Business Development Framework With Strategy Map
Business Development Framework With Strategy Map
Business Development Framework With Strategy Map
C i t y, S t a t e • Te l e p h o n e : 1 2 3 . 4 5 6 . 7 8 9 0 • w w w. y o u r o r g a n i z a t i o n . n e t
Greene County Network
Our Purpose
The Greene County Network aligns and leverages economic development resources to
promote the prosperity for the people and businesses in Greene County, Indiana.
Our Vision
The Greene County Network will become a a nationally recognized rural collaboration
to promote new approaches to economic development. These new approaches foster
entrepreneurship, sustainable development practices, a commitment to long-term in-
vestment, and a focus on our next generation.
Our Values
As a network of Greene County leaders dedicated to civic leadership, we hold ourselves
accountable for practicing our values of
Yo u r O r g a n i z a t i o n
D a t e
Alpha Plan
• efficiency and effectiveness; and
Invest in world class brainpower with 21st century skills •Translating brainpower into wealth
Convert brainpower into wealth through innovation and through entrepreneurship and inno-
entrepreneurship networks
vation networks
Create powerful stories and branding experiences to
communicate a new path forward
•Holding wealth in the region by
Develop quality, connected places and innovation "hot
spots" developing quality, connected places
Strengthen leadership skills and civic disciplines of
collaboration to develop and implement "link and
leverage" strategies
•Creating a deep sense of commu-
Source: Ed Morrison, distributed under a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License nity identify expressed through an
effective brand
Our Strategic Focus Areas
We cannot accomplish everything all at once. We must choose our areas of focus care-
fully. At the same time, we recognize the lessons that Open Source Economic Develop-
ment teaches: Prosperity will flow to communities and regions that follow a balanced
strategy of investments: in talent, businesses, physical development, promotion and
• engaging civic leaders and practicing new skills of collaboration through our
Greene County Network
• supporting entrepreneurs
• build the new story of Greene County by providing engaging and fun experi-
ences through festivals and other activities.
Charitable Assets
Yo u r O r g a n i z a t i o n
D a t e
Alpha Plan
ness represents four pillars: Entrepreneurship, Charitable Assets, Youth and Leadership.
We have launched initiatives (projects) in these areas, and we will continue them in the
coming year.
Each of these activities represents a network of citizens within the county focused on a
particular dimension of our development. Very quickly, we can lose track. That’s where
a Strategy Map can help.
We all know the adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” In putting our county
on a sustainable path to development, we need first to “see” what others are doing. The
strategy map developed at the Purdue Center for Regional Development represents a
simple tool to help us “see” the networks that form around different projects. When we
begin to see these networks, and -- more important -- begin to link these networks to-
gether, we start down a path of aligning, linking and leveraging our assets in new and
different ways.
Yo u r O r g a n i z a t i o n
D a t e
Alpha Plan
The Four Pillars of Hometown Competitiveness We can map Hometown Competitiveness
on to the Strategy Base Map of
Charitable Assets
Open Source Economic Development
• Mobilize Local Leaders Brainpower Innovation
• Energize Entrepreneurs 21 Century Talent Entrepreneurship
• Engage Young People
• Cultivate Charitable Assets to support these
community building efforts.
Youth Entrepreneurship
Charitable Assets
That is not the world in which we now live. Change is turbulent, and to be effective in
economic development, we must rely on consensus and alignments. Open networks --
not stiff hierarchies -- dominate. In a word, no one can really tell anyone else what to do.
Yet, we must undertake some very complex projects to build Greene County in this
open environment. We undertake these projects in a “civic space” outside the four walls
of any one organization. Coordinating festival promotions, strengthening entrepreneur-
ship networks, managing land use, implementing effective youth initiatives: none of
Yo u r O r g a n i z a t i o n
D a t e
Alpha Plan
these projects are easy. At the same time, we cannot do everything, and we want to fo-
cus our efforts on initiatives that matter. In short, we need to think and act strategically.
Strategic Doing is a set of practices developed at the Purdue Center for Regional Devel-
opment to meet the challenges of designing and implementing strategy in an open envi-
ronment. There are three components to Strategic Doing:
• Strategy Maps.-- Keeping track of a strategy requires visual tools. The Strategy
Map we have introduced earlier provides the basic tool for keeping track of
who is doing what and how different projects connect (or don’t).
of the outcomes toward which
What will we do together?
we are working. Without a clear
understanding of our outcome,
our collaborations can quickly break apart at the first sign of difficulty. In
contrast, if we have a deep understanding of where we are heading, our
partnerships are far more durable.
Yo u r O r g a n i z a t i o n
D a t e
Alpha Plan
3. What will we do together? We can only accomplish complex projects if
we each contribute something. Gone are the days when civic leaders could
come up with ideas and expect someone else to “do the work”. This ques-
tion insures that we re clear about the tasks ahead and who is committed
to completing them.
• Initiative 1
• Initiative 2
• Initiative 3
Yo u r O r g a n i z a t i o n
D a t e
Alpha Plan
Managing Our Strategic Activities
The Network Core Team.-- Our Network’s core team is committed to carrying forward
this process. The core team consists of leaders of civic organizations -- business, gov-
ernment and non-profits -- committed to working together for the future of Greene
County. We will start with a relatively small core of individuals, and we are committed
to expanding this circle with people who share the commitment to work together and
contribute their assets, networks and resources to a shared future.
The Role of the Professional Staff.-- The professional staff of our civic organizations
are individuals best in the position to guide this network. They have the skills, net-
works, and experience to guide the network. At the same time, they cannot do the work
of the Network. That is a responsibility that must be more broadly shared.
Yo u r O r g a n i z a t i o n
D a t e
Alpha Plan