Global Justice

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Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy

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Introduction: the idea of global political justice

Terry Macdonald & Miriam Ronzoni
a a b

School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Melbourne, Australia


Centre for Advanced Studies Justitia Amplificata, University of Frankfurt, Germany Published online: 09 Nov 2012.

To cite this article: Terry Macdonald & Miriam Ronzoni (2012): Introduction: the idea of global political justice, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 15:5, 521-533 To link to this article:

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Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy Vol. 15, No. 5, December 2012, 521533

Introduction: the idea of global political justice

Terry Macdonalda* and Miriam Ronzonib
a b

School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Melbourne, Australia Centre for Advanced Studies Justitia Amplicata, University of Frankfurt, Germany

Introduction The past 30 years have witnessed the ourishing of normative international political theory as a new eld of research with its own agenda, debates, and methodological disputes. While there is increasing acceptance of the idea that global institutions require justication just as much as domestic ones, there is still wide disagreement about whether the specic normative standards for building and justifying institutions should be identical, or even roughly equivalent, in these two political domains. Developing a better understanding of what is distinctive about the problems raised by the global political order, and which conceptual and methodological approaches are best suited to address them, thus represents one of the most pressing challenges in this theoretical eld. Much discussion on these topics has been framed as debate about appropriate standards of global justice reecting the wider dominance of the concept of justice as a lens for normative political theorizing since Rawls. Moreover, the global justice literature has been overwhelmingly focused to date on questions about the distributive aspects of justice, such as: what is a just global distribution of the worlds resources? Is inequality as signicant a normative problem globally as it is domestically? Less attention has been given to questions about how the global political order (through which the production and distribution of goods is institutionalized) is itself to be constituted most fundamentally, how power and conict are to be managed and institutionally channelled in securing the background conditions for particular social and economic relationships and distributions, and how cooperative arrangements for collective decision-making and action should be structured to facilitate this process. Given that practical dilemmas concerning the institutional management of power, conict and political cooperation have played a central role in shaping both the

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*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

ISSN 1369-8230 print/ISSN 1743-8772 online 2012 Taylor & Francis


T. Macdonald and M. Ronzoni

history of international politics over the last century, and intellectual agendas of international relations scholarship during that period, it is perhaps surprising that they have not achieved comparable prominence in normative debates about global politics. The aim of this collection is to take some steps towards remedying this neglect. Some aspects of these questions have been tackled already within literatures on global democracy, and this work has contributed a rich set of theoretical ideas that can help to direct the analyses developed in this collection. However, we believe that tackling these questions exclusively through the conceptual lens of democracy beginning with some normative ideal of this, and asking how it can best be realized in the global domain circumscribes too narrowly the range of normative questions about the global political order that are opened to critical scrutiny. It assumes from the outset too much of what we believe needs to be investigated namely what range of institutional arrangements might be justiable, and what methods of justication will be most appropriate, in the global context. For our purposes here, we therefore adopt the more general concept of global justice as a starting point for our analysis, and we label the narrower bundle of political questions and challenges we wish to focus on as constituting the topic of global political justice. Whether and how democratic institutions should play a role in the realization of global political justice then remains an open question for our contributors to explore. We also note that the concept of justice itself is not beyond critical interrogation, and we accordingly adopt the concept of global political justice more as a common point of departure from the focus on distributive issues than as a xed analytical framework; as such, our contributors are invited to consider, where appropriate, whether the concept of justice as distinct from, say, legitimacy does in fact provide the most suitable lens for normative analysis of the institutional management of power, conict and political cooperation within the global political order. Finally, the contours of the value of legitimacy itself are controversial should we conceive of it as a weaker moral standard than justice, or as a value with its own distinct normative content? Our contributors were invited to address this conceptual issue, as well. In applying the label of global political justice to our topic, we mean to contrast political justice mainly with distributive justice, but we recognize that the line separating these categories is far from clear. Since our primary aim in this collection is to make progress in thinking about substantive problems of global political justice that is, questions about the justice of specic political practices and institutions, and the normative standards by which they are regulated we must provide at least a preliminary account (a working agenda, as it were) of which practices, institutions, and normative standards we regard as characteristically political. In

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this introduction, we attempt to demarcate more precisely what we take to be political about global political justice, and to clarify the relationship between our topic and a set of related methodological and normative debates (on global democracy, political realism, and non-ideal theory), which in different ways draw political problems about power, conict and cooperation into theoretical analysis of global justice. In the course of doing so, we also hope to highlight some reasons for viewing the topic of global political justice as one of great signicance, and deserving of greater attention than it has so far received.

