DSE Placement Bottomline - 2012

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Recruitment Guide 2011 - 12

DSE-Economics Placement Cell

Department of Economics

Delhi School of Economics

University of Delhi

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About n

DSE from Head - Department of Economics from Director - Delhi School of Economics Programme

04 06 07 08 10 12 13 14 20 for Development Economics 24 28 30 32 33 34 36 37 39 40

Message n Message n

The Masters n Course n Student n

Paper Listing Evaluation Infrastructure

Academic n Faculty n Alumni n

The Centre n Student n


Our Strengths n Why n Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics ? take on us.. on Campus Process

Recruiters n Recruiters n Placement n Summer n Final n

and Final Placement

Placement Form Placement Form

Summer n

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about dse

The Delhi School of Economics was conceived in 1948 as a centre for higher learning and research in social sciences. Through the years, it has grown to become the premier institute in India for advanced study and research in Economics. Driven by an experienced and highly qualified faculty, aided by a dynamic curriculum and state-of-the-art academic infrastructure, the institute offers its students a course at par with the best in the world. The structure of the course as well as the academic rigour imparted ensure that the students of the Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics are wellequipped with the analytical skills and the temperament required for grappling with the complex issues they would face in their chosen fields. The emphasis on clear and independent thought and logical reasoning ensures that the students of the Delhi School of Economics are capable of succeeding in a wide variety of organizations in diverse sectors of the economy, making a difference where it matters the most - to the BottomLinE.

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This is no ordinary temple of learning. For many of us who have devoted our lives to the study and pursuit of Economics, this is the ultimate sanctum sanctorum of Indian Economics. For generations young men and women have dreamt of being here..... Dr. Manmohan Singh
Honourable Prime Minister, India Honorary Professor, Delhi School of Economics

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Message from the

Head of the Department

It is a pleasure to welcome you to the Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics, for Placements 2011-12. The Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics is one of the premier post graduate institutions in the country and is well-known for its emphasis on academic excellence. It applies stringent selection procedures to admit the best students from all over India. The students are rigorously trained in the theoretical and applied aspects of economics. They are thus well-equipped to handle analytical as well as quantitative issues that help them to meet the challenges of academia as well as the public and corporate sectors. The Department thus selects the best, trains the best and produces the best budding economists in the country. The Placement Cell of the Department of Economics is now in its thirteenth year. In the past few years, the placement rate has been close to 100 percent. The success of the Placement Cell can be attributed to the synergy and interface between the Department and the corporate sector, and the fact that the skill set and domain knowledge of our students are much sought after in the corporate world. It is indeed noteworthy and remarkable that our students have carved a niche for themselves in various spheres. They have been placed in diverse areas such as economic and financial research and analysis, business and risk analytics, banking, sales and marketing, consultancy, publishing and the media. I am confident that the partnership between the Department and the industry will strengthen further and that we can look forward to a mutually rewarding placement exercise.

Prof. Pami Dua

Head Department of Economics Delhi School of Economics
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Message from the

It gives me great pleasure to know that the Placement Cell of the Department of Economics is celebrating the 13th year of its existence. It started with a modest beginning but today it takes pride in placing almost all its members in enviable positions in corporate bodies. Delhi School of Economics is widely known as a centre for academic excellence having three departments under it namely, Economics, Sociology and Geography. The Masters training in Economics is considered probably the best in this country and favourably compares with leading institutions in the world. Given the disciplined, rigorous training students get here, I am not surprised that these students carry a premium in the job market in comparison to their peers. We plan to revamp the infrastructure of the School in the future which will help the Placement Cell to attain its objectives even better. I wish the Placement Cell and its office bearers all the best and hope that it will reach greater heights in future.

Prof. Santosh C. Panda

Director Delhi School of Economics

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P r o g r a m m e
The Masters Programme in Economics at the Delhi School of Economics is regarded as one of the best in Asia. The hallmark of the institute is the dynamic curriculum offered, that is continuously reviewed and updated by the faculty in line with the changing trends in the global economy. This ensures that the students are exposed to the latest developments in economics. Regular interactions with visiting faculty from prestigious institutions across the world, through guest lectures and seminars, form an integral part of the programme. Admission to the programme takes place on the basis of a rigorous written examination that tests the students' knowledge of economic fundamentals. The test is taken by students from across the country, with only the top 10 per cent being finally selected into the programme. The programme is spread out over a period of two years, and comprises four semesters. Each student is required to undertake six compulsory and nine elective courses. The system of electives allows students to choose the discipline they wish to specialize in. Each elective serves as an independent module and a group of electives can be taken to form a specialization. Students are also imparted training in the use of specialized econometric software, which enhances the students' analytical skills, enabling them to apply their theoretical knowledge better and carry out independent research. A system of internal evaluation involving regular tests and term papers fosters academic discipline and independent thought.

