LET Reviewer
LET Reviewer
LET Reviewer
of 28
Part 1- MultipleChoice Write the letter(s) that corresponds to your best choice in your answer sheet. If ever none of the choices is right, write the correct answer. 1. A student knows that the examinaticn week is approaching, but instead of studying, he chose to spend his time playing computer games. On the examination day itself, He opted to pray for miracles rather than religion is displayed? Miracles rather than studying which attitude towards studying. attitude towards religion is Which displayed? A. Religion as Fake C. Religion as authentic B. Religion as MagicD. Religion as real 2. _ islare used as medium/mediaof instruction in schools durilg the Spanish era. A. The vernacular C. Spanish B. EnglishD. Spanish and the vernacular 3. The use of the integrated approach in both secondary and prinary level subjects is a resua of the irnplernentaton of the A. Program for Decentralized Education B. School- based management C. Basic Education Curriculum, D. School First Initiative
4. What government program albws students who are not accommodated in community public schools to enroll in private school at the government's expense? A. Government Assistance Program C. Educational Service Contract B. Study now Pay later System, D. National Scholarship Program was the 1980's foremost educational issue. 5. A. Bilingual EducationC. Accountability B.Values EducationD. Mainstreaming 6.The government's educaticnal program on made the Philippine Education Placement Test accessible for adCJtsand
out-of-school-youth. A. Equitable Access C. Quality and relevance B.Quality D. Relevance . 7. College students are required to take a ccnstitution course for them to. A. Develop students into responsible and thinking B.Acquaint students with the historical development of the Ph~ippineConstitution C.Make students experts in terms of Phiippine Constitution D.Prepare the students for law making. 8. supports equitable access but on the other hand, quality might be compromised. A.Open admissionC. Deregulated tuition fee hike 9. Educational institutions' effort of developing work skills inside the school are aimed at . A. Developing moral character C. Inculcating love of country B.Teaching the duties of citizenship D. Developing vocational efficiency
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10. In Piaget's concrete operational stage, a teacher should provide . A. Activities for hypothesis formulation B.Learning activities that involve problems of classification and order C. Activities for evaluation purposes. D. Stimulating environment with ample objects to play with 11. Interpersonal intelligence is best shown by a student who. A.Works on his/her own B.Keeps interest to himselfhlerself C.Seeks out a classmate for help when problem occurs D.Spends time meditating 12. A student is finding it hard to read. When the guidanoe counselor traced the child's history, the counselor was able to find out that the student came a dysfunctional family, aside from that, the child was abused and neglected. What could have caused the student's reading disability? A.Emotional factors B.Poor teaching C. Neurological factors D. Immaturity 13. A child was punished for cheating in an exam. For sure the child wont cheat again in short span of time, but this does not guarantee that the child won't cheat ever again Based on Thorndike's theory on punishment and learning, this shows that . A.. Punishment strengthens a response C. Punishment doesn't remove a response B.Punishment removes response D. Punishment weakens a response 14. Laughing at a two-year old chid who uttered a bad word is not a proper thing to do because in this stage of the child's life, the child is A.Considering the views of other C. Socializing B.Distinguishingsex differences D. Distinguishing right from wrong 15. 'Men are buifi not born:This quotation by John Watson states that . A.The ineffectiveness of training on a person's development B.The effect of environmental stimulation on a person's development C.The absenoe of genetic influence on a person's development D. The effect of heredity 16. A child who is cold towards the people around him might have failed to attain what basic goal based on Erikson's theory on psychological development? A.Autonomy C. Initiative B.Trust A. B. A. B. D. Mistrust
17. A boy is closer to his mother and a girl is closer to her father. These instances are under. Oedipal Complex C. Phallic stage Latent stage D. Pre-genital stage 18.are rights that cannot be renounced because they needed for a person to fulfill his/her primordial obligations. Perfect rights C. Acquired rights Alienable rights D. Inalienable rights 19. A grade 1 pupil likes to play with his friends, but gets angry when defeated. Piagel's theory states that this pupil is under what developmental stage? A.Concrete operation C. Formal Operation B.Sensor motor D. Pre-operation
B. A. B.
20. Which describes Ph~ippineeducation during the Spanish reqme? Establishment of a normal school C. Vernacular as medium of instruction Separation of church and state D. Emphasis on religious instruction 21. Some Filipino teachers are sent abroad to study. We call themv . Insulares C. Pensionados D. Peninsulares Reformists 22. Jose Rizal said that national redemption can be achieved by. A.Gaining economic recovery B.Stabilizing political situation C.Opening our doors to foreign influenoe D.Upgrading the quality of the Fiipinos through education 23. A foreign who studying here in the Philippines was turned-off by the Filipinos' lack of punctuality and poor word choice A. EthnocentrismC. Xenocentrism B.Colonial mentalityCulture shock 24. If you are a wise voter, you would vote. A.A candidate who has the making of a public servant B.A neighbor who is closest to you in times of need C.A candidate who helped you by giving cash D.A godfather who gave your father a job 25. A preqnant,unmarried woman aborted her baby to avoid disgrace. Is she moraly justified to do that? A. No, the unborn child cannot be made to suffer the consequences of the sins of his/her parents. B. Yes, it can save her and the child from disgrace when he grows up. C. No, abortion is immoral D.Yes, it is better to prevent the child from coming into the world who wiDsuffer very much due to the absence of a father 26.This constitutional provision is the full and partial integration of the capable deaf and blind students in the classroom. A.Creating scholarship for poor and deserving students. B.Academic freedom C.Providing citizenship and vocational training to adLdtcitizens and out-of-schoolyouths. D.Protecting and promoting the right of all citizens to quality education.
A .B .
27.The difference between Christian and Muslin marriage, the former being monogamous and the later being polygamous is called
A.Supporting a poor but deserving student school.C. Donating an amount for noble project. B.Paying the worker the wages agreed upon.D. Giving alms to the needy
29.Teachers are tasked with so many things to do aside from teaching. Sometimes these tasks adversely affect their
teaching. Does this mean that teachers should be only preoccupied with teaching? A. Yes, if they are given other assignmentsjustice demands that they be properly compensated. B. No, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership and initiative in activities for betterment of communities. C. Yes, because other community leaders, not teachers, are tasked to lead in community activities D. Yes, because teaching is enough full time job. 30.The brain's left hemisphere is involved in function.
A. B.
Intuitive Visual
C. D. logical Nonverbal
31. The Professional Teachers Code of Ethics does not cover A.Teachers in the tertiary level B.All full time or part tine public and private school teachers and administrators C.Teachers in all educational institutions at the pre-school, elementary and secondary levels. D.Teachers of academic, vocational, special, technical or non-formal institutions 32. is the start of Education in human rights. A.loving others B.liking others
33.This is the objective of the continuous progression scheme that was introduced in the elementary level in the school year A. B. 1970 to 1971. Mastery of three r's Pupils progression according to capacity
34.Schema theory states that: A.We leam by the process of conditioning
B.We are passive learners C.We organize what we leam according to pattems D. We are totally conditioned by our environment. A. B. 35.If one asked to develop himself to the fullest, what need is he trying to satisfy according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs? Safety needs C. Belongingness Physiological needs D. Selfactualization 36.Fear of something that was caused by a painful experiences in the past is an example of: A. Insight C. Operant conditioning B. Classical Conditioning D. Imitation 37. Filipinization is violated if:
A.An educational institutionis ownedI'f a corporation of which 40% of the capital is owned by Filipino Citizens. B.
An educational institution owned by a religious order C.An American serving as president of the educational institution. D.An Educational institution owned by a charitable instlution.
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