Basic Manual
Basic Manual
Basic Manual
I. BASIC What is the Militia? Concept of Militia Statement of Purpose Goals General Orders & Instructions For Militia Minuteman Code of Conduct Oath, enlistment standards & how to join Indiana Militia Corps Religious Freedom Statement Uniform types & requirements II. ORGANIZATION State Organization Area of Operations by Brigade Chain of Responsibility Command & staff outlines III. OPERATIONS Outline of a Typical Unit Muster Outline for Commanders Muster Unit Recruiting & Expansion Flowchart Training Topics & Standards Rank & Identification Insignia Placement Guide for BDU Uniform Gear Checklists Long & Short Enlistment Procedures Personnel Transfers Intelligence Gathering Backwash Procedure Progressive Disciplinary Procedures Boards of Inquiry, Review and Appeal Discharge procedures & standards APPENDICES Recommendation for Changes (form)
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What is the Militia?
As defined by our founding fathers, the militia is defined as the whole people. It is every able-bodied citizen who is not disqualified by criminal conviction or mental defect, except those few persons who hold public office, such as judges, legislators, etc. 10 US Code, Sec. 311: The unorganized Militia is comprised of all able-bodied men between the ages of 17 and 45 who are not in the regular Military or the National Guard. (emphasis added) Indiana State Constitution, Art. 12, Sec. 1: Everyone over the age of 17 years National Guard Reserve units represent the organized militia as defined in 10 U.S.C. Sec. 311. They are what is historically known as a select militia. Membership in the militia at large, logically, cannot be suspended when one joins a select militia such as the Guard. Only when one joins the active military does a citizen leave the ranks of the militia, according to 10USC311. Therefore, one can be a part of the National Guard and still participate in a citizens volunteer militia, but due to the current political environment it is to be discouraged. A Guardsman should exercise caution and discretion when choosing to participate simultaneously in the elements of the organized and unorganized militia.
Concept of Militia
The Militia IS:
1. A deterrent, defensive force. 2. A first response mechanism. 3. A chain of command that we can use to offer leadership and assistance to our fellow citizens. 4. A legacy passed from our forefathers to us; and from us to our posterity. 5. A realization and practice of our God given Rights, Liberties, Duties and Responsibilities. 6. An organization of, by and for the Constitutions of Indiana and the united States, and the people whom they serve.
To assist duly elected, sworn and bonded public officials in time of emergency or in the defense of our God given Rights, Liberties, and the Constitution(s). Each Militia member must be prepared to Stand Fast, not letting Fear and Doubt overpower their FAITH in GOD, our Constitutions, their trust in their leaders and their fellow Militia members. It is the goal of all Militia members to be prepared and never needed, as opposed to being needed and not prepared. INDIANA MILITIA MEMBERS understand that our Bill of Rights guarantees (not creates) those Rights which are given to us by GOD, and CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY, given away, ignored, or legislated out of existence. WE are dedicated to the principle that when good men do nothing, evil flourishes; that the price of Liberty is eternal vigilance; and that all power is inherent in WE THE PEOPLE
To promote the safe and responsible use of Arms for the protection of our families, our property, our American way of life and our republican form of government; To teach that our Liberties and Rights are not limited to those Rights which are enumerated in the Bill of Rights, and that those Rights are granted by our Creator;
individually owned. Violation of this may result in disciplinary actions. Threats written, spoken, or otherwise issued are NOT our method of gaining respect and cooperation. Militia members will be held accountable for their conduct. All Militia members are reminded that the entire Militia organization can and will be judged by the speech & actions of its individual members. Involvement with racists, their organizations and other subversive associations are strictly prohibited. Anyone who joins the Indiana Militia Corps by fraudulently denying involvement with these groups or persons will be involuntarily discharged. Periodic nominations will be held for officers and NCOs. These positions should be rotated so as to maintain a pool of leadership trained people who can be called upon for rapid expansion of units. Persons restricted from firearms ownership are disqualified from active duty, but may be admitted upon the lifting of the restriction and a majority vote by the unit. Each member should report violations of General Orders and Instructions for Militia in a prompt manner. Failing to do so could allow an incident to occur that discredits all the Militia. Reports should be run through the Chain of Responsibility. BDE/RGT Commanders shall have the authority to investigate, and initiate the removal of any unit that violates or does not abide by General Orders and Instructions for Militia.
16. Only commanders and Militia members designated as Public Affairs Officers will be allowed to conduct interviews with the media. The reasons for this are obvious. 17. Members are reminded that recruiting, organizing, and training are the objectives we work towards. Militia leadership, members, resources and time are NOT to be used for other agendas. 18. Each Militia member must be prepared to stand fast, not letting fear and doubt overpower our faith in God, our Constitutions, and our trust in each other. 19. Militia members understand that our Bill of Rights enumerates and safeguards those Rights which are given to us by God, and cannot be taken away, given or voted away, ignored, or legislated out of existence. 20. Militia members understand and are prepared to apply the principles of the Minuteman Code of Conduct in their daily lives and in the field. 21. All Militia members affirm that they will defend our Republic from all enemies, both foreign and domestic, and uphold the Constitutions (US and Indiana) that we live by.