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The Masters degree programme attempts to develop a perspective for an intelligent understanding and interpretation of economic problems, and to impart training in combining the analytical framework and empirical evidence in an integrated fashion by drawing on the tool box of micro and macro economic analysis, statistical and econometric techniques as well as economic history. An attempt is made to transmit a general method of approaching problems with the following interrelated elements. a) b) c) d) Analytical description of the problem; Conceptualization of the problem by abstracting crucial features with reference to the development process; Search for an approximate analytical framework/model which best approximates the conceptualization Relevance and adequacy of the selected model with reference to the empirical evidence and discussion of policies in the light of the analytical framework. The idea is to equip the students to analytically handle other problems that they may be confronted with during their professional careers as Economic Analysts.

Late Prof. S.D. Tendulkar

Former Chairman of the Prime Ministers Economic Advisory Council and Professor, Delhi School of Economics

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Course Paper Listing

Microeconomics n Macroeconomics n The hallmark of this programme is the variety of electives offered. Infact, the number of electives taught is unmatched by any other Masters programme in the country. Although each elective is an independent and self-contained module, a particular set of electives can constitute a specialization package. Introductory n Introductory n Economic n Markets, n Growth Mathematical Economics Econometrics

Choice n Social n

Theory Trade

Choice Theory

International n Income, n Open n Topics n

Macroeconomics Employment & Fluctuations Macroeconomics Theory and Policy Macroeconomics the Early Modern International Dynamic n

Development and Policy in India

Institutions and Economic

Economy Macroeconomics in Macroeconomic Theory

Monetary n Empirical n India and n Economy Labour n

Microeconomics Mathematical n General n Game n Game n Topics n Economics Equilibrium Theory

Economic History

Theory I Theory II of Uncertainty in Economic Theory

Markets in a Historical Perspective Financial System, 1850-1975

Economics n

International n

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Indian n

Business & Entrepreneurial History

Applied n

Welfare Economics of Regulation

Industrial n

Organization in Historical Perspective Issues in Historical

Economics n

Contemporary n Perspective Topics n

Development Economics Population n Economics n Labour n Trade n & Development of Education and Health

in Economic and Social History , 1700-1975

Economics and Development Management in Developing

Econometric Methods and Applications Econometric n Applied n Time n Methods Multivariate Statistics Methods and Applications

and Development

Environment n Countries Topics n

Macroeconomic n

Series Analysis Production Analysis Consumption Analysis Modelling for Policy Analysis

Forecasting n Applied n Applied n Topics n

in Development Economics the World Economy Location & Infrastructure Development

India in n

Transport, n

Structural n

Comparative n

in Econometrics

Industrial and Agricultural Economics Industrial n Industrial n Indian n Organization Economy of India Theory of the Firm

Finance: Theory, Institutions & Modelling Corporate n Finance n Financial n Finance Theory Markets of Financial Markets

Economic n

Agriculture: Incentives & Decision Making Agriculture: Markets, Institutions & Technology in Agricultural Economics

Econometrics n

Indian n

Public Policy: Theory and Institutions Public n Public n Economics I Economics II Economics Economics Economics

Topics n General Ethics n Issues n Issues n

Environmental n Law and n Energy n Resource n

and Economics in Economic Systems and Institutions in the History of Economic Analysis of Discrimination
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Economics n

Student Evaluation
The tutorial system is a unique feature of the Masters programme at the Delhi School of Economics. It involves personal interaction of a small group of students with a member of the faculty involved with the particular course. This is instrumental in building the fundamental base of the students and also enables them to voice their queries and opinions.

The programme is structured in a manner that ensures continuous evaluation of students - making them thorough with their concepts and instilling a strong work ethic. The process includes a system of internal assessment based on regular mid-semester tests and tutorial assignments as well as term papers, besides the end-of-semester examinations. There are also computer assignments in relevant courses. The emphasis is on inculcating a problem solving approach among the students, instilling in them an ability to understand the basics and improvise on the ideas imbibed during the course duration. This enhances their conceptual and analytical reasoning powers.

Term Papers
Term papers are an integral part of the evaluation process in several courses. They are an important value addition to the students' understanding of the subjects. a) Application of theory Application of an appropriate analytical framework, along with empirical evidence, is a sure test of the students' understanding of the concepts at hand. The emphasis is on approaching issues with new perspectives, in-depth analysis of current and potential scenarios, providing probable solutions. Empirical analysis is carried out using highly advanced econometric packages, which creates the interface between theory and applications. b) Teamwork Students generally form groups to present term papers. This approach incorporates a spirit of teamwork and knowledge sharing. It allows for discussion and exposure to different perspectives, giving a more comprehensive way of tackling the problem. c) Presentation At the final stage of a term paper, students are required to present their final analysis to a panel of experts and peers. In the process, they are exposed to multiplicity of questions related to the chosen topic. This enhances the comprehension of the conceptual material and also trains them to present their ideas in a coherent and logical manner.

