Ans)Ideology is a set of ideas or norms on which the collective ideals of a comm unity, nation or millat are based. It also inculcates the sum-total of principle s set forth for the achievement of these common ideals. 2. What is Islamic theory of nationhood? Ans)The Islamic theory of nationhood is based on religion. It believes in faith and belief to be the distinctive feature amongst the nations. The Muslims are a distinct nation from the other nations of the world on account of their religiou s beliefs and rites. 3. Explain Pakistan ideology briefly. Ans)Pakistan ideology was based on the 'Two Nation Theory', which meant that Mus lims and Hindus are two separate nations and both nations are quite different fr om each other. Pakistani ideology is based on the fact that the Muslims are a se parate nation, having their own civilization, their own customs, their own cultu re, their own religion' and a totally different way of life from that of Hindus. 4. What the Quaid-e-Azam thought about minorities? Quote a brief statement. Ans)Safeguarding the rights of the minorities in Pakistan, the Quaid-e-Azam said : "You are free; you are free to go to your temples, or to any other places of w orship in this state. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the state we are starting with this fundament al principle that we are all citizens, and equal citizens of one state". 5. Write a short note on Simla Deputation. Ans)A deputation of Muslim leaders called on Lord Minto, the Viceroy, on October I, 1906 at Simla.Sir Agha Khan, the head of the deputation, presented a Memoran dum in which he requested for the basic political, economic, cultural and other rights for the Muslims. He also introduced a system of separate electorate for t he- Muslims. The Viceroy's reaction was favourable. 6. What do you know about "Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind (causes of Indian Mutiny)? Ans)Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan wrote a book entitled "Asbab Baghawat-e-Hind". This bo ok was specially meant for the reading of the members of the British Parliament. In this book, Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan wanted to clarify the 'reasons that forced the Muslims of India to wage a fight against the British in 1357. He tried to cl arify the position of the Muslims in the eyes of the British Government. 7. What objectives were set for the Muslim League at the time of its inception? Ans)The objectives of the Muslim League were following: To create an understanding between the government and the Indian Muslims to promo te the feelings of loyalty among them to co-ordinate with .the other nations and political parties for the general welfare of the people. To protect the rights of the Muslim nation, to interact with the Government and o ther agencies for this purpose. 8. What important change was made in the objectives of the Muslim League and whe n? Ans)In March , changes in the objectives of All India Muslim League were made on the Quaid-e-Azam's incentive. The Muslim League renounced the policy of uncondi tional subservience and favoured "self government suitable for Indian conditions ". 9. Write a note on Simla Conference. Ans) Lord Wavell came to India in 1944 and he announced a plan for the solution of the Indian problem. To discuss the plan with Indian political leaders, Wavell called an All Parties conference at Simla on June 25, 1945. All-important leade rs except Gandhiji participated in this conference. The-Conference failed to ach
ieve any purpose due to one-sided attitude of Lord Wavell. In this conference, Q uaid-e-Azam made it crystal clear that only the Muslim League could represent Muslims of India. 10. What were the salient features of Indian Independence Act? Answer On July 18, 1947 the British parliament passed the Indian Independence Act that was ratified by the Crown on July 18, 1947. The salient features of this act wer e: British rule over India would end on August 15,1947. The title of the emperor of India would no more remain a part of the British Cro wn. Pakistan and India would be run according to the Government of India Act, 1935, unless these countries form their own constitutions.