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BASED ON THE UN/EDIFACT - D99B Authorised and Issued by the CEFACT D4 Group (Transport), through its ITIGG sub-group (the International Transport Implementation Guidelines Group)
VERSION 2.0 - January 31, 2002

IFTSTA International Multimodal Status Report Message

A message to report the transport status and/or a change in the transport status (i.e. event) between agreed parties.
Pos. No. Seg. ID Name Req. Des. Max.Use Group Repeat Notes and Comments

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

January 30, 2002

00 10


Message Header

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

January 30, 2002

M Must Use Not Used Rec M

00 20 00 30 00 40 00 50 00 60 00 70 00 80 00 90 01 00 01 10 01 20 01 30 01 40 01 50 01 60 01 70 01 80 01 90 02 00 02 10 02 20 02 30 02 40 02 50 02 60 02 70 02 80 02 90 03 00 03 10 03 20 03 30 03 40 03 50 03 60 03 70 03 80 03


Beginning of Message Date/Time/Period Transport Service Requirements Segment Group 1: NAD-SG2


1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 9 99999 1 9 9 99 1 999 9 1 9 9 1 99 99 1 9 9 9 1 9 99 1 9 9


Name and Address Segment Group 2: CTA-COM


Contact Information Communication Contact Segment Group 3: RFF-DTM


Reference Date/Time/Period Place/Location Identification Free Text Control Total Segment Group 4: CNI-LOC-CNT-SG5

Not Used Not Used

M Not Used M M


Consignment Information Place/Location Identification Control Total Segment Group 5: STS-RFF-DTM-DOCFTX-NAD-LOC-PCI-SG6-SG8-SG10 Status Reference Date/Time/Period Document/Message Details Free Text Name and Address Place/Location Identification Package Identification Segment Group 6: TDT-DTM-RFF-SG7


Not Used

Not Used M Not Used


Details of Transport Date/Time/Period Reference Segment Group 7: LOC-DTM


Place/Location Identification Date/Time/Period Segment Group 8: EQD-MEA-DIM-SELRFF-TPL-TMD-SG9 Equipment Details Measurements Dimensions


IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

January 30, 2002

Not Used

M Not Used

90 04 00 04 10 04 20 04 30 04 40 04 50 04 60 04 70 04 80 04 90 05 00 05 10 05 20 05 30 05 40 05 50 05 60 05 70 05 80 05 90 06 00 06 10 06 20


Seal Number Reference Transport Placement Transport Movement Details Segment Group 9: EQA-SEL


9 9 9 1 99 1 9 99 1 9 99 9 9 99 1 1 99 1 1 99 1 9 1


Attached Equipment Seal Number Segment Group 10: GID-HAN-SGP-DGSFTX-SG11-SG12-SG13 Goods Item Details Handling Instructions Split Goods Placement Dangerous Goods Free Text Segment Group 11: MEA-EQN

M Not Used



Measurements Number of Units Segment Group 12: DIM-EQN


Dimensions Number of Units Segment Group 13: PCI-GIN


Package Identification Goods Identity Number Message Trailer

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose:

UNH Message Header

0010 0 Mandatory 1 A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the International multimodal status report message is IFTSTA. Note: International multimodal status report messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 IFTSTA 0052 D 0054 99B 0051 UN

Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

Recommendation D4/530 - USE OF THE UNH

Example: UNH+001+IFTSTA:D:99B:UN:IT101' Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes 0062 MESSAGE REFERENCE NUMBER M an..14 Unique message reference assigned by the sender. Sender's assigned number unique for each message S009 MESSAGE IDENTIFIER M Identification of the type, version etc. of the message being interchanged. 0065 Message type identifier M an..6 Code identifying a type of message and assigned by its controlling agency. IFTSTA International multimodal status report message A code to identify the international multimodal status report message. 0052 Message type version number M an..3 Version number of a message type. D Draft version/UN/EDIFACT Directory Message approved and issued as a draft message (Valid for directories published after March 1993 and prior to March 1997). Message approved as a standard message (Valid for directories published after March 1997). 0054 Message type release number M an..3 Release number within the current message type version number (0052). 99B Release 1999 September 0051 Controlling agency M an..2 Code identifying the agency controlling the specification, maintenance and publication of the message type. UN UN/CEFACT United Nations Centre for the Facilitation of procedures and practices for Administration, Commerce and Transport (UN/CEFACT). 0057 Association assigned code C an..6 Code, assigned by the association responsible for the design and maintenance of the message type concerned, which further identifies the message. Recommendation D4/G5 ITI01 ITIGG Version 1.0
5 January 30, 2002




IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

Used X X X

0068 S010 0070 0073

COMMON ACCESS REFERENCE C an..35 Reference serving as a key to relate all subsequent transfers of data to the same business case or file. STATUS OF THE TRANSFER C Statement that the message is one in a sequence of transfers relating to the same topic. Sequence message transfer number M n..2 Number assigned by the sender indicating that the message is an addition or change of a previously sent message relating to the same topic. First/last sequence message transfer indication C a1 Indication used for the first and last message in a sequence of the same type of message relating to the same topic.

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose:

BGM Beginning of Message

0020 0 Mandatory 1 A segment indicating the beginning of a message and identifying the consignment for which status is being reported.

Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

Recommendation D4/531 - Use of the BGM The BGM segment is used to specify the type and function of the message. Example: BGM+23+23456+9'

Used Must Use

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes C002 DOCUMENT/MESSAGE NAME C Identification of a type of document/message by code or name. Code preferred. 1001 Document name code C an..3 Code specifying the document name. The Oxford JM4 agreed that for consistency this element will always be used, even for single-function messages. 23 Status information Information regarding the status of a related message. This code is used by the ocean carriers 34 Cargo status Message identifying the status of cargo. This code is used by the trucking industry Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. Document name C an..35 Free form description of the document. DOCUMENT/MESSAGE IDENTIFICATION C Identification of a document/message by its number and eventually its version or revision. Document/message number C an..35 Reference number assigned to the document/message by the issuer. Unique Reference number assigned by senders Version C an..9 To specify the version number or name of an object. Revision number C an..6 To specify a revision number. MESSAGE FUNCTION CODE C an..3 Code indicating the function of the message. 1 Cancellation Message cancelling a previous transmission for a given transaction.

X X X Used Must Use Used Used Must Use 1225 C106

1131 3055 1000


1056 1060

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

January 30, 2002


Cancel whole message Replace Message replacing a previous message. Replace whole message 9 Original Initial transmission related to a given transaction. RESPONSE TYPE CODE C an..3 Code specifying the type of acknowledgment required or transmitted. 5

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

DTM Date/Time/Period
0030 1 Conditional (Required) 9 A segment indicating the date of the message.

Recommendation D4/532 - USE OF THE DTM AT HEADER LEVEL The Header Level DTM is used to transmit the message date and time General Recommendations D4/G26 & G23 refers Example: DTM+137:200101021040:203'


Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes C507 DATE/TIME/PERIOD M Date and/or time, or period relevant to the specified date/time/period type. 2005 Date/time/period function code qualifier M an..3 Code giving specific meaning to a date, time or period.

The Oxford JRT meeting agreed that the appropriate date/time at this level is that which would normally appear on the message's paper equivalent (i.e. the date placed at the top of a letter.) This is not necessarily the "processing date" which is the time at which the message was generated or the "transmission date" which is the time which the message is actually sent. In certain applications "processing date" and "message date" may be the same, if a message is generated for immediate transmission. If, however, a message is generated and stored for a period of time before it is batched for transmission, then the two dates/times will differ. It has thus been agreed that the most appropriate date for use at this level is that which would apply in a paper environment - the date/time at which a document would be printed, prior to being placed in an envelope for possting. The "transmission date" always appears automatically in the transmission "envelope". It equates to the date/time when a paper envelope is actually posted.

Must Use Must

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


Document/message date/time (2006) Date/time when a document/message is issued. This may include authentication. Date/time/period value C an..35 The value of a date, a date and time, a time or of a period in a specified representation. Date/time/period format code C an..3
9 January 30, 2002



Use Code specifying the representation of a date, time or period. The use of century (e.g. 20xx) has been recommended as a uniform standard for use in all messages. Where only the date is known, formatted code 102 should be used. The use of 303 (CCYYMMDDHHMMZZZ) is to be preferred over 203 (CCYYMMDDHHMM) - (General Recommendation D4/23 refers). 102 CCYYMMDD Calendar date: C = Century ; Y = Year ; M = Month ; D = Day. 203 CCYYMMDDHHMM Calendar date including time with minutes: C=Century; Y=Year; M=Month; D=Day; H=Hour; M=Minutes. 204 CCYYMMDDHHMMSS Calendar date including time with seconds: C=Century;Y=Year; M=Month;D=Day;H=Hour;M=Minute;S=Second. 303 CCYYMMDDHHMMZZZ See 203 plus Z=Time zone. zzz=Time zone. See ISO 8601 T62 CCYYMMDDHHMMZHHMM ITIGG temporary code. Official code (205) will appear in D00B)

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes:

NAD Segment Group 1: Name and Address

0050 1 Conditional (Advised) 9 A group of segments to specify a party and its associated contacts with communication numbers. D4/Recommendation 534 - Use of the header level NAD Group This NAD Group at Header Level is used to specify a party or parties and party related information which applies to the whole message. Use the NAD Group at Header Level is optional Segment Summary

Pos. No. 006 0 007 0

Seg. ID NA D

Name Name and Address Segment Group 2: Contact Information

Req. Des. M C

Max. Use 1

Group: Repeat 9

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

NAD Name and Address

0060 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 1 (Name and Address) Conditional (Advised) 1 Mandatory 1 A segment identifying a party to the consignment such as shipper or consignee.

Recommendation D4/543 - Use of the NAD trigger segment within the Header Level NAD Group. This NAD trigger segment is mandatory if the NAD Group is used. Three different approaches to the presentation of NAD details are followed: (a) Coded (C082) (b) Unstructured Free text C058) (c) Structured free text C080/C059, 3164, 3229, 3251, 3207 It is suggested that in operational messages, unless there is a strong reason for specifying full contact details, codes should be used whenever possible to identify parties. The use of free text name and address details is to be discouraged in these messages. Example: NAD+MS+++ABC.CO:PARTS.DIVISION+12- CENTER STREET+CHICAGO+IL+6060+US'

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes 3035 PARTY FUNCTION CODE QUALIFIER M an..3 Code giving specific meaning to a party. FI Copy message to Party that is to receive a copy of a message. MR Message recipient MS Document/message issuer/sender Issuer of a document and/or sender of a message. C082 PARTY IDENTIFICATION DETAILS C Identification of a transaction party by code. Use the following combinations of codes in 1131/3055 to qualify code values in data element 3039: 1131 160-Party ID 3055 20 - (BIC) Duns +4 1131 100 - (Enhanced Party ID) 3055 16 - (DUNS Carrier Code 1131 172 - (Carrier Code) 3055 166 - (NMFCA, US issuer of SCAC Codes Party identifier M an..35 Code specifying the identity of a party. ID Code Value Code list identification code C an..3
12 January 30, 2002


M Used
IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

3039 1131



D M Used Used Used Used D M Used Used Used Used X

C058 3124 3124 3124 3124 3124 C080 3036 3036 3036 3036 3036 3045

Identification of a code list. 100 Enhanced party identification 160 Party identification Identification of parties, corporates, etc. 172 Carriers Code list identifying carriers. Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. 7 CEFIC (Conseil Europeen des Federations de l'Industrie Chimique) EDI project for chemical industry. 9 EAN (International Article Numbering association) 10 ODETTE Organization for Data Exchange through TeleTransmission in Europe (European automotive industry project). 12 UIC (International union of railways) International Union of Railways. 16 US, D&B (Dun & Bradstreet Corporation) Identifies the Dun & Bradstreet Corporation, United States. 20 BIC (Bureau International des Containeurs) The container industry's international organisation responsible for the issuance of container-related codes. 87 Assigned by carrier Codes assigned by the carrier. 163 US, FMC (Federal Maritime Commission) 166 US, National Motor Freight Classification Association The organisation in the USA which is responsible for code maintenance in the trucking industry. 184 AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping) The national organisation for the maritime industry in Australia. ZZZ Mutually defined NAME AND ADDRESS C Unstructured name and address: one to five lines. Name and address line M an..35 Free form name and address description. Name and address line C an..35 Free form name and address description. Name and address line C an..35 Free form name and address description. Name and address line C an..35 Free form name and address description. Name and address line C an..35 Free form name and address description. PARTY NAME C Identification of a transaction party by name, one to five lines. Party name may be formatted. Party name M an..35 Name of a party involved in a transaction. Party name C an..35 Name of a party involved in a transaction. Party name C an..35 Name of a party involved in a transaction. Party name C an..35 Name of a party involved in a transaction. Party name C an..35 Name of a party involved in a transaction. Party name format code C an..3
13 January 30, 2002