1. I am an American minuteman. I belong to the militia, which is the whole people. We are committed to protecting our country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life, my fortunes, and my sacred honor in their defense. 2. I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command I will never surrender my men while they still have the means to resist! 3. If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid my fellowmen to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the Enemy. 4. If I become a prisoner, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action that may be harmful to my colleagues. If I am senior, I will take command. If not I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way. 5. When questioned, should I become a prisoner, I am required to give name, rank, and date of birth. I will evade answering questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and my fellowmen, our allies, or harmful to our cause. 6. I will never forget that I am an American minuteman, responsible for my actions under Almighty God, and dedicated to the principles that made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the united States of America.
Code of Conduct
(The Minutemans Code)
All personnel should memorize this code of conduct. It represents a tradition of independence and integrity that goes all the way back to our Founding Fathers and their peers. The Minuteman Code is our badge of pride!
proof such as a constables endorsement shall be accepted. 4. Enlistee must be willing to take their oath/affirmation on their Bible in the name of our Creator. Refer to the Indiana Militia Corps Religious Freedom statement. 5. Enlistee must agree to live by the principles of our colonial American heritage, namely, that all mankind is made by our Creator as equals. Disqualifying factors can include but are not limited to membership in the KKK, NBP or other racist organizations. Individuals who promote racist ideology are not welcome in the Indiana Militia. 6. Applicant takes Enlistment Oath in the presence of at least two witnesses who are active members (in good standing) of the Indiana Militia Corps, and upon the administering of this oath/affirmation Applicant shall sign his/her Enlistment document. This document shall be signed by the witnesses present. The original copy goes back to the new member for their personal records. Two file copies are retained by the local unit and by the state adjutant.
DRESS uniforms consist of: SHIRT: permanent press khaki shirt with epaulets, button-down pockets and pleats, either in long or short-sleeve configurations. The nameplate (or pin) is rectangular and may be plastic or metal, and is placed 1/8th inch below the seam on the right-hand pocket flap. Rank insignia are placed on the collar tips, and any badges or other distinctions are worn above the left hand pocket. DRESS PANTS are khaki trousers with a black (or khaki) web belt with brass buckle. The brass buckle may be utilized with either belt color, but only the black web belt may use the subdued black buckle. HEADWEAR: khaki beret and IMC flash. SHOES: should be black leather lowquarter perma-shine or a well-polished regular black leather. USAGE: Dress uniforms are recommended for wear during public functions such as recruiting activities, press conferences, meetings and award ceremonies, where a crisp and professional appearance is required. Dress uniforms are not mandatory for new members. FIELD uniforms consist of: SHIRT: camouflage battle dress uniform (BDU). Subdued rank insignia either cloth or metal - are worn on the shirt collar or on the (field) jacket epaulet and the field utility cap. The name tape (cloth) is worn over the upper right pocket and the Indiana Militia cloth tape is worn over the upper left pocket. Other patches will be worn according to MC 01, Uniforms and Insignia.
PANTS: Matching BDU pants are not required but encourage a professional appearance. These will typically be woodland camouflage and a web belt with subdued buckle will be worn. If the pants and shirt do not match camouflage patterns, an effort will be made by the wearer to keep the shirt and pants matched according to the terrain; i.e., woodland and advantage, or advantage & mossy-oak patterns. The mixing of different terrain patterns such as woodland and desert will not be allowed (See below). BOOTS: Boots will be worn with the Class C (Field) uniform and may be of any variety of leather, Cordura, or other durable material common to hunting or combat boots. If the boots have leather uppers they will be kept polished and shined to maintain the suppleness of the leather and to maintain a professional appearance. Boots shall be worn according to the weather, jungle or hot weather boots in summer, Waterproof insulated boots in winter. HEADGEAR: Camouflage helmet, field cap, boonie hat, or cold weather headgear; subdued insignia may be worn on front center of headgear as appropriate, and cloth subdued insignia on all helmets. USAGE: BDU uniforms are to be worn when outdoors in training exercises or field excursions. They may also be worn at other times when a Class A uniform would be inappropriate. They are not to be worn, if possible, when engaged in formal public engagements such as recruiting activities, press conferences and gun shows. However, the use of Class C uniforms is necessary at some
events, where the public activity is outdoors and sometimes under adverse weather conditions. Special Use Uniforms will consist of BDU clothing with unusual or foreign patterns such as: Urban Gray Olive Drab (OD) South African or British DPM Mossy Oak Advantage Realtree Night Vision ablative (O.D. checker) German flecktar Swiss alpenflage Snow Camouflage (all types) The class D uniform is optional and use is suggested to be limited to those situations where they may be reasonably used. Since Indiana is in a temperate climate zone, there will be appropriate times for the use of snow camouflage, as well as other types. Desert pattern is not usable in our states outdoors and if a member has this clothing it is recommended that the use of it be limited to informal meetings. Under no circumstances will unnatural color combinations be allowed for BDUs such as red/yellow/orange/blue/purple or other loud colors associated with street camouflage or Gucci-flage. We are not making a fashion statement and your monies are best spent on more important items.
