Enterpreneur Ship
Enterpreneur Ship
Enterpreneur Ship
of entrepreneurship.
Unit I: Introduction (9 classes) Entrepreneurship-meaning and definition Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Skills Entrepreneurial Structure Entrepreneurial Culture Vs Administrative Culture Entrepreneurship vs. Intrapreneurship New facets of entrepreneurship Unit II: The Entrepreneur (9 classes) Nature, Characteristics and importance Role of an entrepreneur: different views-Psychological, social, economic and Managerial Classification of entrepreneurs Entrepreneurial traits and motivation Entrepreneur distinguished from manager and leader Entrepreneurial function at different stages of enterprise life cycle Sources of entrepreneurial supply Entrepreneurial Ethics Success stories of some Indian entrepreneurs Unit III: Entrepreneurship Theories and Process (9 classes) Sociological, Economic, Psychological and Managerial Theories Entrepreneurship process- Setting, preparation, Management and survival, Growth, Entrepreneurship transition Entrepreneurship- problems and prospects in India and NE region Unit IV: Entrepreneurship in Different Context and Forms (9 classes) Rural Entrepreneurship, International Entrepreneurship Group Entrepreneurship Social Entrepreneurship Corporate Entrepreneurship Indigenous Entrepreneurship Women Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship in Backward Region Unit V: Entrepreneurship Development (9 classes) Models of Entrepreneurship development Designing Entrepreneurship Awareness Programme, Designing Comprehensive EDPs, Evaluating an EDP EDPs in India and NE India An evaluation 27
Core Reading 1. Desai, Vasant: Entrepreneurial Development Vol I (Himalaya Publications, N. Delhi, 2000) 2. Hisrich, R.D & Peter, M.P.: Entrepreneurship (Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2006) 3. Drucker, Peter: Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Heineman,1996) 4. Kanungo, R: Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Sage Publication, N. Delhi,1998) Additional Reading 1. Mcllelland, D.C. Motivating Economic Achievement Winter, D.G.: (Free Press, NewYork, 1966) 2. Awasthi, D & Sebastian, J.: Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Progress (Sage Publications, N. Delhi,1996) 3. Westhead, P. and Wright, M. (Ed): Advances in Entrepreneurship Vol.III Elgar Reference Collection, Northampton, USA, 2000) 4. Vexper, Karl N.: New Venture Strategies (Prentice Hall of India, N. Delhi,1993) 5. David, Hall.: The Hall Marks for Successful Business (Excel Books, 1992) 6. Jain, G. Raj & Gupta, D (Ed).: New Initiatives in Entrepreneurship Education and Training (EDII, Ahmedabad, 1996) 7. Mali, D.D.: Vision 2001: Small Industry in North East (Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship Gauhati, 2000) 8. Sharma, R.A.: Entrepreneurial Change in Indian Industries (Sterling Publication, N. Delhi, 1992) 9. Story, D.J.: Small Business: Critical Perspective on Business and Management (Routledge, London, 2000) Current Reading Journal of Small Business Management SEDME, Journal of Entrepreneurship Financial Dailies. 28
MC-304 (B): SMALL ENTERPRISE ENVIRONMENT Objective: The objective of the course is to develop an understanding of the concept, role and rationale of small business and provide knowledge of Small Business