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

D M Used Used Used D D D

C059 3042 3042 3042 3042 3164 C819 3229

Used Used D D D 3251 3207

1131 3055 3228

Code specifying the representation of a party name. STREET C Street address and/or PO Box number in a structured address: one to four lines. Street and number/p.o. box M an..35 Street and number in plain language, or Post Office Box No. Street and number/p.o. box C an..35 Street and number in plain language, or Post Office Box No. Street and number/p.o. box C an..35 Street and number in plain language, or Post Office Box No. Street and number/p.o. box C an..35 Street and number in plain language, or Post Office Box No. CITY NAME C an..35 Name of a city (a town, a village) for addressing purposes. COUNTRY SUB-ENTITY DETAILS C To specify a part of a country (eg county or part of a city). State/Province Code Country sub-entity name code C an..9 Identification of the name of sub-entities (state, province) defined by appropriate governmental agencies. State/Province Code Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. Country sub-entity name C an..35 Name of sub-entities (state, province) defined by appropriate governmental agencies. POSTAL IDENTIFICATION CODE C an..17 Code specifying the postal zone or address. Postal code/Zip Code COUNTRY NAME CODE C an..3 Identification of the name of the country or other geographical entity as specified in ISO 3166. Country Code

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes:

CTA Segment Group 2: Contact Information

0070 Segment Group 1 (Name and Address) Conditional (Advised) 2 Conditional (Optional) 9 A group of segments to identify a contact and its communications related to the party. Recommendation D4/536 - Use of the CTA Group Within the Header Level NAD Group The CTA Group within the NAD Group at Header Level is used to specify contact details for the party specified in the preceding NAD segment Use of the CTA Group at this level is optional. Segment Summary

Pos. No. 008 0 009 0


Name Contact Information Communication Contact

Req. Des. M C

Max. Use 1 9

Group: Repeat

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

CTA Contact Information

0080 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 2 (Contact Information) Conditional (Optional) 2 Mandatory 1 A segment to specify a contact name associated with the party specifiedf in the preceding NAD segment.

Recommendation D4/537 Use of the CTA Trigger Segment within the CTA Group within the Header Level NAD Group Use of the CTA segment is mandatory if the NAD-CTA group is used. Example: CTA+IC+:JACK COGAN'

Must Use

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name 3139 CONTACT FUNCTION CODE

Attributes an..3

Must Use X Must Use

C056 3413 3412

Code specifying the function of a contact (e.g. department or person). IC Information contact Department/person to contact for questions regarding transactions. DEPARTMENT OR EMPLOYEE DETAILS C Code and/or name of a department or employee. Code preferred. Department or employee identification C an..17 Internal identification code. Department or employee C an..35 The department or person within an organizational entity. Name of contact person

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose:

COM Communication Contact

0090 Segment Group 2 (Contact Information) Conditional (Optional) 3 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment to specify a communication number related to the contact identified in the preceding STA segment.

Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

Recommendation D4/538 - Use of the COM segment within the CTA Group within the Header Level NAD Group Use of the COM segment is optional. Example: COM+1233333412231234:TE'


Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes C076 COMMUNICATION CONTACT M Communication number of a department or employee in a specified channel. 3148 Communication number M an..512 The communication number. (Use no spaces or hyphens) Include country and area code for telephone and fax numbers as appropriate. 3155 Communication number code qualifier M an..3 Code qualifying the communication number. See General Recommendation D4/G16 for format of fax and phone numbers. EM Electronic mail Exchange of mail by electronic means. FX Telefax Device used for transmitting and reproducing fixed graphic material (as printing) by means of signals over telephone lines or other electronic transmission media. See General Recommendation D4/G16 TE Telephone Voice/data transmission by telephone. See General Recommendation D4/G16 TL Telex Transmission of text/data via telex. TT Teletext Transmission of text/data via teletext. XF X.400 CCITT Message handling system.

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes:

RFF Segment Group 3: Reference

0100 1 Conditional (Optional) 9 To relate a date/time to a reference, such as date of shipment reference number. Recommendation D4/539 Segment Summary

Pos. No. 011 0 012 0


Name Reference Date/Time/Period

Req. Des. M C

Max. Use 1 1

Group: Repeat

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

RFF Reference
0110 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 3 (Reference) Conditional (Optional) 1 Mandatory 1 A segment identifying a reference which applies to the entire consignment.

Recommendation D4/540 Example: REF+AGI:12345'


Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes C506 REFERENCE M Identification of a reference. 1153 Reference function code qualifier M an..3 Code giving specific meaning to a reference segment or a reference number. The status request reference number identified the IFTSTQ message to which this particular IFTSTA message is responding. 1153/1154: Where the code ACW has been used, the reference is to a previous transmission (General Recommendation D4/G4 stipulates a recommended methodology for references of this kind.) ACW Reference number to previous message Reference number assigned to the message which was previously issued (e.g. in the case of a cancellation, the primary reference of the message to be cancelled will be quoted in this element). AGI Request number The reference number of a request. Reference identifier C an..35 Identifies a reference. Line number C an..6 Number of the line in the document/message referenced in 1154 Reference identifier. Reference version identifier C an..35 To identify the version of a reference. Revision number C an..6 To specify a revision number.

Must Use X X X

1154 1156 4000 1060

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

DTM Date/Time/Period
0120 Segment Group 3 (Reference) Conditional (Optional) 2 Conditional (Optional) 1 To relate a date/time to a reference, such as date of shipment reference number.

Recommendation D4/541 This DTM is used to specify dates and times which relate to the reference number specified in the preceding RFF segment Example: DTM+171:200010104:102'


Must Use Must Use

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes C507 DATE/TIME/PERIOD M Date and/or time, or period relevant to the specified date/time/period type. 2005 Date/time/period function code qualifier M an..3 Code giving specific meaning to a date, time or period. 171 Reference date/time Date/time on which the reference was issued. 2380 Date/time/period value C an..35 The value of a date, a date and time, a time or of a period in a specified representation. Date/time/period format code C an..3 Code specifying the representation of a date, time or period. 102 CCYYMMDD Calendar date: C = Century ; Y = Year ; M = Month ; D = Day. 203 CCYYMMDDHHMM Calendar date including time with minutes: C=Century; Y=Year; M=Month; D=Day; H=Hour; M=Minutes. 303 CCYYMMDDHHMMZZZ See 203 plus Z=Time zone. T62 CCYYMMDDHHMMZHHMM ITIGG Temporary code. Official code (205) will appear iin D00B)


IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

CNT Control Total

0150 1 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment specifying a total for the consignment.

Recommendation D4/544 Example: CNT+16:3'


M Used

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes C270 CONTROL M Control total for checking integrity of a message or part of a message. 6069 Control total type code qualifier M an..3 Code qualifying the type of control of hash total. 7 Total gross weight Code to indicate total gross weight of a consignment. 8 Total pieces 11 Total number of packages [7370] Total number of packages of the entire consignment. 15 Total consignment, cube The total cube of consignment. 16 Total number of equipment Total number of equipment mentioned in the message. 26 Total gross measurement/cube Total gross cubic measurement of the goods, including packing but excluding transport equipment. 29 Total net weight of consignment A code to indicate the total net weight of a consignment. T35 Total loading meter (ITIGG Temporary Code. Official code 57 will appear in D00B T64 Number of chargeable sectiions (rail) ITIGG Temp Code. 6066 Control value M n..18 Value obtained from summing the values specified by the Control Qualifier throughout the message (Hash total). 6411 Measurement unit code C an..3 Code specifying the unit of measurement. ITIGG recommends the use of the following codes from UN/ECE Recommendation 20 as appropriate. FTQ = Cubic feet KGM = Kilogram LBR = Pound MTQ = Cubic Metre

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes:

CNI Segment Group 4: Consignment Information

0160 1 Conditional (Optional) 99999 A group of segments to identify a consignment and status details relating to it. Recommendation D4/545 Segment Summary

Pos. No. 017 0 019 0 020 0


Name Consignment Information Control Total Segment Group 5: Status

Req. Des. M C M

Max. Use 1 9

Group: Repeat


IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

CNI Consignment Information

0170 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 4 (Consignment Information) Conditional (Optional) 1 Mandatory 1 A segment used to specify details of individual consignments, for which a number of different status reports may be transmitted

D4/545 - Use of the CNI Group The CNI group should be used at least once in this message Example: CNI+1001+232RG'.

Must Use

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name 1490 CONSOLIDATION ITEM NUMBER

Attributes n..4

Used Must Use X Used

C503 1004

Serial number differentiating each separate consignment included in the consolidation. Consecutive number starting with "001". Numbers of the consignment (must be unique within the message) DOCUMENT/MESSAGE DETAILS C Identification of document/message by number, status, source and/or language. Document/message number C an..35 Reference number assigned to the document/message by the issuer. Despatch/Consignment Id. Optional additional consignment identification. Document status code C an..3 Code specifying the status of a document. Document/message source C an..70 Indication of the source from which the printed information is to be or has been obtained. Type of consignment identification (e.g. waybill, house bill, etc).

1373 1366

X X X X 1312

3453 1056 1060

Language name code C an..3 Code specifying the language name. Version C an..9 To specify the version number or name of an object. Revision number C an..6 To specify a revision number. CONSIGNMENT LOAD SEQUENCE NUMBER C n..4 To indicate the sequence of loading in which the consignments are loaded in a piece of equipment or in a means of transport (e.g. truck).

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose:

CNT Control Total

0190 Segment Group 4 (Consignment Information) Conditional (Optional) 2 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment to provide a control total for the consignment, such as total number of pieces, total weight.

Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

Recommendation D4/548 Use of the CNT Segment within the CNI Group Use of the CNT segment at this level is optional. Example: CNT+7:450000'


Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes C270 CONTROL M Control total for checking integrity of a message or part of a message. 6069 Control total type code qualifier M an..3 Code qualifying the type of control of hash total. 7 Total gross weight Code to indicate total gross weight of a consignment. 8 Total pieces 11 Total number of packages [7370] Total number of packages of the entire consignment. 15 Total consignment, cube The total cube of consignment. 16 Total number of equipment Total number of equipment mentioned in the message. 26 Total gross measurement/cube Total gross cubic measurement of the goods, including packing but excluding transport equipment. 29 Total net weight of consignment A code to indicate the total net weight of a consignment. A3 Shippers Weight (ITIGG Temporary Code) PA Pallet Weight (ITIGG Temporary Code) T35 Total Loading Meter (ITGG Temporary Code) T64 Number of chargeable sections (rail) (ITIGG Temporary Code) U1 Quantity - Unitized (ITIGG Temporary Code) U2 Quantity - Not Unitized (ITIGG Temporary Code) V1 Cubic Feet (ITIGG Temporary Code) V2 Gallons (ITIGG Temporary Code) 6066 Control value M n..18
24 January 30, 2002

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)



Value obtained from summing the values specified by the Control Qualifier throughout the message (Hash total). Weight, Lading Quantity or Volume (Truck Use) Measurement unit code C an..3 Code specifying the unit of measurement. ITIGG Recommends the use of the following codes from UN/ECE Recommendation 20. FTQ Cubic feet GLL Gallons KGM Kilograms LBR Pounds MTQ Cubic Metre

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes:

STS Segment Group 5: Status

0200 Segment Group 4 (Consignment Information) Conditional (Optional) 2 Mandatory 99 A group of segments indicating the status and/or identifying an event and specifying relevant details. Recommendation D4/549 Segment Summary

Pos. No. 021 0 022 0 023 0 025 0 026 0 027 0 029 0 036 0 047 0


Name Status Reference Date/Time/Period Free Text Name and Address Place/Location Identification Segment Group 6: Details of Transport Segment Group 8: Equipment Details Segment Group 10: Goods Item Details

Req. Des. M C C C C C C C C

Max. Use 1 999 9 9 9 1

Group: Repeat

99 99 99

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

STS Status
0210 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 5 (Status) Mandatory 2 Mandatory 1 A segment specifying details of status relating to a consignment (e.g. loaded).