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Academic Infrastructure
Considered one of the best libraries for economics in the country, the RATAN TATA LIBRARY, which has a wide- ranging collection of literature on social sciences and business material, serves as a rich resource pool for the students and faculty. Researchers from across institutions access these resources to facilitate their work and understanding of the discipline. The library also serves its purpose of helping in a cross-disciplinary approach to the subject. The library has a total collection of over 1.8 lakh books, 1 lakh periodicals excluding 200 e-journals and about 30 e-resources, annual reports of 1,000 joint stock companies and 15,000 publications of the UN and its agencies. A collection of about 1,500 thesis and dissertations submitted by the M.Phil and Ph.D students of the four departments at the DSE are available in the RTL. The library is equipped with complete air-conditioned facilities with access to OPAC (e-catalogue), internet and e-resources on 35 terminals, which would eventually be increased to 74 terminals. The seating capacity is planned to be increased to around 250.The library is also a designated repository of UN publications.


A significant improvement in the academic infrastructure is the newly renovated sound proof and air conditioned lecture theatre with stateof-the-art audio-visual support system. This was inaugurated by the Former Vice Chancellor of University of Delhi, Professor Deepak Pental on 16th July 2009.

The Masters Programme lays emphasis on developing quantitative and analytical skills. These are honed at the Computer Centre, where the students receive training in application of computers to data analysis and economic modeling using specialized econometric packages such as SPSS, Stata, E-views, Shazam, Gauss, RATS, LIMDEP , Mathematica, MICROFIT etc. The Centre also provides access to a number of databases and journal repositories.

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The Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics, has been acknowledged over the years as a centre for excellence in post-graduate teaching and research largely due to its distinguished faculty. This is reflected in the recognition gained by its students throughout the world.

National and International Recognition

The excellence of the faculty has been recognized by both the honours conferred on them and the prestigious appointments held by them. Dr. Amartya Sen, a former faculty member, was conferred the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1998. He has also served as the President of the International Econometric Society and the American Economic Association. Six former faculty members, namely Amartya Sen, Jagdish Bhagwati, Sukhamoy Chakravarty, Prasanta Pattanaik, A.L. Nagar and Kaushik Basu, belong to the circle of international scholars who have been fellows of the Econometric Society, a much coveted and distinguished honour granted to an exclusive group of international scholars. S. Chakravarty was the first to be honoured with the prestigious Nehru Chair at Cambridge University. K.L. Krishna and V.N. Pandit have served as Presidents of the Indian Econometric Society. Prof. V.N. Pandit was awarded the Swami Pravananda Saraswati National Award, for the year 2004, by the University Grant Commission.

Dr. Manmohan Singh, Ph.D. (Cambridge)

Prof. A. K. Sen, Ph.D. (Cambridge)

Prof. Jean Dreze, Ph.D.(ISI, Delhi)

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Policy Making
Various members of the faculty have been actively involved in planning and policymaking. V.K.R.V. Rao was the Minister for Education in the 1970s and a member of the Planning Commission. S. Chakravarty, Raj Krishna, A. Sengupta, and J.D. Sethi have also been involved with the Planning Commission. Professor M. Datta Chaudhury served on the Narasimhan Committee on Banking Sector Reforms. As Finance Minister in the 1990s, Manmohan Singh set in motion the reform process that has led to India's economic recovery. Since then, he has gone on to hold many distinguished positions, the most recent, of course, being the Prime Minister of India. Recently, T.C.A Anant was appointed as the Chief Statistician of India.

Established by V.K.R.V. Rao, himself a great contributor to the field, the institute has fostered many great minds in the field of planning and development, such as K.N. Raj, S. Chakravarty, Amartya Sen, A.L. Nagar, J.N. Bhagwati, Raj Krishna, K.L. Krishna, Kaushik Basu and many others.This tradition of excellence continues, encompassing diverse areas in Economics. Faculty members work with researchers from across the globe, publishing books, articles and working papers that contribute significantly to their respective fields. A selected list of recent research publications of the faculty is available at www.econdse.org

Indian Economic Review The Department publishes a refereed biannual journal - The Indian Economic Review (www.ierdse.org), which integrates the research of several economists. It is edited by the faculty from the Department.

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n Anant, v Econometrics, n Bag,

T.C.A., Ph.D. (Cornell), Professor Law and Economics

Sugata, Ph.D. (JNU, New Delhi), Assistant Professor v Law & Economics, Information Economics A., Ph.D. (Yale), Associate Professor Micro Economic Theory Aditya, Ph.D. (Boston), Professor Trade, Industrial Economics

n Banerji,

v Applied

n Bhattacharjea, v International n Das,

Mausumi, Ph.D. (JNU, New Delhi), Associate Professor v Growth and Development, Macroeconomics Ashwini, Ph.D. (Delhi), Professor Economics, Economics of discrimination, Aspects of the Chinese economy. Pami, Ph.D. (London School of Economics), Professor Econometrics, Forecasting

n Deshpande,

v International n Dua,

v Macroeconomics, n Ghosh,

Parikshit, Ph.D. (Boston), Associate Professor v Microeconomic Theory Deepti., Ph.D. (Boston), Assistant Professor Econometrics , Labour Economics Nira., M.A. (Delhi), Assistant Professor International Economics

n Goel,

v Applied n Goyal,

v Macroeconomics, n Gupta,

Shreekant, Ph.D. (Maryland), Associate Professor v Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Economics

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The course work that a Masters student goes through at the Delhi School is entirely comparable to what students learn in top departments in the West. I have always felt that some of these students could be of great value to the Indian industry and government.

