STARSHIP MANEUVERING perform a Haymaker with one of its weapons, and in
Realistic starship combat is typically resolved the GM’s option for certain other Maneuvers as well
as Dogfight or Intercept Combat (HERO System (such as multiple-Power attacks or Rapid Fire) (see
5th Edition, Revised, pages 473-75). Due to the dis- “Combat Maneuvers”).
tances involved in outer space, and the quality of Offensive Maneuver -2 Against a single designated target, the ship receives +1
OCV in the Phase in which it performs the maneuver.
the sensors most starships have, Intercept Combat
is the most common, with ships accelerating flat- “Roll” indicates the penalty to the Combat Piloting roll needed to perform the Maneuver.
216 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
SPACE COMBAT Starship Maneuvers listed in the accompanying ■ flying so that a sufficiently large physical object
AND MULTIPLE- table. passes between the ship and the enemy ship
POWER ATTACKS Each starship maneuver counts as an Attack (Other starships are not large enough for this
Action, and the pilot has to make a Half Move unless they are at least twice the size of the ship
Making attack and before performing the Starship Maneuver (since attempting to break the lock.)
damage rolls for every they all involve some sort of jinking, turning,
weapon a ship fires in a diving, dodging, or other “maneuvering”). Addi- A ship may attempt to re-establish a broken
Phase can become time- tionally, he must make a Combat Piloting roll sensor lock using the same method for estab-
consuming and tedious. with the listed penalty for the Maneuver, using lishing it. If the lock was broken within the past
To keep combat moving only his natural Skill; bonuses from the ship’s Turn, the ship has a +2 bonus to its PER Roll to
quickly and smoothly, piloting systems do not apply. If he succeeds, he re-establish; if within the past two Turns, a +1
the GM might instead
gets the benefits described; if he fails, he gets no bonus; and no bonus thereafter.
want to consider all of a
ship’s weapons fired at a benefit (and, at the GM’s option, the ship may
even suffer a minor penalty, like -1 DCV, or -1
single target as one mul-
tiple-Power attack (see OCV next Phase). Combat Modifiers
the HERO System 5th As with other HERO System elements, the Most Combat Modifiers apply normally in
Edition, page 234). That Starship Maneuvers have “generic” names. It’s starship combat — it’s simply a matter of judging
allows for “broadside” or up to the player whose character performs the their effects ship-to-ship, rather than character-
“gang-fire” attacks the maneuver to describe exactly what the character to-character. For example, a group of small fight-
GM can resolve quickly does. For example, a Defensive Maneuver could
and easily (especially if ers could swarm around a larger warship to get
represent a barrel roll, presenting a minimal a Multiple Attacker bonus, or could Coordinate
he uses average damage
aspect to an attacker, high-speed jinking, or clever their weapons to inflict Stun damage on a giant
for each of the attacks).
use of space debris and other “cover.” space amoeba. A clever captain might hide his
To keep gang-fire ship in an asteroid belt or nebula so he could
attacks from becoming
overwhelming, the GM ATTACKING AND ambush another vessel and obtain a Surprised
bonus, or he could maneuver his ship in ways that
may want to impose
preconditions or restric-
DEFENDING gain him a Surprise Move bonus.

tions on them, such as: Here are some rules for how starships attack COORDINATED ATTACKS
and defend. In some science fiction settings, it’s not
■ making a “broad- uncommon for two or more ships to combine
side” takes a Full Phase their firepower to focus on a specific point of
Action by the ship and Sensor Locks the target’s defenses, and thus overcome those
everyone on the ship defenses — something neither ship could hope
manning a weapon Before one starship can attack another, it
must obtain a “sensor lock.” In other words, it to accomplish individually. Gamemasters who
(though the GM may
has to properly perceive the target with its sen- want to allow this sort of action could modify the
also want to allow mul-
tiple broadsides at mul- sors, and feed that information to the targeting Coordinated Attack rules. In this case, the attack-
tiple targets in a Phase, systems. ers who succeed with Teamwork rolls add the
if the ship has enough To obtain a sensor lock, the ship (or the BODY of their attacks together to determine if
weapons to make that character on the ship operating the sensors) must they can overcome the target’s defenses. To keep
many attacks) make a PER Roll with a Targeting Sense using this from unbalancing the game, the GM may
the ship’s main computer’s INT. This is an Attack wish to impose restrictions on it, such as those
■ imposing a cumula- Action. The Range Modifier applies; so do penal- listed in the sidebar on multiple-Power attacks.
tive OCV penalty for ties for intervening physical obstacles, energy
each weapon included TARGET SIZE
fields, and the like.
in the broadside after For starships, their DCV modifiers from
the first (say, -1 or -2 per If the roll fails, the ship cannot obtain a
Size take the place of any Target Size modifiers.
weapon) sensor lock. If it wishes to attack, it must do so at
However, ships attacking planets (see page 197)
the OCV penalties for being unable to perceive
or other objects in space may incur Target Size
■ reducing the ship’s its opponent (see page 349 of the HERO System
modifiers in the usual fashion.
DCV by half when 5th Edition, Revised). DCV penalties do not apply,
it makes a broadside unless the ship’s crew is also “blind.” The ship may
attack make more attempts to obtain a sensor lock in its Combat Maneuvers
later Phases.
If the roll succeeds, the ship has obtained a Starships may use the following Combat
■ requiring the ship
to execute a Maneuver sensor lock, and can attack with any of its weap- Maneuvers, which are most appropriate to “dra-
Positioning Starship ons at full OCV, possibly using a Combat Maneu- matic” starship combat. Unless indicated oth-
Maneuver successfully ver in the process (see below). Once the ship has erwise, they provide the same OCV and DCV
before it can make a a lock, the lock remains in effect until the target modifiers as Combat Maneuvers used by charac-
broadside attack does something to break it. Possible ways to break ters, and provide those modifiers to every attack
a sensor lock include: or weapon the ship uses that Phase. The GM may
alter or add to this list as necessary to reflect the
■successfully executing an Evade Starship technology, nature, and dramatic feel of the set-
Maneuver ting.
■ using electronic warfare to block, jam, or trick
the enemy ship’s sensors
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 217

STANDARD MANEUVERS attack hand-to-hand somehow, use Sweep in appro-

priate situations). That of course reduces the ship’s
Brace, Set: Starships willing to take the time to aim DCV by half, and counts as a Full Phase Action for
carefully can use these maneuvers. whoever does the shooting. If the ship is so large that
Dodge: As described on page 473 of the HERO System its DCV is already zero, the GM should impose some
5th Edition, Revised rulebook, a vehicle can “Dodge” if other restriction on the use of the Maneuver, such as
the pilot does nothing else but move the vehicle in a increasing the OCV penalty, requiring more than one
Phase. (Vehicles with Limited Maneuverability cannot Full Phase to perform the Maneuver, increasing the
perform this maneuver.) This has the effect of elimi- END cost for the weapon, making this maneuver take
nating the vehicle’s DCV penalty due to Size. If that a Full Phase for the entire ship and crew, or impos-
seems unrealistic or unbalancing to the GM (given the ing a chance for the weapon to burn out or otherwise
vast size and ponderous movement of many large star- malfunction.
ships), he can rule that the Dodge just provides a +3 At the GM’s option, a ship cannot Rapid Fire or
DCV bonus, that it only eliminates half the Size pen- Sweep any of its weapons unless it first uses a Maneu-
alty, that it provides +1 DCV per point by which the ver Positioning Starship Maneuver.
pilot makes a Combat Piloting roll, or the like.
Haymaker: At the GM’s discretion, a character could
Haymaker with a starship weapon attack. This simu-
Damage And Its Effects
lates taking extra time to aim carefully, shooting at a Spacecraft hit in combat take damage in the
weak point in the enemy’s armor, or the like. Before usual fashion. Because many starships have multiple
performing a Haymaker, the ship must perform a layers of protection, the GM may need to consider
Maneuver Positioning Starship Maneuver (unless the which defenses apply first. Typically a Force Wall
GM chooses to waive that requirement). This maneu- applies first, then a Force Field, then Armor (the hull).
ver only allows a ship to perform a Haymaker with Ablative defenses always take damage first (HERO
a single weapon attack, unless the GM is willing to System 5th Edition, Revised, pages 115-16), but the
allow multiple weapons to Haymaker simultaneously. GM may waive this rule if he sees fit.
Grab, Grab By: To use these Maneuvers, a ship needs a BIGGER IS BETTER?
way to Grab — a tractor beam, a grapple-gun, or the The HERO System has no rules about scaling
like. damage — for better or worse, all damage is the same,
Move By: This Maneuver represents a “sideswipe” or and a small ship can easily mount a weapon with
like attack. enough firepower to destroy the largest enemy vessel.
Move Through: This Maneuver represents “ramming” Some GMs may prefer a more “realistic” approach,
a target, or making a like attack.
Strike (Shoot): Ships use this Maneuver to make
standard attacks. In realistic long-range combats, they
need to beware the light-speed time lag. Light travels
at 300,000 kilometers (150,000,000”) per second,
so when a ship makes an attack against something
100,000 kilometers away, the beam hits where the
target was two-thirds of a second ago. A ship with
FTL sensors (i.e., sensors able to detect things more
than 300,000 km away) can avoid this problem. Ships
without have to “guesstimate” where the target will
be when the attack intersects its path; you can simu-
late this with an Attack Roll penalty of -3 for every
300,000 km of distance between the attacker and
target (in addition to the standard Range Modifier).
Cover: At the GM’s option, a ship could use this
Maneuver on another ship. It’s a good way to repre-
sent “stand-offs in space,” a feature of many science
fiction television shows.
Dive For Cover: The GM might allow a ship to per-
form a Dive For Cover as a sort of “extreme Dodge.”
If a vehicle Dives For Cover, neither it nor any person
aboard it may make any attacks that Segment.
Hipshot, Hurry: Ships cannot use these Maneuvers
themselves, but characters firing a ship’s weapons can
use them.
Rapid Fire, Sweep: A ship (or a character on a ship)
can Rapid Fire a ship’s weapon (or, if the ship can
218 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
where the big, powerful guns mounted on large Edition, Revised. If it’s not a Focus, he can use the
ships automatically have an edge compared to the “Breaking Things” rules on pages 302-04 of that
weapons on smaller ships. To simulate this, divide book. Alternately, he can simply divide the system’s
the points the ship spent on Size by 5 to get a “Size Active Points by 5, or just assign a number that
category” number. Subtract the smaller ship’s Size seems appropriate to him.
category number from the larger ship’s number, and
add the difference as points of BODY damage to
every Normal or Killing Damage attack the larger Here are possible optional effects for each of
ship makes against the smaller. the locations in the Starship Hit Location Table
The reverse does not apply — smaller ships above. If a spacecraft suffers actual BODY damage
don’t reduce their damage when attacking larger in combat, the GM may, if he wishes, roll to see if
vessels. Larger vessels typically already have the an “optional effect” of damage occurs as a result.
advantage of spending many more points on Gamemasters may roll randomly for an effect,
their Defense Powers; reducing the smaller ships’ choose an effect, or make up other effects, as they
damage could easily make larger ships effectively prefer. If used, these rules replace the Damage To
invulnerable. And that’s neither fun nor conducive Vehicles rules on page 472 of the HERO System 5th
to dramatic heroism. Edition, Revised.
If, in rolling multiple times over the course
STARSHIP HIT LOCATIONS of a battle, the GM rolls similar results for a type
Star Hero campaigns are normally Heroic, of system, he must decide whether only the worse
and therefore use the Hit Location Table for fights result applies (the usual method) or the results are
between characters. Gamemasters running space- cumulative (a less common, but sometimes appro-
craft combats may also want to use Hit Location priate, outcome).
tables for starships. In theory, each ship (or class of
ship) should have its own Hit Location Table, but Roll Command Center Effects
for general Star Hero purposes GMs can use the 1 1-2 minor NPC crewmen killed or badly
accompanying Starship Hit Location Table. injured
In the Starship Hit Location Table, “BODYx” 2 Viewing apparatus damaged; pilot and crew
represents the multiplier to the BODY damage cannot view space outside the ship with Sight
rolled on the attack. “Optional Effect” lists the Group Senses
chance that any BODY damage done to the ship 3 1 important NPC officer killed or badly
will have some additional effect; these effects are injured
detailed below. The GM need not apply any addi- 4 1-6 minor NPC crewmen killed or badly
tional effect if he doesn’t want to. “To Hit” is the injured
OCV penalty for specifically targeting that part of 5 1-3 important NPC officers killed
the ship. The Attack Roll modifiers depend not only 6 Command center loses all power, or has all
on the general size of the system, and its BODYx, physical access cut off
but on the chance for an optional effect, and the
potential severity of such an effect. Roll Sensors/Communications Effects
1 Ship’s interior communication system disabled
for 1d6 Turns
Regardless of whether the GM uses the 2 -1 to all Systems Operation rolls using the
optional effect rules below, or the simpler rules communications systems
from the core rulebook, loss of all of a system’s 3 -1 to all Systems Operation rolls using the sen-
BODY causes that system to cease functioning. sors
For less than full damage, GMs should roll on 4 -3 to all Systems Operation rolls using the
the Device Malfunction Table on page 472 of the communications systems
HERO System 5th Edition, Revised. 5 -3 to all Systems Operation rolls using the sen-
To determine how many BODY it takes to sors
damage or destroy a given system, the GM has 6 All sensors and/or communications systems
several options. If it’s a Focus, he can use the Focus totally inoperable
rules on pages 293-94 of the HERO System 5th
Roll Piloting Systems Effects
Thrusters inoperable for 1d6 Hours
-1 to all Combat Piloting rolls
Roll Location BODYx Effect To Hit 3 Navigation computer, and navigation functions
3 Command Center x2 1-2 on1d6 -8 OCV of main computer, inoperable for 1d6 Hours
4-5 Sensors/Communications x1 1-2 on 1d6 -5 OCV 4 -2 to all Combat Piloting rolls
6-7 Piloting Systems x½ 1-2 on 1d6 -5 OCV 5 -3 to all Combat Piloting rolls
8-9 Engines/Power Systems x1 ½ 1-3 on 1d6 -6 OCV
6 Piloting systems completely disabled; pilot
10-11 Main Body x1 1 on 1d6 -3 OCV
12 Personnel/Cargo x½ 1-2 on 1d6 -5 OCV cannot steer ship at all; ship adrift
13 Computer x1 1-3 on 1d6 -8 OCV
14-15 Weapon Systems x1 1 on 1d6 -4 OCV Roll Engine/Power Systems Effects
16-17 Defense Systems x1 1 on 1d6 -6 OCV 1 Ship loses one Noncombat Movement multiple
18 Life Support x½ 1 on 1d6 -8 OCV 2 Ship’s main power generation system loses
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 219

one-third of its power-generating capacity (i.e., 3 One defense system develops an Activation
reduce the END of its Endurance Reserve by Roll 11- Burnout
one-third) 4 One defense system without Charges loses
3 Ship loses 5” of Flight outside power; it has only 2d6+2 Charges for
4 Ship loses 10” of Flight the remainder of the battle
5 Ship loses 20” of Flight 5 One defense system becomes completely
6 Ships loses all engines and cannot move except inoperable
with half thrusters 6 One defense system explodes; roll randomly
on Starship Hit Location Table and inflict
Roll Main Body Effects 1d6 BODY damage to it (no defense applies)
1 Ship suffers 2-12% casualties among the crew
2 Ship loses 2 DEF Roll Life Support Effects
3 Ship loses 5 STR 1 Ship loses 4-24% of its breathing gases
4 Ship loses 10 STR 2 Ship loses 10-60% of its breathing gases
5 Ship loses 20 STR 3 Explosive decompression; one chamber of
6 Cascading internal explosion; roll randomly the ship is opened to space, and all its inhab-
on Starship Hit Location Table and inflict itants are sucked out into the void (see page
1d6 BODY damage to resulting system/sec- 285)
tion (no defense applies) 4 Artificial gravity becomes inoperable
5 Backup life support system destroyed or
Roll Personnel/Cargo Effects badly damaged (if no such system on ship,
1 4-24% of ship’s cargo destroyed or badly re-roll)
damaged 6 All life support systems become inoperable;
2 Ship suffers 1-6% casualties among the crew everyone on the ship suffocates within 1d6
3 Ship suffers 2-12% casualties among the crew Minutes unless a backup system is available
4 Ship suffers 3-18% casualties among the crew
5 Ship loses 5-30% of some consumable
(breathing gases, fuel, food, or the like) Player characters aboard spacecraft in
6 Sickbay damaged; all Skill Rolls using its combat are in danger. There are many ways to get
equipment suffer a -2 penalty hurt, irradiated, or left floating in space during a
space battle.
Roll Computer Effects Whenever a ship gets a Personnel/Cargo
1 Ship loses 1 SPD result on the Starship Hit Location Table (and
2 Ship loses 5 DEX sometimes other results), or a crew casualties
3 Computer loses 5 INT (and EGO, if it’s an result on an optional effects roll, or loses more
AI) than half its BODY, the characters aboard are endan-
4 Cmputer loses 2d6 programs (chosen ran- gered. Each character in an affected area of the ship
domly by the GM) must make a DEX Roll to avoid harm. (Characters
5 All Skill Rolls involving or requiring com- with Luck or Unluck should roll that as well.) If the
puter use suffer a -3 penalty
6 Ship completely inoperable
unless it has a backup computer

Roll Weapon Systems Effects

1 One weapon suffers a -2 OCV
2 One weapon loses -4 DC of
3 One weapon develops an Activa-
tion Roll 11- Burnout
4 One weapon without Charges
loses outside power; it has only
1d6 Charges for the remainder
of the battle
5 One weapon becomes com-
pletely inoperable
6 One weapon explodes, doing its
damage to the person firing it

Roll Defense Systems Effects

1 Defense system malfunctions,
causing a -2 to all Systems Oper-
ation rolls using the sensors
2 One defense system loses 20
Active Points’ worth of effect
220 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
by imposing penalties to all Skill Rolls the ship or
CHARACTER DAMAGE TABLE other crewmembers make — without a full crew to
man all the duty stations, keep things running effi-
Roll (2d6) Result ciently, relay messages, interpret data, and so forth,
2 Reroll and double the effect everyone else’s ability to do his job becomes impaired.
3 Shards of debris strike the char- The Crew Casualties Table describes this effect.
acter, causing RKA 1d6 damage
4 An area becomes hazardous, expos- Other Actions In Combat
ing a character to something he’s
Susceptible to, is sickening/poison- Characters can do more in a starship battle than
ous to him, or the like fire weapons or operate sensors. Some other possible
5 The character is trapped beneath actions include:
debris (Entangle 2d6, 4 DEF)
6 The character is knocked into a MEDICAL DUTY
wall and suffers 4d6 STUN damage Characters with medical training — such as the
(defenses apply) Skills Paramedics or SS: Medicine — may find them-
7 The character is caught on the selves patching up injured crewmen, performing life-
fringes of a blast wave; he suffers a saving combat surgery, and so forth.
Sight and Hearing Group Flash 4d6 The GM can deal with this on both a personal
8 The character is caught in an explo-
and an abstract level. On the personal level, if a PC
sion; he suffers an RKA 1 ½d6
9 The character takes a hard knock or prominent NPC suffers an injury, the character
to the head; he’s Knocked Out for can attempt a Skill Roll in the normal fashion to try
1d6 Segments, and suffers a -2 to all to make him better (or at least keep him comfortable
INT Rolls, PER Rolls, and Intellect until he can receive full medical attention). Standard
Skill rolls for the next 1d6 Hours rules for Paramedics apply.
10 The character is exposed to danger- On an abstract level, the GM can compare
ous, sickening fumes; he suffers a the efforts of the medical crew to the percentage of
Drain CON 4d6 (points return at injured crewmembers. For each Phase of medical
the rate of 5 per Minute) attention, have the character (PC or NPC) with the
11 An arc of electricity zaps the char-
highest Paramedics or SS: Medicine roll make a roll.
acter, causing RKA 1d6 damage
(energy) Crew casualty penalties (see above) apply to this roll;
12 Roll twice (ignore this result for after all, doctors get injured and overworked, too.
subsequent rolls) For every two points by which the character makes
the roll, the medical crew reduces the percentage of
roll succeeds, the character remains unharmed — a injured crew by 1% (thus allowing those newly-healed
panel shorts out nearby, a pipe bursts across the room, crewmembers to return to duty). (For more realistic
or the like, but the PC takes no damage. games, the GM may want to allow healing only for
If his roll fails, a character must roll on the every Turn of effort by the medical crew, and/or to
accompanying Character Damage Table to determine reduce the percentage of crewmembers healed.)
what happens to him. The results are not intended
to be fatal to characters in good health, but rather to REPAIR DUTY
add color, drama, and a personal touch to the battle. Characters can also try to repair the ship. Some-
Gamemasters should be merciful; it’s not fun for char- times mid-combat repairs are the only thing keeping a
acters to suffer fatal (or frequent) injuries in a situa- ship fighting long enough to win the battle!
tion they don’t have significant control over. Assuming a system hasn’t been totally destroyed
by being reduced to 0 BODY (which means it has
Effect Of Crew Casualties to be replaced), characters can initiate repairs by
The optional effects rules provide a way for making rolls using Mechanics, Electronics, Computer
the GM to determine what percentage of the crew Programming, Systems Operation, Weaponsmith,
becomes casualties during a battle. A “casualty” is a various SSs or PSs, or any other Skill the GM deems
crewmember killed or so badly injured that he can no appropriate given the system or technology involved.
longer perform his combat duties. Making repairs typically requires a minimum of 1
The more crewmembers that become casualties, Turn (often longer), and the roll suffers a penalty of -1
the harder it is to keep the ship functioning efficiently. per 2 BODY of damage done. For every two points by
In game terms, the GM can represent this abstractly which the character makes his roll, he makes a quick
repair to the system, restoring “1 BODY” of damage.
CREW CASUALTIES TABLE This repair is temporary; later, when time allows, full
repairs must be made. Once a repair is made, the GM
Percentage Of Modifiers To rolls on the Device Malfunction Table (HERO System
Crew Casualties All Skill Rolls 5th Edition, Revised, page 449) to see if that was
0-10% -0 enough to get the system working again.
11-20% -1 The repair does not restore any BODY to the
21-40% -2
system for purposes of suffering further damage
41-80% -4
81% or more -8
— it only restores BODY for purposes of keeping the
system functioning properly. (True repairs follow the
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 221

standard rule from page 60 of the main rulebook, member has the highest Skill Roll in the appropriate
though the GM may allow large crews to repair more Skill. (Alternately, he can use a PC’s Skill, if the PC
than 1 BODY per day.) If the system suffers further leads the effort — as he probably does.) Then he
damage, the repairs are ruined and BODY damage increases that Skill based on how many other crew-
accumulates from the point where the character members are working on the meta-task. He might add
began repairs. +1 to the roll per crewmember, per three crewmem-
bers, per five crewmembers, or whatever else seems
appropriate. Then he makes the Crew Skill roll for the
Example: Lt. McDermott needs to repair his
crew as a whole to find out how well it performed the
Laser Cannon so he can go on fighting. It has
20 BODY, but it’s taken 12 BODY damage and
Because meta-tasks are large-scale efforts, Crew
stopped working. Using his Weaponsmith (Energy
Skills should take a long time to use — typically four
Weapons) 14-, he tries to jury-rig a quick fix so he
steps down the Time Chart for every unit of time
can get back to the battle. This takes him 1 Turn,
involved. Thus, a task that normally takes 1 Turn takes
and he suffers a -6 penalty to his roll due to the 12
1 Hour. The GM can increase or decrease the time
BODY of damage. He rolls a 4, making the roll by
required if appropriate; complex or dangerous sys-
4. That repairs 2 BODY of damage. The GM rolls
tems may take much longer to work on.
on the Device Malfunction Table, and succeeds;
the laser is working again! However, if it suffers Example: A starship has suffered 34 BODY out
more damage, the “2 BODY” repaired instantly of 50. To determine the effects of the engineering
vanishes, and damage starts accumulating again, crew’s efforts to repair the ship, the GM decides to
adding to the 12 BODY already inflicted. use a Crew Skill. Mechanics is the most applica-
ble Skill to the job, so he determines that Com-
CREW SKILLS mander Korel, with his Mechanics 15-, has the
Sometimes it’s easier for the GM to determine highest roll. He decides to add +1 to the roll for
the overall effect of crew actions on a particular task every three crewmembers involved in the repair
(such as extensive repair work) than to make a sepa- work. Since there are 60 engineering personnel
rate Skill Roll for each major NPC (not to mention on the ship, that’s a +20, for a total Skill Roll of
Complementary Skill Rolls and the like). In that case, 35-. Korel’s player makes the roll, at a -17 pen-
the GM can simply assign the crew as a whole a “Crew alty due to the extent of the damage, and rolls a
Skill” and apply that to the “meta-task” as a whole. 10. Since he made the roll by 8, the repair crews
To determine a ship’s Crew Skill for a particular fix 4 BODY worth of damage. Since repairs
subject, the GM must first decide which active crew- normally take 1 Turn, the repair crews required
1 Hour to get their work done.
222 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

o get you started, here are three example 4u 1) Distant Shot: RKA 3d6, Autofire (5
starships (a merchant vessel, a fighter, and a shots; +½), MegaRange (1” = 10 km, can
large warship), one example mech, and two scale down to 1” = 1 km; +¾); OIF Bulky
example space stations (a trade-oriented sta- (-1), Real Weapon (-¼), Limited Arc
tion and a military base). Of Fire (60 Degrees; -½) 10
None of these sample vehicles are necessarily 2u 2) Close-Range Shot: RKA 3d6, Autofire
from the same setting; consider each one separately, (5 shots; +½); OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon
as an individual example of a possible ship, not in (-¼), Limited Arc Of Fire (60 Degrees; -½) 7
comparison to the others. 10 Starship Force Shield: Force Field (15 PD/
15 ED); OIF Bulky (shield generators; -1),
Ablative (-1) 3
Val Char Cost Notes
75 STR 0 Lift 800 tons; 15d6 [0] Operations Systems
23 BODY 0 46 Sensor And Communication Systems:
20”x10” Size 65 Mass 800 tons; -13 KB; -8 Variable Power Pool, 40 base + 20 control
DCV cost; OIF Bulky (-1), Only For Senses
12 DEF 30 And Communications (-1), Costs
10 DEX 0 OCV: 3/DCV: 3 Endurance (-½) var
3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12 70 Long-Range Sensors: MegaScale (1 light-
Total Characteristic Cost: 105 year per Active Point, can scale down to 1
km per Active Point; +3½) for any Sensor Pool
Movement: Ground: 0”/0” Sense; OIF Bulky (-1) var
Flight: 60”/240” 15 Long-Range Sensors: +20 versus Range
FTL: 16 LY/year for Radio Group; OIF Bulky (-1) 0
3 Navigation Computer: +4 to Navigation
Abilities & Equipment (Space) roll; OAF Bulky (-1 ½) 0
Cost Power END 17 Internal Monitors: Clairsentience (Sight
Power Systems And Hearing Groups), Mobile Perception
34 Fusion Power Plant: Endurance Reserve Point, Multiple Perception Points (up to
(100 END/100 REC); OAF Immobile (-2), eight at once); OAF Immobile (-2),
Only Powers Electrical Devices (-¼) 0 Perception Point Cannot Move Through
13 Auxiliary Power: Endurance Reserve (40 Solid Objects (-0) 5
END/40 REC); OAF Immobile (-2), Only
Powers Electrical Devices (-¼) 0 Personnel Systems
12 Life Support: Life Support (Self-Contained
Propulsion Systems Breathing; Safe Environments: High
83 Fusion Engines With FTL Enhancements: Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low
Multipower, 125-point reserve, all Costs Pressure/Vacuum); Costs Endurance (-½) 2
Endurance (-½) 5 Backup Life Support: Life Support (Self-
8u 1) Standard Flight: Flight 60”, Contained Breathing; Safe Environments:
x4 Noncombat; Costs Endurance (-½) 12 High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat,
1u 2) FTL Flight: FTL Travel (16 LY/year); Low Pressure/Vacuum); Only Within
Costs Endurance (-½), Extra Time Affected Area (2.5” x 1.25” chamber; -2), 1
(requires 1 Minute to engage engine, but Continuing Fuel Charge (easily replaced
engine thereafter does not require Extra from sources outside the ship; 1 Month
Time; -¾), Requires A PS: Fusion Engine [i.e., 300 man-days]; -0) [1cc]
Operation Roll (-¼) 2 10 Backup Life Support: 3 more Backup Life
20 Thrusters: Flight 10” 2 Support chambers (total of 4)
-12 Spaceflight Only: Running -6” 3 Food Supplies: Life Support (Diminished
-2 Spaceflight Only: Swimming -2” Eating: no need to eat); 1 Continuing
Fuel Charge (easily replaced from sources
Tactical Systems outside the ship; 1 Year [i.e., 10 man-
45 Omnipurpose Laser: Multipower, years]; -0) [1cc]
101-point reserve; all OIF Bulky (-1), 15 Artificial Gravity: Telekinesis (20 STR),
Real Weapon (-¼)
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 223

Selective (+½); OIF Bulky (-1), Only To

Pull Objects Straight Down To The Talents
Floor (-1) 3 3 Clock: Absolute Time Sense
5 Memory: Eidetic Memory
Total Abilities & Equipment Cost: 402 3 Calculator: Lightning Calculator
Total Vehicle Cost: 507 3 Instant-On Feature: Lightsleep
6 Scanner: Speed Reading (x100)
Value Disadvantages 20 Translator: Universal Translator 12-
10 Physical Limitation: Cannot Enter Atmo-
spheres (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing) Total Abilities Cost: 131
Total Computer Cost: 152
Total Disadvantage Points: 10
Total Cost: 497/5 = 99 Value Disadvantages
Description: This 800-ton merchant ship consists To be chosen by the players (if any)
mainly of a relatively small area in which the
ten-man crew lives and works, and huge amounts Total Disadvantage Points: 0
of space for cargo. (You can also convert it to a Total Cost: 152/5 = 30
passenger liner by changing the cargo areas into FIGHTER
cabins.) It has a single forward laser for use as a
Val Char Cost Notes
tool or weapon. It carries enough food to support
30 STR 0 Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 [0]
its crew for a year, or more people for less time.
20 BODY 6
Merchant Ship’s Computer 2½”x1¼” Size 20 Mass 1.6 tons; -4 KB; -2 DCV
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 8 DEF 18
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- 20 DEX 30 OCV: 7/DCV: 7
13 DEX 9 12- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
3 SPD 7 Phases: 4, 8, 12 Total Characteristic Cost: 84
Total Characteristic Cost: 21
Movement: Ground: 0”/0”
Cost Skills Flight: 30”/120”
3 Cryptography 12-
3 Electronics 12- Abilities & Equipment
21 AK: Milky Way Galaxy 30- Cost Power END
2 KS: Archived Recent News 11- Power Systems
5 KS: Current News 14- 27 Fusion Power Plant: Endurance Reserve
11 KS: Known Sentient Species 20- (80 END/80 REC); OAF Immobile (-2),
5 KS: Movies Database 14- Only Powers Electrical Devices (-¼) 0
5 KS: Music Database 14- 7 Auxiliary Power: Endurance Reserve (20
3 Mechanics 12- END/20 REC); OAF Immobile (-2), Only
4 Navigation (Space) 14- Powers Electrical Devices (-¼) 0
2 SS: Astronomy 11-
2 SS: Mathematics 11- Propulsion Systems
12 Systems Operation (Communications 43 Fusion Engines: Flight 30”, x4 Noncombat;
Systems, Environmental Systems, Medical Costs Endurance (-½) 6
Systems, FTL Sensors, Radar)14- 8 Thrusters: Flight 4” 0
2 TF: Commercial Spacecraft & Space Yachts -12 Spaceflight Only: Running -6”
1 WF: Merchant Ship Weapons -2 Spaceflight Only: Swimming -2”

Programs Tactical Systems

1 Diagnose Ship Malfunction 53 Forward Ion Cannon: Multipower,
1 Monitor Internal Monitor System, Report 119-point reserve; all OIF Bulky (-1), Real
Anomalies Weapon (-¼)
1 Monitor Communications System, Report 4u 1) Distant Shot: RKA 1½d6, NND
Anomalies (defense is ED Force Field or Force Wall;
1 Monitor Sensor Systems, Report Anomalies +1), Does BODY (+1), MegaScale (1” = 1
1 Obtain Latest Market/Financial Data Via km; +¼), Autofire (5 shots; +1½); OIF
Communications System Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-¼), Limited
1 Pilot Ship From Location A To Location B Arc Of Fire (60 Degrees; -½) 9
1 Scan And Enter Data 4u 2) Close-Range Shot: RKA 1½d6, NND
1 Schedule Ships Events/Use Of Ship’s (defense is ED Force Field or Force Wall;
Resources +1), Does BODY (+1), Autofire (5 shots;
1 Search Reference Material For Information +½); OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-¼),
On A Topic Limited Arc Of Fire (60 Degrees; -½) 6
1 Send Emergency Call If Specified Protocols 31 Side Ion Cannons: Multipower, 56-point
Are Not Met reserve; all OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-¼)
224 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
8 Maneuverability: +4 with Flight
3 Navigation Computer: +4 to Navigation
(Space) roll; OAF Bulky (-1 ½) 0

Total Abilities & Equipment Cost: 288

Total Vehicle Cost: 372

Value Disadvantages
To be chosen by the players (if any)

Total Disadvantage Points: 0

Total Cost: 372/5 = 74
Description: This starship is a small fighter with a
one- or two-person crew. It’s not intended for long
flights or FTL travel; it’s designed for speed and
maneuverability in a battle to which it’s been ferried
by a much larger carrier vessel. It can enter atmo-
spheres if necessary, and mounts a large forward ion
blaster and five smaller ones (one on each other side).
Fighter’s Computer
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-
3u 1) Distant Shot: RKA 1d6, NND (defense 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
is ED Force Field or Force Wall; +1), Does 4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
BODY (+1), MegaScale (1” = 1 km; +¼), Total Characteristic Cost: 50
Autofire (5 shots; +1½); OIF Bulky (-1), Real
Weapon (-¼), Limited Arc Of Fire (60 Cost Skills
Degrees; -½) 9 9 Cryptography 16-
2u 2) Close-Range Shot: RKA 1d6, NND 3 Electronics 13-
(defense is ED Force Field or Force Wall; 20 AK: Milky Way Galaxy 30-
+1), Does BODY (+1), Autofire (5 shots; 10 KS: Known Sentient Species 20-
+1½); OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-¼), 3 Mechanics 13-
Limited Arc Of Fire (60 2 Navigation (Space) 13-
Degrees; -½) 6 2 SS: Astronomy 11-
15 Side Ion Cannons: Four more Side Ion 2 SS: Mathematics 11-
Cannons (total of five) 12 Systems Operation (Communications
15 Weapons Reserve Power: Endurance Reserve Systems, Environmental Systems, FTL
(30 END/30 REC); OIF Bulky (-1), Only Sensors, Radar)16-
Powers Ship’s Weapons (-¼) 0 2 TF: Military Spacecraft
14 Forward Defenses: Armor (6 PD/18 ED); 1 WF: Ion Cannon
Ablative (-1), Limited Coverage (180
Degrees forward; -½) 0 Programs
14 Aft Defenses: Armor (6 PD/18 ED); 1 Attack Target
Ablative (-1), Limited Coverage (180 1 Diagnose Ship Malfunction
Degrees aft; -½) 0 1 Locate Target
1 Monitor Communications System, Report
Operations Systems Anomalies
20 Sensors: Radar (Radio Group), Increased 1 Monitor Sensor Systems, Report Anomalies
Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Telescopic 1 Obtain Latest Tactical Data Via
(+20 versus Range); OIF Bulky (-1) 0 Communications System
16 Long-Range Attuning: MegaScale (1,000 1 Pilot Ship From Location A To Location B
km per Active Point, can scale down to 1 1 Scan And Enter Data
km per Active Point; +1) for Sensors; 1 Search Reference Material For Information
OIF Bulky (-1), Costs Endurance (-½) 5 On A Topic
1 Send Emergency Call If Pilot Incapacitated/
Personnel Systems Killed
12 Life Support: Life Support (Self-Contained 1 Send Emergency Call If Specified Protocols
Breathing; Safe Environments: High Are Not Met
Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low
Pressure/Vacuum); Costs Endurance (-½) 2 Talents
3 Artificial Gravity: Telekinesis (5 STR); 3 Clock: Absolute Time Sense
OIF Bulky (-1), Only To Pull Objects 5 Memory: Eidetic Memory
Straight Down To The Floor (-1) 1 3 Calculator: Lightning Calculator
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 225

3 Instant-On Feature: Lightsleep Piercing (+½); OIF Bulky (-1), Real

4 Scanner: Speed Reading (x10) Weapon (-¼), Limited Arc Of Fire (One
20 Translator: Universal Translator 13- Hex Row; -¾) 22
76 Secondary Beamguns: Multipower,
Total Abilities Cost: 115 210-point reserve, all OIF Bulky (-1),
Total Computer Cost: 165 Real Weapon (-¼), Limited Arc Of Fire (60
Degrees; -½)
Value Disadvantages 8u 1) Distant Shot: RKA 8d6, Armor Piercing
To be chosen by the players (if any) (+½), MegaScale (1” = 1 km; +¼); OIF
Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-¼), Limited
Total Disadvantage Points: 0 Arc Of Fire (60 Degrees; -½) 21
Total Cost: 165/5 = 33 6u 2) Close-Range Shot: RKA 8d6, Armor
Piercing (+½); OIF Bulky (-1), Real
Weapon (-¼), Limited Arc Of Fire
Val Char Cost Notes (60 Degrees; -½) 18
145 STR 0 Lift 12.5 mtons; 29d6 [0] 25 Secondary Beamguns: 31 more
40 BODY 3 Secondary Beamguns (total of 32)
500”x250” Size 135 Mass 12.5 mtons; -27 KB; -18 200 Intense Interferiation Field: Darkness to
DCV Radio Group 10” radius, MegaArea (1” =
25 DEF 69 1 million km; +1 ¾), MegaRange (1” =
15 DEX 15 OCV: 5/DCV: 5 10 million km; +2), Reduced Endurance
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12 (½ END; +¼); OAF Bulky (-1 ½) 23
Total Characteristic Cost: 227 56 ECCM: Suppress Electronic Warfare 8d6,
any two Powers simultaneously (+½),
Movement: Ground: 0”/0” MegaRange (1” = 10 million km; +2);
Flight: 10”/40” OAF Bulky (-1 ½) 14
FTL: 1 LY/day 105 Primary Force Shield: Force Wall (40 PD/
40 ED; 125” long); OIF Bulky (shield
Abilities & Equipment generators; -1), Self Only (-½), Restricted
Cost Power END Shape (one-fourth of “bubble” around ship;
Power Systems -¼), Extra Time (1 minute to re-erect
677 Antimatter Power Plant: Endurance Reserve Force Wall after it collapses; -1 ½) 45
(2,000 END/2,000 REC); OAF Immobile 10 Primary Force Shield: 3 more Primary
(-2), Only Powers Electrical Devices (-¼) 0 Force Shields (total of 4; each covers
135 Auxiliary Power: Endurance Reserve one-fourth of the ship)
(400 END/400 REC); OAF Immobile 7 Secondary Force Shield: Force Field
(-2), Only Powers Electrical Devices (-¼) 0 (10 PD/10 ED); OIF Bulky (shield
59 Reserve Batteries: Endurance Reserve (120 generators; -1), Ablative (-1) 2
END/120 REC); OIF Bulky (-1), Only 14 Point Defense Laser System: Missile
Powers Electrical Devices (-¼) 0 Deflection (all physical projectiles), Range
(+1), MegaRange (1” = 1 km; +¼); OIF
Propulsion Systems Bulky (-1), Costs Endurance (-½) 3
19 Warp Drive: Multipower, 28-point reserve, 49 Weapons Reserve Power: Endurance
all Costs Endurance (-½) Reserve (100 END/100 REC); OIF Bulky
1u 1) Standard Flight: Flight 10”, (-1), Only Powers Ship’s Weapons (-¼) 0
x4 Noncombat; Costs Endurance (-½), Lim-
ited Maneuverability (-¼) 2 Operations Systems
1u 2) FTL Flight: FTL Travel (1 LY/day); 114 Sensor And Communication Systems:
Costs Endurance (-½), Increased Variable Power Pool, 100 base + 50
Endurance Cost (x10; -4), Requires A control cost; OIF Bulky (-1), Only For
PS: Warp Drive Operation Roll (-¼) 30 Senses And Communications (-1),
8 Thrusters: Flight 5”; Limited Maneuvera- Costs Endurance (-½) var
bility (-¼) 0 87 Long-Range Sensors: MegaScale (1 light-
-12 Spaceflight Only: Running -6” year per Active Point, can scale down to 1
-2 Spaceflight Only: Swimming -2” km per Active Point; +3½) for any Sensor Pool
Sense of up to 50 Active Points; OIF Bulky
Tactical Systems (-1) var
87 Main Beamgun: Multipower, 262-point 15 Long-Range Sensors: +20 versus Range
reserve, all OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-¼), for Radio Group; OIF Bulky (-1) 0
Limited Arc Of Fire (One Hex Row; -¾) 3 Enhanced Sensors/Communications: +4 to
9u 1) Distant Shot: RKA 10d6, Armor Systems Operation roll; OAF Bulky (-1½)
Piercing (+½), MegaScale (1” = 1 km; 20 Internal Monitors: Clairsentience (Sight
+¼); OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon (-¼), And Hearing Groups), 4x Range (1,000”),
Limited Arc Of Fire (One Hex Row; -¾) 26 Mobile Perception Point, Multiple
7u 2) Close-Range Shot: RKA 10d6, Armor Perception Points (up to eight at once);
226 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
OAF Immobile (-2), Perception Point
Cannot Move Through Solid Objects (-0) 6 Total Disadvantage Points: 35
54 Forward Tractor Beam: Telekinesis (100 Total Cost: 2,607/5 = 521
STR); OIF Bulky (projector; -1), Affects
Whole Object (-¼), Limited Arc Of Fire
(60 Degrees forward; -½) 15 Cost Power
5 Aft Tractor Beam: 1 more Tractor Beam 83 Nuclear Space Missile
(total of 2; this one fires 60 Degrees aft) 20 15 more Nuclear Space Missiles (total of 16)
Description: This large warship, a kilometer long
Personnel Systems and half as wide, is a major combat starship for an
12 Life Support: Life Support (Self- advanced interstellar empire. It carries a crew of
Contained Breathing; Safe Environments: 3,500 and mounts dozens of weapons.
High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense
Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum); Costs Warship’s Computer
Endurance (-½) 2 Val Char Cost Roll Notes
5 Backup Life Support: Life Support (Self- 30 INT 20 15- PER Roll 15-
Contained Breathing; Safe Environments: 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7
High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense 6 SPD 30 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum); Only Total Characteristic Cost: 80
Within Affected Area (40” x 20”
chamber; -2), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge Cost Skills
(easily replaced from sources outside 3 Computer Programming 15-
the ship; 1 Month [i.e., 105,000 3 Cryptography 15-
man-days]; -0) [1cc] 3 Electronics 15-
15 Backup Life Support: 7 more Backup 18 AK: Milky Way Galaxy 30-
Life Support areas (total of 8) 3 KS: Archived Recent News 15-
3 Food Supplies: Life Support (Diminished 3 KS: Current News 15-
Eating: no need to eat); 1 Continuing 8 KS: Known Sentient Species 20-
Fuel Charge (easily replaced from sources 3 KS: Movies Database 15-
outside the ship; 1 Year [i.e., 3,500 man- 3 KS: Music Database 15-
years]; -0) [1cc] 3 Mechanics 15-
15 Artificial Gravity: Telekinesis (20 STR), 2 Navigation (Space) 15-
Selective (+½); OIF Bulky (-1), Only To 3 SS: Astronomy 15-
Pull Objects Straight Down To The 3 SS: Mathematics 15-
Floor (-1) 3 20 Sciences (20 more points’ worth)
3 Backup Artificial Gravity: Telekinesis 8 Systems Operation (Communications
(5 STR); OIF Bulky (-1), Only To Pull Systems, Environmental Systems, Medical
Objects Straight Down To The Floor (-1) 1 Systems, FTL Sensors, Radar)15-
18 Medical Facilities: Paramedics 14- and 2 TF: Military Spacecraft
SS: Medicine 14- 0 1 WF: Warship Weapons

Skills/Laboratories Programs
16 Tactical Computer: +8 with Ship’s Weapons; 1 Attack Target
OIF Bulky (-1), Costs Endurance (-½) 4 1 Diagnose Ship Malfunction
3 Navigation Computer: +4 to Navigation 1 Locate Target
(Space) roll; OAF Bulky (-1 ½) 0 1 Monitor Internal Monitor System, Report
13 Computer Programming 14- 1 Monitor Communications System, Report
13 Cryptography 14- Anomalies
13 Demolitions 14- 1 Monitor Sensor Systems, Report Anomalies
13 Electronics 14- 1 Obtain Latest Tactical Data Via Communica-
13 Mechanics 14- tions System
15 Weaponsmith (Firearms, Missiles & Rockets, 1 Pilot Ship From Location A To Location B
Incendiary Weapons, Energy Weapons) 14- 1 Scan And Enter Data
100 Other laboratories (defined by GM or player) 1 Schedule Ships Events/Use Of Ship’s Resources
1 Search Reference Material For Information On
Total Abilities & Equipment Cost: 2,115 A Topic
Total Vehicle Cost: 2,642 1 Send Emergency Call If Designated Officers
Value Disadvantages 1 Send Emergency Call If Specified Protocols Are
25 Distinctive Features: deadly warship Not Met
(Not Concealable; Causes Extreme Reaction
[abject fear]) Talents
10 Physical Limitation: Cannot Enter Atmo- 3 Clock: Absolute Time Sense
spheres (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing) 5 Memory: Eidetic Memory
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 227

3 Calculator: Lightning Calculator 2 Nightsight System: Infrared Perception

3 Instant-On Feature: Lightsleep (Sight Group); OIF Bulky (-1), Costs
8 Scanner: Speed Reading (x1,000) Endurance (-½) 1
20 Translator: Universal Translator 15- 2 Nightsight System: Ultraviolet Perception
(Sight Group); OIF Bulky (-1), Costs
Total Abilities Cost: 144 Endurance (-½) 1
Total Computer Cost: 224 4 360 View System: Increased Arc Of
Perception (360 Degrees) for Sight Group);
Value Disadvantages OIF Bulky (-1), Costs Endurance (-½) 1
To be chosen by the players (if any) 5 Mech Communications System: HRRP;
OIF Bulky (-1), Costs Endurance (-½) 1
Total Disadvantage Points: 0 5 Hardened Sensor/Commo Systems:
Total Cost: 224/5 = 45 Radio Group Flash Defense (10 points);
OIF Bulky (-1) 0
Val Char Cost Notes Personnel Systems
65 STR 0 Lift 200 tons; 13d6 [0] 11 Life Support: Life Support (Self-Contained
25 BODY 4 Breathing; Safe Environments: High
12.5”x6.4” Size 55 Mass 200 tons; -11 KB; -7 DCV Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat);
20 DEF 54 Costs Endurance (-½) 2
18 DEX 24 OCV: 6/DCV: 6
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 Skills
Total Characteristic Cost: 149 6 Tactical Computer: +3 with Mech Weapons;
OIF Bulky (-1), Costs Endurance (-½) 1
Movement: Ground: 25”/50”
Leaping: 40”/80” Total Abilities & Equipment Cost: 316
Total Vehicle Cost: 465
Abilities & Equipment
Cost Power END Value Disadvantages
Power Systems To be chosen by the players (if any)
29 Power Plant: Endurance Reserve (60 END/
60 REC); OIF Bulky (-1), Only Powers Total Disadvantage Points: 0
Electrical Devices (-¼) 0 Total Cost: 465/5 = 93
5 Auxiliary Power: Endurance Reserve (10
Description: This is a fairly basic combat mech,
END/10 REC); OIF Bulky (-1), Only
standing about 80 feet tall. Its cockpit has room
Powers Electrical Devices (-¼) 0
for a single pilot, who controls all functions of the
mech; it does not have a computer capable of oper-
Propulsion Systems
ating the vehicle independently. It mounts three
4 Mech Limbs: Extra Limbs (4 — two legs,
major weapons: cannons on each of its arms, and a
two arms); Limited Manipulation (-¼) 0
pod of rocket-launched bombs on its left shoulder.
25 Mech Limbs: Running +19” (25” total);
Costs Endurance (-½) 4 MAKARIDES HIGH PORT
40 Jumpjets: Leaping +40” (40” forward, 20” Val Char Cost Notes
upward); 16 Charges (-0) [16] 30 BODY 28
1,000”x500” Size 48 -20 DCV
Tactical Systems 12 DEF 30
52 Laser Assault Cannon: RKA 4d6, Armor Total Characteristic Cost: 106
Piercing (+½), Increased Maximum Range
(x5, or 2,250”; +¼); OIF Bulky (-1) 10 Movement: Flight: 5”/10”
45 Gatling Laser: RKA 3d6, Armor Piercing
(+½), Autofire (5 shots; +½); OIF Bulky (-1) 9 Abilities & Equipment
45 Rocket-Launched Bombs Pod: RKA 3d6, Cost Power END
Explosion (-1 DC/2”; +¾), Indirect (can 25 Space Station: Location: In Space 0
arc attack over intervening obstacles;
+¼); OIF Bulky (-1), 16 Charges (-0) [16] Power Systems
20 Targeting Sensors: Find Weakness 13- 338 Fusion Power Plant: Endurance Reserve
with all Mecha Ranged Weapons; Costs (1,000 END/1,000 REC); OAF Immobile
Endurance (-½) 3 (-2), Only Powers Electrical Devices (-¼) 0
68 Auxiliary Power: Endurance Reserve
Operations Systems (200 END/200 REC); OAF Immobile (-2),
16 Mech Sensors: Radar (Radio Group), Only Powers Electrical Devices (-¼) 0
Discriminatory, Increased Arc Of Perception
(360 Degrees), Telescopic (+14 versus Propulsion Systems
Range Modifier); OIF Bulky (-1), Costs 8 Thrusters: Flight 5”; Limited Maneuver-
Endurance (-½) 4 ability (-¼) 0
228 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
87 Long-Range Sensors: MegaScale (1 light-
year per Active Point, can scale down to 1
km per Active Point; +3½) for any Sensor Pool
Sense of up to 50 Active Points; OIF Bulky
(-1) var
22 Long-Range Sensors: +30 versus Range
for Radio Group; OIF Bulky (-1) 0
3 Enhanced Sensors/Communications: +4 to
Systems Operation roll; OAF Bulky (-1 ½)
22 Internal Monitors: Clairsentience (Sight
And Hearing Groups), 8x Range (2,000”),
Mobile Perception Point, Multiple Percep-
tion Points (up to eight at once); OAF
Immobile (-2), Perception Point Cannot
Move Through Solid Objects (-0) 5
54 Tractor Beams: Telekinesis (100 STR);
OIF Bulky (projector; -1), Affects Whole
Object (-¼), Limited Arc Of Fire (60
Degrees forward; -½) 15
15 Tractor Beams: 7 more Tractor Beam
(total of 8)