Recommendation D4/550 - Use of the STS Group within the CNI Group Use of the STS Group is Mandatory Example: STS+1+1'

Used M

X X Must Use M X X Used Used M

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name C601 STATUS CATEGORY To specify the category of the status. 9015 Status category, coded Code identifying the category of a status. 1 Transport Status type is related to transport. 1131 Code list identification code Identification of a code list. 3055 Code list responsible agency code Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. C555 STATUS 4405 1131 3055 4404 C556 9013 To specify a status. Status description code Code specifying a status. Codes per UN/ECE Recommendation No. 24 Code list identification code Identification of a code list. Code list responsible agency code Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. Status description Free form description of a status. STATUS REASON To specify the reason for a status. Status reason description code Code specifying the reason for a status. Use UN/ECE Recommendation 24. USE UN/ECE Recommendation No. 24 Code list identification code Identification of a code list. Code list responsible agency code Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. Status reason description Free form description of the status reason. (Free text) STATUS REASON To specify the reason for a status.

Attributes C M an..3


an..3 an..3

an..3 an..3 an..3 an..35


X X Used Used C556

1131 3055 9012


an..3 an..3 an..256

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

January 30, 2002

M X X Used Used M X X Used Used M X X Used Used M X X Used C556 C556 C556

9013 1131 3055 9012

9013 1131 3055 9012

9013 1131 3055 9012

9013 1131 3055 9012

Status reason description code Code specifying the reason for a status. Use UN/ECE Recommendation No. 24 Code list identification code Identification of a code list. Code list responsible agency code Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. Status reason description Free form description of the status reason. (Free text) STATUS REASON To specify the reason for a status. Status reason description code Code specifying the reason for a status. Use UN/ECE Recommendation No. 24 Code list identification code Identification of a code list. Code list responsible agency code Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. Status reason description Free form description of the status reason. (Free text) STATUS REASON To specify the reason for a status. Status reason description code Code specifying the reason for a status. Code list identification code Identification of a code list. Code list responsible agency code Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. Status reason description Free form description of the status reason. (free text) STATUS REASON To specify the reason for a status. Status reason description code Code specifying the reason for a status. Use UN/ECE Recommendation No. 24 Code list identification code Identification of a code list. Code list responsible agency code Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. Status reason description Free form description of the status reason. (free text)


an..3 an..3 an..3 an..256

an..3 an..3 an..3 an..256

an..3 an..3 an..3 an..256

an..3 an..3 an..3 an..256

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

RFF Reference
0220 Segment Group 5 (Status) Mandatory 3 Conditional (Optional) 999 A segment identifying a reference relating to the status (e.g House Bill of Lading number).

Recommendation D4/551 - Use of the RFF segment within the STS Group This RFF segment is used to specify a reference number which appllies to the status specified in the preceding STS segment. Use of the RFF segment within this group is optional.

Example: RFF+BN:SF 12345' Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes C506 REFERENCE M Identification of a reference. 1153/1154: Where the code ACW has been used, the reference is to a previous transmission (General Recommendation D4/G4 stipulates a recommended methodology for references of this kind), 1153 Reference function code qualifier M an..3 Code giving specific meaning to a reference segment or a reference number. AAK Despatch advice number Reference number assigned by issuing party to a despatch advice. AAO Consignee's shipment reference number [1362] Reference assigned by the consignee to a shipment. AAP Part consignment number [1310] Reference to a specific consignment forming part of a contract allowing part deliveries. AAU Despatch note number [1128] Reference number assigned by the seller to a Despatch Note. ABQ Importer reference number Reference number assigned by the importer to identify a particular shipment for his own purposes. ABU Article number ACW Reference number to previous message Reference number assigned to the message which was previously issued (e.g. in the case of a cancellation, the primary reference of the message to be cancelled will be quoted in this element). AEL Delivery number (transport) Reference number by which a haulier/carrier will announce himself at the container terminal or depot when delivering equipment. AFI Immediate transportation no. for in bond movement AFJ Transportation exportation no. for in bond movement
29 January 30, 2002

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Immediate exportation no. for in bond movement Agent's reference Reference number of the agent. Service group identification number Identification used for a group of services. Air waybill number Reference number assigned to an air waybill, see: 1001 = 740. House bill of lading number Reference number assigned to a house bill of lading, see: 1001 = 714. Bill of lading number Reference number assigned to a bill of lading, see: 1001 = 705. Booking reference number [1016] Reference number assigned by the carrier or his agent when cargo space is reserved prior to loading. Carrier's reference number Reference number assigned by carrier to a consignment. Collection Reference Number (ITIGG Temporary Code) Consignor's reference number [1140] Reference number assigned by a consignor to a particular shipment for his own purposes or for those of the consignee. Delivery note number Reference number assigned by the issuer to a delivery note. Exporter's reference number Reference to a party exporting goods. Freight forwarder's reference number [1460] Reference number assigned to the consignment by the freight forwarder. House waybill number Reference number assigned to a house waybill, see: 1001 = 703. Master bill of lading number Reference number assigned to a master bill of lading, see: 1001 = 704. Master air waybill number Reference number assigned to a master air waybill, see: 1001 = 741. Stop Sequence Number Rail/road routing code International Western and Eastern European route code used in all rail organizations and specified in the international tariffs (rail tariffs) known by the customers. Railway consignment note number Reference number assigned to a rail consignment note, see: 1001 = 720. Release number Reference number assigned to identify a release of a set of rules, conventions, conditions, etc. Shipment reference number Reference number assigned to a shipment. Terminal Code Unique consignment reference number (1202) Unique reference of a consignment (UCRN)
30 January 30, 2002

Must Use Used X X

1154 1156 4000 1060

used for identification purposes in documents and messages exchanged between parties in international trade. See also: Unique Identifier Code (UNIC) in UN/ECE Recommendation No. 8, March 1992. UO Ultimate customer's order number The originator's order number as forwarded in a sequence of parties involved. WY Rail waybill number Reference identifier C an..35 Identifies a reference. Line number C an..6 Number of the line in the document/message referenced in 1154 Reference identifier. Reference version identifier C an..35 To identify the version of a reference. Revision number C an..6 To specify a revision number.

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

DTM Date/Time/Period
0230 Segment Group 5 (Status) Mandatory 3 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment indicating the date and time of the status or event which relates to the status condition and/or event specified in the preceding STS segment.

Recommendation D4/552 - Use of the DTM segment within the STS Group. Use of the DTM segment within this group is optional Example: DTM+334:20010110:102'


Must Use Must Use

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes C507 DATE/TIME/PERIOD M Date and/or time, or period relevant to the specified date/time/period type. 2005 Date/time/period function code qualifier M an..3 Code giving specific meaning to a date, time or period. 334 Status change date/time Date/time when a status changes. 2380 Date/time/period value C an..35 The value of a date, a date and time, a time or of a period in a specified representation. Date/time/period format code C an..3 Code specifying the representation of a date, time or period. The use of 303 (CCYYMMDDHHMMZZZ) is to be preferred over 203 (CCYYMMDDHHMM) ((General Recommendation D4/23 refers) Where code 718 is used, the dash is not transmitted. 102 CCYYMMDD Calendar date: C = Century ; Y = Year ; M = Month ; D = Day. 203 CCYYMMDDHHMM Calendar date including time with minutes: C=Century; Y=Year; M=Month; D=Day; H=Hour; M=Minutes. 204 CCYYMMDDHHMMSS Calendar date including time with seconds: C=Century;Y=Year; M=Month;D=Day;H=Hour;M=Minute;S=Second. 303 CCYYMMDDHHMMZZZ See 203 plus Z=Time zone. 718 CCYYMMDD-CCYYMMDD Format of period to be given without hyphen. T62 CCYYMMDDHHMMZHHMM


IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

FTX Free Text

0250 Segment Group 5 (Status) Mandatory 3 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment specifying processable information relating to the status.

Recommendation D4/554 - Use of FTX segment within the STS Group The FTX segment at this level is used to specify free text supplementary information which relates to the status identified in the preceding STS segment. Example: FTX+AAI+++ARRIVED AT SHIPS SIDE'

M X X X X X Must Use M Used Used Used Used Used X

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name 4451 TEXT SUBJECT CODE QUALIFIER Code specifying the subject of the text. AAI General information 4453 TEXT FUNCTION, CODED Code specifying the purpose of the text. C107 TEXT REFERENCE Coded reference to a standard text and its source. 4441 Free text value code Code specifying free form text. 1131 Code list identification code Identification of a code list. 3055 Code list responsible agency code Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. C108 TEXT LITERAL 4440 4440 4440 4440 4440 3453 4447 Free text; one to five lines. Free text value Free form text. Minimum one line for free text Free text value Free form text. Free text value Free form text. Free text value Free form text. Free text value Free form text. LANGUAGE NAME CODE Code specifying the language name. TEXT FORMATTING, CODED Code specifying the formatting parameters for the text.


Attributes an..3 an..3

an..17 an..3 an..3

an..512 an..512 an..512 an..512 an..512 an..3 an..3

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

NAD Name and Address

0260 Segment Group 5 (Status) Mandatory 3 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment specifying the name and/or address associated with the event such as notify party, terminal address, trucking company for gate move.

Recommendation D4/555 - Use of the NAD segment within the STS Group This NAD segment is used to identify a party associated with the status reported in the STS. Example: NAD+CZ+++ABC CO:PARTS DIVISION+120 CENTER' STREET+CHICAGO+IL+60601+US

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes 3035 PARTY FUNCTION CODE QUALIFIER M an..3 Code giving specific meaning to a party. AP Accepting party (3352) Party accepting goods, products, services etc. BT Party to be billed for other than freight (bill to) Party receiving invoice excluding freight costs. CA Carrier (3126) Party undertaking or arranging transport of goods between named points. CF Container operator/lessee Party to whom the possession of specified property (e.g. container) has been conveyed for a period of time in return for rental payments. CM Customs Identification of customs authority relevant to the transaction or shipment. CN Consignee (3132) Party to which goods are consigned. CS Consolidator Party consolidating various consignments, payments etc. CZ Consignor (3336) Party which, by contract with a carrier, consigns or sends goods with the carrier, or has them conveyed by him. Synonym: shipper, sender. D1 Destination Terminal DP Delivery party (3144) Party to which goods should be delivered, if not identical with consignee. EV Subcontractor Firm carrying out a part of the works for a contractor. FZ Grouping centre A party in charge of groupage, including degroupage and regroupage. GA Road carrier A road carrier moving cargo. GT Rail carrier
34 January 30, 2002

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

D M Used

C082 3039 1131



A carrier moving cargo, including containers, via rail. (Inland Clearance Depot) Loading party Party responsible for the loading when other than carrier. O1 Origin Terminal OA Break bulk berth operator Party who offers facilities for berthing of vessels, handling and storage of break bulk cargo. OM Collecting bank Any bank, other than the remitting bank, involved in processing the collection. OS Original shipper The original supplier of the goods. PF Party to receive freight bill Party to whom the freight bill should be sent. PW Despatch party (3282) Party where goods are collected or taken over by the carrier (i.e. if other than consignor). SF Ship from Identification of the party from where goods will be or have been shipped. SP Party Filling Shipper's Order ST Ship to Identification of the party to where goods will be or have been shipped. SU Supplier (3280) Party which manufactures or otherwise has possession of goods, and consigns or makes them available in trade. TR Terminal operator A party which handles the loading and unloading of marine vessels. UHP Unexpected handling party Party authorized (during a voyage) to apply unexpected handling procedures or party having applied these procedures. UP Unloading party Description to be provided. PARTY IDENTIFICATION DETAILS C Identification of a transaction party by code. Party identifier M an..35 Code specifying the identity of a party. Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. 4 DoDAAC (Department of Defense Activity Address Code) A code list containing codes assigned to operating military units to identify the name and address of the unit. 12 Telephone directory 100 Enhanced party identification 160 Party identification Identification of parties, corporates, etc. 172 Carriers Code list identifying carriers. ZZZ Mutually defined Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. 7 CEFIC (Conseil Europeen des Federations de ICD LP
35 January 30, 2002