Prof. Kaushik Basu

Chief Economic Adviser, Government of India, Ministry of Finance Professor of Economics, Cornell University

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Distinguished Former Faculty

Having had the privilege of being appointed to the faculty of DSE (Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics) at a rather early age my formal association with this reputed institution as a student and a teacher has stretched over nearly four decades. This has given me the opportunity to witness as well as participate in its development, which has been remarkable in at least three ways. First and foremost is the way DSE has been able to cope with abnormal changes by constantly reinventing itself in several stages as required. I must mention that during the five decades or so since DSE was established all social sciences, in general, and economics, in particular, have undergone major changes in their academic content, research methodology and the wider professional agenda all over the world. How DSE has been able to keep afloat despite major changes in the senior faculty and the fact that it had to function all along within a university structure rather than as an autonomous institution is really remarkably impressive. The second most remarkable achievement of DSE, closely linked to the first, has been its ability to produce students who have performed with distinction across a wide spectrum of assignments in different institutions and with a variety of responsibilities. Alumni of DSE have, served with remarkable commitment and a distinguished record at so many top research and academic institutions in India (JNU, IEG, ISI, IGIDR, and so on) as well as abroad (Princeton, Chicago, Harvard, Boston, California, Cornell and several others). A large number of them have held high position either as members of the country's civil services or as professional economists involved in vital policy making and policy implementation in government agencies like central ministries, state governments, Reserve Bank of India. This has also been true in case of international institutions like the IMF and the World Bank. On top of it all, as a part of its ability to reinvent itself DSE has in recent years provided its alumni for a variety of assignments to the corporate sector of the country including financial institutions and media outfits. Wherever you go you find them there. Much is known widely about the pure academic achievements of DSE which need not be repeated. However, this write up will remain incomplete if I do not mention that all this has been largely due to the fact that DSE has always been intellectually open; not bogged down by either unnecessary inhibitions or any commitment to status quo. At personal level I must note that the best about DSE has been its warm, informal and congenial atmosphere unhindered by any feelings of status, hierarchy and formality. This has indeed been an important input to whatsoever DSE has achieved.

Prof. Vishwanath Pandit

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Distinguished Former Faculty

I began teaching in the Delhi School of Economics in 1958. I participated actively in the academic activities of the Department of Economics until 2000. I have continued my association informally for the past 11 years. I am a founder member of the Centre for Development Economics, set up at the initiative of Kaushik Basu. During the 53-year long association with the School, I had the good fortune of knowing personally the founders, V.K.R.V. Rao, B.N. Ganguly and P .N. Dhar. I was privileged to work with stalwarts like K.N. Raj, Amartya Sen, Sukhamoy Chakravarty, A.L. Nagar, Jagdish Bhagwati, Manmohan Singh and Mrinal Dutta Chaudhuri. The Department of Economics at the DSE, with its high standards of teaching, research and healthy student-teacher relationship has become a role model for the economics profession in the country. It has produced a larger number of economists of high calibre and promise. I feel very gratified whenever I meet former students of the Department in different parts of India and abroad. The present generation of teachers in the Department is carrying on the noble traditions of the past. The Department attracts a large number of bright students every year and after completing the M.A. Programme, they do well in the job market. High-quality training in quantitative methods of analysis is an integral part of the M.A. Programme. I expect the Department to scale further heights in the coming decades.

Prof. K. L. Krishna

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The reputation of an institution rests on the shoulders of its products. They embody the ideals of the institution- hard work, clarity of vision and the relentless pursuit of excellence.These ideals are instilled in them at the institution alongside the training and skills that they receive in the classroom. The holistic development and perspective thus engendered gives students an immeasurable edge in life, irrespective of the career they finally choose. This is best reflected in the success achieved by the alumni who have distinguished themselves in diverse fields ranging from academia to the media. The broad spectrum of careers spanned by its former students is at once indicative of the Department's strengths - a liberal outlook, opportunities for focused specialization and adaptability fundamental to grasping concepts and implementing solutions.

