New Proposal MMKKN

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Electronic Methods of capacitance and inductance measurement are based on different principles. They include bridge methods, vector impedance methods, resonance methods, digital RLC methods, voltage and current measurement methods, and phase shift measurement methods. All of these methods have some advantages but also suffer from some drawbacks (Hrukovic & Hribik, 2008). 1.2.0 Motivation: This design for measurement of inductance and capacitance can be used to test whether the values of inductors and capacitors quoted by the manufacturer are correct. Resonance methods use the known dependence of the resonance frequency on the values of an inductance and capacitance elements of a series or parallel resonance circuit. For the finding of resonance frequency, they are inaccurate.
1.3.0 Background:

A modified version of the resonance methods is based on the measurement of the frequency of an oscillator with the measured element connected into a frequency controlling resonance circuit. Digital frequency measurement is accurate and yields the desired digital output of the instrument (Hrukovic & Hribik, 2008).
1.4.0 Objectives and Specifications:

The design is obvious because it can measure capacitance from inductance from to



. Even if a regulated power supply is not used, the

measurement of capacitance and inductance will be precise.

1.5.0 Description:

The method that will be use in the design is based on the transient voltage produced across inductors and capacitors connected as series R-L and R-C networks respectively, across a constant voltage source. The time constant for R-C and R-L networks is given by the relationships inductance and respectively, where is in Ohms, capacitance in Farads,

in Henries, and time in seconds (Heckt N. W. 1988).

1.6.0 Methodology:

A block diagram of the design instrument for inductance and capacitance measurement is in Fig. 1.6.0. A measured value-to-digital-value converter contains a measuring oscillator, an amplitude control circuit, input protection circuits and a harmonic-to-rectangular signal shaper. (Bage D.H.,1983).














Fig 1.6.0 Block diagram of the measured value-to-digital value converter 1.6.1 The Design: When inductor or capacitor is under test, the capacitors voltage begins to grow (or the inductors voltage begins to drop) as shown in fig.1.6.1 & 1.6.2 (Jamieson J. 1980).

For a series RL circuit, VL(t)=V

i(t) L


(R in Ohms, L in Henrys).

Fig1.6.1. Inductor Resisting Current

For a series RC circuit,

V C I(t)

(R in Ohms, C in ).

Farads). Thus, VC(t)=V(

Fig.1.6. 2. Capacitor Collecting Charge When two comparators are arranged to form free-running multivibrators with the timer a square-wave generator that operates at about 1kHz (Bage D. H., 1978). The square-wave output form one input for a two NOR-gates while the gate input will come from timer circuit.

I1 VIN RG IB=0 VE + a



Fig. 1.6.3 The Inverting Op Amp = (1.1) (1.2)

The square-wave output form one input for a two NOR-gates while the gate input will come from timer circuit. The length of time that the timer output is at 1 will be determine by the value of unknown capacitor or inductor connected between binding posts and a timing (range) resistor will be selected. The output of a timer, which is wired as an astable multivibrator as shown in fig. 1.6.4 with frequency and Duty Cycle =( )

R1 R2 7 2 6

Fig.1.6.4 Astable Multivibrator is passed through NOR gates and applied to the counter circuit. With timing resistor fixed, the timing period is then proportional to unknown value of either capacitor or inductor. The output of gate drops to zero only when both inputs are positive(Rangel-Kuoppaa V. T. & Pessa M. 2003). Because the 1KHz square-wave now gated by the timer duration, only the amount of gated pulse can be counted by the followed decade counter. The selected gated pulses are fed to pair of conventional decade counter/seven-segment LED drivers and their associated readout. 1.7.0 Problems Statement: The meter described above employs this method of measurement, which readily lends itself to use with a digital readout and eliminates null adjustment. 1.8.0 Conclusions: It may be built in one evening and will adapt your DVM (digital volt-meter) or VOM (voltohm meter) to measure inductance or capacitance. The units are calibrated against a known part. Therefore, the overall accuracy depends only on the calibration values and not on the components used to build the circuits. If it is carefully calibrated, an overall accuracy of 10% may be expected if used with a DVM and slightly less with a VOM.

1.9.0 References: Hrukovic M. Hribik J. (2008). Digital Capacitance and Inductance Meter. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE REVIEW, Volume 8, Section 3, No. 3, 2008 Rangel-Kuoppaa V. T. & Pessa M. (2003). Inductance deep-level transient spectroscopy for determining temperature-dependent resistance and capacitance of Schottky diodes. Optoelectronics Research Centre, Tampere University of Technology. Kell V. (1969). Electrolytic Leakage Checker. Electronics Illustrated. Bage D. H. (1978). Autoranging Digital Capacitance Meter. Popular Electronics. Winder W. (1979). Capacitance Measurement. Electronics Today International Jamieson J. (1980). LR Oscillator Indicates Inductance Directly. Technical Analysis Corp., Atlanta, Ga. Barbarello J. & Iriye E. (1981). Reactance Measuring Set. Popular Electronics. Bage D.H. (1983). Digital Capacitance Meter. ETI. Bold R. (1986). Millifaradometer Project. Electronics Today International Heckt N. W. (1988). LC Meter. Radio Electronics. Wilson B. & Owen B. (1978). Digital Capacitance Meter. Product Engineer, Optoelectronics, Inc.

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