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

D M Used Used Used Used D M Used Used Used Used

C058 3124 3124 3124 3124 3124 C080 3036 3036 3036 3036 3036

l'Industrie Chimique) EDI project for chemical industry. 9 EAN (International Article Numbering association) 10 ODETTE Organization for Data Exchange through TeleTransmission in Europe (European automotive industry project). 12 UIC (International union of railways) International Union of Railways. 16 US, D&B (Dun & Bradstreet Corporation) Identifies the Dun & Bradstreet Corporation, United States. 20 BIC (Bureau International des Containeurs) The container industry's international organisation responsible for the issuance of container-related codes. 21 Assigned by transport company Codes assigned by a transport company. 41 DE, German Railway German Railway. 86 Assigned by party originating the message Codes assigned by the party originating the message. 87 Assigned by carrier Codes assigned by the carrier. 163 US, FMC (Federal Maritime Commission) 166 US, National Motor Freight Classification Association The organisation in the USA which is responsible for code maintenance in the trucking industry. 167 US, AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) 184 AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping) The national organisation for the maritime industry in Australia. 189 US, DoD (Department of Defense) The US Department of Defense. T1 Code assigned by the organization that is the ultimate destination of the message T2 Loading Dock NAME AND ADDRESS C Unstructured name and address: one to five lines. Name and address line M an..35 Free form name and address description. Name and address line C an..35 Free form name and address description. Name and address line C an..35 Free form name and address description. Name and address line C an..35 Free form name and address description. Name and address line C an..35 Free form name and address description. PARTY NAME C Identification of a transaction party by name, one to five lines. Party name may be formatted. Party name M an..35 Name of a party involved in a transaction. Party name C an..35 Name of a party involved in a transaction. Party name C an..35 Name of a party involved in a transaction. Party name C an..35 Name of a party involved in a transaction. Party name C an..35
36 January 30, 2002

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

X D M Used Used Used Used Used Used X X Used Used Used 3251 3207 3164 C819 C059


3042 3042 3042 3042

3229 1131 3055 3228

Name of a party involved in a transaction. Party name format code C an..3 Code specifying the representation of a party name. STREET C Street address and/or PO Box number in a structured address: one to four lines. Street and number/p.o. box M an..35 Street and number in plain language, or Post Office Box No. Street and number/p.o. box C an..35 Street and number in plain language, or Post Office Box No. Street and number/p.o. box C an..35 Street and number in plain language, or Post Office Box No. Street and number/p.o. box C an..35 Street and number in plain language, or Post Office Box No. CITY NAME C an..35 Name of a city (a town, a village) for addressing purposes. COUNTRY SUB-ENTITY DETAILS C To specify a part of a country (eg county or part of a city). Country sub-entity name code C an..9 Identification of the name of sub-entities (state, province) defined by appropriate governmental agencies. Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. Country sub-entity name C an..35 Name of sub-entities (state, province) defined by appropriate governmental agencies. POSTAL IDENTIFICATION CODE C an..17 Code specifying the postal zone or address. COUNTRY NAME CODE C an..3 Identification of the name of the country or other geographical entity as specified in ISO 3166.

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

LOC Place/Location Identification

0270 Segment Group 5 (Status) Mandatory 3 Conditional (Optional) 1 A segment identifying the location at which the status or event occurs.

Recommendation D4/556 - Use of the LOC segment within the STS Group Use of the LOC segment within this group is optional Example: LOC+175+USSFO+162+6'

Must Use D

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes 3227 LOCATION FUNCTION CODE QUALIFIER M an..3 Code identifying the function of a location. 175 Activity location A place at which the activity occurs. C517 LOCATION IDENTIFICATION C 3225 Identification of a location by code or name. Location name code C an..25 Code specifying the name of the location. Codes to identify locations are preferred. Where a codes does not exist, the location can be identified with free text in DE3224 UN LOCODE US Census Schedule D/Schedule K Codes EAN CODE Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. 139 Port A location having facilities for means of transport to load or discharge cargo. 162 Country Identification of a country. Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. 5 ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 6 UN/ECE (United Nations - Economic Commission for Europe) 9 EAN (International Article Numbering association) 12 UIC (International union of railways) International Union of Railways. 112 US, U.S. Census Bureau The Bureau of the Census of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce. ZZZ Mutually defined Location name C an..256 Name of the location. RELATED LOCATION ONE IDENTIFICATION C Identification the first related location by code or name. Related place/location one identification C an..25 Specification of the first related place/location by code.
38 January 30, 2002





IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

3224 C519 3223


X X X X X C553

3055 3222

3233 1131

X X X 5479

3055 3232

ISO Country Code Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. 162 Country Identification of a country. Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. 5 ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Related place/location one C an..70 Specification of the first related place/location by name. RELATED LOCATION TWO IDENTIFICATION C Identification of second related location by code or name. Related place/location two identification C an..25 Specification of a second related place/location by code. State/Province Code Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. 163 Country sub-entity (3228) Identification of country sub-entity (region, department, state, province) defined by appropriate authority. Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. ZZZ Mutually defined Related place/location two C an..70 Specification of a second related place/location by name. RELATION, CODED C an..3 To specify the relationship between two or more items.

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes:

TDT Segment Group 6: Details of Transport

0290 Segment Group 5 (Status) Mandatory 3 Conditional (Optional) 99 A group of segments indicating conveyance details related to the status or event. Recommendation D4/558 Segment Summary

Pos. No. 030 0 032 0 033 0


Name Details of Transport Reference Segment Group 7: Place/Location Identification

Req. Des. M C C

Max. Use 1 9

Group: Repeat

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

TDT Details of Transport

0300 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 6 (Details of Transport) Conditional (Optional) 3 Mandatory 1 A segment identifying conveyance related to the status or event such as flight, vessel/voyage.

Recommendation D4/559 - Use of the TDT Group within the CNI Group The TDT Group is used to specify transport details related to the status of the consignment. Use of the TDT Group is optional. Example: TDT+20+573W:+1+ABCU:+166:ABCLINE+++7248306::11:PACIFIC TRADER:DK'


Must Use Must Use

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes 8051 TRANSPORT STAGE CODE QUALIFIER M an..3 Code qualifying a specific stage of transport. 10 Pre-carriage transport Transport by which the goods are moved prior to their main carriage transport. 20 Main-carriage transport The primary stage in the movement of cargo from the point of origin to the intended destination. 21 Main carriage - first carrier The first carrier of the ordered transport when more than one carrier is involved. 22 Main carriage - second carrier The second carrier of the ordered transport when more than one carrier is involved. 23 Main carriage - third carrier The third carrier of the ordered transport when more than one carrier is involved. 30 On-carriage transport Transport by which the goods are moved after the main carriage transport. 8028 CONVEYANCE REFERENCE NUMBER C an..17 Unique reference given by the carrier to a certain journey or departure of a means of transport (generic term). Voyage Number if Main Carriage Carrier's number if pre/on-carriage C220 MODE OF TRANSPORT C Method of transport code or name. Code preferred. Mode of transport, Coded, based on UN/ECE Recommendation 19 Transport mode name code C an..3 Code specifying the name of a mode of transport. UN/ECE Recommendation 19 should be used


IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

D Used Used Used Must Use Used Used C040 C228


8179 8178

1 Maritime Transport 2 Rail Transport 3 Road Transport 4 Air 6 Multimodal 8 Inland Water C Consolidation Transport mode name C Name of a mode of transport. TRANSPORT MEANS C Code and/or name identifying the type of means of transport. Transport means description code C Code specifying the means of transport. UN/ECE Recommendation No. 28 should be used. Transport means description C Free form description of the means of transport. CARRIER C


an..8 an..17

3127 1131



Used X 8101


Identification of a carrier by code and/or by name. Code preferred. Carrier identification C an..17 Identification of party undertaking or arranging transport of goods between named points. Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. 172 Carriers Code list identifying carriers. Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. 9 EAN (International Article Numbering association) 12 UIC (International union of railways) International Union of Railways. 16 US, D&B (Dun & Bradstreet Corporation) Identifies the Dun & Bradstreet Corporation, United States. 20 BIC (Bureau International des Containeurs) The container industry's international organisation responsible for the issuance of container-related codes. 87 Assigned by carrier Codes assigned by the carrier. 166 US, National Motor Freight Classification Association The organisation in the USA which is responsible for code maintenance in the trucking industry. 184 AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping) The national organisation for the maritime industry in Australia. 213 JP, NACCS Center (Nippon Automated Cargo Clearance System Operations Organization) NACCS (Nippon Automated Cargo Clearance System Operation Organization) Center is the operations organization of the automated cargo clearance system in Japan. 256 US, AAR (Association of American Railroads) The official United States organization of the railroads in North America. 258 JP, Japanese Ministry of Transport Japanese Ministry of Transport. Carrier name C an..35 Name of party undertaking or arranging transport of goods between named points. TRANSIT DIRECTION INDICATOR CODE C an..3
42 January 30, 2002

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C401 8457 8459 7130

Used D

C222 8213

Code specifying the direction of transport. EXCESS TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION C To provide details of reason for, and responsibility for, use of transportation other than normally utilized. Excess transportation reason, coded X an..3 Indication of reason for excess transportation. Excess transportation responsibility, coded X an..3 Indication of responsibility for excess transportation. Customer authorization number C an..17 Customer provided authorization number to allow supplier to ship goods under specific freight conditions. This number will be transmitted back to customer in the dispatch advice message. TRANSPORT IDENTIFICATION C Code and/or name identifying the means of transport. Transport means identification name identifier C an..9 Identifies the name of the transport means. General Recommendation No. D4/G74 applies. This data element is required for Ocean Transport. Call Sign if 8067 = 1 and 1131 = 103 Lloyd's Number if 8067 = 1 and 3055 = 11 Train ID if 8067 = 2 Truck ID if 8067 = 3 Barge ID if 8067 = 8 Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. 103 Call sign directory A directory of call signs assigned to transport vehicles. 142 Train identification 146 Means of transport identification Code identifying the name or number of a means of transport (vessel, vehicle). Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. 11 Lloyd's register of shipping A register of ocean going vessels maintained by Lloyd's of London. 12 UIC (International union of railways) International Union of Railways. 166 US, National Motor Freight Classification Association The organisation in the USA which is responsible for code maintenance in the trucking industry. 258 JP, Japanese Ministry of Transport Japanese Ministry of Transport. ZZZ Mutually defined Transport means identification name C an..35 Name identifying a means of transport. Vessel name required for ocean transport or other means of transport ID (free text) Nationality of means of transport, coded C an..3 Coded name of the country in which a means of transport is registered. Flag of vessel (ISO Country code) or Lloyd's flag code - required for Ocean transport TRANSPORT OWNERSHIP, CODED C an..3 Code indicating the ownership of the means of transport.










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January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose:

RFF Reference
0320 Segment Group 6 (Details of Transport) Conditional (Optional) 4 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment specifying an additional reference related to the conveyance such as transfer manifest number, truck license number.

Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

Recommendation D4/561 - Use of the RFF segment within the TDT Group The RFF is used to specify a reference which applies to the stage or means of transport specified in the preceding TDT segment. Use of the RFF at this level is optional. The code VON is only required if a second voyage number is to be transmitted other than the vessel operator's number which always appears in the TDT. Code CV refers to a slot charterer on a vessel or a vessel sharing partner Example: REF+ASZ:AG12345'


Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes C506 REFERENCE M Identification of a reference. 1153 Reference function code qualifier M an..3 Code giving specific meaning to a reference segment or a reference number. ABZ Vehicle licence number Number of the licence issued for a vehicle by an agency of government. ACT Unique claims reference number of the sender Description to be provided. AEL Delivery number (transport) Reference number by which a haulier/carrier will announce himself at the container terminal or depot when delivering equipment. CN Carrier's reference number Reference number assigned by carrier to a consignment. CU Consignor's reference number [1140] Reference number assigned by a consignor to a particular shipment for his own purposes or for those of the consignee. CV Container operators reference number Reference number assigned by the party operating or controlling the transport container to a transaction or consignment. DR Dock receipt number Number of the cargo receipt submitted when cargo is delivered to a marine terminal. SSX Ship's Stay Reference (ITIGG Temporary Code)
44 January 30, 2002

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

Must Use Used Used Used

1154 1156 4000 1060

Voyage number [8228] Reference number assigned by the carrier or his agent to the voyage of the vessel. VT Motor vehicle identification number (Reference identifying a motor vehicle used for transport) normally is the vehicle registration number. Reference identifier C an..35 Identifies a reference. Line number C an..6 Number of the line in the document/message referenced in 1154 Reference identifier. Reference version identifier C an..35 To identify the version of a reference. Revision number C an..6 To specify a revision number.


IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes:

LOC Segment Group 7: Place/Location Identification

0330 Segment Group 6 (Details of Transport) Conditional (Optional) 4 Conditional (Optional) 9 A group of segments indicating locations related to the means of transport. Recommendation D4/562 Segment Summary

Pos. No. 034 0 035 0


Name Place/Location Identification Date/Time/Period

Req. Des. M C

Max. Use 1 9

Group: Repeat

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

LOC Place/Location Identification

0340 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 7 (Place/Location Identification) Conditional (Optional) 4 Mandatory 1 A segment indicating locations related to conveyance such as flight origin/destination.

