Ways To: Supercharge
Ways To: Supercharge
Ways To: Supercharge
Ways to
your Life with
It is a wonderful feeling to
feel inspired!
It feels like time has stopped, as you stand still and take a deep
breath of awe and observe yourself in the process of creating.
You seek inspiration but there is none to be easily found. You attempt to
motivate yourself constantly but the energy of trying to stay motivated
is difficult to maintain.
1. Breathe In
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If you become aware of your breath when you get stressed out, you
will see that it is shallow and fast. You get so focused on the problem
that you find it difficult to take in life in the entirety.
You forget to breathe deeply and take it all in. You forget to imbibe and
absorb the magic of the moment. It is very hard to be inspired when you
are caught up with past regrets or future worries.
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What do
love to
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4. Allow it by letting it go
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Neuroscience tells us that the conscious mind can only process 40 to 100 bits/
second of information at any given time but the sub-conscious mind is able to
process a much greater amount of information all at once.
Set up triggers and cues that point towards your final destination, that
depict you as achieving excellence. Then immerse yourself in the task and
engage in some deep, deliberate practice at the edge of your comfort level till
you master a segment.
6. Synchronicities
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showing that
the best from students and from
athletes actually makes them
perform better.
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When you join or form a mastermind group, you create accountability and
support in your life. This camaraderie translates into the form of a
support system and inspiration when you are trying to catch up with the
rest of the mastermind group.
Action tip: Join a mastermind group to increase your inspiration and to
radically increase your accountability.
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ossi via Flickr
Aneeye | Aneesh
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exfordy via
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Jenny downing
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