The Indiana Militia Corps is divided into five (5) Brigades. Headquarters brigade has (7) seven counties divided into two Regiments; all other brigades have three regiments of at least 20 counties. Each Battalion (county) will have at least two Companies. The primary level of organization is the county. Organized counties will organize the regiments; the regiments will organize the brigades.
Brigade Commander:
Leads IMC Brigades in support of Constitutional authority. Assists Senior Brigade Commander in implementing core mission objectives. Maintain focus, visit Regimental and Battalion (county) units, coordinate operations between Regiments, develop training materials, provide leadership, meet every 4-6 months with other BDE Commanders for Leadership Muster. Establishes IMC operating procedures with the Senior Brigade Commander.
Rank: Colonel
Public spokesperson for the militia, Develop recruiting programs & ideas, literature, assist brigade commanders in presenting the militia to the public in a favorable manner.
Rank: Lt. Colonel G-5 / Captain S-5 / 1Lt. C-5
Communications [Staff]
Develop and maintain the militias communications network, assist internet manager in developing computer communications, collaborate with training officer in radio communications training and use of equipment
Rank: Lt. Colonel G-6 / Captain S-6 / 1Lt. C-6
Adjutant/Personnel [Staff]
Maintain the necessary records of militia units and provide for the recording of the minutes of official meetings, assist the Internet, Public Affairs and Training officers in disseminating official militia publications, training materials etc. to units in their operational area, assist in recruiting efforts.
Rank: Lt. Colonel G-1 / Captain S-1 / 1Lt . C-1
Regiment Commander:
Leads IMC Regiments in support of Constitutional authority. Assists Brigade Commander in implementing mission objectives. Maintain focus, visit Battalion/Company units, meet every 23 months with other regimental commanders, develop and supervise
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Platoon Leader:
Implement tasks and objectives as given by the Company Commander; Train, Inspect, Recruit. Maintain platoon readiness.
Rank: 2nd Lieutenant.
Brigade/Regiment Chaplains:
Visit units, help Militia members keep their perspective and minister to their spiritual needs. (Non-denominational) Chaplains typically perform the Invocation and Prayer at the beginning of meetings. It is also a tradition in the Militia to read Psalms 91 before any field operation begins.
Rank: Captain
Platoon SGT:
Implement tasks and objectives as given by the 1st Sgt., Train, Inspect, Recruit. Maintain platoon readiness.
Rank: Plt.Sgt.
Squad Leader:
Train, inspect, recruit. Maintain readiness of squad and follow the direction of the Platoon Sgt.
Rank: Sergeant
Company Commander:
Maintain focus, train, inspect, assist Regiment Cdr. In recruiting & forming new units, provide leadership, maintain Company readiness at all times, Lead from the front.
Rank: Captain
NOTE: All Militia members should give careful thought and consideration to the selection of its leaders, as the well-being and the public image of the entire Militia depends upon it! Leadership positions at all levels are voluntary and elected. There is no pay, no glory, no privilege, no special advantage, just hard work and responsibility. If a position is accepted, remember for whom and what you will be responsible to and for! If you do not have a leadership position, be supportive, learn and work for the good of your unit; your turn is coming!
1st SGT:
Assist Company Cdr., conduct administrative matters as delegated to him by the Company Commander, inspect units, be prepared to assume the duties of the Company Cdr. in the event of disability or other impairment. Set the example.
Rank: 1Sgt
Typical Unit
Outline Muster
2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Pre-meeting member contact Unit commander, 1st Sgt or Brigade/Regiment clerk will contact members and advise them they are being called to muster at D-date, H-hour. Roll call of members present. Opening Unit commander A. Formation (unit will fall in) B. Invocation Chaplain C. Pledge of Allegiance (all rise) - Chaplain or unit Cdr. Introduction of Guests 1SGT Enlistment of New Members Unit Cdr. OLD BUSINESS 1SG NEW BUSINESS 1SG Coffee Break (Chat) - Unit Cdr. MAIN TOPIC(S) A. Briefing Unit Cdr. B. Training Instructor RETREAT of Muster unit Cdr. A. Next Muster a. date b. time c. location d. special instructions B. Benediction C. Dismissal
1. Pre-meeting Commanders contact Commanding officer will contact peers and advise them they are being called to muster at D-date, Hhour. 2. Invocation / Prayer 3. Pledge of Allegiance (Flag Required) 4. Roll call of members present. 5. SITREP by each Brigade/Regiment/Battalion. 6. Old Business 7. New Business 8. Summary of above; assignment of tasks. S-1, S-2, S-3, S-4. 9. Arrangement for next meeting a. date b. time c. location d. special details 10. Close (benediction) NOTE 1: These will be working sessions; be prepared to represent all Militia members in your area of responsibility (area of operations). The hosting and conducting of these meetings will be rotated. NOTE 2: All commanders must make sure that the results of these meetings are passed on to their units and members ASAP. NOTE 3: All commanders should bring their clerk, adjutant or another available member in good standing who can take notes and minutes of the meeting.
