Consti Digest

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Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 propose amendments to the Constitution and call for

the holding of a THE CONSTITUTION OF THE PHILIPPINES THE CONSTITUTION OF THE PHILIPPINES SECTION 27, ARTICLE 18, 1987 CONSTITUTION DE LEON VS. ESGUERRA (G.R. NO. 78059. AUGUST 31, 1987) MELENCIO-HERRERA, J.: FACTS: In the May 17, 1982 Barangay elections, petitioner Alfredo M. De Leon was elected Barangay Captain and the other petitioners Angel S. Salamat, et al., as Barangay Councilmen of Barangay Dolores, Taytay, Rizal. On February 9, 1987, petitioner Alfredo M, de Leon received a Memorandum antedated December 1, 1986 but signed by respondent OIC Governor Benjamin Esguerra on February 8, 1987 designating respondent Florentino G. Magno as Barangay Captain of Barangay Dolores, Taytay, Rizal. The designation made by the OIC Governor was "by authority of the Minister of Local Government." Also on February 8, 1987, Esguerra signed a Memorandum, antedated December 1, 1986 designating respondents Remigio M. Tigas, et al., as members of the Barangay Council of the same Barangay and Municipality. Petitioners maintain that with the ratification of the 1987 Constitution, Esguerra no longer has the authority to replace them and to designate their successors. However, respondents rely on Section 2, Article III of the Provisional Constitution, which provided: SECTION 2. All elective and appointive officials and employees under the 1973 Constitution shall continue in office until otherwise provided by proclamation or executive order or upon the designation or appointment and qualification of their successors, if such appointment is made within a period of one year from February 25, 1986. ISSUE: Whether the designation of the respondents to replace petitioners was validly made during the one-year period which ended on February 25, 1987. HELD: NO. While February 8, 1987 is ostensibly still within the one year deadline under the Provisional Constitution, the same must be deemed to have been overtaken by Section 27, Article XVIII of the 1987 Constitution reading:

This Constitution shall take effect immediately upon its ratification by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite held for the purpose and shall supersede all previous Constitutions. The 1987 Constitution was ratified in a plebiscite on February 2, 1987. By that date, the Provisional Constitution must be deemed to have been superseded. Having become inoperative, Section 2, Article III of the Provisional Constitution could not be relied on by the respondent OIC Governor. The memorandum dated February 8, 1987 by the respondent OIC Governor could no longer have any legal force and effect. The act of ratification is the act of voting by the people. The canvass of the votes thereafter is merely the mathematical confirmation of what was done during the date of the plebiscite, and the proclamation of the President is merely the official confirmatory declaration of an act which was actually done by the Filipino people in adopting the Constitution when they cast their votes on the date of the plebiscite. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE PHILIPPINES SECTIONS 1 & 2 ARTICLE 17, 1987 CONSTITUTION GONZALES VS. COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS (GR. NO L-28196, NOVEMBER 9, 1967) CONCEPCION, C.J.: FACTS: The Congress passed 3 resolutions simultaneously. The first, proposing amendments to the Constitution so as to increase the membership of the House of Representatives from a maximum of 120, as provided in the present Constitution, to a maximum of 180. The second, calling a convention to propose amendments to said Constitution, the convention to be composed of two (2) elective delegates from each representative district, to be elected in the general elections. And the third, proposing that the same Constitution be amended so as to authorize Senators and members of the House of Representatives to become delegates to the aforementioned constitutional convention, without forfeiting their respective seats in Congress. Subsequently, Congress passed a bill, which, upon approval by the President, became Republic Act No. 4913 providing that the amendments to the Constitution proposed in the aforementioned resolutions be submitted, for approval by the people, at the general elections. The petitioner assails the constitutionality of the said law contending that the Congress cannot simultaneously San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures constitutional convention. ISSUES: (1) Is Republic Act No. 4913 constitutional? (2) WON Congress can simultaneously propose amendments to the Constitution and call for the holding of a constitutional convention?

HELD: YES as to both issues. The constituent power or the power to amend or revise the Constitution, is different from the law-making power of Congress. Congress can directly propose amendments to the Constitution and at the same time call for a Constitutional Convention to propose amendments. Indeed, the power to amend the Constitution or to propose amendments thereto is not included in the general grant of legislative powers to Congress. It is part of the inherent powers of the people as the repository of sovereignty in a republican state, such as ours to make, and, hence, to amend their own Fundamental Law. Congress may propose amendments to the Constitution merely because the same explicitly grants such power. Hence, when exercising the same, it is said that Senators and Members of the House of Representatives act, not as members of Congress, but as component elements of a constituent assembly. When acting as such, the members of Congress derive their authority from the Constitution, unlike the people, when performing the same function, for their authority does not emanate from the Constitution they are the very source of all powers of government, including the Constitution itself . Since, when proposing, as a constituent assembly, amendments to the Constitution, the members of Congress derive their authority from the Fundamental Law, it follows, necessarily, that they do not have the final say on whether or not their acts are within or beyond constitutional limits. Otherwise, they could brush aside and set the same at naught, contrary to the basic tenet that ours is a government of laws, not of men, and to the rigid nature of our Constitution. Such rigidity is stressed by the fact that, the Constitution expressly confers upon the Supreme Court, the power to declare a treaty unconstitutional, despite the eminently political character of treaty-making power. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE PHILIPPINES IMBONG VS. COMELEC 35 SCRA 28 (1970) FACTS: Petitioners Manuel Imbong and Raul Gonzales, both interested in running as candidates in the 1971 Constitutional Convention, filed separate petitions for declaratory relief, impugning the constitutionality of RA 6132, claiming that it prejudices their rights as candidates. Congress, acting as a Constituent Assembly, passed Resolution No.2 which called for the Constitutional Convention to propose Constitutional amendments. After its adoption, Congress, acting as a legislative body, enacted R.A. 4914 implementing said resolution, restating entirely the provisions of said resolution. Thereafter, Congress, acting as a Constituent Assembly, passed Resolution No. 4 amending the Resolution No. 2 by providing that xxx any other details relating to the specific apportionment of delegates, election of delegates to, and the holding of the Constitutional Convention shall be embodied in an implementing legislation xxx Congress, acting as a legislative body, enacted R.A. 6132,

implementing Resolution Nos. 2 and 4, and expressly repealing R.A. 4914. ISSUE: May Congress in acting as a legislative body enact R.A.6132 to implement the resolution passed by it in its capacity as a Constituent Assembly? HELD: YES. The Court declared that while the authority to call a Constitutional Convention is vested by the Constitution solely and exclusively in Congress acting as a constitutional assembly, the power to enact the implementing details or specifics of the general law does not exclusively pertain to Congress, the Congress in exercising its comprehensive legislative power (not as a Constitutional Assembly) may pass the necessary implementing law providing for the details of the Constitutional Conventions, such as the number, qualification, and compensation of its member. The reasons cited by the Court in upholding the constitutionality of the enactment of R.A. 6132 are as follows: 1. Congress, acting as a Constituent Assembly pursuant to Article XV of the Constitution, has authority to propose constitutional amendments or call a convention for the purpose by votes of each house in joint session assembled but voting separately. 2. Such grant includes all other powers essential to the effective exercise of the principal power by necessary implication. 3. Implementing details are within the authority of the Congress not only as a Constituent Assembly but also in the exercise of its comprehensive legislative power which encompasses all matters not expressly or by necessary implication withdrawn or removed by the Constitution from

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 the ambit of legislative action so long as it does not contravene any provision of the Constitution; and 4. Congress as a legislative body may thus enact necessary implementing legislation to fill in the gaps which Congress as a Constituent Assembly has omitted. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE PHILIPPINES ARTICLE XVII, SECTION 15, 1973 CONSTITUTION OCCENA VS. COMELEC G.R. NO. L-56350, APRIL 2, 1981 FERNANDO, C.J.: FACTS: The challenge in these two prohibition proceedings is against the validity of three Batasang Pambansa Resolutions proposing constitutional amendments. Petitioners urged that the amendments proposed are so extensive in character that they go far beyond the limits of the authority conferred on the Interim Batasang Pambansa as successor of the Interim National Assembly. For them, what was done was to revise and not to amend. Petitioners Samuel Occena and Ramon A. Gonzales, both members of the Philippine Bar and former delegates to the 1971 Constitutional Convention that framed the present Constitution, are suing as taxpayers. The rather unorthodox aspect of these petitions is the assertion that the 1973 Constitution is not the fundamental law. The suits for prohibition were filed respectively on March 6 and March 12, 1981. ISSUES: Whether Whether propose Whether HELD: 1.Yes. it is much too late in the day to deny the force and applicability of the 1973 Constitution. In the dispositive portion of Javellana v. The Executive Secretary, dismissing petitions for prohibition and mandamus to declare invalid its ratification, this Court stated that it did so by a vote of six to four. It then concluded: "This being the vote of the majority, there is no further judicial obstacle to the new Constitution being considered in force and effect." With such a pronouncement by the Supreme Court and with the recognition of the cardinal postulate that what the Supreme Court says is not only entitled to respect but must also be obeyed, a factor for instability was removed. The Supreme Court can check as well as legitimate. In declaring what the law is, it may not only nullify the acts of coordinate branches but may also sustain their validity. In the latter case, or not the 1973 Constitution is already in effect. or not the Interim Batasang Pambansa has the power to amendments. or not the three resolutions are valid.

there is an affirmation that what was done cannot be stigmatized as constitutionally deficient. The mere dismissal of a suit of this character suffices. That is the meaning of the concluding statement in Javellana. Since then, this Court has invariably applied the present Constitution. The latest case in point is People v. Sola, promulgated barely two weeks ago. During the first year alone of the effectivity of the present Constitution, at least ten cases may be cited. 2. Yes.The existence of the power of the Interim Batasang Pambansa is indubitable. The applicable provision in the 1976 Amendments is quite explicit. Insofar as pertinent it reads thus: "The Interim Batasang Pambansa shall have the same powers and its Members shall have the same functions, responsibilities, rights, privileges, and disqualifications as the interim National Assembly and the regular National Assembly and the Members thereof." One of such powers is precisely that of proposing amendments. Article XVII, Section 15 of the 1973 Constitution in its Transitory Provisions vested the Interim National Assembly with the power to propose amendments upon special call by the Prime Minister by a vote of the majority of its members to be ratified in accordance with the Article on Amendments. When, therefore, the Interim Batasang Pambansa, upon the call of the President and Prime Minister Ferdinand E. Marcos, met as a constituent body it acted by virtue Of such impotence Its authority to do so is clearly beyond doubt. It could and did propose the amendments embodied in the resolutions now being assailed. 3. Yes.The question of whether the proposed resolutions constitute amendments or revision is of no relevance. It suffices to quote from the opinion of Justice Makasiar, speaking for the Court, in Del Rosario v. Commission on Elections to dispose of this contention. Whether the Constitutional Convention will only propose amendments to the Constitution or entirely overhaul the present Constitution and propose an entirely new Constitution based on an Ideology foreign to the democratic system, is of no moment; because the same will be submitted to the people for ratification. Once ratified by the sovereign people, there can be no debate about the validity of the new Constitution. The fact that the present Constitution may be revised and replaced with a new one ... is no argument against the validity of the law because 'amendment' includes the 'revision' or total overhaul of the entire Constitution. At any rate, whether the Constitution is merely amended in part or revised or totally changed would become immaterial the moment the same is ratified by the sovereign people." WHEREFORE, the petitions are dismissed for lack of merit. San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures THE CONSTITUTION OF THE PHILIPPINES SECTIONS 1 & 2 ARTICLE 17, 1987 CONSTITUTION TOLENTINO VS. COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS (GR. NO. L-34150, OCTOBER 16, 1971) BARREDO, J.: FACTS: A Constitutional Convention was called upon to propose amendments to the Constitution of the Philippines, in which, the delegates to the said Convention were all elected under and by virtue of resolutions and the implementing legislation thereof, Republic Act 6132. The Convention approved Organic Resolution No. 1, amending section one of

article 5 of the Constitution of the Philippines so as to lower the voting age to 18. Said resolution also provided in its Section 3 that the partial amendment, which refers only to the age qualification for the exercise of suffrage shall be without prejudice to other amendments that will be proposed in the future by the 1971 Constitutional Convention on other portions of the amended Section or on other portions of the entire Constitution. The main thrust of the petition is that Organic Resolution No. 1 and the other implementing resolutions thereof subsequently approved by the Convention have no force and effect as laws in so far as they are in contravention to Section 1 Article XV of the Constitution. Under the said provision, the proposed amendment in question cannot be presented to the people for ratification separately from each and all of the other amendments to be drafted and proposed by the Convention. ISSUE: Is the Resolution approved by the 1971 Constitutional Convention constitutional? HELD: NO. Organic Resolution No. 1 of the Constitutional Convention of 1971 and the implementing acts and resolutions of the Convention, insofar as they provide for the holding of a plebiscite, as well as the resolution of the respondent Comelec complying therewith are null and void. The Court is of the opinion that in providing for the questioned plebiscite before it has finished, and separately from, the whole draft of the constitution it has been called to formulate, the Convention's Organic Resolution No. 1 and all subsequent acts of the Convention implementing the same violate the condition in Section 1, Article XV that there should only be one "election" or plebiscite for the ratification of all the amendments the Convention may propose. We are not denying any right of the people to vote on the proposed amendment; We are only holding that under Section 1, Article XV of the Constitution, the same should be submitted to them not separately from but together with all the other amendments to be proposed by this present Convention. Prescinding already from the fact that under Section 3 of the questioned resolution, it is evident that no fixed frame of reference is provided the voter, as to what finally will be concomitant qualifications that will be required by the final draft of the constitution to be formulated by the Convention of a voter to be able to enjoy the right of suffrage, there are other considerations which make it impossible to vote intelligently on the proposed amendment. No one knows what changes in the fundamental principles of the constitution the Convention will be minded to approve. To be more specific, we do not have any means of foreseeing whether the right to vote would be of any significant value at all. Who can say whether or not later on the Convention may decide to provide for varying types of voters for each level of the political units it may divide the country into. The root of the difficulty in other words, lies in that the Convention is precisely on the verge of introducing substantial changes, if not radical ones, in almost every part and aspect of the existing social and political order enshrined in the present Constitution. How can a voter in the proposed plebiscite intelligently determine the effect of the reduction of the voting age upon the different institutions which the Convention may establish and

of which presently he is not given any idea? Clearly, there is improper submission. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE PHILIPPINES SANIDAD VS. COMELEC 73 SCRA 333 (1976) FACTS: President Marcos issued P.D. 991 calling for a national referendum on October 16, 1976 for the Citizens Assemblies ( Barangay ) to resolve, among other things, the issues of martial law, the interim assembly, its replacement, the powers of such replacement, the period of its existence, the length of the period for the exercise by the President of his present powers. Thereafter, P.D.1031 was issued, amending P.D. 991 by declaring the provisions of P.D. 229 applicable as to the manner of voting and canvassing of votes in barangays for the national referendumplebiscite of October 16, 1976. P.D. 1033 was also issued, declaring therein that the question of the continuance of martial law will be submitted for referendum at the same time as the submission of his (President) proposed amendments to the Constitution through a plebiscite on October 16, 1976. Petitioner Sanidad filed suit for Prohibition and Preliminary Injunction, seeking to enjoin the COMELEC from holding and conducting said Referendum-Plebiscite on the basis that under the 1935 and 1973 Constitution, there is no grant to the incumbent President to exercise the

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 constituent power to propose amendments to the new Constitution, hence, the Referendum-Plebiscite on October 16 has no legal basis. Petitioner Guzman filed another action asserting that the power to propose amendments to or revision of the Constitution during the transition period is expressly conferred to the interim National Assembly under sec.16, Art. XVII of the Constitution. A similar action was instituted by petitioners Gonzales and Salapantan arguing that: 1. Even granting him legislative powers under the martial law, the incumbent President cannot act as a constituent assembly to propose amendments to the Constitution, 2. A referendum-plebiscite is untenable under the Constitutions of 1935 and 1973, 3. The submission of the proposed amendments in such a short period of time for deliberation renders the plebiscite a nullity, 4. To lift martial law, the President need not consult the people via referendum, and 5. Allowing 15-year-olds to vote would amount to an amendment of the Constitution, which confines the right of suffrage to those citizens of the Philippines 18 years of age and above. The Solicitor General, in his comment for respondent COMELEC, maintains that: 1. Petitioners have no standing to sue 2. The issue raised is political in nature, beyond judicial cognizance of the court 3. At this state of the transition period, only the incumbent President has the authority to exercise constituent power 4. The referendum-plebiscite is a step towards normalization. ISSUES: Do the petitioners have the standing to sue? 1. Is the question of the constitutionality of the Presidential Decrees 991, 1031, and 1033 political or judicial? 2. Does the President possess the power to propose amendments to the Constitution as well as set up the required machinery and prescribe the procedure for the ratification of his proposal, in the absence of an interim National Assembly? 3. Is the submission to the people of the proposed amendments within the time frame allowed therefore a sufficient and proper submission? HELD: 1. YES. At the instance of taxpayers, laws providing for the disbursement of public funds may be enjoined upon the theory that the expenditure of public funds by the State for the purpose of executing an unconstitutional act constitutes a misapplication of such funds. 2. It is a judicial question. 3. YES. If the President has been legitimately discharging the legislative functions of the Interim Assembly, there is no reason

why he cannot validly discharge the function of that assembly to propose amendments to the Constitution, which is but adjunct, although peculiar, to its gross legislative power. This is not to say that the President has converted his office into a constituent assembly of that nature normally constituted by the legislature. Rather, with the Interim Assembly not convened and only the Presidency and Supreme Court in operation, the urges of absolute necessity render it imperative upon the President to act as agent for and in behalf of the people to propose amendments to the Constitution. Parenthetically, by its very constitution, the Supreme Court possesses no capacity to propose amendments without constitutional infractions. For the President to shy away from that actuality and decline to undertake the amending process would leave the governmental machinery at a stalemate or create in the powers of the State a destructive vacuum. After all, the constituent assemblies or constitutional conventions, like the President now, are mere agents of the people. 4. YES. Art. XVI of the Constitution makes no provision as to the specific date when the plebiscite shall be held, but simply states that it shall be held not later than 3 months after the approval of such amendment or revision. The period from September 21 to October 16, or a period of three weeks is not too short for free debates or discussions on the referendum-plebiscite issues. The issues are not new. They are the issues of the day, and the people have been living with 5. them since the proclamation of martial law four years ago. The referendums of 1973 and 1975 carried the same issue of martial law. That notwithstanding, the contested brief period for discussion is not without counterparts in previous plebiscites for constitutional amendments. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE PHILIPPINES SANTIAGO VS. COMELEC 270 SCRA 106, MARCH 19, 1997 FACTS: Private respondent Delfin filed with the COMELEC a Petition to Amend the Constitution, to Lift Term Limits of Elective Officials, by People s amendments to the Constitution granted under Section 2, Art. XVII of the 1987 Constitution. R.A. 6735 and COMELEC Resolution No. 2300. The proposed amendments consist of the submission of this proposition to the people Do you approve the lifting of the term limits of San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures all elective officials, amending for the purpose section 4 and 7 of Art.VI, Section 4 of Art.VII, and Section 8 of Art. X of the Philippine Constitution? The COMELEC issued an order directing the publication of the petition and the notice of hearing and thereafter set the case for hearing. At the hearing, Senator Raul Roco, the IBP, DemokrasyaIpagtanggol ang Konstitusyon (DIK), Public Interest Law Center, and Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino (LABAN) appeared as intervenorsoppositors. Senator Roco moved to dismiss the Delfin Petition on the ground that it is not the initiatory party cognizable by the COMELEC. Petitioners filed a special civil action directing respondents

COMELEC and Delfin s Petition to directly propose amendments to the Constitution through the system of initiative under sec.2 of Art. XVII of the 1987 Constitution. Petitioners raise the following arguments: 1. The constitutional provision on people s initiative to amend the Constitution can only be implemented by law to be passed by Congress. No such law has been passed. 2. R.A. 6735 failed to provide subtitle initiative on the Constitution, unlike in the other modes of initiative. It only provides for the effectivity of the law after the publication in print media indicating that the Act covers only laws and not constitutional amendments because the latter takes effect only upon ratification and not after publication. 3. COMELEC Resolution No.2300, adopted on January 16, 1991 to govern the conduct of initiative on the Constitution and initiative and referendum on national and local laws , is ultra vires insofar as initiative or amendments to the Constitution are concerned, since the COMELEC has no power to provide rules and regulation for the exercise of the right of initiative to amend the Constitution. Only the Congress is authorized by the Constitution to pass the implementing law. 4. The people s initiative is limited to amendments to the Constitution, to the revision thereof. Extending or lifting of the term limits constitutes a revision and is therefore outside the power of the people s initiative. 5. Finally, Congress has not yet appropriated funds for people s initiative, neither the COMELEC nor any other department, agency or office of the government has realigned funds for the purpose. The Supreme Court gave due course to this petition and granted the Motions for Intervention filed by Petitioners-Intervenors DIK, MABINI, IBP, LABAN, and Senator Roco. ISSUES: 1. Whether Sec. 2, Art. XVII of the 1987 Constitution is a self-executing provision? 2. Whether R.A.6735 is a sufficient statutory implementation of the said constitutional provision? 3. Whether the COMELEC resolution is valid? 4. Whether the lifting of term limits of elective national and local officials as proposed would constitute a revision, or an amendment to the Constitution? HELD: NO. Although the mode of amendment which bypasses congressional action, in the last analysis, it is still dependent on congressional action. While the Constitution has recognized or granted that right, the people cannot exercise it if the Congress for whatever reason, does not provide for its implementation. 1. NO. R.A. 6735 is insufficient and incomplete to fully comply with the power and duty of the Congress to enact the statutory implementation of sec.2, Art.XVII of the Constitution. Although said Act intended to include the system of initiative on amendments to the Constitution, it is deemed inadequate to cover that system and accordingly provide for a local initiative required for proposing Constitutional changes. 2. NO. The COMELEC Resolution insofar as it prescribes rules and regulations on the conduct of initiative on amendments to the Constitution is void, as expressed

in the Latin maxim Potestas delegate non delegari potest. In every case of permissible delegation, it must be shown that the delegation itself is valid. 3. The resolution of this issue is held to be unnecessary, if not academic, as the proposal to lift the term limits of elective local and national officials is an amendment to the Constitution and not a revision. Thus, the petition was granted, and the COMELEC is permanently enjoined from taking cognizance of any petition for initiative on amendments to the Constitution until a sufficiently law shall have been validly enacted to provide for the implementation of the system. LAMBINO VS. COMELEC G.R. NO. 174153, OCTOBER 25, 2006 FACTS: On 15 February 2006, petitioners in G.R. No. 174153, namely Raul L. Lambino and Erico B. Aumentado ("Lambino Group"), with other groups and individuals, commenced gathering signatures for an initiative petition to change the 1987 Constitution. On 25 August 2006, the Lambino Group filed a petition with the COMELEC to hold a plebiscite that will ratify their initiative petition under Section 5(b) and (c) and Section 7 o f Republic Act No. 6735 or the Initiative and Referendum Act ("RA 6735"). The Lambino Group alleged that their petition had the support of 6,327,952 individuals constituting at least twelve per centum