I view the two years spent in the Delhi School as a cornerstone of my career. They gave me an analytical foundation, which has enabled me to work effectively in every environment I have been in academic, corporate, media and policy-making. I have also had the privilege of working with many alumni, both as peers and as protgs and I'm glad to say that quality has sustained. Dr. Subir Gokarn
Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India

I have gained tremendously from my two years at the Delhi School. It has equipped me with the skill set necessary to cope with everyday challenges of corporate life. The curriculum at Delhi School provides rigorous and in-depth training to analyse and comprehend some of the most complex global economic and financial phenomenon. I believe D'School students have the calibre to compete with the best and to be successful in the field of their choice. Nitesh Jain
Senior Actuarial Analyst, Berkshire Hathaway Group, USA [Founder Student Head Coordinator, Placement Programme (1998-99)]

My years at the Delhi School of Economics were a major help in understanding how to approach an issue in a disciplined and logical manner. In the chaotic world of news where it is perhaps most important to separate the noise from the storyline, the basic method everyone learns at DSE is of immense use. The calibre of students from DSE is world class !! Prannoy Roy
Founder & Executive Chairperson, NDTV

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The Masters programme in Economics at the Delhi School of Economics has over the decades acquired a reputation for being an exceptionally strong training ground for economists. It has been acknowledged for its strength in economic theory and quantitative methods. These traditional strengths have been augmented in recent years with a strong applied focus as well. The present programme retains the traditional strengths in theory but now adds a strong emphasis in applied work with hands on exposure to computational techniques as well. T. C. A. Anant
Chief Statistician of India & Secretary, Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation Professor, Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics (on leave)

The Delhi School of Economics brought me face to face with the cutting edge theoretical discourses in the area of advanced economic theory as much as applied issues and also provided me with a rich perspective on global economic history What D-School taught me most was how to think critically and witness the contest of paradigms, each from its own context. This detached and yet exhilarating intellectual exposure has paid me immense dividends. Amit Mitra, Finance Minister, West Bengal I entered the corporate sector rather than pursuing a career in economics but have found that the analytical tools that D-School equips you with always brings in a fresh perspective, whether the issue is conceptual or a live problem. In addition you are inspired to excellence in whatever you do since D-School exposes you to some of the finest minds in the economics profession. Suresh Narayanan, Chairman & CEO, Nestle Egypt S.A.E. and Head North East Africa Region

DSE is the premier institute for graduate work in economics in India with a wonderful faculty, a rigorous curriculum, and the most talented Indian students in the field of economics. I learnt a great deal during my time at DSE, which has served me well in my career. The conceptual and analytical tools one picks up at DSE are essential for a successful career as an economist, be it in academia or in the private sector. Gita Gopinath, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Harvard University, USA

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I would like to emphasize the pivotal position it has in faciliating the training of world class Indian economists. I think my peers at D School were as good as any I found anywhere in the world. However, an undergraduate degree, no matter how good a school the student attends, both in India and in the US (unless one takes graduate courses), provides a level of training that is a cut below what is needed to thrive in a top Ph.D. programme in Economics. The masters at D School provides the bridge that allows undergraduates to make the transition to the graduate level. Without the D School masters, there would have been far fewer Indian economists than there are today and all of us who graduated from there are grateful for the opportunities we were given at this uniquely Indian temple of learning. Kala M. Krishna, Professor of Economics, Princeton University

I believe that I could not have received elsewhere a better graduate training in Economics I cherish the memory of my intellectual interaction with exceptionally bright students. Prasanta Patnaik, Professor, University of California, Riverside

It was indeed a wonderful experience to study in a premier institute such as the Delhi School of Economics and be taught by an array of brilliant luminaries in the subject. It is this education that has facilitated discharge of my duties in different Ministries as an official of the Indian Economic Service with work ranging from agricultural planning, energy planning, macro-economic modeling and perspective planning and even international trade negotiations. It is very creditable that the School has maintained a very high standard and continues to provide excellent set of alumnus, found in various positions in the government and corporate sector. Archana Mathur, Economic Adviser, Ministry of petroleum and Natural Gas

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The Centre for Development Economics

The Centre was set up with grants from the Ministry of finance and the Ford Foundation with the aim of providing better research facilities at the Department of Economics. It organizes seminars, workshops and conferences throughout the year dealing with a wide variety of issues, providing a platform for discussing and disseminating the latest concepts in economic thought and methods. It maintains modern computer facilities, where students receive training in the use of econometric software packages and economic modeling. The Centre regularly publishes working papers of the Department's faculty and visiting research scholars. The centre's publications are exchanged with other research institutions in India and abroad. The papers are also published online on the Centre's website (www.cdedse.org).