NOTE: This unit muster agenda plan should ensure the most effective use of time, and will help keep the meeting focused on Militia objectives. In the absence of this plan during peacetime, the basic guidelines of Roberts Rules of Order may be substituted as a guide.
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Members 13 A. B. C. 6-8 A. B.
C. 13+ A. B. C. Members 13
Original Unit (A Co.) Meet bi-monthly Keep Focused!! Everyone bring one recruit to next meeting. Elect Company Cdr & 1SG Ensure understanding of General Orders and Instructions for Militia Swear in new members at next meeting. Elect Platoon Sergeant & Squad Leader. Stay Focused on recruitment and training Begin training cycles for unit.
Once a Battalion has six companies, it can expand the number of platoons and squads in these companies to whatever size is necessary to accommodate new members. If units are larger, they require more frequent training to be functional and they may be difficult to coordinate with other units.
New Company (B Co.) A. Choose temporary Commander for new Co. B. All recruiting efforts go to new company. C. Original unit goes to full training status. ** (20-30 members) D. Original unit begins meeting monthly. NEW COMPANY A. Elect Company Cdr & 1SG B. Ensure understanding of General Orders & Instructions for Militia C. Swear in new members. NEW COMPANY A. Elect Platoon Sergeants and Squad Leaders. B. Stay Focused on recruitment & organizing. C. Begin training cycles for new unit.
The topics presented are only examples. Train in as many areas as possible, and allow smaller units to specialize in certain skills (such as radio communications, medic / EMT, long range patrol, etc.). Prioritize your training with the above mission in mind. As a minimum, militia members must be able to safely & responsibly handle Arms and be able to muster with minimum required supplies, and be able to function in the field. See gear list.
Sergeant [SGT]
Major [MAJ]
Minuteman [MIN]
Bde/Rgt and Battalion ID Tapes: Worn directly above the left shirt pocket and should be olive drab color with black lettering. The top id tape should read #/# Rgt to indicate Brigade & Regiment numbers. The Battalion nametape should have the name of the county as completely spelled as space permits. Personal Name ID Tape: The personal nametape is worn above the right BDU shirt pocket. It should be olive drab color with black lettering. Rank insignia: Placed on the BDU collar and aligned perpendicular (900) to the edge. Insignia placed on a shoulder epaulet (such as a BDU field jacket) are placed perpendicular to the shoulder seam at the bottom end of the epaulet. ID Tags (recommended): Two tags should be made with each tag placed in a tag silencer and/or taped together with olive drab hunting tape. A red medical-alert tag should be worn by every militiaman indicating blood type and all known allergies/drug interactions that should be avoided. ID Tag: DOE, JOHN Q. IMC 1/3 HAMILTON PROTESTANT DOB 30-FEB-50 (this line optional) Medical Tag: DOE, JOHN Q. A POSITIVE ALLERGIC TO PENICILLIN DIABETES, PACEMAKER
CONTINENTAL MILITIA Patch: Similar to the Betsy Ross flag, it is worn on the right pocket of the BDU uniform or in place of the US flag on the dress uniform.
Gear Checklist
NOTE: All gear, clothing, and arms must be subdued to blend in with the natural surroundings of your environment. There must be NO shiny surfaces, bright or fluorescent colors, noisy (loose & rattling) parts, or other items that may give away your position in the field. For more information, refer BASIC PATROL GEAR 1. ARMS A. RIFLE (standard military calibers): .223, .308 cal., 7.62x39mm, 7.62x51, etc. B. SHOTGUN: 12 gauge C. PISTOL:.45 cal, .40 cal, 9mm, 9x18 "Tokarev", etc. 2. UNIFORM / CLOTHING A. FATIGUES/"BDUs" (2 sets) (appropriate to season & terrain) B. T-SHIRTS (O.D., Blk, Camo, "Army brown") - 2 sets C. UNDERWEAR (Loose fitting) (subdued colors as above) D. SOCKS (heavy duty wool blend) - 3 pair E. BOOTS (appropriate to season) F. GLOVES (DARK - No Bright Colors) G. HEADGEAR (Ranger cap, balaclava, helmet, knit cap, bandanna) H. UNIFORM INSIGNIA (See insignia placement chart) - American flag, nametape, IMC nametape, unit patch, rank, etc. J. MEDICAL TAG / DOG TAGS (should list medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, allergies [type of allergy], and any relevant info. Dog tags should list name, unit, birthdate, religion.) LIGHT PACK A.L.I.C.E. / LOAD BEARING VEST A. 1QT. WATER CANTEEN x2 (2 quarts min.) or CAMELBACK-style hydration system. B. EQUIPMENT BELT, Keepers, Sidearm Holster. C. FOOD: 3 DAY SUPPLY (2 meals a day), protein, starch, sugar, carbohydrates. D. TOILET PAPER (half-roll or compressed roll in waterproof/damp-proof bag) E. SPARE CLOTHING ITEMS (items A-D for #2, especially D.) F. PERSONAL HYGIENE KIT a. Small camp-towel or sponge and Washcloth, OD green or brown color b. Small soap, camp toothbrush, razor c. Feminine hygiene items for women d. Water purification tablets (purifier/filter preferred) e. Bug repellent f. Face Paint kit (tube or compac) G. PERSONAL UTILITY KIT a. Waterproof matches, Magnesium firestarter b. OD cord, 20-50 feet c. extra bootlaces d. flexible metal wire OR 20 yards of 20lb clear fishing line e. Small pocket notebook and Pencil or Pen f. Small spool of black electrical tape g. Small spool of olive drab, black or camo Cloth Tape h. Angleneck flashlight or Mag-light with red & blue filters j. Pocket Bible H. PERSONAL FIRST AID KIT a. 2-4 compresses (1 in kit, others carried elsewhere on LBV) b. Band-Aids, antiseptic (iodine, povidone), burn cream c. Aspirin, other painkiller, sinus & flu tablets, anti-diarrheal tablets. d. Personal / prescription medication e. Chap-stick, sunburn preventative cream or paste, Vaseline. J. TACTICAL COMM GEAR (Personal in-unit radio)
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M-17-type "GAS" MASK (Must be certified for safe NBC protective use) A. SPARE FILTER(s), recent manufacture B. ANTI-FOG TREATMENT RAIN GEAR A. PONCHO or B. GORETEX Parka & Pants FIELD TOOLS A. KNIFE or BAYONET B. SHOVEL or E-TOOL C. SWISS ARMY LEATHERMAN AMMO, POUCHES OR BANDOLEER A. RIFLE: 200 to 300rds (M-16 mag pouch carries 3-30rd mags) B. SHOTGUN: 100rds C. PISTOL: 150rds D. WEAPONS CLEANING KIT (Should contain everything necessary for long arms & pistol, cleaning fluid, patches, brush & pick for cleaning carbon deposits, etc)
NOTE: LIGHTNESS AND COMPACTNESS ARE VITAL; REMEMBER, YOU MUST CARRY IT. Think about two or three team members sharing some items; try to make your load as light and compact as possible. Some items may be substituted for the items on this list, particularly where technology offers better options, such as a "Gore-Tex" parka in place of a poncho, "Gore-Tex" footwear, Kevlar helmet in place of a steel helmet. Buy what you can afford now; upgrade your gear as time and finances allow. Buy quality gear now so you don't have equipment failures later. The next section covers items which will be necessary for long-term field operations, as it is assumed that once a "bug-out" occurs, you will NOT be able to return home. There are two types of longterm gear; the first is your "home pack" which contains essentials that are needed for bivouacs of more than three days. The second is your "ready bag" which contains gear that you would not carry with you everywhere but would need to bring along in the event of an extended "bug-out". This typically includes seasonal wear such as thermal winter clothing, snow camo, winter boots, summer clothing, summer boots, and other seasonal supplies such as sunburn preventative paste or insect repellent. AGAIN, EMPHASIS IS ON KEEPING WEIGHT TO A MINIMUM!! HOME PACK Items with an asterisk (*) can be shared by several persons (unit gear). 1. EXPEDITION-SIZE BACKPACK (Commercial or Military; OD, Black, Camo) A. External-frame pack (less expensive, less comfortable) (i.e.: ALICE) B. Internal-frame pack (more expensive, more comfortable)(i.e.: Military CFP-90) ALL-SEASON SHELTER SYSTEM (choose one only) A. Tent with roof fly and floor tarp (individual or multi-occupant*) B. Bivy Bag sleeping system - waterproof (Goretex). See 3B. ALL-SEASON SLEEPING BAG SYSTEM (choose one only) A. Nesting commercial sleeping bag system with a combined rating of 30 to 40 below zero. B. Military "FTRSS" with Wiggy Bag, fleece liner & Goretex outer bag, rated to 40 below. SIDEBAND RADIO SYSTEM & POWER SOURCE * A. 10-Meter ham radio, including "CB" channels or marine band radio B. 2-Meter ham radio (greater radiated signal but less common) C. Solar battery charger for Ni-Cad batteries
SQUAD / PLATOON FIELD MEDICAL KIT * A. waterproof tape B. antibiotic ointment C. hydrogen peroxide D. forceps, clamps E. tweezers F. bee sting extractor G. snake bite kit H. alcohol prep pads J. commercial & prescription painkillers K. individual prescription medicines (reserve) L. field dressings (all sizes) M. iodine N. latex gloves, finger cots, masks P. EMT shears Q. scalpels, suture kits R. Band-Aids S. roller bandages, ACE bandages. VISION & RECORDING GEAR A. Camera & film * B. Binoculars or monocular C. Night Vision goggles * HANDHELD LONG-LIFE WATER PURIFICATION DEVICE* (& spare filter element) MESS GEAR A. Lightweight mess kit including pot, pan, plate, cup. B. Eating utensils C. Pack stove & fuel tabs D. One week supply of rations or survival bars (minimum) EXTRA PERSONAL HYGIENE GEAR A. Toilet paper, extra rolls, flattened or folded B. Nail clippers C. Foot powder D. "No-rinse" shampoo and soap E. Spare razors SEWING / REPAIR KIT A. Needles, various sizes (including at least one heavy-duty needle) B. Thread: Black, OD, dark brown, Tan, White. C. Miniature scissors (high quality scissors available at medical or hobby supply shops) D. pins (straight and safety) E. Extra BDU Buttons (OD, Black, White) SPECIAL NEEDS PACK (Infant / Child) for WM's A. Diapers & Wipes (Cloth diapers are reusable after washing) B. A&D ointment C. Medications, lotions D. Formula & bottles E. Chest harness F. Pacifiers, toys G. Baby food (jars) H. Powder, soap, shampoo J. Blankets, clothes
7. 8.