Recommendation D4/563 - Use of the LOC segment within the TDT group The LOC segment is used to specify locations which relate to the stage and means of transport specified in the preceding TDT segment. Example: LOC+USSFO:139'

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes 3227 LOCATION FUNCTION CODE QUALIFIER M an..3 Code identifying the function of a location. See General Recommendation D4/G58 5 Place of departure (3214) Port, airport or other location from which a means of transport or transport equipment is scheduled to depart or has departed. 7 Place of delivery (3246) Place to which the goods are to be finally delivered under transport contract terms (operational term). 8 Place of destination Port, airport or other location to which a means of transport or transport equipment is destined. 9 Place/port of loading (3334 + 3230) Seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which the goods (cargo) are loaded on to the means of transport being used for their carriage. 10 Place of acceptance (3348) Place at which the goods are taken over by the carrier. 11 Place/port of discharge (3392 + 3414) Seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which the goods (cargo) are unloaded from the means of transport having been used for their carriage. 13 Place of transhipment (3424) Place where goods are transferred from one means of transport to another (operational term). 17 Border crossing place Place where goods are transported across a country border. 20 Place of ultimate destination of goods Place where goods will ultimately be delivered. 33 Baseport of discharge The port of discharge according to the tariff as opposed to the operational port of discharge. The goods may or
47 January 30, 2002

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41 42 50 60 61 62





88 92 125


may not be actually discharged at that port on the main transport. Baseport of loading The port of loading according to the tariff as opposed to the operational port of loading. The goods may or may not be actually loaded at that port on the main transport. Country of exportation/despatch (3220) Country from which the goods were initially exported to the importing country without any commercial transaction taking place in intermediate countries. Syn.: country whence consigned. Country of despatch: country from which goods are despatched between countries of a Customs union. Customs office of entry [3088] Customs office at which the goods enter the country of destination. Customs office of exit [3096] Customs office at which the goods leave the country of dispatch/export. Customs office of transit [3106] Customs office which is competent for transit formalities en route. Place of arrival Place at which the transport means arrives. Next port of call Next port which the vessel is going to call upon. On-carriage port Port of discharge at which the cargo is discharged from the vessel, used for transport after the main transport (transit port). First optional place of discharge The first optional place or port of discharge as mentioned on the transport document where cargo can be discharged at the option of the shipper. Second optional place of discharge The second optional place or port of discharge as mentioned on the transport document where cargo can be discharged at the option of shipper. Third optional place of discharge The third optional place or port of discharge as mentioned on the transport document where cargo can be discharged at the option of the shipper. Place of despatch Place at which the goods are taken over for carriage (operational term), if different from the transport contract place of acceptance (see: 10). Synonym: Place of origin of carriage. Place of receipt Identification of the location at which the cargo is actually received. Routing Indication of a routing place. Last place/port of call of conveyance Conveyance departed from this last foreign place/port of call to go to "Place/port of conveyance initial arrival" (87). Relay port A location where cargo is transferred from one ocean carrier's vessel to another vessel owned or operated by the same carrier under the same bill of lading.
48 January 30, 2002

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

Must Use Used Used

C517 3225 1131




Used Used Used Used C519


3223 1131

Identification of a location by code or name. Location name code C an..25 Code specifying the name of the location. UNLOCODE/EAN Location Code/US Census Code Schedule D/K. . Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. 37 Railway locations Code identifying a location in railway environment. 139 Port A location having facilities for means of transport to load or discharge cargo. 162 Country Identification of a country. T03 Railway Station (ITIGG Temporary Code) T08 Railway secondary network (ITIGG Temporary Code) T10 Set of railway stations (ITIGG Temporary Coide) Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. 5 ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 6 UN/ECE (United Nations - Economic Commission for Europe) 9 EAN (International Article Numbering association) 12 UIC (International union of railways) International Union of Railways. 112 US, U.S. Census Bureau The Bureau of the Census of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce. ZZZ Mutually defined Location name C an..256 Name of the location. Free Text RELATED LOCATION ONE IDENTIFICATION C Identification the first related location by code or name. Related place/location one identification C an..25 Specification of the first related place/location by code. Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. 37 Railway locations Code identifying a location in railway environment. 72 Container terminal Codes for container terminal. 129 Customs warehouse Identification and/or location of the Customs warehouse in which goods will be or have been deposited (CCC). 162 Country Identification of a country. 163 Country sub-entity (3228) Identification of country sub-entity (region, department, state, province) defined by appropriate authority. 180 Airport terminal Code identifying terminals or other sub-locations at airports. 261 Consignee's premises Facility controlled by the consignee of cargo. 262 Consignor's premises
49 January 30, 2002

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Used Used Used Used C553


3233 1131

Facility controlled by the consignor of cargo. Packing and/or unpacking facility Facility dedicated to the packing and/or unpacking of cargo. 264 Storage facility Facility at which goods are stored. 265 Repair facility Facility at which repairs are carried out. 266 Marine berth The location within a port where a ship anchors or ties up. 267 Marine wharf Landing platform where a ship can load and unload. 268 Gate The location at which access to or from a facility is controlled. 269 Warehouse A covered facility for the storage and distribution of goods. BRA Railway branch line to a customer SIF Loading and unloading siding inside a factory SIR loading and unloading siding inside railway station TPL Sub-location inside one track WHA Wharves Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. 5 ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 9 EAN (International Article Numbering association) 12 UIC (International union of railways) International Union of Railways. 112 US, U.S. Census Bureau The Bureau of the Census of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce. 184 AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping) The national organisation for the maritime industry in Australia. ZZZ Mutually defined Related place/location one C an..70 Specification of the first related place/location by name. RELATED LOCATION TWO IDENTIFICATION C Identification of second related location by code or name. Related place/location two identification C an..25 Specification of a second related place/location by code. Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. 37 Railway locations Code identifying a location in railway environment. 72 Container terminal Codes for container terminal. 129 Customs warehouse Identification and/or location of the Customs warehouse in which goods will be or have been deposited (CCC). 162 Country Identification of a country. 163 Country sub-entity (3228) Identification of country sub-entity (region, department, state, province) defined by appropriate authority. 180 Airport terminal 263
50 January 30, 2002

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Used X 5479


Code identifying terminals or other sub-locations at airports. 261 Consignee's premises Facility controlled by the consignee of cargo. 262 Consignor's premises Facility controlled by the consignor of cargo. 263 Packing and/or unpacking facility Facility dedicated to the packing and/or unpacking of cargo. 264 Storage facility Facility at which goods are stored. 265 Repair facility Facility at which repairs are carried out. 266 Marine berth The location within a port where a ship anchors or ties up. 267 Marine wharf Landing platform where a ship can load and unload. 268 Gate The location at which access to or from a facility is controlled. 269 Warehouse A covered facility for the storage and distribution of goods. BER Berths BRA Railway branch line to a customer CNR Consignor's premises CNS Consignee's premises GAT Gates PAC Packing/unpacking facilities SIF Loading and unloading siding inside a factory SIR Loading and unloading siding inside railway station STO Storage facilities TER Terminals TPL Sub-location inside one track WAR Warehouses WHA Wharves Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. 5 ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 9 EAN (International Article Numbering association) 12 UIC (International union of railways) International Union of Railways. 184 AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping) The national organisation for the maritime industry in Australia. ZZZ Mutually defined Related place/location two C an..70 Specification of a second related place/location by name. RELATION, CODED C an..3 To specify the relationship between two or more items.

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January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

DTM Date/Time/Period
0350 Segment Group 7 (Place/Location Identification) Conditional (Optional) 5 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment to specify dates and times related to a location.

Recommendation D4/564 - Use of the DTM segment within the TDT group. The DTM segment at this level is used to specify dates and times which relate to the location specified in the preceding LOC segment. Use of the DTM within this group is optional. Exmple: DTM+132:20010111100:203'


Must Use Must Use

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes C507 DATE/TIME/PERIOD M Date and/or time, or period relevant to the specified date/time/period type. 2005 Date/time/period function code qualifier M an..3 Code giving specific meaning to a date, time or period. 132 Arrival date/time, estimated (2348) Date/time when carrier estimates that a means of transport should arrive at the port of discharge or place of destination. 133 Departure date/time, estimated Date/time when carrier estimates that a means of transport should depart at the place of departure. 178 Arrival date/time, actual [2106] Date (and time) of arrival of means of transport. 186 Departure date/time, actual (2280) Date (and time) of departure of means of transport. 2380 Date/time/period value C an..35 The value of a date, a date and time, a time or of a period in a specified representation. Date/time/period format code C an..3 Code specifying the representation of a date, time or period. 102 CCYYMMDD Calendar date: C = Century ; Y = Year ; M = Month ; D = Day. 203 CCYYMMDDHHMM Calendar date including time with minutes: C=Century; Y=Year; M=Month; D=Day; H=Hour; M=Minutes. 204 CCYYMMDDHHMMSS Calendar date including time with seconds: C=Century;Y=Year; M=Month;D=Day;H=Hour;M=Minute;S=Second. 303 CCYYMMDDHHMMZZZ See 203 plus Z=Time zone. 718 CCYYMMDD-CCYYMMDD


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January 30, 2002


Format of period to be given without hyphen. CCYYMMMDDHHMMZHHMM (ITIGG Temporary Code)

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January 30, 2002

Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes:

EQD Segment Group 8: Equipment Details

0360 Segment Group 5 (Status) Mandatory 3 Conditional (Optional) 99 A group of segments indicating the equipment details relating to the status or event. Recommendation D4/565 - Use of the EQD Group within the CNI Group. The EQD Group is used to identify items of transport equipment related to the consignment. Use of the EQD Group is optional. Segment Summary

Pos. No. 037 0 038 0 039 0 040 0 041 0 043 0 044 0


Name Equipment Details Measurements Dimensions Seal Number Reference Transport Movement Details Segment Group 9: Attached Equipment

Req. Des. M C C C C C C

Max. Use 1 9 9 9 9 1

Group: Repeat


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January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

EQD Equipment Details

0370 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 8 (Equipment Details) Conditional (Optional) 3 Mandatory 1 A segment identifying equipment related to status or event such as a container of a multicontainer consignment.

Recommendation D4/566 - Use of the EQD Trigger Segment within the EQD Group. The EQD segment is the trigger segment of the EQD Group and is used to identify a piece of transport equipment. Use of the EQD trigger segment within this group is mandatory. Example: EQD+CN+ABCU546689+4332:102:5+2++5'

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes 8053 EQUIPMENT TYPE CODE QUALIFIER M an..3 Code qualifying a type of equipment. BB Breakbulk (temporary code) BR Barge Flat bottomed inland cargo vessel for canals and rivers with or without own propulsion for the purpose of transported goods. (Synonym: Lighter). CH Chassis A wheeled carriage onto which an ocean container is mounted for inland conveyance. CN Container Equipment item as defined by ISO for transport. It must be of: A) permanent character, strong enough for repeated use; B) designed to facilitate the carriage of goods, by one or more modes of transport, without intermediate reloading; C) fitted with devices for its ready handling, particularly. FTC Full Trailer Combination (truck & trailer) - Temporary Code PA Pallet A platform on which goods can be stacked in order to facilitate the movement by a forklift or sling. RG Reefer generator A generator used to control the temperature in temperature-controlled transport equipment. RR Rail car [8320] Registered identification number of railway wagon (CIM 19). SW Swap body Rectangular equipment unit without wheels, which can be mounted on a chassis or positioned on legs. TE Trailer A vehicle without motive power, designed for the carriage of cargo and to be towed by a motor vehicle. TR Truck (non-articulated vehicle) ITIGG Temporary Code
55 January 30, 2002

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

D Must Use

C237 8260

EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION Marks (letters/numbers) identifying equipment. Equipment identification number

C C an..17

Marks (letters and/or numbers) which identify equipment e.g. unit load device. Equipment number including prefix. Equipment numbers are to be transmitted as one contiguous field.