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 (12%) of all registered voters, with each legislative district represented by at least three per centum (3%) of its registered voters. The Lambino Group also claimed that COMELEC election registrars had verified the signatures of the 6.3 million individuals. The Lambino Group's initiative petition changes the 1987 Constitution by modifying Sections 1-7 of Article VI (Legislative Department) and Sections 1-4 of Article VII (Executive Department) and by adding Article XVIII entitled "Transitory Provisions." These proposed changes will shift the present Bicameral-Presidential system to a Unicameral-Parliamentary form of government. The Lambino Group prayed that after due publication of their petition, the COMELEC should submit the following proposition in a plebiscite for the voters' ratification. On 30 August 2006, the Lambino Group filed an Amended Petition with the COMELEC indicating modifications in the proposed Article XVIII (Transitory Provisions) of their initiative. ISSUE: Whether the Lambino Group's initiative petition complies with Section 2, Article XVII of the Constitution on amendments to the Constitution through a people's initiative. HELD: NO. The court declared that Lambino Group's initiative is void and unconstitutional because it dismally fails to comply with the requirement of Section 2, Article XVII of the Constitution that the initiative must be "directly proposed by the people through initiative upon a petition." The essence of amendments "directly proposed by the people through initiative upon a petition" is that the entire proposal on its face is a petition by the people. This means two essential elements must be present. First, the people must author and thus sign the entire proposal. No agent or representative can sign on their behalf. Second, as an initiative upon a petition, the proposal must be embodied in a petition. These essential elements are present only if the full text of the proposed amendments is first shown to the people who express their assent by signing such complete proposal in a petition. Thus, an amendment is "directly proposed by the people through initiative upon a petition" only if the people sign on a petition that contains the full text of the proposed amendments. The full text of the proposed amendments may be either written on the face of the petition, or attached to it. If so attached, the petition must state the fact of such attachment. This is an assurance that every one of the several millions of signatories to the petition had seen the full text of the proposed amendments before signing. Otherwise, it is physically impossible, given the time constraint, to prove that every one of the millions of signatories had seen the full text of the proposed amendments before signing.

Section 2, Article XVII of the Constitution does not expressly state that the petition must set forth the full text of the proposed amendments. However, the deliberations of the framers of our Constitution clearly show that the framers intended to adopt the relevant American jurisprudence on people's initiative. In particular, the deliberations of the Constitutional Commission explicitly reveal that the framers intended that the people must first see the full text of the proposed amendments before they sign, and that the people must sign on a petition containing such full text. Indeed, Section 5(b) of Republic Act No. 6735, the Initiative and Referendum Act that the Lambino Group invokes as valid, requires that the people must sign the "petition x x x as signatories." The proponents of the initiative secure the signatures from the people. The proponents secure the signatures in their private capacity and not as public officials. The proponents are not disinterested parties who can impartially explain the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed amendments to the people. The proponents present favorably their proposal to the people and do not present the arguments against their proposal. The proponents, or their supporters, often pay those who gather the signatures. Thus, there is no presumption that the proponents observed the constitutional requirements in gathering the signatures. The proponents bear the burden of proving that they complied with the constitutional requirements in gathering the signatures -that the petition contained, or incorporated by attachment, the full text of the proposed amendments. For sure, the great majority of the 6.3 million people who signed the signature sheets did not see the full text of the proposed changes before signing. They could not have known the nature and effect of the proposed changes, among which are: 1. The term limits on members of the legislature will be lifted and thus members of Parliament can be re-elected indefinitely; 2. The interim Parliament can continue to function indefinitely until its members, who are almost all the present members of Congress, decide to call for new parliamentary elections. Thus, the members of the interim Parliament will determine the expiration of their own term of office; 3. Within 45 days from the ratification of the proposed changes, the interim Parliament shall convene to propose further amendments or revisions to the Constitution. These three specific amendments are not stated or even indicated in the Lambino Group's signature sheets. The people who signed the signature sheets had no idea that they were proposing these amendments. These three proposed changes are highly controversial. The people could not have inferred or divined these proposed changes merely from a reading or rereading of the contents of the signature sheets. The Constitution entrusts to the people the power to directly propose amendments to the Constitution. This Court trusts the wisdom of the people even if the members of this Court do not personally know the

people who sign the petition. However, this trust emanates from a fundamental assumption: the full text of the proposed amendment is first shown to the people before they sign the petition, not after they have signed the petition. THE CONCEPT OF THE STATE THE CONCEPT OF THE STATE COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE V. CAMPOS RUEDA (G.R. No. L-13250, Oct. 29, 1971) FACTS: This is an appeal interposed by petitioner Antonio Campos Rueda, administrator of the estate of the deceased Doa Maria de la Estrella Soriano Vda. de Cerdeira, from the decision of the respondent Collector of Internal Revenue, assessing against and demanding from the former the sum P161,874.95 as deficiency state and inheritance taxes, including interests and penalties, on the transfer of intangible personal properties situated in the Philippines and belonging to said Maria de la Estrella Soriano Vda. de Cerdeira. Maria de la Estrella Soriano Vda. de Cerdeira (Maria Cerdeira for short) is a Spanish national, by reason of her marriage to a Spanish citizen and was a resident of Tangier, Morocco from 1931 up to her death on January 2, 1955. At the time of her demise she left, among others, intangible personal properties in the Philippines." Then came this portion: "On September 29, 1955, petitioner filed a provisional estate and inheritance tax return on all the properties of the late Maria Cerdeira. On the same date, respondent, pending investigation, issued an assessment for estate and inheritance taxes which tax liabilities were paid by petitioner. On November 17, 1955, an amended return was filed . . . where intangible personal properties with were claimed as exempted from taxes. On November 23, 1955, respondent, pending investigation, issued another assessment for estate and inheritance taxes. In a letter dated January 11, 1956, respondent denied the request for exemption on the ground that the law of Tangier is not reciprocal to Section 122 of the National Internal Revenue Code. Hence, respondent demanded the payment OF deficiency estate and inheritance taxes including ad valorem penalties, surcharges, interests and compromise penalties . . . . In a letter dated February 8, 1956, and received by respondent on the following day, petitioner requested for the reconsideration of the decision denying the claim for tax exemption of the intangible personal properties and the imposition of the 25% and 5% ad valorem penalties. However, respondent denied this request, in his letter dated May 5, 1956 . . . and received by petitioner on May 21, 1956. Respondent premised the denial on the grounds that there was no reciprocity [with Tangier, which was moreover] a mere principality, not a foreign country. Consequently, respondent demanded the payment of deficiency estate and inheritance taxes including surcharges, interests and compromise penalties ISSUE: Is Tangier a foreign country? HELD: Yes. It does not admit of doubt that if a foreign country is to be identified with a state, it is required in line with Pound's formulation that it be a

politically organized sovereign community independent of outside control bound by ties of nationhood, legally supreme within its territory, acting through a government functioning under a regime of law. 9 It is thus a sovereign person with the people composing it viewed as an organized corporate society under a government with the legal competence to exact obedience its commands. It has been referred to as a body-politic organized by common consent for mutual defense and mutual safety and to promote the general welfare. Correctly has it been described by Esmein as "the juridical personification of the nation." This is to view it in the ligh t its historical development. The stress is on its being a nation, its people occupying a definite territory, politically organized, exercising by means of its government its sovereign will over the individuals within it and maintaining its separate international personality. Laski could speak of it then as a territorial society divided into government and subjects, claiming within its allotted area a supremacy over all other institutions. McIver similarly would point to the power entrusted to its government to maintain within its territory the conditions of a legal order and to enter into international relations. With the latter requisites satisfied, international law does not exact independence as a condition of statehood. So Hyde did opine. Even on the assumption then that Tangier is bereft of international personality petitioner has not successfully made out a case. It bears repeating that four days after the filing of this petition on January 6, 1958 in Collector of Internal Revenue v. De Lara, it was specifically held by us: "Considering the State of California as a foreign country in relation to section 122 of our Tax Code we believe and hold, as did the Tax Court, that the Ancilliary Administrator is entitled to exemption from the San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 inheritance tax on the intangible personal property found in the Philippines." There can be no doubt that California as a state in the American Union was lacking in the alleged requisite of international personality. Nonetheless, it was held to be a foreign country within the meaning of Section 122 of the National Internal Revenue Code. THE CONCEPT OF THE STATE BACANI V. NACOCO [GRN L-9657 NOVEMBER 29, 1956] BAUTISTA ANGELO, J.: FACTS: The plaintiffs are court stenographers assigned in Branch VI of the Court of First Instance of Manila. During the pendency of Civil Case No. 2293 of said court, entitled Francisco Sycip vs. National Coconut Corporation, Assistant Corporate Counsel Federico Alikpala, counsel for defendant, requested said stenographers for copies, of the transcript of the stenographic notes taken by them during the hearing. Plaintiffs complied with the request by delivering to Counsel Alikpala the needed transcript containing 714 pages and thereafter submitted to him their bills for the payment of their fees. The National Coconut Corporation paid the amount of P564 to Leopoldo T. Bacani and P150 to Mateo A. Matoto for said transcript at the rate of P1 per page. Upon inspecting the books of this corporation, the Auditor General disallowed the payment of these fees and sought the recovery of the amounts paid. The respondents argue that National Coconut Corporation may be considered as included in the term "Government of the Republic of the Philippines" for the purposes of the exemption of the legal fees provided for in Rule 1-30 of the Rules of Court. ISSUE: Whether or not NACOCO is a part of the Government of the Philippines by virtue of its performance of government functions. HELD: No, NACOCO does not acquire that status for the simple reason that it does not come under the classification of municipal or public corporation. To resolve the issue in this case requires a little digression on the nature and functions of our government as instituted in our Constitution. To begin with, we state that the term "Government" may be defined as "that institution or aggregate of institutions by which an independent society makes and carries out those rules of action which are necessary to enable men to live in a social state, or which are imposed upon the people forming that society by those who possess the power or authority of prescribing them" (U.S. vs. Dorr, 2 Phil., 332). This institution, when referring to the national government, has reference to what our Constitution has established composed of three great departments, the legislative, executive, and the judicial, through which the powers and functions of government are exercised. These functions are twofold: constitute and ministrant. The former are those which constitute the very bonds of society and are compulsory in nature; the latter are those that are undertaken only by way of advancing the general interests of society,

and are merely optional. To this latter class belongs the organization of those corporations owned or controlled by the government to promote certain aspects of the economic life of our people such as the National Coconut Corporation. These are what we call government-owned or controlled corporations which may take on the form of a private enterprise or one organized with powers and formal characteristics of a private corporation under the Corporation Law. But while NACOCO was organized for the ministrant function of promoting the coconut industry, however, it was given a corporate power separate and distinct from our government, for it was made subject to the provisions of our Corporation Law in so far as its corporate existence and the powers that it may exercise are concerned (sections 2 and 4, Commonwealth Act No. 518). Government of the Republic of the Philippines" used in section 2 of the Revised Administrative Code refers only to that government. entity through which the functions of the government are exercised as an attribute of sovereignty, and in this are included those arms through which political authority is made effective whether they be provincial, municipal or other form of local government. These are what we call municipal corporations. They do not include government entities which are given a corporate personality. separate and distinct from the government and 'which are governed by the Corporation Law. Their powers, duties and liabilities have to be determined in the light of that law and of their corporate charters. As this Court has aptly said, "The mere fact that the Government happens to be a majority stockholder does not make it a public corporation" (National Coal Co. vs. Collector of Internal Revenue, 46 Phil., 586-597). "By becoming a stockholder in the National Coal Company, the Government divested itself of its sovereign character so far as respects the transactions of the corporation. Unlike the Government, the corporation may be sued without its consent, and is subject to taxation. Yet the National Coal Company remains an agency or instrumentality of government." (Government of the Philippine Islands vs. Springer, 50 Phil., 288.) THE CONCEPT OF THE STATE PVTA VS.CIR [GRN L-32052 JULY 25, 1975] FACTS: Private respondents filed with the CIR a petition, alleging their employment relationship, the overtime services in excess of the regular eight hours a day rendered by them, and the failure to pay them overtime compensation in accordance with Commonwealth Act No. 444. Their prayer was for the differential between the amount actually paid to them and the amount allegedly due them. Petitioner Philippine Virginia Tobacco Administration denied the allegations. The then Presiding Judge Arsenio T. Martinez of respondent Court sustained the claims of private respondents for overtime services from December 23, 1963 up to the date the decision was rendered on March 21, 1970, and directing petitioner to pay the same, minus what it had already paid. Petitioner claims that the matter is beyond the jurisdiction of the CIR as it is exercising

governmental functions and that it is exempt from the operation of C.A. 444, invoking the doctrine announced in the leading Agricultural Credit and Cooperative Financing Administration decision, and the distinction between constituent and ministrant functions of governments as set forth in Bacani v. National Coconut Corporation. ISSUE: Whether or not the traditional classification of function of government as ministrant and constituent applicable in the case at bar. HELD: No. The irrelevance of such a distinction considering the needs of the times was clearly pointed out by the present Chief Justice. Under this traditional classification, such constituent functions are exercised by the State as attributes of sovereignty, and not merely to promote the welfare, progress and prosperity of the people -these latter functions being ministrant, the exercise of which is optional on the part of the government." Nonetheless, as he explained so persuasively: "The growing complexities of modern society, however, have rendered this traditional classification of the functions of government quite unrealistic, not to say obsolete. The areas which used to be left to private enterprise and initiative and which the government was called upon to enter optionally, and only 'because it was better equipped to administer for the public welfare than is any private individual or group of individuals,' continue to lose their well-defined boundaries and to be absorbed within activities that the government must undertake in its sovereign capacity if it is to meet the increasing social challenges of the times. Here as almost everywhere else the tendency is undoubtedly towards a greater socialization of economic forces. Here of course this development was envisioned, indeed adopted as a national policy, by the Constitution itself in its declaration of principle concerning the promotion of social justice." Thus was laid to rest the doctrine in Bacani v. National Coconut Corporation, based on the Wilsonian classification of the tasks incumbent on government into constituent and ministrant in accordance with the laissez faire principle. WHEREFORE, the appealed Order of March 21, 1970 and the Resolution of respondent Court, denying a motion for reconsideration are hereby affirmed. THE CONCEPT OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHIL. ISLANDS V. MONTE DE PIEDAD (G.R. NO. L-9959, DECEMBER 13, 1916) TRENT, J.: FACTS: About $400,000, were subscribed and paid into the treasury of the Philippine Islands by the inhabitants of the Spanish Dominions of the relief of those damaged by the earthquake which took place in the Philippine Islands on June 3, 1863. Subsequent thereto a central relief board was appointed to distribute the moneys thus voluntarily contributed and allotted $365,703.50 to the various sufferers named in its resolution. By order of the Governor-General of the Philippine Islands, a list of these allotments, together with the names of those entitled thereto, was

published in the Official Gazette of Manila. These were later distributed up to the sum of $30,299.65, leaving a balance of $365,403.85. Upon the petition of the governing body of the Monte de Piedad, the Philippine Government, by order, directed its treasurer to turn over to the former the sum of $80,000 of the relief fund in installments of $20,000 each and were received on the following dates: February 15, March 12, April 14, and June 2, 1883, and are still in the possession of the Monte de Piedad. On account of various petitions of the persons, and heirs of others to whom the above-mentioned allotments were made, the Philippine Islands filed a suit against the Monte de Piedad a recover, "through the Attorney-General and in representation of the Government of the Philippine Islands," the $80.000, together with interest. After due trial, judgment was entered in favor of the plaintiff. Defendant appealed and made the following contentions: that the $80,000, given to the Monte de Piedad y Caja de Ahorros, were so given as a donation, and that said donation had been cleared; that the Government of the Philippine Islands has not subrogated the Spanish Government in its rights, as regards an important sum of money abovementioned; that the only persons who could claim to be damaged by this payment to the Monte, if it was unlawful, are the donors or San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 the cestuis que trustent, thus, the plaintiff is not the proper party to bring the action; that the court erred in holding in its decision that there is no title for the prescription of this suit brought by the Insular Government against the defendant appellant. ISSUES: Whether or not the $80,000 received by Monte de Piedad was in form of donation. Whether or not the obligation on the part of the Monte de Piedad to return the $80,000 to the Government, even considering it a loan, was wiped out on the change of sovereignty. Whether or not the Government is a proper party to the case under the doctrine of parens patriae. Whether or not the Philippine Government is bound by the statute of limitations. HELD: 1.No.Documentary evidence shows that Monte de Piedad, after setting forth in its petition to the Governor-General its financial condition and its absolute necessity for more working capital, asked that out of the sum of $100,000 held in the Treasury of the Philippine Islands, there be transferred to it the sum of $80,000. The Monte de Piedad agreed that if the transfer of these funds should not be approved by the Government of Spain, the same would be returned forthwith. It did not ask that the $80,000 be given to it as a donation. The Department of Finance, acting under the orders of the Governor-General, understood that the $80,000 was transferred to the Monte de Piedad well knew that it received this sum as a loan interest." Furthermore, the Monte de Piedad recognized and considered as late as March 31, 1902, that it received the $80,000 "as a returnable loan, and without interest." Thus, there cannot be the slightest doubt the fact that the Monte de Piedad received the $80,000 as a mere loan or deposit and not as a donation. 2.No. Court ruled that if legal provisions are in conflict with the political character, constitution or institutions of the new sovereign, they became inoperative or lost their force upon the cession of the Philippine Islands to the United States, but if they are among "that great body of municipal law which regulates private and domestic rights," they continued in force and are still in force unless they have been repealed by the present Government.