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Winter School 2010

The Centre for Development Economics and the Department of Economics at the Delhi School of Economics organized an international workshop, called Winter School 2010, during December 13 to 15, 2010. The workshop consisted of two components. The first component was a series of invited lectures by eminent scholars. Each scholar had delivered three lectures. The second component was a series of short conferencestyle research talks given young scholars from India and abroad. Professor Prasanta K. Pattanaik of University of California at Riverside delivered a series of lectures on 'The Ethical Basis of Normative Economics and the Concept of Well-being' and 'Functioning and Capability'. Professor Dilip Abreu of Princeton University delivered a series of lectures on 'Bargaining and Reputation'. Professor Roy Batchelor of Cass Business School, City University London delivered a series of lectures on 'Forecasting versus Econometrics'. In addition to these, short talks were given by scholars from Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan), University of Cape Town (South Africa), University of WisconsinMilwaukee (USA), Columbia Law School (New York, USA), University of Paris, Burdwan University (West Bengal), IFMR (Chennai), Visva-Bharati (Santiniketan, West Bengal), TERI University (Delhi), ISI (Kolkata), Delhi School of Economics, Indian School of Business (Hyderabad), Indian Institute of Technology (Kanpur & Delhi), Madras School of Economics (Chennai). The Winter School was very well-attended. Apart from the students and faculty from the Delhi School of Economics, students and faculty from various other institutions in Delhi also attended the sessions and participated in the discussions.

Prof. Dilip Abreu

Prof. Prasanta Pattanaik

Prof. Roy Batchelor

Annual Sukhamoy Chakravarty Memorial Lecture 2010

The Professor Sukhamoy Chakravarty Memorial Lecture organized by the Department, was delivered by Professor Kaushik Basu (Chief Economic Advisor to the Ministry of Finance, Government of India and C. Marks Professor at the Cornell University), on December 10, 2010. He spoke on 'India's Food Grain Policy: An Economic Theory Perspective'.

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Selected Seminar Listing

G.ANANDA VADIVELU, Assistant Professor, Institute of Economic Growth VITO TANZI, Honorary President, International Institute of Public Finance, USA & Former Director, Fiscal Affairs Department, International Monetary Fund PRODYOT SAMANTA, Founder & President, ThirdEye RiskInsights, USA TRIDIB SHARMA Centro de Investigacion, Economica, ITAM, Mexico STEPHAN MARETTE, Chair, UMR Economie Publique INRA-AgroParisTech Grignon, France RALPH A.WINTER, Sauder School of Business University of British Columbia NANCY GALLINI, University of British Colulmbia SIDDHARTHA CHATTOPADHYAY, University at Albany - SUNY MUKTA MUKHERJEE, Syracuse University YVES SPRUMONT, University de Montreal AMARTYA LAHIRI, University of British Columbia ABHINASH BORAH, University of Pennsylvania & Visitor, Centre for Development Economics, Delhi School of Economics PRACHI MISHRA, Research Department, International Monetary Fund ARUNAVA SEN, Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi CLIVE BELL, University of Heildelberg, Germany SHASIKANTA NANDEIBAM, University of Bath, U.K. NABAMITA DUTTA, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Does Participatory Development Mean Legitimisation of Cooption Mechanisms? Evidence from Karnataka Watershed Development Agency, India The Economic Role of the State : A Historical Perspective

Enterprise Risk Management: A Strategic Tool for Headging Performance Disruptions Axiom of Monotonicity: An Experimental Test The Combination of Lab and Field Experiments for Benefit-Cost Analysis Innovation and the Dynamics of Global Warming Private Agreements for Coordinating Patent Rights: The Case of Patent Pools The Sticky Information New-Keynesian DSGE Model: An Analysis under Taylor Rule The Effect of Fringe Benefit, Tax on Wages: Evidence from India An Axiomatization of the Serial Cost-Sharing Method Castes and Labour Mobility Other-Regarding Preferences and Concerns for Procedure? How Does Trade Evolve in the Aftermath of Financial Crises? Nash Implementation with Partially Honest Individuals Estimating the Social Profitability of PMGSY: A Bumpy Ride Menu Contracts in Teams Do Potential Skilled Emigrants Care About Political Stability at Home ?

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Student Initiatives

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Aahan 2011, Second Annual Fest at Delhi School Of Economics brought forth a concurrence of events that showcased both the intellectual prowess of students as well as the artist in them. Events included a Panel Discussion on Food Inflation with eminent economists, Prof. Jayati Ghosh from JNU, Dr. Surjit Bhalla from Oxus Research and Investments and Prof. Nilabja Ghosh from Institute Of Economic Growth, which was followed by a Quiz and Nukkad Natak (Street Play). As part of Aahan, DSE also hosted its first ever full day Model United Nations Conference on the agenda Role Of Economic Sanctions In Addressing Insurgency And Threat To Peace . The fest provided a perfect platform for students as it was a blend of intellect and creativity.