X X X D Used C224

1131 3055 3207


Used Used

1131 3055

Used Used 8077




Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. Country name code C an..3 Identification of the name of the country or other geographical entity as specified in ISO 3166. EQUIPMENT SIZE AND TYPE C Code and or name identifying size and type of equipment. Code preferred. Always to be transmitted when known. Equipment size and type description code C an..10 Code specifying the size and type of equipment. For seagoing containers and in other cases where appropriate use of code list ISO6346 is strongly recommended Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. 102 Size and type Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. 5 ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 12 UIC (International union of railways) International Union of Railways. Equipment size and type description C an..35 Free form description of the size and type of equipment. EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER, CODED C an..3 To indicate the party that is the supplier of the equipment. 1 Shipper supplied The transport equipment is supplied by the shipper. 2 Carrier supplied The transport equipment is supplied by the carrier. 5 Third party supplied The equipment is supplied by a third party. EQUIPMENT STATUS CODE C an..3 Code specifying the status of equipment. 1 Continental The equipment is or will be moving across a continent on an intermodal or multimodal basis. 2 Export Transport equipment to be exported on a marine vessel. 3 Import Transport equipment to be imported on a marine vessel. 4 Remain on board Transport equipment arriving on a marine vessel is to remain on board.
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Shifter Transport equipment is to be shifted from one stowage location on a marine vessel to another on the same vessel. 6 Transhipment Transport equipment is to be transferred from one marine vessel to another. 7 Shortlanded Transport equipment notified to arrive which did not arrive on the means of transport. 8 Overlanded Transport equipment not notified to arrive but which did arrive on the means of transport. 9 Domestic Transport equipment is used in domestic service. 10 Positioning Equipment is being transported for positioning purposes. 11 Delivery Equipment is being delivered. 13 Repair The equipment is for repair. T30 Back from consignee or other carrier (ITIGG Temporary Code) T31 Left with consignee or other carrier (ITIGG Temporary Code) FULL/EMPTY INDICATOR, CODED C an..3 To indicate the extent to which the equipment is full or empty. 4 Empty 5 Full 6 No volume available Full/Empty status not known

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January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

MEA Measurements
0380 Segment Group 8 (Equipment Details) Conditional (Optional) 4 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment specifying measurements related to the equipment such as gross weight, tare weight, capacity.

Recommendation D4/567 - Use of the MEA segment within the EQD Group The MEA segment at this level is used to specify measurements other than dimensions which relate to the pioe of transport equipment identified in the preceding EQD sgement. Example: MEA+AAE+T+KGU:1000' Use of the MEA within this group is optional.

Must Use Must Use

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes 6311 MEASUREMENT ATTRIBUTE CODE M an..3 Code specifying the measurement attribute. The code AAE is being used on a temporary basis until a new code can be established for "transport measurement." AAE Measurement [6314] Value of the measured unit. C502 MEASUREMENT DETAILS C 6313 Identification of measurement type. Measured attribute code C an..3

X X X Must Use C174

6321 6155 6154

Code specifying the attribute measured. AAL Net weight [6160] Weight (mass) of goods including any packing normally going with them to a buyer in a retail sale. AAW Gross volume The observed volume unadjusted for factors such as temperature or gravity. AET Transport equipment gross weight Weight of a transport equipment including the cargo and carrier's equipment. SQ Shipped quantity T Tare weight Weight excluding goods and loose accessories. TC Temperature A measurement in relation to temperature. Measurement significance, coded C an..3 Code specifying the significance of a measurement value. Non-discrete measurement name code C an..17 Code specifying the name of a non-discrete measurement. Non-discrete measurement name C an..70 Name of a non-discrete measurement. VALUE/RANGE C Measurement value and relevant minimum and maximum values of the

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January 30, 2002


measurement range. Measurement unit code Code specifying the unit of measurement. Per UN/ECE Recommendation No. 20.


ITIGG recommends the use of one of the following codes from UN/ECE Recommendation 20 as appropriate: ACB, CEL,CUT, FAR, FCT, FOT, GLL, INH, KNT, KGM, KWT, LBR, MQH, MTK, UTQ, MTR, TNE per D4/G69

Must Use Used Used X X 7383

6314 6162 6152 6432


Celsius Fahrenheit Cubic Feet Kilograms Pounds Cubic Metre Metre Number of packs C C C C C an..18 n..18 n..18 n..2 an..3

Value of the measured unit. Range minimum Minimum of a range. Temperature Range maximum Maximum of a range. Temperature Significant digits To specify the number of significant digits. SURFACE/LAYER CODE Code specifying the surface or layer of an object.

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

DIM Dimensions
0390 Segment Group 8 (Equipment Details) Conditional (Optional) 4 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment specifying the dimensions of the equipment such as height.

Recommendation D4/568 - Use of the DIM segment within the EQD Group. The DIM segment at this level is used to specify dimensions which relate to the piece of transport equipment identified in the preceding EQD segment. Use of the DIM segment at this level is optional. Example: DIM+5+CMT:2575'


Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes 6145 DIMENSION QUALIFIER M an..3 To specify the dimensions applicable to each of the transportable units. 1 Gross dimensions The dimension expressed in a gross value. 5 Off-standard dimension front The dimension in the length that the cargo exceeds the standard length at the front of an equipment. 6 Off-standard dimension back The dimension in the length that the cargo exceeds the standard length at the back of an equipment. 7 Off-standard dimension right The dimension in the width that the cargo exceeds the standard width at the right side of an equipment. 8 Off-standard dimension left The dimension in the width that the cargo exceeds the standard width at the left side of an equipment. 9 Off-standard dimension general The dimensions that the cargo exceeds the standard dimensions. 10 External equipment dimension The external dimensions of transport equipment. T13 External Dimension of equipment-offstandard dimension width (ITIGG temporary code) T14 External dimension of equipment-off standard dimension length (ITIGG temporary code) C211 DIMENSIONS M Specification of the dimensions of a transportable unit. 6411 Measurement unit code M an..3 Code specifying the unit of measurement. Recommend use of codes from UN Recommendation 20. CMT Centimetres INH Inches 6168 Length dimension C n..15
60 January 30, 2002

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


6140 6008

Length of pieces or packages stated for transport purposes. Overall Length dimension Width dimension C Width of pieces or packages stated for transport purposes. Overall Height dimension C Height of pieces or packages stated for transport purposes. Overall

n..15 n..15

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

SEL Seal Number

0400 Segment Group 8 (Equipment Details) Conditional (Optional) 4 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment identifying seal and seal issuer associated with the piece of transport equipment identified in the preceding EQD segment..

Recommendation D4/569 - Use of the SEL segment within the EQD segment. Example: SEL+1234567+SH'

Used Must Use Used

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes 9308 SEAL NUMBER C an..10 The number of a custom seal or another seal affixed to the containers or other transport unit. C215 SEAL ISSUER C 9303 Identification of the issuer of a seal on equipment either by code or by name. Sealing party, coded C an..3 Identification of the issuer of the seal number. AB Unknown The sealing party is unknown. AC Quarantine agency Agency responsible for the administration of statutory disease controls on the movement of people, animals and plants. CA Carrier Party undertaking or arranging transport of goods between named points. CU Customs SH Shipper Party which, by contract with a carrier, consigns or sends goods with the carrier, or has them conveyed by him. TO Terminal operator Party which handles the loading and unloading of marine vessels. Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. Sealing party C an..35 Clear text, representing the name of the issuer of the seal number. Free Text SEAL CONDITION, CODED C an..3 To indicate the condition of a seal. IDENTITY NUMBER RANGE C Goods item identification numbers, start and end of consecutively numbered range. Object identifier M an..35 Code specifying the unique identity of an object. Object identifier C an..35 Code specifying the unique identity of an object.
62 January 30, 2002

X X Used X X X X
IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

1131 3055 9302 4517 C208 7402 7402

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

RFF Reference
0410 Segment Group 8 (Equipment Details) Conditional (Optional) 4 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment to specify a reference number to equipment.

Recommendation D4/570 Example: RFF+BN:ABCU123456'


Must Use Used Used Used

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes C506 REFERENCE M Identification of a reference. 1153 Reference function code qualifier M an..3 Code giving specific meaning to a reference segment or a reference number. BM Bill of lading number Reference number assigned to a bill of lading, see: 1001 = 705. BN Booking reference number [1016] Reference number assigned by the carrier or his agent when cargo space is reserved prior to loading. SQ Equipment sequence number A temporary reference number identifying a particular piece of equipment within a series of pieces of equipment. TB Trucker's bill of lading A cargo list/description issued by a motor carrier of freight. 1154 Reference identifier C an..35 1156 4000 1060 Identifies a reference. Line number C an..6 Number of the line in the document/message referenced in 1154 Reference identifier. Reference version identifier C an..35 To identify the version of a reference. Revision number C an..6 To specify a revision number.

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January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

TMD Transport Movement Details

0430 Segment Group 8 (Equipment Details) Conditional (Optional) 4 Conditional (Optional) 1 A segment to specify transport movement details related to the equipment.

Recommendation D4/572 Example: TMD+11'

Used Used

Used Used Used

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes C219 MOVEMENT TYPE C Description of type of service for movement of cargo. 8335 Movement type description code C an..3 Code specifying a type of movement. 2 LCL/LCL Defines the movement of cargo packed in and unpacked from containers by the carrier on behalf of the shipper/consignee. 'LCL' means Less than Container Load. 3 FCL/FCL Defines the movement of cargo packed by the shipper or shipper's agent and unpacked by the consignee or consignee's agent. 'FCL' means Full Container Load. 4 FCL/LCL Defines the movement of cargo packed by the shipper or shipper's agent and unpacked by the carrier. 'FCL' means Full Container Load. 'LCL' means Less than Container Load. 5 LCL/FCL Defines the movement of cargo packed by the carrier and unpacked by the consignee or consignee's agent. 'LCL' means Less than Container Load. 'FCL' means Full Load. 8334 Movement type description C an..35 Free form description of a type of movement. 8332 EQUIPMENT PLAN C an..26 Description indicating equipment plan, e.g. FCL or LCL. 8341 HAULAGE ARRANGEMENTS, CODED C an..3 Specification of the type of equipment haulage arrangements.

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January 30, 2002

Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes:

EQA Segment Group 9: Attached Equipment

0440 Segment Group 8 (Equipment Details) Conditional (Optional) 4 Conditional (Optional) 99 A group of segments specifying the attached equipment and the associated seal information. Recommendation D4/573 - Use of the EQA Group within the EQD Group Segment Summary

Pos. No. 045 0

Seg. ID EQ A

Name Attached Equipment

Req. Des. M

Max. Use 1

Group: Repeat

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January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

EQA Attached Equipment

0450 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 9 (Attached Equipment) Conditional (Optional) 4 Mandatory 1 Used to specify a piece of equipment such as a chassis which is attached or related to the piece of transport equipment identified in the preceding EQD segment.

Recommendation D4/574 - Use of the EQA Trigger segment within the EQA Group within the EQD group Example: EQA+SW'


Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes 8053 EQUIPMENT TYPE CODE QUALIFIER M an..3 Code qualifying a type of equipment. AB Chain Chain used in the securing of cargo. AD Temperature recorder Temperature recorder to provide a record of the actual temperature. BL Blocks A piece of equipment that is normally a piece of wood to fix cargo (e.g. coils) during transport. CH Chassis A wheeled carriage onto which an ocean container is mounted for inland conveyance. CN Container Equipment item as defined by ISO for transport. It must be of: A) permanent character, strong enough for repeated use; B) designed to facilitate the carriage of goods, by one or more modes of transport, without intermediate reloading; C) fitted with devices for its ready handling, particularly. FSU Forked support LAR Lashing rope A rope for lashing cargo. RG Reefer generator A generator used to control the temperature in temperature-controlled transport equipment. RR Rail car [8320] Registered identification number of railway wagon (CIM 19). SW Swap body Rectangular equipment unit without wheels, which can be mounted on a chassis or positioned on legs. TE Trailer A vehicle without motive power, designed for the carriage of cargo and to be towed by a motor vehicle. TP Tarpaulin Waterproof material, e.g. canvas, to spread over cargo to protect it from getting wet. C237 EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION C
66 January 30, 2002

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Must Use X X X


Marks (letters/numbers) identifying equipment. Equipment identification number


1131 3055 3207

Marks (letters and/or numbers) which identify equipment e.g. unit load device. Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. Country name code C an..3 Identification of the name of the country or other geographical entity as specified in ISO 3166.

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes:

GID Segment Group 10: Goods Item Details

0470 Segment Group 5 (Status) Mandatory 3 Conditional (Optional) 99 A group of segments describing the goods item related to the status or event. Recommendation D4/576 Use of the GID Group within the CNI Group Segment Summary

Pos. No. 048 0 050 0 051 0 052 0 053 0 056 0 059 0


Name Goods Item Details Split Goods Placement Dangerous Goods Free Text Segment Group 11: Measurements Segment Group 12: Dimensions Segment Group 13: Package Identification

Req. Des. M C C C C C C

Max. Use 1 99 9 9

Group: Repeat

99 99 99

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January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

GID Goods Item Details

0480 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 10 (Goods Item Details) Conditional (Optional) 3 Mandatory 1 A segment used to specify an individual goods item within the consignment.