(LONG-TERM DUFFEL) (contains items that are seasonal and may be cached)
HALF-DOZEN SETS OF BRIEFS, T-SHIRTS & SOCKS These items should be changed daily in summer and washed as necessary. In winter, changing and washing may be much less frequent as temperatures dictate. 1 OR 2 SETS OF SUMMERWEIGHT (LIGHTWEIGHT RIPSTOP COTTON) BDU's The BDU's in the Home Pack are heavyweight NYCO BDUs. The summerweight cotton is lighter and more breathable. WINTER CLOTHING SYSTEM (ECWCS) A. Gore-Tex parka & pants, "bear suit", polypropylene long johns B. Winterweight insulated boots, waterproof C. Polypropylene socks, glove liners, & gloves D. Extreme cold weather face protection E. "Snow camo" parka shell & pants shell, white pack cover F. Extra set of polypro long johns G. Cold weather helmet liner (will fit both steel pot & kevlar helmets)
The exhaustive list above represents all the items that may be used by a "fully-equipped" militiaman. Below is a SHORT list of basic equipment needed by all personnel. This doesnt include items considered as "shared gear": CONDENSED CHECKLIST: ESSENTIAL ITEMS PER MC-06 (Logistics) A. Individual Items needed for basic readiness, in order of importance: (1) Rifle / ammo (minimum 300 rds) / cleaning kit / lube (2) Load bearing harness or LBV / patrol pack / canteens (2qt min) (3) Boots (high quality only), socks, 2 sets BDU (4) Rain Gear / sleeping gear / bivvy shelter (5) First aid kit and misc. supplies (6) Sheath knife or bayonet, leatherman tool, entrenching tool (7) Compass, mini-flashlight with red, blue lenses (8) Leather rifleman gloves, 550 cord or rope (9) Hygiene kit, mess gear & eating utensils (stainless only) (10) NBC protective gear, gas mask, breathing filters (11) Handheld multi-band tactical commo, spare batteries B. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Small unit Items needed for basic readiness, in order of importance: Man-portable long-range multi-band tactical commo Water Filter Fire starting gear Spare batteries Binoculars or monocular / Night Vision Gear
Other items not mentioned but critical are: Backpack (Home Pack), Ready Bag & Food rations. 3 days food (at all times, on your person); 1 week food (in ready bag or home pack) 1 Clean, presentable and proper Uniform (inspection grade - pressed and all insignia in place) (Ideally, a second uniform may be used for field operations.)
Enlistment Procedures
All applicants must meet the following: 1. New membership prospects should attend a minimum of two or three meetings, or be vouched for by two (2) active members before being admitted into any unit. 2. For safety, substance abuse will not be tolerated at all. Anyone with a substance abuse problem will not be admitted until they have sought professional guidance and have been successfully treated for their addiction. 3. Applicants must demonstrate that they have no felony criminal record. For ease of enlistment, a valid and current Indiana handgun carry permit will suffice, but other methods of positive proof such as a constables endorsement shall be accepted. 4. Enlistee must be willing to take their oath/affirmation on their Bible (whatever version that may be) in the name of our Creator. Refer to the Indiana Militia Corps Religious Freedom statement. 5. Enlistee must agree to live by the principles of our colonial American heritage, namely, that all mankind is made by our Creator as equals. Disqualifying factors can include but are not limited to membership in the KKK, NBP or other racist organizations. Individuals who promote racist ideology are not welcome in the Indiana Militia. 6. Applicant takes Enlistment Oath in the presence of at least two witnesses who are active members (in good standing) of the Indiana Militia Corps, and upon the administering of this oath/affirmation Applicant shall sign
his/her Enlistment document. This document shall be signed by the witnesses present. The original copy goes back to the new member for their personal records. Two file copies are retained by the local unit and by the state adjutant.