Personnel Systems
12 Life Support: Life Support (Self-Contained
Breathing; Safe Environments: High
Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low
Pressure/Vacuum); Costs Endurance (-½) 2
Tactical And Security Systems 5 Backup Life Support: Life Support (Self-
73 Space Combat Lasers: Multipower, 202-point Contained Breathing; Safe Environments:
reserve; all OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat,
(-¼), Limited Arc Of Fire (60 Degrees; -½) Low Pressure/Vacuum); Only Within
7u 1) Distant Shot: RKA 6d6, Autofire (5 Affected Area (40” x 20” chamber; -2), 1
shots; +½), MegaRange (1” = 10 km, can Continuing Fuel Charge (easily replaced
scale down to 1” = 1 km; +¾); OIF Bulky from sources outside the ship; 1 Month
(-1), Real Weapon (-¼), Limited Arc Of [i.e., 390,000 man-days]; -0) [1cc]
Fire (60 Degrees; -½) 20 15 Backup Life Support: 7 more Backup Life
5u 2) Close-Range Shot: RKA 6d6, Autofire Support areas (total of 8)
(5 shots; +½); OIF Bulky (-1), Real 3 Food Supplies: Life Support (Diminished
Weapon (-¼), Limited Arc Of Fire (60 Eating: no need to eat); 1 Continuing
Degrees; -½) 13 Fuel Charge (easily replaced from sources
20 Space Combat Lasers: 15 more Space outside the ship; 1 Year [i.e., 13,000
Combat Lasers (total of 16) man-years]; -0) [1cc]
164 Primary Force Shield: Force Wall (40 PD/ 15 Artificial Gravity: Telekinesis (20 STR),
40 ED; 250” long); OIF Bulky (shield Selective (+½); OIF Bulky (-1), Only To Pull
generators; -1), Self Only (-½), Restricted Objects Straight Down To The Floor (-1) 3
Shape (one-fourth of “bubble” around sta- 3 Backup Artificial Gravity: Telekinesis (5
tion; -¼), Extra Time (1 minute to re-erect STR); OIF Bulky (-1), Only To Pull Objects
Force Wall after it collapses; -1 ½) 70 Straight Down To The Floor (-1) 1
10 Primary Force Shield: 3 more Primary 18 Medical Facilities: Paramedics 14- and
Force Shields (total of 4; each covers one- SS: Medicine 14- 0
forth of the station)
14 Point Defense Laser System: Missile Skills/Laboratories
Deflection (all physical projectiles), Range 80 Laboratories (defined by GM or player)
(+1), MegaRange (1” = 1 km; +¼); OIF
Bulky (-1), Costs Endurance (-½) 3 Total Abilities & Equipment Cost: 1,210
10 Cell Block: DEF +8, Cannot Be Escaped Total Vehicle Cost: 1,316
With Teleportation (+¼); Partial
Coverage (45 hexes; -2) 0 Value Disadvantages
To be chosen by the players (if any)
Operations Systems
114 Sensor And Communication Systems: Total Disadvantage Points: 0
Variable Power Pool, 100 base + 50 Total Cost: 1,316/5 = 263
control cost; OIF Bulky (-1), Only For
Senses And Communications (-1), Costs Description: Occupying a prime LaGrange point
Endurance (-½) var between the mining planet Makarides IV and her
largest moon, the Makarides High Port is the largest
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 229

and most diverse trading post for dozens of systems Talents

around. Consisting of a Central Station about one 3 Clock: Absolute Time Sense
kilometer long, plus dozens of square or rectangular 5 Memory: Eidetic Memory
superstructures attached in seemingly chaotic fashion, 3 Calculator: Lightning Calculator
it’s about two kilometers long overall, and half as wide. 3 Instant-On Feature: Lightsleep
It has a staff of 3,000, plus the capacity to support 10 Scanner: Speed Reading (x10,000)
another 10,000 visitors and inhabitants. 20 Translator: Universal Translator 14-
The lower sections of the station are devoted
mainly to bulk industrial items, such as ore mined Total Abilities Cost: 131
from the planet below, foodstuffs, and the like. “Dirt- Total Computer Cost: 166
side,” as the inhabitants of the High Port call this sec-
tion, is a rough-and-tumble place, often dangerous for Value Disadvantages
those not accustomed to its ways. The upper parts of To be chosen by the players (if any)
the station — “Starside” — are given over to shops, res-
taurants, nicer residence chambers, service businesses, Total Disadvantage Points: 0
offices, and the like. Just about anything one wants, Total Cost: 166/5 = 33
one can find for sale here; characters making Trad-
ing rolls to determine if a particular item is available ORBITAL MILITARY BASE
receive a +2 bonus to their rolls. Val Char Cost Notes
30 BODY 28
Makarides Computer 200”x100” Size 34 -15 DCV
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 15 DEF 39
25 INT 15 14- PER Roll 14- Total Characteristic Cost: 101
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
3 SPD 5 Phases: 4, 8, 12 Movement: Flight: 5”/10”
Total Characteristic Cost: 35
Abilities & Equipment
Cost Skills Cost Power END
3 Cryptography 14- 25 Space Station: Location: In Space 0
3 Electronics 14-
19 AK: Milky Way Galaxy 30- Power Systems
3 KS: Archived Recent News 14- 406 Fusion Power Plant: Endurance Reserve
3 KS: Current News 14- (1,200 END/1,200 REC); OAF Immobile
9 KS: Known Sentient Species 20- (-2), Only Powers Electrical Devices (-¼) 0
9 KS: Movies Database 20- 101 Auxiliary Power: Endurance Reserve
9 KS: Music Database 20- (300 END/300 REC); OAF Immobile (-2),
3 Mechanics 14- Only Powers Electrical Devices (-¼) 0
2 Navigation (Space) 14- 44 Reserve Batteries: Endurance Reserve
2 SS: Astronomy 11- (90 END/90 REC); OIF Bulky (-1), Only
2 SS: Mathematics 11- Powers Electrical Devices (-¼) 0
8 Systems Operation (Communications
Systems, Environmental Systems, Medical Propulsion Systems
Systems, FTL Sensors, Radar)14- 5 Thrusters: Flight 3”; Limited Maneuver-
1 WF: Makarides High Port Weapons ability (-¼) 0
Programs Tactical And Security Systems
1 Attack Target 136 Superheavy Lasers: Multipower, 375-point
1 Diagnose Station Malfunction reserve; all OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon
1 Locate Target (-¼), Limited Arc Of Fire (60 Degrees; -½)
1 Monitor Internal Monitor System, Report 14u 1) Distant Shot: RKA 10d6, Autofire
Anomalies (4 shots; +½), MegaRange (1” = 100 km,
1 Monitor Communications System, Report can scale down to 1” = 1 km; +1); OIF Bulky
Anomalies (-1), Real Weapon (-¼), Limited Arc Of
1 Monitor Sensor Systems, Report Anomalies Fire (60 Degrees; -½) 37
1 Obtain Latest Market/Financial Data Via 8u 2) Close-Range Shot: RKA 10d6, Autofire
Communications System (4 shots; +½); OIF Bulky (-1), Real Weapon
1 Scan And Enter Data (-¼), Limited Arc Of Fire (60 Degrees; -½) 22
1 Schedule Station Events/Use Of Station 15 Superheavy Lasers: 5 more Superheavy
Resources Lasers (total of 6)
1 Search Reference Material For Information 82 Railguns: RKA 6d6, Armor Piercing (+½),
On A Topic Increased Maximum Range (421,875”, or
1 Send Emergency Call If Specified Protocols approximately 843 km; +1); OIF Bulky (-1),
Are Not Met Real Weapon (-¼), Limited Arc Of Fire
(60 Degrees; -½) 22
15 Railguns: 5 more Railguns (total of 6)
230 ■ Starships And Space Stations HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
56 ECCM: Suppress Electronic Warfare 8d6, Pressure/Vacuum); Costs Endurance (-½) 2
any two Powers simultaneously (+½), 5 Backup Life Support: Life Support (Self-
MegaRange (1” = 10 million km; +2); OAF Contained Breathing; Safe Environments:
Bulky (-1 ½) 14 High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense
94 Primary Force Shield: Force Wall (60 PD/ Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum); Only
60 ED; 50” long); OIF Bulky (shield Within Affected Area (12” x 12” chamber;
generators; -1), Self Only (-½), Restricted -2), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge (easily
Shape (one-fourth of “bubble” around replaced from sources outside the ship; 1
station; -¼), Extra Time (1 minute to Month [i.e., 1,800 man-days]; -0) [1cc]
re-erect Force Wall after it collapses; -1½) 40 15 Backup Life Support: 7 more Backup
10 Primary Force Shield: 3 more Primary Force Life Support areas (total of 8)
Shields (total of 4; each covers one-fourth of 3 Food Supplies: Life Support (Diminished
the ship) Eating: no need to eat); 1 Continuing
13 Secondary Force Shield: Force Field Fuel Charge (easily replaced from
(20 PD/20 ED); OIF Bulky (shield sources outside the ship; 1 Year [i.e.,
generators; -1), Ablative (-1) 4 60 man-years]; -0) [1cc]
14 Point Defense Laser System: Missile 15 Artificial Gravity: Telekinesis (20 STR),
Deflection (all physical projectiles), Selective (+½); OIF Bulky (-1), Only To
Range (+1), MegaRange (1” = 1 km; Pull Objects Straight Down To The
+¼); OIF Bulky (-1), Costs Floor (-1) 3
Endurance (-½) 3 3 Backup Artificial Gravity: Telekinesis
122 Weapons Reserve Power: Endurance (5 STR); OIF Bulky (-1), Only To Pull
Reserve (250 END/250 REC); OIF Bulky Objects Straight Down To The Floor (-1) 1
(-1), Only Powers Station’s Weapons (-¼) 0 18 Medical Facilities: Paramedics 14- and
10 Cell Block: DEF +8, Cannot Be Escaped SS: Medicine 14- 0
With Teleportation (+¼); Partial
Coverage (25”x12.5”; -2) 0 Skills/Laboratories
16 Tactical Computer: +8 with Ship’s
Operations Systems Weapons; OIF Bulky (-1), Costs
114 Sensor And Communication Systems: Endurance (-½) 4
Variable Power Pool, 100 base + 50
control cost; OIF Bulky (-1), Only For 13 Computer Programming 14-
Senses And Communications (-1), 13 Cryptography 14-
Costs Endurance (-½) var 13 Demolitions 14-
87 Long-Range Sensors: MegaScale (1 light- 13 Electronics 14-
year per Active Point, can scale down to 1 13 Mechanics 14-
km per Active Point; +3½) for any Sensor Pool 15 Weaponsmith (Firearms, Missiles & Rockets,
Sense of up to 50 Active Points; OIF Bulky Incendiary Weapons, Energy Weapons) 14-
(-1) var 100 Other laboratories (defined by GM or player)
7 Long-Range Sensors: +10 versus Range
for Radio Group; OIF Bulky (-1) 0 Total Abilities & Equipment Cost: 2,101
3 Enhanced Sensors/Communications: +4 Total Vehicle Cost: 2,202
to Systems Operation roll; OAF Bulky (-1½)
17 Internal Monitors: Clairsentience (Sight Value Disadvantages
And Hearing Groups), Mobile Perception To be chosen by the players (if any)
Point, Multiple Perception Points (up to
eight at once); OAF Immobile (-2), Total Disadvantage Points: 0
Perception Point Cannot Move Through Total Cost: 2,202/5 = 440
Solid Objects (-0) 5
54 Tractor Beams: Telekinesis (100 STR);
OIF Bulky (projector; -1), Affects Whole Cost Power
Object (-¼), Limited Arc Of Fire (60 83 Nuclear Space Missile
Degrees forward; -½) 15 15 7 more Nuclear Space Missiles (total of 8)
15 Tractor Beams: 5 more Tractor Beam Description: This writeup represents a small mili-
(total of 6) tary installation of the sort often found as part of
planetary orbital defense networks, or sometimes as
Personnel Systems an outpost along a dangerous frontier. It has a crew
12 Life Support: Life Support (Self-Contained of 60.
Breathing; Safe Environments: High
Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eight 231

Orbital Military Base Computer Anomalies

Val Char Cost Roll Notes 1 Monitor Communications System, Report
35 INT 25 16- PER Roll 16- Anomalies
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 1 Monitor Sensor Systems, Report Anomalies
6 SPD 30 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 1 Obtain Latest Tactical Data Via Communica-
Total Characteristic Cost: 85 tions System
1 Scan And Enter Data
Cost Skills 1 Schedule Station Events/Use Of Station
3 Computer Programming 16- Resources
3 Cryptography 16- 1 Search Reference Material For Information
3 Electronics 16- On A Topic
17 AK: Milky Way Galaxy 30- 1 Send Emergency Call If Designated Officers
3 KS: Archived Recent News 16- Incapacitated/Killed
3 KS: Current News 16- 1 Send Emergency Call If Specified Protocols
7 KS: Known Sentient Species 20- Are Not Met
3 KS: Movies Database 16-
3 KS: Music Database 16- Talents
3 Mechanics 16- 3 Clock: Absolute Time Sense
2 Navigation (Space) 16- 5 Memory: Eidetic Memory
3 SS: Astronomy 16- 3 Calculator: Lightning Calculator
3 SS: Mathematics 16- 3 Instant-On Feature: Lightsleep
30 Sciences (30 more points’ worth, chosen by 10 Scanner: Speed Reading (x10,000)
the GM or player) 20 Translator: Universal Translator 16-
8 Systems Operation (Communications
Systems, Environmental Systems, Medical Total Abilities Cost: 151
Systems, FTL Sensors, Radar)16- Total Computer Cost: 236
1 WF: Orbital Military Base Weapons
Value Disadvantages
Programs To be chosen by the players (if any)
1 Attack Target
1 Diagnose Station Malfunction Total Disadvantage Points: 0
1 Locate Target Total Cost: 236/5 = 47
1 Monitor Internal Monitor System, Report
232 ■ Yesterday, Today, And Tomorrow HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

f the many ideas raised in science sion shows, and movies, and it’s fraught
fiction stories, few have captured with scenario ideas and plot hooks for
the imagination as thoroughly gaming. Unfortunately, it also creates
as time travel. The idea of being some problems in a gaming context. This
able to journey to the past or chapter looks at the methods and uses of
future has fueled many novels, televi- time travel in Star Hero games.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Nine 233

ime travel was invented as a concept the first
time somebody wished they hadn’t done
Expanded Time Travel Rules JARGON
something. In literature, the idea of visiting The basic rules in the HERO System 5th Edition,
another time was once solid fantasy, as in Revised for time-traveling with Extra-Dimensional Time Travel is a really
Mark Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Movement are straightforward and simple. For hard concept for Human
Court. With the rise of physics models of “spacetime,” minds to grasp, so the
gamers desiring more detail, or time travel-based
technical vocabulary
in which time is considered as essentially a fourth campaigns requiring more precision, here’s an relating to the subject is
“dimension,” the idea of moving about in time got expansion of the time travel rules. complex and includes
a bit more scientific respectability. In his first novel, “Time” counts as a single dimension for lots of shorthand terms.
H.G. Wells dressed up the notion of time travel in purposes of Extra-Dimensional Movement, but Here is some standard
technological trappings, sending his protagonist to the characters must pay +20 Character Points (in addi- lingo for the time travel
future aboard a “time machine” and drawing an anal- tion to the base cost of 20 Character Points for any business:
ogy between a balloon moving in three dimensions Extra-Dimensional Movement) to travel in time.
and the machine moving in four. For that total base cost of 40 Character Points, the Causality: The idea
character can travel to a single moment in time, that things happen in
defined when the power is bought. Time travel a particular order. If A
REAL-LIFE MECHANICS occurs only in the physical dimension the char- causes B, then A has to
happen before B. If for
acter is in when he uses the power. For example,
In recent decades, time travel has made several some reason B happens
a character on Earth cannot time travel to Hell or before A does, causality
big jumps toward possibility, as physicists (many
Valhalla (though he could have two Extra-Dimen- has been violated. Mar-
of them SF fans) played around with concepts of
sional Powers, one physical and one temporal, that rying your grandmother
modern cosmology to find shortcuts through time.
in combination allowed him to do so). and becoming your own
According to physicist Steven Hawking, a rotating
If a character wants to travel to more than a ancestor violates causal-
black hole distorts spacetime in such a way that one
single moment in time, he must pay more Charac- ity because you have
can go backward or forward in time by selecting the to exist before you can
ter Points. The ability to travel to a related group
appropriate trajectory for a close pass. Of course, the exist. Seeing something
of moments in time, in the past or the future, no
tidal forces involved in close encounters with a black before it happens is also
matter how far removed in time from the present
hole can exceed tens of gees across a single meter, and a causality violation.
moment, costs +5 Character Points. The GM deter-
a spaceship must be going an appreciable fraction of
mines what constitutes a “related group”; examples
the speed of light for such maneuvers. But a physicist Paradox: A self-con-
typically include all instances of a particular date
would call those mere engineering details. tradicting causality
(e.g., any July 4 in any year), or any date within a violation. Shooting your
Another method is the possible creation of a
specific, limited span of time (e.g., one specific day, grandfather before he
“wormhole” connecting two places that are separate
one specific year). can sire your father is
in spacetime. Starships could also use wormholes for
Some characters may want to travel to any a paradox (in fact, it’s
faster-than-light travel (page 194). Current theories
moment in time within a particular timeframe, the famous “grandfather
require staggering amounts of energy to create them,
such as “within my lifetime” or “within 500 years, paradox”) because you
along with the need for “negative energy” to keep have prevented yourself
past or future, from the present moment.” To do
them open. But again, those are matters for the engi- from ever existing. If
this, they spend points to buy the range across
neers. you don’t exist, then you
which they may travel. For +1 Character Point, the
In point of fact, any method of going faster than can’t have shot Grandpa.
character may travel forward or backward in time
light must necessarily be a way to travel in time as Which means you will
by up to 1 Turn (12 seconds). Thus, if he were in exist, and can do it after
well, since outpacing light leads to violations of cau-
Segment 6 of Turn 2 of a combat, he could travel all. And so on.
to any Segment up to Segment 6 of Turn 3 (but no
further into the future), or to any Segment back to Time Loop: A special
GAME MECHANICS Segment 6 of Turn 1 (but no further into the past).
For each additional +1 point, he may expand his
paradox in which a time
traveler does some-
In the HERO System, physically visiting other range of travel by one step down the Time Chart thing which leads to
times is an application of the Power Extra-Dimen- (see the accompanying Expanded Time Chart). his traveling in time in
sional Movement. If the power has a Focus or is built Thus, to travel to any point in time within 50 Bil- the first place. Loops
into a Vehicle, then you’ve got a Time Machine. Com- lion Years in the future or 50 Billion Years in the include becoming your
munication between different times is best simulated past costs +27 Character Points (for a total cost of own ancestor, giving
future technology to the
by the Clairsentience Power, with the Transmit and 67 points for the power). If the character can only
Dimensional modifiers. travel one direction in time (backward to the past, Continued on next page
234 ■ Yesterday, Today, And Tomorrow HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Continued from last page or forward to the future), halve this additional cost.
inventor of time travel, Regardless of how many moments in time a TIME CHART (EXPANDED)
starting life on Earth via character can travel to, he can only time travel to
sloppy trash disposal, or a single physical location in the dimension he’s in Time Period/Duration
setting off the Big Bang. 1 Segment
when he uses the power. By default, this location
Time loops violate cau- 1 Phase
is defined as the location he’s in when he activates 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12)
sality by requiring the the Power — if he starts in Chicago in 2002, he can
effect to exist before the 1 Minute
travel back to 1636 or forward to 3312, but he’ll 5 Minutes
still be in Chicago (or whatever it used to be/will 20 Minutes
become — which may prove hazardous for him!). 1 Hour
For +2 Character Points, he may define his time 6 Hours
travel as always taking him to the same location, 1 Day
no matter where he is when he uses Extra-Dimen- 1 Week
sional Movement — he always time travels to 1 Month
1 Season (3 months)
London, no matter where he is when he activates
1 Year
the Power. For +5 Character Points, he can go to 5 Years
a related group of physical locations in the same 25 Years
dimension (say, any place in England). For +10 1 Century
Character Points, he can go to any physical location 5 Centuries
in the same dimension. However, characters cannot 2,500 Years
use this as a cheap form of worldwide Teleporta- 10,000 Years
tion (e.g., “I’ll travel to two seconds from now in 50,000 Years
Tokyo!”) — they must engage in what the GM con- 250,000 Years
siders legitimate time travel. 1 Million Years
5 Million Years
Extra-Dimensional Movement is a “stop
25 Million Years
sign” power, and time travel doubly so. The time 100 Million Years
travel method outlined above is not intended as a 500 Million Years
combat ability, or a way for a character to go back 2.5 Billion Years
and “re-do” the actions of the past few Segments 10 Billion Years
or Turns just because they didn’t turn out the way 50 Billion Years
the character wanted. If a character wants to have
time-manipulation powers that work in combat, he should buy those as specific Powers with a “time
manipulation” effect. (See Captain Chronos on page
135 of Conquerors, Killers, And Crooks for some
examples of this.) Gamemasters should carefully
monitor all uses of Extra-Dimensional Movement
in general, and time travel in particular, to prevent
abuse or loss of game balance; as always, the GM
should forbid any use of a power he considers
improper or harmful to the game.
Example Time Machines
Here are a few example time travel devices,
using the expanded rules presented in the text.
Prices assume time travel technology is “cutting
Time Belt: This device is a concealable one-person
time machine, with limited range and an inconve-
nient recharge time. It can take its wearer and a few
pounds of gear on hops of up to a century; but the
miniature cold fusion power supply needs a day to
recharge the batteries for each jump. Characters can
link multiple Time Belts with cables for synchro-
nized hops by more than one person. Price: 13,400
credits, or more.
Extra-Dimensional Movement (any date up to
50 Billion years in the future or the past) (67
Active Points); OIF (-½); Can Only Move Up
To 100 Years At A Time (-½), 1 Charge (-2).
Total cost: 17 points.

Wells Device: Patterned after the device described

in H.G. Wells’s The Time Machine, this time
machine is bulky but not immovable, and the
mechanism is fairly fragile. There is one seat for the
Star Hero ■ Chapter Nine 235

operator, but two people can squeeze aboard in a +½) (105 Active Points); OIF Fragile Bulky (-
pinch. It has a self-contained power supply suffi- 1¼), Extra Time (requires 1 Segment per 1,000
cient for a round-trip time voyage of up to a billion years traveled, minimum of 1 Full Phase; -½),
years. Price: 21,000 credits, or more. Requires A PS: Operate Wells Device Roll (-¼).
Total cost: 35 points.
Extra-Dimensional Movement (any date up
to 1 Billion years in the future or the past), x2 Wormhole Gate, Standard: A simple hole through
Increased Weight, Reduced Endurance (0 END; spacetime, fixed in place physically. People and
information can move freely between any times in
the lifespan of the gate. So a gate activated in 2038
TIME TRAVEL SUMMARY and accidentally shut down in 4753 allows travel
Base Cost among any dates during that period, but could not
40 Character can travel to a single moment be used to visit 1879 or 5255. This is the most “hard
in time, defined when the power is science” type of time machine.
bought, only in the physical dimension
he’s in when he uses the power
Extradimensional Movement (any date up to
1 Million years in the future or the past), x16
Timespan Modifiers
Increased Weight, Reduced Endurance (0 END;
+5 Travel to a related group of discrete
moments in time
+½) (118 Active Points); OIF Fragile Immobile
+1 Travel forward or back in time by up to (-1¾), Independent (-2). Total cost: 25 points.
1 Turn in either direction; +1 point for
each additional increment on the Time Wormhole Gate, Fixed Dates: A variant time gate
Chart; if character can only travel to the allows passage between times separated by a fixed
past or to the future, halve this cost period. If the gate links, say, 2212 and 1773, then
Time Travel Location Modifiers characters can only travel between those times.
+0 No change in physical location; character Time passes normally at both ends, so a traveler
remains in the physical location he occu- who goes through the 2212 gate on January 1 and
pies when he activates the power spends three weeks in the past returns to January
+2 Any single physical location in the same 22. If he waits a month before going back in time
dimension the character occupies when again, he arrives in 1773 a month after he left for
he uses the power, defined when the the future. This is a tremendous benefit for game
power is bought, regardless of where the
play because characters can never use a fixed gate
character is when he activates the power
+5 A limited group of physical locations,
to loop back into their own pasts within the cam-
in the same dimension the character paign.
occupies when he uses the power, in the Extradimensional Movement (a fixed moment
moments in time the character can travel
in time — to January 1, 1773 from January 1,
+10 Any physical location, in the same
2212), x16 Increased Weight, Reduced Endur-
dimension the character occupies when ance (0 END; +½) (90 Active Points); OIF
he uses the power, in the moments in Fragile Immobile (-1¾), Independent (-2).
time the character can travel to Total cost: 19 points.
Travel In Time: Physical Location Same As Starting
Travel to a single moment in time
Travel to a related group of moments in
time Regardless of the scientific justification, in a
67 Travel to any moment in time within 50 game the “special effect” of how one actually travels
Billion Years, future or past in time has a tremendous influence on the struc-
Travel In Time: Single Physical Location Other Than ture of the campaign.
Starting Location
42 Travel to a single moment in time TIME MACHINES
47 Travel to a related group of moments in When most people think of a time machine,
time they think of a vehicle or device that one rides into
69 Travel to any moment in time within 50
the past or the future, like getting into a car and
Billion Years, future or past
riding to the store. This method gets rid of cumber-
Travel In Time: Limited Group Of Physical Locations some explanations about how to get home — you
45 Travel to a single moment in time
get back in the machine and shift into reverse
50 Travel to a related group of moments in
— and it makes it easy to send a small group and a
72 Travel to any moment in time within 50 moderate amount of equipment to another time.
Billion Years, future or past If the characters control the vehicle them-
Travel In Time: Any Physical Location
selves, the GM must give serious thought to how
50 Travel to a single moment in time easy it is to operate and how much power it has on
55 Travel to a related group of moments in board. If very precise time-hops are possible, the
time characters may be tempted to fix problems by going
77 Travel to any moment in time within 50 back half an hour and redoing their mistakes. On
Billion Years, future or past the other hand, imprecise controls make it hard to
236 ■ Yesterday, Today, And Tomorrow HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

hit specific historical events. from the Time Institute, the characters can’t mess
A time machine which the travelers don’t con- with causality unless the directors (and the GM)
trol themselves is one option: Mission Control back agree.
in their original time controls the time machine, and The size and permanence of the time gate can
the explorers go where their bosses send them, much be very important. If the gate can only stay open
like modern-day astronauts. (This is also a good long enough for the explorers to pass through, then
way to prevent paradoxes and time-loops: Mission it’s more like time jumping, described below. A per-
Control’s crack time engineers make sure they don’t manent gate means anybody can wander from one
happen.) time to another, creating the possibility of abundant
The biggest problem with time machines is that paradoxes and causality violations. Human-sized
characters are obsessed with protecting their ride gates are most appropriate for an exploration-cen-
home (and understandably so). This makes it hard tered adventure, but one can imagine time gates big
for the GM to involve them in plots and goings- enough for trains or even supertankers. This could
on in the past. A related problem is that the time allow large-scale trade (or warfare) between different
machine does impose limits on where and when the times.
explorers can go. Is there room on the deck of the
Marie Celeste for the Time Pod? How about aboard
the Hindenburg? Unless the device has really effec- Time travel might be akin to teleportation. You
tive camouflage, time missions will have to arrive in switch on the time machine or step into the booth,
deserted or wilderness areas (or, as on Doctor Who, and suddenly you’re in another time. (The tempo-
accept the consequences of sticking out like a sore ral transporters of Star Trek work this way.) The
thumb). big question is how you get back. If the time jump
is generated by a “time belt” or some other device
DOORS INTO SUMMER carried by the traveler, then getting back or visiting
Time gates are another popular option, and one some other time is simply a matter of adjusting the
with more than a smidgeon of possibility. The char- controls and making sure the batteries are charged.
acters go through the gate and come out somewhen If teleportation requires some huge machine
else. Gates may be permanent or temporary. Since a back in the jumper’s home time, getting home can
gate isn’t very large, it can appear almost anywhere, be a bit harder. Maybe there’s a limit on how long the
making it possible for the player characters to slip traveler can remain in another time before bouncing
aboard Lenin’s train to Russia in 1916 or arrive back- back to his own. This would certainly be an advan-
stage at Ford’s Theater in 1865. tage for characters captured by sacrifice-minded
A time gate does mean the travelers are limited Aztecs or Stalin’s NKVD. However, it encourages
to just what they can carry themselves, and they are an attitude of “get it done and get out” which limits
likely to be very paranoid about getting separated character interaction and exploring in the other
from the gate. Since the gate is presumably generated time.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Nine 237

If the characters have a Time Communicator simply patience. Characters can visit the future easily
and can call home to get “beamed out,” then the by living a very long time, or going into hibernation
comm unit becomes their Holy Grail and they won’t or cryogenic suspension for decades or centuries.
part with it (even to the point of wanting it surgically This is a good way to drop contemporary characters
implanted). Characters who can pop out whenever into a far-future setting (Buck Rogers got to the
they want are protected from the consequences of twenty-fifth century that way). The chief problem
their actions, but won’t be as rushed as those trying is that there’s no way back unless someone in the
to beat the recall clock. future conveniently invents a time machine.
The existence of a Time Communicator opens The “Dr. Zeus” series of stories by Kage Baker
up the possibility of calling Mission Control for help combines one-way travel to the past with immor-
and advice. Depending on how precise and expen- tality: the time agents are indestructible cyborgs,
sive time travel is, this could be limited to just infor- created in the distant past and manipulating history
mation (which in the right circumstances might still according to the instructions of their creators in the
be priceless), or it could even allow the folks back future.
home to pop equipment to the travelers as needed.
MIND TRANSFER If the time-gate machinery (or the mystical
The central gimmick of the television series portal, or the alien time-teleporter) can only send
Quantum Leap, intertemporal mind transfer leaves to the same location in past eras, travelers face some
the bodies of the travelers where they are but casts unique problems. Unless the Time Institute is in
their minds into other people in other times. Obvi- downtown London, a fair amount of the adventur-
ously this limits the range to eras when there are ing in the past involves traveling from the point of
people to possess (although dropping your mind arrival to wherever they want to explore. This is a
into a Tyrannosaur body for a vacation in the Creta- good way to “cut the apron strings” and force the
ceous could be a lot of fun). heroes away from their time machine, but it also
Mind transfer time-travel does mean the travel- means most adventures involve an inconvenient
ers must spend the first part of every trip figuring amount of travel.
out who they are and what’s going on. This situa- Slightly more convenient for the GM is a
tion should be catnip for GMs, since they can send random arrival point. That allows the players to turn
the PCs’ minds into the bodies of spies, fugitives, or up “just by coincidence” in the right place for an
people with an important task to accomplish. interesting adventure. (To be realistic, most random
The fate of the other person’s mind is worth arrivals would be in mid-ocean somewhere, requir-
considering. Is the transfer an actual switch? If so, ing either a seaworthy time machine or else a way
while the time traveler is visiting ancient Egypt, to see what’s there before the exploration team goes
some ancient Egyptian is hanging around the Time through.) Much of the Tom Baker run of Doctor
Institute in the traveler’s body, watching talk shows Who involved travel in a time machine equipped
and playing foosball. Or maybe he’s figuring out how with a randomizer so the Doctor’s foes couldn’t track
to pick the locks and escape, giving any PCs who him down — if he didn’t know where he was going,
didn’t go on the mission to the past the job of recap- neither could they!
turing him without damaging the body of their com-
rade. It might well be the policy of the Time Institute
to keep the bodies of time-jumpers sedated, so the Perhaps time travel is only possible between
switched mind can’t carry back any information that certain past eras. They may be as broad as centuries
could create a paradox. or as narrow as minutes. This is one way to keep
If the transfer is not a switch, the past individual characters from visiting their own pasts, and the
has suddenly acquired a nasty case of Multiple Per- GM can select the available windows with an eye to
sonality Disorder. The player character’s personality interesting adventure opportunities. (As Tim Powers
may have to win duels of EGO or PRE against the did in his novel The Anubis Gates.) All windows
host personality, either during the initial jump or may connect to all others, or the system can be very
every time they differ about what to do. complicated, requiring multiple hops between differ-
ent eras to arrive at a given destination (“You jump
from 2930 to 4588 BC; from there you can hop to
OPTIONS 1451, and that lets you jump to 1969 in time to watch
Apollo 11 take off”).
Since time travel is still highly theoretical (to Short-duration windows do create the possibil-
put it mildly), GMs can pretty much make up what- ity of “traffic jams” as time travelers from throughout
ever “laws of nature” they like to govern it. history try to arrive during the same brief period. If
ONE WAY DO NOT ENTER the heroes have time-traveling enemies, they may
find themselves arriving next to each other! Win-
One way travel has some interesting possi-
dows also impose a little tension on the campaign,
bilities. It essentially means moving the campaign
since the end of a given window is a deadline which
permanently to another era, although characters
the characters really don’t want to miss.
may try to get around the limit by leaving messages
or equipment caches for themselves in very durable
containers, to travel through time the ordinary way.
A very special form of one-way time travel is
238 ■ Yesterday, Today, And Tomorrow HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

PARADOXES AND over the course of Reconstruction, just like Andrew

Johnson did. The extreme version of this is like an
COMPLICATIONS unchangeable history.
A less elastic history allows for potential change
The big problem with time travel is the pos- points. Possibly some people or events are “critical
sibility of paradoxes — many physicists consider it nodes” which can shift history onto a different track,
impossible for just that reason. In Star Hero, time but the vast majority of people have little influence.
paradoxes raise problems of their own. Most cam- An elastic history with critical nodes means the PCs
paigns are linear narratives, and being able to change can visit the past without disrupting their future,
the past may mean early adventure sessions can while still allowing for Time Patrol-style adventures
suddenly “not have happened.” There are a couple of preventing villains from affecting critical nodes.
ways to handle this.
The opposite of elastic history is chaotic history,
Fixed History in which even tiny changes ripple outward, trans-
This is the easiest to handle conceptually, but forming everything. Step on a butterfly in the Creta-
can be surprisingly tricky in play. If history cannot ceous and humanity may not evolve. Help a girl cross
vary, then by definition nothing the characters do the street in New York in 1930 and the Nazis win
can change things. Circumstances always work to World War II. Chaotic history is difficult to game,
thwart them, or perhaps attempts to change the because it’s hard for the heroes to avoid making
course of history simply bounce them right back to changes, or to know how to correct them. However,
their starting point. It can be frustrating for players many historians have come to believe human history
to continually run afoul of unchangeable history, is chaotic, so GMs with a yen for accuracy may go
and the GM may have to resort to more and more with this interpretation despite its difficulties.
unlikely “accidents” to stymie the heroes. Players If history can be altered, sanity demands some
often quickly come to loathe this sort of situation. way to keep the heroes from blinking out of exis-
A slightly looser version of this takes the view tence every time some klutz squashes a bug. They
that history itself can be full of errors, falsifications, must be immune to changes in history. Perhaps trav-
and misinformation. While the historical record eling in time places voyagers somehow “outside the
is generally true, the details of specific events can timestream” and immune to any changes they cause.
sometimes be fudged or tweaked without conse- Or perhaps it’s an innate power (see sidebar).
quences. Obviously, this works best with poorly-doc- A reality-bending campaign requires a GM who
umented eras: you can’t shoot Hitler, but you may be can think on his feet and extrapolate future histories
able to help the Trojans beat the Greeks (later Greek on the fly. The only constant in the campaign is the
literature about their victory can be explained away player characters; the world can shift about them.
as propaganda by sore losers). Immunity To Timeshifts
The loosest form of unchangeable history
assumes that only things the heroes themselves wit- Life Support (Immunity To Timeshifts) renders a char-
ness are absolutely true. Records may be false, his- acter completely immune to the effects of changed
tory books are full of errors, and NPCs can lie, but history. He can go back in time and prevent his par-
things which happen in the campaign are real and ents from meeting, or change things so the Human
true and cannot be altered. Changes to history are species never evolves, and he himself remains
allowed so long as they won’t change anything the unchanged. It costs 2 Character Points.
heroes have seen themselves: if they saw the Titanic The technological version is the “Reality Sta-
sink, then no amount of trying can prevent it. On the bilizer,” which comes in two versions. A personal
other hand, anything unseen is fair game — while stabilizer is simply a wearable device which confers
they were watching the ship go down they might not the power: Life Support (Immunity To Timeshifts)
have noticed their later selves rescuing passengers (2 Active Points); OIF (-½); total cost: 1 point. Time
with a time-submarine. machines may have built-in Stabilizers. If reality
shifts are common, a character’s Stabilizer is abso-
lutely essential to his continued existence.
Mutable History A more powerful version is the “Reality Field
Generator” which can anchor an entire area. Mul-
Gamemasters who do want to allow at least tiple projectors can be linked to stabilize a base or
the possibility of changing history must decide how even a whole city. The headquarters of the Time
“elastic” the timeline is. Institute is certainly protected by Reality Generators,
ELASTIC TIME and they would be valuable accessories for any time-
traveling villain’s hideout.
An elastic history tends to snap back to its
original state and resists changes. Shoot Hitler Reality Field Generator: Life Support (Immunity
during World War I and some other extremist war- To Timeshifts), Usable Simultaneously (up to
monger becomes dictator of Germany in the 1930s. 2,000 people at once; +2 ¾) (7 Active Points);
Rescue Lincoln from his assassin and he spends the OAF Bulky (-1 ½). Total cost: 3 points.
rest of his second term losing battles with Congress
Star Hero ■ Chapter Nine 239

ime travel is such a nifty idea that it tends Advantages of a Patrol campaign are the rela-
to creep into just about every Star Hero tive ease of setting up adventures (“Your boss tells
campaign. In any kind of science fiction you to get dressed in togas — you’re heading for
setting, the heroes may be cast into another Pompeii”), and the convenience of avoiding para-
time by a mysterious alien artifact or a crackpot doxes through Patrol regulations (“You can’t go
scientist’s jury-rigged prototype. In settings with back to the day before and fix things; the Patrol
faster-than-light travel, arriving in the wrong year won’t allow it”). Disadvantages are a lack of player
could be a fairly standard drive malfunction, and initiative and a certain amount of routine in a long-
anyone with a sufficiently durable starship might running campaign.
have a close encounter with a black hole.
One-shot time adventures make a good
change of pace, without too much risk of tangling The heroes are either agents or freelancers
the campaign up in paradoxes. For whatever who specialize in acquiring artifacts from the past.
reason, the heroes visit another time, get into Ethical collectors only pick up things which are
trouble, and get home. Usually their goal is nothing certain to be destroyed — books from the Library
more than getting back to their proper time, while of Alexandria, archaeological treasures from the
surviving the bloodthirsty post-atomic mutants of Berlin Museum, or Mayan astronomical codices.
the future or the bloodthirsty pre-atomic gangsters Time thieves may prefer to snatch the Mona Lisa
of the past. The time jaunt may be part of an ongo- from Leonardo’s studio and replace it with a cheap
ing plotline in the game’s proper era — if the cure laser-printed copy — or they may manipulate the
to the Omega Virus can only be found a hundred stock market to make themselves rich, loot gold
years in the past, surely a band of brave heroes shipments, or engage in other such chronal crimes.
would be willing to risk a voyage through time to A variant is collecting people in time. Human-
prevent billions of deaths; once they accomplish itarians can rescue steerage passengers from the
that and return to the future, then they can hunt Titanic or smuggle Jews out of the Warsaw Ghetto.
down the Andromedan agents who released the Exploiters recruit Helen of Troy or Mozart with
plague in the first place. promises of future luxuries, and villainous time
More ambitious GMs may want
to tackle an actual time-traveling
campaign. The focus can be just time
travel, or combined with space travel
to allow the widest possible scope.
The actual mechanics of time travel
have an immense effect on potential
campaigns, and the GM should choose
carefully to allow the kinds of adven-
tures he wants to run.
Some common time travel cam-
paign frames include:
The heroes are agents of some
organization (call it the Time Patrol)
that strives to prevent unauthorized
meddling with history. If history is
unchangeable, then the Patrol focuses
on preventing time travelers from
exploiting past-timers; in a mutable
timeline, the Patrol also defends the
“one true history” against would-be
revisionists. Either way, Patrol agents
must have some way to detect interfer-
ence by other time travelers, then go
into action to put things right.
240 ■ Yesterday, Today, And Tomorrow HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

slavers might abduct thousands from the past to discover if any other time travelers are active in the
serve the future as laborers, playthings, or possibly past, and work out how to avoid or survive para-
sources of fresh genetic material. All three types doxes.
may coexist, and some slightly shady types who just A Time Explorers campaign has many advan-
want to sign up Marilyn Monroe for a holovideo tages for the GM: the destination is determined
studio have to contend with both do-gooders from by Mission Control, the party probably won’t be
the Time Rescue Mission and time slavers. packing a lot of heavy firepower (so when they get
Like Time Patrol adventures, Time Collect- into trouble they’ll need to use their wits instead of
ing can degenerate to a routine of “show up, shoot shooting their way out), and the heroes can visit a
the locals, grab the item, get out.” It may also raise variety of historical eras. Problems with plausibility
troubling ethical questions, especially for people- come up when every “simple research trip” turns
collectors. out to involve danger and threats to the future. If
the players really enjoy playing tourist in the past
and learning about other times, the GM is going to
If the time travelers are stuck in another time, need to do a lot of advance research.
then the focus of the campaign shifts to building
a new society and coping with historical threats.
A band of near-future characters may try to keep ALTERNATE HISTORIES
the Roman Empire from falling, or may have to
choose sides in the Hundred Years’ War. A cast- An alternate history is an entire cosmos some-
aways campaign avoids all the problems of paradox how “next to” our own, usually physically identi-
and causality by keeping the heroes in one era, but cal but with a different history. Sometimes time
it requires a lot of research by the GM, and players travelers who alter history can create an alternate
who really enjoy that setting. universe that splits off from the original timeline.
(Some theories of time travel claim that any signifi-
TIME EXPLORERS cant act “splits off ” new timelines — one in which
There’s a lot of history out there, and charac- the act occurs as planned, one in which it doesn’t
ters can have all sorts of interesting adventures just occur at all, one in which it occurs but something
exploring the past. Exploration is likely to be the goes wrong, and so on. In this view, time travel may
main focus when time travel is still a new technol- not really be time travel; it may simply involve par-
ogy; the Time Institute sends out parties of time allel jumps from one timeline to another.)
explorers to learn about obscure periods in history, Alternate universes are very useful from a
Star Hero ■ Chapter Nine 241

game perspective. They allow many of the more then? No dead Archduke means no World War I
entertaining results of time travel (different history, (at least, not in 1914). No World War I probably
weird societies, and the like) without any of the means no Nazi regime in Germany, no Commu-
problems of paradoxes and causality. If shooting nists in Russia, no World War II, no Auschwitz. Of
your grandfather merely creates a new universe course, that doesn’t mean this new history has to be
in which he died young, there’s no paradox: your a boring Utopia. The European colonial empires are
grandfather is still fine. (Being the grandfather of a likely to last longer, keeping large parts of the world
time traveler seems to be very hazardous.) under foreign rule. Without the terrible example of
Visiting an alternate history is much like time the Nazis, racism remains more solidly entrenched.
travel, at least in terms of HERO System rules and Technology may progress more slowly without the
special effects. You get in the Crosstime Machine, or impetus of two global wars plus the Soviet-Ameri-
walk through a World Gate, or whatever, and there can Cold War. Instead of massive wars among the
you are. Referees do need to decide if world-jump- European powers, this timeline might see a series of
ers can visit any point in an alternate universe’s his- drawn-out struggles pitting Asians, Muslims, Afri-
tory, or if they can only shift directly “sideways” to cans, and others against their colonial overlords.
the same date in a different timeline. A second method may irk purists, but often
Popular change-points for alternate histories makes for more entertaining campaigns. Instead
include: a Nazi victory or stalemate in World War of choosing the changepoint and working forward,
II; the survival of the British Empire; a Confederate pick the result and try to figure out how to make
victory in the Civil War; failure of the American it happen. If you want a world in which the Aztecs
fight for independence; the Spanish Armada con- are a major power in 2002, that means the Span-
quering England; Columbus failing to reach the ish conquest of Mexico must have failed for some
New World; no rise of Islam; the survival of the reason. What would have accomplished that? Since
Roman Empire; and the destruction of Greek civili- current historians attribute the European success
zation by the Persians. Gamemasters can either try in the New World as much to the diseases they
to create their own riffs on these themes, or come carried as their military might, perhaps the Aztecs
up with different change-points. simply got exposed to European germs by lost Por-
There are two ways to go about creating an tugese or Viking seafarers a few centuries before
alternate timeline for a campaign. The first is to Columbus. With enough time for the population
choose an event, make it come out differently, and to recover, the American civilizations of Mexico
then try to extrapolate the subsequent course of and Peru could hold off the Europeans and learn
history and see what might happen. This requires the secrets of ironworking, gunpowder, and horse-
a good knowledge of history, and means the GM manship. Once able to compete on equal terms, the
must make some decisions about how history Aztecs could easily survive and rise to Great Power
works — is it the result of remarkable individuals status.
(like Napoleon, Augustus, or Hitler), the result of Of course, those changes do have ripple effects.
large-scale trends, or the product of cycles? The Without the Mexican and Peruvian treasure to pay
most likely answer is “all of the above,” but one still for armies and fleets, Spain is not as powerful, and
must decide how influential each really is. Spain’s ally Austria falls to the Turks. The kingdoms
Suppose you’re taking the assassination of of western Europe are occupied with fighting off
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in 1914 as the Turkish menace and cannot spare the resources
the changepoint. In our history, it sparked World to explore the Americas or conquer India. So the
War I. In another history, perhaps the assassin European empires of the Age of Sail never get off
missed, or was dazzled by the flash of a time- the ground, and some other region might be the
tourist’s camera at the critical moment. Well, what first to industrialize.
242 ■ The Powers Of The Mind HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

he term “Psionics” became popu- psi powers — while others used the
lar during the 1950s, as part of term as an excuse for magic.
the efforts by Dr. J.B. Rhine and Despite a stunning lack of experi-
others to analyze phenomena mental evidence for their existence, psi
which were long considered powers have remained popular in sci-
supernatural. The legendary science fic- ence fiction for decades. This chapter
tion editor John W. Campbell was very discusses the role of psionics in Star
interested in the idea, and encouraged Hero campaigns. It covers not just how
his writers to use psi powers in their to build psionic powers in game terms,
stories. Some SF writers adopted a very but what types of powers might exist (or
rigorous, logical approach to the topic are most common in science fiction) and
— Larry Niven, for example, worked the consequences their existence may
out some interesting consequences of have for the campaign.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Ten 243

hen using psionic powers in a cam- this external power source allows psionics to do far
paign, GMs need to make several deci- more than they could accomplish with their own
sions: how do psi powers work? How bodies. The field extends through the entire uni-
powerful are they? What powers are verse (or possibly exists in hyperspace), so psionics
possible? Can anyone learn to use them? How does can violate the inverse square law and the speed of
society adapt? light.
Finally, there’s the idea of psionics as reality
manipulation. In this view, the psionic is simply
THE BASICS changing the universe by force of will. Adherents
of this model make reference to the role of the
Here are some of the basic considerations to
observer in quantum mechanics to “prove” that
keep in mind when determining the nature and
consciousness is important in maintaining reality
role of psionics in the campaign.
as we know it. Those who learn the trick can alter
reality with a thought. The weakest form of real-
How They Do It ity alteration is probability alteration — the Luck
power, in HERO System terms. More powerful
In the absence of reliable data, theories of how reality-altering psionics can teleport themselves,
psionic powers might work have multiplied. They conjure up things they want or need, and influence
range from the mechanistic to the surreal. At the the minds of others. Reality alteration can bend or
hard science end, some theorists and SF writers ignore any physical laws.
try to explain psionics in terms of existing laws of Gamemasters can adopt or make up whatever
physics and biology. Telepathy transmits an organic explanation they wish for how psi powers operate.
radio signal from brain to brain, and Mind Control The above are just examples; you can combine or
or Mental Illusions involve hacking into some other modify them to suit the campaign. It’s even pos-
brain’s operating system remotely. Extrasensory sible to have two or more different “modes” of psi
Perception uses unidentified senses — electric or powers at work in the same game world: perhaps
magnetic field sense, possibly attuned to the fields some psionic abilities are mechanistic while others
given off by living things. Powers which violate the involve reality transformations. One species may
laws of thermodynamics or conservation of energy have body-manipulation powers, while another
don’t exist. If telekinesis is possible, the user has possesses true telepathic abilities.
to expend just as much effort as if he were lifting
the object with his muscles. Powers are reduced by
range. Power Level
Related to the hard science approach is the
The issue of power level shapes the nature of
idea of mental powers (and related abilities) as a
the campaign. If psionic powers are weak, then
function of advanced training of the Human (or
social controls are likely to be less strict, psionic
alien) mind, direct control of autonomic body
characters can live mostly normal lives, and the
processes, and so forth. Frank Herbert’s Dune, with
existence of mental powers doesn’t radically trans-
its highly-trained Bene Gesserit sisters manipulat-
form the world. If powers are strong, then society
ing Human breeding patterns to cause the birth
must find a way to control them — even if only by
of a person with true powers of prophecy, is an
letting the psionics rule. From a gaming perspec-
excellent example. Psionic powers in this sort of
tive, the more powerful psionic abilities are, the
setting can become pretty powerful, but they’re
more likely it is characters will want them, that
usually “self only” sorts of abilities — a character
characters without them will be (or feel) “handi-
can’t read minds or strike down his enemies with
capped” in comparison, and that psionic PCs can
mental blasts, but he can heighten his powers of
overwhelm or unbalance the game.
observation, override his body’s response to pain,
Of course, power level doesn’t always equate to
or improve his own reaction time.
usefulness. A character with a low-powered Mind
A less rigorous (but more fun) version of
Control ability, just enough to make everyone like
psionics assumes the human mind can tap into
him, is in many ways much more useful as a PC
some sort of external source of energy to create
than someone with the ability to destroy whole
effects. George Lucas called it “The Force,” while
planets. Larry Niven’s stories about Gil Hamilton,
modern pseudoscientists talk vaguely of “bioener-
the future policeman with an incredibly weak
getic fields” or “cosmic power.” Whatever you call it,
telekinetic/clairvoyant “imaginary arm,” provide
244 ■ The Powers Of The Mind HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
RATING SYSTEMS excellent examples of how useful a very limited psi who can heal or aid others will be in demand as a
power can be. psychic doctor.
If psi powers are See page 249 for more discussion of power Body Control powers are most impressive
common and can be levels in game terms. and important in relatively low-tech settings. In
scientifically studied, Space Opera games, cybernetics, bio-engineering,
researchers or govern- Latent Psionic Powers
nanotechnology, and advanced surgical techniques
ments will probably Often characters in fiction have latent powers
may mean that just about anyone could have Body
have classification and which they are only just learning how to use and
Control-type abilities.
rating systems to iden- control. There are several good ways to represent
tify power levels. High- this in the HERO System. One possibility is to start ESP
powered psionics may out with a high power level, but load the power Extra-Sensory Perception, more commonly
have special privileges down with Limitations to reflect the novice psion- known as ESP, is the scientific name for what used
— or increased restric- ic’s inability to control it properly (see page 249 for
tions. If nothing else, a to be called clairvoyance, second sight, or prophecy.
some suggested Limitations). As the character gains It includes all abilities to perceive things beyond
“psi rating” system pro-
in experience, he can buy off these Limitations to normal senses. In HERO System terms, ESP covers
vides nice in-game color,
allowing characters to reflect increasing mastery. Talents like Combat Sense or Danger Sense and
discuss their powers Another method is for the GM to assign a pool Powers like Clairsentience (including Precogni-
without referring to of “banked points,” subtracted from the character’s tion), Enhanced Senses, and Find Weakness. It can
game mechanics. original point value. As the psionic character gains be as narrowly-focused as dowsing (Detect Water)
experience, the GM releases points from the bank, or as broad as the ability to cast one’s mind across
Point costs are an obvi- so that the latent psi can gain power faster than he the Galaxy (Clairsentience with the MegaScale
ous basis for power rat- would with Experience Points. The GM can estab- Advantage). Concentration is usually required. A
ings. One simple system lish conditions the character has to meet in play good way to limit the power of ESP abilities is to
is to divide the Active to gain access to his banked points — an amnesiac make them chancy or unreliable, with an Activation
Points in a character’s psi must regain his memories before he can use his
most powerful psionic Roll or No Conscious Control.
hidden powers, or a novice must receive training Settings with ESP may have restrictions on
ability by 5 to get his or
from a wizened old master. psionic snooping, or may simply become extremely
her “Psi Rating.” Rat-
ings are classified by Third, the GM can use the Latent Psionic open societies (since secrets are impossible). Espe-
the power “families,” so Talent on page 51. This is similar to the “banked cially interesting consequences arise when indi-
an individual with the points” approach, but with a little more structure. viduals with Precognition exist in a society: can
combination of Mind precogs prevent crimes and disasters? What if the
Scan (30 Active Points),
Mental Illusions (20 Available Powers “oracles” decide to misuse their power?
Active Points), and TELEKINESIS
Exactly which powers are available in the cam-
Invisibility (25 Active Telekinesis is any ability to manipulate energy
Points) would have a paign determines a lot about the flavor of the cam-
paign and how society reacts to psionics. Mental or physical objects with mental power. It has a
Telepath rating of 6 (30
divided by 5), and a abilities like Telepathy and Mind Control make number of related abilities: pyrokinesis (the abil-
Wild Talent rating of 5. psionics good at manipulating other Humans, but ity to start fires), cryokinesis (the power to reduce
not able to withstand gunfire or smash planets. temperature), and electrokinesis (control of electric
Alternately, GMs can Telepaths make good spies or policemen, and currents). You can model telekinesis and related
assign larger point inspire society to make rules about mental privacy. powers with many HERO System powers, includ-
ranges and group them Telekinetics who can throw cars around are more ing Change Environment, Energy Blast, Entangle,
under Roman numer- useful as soldiers (or in construction), and inspire a Flight, Force Field, Force Wall, Killing Attacks,
als, letters, even colors different set of social controls. Knockback Resistance, Missile Deflection, Teleki-
— perhaps powers up While almost any ability can be explained with nesis (of course), and Tunnelling.
to 25 Active Points are Telekinetic powers are often Indirect, and if
enough handwaving as “psionic,” fifty years of sci-
Blue-level psionic abili- no defenses are available, telekinetic attacks can be
ties, 25-50 Active Points ence fiction and pseudoscience have created a more
or less standard list of psionic powers common to No Normal Defense (imagine the damage a pyro-
are Green powers, and
50 or higher are Gold SF settings, in six main families. kinetic can do by starting a fire inside someone’s
psionics. Blues usually brain). In a hard science game, telekinesis powers
BODY CONTROL should burn a lot of Endurance and be limited by
have other jobs and use
their powers only as a Mystics have long claimed to be able to per- range. Concentration, No Conscious Control, and
supplement, Greens are form amazing feats of self-control, and psionics Requires A Skill Roll are other common Limita-
professional psionics, have co-opted many of the same claims. In HERO tions.
and Golds are rare and System terms this includes Talents such as Double-
powerful. The exact TELEPATHY
Jointed, Lightning Reflexes, and Simulate Death. It
cutoff may vary with also covers abilities built with Powers such as Aid, Telepathy is the ability to read minds, trans-
different powers, so that mit thoughts, or otherwise mess with people’s
Damage Resistance, Healing, Lack Of Weakness,
someone with tremen- heads. Depending on how powerful and skilled
dous Damage Resistance Life Support, Running, and possibly even Shape
Shift. Often making conscious changes to one’s the telepath is, that “otherwise” can include editing
still isn’t a Gold psionic,
while even fairly weak body requires Concentration and Extra Time; real- people’s memories, implanting compulsions and
pyrokinetics get the ism suggests Increased Endurance Cost, Gradual commands, attacking others psychically, and even
Gold-level perks and Effect, and/or a Required Skill Roll. Characters who transferring the telepath’s consciousness into other
restrictions. can manipulate their bodies may be recruited as bodies. Telepathy is normally instantaneous, not
super-agents (or take up a life of crime); anyone bound by the inverse square law or the speed of
Star Hero ■ Chapter Ten 245

