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DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING BOMMANAHALLI, BANGALORE- 68 II I. A. TEST. Subject Sub Code : Energy Engineering : 06ME54 PART - A Answer any three of the following questions: 310 = 30 Date: 13-10-09 Time: 02:00 pm 03:30 pm Max. Marks: 50

1. What is a nuclear reactor? Explain in detail the constructional features of a nuclear reactor and explain the functions of each part. 2. With a neat sketch, explain the working principle of a Pressurized water reactor (PWR) and list out the advantages & disadvantages of PWR. 3. With a neat sketch explain the working of a Fast Breeder reactor (FBR) and list out the advantages & disadvantages of FBR. 4. Give the classification of nuclear reactors and explain the main components of nuclear power plant with a neat sketch. 5. What are the different types of nuclear waste? Write a short note on disposal of nuclear radioactive waste. PART - B Answer any two of the following questions: 210 = 20

1. Determine the height of the chimney to get net draught of 18 mm if the total draft losses are 6mm. the temperature of air 28 0C. And the temperature of chimney gasses is 350 0C. the mass of air used per kg of fuel used is 20 kg. one kg of air occupies a volume of 0.7734 m3 at NTP. 2. Determine the Quantity of air per kg of coal burnt in a furnace if the stack height is 50m. And draught produced is 30mm of water. The temperature of flue gasses is 350 0C. Also calculate the draught produced in terms of height of hot gasses if the boiler house temperature is 27 0C. 3. A nuclear reactor is developing a power of 3MW. How many atoms of u235 undergo fission per second? how many kg of u235 would be used in thousand hours of operation assuming that on an average 200 Mev is released per fission.


DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING BOMMANAHALLI, BANGALORE- 68 II I. A. TEST. Subject Sub Code : Mechanics of material : 06ME34 Date: 14-10-09 Time: 09:15 am 10:40 am Max. Marks: 50

Note: Answer any five full questions. Selecting at least two from each part. Each Question carries equal marks. PART A 1. Define Bending moment and shear force. Establish relationship between distributed load, shear force and bending moment at a cross section of a prismatic section, straight and subjected to transverse load. 2. Derive and draw SFD and BMD for simply supported beam subjected to UDL. 3. Derive an expression for E I d2y/dx2 = M with usual notations. 4. Derive deflection and slope for a cantilever beam subjected to moment load. PART B 5. Draw SFD and BMD shown in fig.1 with calculations. 6. Draw SFD and BMD shown in fig.2 with calculations. 7. Derive an expression for circumferential and radial stresses in the wall of thick cylinder (Lamis equation) 8. A pipe of 400 mm internal diameter and 100 mm thickness contains a fluid at a pressure 80 N/mm2. Find the maximum and minimum hoops stresses across the section. Also sketch the radial and hoops stress distribution across the section.

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