From the nature and class of the subject matter, it is clear that it falls within the latter class. They are laws which are not political in any sense of the word. They conferred upon the Spanish Government the right and duty to supervise, regulate, and to some extent control charities and charitable institutions. The present sovereign, in exempting "provident institutions, savings banks, etc.," all of which are in the nature of charitable institutions, from taxation, placed such institutions, in so far as the investment in securities are concerned, under the general supervision of the Insular Treasurer. 3.Yes.The ground upon which the right of the Government to maintain the action rests on the fact that the money, being given to a charity became a public property, only applicable to the specific purposes to which it was intended to be devoted. It is but within those limits consecrated to the public use, and became part of the public resources for promoting the happiness and welfare of the Philippine Government. To deny the Government's right to maintain this action would be contrary to sound public policy. The Supreme Court of the United States in Sohier vs. Mass. General Hospital, ruled that: insane persons and person not known, or not in being, apply to the beneficiaries of charities, who are often in capable of vindicating their rights, and justly look for protection to the sovereign authority, acting as parens patriae. They show that this beneficient functions has not ceased to exist under the change of government from a monarchy to a republic; but that it now resides in the legislative department, ready to be called into exercise whenever required for the purposes of justice and right, and is a clearly capable of being exercised in cases of charities as in any other cases whatever. Chancelor Kent says: In this country, the legislature or government of the State, as parens patriae, has the right to enforce all charities of public nature, by virtue of its general superintending authority over the public interests, where no other person is entrusted with it. (4 Kent Com., 508, note.) 4.No. In 25 Cyc., 1006, the rule, supported by numerous authorities, is stated as follows: In the absence of express statutory provision to the contrary, statute of limitations do not as a general rule run against the sovereign or government, whether state or federal. But the rule is otherwise where the mischief to be remedied are of such a nature that the state must necessarily be included, where the state goes into business in concert or in competition with her citizens, or where a party seeks to enforces his private rights by suit in the name of the state or government, so that the latter is only a nominal party. In the instant case the Philippine Government is not a mere nominal party because it, in bringing and prosecuting this action, is exercising its sovereign functions or powers and is seeking to carry out a trust developed upon it when the Philippine Islands were ceded to the United States. For the foregoing reasons the judgment appealed from is affirmed. San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures

THE CONCEPT OF THE STATE CO KIM CHAN V. VALDEZ TAN KEH 75 PHIL 113, SEPTEMBER 17, 1945 FERIA, J: FACTS: Petitioner filed a motion for mandamus praying that the respondent judge be ordered to continue the proceedings in civil case no. 3012 which was initiated under the regime of the so-called Republic of the Philippines established during the Japanese military occupation of the islands. The respondent judge refused to take cognizance of and continue the proceedings on the following grounds: (1) the proclamation issued on October 23, 1944 by Gen. Mac Arthur had the effect of invalidating and nullifying all judicial proceedings and judgments of the courts of the Philippines under the Philippine Executive Commission and the Republic established during the Japanese occupation;(2) the lower courts have no jurisdiction to take cognizance of and continue judicial proceedings pending in the courts of the defunct Republic in the absence of enabling law granting such authority; (3) the government established in the Philippines during the Japanese occupation was not a de facto government. ISSUES: 1. Whether the government established during the Japanese occupation was a de facto government. 2. Whether the judicial acts and proceedings of the courts existing in the Philippines under the Phil. Executive Commission and the Republic of the Philippines were good and valid and remained so even after the liberation or reoccupation of the Philippines by the US and Filipino forces. 3. Whether the proclamation issued by Gen. Mac Arthur declaring all laws, regulations and processes of any other government in the Philippines than that of the Commonwealth are null and void and without legal effect in areas of the Philippines free of enemy occupation and control has invalidated al judgments and judicial acts and proceedings of the said courts. 4. Whether the courts of Commonwealth, which were the same courts existing prior to and continue during the Japanese military occupation of the Philippines may continue those proceedings in said courts at the time the Philippines were reoccupied and liberated by the US and Filipino forces and the Commonwealth of the Philippines were reestablished. HELD: 1. YES. The government established under the names of Philippine Executive Commission and Republic of the Philippines during the Japanese occupation was a civil government and a de facto government of the second kind: that which is established and maintained by military forces who invade and occupy a territory of the enemy in the course of war. The distinguishing characteristics of this kind of de facto government are; (1) that its existence is maintained by active military power within the territories, and against the rightful authority of an established and lawful government; and (2) that while it exists it must necessarily be obeyed in civil matters by private citizens who, by acts of obedience rendered in submission to such force, do

not become responsible, as wrongdoers, for those acts, though not warranted by the laws of the rightful government. 2. YES. Being a de facto government, it necessarily follows that the judicial acts and proceedings of the courts of justice of those governments, which are not of a political complexion, were good and valid, and, by virtue of the well known principle of postliminy in international law, remained good and valid after the liberation or reoccupation of the Philippines by the American and Filipino forces. 3. NO. The phrase processes of any other government is broad and may refer not only to judicial processes, but also to administrative or legislative, as well as constitutional processes of the Republic of the Philippines or other governmental agencies established in the Islands during the Japanese occupation. Taking into consideration the fact that, according to the well-known principles of international law, all judgments and judicial proceedings, which are not of a political complexion, of the de facto government during the Japanese occupation were good and valid before and remained so after the occupied territory had come again into the power of the titular sovereign, it should be presumed that it was not, and could not have been, the intention of the Gen. Mac Arthur, in using the phrase processes of any government to refer to judicial processes, in violation of said principles of international law. The only reasonable construction of the said phrase is that it refers to governmental processes other than judicial processes, or court proceedings, for according to a well-known statutory construction, statute ought never to be construed to violate the law of nations if any other possible construction remains. 4. YES. Although in theory, the authority of the local civil and judicial administration is suspended as a matter of course as soon as military occupation takes place, in practice, the invader does not usually take the administration of justice into his own hands, but

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 continues the ordinary courts or tribunals to administer the laws of the country to which he is enjoined, unless absolutely prevented. If the proceedings pending in the different courts of the Islands prior to the Japanese military occupation had been continued during the Japanese military administration, the Philippine Executive Commission and the so-called Republic of the Philippines, it stands to reason the same courts, which become reestablished and conceived of as having been in continued existence upon the reoccupation and liberation of the Philippines by virtue of the principle of postliminy, may continue the proceedings in cases then pending in said courts, without necessity of enacting laws conferring jurisdiction upon them to continue said proceedings. CONCEPT OF THE STATE PEOPLE V. GOZO 53 SCRA 476, OCTOBER 26, 1973 FERNANDO, J: FACTS: Loreta Gozo bought a house and lot located inside the US Naval Reservation within the territorial jurisdiction of Olangapo City. She demolished the house and built another one in its place without securing a building permit from the City Mayor of Olangapo City. The City Court of Olangapo found her guilty of violating a municipal ordinance that requires permit from the municipal mayor for construction of building as well as any modification, repairs or demolition thereof. On appeal with the Court of Appeals, Gozo put in issue the validity of such ordinance by invoking due process. She likewise questioned the applicability of the ordinance to her in view of the location of her dwelling within the naval base leased to the American Armed Forces; she contended that the municipal government cannot exercise therein administrative jurisdiction. ISSUES: 1. Whether municipal ordinance is valid? 2. Whether the municipal corporation retains its administrative jurisdiction over the area where Gozo s house was located? HELD: 1. YES, the municipal ordinance is valid. The authority to require building permits is predicated upon the general welfare clause. Its scope is wide, well-nigh all embracing, covering every aspect of public health, public morals, public safety, and the well being and good order of the community. 2. YES, the municipal corporation retains its administrative jurisdiction over the said area. By the agreement, the Philippine Government merely consents that the United States exercise jurisdiction in certain cases. This consent was given purely as a matter of comity, courtesy or expediency. The Philippine Government has not abdicated its sovereignty over the bases as part of the Philippine

territory or divested itself completely of jurisdiction over offenses committed therein. Under the terms of the treaty, the United States Government has prior or preferential but not exclusive jurisdiction of such offenses. The Philippine jurisdiction retains not only jurisdictional rights not granted, but also such ceded rights as the United States Military authorities for reasons of their own decline to make use of. Moreover, the concept of sovereignty as auto-limitation, is the property of a state-force due to which it has the exclusive capacity of legal self-determination and self-restriction. x x x A state is not precluded from allowing another power to participate in the exercise of jurisdictional right over certain portions of its territory. If it does so, it by no means follows that such areas become impressed with an alien character. They retain their status as native soil. They are still subject to its authority. Its jurisdiction may be dimished, but it does not disappear. So it is with the bases under lease to the American armed forces by virtue of the military bases agreement of 1947. they are not and cannot be foreign territory. CONCEPT OF THE STATE LAUREL V. MISA 77 PHIL 856, JANUARY 30, 1947 PER CURIAM: FACTS: Sometime in May 1945, Anastacio Laurel, herein petitioner, a Filipino citizen, was arrested by the US Army and was interned, under a commitment order for his active collaboration with the Japanese during the Japanese occupation . He was charged with treason as defined and penalized by Art. 114 of the Penal Code. But in September 1945, he was turned over to the Commonwealth government and since then he has been under the custody of the Director of Prisons. Petitioner then filed a petition for habeas corpus mainly asserting that he cannot be prosecuted for the crime of treason for the reason (1) that the sovereignty of the legitimate government in the Philippines and, consequently, the correlative allegiance of Filipino citizens thereto was then suspended; and (2) that there was a change of sovereignty over these Islands upon the proclamation of the Philippine Republic. San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures ISSUES: 1. Whether the sovereignty of the legitimate government in the Philippines and, consequently, the correlative allegiance of Filipino citizens were suspended during the Japanese occupation. 2. Whether the petitioner can be prosecuted for the crime of treason by giving aid and support to the enemy during the Japanese occupation. HELD: 1. NO. The absolute and permanent allegiance of the inhabitants of a territory occupied by the enemy to their legitimate government or sovereign is not abrogated or severed by the enemy s occupation, because the sovereignty of the government or

sovereign de jure is not transferred thereby to the occupier and if its is not transferred to the occupant it must necessarily remain vested in the legitimate government; that the sovereignty vested in the titular government must be distinguished from the exercise of the rights inherent thereto, and may be destroyed, or severed and transferred to another, but it cannot be suspended because the existence of sovereignty cannot be suspended without putting it out of existence or divesting the possessor thereof at least during the so-called period of suspension; that what may be suspended is the exercise of the rights of sovereignty with the control and government of the territory occupied by the enemy passes temporarily to the occupant; x x x and that as a corollary of the conclusion that the sovereignty itself is not suspended and subsists during the enemy occupation, the allegiance of the inhabitants to their legitimate government or sovereign subsists, and therefore there is no such thing as suspended allegiance. 2. YES. Article 114 of the Revised Penal Code was applicable to treason committed against the national security of the legitimate government because the inhabitants of the occupied territory were still bound by their allegiance to the latter during the enemy s occupation. Just as a citizen or subject of a government or sovereign may be prosecuted for and convicted of treason committed in a foreign country, in the same way a inhabitant of a territory occupied by the military forces of the enemy may commit treason against his own legitimate or sovereign if he adheres to the enemies of the latter by giving them aid and comfort. CONCEPT OF THE STATE RUFFY VS. CHIEF OF STAFF 75 PHIL 875, AUGUST 20, 1946 TUASON, J: FACTS: During the Japanese occupation, herein petitioner, Ramon Ruffy, a Provincial Commander of the Philippine Constabulary, retreated in the mountains instead of surrendering to the enemy. He organized and led a guerrilla outfit known as Bolo Combat Team or Bolo Area. The said Bolo Area was a contingent of the 6th Military District, which has been recognized and placed under the operational control of the US Army in the South Pacific. Sometime later, Col. Jurado effected a change of command in the Bolo Area. Major Ruffy who was then acting as Commanding Officer for the Bolo Area was relieved of his position. Later on or on October 19, 1944, Lieut. Col Jurado was slain allegedly by the petitioners. It was this murder which gave rise to petitioner s trial. The trial court convicted petitioner and he now filed this instant petition with the contention that he was not subject to military law at the time the offense for which he had been placed on trial was committed. Petitioners contended that by the enemy occupation of the Philippines, the National Defense Act and all laws and regulations creating and governing the existence of the Philippine Army including the Articles of War, were suspended and in abeyance during such belligerent occupation. He also assailed the constitutionality of 93d Article of War which provides that any person subject to military law who commits murder in the time of war should suffer death or imprisonment for life, as

the court martial may direct. Petitioner argued that the said law was in violation of Article VII, section 2 of the Constitution since 93d of Article of War fails to allow a review by the Supreme Court of judgments of courts martial imposing death or life imprisonment. ISSUES: 1. Whether petitioner was subject to military law at the time the alleged offense was committed. 2. Whether 93d of Articles of War was constitutional. HELD: 1. YES, petitioner was subject to military law at the time the alleged offense was committed. The rule that laws of political nature or affecting political relations are considered superseded or in abeyance during the military occupation, is intended for the governing of the civil inhabitants of the occupied territory. It is not intended for and does not bind the enemies in arms. By the occupation of the Philippines by Japanese forces, the officers and men of the Philippine army did not cease to be fully in the

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 service, though, in a measure, only in measure, they were not subject to the military jurisdiction, if they were not in active duty. In the latter case, like officers and soldiers on leave of absence or held as prisoners of war, they could not be held guilty of breach of the discipline of the command or of a neglect of duty x x x; but for an act unbecoming of a gentleman or an act which constitutes an offense of the class specified in the 95th Article of War, they may in general be legally held subject to military jurisdiction and trial. Moreover, petitioners, by their acceptance of appointments as officers in the Bolo Area from the General Headquarters of the 6th Military District, they became members of the Philippine Army amenable to the Articles of War. x x x As officers in the Bolo Area and the 6th Military District, the petitioners operated under the orders of a duly established and duly appointed commanders of the United States Army and thus covered by Article 2 of the Articles of War which provides for persons subject to military law. 2. YES, 93d of the Articles of War was constitutional. It does not violate Article VII, section 2 of the Constitution which provides that the National Assembly may not deprive the Supreme Court of its original jurisdiction over all criminal cases in which the penalty imposed is death or life imprisonment . Court Martial are agencies of executive character, and one of the authorities for ordering of courts martial has been held to be attached to the constitutional functions of the President as Commander in Chief, independently of legislation . Unlike courts of law, they are not a portion of the judiciary. x x x court martial are in fact simply instrumentalities of the executive power, provided by Congress for the President as Commander in Chief, to aid him in properly commanding the army and navy and enforcing discipline therein, and utilized under his orders or those of his authorized military representatives. THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY SANDERS VS. VERIDIANO II 162 SCRA 88 (1988) FACTS: Private respondents Anthony Rossi and Ralph Wyers (deceased) were both employed as game room attendants in the special services department of the US Naval Station (NAVSTA). They were advised that their employment had been converted from permanent fulltime to permanent part-time. Their reaction was to protect the conversion and to institute grievance proceedings. The hearing officer recommended the reinstatement of private respondents to permanent full-time status plus back wages. In a letter addressed to petitioner Moreau, Commanding Officer of Subic Naval Base, petitioner Sanders, Special Services Director

of NAVSTA, disagreed with the recommendation and asked for its rejection. Moreau, even before the start of the grievance hearings, sent a letter to the Chief of Naval Personnel explaining the change of the private respondent s status and requested concurrence therewith. Private respondents filed suit for damages claiming that the letters contained libelous imputations that had exposed them to ridicule and had caused them mental anguish, and prejudgment of the grievance proceedings was an invasion of their personal and proprietary rights. They make it clear that petitioners were being sued in their personal capacity. A motion to dismiss on the ground of lack of jurisdiction was filed by the petitioner and was denied. ISSUE: Were the petitioners performing their official duties when they did the acts for which they are being sued for damages? HELD: YES. It is clear in the present case that the acts for which the petitioners are being called to account were performed by them in the discharge of their official duties. Sanders as director of the special services department of NAVSTA, undoubtedly had supervision over its personnel including the private respondents and had a hand in their employment, work, assignments, discipline, dismissal and other related matters. The act of Moreau is deadly official in nature, performed by him as the immediate superior of Sanders and directly answerable to Naval Personnel in matters involving the special department of NAVSTA. THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY REPUBLIC VS. SANDOVAL 220 SCRA 124 (1993) FACTS: By reason of the Mendiola massacre, wherein 12 rallyists died in their quest for genuine agrarian reform , President Aquino issued Administrative Order No.11 which created the Citizen s Mendiola Commission for the purpose of conducting an investigation for the disorders, death and casualties that took place. San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures The most significant recommendation of the Commission was for the deceased and other victims of Mendiola incident to be compensated by the government. Due to the recommendation, petitioners filed a formal letter of demand for compensation from the government to which the latter did not take heed. The group then instituted an action for damages against the Republic of the Philippines together with military officers and personnel involved in Mendiola incident. Respondent Judge Sandoval dismissed the complaint as against the Republic of the Philippines on the basis that there was no waver by the state. Hence, the petition for certiorari.

ISSUE: Whether the State by virtue of the administrative order waived its immunity from suit? HELD: NO. Firstly, recommendation made by the commission does not in any way mean that liability automatically attaches to the state. In effect, the same shall only serve as a cause of action on the event that any party decides to litigate his or her claim. The commission is merely a preliminary venue. Secondly, whatever acts or utterances that then President Aquino may have said or done, the same are not tantamount to the state having waived its immunity from suit. The principle of state immunity from suit does not apply in this case, as when the relief demanded by the suit requires no affirmative official action on the part of the state nor the affirmative discharge of any obligation which belongs to the state in its political capacity, even though the officers or agents who are made defendants claim to hold or act only by virtue of a title of the state and as its agents and servants. THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY FESTEJO VS. FERNANDO 94 PHIL 504 (1954) FACTS: Plaintiff Carmen Festejo filed an action against defendant Isaias Fernando, Director of Bureau of Public Works for unlawfully taking possession of portions of her three parcels of land and causing the construction of irrigation canal without obtaining right of way and without her consent or knowledge. The lower court ruled in favor of plaintiff Festejo. On appeal, defendant Fernando invoked his being a public officer of the government of the Philippines and thus, enjoys immunity from suit and should be absolved from liability for damages. ISSUE: May defendant invoke immunity from suit? HELD: NO. Ordinarily, the officer or employee committing the tort is personally liable and may be sued as any other citizen and held answerable for whatever injury. THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY SECTION 3, ARTICLE XVI, 1987 PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION U.S.A VS. GUINTO (G.R. NO. 76607 FEBRUARY 26, 1990) CRUZ, J. FACTS:

In the first case, the private respondents are suing several officers of the U.S. Air Force stationed in Clark Air Base in connection with the bidding conducted by them for contracts for barber services in the base. In the second case, private respondents filed a complaint for damages against private petitioners for his dismissal as cook in the U.S. Air Force Recreation Center at the John Hay Air Station. In the third case, private respondent, who was employed as a barracks boy in a U.S. Base, was arrested following a buy-bust operation conducted by the individual petitioners, officers of the U.S. Air Force and special agents of the Air Force Office of Special Investigators. He then filed a complaint for damages against the individual petitioners claiming that it was because of their acts that he was removed. In the fourth case, a complaint for damages was filed by the private respondents against the private petitioners, for injuries allegedly sustained by the plaintiffs as a result of the acts of the defendants. According to the plaintiffs, the defendants beat them up, handcuffed them and unleashed dogs on them which bit them in several parts of their bodies and caused extensive injuries to them. These cases have been consolidated because they all involve the doctrine of state immunity. The United States of America was not impleaded in the complaints below but has moved to dismiss on the ground that they are in effect suits against it to which it has not consented. It is now contesting the denial of its motions by the respondent judges. ISSUE: Whether or not the Doctrine of State Immunity is not applicable thereby making the State liable HELD:

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 NO. While suable, the petitioners are nevertheless not liable. It is obvious that the claim for damages cannot be allowed on the strength of the evidence, which have been carefully examined. The traditional rule of immunity exempts a State from being sued in the courts of another State without its consent or waiver. This rule is a necessary consequence of the principles of independence and equality of States. However, the rules of International Law are not petrified; they are constantly developing and evolving. And because the activities of states have multiplied, it has been necessary to distinguish them -between sovereign and governmental acts (jure imperii) and private, commercial and proprietary acts (jure gestionis). The result is that State immunity now extends only to acts jure imperii. The restrictive application of State immunity is now the rule in the United States, the United Kingdom and other states in Western Europe. The restrictive application of State immunity is proper only when the proceedings arise out of commercial transactions ofthe foreign sov ereign, its commercial activities or economic affairs. Stated differently, a State may be said to have descended to the level of an individual and can thus be deemed to have tacitly given its consent to be sued only when it enters into business contracts. It does not apply where the contract relates to the exercise of its sovereign functions. In this case the projects are an integral part of the naval base which is devoted to the defense of both the United States and the Philippines, indisputably a function of the government of the highest order; they are not utilized for nor dedicated to commercial or business purposes. There is no question that the United States of America, like any other state, will be deemed to have impliedly waived its non-suability if it has entered into a contract in its proprietary or private capacity, as in the cases at bar. It is only when the contract involves its sovereign or governmental capacity that no such waiver may be implied. A State may be said to have descended to the level of an individual and can thus be deemed to have tacitly given its consent to be sued only when it enters into business contracts. The private respondents invokes Article 2180 of the Civil Code which holds the government liable if it acts through a special agent. The argument, it would seem, is premised on the ground that since the officers are designated "special agents," the United States government should be liable for their torts. There seems to be a failure to distinguish between suability and liability and a misconception that the two terms are synonymous. Suability depends on the consent of the state to be sued, liability on the applicable law and the established facts. The circumstance that a state is suable does not necessarily mean that it is liable; on the other hand, it can never be held liable if it does not first consent to be sued. Liability is not conceded by the mere fact that the state has allowed itself to be sued. When the state does waive its sovereign immunity, it is only giving the plaintiff the chance to prove, if it can, that the defendant is liable. The said article establishes a rule of liability, not

suability. The government may be held liable under this rule only if it first allows itself to be sued through any of the accepted forms of consent. Moreover, the agent performing his regular functions is not a special agent even if he is so denominated, as in the case at bar. No less important, the said provision appears to regulate only the relations of the local state with its inhabitants and, hence, applies only to the Philippine government and not to foreign governments impleaded in our courts. The complaints against the petitioners in the court below were aptly dismissed. THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY SECTION 3, ARTICLE XVI, 1987 PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION VETERANS MANPOWER AND PROTECTIVE SERVICE, INC. VS CA (G.R. NO. 91359, SEPTEMBER 25, 1992) FACTS: A suit was filed against the PC Chief for failure to act on the request by petitioner seeking to set aside the findings of PADPAO expelling it from PADPAO and considering its application for renewal of its license even without a certificate of membership from PADPAO. A Motion to Dismiss was filed invoking that it is a suit against the State which had not given its consent. ISSUES: Whether or not the action taken by the petitioners is a suit against the State. Whether of not the PC Chief and PC-SUSIA are liable in their private capacities. Whether or not the Memorandum of Agreement constitute as an implied consent of the State to be sued HELD: Yes, it is a suit against the State, the PC Chief and PC-SUSIA being instrumentalities of the State exercising the governmental function of regulating the organization and operation of private detective watchmen or security guard agencies. Even if its action prospers, the payment of its monetary claims may not be enforced because the State did not consent to appropriate the necessary funds for the purpose. No, since the acts for which the PC Chief and PC-SUSIA are being called to account in this case, were performed by them as part of their official duties, without malice, gross negligence or bad faith, no recovery may be held against them in their private capacities. San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures No, the Memorandum of Agreement did not constitute an implied consent by the State to be sued because it was intended to professionalize the industry and to standardized the salaries of the security guards. It is

merely incidental to the purpose of RA No. 5487 which is to regulate the organization and operation of private security agencies. The State is deemed to have given tacitly its consent to be sued when it enters into a contract. However, it does not apply where the contact relates to the exercise of its sovereign functions. THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY SECTION 3, ARTICLE XVI, 1987 PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION MERRITT vs. GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINES (G.R. NO. L-11154, MARCH 21, 1916) TRENT, J. FACTS: Merritt, while riding his motorcycle was hit by an ambulance owned by the Philippine General Hospital. A driver employed by the hospital drove it. In order for Merritt to sue the Philippine government, Act No. 2457 was enacted by the Philippine Legislature authorizing Merritt to bring suit against the Government of the Philippine Islands and authorizing the Attorney-General of said Islands to appear in said suit. A suit was then filed before the CFI of Manila, which fixed the responsibility for the collision solely on the ambulance driver and determined the amount of damages to be awarded to Merritt. Both parties appealed from the decision, plaintiff Merritt as to the amount of damages and defendant in rendering the amount against the government. ISSUE: Whether or not defendant, Government of the Philippines, waived its immunity from suit as well as conceded its liability to the plaintiff when i t enacted Act No. 2457 HELD: NO. By consenting to be sued, a state simply waives its immunity from suit. It does not thereby concede its liability to the plaintiff, or create any cause of action in his favor, or extend its liability to any cause not previously recognized. It merely gives a remedy to enforce a pre-existing liability and submit itself to the jurisdiction of the court, subje ct to its right to interpose any lawful defense. The Government of the Philippines Islands is only liable, for the acts of its agents, officers and employees when they act as special agents. A special agent is one who receives a definite and fixed order or commission, foreign to the exercise of the duties of his office if he is a special official. The special agent acts in representation of the state and being bound to act as an agent thereof, he executes the trust confided to him. This concept does not apply to any executive agent who is an employee of the acting administration and who on his own responsibility performs the functions which are inherent in and naturally pertain to his office and which are regulated by law and the regulations. The responsibility of the state is limited to that which it contracts through a special agent, duly empowered by a definite order or commission to perform some act or charged with some definite purpose which gives rise to the claim, and not where the claim is based on acts or omissions

imputable to a public official charged with some administrative or technical office who can be held to the proper responsibility in the manner laid down by the law of civil responsibility. The chauffeur of the ambulance of the General Hospital was not such an agent. THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY SECTION 3, ARTICLE XVI, 1987 PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION AMIGABLE VS. CUENCA (G.R. NO. L-26400 FEBRUARY 29, 1972) MAKALINTAL, J. FACTS: Amigable is the registered owner of a lot covered by a Transfer Certificate of Title, where no annotation in favor of the government of any right or interest in the property appears at the back of the certificate. Without prior expropriation or negotiated sale, the government used a portion of said lot for the construction of the Mango and Gorordo Avenues. It appears that said avenues already existed since 1921. In 1958, Amigable's counsel wrote the President of the Philippines, requesting payment of the portion of her lot which had been appropriated by the government. The claim was indorsed to the Auditor General, who disallowed it. Amigable then filed in the court a quo a complaint against the Republic of the Philippines and Nicolas Cuenca, in his capacity as Commissioner of Public Highways for the recovery of ownership and possession of the land traversed by the Mango and Gorordo Avenues. She also sought the payment of compensatory damages for the illegal occupation of her land, moral damages, attorney's fees and the costs of the suit. The Government had not given its consent to be sued. ISSUE: Whether or not the appellant may properly sue the government under the facts of the case HELD: YES. Where the government takes away property from a private landowner for public use without going through the legal process of expropriation or negotiated sale, the aggrieved party may properly maintain a suit against the government without thereby violating the