tures may create a soci-

ety where nobody has
emotional problems and
deception is unknown.
More sinister ones could
be a tyranny of “thought
police.” Tightly restrict-
ing (or even extermi-
nating) telepaths lets
mundanes keep their
minds free, but perhaps
at the price of having
blood on their hands. A
world entirely populated
by telepaths could be an
interesting game setting:
presumably most people
have enough Mental
Defense to prevent
casual eavesdropping
on their thoughts, but
anyone planning any-
thing shady needs to find
a way to hide from the
telepathic cops.
Being in two places
at once or spontaneously
disappearing is a very
old psychic effect. The
teleportation family of
powers includes the abil-
ity to teleport one’s self,
teleporting other people,
and “apporting” — bring-
light. Telepaths with interstellar range can serve as a ing desired items to the user.
super-fast communication system. In HERO System terms a great many powers
Most of the Mental Powers are subsets of can result from teleportation (besides, of course,
telepathy — Ego Attack, Mental Defense, Mental Teleportation itself). A teleporter who can bring
Illusions, Mind Control, Mind Scan, and Telepathy water to a dry place is using Change Environment.
itself — but telepathic characters can have plenty Those who really can be in two places at once have
of other abilities. For example, Universal Translator Duplication (possibly Linked to Teleportation).
could be a form of telepathy, and characters must Some teleporters visit other times or dimensions
use Transform to make permanent changes to a — Extra-Dimensional Movement. A teleporter
target’s mind, like compulsions or memory edits. who can zap things into a foe or remove vital body
Telepathic abilities often take Concentration parts has an Killing Attack NND Does BODY.
and a Required Skill Roll to use, and may require Someone who can “blip away” missiles has Mis-
Extra Time (especially for major effects like Trans- sile Deflection. The ability to call others to you is
form, or large-scale powers like Mind Scan). Hard Summon or Teleportation Usable On Others; the
SF telepathy is likely limited by range and only power to “conjure” useful items is a form of Vari-
works on the same species as the user (see Classes able Power Pool.
Of Minds, page 250). No Conscious Control or Limitations common to teleportation are
Always On make for twitchy, overloaded telepaths Concentration or Extra Time to reflect “attun-
who seek out solitude to escape the chatter of ing” oneself to the target; Increased Endurance or
unshielded minds. In film it’s common for telepa- Charges for teleportation that drains the user; No
thy to have a visible effect on the user (like all- Conscious Control for a power that only manifests
black or glowing eyes, nosebleeds, or pulsing fore- in a crisis; and Requires A Skill Roll or Activation
heads); these are either the Visible or Side Effects Roll if the teleporter can’t always make his power
Limitations, depending on how serious the effect is. work.
Societies with telepathy have to face some A world with teleportation changes many
major changes in how they view the world: ideas about privacy, security, and distance. Tele-
thoughts are not private; memories and sensory porting terrorists, spies, or thieves inspire ever
impressions may be false; and people may not more paranoid security measures — labyrinths,
always have free will. Enlightened telepathic cul- constant surveillance, or simply hiding anything of
246 ■ The Powers Of The Mind HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
value. If everyone can teleport, the whole world is ing the police can verify their claims.
essentially “next door” — with all that implies. Characters in a setting with common psi
powers may be able to take a low-value Disadvan-
tage for being psionic (a Psychological or Social
Finally there is the category of Wild Talents Limitation equivalent to a doctor’s professional
— psi powers which aren’t easily classified. These ethics, for instance).
are numerous and varied. A partial list (along with
HERO System equivalents) would include: prob- TECHNICAL FIXES
ability alteration (Luck, Missile Deflection, and Sometimes the commonality of psionic powers
possibly a Variable Power Pool), weather control depends on artificial aids. Psionic characters may
(Change Environment), time control (extra SPD need to use “amplifier crowns” to boost their
and various other abilities), materializations powers, or have to stimulate their brains with psi-
(Summon), astral form (Desolidification), chan- drugs (like the spice melange of Dune, which allows
nelling (a mental-only Multiform), temporal fugue some people to “fold space”). In those situations,
(Duplication), and psychic invisibility (Invisibility the technology is what gets controlled — maybe
with Limitations). characters need a license to own a psionic amplifier,
or a prescription for psi-drugs. Perhaps the devices
are a closely-guarded monopoly of the psionic elite.
Rarity Naturally, wherever something is forbidden, an
The rarity of psi powers determines a lot illegal market develops. Player characters who run
about their effects in the campaign. If powers are afoul of the legitimate psionic authorities may have
common, then society must have a way to cope to make do with unreliable black-market amplifier
with their effects. Rare powers can be especially helmets and home-brewed psi drugs.
effective through sheer surprise value. Interesting SPECIES DIFFERENCES
effects occur when some species have powers and
Gamemasters should also consider whether
others do not.
psionics are a universal phenomenon among all
RARE POWERS sentient species, or only some species can have
Usually psychic powers are rare in a given psionic powers. Interesting results emerge when
setting. This allows psionics to remain poorly certain powers are only found in certain species.
understood and hard to counteract. Even low-grade Perhaps Sirians are the only telepaths in the Galaxy,
powers can be useful, since nobody expects to but Earth produces powerful clairvoyants and
encounter them. But their very rarity means psionic Vegans are known for their mighty telekinetic abili-
characters often face fear and suspicion from ties. The Denebians, who don’t have any psionics,
“mundanes.” Self-protective measures by psionics are desperately trying to acquire the technology
only inspire further distrust from others, leading to to create or breed some. If interstellar travel or
paranoia and conspiracy theories. In some settings, communication depends on a certain psi power,
the normals may decide the risks of psionic powers then the species with a monopoly on that power
are too great, leading to anti-psionic pogroms. becomes a key player in galactic politics (like the
When powers are rare, being psionic may qualify Spacing Guild in Dune).
as a Social Limitation, and the Reputation “Psionic” Some psi powers may only work on members
could be dangerous. of the user’s own species, because they require com-
patible “brain frequencies” or some such. This is
COMMON POWERS especially appropriate for telepathic powers. Game-
In some settings, psi powers are very common. masters who want to have interspecies telepathy
Alfred Bester (the author, not the Babylon 5 vil- may consider making some powers less effective on
lain named after him) wrote several stories about other species — so a Human telepath’s powers work
worlds with widespread psionic powers. In The at full strength on other Humans, but only half
Stars My Destination, he described a world where power on Sirians. See Classes Of Minds, below, for
everyone knows how to teleport. In The Demolished more information.
Man he explored how crime and police work would
function in a world with many telepaths. Larry
Niven examined the effects of probability alteration Social Issues
by the entire Human species in his later “Known Gamemasters should decide in advance what
Space” stories. social rules control psionic powers. Specifically,
The chief point to remember about common which powers are subject to what rules? Are all
powers is that nobody’s surprised by them. If tele- psionics licensed? Do all telepaths have to wear
porters are common, people find ways to keep from inhibitor collars? Are there any organizations
being robbed by teleporting burglars. Bester sug- (legal or clandestine) of psionics? What happens to
gested labyrinths inside houses to confuse thieves psionics who don’t join those groups?
trying to teleport in; teleport-proof force-fields are Much depends on the powers available. Tele-
another possibility. Laws will address the use and kinetics are useful in warfare, criminal activity,
misuse of common psi powers — if mind control and a whole range of legitimate jobs. They can do
exists, then people won’t go to jail for crimes com- damage, but so can a drunk behind the wheel of a
mitted while under someone else’s control... assum- hovertruck. They probably have to register or get
Star Hero ■ Chapter Ten 247

a license (to ensure they receive proper training telekinetics. A teleporter who can’t see outside
in the use of their powers), but probably will be of his cell (perhaps because of holograms) can’t
permitted and encouraged to use their abilities. escape. Solutions like these will exist if society has
Extremely powerful telekinetics may be isolated, to deal with renegade psionics.
drafted, forced (somehow) to wear inhibitor collars, Encouraging ethical behavior means early
or simply assassinated at the earliest opportunity. identification of those with talents and careful
Telepathy, by contrast, has much greater pos- training. This is one of the primary purposes of
sibilities for abuse, and even the legitimate uses are virtually all psionic organizations, whatever their
a little creepy. The government is almost certain to other goals may be. Schools (or possibly hospital
require telepaths to register, and they probably have maternity wards) may have mandatory psi-testing.
to follow strict rules about the use of their powers Training consists of courses about the brain and
(unless everyone in the society has telepathic how psi powers work, plus plenty of indoctrination
powers and can shield his thoughts from others). that “with great power comes great responsibility”
Telepathy is sufficiently useful in espionage (both (or at least “we must not antagonize the mun-
foreign and domestic) that governments may wish danes”).
to recruit telepathic spies even if their powers are Finally, a given society simply may not want
supposedly illegal. any psionics at all. In brutal cultures, a positive
A lot of society’s reaction to psionics depends result on the childhood psi test means lethal injec-
on history. A world where psi-crooks are running tion. More humane societies could exile psionics to
wild has a much less favorable opinion of psion- another world, or require them to neutralize their
ics than a world where telekinetic rescue teams powers. With inhibitor collars, psi-damper drugs,
avert disasters predicted by precognitives. In a Star or possibly even brain surgery, a civilization could
Hero campaign, this means the GM can juggle the create a psionic-free world. Of course, when the
society’s history to produce the desired result. Want psionic invaders come, society may wish for a few
a setting with oppressed psis? Give the planet a telepathic defenders, but by then it’s too late.
background including a couple of juicy scandals
centering on the abuse of psi powers, and maybe
a disaster blamed on a wild talent gone out of One solution to the problem of untrained and
control. Want a tolerant world where psionics live uncontrolled psionics — and to the problem of
openly? Then give them a strong ethical tradition public distrust of mind-readers — is the formation
among psionics, and some examples of heroic tele- of psionic organizations. These may be government
paths foiling terrorist plots or clairvoyants finding agencies, such as the Psi Corps in Babylon 5, or pri-
trapped survivors after an earthquake. vate foundations created by the psionics themselves
to protect their interests and train new talent. They
LAW AND ORDER might even be for-profit corporations hiring out
Society needs some way to prevent psionics skilled psionics for any task.
from abusing their powers. For abilities like clair- Any group with access to unique sources of
voyance, a lot of the same rules that apply to spying power or information becomes influential. Even in
on your neighbors with a telescope and tapping worlds that officially proscribe psionics, the under-
their phones would apply — assuming the police ground Psi Guild may trade favors to one govern-
have their own clairvoyants, or devices to detect ment agency for help against another bureau.
the unauthorized use of such powers. But how can In societies that do not regulate psionic powers
a mundane law-enforcement agent stop a powerful and/or otherwise accept them in mainstream cul-
telekinetic in a drunken rage? How can he arrest ture, psionic organizations remain important, if
a telepath who mentally commands him to leave? only because they represent a valued group. Think
How can he keep a teleporter locked in jail? of them as something like the American Medical
There are three ways to deal with potential Association. Doctors don’t have psi powers, but
lawbreakers who have powers beyond those of they do have specialized knowledge and training
the law enforcers: find enforcers who do have the which makes them influential. On the planet Sigma
power (the stick); find ways to encourage responsi- Alpharis VII, the Alpharisian Society of Psionics
ble behavior (the carrot); or eliminate the problem has a similar place in society.
entirely (the big stick). Gamemasters should think of the most impor-
The obvious people to control psionics are tant psionic organizations and how they interact.
other psionics, but mundanes may not wish to hand Who studies psi powers scientifically? Who trains
over that much power to them. In any society at psionics? Who enforces the registration and
least as organized as twenty-first century America, licensing rules? Who tests people for psi abilities?
the police and the government probably have Which agencies have psi-agents? Any group with
specially trained and equipped teams to deal with a monopoly on one of these functions becomes a
psionic threats. They can control telepaths with power center — and inspires endless attempts to
robots or cops in psi-shield helmets, use long-range chip away at the monopoly by rivals.
snipers or knockout gas to take down dangerous
248 ■ The Powers Of The Mind HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Form Of Organization Legends of a suppressed psionic order can linger
Exactly what form a psionic organization for centuries, inspiring hope among persecuted
takes depends on how powers work and how psis and fear among their persecutors.
society treats psionic individuals. Money and psionics may interact in some
Families are a natural social group for psion- settings. A psi-corporation is a for-profit organi-
ics, especially in quasi-feudal settings, or worlds zation, paying dividends to its owners or share-
where psionic powers are hereditary. Powerful holders. Small ones would resemble legal or med-
psionic families might become something like ical partnerships, while big ones would have large
Renaissance nobility. Persecuted psionic fami- research divisions, a marketing department, and
lies might be more like Jews in medieval Europe scores of mundane employees. Psionic employees
— living apart from the mundanes and trying to might own part of the company, or they could
go unnoticed, but occasionally called upon for jump from company to company whenever
help by those who despise them. they get a better offer. Psi-corporations would
On worlds that at least tolerate psi-powers, compete to recruit the most talented psionics or
psionics could form guilds — independent orga- the rarest wild talents. In a Cyberpunk setting,
nizations aimed at maintaining a monopoly on they might use their psi-agents in direct attacks
a given trade or type of power. This allows them against each other.
to bargain for better pay and working conditions, Crime might also attract psionics. “Psi-
and provides them with political leverage. A gangs” would be the equivalent of organized
psionic guild might aggressively crack down on crime groups, using psionic muscle to run pro-
non-member “pscabs.” Often the Guild doubles as tection rackets, control mundane illegal activities
a licensing and regulating agency, rather like the like drug smuggling and prostitution, and engag-
Bar Association. ing in uniquely psionic crimes (such as telepathic
Since psi powers often require a lifetime blackmail, clairvoyant spying for hire, mind con-
of dedicated training and arcane disciplines of trol theft or fraud, and telekinetic mayhem).
study and meditation to master, psi organizations Government agencies would employ psionic
may model themselves on monastic orders or individuals in the public interest — or, more
groups like the Knights Templar. The Jedi of Star specifically, in the interest of the agencies them-
Wars are the obvious example. Different orders selves. Psi agencies would control rogue psionics,
may specialize in different mental powers. Rival thwart efforts at psionic espionage, crime, and
orders also lets the GM tap into the Musketeers terrorism, and conduct psionic espionage them-
versus Cardinal’s Guards theme, as appren- selves. In tyrannical states, psi agencies might use
tice psionics duel and brawl with the winking mind control and telepathy to suppress dissent
approval of their superiors. As with the historical and brainwash dissidents.
Templars, the mundane authorities may come to In settings that at least tolerate psi-powers,
view orders of psionic monks or knights as too psionic institutes or societies may become very
powerful, thus driving the groups underground. important. Psionic training centers would be
Star Hero ■ Chapter Ten 249

the equivalent of elite universities or prestigious characters from becoming too powerful in a Star
boarding schools. Even if society persecutes Hero campaign is not restricting Active Points
psionics, a mundane scientific organization might — it’s Limitations. Active Points aren’t always
include a covert psionic research program. Simi- a good measure of overall power, and the way
larly, a seemingly ordinary private school might Mental Powers function in the HERO System,
in fact be a training center for psionic teens. characters often need to roll a certain minimum
Finally, even in the most open cultures, number of dice to achieve any significant effect.
psionic dissident groups will exist, because there Rather than restricting the number of dice, make
are extremists and malcontents in every society. the dice harder to use. A power that requires
Psionic dissidents in an open society would cam- Extra Time and Concentration can still come in
paign for equal rights and an end to discrimina- very handy during the game... but the odds of a
tion. In societies that oppress psionics, dissident character using it to triumph easily in a combat
groups might run an “underground railroad” to situation are significantly reduced.
get psionics to safety, or be psi-rebels using their
powers to overthrow the regime.
The GM needs to decide whether characters
can buy psionic powers in Power Frameworks.
RULES CONSIDERATIONS The lack of, or inclusion of, Power Frameworks
in the game can have significant implications.
Here are a few rules considerations to keep
in mind when deciding how psionics should No Frameworks
function in your Star Hero setting. If characters cannot put psionic powers in
Frameworks, then psionics tend to be rarer in the
POWER LEVELS game, since buying each psionic ability separately
Most Star Hero campaigns feature Standard can get expensive. This encourages one of two
Heroic characters, and in such games, the power approaches.
level of psi powers generally should range from The first is the all-psi character, who devotes
about 10 to 50 Active Points. A ceiling of 20 most of his points to psionic powers, giving him
Active Points limits characters to small-scale few points to spend on anything else. Typically
effects, requiring a lot of finesse and imagination the character tries to make up for his lack of
for best results. Low-powered campaigns often Characteristics, Skills, and the like with either
limit characters to one power, or a handful of powers he can use in many different ways (e.g.,
closely-linked abilities. More high-powered cam- Telekinesis), or technology. Gamemasters need
paigns, such as those modeled on the writings of to examine all-psi characters carefully. Not only
E.E. “Doc” Smith, can go up to 75 Active Points do they suggest poor character conception (since
(or more), although by that level the characters few people, particularly heroes, are so one-
are effectively superheroes. dimensional), but the level of technology avail-
Alternately, the GM may allow fairly high able in most Star Hero games gives the character
levels of power — 40-60 Active Points — but a significant chance to overcome his deficiencies
require characters to impose a large amount of with gadgets, and that can lead to game balance
Limitations (-2 worth, or more) on each power. problems.
That gives characters enough dice of effect to The second approach is the low-powers
really get things done with their psionic powers, character, who has a few psionic abilities of low
but reins them in so they can’t use their mental power. Sometimes the powers simply don’t have
abilities to run roughshod over everyone they many Active Points; in other cases the character
meet. uses lots of Limitations to get the Real Point
costs down. Assuming the Limitations applied (if
Common Limitations
any) are legitimate, low-power characters usu-
The discussion of the categories of psionic
ally cause few game balance problems, and can
powers above listed the Limitations that tend to
lead to interesting characters with intriguing
apply to each category. Here’s a list of the Limi-
roleplaying potential. For that reason, many GMs
tations that, general speaking, are most often
prefer this approach — powers bought without
applied to psionic powers in Star Hero settings:
Frameworks, with low Active Point or high Limi-
tation value requirements.
Activation Roll
Concentration Frameworks
Costs Endurance If characters can put psionic powers into
Extra Time Frameworks, psionics tend to become more
Focus (activation drugs and the like) common and more powerful in the game. While
Increased Endurance Cost paying for the base Framework itself can get
Limited Range expensive, the individual powers themselves
No Conscious Control become cheap to buy once the Framework is in
Reduced By Range place.
Requires A Skill Roll In most cases, Frameworks are inappropri-
ate for games where GMs want to keep psionics
In many cases, the key to keeping psionic low-powered or difficult to use. However, they
250 ■ The Powers Of The Mind HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
work quite well in games designed to simulate the of crippling Mental Powers. Gamemasters may
high-powered nature of the psionics depicted in wish to consider using one of the following options
some novels, comics, and movies. Those games are instead:
often psionic-oriented, with every character having
Multiple “Alien” Classes
psionic powers. Putting the powers in Frameworks
Instead of having just one “Alien” class of minds,
not only ensures each character has a respectable
you could create multiple “Alien” classes of minds.
suite of “standard” psionic abilities, but also has the
For example, maybe all sentient races descended
capacity to branch out and create some unusual psi-
from a specific category of animals (reptilian, mam-
powers they otherwise could not afford.
malian, and so forth) have minds so similar that
If the GM allows psi-Frameworks, he has to
Mental Powers work normally within that category.
decide which Frameworks characters can choose
Thus, characters would have to cope with a frame-
from. In all but the most high-powered psionics
work including Mammalian Alien, Reptilian Alien,
campaigns, Variable Power Pools aren’t allowed;
Ichthyoid Alien, and so forth. The Human class
they simply offer too much flexibility and power for
of minds would become the Alien classification
a Heroic campaign. Multipowers are much more
appropriate to the character. A Human psionic, for
common, though they can present game balance
example, would belong to the Mammalian Alien
problems because the slots are relatively cheap.
class of minds, and could affect other mammalian
Elemental Controls tend to be a good choice for
sentients normally with his Mental Powers. He could
many campaigns. They allow characters to save a few
not, however, affect other types of aliens unless he
points, but not as many as the other Frameworks;
paid for the standard Multiple Classes Adder.
individual slots remain fairly expensive. They also
suffer from some significant restrictions the GM can Reduced Effect
make use of in the game. Instead of having no effect on other classes
of minds, a character’s Mental Powers may have
a reduced effect. The HERO System 5th Edition,
Per page 117 of the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised rulebook suggests one possible option — -3
Revised rulebook, Mental Powers work against to ECV Attack Rolls and -10 to Effect Rolls — but
specific classes of minds. For Star Hero purposes, the GM can establish other arrangements if he wants
the “Human” class of minds refers to the same sen- to. In a psionic-oriented campaign, the GM may
tient species the character with the Mental Powers even vary the effectiveness of Mental Powers from
belongs to. “Alien” refers to any sentient species other class to class. A Mammalian Alien character might
than the character’s own. Thus, to a Perseid psionic, affect other mammalian minds normally, Reptilian
other Perseids are in the “Human” class of minds; Alien and Avian Alien minds at -3 ECV/-10 Effect
Humans, Toractans, Mon’dabi, and other sentient Roll, other flesh-and-blood alien classes at -5 ECV/-
species all have “Alien” class minds. 20 Effect Roll, and mineral- or energy-based aliens at
Because of the prevalence of Alien minds in -8 ECV/-30 Effect Roll. Applying a Multiple Classes
many Star Hero campaigns, applying the classes of Adder to increase the number of classes a character
minds rules precisely as written can have the effect can effect would negate any pen-
alties for that class.
No Classes
The GM can simply ignore
the classes of minds rule, allowing
any character with Mental Powers
to affect any other character nor-
mally, regardless of class of minds
or species. This may or may not
apply to Animals and Machines;
some GMs may want to let char-
acters affect them normally, while
others may prefer to maintain
the classes of minds distinctions
regarding them.
Reduced Cost Adder
A GM who wants to use the
normal classes of minds rules, but
encourage characters to create
psionic powers that can affect
other classes of minds, could
reduce the cost for the Multiple
Classes Adder. Instead of +10
points, it might cost +5 points, or
even as little as +3 or +1 points.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Ten 251

ome Star Hero campaigns focus on PSI COPS
psionic abilities, with every character When psi-agents and psi-rebels break the law,
having at least one or two mental powers. it’s up to psionic detectives to find and capture
When running a campaign centering them. Telepathic police must follow the rules about
on the exploits of psionic characters, GMs can when they can legally read a suspect’s mind, or risk
choose several different structures. Some possi- seeing the guilty go free. Police precogs must work
bilities are described below. with fuzzy impressions of the future to determine
Most psionics campaigns are Standard what crimes perpetrators will commit (as in the
Heroic games, with characters built on 75 Base movie Minority Report).
Points plus up to 75 points’ worth of Disadvan- Psionic police campaigns focus on cop work
tages. However, some GMs may find 150 points a in a psionic society, including the problems of
little limiting when PCs have to buy both psionic how to arrest mind-controlling telepaths and how
powers and ordinary Skills and abilities. In that to hold teleporters in custody. Psionic detective
case, upgrading to Powerful or Very Powerful games center on solving mysteries — who done it,
Heroic-level characters may be appropriate. Alter- and how. Psi powers make it easier to solve mun-
nately, the GM can have players build characters dane crimes, but they also make possible a whole
on up to 150 points without any psionic powers, bunch of new offenses, like locked-room murders
then allot a fixed amount of additional points in which the killer used telekinesis to fire a gun at
(say, 50, 75, or 100 points) solely for purchasing the victim — how can the cops determine whose
psionics. mind pulled the trigger? Psi-cops who belong to
the Psi Guild or a secret institute may pursue their

CAMPAIGN TYPES own agendas, trying to recruit talented suspects, or

shelter them.
Psionics campaigns tend to fall into several Like a psi-agents campaign, psi-cops games let
categories. Many of them are simply other types the GM send the PCs out on adventures by simply
of Star Hero campaigns with psionics introduced having an NPC superior officer give them orders.
into the setting or emphasized in the game. Beat cops or investigators can also get into trouble
on their own while following up leads or trusting a
PSI AGENTS hunch. Cops are also likely to be first on the scene
Espionage and covert operations are all when something weird happens, and may have to
about gathering information, denying it to the cope with major threats until heavy backup arrives.
enemy, and striking by stealth. Those jobs are For the proper stationhouse feel, the GM should
much easier when you can read minds, teleport, create some official department codes or abbrevia-
see through walls, and toss boulders by looking at tions (like a “section 799” for unlawful mind-read-
them. Psi-agents can do all the things James Bond ing, or “MCNC” for using mind control without the
is famous for, plus match wits with psionic coun- subject’s consent), and encourage players to come
terspies, evade clairvoyant monitors, and cope up with their own hard-bitten police slang.
with teleporting telekinetic assassins. Psi-spies
working for an oppressive government may wind
up conducting covert operations against internal On the battlefield of the future, bullets, lasers,
dissidents instead of foreign governments. Cor- and artillery may not be the only weapons available.
porate-sponsored psi-agents can go looking for “Psoldiers” use awesome psionic powers against the
trade secrets. enemy, whether to assault his mind from a distance,
Any sort of espionage campaign gives the shield troops from his sensors, or teleport a squad
GM a good framework for assigning missions of commandos into the heart of his command
and equipment to the heroes, and covert opera- center.
tives usually can’t call for help when things get As psi agents games mix psionics and espio-
dangerous. Having PCs from different agencies nage, and psi cops mix police drama with psionics,
or branches allows for intra-party intrigue and a psychic wars campaign introduces psionic powers
paranoia. The combination of the shadowy world into a war story. The war may take place in the
of espionage and the literally mind-bending pos- near future, with weapons any twenty-first century
sibilities of psionics allows adventures in which Human would recognize, or in a time and setting
nothing is what it seems, nobody can be trusted, so distant scientists have changed the face of the
and even your own thoughts can betray you. battlefield by inventing combat drones, teleporting
252 ■ The Powers Of The Mind HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
cannons, and disintegrenades. Player characters in a characters, which saves the GM from having to
psychic wars game are typically “special forces” sol- come up with credible opponents for powerful
diers. Their “special” nature derives not only from psionics. Their powers and simple youthful curios-
the fact that they’ve got advanced military training, ity can get psi-kids into real danger, but the GM
but because either they have psionic powers in a can always use a wise old headmaster to sort things
setting where few others do, or they have much out if the players are overwhelmed.
more mental power than other psi-soldiers.
Adventures in psychic wars campaigns use
plots familiar to any war movie buff: Infiltrate EXAMPLE: PSIONICS IN
behind enemy lines and destroy an important
resource. Recover a kidnapped person of impor- THE TERRAN EMPIRE
tance. Help develop a new weapon (possibly a As a demonstration of how to set up a system
psi-enhancer of some sort) and protect it from the of psionic powers, here are the steps Jim, the GM,
enemy. Test out a new weapon. Spearhead a major took to create the psionic background for the
offensive. Perform a commando raid against an Imperial Era of the Hero Universe.
important enemy stronghold. The GM doesn’t even
have to worry about motivating the PCs; all he has HOW IT WORKS
to do is have a superior officer give the order. Since the Terran Empire is a Space Opera
setting, Jim doesn’t want to limit psionics based
on scientific plausibility, so his explanation of psi
The heroes are psionics in an oppressive soci- powers is deliberately “rubber science.” The idea of
ety, fighting for freedom. The regime may only reality-warping doesn’t quite fit the tone he has in
oppress psionics, or it may be just as brutal to mun- mind, so he adopts the notion of psionics tapping
danes. Either way there’s plenty of scope for adven- into a “quantum substratum” existing in a parallel
ture: infiltration missions to rescue captive psis, dimension. This allows psionic characters to use
tense cat-and-mouse games with the psi-hunters, more power than their bodies can produce, and
and maybe an attempt to organize a general upris- have powers with interstellar range. This explana-
ing. But beware: the Mind Police have psi-detec- tion also suggests that rubber science psi-tech
tors and use captured telepaths as “psi-hounds” to machinery can sometimes augment or block psi
track the rebels. If the heroes fail, the hound’s collar powers.
could be their fate as well.
A rebel campaign means the heroes must rely POWER LEVEL
on their own powers and resources, and is good Powerful psionics are a common feature in
for roleplayers who enjoy coming up with their Space Opera games, so Jim wants a fairly broad
own plans and schemes for daring rebel exploits. It range of power levels. Most psionic powers are
also allows the GM to examine interesting ethical limited to 40 Active Points, about right for Heroic-
questions: are the mundanes right to oppress psis? scale characters. A rare few psionics have more
What actions are justified by the fight for freedom? impressive powers, up to 90 Active Points in a
Will the revolution solve anything? Psi-rebels can single ability. Usually these powerful people are off-
be worked into most science fiction subgenres: stage as master villains or NPCs, since that mini-
pretty much all Cyberpunk games are about rebel- mizes the impact of their powers on the campaign
lion in at least some respects, and Space Operas as a whole.
usually have at least one tyranny that needs over- Jim establishes a rating system based on point
throwing. value, classifying psionics with Greek letter desig-
nations because they have a nice scientific sound.
Psi-Alphas are normals, with no known psionic
Psionic abilities can be very powerful, but abilities. Psi-Betas have detectable but low-level
unless an individual learns to use and control them powers: HERO System Talents or Powers worth
properly, they pose a danger to everyone — includ- no more than 10 Active Points. Psi-Gammas have
ing the person possessing them. Since non-psionic notable powers up to 20 Active Points. Psi-Deltas
parents can’t teach their children to use their are the most common “professional” psionics, with
powers, society needs specialized schools. powers up to 30 Active Points. Deltas and higher
In a light-hearted campaign, the psi school can are actively recruited by organizations which train
use all the tropes of classic boarding-school stories and employ psionics. Psi-Epsilons have up to 40
— dorm rivalries, standing up to bullies, meddling Active Points in a single psionic power, and are the
in the teachers’ private lives, and winning the big intrepid psi-agents or dreaded Mind Police during
game. Of course, at psi school, the bullies may be some periods of Imperial history.
psychic vampires, the teachers have powerful mind Beyond Epsilons the scale gets patchy because
shields, and the big game is a demanding contest there are so few high-powered psionics. Psi-Zetas
of telekinetic rugby. Darker psi schools campaigns have powers in the 50 to 60 point range, and Etas
may emphasize the need for secrecy in a hostile are 60 to 80 Active Points. Individuals with more
world, the creepy master-race ideas of the teach- than 80 Active Points are all lumped together as
ers, and the very real dangers of immature minds “Psi-Thetas,” and are considered very danger-
wielding immense power. ous even by other psionics. The term “Omegas” is
Students at psi school are fairly low-powered used by psionics to refer to amazingly powerful
Star Hero ■ Chapter Ten 253

individuals, with powers in the 100-point range psi to try to win him over as a new apprentice.
— beings so rare that some psionics scoff at their Humans are not the only species with psionic
existence. Rumors say the Empire has a secret team powers, of course. Several species in the Milky Way
of “Omega Agents” to deal with threats even the Galaxy, including the Varanyi and the mysteri-
Imperial battlefleet can’t handle. ous Mandaarians, are uniformly psionic. Aliens
Jim’s rating system provides some enjoyable have different power levels and available powers.
campaign color. Psionic characters can make dis- The Varanyi, for example, are (in)famous not only
dainful remarks about “brain-dead alphas,” and be for their psionic might, but for the broad array of
properly impressed when they learn their patron powers they manifest. Much of Imperial psionic
is an Eta. And a message from headquarters saying research studies the powers of rival species and
“Rogue Omega” ought to raise their hackles.... tries to discover ways to counteract them.
For the proper Space Opera feel, Jim assumes
all psionic powers work equally well across species,
For the proper Space Opera feel, Jim limits so a Varanyi telepath can read Human minds and
the available powers to the “standard” psionic list: vice versa. Thus, PCs don’t have to worry about the
Telepathy, ESP, and Telekinesis. Telekinesis can only classes of minds rules, and can take Limitations on
manipulate physical objects, so a telekinetic Force powers that only affect one or two species.
Field or Force Wall would provide PD protection Psionic technology remains tricky and unreli-
only. Teleportation, pyrokinesis, and other abili- able. Experimental psi-amplifiers may exist (prob-
ties are “wild talents” and as such are viewed with ably in the hands of secretive government agen-
suspicion and scientific interest. Body Control cies), but they’re not commonly available. Psi-drugs
powers are not available, mostly because Imperial are known, and some psionics depend on
medicine and biotechnology are good enough to them for effective use of their powers.
make them obsolete. Precognition and any long- Drugs cannot give anyone new
range Clairsentience powers must have the Vague powers, although rumors of
And Unclear (-½) Limitation. All psi powers require some miracle substance
Concentration and Requires A Power: Psionics that can make anyone
Roll to perform, but they don’t use END (if they an Omega often crop
cost END normally, the character must buy them up. Psi-shielding is a
to 0 END). What this means in play is that psionic bit more widespread,
characters can do cool tricks like picking locks tele- since fears of telepathic
kinetically or influencing weak minds, but still can’t spying inspired military
defy a whole squad of police armed with blasters. crash research programs
RARITY to devise countermea-
sures, and some of their
Psionics are usually just a bit of extra “chrome” devices have trickled
in Space Operas — they shouldn’t overshadow the out to the general
fun of things like mile-long space dreadnoughts, public.
lost alien civilizations, and a good blaster pistol at
your side. So Jim makes them rare, at least among Imperial Psionic
Humans. He decides there’s one Beta (10 Active Technology
Point powers) per million people in the Empire, Here are a few
and half as many at each increment of 10 Active examples of psionic tech-
Points above that. So a planet like modern Earth, nology from the Terran Empire.
with 6 billion people, would have no more than Booster Helmet: Aid 5d6, any Psionic
12,000 psionics, half of them low-powered Betas. power one at a time (+¼), Reduced
This way characters with no powers remain able to Endurance (0 END; +½) (87 Active
cope with psionic adversaries, and even moderately Points); Activation Roll 14- (-½),
powerful psi PCs are important individuals. Burnout (-¼), OAF Fragile (-1¼).
Some powers are much more common than Total cost: 29 points.
others: half of all Human psionics are telepaths,
with Telepathy, Mind Scan, Mind Control, or ESP Static Generator: Dark-
similar powers. The remainder are divided evenly ness to Mental Group 5” radius,
between those with ESP and those with telekinesis, Reduced Endurance (0 END;
plus a tiny percentage of wild talents. +½) (37 Active Points); OF Frag-
Psionic talent manifests itself randomly, ile (-1 ¼). Total cost: 16 points.
although scientists believe there’s an hereditary Inhibitor Collar: Drain Telepathy
component. As a result, any character can have psi- 1d6, Continuous (+1), Reduced
powers, but there’s still plenty of fun opportunities Endurance (0 END; +½) (25 Active
for someone to turn out to be the lost child of a Points); OIF (-½). Total cost: 17
rogue Omega, or the product of a secret breeding points.
program. Since there’s no simple genetic test for Psi-Damper Drug: Drain Mental
the psi-gene, psionic organizations have to find and Powers 4d6, all Mental Powers
test potential psionics — which means mysterious simultaneously (+2), Delayed
strangers from different groups may visit a young Return Rate (5 points per Day;
254 ■ The Powers Of The Mind HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
+1 ½) (180 Active Points); OIF Fragile (-1 ¼), 4 with mild prejudice as they use their powers as an aid
Charges (-1), Gradual Effect (20 Minutes, 1d6 per 5 in mundane jobs. High-powered psionics are either
Minutes; -1). Total cost: 42 points. Imperial agents, hunted rebels, scholarly Foundation
Psi-Detector: Detect Psionic Powers, Increased Arc researchers, or criminals.
Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Sense (17 Active
Points); OAF (-1), Limited Range (10”; -¼). Total
Psi-Shield Helmet: Mental Defense (20 points + base Here are a few example psionic powers for Star
points from EGO) (20 Active Points); OIF Fragile Hero campaigns. They’re not specifically related to
(-¾), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge (easily replenished the Terran Empire or any other setting. If necessary,
with a new power cell; 20 Minutes; -¼). Total cost: 10 the GM should alter or adapt them to fit a specific
points. campaign’s approach to psionic powers.
Telepathic Static Generator: Suppress Telepathy 5d6, APPORT
Explosion (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) The character can “summon” nearby objects by
(50 Active Points); OAF Fragile (-1 ¼). Total cost: 22 teleporting them into his hand. This ability only works
points. on small objects, not on living beings.
SOCIAL ISSUES Weak: Teleport 10”, Usable As Attack (+1),
Social issues are actually pretty simple in the Ranged (+½) (50 Active Points); Concentration
Empire. Since the Empire itself is not at all democratic (0 DCV; -½), Only To Teleport Unliving Objects
during much of its history, individual rights are low Of Up To 5 Kg And Within 10” To Character (-1).
on the priority list. Psionics pose a potential danger Total cost: 20 points.
to Imperial control, but are also tremendously useful,
Average: Teleport 15”, Usable As Attack (+1),
so they are controlled but not exterminated. Psionics
Ranged (+½), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼)
in the Empire must register with the Imperial Psionic
(82 Active Points); Concentration (½ DCV; -¼),
Foundation. The Foundation is in charge of identify-
Only To Teleport Unliving Objects Of Up To 10
ing and training new talent. To keep the Foundation
Kg And Within 15” To Character (-1). Total cost:
in line, the Imperial government quietly encourages
36 points.
anti-psionic attitudes among the general population
(a task made easier by the existence of hostile psionic Strong: Teleport 15”, Usable As Attack (+1),
species like the Varanyi). The Foundation also con- Ranged (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½)
ducts research on psionics and psi technology. (90 Active Points); Concentration (½ DCV; -¼),
The Empire itself employs most psionics above Only To Teleport Unliving Objects Of Up To 10
Beta grade, in various agencies. The Imperial Security Kg And Within 15” To Character (-1). Total cost:
Police and the Imperial Secret Service both have a Psi 40 points.
Section; agents counter psionic threats and use their
powers for espionage and covert operations. The mili- BRAIN HACKING
tary intelligence services have their own psi agents.
The character can telepathically infiltrate another
The Foundation employs some high-rated psis, often
being’s brain to alter memories, feelings, and beliefs.
veterans of Imperial service.
The sheer scale of the Empire means even the Weak: Major Transform 2d6 (alter memories),
Psionic Foundation can’t spot everyone with psi Based On ECV (+1), Works Against EGO, Not
powers. Some grow up ignorant of their abilities, BODY (+¼) (67 Active Points); Limited Target
others hide deliberately. Rogue psionics who don’t (beings with brains; -¼), Concentration (0
want to serve the Empire tend to wind up as rebels DCV throughout; -1), Extra Time (1 Turn; -1
working with various dissident groups, or as criminals ¼), Reduced By Range (-¼), Requires A Power:
in the Empire’s extensive underworld. Psionic crooks Psionics Roll (-½). Total cost: 16 points.
often gravitate toward the Olympian Syndicate, a
Average: Major Transform 2d6 (alter memories),
psionic-dominated criminal organization with shad-
Based On ECV (+1), Works Against EGO, Not
owy ties to psi-supremacist dissidents and the Psionic
BODY (+¼), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼)
Foundation itself.
(75 Active Points); Limited Target (beings with
Legends also tell of a hidden organization of
brains; -¼), Concentration (0 DCV; -½), Extra
powerful psionics, an ancient sect tracing its roots
Time (Full Phase; -½), Reduced By Range (-¼),
to pre-starflight Earth. Whispered tales tell that the
Requires A Power: Psionics Roll (-½). Total cost:
“Champions” are defenders of truth and justice, using
25 points.
their powers to protect Humans and oppose the
Empire. Imperial propaganda alternately denies their Strong: Major Transform 2d6 (alter memories),
existence or paints them as dangerous psionic rebels. Based On ECV (+1), Works Against EGO, Not
Professional law-enforcement experts suspect the BODY (+¼), Continuous (+1), Reduced Endur-
name has been used by several different groups over ance (0 END; +½) (112 Active Points); Limited
the years. Target (beings with brains; -¼), Concentration (½
Player characters with psi powers in the Impe- DCV; -¼), Extra Time (Full Phase; -½), Reduced
rial era can fit into various campaign structures. By Range (-¼), Requires A Power: Psionics Roll
Low-powered Betas exist in normal society, coping (-½). Total cost: 41 points.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Ten 255

DEEP TELEPATHIC PROBE Against Sleeping Targets (-1). Total cost: 12

The character has telepathy strong enough to get points.
past most beings’ mental shields and probe deep into Strong: Mental Illusions 8d6, Reduced Endur-
their memories, and perhaps even their subconscious. ance Cost (0 END; +½) (60 Active Points); Con-
Weak: Telepathy 10d6 (50 Active Points); centration (½ DCV; -¼), Gradual Effect (20 Min-
Concentration (0 DCV throughout; -1), Extra utes, 2d6 per 5 Minutes; -1), Only Works Against
Time (1 Minute; -1 ½), Reduced By Range (-¼), Sleeping Targets (-1). Total cost: 18 points.
Requires A Power: Psionics Roll (-½). Total cost:
The character has the ability to manipulate the
Average: Telepathy 10d6, Reduced Endurance
emotions of others. This is particularly useful for,
(½ END; +¼) (62 Active Points); Concentration
among other things, triggering certain Enrageds.
(0 DCV throughout; -1), Extra Time (1 Minute; -
1 ½), Reduced By Range (-¼), Requires A Power: Weak: Mind Control 8d6 (40 Active Points);
Psionics Roll (Active Point penalty -1 per 20 Concentration (0 DCV; -½), Increased Endur-
points; -¼). Total cost: 15 points. ance Cost (x2 END; -½), Reduced By Range
(-¼), Set Effect (emotions only; -½). Total cost:
Strong: Telepathy 10d6, Reduced Endurance (0
14 points.
END; +½) (75 Active Points); Concentration (0
DCV throughout; -1), Extra Time (1 Minute; -1 Average: Mind Control 8d6 (40 Active Points);
½), Reduced By Range (-¼), Requires A Power: Concentration (½ DCV; -¼), Reduced By Range
Psionics Roll (Active Point penalty -1 per 20 (-¼), Set Effect (emotions only; -½). Total cost:
points; -¼). Total cost: 19 points. 20 points.
Strong: Mind Control 8d6, Reduced Endurance
(½ END; +¼) (50 Active Points); Concentration
The character can manipulate the dreams of (½ DCV; -¼), Reduced By Range (-¼), Set Effect
sleeping people, allowing him to conduct a form of (emotions only; -½). Total cost: 25 points.
psychological warfare against them.
Weak: Mental Illusions 8d6 (40 Active Points); EMPATHIC COMMUNICATION
Concentration (0 DCV; -½), Gradual Effect The character can communicate with others
(20 Minutes, 2d6 per 5 Minutes; -1), Increased empathically, both reading their emotions and pro-
Endurance Cost (x2 END; -½), Only Works jecting his own emotions into their minds.
Against Sleeping Targets (-1). Total cost: 10
points. Weak: Telepathy 6d6 (30 Active Points); Com-
munication Only (-¼), Empathy (-½), Concen-
Average: Mental Illusions 8d6 (40 Active Points); tration (½ DCV; -¼), Increased Endurance Cost
Concentration (½ DCV; -¼), Gradual Effect (20 (x2 END; -½), Reduced By Range (-¼). Total cost:
Minutes, 2d6 per 5 Minutes; -1), Only Works 11 points.
256 ■ The Powers Of The Mind HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Average: Telepathy 6d6 (30 Active Points); Com- PROBABILITY MANIPULATION
munication Only (-¼), Empathy (-½), Reduced The character can consciously alter probability
By Range (-¼). Total cost: 15 points. (though of course he cannot dictate exactly what
Strong: Telepathy 6d6, Reduced Endurance occurs when he tilts the odds in his favor, he can only
Cost (0 END; +½) (45 Active Points); Commu- ensure the outcome will be good for him). The down-
nication Only (-¼), Empathy (-½), Reduced By side is that bad luck often follows.
Range (-¼). Total cost: 22 points. Luck 8d6 (40 Active Points); Requires A Power:
Psionics Roll (-½), Side Effect (automatically
INTERSTELLAR BRAIN LINK suffers 2d6 Unluck within 10 minutes; -½). Total
The character can establish a mental link with cost: 20 points.
one other person, provided that person is no more
than 50,000 light-years away (approximately the PSIONIC JAMMING
radius of the Milky Way Galaxy). The character can project a field of psionic
Mind Link, one specific mind, No LOS Needed interference to protect one of his non-psionic friends
(works over interstellar distances, to a maximum from a mental attack. The character himself pays the
range of about 50,000 light-years) (15 Active END for the power, and controls when it works.
Points); Activation Roll 15- (-¼), Concentration Weak: Mental Defense (7 points, plus the base
(½ DCV throughout; -¼), Costs Endurance (-½). from character’s EGO), Usable As Attack (+1),
Total cost: 7 points. Range (+½) (17 Active Points); Concentration
(0 DCV throughout; -1), Costs Endurance (-½),
MIND SHIELD Requires A Power: Psionics Roll (roll is subject to
The character knows how to shield his mind Skill Versus Skill Contest with attacker’s Psionics
from psychic assaults and mental intruders. roll [or EGO Roll, if he lacks that Skill]; -¾). Total
cost: 5 points.
Weak: Mental Defense (10 points + base points
from EGO) (10 Active Points); Costs Endurance Average: Mental Defense (10 points, plus the
(-½). Total cost: 7 points. base from character’s EGO), Usable As Attack
(+1), Range (+½) (25 Active Points); Concentra-
Average: Mental Defense (10 points + base tion (½ DCV throughout; -½), Costs Endurance
points from EGO). Total cost: 10 points. (-½), Requires A Power: Psionics Roll (roll is sub-
Strong: Mental Defense (20 points + base points ject to Skill Versus Skill Contest with attacker’s
from EGO). Total cost: 20 points. Psionics roll [or EGO Roll, if he lacks that Skill];
-¾). Total cost: 9 points.
PREMONITIONS Strong: Mental Defense (15 points, plus the base
The character receives strange flashes of insight from character’s EGO), Usable As Attack (+1),
— mysterious visions of events yet to occur. He Range (+½) (37 Active Points); Costs Endurance
cannot control this ability; the visions simply come (-½), Requires A Power: Psionics Roll (roll is sub-
upon him, bringing not only a glimpse of the future ject to Skill Versus Skill Contest with attacker’s
but intense headaches. Psionics roll [or EGO Roll, if he lacks that Skill];
-¾). Total cost: 16 points.
Weak: Precognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group)
(40 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x2
END; -½), No Conscious Control (-2), Precogni-
tion Only (-1), Vague And Unclear (-½), Side The character can manipulate others’ minds
Effect (take 4d6 STUN damage automatically; to “erase” himself from their perceptions. Except at
-½). Total cost: 7 points. the highest level of power, he can only do this with
a certain number of minds at once. He cannot affect
Average: Precognitive Clairsentience (Sight cameras, robots, or other beings without minds.
Group), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (50
Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Pre- Weak: Invisibility to Sight, Hearing, and Smell/
cognition Only (-1), Vague And Unclear (-½), Taste Groups, No Fringe (40 Active Points); Only
Side Effect (take 3d6 STUN damage automati- When Not Attacking (-½), Only Versus Beings
cally; -½). Total cost: 10 points. With Minds (-½), Requires A Power: Psionics
Roll (-½), Only Versus EGO/10 Persons At One
Strong: Precognitive Clairsentience (Sight Time (-1). Total cost: 11 points.
Group), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (60
Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Pre- Average: Invisibility to Sight, Hearing, and
cognition Only (-1), Vague And Unclear (-½), Smell/Taste Groups, No Fringe, Reduced Endur-
Side Effect (take 2d6 STUN damage automati- ance (½ END; +¼) (50 Active Points); Only
cally; -½). Total cost: 12 points. When Not Attacking (-½), Only Versus Beings
With Minds (-½), Requires A Power: Psionics
Roll (Active Point penalty -1 per 20 points; -¼),
Only Versus EGO/5 Persons At One Time (-½).
Total cost: 18 points.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Ten 257

Strong: Invisibility to Sight, Hearing, and Smell/ 100 kilograms.

Taste Groups, No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (0
Telekinesis (10 STR), Fine Manipulation, Invis-
END; +½) (60 Active Points); Only When Not
ible To Sight Group (+½), Reduced Endurance
Attacking (-½), Only Versus Beings With Minds
(½ END, +¼) (44 Active Points); Limited Range
(-½), Requires A Power: Psionics Roll (Active
(20”; -¼). Total cost: 35 points.
Point penalty -1 per 20 points; -¼). Total cost:
27 points.
PSYCHIC DIAGNOSIS The character can telepathically project a “shout”
into another person’s mind, causing that person
The character can send his mind into a person’s
intense pain.
body to discern whether he has an illness, and if so
what kind. Weak: Ego Attack 3d6 (30 Active Points); Con-
centration (0 DCV; -½), Limited Range (15”;
Weak: Detect Disease (INT Roll) (Mental
-¼). Total cost: 17 points.
Group), Discriminatory, Sense (17 Active
Points); Activation Roll 14- (-½), Costs Endur- Average: Ego Attack 4d6 (40 Active Points);
ance (-½), Extra Time (1 Turn; -1 ¼), Requires Concentration (½ DCV; -¼), Limited Range
An SS: Medicine Roll (-¼). Total cost: 5 points. (20”; -¼). Total cost: 27 points.
Average: Detect Disease (INT Roll) (Mental Strong: Ego Attack 6d6 (60 Active Points); Lim-
Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Sense (22 ited Range (20”; -¼). Total cost: 48 points.
Active Points); Activation Roll 14- (-½), Costs
Endurance (-½), Requires An SS: Medicine Roll THOUGHT SPEECH
(-¼). Total cost: 10 points. This power provides a character with basic tele-
Strong: Detect Disease (INT Roll +2) (Mental pathic communication powers.
Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Sense (24 Weak: Telepathy 4d6 (20 Active Points); Com-
Active Points); Requires An SS: Medicine Roll munication Only (-¼), Concentration (½ DCV;
(-¼). Total cost: 19 points. -¼), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -½).
Total cost: 10 points.
A character with this ability can see far-off Average: Telepathy 4d6, Reduced Endurance (½
scenes. This makes him an excellent asset for intel- END; +¼) (25 Active Points); Communication
ligence agencies, corporations willing to engage in Only (-¼), Concentration (½ DCV; -¼). Total
industrial espionage, and military units. cost: 17 points.

Weak: Clairsentience (Sight Group), Megascale Strong: Telepathy 4d6, Reduced Endurance (0
(1” = 100 km; +¾) (35 Active Points); Attack Roll END; +½) (30 Active Points); Communication
Required (-¼), Blackout (-½), Concentration (0 Only (-¼). Total cost: 24 points.
DCV throughout; -1), Extra Time
(1 Minute to activate; -¾). Total
cost: 10 points.
Average: Clairsentience (Sight
Group), Megascale (1” = 100 km;
+¾), Reduced Endurance (½ END;
+¼) (40 Active Points); Attack Roll
Required (-¼), Blackout (-½), Con-
centration (½ DCV throughout;
-½), Extra Time (1 Minute to acti-
vate; -¾). Total cost: 13 points.
Strong: Clairsentience (Sight
Group), Megascale (1” = 100 km,
can scale down to 1” = 1 km; +1),
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½)
(50 Active Points); Attack Roll
Required (-¼), Blackout (-½),
Extra Time (1 Minute to activate;
-¾). Total cost: 20 points.

