Planning Matrix
Planning Matrix
Planning Matrix
o What motivates Characters to make good decisions
o o Reading: Read and Post for 1 hour Writing: n/a
o o Reading: Read and Post for 1 hour Writing: n/a
o o Reading: Read and Post for 1 hour Writing: n/a
o o Reading: Read and Post for 1 hour
No School
Reading Mini-Lesson
Purple: 9:009:20 Green: 1:001:20
No School
Writing: TPS and early answer to a DBQ prompt SWBAT: SWBAT explain
how a conflict that affected the character helped him learn certain lessons
Texts: We Beat The Street Text (Chap 7-8) Independent Reading Books
Texts: We Beat The Street Text (Chap 9-10) Independent Reading Books
Texts: We Beat The Street (Chap 11-12) Independent Reading Books Graphic Novels
Purple: 3 4 Green: 3 4
Purple: 2- 3 Green: 2 -3
Illinois Reading Assessment Framework: 1.7.16: distinguish the main idea and supporting details in any text 1.7.20: draw inferences, conclusions, or generalizations about text, and support them with textual evidence and prior knowledge
No school No School Purple (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) 1. Ind. ReadorVocab 2. Ind. ReadorVocab 3. Guided Reading / Odyssey 4. Odyssey / Guided Reading 5. Guided Reading / Odyssey Green (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) 1. Ind. ReadorVocab 2. Ind. ReadorVocab 3. Guided Reading / Odyssey 4. Odyssey / Guided Reading 5. Ind. ReadorVocab 6. Ind. ReadorVocab No School Purple (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) 1. Guided Reading / Odyssey 2. Odyssey / Guided Reading 3. Ind. ReadorVocab 4. Ind. ReadorVocab 5. Ind. ReadorVocab Green (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) 1. Ind. Readorvocab 2. Ind. ReadorVocab 3. Ind. ReadorVocab 4. Ind. ReadorVocab 5. G.R. / Odyssey 6. G.R. / Odyssey Purple (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) 1. Ind. ReadorVocab 2. Ind. ReadorVocab 3. G.R. / Odyssey 4. Odyssey / G.R. 5. G.R. / Odyssey Green (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) 1. G.R. / Odyssey 2. Odyssey / G.R 3. Ind. ReadorVocab 4. Ind. ReadorVocab 5. Ind. ReadorVocab 6. Ind. ReadorVocab Purple (Subject to change) 1. G.R. / Odyssey 2. Odyssey / G.R. 3. Ind. ReadorVocab 4. Ind. ReadorVocab 5. Ind. Read orVocab Green (Subject to change) 1. Ind. ReadorVocab 2. Ind. ReadorVocab 3. G.R. / Odyssey 4. Odyssey / G.R. 5. Ind. ReadorVocab 6. Ind. ReadorVocab
Independent Practice
Purple I: 9:209:55 Purple II: 11:0011:20 Green: 1:202:10
Word Analysis / Vocabulary Reading Strategies / Comprehension
o o
o o
Illinois Reading Assessment Framework: 1.7.01: Determine the meaning of an unknown word or content-area vocabulary using knowledge of affixes and root words.
Writers Workshop
Purple: 11:4012:10 Green: 2:403:10
SWBAT: (DBQ) Complete the PreBucketing activity to begin learning how to create an in-depth understanding of an essay prompt
SWBAT: (DBQ) Complete a reading of Doc B Think/Write/Pair/Sha re the doc analysis questions
SWBAT: (DBQ) Complete the reading and questions of Doc A" TPS an early answer to the DBQ prompt.
Conferencing: n/a