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 doctrine of governmental immunity from suit without its consent. The doctrine of governmental immunity from suit cannot serve as an instrument for perpetrating an injustice on a citizen. Had the government followed the procedure indicated by the governing law at the time, a complaint would have been filed by it, and only upon payment of the compensation fixed by the judgment, or after tender to the party entitled to such payment of the amount fixed, may it "have the right to enter in and upon the land so condemned, to appropriate the same to the public use defined in the judgment." If there were an observance of procedural regularity, petitioners would not be in the sad plaint they are now. It is unthinkable then that precisely because there was a failure to abide by what the law requires, the government would stand to benefit. It is not too much to say that when the government takes any property for public use, which is conditioned upon the payment of just compensation, to be judicially ascertained, it makes manifest that it submits to the jurisdiction of a court. There is no thought then that the doctrine of immunity from suit could still be appropriately invoked. THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY REPUBLIC VS. SANDIGANBAYAN 204 SCRA 212 (1991) FACTS: The PCGG filed with the Sandiganbayan a complaint for reconveyance, reversion, accounting, restitution, and damages against private respondents Bienvenido Tantoco and Dominador Santiago, et al. Private respondents jointly moved to strike out some portions of the complaint and for bill of particulars of other portions , which motion was opposed by the PCGG. The Sandiganbayan gave the PCGG 45 days to expand its complaint to make more specific certain allegations. Private respondents then presented a Motion to leave to file interrogatories under Rule 25 of the Rules of Court . The Sandiganbayan denied private respondents motions.

Private respondents filed an Answer to with Compulsory Counterclaim. In response, the PCGG presented a Reply to Counterclaim with Motion to Dismiss compulsory counterclaim. Private respondents filed a pleading denominated Interrogatories to Plaintiff , and Amended Interrogatories to Plaintiff as well as a motion for production and inspection of documents. The Sandiganbayan admitted the Amended Interrogatories and granted the motion for production and inspection of documents respectively. The PCGG moved for reconsideration, arguing that the documents are privileged in character since they are intended to be used against the PCGG and/or its Commission in violation of Sec.4 of EO No.

1, V12: a) No civil action shall lie against the Commission or any member thereof for anything omitted done in or the discharge of the task contemplated by this Order. b) No member or staff by the Commission shall be required to testify or produce evidence in any judicial, legislative or administrative proceedings concerning within its matter official cognizance. The Sandiganbayan promulgated two Resolutions. The first, denying reconsideration of the Resolution allowing production of the documents, and the second, reiterating, by implication the permission to serve the amended interrogatories on the plaintiff. ISSUE: Is the PCGG immune from suit? HELD: NO. The state is of course immune from suit in the sense that it cannot, as a rule, be sued without its consent. But it is axiomatic that in filing an action, it divests itself of its sovereign character and sheds its immunity from suit, descending to the level of an ordinary litigant. The PCGG cannot claim a superior or preferred status to the State, even while assuming of an act for the State. The suggestion that the State makes no implied waiver of immunity by filing a suit except when in doing so it acts in, or in matters concerning, its proprietary or non-governmental capacity, is unacceptable. It attempts a distinction without support in principle or precedent. On the contrary, the consent of the State to be sued may be given expressly or impliedly. Express consent may be manifested either through a general law or a special law. Implied consent is given when the State itself commences litigation or when it enters into a contract. REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES VS. PABLO FELICIANO AND INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT G.R. NO. 70853; MARCH 12, 1987 FACTS: San Beda College of Law

Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures Petitioner seeks the review of the decision of the Intermediate Appellate Court dated April 30, 1985, which dismissed the complaint of respondent Pablo Feliciano for recovery of ownership and possession of a parcel of land on the ground of non-suability of the State. On January 22, 1970, Feliciano filed a complaint with then Court of First Instance of Camarines Sur against the RP, represented by the Land Authority, for the recovery of ownership and possession of a parcel of land, consisting of four (4) lots with an aggregate area of 1,364.4177 hectares, situated in the Barrio of Salvacion, Municipality of Tinambac, Camarines Sur. Feliciano alleged that he bought the property in question from Victor Gardiola by virtue of a Contract of Sale dated May 31, 1952, followed by a Deed of Absolute Sale on October 30, 1954; that Gardiola had acquired the property by purchase from the heirs of Francisco Abrazado whose title to the said property was evidenced by an informacion posesoria that upon his purchase of the property, he took actual possession of the same, introduced various improvements therein and caused it to be surveyed in July 1952, which survey was approved by the Director of Lands on October 24,1954. On November 1, 1954, President Ramon Magsaysay issued Proclamation No. 90 reserving for settlement purposes, under the administration of the National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration (NARRA), a tract of land situated in the Municipalities of Tinambac and Siruma, Camarines Sur, after which the NARRA and its successor agency, the Land Authority, started sub-dividing and distributing the land to the settlers; that the property in question, while located within the reservation established under Proclamation No. 90, was the private property of Feliciano and should therefore be excluded therefrom. Feliciano prayed that he be declared the rightful and true owner of the property in question consisting of 1,364.4177 hectares; that his title of ownership based on informacion posesoria of his predecessor-in-interest be declared legally valid and subsisting and that defendant be ordered to cancel and nullify all awards to the settlers. ISSUE: Whether or not the State can be sued for recovery and possession of a parcel of land HELD: A suit against the State, under settled jurisprudence is not permitted, except upon a showing that the State hasconsented to be sued, either expressly or by implication through the use of statutory language too plain to be misinterpreted. It may be invoked by the courts sua sponte at any stage of the proceedings. Waiver of immunity, being a derogation of sovereignty, will not be inferred lightly, but must be construed instrictissimi juris (of strictest right). Moreover, the Proclamation is not a legislative act. The consent of the State to be sued must emanate from statutory authority. Waiver of State immunity can only be made by an act of the legislative body. Also, it is noteworthy, that as pointed out by the Solicitor General, that the informacion posesoria registered in the Office of the Register of Deed of Camarines Sur on September 23, 1952 was a "reconstituted" possessory information; it was "reconstituted from the duplicate presented to this office (Register of Deeds) by Dr. Pablo Feliciano," without the submission of proof that the alleged duplicate was authentic or that the original thereof was lost. Reconstitution can be validly made only in case of loss of the original. These circumstances raise grave doubts as to the authenticity and validity of the "informacion

posesoria" relied upon by respondent Feliciano. Adding to dubiousness of said document is the fact that "possessory calls for an area of only 100 hectares," whereas the land respondent Feliciano comprises 1,364.4177 hectares, later 701-9064 hectares. THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA VS. RUIZ 136 SCRA 487 (1985) FACTS:

the information claimed by reduced to

Petitioner invited the submission of bids for repair of its wharves and shoreline in the Subic Bay Area. Eligion and Co. responded to the invitation and submitted bids. Said company was requested by telegram to confirm its price proposals and for the name of its bonding company, and from which it complied. Later, the United States, through its agents, informed said company that it was not qualified to receive an award at the project for the poorly completed projects it awarded to third parties. The company sued petitioner for specific performance and if no longer possible, for damages. It also asked for a writ of preliminary injunction to restrain the defendants from entering into contracts with others. The United States entered a special appearance for the purpose only of questioning the jurisdiction of the court over the subject matter of the complaint and the persons of the defendants, the subject matter of the complaint being acts and omissions of the individual defendants as agents of the defendant United States of America, a foreign sovereign which has not given its consent to this suit or any other suit for the cause of action asserted in the complaint. US filed a motion to dismiss and opposed the writ. The trial court denied the motion and issued a writ. ISSUE: Whether the US may be sued? HELD: No. The traditional rule of State immunity exempts a State from being sued in the courts of another State without its consent or

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 waiver. This rule is a necessary consequence of the principles of independence and equality of States. However, the rules of International Law are not petrified; they are constantly developing and evolving. And because the activities of states have multiplied, it has been necessary to distinguish them between sovereign and governmental acts (jure imperii) and private, commercial and proprietary acts (jure gestionis). The result is that State immunity now extends only to acts jure imperii. The restrictive application of State immunity is now the rule in the United States, the United Kingdom and other states in western Europe. (See Coquia and Defensor-Santiago, Public International Law, pp. 207-209 [1984].) The restrictive application of state immunity is properonly when the proceedings arise out of commercial transactions of the foreign sovereign, its commercial activities or economic affairs. Stated differently, a state may be said to have descended to the level of an individual and can be thus deemed to have tacitly given its consent to be sued only when the contract relates to the exercise of its sovereign functions. In this case, the projects are an integral part of the naval base which is devoted to the defense of both the US and the Philippines, undisputed a function of the government of the highest order, they are not utilized for nor dedicated to commercial or business purposes. The correct test for the application of State immunity is not the conclusion of a contract by a State but the legal nature of the act is shown in Syquia vs. Lopez, 84 Phil. 312 (1949). In that case the plaintiffs leased three apartment buildings to the United States of America for the use of its military officials. The plaintiffs sued to recover possession of the premises on the ground that the term of the leases had expired, They also asked for increased rentals until the apartments shall have been vacated. THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY THE HOLY SEE VS. DEL ROSARIO JR 238 SCRA 524 (1994) FACTS: Lot 5-A is registered under the name of the petitioner The Holy See. This lot is contiguous to lots 5-B and 5-D registered in the name of Philippine Realty Corporation (PRC). These three lots were sold through an agent Msgr. Domingo Cirilos Jr. to Ramon Licup. Licup assigned his rights to private respondent Starbright Sales Ent. Inc. (SSEI). Due to refusal of the squatters to vacate the lots, a dispute arose as to who of the parties has the responsibility of eviction and clearing the land. SSEI insists that petitioner should clear the property of the squatters. Petitioner refused and proposed that either SSEI undertake the eviction or that the earnest money be returned. Msgr. Cirilos returned the P100,000.00 earnest money, and the property was sold to Tropicana Properties and Development Corporation (Tropicana). SSEI filed suit for annulment of sale, specific performance and damages against Msgr. Cirilos, PRC, and Tropicana.

The petitioner and Msgr. Cirilos moved to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction based on sovereign immunity from suit. It was denied on the ground that petitioner shed off its sovereign immunity by entering into the business contract in question. A motion for reconsideration was also denied. Hence, this special civil action for certiorari. ISSUE: Did the Holy See properly invoke sovereign immunity for its nonsuability? HELD: YES. In the case at bar, lot 5-A was acquired as a donation from the archdiocese of Manila for the site of its mission or the Apostolic Nuniciature in the Philippines. The subsequent disposal was made because the squatters living thereon made it impossible for petitioner to use it for the purpose of the donation. Petitioner did not sell lot 5-A for profit or gain. There are two conflicting concepts of sovereign immunity, each widely held and firmly established. According to the classical or absolute theory, a sovereign cannot, without its consent, be made a respondent in the courts of another sovereign. According to the newer or restrictive theory, the immunity of the sovereign is recognized only with regard to public acts or acts jure imperii of a state, but not with regard to private acts or acts jure gestionis (United States of America v. Ruiz, 136 SCRA 487 [1987]; Coquia and Defensor-Santiago, Public International Law 194 [1984]). The restrictive theory, which is intended to be a solution to the host of problems involving the issue of sovereign immunity, has created problems of its own. Legal treatises and the decisions in countries which follow the restrictive theory have difficulty in characterizing whether a contract of a sovereign state with a private party is an act jure gestionis or an act jure imperii. The restrictive theory came about because of the entry of sovereign states into purely commercial activities remotely connected with the discharge of governmental functions. This is particularly true with respect to the Communist states which took control of nationalized business activities and international trading. This Court has considered the following transactions by a foreign state with private parties as acts jure imperii: (1) the lease by a foreign government of apartment buildings for use of its military officers (Syquia v. Lopez, 84 Phil. 312 [1949]; (2) the conduct of public bidding for the repair of a wharf at a United States Naval Station (United States of America v. Ruiz, supra.); and (3) the change of employment status of base employees (Sanders v. Veridiano, 162 SCRA 88 [1988]). San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures On the other hand, this Court has considered the following transactions by a foreign state with private parties as acts jure gestionis: (1) the hiring of a cook in the recreation center, consisting of three restaurants, a cafeteria, a bakery, a store, and a coffee and pastry shop at

the John Hay Air Station in Baguio City, to cater to American servicemen and the general public (United States of America v. Rodrigo, 182 SCRA 644 [1990]); and (2) the bidding for the operation of barber shops in Clark Air Base in Angeles City (United States of America v. Guinto, 182 SCRA 644 [1990]). The operation of the restaurants and other facilities open to the general public is undoubtedly for profit as a commercial and not a governmental activity. By entering into the employment contract with the cook in the discharge of its proprietary function, the United States government impliedly divested itself of its sovereign immunity from suit. In the absence of legislation defining what activities and transactions shall be considered "commercial" and as constituting acts jure gestionis, we have to come out with our own guidelines, tentative they may be. Certainly, the mere entering into a contract by a foreign state with a private party cannot be the ultimate test. Such an act can only be the start of the inquiry. The logical question is whether the foreign state is engaged in the activity in the regular course of business. If the foreign state is not engaged regularly in a business or trade, the particular act or transaction must then be tested by its nature. If the act is in pursuit of a sovereign activity, or an incident thereof, then it is an act jure imperii, especially when it is not undertaken for gain or profit. As held in United States of America v. Guinto, (supra): "There is no question that the United States of America, like any other state, will be deemed to have impliedly waived its non-suability if it has entered into a contract in its proprietary or private capacity. It is onl y when the contract involves its sovereign or governmental capacity that no such waiver may be implied." In the case at bench, if petitioner has bought and sold lands in the ordinary course of a real estate business, surely the said transaction can be categorized as an act jure gestionis. However, petitioner has denied that the acquisition and subsequent disposal of Lot 5-A were made for profit but claimed that it acquired said property for the site of its missio n or the Apostolic Nunciature in the Philippines. Private respondent failed to dispute said claim. Under Art.31(A) of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, a diplomatic envoy is granted immunity from the civil and administrative jurisdiction of the receiving state over any real action relating to private immovable property situated in the territory of the receiving state which the envoy holds on behalf of the sending state for the purposes of the mission. If this immunity is provided for a diplomatic envoy with all the more reason should immunity be recognized as regards the sovereign itself, which in this case is the Holy See. Moreover the Department of the Foreign Affairs has formally intervened and officially certified that the Embassy of the Holy See is a duly accredited diplomatic missionary to the Republic of the Philippines and as such is exempt from local jurisdiction and entitled to all the rights, privileges and immunities of a diplomatic mission or embassy in this court. The determination of the executive arm of the government that a state or instrumentality is entitled to sovereign or diplomatic immunity is a political question that is conclusive upon the courts. Where the plea of immunity is reacquired and affirmed by the executive branch, it

is the duty of the courts to accept this claim so as not to embarrass the executive arm of the government in conducting the country s foreign relations. THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY REPUBLIC VS. VILLASOR 54 SCRA 84 (1973) FACTS: A decision was rendered in a Special Proceeding against the Republic of the Philippines thereby confirming the arbitration award of P1,712,396.40 in favor of respondent corporation. After the decision became final and executory, respondent judge issued an order directing the sheriff to execute the said decision, and the corresponding alias writ of execution was thus issued. Hence the sheriff served notices of garnishment with several banks especially the monies due to the AFP in the form of deposits sufficient to cover the amount mentioned in the writ. PNB and Philippine Veterans Bank received such notice. As certified by the AFP Comptroller, these funds of the AFP with the said banks are public funds for the pensions, pay, and allowances of its military and civilian personnel. The petitioner, in this certiorari and prohibition proceedings, challenges the validity of the Order issued by Judge Villasor declaring the decision final and executory and subsequently issuing an alias writ of execution directed against the funds of the AFP in pursuance thereof. ISSUE: May the writs of execution and notices of garnishment be sued against public funds? HELD: NO. Although the State may give its consent to be sued by private parties, there is corollary that public funds cannot be the object of garnishment proceedings even if the consent to be sued has been previously granted and the state s liability has been adjudged.

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 Thus in the case of Commission of Public Highways vs. San Diego, such a well-settled doctrine was restated in the opinion of Justice Teehankee. The universal rule that where the state gives its consent to be sued by private parties either by general or special law, it may limit claimant s action only up to the completion of proceedings anterior to the stage of execution and that the power of the courts ends when the judgment is rendered, since the government funds and properties may not be seized under writs of execution or garnishment to satisfy such judgment, is based on obvious considerations of public policy. Disbursement of public funds must be covered by the corresponding appropriations as required by law. The functions and public services rendered by the State cannot be allowed to be paralyzed or disrupted by diversion of public funds from their legitimate and specific object is appropriated by law. THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE VS. NLRC 227 SCRA 693 (1993) FACTS: The DAR and Sultan Security Agency entered into a contract for security services to be provided by the latter to the said governmental entity. Several guards of the agency assigned to the petitioner s premises filed a complaint for underpayment of wages, non-payment of 13th month pay, uniform allowances, night shift differential pay, holiday pay, and overtime pay as well as for damages, before the Regional Arbitration, against the petitioner and the agency. The Executive Labor arbiter rendered a decision finding the petitioner and the agency jointly and severally liable for the payment of the money claims. The decision became final and executory. The Labor Arbiter then issued a writ of execution which resulted in the property of the petitioner being levied. The petitioner asserts the rule of non-suability of the State. ISSUE: Can the Department of Agriculture be sued under the contract entered with the agency? HELD: YES. The basic postulate under Art. X section 3 of the Constitution that the State may not be sued without its consent is not absolute for it does not say that the State may not be sued under any circumstances. On the contrary, as correctly phrased, the doctrine only conveys that the State may not be sued without its consent. Its import then is that the State may at times be sued. The State s consent may be given either expressly or impliedly. Express consent may be made through a general law waiving the immunity of the State from suit which is found in Act 3083, where the Philippine government consents and submits to be sued upon any money claim involving liability arising from contract, express or implied, which could serve as basis of civil action between private parties. Implied consent on the other hand, is conceded when the State itself commences litigation, thus opening itself to counterclaim or when it enters into a contract.