The character has the ability to
manifest a psychokinetic “hand” that
no one can see, but which can move
or manipulate objects weighing up to
258 ■ A Journey Into The Unknown HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

hapter One reviewed the major sci- stories.
ence fiction subgenres, discussing Gamemasters interested in further
how to set up Star Hero campaigns advice about GMing in general can also
to emulate them, and how to intro- consult the GMing chapter of the HERO
duce the elements and features of System 5th Edition, Revised, the GMing
the genre into your games. This chapter section of Champions and other HERO
delves into more detail on the subject of System genre books, and plenty of generic
GMing Star Hero — everything from how references on the art and science of
to set up and manage a campaign, to how GMing roleplaying games. Even though
to create enjoyable and memorable vil- those sources aren’t specific to Star Hero,
lains and NPCs, to the effects of environ- many of the suggestions and ideas they
ments often encountered in science fiction contain apply to any HERO System cam-
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eleven 259

reating an RPG campaign is never easy EXPLORATION
— and in Star Hero, when the entire Galaxy Boldly going where nobody has gone before
may be the GM’s backdrop, it can be par- has one of the central themes of science fiction
ticularly difficult! To keep the campaign on ever since Jules Verne wrote his “Voyages Extraor-
track, the GM needs to decide on things like the dinaires.” A campaign with an exploration theme
campaign’s theme, the type of game he wants to constantly involves the heroes with new-found
run, and the game’s primary setting. worlds and species. Its focus is on understanding
aliens, solving science puzzles, and learning about
CAMPAIGN THEME the world... and about one’s self.
The theme of a campaign is the underly-
Plato’s dialogue The Republic can be consid-
ing subject of all the adventures. It isn’t strictly
ered a very early science fiction story, and concerns
necessary to have one, but a campaign without a
itself with an ideal state and how it might be gov-
theme may seem disconnected and unfocused. In
erned. A campaign with the theme of power can
a campaign of interstellar exploration, the theme
ask all kinds of juicy questions. What are the proper
is “exploring the unknown.” The heroes encounter
uses of power? What should people do when power
new and unknown planets, beings, and civilizations.
is used improperly? Does power corrupt? What
Some of them are hostile, some are friendly, some
forms of power are there? Beware: Plato asked
need help, some offer opportunities for profit, but
these same questions and people have been finding
the underlying theme is always the same. The GM
answers to them for thousands of years.
may even twist the theme a bit on occasion to tell
stories of the characters’ self-exploration. TECHNOLOGY
It’s possible to have more than one theme in Possibly the central theme of all science fiction
a campaign. Adventures can cycle among a couple is the question of technology, its proper role/place
of different underlying subjects — the adventures in society, and Man’s relationship to it. Is it a posi-
of a group of high-tech cyborg mercenary soldiers tive force, freeing people from drudgery and hard-
could alternate between a theme of the ethics of ship — or is it destructive and contrary to Nature?
warfare and a theme of the boundaries of human How can people enjoy the benefits while control-
and machine. Gamemasters shouldn’t get carried ling the dangers?
away with multiple themes, though, since having This theme is particularly appropriate for Star
too many isn’t much better than having none at all. Hero games, since, as noted on page 146, technol-
Be careful not to confuse theme with mes- ogy can cause problems in roleplaying campaigns
sage. “The effects of biotechnology on society” is a as well. A clever GM might dovetail the exploration
theme; “cloning is bad” is a message. You can return of the theme of technology with his solutions to the
to a theme, look at it from various angles, and in-game problems it causes.
develop it in depth. But once you’ve stated a mes-
sage, the only thing to do is state it again.
Some common themes in science fiction
After, or at the same time as, choosing a theme,
BEING HUMAN GMs need to decide on the type of campaign they
As technology allows people to create intel- want to run. Often one decision leads to another;
ligent animals and robots, or replace Human bodies a Military SF game probably focuses on the power
with machines and Human brains with computers, and/or technology themes, not on exploration or
the question of what is Human becomes important. being Human.
Is a cyborg a Human? What about an intelligent
dog with some Human genes? What about an artifi-
cial intelligence program simulating a Human per- Subgenre
sonality, or an artificially intelligent robot (like Data Chapter One describes various science fiction
from Star Trek: The Next Generation)? Beyond subgenres and crossovers. The first consideration
the simple question of definition, the relations of for a GM deciding on the type of Star Hero cam-
Humans to near-Humans also leads to interesting paign he wants to run is which subgenre his cam-
questions. If a sentient robot is programmed to paign belongs to. Each decision has benefits and
serve Humans, is that slavery? drawbacks; keeping these in mind as you create a
260 ■ A Journey Into The Unknown HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
campaign should let you maximize the former, and Star Hero, and that’s not to every gamer’s taste.
minimise the latter.
APOCALYPSE/POST-APOCALYPSE Although not as popular now as it was in the
Most campaigns of this sort fall into the 1980s and early ’90s, the cyberpunk subgenre still
“post-apocalypse” category, since focusing on the retains a lot of appeal for many gamers. By reflect-
civilization-ending (or -altering) disaster usually ing, often darkly, a world based on our own — one
isn’t good for more than a few campaign sessions where the computer, information, and technologi-
(at most), and is often depressing. The world after cal revolutions of the past quarter-century have
disaster has struck makes a much more interesting continued, sometimes unchecked by ethical con-
setting for most Star Hero gamers. Not only do they siderations — it allows GMs and players to explore
have to cope with the many problems disaster has concepts and themes derived from modern-day
wrought, but they get to embark on the noble and concerns, but sufficiently removed from them so
heroic effort to re-build civilization. In some games, that no one becomes too uncomfortable.
the GM can couple this with the excitement of dis- The benefit to a Cyber Hero campaign is that
covering there was once a better world, and what very familiarity. To establish a good, plausible
happened to it. cyberpunk setting, the GM need only spend a few
The benefit to choosing post-apocalypse as hours researching technology trends and futur-
a campaign setting is that it’s a wide-open field in ological speculation, add a dash of the fantastic (if
many ways. The GM can introduce all sorts of fun, desired), and mix in some of the well-known fea-
weird stuff — mutants, leftover technology run tures of the genre (cyberware, the Cybernet, super-
amok, Fantasy Hero-like melee combats, dieselpunk powerful megacorporations, urban dystopia). The
car chases, perhaps even the return of magic to the trick, in many cases, is to find a way to make the
world (as in the Thundarr The Barbarian cartoon) setting/campaign unique, rather than a warmed-
— but still keep many classic SF tropes reasonably over copy of what the GM read in a few novels.
intact (cyberware, superintelligent computers, and The drawback to many cyberpunk games is
so on), even if only in isolated pockets or long-lost getting the PCs to act like heroes. The subgenre
ruins. The drawback is that he also usually has to lends itself to characters who are amoral and
abandon many of the other tropes so beloved of selfish, who care only about their own comforts
gamers — things like starships, interstellar travel, and wallets. Many, if not most, of the characters
and a plethora of alien species. In many ways, post- depicted in cyberpunk stories are outright crimi-
apocalyptic campaigns are as much Fantasy Hero as nals at worst, violent urban survivalists at best. That
works for a novel or movie, and it can even work
for some roleplaying games. But generally, RPGs
work best if the characters are heroes and act like it.
Convincing them to stick to their principles as well
as their guns may challenge even the most creative
Earthbound SF is an unusual choice for a Star
Hero campaign, since most GMs and players prefer
star-spanning adventure. But its benefits — includ-
ing a setting well-known to everyone involved, yet
containing the possibility of mystery, discovery, and
excitement — do appeal to some gamers. If he sets
the game in the Victorian or Pulp era, the GM can
minimize the familiarity aspect by plunging the
players into a time and a culture that isn’t the same
as what they know from personal experience.
The drawback to this subgenre is, of course,
that the PCs are stuck on Earth. That means there’s
a whole Galaxy of adventure out there they can’t
become involved in. The GM can, of course, bring
aliens and other standard SF elements to Earth, but
sooner or later that often begins to strain credibil-
ity. Make sure all the players are on board with the
idea of an Earthbound campaign before you decide
to run one.
True Hard SF is a difficult subgenre for Star
Hero gaming, because its stories depend on rigor-
ous scientific accuracy and extensive scientific
knowledge. The GM and players all have to be con-
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eleven 261

versant in the hard sciences, and able to use their invasions, raids, battles, and the like. The steady
scientific and technical knowledge as part of the diet of gunfights and commando operations may
campaign. Otherwise, the game breaks down into soon lose its attraction if the GM doesn’t find ways
an unending series of Skill Rolls, which isn’t much to mix in new elements. For example, after a while,
fun for anyone involved. It’s sometimes possible to maybe a Military SF campaign shifts from outright
get around this difficulty by veering ever-so-slightly warfare to more of a Cold War/low-intensity con-
toward Space Opera. This works particularly well flict sort of situation, with the PCs acting more as
if the GM invents some hard pseudo-scientific spies and “special forces” operatives than ordinary
principles the players can learn about and exploit soldiers.
(like “subspace” in Star Trek, which provides a con-
venient rubber science explanation for many types
of technology, but generally behaves in scientifically Planetary Romance campaigns offer many of
predictable ways). the benefits of Earthbound SF without many of
To make a Hard SF campaign work, the GM the drawbacks. They take place on a world other
has to do a lot of work to justify the technol- than Earth, which means the well-known elements
ogy, alien species, psionic powers, and anything of high technology and space travel (and all they
else he wants to use. He has to have a scientifi- imply) have to exist. It also means the PCs can
cally plausible explanation for why they exist and meet aliens and explore weird alien landscapes;
what they can do — and the players have to buy they’re not limited to the familiar fields of Earth. As
into his explanations. It’s no fun for anyone if the Larry Niven’s Ringworld and its sequels illustrate,
game constantly breaks down into arguments over a Planetary Romance can easily involve dozens of
whether the Shrreenar could “really” survive by alien species.
photosynthesis alone. But some of the drawbacks remain. Even on
a world as big as a ringworld or Dyson sphere,
LOW SCIENCE FICTION the PCs are still limited to just one world, and
Low SF suffers from many of the same draw- as a result they may feel trapped or artificially
backs as Earthbound SF. It takes the most common restricted. And because the campaign focuses on
and readily-identifiable element of science fiction this one world, the GM has to develop it in detail.
— highly advanced technology — and tosses it In an Earthbound campaign, he can rely on the
away. To many gamers, if they can’t have FTL star- players’ common knowledge; he doesn’t have to tell
ships, energy swords, blaster pistols, and bumbling them what continents exist and where Europe is.
robot servants, SF just isn’t much fun. Something But for a Planetary Romance, he has to create all
else about the campaign, be it the setting, the sto- the details (including the “deep mystery” backstory
ryline, or the theme, has to interest them so the about who created the place, if appropriate), and
GM can draw them into the game and get them communicate that information to the players. A
involved. GM who wants to run a Planetary Romance should
On the other hand, the low-tech nature of a develop a plan for dealing with this problem, lest
Low SF game has some distinct benefits. The GM he drown in details.
has to spend less time preparing extensive lists of
equipment, and the players don’t have to take as
long to outfit their characters. The problems high Retro-SF — or Pulp SF, to use its most
technology causes in many Star Hero campaigns common incarnation for gaming purposes — has
diminish in Low SF; the players don’t have access to a wonderful, lush feel that appeals to many GMs
planet-busting weapons or teleporters, so they can’t and players. It harks back to an earlier era of sto-
cause difficulties with them. rytelling, where adventure and romance (in the
classical sense) were the hallmarks of the day, and
MILITARY SCIENCE FICTION all but the lightest emphasis on scientific accuracy
Military SF is a popular subgenre for Star Hero or plausible events was unnecessary. For many
campaigns; the excitement and drama of war (from gamers, that lets them concentrate on roleplaying
a literary perspective) mixes well with the excite- and having fun, without having to worry about the
ment and drama of outer space, FTL travel, and baggage SF sometimes brings with it.
weapons that really give the words “mass destruc- But that asset is also the subgenre’s biggest
tion” meaning. Players who enjoy tactical problem- drawback. In today’s modern, educated, scientifi-
solving have a field day as they try to exploit (or cally literate, jaded world, many gamers find it
counteract) teleportation technology, FTL kinetic difficult to put aside their knowledge and beliefs to
weapons, and combat mechs; they can spend hours embrace the Pulp SF aesthetic. These days, we know
of game time gleefully orchestrating planetary Mars doesn’t have canals, and that Venus isn’t a
invasions or establishing a defense perimeter of swampy jungle world. We know that some types of
automated weapons platforms. alien life, space travel, and technology are scientifi-
The drawback to Military SF is its singular cally implausible. We know, at least from the per-
focus on matters military. A Space Opera or Hard spective of cynicism, that the Pulp themes of “good
SF campaign might concentrate on, say, explora- always wins” and “noble intentions and a strong
tion, but it could dip into trading, espionage, or right hook solve everything,” aren’t true. Awareness
even military adventure on occasion. A Military of these “realities” may make it hard for the GM to
SF campaign, on the other hand, usually sticks to pull off a Pulp SF campaign the way he wants to.
262 ■ A Journey Into The Unknown HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
SPACE OPERA successful utopia/dystopia campaign has to offer
Space Opera is by far the most popular something more than just the (im)perfect nature of
subgenre for Star Hero gaming. After all, the the setting. Given their stark qualities, utopias and
best-known and most influential science fiction dystopias often make excellent backdrops for cam-
properties — Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, and paigns with themes such as “what are the proper
others — all qualify as Space Opera to one degree uses of power?” or “the role of moral absolutism in
or another. It’s only natural for gamers to want to society.”
emulate what attracted them to the genre in the
first place.
The advantage to Space Opera is that it offers
Campaign Subject
the entire spectrum of science fiction adventure. A campaign can take place in any of the sub-
A Space Opera GM can do pretty much anything genres described above, but the campaign subject
the genre encompasses. The advanced technology is also what the characters do — are they soldiers,
and galactic scope of the setting provide unlimited thieves, policemen, traders, or explorers? Campaign
possibilities for scenarios, characters, and excite- subject and campaign theme have a lot of overlap
ment. The GM can even temporarily convert the — if the theme is exploration, the characters should
campaign to another subgenre by, for example, probably be explorers (even if reluctant ones).
stranding the characters in a low-tech situation or
plunging the setting into an interstellar war.
On the other hand, the wide-open nature of Campaigns centered on exploration and dis-
Space Opera may lead to a lack of focus. The play- tant voyages are a natural choice. Star Trek and a
ers need to have a firm idea of what the campaign’s host of imitators sent the crew off to encounter dif-
about, and that means the GM does, too. Similarly, ferent problems and guest stars each week. Explora-
the readily-available technology may cause all the tion doesn’t even have to take place in outer space
“tech overshadowing character” problems discussed — SeaQuest DSV and its more obscure predecessor,
elsewhere in this book. To keep a Space Opera Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea, did the same
campaign exciting and flourishing, the GM defi- thing in the oceans, and any number of post-apoca-
nitely needs to have a theme, or at least a storyline, lypse settings involve bands of heroic adventurers
in mind when he begins, and to stick with it as the roaming through the devastated landscape to see
game progresses. what’s in the next ruined city.
Exploration campaigns are good because epi-
TIME TRAVEL sodes tend to be self-contained: the crew arrives
Time travel campaigns have a broad appeal at a new planet or city or seabottom trench, they
for many gamers, particularly those interested explore it, confront whatever threats or mysteries
in history. They offer a wonderful chance to play lurk within, and leave. At the very most, each major
“what if?”, combined with the tension and drama “episode” constitutes a story arc in the overall cam-
of having to preserve the “true” timeline and avoid paign. This structure can become a disadvantage
being stranded in the wrong time-frame. However, if the players want to feel more connected to the
they require a lot of work by the GM. To construct setting, and they may start to wonder if every new
a plausible scenario set in, say, Elizabethan England, planet holds some deadly puzzle. Sometimes the
the GM has to research that period and gain a good GM needs to throw them a curve ball — such as a
“feel” for it. The game works even better if the play- roleplaying-oriented episode on an idyllic pleasure-
ers do the same; it’s difficult to play the part of a planet.
time-cop sent back to make sure the colonists win
the American Revolution if you don’t know at least
a little something about the Revolutionary period. Espionage and covert operations have a long
But at the same time, the players and the GM have history in science fiction, and at times the border
to avoid bogging the campaign down in arguments between SF and spy stories gets blurry indeed. An
about what “really” would have happened if Hitler espionage-oriented Star HERO campaign can focus
had gone into the Middle East instead of Russia, or on actual intelligence-gathering and paramili-
if Genghis Khan had not been born. Research and tary operations, or on James Bond-style superspy
realism aside, to some extent everyone involved in adventures. Robert Heinlein’s Friday and Eric Frank
the game has to willingly suspend his disbelief in Russell’s Wasp, among others, provide excellent
the interest of telling a fun story. examples of the possibilities of SF espionage.
Spy characters as a team are best if each player
UTOPIA/DYSTOPIA chooses a specialty — the Tech Guy, the Con Man,
This subgenre is the least popular for Star the Martial Artist, the Master of Disguise, and so
Hero gaming; utopias are too perfect to offer many forth. Science fiction settings add the Hacker, the
adventure opportunities and dystopias are too Psionic, and the Getaway Pilot. The introduction
depressing (except perhaps as places to visit in an of alien species and ultra-technology can add even
otherwise ordinary campaign). A few campaigns more dimensions to the party’s composition.
structure themselves around improving (or over- The tone of an espionage campaign can vary
throwing) a dystopian society, but even that’s fairly greatly. If the emphasis is on spy-thriller chases and
rare — rebellions against galactic tyrants seem to confrontations with master villains in their hidden
attract gamers more. A GM who wants to run a headquarters, the tone is likely to be straightfor-
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eleven 263

ward action-adventure. Grimmer sto-

ries emphasize the betrayal, paranoia,
and moral compromises of the shadow
The life of a military (or quasi-
military) starship crew can draw from
a variety of sources. If they’re busy
fighting pirates and waging war against
rival empires, the GM can use all the
tropes of sea adventure stories. If the
crew are more like frontier marshals or
cops on the beat, then the GM can lift
ideas from Westerns or crime dramas.
Combined with exploration, a Galactic
Patrol campaign can be as much like
Star Trek as the GMs and players desire.
Starship crews usually have to obey
orders, which makes adventure hooks
easy — “the Admiral says go check
out the spacetime anomaly in Sector
Twelve” — but may feel restrictive to
players who want autonomy and resent
being bossed around. Often, PCs who
are part of a large military organiza-
tion call in the cavalry early rather than
dealing with threats themselves. You MANHUNTERS
can prevent this by making them “the only ship in Maybe the characters would like to be the
the quadrant” at the time, although they may start hunters for a change. Bounty hunters and other
to wonder just where all those other ships are when free-lance law enforcers are quite popular in SF
danger appears. Another solution is to make the (Mike Resnick has made a career out of writing SF
PCs a “special forces” outfit, one tasked with “impos- bounty hunter novels). Bounty hunter campaigns
sible missions” and given a high degree of autonomy allow for plenty of action and gunplay, but the
because of its members’ skills and importance. heroes probably won’t go to jail for it. Characters
MAKING CRIME PAY can be idealistic, mercenary, or no better than the
people they chase. This kind of campaign fits well
Science fiction crime stories usually center with a theme of Law and Justice.
on the more clever and technically adept kinds of But the life of a manhunter isn’t trouble-free.
criminals — skilled thieves, quick-witted con men, Problems faced by bounty hunters include getting
and high-tech assassins. Cyberpunk stories add the the target back to the hands of the Law, outwitting
elite computer hacker, who’s really just another kind rivals intent on the same prize, and coping with
of thief. unfriendly police and Space Patrol officers who
Criminal characters can be fairly noble Robin don’t like freelancers.
Hood types, only stealing from Evil Corporations Gamemasters need to worry about adventure
or conning people who really deserve it. Or they hooks — what if the heroes don’t want to chase the
can be genuine rotters; it’s up to the players to villain you spent two days creating? What if they
decide, though most Star Hero games work better stick with easier prey? If the heroes are the best in
with heroic-minded PCs. Often criminals in SF get the business, their fees will be steep, which leads to
recruited into espionage and covert operations. That questions of how to get them away from managing
neatly sidesteps the ethical issues and allows the their investment portfolios long enough to have
characters to do their stuff in exotic and danger- adventures.
ous locales. In an all-crooks campaign, Hunteds are
almost mandatory, so daring crimes can alternate THE PIRATE LIFE
with daring escapes. Space piracy is largely unrealistic and pulpish,
A potential problem GMs need to watch out but it’s also a lot of fun. It can be done with varying
for is the question of the Big Score. If the criminal degrees of realism. The most realistic versions take
heroes successfully steal the most valuable gem in into account the limitations of spaceships — you
the Galaxy, why do they need to commit crimes normally can’t grapple and board across millions of
anymore? Why not sell it and settle down on some kilometers, so the pirates have to rely on threaten-
resort world to live off the proceeds? You can avoid ing merchant ships with superior firepower to get
this by having fences take a ruinous percentage of them to power down long enough to board and
the loot, and occasionally skipping ahead to when rob. This encourages a fairly “gentlemanly” style of
the money starts to run out after months of riotous piracy, since the merchants won’t surrender if they
living. know they’ll be killed.
264 ■ A Journey Into The Unknown HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Or you can toss realism to the winds of space atom-spawned monsters. Physical scientists get to
and have pirates wearing frilly shirts waving swords cope with spacetime anomalies, try to come up with
as they fly aboard with maneuvering packs or tele- countermeasures to alien superweapons, and test
port onto the quarter-deck for some furious swash- out new stardrives or power sources with unforseen
buckling. This kind of piracy requires spaceships side effects.
with very short-range weapons, and drives that let Even historians and linguists may get into the
the corsairs to catch up to their prey and haul along- act if time travel is available. Researchers studying
side. the past might find themselves dealing with time
Whichever style you use, key tropes of space crooks, undoing accidental changes to history, or
piracy are hidden treasures, pirates who are secretly simply caught in the middle of ancient battles and
something else, privateering (working as a pirate atrocities.
for some interstellar government by attacking only Scientific campaigns require both GMs and
its enemy’s ships), rivalries with other bandits, and players interested in solving scientific puzzles,
roistering times ashore in a lawless free port. In SF, and usually involve a fair amount of background
pirates often wind up joining the rebels against tyr- research to ensure accuracy. They mesh well with
anny (there’s a historical precedent in Jean Lafitte), exploration campaigns. A big potential problem is
or serving as the ultimate deniable covert agents for that the pace can get glacially slow when the GM
a space intelligence agency. has to present a lot of information. Handouts or e-
mails can move a lot of “infodumps” to out-of-game
Long before Star Wars, heroic rebels in science
fiction were overthrowing awful tyrannies and bat- STAR TRADERS
tling for freedom. Being part of a rebellion makes A classic standby in both written SF and sci-
for a great campaign, because the organization ence fiction roleplaying is the continuing exploits
can send heroes on missions when the GM needs of a merchant starship crew as they try to earn
an adventure hook, but a rag-tag rebel movement a (mostly) honest living. Similar campaigns can
can’t always provide backup when the heroes are in describe space traders operating just within the
trouble. Also, the ultimate triumph of Good over Solar System, or even merchants in a post-apoca-
Evil proves most satisfying. lyptic landscape. Power levels tend to be low — the
The classic Rebellion campaign draws on the heroes are working stiffs trying to make a living, not
American Revolution and the exploits of resistance save the Universe. The fact that they may wind up in
fighters in occupied Europe — the heroes are good, a position to save the Universe anyway just makes it
the villains are bad, and moral ambiguity is kept to more entertaining.
a minimum. Gamemasters can darken the tone by Merchant campaigns make heavy use of the
making some of the Rebels fanatics or psychopaths trade rules in Chapter Six (or a similar set of rules
(as shown on Babylon 5), and showing that the tyr- devised by the GM), and require GMs to do their
anny has sincere supporters with valid reasons to homework and set up trade routes in a sector. Prob-
prefer order over upheaval. lems can arise when the players are more interested
Rebel characters all are Hunted unless they in “wargaming” the trade rules to get rich rather
maintain a Secret Identity and/or Deep Cover. than having adventures, so the GM should feel free
Missions are a mix of military operations and to introduce elements of economic unpredictability
espionage. Rebellions can often cross over well with (depressions and recessions, the rising and passing
criminal campaigns, or a band of rebels might go of fads, and so forth) if necessary.
undercover as space merchants. You don’t have to limit a star traders campaign
to commercial matters alone. Heroes in a mercan-
tile campaign can often moonlight as rebels, spies,
A campaign covering the adventures of a group bounty hunters, or even pirates!
of scientists may not sound too exciting at first —
analyzing data and filling out grant proposals? But STARSHIP TROOPERS
this is science fiction after all, and sufficiently adven- Military campaigns involve characters serv-
turous scientists do get out of the lab sometime. ing in the same unit — usually a squad or platoon.
Archaeology and paleontology have lots of Adventures are naturally heavy on combat. A
adventure potential, especially when the characters favorite subtrope is the mercenary campaign, which
are digging up remains of alien civilizations. Often allows a lot more flexibility and action than most
there are powerful artifacts or lost technologies national armies face. Working as mercenaries also
waiting to be found — and dangerous rivals or vil- allows the heroes to face unexpectedly powerful
lains trying to get them. Most long-running Star opposition with no support because their patron
Hero campaigns feature an archaeology-oriented was too cheap to hire any.
scenario or two at some point. Since full-scale battles using even present-day
Characters may need biologists (including, weapons are incredibly destructive, military games
broadly speaking, doctors) to solve scientific puzzles often chronicle the exploits of specialized com-
on alien worlds, cope with devastating plagues, or mando units. This may shade into espionage and
go through harrowing adventures to locate a rare covert operations if the troops fight secret battles, or
life form. In Fifties-style Retro-SF, biologists are into law enforcement if they oppose crime gangs or
often the first ones to discover alien invaders or terrorists.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eleven 265

Military campaigns have

several advantages — the
heroes go where they’re
ordered and are certain of
action when they get there.
Players may start wishing for
variety (which the GM can
provide with “R&R” trips or
temporary assignments). The
emphasis on combat means
players who like set-piece
battles will have fun and
those who don’t will loathe
this kind of campaign.
As outlined in Chapter
Nine, a Time Police campaign
combines the fun of time
travel with the advantages of
a space patrol or law enforce-
ment campaign structure. The
heroes still get to visit differ-
ent times and cope with both
historical perils and the med-
dling of other time travelers,
but this way there’s an agency
back home to send them out
on missions and control what
except for a few astronauts, every single person in
gear they take along.
Human history has lived all of his life on Earth.
Any alien world worth setting a campaign on is
SETTINGS at least as varied and interesting as Earth is. Obvi-
ously, no GM can envision a whole planet in as
The setting is a key ingredient in science fic- much detail as a city or town, so if you want to
tion, which is why a major portion of this book create a planet as the focus for your game, concen-
talks about creating realistic and interesting set- trate on developing the things that affect the PCs:
tings. An intriguing setting has saved any number important states and organizations, major species,
of mediocre novels, and can turn an otherwise the environment, the actual places the heroes visit,
average Star Hero campaign into one players will and strange or unusual things that might form the
enjoy for years. basis for scenarios.
Multiplanet campaigns allow characters to
adventure in radically different environments — air-
Scale defines the size of the stage for the cam- less worlds, low and high gravity, strange atmo-
paign. In a Cyberpunk setting, the characters may spheres, and all the other parameters discussed in
do all their adventuring in a single large city, while the Environment section (page 278). They also allow
Space Opera heroes may make intergalactic voy- for more exploration, greater interaction with alien
ages on a regular basis. Every level of campaign beings, and a wider range of societies. The heroes
scale has its own advantages and disadvantages. are likely to be less important in the grand scheme
Small-scale settings offer the advantage of of things (about as important as individuals in the
intimacy. You can develop a small locale (a city, modern world). Initially, you need only describe the
a colony, a space station) in great detail. You may components of the setting in general terms (physi-
even have names and character notes, if not char- cal parameters and the rough outlines of society
acter sheets, for everyone who lives there (or at for each world). As the heroes travel about, you can
least every person of importance). The PCs are bring individual worlds and places into the spotlight
more likely to be “big fish” in a small-scale cam- and deck them out with more detail and depth. A
paign, and their activities can have visible effects. multiworld campaign may be restricted to a single
On the other hand, the characters (or their players) star system, or can cover several systems.
may get bored with such limited surroundings. Finally, a truly star-spanning campaign lets the
They may want to get away from the consequences heroes visit just about any conceivable setting. There
of failure. They may seek more challenging foes. can be dozens or hundreds of alien species, variant
Larger-scale settings — a planet, say — offer Human races, and artificial life forms. Characters
considerably more potential for adventure and can play tourist in an infinite number of societies
travel. They may have exotic societies and multiple and cultures. The chief problem is that it’s easy to
species. Gamemasters shouldn’t underestimate the get lost in the crowd when the universe has tril-
gaming potential of a single planet: consider that
266 ■ A Journey Into The Unknown HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
lions of inhabitants. Only exceedingly powerful isn’t a hard and fast rule; Isaac Asimov’s Founda-
characters can stand out and make a difference. (Of tion series featured a Galactic-scale setting with no
course, many characters may not want to stand out aliens at all, while a space station like the ones on
and make a difference, and are quite content to have Babylon 5 or Star Trek: Deep Space Nine can house
adventures and gain profits in obscurity.) all sorts of extraterrestrials in latex makeup.
Of course, all these scales may co-exist in the As mentioned earlier in this book, each
same campaign! Characters start out in a rela- alien species should have a role in the campaign,
tively small setting — a frontier colony, say — then although this is really true only for the ones that
explore their planet and become familiar with it, are important and developed in detail. The GM can
then venture to other worlds, and at last make their always throw in some “spear carrier” aliens to add a
way across the stars. The expanding scale matches little exotic color to crowd scenes without inventing
their increasing experience and power. Caveat: once a whole civilization for them.
the players get used to adventuring on a given scale,
it’s very hard to shrink things down again. If the
characters have been visiting dozens of planets, an These are the states or organizations which
extended period stuck on one world may make the define the campaign’s political and social landscape.
players bored and restless, even if once their charac- Their size depends on the overall scale: major
ters were limited to a single town. powers in a single-city Cyberpunk game are the
The technology level in the campaign signifi- city government, local crime gangs, the PCs’ pri-
cantly affects the scale. If space travel is as difficult mary competitors and enemies, a few megacorpo-
as it is for Humans in 2002, visits to other worlds rations, and maybe the national government. These
will be rare, and characters will tend to spend a long probably wouldn’t even register on the radar of a
time at each place they visit. If it’s as easy as making Space Opera game, in which the major powers are
an airplane trip, the heroes can zip off to another things like interstellar empires and entire species.
planet at the drop of a space helmet. You can con- For each major power, you should at least have
trol this somewhat by deciding how accessible the an idea of what its goals are, how it interacts with
technology is: if star travel is easy and quick, but the other powers, and what role it can play in the cam-
Imperial Interstellar Transport Authority controls paign.
all the ships, the characters may still have trouble Example: In a Space Opera game, the major
getting around. powers are the Terran Alliance, the Rim
Decisions about the number of stars with plan- League, the Machine Civilization, and the
ets and the frequency of habitable worlds also help Psionic Guild. The Alliance wants peace and
define the scale. If there are only six planets in the free trade because the Terrans have a booming
Galaxy where Humans can live, then as far as the economy. The Rim League is a union of minor
PCs are concerned, the scale is roughly the same as starfaring races, worried about being swal-
a single solar system setting. They may be able to lowed up by the other big powers and fearful
cover immense distances at a bound, but there aren’t of raids by creatures from intergalactic space.
that many places to go. Conversely, a campaign set The Machine Civilization, a very fast-grow-
in a “Dysonized” star system with thousands of ing species of intelligent robots, worries about
space habitats as big as countries can have the feel of “unpredictable biological units,” but considers
a wide-ranging interstellar campaign. war irrational and risky. The Psionics want to
INTELLIGENT BEINGS unify all the organic races into a single mass
mind, the “Galactic Mentality.” Given those
Once the scale of the stage is determined, the
goals, one can see that the Terrans and the
GM can start to people it with actors. In this case,
Rim League cooperate to limit the expansion
the actors are the people the characters are likely to
of the Machine Civilization, but probably fight
meet: the species and societies which exist in the
like weasels over things like trading rights. The
campaign. The range of available actors depends on
Psionics shift allegiance between the two to
the scale. A wide-ranging campaign will probably
gain leverage and influence. The Machines may
have great diversity of species and cultures, while
do the same to prevent the Terrans and the Rim
a narrowly-focused setting probably won’t. This
from becoming completely Psionic-dominated.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eleven 267

he GM’s job doesn’t end when he creates the Unplotted Adventures
campaign and develops the setting. Quite Unplotted adventures, by contrast, have no
the reverse: now he has to actually run the set storyline. The GM merely establishes a situa-
games while his players enjoy what he has tion and lets the players determine the action. The
created... and help him flesh out the shared fictional situation can be dynamic or passive. In a dynamic
universe. situation, things happen and it’s up to the players
to cope with them — the Xenovores are attacking,
the Empire is about to collapse, or the like. A pas-
ADVENTURE STRUCTURE sive situation is one in which things are stable (at
least until the PCs show up) — pirates are preying
There are two main approaches to adven-
on the shipping in one star system, the Empire is
ture design: plotted and unplotted. In a plotted
oppressing the telepaths, or a drifting starship holds
adventure, the GM has a specific story in mind,
a lost treasure. If there are villains, they follow
which the PCs follow to the climax. In an unplot-
whatever motives you wish to give them, rather
ted adventure, there is no plot, merely a situation;
than filling the role of Antagonist in a story. The
what happens is entirely the result of the PCs’
Universe is there, running along on its own, and the
actions. There are advantages and disadvantages to
PCs must make their own decisions about what to
both methods.
do and how to do it.
Plotted Adventures Unplotted adventures have the advantage of
Plotted adventures have the great advantage feeling realistic — after all, the real world doesn’t
of a satisfying story structure. The action builds neatly follow classical dramatic structure, and every
from the hook to the climax, encounters exist to person is an NPC to other people. They give the
provide tension or move the story along, and the players a great deal of influence over the course of
heroes are at the center of events. You can use all the adventure, and let them choose to do what they
the tricks developed by writers over the past three enjoy. If you’ve prepared the setting well, unplotted
millennia: foreshadowing, suspense, conflict, and adventures are a good way to show off the scope
catharsis. You can borrow plots and plot ideas and depth of your campaign universe.
from a vast array of sources, from Shakespeare But unplotted adventures have their own set
to Ed Wood. You can tailor the opposition to the of disadvantages. Often the action becomes just
characters’ power level and personalities. a series of petty crimes or treasure grabs. In a
On the downside, plotted adventures are dynamic situation, the players may find it frustrat-
often too rigid in structure — the GM knows ing that they are at the mercy of events. You may
where he wants the story to go, and forces the get overwhelmed by the need to either create new
heroes to go there. Players may feel they’re being encounters on the fly or prepare a vast amount of
railroaded along, or that their actions don’t really background and NPCs which may never get used.
have an effect. If they suspect the GM will let Finally, the structure of unplotted adventures can
them succeed anyway, all suspense is lost. Players be unsatisfying — the heroes overcome the main
often try to use “metagame thinking” to deduce opposition early and spend the rest of their time
the plot and figure out what their characters mopping up underlings, or they fail to acquire cru-
should do, rather than acting as their characters cial information or weapons and end up outclassed
would behave in that situation. at the climax.
To avoid the problem of “railroading,” plan Plotted and unplotted adventures aren’t com-
out several possible resolutions for the adventure pletely incompatible. Characters may start out in a
(and for each major scene within the adventure) seemingly unplotted situation, but encounter vari-
depending on what the characters do. If the story ous hooks for stories. Depending on which ones
involves discovering an alien plot to sabotage a they decide to follow up, they can get involved in
space station, the climax can be a battle with the plotted stories. In the course of going through those
saboteurs, an escape from the damaged station, or story plots, they exist in an unplotted environment,
a last-ditch attempt to defuse the bomb. And, of so if they diverge from the story they don’t wander
course, no matter how many options you prepare, off into “blank hexes.”
be ready to abandon all of them when the players
think up something that hadn’t occurred to you;
the most profound truth in gaming is “the players
never do what you expect.”
268 ■ A Journey Into The Unknown HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
means the heroes need to find a way to earn some
cash, so they answer a mysterious ad. An asteroid
hurtling toward their planet means someone needs
to stop it. The heroes are caught in the crossfire
when two rival gangs battle for control of the city.
Ready, set, go!
Finally, objects often serve as adventure hooks.
A cryptic clue or message can draw the heroes into
danger; Alfred Hitchcock loved that method in his
films. Another useful Hitchcock hook is “The Mac-
Guffin.” A MacGuffin is an object of value or impor-
tance to someone. If the heroes have the MacGuffin
(or if someone thinks they have it), then all sorts of
trouble results from other people trying to buy, steal,
or destroy it. In the early part of the film Star Wars,
R2-D2 and the message he carried functioned as a
sort of MacGuffin.
Sometimes the adventure hook is not the
same as the ultimate goal of the adventure itself.
Many times the heroes get involved because they
think they understand what’s going on, and then
learn better and must change their goals as a result
of events in the story. As an example, suppose a
wealthy patron hires a party of mercenaries to raid
a remote outpost. The hook is their mercenary con-
tract. But after a successful raid, their transport mal-
functions, and the characters have to travel across
thousands of miles of desert to reach safety. Sud-
denly, the goal is no longer accomplishing the con-
tract, but simple survival. After they return to base,
they discover their transport was actually sabotaged,
so now their goal is to solve the mystery of who did
it and why.
The second act of an adventure focuses on
Plotting obstacles the heroes must overcome. Obstacles are
The most dependable basis for an adventure many and various, but fall into three main catego-
plot is the tried and true three-act structure, familiar ries.
from classic plays, comic books, films, and almost Foes
every other type of story. The first act is the adven- The first are actual foes — people or things spe-
ture hook, in which the heroes become involved cifically trying to make the heroes fail, or do them
in the story and encounter initial obstacles. The harm. If the foe wants to kill the heroes or stop
second act presents more obstacles for the heroes to them from accomplishing their goal, then he’s a vil-
overcome (often with an intriguing twist or turn of lain. If he merely wants to beat them to the goal, or
events), and the third act is the climax and resolu- surpass their accomplishments, he’s a rival. Finally,
tion of the story. there are adversaries — people whose goals are
THE FIRST ACT: ADVENTURE HOOK opposed to the PCs’ plans even if they aren’t aware
of them. (In this context, HERO System Hunteds can
Adventure hooks come in various forms. The
qualify as either adversaries or villains, but Rivals
simplest is to have an NPC hire or order the heroes
are usually rivals.) If the heroes are trying to get a
to do something. That’s a standard hook for James
vaccine across post-apocalyptic North America,
Bond movies or Star Trek episodes. It’s quick and
villains would be those who don’t want the vaccine
gets the story moving. Alternately, someone can
to reach its destination, rivals would be those who
come to beg the heroes for help — if they’re prop-
want to beat the party across the continent and
erly heroic, how can they resist? The actions of
thereby win the reward, and adversaries would be
an enemy can draw the heroes into an adventure
the mutant gangs who don’t know about any vac-
whether or not they want to. Many comic books
cine but do know they want to steal the party’s fancy
begin this way — a supervillain shows up and starts
all-terrain vehicle.
blasting away at the heroes, and away the story goes.
At times friends can be foes, if they don’t agree
The risk of death concentrates one’s attention very
with the goal the heroes are pursuing, or have been
duped into believing the heroes are a danger. A
Some adventure hooks are situational; almost
friend may even betray the PCs, like Dr. Yueh in
any circumstance the PCs find themselves in can
Dune. Sometimes friends are correct, and it’s the
draw them into an adventure. Being out of money
heroes who’ve been duped.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eleven 269

Features Of The Setting

The second type of obstacles the heroes must RANDOM PLOT GENERATOR
face are features of the setting, which would exist
regardless of the heroes’ actions. They include natu- Sometimes GMs need a plot in a hurry, or maybe just some way to generate ideas to
ral obstacles and mysteries. kickstart their imaginations. For those times, here’s a Star Hero Random Plot Genera-
tor. Start by rolling a Hook, then determine the Goal and the Obstacles standing in the
Natural obstacles are things like hostile
way. For more complex plots, roll for multiple Goals: the first is what the PCs think
weather, sheer distance, dangerous terrain, hungry they are going to be doing, and then they discover what their real goal is later.
animals, deadly radiation, and the like. In addi-
Hook (roll 1d6):
tion to nature, there is society — laws, regulations,
1 Client (NPC who asks or begs the party to do something)
restrictions, social customs, prejudices, and the like. 2 Clue (message or information which inspires the party to act)
Obviously, natural obstacles are more important in 3 Enemy (NPC or other threat which menaces the party)
uncivilized areas, while social barriers come into 4 MacGuffin (PCs acquire an object of great importance to someone)
play in populated settings. 5 Patron (NPC who hires or orders the party to do something)
Puzzles and mysteries are sometimes features 6 Situation (Some event happens which requires the party to react)
of the setting and sometimes the work of the party’s Goal (roll 2d6:)
opponents, but in either case make significant and 1st Die 2nd Die Result
intriguing obstacles. A mystery can either be some- 1-3 1 Acquire Something
thing the heroes must solve to continue toward the 1-3 2 Capture Someone
goal, or it can be the key to the goal itself. In situ- 1-3 3 Defeat an Enemy
ations with changing goals, solving a mystery may 1-3 4 Destroy Something
be what finally points the heroes at their ultimate 1-3 5 Escape from a Place
1-3 6 Learn a Secret
objective. The common feature of all mysteries is
4-6 1 Prevent a Disaster
that they must be solved by thinking rather than 4-6 2 Rescue a Captive
force (although sometimes the solution involves a 4-6 3 Solve a Mystery
particular use of force). In science fiction, an espe- 4-6 4 Survive a Natural Environment
cially important kind of mystery is the scientific 4-6 5 Travel to a Place
puzzle, which turns on an interesting application of 4-6 6 Win a Battle
natural laws. Gamemasters creating scientific puz- Obstacles (roll 1d6 for the number of obstacles, then 1d6 to determine the nature
zles can base them on real science or rubber science of each):
peculiar to the campaign setting, but it’s extremely 1 Adversary (someone whose goals bring him into conflict with the PCs)
important to make the puzzle fair and logical, since 2 Friend (a DNPC or someone normally friendly, opposed to the party for
ultimately it’s the players who are going to be solv- some reason)
ing it. An unfair puzzle just makes people angry. 3 Nature (hostile features of the setting, creatures, and so forth)
4 Rival (an existing rival or someone who wants to achieve the same goal
Internal Obstacles ahead of the party)
A final kind of obstacle lies within the heroes 5 Society (the authorities, the culture, laws, infrastructure, and so forth)
themselves — internal obstacles. Overcoming per- 6 Villain (someone who specifically opposes the PCs)
sonal flaws, sacrificing something for the greater Example: Steve, the GM, needs a plot idea for an epic Space Opera adventure. He
good, or learning a lesson are all obstacles, often starts by rolling the Hook, and gets a 2: a Clue. For the Goal he decides to roll twice,
more difficult to surmount than any horde of and gets 5, 2: Rescue a Captive, and 4, 1: Prevent a Disaster. He rolls for the number
armed thugs or diabolical puzzle. In game terms, of Obstacles and gets 3; the specific ones are 6: Villain, 1: Adversary, and 5: Society.
internal obstacles are often reflected by Disad-
Now Steve has to put these pieces together. The two goals work best in order — when
vantages such as Dependence, DNPC, Enraged/ the heroes rescue the captive, they learn of the disaster which must be averted. What
Berserk, Psychological Limitation, and perhaps sort of disaster is it? Since one of our obstacles is “Society,” that suggests a malfunc-
Rivalry. An honorable man who must break his tion in some industrial plant or location under police protection. Steve decides it’s an
word to achieve his goal faces an internal obstacle; antimatter-storage facility with a hidden design flaw. If the magnetic containment
so does a devious one who has to trust others to fails, the antimatter stockpile will detonate in a continent-shattering blast. The captive
succeed. Tailoring the internal obstacles to the play- must be someone who would know of this flaw: an engineer or technician.
ers is important: some players routinely sidestep That in turn makes the nature of the villain obvious: someone who wants to conceal
their characters’ Psychological Limitations if they the design flaw. Steve decides the contractor who built the facility cut corners and
can manage an EGO Roll, while others want to embezzled money, and has kidnapped the engineer to prevent him from blowing the
remain true to the characters they created. whistle.
THE THIRD ACT: CLIMAX AND Steve now assembles the plot. First, the heroes get a cryptic message sent by the captive
CONCLUSION engineer. They travel to the remote lab where the villain is keeping him prisoner, battle
the corrupt contractor and his goons, and liberate the captive. They have accom-
Once the charactes have surpassed or neutral-
plished their original goal — but now the engineer warns them about the antimatter
ized all the obstacles, it’s time for the climax of the facility, giving them a new and more urgent goal.
story, in which the heroes confront the main villain
or surmount the ultimate barrier to reach their On the way to the antimatter depot, they are delayed by adversaries: a gang of crooks
goal and win the reward. The goal may not be the try to ambush and rob them. As they near the facility, the heroes discover the vil-
one they originally signed up to accomplish, but lain sent a warning, portraying them as rebels intent on stealing antimatter to make
bombs. The police, the depot’s security forces, and the counterterrorist commandos
it is the one which brings an end to this particular
are all on full alert to stop the party. Meanwhile the rescued engineer warns that the
adventure. containment fields are breaking down faster than he had expected. The PCs must
Climaxes should be, well, climactic. This is the somehow evade the guards and enter the facility in time to eject the antimatter into
time for the GM to “blow the budget” and strive to space before the containment fields fail.
make everything as tense and impressive as pos-
270 ■ A Journey Into The Unknown HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
sible. If the heroes are trying to accomplish a task to may feel left out and bored. The same effect applies
foil the villain’s plans, put a time limit on them and when a psionic explores some NPC’s dreamscape, or
create all kinds of distractions. If they’re battling the any time one character does something the others
villain directly, set the battle in an exotic or impres- cannot participate in.
sive location — atop a skyscraper in a storm, on the In a sense, this is a form of splitting the party
hull of a starship while everyone wears spacesuits, (see below); as in that situation the solution is to
or inside the whirring machinery of a giant robot. either find a way to involve the others or to link
Since this is a roleplaying game, an exciting setting events in cyberspace to the outside world. A hacker
is no more expensive or difficult to arrange than a or netrunner may have semi-sentient “utility pro-
boring one. grams” to help him — let the other players take
Even if it isn’t full of physical action, the climax those roles temporarily. Or try to set up the situa-
can be tense and dramatic. If the heroes have to tion to allow cross-cutting, so the party in the “real
prevent a war or persuade someone, set the scene world” are fighting off Information Police goons
right on the edge of disaster — the Emperor’s battle while the netrunner is frantically trying to recover
fleet is only minutes away from attacking the heroes’ a key file. The film The Matrix features this kind of
home planet, and they have to convince him right cross-cutting at the climax. Or the GM can some-
now that the assassin who killed his wife was an how provide a method for all the characters to enter
alien shapeshifter disguised as one of the PCs. If cyberspace — though the hacker character will
someone is on trial, the crucial evidence should clearly be the most powerful party member in there.
arrive during the final summing-up, after the oppo- If those methods don’t work, then perhaps the
sition has presented seemingly iron-clad arguments GM should “cut to the chase” — resolve the cyber-
against the heroes. space session with a few quick die rolls and give the
results. That keeps things rolling, but can be unsat-
isfying for the player who has created a computer
DEALING WITH hacker and wants to go into cyberspace with gun
DISCONNECTS and camera. As a final recourse, the GM can break
out extended solo sequences to run while the other
Many ideas which work perfectly well in fiction players are off getting pizza, or do them between
are less successful in roleplaying games. A game is sessions via blue-booking or e-mail.
not a movie or a book, and different rules apply. Sci- INFODUMPS
ence fiction stories and settings come with a com-
plete set of booby-traps and pitfalls waiting to snare A problem faced both by writers of science fic-
unsuspecting GMs. tion stories and GMs in science fiction roleplaying
adventures is how to explain the strange and com-
BUSINESS DIFFICULTIES plicated background without bringing things to a
One favorite cliche of science fiction is the screeching halt. In stories, long expository passages
struggling merchant crew, flying its rustbucket star- are known as “infodumps,” and working them into
ship from world to world, barely scraping by. In the narrative is a difficult task for writers.
roleplaying games this kind of existence is hard to One advantage a GM has over the author of fic-
maintain: if the characters keep losing money or tion is that he can give the players handouts, but you
getting stiffed on deals, the players start to feel as shouldn’t do this with gamers who aren’t willing to
though the GM is picking on them. spend the time to read them — many gamers don’t
This problem often results from mismatched really like having homework assignments. Another
expectations regarding what a campaign featuring a useful technique is to explain things as they come
bunch of interstellar traders is all about. To the GM up, and not penalize players for being ignorant of
this means “struggling merchant crew having adven- the made-up game world — “You see an Imperial
tures,” while the players may think it means “getting Security officer enter the bar, and you know Security
obscenely rich.” Making it clear the characters will frequently employs telepaths; what do you do?”
just get by is one solution. Another possibility is to POSSESSION AND MIND CONTROL
keep the bookkeeping “offstage,” either with an NPC
as the crusty old merchant captain, or else by simply Having characters fall victim to long-term
telling the players “once again, you’re having money mental domination (or be replaced by an identical
troubles” and letting it go at that. (Of course, if the duplicate, or succumb to a neuroparasite, or what-
players and GM all enjoy the minutiae of interstellar ever) creates some practical problems for the GM
trade, the system presented in Chapter Six lets them and players. If the GM keeps it a secret from the
play out running a speculative trade operation, with player, then he must continually dictate the charac-
risks and benefits.) ter’s actions or demand die rolls to determine what
the character can do. The players know something
CYBERSPACE is up and react accordingly. (“Everyone in here for a
A key trope of Cyberpunk science fiction is planning session — except Bob’s character!”)
the experience of “cyberspace.” Skilled hackers If the GM wants to bring the mind-controlled
plug their consciousness directly into the computer character’s player into the secret, he is venturing
network and go adventuring in a virtual environ- into the tricky waters of group dynamics and indi-
ment. This is great fun for the GM and whoever’s vidual personalities. Some players happily run their
playing the hacker character, but the other players character as if under sinister mental control; others
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eleven 271

find subtle (or not-so-subtle) ways to give clues to Genre conventions often include “typical”
the other players. Even if the player does go along, romance situations: Space Operas lend themselves
playing his character straight, the other players may to grand passions, love that endures beyond death,
view him as a “traitor” for keeping the secret from and a thoroughly romantic approach to romance.
them. Planetary Romance stories follow an almost fairy-
In most cases, the easiest way to eliminate this tale pattern: hero wins girl (occasionally heroine
problem is to ask all the players, at the beginning wins guy), and they live happily ever after until
of the campaign or well in advance of the actual the villain abducts her in the sequel. Cyberpunk
event, if they wouldn’t mind a storyline like the and Low SF have a much more cynical attitude,
ones described above. Of course, that means tipping and abound in casual pickups, android prostitutes,
your hand a little, but if everyone agrees, and if you kinky obsessions, and a very unromantic tone. Hard
do it far enough before you run the actual game, SF traditionally doesn’t have much in the way of
that shouldn’t cause a problem. If too many players romance at all; after all, love’s not very scientific. It’s
object too strongly to this sort of story, don’t run it. a good idea to respect the genre conventions —
would the Jedi Knights of Star Wars seem as heroic
if they had a James Bond attitude about women?
Time travel, reality-altering psi powers, and Much depends on the personalities and matu-
intrusions from parallel dimensions can all trans- rity levels of the players. A mature or broad-minded
form the nature of reality as Humans know it. That group may have no trouble with a fairly explicit
much is cool. But how can one portray this in a situation. Immature gamers may develop a terminal
game? Since everything the players know about the case of snickering when anything of the sort comes
game world comes from the GM, any changes or up in play. The simplest rule of thumb is to play
inconsistencies are likely to be taken as mistakes or to the lowest comfort level — if even one member
“retroactive continuity” on his part. Often it’s neces- of the group doesn’t handle “adult” situations well,
sary to hit the players over the head with the fact draw the curtain and leave
that a change has taken place: “You look out of the all that “off-screen.”
viewport at the familiar skyline of Imperial City, and
suddenly realize it isn’t familiar at all. The looming
spire of the Terran Security Bureau tower is gone,
and so is the huge dome of the Residence. Other
buildings stand where they did, and with shock you
realize reality itself has changed!”
Another potential problem with reality shifts
is that the players may not automatically want to
change things back — at least not right away. They
may want to spend time “playing tourist” in the new
conditions. They almost inevitably will want to try
to profit from the shift, in terms of knowledge and
equipment if not actual money.
To cope with this problem, you need to struc-
ture “reality quakes” carefully. Plan the event so you
can alert the PCs about what’s happened without an
obvious infodump. Arrange the circumstances so
ontological profiteering becomes difficult or impos-
sible — maybe the shift back to “normal reality”
eliminates the powerful new government jobs the
PCs acquired, or all the cool new equipment they
got their hands on becomes highly unstable due to
the reality-shift. And make sure the “revised” reality
is definitely an undesireable alternative to the set-
ting the PCs know and love (or at least tolerate).
Heroes in fiction fall in love when the
author tells them to. If it’s important for Cap-
tain Kirk to become infatuated with a blue-
skinned woman on another planet, then the
good captain falls for her like a ton of bricks.
Player characters don’t do that. Using die rolls to
control a relationship doesn’t work for anything
more than a brief flirtation. This is a case where
the personalities of individual players are impor-
tant: some gamers happily dive into a doomed
romance, while others view it all as mushy stuff that
gets in the way of combat.
272 ■ A Journey Into The Unknown HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
SPACE BATTLES Space Marine raids. Groups interested in storytelling
Space battles are always fun in movies and and character interaction can simply have the battle
books, but often in roleplaying sessions they turn described to them, with plenty of bluffing and postur-
tedious. How come? Several reasons. In books or ing via viewscreen with the enemy.
movies the combat doesn’t have to follow game rules. SPLITTING THE PARTY
Everything is maximized for dramatic effect, and the
A common situation in all roleplaying is when
author knows how it’s going to come out. In a game,
the PC group has two things to do and the players
the players usually like to have some control over the
decide to split up. In films and fiction it’s easy to cut
outcome, which means you have to resolve the battle
back and forth between two groups of characters,
as an extended combat, with lots of die rolling and
because fictional characters don’t get bored waiting
for their turn to do something. In roleplaying, the
Another problem is that in a game session, one
characters have players who get fidgety when they are
player tends to wind up controlling the ship. The other
“off camera.” This is especially problematic when one
players either just watch passively, or do nothing but
group’s actions are a secret from the rest of the party,
roll dice when ordered to. They can’t really contribute
so the GM and some players are off in another room
ideas — and if they do, the battle gets even slower
or passing notes.
because every action has to be argued to death first.
The best way to deal with a split party situation
A related problems is the fact that one or two play-
is not to let it happen. If that’s not possible, keep the
ers (not characters, players) may have more “tactical
separation as brief as you can. If one group’s activities
smarts” than the others, making their characters the
don’t involve any conflict or roleplaying, summarize
stars of the scene whether the characters themselves
it briefly and keep the focus on the more interesting
should know anything about interstellar battles.
events encountered by the others. You can put aside
So, think carefully before including a space
secret exchanges that only involve a few players for
battle in your campaign. This is not to say that there
later — unless the events are going to have an imme-
shouldn’t be space battles in your Star Hero adven-
diate effect, you and the players involved can resolve it
tures, but you should consider how to set them up and
after the others go home, or by e-mail. If a prolonged
run them so they help the overall game instead of hin-
separation is unavoidable, the GM can let the other
dering it. Suit the style of battle to the preferences of
players control NPCs or even villains when their char-
the players. A bunch of gamers who love working out
acters are off stage.
elaborate plans can come up with a “battle plan” which
gets resolved as a contest of Tactics or Combat Piloting TIME TRAVEL
Skills against the enemy commander, with bonuses As mentioned in Chapter Nine, time travel
for a clever plan. Gamers who like combat up close creates some major headaches for GMs. In fiction,
and personal should face lots of boarding actions and
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eleven 273