Recommendation D4/576 - Use of the GID trigger segment within the GID Group. Regional variations in the order of specification of different levels of packaging are unlikely to be completely resolved until proposed DMR changes have been made to this segment. Example: GID+2+150:CT::::U97

Used Used Must Use Used X

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes 1496 GOODS ITEM NUMBER C n..5 Serial number differentiating each separate goods item entry of a consignment as contained in one document/declaration. C213 NUMBER AND TYPE OF PACKAGES C Number and type of individual parts of a shipment. 7224 Number of packages C n..8 Number of individual parts of a shipment either unpacked, or packed in such a way that they cannot be divided without first undoing the packing. Package type description code C an..17 Code specifying the type of package. UN/ECE Recommendation 21 Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. These are temporary codes. Codes previously used were 1,2 and 3. There are legitimate code values existing so it was necessary to go to alpha codes. Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. Use of this data element is only required when a package type code other than those specified in UN/ECE Recommendation 21 is used. General Recommendation D4/G38 refers. 12 UIC (International union of railways) International Union of Railways. Type of packages C an..35 Description of the form in which goods are presented. Packaging related description code C an..3 Code specifying information related to packaging. U97 Outer (ITIGG Temporary Code) U98 Intermediate (ITIGG Temporary Code) U99 Inner (ITIGG Temporary Code) NUMBER AND TYPE OF PACKAGES C Number and type of individual parts of a shipment. Number of packages C n..8 Number of individual parts of a shipment either unpacked, or packed in such a way that they cannot be divided without first undoing the packing. Package type description code C an..17
69 January 30, 2002

7065 1131



Used Used

7064 7233

Used Must Use Used

C213 7224


IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

X Used

1131 3055

Used Used

7064 7233

Used Must Use Used X Used

C213 7224

Code specifying the type of package. UN/ECE Recommendation 21 Code list identification code C Identification of a code list. Code list responsible agency code C Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. 12 UIC (International union of railways) International Union of Railways. Type of packages C Description of the form in which goods are presented. Packaging related description code C Code specifying information related to packaging. U97 Outer (ITIGG Temporary Code) U98 Intermediate (ITIGG Temporary Code) U99 Inner (ITIGG Temporary Code) NUMBER AND TYPE OF PACKAGES C Number and type of individual parts of a shipment. Number of packages C

an..3 an..3

an..35 an..3


7065 1131 3055

Used Used

7064 7233

Used Used Used X Used

C213 7224 7065 1131 3055

Used X

7064 7233



Number of individual parts of a shipment either unpacked, or packed in such a way that they cannot be divided without first undoing the packing. Package type description code C an..17 Code specifying the type of package. UN/ECE Recommendation 21 Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. 12 UIC (International union of railways) International Union of Railways. Type of packages C an..35 Description of the form in which goods are presented. Packaging related description code C an..3 Code specifying information related to packaging. U97 Outer (ITIGG Temporary Code) U98 Intermediate (ITIGG Temporary Code) U99 Inner (ITIGG Temporary Code) NUMBER AND TYPE OF PACKAGES C Number and type of individual parts of a shipment. Number of packages C n..8 Number of individual parts of a shipment either unpacked, or packed in such a way that they cannot be divided without first undoing the packing. Package type description code C an..17 Code specifying the type of package. UN/ECE Recommendation 21 Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. 12 UIC (International union of railways) International Union of Railways. Type of packages C an..35 Description of the form in which goods are presented. Packaging related description code C an..3 Code specifying information related to packaging. U97 Outer ITIGG Temporary Code) U98 Intermediate (ITIGG Temporary Code) U99 Inner (ITIGG Temporary Code) NUMBER AND TYPE OF PACKAGES C Number and type of individual parts of a shipment.
70 January 30, 2002

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Used Used X Used

7224 7065 1131 3055

Used Used

7064 7233

Number of packages C n..8 Number of individual parts of a shipment either unpacked, or packed in such a way that they cannot be divided without first undoing the packing. Package type description code C an..17 Code specifying the type of package. UN/ECE Recommendation No. 21 Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. 12 UIC (International union of railways) International Union of Railways. Type of packages C an..35 Description of the form in which goods are presented. Packaging related description code C an..3 Code specifying information related to packaging. U97 Outer (ITIGG Temporary Code) U98 Intermediate (ITIGG Temporary Code) U99 Inner (ITIGG Temporary Code)

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January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

SGP Split Goods Placement

0500 Segment Group 10 (Goods Item Details) Conditional (Optional) 4 Conditional (Optional) 99 A segment to identify equipment in which (part of) a goods item is transported.

Recommendation D4/579 - Use of the SGP Segment within the GID Group. This is the trigger segment of the SGP Group and is used to quantify a number of packages within the goods item and the piece of transport equipment in which they are transported. Example: SGP+ABCU5466889+500'

M Must Use

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name C237 EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION Marks (letters/numbers) identifying equipment. 8260 Equipment identification number

Attributes M C an..17

X X X Used 7224

1131 3055 3207

Marks (letters and/or numbers) which identify equipment e.g. unit load device. This number should always match one of the transport numbers specified in DE 8260 within the EQD segment Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. Country name code C an..3 Identification of the name of the country or other geographical entity as specified in ISO 3166. NUMBER OF PACKAGES C n..8 Number of individual parts of a shipment either unpacked, or packed in such a way that they cannot be divided without first undoing the packing. Number of packages in the equipment. Should always be used if the number of packages is known

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

DGS Dangerous Goods

0510 Segment Group 10 (Goods Item Details) Conditional (Optional) 4 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment to specify any dangerous goods details fro the goods item specified in the preceding GID segments

Recommendation D4/580 - Use of the DGS Segment within the GID Group These recommendations applying to the DGS group should be applied wherever the DGS is used in a variety of messages, both Commercial and Operational. See D4 Recommendation 17. For goods with a subsidiary risk code, two methodologies are currently being applied: (a) The DGS segment should be repeated using DE 8273 and DE8351 only. (b) The subsidiary risk should be shown in the FTX segment. Example: DGS+IMO+8:135+1733+140:CEL+2'

Must Use

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name 8273 DANGEROUS GOODS REGULATIONS CODE

Attributes an..3

Code specifying a dangerous goods regulation. ADN (Inland Waterways DG Book ADNR) ADR European agreement on the international carriage of dangerous goods on road (ADR) European agreement on the international carriage of dangerous goods on road. ADR is the abbreviation of "Accord europeen relatif au transport international des marchandises dangereuses par route". ANR ADNR, Autorisation de transport de matieres Dangereuses pour la Navigation sur le Rhin Regulations for dangerous goods transportation on the Rhine. CFR US, 49 Code of federal regulations United States federal regulations issued by the US Department of transportation covering the domestic transportation of dangerous goods by truck, rail, water and air. ICA IATA ICAO Regulations covering the international transportation of dangerous goods issued by the International Air Transport Association and the International Civil Aviation Organization. IMD IMO IMDG code Regulations regarding the transportation of dangerous goods on ocean-going vessels issued by the International Maritime Organization. RID Railroad dangerous goods book (RID) International regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail. RID is the abbreviation of "Reglement International concernant le
IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01) 73 January 30, 2002

Must Use M

C205 8351


transport des marchandises Dangereuses par chemin de fer". C



Used Used Must Use C234



The identification of the dangerous goods in code. Hazard code identification M an..7 Dangerous goods code. CRF CRF 49 Codes IMDG IMDG Class Number IMDG1 IMDG Sub-class Number RID RID Class Number Hazard substance/item/page number C an..7 Number giving additional hazard code classification of a goods item within the applicable dangerous goods regulation. IMDG Code Page Number) Hazard code version number C an..10 The version/revision number of date of issuance of the code used. IMDG Code Version Number UNDG INFORMATION C Information on dangerous goods, taken from the United Nations Dangerous Goods classification. UNDG number C n4 Unique serial number assigned within the United Nations to substances and articles contained in a list of the dangerous goods most commonly carried. DE 7124 must be sent if C234 is used Dangerous goods flashpoint C an..8 Lowest temperature, in the case of dangerous goods, at which vapour from an inflammable liquid forms an ignitable mixture with air. DANGEROUS GOODS SHIPMENT C FLASHPOINT Temperature at which a vapor can be ignited as per ISO 1523/73. Flashpoint temperatures should be stated to one decimal place. Shipment flashpoint C n3 Temperature in centigrade determined by the closed cup test as per ISO 1523/73 where a vapour is given off that can be ignited. Flashpoint temperatures should be stated to one decimal place Measurement unit code C an..3 Code specifying the unit of measurement. It is recommended that codes from UN/ECE REcommendation 20 be used. CEL Celsius FAH Fahrenheit PACKING GROUP, CODED C an..3 Identification of a packing group by code. 1 = Packing Group I 2 = Packing Group II 3 = Packing Group III

X Used C223


Must Use


Must Use




Used Used Used Used

8364 8410 8126 C235

EMS NUMBER C an..6 Emergency procedures for ships carrying dangerous goods. MFAG C an..4 Medical first aid guide. TREM CARD NUMBER C an..10 The identification of a transport emergency card giving advice for emergency actions. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION PLACARD C DETAILS
74 January 30, 2002

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

Used Used Used Must Use Used Used Used X 8255 8325 C236

8158 8186


These numbers appear on the hazard identification placard required on the means of transport. Hazard identification number, upper part C an..4 The id. number for the Orange Placard (upper part) required on the means of transport. Substance identification number, lower part C an4 The number for the Orange Placard (lower part) required on the means of transport. DANGEROUS GOODS LABEL C Markings identifying the type of hazardous goods and similar information. Dangerous goods label marking C an..4 Marking identifying the type of hazardous goods (substance), Loading/Unloading instructions and advising actions in case of emergency. Dangerous goods label marking C an..4 Marking identifying the type of hazardous goods (substance), Loading/Unloading instructions and advising actions in case of emergency. Dangerous goods label marking C an..4 Marking identifying the type of hazardous goods (substance), Loading/Unloading instructions and advising actions in case of emergency. PACKING INSTRUCTION, CODED C an..3 Code defining the quantity and the type of package in which a product is allowed to be shipped in a passenger or freight aircraft. CATEGORY OF MEANS OF TRANSPORT, C an..3 CODED Identification of the type of means of transport determined to carry particular goods, not necessarily being hazardous. PERMISSION FOR TRANSPORT, CODED C an..3 Code giving evidence that transportation of particular hazardous cargo is permitted and identifies the restrictions being put upon a particular transport.

8246 8246


IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose:

FTX Free Text

0520 Segment Group 10 (Goods Item Details) Conditional (Optional) 4 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment to describe the goods item, and to provide additional free text information related to the goods item.

Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

Recommendation D4/581 Use of the free text is optional. If dangerous goods have been reported in the DGS segment, the FTX should be used at least once to provide the dangerous goods technical name. Example: FTX+AAD+++ANTIMONY TRICHLORIDE'


X X D M Used

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes 4451 TEXT SUBJECT CODE QUALIFIER M an..3 Code specifying the subject of the text. AAA Goods description [7002] Plain language description of the nature of the goods sufficient to identify them at the level required for banking, Customs, statistical or transport purposes, avoiding unnecessary detail (Generic term). AAC Dangerous goods additional information Additional information concerning dangerous goods. AAD Dangerous goods, technical name Proper shipping name, supplemented as necessary with the correct technical name, by which a dangerous substance or article may be correctly identified or which is sufficiently informative to permit identification by reference to generally available literature. DAR Damage remarks Remarks concerning damage on the cargo. 4453 TEXT FUNCTION, CODED C an..3 Code specifying the purpose of the text. C107 TEXT REFERENCE C Coded reference to a standard text and its source. Used if DE4451 = AAC and the product is a marine pollutant substance. 4441 Free text value code M an..17 Code specifying free form text. P Marine Pollutant PP Severe Marine Pollutant 1131 Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. 3055 Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list. C108 TEXT LITERAL C Free text; one to five lines. 4440 Free text value M an..512 Free form text. Used if DE4451 = AAD or AAC and C107 is not used. 4440 Free text value C an..512
76 January 30, 2002

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Used Used Used Used X 3453 4447

4440 4440 4440

Free form text. Free text value Free form text. Free text value Free form text. Free text value Free form text. LANGUAGE NAME CODE Code specifying the language name. TEXT FORMATTING, CODED Code specifying the formatting parameters for the text.


an..512 an..512 an..512 an..3 an..3

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes:

MEA Segment Group 11: Measurements

0530 Segment Group 10 (Goods Item Details) Conditional (Optional) 4 Conditional (Optional) 99 A group of segments specifying measurements. Recommendation D4/582 The use of the MEA group at the GID level is optional Segment Summary

Pos. No. 054 0 055 0


Name Measurements Number of Units

Req. Des. M C

Max. Use 1 1

Group: Repeat

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

MEA Measurements
0540 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 11 (Measurements) Conditional (Optional) 4 Mandatory 1 A segment specifying measurements, other than dimension, of a goods item.