In this situation, the government is deemed to have descended to the level of the other contracting party and to have divested itself of its sovereign immunity. The rule relied upon by the NLRC is not, however, without qualification. Not all contracts entered into by the government operate as a waiver of its non-suability. Distinction must still be made between one which was executed in the exercise of its sovereign function and another which is done in its proprietary capacity. In the instant case, the petitioner has not pretended to have assumed a capacity apart from its being a governmental entity when it entered into the questioned contract, not that it could have in fact performed any act proprietary in character, but be that as it may, the claims of private respondents arising from the contract for security services clearly constitute money claims for which Act 3083 gives the consent of the state to be sued. However, when the State gives its consent to be sued, it does not thereby necessarily consent to an unrestricted execution against it. When the State waives immunity, all it does, in effect, is to give the other party an opportunity to prove, if it can, that the state has any liability . THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY PNB VS. PABALAN 83 SCRA 595 (1978) FACTS: A judgment was rendered against Philippine Virginia Tobacco Administration (PVTA). Judge Javier Pabalan issued a writ of execution followed thereafter by a notice of garnishment of the funds of respondent PVTA which were deposited with the Philippine National Bank (PNB). PNB objected on the constitutional law doctrine of non-suability of a state. It alleged that such funds are public in character. ISSUE: Was the contention of PNB correct? HELD: NO. It is to be admitted that under the present Constitution, what was formerly implicit as a fundamental doctrine in constitutional law has been set forth in express terms: The State may not be sued without its consent. If the funds appertained to one of the regular departments or offices in the government, then, certainly such a provision would lie a bar San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures to garnishment. Such is not the case here. Garnishment would lie. The Supreme Court, in a case brought by the same petitioner precisely invoking such doctrine, left no doubt that the funds of a public corporation could properly be made the object of a notice of garnishment. It is well settled that when the government enters into commercial business, its abandons its sovereign capacity and is to be treated like any other corporation. (Manila Hotel Employees Association vs. Manila Hotel Company)

THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY RAYO VS. CFI OF BULACAN 110 SCRA 460 (1981) FACTS: During the height of the infamous typhoon Kading, the NPC, acting through its plant superintendent, Benjamin Chavez, opened or caused to be opened simultaneously all the three floodgates of the Angat Dam. The many unfortunate victims of the man-caused flood filed with the respondent court eleven complaints for damages against the NPC and Benjamin Chavez. NPC filed separate answers to each of the eleven complaints and invoked in each answer a special and affirmative defense that in the operation of the Angat Dam, it is performing a purely governmental function. Hence, it cannot be sued without the express consent of the State. The respondent court dismissed the case on the grounds that said defendant performs a purely governmental function in the operation of the Angat Dam and cannot therefore be sued for damages in the instant cases in connection therewith. ISSUE: Was the NPC performing a governmental function with respect to the management and operation of the Angat Dam? HELD: YES. However, it is not necessary to determine whether NPC performs a governmental function with respect to the management and operation of the Angat Dam. It is sufficient to say that the government has organized a private corporation, put money in it and has allowed itself to sue and be sued in any court under its charter. As a government owned and controlled corporation, it has personality of its own, distinct and separate from that of the government. Moreover, the charter provision that the NPC can sue and be sued in any court is without qualification on the cause of action as the one instituted by the petitioners. THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY BUREAU OF PRINTING VS. BUREAU OF PRINTING EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION 1 SCRA 340 (1961) FACTS: Bureau of Printing Employees Association filed a case against herein petitioners Bureau of Printing, Serafin Salvador, and Mariano Ledesma. The complaint alleged that Salvador and Ledesma have been engaging in unfair labor practices by interfering with, or coercing the employees of the Bureau of Printing, particularly the members of the complaining association, in the exercise of their right to self-organization, and by discriminating in regard to hiring and tenure of their employment in order to discourage them from pursuing their union activities. Answering the complaint, Salvador and Ledesma denied the charges, and contended that the Bureau of Printing has no juridical personality to sue and be sued. ISSUE: Can the Bureau of Printing be sued? HELD:

NO. As a government office, without any juridical capacity, it cannot be sued. The Bureau of Printing is an instrumentality of the government; it operates under the direct supervision of the Executive Secretary. It is designed to meet the printing needs of the government. It is primarily a service bureau. It is obviously not engaged in business or occupation for pecuniary profit. It has no corporate existence. Its appropriations are provided for in the budget. It is not subject to the jurisdiction of the Court of Industrial Relations. Any suit, action or proceeding against the Bureau of Printing would actually be a suit, action or proceeding against the government itself. The government cannot be sued without its consent, much less over its objection. THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY MOBIL PHILS. EXPLORATION, INC. VS. CUSTOMS ARRASTRE SERVICE 18 SCRA 1120 (1966) FACTS: Four cases of rotary drill parts were shipped from abroad consigned to Mobil Philippines. The Customs Arrastre later delivered to

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 the broker of the consignee three cases only of the shipment. Mobil Philippines Exploration Inc. filed suit in the CFI against the Customs Arrastre Service and the Bureau of Customs to recover the value of the undelivered cases plus other damages. The defendants filed a motion to dismiss the complaint on the ground that not being a person under the law, defendants cannot be sued. After the plaintiff opposed the motion, the court dismissed the complaint on the ground that neither the Customs Arrastre Service nor the Bureau of Customs is suable. ISSUE: Can the Customs Arrastre Service or the Bureau of Customs be sued? HELD: NO. The Bureau of Customs, acting as part of the machinery of the national government in the operations of arrastre service, pursuant to express legislative mandate and a necessary incident of its prime governmental function, is immune from suit, there being no statute to the contrary. The Bureau of Customs has no personality of its own apart from that of the government. Its primary function is governmental, that of assessing and collecting lawful revenues from imported articles and all other tariff and customs duties, fees, charges, fines, and penalties. To this function, arrastre is a necessary incident. Although said arrastre function is deemed proprietary, it is necessarily an incident of the primary and governmental function of the Bureau of Customs, so that engaging in the same does not necessarily render said Bureau liable to suit. For otherwise, it could not perform its governmental function without necessarily exposing itself to suit. Sovereign immunity granted as to the end should not be denied as to the necessary means to that end. THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY CIVIL AERONAUTICS ADMINISTRATION VS COURT OF APPEALS 167 SCRA 28 (1988) FACTS: Ernest Simke went to Manila International Airport to meet his future son-in-law. While walking towards the viewing deck or the terrace to get a better view of the incoming passengers, he slipped over an elevation about four inches high, and he fell on his back and broke his thigh bone. He filed an action for damages based on quasi-delict with the CFI of Rizal against the Civil Aeronautics Administration or CAA as the entity empowered to administer, operate, manage, control, maintain, and develop the MIA. Judgment was rendered in his favor, and on appeal to the Court of Appeals, judgment was affirmed.

ISSUE: Whether the CAA, being an agency of the government, can be made a party defendant? HELD: YES. Not all government entities whether corporate or not are immune from suits. Immunity from suits is determined by the character of the objects for which the entity was organized. The CAA is not immune from suit it being engaged in functions pertaining to a private entity. It is engaged in an enterprise which, far from being the exclusive prerogative of the state, may more than the construction of public roads, be undertaken by private concerns. The CAA was created not to maintain a necessity of the government, but to run what is essentially a business even if the revenues be not its prime objective but rather the promotion of travel and the convenience of the traveling public. THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY MUN. OF SAN FERNANDO, LA UNION VS. JUDGE FIRME 195 SCRA 692 (1991) FACTS: Petitioner Municipality of San Fernando, La Union, is a municipality corporation. Respondent Judge Romeo N. Firme is impleaded in his official capacity as the presiding judge, while private respondents are heirs of the deceased Laureano Banina, Sr. On December 16, 1965, a collision occurred involving a passenger jeep, a gravel and sand truck, and a dump truck of the Municipality of San Fernando, La Union which was driven by Alfredo Bislig. Due to the impact, several passengers of the jeep including Banina, Sr. died. The heir of Banina, Sr. instituted a complaint for damages against the owner and driver of the passenger jeep. However, the aforesaid defendant filed a third party complaint against the petitioner and the driver of the dump truck of the petitioner. Thereafter, the private respondents amended the complaint wherein the petitioner and its regular employee Alfredo Bislig were impleaded for the first time as defendants. Petitioner filed its answer and raised affirmative defenses such as lack of cause of action, non-suability of the state, prescription of cause of action, and the negligence of the owner and driver of the passenger jeep as the proximate cause of the collision. San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures On October 10, 1979, the trial court rendered a decision for the plaintiffs, and defendants Municipality of san Fernando, La Union and Alfredo Bislig are ordered to pay jointly and severally the plaintiffs. The complaint against the driver and the owner of the passenger jeep was dismissed. Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration and for a new trial. However, respondent judge issued another order denying the motion

for reconsideration of the order for having been filed out of time. Hence, this petition. ISSUE: Whether the municipality is liable for the tort committed by its employee? HELD: NO. The test of liability of the municipality depends on whether or not the driver acting in behalf of the municipality is performing governmental or proprietary functions. It has already been remarked that municipal corporations are suable because their charters grant them the competence to sue and be sued. Nevertheless, they are generally not liable for torts committed by them in the discharge of governmental functions and can be held answerable only if it can be shown that they were acting in a proprietary capacity. In permitting such entities to be sued, the state merely gives the claimants the right to show the defendant was not acting in its governmental capacity when the injury was inflicted or that the case comes under the exceptions recognized by law. Failing this, the claimants cannot recover. In the case at bar, the driver of the dump truck of the municipality insists that he was on his way to Naguilan River to get a load of sand and gravel for the repair of the San Fernando municipal street. In the absence of any evidence to the contrary, the regularity of the performance of official duty is presumed. Hence, the driver of the dump truck was performing duties or tasks pertaining to his office. After careful examination of existing laws and jurisprudence, we arrive at the conclusion that the municipality cannot be held liable for the torts committed by its regular employee, who was then engaged in the discharge of governmental functions. Hence, the death of the passenger, tragic and deplorable though, it may be imposed on the municipality no duty to pay the monetary compensation. THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY MUNICIPALITY OF SAN MIGUEL, BULACAN VS. FERNANDEZ 130 SCRA 56 (1984) FACTS: In Civil Case No. 604-B, the then CFI of Bulacan rendered judgment holding herein petitioner municipality liable to respondents Imperio, et al. When the judgment became final, respondent judge issued a writ of execution to satisfy the same. Petitioner municipality filed a motion to quash the writ on the ground that the municipality s property or funds are public exempt from execution. The motion was denied. The respondent judge issued another order requiring both the municipal and provincial treasurer to comply with the money judgment. When the treasurers failed to do so, respondent judge issued an order for their arrest and that they will be released upon compliance, hence the present petition. ISSUE: Whether the funds of the municipality in the hands of the Provincial and Municipal Treasurers of Bulacan and San Miguel, respectively are public funds which are exempt from execution? HELD:

YES. Municipal funds in possession of municipal and provincial treasurers are public funds exempt from execution. The reason for those was explained in the case of Municipality of Paoay vs. Manaois that are held in trust for the people intended and used for the accomplices of the purposes for which municipal corporations are created and that to subject said properties and public funds to execution would materially impede, even defeat and in some instance destroy said purpose. Thus it is clear that all the funds of petitioner municipality in the possession of the Municipal Treasurer of San Miguel as well as those in the possession of the Provincial Treasurer of Bulacan are also public funds and as such they are exempt from execution. Besides PD 447, known as the Decree on Local Fiscal Administration, provides in section 3 (a) that no money shall be paid out of the treasury except in pursuance of a lawful appropriation or other specific statutory authority. Otherwise stated, there must be a corresponding appropriation in the form of an ordinance duly passed by the Sangguniang Bayan before any money of the municipality may be paid out. In the case at bar, it has not been shown that the Sangguniang Bayan has passed any ordinance to this effect. THE DOCTRINE OF STATE IMMUNITY MUNICIPALITY OF MAKATI VS. COURT OF APPEALS 190 SCRA 206 (1990) FACTS: An expropriation proceeding was initiated by petitioner Municipality of Makati against private respondent Admiral Finance Creditors Consortium Inc., Home Building System and Reality Corp., and Arceli P. Jo involving a parcel of land and improvements thereon located at San Antonio Village, Makati.

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 An action for eminent domain was filed. Attached to the petitioner s complaint was a certification that a bank account had been opened with the PNB. After the decision has become final and executory, a writ of execution was issued and a notice of garnishment was served upon the manager of PNB where the petitioner had bank accounts. However, the sheriff was informed that a hold code was placed on the account of the petitioner. The petitioner contended that its funds at the PNB cocked neither be garnished nor levied upon execution for to do so would result in the disbursement of public funds without the proper appropriation required under the law. In a petition with the Court of Appeals, petitioner alleges for the first time that it has actually two accounts with the PNB, one exclusively for the expropriation of the subject property with the outstanding balance of P99, 743. 94. The other account was for the obligations and other purposes of the municipal government with a balance of P170,098,421.72. ISSUE: Whether the bank account of a municipality may be levied on execution to satisfy a money judgment against it absent showing that the municipal council has passed an ordinance appropriating from its public funds an amount corresponding to the balance due to the RTC decision? HELD: YES. Since the first PNB account was specifically opened for expropriation proceedings it has initiated over the subject property, there is no objection to the garnishment or levy under execution of funds therein amounting to P4,965,506.40, the funds garnished in excess of P99,743.94, which are public funds earmarked for the municipal government. Other statutory obligations are exempted from execution without the proper appropriation required under the law. The funds deposited in the 2nd PNB account are public funds of the municipal government. The rule is well-settled that public funds are not subject to levy and execution, unless otherwise provided by the statute. More particularly, the properties of a municipality, whether real or personal, which are necessary for public use cannot be attached and sold on execution sale to satisfy a money judgment against the municipality. Municipal revenues derived from taxes, licenses and market fees, and which are intended primarily and exclusively for the purpose of financing governmental activities and functions of the municipality are exempt from execution. The foregoing rule finds application in the case at bar. This is not to say that private respondents are left with no legal recourse. When a municipality fails or refuses without justifiable reason to effect payment of a final money judgment rendered against it, the claimant may avail of the remedy of mandamus in order to compel the enactment and approval of the necessary appropriation ordinance and the corresponding disbursement of municipal funds. The court will not condone petitioner s blatant refusal to settle its obligation arising from an expropriation proceeding it has in fact initiated. Within the context of the state s inherent power of eminent domain, just compensation means not

only the correct determination of the amount to be paid to the owner of the land but also the payment of the land within a reasonable time from its taking. The state s power of eminent domain should be exercised within the bounds of fair play and justice. In the case at bar, considering that valuable property has been taken, the compensation to be paid is fixed, and the municipal has had more than reasonable time to pay full compensation. CITY OF CALOOCAN VS. ALLARDE G.R. NO. 107271; SEPTEMBER 10, 2003 FACTS: In 1972, Mayor Marcial Samson of Caloocan abolished the position of Assistant City Administrator and 17 other positions via Ordinance No. 1749. The affected employees assailed the legality of the abolition. The CFI in 1973 declared abolition illegal and ordered the reinstatement of all the dismissed employees and the payment of their back-wages and other emoluments. The City Government appealed the decision but such was dismissed. In 1986 the City paid Santiago P75,083.37 as partial payment of her back-wages. The others were paid in full. In 1987 the City appropriated funds for her unpaid back salaries (supplemental budget #3) but the City refused to release the money to Santiago. The City of Caloocan argued that Santiago was not entitled to back wages. On July 27, 1992 Sheriff Castillo levied and sold at public auction one of the motor vehicles of the City Government for P100,000. The amount was given to Santiago. The City Government questioned the validity of the sale of motor vehicle; properties of the municipality were exempt from execution. Judge Allarde denied the motion and directed the sheriff to levy and schedule at public auction 3 more vehicles. On October 5, 1993 the City Council of Caloocan passed Ordinance No. 0134 which included the amount of P439,377.14 claimed by Santiago as back-wages, plus interest. Judge Allarde issued an order to the City Treasurer to release the check but the City Treasurer can t do so because the Mayor refuses to sign the check. On May 7, 1993. Judge Allarde ordered the Sheriff to immediately garnish the funds of the City Government of Caloocan corresponding to the claim of Santiago. Notice of garnishment was forwarded to the PNB but the City Treasurer sent an advice letter to PNB that the garnishment was illegal and that it would hold PNB liable for any damages which may be caused by the withholding the funds of the city. ISSUE: San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures Whether or not the funds of City of Caloocan, in PNB, may be garnished (i.e. exempt from execution), to satisfy Santiago s claim. HELD: Garnishment is considered a specie of attachment by means of which the plaintiff seeks to subject to his claim property of the defendant in the hands of a third person, or money owed by such third person or garnishee to the defendant. The rule is and has always been that all government funds deposited in the PNB or any other official depositary of the Philippine Government by any of its agencies or instrumentalities, whether by general or special deposit, remain government funds and may

not be subject to garnishment or levy, in the absence of a corresponding appropriation as required by law. Even though the rule as to immunity of a state from suit is relaxed, the power of the courts ends when the judgment is rendered. Although the liability of the state has been judicially ascertained, the state is at liberty to determine for itself whether to pay the judgment or not, and execution cannot issue on a judgment against the state. Such statutes do not authorize a seizure of state property to satisfy judgments recovered, and only convey an implication that the legislature will recognize such judgment as final and make provision for the satisfaction thereof. However, the rule is not absolute and admits of a welldefined exception, that is, when there is a corresponding appropriation as required by law. In such a case, the monetary judgment may be legally enforced by judicial processes. Herein, the City Council of Caloocan already approved and passed Ordinance No. 0134, Series of 1992, allocating the amount of P439,377.14 for Santiago s back-wages plus interest. This case, thus, fell squarely within the exception. The judgment of the trial court could then be validly enforced against such funds. ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES VILLAVICENCIO VS. LUKBAN (39 PHIL 778) FACTS: Respondent Justo Lukban, Mayor of the city of Manila, for the best of all reasons, to exterminate vise, ordered the segregated district for women of ill repute, which had been permitted for a number of years in the City of Manila, closed. The women were kept confined to their houses in the district by the police. At about midnight of October 25, the police, acting pursuant to the orders from the chief of the police and Justo Lukban, descended upon the houses, hustled some 170 inmates into patrol wagons, and placed them aboard the steamers Corregidor and Negros . They had no knowledge that they were destined for a life in Mindanao. The two steamers with their unwilling passengers sailed for Davao during the night of October 25, 1918. ISSUE: Whether or not the act of the Mayor of the City of Manila is constitutional. HELD: The Supreme Court condemned the mayor s act. Respondent s intention to suppress the social evil was commutable. But his methods were unlawfull. Alien prostitutes can be expelled from the Philippines in conformity with an act of Congress. The Governor-General can order the eviction of undesirable aliens after a hearing from the Islands. One can search in vain for any law, order, or regulation, which even hints at the right of the Mayor of the City of Manila or the Chief of Police of that City to force citizens of the Philippine Islands, and these women despite their being in a sense, lepers of society are nevertheless not chattels but Philippine citizens protected by the same constitutional guarantees as other citizens.

Law defines power. The law is the only supreme power in our system of government, and every man who by accepting office participates in its functions is only the more strongly bound to submit to that supremacy, and to observe the limitations which gives itself and imposes upon the exercise of the authority which it gives. The fundamental rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, considered as individual possessions, are secured by those maxims of constitutional law which are the monuments showing the victorious progress of the race in securing to men the blessings of civilization under the reign of just and equal laws, so that, in the famous language of the Massachusetts Bill of Rights, the government of the commonwealth may be government of laws and not of men . ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES KURODA VS. JALANDONI 83 PHIL. 171 FACTS: Shigenori Kuroda, formerly a Lieutenant-General of the Japanese Imperial Army and Commanding General of the Japanese Imperial Forces in the Philippines during a period covering 1943 and 1944,

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 who is now charged before a Military Commission with having unlawfully disregarded and failed "to discharge his duties as such commander to control the operations of members of his command, permitting them to commit brutal atrocities and other high crimes against noncombatant civilians and prisoners of the Imperial Japanese Forces, in violation of the laws and customs of war" comes before this Court seeking to establish the illegality of EO No. 68, which established a National War Crimes Offices and provides that persons accused as war criminals shall be tried by military commission; and to permanently prohibit respondents from proceeding with the case of petitioner. Kuroda argues that EO No. 68 is illegal on the ground that it violates not only the provisions of our constitutional law but also our local laws, to say nothing of the fact (that) the Philippines is not a signatory nor an adherent to the Hague Convention on Rules and Regulations covering Land Warfare and, therefore, petitioner is charged of `crimes' not based on law, national and international. Hence, petitioner argues "That in view of the fact that this commission has been empanelled by virtue of an unconstitutional law and an illegal order, this commission is without jurisdiction to try herein petitioner." ISSUE: Whether or not the Philippines can adopt the rules and regulations laid down on The Hague and Geneva Conventions notwithstanding that it is not a signatory thereto and whether it can create a Military Commission to try violations of the Hague Convention? HELD: Yes. Executive Order No. 68, establishing a National War Crimes Office and prescribing rules and regulations governing the trial of accused war criminals, was issued by the President of the Philippines on the 29th day of July, 1947. This Court holds that this order is valid and constitutional. Article 2 of our Constitution provides in its section 3, that "The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy, and adopts the generally accepted principles of international law as part of the law of the nation." In accordance with the generally accepted principles of international law of the present day, including the Hague Convention, the Geneva Convention and significant precedents of international jurisprudence established by the United Nations, all those persons, military or civilian, who have been guilty of planning, preparing or waging a war of aggression and of the commission of crimes and offenses consequential and incidental thereto, in violation of the laws and customs of war, of humanity and civilization, are held accountable therefor. Consequently, in the promulgation and enforcement of Executive Order No. 68, the President of the Philippines has acted in conformity with the generally accepted principles and policies of international law which are part of our Constitution. The promulgation of said executive order is an exercise by the President of his powers as Commander in Chief of all our armed forces, as upheld by this Court in the case of Yamashita vs. Styer L-129, 42 Off. Gaz., 654) 1 when we said