characters fated to do something obligingly do it, or Disadvantages of your PCs to enrich the game in a
else circumstances force them. Roleplaying charac- number of ways. They can serve as plot hooks, dis-
ters are not under the author’s control, and struggle tractions, sources of conflict, and ways to link the
against taking predestined actions. In fact, players party together. And of course, all the motivations
often delight in resisting even the most trivial forms of below may apply to villains just as well as heroes.
On the other hand, players also are quick to
“work the system” and squeeze as much advantage out As a plot hook, Accidental Change can sud-
of time travel as they can. They try to have their future denly put the heroes on the run when it reveals
selves leave clues (or spare ammunition) in the past to their true nature to a society that doesn’t tolerate
help in the present. They often try to make big money them. If something in the environment keeps trig-
by investing in the past or setting up bank accounts gering a character’s change, the party may have to
to accumulate millions in interest. They can’t resist find a way to cure or prevent it. As a distraction or
anachronistic technology — taking modern firepower complication, Accidental Change is wonderful — in
into the past or stocking up at future gun shops. the middle of a delicate situation one of the char-
You can short-circuit a lot of these potential acter suddenly feels “the change” coming on, and
problems by carefully defining how time travel and everyone must scramble to cover for him.
causality work, adjusting the mechanics of space and If the character’s alternate form is a secret to
time to suit the tastes of your group. If players don’t the other characters, Accidental Change can pro-
like predestination and hate to feel “railroaded” by a vide a source of conflict. The character’s efforts to
fixed timeline, set the rules for time travel to allow keep his true nature hidden lead to suspicion or
changing the future, or put them into an organization mistaken assumptions, and if the secret gets out
which prevents this kind of problem by fiat. If the the other characters may suddenly have to decide
Time Patrol won’t let characters learn about their own where their loyalties lie.
future, the players can’t feel bound by it. Finally, if all the characters are subject to the
An in-game organization is also a good way to same form of Accidental Change, it gives them
prevent player abuse of time travel. Maybe the rules a reason to adventure together. Perhaps they’re
forbid carrying anachronistic technology, or else searching for a cure for the mutagenic plague, or
the Time Patrol issues a standard sidearm powerful for the secret homeworld of the shapeshifter spe-
enough to keep the players happy but not unbalance cies, or for a planet where super-soldiers aren’t
the game. Another method is to invoke some tech- feared by the normal population.
nobabble which forbids moving nonliving items back AGE
in time (as in the film The Terminator). Finally, the
GM can just embrace it: let the players fool around Old age isn’t a common feature of charac-
getting wealthy in the past and loading up on future ters in most Star Hero campaigns, but it’s more
tech, then create adventures which focus on other prevalent than in many Heroic campaigns. Thanks
matters. All the guns and money in the world won’t to age-retarding technology and advanced medi-
help if the PCs have to arrange a romance between cal treatments, elderly characters in science fic-
Abelard and Heloise, or track Jack the Ripper in the tion settings can remain active and vibrant much
foggy streets of London. longer than twenty-first century Humans can. For
example, on Star Trek: The Next Generation, Cap-
TOO MUCH TECHNOLOGY tain Picard is in his 60s and 70s, but goes right on
Unique to science fiction campaigns is the prob- getting involved in all sorts of strenuous adventures
lem of technology — too much of it, or types that are alongside his younger colleagues. But while prog-
too powerful. The characters, not their equipment, ress in life-extension and medical technology may
should be the most important thing in the campaign; allow Humans to put off aging or avoid the worst
they should solve problems themselves, rather than effects, even the best-maintained mechanism still
simply using a planet-breaker or neural control wears out.
helmet to conveniently dispose of any difficulties they As a plot hook, the Age Disadvantage fits in
encounter. See the sidebar on page 146 for more on with one of the oldest story ideas in Human litera-
this subject. ture: the search for immortality. Characters who
feel old age creeping up on them may well go off
in pursuit of legends and rumors of rejuvenation
DISADVANTAGES AND treatments, immortality serums, or other futuristic
versions of the Fountain of Youth. In an oppres-
HOW TO USE THEM sive society which views the elderly as a waste of
Stories are about characters, and roleplaying resources, older characters may have to struggle to
game adventures are no exception. Characters, simply survive.
of course, have personalities — flaws and quirks Even if the campaign doesn’t focus on the
and personal goals. In the HERO System, these battle against old age, character age can be a dis-
are represented by the character’s Disadvantages, traction at key moments. A very young adventurer
particularly Psychological Limitations, Rivalries, has to cope with the futuristic equivalent of truant
and Hunteds. (Getting points for Disadvantages is officers, or child-welfare authorities concerned
partly a way to give players an incentive for creating about a “dangerous environment.” Old adventurers
interesting and complex characters.) You use the must simply cope with the inevitable effects of age
274 ■ A Journey Into The Unknown HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
ALTERING AGE (it’s hard for a dashing secret agent to seduce an ing his un-addicted companions that getting his
OR NORMAL enemy spy if she thinks he looks like her grandfa- fix of Nova Drug really is more important than
CHARACTERISTIC ther, no matter what the movies say). Some societ- stopping the Galactic Tyrant’s latest scheme. Aliens
MAXIMA ies may have restrictive laws about the very young may even have Dependences which the other char-
FOR ALIENS or the very old — children might be property on acters find shocking or immoral. If your friend, an
one world, while another culture might mandate a alien composed mainly of psionic energy, needs to
Alien species may age dignified suicide for the elderly. Long-lived aliens engage in voyeuristic activities every day to main-
more rapidly or more who have formed friendships with Humans face tain his composure, do you help him find victims?
slowly than Humans the anguish of losing them to old age... or might As a way of connecting party members, a
do, with all sorts of exploit Humans’ short lifespans through policies shared Dependence is an interesting and unusual
story implications. For designed to weaken Human governments over time possibility. The only oxygen-breathers on Venus
example, Star Trek has while the aliens’ way of life remains unchanged. will naturally work together to stop the terrorists
featured 200-year-old Age can create conflict among the characters who have taken over the only source of the gas,
Vulcan ambassadors,
if a method of restoring youth does exist — but while in a gritty Cyberpunk setting the only dealer
and a species called
the Ocampa who have involves matters of questionable morality. Young with a supply of Metacaine can ask some of his cus-
nine-year lifespans. You heroes would see an operation raising clones for tomers to do a little job for him.
can set aging thresholds brain transplants as a particularly horrible form of
as appropriate for the slavery, but their older comrades might be tempted
setting; some species to sign up for the process. A party of older char- As a distraction from the main action, DNPCs
may reach the “40+” acters might be thrown together by the search for are excellent. DNPCs are always reliable plot hooks,
Disadvantage threshold the Fountain of Youth, or by the need to struggle either because they have gotten into trouble or
after only 20 years, while against an oppressive youth-dominated culture. danger, or because someone has asked them for
others still aren’t there Alternately, the Stellar Intelligence Service might help in a difficult situation. Continuing villains
yet at age 100. However, with a grudge against the heroes naturally try to
have to call in a team of semi-retired experts when
that may cause some strike at vulnerable NPCs, or use them as the lure
characters to obtain an all the hot young agents have failed. Young charac-
ters could find themselves in a “Lord of the Flies” in a trap.
advantage they haven’t
paid for; a better solu- situation, in which they must survive in a hostile DNPCs work especially well as motivators in
tion may be to give environment without adult help, or cope with the more realistic, low-powered campaigns. Saving the
long-lived species some most dangerous setting of all: school. universe usually takes precedence over family mat-
Life Support: Longevity ters, but an interstellar merchant or mercenary sol-
through their Species DEPENDENCE dier may well decide to go on vacation with a loved
Package Deals. If a character in an alien environment depends one rather than undertake another mission this
on something for survival, that typically counts as week. Troublesome DNPCs like animals or small
Similarly, a GM who’s a Dependence. This most commonly occurs with children can wander off at inopportune times.
interested in “realism” respect to breathing gases — aliens who breathe Within a group of heroes, conflicts over
may want to consider water or methane have to carry the proper envi- DNPCs can come up in several ways. The simplest
altering the Normal ronment around with them when they interact is when the other party members don’t appreciate
Characteristic Maxima
with air-breathers such as Humans. You should one character taking time off to indulge a loved
for various species in
his Star Hero campaign. define the default environment for the campaign one, or don’t want to risk their necks because some
This is dangerous, (almost certainly the oxygen/nitrogen mix Humans fool relative got into trouble. Things can get even
though, because it ends breathe), and then let characters who can’t survive more tense when two characters have DNPCs — if
up giving some species in the default atmosphere without assistance take a one hero wants to spend more time with his family,
a benefit (the ability to Dependence (assuming they spend more than half and another hero’s loved one is in trouble, which
buy certain Characteris- of their in-game time in the default atmosphere). situation takes precedence?
tics above 20 at normal The simplest way to use Dependence is as a Finally, DNPCs give the GM a way to get char-
price), and restricts plot hook is to confront the characters with a short- acters together, because they increase the number
others (by charging age of the vital substance. (In the immortal cartoon of possible social relationships. A tough mercenary
them double for some
“Duck Dodgers in the 24 ½th Century,” Daffy Duck soldier may not know any scientists, but his little
Characteristics before
other characters have to sets out in search of Planet X because the Earth’s brother at the Academy knows plenty of professors
pay the increased price). supply of Illudium Phosdex — the shaving-cream in the science department — one of whom may
In most cases it’s best to atom — is alarmingly low.) There are few people be the doting uncle of an interstellar explorer who
leave the NCM totals the more motivated than an astronaut who knows his needs a little muscle for his next mission.
same for all characters, oxygen supply is running out! More subtly, char-
and simply rely on Pack- DISTINCTIVE FEATURES
acters probably won’t like it if some enemy gains
age Deal alterations to control of the supply, giving him the power to cut As a plot hook, Distinctive Features can come
Characteristics to reflect them off at will. Finally, NPCs with a Dependence into play through mistaken identity — a character
relative differences naturally turn to their heroic PC buddies when a hunted for a crime committed by his clone-sibling.
between species. Strange cultures on distant worlds may have proph-
shortage develops in something they require.
As a distraction during other events, a Depen- ecies or superstitions about someone with par-
dence works in much the same way. Do the heroes ticular features (a real-life example is the explorer
chase after the bad guy, or detour to refill their Cortez, who fit the description of the mythic Aztec
oxygen tanks? Perhaps the villains anticipate them, figure Quetzalcoatl, causing confusion and uncer-
and set up an ambush outside the airlock. tainty among the Aztec leaders).
Characters can come into conflict because of During an adventure, Distinctive Features
Dependences. An addict may have trouble persuad- function as a distraction to the extent they make it
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eleven 275

hard for characters to disguise or hide themselves. to world, you should not let characters choose
Heroes who are particularly disturbing in appear- Hunters who are restricted to a particular world or
ance may have trouble when people react with fear sector unless they return there often.
or hostility. The heavily cyborged characters of Even when the Hunters are not close on the
many Cyberpunk settings face this problem: on heroes’ trail, the simple fact of having to keep
the street their chrome limbs and glittering claws moving and keep hidden is a continuing distrac-
look intimidating enough, but at a fancy corporate tion and source of conflict. Party members who
party they stand out like a beacon. aren’t Hunted may resent having to live the life of
A character’s Distinctive Feature could become fugitives to help a friend, and may even have genu-
a source of conflict within the party. This can range ine conflicts of loyalty between the desire to obey
from the comic to the deadly serious. If a character the law and the desire to help a comrade unjustly
has the Distinctive Feature “intense body odor,” his accused. If some characters in a game are bounty
comrades are going to get pretty sick of his com- hunters or lawmen and others are Hunted, the
pany on a long space voyage. And if one of the party PCs may eventually find themselves Hunting each
is the target of bigotry and hostility because of his other!
looks, do the others stand up for him every time, or As the old adage has it, “the enemy of my
let it slide because they’ve got a job to do? enemy is my friend,” and being chased by the same
As a way to get the party together, Distinc- people is a good way to link the characters in a
tive Features is only rarely useful. Characters who campaign. They may not like each other, and they
are already part of an organization may adopt a may disagree over everything... but they know
common badge or uniform, but that’s an effect they have to work together to stay ahead of their
rather than a cause. Gamemasters could set up a common foe.
weird adventure in which the characters are clones
who are unaware of their origin until they notice
how much alike they are. Physical Limitations in a science fiction set-
ting have to be pretty severe, or pretty distinctive,
ENRAGED/BERSERK to overcome advanced medicines, medical nano-
Using Enraged/Berserk to represent mental bots, and other high-tech methods of keeping
conditioning (see page 63) makes for an interesting bodies functioning properly. Typical ones, like
plot hook: the character may want to find out who Blindness or Missing One Limb, aren’t applicable
programmed him, or the other heroes may have to in most Star Hero settings; players have to be more
race against time to stop their friend from carrying imaginative than that. At the very least, they have
out his programming. to explain why, for example, doctors can’t cure a
More typical Enrageds/Berserks may cause character’s blindness through implants or neuro-
inter-party conflict, especially if the other charac- technology, as with Geordi La Forge on Star Trek:
ters don’t share the Enraged character’s prejudices, The Next Generation.
or even have conflicting opinions. If the guy who The search for some way to cure a hero’s
gets Enraged around Rigelians discovers his best physical handicap can drive the plot of an adven-
pal has fallen in love with one, things will likely get ture, as can the quest for revenge on whoever (or
interesting. whatever) caused it. Within an adventure, the
Using Enraged/Berserk to link party members Physical Limitations of the heroes can cause inter-
is tricky, but possible. For example, characters with esting problems to overcome. Although in fiction
implanted programming may not be aware of it a character’s Physical Limitations can be a fertile
until they all are confronted with the same stimulus source of dramatic conflict, this isn’t true in role-
and find themselves turning into killing machines. playing games. Since the player who designed the
When the dust clears, the characters could band character wants him to have that Physical Limita-
together to learn the source of their mysterious tion, there isn’t as much resentment or anger over
compulsion. being handicapped (unless the player is very good
at roleplaying).
Heroes who share a common affliction may
The saga of a man (or woman, or alien, or come together to search for a cure, or perhaps
android) on the run has a long history in fiction, some handicapped rejects from a society of “per-
and makes a natural plot hook. It also works in fect” Humans could depend on each other for
the other direction: the heroes can track a wily help. A band of wounded military veterans might
foe who continually evades them. The best Star reunite for a final mission. Finally, the heroes may
Hero Hunter-Hunted situation is one allowing for be given their common Physical Limitation by
frequent flight and escape, which requires proper whatever organization employs them: perhaps
design of both the PC and the Hunter. Star-travel- the Imperial Secret Police keep their undercover
ing merchants can move to a different sector if agents in line by implanting microscopic time
the heat gets too close, but an office worker in a bombs inside their brains. As long as the agents
near-future city has much more trouble getting stay in the ISP’s good graces, the timer is reset
away. Similarly, a greedy bounty hunter can pursue during debriefing. Characters who defect have only
a PC from planet to planet, whereas the Denebian weeks before they go boom. A group of ex-agents
Guard may not be able to leave its home system. If who know this certainly have a strong motivation
the campaign involves a lot of moving from world to work together!
276 ■ A Journey Into The Unknown HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
PSYCHOLOGICAL LIMITATION conflict when the individual’s Reputation doesn’t
“Psychological Limitation” is effectively just match his real personality. Do his comrades
another word for “motivation.” To turn a Psycho- become disillusioned when he turns out to be not
logical Limitation into a plot hook, simply put the nearly as much of a “ruthless mercenary” as they’d
character into a situation in which achieving his heard? What if he has a Reputation as a “hotshot
goal comes into conflict with his personality traits. pilot” — even though he barely knows how to fly?
This is, by the way, the quick and easy formula for To link characters together, a Reputation is
most fiction of the past thousand years. Hamlet’s wonderful. It provides a pretext for completely
goal is revenge. His Psychological Limitation is unrelated individuals to get in touch with each
Needs To Be Sure He Is Doing The Right Thing. The other. (Not unlike the way people in the real world
result is a pile of bodies on the stage at the end of get together.) After all, if one of the heroes has a
the play. Reputation as a ruthless mercenary, anyone who
Things become even more interesting when needs a ruthless mercenary might contact him.
one character has two Psychological Limitations On the other hand, a person known for cowardice,
that conflict. For example, on Star Trek: The Next or for inadvertantly causing immense collateral
Generation and Deep Space Nine, Worf often expe- damage, won’t be high on the calling list when
rienced problems when his Klingon Code Of Honor there’s a job to do; it may take some effort to con-
conflicted with his Devotion To Duty. This forced vince the other PCs to let him join the group.
him to evaluate his priorities, and sometimes to RIVALRY
find clever ways out of dilemmas.
Building an adventure on a Rivalry usually
If the villain of the piece knows the heroes
means coming up with a plan the Rival has to
well enough, he can turn their Psychological Limi-
embarrass or harm the heroes, and then letting
tations against them. If they are greedy for money,
them either counter it or get themselves out of
he may simply bribe them to look the other way
trouble. More subtly, a Rival’s plot could involve
while his nefarious plot goes ahead. If one of the
the heroes in something bigger, something the
PCs fears rats, the Ministry of Love can torture
Rival didn’t know about, so that the two sides have
him by locking him in a rat-infested cell. If the
to suspend their feud for a while until the greater
heroes won’t use deadly force, their adversary will
menace is defeated.
dare them to shoot him, then escape while they
Rivalries serve as a perennial source of dis-
look on in frustration.
traction in an adventure. Bold fighter pilots may
Even if overcoming the heroes’ Psychologi-
be battling the Galactic Tyrant’s space fleet, but
cal Limitations isn’t the main plot engine of the
sometimes that takes second place to outdoing
adventure, character traits can still distract PCs
one another in the squadron rankings. This kind
and create subplots. Again, simply create situations
of distraction becomes a plot element if the heroes
which set off the heroes’ Psychological Limitations
are so busy sabotaging each other that the bad guy
and enjoy the fun. Will the lecherous good guy
gets away.
interrupt his mission to cruise the singles bars?
Perhaps the best use of Rivalries is as a source
Will the devoutly religious hero attempt to observe
of conflict and tension among the characters in a
his dietary laws on an alien planet?
group. If the Rivals are both PCs, their dislike for
Heroes with conflicting Psychological Limita-
each other will constantly be on display. It may
tions can create lots of juicy roleplaying opportu-
be tempered by grudging respect, or it may be a
nities, although at times this may go over the line
genuine dislike limited only be the fact that they
into “constant intra-party bickering.” A scenario
are on the same side. Characters who aren’t part of
that challenges the heroes to find a solution all
the Rivalry may be drawn into the conflict, or may
of them can accept is entertaining; a scenario in
stand apart, amused or disgusted.
which someone’s character has to violate his beliefs
Oddly, a Rivalry can be a way to get the char-
leaves at least one player unhappy.
acters together in the first place. Rivals will natu-
Naturally, people with similar desires or
rally keep tabs on each other, and if one is going
beliefs work together well. Dedicated government
off on a dangerous mission that offers the chance
agents may all share the Patriotic or Loyal To The
to win glory (or profit), the other has to tag along.
Agency Psychological Limitations. A band of
rebels would all have Dedicated To Overthrowing SOCIAL LIMITATION
The Empire. If the heroes are all in love with the Social Limitations can drive the plot, as a
same person, they will naturally work together character from an oppressed background struggles
when that person is in jeopardy, but at the same for acceptance, or someone with a secret tries to
time try desperately to undercut and outshine each keep it. The heroes don’t necessarily even have to
other. be the ones with the Disadvantage: Human char-
REPUTATION acters can fight for alien rights.
If the characters aren’t trying to change the
Reputations are a natural source of distrac-
world, but simply have to live with a Social Limita-
tions during other adventures. Just when the vil-
tion, the GM can still use the Disadvantage as a
lains are getting away, the hero is deluged by a
story complication. How can alien characters con-
mob of angry parents who think he discriminates
vince the Human authorities that a Human is the
against alien children.
one to blame for a series of crimes? Obviously they
Reputation turns into a source of character
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eleven 277

need to get some ironclad evidence themselves, UNLUCK

and that’s where Our Heroes come in. Sometimes a Unluck as a plot hook is hard to pull off.
Social Limitation can even help the PCs — getting Perhaps an NPC wants to find a way to “cure” his
downtrodden aliens to talk is much easier when a chronic bad fortune, and hires the party to accom-
character is a downtrodden alien himself. pany him on his quest (this can work even if there
Within a party of heroes, Social Limitations really is no cure for Unluck in the campaign).
can be a fertile source of interaction and conflict. Unluck works better as a distraction — the super-
An alien character may need to win the respect of competent PCs are plagued by accidents and mis-
his Human comrades, and later convince them that fortune despite their skills.
the injustices his people suffer are real and need An Unlucky character in the party may well
correcting. A robot character may in fact be the be a source of conflict (see the Biblical story of
property of another PC. Jonah for an example). This can also be true of the
Social Limitation, like Reputation or Hunted, players as well as the characters — gamers may
is a natural way to draw the heroes together. well start to resent it when all their cool plans fail
Characters subject to the same persecution come because of one character’s disadvantage.
together for mutual protection. A duty to the same
organization means superior officers can simply VULNERABILITY
assign the characters to work together. Vulnerabilities don’t make very good plot
hooks, since they don’t lend themselves well to the
kind of “burning fuse” situation mentioned under
The simplest way to use a Susceptibility as a Susceptibility. Unless someone is trying to find a
plot hook is to put a character into an environ- cure for an artificial Vulnerability, they work better
ment flooded with whatever he’s Susceptible to, as an obstacle to overcome in play.
then create obstacles to make it hard for him to If a character’s Vulnerability isn’t well known,
escape. Will he get away before he succumbs? The his reluctance when facing certain attacks may be
character in question can be one of the PCs, or an interpreted as cowardice or treachery by his com-
NPC they must rescue before time runs out. In the rades. On the other hand, there is great potential
course of a larger adventure, encounters involving for real heroism in the same situation — a Chirop-
a character’s Susceptibility make good scenes or tan braving a barrage of sonics to save his com-
distraction. rades, for instance.
278 ■ A Journey Into The Unknown HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION


ALBEDO TABLE extra STR a heavyworlder should have, the effects
cience fiction lets characters travel to a wide of increasing the artificial gravity on a space sta-
PER Roll variety of new environments, some of which tion, and so forth. If appropriate, a character should
Albedo Modifier pose unusual hazards. This section tells how have to make STR Versus STR Rolls simply to move
0.81 to 1.0 +4 to cope with unusual conditions peculiar against the force of gravity. If he loses the contest, he
to SF. can’t move (or, at the GM’s option, can only move 1”
0.51 to 0.80 +2
per Phase). That way, security forces can trap char-
0.31 to 0.50 -0 acters in “high gravity fields” and so forth.
0.21 to 0.30 -2 Albedo Heavyworlders have +5 STR above what’s
0.11 to 0.20 -4 Albedo refers to the percentage of light (or needed for the gravity they normally live in to make
0.01 to 0.10 -6 other electromagnetic radiation) the surface of these rolls easy for them (and to represent their
an object (such as a moon, asteroid, or starship) relative STR versus characters accustomed to 1 G).
reflects. The higher an object’s albedo, the easier it In general, neither they nor other characters should
is to see, since that makes it “brighter.” On the other have to roll to move in normal circumstances, or in
hand, in the dead black of space, an object with a any situation where the character’s STR equals or
low albedo may be so difficult to see that characters exceeds the STR of gravity/acceleration.
only detect it by colliding with it. An albedo of 1 ENCUMBRANCE
indicates an object with perfect reflectivity (one
In heavy gravity, a character is not only encum-
that reflects all light falling upon it); an albedo of 0
bered by the things he carries, but by his own body.
indicates an object that absorbs all light falling upon
To determine encumbrance in high G, multiply the
it and reflects none. Earth’s Moon, for example,
weight of equipment by the local gravity, then add
has an overall albedo of about 0.12; Mars has an
an amount equal to the character’s body weight
overall albedo of about 0.25. Gamemasters can use
times (local G -1). So a 100-kilogram man with STR
the accompanying sidebar to determine the PER
10, carrying 10 kilograms of gear in a 1.5 G environ-
Roll modifiers for detecting objects based on their
ment, would calculate his encumbrance as follows:
10 kg of gear times 1.5 G equals 15 kg of encum-
In some science fiction stories, such as Orson
brance from equipment. Increased body weight
Scott Card’s Ender’s Game, space militaries deliber-
equals 100 kg times (1.5 - 1 = 0.5), or 50 kg. His total
ately keep the albedo of space stations and starships
encumbrance is 65 kilograms, which means he takes
low, to minimize the enemy’s ability to detect them.
a penalty of -3 to his DCV and DEX rolls, a -2”
To simulate this, starships, space stations, and other
movement penalty, and burns 2 END per Turn just
such objects can buy Images to impose the appro-
moving around. (See page 379 of the HERO System
priate penalties on the Sight and Radio Groups, with
5th Edition, Revised.) Characters can counteract
the Limitations Self Only (-½) and Set Effect (-1).
the penalty for high gravity by buying extra STR,
Alternately, GMs could have the object buy a Stealth
possibly with the Only To Counteract High Gravity
roll and engage in Skill Versus Skill Contests with
Encumbrance Penalties (-1) Limitation — 5 STR per
characters who try to perceive it.
+1 G suffices to reduce the character’s Encumbrance
penalty to what he’d experience in 1 G.
Gravity In light gravity, the reverse is true: the char-
acter can not only multiply the weight of what he’s
When physicists talk about an invisible energy carrying by the local gravity, thus making it lighter,
field which permeates the universe and binds it he can also subtract the difference between his own
together, they’re talking about gravity. One of the normal weight and his current weight in low gravity.
weakest of the fundamental forces on a small scale, Our 100-kilogram man in an 0.75-G environment
gravity becomes important when you have masses could not only carry 13 kg of stuff without encum-
the size of planets and stars around. brance, he could add to that the 25 kg of body
GENERAL RULES weight he doesn’t have to carry. So in low G he can
move easily with a load of 38 kilograms.
As discussed on page 203, the G force from
gravity/acceleration is rated as 5 STR for 1 G, +5 FALLING
STR for each +1 G thereafter. That rule provides a High gravity makes things fall harder and
quick and easy way to evaluate the force of gravity/ faster; low gravity makes them fall slower and land
acceleration in most circumstances, and thus to gently. In an environment with different G, multiply
set a guideline by which to determine how much falling velocity and damage by the local gravity. In
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eleven 279

a normal atmosphere, falling objects move at 5” per Modifier to accuracy does not change; it has more
Segment, and rapidly reach terminal velocity — 30” to do with perception than with the actual distance
under standard gravity. Multiply these values by the projectile can travel.
local gravity to determine falling speed and termi- Characters using ballistic weapons in a new
nal velocity on other worlds. Local air density may and unfamiliar gravity should suffer at least a -1
reduce this; for atmospheres exerting a pressure of OCV penalty, as shots tend to fall short. One hour
1.1 atmospheres or greater, divide terminal veloc- worth of practice (or one actual combat lasting at
ity by the local atmospheres. If there is no air at all, least 1 Turn) in the new conditions can correct this
objects continue to accelerate indefinitely, adding penalty.
(5” x local gravity) to their velocity each Segment.
This means very long falls on a low-gravity but air-
less body like the Moon can be more dangerous High and low gravity affect Flight, Gliding,
than comparable falls on Earth. Leaping, Running, Swimming, and Swinging. As
a general rule, don’t forget that moving opposite
gravity (i.e., straight up, when on a planet) halves a
SOLAR SYSTEM GRAVITIES character’s gravity-based movement rate; moving in
a direction consistent with gravity doubles it. (See
Here are the gravities of major objects in Earth’s page 364 of the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised.)
solar system, where Earth’s gravity = 1 G.
Object Gravity Flight
Asteroids Negligible Gravity makes flying more difficult. In high
Earth 1.00 gravity, winged flyers have to go faster to keep aloft,
Moon 0.16 helicopters or thrust-based flying machines have to
Jupiter 2.60* work harder, and antigravity and other “rubber sci-
Europa 0.13 ence” methods of levitation require more power.
Ganymede 0.14 In gravities greater than 1 G, divide Flight
Mars 0.38 movement by local gravity, since flyers are burning
Deimos Negligible more power just staying off the ground. Winged
Phobos Negligible
craft with Stall Velocity should multiply Stall Veloc-
Mercury 0.37
Neptune 1.20* ity by the square root of local gravity (lift is pro-
Triton 0.76 portional to velocity squared). Maneuvers become
Pluto 0.06 more strenuous: climbing (Flying opposite the pull
Charon 0.015 of gravity) requires 2” times local gravity to gain
Saturn 1.20* 1”. Thus, a jetpack with 12” of Flight in a 2 G field
Titan 0.14 would only be capable of 6” Flight, and would burn
Uranus 0.80* 4” of movement to gain 1” of altitude. This means
Miranda 0.008 a jetpack with less than 6” of Flight can’t take off in
Venus 0.88 a 2 G environment. Alternately, GMs may rule that
*: Indicates gravity as of the cloud-tops; all others any Flight device simply can’t operate at gravity
are surface gravity. levels more than 50% greater than the environment
it was designed for (unless they buy extra inches
FIGHTING of Flight with a -1 Limitation, Only To Counteract
Gravity affects both HTH and Ranged Combat. Gravity Flight Penalty; these inches allow the device
to take off, but do not counteract or add to the
Hand-To-Hand Combat modifier for flying with/against the pull of gravity).
Hand-To-Hand Combat in high or low gravity In gravities lower than 1 G, Flight gets more
is more difficult for fighters who aren’t used to the complicated. Maximum speed remains unchanged,
environment. but it gets easier to maneuver. Climbing uses 2”
In low gravity, there is an OCV/DCV penalty times local gravity to gain altitude — though the
of -1 in a gravity field of 0.5 to 0.9, -2 in a field value can never be less than +1” per 1” used to gain
between 0.1 and 0.5, and -3 in less than 0.1 G. altitude. The rules for diving (moving with the pull
Heavy gravity imposes a straight -1 penalty to of gravity) are unaffected; characters still add +1”
CV, but that is in addition to the increased encum- per 1” moved.
brance penalty (see above). Forms of Flight requiring lift (wings, rotor
A character can negate the CV penalty for blades, and the like) depends a lot on atmosphere
high or low gravity by taking the appropriate Envi- density, which can affect carrying ability and the
ronmental Movement (page 51). However, this does ability to stay aloft; see the section on Atmospheres,
not eliminate the encumbrance penalty. below.
Ranged Combat Gliding
Gravity affects the maximum range of projec- Gliding requires a local gravity field to work.
tile weapons. Simply divide range by local gravity to Beings and gadgets with Gliding can’t use it to
get the new maximum range. Thus, a weapon with move in zero gravity, although GMs may let them
a maximum range of 150” in 1 G has a maximum try to “swim” clumsily through the air at 1-2” or so.
range of only 100” in 1.5 G (150”/1.5), but a maxi- Gliding works fine in heavy gravity — if the
mum range of 200” in .75 G (200”/.75). The Range local air density is high enough (see below). How-
280 ■ A Journey Into The Unknown HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
GRAVITY AND Swimming is affected by gravity much like
Flight. In high-G environments, divide Swimming
FLIGHT/SWIMMING movement by local gravity, and multiply the inches
Here’s a quick reference table for the effects of gravity needed to gain 1” when Swimming against gravity
on Flight and Swimming. The table rounds off the by local gravity. In low-G environments, maximum
results for a more even curve of effect. speed and diving speed remains unchanged, but
climbing speed improves (multiple the normal 2” per
Normal Movement: divide inches by local gravity
inch climbed by the local gravity).
Gravity 5” Movement Equals...
.25 5” Swinging
.50 5” Swinging, like Gliding, requires gravity to work;
.75 5” in a zero-G situation, characters cannot Swing. In
1.0 5” high or low gravity situations, Swinging suffers no
1.5 3” net affect; the affect on the downward arc of the
2.0 2½”
swing balances out the affect on the upward arc.
2.5 2”
3.0 1½” LIFTING
Climbing: multiply 2” by local gravity The Lift amount listed on the Strength Table
(minimum 1”/1”) assumes a standard 1 G environment. In high grav-
Gravity Climbing 1” Requires... ity, multiply an object’s mass by the local gravity to
.25 1” determine its apparent weight. Thus, a 100 kg barrel
.50 1” on a 1.6 G planet weighs as much as 160 kilograms
.75 1½” do on Earth, and so requires STR 14 to get off the
1.0 2”
1.5 3”
2.0 4” In low gravity, lifting gets easier. Multiply weight
2.5 5” by local gravity as above to determine its local
3.0 6” weight. This means characters can pick up extremely
heavy items in low gravity — a STR 0 person can
ever, multiply the 1” the character must descend pick up 250 kilograms in a 0.1 G field! Below 0.1 G,
per Phase by local gravity; Gliding characters drop use the guidelines for Zero Gravity, below.
more quickly in high G.
The same rule applies for low gravity — mul- THROWING
tiply the 1” by local gravity — but in this case the Throwing distance in different gravities is
effect is to allow characters to Glide longer/further simply a matter of multiplying the mass of the
without losing altitude. For example, on a world thrown item by the local gravity and consulting the
with .5 G, a Gliding character only has to drop ½” Strength Table to determine the thrower’s available
per Phase (or 1” per two Phases). extra STR based on the increased weight. Then con-
Leaping sult the Throwing Table, as usual.
Gravity affects a character’s vertical Leaping
and horizontal Leaping distance. Divide the charac-
ter’s inches of Leaping by the local gravity level.
Zero Gravity
The complete absence of gravity imposes its
Example: The New Patagonian Pampas-Leaper own set of difficulties on characters (some of which
can normally jump 10” in a 1 G environment. are noted above in reference to lighter-than-normal
In the Martian Interstellar Zoo, where the grav- gravity). Since there is no force holding them down,
ity is 0.4, the Pampas-Leaper can jump 25”, but there is also little or no friction on surfaces. It
on the planet Adamant (local gravity 2 G) it becomes very hard indeed to exert any force unless
can only cover 5”. the character is properly braced.
The standard Skill Roll and OCV penalty for
GRAVITY AND LEAPING all activity in zero gravity (a.k.a. free fall) is -3; the
standard DCV penalty is ½ DCV. Characters can
Here’s a quick reference table for the effects of overcome this penalty in two ways. First, they can
gravity on Leaping. The table rounds off the buy the PS: Zero-G Operations Skill (page 45). This
results for a more even curve of effect. method is the most “realistic,” and is best suited
Divide inches of Leaping by local gravity for characters used to normal gravity but trained
Gravity 5” Leaping Equals... for zero-G work. Second, they can buy the Zero-G
.25 20” Training form of Environmental Movement (HERO
.50 10” System 5th Edition, Revised, page 90). This costs
.75 7” 4 Character Points and automatically cancels all
1.0 5” Skill Roll and CV penalties caused by zero-G. This
1.5 3” method is most appropriate for characters born to
2.0 2½” a zero-G environment, or who spend virtually all of
2.5 2” their time in one (such as Spacers, page 32).
3.0 1½”
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eleven 281

FIGHTING moving it keeps on moving until it hits something. ZERO-G

The effects of zero-G on Hand-To-Hand When shoving an object in zero-G, consult the STRENGTH TABLE
Combat fall into four categories: OCV Penalties, Throwing Table (HERO System 5th Edition, Revised,
DCV Penalties, Damage Penalties, and Action/ page 35) to determine the character’s Extra STR as Extra STR Velocity
Reaction (Knockback). These penalties all apply if making a Standing Throw. The accompanying -25 ⅛”
when the character is in free fall in zero-G. If he’s Zero-G Strength Table gives the velocity per Seg-
-23 ¹⁄₆”
braced against a surface (for instance, if he wears ment imparted by a braced shove. (If a shove is not
braced, divide the inches of velocity between the -20 ¼”
magnetic shoes and stands on a steel surface), they
character and the shoved object, as with unbraced -18 ⅓”
do not apply.
Knockback.) The object continues to move until it -15 ½”
OCV Penalties hits something. -13 ¾”
A character suffers a -3 OCV penalty for Stopping something in zero gravity is as hard -10 1¼”
all attacks requiring him to have his feet on the as starting it. A person trying to halt a moving -8 1½”
ground (such as kicks in Martial Arts packages) object in free fall compares the Extra STR (from the
performed in zero-G. In some situations the GM -5 2½”
Throwing Table, as if making a Standing Throw) to
may rule that characters cannot use these maneu- -3 3”
the object’s velocity on the table below. Subtract the
vers at all. He also suffers a -3 OCV penalty for inches a character could throw the object from its 0 5”
other HTH attacks, reflecting the general difficulty velocity. If the character slows the object to 0” or 3 7½”
he has moving and contorting his body in zero-G. less, it stops moving. If the character doesn’t have 5 10”
DCV Penalties the STR to slow the object to 0” of movement, he 8 15”
Characters are at ½ DCV when in zero-G. takes damage from a Move Through attack at what- 10 20”
ever the remaining velocity is (the object has STR 0 13 30”
Damage Penalties for Move Through purposes).
All HTH Combat attacks suffer a minimum of 15 40”
a -1 DC damage penalty when performed in free Example: Big John the astronaut has STR 18 18 60”
fall, as they normally benefit from the character’s and wants to move a 100 kg fuel tank. The 20 80”
secure contact with a surface or momentum aris- Throwing Table indicates he has an Extra STR
ing from a leap from a surface. These penalties are of 8, which means he can impart a velocity of
usually higher (-3 DC), but the GM can adjust the 15” per Segment to the tank. It goes hurtling
penalty as he sees fit. across the Space Shuttle’s cargo bay to where
Little Willie the mission specialist tries to catch
Action/Reaction (Knockback) it. Willie has STR 8. According to the Throw-
Combat in free fall should always use the ing Table, Willie has -2 Extra Strength, which
Knockback rules, even if the campaign normally means he can slow the tank by 4” per Segment
only uses Knockdown rules. (Willie gets to round in his favor). Subtracting
Knockback becomes a very serious problem in 4” from 15” shows the tank retains a velocity of
zero-G combat. When a character takes Knockback, 11”. That means poor Willie gets hit by a Move
he continues to move that many inches per Seg- Through from the tank moving at its remaining
ment until he hits something. If the character has a 11”. Crunch! Poor Willie takes 3d6 damage.
safety line or tether, he moves until he reaches the
limit of the rope and stops. Without a tether, there’s
a real danger of floating off helplessly into deep
space. Characters in that situation can make a DEX
Roll once per Phase to attempt to grab objects in Most of the Universe consists of nothing at all.
adjacent hexes and thereby keep from flying away. When characters venture out into that nothingness,
Victims wearing any sort of zero-G flight pack can they’d better have protection. There are four things
bring themselves to a stop using their thrusters. to worry about in space: lack of air to breathe; lack
For characters in free fall, roll 1d6 less than of pressure; extremes of temperature; and radiation.
normal to determine Knockback, as if they were Scientist and doctors have debated, and con-
flying — which, in essence, they are. Moreover, tinue to debate, the precise effects of vacuum on
instead of applying Knockback just to the target, an exposed Human body; for obvious reasons,
divide it between attacker and target. If an attack it’s difficult to test what happens thoroughly. The
does 4” Knockback, then the target doesn’t sail back information and rules below are based on the best
4” — both attacker and target sail away from one information available as of 2002. Gamemasters who
another 2”. prefer some other interpretation — such as bodies
instantly freezing, or instantly exploding into crim-
Grappling son mush due to internal pressure — are free to
Grabbing someone negates OCV penalties adopt those interpretations for their games.
for strikes and the Action/Reaction effect (when a
character has Grabbed someone and hit him, doing BREATHING VACUUM
Knockback, neither of them goes anywhere). Characters stuck in space without life support
LIFTING AND THROWING are in trouble. They have no oxygen to breathe. The
standard rules for drowning (HERO System 5th Edi-
Lifting and throwing objects in zero gravity tion, Revised, page 424) apply. However, as noted
are both easier and harder. A character can theo- below, attempting to hold one’s breath in space can
retically move any mass, and once something is have severe negative consequences.
282 ■ A Journey Into The Unknown HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
than three Turns). The result is that most charac-
ters should enjoy a period of “useful conscious-
ness” of about 9-12 seconds, and can survive as
much as about 90 seconds of exposure.
Because decompression damage is internal,
Paramedics is of limited use (impose a Skill Roll
penalty of -3). Characters need advanced medical
procedures and technology to treat it.
Science fiction writers frequently refer to
“the icy blackness of space” and the like, but in
fact vacuum itself has no temperature — it’s a
near-perfect insulator. What coldness there is in
space exists because the trace atoms floating in
the vacuum radiate energy into it, causing a chill.
Compared to suffocation and loss of pressure, any
threat posed by the low temperature is minimal;
characters exposed to vacuum die long before they
get cold.
A Human exposed to vacuum can only cool
off by radiating heat or sweating. This causes a
rise in body temperature of 1 Temperature Level
per minute of activity (see page 441 of the HERO
System 5th Edition, Revised), or per five minutes of
rest. Of course, a person just resting in vacuum has
other problems....
A related effect is that unprotected exposure
to the ultraviolet rays of a star causes characters
to suffer very bad sunburns. See page 439 of the
HERO System 5th Edition, Revised for more infor-
mation on sunburn.
Solar and cosmic radiation can be a seri-
LACK OF PRESSURE ous problem in space, even to space travelers
The Human body is adapted to an environ- in shielded spacecraft. For someone floating in
ment with external pressure. The Earth’s atmo- vacuum with just a suit, the danger is very real.
sphere presses against every square centimeter of Gamemasters can also use these rules for
our skin with a force of about 10 Newtons. Take other types of radiation encountered on planetary
away that pressure, and the body tries to expand surfaces and the like.
to fill the void. However, the Human body turns
out to be a pretty good spacesuit, at least for short General Principles
periods. Skin is strong enough to resist rupturing, Radioactivity harms living things as energetic
so nobody’s going to explode in vacuum (though particles destroy cell nuclei or damage the complex
the body swells up to as much as twice its size). molecules which carry on biological processes in
The chief danger is blood vessels rupturing, espe- the cells. Very intense radiation kills cells en masse,
cially in the lungs, where there is a vast network of producing effects like burns. More insidious is
them separated from the air by only a thin mem- long-term exposure to lower levels of radiation,
brane. Additionally, eardrums might rupture. which kills off body cells and induces mutations
In game terms, characters in a vacuum leading to cancer and leukemia.
without Life Support: Safe Environment (Low
Pressure/Vacuum) suffer ½d6 Normal Damage, RADIATION LEVEL TABLE
NND Does BODY, per Segment of exposure to
Source Rads
vacuum. Increase the damage to 1d6 per Segment
Occupational Safety Limit 5 per year
if he holds his breath; the increase represents Medical X-Ray 0.01 to 0.05 per shot
rupturing of the lungs and the like. Swelling and X-Ray Laser 1 per die of Killing
related problems result in a DEX Drain ½d6 NND Damage
per Segment (to a maximum of -10 points of Cosmic Rays (in space) 30 per year
DEX); the character cannot recover any of the lost (Lunar surface) 15 per year
DEX until he’s recompressed, after which it returns (Earth surface) 0.03 per year
at the usual rate. Roll 3d6; on an 8-, the character Jovian Radiation Belt 1,000 per hour
suffers eardrum damage (leading to a Physical Solar Flare (Earth orbit) 100-1,000 per event
Limitation of -2 [or greater] Hearing PER Roll Nuclear Fallout (within plume) 240 per year
Plutonium (1 gram) 1 per second
penalties, or total Deafness if exposure lasts more
Reactor Core (unshielded) 7,000 per second
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eleven 283

Others, like radioactive isotopes or fallout, have a ATMOSPHERIC

RADIATION EFFECTS half life. The half life is the amount of time it takes
for half of the radioactive material to decay to a
Exposure (Rads) is... Effect stable form. Because of the way radioactive decay As a guideline, on Earth,
Greater than 5 x CON Radiation Sickness: Indi- works, this time is constant, so the rad level drops 10 meters (5”) of depth
vidual loses 1d6 CON by half for each half life increment. The process of in the ocean equals 1
(heals normally) decay is gradual — the radiation level doesn’t sud- atmosphere, and every
Greater than 10 x CON Serious Sickness: Lose +10 meters (+5”) (or
denly drop when the half-life period is up.
2d6 CON (heals nor- fraction thereof) equals
mally) Radiation Shielding +1 atmosphere. Thus, a
Greater than 20 x CON Internal Damage: Lose Radiation shielding absorbs high-energy par- character swimming 43
2d6 CON and 1d6 BODY ticles. In practice, different materials stop different meters below the surface
(heals normally) experiences 5 atmo-
kinds of radiation better than others, but for the
Greater than 30 x CON Lethal Threshold: Lose spheres of pressure.
3d6 CON and 2d6 BODY sake of simplicity you can lump them all together
(heals at half normal rate) as “radiation shielding” and leave it at that. The
Radiation Shielding Table gives the amount of pro- For Dense atmospheres
Greater than 50 x CON Fatal Dose: Lose 4d6
tection for different materials. Radiation shielding (181% or greater than
CON and 3d6 BODY
Earth’s atmosphere), the
(does not heal) is exponential: each additional layer of protection
GM must establish what
Armor and other defenses do not reduce BODY halves the radiation which penetrates. the surface pressure
damage from radiation; consider it as NND Does is (see page 87), then
BODY damage, with the defense being Life Support:
Safe Environment (High Radiation). Atmospheres determine how quickly
pressure decreases as
Earth is the only known planet with air one rises in the atmo-
Radiation exposure is measured in Rads, short sphere (page 87-88).
for “Radiation Absorbed Dose.” One rad is defined Humans can breathe. Characters venturing to other
That way he can deter-
as 100 ergs of energy per gram of material. The worlds will encounter a variety of atmospheres,
mine at what point char-
radiation level of various sources of radioactivity many of them with harmful effects. (See pages 86- acters and ships start to
is given in the Radiation Level Table. The effects of 88 for more on atmospheres.) suffer damage, based on
exposure are given in the Radiation Effects Table. DENSE ATMOSPHERES the rules in this section.
Radiation, like all forms of energy, is subject to the
Atmospheres denser than Earth’s may cause
inverse square rule — so divide the rad level given
two problems for Humans and other living crea-
on the table by the square of the distance to the
tures: pressure and toxicity.
source to determine a character’s exposure.
Fallout And Half Life
As indicated on page 87, to determine atmo-
Fallout is radioactive material released by
spheric pressure on the surface of a planet, deter-
nuclear weapons explosions. Typically, a bomb
mine the density of the atmosphere relative to that
going off scatters bits of radioactive material high
of Earth, then multiply by the surface gravity. For
into the atmosphere, creating a long plume, extend-
example, on a world with a Standard atmosphere
ing hundreds of miles, where the radiation levels
120% as dense as Earth’s, and a surface gravity of
are temporarily higher than normal. The problem
1.3 G, the atmospheric pressure is 156% that of
with fallout is that it affects an area — the radiation
Earth’s, or roughly half again as strong.
level rises over the whole region covered by the
Earth’s average atmospheric pressure at sea
level (one atmosphere, or approximately 1000 mil-
Some sources of radiation, like ongoing
libars) is the default for game purposes. At 1 atmo-
nuclear reactions, emit radiation at a constant level.
sphere or below, a character’s normal PD is enough
to resist the effects of pressure.
RADIATION SHIELDING Heavier pressure, such as from descending
into a dense atmosphere like Jupiter’s or diving
Substance Radiation Multiplier deep into the sea, can cause injury and death. As of
Trace Atmosphere (per meter) .98 2002, the free-diving record for Humans is to 137
Thin Atmosphere (per meter) .9 meters, where the pressure is about 14 atmospheres
Standard Atmosphere (per meter) .75 (see sidebar) — but without special protection, they
Dense Atmosphere (per meter) .9
can only remain at such pressures for short periods.
Water (per cm) .9
Brick, Soil, or Rock (per cm) .75 For game purposes, 10 atmospheres of pressure is
Wood or Plastic (per cm) .95 the most an unprotected Human can withstand
Steel (per mm) .9 for extended periods. For each +1 atmosphere (or
Lead (per mm) .8 fraction thereof) thereafter, a character suffers 1d6
Spacesuit .9 Normal Damage, NND Does BODY, per Turn (the
Radiation Suit .7 damage accrues on Segment 1). For example, at
Vehicle Hull (per point of DEF) .9 15.5 atmospheres, a character suffers 6d6 damage
Radiation protection is exponential. Steel plating per Turn. The defense to the damage is Life Support
reduces rad levels by .9 per millimeter, so a layer (Safe Environment: High Pressure).
of steel 5 millimeters thick would reduce it by a In Hard SF or “realistic” settings, Safe Envi-
factor of (.9 x .9 x .9 x .9 x .9), or about .59 overall. ronment (High Pressure) only constitutes a total
defense to pressure damage up to 30 atmospheres.
284 ■ A Journey Into The Unknown HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Above that, Safe Environment (High Pressure) cannot function at all; there’s not enough atmosphere
alone is not enough. At that point, for each +1 to “push” against.
atmosphere (or fraction thereof) above 30, a person Gliding works poorly in thin atmospheres, since
suffers the damage indicated above (beginning at there’s less air to “support” a Gliding character. Multi-
1d6, not 21d6) unless he has the proper defense: ply the glider’s inches of movement by the percentage
Safe Environment (High Pressure) and a minimum of air pressure relative to Earth; at 20% or less pres-
of 1 Resistant PD for every 3 atmospheres of pres- sure, Gliding is not possible.
sure. (Normally the defense to an NND shouldn’t
vary this way, but in this case it’s a realistic and
valid way to represent the increasing effects of pres- There are dozens of likely atmospheric gases
sure.) This defense can come from armor, personal — hydrogen, helium, methane, carbon dioxide,
force fields, or any other source. Thus, at 31 atmo- oxygen, nitrogen, ammonia, argon, chlorine, fluo-
spheres, a character with Safe Environment (High rine, and various combinations of them (see page
Pressure) and 10 rPD is fine; at 32 atmospheres, he 88). Most of them are poisonous to Humans (even
starts taking damage, because his rPD is no longer oxygen and nitrogen, if the concentration or pres-
enough to protect him. sure are too high). Rather than detailing the effects
of each, you can simply divide them into Breathable,
The Bends Unbreathable, and Poisonous atmospheres. A Breath-
Even when the pressure isn’t high enough to able atmosphere is of course one a character can
cause harm, being in a high-pressure environment breathe normally.
has other dangers. Nitrogen and other gases dis- Unbreathable atmospheres are any mix of gases
solve in the bloodstream under pressure. When not containing free oxygen but also not poisonous.
the pressure is reduced quickly, the dissolved gases Noble gases like helium and argon are unbreathable,
form bubbles and expand. For a graphic demon- as are carbon dioxide, methane, and pure nitrogen.
stration of this, shake up a bottle of carbonated Characters in an unbreathable atmosphere without
soda and open the top — then imagine that hap- appropriate Life Support suffer the same effects as
pening in your veins. The effects of the bends are drowning in water. Otherwise, Unbreathable atmo-
highly variable; some deep-sea divers have survived spheres are not harmful. A character with oxygen
dozens of dives with no permanent effects, but tanks can operate in an Unbreathable atmosphere
others died or were left paralyzed. without other protection (unless the pressure or tem-
The bends are only a problem in rapid perature demand it).
decreases in pressure. For any decrease in pressure Poisonous atmospheres, also referred to as Cor-
of greater than 1 atmosphere per minute, make a rosive, contain primarily gases that react with Human
CON Roll, with a penalty of -1 for each additional tissues, killing cells and causing pain. Poisons include
atmosphere of pressure. Success means no bends pure hydrogen, ammonia, chlorine, fluorine, hydro-
this time; failure means RKA 1d6 NND Does gen sulfide, nitrogen oxides, and most combina-
BODY damage (the defense is Life Support [Safe tions of those chemicals. Characters in a poisonous
Environment: High Pressure]). atmosphere without protection suffer the effects of
Toxicity suffocation, plus 1d6 Normal Damage, NND Does
Where the air pressure is greater than 10 BODY, per Turn (damage accumulates on Segment
atmospheres, the concentrations of gases become 1) as the toxic gases burn skin and exposed mucous
toxic. A character without Life Support (Safe Envi- membranes (and corrode equipment). If the charac-
ronment: High Pressure) effectively drowns (use ter breathes in the poison air, he takes an additional
the standard drowning rules). 1d6 Killing Damage, NND Does BODY, per Phase
as the poison sears his lungs and nasal passages. The
THIN ATMOSPHERES defense against poisonous atmospheres is Life Sup-
In air pressure below 25% Earth normal (.25 port (Self-Contained Breathing) plus some sealed,
atmospheres), characters can’t get enough oxygen to airtight Resistant Defense such as a suit of Armor
stay alive. The drowning rules apply unless they have or a Force Field. If the character doesn’t have the
artificial protection. (In situations with no pressure Life Support, he’ll suffocate, but at least the corrosive
at all, use the Lack Of Pressure rules under Vacuum, effects of the atmosphere won’t get him.
Thin air also affects how flying creatures and
vehicles stay aloft. Any type of Flight requiring lift Starships may run into several problems in
from wings, propellors, rotors, or gas bags has its lift atmospheres.
reduced in proportion to the lower pressure. In game Entering An Atmosphere
terms, this means the weight a flying character or Vehicles entering an atmosphere from space
vehicle can carry is reduced by the atmospheric pres- experience heat as the result of friction generated by
sure — in 25% pressure, reduce its STR to one-fourth moving into/through air. Entering an atmosphere
of normal for purposes of carrying objects while causes a ship to suffer 5 BODY damage per Phase;
flying. (See the Encumbrance Table on page 379 therefore, 5 DEF (or other defenses providing equiva-
of the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised for rules lent Resistant Defense) protects the ship from that
regarding the effects of encumbrance on movement.) effect.
In atmospheres 10% of Earth’s, or thinner (includ- Many ships have the Physical Limitation Cannot
ing no atmosphere), any type of Flight requiring lift Enter Atmospheres (page 204), because their designers
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eleven 285