Personnel Transfers
Sometimes members of the Militia are required to move away from the places they call home, and make a new homestead somewhere in an area that they are unfamiliar with, either because of job changes or even personal tragedy. This procedure is designed to insure that the militiaman is transferred to a unit in the new community thereby preventing the loss of members to the overall militia organization. Transfers from one unit to another, like those typically associated with a change of residence, require militia members to complete the following steps: 1. Contact new unit commander. 2. Attend official meeting of new unit or meet with the new units commander in person. 3. Obtain letter of detachment from commander of old unit. This will include a copy of the members membership record including signed oath of enlistment, etc. 4. New commander signs letter of detachment acknowledging transfer and accepts member into new unit. 5. Letter of detachment is returned to old unit. New unit retains the member records of transferee,
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which were sent with the letter of detachment. Note: Members should always keep an original copy, if possible, of their membership records including their oath of enlistment, training records, transfers, and other important papers. Do not be concerned about the possession of papers for you have an inalienable Right to be secure in your papers and other possessions. This Right cannot be taken away, legislated out of existence, et cetera. See Militia Goals, page 3. After these steps are completed the new unit commander will issue to the member his attachment papers (one copy on file with the units clerk), and the appropriate unit insignia if available. Members must use the chain of command of the unit to which they are attached. Transfer Difficulties & Their Alternatives A member may be allowed to move to a different ops-area and remain under the command of his/her original unit provided that the member is still able to attend meetings and train with their original unit. If a member moves away from their original unit and distances prohibit participation in that unit, their options are to: 1. Transfer to another unit. 2. Become a staff member of the next higher echelon, i.e. someone who leaves their regiment may attach to the brigade staff. This requires the approval of the Commander to whom that staff is affiliated, and
the ability to perform the duties of that staff position. 3. If the above options are not doable, then the member may apply for status as a militiaman atlarge and shall be assigned to staff-type functions as directed by the senior Brigade commander & state staff. 4. If none of the above options are possible, then the member may wish to consider voluntary separation from the Indiana Militia Corps until at such time they are able to participate in one of the above capacities. Note: If attachment to a unit is inadvisable because of personnel problems such as personality conflict, it will be the responsibility of the next higher commander to provide guidance, direction, or arbitration as needed, using the alternatives above as a final resort.
Intelligence Gathering
The SALUTE procedure is used to obtain and report any information you receive, both as a first-hand observer and as a second-hand messenger. Be very thorough in identifying specific details. The accuracy of information may be a life-or-death matter. Size - Note the type and number of soldiers or enemy combatants in the unit or head count relating to the number of people being affected or assembled. (WHO, HOW MANY) Activity - What are they doing? Can you determine what their mission is? Where are they going? Where did they come from? (WHAT, WHY)
Location - Identify your / their specific location by your 6 or 8 digit grid coordinate. Be safe - Double-check the coordinate! (WHERE) Uniform - What type of uniform are they wearing? Pattern, Insignia, temperature rating, etc., can tell a lot about who they are. Be sure to look at the style and color of the helmet, too. Time - Note the time and date you observed them. How long were they there? How quickly did they assemble / depart? (WHEN) Equipment - What type of gear are they carrying, and can their mission be determined by it, or the type of unit they are? (i.e.: combat engineer battalion.) Rifle? Long range pack? Vehicles? Armor? Look for distinguishing marks on vehicles & armor. Be sure to write down as many details as possible. (HOW) SALUTE can be used in conjunction with the Backwash Procedure to verify any intelligence you receive. Carry a notebook in your gear to document your observations at the time of occurrence. It is also good to carry a camera, and is probably one of the best ways to document information. Another important observation to make concerning the actions of the soldiers under observation: How do they behave? Do they move efficiently or casually? Do they salute to leaders? Are they moving quickly / hurriedly? Is the unit moving in a tight or loose formation? Attention to details will greatly assist those who are responsible for analyzing the intelligence after it has been gathered.
5. Why were you told, why did it happen, why is it important, is it relevant, why should it be believed, or why not? 6. How was it done; fast/slow, in the open, covertly, with help, alone, with planning, incidentally, for what purpose? If the information / report "washes", pass it on with care and a disclaimer that it appears to be "Good Information". The receiver will Backwash it as well. If it does NOT "wash", KILL IT!! If by chance it was "Good Information", it will resurface elsewhere and come back in a verifiable manner. It is better to be patient and wait for good information than to waste our time, resources, and manpower on bad info, or let something/someone cause us to do so. When info & reports do not "wash", be sure to go back to your "source" and have them conduct a "Backwash". If they can't wash it, they go back to their source, and so on, until the problem is identified. A "Backwash Operation" can be conducted anywhere, and can be done in real-time, such as when you are listening to someone speaking (i.e., at seminars) or over the phone. Just use the 5WH guideline. You can also consider the following, also using the 5WH, but without falling into the trap of speculation: * Was SALUTE procedure used? (p.22) * Message fragments should be disregarded. * Is the report/information/message time sensitive? * Is there a chain of custody concerning who handled this info?