"War is not ended simply because hostilities have ceased. After cessation of armed hostilities, incidents of war may remain pending which should be disposed of as in time of war. `An important incident to a conduct of war is the adoption of measures by the military command not only to repel and defeat the enemies but to seize and subject to disciplinary measures those enemies who in their attempt to thwart or impede our military effort have violated the law of war.' (Ex parte Quirin, 317 U. S., 1; 63 Sup. Ct., 2.) Indeed, the power to create a military commission for the trial and punishment of war criminals is an aspect of waging war. And, in the language of a writer, a military commission `has jurisdiction so long as a technical state of war continues. This includes the period of an armistice, or military occupation, up to the effective date of a treaty of peace, and may extend beyond, by treaty agreement.' (Cowls, Trial of War Criminals by Military Tribunals, American Bar Association Journal, June, 1944.)" Consequently, the President as Commander in Chief is fully empowered to consummate this unfinished aspect of war, namely, the trial and punishment of war criminals, through the issuance and enforcement of Executive Order No. 68. Petitioner argues that respondent Military Commission has no jurisdiction to try petitioner for acts committed in violation of the Hague Convention and the Geneva Convention because the Philippines is not a signatory to the first and signed the second only in 1947. It cannot be denied that the rules and regulations of the Hague and Geneva conventions form part of and are wholly based on the generally accepted principles of international law. In fact, these rules and principles were accepted by the two belligerent nations, the United States and Japan, who were signatories to the two Conventions. Such rules and principles, therefore, form part ofthe law o f our nation even if the Philippines was not a signatory to the conventions embodying them, for our Constitution has been deliberately general and extensive in its scope and is not confined to the recognition of rules and principles of international law as contained in treaties to which our government may have been or shall be a signatory. Furthermore, when the crimes charged against petitioner were allegedly committed, the Philippines was under the sovereignty of the United States, and thus we were equally bound together with the United States and with Japan, to the rights and obligations contained in the treaties between the belligerent countries. These rights and obligations were not erased by our assumption of full sovereignty. If at all, our emergence as a free state entitles us to enforce the right, on our own, of trying and punishing those who committed crimes against our people. ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES AGUSTIN VS. EDU 88 SCRA 195 FACTS: A presidential letter of instruction (LOI) prescribing the use of triangular reflectorized early warning devices to prevent vehicular accidents was assailed for the lack of a legislative enactment that would authorize the issuance of said LOI. The petition quoted two whereas clauses of the assailed LOI: [Whereas], the hazards posed by such obstructions to traffic have been recognized by international bodies concerned with traffic safety, the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Signs

and Signals and the United Nations Organization (U.N.); [Whereas], the said Vienna Convention which was ratified by the Philippine Government under P.D. No. 207, recommended the enactment of local legislation for the installation of road safety signs and devices. ISSUE: Whether or not a legislative enactment is necessary in order to authorize the issuance of said LOI based on the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals and the United Nations Organization (U.N.). HELD: Not anymore. The petition must be dismissed for lack of merit. It cannot be disputed that this Declaration of Principle found in the Constitution possesses relevance: "The Philippines * * * adopts the generally accepted principles of international law as part of the law of the land, * * *." The 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals is impressed with such a character. It is not for this country to repudiate a commitment to which it had pledged its word. The concept of Pacta sunt servanda stands in the way of such an attitude, which is, moreover, at war with the principle of international morality. ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES ICHONG VS. HERNANDEZ 101 PHIL. 1155 FACTS: Petitioner filed a suit to invalidate the Retail Trade Nationalization Law, on the premise that it violated several treaties which under the rule of pacta sunt servanda, a generally accepted principle of international law, should be observed by the Court in good faith. ISSUE: Whether or not the Retail Trade Nationalization Law is unconstitutional for it is in conflict with treaties which are generally accepted principles of international law. HELD: The Supreme Court said it saw no conflict. The reason given by the Court was that the Retail Trade National Law was passed in the exercise of the police power which cannot be bargained away through the medium of a treaty or a contract. The law in question was enacted to remedy a real actual threat and danger to national economy posed by alien dominance and control of the retail business and free citizens and country from such dominance and control; that the enactment clearly falls within the scope of the police power of the State, thru which and by which it protects its own personality and insures its security and future. Resuming what we have set forth above we hold that the disputed law was enacted to remedy a real actual threat and danger to national economy posed by alien dominance and control of the retail business and free citizens and country from such dominance and control; that the enactment clearly falls within the scope of the police power of the state, through which and by which it protects its own personality and insures its security and future; that the law does not violate the equal protection clause of the Constitution because sufficient grounds exist for the distinction between alien and citizen in the exercise of occupation

regulated, nor the due process of the law clause; because the law is prospective in operation and recognizes the privilege of aliens already engaged in the occupation and reasonably protects their privilege; that the wisdom and efficacy of the law to carry out its objectives appear to us to be plainly evident -as a matter of fact it seems not only appropriate but actually necessary -and that in any case such matter falls within the prerogative of the legislature, with whose power and discretion the judicial department of the Government may not interfere; that the provisions of the law are clearly embraced in the title, and this suffers from no duplicity and has not misled the legislature of the segment of the population affected; and that it cannot be said to be void for supposed conflict with treaty obligations because no treaty has actually been entered into on the subject and the police power may not be curtailed or surrendered by any treaty or any other conventional agreement. ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES GONZALES VS. HECHANOVA 9 SCRA 230 FACTS: San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 Respondent Executive Secretary authorized the importation of tons of foreign rice to be purchased from private sources. Petitioner Gonzales -a rice planter, and president of the Iloilo Palay and Corn Planters Association filed this petition, averring that, in making or attempting to make said importation of foreign rice, the aforementioned respondents "are, acting without jurisdiction or in excess of jurisdiction", because RA No. 3452 which allegedly repeals or amends RA No. 2207 -explicitly prohibits the importation of rice and corn by "the Rice and Corn Administration or any other government agency. Respondent contended among others that the Government of the Philippines has already entered into two contracts for the purchase of rice, one with the Republic of Vietnam, and another with the Government of Burma; that these contracts constitute valid executive agreements under international law; that such agreements became binding and effective upon signing thereof by representatives of the parties thereto; that in case of conflict between Republic Act Nos. 2207 and 3452 on the one hand, and the aforementioned contracts, on the other, the latter should prevail, because, if a treaty and a statute are inconsistent with each other, the conflict must be resolved -under the American jurisprudence - in favor of the one which is latest in point of time. ISSUE: Whether or not the respondents, in attempting to import foreign rice, are acting without jurisdiction or in excess of jurisdiction. HELD: Yes. The respondents acted without jurisdiction or in excess of jurisdiction. It is respondents contend that the Government of the Philippines has already entered into two (2) contracts for the purchase of rice, one with the Republic of Viet Nam, and another with the Government of Burma; that these contracts constitute valid executive agreements under international law; that such agreements became binding and effective upon signing thereof by representatives of the parties thereto; that in case of conflict between Republic Act Nos. 2207 and 3452 on the one hand, and the aforementioned contracts, on the other, the latter should prevail, because, if a treaty and a statute are inconsistent with each other, the conflict must be resolved under the American jurisprudence in favor of the one which is latest in point of time; that petitioner herein assails the validity of acts of the executive relative to foreign relations in the conduct of which the Supreme Court cannot interfere; and that the aforementioned contracts have already been consummated, the Government of the Philippines having already paid the price of the rice involved therein through irrevocable letters of credit in favor of the sellers of said commodity. We find no merit in this pretense. The Court is not satisfied that the status of said contracts as alleged executive agreements has been sufficiently established. The parties to said contracts do not appear to have regarded the same as executive agreements. But, even assuming that said contracts may properly be considered as executive agreements, the same are unlawful, as well as null and void, from a constitutional viewpoint, said agreements being inconsistent with the provisions of Republic Acts Nos. 2207 and 3452. Although the President may, under the

American constitutional system, enter into executive agreements without previous legislative authority, he may not, by executive agreement, enter into a transaction which is prohibited by statutes enacted prior thereto. Under the Constitution, the main function of the Executive is to enforce laws enacted by Congress. The former may not interfere in the performance of the legislative powers of the latter, except in the exercise of his veto power. He may not defeat legislative enactments that have acquired the status of laws, by indirectly repealing the same through an executive agreement providing for the performance of the very act prohibited by said laws. The American theory to the effect that, in the event of conflict between a treaty and a statute, the one which is latest in point of time shall prevail, is not applicable to the case at bar, for respondents not only admit, but, also, insist that the contracts adverted to are not treaties. Said theory may be justified upon the ground that treaties to which the United States is signatory require the advice and consent of its Senate, and, hence, of a branch of the legislative department. No such justification can be given as regards executive agreements not authorized by previous legislation, without completely upsetting the principle of separation of powers and the system of checks and balances which are fundamental in our constitutional set up and that of the United States. ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES IN RE: GARCIA 2 SCRA 984, 1961 FACTS: Under the Treaty on Academic Degrees and the Exercise of Professions between the Philippines and Spain, nationals of each of the two countries who have obtained the required degrees can practice their professions within the territory of the other. Efren Garcia, a Filipino, finished law in the University of Madrid, Spain and was allowed to practice the law profession therein. He invokes the treaty in order for him to be allowed to practice in the Philippines without taking the bar examinations. ISSUE: Whether or not the Treaty can modify regulations governing admission to Philippine Bar. San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures HELD: No. It is clear, under Article 1 of the Treaty, that the privileges provided therein are made expressly subject to the laws and, regulations of the contracting State in whose territory it is desired to exercise the legal profession; and Section 1 of Rule 127, in connection with Sections 2, 9, and 16 thereof, which have the force of law, require that before anyone can practice the legal profession in the Philippines he must first successfully pass the required bar examinations. Moreover, the Treaty was intended to govern Filipino citizens desiring to practice their profession in Spain, and the citizens of Spain

desiring to practice their profession in the Philippines. Applicant is a Filipino Citizen desiring to practice the legal profession in the Philippines. He is therefore subject to the laws of his own country and is not entitled to the privileges extended to Spanish nationals desiring to practice in the Philippines. The aforementioned Treaty, concluded between the Republic of the Philippines and the Spanish State could not have been intended to modify the laws and regulations governing admission to the practice of law in the Philippines, for the reason that the Executive Department may not encroach upon the constitutional prerogative ofthe Supreme Co urt to promulgate rules for admission to the practice of law in the Philippines, the power to repeal, alter or supplementsuch rules be ing reserved only to the Congress of the Philippines. ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES PEOPLE VS. LAGMAN AND ZOSA 66 PHIL 13, 1938 FACTS: Tranquilino Lagman and Primitivo de Sosa are charged with and convicted of refusal to register for military training as required by the above-mentioned statute. On appeal, Zosa argued that he was fatherless and had a mother and eight brothers to support, while Lagman alleged that he had a father to support, had no military leanings, and did not wish to kill or be killed; and both claimed that the statute was unconstitutional. ISSUE: Whether or not the the National Defense Law is valid, under which the accused were sentenced. HELD: Yes. The Supreme Court affirmed their conviction, holding that the law in question was based on the afore-cited constitutional principle. The National Defense Law, in so far as it establishes compulsory military service, does not go against this constitutional provision but is, on the contrary, in faithful compliance therewith. The duty of the Government to defend the State cannot be performed except through an army. To leave the organization of an army to the will of the citizens would be to make this duty of the Government excusable should there be no sufficient men who volunteer to enlist therein. The right of the Government to require compulsory military service is a consequence of its duty to defend the State and is reciprocal with its duty to defend the life, liberty, and property of the citizen ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES AGLIPAY VS. RUIZ 64 PHIL 201 FACTS: The petitioner, Mons. Gregorio Aglipay, Supreme Head of the Philippine Independent Church, seeks the issuance from this court of a writ of prohibition to prevent the respondent Director of Posts from issuing

and selling postage stamps commemorative of the Thirty-third International Eucharistic Congress. In May, 1936, the Director of Posts announced in the dailies of Manila that he would order the issuance of postage stamps commemorating the celebration in the City of Manila of the Thirty-third International Eucharistic Congress, organized by the Roman Catholic Church. In spite of the protest of the petitioner's attorney, the respondent publicly announced having sent to the United States the designs of the postage for printing ISSUE: Is there a violation of principle of separation of church and state? HELD: In the case at bar, it appears that the respondent Director of Posts issued the postage stamps in question under the provisions of Act. No. 4052 of the Philippine Legislature. Act No. 4052 contemplates no religious purpose in view. What it gives the Director of Posts is the discretionary power to determine when the issuance of special postage stamps would be "advantageous to the Government." Of course, the phrase "advantageous to the Government" does not authorize the violation of the Constitution. It does not authorize the appropriation, use or application of public money or property for the use, benefit or support of a particular sect or church. In the present case, however, the issuance of the postage stamps in question by the Director of Posts and the Secretary of Public Works and Communications was not inspired by any sectarian feeling to favor aparticular ch urch or religious denominations. The stamps were not

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 issued and sold for the benefit of the Roman Catholic Church. Nor were money derived from the sale of the stamps given to that church. On the contrary, it appears from the letter of the Director of Posts of June 5, 1936, incorporated on page 2 of the petitioner's complaint, that the only purpose in issuing and selling the stamps was "to advertise the Philippines and attract more tourists to this country." The officials concerned merely took advantage of an event considered of international importance "to give publicity to the Philippines and its people". It is significant to note that the stamps as actually designed and printed, instead of showing a Catholic Church chalice as originally planned, contains a map of the Philippines and the location of the City of Manila, and an inscription as follows: "Seat XXXIII International Eucharistic Congress, Feb. 3-7, 1937." What is emphasized is not the Eucharistic Congress itself but Manila, the capital of the Philippines, as the seat of that congress. It is obvious that while the issuance and sale of the stamps in question may be said to be inseparably linked with an event of a religious character, the resulting propaganda, if any, received by the Roman Catholic Church, was not the aim and purpose of the Government. We are of the opinion that the Government should not be embarrassed in its activities simply because of incidental results, more or less religious in character, if the purpose had in view is one which could legitimately be undertaken by appropriate legislation. The main purpose should not be frustrated by its subordination to mere incidental results not contemplated. There is no violation of the principle of separation of church and state. The issuance and sale of the stamps in question maybe said to be separably linked with an event of a religious character, the resulting propaganda, if any, received by the Catholic Church, was not the aim and purpose of the government (to promote tourism). TARUC VS. DE LA CRUZ G.R. NO. 144801; MARCH 10, 2005 CORONA, J.: FACTS: Petitioners were lay members of the Philippine Independent Church (PIC). On June 28, 1993, Due to petitioners adamant drive to create dissension within the diocese by celebrating their own open mass without participation from the parish priest, Bishop de la Cruz declared petitioners expelled/excommunicated from the Philippine Independent Church. The good Bishop did so as a last resort, as he first pleaded to the petitioners to cease from riling up the community against the diocese. Because of the order of expulsion/excommunication, petitioners filed a complaint for damages with preliminary injunction against Bishop de la Cruz before the Regional Trial Court. They contended that their expulsion was illegal because it was done without trial thus violating their right to due process of law. ISSUE: Whether or not the courts have jurisdiction to hear a case involving the expulsion/excommunication of members of a religious institution?

HELD: The Court rules that they do not have such jurisdiction. The expulsion/excommunication of members of a religious institution/organization is a matter best left to the discretion of the official s, and the laws and canons, of said institution/organization. It is not for the courts to exercise control over church authorities in the performance of their discretionary and official functions. Rather, it is for the members of religious institutions/organizations to conform to just church regulations. Civil Courts will not interfere in the internal affairs of a religious organization except for the protection of civil or property rights. Those rights may be the subject of litigation in a civil court, and the courts have jurisdiction to determine controverted claims to the title, use, or possession of church property. Obviously, there was no violation of a civil rights in the present case. ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES CALALANG VS. WILLIAMS 70 Phil. 726, 1940 FACTS: The National Traffic Commission, in its resolution of July 17, 1940, resolved to recommend to the Director of Public Works and to the Secretary of Public Works and Communications that animal-drawn vehicles be prohibited from passing along Rosario Street extending from Plaza Calderon de la Barca to Dasmarias Street, from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.; and along Rizal Avenue extending from the railroad crossing at Antipolo Street to Echague Street, from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., from a period of one year from the date of the opening of the Colgante Bridge to traffic; that the Chairman of the National Traffic Commission, on July 18, 1940 recommended to the Director of Public Works the adoption of the measure proposed in the resolution aforementioned, in pursuance of the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 548 which authorizes said Director of Public Works, with the approval of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications, to promulgate rules and regulations to regulate and control the use of and traffic on national roads; that on August 2, 1940, the Director of Public Works, in his first San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures indorsement to the Secretary of Public Works and Communications, recommended to the latter the approval of the recommendation made by the Chairman of the National Traffic Commission as aforesaid, with the modification that the closing of Rizal Avenue to traffic to animal-drawn vehicles be limited to the portion thereof extending from the railroad crossing at Antipolo Street to Azcarraga Street; that on August 10, 1940, the Secretary of Public Works and Communications, in his second indorsement addressed to the Director of Public Works, approved the recommendation of the latter that Rosario Street and Rizal Avenue be closed to traffic of animal-drawn vehicles, between the points and during the hours as above indicated, for a period of one year from the date of the opening of the Colgante Bridge to traffic; that the Mayor of Manila and the

Acting Chief of Police of Manila have enforced and caused to be enforced the rules and regulations thus adopted; that as a consequence of such enforcement, all animal-drawn vehicles are not allowed to pass and pick up passengers in the places above-mentioned to the detriment not only of their owners but of the riding public as well. The petitioner further contends that the rules and regulations promulgated by the respondents pursuant to the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 548 constitute an unlawful interference with legitimate business or trade and abridge the right to personal liberty and freedom of locomotion. Commonwealth Act No. 548 was passed by the National Assembly in the exercise of the paramount police power of the state. ISSUE: Whether the rules & regulations promulgated pursuant to the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 548 considered as constitutional? HELD: Yes. Said Act, by virtue of which the rules and regulations complained of were promulgated, aims to promote safe transit upon and avoid obstructions on national roads, in the interest and convenience of the public. In enacting said law, therefore, the National Assembly was prompted by considerations of public convenience and welfare. It was inspired by a desire to relieve congestion of traffic. which is, to say the least, a menace to public safety. Public welfare, then, lies at the bottom of the enactment of said law, and the state in order to promote the general welfare may interfere with personal liberty, with property, and with business and occupations. Persons and property may be subjected to all kinds of restraints and burdens, in order to secure the general comfort, health, and prosperity of the state (U.S. vs. Gomez Jesus, 31 Phil., 218). To this fundamental aim of our Government the rights of the individual are subordinated. Liberty is a blessing without which life is a misery, but liberty should not be made to prevail over authority because then society will fall into anarchy. Neither should authority be made to prevail over liberty because then the individual will fall into slavery. The citizen should achieve the required balance of liberty and authority in his mind through education and personal discipline, so that there may be established the resultant equilibrium, which means peace and order and happiness for all. The moment greater authority is conferred upon the government, logically so much is withdrawn from the residuum of liberty which resides in the people. The paradox lies in the fact that the apparent curtailment of liberty is precisely the very means of insuring its preservation. Petitioner finally avers that the rules and regulations complained of infringe upon the constitutional precept regarding the promotion of social justice to insure the well-being and economic security of all the people. The promotion of social justice, however, is to be achieved not through a mistaken sympathy towards any given group. Social justice is "neither communism, nor despotism, nor atomism, nor anarchy," but the humanization of laws and the equalization ofsocial and eco nomic forces by the State so that justice in its rational and objectively secular conception may at least be approximated. Social justice means the promotion of the welfare of all the people, the adoption by the Government of measures calculated to insureeconomic stabilit y of all the competent elements of society, through the maintenance of a proper economic and social equilibrium in theinterrelations of the members of the community, constitutionally, through the adoption of measures legally justifiable, or extraconstitutionally, through the exercise of powers underlying the existence of all governments on the time-honored principle of saluspopuli est su prema lex.