intend them solely for use in space and see no reason of 1 Resistant PD for every 3 atmospheres of pres-
to spend the time and money to reinforce them to sure. This defense can come from its hull, defense
handle atmospheric pressures. These ships may be screens, or any other source. Eventually, though,
able to make it into an atmosphere, but they’ll soon sufficient atmospheric pressure will crush even the
crack under the strain regardless of their defenses. strongest ship.
Atmospheric Pressure Corrosive Atmospheres
Even ships designed to enter atmospheres may Sufficiently corrosive atmospheres may affect
encounter problems when descending deep into one, ships. In this case, the GM determines the amount
however. On planets with large or dense atmospheres, of damage and how quickly it accrues. Typically a
the atmospheric pressure increases the further into ship suffers 1d6 Killing Damage, NND Does BODY
the atmosphere the ship goes, eventually crushing (defense is Force Field or Force Wall), per Turn, with
it if it’s not sturdy enough (in much the same way the damage accruing on Segment 1. More corrosive
that a submarine going too deep into the ocean gets atmospheres do more dice of damage.
Atmospheric Interference
Ships designed to enter atmospheres need two
In some situations, the composition of a planet’s
things: a minimum of 5 DEF (see above) and Life
atmosphere, or the effects of weather, may interfere
Support (Safe Environment: High Pressure). A ship
with a ship’s ability to use sensors or communications
without the Safe Environment (High Pressure) can
through/into that atmosphere. A Systems Operation
stay in up to 5 atmospheres of pressure without dif-
penalty of -1 to -3 may apply.
ficulty, but suffers 1d6 Normal Damage, NND Does
BODY, per Turn (the damage accrues on Segment 1)
for each +1 atmosphere above 5 (or fraction thereof). Explosive
In a Space Opera or cinematic setting, Safe Envi-
ronment (High Pressure) lets a ship withstand any Decompression
level of pressure without difficulty (though the ship
Although sometimes used to describe what
may creak and groan alarmingly, as its hull adjusts
happens to the lungs of a person who’s exposed to
to the stress). In “realistic” or Hard SF settings, things
vacuum and holds his breath, in general explosive
aren’t quite so simple. As with Humans, the Safe
decompression refers to the sudden loss of air and
Environment only offers complete protection up to
air pressure when a sealed environment (such as a
a point — 50 atmospheres. At that point, for each +1
starship’s hull) is opened to the vacuum of space.
atmosphere (or fraction thereof) above 50, a space-
Typically this occurs due to a puncturing of the envi-
craft suffers the damage indicated above (beginning
ronment (from, say, a meteor impact, or an enemy
at 1d6, not 46d6) unless it has the proper defense:
ship’s laser blast), or when a heroic character deliber-
Safe Environment (High Pressure) and a minimum
ately opens an airlock to put out a fire or suck some
286 ■ A Journey Into The Unknown HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
The Pull
EXPLOSIVE DECOMPRESSION TABLE The pull of decompression affects everything
in the environment — people, objects both loose
Size Of Hole Rate Of Air Loss STR Of Decompression and attached, dust, and so forth. Even a tiny pull
Insectile (.031” or smaller) .031 cubic hex/Segment, or less -15 can be dangerous; after all, stray computer chips
Minute (.032”) .032 cubic hex/Segment -10 and pieces of paper don’t weigh much, and may
Minuscule (.064”) .064 cubic hex/Segment -5 contain invaluable data. But what characters are
Tiny (.125”) .125 cubic hex/Segment 0 most concerned about is whether they’ll be yanked
Diminutive (.25”) .25 cubic hex/Segment 5
into the deadly depths of space. To save themselves,
Small (.5”) .5 cubic hex/Segment 10
Human (1”) 1 cubic hex/Segment 15 they must have something to hang onto or brace
Large (2”) 2 cubic hexes/Segment 20 themselves against (if not, out they go, though the
Enormous (4”) 4 cubic hexes/Segment 25 GM may allow a DEX Roll for a character to snag
Huge (8”) 8 cubic hexes/Segment 30 something to hold onto as he flies toward the rup-
Gigantic (16”) 16 cubic hexes/Segment 35 ture). Then he engages in a STR Versus STR Roll
Gargantuan (32”) 32 cubic hexes/Segment 40 against the pull every Phase. As long as he keeps
Colossal (64” or larger) 64 cubic hexes/Segment, or more 45+ winning the contest, he stays put; otherwise, out
bug-eyed alien monster out into space. he goes. If a character is particularly well braced,
OBJECT DEFENSE strapped in, or the like, the GM may give him a
AND BODY IN When explosive decompression occurs, two
issues are important: how long before all the air bonus to his STR Roll for the contest. The GM
STAR HERO should also assign STRs to fixed objects (like desks
leaks out; and is the outward flow of air strong
enough to pull objects or characters out of the bolted to the floor) to determine if they come
The Object Table detached; typically an object should have 5 STR for
(HERO System 5th Edi- ship? While formulae do exist to calculate the loss
of a volume of substance through a hole of given every 1 DEF it has.
tion, page 303) lists The decompression STR pulls characters and
many objects that might size, that’s more complex than necessary for all but
the hardest of Hard SF Star Hero games. Instead, objects at the rate it could make a Running Throw
appear in Star Hero
games. Some (such as use the accompanying Explosive Decompression with them (so characters may have more than one
large spaceships) are Table to determine the effects. chance to grab something and hold on for dear
almost exclusively the life). It has SPD 6 for these purposes.
province of science Decompression STR
The STR of the decompression depends on The Outcome
fiction settings; others
could occur in many two things: the size of the rupture in the environ- If a character gets pulled all the way to the
different types of games. ment, and the pressure in the environment. First rupture, what happens next depends on the relative
use the accompanying table to determine the STR size of the rupture and the character. (The same
Generally speaking, based on rupture size — the larger the hole, the applies to objects, of course.) If the rupture is larger
objects manufactured in more air can rush out quickly, resulting in a stron- than the character, he goes flying out into space
science fiction settings ger pull. Then, for each +1 atmospheric pressure (where he continues traveling at the same direction
are sturdier — better (or fraction thereof) in the environment above 1 (1 and velocity every Segment thereafter until some-
made, and of more thing stops him).
durable materials —
being Earth-normal average atmospheric pressure,
used in Human starships), add +5 STR. Thus, if the If the rupture is smaller than the character, but
than objects from earlier larger than one-third the character’s size, he gets
time periods. They also interior of a ship is pressurized to 3 atmospheres
and develops an Enormous (4”) rupture, the pull of forced violently through the rupture. Convert the
often weigh less. When
the decompression is equal to 35 STR (base of 25, decompression STR’s damage into an equivalent
determining an object’s
DEF and BODY using +10 for the two atmospheres above 1). number of DCs of Killing Damage and apply it
the Object Table, con- The GM determines the size of a hole in a to him. (Some gamers refer to this as the “sausage
sider increasing the rat- sealed environment’s walls/hull. The standard grinder effect.”) After he takes the damage once, he’s
ings of all multi-period rules for breaking walls (HERO System 5th Edi- out in space, as described above.
objects by 1-2 in each tion, Revised, page 449) indicate a Human-sized If the rupture is one-third the character’s
category (sometimes size, or smaller, he takes the decompression’s STR
more). When determin-
(i.e., about 1” square) hole for 1 BODY damage,
with the size doubling per +1 BODY thereafter. damage and then plugs the rupture with his body.
ing the weight of large Thereafter he takes half the decompression’s STR
objects, consider reduc- That rule works fine on the average, but it may not
make much sense in the case of a micrometeor or a damage per Phase (again, based on SPD 6) until
ing the rulebook’s listed
pinpoint laser blast, so the GM should use his judg- someone saves him, he pries himself away, or the
weight by as much as
one-fifth (20%). ment when deciding how big a rupture is. like.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eleven 287

erhaps the most important single aspect of on the campaign’s scale and tone, the abilities of
any scenario is the villain(s) — the adver- the PCs, and the role the GM intends for the vil-
saries and enemies the characters encoun- lain. Role is perhaps most important. What part
ter or pursue during the course of the will the villain play in the campaign? Is he the Big
game. Closely related to the villain are the NPCs: Bad Guy behind all the heroes’ problems? In that
other characters the PCs encounter who may be case he must be powerful indeed, with underlings
helpful, hostile, or annoying. A good villain or NPC and henchmen who can each serve as the main
can make a lackluster scenario enjoyable, and a villain of adventures themselves. If he’s one of those
poor one can diminish the impact of an otherwise henchmen, then the villain should be only slightly
wonderful adventure. more powerful than the heroes. If he’s only a one-
shot opponent in a casual encounter, he can be the
same level or even weaker than the PCs.
Quick: think of half a dozen memorable Just being powerful doesn’t make a good vil-
characters from science fiction films and stories. lain. Blue whales are immensely powerful animals,
Chances are, your list includes people like Darth but nobody’s afraid of them because they’re shy and
Vader, Harry Mudd, Khan Noonien Singh, and the don’t harm Humans. A villain requires a credible
Mule. Villains. menace: the heroes must believe the villain is not
A good villain makes a good story. The reader only able, but willing, to cause harm.
may not care much about the heroes, but every- The best way to create this sense of menace
body loves to root against a good villain. This isn’t is to give the villain the chance to demonstrate his
limited to science fiction: Lucifer in Milton’s Para- power without directly harming the PCs. When the
dise Lost is by far the most striking character in the Imperial forces destroy Alderaan at the beginning
whole epic poem. of Star Wars, everyone learns they mean business.
In a Star HERO game, the PCs’ adversary often Similarly, you could have a villain in your game
drives the plot, and consequently should be more harm a character’s DNPC, kill a favorite NPC,
than just some game stats on a sheet. What makes destroy a large chunk of a major city, or reveal
a good villain? What makes a good science fiction information to the characters that makes it plain he
villain? could attack them at any time.
Villain Qualities The best villains have a streak of humanity or
In science fiction (and other genres, for that at least some admirable traits. They may be people
matter), good villains have certain qualities that set the heroes might have been friends with in other
them apart. circumstances, or at least enemies they can main-
tain a grudging respect for. Otherwise, they’re just
COMPETENCE two-dimensional cutouts; it’s not hard to hate, or
The best villains in fiction are competent, often oppose, someone who’s unlikeable and villainous in
extraordinary in their abilities. They are powerful, all aspects.
clever, and subtle; overcoming them is a worthwhile Examples of “admirable” villains abound in
challenge for the good guys. Think of Darth Vader fiction. Long John Silver is a vicious pirate, but
in Star Wars: he can out-plot Princess Leia, out-fly he’s brave, resourceful, and doesn’t let young Jim
Han Solo, out-fight Luke Skywalker, and has the Hawkins come to harm. Darth Vader is a callous,
whole might of the Empire at his beck and call. brutal tyrant, but there’s a spark of humanity within
A villain who isn’t competent isn’t very inter- him that Luke Skywalker, his son, can perceive and
esting. It hardly seems fair for the heroes to take on use to redeem him. Khan Noonien Singh is a ruth-
somebody weaker than themselves. Note, however, less dictator, but he can be polite and charming if
that “power” here doesn’t necessarily mean sheer necessary.
muscle or available firepower. A weak but clever
opponent who can maneuver the heroes into a
situation where their superior abilities are useless Hardly anyone gets up in the morning and says
is just as powerful as one who can bat them aside “How can I be evil today?” Even the worst villains
with casual ease. can justify their own actions to themselves. The
Exactly how powerful the villain is depends motives of villains are the same as those of most
288 ■ A Journey Into The Unknown HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
people: they want things (desire); they fear things different customers and skipped out with the loot.
(fear); and they believe things (conviction). A dictator plans to invade a neighboring planet rich
Wanting something is easy to understand. in resources.
Everyone wants something. Villains may be moti-
vated by a desire for wealth, lust for the opposite sex, A military commander fakes reports of alien raids
a simple urge to survive, or even love for another along a peaceful border so he can gain glory leading
person or being. Sometimes a villain’s desires aren’t the counterattack.
quite normal — twisted sexual urges, mad plans to An obsessive fan illegally clones a famous dead
conquer the galaxy, or the obsessive pursuit of some actress, but the clone escapes.
object. But other villains can have quite prosaic
A parasitic alien implants its eggs in several people,
desires, such as revenge.
including one of the heroes’ DNPCs; when the eggs
Fear is another powerful motive. Most living
hatch, the larvae will consume the host... but ordi-
things fear death, most Humans fear poverty and
nary surgery can’t remove them.
hardship, a ruler might fear losing power, an official
in a tyrannical regime might fear the consequences A starship captain is determined to open an ancient
of failure. Even the most incredibly powerful villain alien artifact to learn its secrets.
can still have fears: the Galactic Tyrant fears rebels Fear
and threats to his throne, and the Cosmic Over-
mind fears the heat death of the universe. Often An alien species must flee its homeworld because its
people (not just villains) take great risks to avoid or star is going nova, so it’s invading nearby systems.
overcome the things they fear; as long as the con- An astronaut believes many of the people around
sequences are not as bad (in their opinion) as the him are aliens in disguise.
thing they fear, it’s a rational choice.
An energy creature living in Jupiter’s radiation belts
Finally, most Humans have beliefs about right
mistakes a spaceship’s radar beams for an attack.
and wrong. Even villains do, although their beliefs
may not match everyone else’s. People often endure A growing political movement pressures the gov-
great danger and make tremendous sacrifices in the ernment to sterilize all psionics to prevent them
name of what they believe in; villains may do the from taking over.
same. A megacorp covers up evidence that its new implant
These three motives can feed on and computer causes psychotic episodes in many users.
strengthen one another. A villain who’s greedy for
The government sends a military force to destroy an
wealth may also fear losing his property and sources
alien artifact because it may pose a danger.
of income, and may believe he’s doing the right
thing by stimulating economic growth and provid- A native tribe on an alien world captures some
ing employment. explorers, whom they believe to be demons.
The motives for villains are not necessarily dif- A powerful alien civilization destroys all warlike,
ferent from those of heroes. Han Solo was greedy dangerous species it encounters — and it’s just
for money, and Captain Kirk certainly had an eye found Earth.
for the ladies. What separates heroes from villains
is how they go about achieving their goals. Bring- Conviction
ing unity and peace to the Galaxy is a noble goal. A deep-cover spy works for an enemy species
Exterminating all other species is not a heroic way because he respects their stable civilization and
to accomplish it. sophisticated culture.
In some campaigns, the distinction between
The Cosmic Overmind wants everyone to join it
the heroes’ motives and those of the villains is all
and share the wisdom of the Galaxy; refusal is a sign
but invisible. Interstellar mercenaries or spies can
of illogical thinking.
resort to pretty sleazy methods to accomplish their
missions, and some cyberpunk heroes are villains by A group of space rebels wages a guerrilla war
the standards of their society. against the Empire.
STAR HERO PLOT HOOKS A new planetary government orders all citizens to
work for the common good... or else.
Here are a few Star Hero plot hooks, organized
by villain motivation. A powerful alien empire wants to bring peace to a
planet’s warring nations by taking over at gunpoint.
A religious fanatic believes all who link into cyber-
An antiquities collector hires mercenaries to steal a space lose their souls.
priceless religious relic from an alien temple.
A robot leads a campaign to liberate machines from
An AI expanding its processing power is taking over the tyranny of organic life.
the planet’s datanet — and the brains of everyone
linked into cyberspace! A time traveller believes that by changing history he
can make a better future.
A con man has just “sold” the party’s starship to four
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eleven 289

Villain Archetypes them with ray guns could plunge the galaxy into
war. Instead, the PCs have to approach the problem
Over the years, science fiction stories and films subtly; a series of chess-game adventures of plots
have developed a set of standard villainous arche- and counterplots may be entertaining. Giving the
types that turn up again and again. Gamemasters villains understandable motives goes a long way
looking for inspiration can employ them as is, or use toward negating the problem of racism.
them as the basis to create variations or combina-
For tyrants, there’s a depressingly long list of
ENEMY SPECIES historical examples to draw on. Notable fictional
In any setting with a large ongoing conflict, ones include Emperor Palpatine (from Star Wars)
one side can be the designated “bad guys.” Fictional and Ming of Mongo (from Flash Gordon). Tyrants
examples include the Klingons from the original command vast fleets and armies, and tend to remain
Star Trek series, House Harkonnen and its minions in their heavily fortified headquarters until the final
in Dune, the Kzin in Larry Niven’s works, and the battle with the heroes. The main difference between
minions of Boskone from E. E. Smith’s “Lensman” an Enemy Species and the forces of a Galactic
novels; a historical version might be the Nazis. Tyrant is that the Tyrant holds his empire together
When these guys show up, the heroes know who to by force of will and personality. Without the top
fight. man, the Tyrant’s legions are easily mopped up, and
may convert to the right side with a little talking-to.
Useful Features: Enemy species or civilizations
have lots of resources and minions to throw at the Useful Features: Giving evil a face and a name solves
heroes, making them versatile, powerful opponents. the problem of how to defeat an entire empire — cut
Once you introduce them, you can use them again off the head and the body will die. A colorful tyrant
and again, saving you the trouble of creating new can be whimsical or motivated by love or revenge.
enemies. Even if the heroes kill off or capture one If the heroes learn something about the tyrant’s per-
leader, you’ve got an endless supply of replacements sonality and blind spots, they may be able to fool or
to put on the black hat. Moral issues get very simple outmaneuver him.
when the players know who the bad guys are. Potential Problems: A tyrant who’s too villainous
Potential Problems: Mowing down an endless series risks becoming implausible. If the Galactic Emperor
of Space Mongols becomes boring after a while, and casually shoots underlings who fail him, why haven’t
the sheer scale and resilience of the bad guys may his underlings conspired to overthrow him? If he
make the heroes wonder if they’re really accom- annihilates planets which are home to rebel activity,
plishing anything. The idea of an “evil species” may eventually he won’t be Emperor of anything but a
have racist overtones, which could either offend bunch of gravel.
players or bring out their less admirable qualities. Variations: An hereditary empire might have a
Variations: In a “cold war” situation, the heroes may whole family of Galactic Tyrants, all busily schem-
know who their enemies are, but blazing away at ing against each other for the throne — offer-
ing plenty of
for wily heroes
to divide and
conquer. A more
Galactic Tyrant
may become
an Honorable
Enemy. Some-
times the Tyrant
turns out to be
nothing but a
Puppet of some
even bigger and
badder oppo-
nent. For a more
tyrant, GMs may
want to use the
“Napoleon on
Elba” option of a
former overlord
scheming to
regain power.
290 ■ A Journey Into The Unknown HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Maybe the Galactic Tyrant is controlling his A cliche of early pulp fiction which nowadays
mind, maybe he’s miffed because he got passed over is less common, the mad scientist’s lineage goes back
for promotion, or maybe he just looks better in through the original Dr. Frankenstein to Faust. The
black. Being a hero is hard work, and even the best size and expense of major research programs has
may give up and decide that if you can’t beat the made the lone genius creating wonders in his base-
hordes of Evil, you may as well join ’em. Sometimes ment less plausible, but the possibilities of genetic
even PCs turn to the wrong side. engineering and nanotechnology could revive the
Useful Features: The great strength of a Hero Gone Mad Scientist in fiction. A more realistic version is
Bad is that he knows what the good guys are likely the researcher who cuts ethical corners to complete
to try, and can anticipate and frustrate them. If they his experiments.
have some sort of unique technology or powers, he Useful Features: Mad Scientists can have seemingly
can counter them. A Hero Gone Bad may well have magical technology which is otherwise unavailable
a personal connection to the PCs, making for good in the game world. Their demented experiments can
roleplaying opportunities. create monsters. It’s traditional for every Mad Scien-
Potential Problems: An ex-PC turned villain could tist to have a beautiful daughter suitable for romantic
simply be too effective as an enemy — he knows attachments.
the heroes, knows their weaknesses and secrets, and Potential Problems: Unless handled very deftly, the
if played properly could do serious damage. This Mad Scientist is such a creaky old cliche that play-
may turn the campaign into a vendetta. ers may start rolling their eyes. The question of “why
Variations: Ex-heroes are often Honorable Enemies, doesn’t he just license these inventions and get rich?”
or may have simply turned Mercenary. Whipping must be answered for the cynical modern gamer.
off the Galactic Tyrant’s mask to reveal a familiar Variations: Galactic Tyrants sometimes dabble in
face can be a stunning climax to the campaign. Mad Science as a hobby, or else keep some Mad Sci-
Maybe the Hero Gone Bad didn’t go bad at all entists on the staff. In a Cyberpunk setting, the Mad
— either he’s operating under deep cover, ready Scientist gets major corporate backing and a squad
to switch sides again at the critical moment; or of loyal security goons. Desperate Rebels may turn to
maybe he was bad to the bone all along and only Mad Science in search of a secret weapon.
pretended to support the heroes’ cause in the first
The flip side of an Honorable Enemy is the
HONORABLE ENEMY Mercenary. He serves the opposition simply because
Just because he’s on the other side doesn’t they pay him, and if Good offers a better price than
mean a villain can’t be a gentleman. Honorable ene- Evil, he’ll happily change sides. Han Solo, in his first
mies respect the heroes as worthy opponents even appearance in Star Wars, was close to being a Mer-
as they try to foil or kill them. Historical examples cenary, and his adversaries Greedo and Boba Fett
are common: even amid the carnage of World War certainly fit that description. Star Trek’s Ferengi are a
I, pilots sometimes dropped flowers over enemy whole Mercenary civilization.
airfields when an ace was killed. Useful Features: It may reassure slightly shady heroes
Useful Features: An Honorable Enemy may well to find a foe with motives similar to their own.
grant mercy to defeated opponents, letting them A Mercenary with highly marketable skills could
run away to fight another day. When confronted wind up serving different master villains, turning
with some genuine evil, an Honorable Enemy could up against the heroes when they least expect him.
join forces temporarily with his adversaries in the Mercenaries can be bribed in a pinch, and could be
name of common decency. An Honorable Enemy motivated to join forces against some menace which
who meets his foes on neutral territory could form threatens the free enjoyment of their wealth. Merce-
friendships or even romantic connections — catnip nary villains usually cut and run when the situation
for dedicated roleplayers. looks hopeless.
Potential Problems: It’s difficult to make a villain Potential Problems: The major difficulty with a Mer-
ruthless enough to pose a genuine threat and still cenary villain is that sufficiently wealthy heroes may
keep him likeable. Players sometimes hold grudges be able to simply buy them off; GMs who don’t like
against anyone who thwarts them, no matter how credit-card diplomacy should beware (or institute a
honorable. They can also be very Machiavellian, “Code of the Mercenary” system whereby honorable
using the Honorable Enemy’s own code of honor Mercenaries don’t abandon a contract until its terms
against him. have been met). Unless the Mercenary is powerful,
Variations: A villain may only pretend to be hon- or protected by a heavy helping of Combat Luck or
orable, abandoning his facade when things get GM’s fiat, keeping him alive to bedevil the PCs again
desperate (or when he thinks he’s won). A really and again may prove difficult.
successful Honorable Enemy can reach Galactic Variations: To make a Mercenary more sympathetic,
Tyrant rank. Heroes who violate the code of con- perhaps his greed has a noble purpose — supporting
duct an Honorable Enemy follows may discover he a loved one, acting as a Robin Hood for the poor folk
now views them as unworthy opponents — vermin of the Galaxy, or paying off some helpless person’s
to be destroyed. debts to the Interstellar Mafia. To make him less
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eleven 291

attractive, give him depraved appetites or a sadistic charge by himself. And of course, a sufficiently pow-
streak. Since players may expect a Mercenary to erful Puppeteer may decide the heroes themselves
redeem himself, the GM can throw them a curve by make good Puppets.
having him decide to put aside his materialistic goals Potential Problems: Trigger-happy heroes may not let
and support the Galactic Tyrant! their opponent survive long enough to reveal that he
OMNIPOTENT ALIEN was a Puppet. Mundane Puppets tend to be weak per-
sonalities, making them kind of boring as enemies.
Most alien species aren’t far different from
Humans in terms of personal power. They may have Variations: A really shrewd villain may only pretend
slightly different physical capabilities, mental powers, to be a Puppet, so that when things go bad he can
or the like, but by and large they’re interchangeable blame his Puppeteer. In a really Machiavellian cam-
with Humans. But sometimes science fiction heroes paign, there could be several layers of Puppeteers,
encounter aliens who blow that paradigm out of the each pulling the strings of those below him. A Hero
water. Like the Q of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Gone Bad may turn out to be a Puppet.
the Slavers of Larry Niven’s “Known Space” stories,
or the mysterious aliens watching Earth in Arthur C.
Clarke’s Childhood’s End, they possess so much power Rebels are sometimes heroes, when the gov-
— either innately, or due to their ultra-advanced ernment they oppose is evil or tyrannical. But a
technology — that they’re effectively omnipotent. legitimate state can still have enemies. A look at the
evening news may give an idea of the evil people are
Useful Features: Because he outclasses the PCs so, capable of when they are fighting what they consider
the Omnipotent Alien can put them in whatever oppression.
situation he (i.e., the GM) wants. Hurl the characters’
starship across the Galaxy, transform all the PCs into Useful Features: Rebels often are few in number and
members of a different species (or gender), create poorly equipped, making them good opponents for
new foes for the PCs to fight — whatever you as GM PCs. They may put millions at risk through acts of
want, the Omnipotent Alien can provide it, and often terrorism, so that in even a small-scale campaign the
in such a way as to raise intriguing moral or ethical heroes can have a major effect on the world. Fanati-
issues. cal terrorists are gaining on the Nazis as the enemy
everyone loves to hate.
Potential Problems: Because he outclasses the PCs so,
the Omnipotent Alien may be regarded as unbeat- Potential Problems: The very topicality of adventures
able. Frustrated and depressed, the PCs don’t act involving terrorism and guerrilla warfare can make
as heroes should, but instead give in to the Alien’s some players uncomfortable. Practical-minded
demands or become silly. And the old Omnipotent heroes may simply call the Galactic Patrol and let
Alien chestnut of “grant a Human absolute power them handle the rebels (unless the heroes are the
and see what he does with it” is as likely to backfire as Patrol, of course). And as the old saying goes, one
work in a roleplaying game. man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter — play-
ers may find the rebel cause more attractive than the
Variations: Make the Omnipotent Alien a member established order the GM expects them to defend.
of the characters’ own species who’s been “elevated”
somehow, thus possibly giving them psychological Variations: Sometimes a rebel turns out to be the
“hooks” with which to oppose him. Or perhaps the Puppet of some rival state, trying to sow chaos and
Omnipotent Alien is genuinely helpful, not the aloof, weaken its enemies. If the rebels’ motives really are
condescending “superior being” or wise-cracking noble, a rebel villain makes a good Honorable Enemy.
gadfly he’s usually depicated as. Take the Omnipotent Historically, rebels often contract with Mercenaries
Alien’s power away for a while and see how he and who have useful skills.
the PCs interact. ROGUE PSI
PUPPET The psionic villain, using his insidious mental
A Puppet is a villain controlled by another. The powers to dominate normals, dates back to the dis-
fact that he is controlled may be common knowledge, covery of hypnotism, at the very least. One of the best
or a deep secret revealed only at the climax. Mundane psionic villains is the creepy Mr. Bester of Babylon 5’s
puppets are people like a weak ruler dominated by Psi Corps, but plenty of others populate the pages of
his shrewd minister, or a politician who owes favors science fiction. While telepathy is the most common
to a crime syndicate. Science fiction allows for pup- Rogue Psi power, the anime film Akira includes
pets who really are puppets — psionically brain- powerful telekinetics run amok. Of course, the term
washed, controlled by brain implants (like Chekov in “Rogue Psi” assumes people with psionic powers nor-
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan), or replaced by alien mally have to follow a set of rules and that mecha-
shapeshifters (like several characters in Star Trek: nisms exist to control them — otherwise “Psi” itself
Deep Space Nine). may qualify as a villain category.
Useful Features: If nobody knows the Puppet is con- Useful Features: Rogue Psi villains make excellent
trolled by another, the heroes may struggle to defeat puppet masters, especially if their powers are a
their ultimate enemy, only to discover he’s a hapless secret. Player characters with secret abilities of
victim. If the Puppeteer is a weak-willed incompe- their own may have to oppose a Rogue Psi without
tent, the heroes have to cope with the problem that exposing their own powers. If society oppresses
removing the evil councillor leaves the Puppet in psionic individuals, the PCs may sympathize with
292 ■ A Journey Into The Unknown HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
them, creating a blind spot the Rogue Psi can Variations: A Roguish Con Man doesn’t have to be
exploit. just in it for the money; a silver-tongued enemy
Potential Problems: A powerful psi pitted against spy can work the same way for ideological motives.
non-psionic characters may be too strong to over- They make good puppetmasters for Puppet villains.
come. Conversely, if the psi’s powers aren’t effective A Roguish Con Woman with devastatingly attrac-
in a confrontation, the PCs can simply shoot him tive looks becomes a Femme Fatale.
or beat him up.
Variations: If an Enemy Species has psi powers, it
may be a nearly unstoppable (and very sinister) foe.
A Rogue Psi may well be a Rebel against whatever The world isn’t divided evenly into heroes
oppressive measures are used to control mental and villains. Most people in a campaign setting are
powers. Psionic tyrants (like Asimov’s Mule) can simply non-player characters — NPCs.
literally rule the Galaxy by force of will, turning In most cases what you need for a good, enjoy-
captured enemies into loyal servants. able NPC is a realistic, well-developed character.
But that isn’t always true. Realistic, well-developed
ROGUISH CON MAN NPCs tend to take over the story, leaving the heroes
Somewhere in the grey area between heroes as spectators. It’s actually more effective to keep
and villains stands the Roguish Con Man. His many of your NPCs one-dimensional, but make
motives are unworthy, his methods are unethical, them into memorable one-dimensional characters.
but you can’t help but like the guy. Star Trek’s Harry Give them a distinctive habit or a manner of speak-
Mudd is one well-done example, the early Han Solo ing for the heroes to remember. Players often forget
is another; historical figures like Casanova serve as NPC names, but they recall “the stuttering guy” or
a model. Con Man characters are typically moti- “the man with the onion.”
vated by greed and selfishness. Nonplayer characters have the same motiva-
Useful Features: Con Man opponents are good foils tions as villains — desires, fears, and beliefs — and
for heroes who are similarly devious and these motives provide a good way to give them a
manipulative. They allow the GM to little personality. The PCs can bribe a secu-
play the villain as intelligently as pos- rity goon who’s greedy, but one who joined
sible. Since their plots revolve around up because he believes order is an abso-
scams and crooked deals, they make lute good reacts poorly (to say the least)
for a less violent campaign. to bribe offers. Obviously, spear-carriers
and faceless hordes don’t all need to be
Potential Problems: Coming up with this well-developed, but it’s worth coming
a good con game to ensnare the PCs is up with one or two motivations for any
hard work for the GM. Finding the right NPC the heroes directly interact with.
mix of charm and callous greed is tricky. Important NPCs need as much
Above all, it’s impor- care and feeding as villains — a
tant to actually make hero’s DNPC, Rival, or Hunter
the Con Man likeable, should have some independent
and that can be dif- goals and a recognizable
ficult to pull off. identity. Dependent NPCs
usually are nice people
(though one can have a
good deal of fun with a
hero who feels protective of
a cranky or irritating NPC).
Rivals should have a mix of
good and bad traits, and above
all should be competent enough
for the Rivalry to mean some-
thing — if the hero always wins,
it’s scarcely a Rivalry.
If a hero is Hunted, the GM
should give some thought to the
motives of the Hunters. This is true
even if it’s a large organization.
Why is the Imperial Intelligence
Service tracking the character?
What do they want him for? Even
when the Hunter is a group, it’s
useful to give that group a face in
the form of a “case officer” or some
other member of the group who is
the one the heroes have the most
Star Hero ■ Chapter Eleven 293

dealings with. So when free-lance explorer Jamaica In Star Hero campaigns, the Doctor is often
Jones is hunted by the Imperial Intelligence Service, just a faceless “repair station” for heroes after they
the IIS officer in charge of the operation is Captain shoot it out with the villains. Gamemasters can
Zorm. Other IIS operatives may track Jones’s move- make Doctors more vivid by giving them strong
ments or intercept her communications, but it’s opinions and personality quirks the players can
Zorm who questions her about the missing alien remember. Using the Doctor as a plot hook is one
artifacts, Zorm who kidnaps Jamaica’s clone sister way to make him (or her) come alive. Medical pro-
to lure her into a trap, and Zorm who tracks her fessionals know a lot of confidential information
through the dark tunnels of the lost alien city. about people — sometimes more than is healthy....
Variations: Doctors sometimes dabble in Mad Sci-
NPC Archetypes ence, both for good and evil. Historically, frauds
often promised miracle cures and claimed medical
These are some standard character types who degrees; a fake doctor on a frontier planet may be
turn up again and again in SF stories and film. the only medical care available.
Gamemasters can use them as-is, or play against
the stereotype by creating NPCs very different from SECURITY OFFICER
these. When someone calls the cops, this is who
shows up. Security officers may wear red shirts,
ALIEN SPECIES white armor, or blue uniforms, but their job is
As noted in Chapter Six, entire alien species always the same — they keep the peace and enforce
sometimes play NPC-like roles in the campaign. See the law. In lawless settings the Security boys are
page 122 for more details. there to serve whoever has power — corporations
in Cyberpunk worlds, warlords in post-apocalyptic
campaigns, or the Galactic Tyrant in Space Operas.
A dependable standby in all Space Opera They tend to be large, humorless, and bad shots...
games, the Crusty Old Admiral is the authority and distressingly short-lived, even when they’re
figure who sends the heroes out on missions, must working for the good guys.
be warned about the intergalactic menace, and While it’s traditional for Security goons to be
sometimes needs rescuing from insidious perils. faceless and say little besides “Halt!” and “Unnh!”,
The Admiral is short-tempered, grey-haired, and a clever GM can personalize them and add a little
usually conceals a twinkle in his steely eyes. In depth to encounters. If the heroes have gotten to
classic science fiction the Crusty Old Admiral was know Ensign Kowalski over a few game sessions,
always a man, but more recent books and films have they’ll be genuinely upset and vengeful when the
featured women just as gruff and overbearing as Superego Monster eats his cerebellum.
their male predecessors. The Crusty Old Admiral
and other authority figures are a godsend to GMs, Variations: The best Security officers enforce the law
since they can order the heroes into an adventure and obey it themselves, respecting the rights of the
point-blank. accused even as they pursue lawbreakers tirelessly.
Less admirable cops serving tyrants or villainous
Variations: In dark settings the Crusty Old Admiral corporations may be little better than thugs. A few
may turn out to be a traitor, or plotting to make walk the fine line in between — doing their best
himself Emperor, or both. Even if his motives are to preserve order but a little weak on things like
good, the Crusty Old Admiral may be too suspi- Miranda rights. Psionic Security officers become
cious of old enemies, too willing to use force instead the scary Mind Police. Security robots are even
of diplomacy, or too dismissive of things like civil more humorless and worse shots than their Human
rights and due process. Take away his Admiral’s uni- analogues. In a Planetary Romance setting, Security
form and he becomes the Crusty Old Colony Gov- officers become Guards, whose job description is
ernor or Sector Administrator. In Cyberpunk games mostly seizing people.
he gets a greying ponytail and a vocabulary studded
with Marxist jargon as the Crusty Old Activist. STREETWISE KID
Ever since Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, med-
dling kids have been uncovering villainous plots,
When you’ve been shot by the Mind Police, acting as the eyes and ears of grown-up heroes, and
or need a new face to evade the Interstellar Mafia, generally having a ball getting into trouble. If Street-
or want to get some alien goop analyzed without wise Kids have families at all, they’re massively dys-
tipping off the authorities, it’s time to visit your functional, so that no bothersome parents object to
friendly Doctor. On Galactic Patrol ships, the their child staying out all night or going on pick-up
Doctor sometimes serves as the informal advisor commando raids with live ammo. Streetwise Kids
for everyone on board, including the captain. In have high DEX and remarkable skill at acting, lying,
Cyberpunk settings, the street doc wears dreadlocks and conning grown-ups. They often have well-
and lost his license because he wouldn’t knuckle developed abilities at picking pockets, shoplifting,
under to the corps. Post-apocalyptic Doctors have a and climbing walls. Combat Luck is very common.
carefully-hoarded supply of antibiotics and strong Cyberpunk Kids have fantastically high skills at
opinions about sanitation. Many Doctors take a computer hacking and programming, while Space
dim view of technology, even as they make use of Opera Kids exhibit precocious scientific or starship
advanced medical gadgets. piloting abilities.
294 ■ A Journey Into The Unknown HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Gamemasters can use Streetwise Kids as an release just enough information to steer the play-
occasionally reliable source of information, victims ers in the right direction, without giving them the
to be rescued, or even as the innocent-looking whole story (“Sorry, you didn’t pay me for that.”)
stooges of the villains. Most people are protective of As a plot hook, the Supplier is ideal for putting the
the young, which makes it that much more wrench- heroes together with someone who wants to hire
ing when a Streetwise Kid falls into the clutches of a them (perhaps in exchange for a cut of their fee...).
serial killer or alien parasite. Variations: Sometimes the shady Supplier with his
Variations: Planetary Romance Kids are known as finger on the pulse of black-market trade turns out
Urchins, and may be the only ones who believe the to be an agent for either the Rebels or the Galactic
heroes are really from another planet. Kids with Patrol. Sometimes he’s working for both. A Supplier
psionic powers may be a lot more formidable than whose trade is genuinely immoral — dangerous
they appear, and can turn into Rogue Psis if the drugs, slaves, stolen organs — can be a questionable
heroes aren’t careful; wild talents are surprisingly ally for heroic characters.
common among psionic outcast children. To give
the players a nasty surprise, borrow from contem-
porary headlines and make the Streetwise Kid a Science fiction settings usually have lots of
deadly and conscienceless killer. machines, and someone has to operate and repair
those machines. Technicians can be civilian engi-
SUPPLIER neers, military techs, highly-trained mission special-
Whatever you want to buy, he’s got it. Legality ists, brilliant programmers, or grimy street techs. In
is no obstacle as long as the price is right. In a Space Post-apocalyptic settings, they may be the only ones
Opera setting he runs a trading post on the frontier; left who understand ancient machinery. Whatever
in Cyberpunk games he has a shop down in the the setting, technicians are usually portrayed as
city’s lowest levels, his address known only to the more comfortable around machines than people,
top hackers and samurai. Frontier traders are often sometimes with eccentricities a mad scientist would
generalists, but starbase or big-city Suppliers usually envy. Occasionally one is a beautiful woman (and
specialize in a single type of commodity — guns, potential romantic interest for the PCs) once you
drugs, software, or rumors. clean the grease and grime off her face and change
Suppliers tend to be shifty-eyed, cynical, and her out of a spaceman’s jumpsuit into more present-
furtive. They follow two rules: get payment in able clothing. Regardless, when the chips are down
advance; and don’t get involved. But when the situ- and the clock is ticking, the Technician can work
ation is desperate and defeat seems inevitable, the miracles, re-engineering starships or computer net-
Supplier disappears into his back room to bring out works on the fly to save the day.
the heavy-duty special merchandise he’s been saving Technician NPCs can be a good GM’s mouth-
for emergencies. piece when the PCs need to learn some details of
Suppliers are handy NPCs for GMs, as they can the setting’s technology. The GM can also use an
NPC technician to keep vital systems
running when the plot demands it.
Variations: In many science-fiction
settings, Technicians may be spe-
cialized repair robots. This usually
doesn’t improve their social skills
any, but it does provide them with
all kinds of nifty built-in tools
and gadgets. Give a Technician
some combat training and a utility
belt full of high-tech toys and he
becomes the Specialist, an essential
part of any special-ops military
unit or espionage team. Combine a
Technician and a Supplier and you
get a Street Tech, who’ll fix your
cyber-arm and sell you the latest
in illegal Finnish hacking software
— cash only.
Star Hero ■ Chapter Twelve 295

o help you get your Star Hero priately-named Terran Empire source-
campaign started, here are five book.
sample player characters — the Because GMs may need to adapt
members of Argos Exploration these characters to a wide variety of
— and five adversaries they might settings and situations, their lists of
encounter. All of them are from Hero’s “Equipment Carried” are fairly short and
“Terran Empire” setting for Star Hero, simple. In addition to listed items, they
but you can easily adapt them to your could certainly have just about any com-
own universe. You can find out more monly-available piece of technology the
about the Terran Empire in the appro- GM needs them to have.
296 ■ Argos Exploration HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

Membership: Robert Avilla, Jennifer DeGraff, Jason impromptu team during a barfight and ended up
Grigori, Segaro Krez’shul, and Kiritha Tal as the only two people left standing when the dust
Background/History: Argos Exploration looks on settled. A hard-drinking, hard-working, hard-fight-
paper, and tries to pass itself off in person, as a ing, wise-cracking genius of a mechanic, Grigori
“freelance exploration and mercantile firm” — a loved to travel and see new sights, so the Argos job
small company of bold explorers and traders who suited him perfectly.
“prospect” among the stars of the Galaxy for inhab- It then occurred to Avilla that his exploration
itable planets, new trade routes and markets, and company probably needed an explorer — a scientist
other such things of value. But while it is that, in versed in planetology and the skills of survey-
truth it’s also a refuge for a number of kind-hearted ing worlds. After scouring a number of Imperial
scoundrels who’ve found themselves on, one might universities, he found Kiritha Tal, a young Perseid
say, less than the best of terms with the Imperial woman with an unconventional outlook on life and
authorities. a thirst for adventure. Eager for a job that wouldn’t
Argos was founded by Robert Avilla, a free bore her, Tal accepted Avilla’s offer to join the
trader and gambler with a reputation for taking on Jackpot’s crew.
dangerous trade runs, and even engaging in a bit of Argos Exploration has maintained its pay-
smuggling and other shady dealings. Then he ran roll of five for a couple of years now as the team
afoul of a notorious Hzeel arms merchant named journeys into uncharted regions of space, engages
Zee’gansh, from whom he won a prodigious sum in free trading, and occasionally gets mixed up in
of money in a card game Zee’gansh himself had some rather unusual adventures. Often just one
rigged. Zee’gansh exposed some of Avilla’s less- step ahead of the law, the Argosians have somehow
than-legal activities to the Imperial Security Police, managed to come out ahead in all of their esca-
and had him framed for other crimes he wasn’t pades. They’re having a fine time and making good
responsible for. Unwilling to spend the rest of his money, so they plan to keep on doing exactly what
life on an Imperial prison-world, Avilla realized he they’re doing. They’re always on the lookout for
needed to disappear. “bold new opportunities,” as Avilla likes to say.
Using his skills, and a few contacts he’d devel- Group Relations: Kindred souls brought together
oped over the years, Avilla created a new iden- by circumstance and a mutual love of free travel
tity (Kaithon Argosina, a Human merchant and and adventure, the members of Argos Exploration
explorer), used Zee’gansh’s money to buy a ship get along quite well. Although Avilla is the Jackpot’s
(the aptly-named Jackpot), and set up Argos Explo- captain, and nominally “first among equals,” the
ration as a way of making money and preserving group actually runs more like a democracy. Profits
his freedom to move about the Galaxy. But he real- are split evenly five ways, and everyone has a say in
ized he needed to make Argos look legitimate; a major decisions.
one-man company wouldn’t provide much cover Other than the unwelcome attentions of the
for very long. Imperial authorities and other enemies they’ve
His first “employee” came along in the form made, only two things trouble the Argosians. The
of Segaro Krez’shul, a Mon’dabi con artist and thief first is the relationship between Avilla and DeGraff.
whose life Avilla had saved. Feeling bound by the Still attracted to one another, but with personalities
obligations of honor, Krez’shul appointed him- that frequently clash, they often end up quarrelling.
self Avilla’s “bodyguard,” and the two became fast Even though these fights are rarely serious, they
friends. Argos now had an “executive assistant.” sometimes cause stress and strain within the crew.
Since Argos had a ship, it needed a crew. For Second is the fact that they have to keep some of
a pilot, Avilla could think of no one better than his the truths about Argos from Kiritha Tal. The young,
ex-wife, Jennifer DeGraff. While the two of them and in some ways still naive, Perseid isn’t so blind
had learned long ago they couldn’t live together, as to think Argos Exploration doesn’t engage in
they never seemed to remain away from one some questionable activities, but she’s not aware of
another for very long — and she was an ace pilot, “Kaithon Argosina”’s true identity or all of his back-
no question about that. Seeking to escape some ground. Sooner or later, she’s bound to find out,
legal entanglements of her own, DeGraff was glad and Avilla worries about how she’ll react. He’s also
to go to work for Argos Exploration. concerned she may unknowingly alert the Imperial
For the position of ship’s engineer, Avilla Security Police to his presence without meaning
tapped his old friend Jason Grigori, whom he’d to. So far, none of the things he fears have come to
known since the time the two of them formed an pass, but you never know what may lurk just over
Star Hero ■ Chapter Twelve 297

the galactic horizon.... ROBERT AVILLA

Tactics: The members of Argos prefer not to fight Val Char Cost Roll Notes
if possible; they’d rather avoid anyone who intends 10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1]
them harm, or at worst find a way to talk them- 18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6
selves out of any predicament they’ve gotten into. 15 CON 10 12-
But when push comes to shove and blasters are 12 BODY 4 11-
drawn, they’re skilled and dangerous combatants. 18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-
Krez’shul and Grigori usually prefer hand-to-hand 11 EGO 2 11- ECV: 4
fighting (though they’re good shots as well). While 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
they mix it up with the enemy, the others usually 14 COM 2 12-
try to get behind cover and support them with
blaster fire. DeGraff can sometimes call upon her 5 PD 3 Total: 8 PD (3 rPD)
psionic powers to help in combat situations, but 5 ED 2 Total: 8 ED (3 rED)
because they’re so difficult for her to use Avilla 4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
rarely counts on them. 5 REC 0
30 END 0
Campaign Use: Argos Exploration makes a good
30 STUN 5 Total Characteristics Cost: 82
ally or rival for a group of similarly-minded PCs.
Its members, though not exactly squeaky clean, are
Movement: Running: 7”/14”
good-hearted people who don’t use their criminal
skills to steal from innocent people, wreck lives, or
Cost Powers END
cause serious harm to anyone who doesn’t deserve
2 Fast On His Feet: Running +1” (7” total) 1
it. The authorities may assign a group of PCs asso-
ciated with the Imperial government to capture
them, while a group one with little or no respect
2 Deep Cover (Kaithon Argosina)
for the Empire’s officials may team up with the
Argosians for an adventure or
two. A friendly — or not-
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
so-friendly — rivalry, or
romantic relationships,
may develop between
3 Bureaucratics 13-
the members of the two
3 Combat Piloting 13-
3 Disguise 13-
1 Electronics 8-
2 Gambling (Card Games) 13-
3 High Society 13-
2 AK: Centauri Trade Routes 11-
2 KS: Imperial Scout Service 11-
1 Mechanics 8-
2 Navigation (Space) 13-
3 Persuasion 13-
1 SS: Planetology 8-
3 Sleight Of Hand 13-
3 Stealth 13-
3 Streetwise 13-
4 Systems Operation (Communications
Systems, Radar, FTL Sensors)13-
5 Trading 14-
8 TF: Commercial Spacecraft & Space Yachts,
Industrial & Exploratory Vehicles, Military
Spacecraft, Personal-Use Spacecraft
6 WF: Beam Weapons, Energy Weapons,
Small Arms

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 68

Total Cost: 150

75+ Disadvantages
20 Hunted: Imperial Security Police 8- (Mo
Pow, NCI, Capture)
15 Hunted: Zee’gansh 8- (As Pow, NCI, Kill)
10 Psychological Limitation: Wanderlust
(Common, Moderate)
5 Reputation: wanted criminal 11- (through-
out the Empire; about 20 billion people are
298 ■ Argos Exploration HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
THE JACKPOT aware of Reputation) from him, and he was determined to win once and
10 Rivalry: Professional, with Bertrand for all.
For Avilla’s ship, the Devereaux (Seeks To Harm Avilla) Eventually, it came down to him and the
Jackpot, you can use 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (maintains Hzeel, an arms dealer named Zee’gansh. Raise fol-
the Merchant Ship on the cover of “Kaithon Argosina”) (Frequently, lowed raise, until literally billions of credits were
page 222. Just install a Major) in play and the entire casino had gathered around
few unlisted (and pos- to watch. Avilla called, and the Hzeel triumphantly
sibly illegal) “upgrades” Total Disadvantage Points: 150 laid down his cards: a golden rhombus! The crowd
— a little more speed, looked sorrowfully at Avilla as Zee’gansh reached
an extra weapon or two, EQUIPMENT CARRIED
for the money — only to gasp in astonishment as
or the like — to make it
distinctive. Blaster pistol Avilla showed that he held a diamond rhombus!
Avilla knew opportunity when he saw it.
Pocket blaster
Rather than waste the money on foolish luxuries,
Body armor applicable to situation he decided it was time to turn himself around and
Hand computer get on with living the life he’d always envisioned.
With some help from his friend Segaro Krez’shul,
Nightsight monocular he created a new identity — Kaithon Argosina,
Quick disguise kit merchant and explorer — and used his winnings to
Deck of cards buy a small ship which he christened the Jackpot.
Then he set up Argos Exploration, and ever since
100-1,000 credits’ worth of the local currency (if he’s been enjoying a life of adventure, excitement,
applicable) and profit.
Background/History: As a restless young man Personality/Motivation: Avilla is a classic “rogue with
growing up on Sigma Draconis III, Robert Avilla a heart of gold.” Although he often finds himself
yearned to see the wider Galaxy, so when he turned slightly on the wrong side of the law, his intentions
18 he joined the Imperial military. Based on his are usually good, and he doesn’t commit crimes
aptitude tests and performance evaluations, he was that hurt people who don’t deserve it. Really, all he
assigned to the Imperial Scout Service — just what wants is to live his life free of unnecessary entangle-
he wanted. He spent a year learning how to fly star- ments or Imperial interference. He wants to go
ships and astronavigate, and then for the rest of where he pleases, when he pleases. He loves to see
his hitch surveyed various regions of space for the and experience new things, making him an enthu-
Terran Empire. siastic (if not formally trained) explorer and free
When his hitch was up, he decided he’d had trader. Getting him to sit still in one place for much
enough of military discipline, so he mustered out longer than a month is difficult.
and joined a group of free traders. His time with
them was educational, but ultimately no more Quote: “Okay, what have you gotten us into now?”
satisfying than being a scout; he still had to follow Powers/Tactics: Avilla’s been in his share of
orders and curb his desire to do what he wanted. He barfights and blaster battles, but he’s not a fighter
took out his frustrations through gambling, drink- — he’d rather avoid, outrun, or talk himself out of
ing, and general misbehavior, which didn’t help his trouble. If forced to fight, he’ll often fight sneaky,
reputation among his fellow traders. using concealed weapons or underhanded tactics;
After several years, Avilla’s conduct became too he cares about winning, not nobility or honor.
much for his bosses to tolerate, and he was fired. In most combats, Avilla gets behind cover as
He drifted into the underworld, and got involved soon as possible, and then begins shooting at the
in smuggling and other unsavory activities. This most obvious targets. He favors unorthodox tactics,
wasn’t exactly what he wanted to do, either, but he such as tricking an opponent into thinking he’s
had a lot more personal freedom than he did as facing twice as many people as he really is, and has
a normal free trader. He almost got caught by the something of a flair for thinking them up.
Imperial Security Police a few times, but somehow Appearance: Robert Avilla is a handsome Human
he always came out free and clear, with nothing but male in his early 30s, standing 6’2” tall with a broad,
a few suspicious notes in his growing Imperial file. muscular build. He has dark hair, which he keeps
During one of his smuggling runs, he had the short and well-styled, and is clean-shaven. When he
misfortune to encounter some pirates. He tried to expects to encounter important people or conduct
run, but in the end they caught him, beat him, and business, he wears appropriate attire that’s styl-
took his cargo. After that, no one would trust him; ish but not overly expensive. When he’s lounging
somehow the word got out that he’d been working around the Jackpot or on an exploration mission,
with the pirates to cheat his employer. he dresses more comfortably — typically in dark
That’s when Lady Luck stepped up and kissed pants, matching shirt, and well-polished boots, and
him smack on the lips. Figuring he had nothing to sometimes with a jacket or vest if appropriate or
lose, he took all of his remaining money to a casino necessary.
on Shalagar VII and got into a high-stakes card
game. Then he started winning... and winning... and
winning. He knew he should cash out and thank his
lucky stars, but he just couldn’t do it — the smug
Hzeel across the table kept taking too many pots
Star Hero ■ Chapter Twelve 299