Why do we need a more political theory of global justice? At rst glance it might seem puzzling for us to suggest that the global justice literature is not now sufciently political in focus, given that recent debates on global distributive justice have mushroomed to a large extent as a response to the observation that we are now in what can be called the global circumstances of politics (Bohman 2004, Laborde 2010). As Ccile Laborde (2010, p. 50) characterizes these political circumstances, they involve complex new forms of unchecked arbitrary power exercised across national borders: more and more people are vulnerable to decisions made from afar, anonymously, and over which they have little control. Much literature on global distributive justice recognizes that distributive duties across borders arise largely because global inequality is produced through institutionalized forms of power that are problematic and therefore call for justication. In other words, the fact that global justice has become such a prominent topic of investigation to begin with reects a widespread acceptance of some underlying assumptions about the political character of the existing global order. The claim that the current global order constitutes a political sphere in the relevant sense is closely associated with (one or both of) two more specic observations. On the one hand, the kinds of social conicts typically in need of institutional taming, and the kinds of shared social problems typically solved through collective political decision-making institutions, now occur beyond sovereign territorial boundaries; consequently, we confront the problem of how to overcome these social conicts and challenges through the development of new political institutions at the transnational and at the global level. On the other hand, many problematic forms of power are already being exercised at those levels. As in domestic contexts, these forms of power, from a normative perspective, call for justication and control, so as to make them capable of gaining widespread acceptability among those subject to and called upon to support them (linked to what some call legitimacy) and/or capable of achieving fuller moral justiability (what many call justice).

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T. Macdonald and M. Ronzoni

Such claims about the political character of the global order have become very prominent in recent debates about global justice because of the implications they may have for our thinking about the scope and content of duties of distributive justice across borders. But these claims raise another important question that has so far received less theoretical attention: to the extent that we agree we are in the global circumstances of politics and confront a global political order in need of justication, why do we not investigate the normative credentials of this underlying political order directly (rather than merely making assumptions or assertions about these matters as a preamble to normative theorizing about our duties of global socio-economic justice)? We believe that we should do so: there is a need to investigate more directly and systematically which features of the global order call for distinctively political forms of normative critique and institutional response, and to consider what should follow from this for our practical attitudes and decision-making in relation to these. To some readers it may not yet be entirely clear how we take these questions of global political justice to be problematically sidelined from mainstream distributive theories of global justice. After all, this body of work has deep roots in a theoretical literature on justice originating with Rawls, who himself claimed his account of justice to be fundamentally political in a certain sense. So it may help for us to explain further how the theory of political justice we are concerned with here is distinct from the political theory of justice for which Rawls is so well known. Much has been written about the sense in which Rawlss theory of justice can best be understood as political in character by Rawls himself in his Political Liberalism (1996), and by two decades of subsequent commentators. We cannot attempt to survey or add substantially to this vast literature here; instead we want to highlight one quite general feature of Rawlss political theory of justice which helps to illuminate the distinction between the kinds of political problems central to Rawlss analysis, on the one hand, and the kinds of political problems we wish to bundle under the heading of political justice, on the other. At a very general level, we can say that Rawlss theory of justice is political in the sense that it takes a particular kind of political society, or political order (in the case of his Political Liberalism, a democratic society operating within the institutional framework of a liberal state) as the starting point for the theoretical enterprise. The liberal-democratic political order provides a starting-point for Rawlss theory in two fundamental senses. First, the liberal-democratic political order is assumed as a background condition in identifying the practical political problems that the theory of justice is tasked with solving: the fundamental institutions constitutive of the liberal-democratic political order are called the basic structure of society, and the practical focus is placed on the problem of how socio-economic burdens and benets should be distributed within and