ALMEDA VS. COURT OF APPEALS 78 SCRA 194, 1977 FACTS: Respondent Gonzales is a share tenant of Angeles et al., on land devoted to sugar cane and coconuts. The landowners sold the property to petitioners Almeda without notifying respondent in writing of the sale. The sale was registered with the Register of Deeds. Respondent thus sued for redemption before the CAR. Petitioners counter that long before the execution of the deed of sale, Glicerio Angeles and his nephew Cesar Angeles first offered the sale of the land to respondent but the latter said that he had no money; that respondent, instead, went personally to the house of petitioners and implored them to buy the land for fear that if someone else would buy the land, he may not be taken in as tenant; that respondent is a mere dummy of someone deeply interested in buying the land; that respondent made to tender of payment or any valid consignation in court at the time he filed the complaint for redemption. The Agrarian Court rendered judgment authorizing respondent to redeem the land for P24,000.00, the said amount to be

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 deposited by him with the Clerk of Court within 15 days from receipt of the decision. On appeal, the CA affirmed the assailed decision. Their motion for reconsideration was denied. Hence, the present petition for review. ISSUE: Is there a tenant's right of redemption in sugar and coconut lands? HELD: Yes. Among those exempted from the automatic conversion to agricultural leasehold upon the effectivity of the Agricultural Land Reform Code in 1963 or even after its amendments (Code of Agrarian Reforms) are sugar lands. Section 4 thereof states: "Agricultural share tenancy throughout the country, as herein defined, is hereby declared contrary to public policy and shall be automatically converted to agricultural leasehold upon the effectivity of this section. . . . Provided, That in order not to jeopardize international commitments, lands devoted to crops covered by marketing allotments shall be made the subject of a separate proclamation by the President upon recommendation of the department head that adequate provisions, such as the organization of cooperatives marketing agreement, or similar other workable arrangements, have been made to insure efficient management on all matters requiring synchronization of the agricultural with the processing phases of such crops . . ." Sugar is, of course, one crop covered by marketing allotments. In other words, this section recognizes share tenancy in sugar lands until after a special proclamation is made, which proclamation shall have the same effect of an executive proclamation of the operation of the Department of Agrarian Reform in any region or locality; the share tenants in the lands affected will become agricultural lessees at the beginning of the agricultural year next succeeding the year in which the proclamation is made. But, there is nothing readable or even discernible in the law denying to tenants in sugar lands the right of pre-emption and redemption under the Code. The exemption is purely limited to the tenancy system; it does not exclude the other rights conferred by the Code, such as the right of pre-emption and redemption. In the same manner, coconut lands are exempted from the Code only with respect to the consideration and tenancy system prevailing, implying that in other matters the right of preemptio n and redemption which does not refer to the consideration of the tenancy the provisions of the Code apply. Thus, Section 35 states: "Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Sections, in the case of fishponds, saltbeds and lands principally planted to citrus, coconuts, cacao, coffee, durian, and other similar permanent trees at the time of the approval of this Code, the consideration, as well as the tenancy system prevailing, shall be governed by the provisions of Republic Act Numbered Eleven Hundred and Ninety-Nine, as amended." It is to be noted that under the new Constitution, property ownership is impressed with social function. Property usemust not only

be for the benefit of the owner but of society as well. The State, in the promotion of social justice, may "regulate the acquisition, ownership, use, enjoyment and disposition of private property, and equitably diffuse property . . . ownership and profits." One governmental policy of recent date projects the emancipation of tenants from the bondage of the soil and the transfer to them of the ownership of the land they till. This is Presidential Decree No. 27 of October 21, 1972, ordaining that all tenant farmers "of private agricultural lands devoted to rice and corn under a system of sharecrop or leasetenancy, whether classified as landed estates or not" shall be deemed "owner of a portion constituting a family-size farm of five (5) hectares if not irrigated and there (3) hectares if irrigated." ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES ONDOY VS. IGNACIO 97 SCRA 611, 1980 FACTS: Petitioner Estrella Ondoy filed a claim for compensation for the death of her son, Jose Ondoy, who drowned while in the employ of respondent Virgilio Ignacio. Respondent moved to dismiss on the ground of lack of employer-employee relationship. However, during the hearing of the case, respondent submitted affidavits executed by the chief engineer and oiler of the fishing vessel that the deceased, a fisherman, was in that ship, undeniably a member of the working force, but after being invited by friends to a drinking spree, left the vessel, and thereafter was found dead. The referee summarily ignored the affidavit of the chief-mate of respondent employer to the effect "that sometime in October, 1968, while Jose Ondoy, my co-worker, was in the actual performance of his work with said fishing enterprises, he was drowned and died on October 22, 1968. That the deceased died in line of Duty." The hearing officer or referee dismissed the claim for lack of merit. A motion for reconsideration was duly filed, but the then Secretary of Labor, denied such motion for reconsideration for lack of merit. Hence this petition for review. ISSUE: Whether or not the claim for compensation was validly dismissed. HELD: There is evidence, direct and categorical, to the effect that the deceased was drowned while "in the actual performance of his work" with the shipping enterprise of private respondent. Even without such San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures evidence, the petitioner could have relied on the presumption of compensability under the Act once it is shown that the death or disability arose in the course of employment, with the burden of overthrowing it being cast on the person or entity resisting the claim. This Court, in recognizing the right of petitioner to the award, merely adheres to the interpretation uninterruptedly followed by thisCourt resol ving all doubts in favor of the claimant. What was said in Victorias Milling Co., Inc. v. Workmen's Compensation Commission is not amiss: "There is need, it seems, even at this late date, for [private respondent] and other employers to be reminded of the high estate

accorded the Workmen's Compensation Act in the constitutional scheme of social justice and protection to labor." No other judicial attitude may be expected in the face of a clearly expressed legislative determination which antedated the constitutionally avowed concern for social justice and protection to labor. It is easily understandable why the judiciary frowns on resort to doctrines, which even if deceptively plausible, would result in frustrating such a national policy." To be more specific, the principle of social justice is in this sphere strengthened and vitalized. As between a laborer, usually poor and unlettered, and the employer, who has resources to secure able legal advice, the law has reason to demandfrom the latt er stricter compliance. Social justice in these cases is not equality but protection. ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES SALONGA VS. FARRALES 105 SCRA 359, 1981 FACTS: Defendant Farrales is the titled owner of a parcel of residential land. Even prior to the acquisition by defendant Farrales of the land aforesaid, plaintiff Salonga was already in possession as lessee of some 156 square meters thereof, on which she had erected a house, paying rentals thereon first to the original owners and later to defendant Farrales. Farrales filed an ejectment case for non-payment of rentals against plaintiff. Judgment was later rendered in favor of defendant Farrales and ordering the therein defendants, including plaintiff herein and her husband, to vacate the portion occupied by them and to pay rentals in arrears. Evidence showed that plaintiff offered to purchase from said defendant the land in dispute, but, defendant, despite the fact that said plaintiff's order to purchase was just, fair and reasonable persistently refused such offer, and instead, insisted to execute the judgment rendered in the ejectment case. Plaintiff then filed a complaint against defendant Farrales praying the latter be ordered to sell to plaintiff the parcel of land in question. ISSUE: Is the plaintiff entitled for specific performance? HELD: No. If plaintiff's offer to purchase was, as aforesaid persistently refused by defendant, it is obvious that no meeting of the minds took place and, accordingly, no contract, either to sell or of sale, was ever perfected between them. Since contracts are enforceable only from the moment of perfection, and there is here no perfected contract at all, it goes without saying that plaintiff has absolutely nothing to enforce against defendant Farrales, and the fact that defendant Farrales previously sold portions of the land to other lessees similarly situated as plaintiff herein, does not change the situation because, as to said other lessees, a perfected contract existed which is not the case with plaintiff.

It must be remembered that social justice cannot be invoked to trample on the rights of property owners who under ourConstitution an d laws are also entitled to protection. The social justice consecrated in our constitution was not intended to take away rights from a person and give them to another who is not entitled thereto. Evidently, the plea for social justice cannot nullify the law on obligations andcontracts, and is, therefore, beyond the power of the Court to grant. ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES SECRETARY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE VS. MANALO G.R. No. L-47841, October 7, 2008 FACTS: The case at bar involves the rights to life, liberty and security in the first petition for a writ of amparo filed before this Court. This case was originally a Petition for Prohibition, Injunction, and Temporary Restraining Order to stop herein petitioners and/or their officers and agents from depriving them of their right to liberty and other basic rights and enjoined them from causing the arrest of therein petitioners, or otherwise restricting, curtailing, abridging, or depriving them of their right to life, liberty, and other basic rights as guaranteed under Article III, Section 1 of the 1987 Constitution. While the August 23, 2007 Petition was pending, the Rule on the Writ of Amparo took effect on October 24, 2007. Forthwith, therein petitioners filed a Manifestation and Omnibus Motion to Treat Existing Petition as Amparo Petition. On October 25, 2007, the Court resolved to treat the August 23, 2007 Petition as a petition under the Amparo Rule

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 On December 26, 2007, the Court of Appeals rendered a decision in favor of herein respondents. Hence, this appeal. This pertains to the abduction of RAYMOND MANALO and REYNALDO MANALO who were forcibly taken from their respective homes in Brgy. Buhol na Mangga, San Ildefonso, Bulacan on 14 February 2006 by unidentified armed men and thereafter were forcibly disappeared. After the said incident, relatives of the victims filed a case for Abduction in the civil court against the herein suspects: Michael dela Cruz, Madning dela Cruz, Puti Dela Cruz, Pula Dela Cruz, Randy Mendoza and Rudy Mendoza as alleged members of the Citizen Armed Forces Geographical Unit (CAFGU). The abduction was perpetrated by armed men who were sufficiently identified by the petitioners (herein respondents) to be military personnel and CAFGU auxiliaries. Raymond recalled that the six armed men who barged into his house through the rear door were military men based on their attire of fatigue pants and army boots, and the CAFGU auxiliaries, namely: Michael de la Cruz, Madning de la Cruz, Puti de la Cruz and Pula de la Cruz, all members of the CAFGU and residents of Muzon, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, and the brothers Randy Mendoza and Rudy Mendoza, also CAFGU members, served as lookouts during the abduction. Raymond was sure that three of the six military men were Ganata, who headed the abducting team, Hilario, who drove the van, and George. Subsequent incidents of their long captivity, as narrated by the petitioners, validated their assertion of the participation of the elements of the 7th Infantry Division, Philippine Army, and their CAFGU auxiliaries. We are convinced, too, that the reason for the abduction was the suspicion that the petitioners were either members or sympathizers of the NPA, considering that the abductors were looking for Ka Bestre, who turned out to be Rolando, the brother of petitioners. The efforts exerted by the Military Command to look into the abduction were, at best, merely superficial. The investigation of the Provost Marshall of the 7th Infantry Division focused on the one-sided version of the CAFGU auxiliaries involved. This one-sidedness might be due to the fact that the Provost Marshall could delve only into the participation of military personnel, but even then the Provost Marshall should have refrained from outrightly exculpating the CAFGU auxiliaries he perfunctorily investigate. Gen. Palparan s participation in the abduction was also established. At the very least, he was aware of the petitioners captivity at the hands of men in uniform assigned to his command. In fact, he or any other officer tendered no controversion to the firm claim of Raymond that he (Gen. Palparan) met them in person in a safehouse in Bulacan and told them what he wanted them and their parents to do or not to be doing. Gen. Palparan s direct and personal role in the abduction might not have been shown but his knowledge of the dire situation of the petitioners during their long captivity at the hands of military personnel under his command bespoke of his indubitable command policy that unavoidably encouraged and not merely tolerated the abduction of civilians without due process of law and without probable cause.

We now come to the right of the respondents to the privilege of the writ of amparo. There is no quarrel that the enforced disappearance of both respondents Raymond and Reynaldo Manalo has now passed as they have escaped from captivity and surfaced. But while respondents admit that they are no longer in detention and are physically free, they assert that they are not free in every sense of the word as their movements continue to be restricted for fear that people theyhave named in their Judicial Affidavits and testified against (in the case of Raymond) are still at large and have not been held accountable in any way. These people are directly connected to the Armed Forces of the Philippines and are, thus, in a position to threaten respondents rights to life, liberty and security. Respondents claim that they are under threat of being once againabducted, kept c aptive or even killed, which constitute a direct violation of their right to security of person. Elaborating on the right to security, in general, respondents point out that this right is often associated with liberty; it is also seen as an expansion of rights based on the prohibition against torture and cruel and unusual punishment. Conceding that there is no right to security expressly mentioned in Article III of the 1987 Constitution, they submit that their rights to be kept free from torture and from incommunicado detention and solitary detention places fall under the general coverage of the right to security of person under the writ of Amparo. They submit that the Court ought to give an expansive recognition of the right to security of person in view of the State Policy under Article II of the 1987 Constitution which enunciates that, The State values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full respect for human rights. In sum, respondents assert that their cause of action consists in the threat to their right to life and liberty, and a violation of th eir right to security. ISSUE: Whether the Petition for issuance of Writ Amparo should be granted? HELD: Yes. While the right to life under Article III, Section 1[120] guarantees essentially the right to be alive-upon which the enjoyment of all other rights is preconditioned -the right to security of person is a guarantee of the secure quality of this life, viz: The life to which each person has a right is not a life lived in fear that his person and property may be unreasonably violated by a powerful ruler. Rather, it is a life lived with the assurance that the government he established and consented to, will protect the security of his person and property. The ideal of security in life and property pervades the whole history of man. It touches every aspect of man s existence. In a broad sense, the right to security of San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures person emanates in a person s legal and uninterrupted enjoyment of his life, his limbs, his body, his health, and his reputation. It includes the right to exist, and the right to enjoyment of life while existing, and it is invaded not only by a deprivation of life but also of those things which are necessary to the enjoyment of life according to the nature, temperament, and lawful desires of the individual.

A closer look at the right to security of person would yield various permutations of the exercise of this right. First, the right to security of person is freedom from fear. In its whereas clauses, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) enunciates that a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people. emphasis supplied) Some scholars postulate that freedom from fear is not only an aspirational principle, but essentially an individual international human right.[124] It is the right to security of person as the word security itself means freedom from fear. Article 3 of the UDHR provides, viz: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.[126] emphasis supplied) In furtherance of this right declared in the UDHR, Article 9(1) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) also provides for the right to security of person, viz: 1. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention. No one shall be deprived of his liberty except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedure as are established by law. emphasis supplied) The Philippines is a signatory to both the UDHR and the ICCPR. In the context of Section 1 of the Amparo Rule, freedom from fear is the right and any threat to the rights to life, liberty or security is the actionabl e wrong. Fear is a state of mind, a reaction; threat is a stimulus, a cause of action. Fear caused by the same stimulus can range from being baseless to well-founded as people react differently. The degree of fear can vary from one person to another with the variation of the prolificacy of their imagination, strength of character or past experience with the stimulus. Thus, in the amparo context, it is more correct to say that the right to security is actually the freedom from threat. Viewed in this light, the threatened with violation Clause in the latter part of Section 1 of the Amparo Rule is a form of violation of the right to security mentioned in the earlier part of the provision. Second, the right to security of person is a guarantee of bodily and psychological integrity or security. Article III, Section II of the 1987 Constitution guarantees that, as a general rule, one s body cannot be searched or invaded without a search warrant. Physical injuries inflicted in the context of extralegal killings and enforced disappearances constitute more than a search or invasion of the body. It may constitute dismemberment, physical disabilities, and painful physical intrusion. As the degree of physical injury increases, the danger to life itself escalates. Notably, in criminal law, physical injuries constitute a crime against persons because they are an affront to the bodily integrity or security of a person. Physical torture, force, and violence are a severe invasion of bodily integrity. When employed to vitiate the free will such as to force the victim to admit, reveal or fabricate incriminating information, it constitutes an invasion of both bodily and psychological integrity as the dignity of the human person includes the exercise of free will. Article III, Section 12 of the 1987 Constitution more specifically proscribes bodily and psychological invasion, viz:

(2) No torture, force, violence, threat or intimidation, or any other means which vitiate the free will shall be used against him (any person under investigation for the commission of an offense). Secret detention places, solitary, incommunicado or other similar forms of detention are prohibited. Parenthetically, under this provision, threat and intimidation that vitiate the free will -although not involving invasion of bodily integrity nevertheless constitute a violation of the right to security in the sense of freedom from threat as afore-discussed. Article III, Section 12 guarantees freedom from dehumanizing abuses of persons under investigation for the commission of an offense. Victims of enforced disappearances who are not even under such investigation should all the more be protected from these degradations. An overture to an interpretation of the right to security of person as a right against torture was made by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the recent case of Popov v. Russia.[130] In this case, the claimant, who was lawfully detained, alleged that the state authorities had physically abused him in prison, thereby violating his right to security of person. Article 5(1) of the European Convention on Human Rights provides, viz: Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be deprived of his liberty save in the following cases and in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law ... (emphases supplied) Article 3, on the other hand, provides that (n)o one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Although

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 the application failed on the facts as the alleged ill-treatment was found baseless, the ECHR relied heavily on the concept of security in holding, viz: ...the applicant did not bring his allegations to the attention of domestic authorities at the time when they could reasonably have been expected to take measures in order to ensure his security and to investigate the circumstances in question. xxx xxx xxx ... the authorities failed to ensure his security in custody or to comply with the procedural obligation under Art.3 to conduct an effective investigation into his allegations.[131] (emphasis supplied) The U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women has also made a statement that the protection of the bodily integrity of women may also be related to the right to security and liberty, viz: gender-based violence which impairs or nullifies the enjoyment by women of human rights and fundamental freedoms under general international law or under specific human rights conventions is discrimination within the meaning of article 1 of the Convention (on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women). These rights and freedoms include . . . the right to liberty and security of person. Third, the right to security of person is a guarantee of protection of one s rights by the government. In the context of the writ of amparo, this right is built into the guarantees of the right to life and liberty under Article III, Section 1 of the 1987 Constitution and the right to security of person (as freedom from threat and guarantee of bodily and psychological integrity) under Article III, Section 2. The right to security of person in this third sense is a corollary of the policy that the State guarantees full respect for human rights under Article II, Section 11 of the 1987 Constitution. As the government is the chief guarantor of order andsecurity, the Constitutional guarantee of the rights to life, liberty andsecurity of person i s rendered ineffective if government does notafford protection to these rights e specially when they are under threat. Protection includes conducting effective investigations, organization of the government apparatus to extend protection tovictims of extra legal killings or enforced disappearances (or threatsthereof) and/or their famil ies, and bringing offenders to the bar ofjustice. ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES MEYER VS. NEBRASKA 262 US 390 [1922] FACTS: Robert Meyer, while an instructor in Zion Parochial School, was tried and convicted in the district of Hamilton, Nebraska under an information which charged him for unlawfully teaching reading German language to Raymond Partpar, a ten year old child who had not successfully reached the eight grade. The information was based upon An Act Relating to the Teaching of Foreign Language in the State of

Nebraska, which prohibited any subject in any language other than English to any person who has not successfully passed the eight grade. ISSUE: May the State prohibit the teaching of foreign language to children who has not reach a certain grade level? HELD: It was held that it is incompetent for the government to prohibit the teaching of the German language to students between certain age levels since there is nothing inherently harmful in the language that will impair the upbringing of the child; and in fact such a subject could improve his academic background. ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES PIERCE VS. SOCIETY OF SISTERS 262 US 390 FACTS: The State of Oregon passed a law requiring parents/guardians of children ages 8-16 to send their child to public school. The manifest purpose is to compel general attendance at public schools by children 8-16 who have not completed their 8th grade. Society of Sisters operates a private school. It owns valuable building, especially constructed and equipped for the school purposes. The law has already caused the withdrawal from its school of children, who would other wise continue attending the same school. Society then filed a suit to enjoin the enforcement of the law contending that the same unconstitutional. ISSUE: May the State require children to attend only public schools before they reach a certain age? HELD: The fundamental theory of liberty upon which the government under the Constitution reposes excludes any general power of the State to standardize its children by enforcing them to accept instruction from public teachers only. The child is not the mere creature of San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures the State; those who nurture him and direct his destiny have the right coupled with the high duty, to recognize and prepare him for additional obligations. ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES VIRTUOSO VS. MUNICIPAL JUDGE 82 SCRA 191, 1978 FACTS: Petitioner Francisco Virtouso, Jr. filed an application for the writ of habeas corpus on the ground that the preliminary examination

which led to the issuance of a warrant of arrest against him was a useless formality as respondent Municipal Judge failed to meet the strict standard required by the Constitution to ascertain whether there was a probable cause. He likewise alleged that aside from the constitutional infirmity that tainted the procedure followed in the preliminary examination, the bail imposed was clearly excessive. It was in the amount of P16,000.00, the alleged robbery of a TV set being imputed to petitioner It was later ascertained that the petitioner is a seventeen year old minor entitled to the protection and benefits of the child and Youth Welfare Code. ISSUE: Whether or not petitioner s application for release should be granted. HELD: Yes. As a minor, he could be provisionally released on recognizance in the discretion of a court. This Court should, whenever appropriate, give vitality and force to the Youth and Welfare Code, which is an implementation of this specific constitutional mandate. "The State recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation-buildingand shall pr omote their physical, intellectual, and social well-being." ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES OPOSA VS. FACTORAN 224 SCRA 792, 1993 FACTS: The petitioner, all minors and alleges that the plaintiffs "are all citizens of the Republic of the Philippines, taxpayers, and entitled to the full benefit, use and enjoyment of the natural resource treasure that is the country's virgin tropical rainforests, duly joined and represented by their parents instituted a complained as a taxpayers class suit and prayed for the rendering of judgment ordering defendant Factoran, then Secretary of the DENR, his agents, representatives and other persons acting in his behalf to cancel all existing timber license agreements in the country and to cease and desist form receiving, accepting, processing, renewing or approving new timber license agreements. The defendant moved for the dismissal of the complaint on two grounds: 1) lack of cause of action against him and 2) the issue raised was a political question which properly pertains to the legislative or executive branches. The trial court dismissed the complaint based on the aforementioned grounds. Thus, the petitioners filed a special civil action for certiorari seeking to rescind and set aside. ISSUE: Whether or not the said petitioners have a cause of action to prevent the misappropriation or impairment of the Philippine rainforests and have the defendant stop form receiving, processing and approving timber license agreements. HELD: Yes. The petitioners have a cause of action. The complaint focuses on one specific fundamental legal right-the right to a balanced and healthful ecology which, for the first time in our constitutional history, is solemnly incorporated in the fundamental law. Section 16, Article II of

the 1987 Constitution explicitly provides that the State shall protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature.This right unites with the right to health which is provided for in SEC. 15 of Article 2. While the right to a balanced and healthful ecology is to be found under the Declaration of Principles and State Policies and not under the Bill of Rights, it does not follow that it is less important than any of the civil and political rights enumerated in the latter. Such a right belongs to a different category of rights altogether for it concerns nothing less than selfpreservation and self-perpetuation --aptly and fittingly stressed by the petitioners --the advancement of which may even be said to predate all governments and constitutions. As a matter of fact, these basic rights need not even be written in the Constitution for they are assumed to exist from the inception of humankind. If they are now explicitly mentioned in the fundamental charter, it is because of the well-founded fear of its framers that unless the rights to a balanced and healthful ecology and to health are mandated as state policies by the Constitution itself, thereby highlighting their continuing importance and imposing upon the state a solemn obligation to preserve the first and protect and advance the second, the day would not be too far when all else would be lost not only for the present generation, but also for those to come --generations

