Gazette February 2013

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Regular Services Sundays Wednesday Weekdays (except Thursdays) Staff Vicar Assistant Priest Hon. Assistant Priest 8.00am 10.00am 6.00pm 12.30pm 8.30am 5.30pm Holy Communion Parish Eucharist (with Sunday School) Evensong Holy Communion Morning Prayer Evening Prayer The Revd. Philip Welsh 020 7834 1300 (The Vicar is not available on Thursdays) The Revd. Dr. Denise Yeldham [email protected] 07814 193 632

The Revd. John Hicks 020 7277 2383 [email protected] (for school business see number below) Caitlin Lovich [email protected] Bradley Collins [email protected] Alison Neilson [email protected] Rosemary Field [email protected] Edward Jenkyns Anthony Sewell Lawson Crawford Michael Duggan Edward Barker Steve Waldron Revd. John Hicks (Headteacher) Michael Duggan Terry Harper Guy Wallis Joanna Smith Jackie Walsh Liz Szewczyk 020 7821 9254 020 7630 020 7834 020 7233 020 7735 0434 2147 9522 4110 07504 305 942 020 7834 0950 020 7834 0950 07712 354 384

Pastoral Assistant Administrator Bursar Director of Music Verger (weekdays) Verger (weekends) Parish Officers Churchwardens Treasurer Stewardship Secretary Other Contacts Burdett-Coutts School Sunday School Toddlers Group Church Library Burma Link Safeguarding Officer Catering Committee

020 7641 5930 020 7834 2147 020 7828 8077 07917 773 407 020 7821 8071 020 7834 8275 020 8800 3017

PCC Members

Edward Barker, Michael Duggan, Lawson Crawford, Peter Collett, Pam Ashley, Jackie Walsh, Steve Waldron, Linda Brandon, Philip Welsh, John Hicks, Margaret Duggan, Liz Szewczyk, Naomi Mbie, Denise Yeldham. Church open Monday Friday 9am 2pm and during services Parish Office Monday Friday, 9am - 1pm The Parish Office, St. Stephens House, Hide Place, London, SW1P 4NJ

St. Stephens Rochester Row

February - April 2013


From the Vicar

All change for Burma For the past twenty years St. Stephens has sustained a remarkably strong link with the Church in the province of Myanmar. This has involved raising awareness of the life of the Church in that particularly isolated country, and praying for it regularly; supporting financially an ordinand at the Theological College; welcoming visitors from Burma on numerous occasions; and from time to time arranging visits to Burma by groups from St. Stephens most recently last year. Although many people have helped sustain our BurmaLink, the driving force has always been Joanna Smith, with her wealth of contacts, experience and commitment. Joanna will be stepping down as co-ordinator in a few months, and we have decided that the best way to ensure the future of this valued relationship is to focus our attention more specifically on Holy Cross Theological College. This serves the whole province, but offers a more manageable point of contact, and as it happens was the way our link originated. We shall, of course, still be nefit from Joannas deep knowledge of the Church in Burma, but what we shall now be looking for is someone to be in effect our correspondent with Holy Cross, and I shall be very glad to hear from anyone who might be interested.

Lent, Holy Week and Easter Lent comes upon us quite early this year. Alongside our accustomed pattern of services from Ash Wednesday (13th February) to Easter Day (see calendar overleaf), I shall be offering a Tuesday evening Lent Group (exciting details to follow), and Denise Yeldham will also be offering a group; and Caitlin Lovich will be arranging a childrens workshop just before Palm Sunday which I hope will result in some extravagant items to wave around in our Palm Sunday Procession. The annual service highlighting Wholeness and Healing, normally held on Passion Sunday evening, will be transferred this year to October, making the traditional link with the feast of St. Luke the Physician. Fuller details of Lent will be in a Lent leaflet available shortly.

Roll up, roll up Every six years our churchs Electoral Roll the official list of church members is abolished and started again from scratch, instead of having just a minor annual revision and progressive irrelevance as people come and go. This momentous year has now arrived, and as well as giving us an administrative chore, its the opportunity to create a membership list that really does reflect who we are, and can be the basis for much more effective communication not least if people provide an email address (optional). Look out for application forms from mid-February. Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be on Sunday 28th April. Last year the meetings attendance benefitted from its being on a Sunday after church. This year the meeting will take place not in the hall but in the church itself, and we look forward to a record-breaking turnout from the electorate.

Assistant Priest Please note that Denise Yeldham who is half-time- is changing her working days from Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday to Sunday, Thursday and Friday, with effect from February.