Recommendation D4/583 - Use of the MEA Group within the GID Group. Example: MEA+AAE+G+KGU:21000'

Must Use Must Use

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes 6311 MEASUREMENT ATTRIBUTE CODE M an..3 Code specifying the measurement attribute. The Code AAE is being used on a temporary basis until a new code can be established for "transport measurement" AAE Measurement [6314] Value of the measured unit. Transport measurement C502 MEASUREMENT DETAILS C 6313 Identification of measurement type. Measured attribute code Code specifying the attribute measured. General Recommendation D4/G42 refers. This qualifier determines the measurement value to be applied either to one signle despatch unit of the goods item or to a number of despatch units of the goods item. When Unit Gross Weight is provided in this segment, the measurement provided relates to the total gross weight of one single despatch unit in the goods item. The number of despatch units of the goods item that all have the same quoted gross weight is specified in the EGN segment when diffeerent from the number of despatch units specified in the GID segment. When Gross Weight is provided, the measurement relates to the total gross weight of a number of despatch units in the goods item. The number of despatch units of the goods item that together have the quoted gross weight is specified in the EGN segment when different to the number of despatch units specified in the GID segment. AAA Unit net weight [6160] Weight (mass) of goods including any packing normally going with them to a buyer in a retail sale. AAB Unit gross weight [6292] Weight (mass) of goods including packing but excluding the carrier's equipment. AAF Net net weight [6048] Weight (mass) of the goods themselves without any packing. AAL Net weight [6160] Weight (mass) of goods including any packing normally going with them to a buyer in a retail sale. AAW Gross volume C an..3

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January 30, 2002

X X X Must Use M C174

6321 6155 6154

The observed volume unadjusted for factors such as temperature or gravity. AAX Net volume The observed volume after adjustment for factors such as temperature or gravity. ABJ Volume The amount of air space taken up by the entity identified in the 6311 qualifier. ACV Loading meters The length in a vehicle, whereby the complete width and height over that length is needed for the goods. G Gross weight [6292] Weight (mass) of goods including packing but excluding the carrier's equipment. GMC (Gross measure/cube) WT Weight [6150] Numeric value of weight. Measurement significance, coded C an..3 Code specifying the significance of a measurement value. Non-discrete measurement name code C an..17 Code specifying the name of a non-discrete measurement. Non-discrete measurement name C an..70 Name of a non-discrete measurement. VALUE/RANGE C Measurement value and relevant minimum and maximum values of the measurement range. Measurement unit code M an..3 Code specifying the unit of measurement. Use of codes from UN/ECE Recommendation 20 is recommended. FTQ Cubic Feet KGM Kilogram LBR Pounds MTQ Cubic Metre MTR Metre Measurement value C an..18 Value of the measured unit. Range minimum Minimum of a range. Range maximum Maximum of a range. Significant digits To specify the number of significant digits. SURFACE/LAYER CODE Code specifying the surface or layer of an object. C C C C n..18 n..18 n..2 an..3


Must Use X X X X 7383

6314 6162 6152 6432

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

EQN Number of Units

0550 Segment Group 11 (Measurements) Conditional (Optional) 5 Conditional (Optional) 1 This segment is used to specify numbers of units which relate to the measurements specified in the preceding MEA Segment.

Recommendation D4/584 - Use of the EQN Segment within the MEA Group within the GID Group. The EQN specifies the number of packages (despatch units)within the goods item to the measurement specified in the preceding MEA. Example: EQN+10'

M Must Use X

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name C523 NUMBER OF UNIT DETAILS Identification of number of units and its purpose. 6350 Number of units 6353 Number of units of a certain type. Unit type code qualifier Code qualifying the type of unit.

Attributes M C C n..15 an..3

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January 30, 2002

Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes:

DIM Segment Group 12: Dimensions

0560 Segment Group 10 (Goods Item Details) Conditional (Optional) 4 Conditional (Optional) 99 A group of segments specifying dimensions of a goods item in the preceding GID segment. Recommendation D4/585 - Use of the DIM Group within the GID Group This group is used to specify overall dimensions (length, width, height) of the goods item. Segment Summary

Pos. No. 057 0 058 0


Name Dimensions Number of Units

Req. Des. M C

Max. Use 1 1

Group: Repeat

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

DIM Dimensions
0570 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 12 (Dimensions) Conditional (Optional) 4 Mandatory 1 A segment specifying dimensions of a goods item specified in the preceding GID segment.

Recommendation D4/5.86 - Use of the DIM Trigger Segment within the DIM Group within the GID Group. The DIM at this level applies to the overall dimensions of the goods item. Transmission of all three dimensions (DE6168, 6140 and 6008) is strongly recommended. Example: DIM+9+CNT:920:135:205'


Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes 6145 DIMENSION QUALIFIER M an..3 To specify the dimensions applicable to each of the transportable units. 2 Package dimensions (including goods) The dimension of the goods including the packaging. 4 Pallet dimensions (including goods) The dimension of a pallet including the goods. 5 Off-standard dimension front The dimension in the length that the cargo exceeds the standard length at the front of an equipment. 6 Off-standard dimension back The dimension in the length that the cargo exceeds the standard length at the back of an equipment. 7 Off-standard dimension right The dimension in the width that the cargo exceeds the standard width at the right side of an equipment. 8 Off-standard dimension left The dimension in the width that the cargo exceeds the standard width at the left side of an equipment. 9 Off-standard dimension general The dimensions that the cargo exceeds the standard dimensions. 10 External equipment dimension The external dimensions of transport equipment. A Loose Dimensions (ITIGG TemporaryCode) C211 DIMENSIONS M Specification of the dimensions of a transportable unit. 6411 Measurement unit code M an..3 Code specifying the unit of measurement. This follows the standard set in the SMDG BAPLIE message implementation guideline - Metres and Feet are not included. Non-metric measures should always be converted before transmission to regions where metric measures are the legislated standard, and vice versa. Recommended codes are from UN/ECE Recommendation 20. CMT Centimetres INH Inches
83 January 30, 2002

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6168 6140 6008

Length dimension C Length of pieces or packages stated for transport purposes. Overall length Width dimension C Width of pieces or packages stated for transport purposes. Overall width Height dimension C Height of pieces or packages stated for transport purposes. Overall height

n..15 n..15 n..15

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

EQN Number of Units

0580 Segment Group 12 (Dimensions) Conditional (Optional) 5 Conditional (Optional) 1 A segment specifying the number of units to which the given dimension is applicable.

Recommendation D4/593 - Use of the EGN segment within the DIM Group within the GID Group.

The EQN segment at this level is used to specify number of units which relate to the dimensions specified in the preceding DIM segment. Example: EQN+10' Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name C523 NUMBER OF UNIT DETAILS Identification of number of units and its purpose. 6350 Number of units 6353 Number of units of a certain type. Unit type code qualifier Code qualifying the type of unit.

Attributes M C C n..15 an..3

M Must Use X

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Group: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Notes:

PCI Segment Group 13: Package Identification

0590 Segment Group 10 (Goods Item Details) Conditional (Optional) 4 Conditional (Optional) 99 A group of segments specifying marks and numbers related to the transport line items. Recommendation D4/586 This group is used to specify Marks and Number in PCI. Segment Summary

Pos. No. 060 0 061 0


Name Package Identification Goods Identity Number

Req. Des. M C

Max. Use 1 9

Group: Repeat

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January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

PCI Package Identification

0600 (Trigger Segment) Segment Group 13 (Package Identification) Conditional (Optional) 4 Mandatory 1 A segment specifying marks related to the transport line items.

Recommendation D4/589. Example: PCI+'23+B1-B250'


Used M Used Used Used Used Used Used Used Used Used X

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes 4233 MARKING INSTRUCTIONS, CODED C an..3 Code indicating instructions on how specified packages or physical units should be marked. DE4233 can be used with code 23 to indicate that Marks which follow apply to the entire shipment where this is appropriate to avoid re-transmitting marks for each goods item. Otherwise, code 24 would indicate that the marks are being transmitted for every goods item. 23 Entire shipment Markings refer to the entire shipment. 24 Shipper assigned Markings to identify a shipment, package or carton as assigned by shipper. C210 MARKS & LABELS C Shipping marks on packages in free text; one to ten lines. 7102 Shipping marks M an..35 Marks and numbers identifying individual packages. 7102 Shipping marks C an..35 Marks and numbers identifying individual packages. 7102 Shipping marks C an..35 Marks and numbers identifying individual packages. 7102 Shipping marks C an..35 Marks and numbers identifying individual packages. 7102 Shipping marks C an..35 Marks and numbers identifying individual packages. 7102 Shipping marks C an..35 Marks and numbers identifying individual packages. 7102 Shipping marks C an..35 Marks and numbers identifying individual packages. 7102 Shipping marks C an..35 Marks and numbers identifying individual packages. 7102 Shipping marks C an..35 Marks and numbers identifying individual packages. 7102 Shipping marks C an..35 Marks and numbers identifying individual packages. 8275 CONTAINER OR PACKAGE STATE, CODED C an..3 Code to identify whether goods of separate description or comprising separate consignments are contained in the same external packaging or to indicate that a container or similar unit load device is empty. C827 TYPE OF MARKING C Specification of the type of marking that reflects the method that was used
87 January 30, 2002

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7511 1131 3055

and the conventions adhered to for marking (e.g. of packages). Type of marking, coded M an..3 To specify the type of marking that reflects the method and the conventions adhered to for marking. Code list identification code C an..3 Identification of a code list. Code list responsible agency code C an..3 Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list.

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

GIN Goods Identity Number

0610 Segment Group 13 (Package Identification) Conditional (Optional) 5 Conditional (Optional) 9 A segment specifying identity numbers related to the transport line items.

Recommendation D4/590 Example: GIN+AW+MFR1234'

M Used Used M Used Used M

Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name Attributes 7405 OBJECT IDENTIFICATION CODE QUALIFIER M an..3 Code qualifying the identification of an object. AN Manufacturing reference number A unique number identifying a particular assembly or other manufacturing process. AT Transport packing group number Number identifying a group of articles in a predescribed unit load for shipment/dispatch as agreed between partners. AW Serial shipping container code A single unique serial number which identifies shipping containers or shipping packages. BN Serial number Identification number of an item which distinguishes this specific item out of a number of identical items. BX Batch number Unique number affixed by manufacturer to a batch of products produced under similar conditions. ML Marking/label number The number on the marking or label. VV Vehicle identity number Unique serial number assigned by the manufacturer that distinguishes one vehicle from another. C208 IDENTITY NUMBER RANGE M Goods item identification numbers, start and end of consecutively numbered range. Refer to General Recommendation D4/G28. 7402 Object identifier M an..35 Code specifying the unique identity of an object. 7402 Object identifier C an..35 Code specifying the unique identity of an object. C208 IDENTITY NUMBER RANGE C Goods item identification numbers, start and end of consecutively numbered range. 7402 Object identifier M an..35 Code specifying the unique identity of an object. 7402 Object identifier C an..35 Code specifying the unique identity of an object. C208 IDENTITY NUMBER RANGE C Goods item identification numbers, start and end of consecutively numbered range. 7402 Object identifier M an..35
89 January 30, 2002

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)

Used Used M Used Used M Used C208 C208


7402 7402

7402 7402

Code specifying the unique identity of an object. Object identifier C an..35 Code specifying the unique identity of an object. IDENTITY NUMBER RANGE C Goods item identification numbers, start and end of consecutively numbered range. Object identifier M an..35 Code specifying the unique identity of an object. Object identifier C an..35 Code specifying the unique identity of an object. IDENTITY NUMBER RANGE C Goods item identification numbers, start and end of consecutively numbered range. Object identifier M an..35 Code specifying the unique identity of an object. Object identifier C an..35 Code specifying the unique identity of an object.

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January 30, 2002

Segment: Position: Group: Level: Usage: Max Use: Purpose: Dependency Notes: Semantic Notes: Comments: Notes:

UNT Message Trailer

0620 0 Mandatory 1 A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.

Recommendation D4/591 Example: UNH+45+24680'


Data Element Summary Data Component Element Element Name 0074 NUMBER OF SEGMENTS IN A MESSAGE Control count of number of segments in a message. 0062 MESSAGE REFERENCE NUMBER Unique message reference assigned by the sender.


Attributes n..6 an..14

IFTSTA2 (D.99B.01)


January 30, 2002

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