JENNIFER DEGRAFF 15 Psychological Limitation: Thrillseeker

Val Char Cost Roll Notes (Common, Strong)
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1] 10 Psychological Limitation: Still Attracted To
20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 Robert Avilla Even Though She Knows He’s
15 CON 10 12- Bad For Her (Common, Moderate)
10 BODY 0 11- 5 Reputation: risk-taking pilot 11- (through-
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- out the Empire; about 20 billion people are
18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6 aware of Reputation)
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 5 Social Limitation: Psionic (Occasionally,
16 COM 3 12- Minor)
10 Susceptibility: to strong mental emanations
4 PD 2 Total: 7 PD (3 rPD) within 4”, takes 1d6 per Turn (Uncommon)
4 ED 1 Total: 7 ED (3 rED)
3 SPD 0 Phases: 4, 8, 12 Total Disadvantage Points: 150
30 END 0
30 STUN 7 Total Characteristics Cost: 79 Blaster pistol (or pocket blaster, depending on situ-
Movement: Running: 6”/12” Body armor applicable to situation
Cost Powers END Hand computer
10 Telepathic Probe: Telepathy 8d6; Activation Personal HoloChamberTM goggles
Roll 14- (-½), Concentration (0 DCV Background/History: Born and raised on Epsilon
throughout Extra Time and probing the Indi III, better known as Margrave’s World after its
subject’s mind; -1), Extra Time (1 Turn; discoverer, Jennifer DeGraff tested as psionic-posi-
-1¼), Limited Range (15”; -¼) 4 tive while still in school. Following Margravite tra-
7 Mental Attack: Ego Attack 1d6, dition, her inner wrists were tattooed with a purple
Continuous (+1); Activation Roll 14- square moline cross, so everyone would know she
(-½), Concentration (½ DCV throughout; possessed mental powers.
-½), Extra Time (Full Phase; -½), Limited Eager to leave her homeworld, which she
Range (15”; -¼) 2 considered sort of a boring backwater, Jennifer
attended piloting school. While still a student, she
Talent met Robert Avilla, a cadet at the Imperial Scout
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) Service Academy. The two fell in love, and after
a whirlwind courtship, were married. That soon
Skills proved to be a mistake. Although they were in love,
7 Combat Piloting 15- they just couldn’t live together for long periods of
1 Cryptography 8- time, or really get along well. They soon obtained a
1 Electronics 8- divorce, though they remained in contact and peri-
1 Gambling (Card Games) 8- odically saw each other after that.
2 AK: Centauri Trade Routes 11- Based on her high scores at piloting school,
1 KS: Alphadyne Mercantile Combine 8- Jennifer got a pilot’s job with the Alphadyne Mer-
4 Navigation (Space) 14- cantile Combine, a large corporation. She soon
3 Persuasion 13- developed a reputation as a skilled, even slightly
1 SS: Planetology 8- daredevil, starship jockey — though her risk-taking
3 Stealth 13- cost her more than a few jobs, too. She enjoyed the
9 Systems Operation (Communications work, though it got monotonous at times.
Systems, FTL Sensors, Radar, Sensor Things took a turn for the worse when
Jamming Equipment) 14- Alphadyne discovered she was psionic — a fact
3 Trading 12- she’d carefully failed to mention on her employ-
6 TF: Commercial Spacecraft & Space ment application. She was soon transferred to the
Yachts, Industrial & Exploratory Vehicles, company’s psionics division, where she sat in on
Personal-Use Spacecraft important business meetings to monitor whether
6 WF: Beam Weapons, Energy Weapons, Small the parties with whom Alphadyne was negotiating
Arms were telling the truth. She loathed the job; it was
distasteful and boring.
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 71 One day, while monitoring a high-level meet-
Total Cost: 150 ing concerning the acquisition of an Altairan
manufacturing corporation, Jennifer picked up
75+ Disadvantages thoughts from one of the Alphadyne executives
5 Distinctive Features: Margravite psionic’s that revealed some highly illegal conduct by the
tattoos (Easily Concealed, Noticed And Rec- company in regard to this deal, and other deals.
ognizable) Shocked, Jennifer reported the executive... only to
25 Hunted: Alphadyne Mercantile Combine find out his superiors, and for that matter the direc-
11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture/Kill)
300 ■ Argos Exploration HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
tors of the corporation, were aware of it! They’d she wants excitement and danger (though not too
sanctioned the criminal conduct, not only for those much of the latter). She’s got a strong streak of “No
deals but on many other occasions. And now that problem, I can do it!” confidence that causes her
Jennifer knew about it, they’d have to see that she shipmates to become concerned whenever there’s
didn’t talk... ever. an asteroid field blocking their flight path. Her
Jennifer ran, but without having a good place favorite phrase, “Nothing to worry about!”, is guar-
to hide, she found the Alphadyne “bounty hunter” anteed to make them worry.
teams always just a few steps behind her. Then she One of the reasons Jennifer accepted Avilla’s
heard from Robert again. He was starting up a new job offer is that she’s still attracted to him (as he
exploration business, and needed a pilot. Would she is to her, just not quite as strongly). Although she
be interested in the job? knows getting involved with him would be stupid,
Personality/Motivation: Jennifer, like many pilots, and that he’s really not good for her, she can’t help
has a well-deserved reputation as a thrillseeker. She how she feels. In any dangerous situation, she’s
dislikes anything that’s routine, boring, or ordinary; likely to rescue or help him first, even if some other
Argosian needs her help more.
Quote: “Sit tight! We’ll be through this in a minute.
Nothing to worry about!”
Powers/Tactics: Jennifer DeGraff is a skilled,
experienced pilot with a natural gift for astroga-
tion and spaceflight. But she’s got something other,
equally-skilled pilots don’t: psionic powers. She
has two low-level abilities, telepathy and the abil-
ity to induce mental pain (“You’re a headache in
more ways than one,” as Avilla sometimes tells
her). She may develop additional powers in time,
or improve the ones she has. Unfortunately, her
psionic defenses aren’t well-developed (i.e., she has
not bought Mental Defense). This makes it difficult
for her to block out strong mental emanations near
her, which cause her intense pain. (“Strong mental
emanations” include the use of any Mental Power,
the use of most other powers with a “psionics”
special effect, and sometimes even the presence of
extremely strong minds.)
Because her psionic powers take time to work
and aren’t really powerful, DeGraff rarely uses them
in combat. Instead, she prefers to rely upon her fast
reflexes and good aim. She has no hand-to-hand
combat skills to speak of.
Appearance: Jennifer DeGraff is an attractive 28-
year-old Human female, short (5’4”) and of slight
build. Her blonde hair is a little longer than shoul-
der length; she keeps it tied back in a ponytail so
it doesn’t get in her way during zero-g situations.
Both of her inner wrists sport a small purple tattoo
of a square moline cross, marking her as a psionic
to those who are aware of Margravite customs. Jen-
nifer typically wears a dark blue pilot’s jumpsuit,
with sleeves that end halfway down her lower arm
so they never interfere with working a starship’s
Star Hero ■ Chapter Twelve 301

JASON GRIGORI (throughout the Empire; about 20 billion

Val Char Cost Roll Notes people are aware of Reputation)
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [1] 5 Rivalry: Professional, with other engineers
15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
18 CON 16 13- Total Disadvantage Points: 150
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 Blaster rifle (or blaster pistol when he needs to be
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 “subtle”)
10 COM 0 1x- Body armor applicable to situation

8 PD 5 Total: 8 PD (0 rPD) Hand computer

6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (0 rED) Portable toolkit
4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 Some spare parts
7 REC 0
36 END 0 Background/History: A gifted engineer with a
37 STUN 5 Total Characteristics Cost: 86 knack for making any system, no matter how
jury-rigged or bizarre, work properly, Jason
Movement: Running: 6”/12” Grigori had no difficulty finding a job working
on starships after he graduated from technical
Cost Powers END school. Keeping a job was another matter. He
7 Brawling: HA +2d6; Hand-To-Hand just didn’t seem to fit in anywhere. During the
Attack (-½) 1 day he was constantly grumpy, and at night he
mostly seemed to spend a lot of time drinking,
Talent frequently getting into barfights in the process.
3 I Can Drunk Just As Good Fight!: With behavior like that, it wasn’t easy to hold on
Environmental Movement (no penalties to a job, so he drifted from ship to ship and world
when drunk) to world, getting by on the strength of his skills
instead of his personality.
Skills One night, in a bar on a space station orbit-
5 +1 Hand-To-Hand ing a mining world on what was at the time the
Imperial frontier, he picked a barfight bigger than
5 Computer Programming 14- even he could handle. Over a dozen Humans and
3 Demolitions 13- aliens were about to start pounding him into the
5 Electronics 14- ground when another Human, a rakish look-
1 AK: Centauri Trade Routes 8- ing free trader, said, “This doesn’t look like even
2 KS: Obscure Tech Specs & Trivia 11- odds. I think I’ll join him.” By the time he and
1 KS: Classical Music 8- the other man — Robert Avilla — were done, the
3 Inventor 13- other fighters were all unconscious, and the two
1 Lockpicking 8- of them had become fast friends. Though their
5 Mechanics 14- careers took them to different parts of the Galaxy,
3 Security Systems 13- they kept in touch and periodically ran into each
3 Stealth 12- other.
9 Systems Operation (Communications A few years later, Grigori heard from Avilla
Systems, Environmental Systems, Medical again. It seems Avilla had gotten himself a ship
Systems, FTL Sensors, Radar, Sensor somehow, and needed an engineer. The first
Jamming Equipment) 13- person he thought of was his old friend Jason.
2 TF: Personal-Use Spacecraft Preferring to have a boss he was simpatico with,
6 WF: Beam Weapons, Energy Weapons, Small instead of the ones who constantly nagged and
Arms berated him, Grigori walked out on his job at the
time (for an unsavory group of pirates, who’ve
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 64 sworn revenge for the trouble he caused them)
Total Cost: 150 and became a part of Argos Exploration.
Personality/Motivation: Most of the time, Grigori
75+ Disadvantages is a quiet loner who gets grumpy, even surly, if
15 DNPC: Napoleon (his pet sokar) 8- (Incom- people try to talk to him or otherwise distract
petent) him from his work — he’s only truly pleasant
15 Hunted: Yorgen Vlar’s pirate band 8- (Mo with people he genuinely likes, such as Avilla or
Pow, Kill) Segaro Krez’shul. Though he’s not rude, he doesn’t
10 Hunted: Dargen 8- (As Pow, Hurt/Kill) have as much tact as he should, and is quick to
15 Psychological Limitation: Loves A Good make his dislike of a situation or person evident
Fight (Common, Strong) through facial expressions and clipped comments.
10 Psychological Limitation: Perpetually When working, he prefers to be left alone, with
Grumpy (Common, Moderate) only the ship’s computer playing classical music
5 Reputation: temperamental engineer 11- far too loudly to keep him company.
302 ■ Argos Exploration HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
The only time Grigori “comes alive” is when SEGARO KREZ’SHUL
he’s drinking. He has a prodigious capacity for Val Char Cost Roll Notes
alcohol, which rarely seems to impair him (in 20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2]
fact, he says he does some things, such as fighting, 16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
better when he’s been drinking). After he’s had a 20 CON 20 13-
few, he’s prone to mischief, and often picks fights. 18 BODY 16 13-
He loves a good scrap, be it with fists or lasers, and 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
it’s often hard to drag him away from a battle even 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
when he knows it would be smarter to leave. 18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3 ½d6
Quote: “Yeah yeah, fix the food processing unit, I 10 COM 0 11-
got it. Go away.”
8 PD 4 Total: 8 PD (1 rPD)
Powers/Tactics: In combat, Grigori is a straight-
6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (1 rED)
forward and aggressive fighter. He’ll pick the big-
3 SPD 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12
gest guy he can find and light into him with fists
8 REC 0
(if possible), or look for the best shot and then
40 END 0
start shooting (if not). If Avilla can get him to
45 STUN 7 Total Characteristics Cost: 92
stop acting and start thinking, he often finds clever
ways to use
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
his engineer-
ing skills
Cost Powers END
in battle
3 Mon’dabi Teeth: HKA 1 point; No STR
that would
Bonus (-½) 1
ordinarily get
7 Brawling: HA +2d6; Hand-To-Hand
drowned out by
Attack (-½) 1
his love of fight-
1 Mon’dabi Skin: Damage Resistance
(1 PD/1 ED) 0
Appearance: 3 Mon’dabi Senses: +1 PER with all Sense
Jason Grigori is Groups 0
a male Human, 5 Tail: Extra Limb (tail), Inherent (+¼;
age 31, with Limited Manipulation (-¼) 0
short black hair
and a short black Skills
beard. He’s 5’9” 3 Bribery 13-
tall and weighs 3 Computer Programming 12-
about 200 pounds 3 Conversation 13-
(he’s a little pudgy, 2 Forgery (Documents) 12-
but not overly so). 1 Gambling (Card Games) 8-
He usually wears 1 AK: Centauri Trade Routes 8-
a typical spacer’s 2 KS: Mon’dabi Underworld 11-
jumpsuit with lots of pockets, plus a 1 Lockpicking 8-
broad belt with a toolpack attached 3 Persuasion 13-
to it, but if he’s going to spend the 3 Shadowing 12-
day working somewhere hot (like the 3 Sleight Of Hand 12-
access conduits near the engine) he’ll 3 Stealth 12-
usually ditch the jumpsuit in favor 3 Trading 13-
of a light shirt and shorts. He’s often 2 TF: Personal-Use Spacecraft
accompanied by Napoleon, his pet 6 WF: Beam Weapons, Energy Weapons, Small
sokar (a friendly squirrel-like mammal Arms
from one of the Lalande worlds).
Jason is a coffee addict. If he Total Powers & Skills Cost: 58
doesn’t have a mug of coffee in his Total Cost: 150
hand, there’s sure to be one on a table
near him. 75+ Disadvantages
5 Distinctive Features: scars on neck, left leg,
tail (Easily Concealed, Noticed And Recog-
15 Enraged: if tricked or fooled (Uncommon),
go 11-, recover 11-
15 Hunted: Mon’dabi organized crime group 8-
(Mo Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area,
10 Hunted: one of his scam victims 8- (As Pow,
15 Psychological Limitation: Protective Of
Star Hero ■ Chapter Twelve 303

Robert Avilla (Common, Strong) adventure.)

10 Psychological Limitation: Prefers Brains Segaro hates to be fooled or outwitted. His
Over Brawn (Common, Moderate) self-image makes him think he’s smarter than other
5 Reputation: wanted criminal 11- (through- people, and being proved wrong infuriates him. He
out Mon’dabi space, parts of the Empire, and may attack then and there, or may bide his time
elsewhere; about 20 billion people are aware and take revenge later.
of Reputation) Although he’s not normally that honorable a
person, for some reason Segaro feels honor-bound
Total Disadvantage Points: 150 to Robert Avilla because Avilla saved his life. He’s
protective of his “boss,” and tries not to let him
go into any threatening situation without coming
Pocket blaster (sometimes a blaster pistol instead) along to help keep Avilla safe. He’d gladly risk his
life for Avilla’s if necessary... though he prefers to
Body armor applicable to situation
arrange things so it’s not necessary.
Hand computer
Quote: “Why didn’t you tell me we had a proton
Precision writing implements (for Forgery) inductor? If I’d known that, I could’ve thought of
Lockpicking equipment something to keep us out of this mess!”
Two or three different decks of cards Powers/Tactics: Segaro is big and strong, able to use
his size and muscles to hit fast and hard if he has
Background/History: Born into a poor family in to. He’s also a good shot with a blaster. However,
a poor neighborhood of the capital on Mon’da, he’d rather use his smarts than his fists if he can.
Segaro Krez’shul got involved in petty crime as a He may spend more time maneuvering for a clever
teenager. Althought big and strong, and therefore shot, or trying to concoct a plan to trick the enemy,
good at “muscle” work and protection rackets, he than he ought to, leaving himself and his friends
preferred to use his mind and agile hands rather exposed when more direct action would eliminate
than his fists whenever possible. Slowly but surely, the problem.
he drifted away from street crime and into confi- Segaro finds that many non-tailed humanoids
dence games and fraud. forget about his tail. It’s not very manipulable,
He was on his way to what might have been but in a battle it can hit just as hard as a fist. In
a brilliant career as a grifter when he made the some cases he may get a Surprise Move bonus
mistake of pulling a scam on a Mon’dabi associated the first time he hits someone with it.
with a large organized crime group on his home-
world. The “mark” brought a few “friends” over to Appearance: Segaro Krez’shul is a
teach Segaro a lesson... a permanent lesson. Segaro light-scaled Mon’dabi male. He’s
fled, hopping from world to world as he tried to 29 years old, stands 6’4” tall,
keep ahead of his bloodthirsty pursuers. and weighs nearly 250
But he couldn’t run forever. They finally caught pounds. He usually
up to him in an alley on Vardel IV and were about dresses in typical
to kill him when Robert Avilla, who saw what he Mon’dabi fash-
thought was an innocent Mon’dabi being attacked ion — sandals,
by thieves, came to his rescue. Together they blousy pants,
defeated the thugs and got away from Vardel IV and a blousy
without any serious repercussions. cross-
Touched by Avilla’s rescue, and believing he breasted
owed the Human his life, Segaro chose to become tunic
the free trader’s constant companion, assistant, and that
“bodyguard.” They worked together well, with Sega- comes
ro’s con-man skills complementing Avilla’s abilities down to
as a smuggler. When Avilla decided to go into busi- the mid-thigh.
ness as Argos Exploration, Segaro came right along
with him.
Personality/Motivation: Segaro Krez’shul is a clever,
cagey individual who prefers to rely on his wits
and guile rather than his muscles. He’s perfectly
capable of projecting an air of physical menace, or
even fighting, if necessary — he’d just rather not if
he can find a more “sophisticated” way to avoid his
problems. He still uses his grifting skills whenever
he gets the chance; as a result, more than a few
people are pursuing him to get back their money
or take revenge. (In game terms, the GM should
roll the “scam victim” Hunted, and if the roll suc-
ceeds, one of these people has caught up to Segaro
and causes trouble for him somehow during the
304 ■ Argos Exploration HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
KIRITHA TAL 75+ Disadvantages
Val Char Cost Roll Notes 15 DNPC: Nalee (her young daughter) 8-
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1] (Incompetent)
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 15 Hunted: Vaxandrosian Intelligence Bureau
16 CON 12 12- 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical
10 BODY 0 11- Area, Capture)
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- 10 Hunted: Imperial Planetological Society 8-
12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4 (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 15 Psychological Limitation: Scientific Curios-
14 COM 2 12- ity (Common, Strong)
10 Psychological Limitation: Reckless
4 PD 2 Total: 7 PD (3 rPD) (Common, Moderate)
10 ED 9 Total: 13 ED (5 rED) 10 Rivalry: Professional, with Bertrand
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 Devereaux (Seeks To Harm Tal)
5 REC 0
32 END 0 Total Disadvantage Points: 150
25 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: 75 EQUIPMENT CARRIED
Movement: Running: 7”/14” Blaster pistol
Swimming: 3”/6” Body armor applicable to situation
Cost Powers END Hand computer
1 Perseid Physiology: Damage Resistance Field science kit (including hand-held scanner)
(0 PD/2 ED) 0
Field medical kit
5 Perseid Eyes: Sight Group Flash Defense
(5 points) 0 Background/History: Ever since she was a little girl,
2 Fast On Her Feet: Running +1” (7” total) 1 climbing cliffs and exploring forests on her native
1 Strong Swimmer: Swimming +1” (3” total) 1 Dorvala, Kiritha Tal wanted to be a scientist — a
planetologist, someone who looks for, explores, and
Talents studies new worlds. When she was older, she was
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) smart enough and fortunate enough to win a schol-
3 Lightning Calculator arship to the prestigious Sendravian Scientific Uni-
versity to study a wide variety of scientific subjects,
Skills with an emphasis on planetology and related mat-
3 Climbing 13- ters. While there she met and married her husband
3 Computer Programming 12- Jennor, and they had a daughter.
5 Cramming Tal nearly gave up her studies when Jennor
3 Deduction 12- was killed in a rockslide during a student field
3 Electronics 12- expedition, but eventually worked through her
1 AK: Centauri Trade Routes 8- grief and returned to the University. When she
2 KS: Perseid Politics 11- completed her degree and was ready to start work-
2 KS: Sendravian Scientific University 11- ing, she found that most of the job opportunities
3 Paramedics 12- available were boring assignments for the Imperial
3 Stealth 13- government. Then Kaithon Argosina came along,
4 Systems Operation (Communications looking for an adventurous soul to join his small
Systems, FTL Sensors, Radar) 12- exploring and trading company, Argos Exploration.
1 Trading 8- Intrigued not just by the nature of the job, but by
2 TF: Personal-Use Spacecraft him, she interviewed and was hired.
6 WF: Beam Weapons, Energy Weapons, Since then, Tal’s been an important part of the
Small Arms Argos staff, since she’s got more formal scientific
3 Scientist training than all the rest of them combined. She
4 1) SS: Planetology 14- usually leads the company’s exploratory missions.
1 2) SS: Anthropology 11- Sometimes, when her parents aren’t able to take
1 3) SS: Archaeology 11- care of her daughter Nalee, she brings her along on
1 4) SS: Astronomy 11- Argos trips.
1 5) SS: Biology 11- As a result of her activities as a member of the
1 6) SS: Botany 11- Jackpot’s crew, Tal has made herself a few enemies.
1 7) SS: Chemistry 11- One is her boss’s nemesis, Bertrand Devereaux,
1 8) SS: Geology 11- a Human who envies her skills as a planetologist
1 9) SS: Physics 11- (and resents her usefulness to Avilla), and seeks to
1 10) SS: Zoology 11- thwart her. Another is the Intelligence Bureau of
Vaxandros Prime, which is convinced, because of
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 75 the way one of Segaro’s scams backfired, that she’s
Total Cost: 150 some sort of spy. Lastly, the Imperial Planetological
Society has raised some questions about her cre-
Star Hero ■ Chapter Twelve 305

dentials as a professional planetologist, and keeps

hounding her to file more accurate reports and
answer the Society’s questions about her qualifica-
tions and activities.
Personality/Motivation: Unlike the other Argos
employees, most of whom are motivated by money
(to at least some degree) and a desire for adventure,
Tal is driven by her scientific curiosity. She loves
exploring, not because she’s restless or on the run,
but because discovering a new world and unravel-
ing its mysteries fascinates her. She sometimes side-
tracks the company’s missions to look into some
phenomenon that’s strange or interesting, but of no
monetary value.
Tal also displays a certain degree of reckless-
ness that even the daredevil DeGraff worries about
sometimes. She’s prone to acting on the spur of the
moment, and leaping before looking — a trait that’s
almost gotten her seriously hurt a time or two. Usu-
ally a reminder of her daughter is enough to curb
any unjustified “enthusiasm.”
Quote: “Everybody fan out! There’s a deposit of sar-
venite around here somewhere. If we can find it, we
can stake a claim.”
Powers/Tactics: Tal may be reckless, but she has
no desire to fight. The other Argosians have taught
her how to fire blasters and similar weapons, and
she’ll back them up in a pinch if she has to, but her
preferred reaction to that sort of danger is to cower
behind cover.
By virtue of her training in field medicine, Tal
has become Argos’s de facto “doctor,” even though
her medical knowledge is scant. She finds she
enjoys the subject, and has entertained thoughts of
someday returning to school to study medicine.
Appearance: Kiritha Tal is, at age 24, the youngest
member of Argos Exploration. She’s 5’6” tall, with
the blue-black skin of a Perseid from the equato-
rial regions of Dorvala. She keeps her straight hair
cut short, but well-styled. She usually wears field
clothes when planetside (unless circumstances call
for more formal garb), and a jumpsuit on the ship.
306 ■ Argos Exploration HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION

ALLYSSA BARTH ere are a few of the adversaries and Skills
PLOT SEEDS antagonists the members of Argos Explo- 6 +2 with Imperial Security Police Weapons
ration have encountered during their
To her surprise, Major travels and adventures. Most of them 3 Bureaucratics 12-
Barth finds herself have access to resources such as groups of Impe- 3 Computer Programming 12-
romantically attracted to rial Security Police officers, gangs of thugs, or 3 Criminology 12-
one of the PCs. How will squads of hired goons, so any one of them should 1 Forensic Medicine 8-
she reconcile her devo- be able to challenge the entire group of PCs if 3 Interrogation 12-
tion to duty with her necessary. 2 AK: Karilath IV 11-
feelings? What repercus- 2 KS: Criminal Law 11-
sions will her decision MAJOR ALLYSSA BARTH
2 KS: Interstellar Organized Crime 11-
have for the PCs? Val Char Cost Roll Notes 2 PS: Law Enforcement Agent 11-
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [1] 3 Stealth 12-
Major Barth uncovers a 16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
major corruption scan- 3 Streetwise 12-
15 CON 10 12- 2 TF: Personal-Use Spacecraft
dal within the Interstel-
10 BODY 0 11- 6 WF: Beam Weapons, Energy Weapons, Small
lar Organized Crime
Task Force. Unsure of 14 INT 4 12- PER Roll 12- Arms
how high up the cor- 11 EGO 2 11- ECV: 4
ruption may reach, and 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 97
unable to investigate the 12 COM 1 11- Total Cost: 164
situation herself without
tipping off her superiors, 6 PD 3 Total: 9 PD (3 rPD) 75+ Disadvantages
she turns to the PCs 4 ED 1 Total: 7 ED (3 rED) 5 Distinctive Features: Imperial Security
(whom she’s previously 4 SPD 14 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
encountered and knows Police Uniform (Easily Concealed, Noticed
6 REC 0 And Recognizable)
to be honorable) for
30 END 0 15 Hunted: Gha’krl Mob 11- (As Pow, NCI,
30 STUN 4 Total Characteristics Cost: 67 Limited Geographical Area, Kill)
High-ranking Imperial 10 Hunted: Imperial Security Police 8- (Mo
government officials Movement: Running: 7”/14” Pow, NCI, Watching)
who are enemies of the 25 Psychological Limitation: Scrupulously
PCs manipulate Major Cost Powers END Honest (Very Common, Total)
Barth into going after 2 Fast On Her Feet: Running +1” (7” total) 1 20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
them. How can the PCs Martial Arts: Karate Frequently, Major)
convince such a scrupu- Maneuver OCV DCV Notes 14 Experience Points
lously honest cop that 4 Atemi Strike -1 +1 2d6 NND(1)
they’re not the biggest 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort
threat in this situation? Total Disadvantage Points: 164
4 Dodge +0 +5 Dodge all
4 Knifehand
Blaster pistol
Strike -2 +0 1d6 HKA
4 Punch/ Other weaponry applicable to situation (e.g., stun-
Snap Kick +0 +2 5d6 Strike rods, knockout grenades)
Body armor applicable to situation
Hand computer
10 Contacts (GM’s choice)
8 Fringe Benefit: Interstellar Police Powers Uniform and badge/identification
6 Fringe Benefit: Membership (Major in Impe- Background/History: Smart, self-confident, and
rial Security Police) aggressive, Allyssa Barth attended the Imperial
4 Fringe Benefit: Security Clearance Security Police Academy after finishing her sec-
ondary education, and graduated at the top of her
Talent class. After several boring and dangerous assign-
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) ments on Karilath IV (where she earned the
enmity of the Gha’krl organized crime “family”
because of her unflagging efforts to topple it), her
success record led to a posting back on Earth as
Star Hero ■ Chapter Twelve 307

part of the I.P.’s Interstellar Organized Crime Task gerous are her devotion to duty and her ability
Force. to call on the resources of the Imperial Security
While working with the TF, Barth got Police if she needs them. In essence she rep-
involved in a case against one Robert Avilla resents the strength of the Imperial govern-
because of his smuggling activities. After ment, not just a single adversary for the
he “disappeared,” Barth (now a Major) lost PCs to overcome. If necessary she can call
track of him for several years. She’s now up squads of heavily-armed special opera-
received reports that make her think tions officers, or the like, to help her catch
one “Kaithon Argosina” of Argos criminals.
Exploration is, in fact, Avilla. She Campaign Use: Major Barth embod-
has spent a lot of time and ies and personifies the threat the
money tracking Argosina, Terran Empire poses to any group
trying to trip him up of PCs that isn’t strictly law-abiding
and prove he’s Avilla. (i.e., virtually any group of PCs),
So far she hasn’t particularly for campaigns set in the
succeeded, but she mid-to-late 2600s (when the Empire
knows she’s right; it’s has descended into corruption,
just a matter of prov- decadence, and oppression). At the same
ing it.... time, her honesty makes her a somewhat
Personality/Motivation: Major sympathetic figure; she’s no more likely
Barth is a tough, hard-nosed cop to enforce an illegal order against the PCs
known for her scrupulous honesty. than she is to take a bribe from them,
She wouldn’t even think of ignoring which may eventually lead her to work
regulations, doing something other with the PCs to topple the Empire.
than in the “by the book” way, or If Major Barth’s not tough enough
taking a bribe. Her incorruptibil- for your campaign, boost her physi-
ity makes her perfect for opera- cal Characteristics a bit, give her a few
tions against organized crime (or more Skills (and perhaps Skill Levels),
groups of PCs!). Unfortunately, her and provide her with better equipment.
frank nature also tends to make her If she’s too tough already, get rid of
blunt and tactless, which has kept her Martial Arts and her Combat Skill
her from advancing further in the Levels.
I.P. or forming many lasting personal As a Hunter, Major Barth is
relationships. tenacious, versatile, and aggres-
Quote: “No, that’s all wrong. They’ll sive, as Robert Avilla has already
see through that in a minute. We learned. But unlike many I.P.
should do it this way....” cops, she won’t abuse her author-
ity, plant evidence on suspects,
Powers/Tactics: Major Barth has or engage in any other under-
received the standard Imperial handed police tricks — she’s a
Security Police training with energy completely by-the-book officer.
weapons and hand-to-hand combat,
which she’s supplemented by study- Appearance: Allyssa Barth is a
ing karate. She prefers to avoid Human female, mid-30s, 5’10”,
violence (primarily by approaching in excellent shape due to fre-
arrestees only when backed up by quent workouts and martial
overwhelming force), but if forced arts training. She’s attractive,
to fight is aggressive and imagina- in a severe sort of way, with
tive on the battlefield. brown hair cut short. When
Although she’s a formidable on duty, she wears her uniform; off-duty she
combatant, what makes Major Barth really dan- favors casual clothes.
308 ■ Argos Exploration HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
DEVEREAUX Val Char Cost Roll Notes 5 Reputation: man who can obtain illegal
PLOT SEEDS 10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1] antiquities 11- (throughout parts of the
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 Empire, and elsewhere; about 20 billion
One of Devereaux’s 14 CON 8 12- people are aware of Reputation)
clients wants a price- 12 BODY 4 11- 5 Rivalry: Professional, with Argos Explora-
less, unique artifact 20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- tion
that’s kept under tight 18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6 5 Social Limitation: Harmful Secret (career
security as a display at as illegal antiquities dealer) (Occasionally,
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
the Beldana V Museum Minor)
of Fine Art. Devereaux 12 COM 1 11-
10 Experience Points
can’t steal it himself...
but maybe he can trick 4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)
the PCs into doing the 4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED) Total Disadvantage Points: 150
job for him. 3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12 EQUIPMENT CARRIED
5 REC 0
Judith Craswell, a well- 28 END 0 Pocket blaster
known maven of Impe- 30 STUN 6 Total Characteristics Cost: 76 Hand computer
rial society, is found
murdered in her luxu- Movement: Running: 6”/12” Field science kit
rious space-mansion. Lucky threedel’s foot
The death is a complete
Cost Perks Background/History: Descended from a long line
mystery; the Imperial
Security Police have no 6 Contacts: defined by GM of wealthy industrialists, Bernard Devereaux
suspects. The PCs get 5 Money: Well Off had the misfortune to be born at a time when
involved somehow and the family’s coffers were nearly empty due to
have to solve the mys- Skills centuries of mismanagement and foolish spend-
tery. Devereaux killed 3 Bribery 13- ing. Even worse, he had no head for business or
her because she found 3 Concealment 13- numbers; his interests ran to history, art, and
out about him and was 3 Conversation 13-
going to reveal his “job” literature. Despite this, his father made it clear the
2 Cryptography 13-; Translation Only (-½) responsibility for rebuilding the family’s wealth
to her friends, but he’s 1 Electronics 8-
cleverly concealed the lay on his shoulders.
4 Forgery (Art Objects, Documents) 13- After studying archaeology and art at univer-
2 Gambling (Card Games) 13- sity, Devereaux decided there was more than one
3 High Society 13- way to skin a cat. Industry and finance weren’t the
In search of a valuable
archaeological treasure, 2 KS: Art History 11- only ways to get rich; he’d read dozens of stories
the PCs end up with 2 KS: History 11- about explorers and scientists who made them-
half the information 2 KS: Literature 11- selves fabulously wealthy by discovering a rich
they need to find it. 3 Persuasion 13- new world, or an ancient civilization whose art
Devereaux, it turns out, 2 PS: Appraising 11- comes into vogue among collectors. Determined
has the rest of the data. 3 Stealth 12- to re-create their success, he embarked on a
If they team up, can they 3 Streetwise 13-
trust him? career as a freelance explorer/archaeologist.
4 Survival (Mountains, Temperate/ He spent much of his family’s remaining
Subtropical, Tropical) 13- money trying to make his “business” a success, to
2 TF: Personal-Use Spacecraft no avail. He finally cast professional ethics away
6 WF: Beam Weapons, Energy Weapons, and began trafficking in illegal antiquities, forged
Small Arms art, and other such illicit goods. That he’s proven
3 Scientist quite skilled at. Though a few of his deals have
2 1) SS: Anthropology 13- gone sour (one ex-client, Jenak iv Gerasha, wants
2 2) SS: Archaeology 13- to kill him because Devereaux tried to swindle
1 3) SS: Astronomy 11- him), most have come off without a hitch. He’s on
1 4) SS: Biology 11- his way back to wealth and power, and he doesn’t
1 5) SS: Chemistry 11- intend to stop until he gets there.
2 6) SS: Planetology 13- During his career, Devereaux has encoun-
1 7) SS: Physics 11- tered many other “freelance explorers” like him-
self, some honest, others not. Robert Avilla is an
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 74 old adversary; the two have competed for the
Total Cost: 150 same prize many a time, with Devereaux usually
losing out to the dashing “merchant.” He’s deter-
75+ Disadvantages mined to defeat Argos Exploration once and for
15 Hunted: Jenak iv Gerasha 8- (Mo Pow, Kill) all... some day.
10 Hunted: Imperial Security Police 8- (Mo
Pow, NCI, Watching) Personality/Motivation: Devereaux has a genuine
15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy; appreciation for art and antiquities, and enjoys
Determined To Rebuild Family Fortune collecting them. Unfortunately, his desire to
(Common, Strong) rebuild the family fortune (resulting not only
10 Psychological Limitation: Collector’s Mania from personal greed, but family pressure) wars
Star Hero ■ Chapter Twelve 309

with his collector’s mania most of the time. museum, perhaps striking up a friendship with
Should he keep a unique and intriguing relic... or him before learning who and what he
sell it for hundreds of thousands of credits? Usu- really is. If the PCs have a connection
ally avarice wins, but not always. with the authorities, a friend in the
Devereaux is terrified his peers in high soci- Imperial Secu-
ety will discover what he does to make money. rity Police
(Some already know, because they’re his clients, may ask for
and they certainly won’t reveal their own com- their help in
plicity in interstellar crime.) If word got exposing and
out that he was, in essence, a smuggler catching the wily
and forger, he’d be banned from polite pseudo-archaeolo-
society, and that’s something he gist.
couldn’t tolerate. If necessary, he’ll Appearance: Bertrand
kill to keep his secret. Devereaux is a Human
Quote: “Ah, yes, you have an male in his early 40s (he
excellent eye. That drinking-cup refuses to reveal his exact
is of early Toractan manufacture; birthdate, and Imperial
it was used by priests in religious records are strangely silent
ceremonies. Very rare... very valuable.” on the matter). His sandy blonde
Powers/Tactics: Devereaux has no combat hair is thinning on top and start-
skills to speak of (though he does know ing to grey throughout, and that,
how to fire a gun, and has a steadier aim combined with his rather long nose
than most people). He’ll run from a fight and thin face, give him a vultur-
if he can, or try to talk his way out of it. ine appearance that’s not entirely
He’ll surrender rather than risk harm to undeserved, though most people
his person. would call him “aristocratic-looking.”
Although he seems somewhat frail, in
Campaign Use: The GM can use Devereaux truth he’s pretty energetic and muscu-
as a competitor for PC groups engaged in lar for a man his age due to spending so
similar occupations, and as a colorful NPC much time in the field. He usually wears a
if not. If one of the heroes has an interest field jacket or vest over sturdy but comfort-
in art, he may encounter Devereaux in a able outdoor clothes.
310 ■ Argos Exploration HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
PLOT SEEDS Val Char Cost Roll Notes Blaster pistol
20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2]
A high-ranking Nakeer- 18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 Brass knuckles, or the like
ash gangster wants to 18 CON 16 13- Body armor applicable to situation
eliminate the PCs, and 15 BODY 10 12-
gets Dargen to take Hand computer
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
on the job. But what if 100-500 credits’ worth of local currency
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
Dargen is really the one
he wants to eliminate, 18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3 ½d6 Background/History: Dargen doesn’t talk much
and he starts tipping off 8 COM -1 11- about his background — in fact, he doesn’t even
the PCs so that they’ll all tell most people his family name. Supposedly his
end up dead? 8 PD 4 Total: 8 PD (0 rPD) family’s been associated with the Nakeerash mob
7 ED 3 Total: 7 ED (0 rED) for several generations, and there wasn’t any ques-
With the Imperial 4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 tion he’d “join the family business” when he got old
Security Police about 8 REC 0 enough.
to expose one of his 36 END 0 Fortunately, Dargen grew up not only big and
criminal operations, 40 STUN 6 Total Characteristics Cost: 95 strong, but smart. He quickly moved from strong-
Dargen decides to frame
arm work to leading gangs, a task he excelled at.
the PCs so they’ll take Movement: Running: 6”/12”
the fall while he skips He was doing well, earning a lot of credits for his
the planet. Can the PCs bosses, succeeding at every mission — until he ran
avoid the cops, find out Cost Powers END into Argos Exploration. Thanks to Robert Avilla
what’s going on, and 7 Brawling: HA +2d6; Hand-To-Hand and friends, a sweet little scam Dargen had going
catch Dargen before the Attack (-½) 1 on Vinarcus fell apart, costing the family a lot of
I.P. arrests and impris- money, and Dargen a lot of prestige. When he tried
ons them? Perks to express his “displeasure” to the Argosians, a fight
4 Fringe Benefit: Membership (in resulted in which Jason Grigori got lucky and beat
After a battle between Nakeerash organized crime family) Dargen bloody... for which Dargen has sworn an
the PCs and Dargen equally bloody revenge.
leaves both of them Skills
with stranded starships Personality/Motivation: Dargen is an amoral, brutal
5 +1 Hand-To-Hand
that are running out of thug — smart and cunning, to be sure, but a thug
5 +1 with Ranged Combat
air, the heroes and the nevertheless. He has no scruples whatsoever; theft,
crooks have to work violence, and even murder are all casual acts to
together to save all their 3 Combat Piloting 13-
him. Though it’s often slow to wake, he has a fear-
lives. Can they trust 1 Demolitions 8-
some temper, and holds grudges a long, long time.
each other long enough 1 Electronics 8-
But Dargen’s brutality doesn’t make him stupid
to get to safety? 4 Gambling (Card Games, Sports Betting) 13-
or predictable. He wouldn’t have gotten as far as
3 Interrogation 13-
he did in the Nakeerash family if he wasn’t smart
2 KS: Nakeerash Organized Crime Family
enough to know his way around some sophis-
3 Lockpicking 13-
ticated con games and other criminal schemes.
3 Security Systems 13-
Player characters who think they can deal with him
3 Stealth 13-
by returning violence for violence may soon be
3 Streetwise 13-
unpleasantly surprised at his deviousness.
2 TF: Personal-Use Spacecraft
6 WF: Beam Weapons, Energy Weapons, Small Quote: “This was a simple job, but you had to go
Arms and butt yer noses into it. Now I’ve gotta kill you.
What a mess.”
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 55 Powers/Tactics: Dargen prefers to use his fists and
Total Cost: 150 strength in combat; he hits hard and fast, enjoying
the crunch of bone when he connects with a good
75+ Disadvantages roundhouse. But he’s good with a blaster, too, and is
20 Hunted: Imperial Security Police 8- (Mo pretty quick to draw his if he thinks his opponent is
Pow, NCI, Capture) armed. Hit first and hit hard, that’s his motto — that
20 Psychological Limitation: Amoral (Very way the other guy won’t get to hit back at all. Dirty
Common, Strong) tricks, underhanded blows, and unfair advantages
10 Reputation: hard-core, violent criminal 11- are all part of his stock in trade.
(throughout parts of the Empire, and else- Because he’s a gang leader in the Nakeerash
where; about 20 billion people are aware of family, Dargen usually has a gang of up to two
Reputation) (Extreme) dozen criminals at his beck and call. You can
5 Rivalry: Professional, with another gangster include just about any sort of gangster in that group
20 Experience Points to make Dargen a better opponent for the PCs.

Total Disadvantage Points: 150 Campaign Use: Dargen is a pretty simple, combat-
oriented opponent for the PCs. Though he’s tougher
than the average street thug because of his intel-
ligence and organized crime connections, he’s still
Star Hero ■ Chapter Twelve 311

best used as a straightforward enemy for the PCs to GHENAK VAA’RESH GHENAK VAA’RESH
encounter and enjoy defeating. Val Char Cost Roll Notes PLOT SEEDS
If Dargen’s not a powerful enough enemy for 25 STR 20 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 [2]
your PCs, bulk up his Characteristics some, and 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 Trapped in an aban-
give him Contacts and Followers to call upon. If 20 CON 20 13- doned (and oxygen-
he’s already too much of a challenge, reduce his 18 BODY 16 13- poor) orbital mining
STR, CON, and DEX a few points each. 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- facility by a group
As mentioned above, Dargen holds grudges, of Xenovore pirates,
12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4
so it wouldn’t be out of character for him to start the PCs and Ghenak
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 Vaa’resh must team
Hunting a hero that crosses his path — even on an 10 COM 0 11- up to defeat a mutual
11- or 14-, if he’s been badly enough humiliated or
enemy. Will Vaa’resh try
defeated. His early attacks will be brutal assaults 10 PD 7 Total: 10 PD (1 rPD) to betray his erstwhile
and the like, gradually transforming into clever 7 ED 3 Total: 7 ED (1 rED) allies to steal from them,
scams and distractions as he realizes force alone 4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 or capture them for any
won’t get the job done. 9 REC 0 money they might have
Appearance: Dargen is a Human male 32 years old. 40 END 0 on their heads?
Although big and beefy — he stands 6’2” tall and 41 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 123
weighs about 225 pounds, most of it muscle — he’s A cleverly-planned
Movement: Running: 8”/16” ambush by Vaa’resh
quick and graceful when he moves; he knows how
cripples the PCs’ ship.
to use his size to his advantage. He has dirty blonde Now they have to fight
hair and a matching beard. He frequently smokes Cost Powers END off both him and his
Centauran cigarettes, and wears expensive but 3 Mon’dabi Teeth: HKA 1 point; No STR gang of hired cut-
comfortable clothing. Bonus (-½) 1 throats as he infiltrates
1 Mon’dabi Skin: Damage Resistance their vessel to capture
(1 PD/1 ED) 0 them.
4 Fast On His Feet: Running +2” (8” total) 1
3 Mon’dabi Senses: +1 PER with all Sense The PCs compete with
Groups 0 Vaa’resh to locate and
5 Tail: Extra Limb (tail), Inherent (+¼); capture an infamous
Limited Manipulation (-¼) 0 mass murderer with a
10 million credit bounty
outstanding. What will
Vaa’resh do to sabotage
10 Contacts (GM’s choice) the PCs’ chances of beat-
5 Money: Well Off ing him?

3 Lightsleep

8 +1 with All Combat
5 +1 with Ranged Combat

3 Combat Piloting 13-

3 Computer Programming 12-
3 Electronics 12-
3 Fast Draw (Small Arms) 13-
2 Gambling (Card Games) 12-
3 KS: Bounties 12-
3 Lockpicking 13-
1 Mechanics 8-
2 Navigation (Space) 12-
2 PS: Bounty Hunter 11-
3 Security Systems 12-
3 Shadowing 12-
3 Stealth 13-
3 Streetwise 13-
5 Systems Operation (Communications
Systems, FTL Sensors, Radar, Sensor Jam-
ming Equipment) 12-
4 TF: Military Spacecraft, Personal-Use
8 WF: Beam Weapons, Common Melee
Weapons, Energy Weapons, Small Arms

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 101

312 ■ Argos Exploration HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Total Cost: 224 job that resulted in the death of Vaa’resh’s quarry
is actually part of a scheme to steal valuable trade
75+ Disadvantages secrets. As soon as it has “proof,” it will send other
15 Hunted: Alphadyne Mercantile Combine bounty hunters after Vaa’resh... equipped with “dead
11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching) or alive” orders!
10 Hunted: Imperial Security Police 8- (Mo Personality/Motivation: Ghenak Vaa’resh is cold-
Pow, NCI, Watching) hearted, hard, and brutal — qualities his job
15 Psychological Limitation: Code Of The Mer- demands and rewards. He’s suspicious and cautious,
cenary (Common, Strong) and that, combined with his hair-trigger reactions,
10 Psychological Limitation: Vengeful sometimes makes it difficult to deal with him.
(Common, Strong) As a professional bounty hunter, Vaa’resh
5 Reputation: violent, dangerous bounty abides by a professional code that mandates he do
hunter 11- (throughout parts of the Empire, his best to complete a job, obey all of his employer’s
and elsewhere; about 20 billion people are instructions, and reveal his employer’s identity
aware of Reputation) only with permission or to a duly-authorized law
5 Rivalry: Professional, with another bounty enforcement officer. He does a good job living up to
hunter (GM’s choice) this code, most of the time. He only has difficulties
89 Experience Points when his vengeful streak gets in the way — some-
times he’s so eager to hurt someone who’s hurt him
Total Disadvantage that he forgets what his employer wanted.
Points: 223
Quote: “See this warrant? It says I can bring you in
EQUIPMENT “dead or alive,” reward’s the same. Decisions, deci-
CARRIED sions....”
Blaster rifle Powers/Tactics: Vaa’resh is quick, strong, and clever,
a dangerous opponent in just about any battle. He
Blaster pistol
prefers to use his blaster, but he’s got big, strong fists
Another blaster and knows how to use them if he has to. If possible,
pistol he’ll try to “talk his way out” of a battle, but only
Some grenades until he can get a decent shot without fear of being
shot at in return. He has no honor; he cares only
A knife
about winning.
Body armor appli- Vaa’resh owns a small, agile ship, the Mal’eeth.
cable to situation Althought it’s not heavily armed, it has enough
Hand computer weapons mounted to let him fight off larger ships.
It also comes equipped with the best stealth tech-
A surly attitude nology he can afford.
Background/History: Campaign Use: Vaa’resh is a pretty tough opponent
Ghenak Vaa’resh was born on for most individual PCs, though you may have to
Mon’da, in the same neighbor- give him some “backup” if he’s got to face an entire
hood as Segaro Krez’shul. PC group on his own (or arrange the situation to
He grew up big, tough, and his advantage somehow). He might also make a
mean. It didn’t take long for useful underworld contact for the PCs.
him to get involved with local If you need Vaa’resh to be tougher, give him
gangs, and then organized some Martial Arts and increase some of his Figured
crime. That’s where his talent Characteristics a little. If he’s already too strong,
for finding and killing people shave some points off his Primary Characteristics
was first discovered. Put him on and get rid of his Brawling ability.
someone’s trail, and that person was Vaa’resh’s vengefulness makes him a good can-
as good as dead, his boss said... and didate to Hunt a PC who defeats him. He’ll usually
he was right. pursue the matter vigorously (i.e., on at least an 11-),
Eventually Vaa’resh got tired of and call on all his contacts and friends throughout
working for other people and left the Empire to help him get the job done.
Mon’da to become an interstellar
bounty hunter. He’s done well Appearance: Ghenak Vaa’resh is a 6’8” Mon’dabi
enough at it to earn a reputation with a scarred face and a bad attitude. Instead
throughout the Empire, and to of typical Mon’dabi garb, he wears a dark green
buy himself a small ship, the jumpsuit with a broad leather belt and matching
Mal’eeth. But his track record bandolier. He usually wears at least one weapon, if
hasn’t been perfect. A few “impro- not more; even in situations where he can’t openly
prieties” with some of his jobs carry a blaster or knife, he probably has one or two
have got the Imperial Security small weapons concealed on his person.
Police watching him closely, and
the Alphadyne Mercantile Com-
bine is convinced a “botched”
Star Hero ■ Chapter Twelve 313


Val Char Cost Roll Notes Hand computer
8 STR -2 11- Lift 75 kg; 2 ½d6 [2]
12 DEX 6 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 Expensive Hzeel clothes Zee’gansh captures the
13 CON 6 12- Background/History: Zee’gansh got involved in PCs and puts them in a
10 BODY 0 11- gambling early — as a child, he ran errands for gigantic “arena zone” on
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- a desolate planet. If they
the pit bosses that operated an illegal casino near
can win their way to
14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 5 his home on Shendara III. He was pretty good at freedom past wild beasts
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 the games himself, often winning tidy sums of and armed patrols, he’ll
8 COM -1 11- money when he was allowed to play. give them a ship and
He might have gone on to become a profes- let them go wherever
3 PD 1 Total: 6 PD (3 rPD) sional gambler, if not for a stroke of good luck. they want (not really,
3 ED 0 Total: 6 ED (3 rED) He got into a game with a drunken trader and but that’s what he tells
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12 won his entire cargo — stolen weapons — from them). Meanwhile, he
5 REC 0 him. After getting some help from friends who’d and his friends bet on
26 END 0 been in the military, Zee’gansh sold all the guns the outcome.
25 STUN 4 Total Characteristics Cost: 37 for an enormous profit. He used that money to
buy other weapons for other customers, and so After losing in a high-
Movement: Running: 6”/12” stakes card game to
on, and so on....
an abrasive Zurite,
Today, several decades later, Zee’gansh has Zee’gansh hires the
Cost Powers END established a vast interstellar arms empire and is PCs to investigate or
4 Hzeel Eyes: +2 PER with Sight Group 0 fabulously wealthy. Although most of his business eliminate him (what-
15 Lucky Bastard: Luck 3d6 is entirely aboveboard, he’s got nothing against ever seems appropriate,
selling on the black market, which has aroused given the nature of the
Perks the suspicion of the Imperial Security Police PCs). When the arms
30 Contacts (GM’s choice) (though they can’t prove anything yet). As long as merchant betrays and
15 Money: Filthy Rich a customer has money and doesn’t cause trouble, refuses to pay them,
All the Followers, Bases, and Vehicles he Zee’gansh is happy to deal with him. But his no- what will the PCs do?
needs holds-barred business practices have earned him
more than a few enemies, including Draconis One side in a planetary
Talent war is losing because
Defenseworks, a large military contractor deter-
Zee’gansh sells only
6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) mined to get rid of him. to the other side. The
Unfortunately, the gambling tables haven’t losing nation hires the
Skills always been as kind to Zee’gansh as they were PCs to disrupt the trade
3 Computer Programming 13- back in his childhood. He still gambles fre- between Zee’gansh and
3 Conversation 13- quently; he has a hard time passing up any sort its enemies, or to find it
8 Gambling (Card Games, Board Games, of game or bet. One night a few years back, he an equivalent source of
Sports Betting) 14- got into a card game with a Human named Avilla. weaponry.
5 KS: Interstellar Arms Market 15- Though the game was rigged — Zee’gansh was
1 KS: Fine Art 8- supposed to win easily — Avilla somehow turned
3 Security Systems 13- the tables on him, winning billions of credits.
3 Streetwise 13- Convinced Avilla somehow cheated, Zee’gansh
7 Trading 14- has sworn to get revenge... and get back his
4 TF: Military Spacecraft, Personal-Use money.
Personality/Motivation: Zee’gansh is a bitter,
6 WF: Beam Weapons, Energy Weapons,
lonely, grasping Hzeel who cares about no one
Small Arms
and nothing but himself and his profits — except
perhaps for the turn of the cards, for he dearly
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 113
loves to gamble. On a few occasions his adversar-
Total Cost: 150
ies have gotten out of his clutches by challenging
him to a game and beating him, but he still can’t
75+ Disadvantages
resist the lure of the casino.
15 Hunted: Draconis Defenseworks, Inc. 8-
Zee’gansh hates to suffer any sort of defeat or
(As Pow, NCI, Kill)
insult. He’s used to getting his way in just about
10 Hunted: Imperial Security Police 8- (Mo
everything, and anyone who denies him (as Avilla
Pow, NCI, Watching)
did) gets put on “the list.” The list is long, and
15 Psychological Limitation: Vengeful
he enjoys concocting schemes to remove people
(Common, Total)
from it permanently. His vengeance, though it
10 Psychological Limitation: Compulsive
may be long in coming, always arrives, and is
Gambler (Common, Strong)
never pleasant.
25 Experience Points
Quote: “Don’t play me for a fool. I can get twice
Total Disadvantage Points: 150 that price in the Selvi system. Pay up, or I’m
taking the goods elsewhere.”
314 ■ Argos Exploration HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Powers/Tactics: Zee’gansh doesn’t fight; he hires
other people to fight for him. He knows how to use GENERIC NPCs
most types of blasters — he enjoys testing out his The following character sheets are for “generic”
own products from time to time — but he has no NPCs you can quickly adapt for use in a game
intention of risking his own neck in battle. instead of taking the time to create your own. They
Campaign Use: Zee’gansh is a sort of “master vil- reflect the way these types of characters are por-
lain” for use in Star Hero campaigns. Not as over- trayed in science fiction, and so may not be appro-
powering or deadly as the Terran Empire or other priate for other types of campaigns.
governments, he nevertheless presents a significant DOCTOR
threat to most groups of PCs due to his vast wealth
and resources. All they have to do is defeat him Val Char Cost Roll Notes
once, and he’ll never leave them alone. 8 STR -2 11- Lift 75 kg; 1 ½d6 [1]
Zee’gansh isn’t intended to overpower or 10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3
outfight the PCs. If you need to make him more 8 CON -4 11-
“powerful,” do so in social or political ways: give 10 BODY 0 11-
him more Contacts and resources to draw upon, 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
rather than personal combat skills. If he’s already 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
too powerful, cut down on his wealth and resource 13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2 ½d6
base a little. 8 COM -1 11-
Zee’gansh’s vengeful nature makes it quite
likely he’ll starting Hunting one or more PCs after 2 PD 0 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD)
they thwart him. He usually Hunts on at least an 2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (0 rED)
11-, but not always; it depends on how badly he 2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
feels the sting of the “humiliation” of losing. 4 REC 0
He starts out simple, with squads of assas- 16 END 0
sins and bounty hunters, but progresses 20 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: 1
to more sophisticated tactics like ruining
credit ratings if that doesn’t work. Movement: Running: 4”/8”
Appearance: Zee’gansh, like other Hzeel, is Cost Powers END
short, blue-skinned, -4 A Little Slow: Running -2”
and has a Perks
sort of 20 Contacts: in the galactic medical community
look that Skills
makes him appear 9 Devoted To His Craft: +3 on all rolls to resist
older (to Humans) than he attempts to deprive people of medical care,
actually is. He wears finely-tai- take patients away from him, or make him
lored Hzeel male garb, which con- compromise his medical ethics.
sists of a shirt-like upper garment, a
short cloak-like garment worn over it, 3 Computer Programming 12-
and a kilt-like lower garment that’s cut 1 Electronics 8-
lower in the back than in the front. His 5 AKs/CKs of GM’s choice
voice is harsh and rasping. 2 KS: Hobby 11-
7 Paramedics 14-
3 PS: Doctor 12-
3 Scientist
4 1) SS: Biology 14-
2 2) SS: Chemistry 12-
4 3) SS: Medicine 14-
4 4) SS: Surgery 14-
2 5) SS: Virology 12-
2 6) SS: Xenobiology 12-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 67

Total Cost: 68

25+ Disadvantages
20 Psychological Limitation: Hippocratic Oath
(Common, Total)
23 Additional Disadvantages (typically Age, Physi-
cal Limitation, Psychological Limitation, or
Social Limitation) and/or Experience Points
Star Hero ■ Chapter Twelve 315