Philip Welsh

From the PCC

At its November meeting the Parochial Church Council learned that the investigation of a
replacement heating system had begun; noted potentially large budget costings just received for the next phase of Quinquennial repairs; were glad that the PCCs proposal for refocusing our BurmaLink was sympathetic to its outgoing organiser; received an encouraging report of a meeting with bellringers advocating that the rehanging of the bells should be managed through a selfcontained Trust; agreed to transfer sums of our reserves into an investment fund; accepted a budget for 2013 that projected a significant deficit; reviewed the work of our Sunday School; noted the new requirement that the role of Childrens Advocate should be split into a Safeguarding Officer and a Childrens Champion; accepted the Charitable Giving Committees recommendations for this years donations, and agreed to give the unspent balance of the emergencies allo cation to Christian Aid.

At its January meeting the PCC reviewed the Advent Open Week and our Christmas services;
approved the setting up of a self-contained Trust, representing both PCC and Bellringers, to raise funds for the rehanging of the bells and to manage the project; and agreed, following discussion with our architects, to a modest package of Quinquennial repairs for the current year, largely inside the spire.

Calendar with Sunday readings

A reference copy of PCC minutes is available on the table in church. nd
Saturday 2 PCC Awayday Sunday 3rd Candlemas / Presentation of Christ Saturday 9th Sunday 10th Next before Lent Wednesday 13th Ash Wednesday Friday 15th Saturday 16th Sunday 17th 1st of Lent Sunday 24th 2nd of Lent 10am 6pm All-age service with the ministry of healing Heb 2: 14 end; Lk 2: 22 40 Choral Evensong with Candlemas ceremony Wedding 2 Cor 3: 12 4: 2; Lk 9: 28 - 36 Ex 3: 1 - 6; Jn 12: 27 - 36a Holy Communion Sung Eucharist Wedding Coffee Concert (Richard Hills - Organ) Rom 10: 8b 13; Luke 4: 1 13 Jonah 3; Lk 18: 9 - 14 Phil 3: 17 4: 1; Lk 13: 31 end Jer 22: 1 9, 13 17; Lk 14: 27 33 1.30pm 10am 6pm 12.30pm 6.30pm 12noon 12noon 10am 6pm 10am 6pm

Wednesday 27th

7.30pm 7.30pm 10am 6pm 10am 6pm 10am 6pm 7.30pm

PCC meeting Concert by Cantandum 1 Cor 10: 1 13; Lk 13: 1 9 - with the ministry of healing Gen 28: 10 19a; Jn 1: 35 - end All-age service Isa 40: 27 41: 13; 2 Tim 4: 1 - 18 Phil 3: 4b 14; Jn 12: 1 8 2 Chr 35: 1 6, 10 16; Lk 22: 1 - 13 PCC meeting


Friday 1st Sunday 3rd 3rd of Lent Sunday 10th Mothering Sunday Sunday 17th Passiontide begins Wednesday 20th


Palm Sunday Sunday 24th 8am 10am Holy Communion Phil 2: 5 11; Lk 19: 28 48 Palm Sunday Liturgy beginning with Procession Holy Communion (transferred from 27th) Sung Eucharist of the Last Supper & Vigil The Day Jesus died all-age Stations of the Cross The Three Hours: 12noon Ecumenical Procession 1.30pm Organ Music 2pm The Final Hour

Maundy Thursday Thursday 28th Good Friday Friday 29th

12.30pm 7.30pm 10am 12-3pm

(starts Central Hall)

Easter Eve Saturday 30th Easter Day Sunday 31st

7.30pm 8am 10am 6pm

10am 6pm 10am 6pm 10am 6pm 10am 11.30am 6pm

Lighting of the New Fire & First Eucharist of Easter Holy Communion Acts 10: 34 43; Lk 24: 1 - 12 Isa 43: 1 21; Jn 20: 19 23 Choral Evensong
Acts 5: 27 32; Jn 20: 19 end Heb 10: 4 10; Lk 1: 26 -38 Acts 9: 1 - 6; Jn 21: 1 - 19 Isa 38: 9 20; Jn 11: 27 - 44 Acts 9: 36 end; Jn 10: 22 30 Isa 63: 7 14; Lk 24: 36 - 49 Acts 11: 1 18; Jn 13: 31 - 35 Annual Parochial Church Meeting Dan 6: 6 23; Mk 15: 46 16: 8


Sunday 7th 2nd Sunday of Easter Sunday 14th 3rd Sunday of Easter Sunday 21st 4th Sunday of Easter Sunday 28th 5th Sunday of Easter

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