Prayaas - DSE is a social organization formed by the students of DSE in 2005. It is an effort to serve humanity and to make a difference in the lives of underprivileged in our society.It is an organization, which does not work for the sake of recognition or reward but with a mission to help those who really need it, hoping to make a better tomorrow. The Projects and campaigns are focussed on simple acts of kindness, taking a call to transform the social sensibility into social responsibility. The yearly activities of the organization over the past years include Organised blood donation camp in the campus n Collection drives (clothes, newspapers etc.) for distribution to the needy n Visits to an orphange "PALNA" - a govt. recognised orphange n Signature n drives raising appeal for social and environmental issues (e.g. "Ban the bulb" drive in association with NGO-Greenpeace)


Eostre is an annual publication of the Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics. The journal seeks to provide a platform to budding economists for the articulation and discussion of relevant concerns about world business and markets through a wide range of research papers, articles and reports, amassed from national and foreign universities. The 2010 edition featured articles from the University of Oxford, Lahore University of Management Sciences and the University of Dhaka to name a few. It also carried articles by the esteemed alumni and faculty members of Delhi School of Economics. With the third edition underway, Eostre has proven to be a platform for exchange of ideas between students, faculty and leading researchers. Eostre attempts to transform a mosaic of diverse perspectives and thought processes into an enlightening read.

Monetary and non-monetary help for victims of catastrophes (if any) etc. n In future also, Prayaas - DSE intends to materialise what its name suggests and to continue with its efforts of broadening the scope of its activities to bring back the lost smiles and help make dreams a reality.

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Analytical Skills
The course structure and teaching methodology instil in the students an ability to carefully analyse situations and offer the most appropriate solutions. The skill of conceptualizing a problem by abstracting its crucial features in light of empirical evidence is the cornerstone of the pedagogy at the Delhi School of Economics.

Quantitative Aptitude
The programme incorporates a unique combination of theoretical knowledge and empirical training. The emphasis on quantitative analysis enables students to develop better techniques for statistical analysis, forecasting, extrapolation, and other tools essential for effective decisionmaking.

Skills of Inference
Students are trained to extract relevant information regarding a problem from a large corpus of data, allowing them to arrive at logical and unbiased conclusions.

Contextual Deduction
Clarity of thought and vision are emphasised upon by training students to not only think independently but also to visualize problems in both micro and macro contexts for a deeper understanding. The Masters programme in Economics at the Delhi School of Economics equips students with skills that foster innovation and excellence.

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Emotional Quotient
In the competitive environment of today, success is a function of several qualities- a sound knowledge of one's field, teamwork and the constant initiative to upgrade skills. At the Delhi School of Economics, situated, as it is, in the heart of the North Campus of Delhi University, students get a unique opportunity to interact with students, teachers and academicians from various fields of study as they come to make use of the excellent library, deliver or attend lectures or just relax over the famous 'D-School coffee'. They are exposed to different perspectives, ideas and cultures, gaining far greater insights than they might ever get, if restricted to an isolated campus. At the same time, the rigorous course helps in building up the students' emotional quotient, arming them with the right tools to meet the challenges of a working environment.

Managing Ambiguity
Tolerating and managing ambiguity is essential for the formulation of effective strategies. Students at the Department of Economics are sensitised to the uncertainty inherent in human behaviour, as well as the ambiguities involved in data analysis. The students are trained to manage these ambiguities through the use of strong analytical skills and other abstract tools acquired by them.

The system of term papers formalises teamwork and co-operation skills amongst students, helping them to develop co-ordination skills, manage and accommodate diverse opinions, and contribute through constructive criticism, all of which hold them in good stead when they venture into the corporate world.

Stress Management
The brisk pace of the semester system and the rigorous nature of the internal evaluation system test the students' ability to perform under pressure, ensuring that they can cope with the stress that they might face later in their careers.

Cross-cultural Exposure
Compatibility of individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds critically influences the success of any organization- academic or otherwise. Students at the Delhi School of Economics hail from almost all parts of the country and often from other countries. The Masters programme helps students appreciate cultural diversity and build meaningful relationships with people.
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Why Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics?

Economic and Financial Analysis: Participants in financial markets today need to be savvier than ever before about the interactive nature of response mechanism between the economy - real and monetary - and policy-making. Detailed understanding of economic indicators and market relations to such information can provide critical leverage for staying ahead of significant market moves. Data Analysis & Forecasting: Developing predictive models and understanding the intricacies of data to signal future trends form a key input in any business decision. Comprehensive training in techniques for modelling, forecasting and time series analysis imparted at the institute is an invaluable tool in this respect. Insurance: Skills of abstraction and a thorough training in data analysis are essential tools for taking independent views on each product, project and initiative of the organization and evaluating them for short-term and long-term viability. Students trained in these skills from the Delhi School of Economics thus contribute immensely to the fundamental goal of actuarial analysis i.e. risk management and risk mitigation. Development Sector: The course structure at the institute provides a clear perspective of the economics behind the chronic malaise facing developing economies. Such an understanding facilitates the formulation of forward-looking and economically viable solutions to these socio-economic issues. Sales & Marketing: Marketing involves a clear understanding of the markets and formulation of strategies as an entrant or an established player. Economics gives an excellent insight into the different segments of the market as well as the various factors that affect them. Analytical skills provide an extra edge to comprehend the significant aspects and also to take positions on a more informed basis. Research: Business ideas today need to be supplemented with sophisticated analysis and research to give them an additional edge. A clear perspective on the key economic variables impacting the business can enable strategists to conceptualize their ideas more concretely. Media & Publishing: Armed with a clear perspective on pertinent economic issues as well as their impact, students from Delhi School of Economics are well placed to articulate and lucidly present current issues and news for the benefit of diverse segments of the population. Investment Banking: Advanced training in quantitative skills alongwith an insight of the macroeconomic picture caters to the main function of investment banks i.e. making investment decisions. The students trained in these skills from the Delhi School of Economics thus play a crucial role in helping to strategize the business and vision of the firm.