Total Disadvantage Points: 68 Typical Equipment

Typical Equipment Hand computer
Field medical kit Blaster (in rough territories)
Field medical scanner Trade goods


Val Char Cost Roll Notes Val Char Cost Roll Notes
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1] 10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1]
10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3 10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3/DCV: 3
10 CON 0 11- 10 CON 0 11-
10 BODY 0 11- 10 BODY 0 11-
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
12 COM 1 11- 10 COM 0 11-

2 PD 0 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD) 3 PD 1 Total: 3 PD (0 rPD)

2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (0 rED) 3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED (0 rED)
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12 2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
4 REC 0 4 REC 0
20 END 0 20 END 0
20 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 13 20 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 5

Movement: Running: 6”/12” Movement: Running: 6”/12”

Cost Perks Cost Skills

10 Contacts: people he knows along the 10 Scientific/Technical Genius: +2 with all
trade routes science- and technology-oriented Skills
20 Vehicle/Base: a small trader’s ship, or a shop
3 Computer Programming 12-
Skills 3 Electronics 12-
3 Bribery 12- 3 Inventor 12-
3 Bureaucratics 12- 4 AKs/CKs of GM’s choice
3 Computer Programming 12- 4 KSs related to job/profession
3 Conversation 12- 2 KS: Hobby 11-
1 Electronics 8- 3 Mechanics 12-
10 AKs/CKs of GM’s choice 7 Paramedics 14-
2 KS: Hobby 11- 3 PS: Scientist or Technician 12-
3 KS: The Market 12- 3 Security Systems 12-
4 Languages: 4 points’ worth 8 Systems Operation (Communications
1 Mechanics 8- Systems, Environmental Systems, Medical
2 Navigation (Space) 12- Systems, FTL Sensors, Radar) 12-
3 Persuasion 12- 3 Scientist
3 PS: Trader 12- 15 SSs of GM’s choice
3 Seduction 12-
2 SS: Astronomy 11- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 71
2 WF: of player’s choice Total Cost: 76
7 Trading 14-
2 TF: Commercial Spacecraft & Space Yachts 25+ Disadvantages
15 Psychological Limitation: one appropriate to
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 87 the profession, such as Scientific Curiosity or
Total Cost: 100 Prefers Technology To The Company Of People
36 Additional Disadvantages (typically Age,
25+ Disadvantages Physical Limitation, Psychological Limita-
20 Psychological Limitation: Always Looking tion, or Social Limitation) and/or Experience
For Major Deals And Other Good Sources Points
Of Income (Very Common, Strong)
55 Additional Disadvantages (typically Age, Total Disadvantage Points: 76
Physical Limitation, Psychological Limita-
tion, or Social Limitation) and/or Experience Typical Equipment
Hand computer
Total Disadvantage Points: 100 Field kit appropriate to mission or profession
316 ■ Argos Exploration HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION


Val Char Cost Roll Notes 3 Streetwise 12-
13 STR 3 12- Lift 150 kg; 2 ½d6 [1] 4 TF: GM’s choice
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 6 WF: Beam Weapons, Energy Weapons,
13 CON 6 12- Small Arms
10 BODY 0 11- 6 Choose two Skills from this list: Bureaucratics,
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- Combat Piloting, Computer Programming,
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 Concealment, Conversation, Deduction, Per-
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 suasion, Security System, Shadowing
8 COM -1 11-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 45
4 PD 1 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD) Total Cost: 81
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12 25+ Disadvantages
6 REC 0 5 Distinctive Features: Uniform (Easily Con-
26 END 0 cealed; Noticed And Recognizable)
24 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 36 10 Hunted: police agency he works for 8- (Mo
Pow, NCI, Watching)
Movement: Running: 6”/12” 20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very
Frequently, Major)
Cost Perks 21 Additional Disadvantages (typically Hunted,
2 Fringe Benefit: Membership (member of Physical Limitation, Psychological Limitation,
law enforcement agency) or Social Limitation) and/or Experience Points
5 Fringe Benefit: Planetary Police Powers
Total Disadvantage Points: 81
Skills Typical Equipment
3 Criminology 12-
1 Forensic Medicine 8- Blaster pistol
3 AK: character’s “beat” 12- Body armor (12 PD/12 ED, Activation Roll 14-)
2 KS: Criminal Law 11- Hand computer
2 KS: Hobby 11-
2 KS: The Law Enforcement World 11- Badge/identification)
3 PS: Security Officer 12-
Star Hero ■ Chapter Twelve 317

he literature of science and science fiction II. APOCALYPSES
is vast. The selections below are either the
Anderson, Poul. Orion Shall Rise
author’s favorites, books the author thinks
would be useful for Star Hero gamers, or Anthony, Piers. BattleCircle
sources used in writing this book (plus a few added Brin, David. The Postman
by the Line Developer, a notorious meddler) — this Hoban, Russell. Riddley Walker
is not a comprehensive attempt to review the genre
as a whole. Readers interested in a more thorough King, Stephen. The Stand
discussion of the genre should consult The Encyclo- Miller, George, dir. The Road Warrior (film)
pedia Of Science Fiction or similar reference works. Miller, Watler. A Canticle For Leibowitz
I. NONFICTION REFERENCES Niven, Larry and Jerry Pournelle. Lucifer’s Hammer
Asimov, Isaac. The Universe Williams, Paul. The “Pelbar Cycle” novels
Berry, Adrian. The Next Ten Thousand Years Zelazny, Roger. Damnation Alley
Bova, Ben, series ed. The Science Fiction Writer’s III. COMEDY
Series books
Adams, Douglas. The Hitchiker’s Guide To The
Bretnor, Reginald, ed. The Craft Of Science Fiction Galaxy and sequels
Clarke, Sir Arthur C. The Exploration Of Space Foglio, Phil. The “Buck Godot” series (comics)
Clute, John and Peter Nicholls, eds. The Encyclope- Ford, John M. How Much For Just The Planet?
dia of Science Fiction
Couper, Heather and Nigel Hembest. The Dorling-
Kindersley Space Encyclopedia Delany, Samuel R. “Time Considered as a Helix of
Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, And Steel Semi-Precious Stones”
Dozois, Gardner, et al., eds. Writing Science Fiction Gibson, William. Neuromancer, Count Zero, and
And Fantasy Burning Chrome
Goldsmith, Donald and Tobias Owen. The Search Harris, Anne. The Nature Of Smoke
For Life In The Universe Katsuhara Otomo. Akira (film and comic)
Heppenheimer, T.A. Colonies In Space Max Headroom (television series)
Langford, David. War In 2100 Scott, Ridley, dir. Blade Runner (film)
Menzel, Donald. A Field Guide To The Stars And Stephenson, Neal. Snow Crash
Planets Sterling, Bruce. Schismatrix Plus
National Audobon Society Pocket Guide. Planets Swanwick, Michael. Vacuum Flowers
And Their Moons
Vance, Jack. “The Augmented Agent”
Niven, Larry. Essays including “Bigger Than
Varley, John. The Ophiuchi Hotline
Worlds,” “Theory and Practice of Teleportation,”
and “Theory and Practice of Time Travel” Williams, Walter Jon. Hardwired
Oberg, James. New Earths Clarke, Sir Arthur C. 2001: A Space Odyssey, The
Regis, Ed. Great Mambo Chicken And The Transhu- Fountains Of Paradise, Rendezvous With Rama, and
man Condition other novels and short stories
Sagan, Carl and I.S. Shklovskii. Intelligent Life In Forward, Robert. Dragon’s Egg
The Universe Heinlein, Robert A. The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
Vogel, Steven. Life’s Devices and Rocket Ship Galileo
Yenne, Bill. The Atlas Of The Solar System Landis, Geoffrey. Mars Crossing
Zubrin, Robert. The Case For Mars Niven, Larry. Much of the “Known Space” series of
Zuckerman, Ben and Michael Hart. Extraterrestri- novels and stories
als: Where Are They? Robinson, Kim Stanley Red Mars, Green Mars, and
Blue Mars
Steele, Allen. Orbital Decay
318 ■ Argos Exploration HERO SYSTEM 5TH EDITION
Verne, Jules. 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea and Smith, E.E. “Doc.” The Lensman series
From Earth To The Moon Star Trek (television and film series)
VI. LOW SCIENCE FICTION Vance, Jack. “The Moon Moth” and numerous other
short stories and novels
Heinlein, Robert A. Friday
Williamson, Jack. The Legion Of Space series
Herbert, Frank. Dune and its sequels
Chadwick, Frank. Space: 1889 (roleplaying game)
Bujold, Lois McMaster. Shards Of Honor
Foglio, Kaja, Phil Foglio, and Mark McNabb. Girl
Cameron, James, dir. Aliens (film)
Genius (comic)
Card, Orson Scott. Ender’s Game
Gibson, William and Bruce Sterling. The Difference
Dickson, Gordon R. Dorsai! and its sequels Engine
Drake, David. Hammer’s Slammers and its sequels Jeter, K.W. Infernal Devices
Haldeman, Joe. The Forever War Moore, Alan, et al. The League Of Extraordinary
Heinlein, Robert A. Starship Troopers Gentlemen (comic)
Laumer, Keith. Bolo Pondsmith, Mike. Castle Falkenstein (roleplaying
Pournelle, Jerry. King David’s Spaceship game)
Saberhagen, Fred. The Berserker series Rowland, Marcus. Forgotten Futures (roleplaying
Wells, H.G. The War Of The Worlds
Stoddard, William H. GURPS Steampunk (roleplay-
Asimov, Isaac. The Caves of Steel and sequels The Wild, Wild West (television series)
Bester, Alfred. The Demolished Man XII. TIME TRAVEL/ALTERNATE HISTORY
Niven, Larry. The Long ARM Of Gil Hamilton Anderson, Poul. The Time Patrol series
Niven, Larry and Stephen Barnes. Dream Park Baker, Kage. The Company series
Vance, Jack. The Araminta Station trilogy De Camp, L. Sprague. Lest Darkness Fall
—The Many Worlds Of Magnus Ridolph Doctor Who (television series)
OBJECTS Piper, H. Beam. Lord Kalvan Of Otherwhen and its
Brackett, Leigh. The Book Of Skaith sequels
Burroughs, Edgar Rice. The Mars series Twain, Mark. A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur’s
De Camp, L. Sprague. The Viagens Interplanetarias
series Wells, H.G. The Time Machine and Men Like Gods
Niven, Larry. Ringworld and its sequels Zemeckis, Robert, dir. Back To The Future and its
sequels (films)
Silverberg, Robert. Lord Valentine’s Castle
Swanwick, Michael. Stations Of The Tide XIII. UTOPIAN/DYSTOPIAN
Vance, Jack. Big Planet and Planet Of Adventure Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaid’s Tale
Varley, John. Titan, Wizard, and Demon Bass, T.J. The Godwhale
Wofle, Gene. The Book Of The New Sun Fleischer, Richard, dir. Soylent Green (film)
X. SPACE OPERA Heinlein, Robert A. Revolt In 2100
Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World
Asimov, Isaac. The Foundation trilogy
LeGuin, Ursula K. The Dispossessed
Babylon 5 (television series)
Menzies, William Cameron. Things To Come (film)
Banks, Iain M. The Culture series
Orwell, George. 1984
Banks, Iain. M. Against A Dark Background
Brin, David. Startide Rising and its sequels XIV. MISCELLANEOUS
Bujold, Lois McMaster. The Vorkosigan series Cambias, James. GURPS Mars (roleplaying game)
Lucas, George, dir. Star Wars and its sequels/ Jackson, Steve, et al. GURPS Space (roleplaying
prequels (films) game)
Niven, Larry and Jerry Pournelle. The Mote In God’s Miller, Marc, et al. Traveler (various incarnations)
Eye (roleplaying game)
Resnick, Mike. Santiago The Star Trek roleplaying games from Last Unicorn
Reynolds, Alastair. Revelation Space and its sequels Games and Decipher, Inc.
Simmons, Dan. Hyperion and its sequels
Star Hero ■ Index 319


360 View System (example Asteroids Champions ................................................... 20 Dargen (example villain) ...................310-11
technology) ..............................................207 Generally .............................................. 95-96 Character Creation, generally ............. 20-65 Dark Champions ......................................... 20
61 Cygni ..........................................74, 78, 108 Flying among or attacking ...................... 96 Characteristics ............................................. 39 Darkness ....................................................... 54
Abbreviations ................................................. 5 In Earth’s Solar System ....................103-04 Characteristics (Power).............................. 53 Deep Telepathic Probe (example
Ablative And Reflective Armors ......155-56 Astronomical units (AUs) ......................... 73 Characters in space combat ..............219-20 power).......................................................255
Ablative Foam (example technology) ...156 Atmosphere Charon ........................................................107 DEF and BODY of objects in
Ablative Vest (example technology) ......156 Planetary, generally ............................ 86-88 Chemical rockets.......................................188 Star Hero...................................................286
Absolute Time Sense .................................. 50 Components .............................................. 88 Chronometer Implant (example Defending in space combat...............216-20
Absorption.............................................. 52-54 Effects of on characters and space power) ........................................................ 52 Defense Powers............................................ 52
Acceleration in space ..........................185-87 vehicles ...............................................283-85 Civilizations, alien and future ...........109-40 Defense technology ............................155-57
Accelerator Pack (example Atmospheric Composition Table............. 87 Clairsentience .............................................. 53 Defenses, for space vehicles ...............197-99
technology) ..............................................153 Atmospheric Density Table....................... 87 Clarke’s Law ................................................160 Deflector Field (example technology) ..199
Accidental Change ..............................61, 273 Attacking a planet .....................................197 Classes of minds ........................................250 DeGraff, Jennifer (example PC) .....299-300
Achernar ................................................. 74, 78 Attacking in space combat ................216-20 Classification systems for planets............. 92 Deimos ........................................................103
Ackálian Sickle (example technology) ..148 AUs................................................................. 73 Climate .................................................... 88-90 Delayed Effect .............................................. 59
Acting ............................................................ 40 Autocannon (example technology) .......206 Climate Types Table.................................... 89 Delta-V........................................................188
Actions in Starship Combat ..............212-13 Autodoctor (example technology) ........175 Clinging......................................................... 53 Demolitions.................................................. 41
Adreno-Booster Drug (example Avilla, Robert (example PC) .............297-98 Cloaking Device (example Deneb ..............................................74, 78, 108
power) ........................................................ 53 Axial tilt, planetary...................................... 86 technology) ..............................................199 Dense atmospheres ..................................... 87
Advanced Firearms.............................148-50 Background Skill ......................................... 39 Clones ...................................................... 14, 54 Density, planetary........................................ 83
Advanced Personal Force Screen Barnard’s Star .................................74, 78, 108 Cloning........................................................168 Dependence .........................................62, 274
(example technology) ......................157-58 Barter ...........................................................128 Cold Fusion ................................................172 Dependent NPC ..................................62, 274
Advanced Tech (Perk) ................................ 48 Barth, Major Alyssa (example Cold Fusion Generator (example Devereaux, Bertrand (example
Advanced technology.........................143-44 villain) .................................................306-07 technology) ..............................................172 villain) .................................................308-09
Age .............................................61-62, 273-74 Base (Perk).................................................... 50 Colonies ..........................................91, 126-27 Dexterity ....................................................... 39
Aid.................................................................. 53 Bases in space.................................98, 208-11 Colonist Package Deal................................ 33 Diameter, planetary .................................... 83
Airlocks .......................................................200 Basic Mecha Sensors (example Colony Creature aliens.............................117 Digger aliens...............................................117
Albedo .............................................88-89, 278 technology) ..............................................207 Colony planets .....................................126-27 Dimensional Missile (example
Aldebaran ............................................... 74, 78 Battle Armor (example technology)......156 Combat Maneuvers in space technology) ..............................................158
Algol......................................................... 74, 78 BD +5o 1668 ........................................... 74, 78 combat ................................................216-17 Dimensions .................................................. 70
Alien blade weapons.................................148 Beam Weapons, for space vehicles ...195-97 Combat Modifiers in space combat ......216 Diplomat Package Deal.............................. 33
Alien civilizations ................................109-40 Beamed Power ...........................................171 Combat Suit (example technology).......155 Disadvantages
Alien cuisine...............................................117 Bellatrix ................................................... 74, 78 Comedy......................................................... 17 Generally .............................................. 61-65
Alien life, effect on atmospheric Bends, the....................................................284 Comeliness ................................................... 39 Space vehicle Disadvantages ................204
composition............................................... 87 Betelgeuse .......................................74, 78, 108 Comets .................................................... 71, 96 Using in a campaign ........................273-77
Alien Pheromones (example power) ...... 57 Bibliography & Filmography ............317-18 Comm Button (example technology) ...175 Disassembler Grenade (example
Alien Physiology (Physical Limitation) .. 64 Big Dumb Objects ...................................... 14 Command Officer Package Deal ............. 37 technology) ..............................................170
Alien species Bigger Tailfins civilizations................110-11 Communications And Sensor Disasters, planetary ...................................127
Generally .................................................... 14 Binary stars ............................................. 73-74 Devices ...............................................175-76 Disconnects, dealing with..................270-73
As NPCs .............................................122-24 Bioplastic Armor (example Communications Implant (example Disguise ................................................... 41-42
Creating ..............................................115-23 technology) ..............................................157 power) .................................................. 29, 52 Disintegrators.............................................154
SF without aliens ..............................110-11 Biotechnology ......................................168-69 Communications Implant (example Disintegrenade (example technology) ..155
Alien technology .......................................144 Black holes .............................................. 75-76 power) ........................................................ 52 Dispel............................................................. 54
Alpha Centauri ........................74, 78, 107-08 Blasters ................................14, 54-55, 152-53 Communications Systems, for space Distant Stars Table ...................................... 78
Altair ................................................74, 78, 108 Blazing Energy Sword (example vehicles ...............................................200-02 Distinctive Features ................62-63, 274-75
Alternate histories ...............................240-41 technology) ..............................................206 Complexity of life........................................ 91 Diversity among alien populations..138-39
Always On .................................................... 61 Blob aliens...................................................117 Composition, planetary ............................. 83 Docking and docking systems..........200-01
Ammunition, buying ................................178 Bode’s Law .............................................. 80-81 Computer Programming..................... 40-41 Doctor Package Deal .................................. 34
Amphibian aliens ................................116-17 Bodiless Being aliens ................................117 Computers ......................................14, 160-65 Does BODY.................................................. 59
Analyze.......................................................... 40 Body control (psionic power).................244 Computers as characters....................160-62 Double Heart (example power) .............. 31
Ancients alien civilizations ................122-23 BODY and DEF of objects in Concentration .............................................. 61 Drain.............................................................. 54
Android Package Deal ............................... 23 Star Hero...................................................286 Constitution ................................................. 39 Drake Equation ........................................... 68
Androids ...................................15-16, 165-68 Botanoid Package Deal ........................ 23-24 Contemplative Culture Package Deal ..... 27 Dream Hacking (example power) .........255
Andromeda Galaxy .................................... 69 Brain Hacking (example power) ............254 Corrosive atmospheres ......................284-85 Duplication................................................... 54
Animal Handler .......................................... 40 Breakfall ........................................................ 40 Counterworlds............................................. 81 Duration........................................................ 59
Anomalies, astronomical ........................... 77 Breaking objects in Star Hero .................286 Cozy catastrophes ......................................... 8 Dwarf stars ................................................... 74
Anomalies in planetary systems............... 81 Bright giant stars ......................................... 74 Creating Package Deals......................120-22 Dyson spheres.............................................. 98
Anomalies of moons .................................. 85 Bright Quasar 3C 273...............................108 Creating PC species ............................119-22 Dystopia SF ............................................ 13-14
Anonymity ................................................... 48 Brown dwarfs ............................................... 76 Crew casualties in space combat ......220-21 Dystopias ....................................................112
Antares ............................................74, 78, 108 Bugging ......................................................... 40 Crew Skills, in space combat ...................221 Early Gauss Cannon (example
Antimatter Bullets (example Bullets ....................................................149-50 Criminal Culture Package Deal................ 27 technology) ..............................................150
technology) ..............................................150 Bussard ramjets .........................................190 Criminology ................................................. 41 Early Ion Gun (example technology)....152
Antimatter Power................................171-72 Buying equipment...............................177-78 Cryptography............................................... 41 Early Plasma Gun (example
Antimatter rockets ....................................189 Campaign creation .............................259-66 Cube Roots Table ........................................ 84 technology) ..............................................153
Apocalypse SF ................................................ 8 Caninoid Package Deal .............................. 24 Cuisine, alien ......................................117, 140 Early Rocket Gun (example
Apport (example power) .........................254 Canopus .................................................. 74, 78 Cultural Fusion civilizations .............111-12 technology) ..............................................155
Archetypes, aliens......................................115 Capella .............................................74, 78, 108 Cultural Package Deals ........................ 27-28 Early Starship Fusion Plant (example
Architecture, alien .....................................139 Captured planets ......................................... 81 Cultural Stereotypes civilizations ...........111 technology) ..............................................172
Arcturus ..........................................74, 78, 108 Carbon-ammonia life................................. 90 Culture, alien ........................................139-40 Earth, attacking and destroying..............197
Argos Exploration (sample PC Carbon-hydrogen life ................................. 90 Cumulative (as applied to Flight)...........187 Earthbound SF............................................... 9
group) ...............................................295-305 Carbon-methane life .................................. 90 Currency ...............................................127-28 Eccentricity, orbital ..................................... 82
Armor, for space vehicles .........................198 Cargo Loader/Heavy Labor Robot Cybernetic Arm (example power) .......... 29 Economics ............................................127-31
Armored Spacesuit (example (example technology) ............................166 Cybernetic Eye (example power) ...... 29-30 Education, alien ...................................139-40
technology) ..............................................175 Cargo Price Table ......................................130 Cybernetic Leg (example power) ............ 30 Eidetic Memory........................................... 51
Armored Vest (example technology) ....155 Catastrophes, cozy......................................... 8 Cyberpunk SF .............................................8-9 Elder Civilization aliens .....................122-23
Art, alien......................................................139 Causality......................................................233 Cyberspace ...........................................162-65 Electric guns ................................................. 55
Artificial gravity for space vehicles ..203-04 Cerebral Enhancement (example Cyborgs ................................................... 28-30 Electric Whip (example technology) ....149
Artificial Gravity (example power).......................................................168 Damage in space combat ...................217-19 Electron Beams..........................................152
technology) ........................................203-04 Chaff Generator (example Damage Reduction ..................................... 53 Electron Rifle/Pistol (example
technology) ..............................................199 Danger Sense ............................................... 51 technology) ..............................................152
Electronic Binoculars (example Flyer aliens ..................................................118 Hand Computer (example Ion Cannon (example technology) .......196
technology) ..............................................175 Focus, space vehicle design and .......184-85 technology) ..............................................161 Ion Pistol (example technology) ............152
Electronic Counter-Countermeasures Fomalhaut.......................................74, 78, 108 Handless Being aliens...............................118 Ion Rifle (example technology) ..............152
(example technology) ............................202 Force Blade (example technology) ........148 Hangars .................................................201-02 Ion rockets ............................................188-89
Electronic warfare ...............................201-02 Force Dome (example technology) .......158 Hard Science Fiction .............................. 9-10 Jackpot (Argos Exploration’s ship).........298
Electronics .................................................... 41 Force Field .................................................... 56 Head Of State (Fringe Benefit) ................. 49 Jetpack (example power) ........................... 56
Elements and features of SF ................ 14-16 Force Field Technology ......................157-58 Healing .......................................................... 56 Jump Drive .................................................193
Empathic Communication (example Force Shield Projector (example Heat beams ................................................... 55 Jumpjets (example technology)..............206
power).................................................255-56 technology) ..............................................158 Heavy Gauss Gun (example Jupiter ..........................................................104
Empathic Control (example power) .....255 Force Shields, for space vehicles .............198 technology) ........................................150-51 Kapteyn’s Star ......................................... 74, 78
Emplaced Plasma Cannon (example Force Wall ..................................................... 56 Heavy Weapons .........................................158 Kardashev classifications .........................124
technology) ..............................................158 Forcebeam Tool (example Heavyworlder Package Deal ............... 28-29 Knowledge Skills ......................................... 43
Encumbrance, affect of altered technology) ..............................................176 Herdfolk Package Deal............................... 25 Krez’shul, Segaro (example PC)........302-03
gravity on .................................................278 Forensic Medicine ....................................... 41 Hero Universe .............................................. 20 Kruger 60 ................................................ 74, 78
Endurance for space vehicle Forgery .................................................... 41-42 Hibernation aboard STL spacecraft ......190 Kuiper Belt..................................................107
movement ................................................185 Forms and functions of Hideous Being aliens ................................118 Lacaille 8760 ........................................... 74, 78
Endurance Reserve .......................54, 170-73 government........................................131-38 High gravity, rules for .........................278-80 Lacaille 9352 ........................................... 74, 78
Enemy species ............................................289 Four Arms (example power) .................... 31 High Gravity Training Lalande 211385...................................... 74, 78
Energy Being Package Deal ...................... 24 Four Eyes (example power) ...................... 31 (Environmental Movement) .................. 51 Language .....................................................138
Energy beings.................................24, 91, 115 Free Robot (Fringe Benefit) ...................... 50 High Society ................................................. 42 Languages ............................................... 42-44
Energy Blade Fencing (Martial Arts Fringe Benefits ............................................. 49 History of space travel........................180-81 Laser Assault Cannon (example
style) ............................................................ 44 FTL................................................................... 5 Hit Locations in space combat ...............218 technology) ..............................................206
Energy blades .............................................148 FTL missiles (example technology).......195 Hive creatures ............................................115 Laser Flashing ............................................152
Energy Blast............................................ 54-55 FTL Pilot (Talent)........................................ 51 Hive minds ................................................... 15 Laser Pistol (example technology).........151
Energy Form (example power) ..............118 FTL propulsion ....................................190-94 Holographic entertainment ....................204 Laser Rifle (example technology) ..........151
Energy Grenades (example FTL Travel (Power) ..................................... 56 Holoprojector (example Lasers
technology) ..............................................155 Fuel Cell Generator (example technology) ........................................175-76 Personal ..............................................151-52
Energy Sword (example technology) ....148 technology) ..............................................171 Homing Bullets (example For space vehicles .............................195-96
Energy Technology .............................170-73 Fuel Cells.....................................................171 technology) ..............................................150 Latent Psionic (Talent) ......................... 51-52
Engineering Officer Package Deal ........... 37 Full Body Armor (example Horror ..................................................... 17-18 Law and justice ....................................136-38
Enhanced Flight Control (example technology) ..............................................155 Hotshot Pilot (Talent)................................. 51 Law Enforcement Agent Package
technology) ..............................................202 Funny-looking Humans aliens ...............115 Hovercraft ...................................................205 Deal ....................................................... 34-35
Enhanced Senses ......................................... 55 Fusion Beam (example technology)......196 HTH Combat, affect of altered gravity Laws Of Robotics ......................................165
Enhanced Sensor/Communications Fusion power .............................................172 on .......................................................279, 281 Leaping, affect of altered gravity on.......280
System (example technology) ..............202 Fusion rockets ............................................189 Huge Eyes (example power) .................... 31 Legal Strictness Table ...............................136
Enraged/Berserk..................................63, 275 Future civilizations ..............................109-40 Humanity, origin of .................................... 15 Legal System Table ....................................136
Entertainment, alien .................................140 G forces .......................................................186 Hunted ..................................................63, 275 Legal systems........................................136-38
Environment Package Deals ............... 28-32 Galactic Computernet..............................161 Hydrosphere................................................. 92 Licensed Psionic (Fringe Benefit) ............ 50
Environmental Movement ........................ 51 Galactic Computernet Access Card Hyperdrive..................................................192 Life............................................................ 90-91
Environments in Star Hero................278-86 (Fringe Benefit) ......................................... 49 Hyperspace ................................................... 15 Life of stars ............................................. 74-75
Epsilon Eridani ..............................74, 78, 108 Galactic empires .......................................... 14 Hyperspace Drive........................................ 55 Life support systems, for space
Epsilon Indi ............................................ 74, 78 Galactic energy barriers ............................. 68 Hyperspace Engine (example vehicles ...............................................202-03
Equipment, acquiring .........................177-78 Galactic habitable zone .............................. 67 technology) ........................................192-93 Life Support (Power) .................................. 57
Escape velocity ...........................................187 Galactic tyrants ..................... 14, 133-34, 289 Ichthyoid Package Deal.............................. 25 Lifting, affect of altered gravity on ...280-81
ESP ...............................................................244 Galaxies and galaxy creation............... 66-69 Images...................................................... 56-57 Light distances ...........................................186
Espionage ..............................................135-36 Gamemastering Star Hero .................258-94 Immaterial Aliens......................................118 Light-year...................................................... 73
Europa .........................................................104 Ganymede ..................................................104 Immobile Being aliens .............................118 Lightworlder Package Deal ................. 28-29
Everyman Powers ....................................... 52 Gas giants...................................................... 83 Imperial Ship Classification ....................182 Limited Maneuverability .........................186
Everyman Skills ..................................... 40-42 Gaseous Form (example power) ............118 Imperial Station Classes ...........................208 Limited Power.............................................. 61
Exotic life ................................................ 90-91 Gauss Pistol (example technology)........150 Improving technology........................145-46 Limiting PCs’ technology ..................146-47
Exotic objects ......................................... 75-77 Gauss Rifle (example technology) .........150 Incantations .................................................. 61 Liquid helium life ........................................ 91
Expanded Base Size Table .......................210 Gauss Weapons ....................................150-51 Inclination, planetary ................................. 82 Liquid-Propellant Sniper Rifle (example
Expanded Time Chart .............................234 Generation ships ...........................14-15, 190 Incredible Digestive System (example technology) ..............................................149
Expanded Vehicle Size Table ...................183 Generic NPCs ......................................314-16 power) ........................................................ 31 Literature, alien ..........................................140
Experimental Antimatter Reactor Genetic engineering .................................168 Incredible Immune System (example Lockpicking .................................................. 44
(example technology) ............................172 Genres, mixing Star Hero with power) ........................................................ 31 Longeivty Treatment (example power) .. 52
Experimental Laser Rifle (example others .................................................... 20-21 Inertial Gloves (example technology) ...149 Low gravity, rules for ..........................278-80
technology) ..............................................151 Giant aliens .................................................118 Inertialess Drive.........................................194 Low Gravity Training (Environmental
Explorer Package Deal ............................... 34 Giant Brain (example power) .................. 31 Insectoid Package Deal .............................. 25 Movement) ................................................ 51
Explosion ................................................ 59-60 Giant stars ..................................................... 74 Intelligent life ............................................... 91 Low Science Fiction .................................... 10
Explosive decompression ..................285-86 Gland Override (example power)............ 52 Intense Interferiation Field (example Low-Tech SF.........................................144-45
Extra-Dimensional Movement ........55, 233 Gliding, affect of altered gravity on .279-80 technology) ..............................................202 Luyten 725-32 ........................................ 74, 78
Falling, affect of altered gravity on ...278-79 Globular clusters.......................................... 69 Interaction Skills.................................... 39-40 Luyten 726-8 .......................................... 74, 78
Fangs (example power) ............................. 31 Government .........................................131-38 Interference, with sensors and Luyten 789-6 .......................................... 74, 78
Fantasy Hero .......................................... 20-21 Gradual Effect .............................................. 61 communications ...............................201-02 Macro-Life ............................................127-28
Fast Being aliens ..................................117-18 Gravity Adaptation (Physical Interferiation Field (example Mag-Boots (example power) ................... 53
Faster-Than-Light propulsion ..........190-94 Limitation) ................................................. 64 technology) ..............................................202 Magellanic Clouds ...................................... 69
Features and elements of SF ................ 14-16 Gravity Intergalactic space Makarides High Port (example space
Felinoid Package Deal ................................ 24 General rules for ...................83-84, 278-81 Perils in ....................................................... 68 station) ................................................227-29
Fifties SF ........................................................ 12 Artificial, for space vehicles ............203-04 Traveling through ..................................... 69 Maneuvering and movement in starship
Fighter (example space vehicle) .......223-24 Penalty to Skills ......................................... 39 Internal Security Monitor (example combat ................................................214-16
Fighting, affect of altered gravity Planetary .............................................. 83-84 technology) ..............................................211 Mars .......................................................102-03
on .......................................................279, 281 Gravity Lifter (example technology) .....176 Interrogation ................................................ 42 Martial Arts ............................................ 44-45
Filmography .........................................317-18 Greenhouse effect ....................................... 89 Interspecies societies.................................116 Mass media, alien ......................................140
Fire Extinguishing System (example Grenades ...............................................154-55 Interstellar Brain Link (example Mass, planetary ...................................... 82-84
technology) ..............................................210 Grey Goo Grenade (example power).......................................................256 Matter Fax Booth (example
Firearms, Advanced ............................148-50 technology) ..............................................170 Interstellar governments ....................133-34 technology) ..............................................173
Fission power .............................................171 Grigori, Jason (example PC) .............301-02 Interstellar life ........................................ 71-72 Mech Limbs (example technology) .......206
Flare stars ...................................................... 77 Groombridge 34 .................................... 74, 78 Intersteller phenomena and dangers....... 71 Mecha ....................................................205-07
Flight (Power) .............................................. 56 Ground vehicles...................................205-07 Intrinsic Language (example power) ..... 52 Mechanics ..................................................... 45
Flight, affect of altered gravity on.....279-80 Guardian Robot (example Introduction ................................................... 5 Medical Devices ........................................175
Flight Mode (example technology) .......206 technology) ........................................167-68 Inventor ................................................... 42-43 Medical duty, in space combat................220
Fluorine-silicon life ..................................... 91 Guns, for space vehicles .....................196-97 Invisibility ..................................................... 57 Medical facilities, on space vehicles .......204
Fluorocarbon-sulfure life........................... 91 Habitats in space.................................... 96-98 Ion Beams ...................................................152 Medical Nanobots (example
Star Hero ■ Index 321
technology) ..............................................170 Nuclear Reactor (example Point Defenses, for space vehicles ..........198 gravity on .................................................279
Medkit (example technology) ................175 technology) ........................................171-72 Poisonous atmospheres ...........................284 Ranged Weapons .................................148-55
Mega-Bases................................................... 98 Nuclear Space Missile (example Polaris ...................................................... 74, 78 Ray guns........................................................ 13
MegaScale technology) ..............................................195 Police Powers (Fringe Benefit) ................. 49 Reactionless drives ....................................189
Generally .................................................... 60 Object DEF and BODY in Star Hero ....286 Pollux ....................................................... 74, 78 Realism ............................................................ 5
For Senses .................................................. 55 Obsolete technology ...........................143-44 Population, alien ..................................124-27 Recreation, alien ........................................140
Megastructures ...................................... 97-98 Omnipotent aliens ....................................291 Population I and II stars............................. 68 Red giant stars........................................ 74-75
Melee weapons ....................................148-49 Oort Cloud .................................................107 Post-Apocalypse civilizations ...........112-14 Refelctive Coverall (example
Mental Defense............................................ 57 Operations Officer Package Deal ....... 37-38 Post-Apocalyptic SF...................................... 8 technology) ..............................................156
Mental Powers (see also Psionics) Operations Systems, for space Posteconomic civilizations ......................129 Reflective Undervest (example
Classes of minds .....................................250 vehicles .............................................199-202 Power ............................................................. 45 technology) ..............................................156
Computers and .......................................160 Optional Starship Hit Location Table ...218 Power Advantages ................................. 59-60 Regulus .................................................... 74, 78
Mercantile Culture Package Deal............. 27 Orbital distance ........................................... 80 Powered Battlesuit (example Religion, alien.............................................140
Merchant Ship (example space Orbital eccentricity ..................................... 82 technology) ........................................156-57 Remote Viewing (example power) ........257
vehicle)......................................................222 Orbital effects ............................................... 82 Powered Exoskeleton (example Repairs in space combat ....................220-21
Mercury.................................................100-01 Orbital Military Base (example space technology) ..............................................176 Reptiloid Package Deal .............................. 25
Merfolk Package Deal ................................ 29 station) ................................................229-31 Power for space vehicles ....................184-85 Reputation (Disadvantage) ...............64, 276
Metagenres ............................................. 17-20 Orbital separation ................................. 73-74 Power Frameworks for psionics .......249-50 Reputation (Perk)........................................ 50
Microverse travel ......................................... 55 Orbitals (type of space habitat) ................ 97 Power Limitations ....................................... 61 Resources, planetary ............................. 93-94
Militaries, planetary and space .........134-35 Origin of humankind ................................. 15 Power Mace (example technology) .......206 Retro-SF .................................................. 11-12
Military Communicator (example Package Deals Power Technology...............................170-73 Riding ............................................................ 46
technology) ..............................................158 Creating ..............................................120-22 Powers ..................................................... 52-59 Rigel .................................................74, 78, 108
Military Rocket Pistol (example Cultural................................................. 27-28 Premonitions (example power)..............256 Ringworlds ............................................. 97-98
technology) ..............................................155 Environment ....................................... 28-32 Pressure, atmospheric........................... 87-88 Rivalry ...................................................64, 276
Military Rocket Rifle (example Racial .................................................... 23-32 Pressure, atmospheric.........................283-84 Robots
technology) ..............................................155 Species .................................................. 23-27 Pressure Table .............................................. 88 Generally ................................15-16, 165-68
Military SF .................................................... 10 Paradox ...............................................233, 236 Pricing Guide .......................................177-78 Robot characters ...............................165-66
Military Technology ...........................158-59 Parasite and Symbiote aliens .............118-19 Probability Drive .......................................194 Rocket propulsion for space
Military UV Rifle (example Parsec ............................................................. 73 Probes ..........................................................201 vehicles ...............................................188-89
technology) ..............................................151 Particle Accelerator (example Procyon ................................................... 74, 78 Rockets (weapons) ..............................154-55
Milky Way Galaxy ....................................... 67 technology) ..............................................196 Professional Package Deals ................. 33-38 Rogue Package Deal ............................. 35-36
Mimicry ........................................................ 45 Particle Beams, for space vehicles ..........196 Professional Skill: Zero-G Rogues ........................................................... 16
Mind Control ............................................... 57 Particle Blaster (example technology)...153 Operations ........................................... 45-46 Romance ....................................................... 18
Mind Control Drug (example power) .... 57 Particle Guns ..............................................153 Programs, for cyberspace (example Rosettes ......................................................... 81
Mind Shield (example power) ................256 Penetrating ................................................... 60 technology) ........................................163-65 Ross 128 .................................................. 74, 78
Mind Transfer, form of time travel ........237 Perks ........................................................ 48-50 Propulsion Systems for space Ross 154 .................................................. 74, 78
Mindscapes................................................... 55 Personal Force Field Generator vehicles ...............................................185-94 Ross 248 .................................................. 74, 78
Miranda.......................................................106 (example power) ....................................... 56 Protective Nanoswarm (example Rotation, planetary................................ 85-86
Missile Deflection & Reflection ............... 57 Personal Force Screen (example technology) ..............................................170 Rubber science ...............................16, 146-47
Missile Pod (example technology).........206 technology) ..............................................157 Proton Rifle (example technology)........153 Rubber suit aliens ......................................115
Missiles, for space vehicles.......................195 Personal Force Shield (example power) . 56 Protostars ................................................ 76-77 Ruchbah .................................................. 74, 78
Mon’dabi Cha’shur (example Personal Sensor Unit (example Proxima Centauri.................................. 74, 78 Running a campaign ..........................267-77
technology) ..............................................148 technology) ..............................................176 Psi-Agent Package Deal ............................. 35 Sample Tactical Computer ................213-14
Money (Perk) ............................................... 50 Personal Teleporter (example Psionic Jamming (example power) .......256 Satire ........................................................ 18-19
Moon, Earth’s .......................................101-02 technology) ..............................................158 Psionic Package Deal ............................ 29-30 Saturn ..........................................................105
Moons...................................................... 84-85 Personal Tractor Beam (example Psionics Scale of a campaign ............................265-66
Movement and maneuvering in power)......................................................... 58 Generally ......................................15, 242-57 Science fiction elements and
starship combat.................................214-16 Personnel Systems, for space Campaigns .........................................251-54 features.................................................. 14-16
Movement in space .............................185-87 vehicles ...............................................202-04 Classes of minds for in SF.....................250 Science fiction without aliens ...........110-11
Movement Powers ...................................... 52 Philosophy, alien........................................140 How they work .......................................243 Science Officer Package Deal.................... 37
Moving, affect of altered gravity on .279-80 Phobos.........................................................103 Power level of ............................243-44, 249 Science Skill .................................................. 46
Multi-Purpose Energy Weapon (example Physical Limitation .................63-64, 275-76 Power Frameworks and ..................249-50 Science!............................................................ 5
technology) ..............................................154 Pilot Package Deal................................. 34-35 Powers common in SF.....................244-46 Scientist Package Deal ................................ 36
Multiform ............................................... 57-58 Piloting Systems for space vehicles ........202 Rarity of ....................................................246 Scientists ....................................................... 16
Multiple Limbs aliens ...............................118 Planet classification..................................... 92 Rules considerations for ..................249-50 Se’ecra Wrist Blade (example
Multiple species on a single planet .......... 91 Planetary economics ..........................128-29 Social issues relevant to ...................246-49 technology) ..............................................149
Multisyringe (example technology) ......175 Planetary Kinetic Bombarder (example Psychic Diagnosis (example power)......257 Secondary Life Support System (example
Multitool (example technology) ............176 technology) ..............................................197 Psychic Invisibility (example technology) ..............................................211
Music, alien.................................................139 Planetary Romance SF ......................... 10-11 power).................................................256-57 Sector Creation Checklist .......................... 71
Mutant abilities ............................................ 31 Planetary Surface Area Table ..................124 Psychological Limitation ...................64, 276 Secure Laser Communication System
Mutant Package Deal.................................. 29 Planetary systems .................................. 80-81 Psychological Limitation, in Professional (example technology) ............................207
Mystery ......................................................... 18 Planetary vehicles ................................205-07 Package Deals ............................................ 33 Security Systems .......................................... 46
Naming planets............................................ 83 Planets Psychotronic Translator (example Seduction ................................................ 46-47
Naming stars ................................................ 73 Generally .............................................. 79-98 power) .................................................. 52-53 Self-Propelled Nuclear Bomb (example
Nanobot Immune Enhancers (example As Bases ....................................................209 Pulp Hero...................................................... 21 technology) ..............................................158
power)......................................................... 52 Attacking a planet...................................197 Pulp SF .................................................... 11-12 Sense-Affecting Powers ............................. 52
Nanotechnology ..................................169-70 Wandering planets ................................... 71 Pulsars ........................................................... 77 Sensor Drone (example power) .............. 53
Navigation .................................................... 45 Plasma Battle Rifle (example Pure Psionic Energy Form (example Sensor Ghosts (example technology)....202
Navigation Computer (example technology) ..............................................153 power).......................................................118 Sensor Locks in space combat ................216
technology) ..............................................202 Plasma Cannon, Emplaced (example Quantum Displacement Transporter Sensor Systems, for space vehicles ...200-02
Near Stars Table ........................................... 78 technology) ..............................................158 (example technology) ............................174 Sensory Enhancements (example
Near-Future Body Armor........................155 Plasma Guns ..............................................153 Quaoar ........................................................107 power).......................................................169
Nebulae ......................................................... 71 Plasma Pistol (example technology) .....153 Quarantines of technology......................145 Setting for a campaign .......................265-66
Neptune.......................................................106 Plasma Rifle (example technology) .......153 Quick Planet Creation Checklist........ 92-93 SF ...................................................................... 5
Neural Probe (example power) ................ 57 Plasma rockets .....................................188-89 Quick planetary system creation ............. 82 Shape Shift .................................................... 58
Neutron stars................................................ 77 Pleasure planets ........................................... 15 Racial Package Deals ............................ 23-32 Shaped-Charge Bullets (example
Nightsight Glasses (example Plot Generator, Random ..........................269 Radar Jammer (example technology) ...199 technology) ..............................................150
technology) ..............................................176 Plot hooks for Star Hero...........................288 Radar Spoofing (example technology) .199 Shapeshifter Package Deal......................... 26
No Normal Defense.................................... 60 Plotting an adventure .........................268-70 Radiation, effects of.............................282-83 Ship Facilities Table...................................131
Non-player Characters, creating and Pluto .......................................................106-07 Radiothermal Generators ........................171 Sickbays, on space vehicles ......................204
using ....................................................292-94 Pocket Ion Pistol (example Railgun (example technology) ...............197 Side Effects.................................................... 61
Nuclear Bomb, Self-Propelled (example technology) ..............................................152 Ramjets, Bussard .......................................190 Sigma 2398 ............................................. 74, 78
technology) ..............................................158 Point Defense Lasers (example Random Plot Generator ..........................269 Sigma Draconis ..................................... 74, 78
Nuclear Fission ..........................................171 technology) ..............................................199 Ranged Combat, affect of altered Silicon Life-Form Package Deal ............... 26
Simulate Death ............................................ 52 Standard Immaterial Form (example Tal, Kiritha (example PC) ..................304-05 Travel ............................................................. 16
Single-Shot Plasma Gun (example power).......................................................118 Talents...................................................... 50-52 Trinary stars ........................................... 73-74
technology) ..............................................153 Star Gates ..............................................193-94 Talking Beast aliens.............................115-16 Triton ...........................................................106
Singularity Power ......................................173 Star Hero Pricing Guide .....................177-78 Target: Earth!.............................................197 Type of campaign................................259-62
Sirius ................................................74, 78, 108 Star sectors.............................................. 70-72 Targeting Computers (example Types of space vehicles .......................181-82
Size, of Bases.........................................208-10 Star System Data Table ............................... 77 technology) ..............................................150 Types of stars.......................................... 74, 78
Size of stars ................................................... 74 Star Types Table ........................................... 76 Targeting Sensor (example Underwater Impeller Pack
Size/Weight (Physical Limitation) ..... 63-64 Starbases................................................208-11 technology) ..............................................207 (example power) ....................................... 58
Size/Weight Package Deal ................... 30-32 Stars Tau Ceti ...........................................74, 78, 108 Universal Translation Matrix (example
Skillchip Interface System (example Generally .............................................. 73-78 Tech Package Deal ...................................... 38 power) ........................................................ 52
power)......................................................... 58 Life of .................................................... 74-75 Technology Universal Translator ................................... 52
Skills ......................................................... 39-48 Naming ....................................................... 73 Generally ............................................141-78 Universal Vaccine (example power) ........ 52
Skills ............................................................... 58 Size............................................................... 74 Acquiring ...........................................177-78 Unluck .........................................................277
Skills as tools ................................................ 48 Spectrum .................................................... 74 Civilizations and .....................................124 Uranus ...................................................105-06
Slingshotting ........................................212-13 System types ........................................ 73-74 Compatability of different species’s Ursoid Package Deal................................... 26
Slow Being aliens.......................................119 Types ........................................................... 74 tech ............................................................144 Usable Land Table .....................................125
Slower-Than-Light propulsion ...............188 Starship Antimatter Reactor (example Improving ..........................................145-46 Utopia SF ................................................ 13-14
Small Aliens ................................................119 technology) ........................................172-73 Problems it can cause in the game 146-57 Utopias ........................................................110
Small Radiothermal Generator (example Starship Creation...............................180-204 Technology Classifications Table ...........125 UV Laser Pistol (example
technology) ..............................................171 Starship Force Shield, Type II (example Technology levels ................................142-44 technology) ..............................................151
Social commentary ............................... 18-19 technology) ..............................................199 Technology quarantines...........................145 Vaa’resh, Ghenak (example
Social Limitation ...........................65, 276-77 Starship Force Shield, Type I (example Telekinesis..................................................... 58 villain) .................................................311-12
Sol .................................................................100 technology) ..............................................199 Telekinesis, as psionic power...................244 Vacuum, effects of ...............................281-83
Solar flares ..................................................100 Starship License (Fringe Benefit) ............. 50 Telekinetic Hand (example power) .......257 Van Maanen’s Star .........................74, 78, 108
Solar Panel (example technology) .........171 Starship Maneuvers ............................215-16 Telepathic Shriek (example power) .......257 Variable Advantage ..................................... 60
Solar power.................................................171 Starship Officer Package Deals ........... 37-38 Telepathy ....................................................... 58 Variable Special Effect ................................ 60
Solar System Gravities Table ...................279 Starships Telepathy, as psionic power ...............244-45 VASIMR rocket .........................................189
Solar System of Earth .........................99-108 Generally ....................................16, 179-204 Teleportal Network (example Vega..................................................74, 78, 108
Solar systems .......................................... 80-81 Obtaining ...........................................182-83 technology) ..............................................174 Vehicle (Perk)............................................... 50
Soldier Package Deal .................................. 36 Stealth Field (example technology) .......158 Teleportation (Power) ................................ 58 Vehicles, obtaining ..............................182-83
Sonic Multitool (example power) ............ 58 Stealth Hull (example technology) ........199 Teleportation (technology) ...............173-74 Venus ...........................................................101
Sonic Multitool (example technology) .176 Stealth systems, for space vehicles..........199 Teleportation, as psionic power........245-46 Victorian SF.................................................. 21
Sonic weapons ............................................. 55 Steampunk SF .............................................. 11 Terraforming ......................16, 87, 89-90, 102 Villains, creating and using ...............287-92
Space combat .......................................212-21 Stellar cartography ...................................... 70 Terrain, dominant ....................................... 92 Visiting the Sun ...................................100-01
Space Combat Laser (example Stellar engineering ...................................... 69 Theme of a campaign ...............................259 Vulnerability.........................................65, 277
technology) ........................................195-96 Sticky.............................................................. 60 Thermal rockets.........................................188 Wandering planets ...................................... 71
Space elevators .....................................187-88 STL ................................................................... 5 Thickened Skin (example power) ........... 31 Warp Drive .................................................192
Space habitats ......................................... 96-98 Storms, space ................................................ 72 Thin atmospheres........................................ 87 Warrior aliens ............................................116
Space militaries ....................................134-35 Strategic Officer Package Deal.................. 38 Thought Speech (example power) .........257 Warrior Culture Package Deal.................. 28
Space Opera SF ............................................ 12 Strength ......................................................... 39 Three-dimensional mapping .................... 68 Warship (example space vehicle) .....225-27
Space sails .............................................189-90 Structuring adventures.......................267-70 Three-dimensional movement ...............215 Weapon Familiarity .................................... 48
Space stations .................................16, 208-11 Stun Rod (example technology).............149 Throwing, affect of altered gravity Weapons................................................148-55
Space storms................................................. 72 Subdwarf stars ............................................. 74 on .........................................................280-81 Weapons, for space vehicles ..............194-97
Space trade............................................129-30 Subgenres .................................................. 8-14 Thrusters (example technology) ............202 Weaponsmith ............................................... 48
Space travel, history of..............................180 Subgiant stars ............................................... 74 Tidal heating of moons ..................84-85, 89 Weird diets..................................................117
Space vehicles Subject of a campaign ........................262-65 Time Belt (example technology) ............234 Well-known stars ........................................ 74
Generally ..........................................179-204 Sun, Earth’s..................................................100 Time Chart (Expanded) ..........................234 Wells Device (example technology) 234-35
Atmospheres and..............................284-85 Super Intellect aliens.................................116 Time dilation at FTL speeds ...................194 Western Hero ............................................... 21
Equipment .........................................183-84 Superconducting surfaces for armor.....156 Time loops ............................................233-34 White dwarf stars .................................. 74-75
Obtaining ...........................................182-83 Superefficient Sleep (example power) ..... 52 Time Machine License (Fringe Winged Humanoid Package Deal ..... 26-27
Power for ............................................184-85 Supergiant stars ........................................... 74 Benefit) ....................................................... 50 Wolf 359 .................................................. 74, 78
Propulsion..........................................185-94 Superheavy Laser (example technology)196 Time travel......................................16, 232-41 Wormhole Gate, Fixed Dates (example
Size and Characteristics ..................183-84 Superheroes and SF .................................... 20 Time travel campaigns .......................237-41 technology) ..............................................235
Spaceports.............................................130-31 Supernova ..................................................... 75 Time Travel SF ....................................... 12-13 Wormhole Gate, Standard (example
Spacer Package Deal ................................... 32 Supernova remnant .................................... 77 Titan.............................................................105 technology) ..............................................235
Spacesuit (example technology).......174-75 Supertanks .................................................... 11 Tools.............................................................176 Wormholes, as method of FTL
Spatial Analysis (example power) ..........169 Surface, planetary .................................. 92-94 Tools, Skills as............................................... 48 travel....................................................193-94
Special weapons for starships .................197 Surrealistic SF............................................... 10 Topopolis ...................................................... 97 X-780 Combat Mech (example
Species Package Deals .......................... 23-27 Survival.......................................................... 47 Towel (example technology) ...................176 vehicle)......................................................227
Species within a species ...........................119 Survival Devices ..................................174-75 Trace atmospheres ...................................... 87 X-Ray Laser Rifle (example
Spectrum of stars ........................................ 74 Susceptibility ........................................65, 277 Tractor beams ............................................202 technology) ..............................................152
Speed.............................................................. 39 Sustained-Beam Laser Rifle (example Trade, planetary and space ................129-30 Year length .................................................... 82
Spica ......................................................... 74, 78 technology) ..............................................151 Trader Package Deal ................................... 38 Zee’gansh (example villain)...............313-14
Spinning Gravity (example Swimming, affect of altered gravity Tragedy.......................................................... 19 Zero gravity, rules for..........................280-81
technology) ..............................................203 on ...............................................................280 Transdimensional ....................................... 60 Zero Point Power ......................................173
Spy Package Deal................................... 36-37 Swords and starships .................................. 12 Transform ............................................... 58-59 Zero-G Strength Table .............................281
Standard atmospheres ................................ 87 Systems Operation ...................................... 47 Translator Chip (example power) ........... 53 Zones in solar systems ............................... 80
Standard Energy Grenade (example Tactical Computer, Sample................213-14 Transmit Sense Modifier, range of ........... 55
technology) ..............................................155 Tactical Officer Package Deal ................... 38 Transport Familiarity ........................... 47-48

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