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 which stand to inherit nothing but parched earth incapable of sustaining life. The right to a balanced and healthful ecology carries with it the correlative duty to refrain from impairing the environment. The said right implies, among many other things, the judicious management and conservation of the country's forests. E.O. No.192 and the Administrative Code of 1987 have set the objectives which serve as the bases for policy formulation and have defined the powers and functions of the DENR, the primary government agency for the proper use and development of the countries natural resources. The right of the petitioners and all they represent to a balanced and healthful ecology is as clear as the DENR s duty to protect and advance the said right. A denial or violation of that right by the owner who has the correlative duty or obligation to respect or protect the same gives rise to a cause of action. ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES LLDA VS. CA 231 SCRA 292, 1994 FACTS: The Task Force Camarin Dumpsite of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Barangay Camarin, Caloocan City, filed a letter-complaint with the petitioner, seeking to stop the operation of the open garbage dumpsite in Tala Estate, Barangay Camarin, Caloocan City due to its harmful effects on the health of the residents and the possibility of pollution of the water content of the surrounding area. The LLDA conducted an on-site investigation, monitoring and test sampling of the leachate that seeps from said dumpsite to the nearby creek which is a tributary of the Marilao River. The LLDA Legal and Technical personnel found that the City Government of Caloocan was maintaining an open dumpsite at the Camarin area without first securing an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) from the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and clearance from LLDA as required under Republic Act No. 4850, 5 as amended by Presidential Decree No. 813 and Executive Order No. 927 The LLDA issued a Cease and Desist Order ordering the City Government of Caloocan, Metropolitan Manila Authority, their contractors, and other entities, to completely halt, stop and desist from dumping any form or kind of garbage and other waste matter at the Camarin dumpsite. However, the City Government of Caloocan filed with the RTC an action for the declaration of nullity of the cease and desist order with prayer for the issuance of a writ of injunction. LLDA then filed a motion of Dismiss on the ground that their order was merely subject to review of the CA and not the RTC. ISSUE: Whether or not the LLDA have the power and authority to issue a cease

and desist order HELD: Yes. The LLDA, as a specialized administrative agency, is specifically mandated under Republic Act No. 4850 and its amendatory laws to carry out and make effective the declared national policy of promoting and accelerating the development and balanced growth of the Laguna Lake including Caloocan City with due regard and adequate provisions for environmental management and control, preservation of the quality of human life and ecological systems, and the prevention of undue ecological disturbances, deterioration and pollution. Under RA 4850 it authorizes LLDA to make, alter or modify orders requiring the discontinuance of pollution. Assuming arguendo that the authority to issue a "cease and desist order" were not expressly conferred by law, there is jurisprudence enough to the effect that the rule granting such authority need not necessarily be express. While it is a fundamental rule that an administrative agency has only such powers as are expressly granted to it by law, it is likewise a settled rule that an administrative agency has also such powers as are necessarily implied in the exercise of its express powers. In the exercise, therefore, of its express powers under its charter as a regulatory and quasi-judicial body with respect to pollution cases in the Laguna Lake region, the authority of the LLDA to issue a "cease and desist order" is, perforce, implied. Otherwise, it may well be reduced to a "toothless" paper agency. In this connection, it must be noted that in Pollution Adjudication Board v. Court of Appeals, et al., 27 the Court ruled that the Pollution Adjudication Board (PAB) has the power to issue an ex-parte cease and desist order when there is prima facie evidence of an establishment exceeding the allowable standards set by the anti-pollution laws of the country. The ponente, Associate Justice Florentino P. Feliciano, declared: "Ex parte cease and desist orders are permitted by law and regulations in situations like that here presented precisely because stopping the continuous discharge of pollutive and untreated effluents into the rivers and other inland waters of the Philippines cannot be made to wait until protracted litigation over the ultimate correctness or propriety of such orders has run its full course, including multiple and sequential appeals such as those which Solar has taken, which of course may take several San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures years. The relevant pollution control statute and implementing regulations were enacted and promulgated in the exercise of that pervasive, sovereign power to protect the safety, health, and general welfare and comfort of the public, as well as the protection of plant and animal life, commonly designated as the police power. It is a constitutional commonplace that the ordinary requirements of procedural due process yield to the necessities of protecting vital public interests like those here involved, through the exercise of police power. . . ." The immediate response to the demands of "the necessities of protecting vital public interests" gives vitality to the statement on

ecology embodied in the Declaration of Principles and State Policiesor the 1987 Constitution. Article II, Section 16 which provides: "The State shall protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature." As a constitutionally guaranteed right of every person, it carries the correlative duty of non-impairment. This is but in consonance withthe declared p olicy of the state "to protect and promote the right to health of the people and instill health consciousness among them." 28 It is to be borne in mind that the Philippines is party to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Alma ConferenceDeclaration of 1978 which recognize health as a fundamental human right. 29 The issuance, therefore, of the cease and desist order by the LLDA, as a practical matter of procedure under the circumstances of the case, is a proper exercise of its power and authority under its charterand its a mendatory laws. Had the cease and desist order issued by the LLDA been complied with by the City Government of Caloocanas it did in the f irst instance, no further legal steps would have been necessary. The charter of LLDA, Republic Act No. 4850, as amended, instead of conferring upon the LLDA the means of directly enforcing such orders, has provided under its Section 4 (d) the power to institute "necessary legal proceeding against any person who shall commence to implement or continue implementation of any project, plan or program within the Laguna de Bay region without previous clearance from the LLDA." Clearly, said provision was designed to invest the LLDA with sufficiently broad powers in the regulation of all projects initiated in the Laguna Lake region, whether by the government or the private sector, insofar as the implementation of these projects is concerned. It was meant to deal with cases which might possibly arise where decisions or orders issued pursuant to the exercise of such broad powers may not be obeyed, resulting in the thwarting of its laudable objective. To meet such contingencies, then the writs of mandamus and injunction which are beyond the power of the LLDA to issue, may be sought from the proper courts. ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES GARCIA VS. BOARD OF INVESTMENTS 191 SCRA 288, 1990 FACTS: This is a petition to annul and set aside the decision of the Board of Investments (BOI)/Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) approving the transfer of the site of the proposed petrochemical plant from Bataan to Batangas and the shift of feedstock for that plant from naphtha only to naphtha and/or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Under P.D. No. 1803 dated January 16, 1981, 576 hectares of the public domain located in Lamao, Limay, Bataan were reserved for the Petrochemical Industrial Zone under the administration, management, and ownership of the Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC).

The Bataan Refining Corporation (BRC) is a wholly government owned corporation, located at Bataan. It produces 60% of the national output of naphtha. Taiwanese investors in a petrochemical project formed the Bataan Petrochemical Corporation (BPC) and applied with BOI for registration as a new domestic producer of petrochemicals. Its application specified Bataan as the plant site. One of the terms and conditions for registration of the project was the use of "naphtha cracker" and "naphtha" as feedstock or fuel for its petrochemical plant. The petrochemical plant was to be a joint venture with PNOC. BPC was issued a certificate of registration on February 24, 1988 by BOI. BPC was given pioneer status and accorded fiscal and other incentives by BOI, like, (1) exemption from taxes on raw materials, (2) repatriation of the entire proceeds of liquidation investments in currency originally made and at the exchange rate obtaining at the time of repatriation; and (3) remittance of earnings on investments. As additional incentive, the House of Representatives approved a bill introduced by the petitioner eliminating the 48% ad valorem tax on naphtha if and when it is used as raw materials in the petrochemical plant. However, in February, 1989, A.T. Chong, chairman of USI Far East Corporation, the major investor in BPC, personally delivered to Trade

Alliance for Alternative Action THE ADONIS CASES 2011 Secretary Jose Concepcion a letter dated January 25, 1989 advising him of BPC's desire to amend the original registration certification of its project by changing the job site from Limay, Bataan, to Batangas. The reason adduced for the transfer was the insurgency and unstable labor situation, and the presence in Batangas of a huge liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) depot owned by the Philippine Shell Corporation. The petitioner vigorously opposed the proposal and no less than President Aquino expressed her preference that the plant be established in Bataan in a conference with the Taiwanese investors, the Secretary of National Defense and The Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces. Despite speeches in the Senate and House opposing the transfer of the project to Batangas, BPC filed its request for approval of the amendments. Its application is as follows: "(1) increasing the investment amount from US$220 million to US$320 million; (2) increasing the production capacity of its naphtha cracker, polythylene plant and polypropylene plant; (3) changing the feedstock from naphtha only to "naphtha and/or liquefied petroleum gas;" and (4) transferring the job site from Limay, Bataan, to Batangas. BOI states that it has taken a public position preferring Bataan over Batangas as the site of the petrochemical complex, as this would provide a better distribution of industries around the Metro Manila area. In advocating the choice of Bataan as the project site for the petrochemical complex, the BOI, however, made it clear in its view that the BOI or the government for that matter could only recommend as to where the project should be located. The BOI recognizes and respects the principle that the final choice is still with the proponent who would in the final analysis provide the funding or risk capital for the project. ISSUE: Whether or not there was abuse of discretion on the part of the Board of Investments for yielding to the wishes of the investor, the national interest notwithstanding? HELD: YES. under Section 10, Article XII of the 1987 Constitution, it is the duty of the State to "regulate and exercise authority over foreign investments within its national jurisdiction and in accordance with its national goals and priorities." The development of a self-reliant and independent national economy effectively controlled by Filipinos is mandated in Section 19, Article II of the Constitution. A petrochemical industry is not an ordinary investment opportunity. It should not be treated like a garment or embroidery firm, a shoe-making venture, or even an assembler of cars or manufacturer of computer chips, where the BOI reasoning may be accorded fuller faith and credit. The petrochemical industry is essential to the national interest. In this particular BPC venture, not only has the Government given unprecedented favors, but through its regulatory agency, the BOI, itsurrenders e ven the power to make a company abide by its initial choice, a choice free from any suspicion of unscrupulous machinations and a choice which is undoubtedly in the best

interests of the Filipino people. The Court, therefore, holds and finds that the BOI committed a grave abuse of discretion in approving the transfer of the petrochemical plant from Bataan to Batangas and authorizing the change of feedstock from naphtha only to naphtha and/or LPG for the main reason that the final say is in the investor all other circumstances to the contrary notwithstanding. No cogent advantage to the government has been shown by this transfer. This is a repudiation of the independent policy of the government expressed in numerous laws and the Constitution to run its own affairs the way it deems best for the national interest.` One can but remember the words of a great Filipino leader who inpart said he wou ld not mind having a government run like hell by Filipinos than one subservient to foreign dictation. In this case, it is not even a foreign government but an ordinary investor whom the BOI allows to dictate what we shall do with our heritage. ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES ASSO. OF SMALL LANDOWNERS VS. SEC. OF AGRARIAN REFORM 175 SCRA 343, 1989 FACTS: In ancient mythology, Antaeus was a terrible giant who blocked and challenged Hercules for his life on his way to Mycenae after performing his eleventh labor. The two wrestled mightily and Hercules flung his adversary to the ground thinking him dead, but Antaeus rose even stronger to resume their struggle. This happened several times to Hercules' increasing amazement. Finally, as they continued grappling, it dawned on Hercules that Antaeus was the son of Gaea and could never die as long as any part of his body was touching his Mother Earth. Thus forewarned, Hercules then held Antaeus up in the air, beyond the reach of the sustaining soil, and crushed him to death. Mother Earth. The sustaining soil. The giver of life, without whose invigorating touch even the powerful Antaeus weakened and died. The cases before us are not as fanciful as the foregoing tale. But they also tell of the elemental forces of life and death, of men and women who, like Antaeus, need the sustaining strength of the precious earth to stay alive. "Land for the Landless" is a slogan that underscores the acute imbalance in the distribution of this precious resource among our people. But it is more than a slogan. Through the brooding centuries, it has become a battlecry dramatizing the increasingly urgent demand of the dispossessed among us for a plot of earth as their place in the sun. Recognizing this need, the Constitution in 1935 mandated the policy of social justice to "insure the well-being and economic security of all the people," especially the less privileged. In 1973, the new Constitution affirmed this goal, adding specifically that "the State shall regulate the acquisition, ownership, use, enjoyment and disposition of private property and equitably diffuse property ownership and profits.' Significantly, there was also the specific injunction to "formulate and implement an agrarian reform program aimed at emancipating the tenant from the bondage of the soil." The Constitution of 1987 was not to be outdone. Besides echoing these sentiments, it also adopted one whole and separate Article XIII on Social

Justice and Human Rights, containing grandiose but undoubtedly sincere provisions for the uplift of the common people. These include a call in the following words for the adoption by the State of an agrarian reform program. The cases involved have been consolidated because they concern common legal questions, including serious challenges to the constitutionality of RA 6657 otherwise known as the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988 and other supplementary to RA 6657 such as PD 27 (providing for the compulsory acquisition of private lands for distribution among tenant-farmers and to specify maximum land ownership in favor of the beneficiaries of PD 27) Pres. Proc. 131 (instituting CARP) and EO 229 (providing the mechanics of implementation of CARP) RA 6657 is the most recent legislation, signed into law by Pres. Aquino on June 10, 1988. ISSUE: WON RA 6657, PD 57, Proc. 31 & Eos 228 & 229 considered as valid and constitutional? HELD: YES. The assailed laws are considered as a valid exercise of both police power and of eminent domain. The extent that it sets retention limits is an exercise of police power. It must be noted that like taxation, the power of eminent domain could be used as an implement of police power of the state. The expressed objective of the law was the promotion of the welfare of the farners, which came clearly under the police power of the state. To achieve this purpose, the law provided for the expropriation of agricultural lands (subject to minimum retention limits for the landowner) to be distributed among the peasantry. As the ponencia observed: The cases before us present no knotty complication insofar as the question of compensable taking is concerned. To the extent that the measures under challenge merely prescribe retention limits for landowners, there is an exercise of the police power for the regulation of private property in accordance with the Constitution. But where, to carry out such regulation, it becomes necessary todeprive such own ers of whatever lands they may own in excess of the maximum area allowed, there is definitely a taking under the power of eminent domain for which payment of just compensation is imperative. The taking contemplated is not a mere limitation of theuse of the la nd. What is required is the surrender of the title to and the physical possession of the said excess and all beneficial rights accruing to the owner in favor of the farmer-beneficiary. This is definitely an exercise not of the police power but of the power of eminent domain. It bears repeating that the measures challenged in these petitionscontemplate mo re than a mere regulation of the use of private lands under the police power. We deal here with an actual taking of privateagricultura l lands that has dispossessed the owners of their property and deprived them of all its beneficial use and enjoyment, to entitlethem to the just compensation mandated by the Constitution. The expropriation before us affects all private agricultural lands whenever found and of whatever kind as long as they are in excess of the maximum retention limits allowed their owners. This kind of expropriation is intended for the benefit not only of a particular community or of a small segment of the population but of the entire Filipino nation, from all levels of our society, from the impoverished farmer to the land-glutted owner. Its purpose does not cover only the whole territory of this country but goes

beyond in time to the foreseeable future, which it hopes to secure and edify with the vision and the sacrifice of the present generation of Filipinos. Generations yet to come are as involved in this program as we are today, although hopefully only as beneficiaries of a richer and more fulfilling life we will guarantee to them tomorrow through our thoughtfulness today. And, finally, let it not be forgotten that it is no less than the Constitution itself that has ordained this revolution in the farms, calling for "a just distribution" among the farmers of lands that have heretofore been the prison of their dreams but can now become the key at least to their deliverance. San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures

Alliance for Alternative Action Alliance for Alternative Action Such a program will involve not mere millions of pesos. The cost will be tremendous. Considering the vast areas of land subject to expropriation under the laws before us, we estimate that hundreds of billions of pesos will be needed, far more indeed than the amount of P50 billion initially appropriated, which is already staggering as it is by our present standards. Such amount is in fact not even fully available at this time. We assume that the framers of the Constitution were aware of this difficulty when they called for agrarian reform as a top priority project of the government. It is a part of this assumption that when they envisioned the expropriation that would be needed, they also intended that the just compensation would have to be paid not in the orthodox way but a less conventional if more practical method. There can be no doubt that they were aware of the financial limitations of the government and had no illusions that there would be enough money to pay in cash and in full for the lands they wanted to be distributed among the farmers. We may therefore assume that their intention was to allow such manner of payment as is now provided for by the CARP Law, particularly the payment of the balance (if the owner cannot be paid fully with money), or indeed of the entire amount of the just compensation, with other things of value. We may also suppose that what they had in mind was a similar scheme of payment as that prescribed in P.D. No. 27, which was the law in force at the time they deliberated on the new Charter and with which they presumably agreed in principle. In relation thereto, the just compensation to be made by the Government in the form of financial instruments and not money is justified by the revolutionary character of of the scheme and the need to allow the government time to raise the funds needed. ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES BASCO VS. PAGCOR 197 SCRA 52, 1991 FACTS: Petitioners seek to annul the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) Charter -PD 1869, because it is allegedly contrary to morals, public policy and order. Petitioners also claim that said PD has a "gambling objective" and that Section 13 par 2 of the same PD which exempts PAGCOR from paying any tax, any kind of term income or otherwise as well as fees, charges as levies of whatever nature whether national or local is violative of the principles of local autonomy for it is a waiver of the right of the City of Manila to impose taxes and legal fees. ISSUE: Whether or not the local autonomy clause is violated by PD 1869 HELD: The petitioner s contentions are without merit for the following reasons: 1.

The City of Manila, being a mere Municipal corporation hits no inherent right to impose taxes 2. The Charter of the City of Manila is subject to control by Congress. It should be stressed that "municipal corporations are mere creatures of Congress" which has the power to "create and abolish municipal corporations" due to its "general legislative powers". Congress, therefore, has the power of control overLocal governments. An d if Congress can grant the City of Manila the power to tax certain matters, it can also provide forexemptions or ev en take back the power. 3. The City of Manila's power to impose license fees on gambling, has long been revoked. Only the National Government has the power to issue "licenses or permits" for the operation of gambling. Necessarily, the power to demand or collect license fees which is a consequence of the issuance of "licensesor permits" is no longer vested in the City of Manila. 4. Local governments have no power to tax instrumentalities ofthe National Governme nt. PAGCOR is a government owned or controlled corporation with an original charter. 5. The power of local government to "impose taxes and fees" is always subject to "limitations" which Congress may provide by law. Since PD 1869 remains an "operative'' law, its "exemption clause" remains as an exception to the exercise of the power of local governments to impose taxes and fees. It cannot therefore be violative but rather is consistent with the principle of local autonomy. Besides, the principle of local autonomy under the 1987 Constitution simply means "decentralization". It does not make local governments sovereign within the slate or an - imperiurn in imperio. ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES LIMBONA VS. MANGELIN 170 SCRA 786, 1989 FACTS: Petitioner is the elected speaker of the Batangas, pampook of Central Mindanao (Assembly for brefity). Respondents are members of said Assembly. San Beda College of Law Based on ATTY. ADONIS V. GABRIEL lectures Congressman Matalam, Chairman of the Committee on Muslim Affairs of the House of Representative invited the petitioner in his capacity as speaker of the Assembly to participate in consultation and dialogue regarding the charting of the autonomous government of Muslim Mindanao to be held in Manila. Petitioner sent a telegram through the Secretary of the Assembly to all the members thereof informing that there will be no session this November in view of the invitation of Cong. Matalam. However, on November 2, 1987, the Assembly held session and declared the seat of the Speaker vacant. This was reiterated in another session on

November 5 of same year. Respondents allege that because the Sangguniang Pampook(s) are "autonomous," the courts may not rightfully intervene in their affairs, much less strike down their acts. ISSUE: Are the so-called autonomous governments of Mindanao, as they are now constituted, subject to the jurisdiction of the national courts? In other words, what is the extent of self-government given to the two autonomous governments of Region IX and XII? HELD: Yes, it may assume jurisdiction. In resolving this case the SC made a differentiation between decentralization of administration and decentralization of power. There is Decentralization of administration when the central government delegates administrative powers to political subdivisions in order to broaden the base of government power and in the process to make local governments "more responsive and accountable," and "ensure their fullest development as self-reliant communities and make them more effective partners in the pursuit of national development and social progress." At the same time, it relieves the central government of the burden of managing local affairs and enables it to concentrate on national concerns. The President exercises "general supervision" over them, but only to "ensure that local affairs are administered according to law." He has no control over their acts in the sense that he can substitute their judgments with his own. Decentralization of power, on the other hand, involves an abdication of political power in the favor of local governments units declared to be autonomous. In that case, the autonomous government is free to chart its own destiny and shape its future with minimum intervention from central authorities. An examination of the very Presidential Decree creating the autonomous governments of Mindanao persuades us that they were never meant to exercise autonomy in the second sense, that is, in which the central government commits an act of self-immolation. Presidential Decree No. 1618, in the first place, mandates that "the President shall have the power of general supervision and control over Autonomous Regions." In the second place, the Sangguniang Pampook, their legislative arm, is made to discharge chiefly administrative services. ARTICLE II - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES PAMATONG VS. COMELEC G.R. No. 161872, April 13, 2004 FACTS: Petitioner Rev. Elly Velez Pamatong filed his Certificate of Candidacy for President. Respondent Commission on Elections (COMELEC) refused to give due course to petitioner s Certificate of Candidacy in its Resolution No. 6558 dated January 17, 2004. The decision, however, was not unanimous since Commissioners Luzviminda G. Tancangco and Mehol K. Sadain voted to include petitioner as they believed he had parties or movements to back up his candidacy.

On January 15, 2004, petitioner moved for reconsideration of Resolution No. 6558. Petitioner s Motion for Reconsideration was docketed as SPP (MP) No. 04-001. The COMELEC, acting on petitioner s Motion for Reconsideration and on similar motions filed by other aspirants for national elective positions, denied the same under the aegis of Omnibus Resolution No. 6604 dated February 11, 2004. The COMELEC declared petitioner and thirty-five (35) others nuisance candidates who could not wage a nationwide campaign and/or are not nominated by a political party or are not supported by a registered political party with a national constituency. Commissioner Sadain maintained his vote for petitioner. By then, Commissioner Tancangco had retired. In this Petition For Writ of Certiorari, petitioner seeks to reverse the resolutions which were allegedly rendered in violation of his right to equal access to opportunities for public service under Section 26, Article II of the 1987 Constitution,[by limiting the number of qualified candidates only to those who can afford to wage a nationwide campaign and/or are nominated by political parties. In so doing, petitioner argues that the COMELEC indirectly amended the constitutional provisions on the electoral process and limited the power of the sovereign people to choose their leaders. The COMELEC supposedly erred in disqualifying him since he is the most qualified among all the presidential candidates, i.e., he possesses all the constitutional and legal qualifications for the office of the president, he is capable of waging a national campaign since he has numerous national organizations under his leadership, he also has the capacity to wage an international campaign since he has practiced law in other countries, and he has a platform of government. Petitioner likewise attacks the validity of the form for the Certificate of Candidacy prepared by the COMELEC. Petitioner claims that the form does not provide clear and reasonable guidelines for determining the qualifications of candidates since it does not ask for the candidate s bio-data and his program of

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