* Is there a solid reason to distrust the source from which the report came from? * Is your unit under an alert? * Has communications security been compromised? These parameters may assist you in conducting a Backwash Operation. Do not limit yourself to these considerations, but remain vigilant to other relevant situational factors. Most of all use Backwash Procedure to help maintain your perspective.
officer is not only obligated to immediately terminate that membership, but to report it to appropriate law officers in their operations area. Exceptions to this would be where the law is not a law, as defined by Indiana Code, Title 1, Art. 1, Chapter 2, Sec. 1:
Laws Governing the State (IC 1-1-2-1)
mission objectives (without cause), or militia goals. This may include a vote of no-confidence by a quorum of the unit. Progressive Discipline Steps: 1. Informal, verbal counseling; no notation shall be made to adjutant. 2. Formal verbal counseling; notation in member record. 3. Written warning to member with a copy going to the adjutant. 4. Formal censure; copy to adjutant, and 6 to 12 months probation for the member. If member fails to achieve satisfactory self-discipline again after the probationary period expires, the unit commander may return to step 3 or 4 depending on the nature of the problem. 5. Discharge procedures initiated against member. Members cannot and shall not be disciplined for refusing an improper order. If a member is disciplined in such instances, he/she shall have redress through the senior Brigade commander and state staff or the assembly of all Brigade commanders. A Board of Inquiry and Review shall be used in all instances where a member is disciplined where steps 4 & 5 are used, and where a commanders discretion is questioned as having violated General Orders and Instructions for Militia, Indiana Militia mission objectives (without just cause), or militia goals. The discipline policy will be used solely for reformation, not for retribution or vindictive justice.
The law governing this state is declared to be: 1. The Constitution of the United States and of this state. 2. All statutes of the general assembly of the state in force, and not inconsistent with such constitutions. 3. All statutes of the United States in force, and relating to subjects over which congress has power to legislate for the states, and not inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States. 4. The common law of England, and statutes of the British Parliament made in aid thereof prior to the fourth year of the reign of James the First (except the second section of the sixth chapter of forty-third Elizabeth, the eighth chapter of thirteenth Elizabeth, and the ninth chapter of thirty-seventh Henry the Eighth,) and which are of a general nature, not local to that kingdom, and not inconsistent with the first, second and third specifications of this section. (Formerly: Acts 1852,1RS, c.61, s.1.) However, if the commanding officer abuses their discretionary power, they may subject themselves to disciplinary action including but not limited to removal from command. Commanders can be disciplined for failure to uphold their responsibilities as well. This includes issuing orders that contradict General Orders and Instructions for Militia, Indiana Militia
presentment of two credible witnesses and/or physical documentation/evidence. A sworn and witnessed affidavit may be accepted in lieu of a witness. 7. Boards shall be responsible for judging appeals for redress from unjust discharges. 8. An accused has the right to prepare their defense, seek discovery of charges, evidence & witnesses; including specifics regarding charges, and may obtain peer counsel. An accused also reserves the Right to be judged by his/her peers, people who know the accused well. In cases where the accused has just transferred to a new unit, he/she reserves the Right to be judged by the members of the old unit. 9. Boards of Inquiry will not be used as a Rubber Stamp for actions taken by commanders. They shall uphold all militia procedures and standards, and shall judge the rules as well as the facts. 10. No member of a board of inquiry shall serve as a panelist for a board in an appeal on the same issue. 11. In all other matters where the rules of militia operation and conduct are not covered, a Board of Inquiry & Review shall use the Indiana Constitution and American Bill of Rights as a guide. 12. Boards of Inquiry shall be open to all members and witnesses.
Discharge proceedings will always follow due process and the practice of the common law and Constitutionally enumerated protections, which include but are not limited to: Innocent until proven otherwise. Right to a fair & speedy trial. Right to confront accusers. Right to discovery of charges and all evidence in the matter. Right to prepare to speak for ones own defense in all matters. Right to be judged impartially by a panel of ones peers. Right to not be compelled to act as a witness against ones self. The Right to counsel and favorable witness testimony. All discharge proceedings shall be conducted openly and not in secret; and shall address matters that only pertain to militia business. Personal contracts, agreements, or covenants between members shall not be considered as subject matter except in certain cases where the controversy directly interferes with militia activity. Discharge proceedings shall commence only upon the completion of a Board of Inquiry in those cases where a discharge is not summary in nature. When discharges are initiated, members who are not involved in these proceedings shall act as witnesses; preferably members from other Regiments or Brigades (1 witness each). Where an involuntary dischargee wishes to rejoin, a majority quorum vote of the unit he/she wishes to join is required, except in cases of felonious discharges.
2. At what level does the problem exist? (Check all that apply) CO BN BDE STATEWIDE
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5. Has any attempt been made to remedy the problem at the unit level? Yes No If yes, briefly state what was done and the results.
6. How does the problem affect unit recruiting, training and organizing?