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Recruiters' take on us..

The rigorous and exhaustive research culture and a combination of analytical rigour and effective presentation skills imparted at the Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics have helped me immensely in my work. DSE education goes beyond the concepts and trains its students to understand the real economy. The faculty is outstanding and the alumni network is extensive, making it a lifetime relationship to nurture. I am proud to be a part of the DSE tradition. Sonal Varma Vice President & India Economist, Nomura

Having decided to recruit economists from university campuses to be placed along with different business groups in the Treasury, the choice fell naturally on the DSE due to its long standing reputation as a place of distinguished teaching and research in the discipline of Economics. We were deeply impressed with the response at our preplacement presentation, and further with the calibre of students at the campus. Nachiket Mor Former Deputy Managing Director, ICICI Bank Limited

We find bright and hard-working students at most of the top campuses in India that we go to. But DSE is the only school where we have maintained an unbroken campus presence every year since our inception six years ago, because the students additionally stand out for their wellrounded personalities and positive attitude. Manoj Piplani Site President, Bangalore and Budapest Citigroup - Advanced Analytical Solutions

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Recruiters on Campus

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When some of us joined the school in the early 1960s, we felt proud of the tradition we inherited, and also felt energised by the opportunities and freedom we were given to make the school a place of excellence in the social sciences. It is wonderful to recall the challenging and exciting tasks we faced and the pleasing results that emerged. I have, personally, never had better students than at the school, and the intellectual excitement of teaching as well learning from my students is one my fondest memories.

Amartya Sen,
Nobel Laureate (1998), Master, Trinity College, and Lamont University, Professor of Philosophy and Economics, Harvard University.

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Placement Process

L to R..Aamir Mustafa Wani, Indranil Roy Choudhury,Dhruv Loshali,Soumabha Bhattacharya,Bahul Nautyal

Ms. Jasintha, Manager - Placement Programme

Recruitment Calendar
Summer Placements Mid September 2011 Final Placements Commences on 3rd January 2012 PPTs for Final Placements Between 6th and 20th December 2011

Recruitment Fees
All organizations taking part in placements on campus are requested to contribute a nominal amount as recruitment fees to cover expenses incurred during the placement process. First Day Companies Second Day Companies : : Rs 20,000 Rs 15,000 Third Day onwards Companies : Rs 10,000 Rs 10,000

Companies only recruiting for summer internships :

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Summer and Final Placements

15% 28% 40% 4% 7% 54% 18% 7% 7% 20%

Summer Placements 2010

Economic and Financial Research Consultancy Media

Final Placements 2011

Sales and Marketing Applied Economics and Research

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Please fax the completed form to the Placement Office, DSE - Economics Placement Cell, Delhi School of Economics at (011) 27667159 or, mail it to the Room No. 21 DSE - Economics Placement Cell, Delhi School of Economics. Department of Economics, Delhi-110 007, India Name of the Organization : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contact Person : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Designation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E-mail : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Job Details:
Functional Areas Analytics Finance Sales and Marketing Consulting Economic Research Others (Please specify) Location Tentative No. of Offers

Job Details:
Job Description (in brief): Duration of training (if any): Compensation Package Basic Salary Housing Allowance Other Perks Gross Package During Training On Confirmation

Pre - Placement Talk (PPT) Details

Will you be giving a PPT ? : Desired date for the PPT: Selection Methods: Preliminary Test Group Discussions Interviews Other (Please Specify) Number of Rounds Number of Panels Yes No


Please fax the completed form to the Placement Office, DSE - Economics Placement Cell, Delhi School of Economics at (011) 27667159 or, mail it to the Room No. 21 DSE - Economics Placement Cell, Delhi School of Economics. Department of Economics, Delhi-110 007, India Name of the Organization : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contact Person : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Designation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E-mail : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Job Details:
Functional Areas Location Tentative No. of Offers

Stipend Offered : Provision of accommodation :

Pre - Placement Talk (PPT) Details

Will you be giving a PPT ? : Desired date for the PPT: Yes No

Selection Methods: Preliminary Test Group Discussions Interviews Other (Please Specify)

Number of Rounds

Number of Panels

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