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through this institutional structure. Second, the liberal-democratic political order, and the fundamental political values that underpin it (the public political culture, in Rawlss terms), are taken as building blocks for the method of normative justication itself that identies and validates a particular conception of justice (as the ideals of public reason and overlapping consensus, and more generally the idea of a political, not metaphysical conception of justice, suggest). A signicant consequence of this kind of approach to the theory of justice is that the fundamental constitutive features of the political order itself the set of practices and processes that constitute its basic institutions and social fabric, and the relationships of power that sustain them is placed beyond the critical jurisdiction of the theory. For if the basic institutional and social features of the political order are to serve as rm foundations for the theory of distributive justice (as part of the public political culture of liberal-democratic states which constitutes Rawlss methodological starting point in Political Liberalism), then they must be taken in some sense as xed, and not themselves presented as primary targets for critical normative interrogation in the theory. As a result, proceeding with a theory of justice that is political in the Rawlsian sense (a theory of justice that is political as distinct from metaphysical, as Rawls puts it) turns out to discourage systematic theorizing about justice that is political in the different sense of investigating the justice or injustice of an underlying political order its constitutive institutions, and underlying social norms and relationships of power. It is this latter kind of political theory of justice theory that investigates the justice or injustice of an underlying political order, rather than the distributive patterns within it that we are here calling theorizing about of political justice. This kind of theory is not (necessarily or only) political in its theoretical foundations (though it might be that too), but rather is political in the practical target of its normative investigation that is, in the nature of the subject it is aiming to regulate with its substantive normative principles of justice. At the present time, questions about political justice, understood in these terms, arise with greater urgency at the level of global politics than in domestic contexts for the simple reason that the fundamental constitutive features of the political order are much less stable and more deeply contested in the global case. In the case of domestic theories of justice focused on the problem of how to distribute social burdens and benets among citizens of a settled liberal-democratic political order, members of this group generally accept the overarching liberal-democratic political order as legitimate or justied, and this acceptance is relatively stable. At the very least, this stable political acceptance of the political order ensures that a theory of justice taking elements of this order as foundational axioms will have a certain pragmatic value in facilitating a workable political consensus on

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normative principles to regulate the common political life of this group of citizens. In the global case, however, there is not a political order in place with a comparable level of political stability and wide acceptance among participants, which could be invoked in an equivalent fashion to provide foundations for an analogously political theory of global justice. Disanalogies between domestic and global political orders arise at three levels in particular. First, normative inquiry and justication cannot begin in the global case with the assumption of consensus about the boundaries or denitive features of the political community or demos as Rawls begins with the assumption of a settled closed society in his domesticallyfocused Theory of Justice (1999) since the criteria for delineating political communities of different kinds, and according them special forms of political recognition and normative status, is itself a matter of signicant controversy. Second, we cannot begin in the global case with an assumption of consensus about the appropriate political subject of principles of justice (as Rawls begins in his Theory of Justice with the stipulation of the basic structure of society as subject) since there is very little clarity as to what range of institutional forms should count as part of this structure in the global case, in the absence of both: 1) a strong and stable world state, or constitutional equivalent that could supply a rm institutional core; and 2) a clear account of which forms of transnational power should be bound by institutional regulation to begin with. Third, we cannot even begin with the assumption of a shared commitment to the liberal-democratic norms of individual liberty and equality (as Rawls does in his Political Liberalism), because these basic political values do not attract anything close to the same degree of endorsement on a global scale as they do within stable liberal-democratic states, and more fundamentally because it is not yet clear that democratic institutionalization is what the global order requires (this is one substantive question that a theory of global political justice should investigate). An important implication of this is that a theory of justice focused on the global domain cannot take a settled underlying political order for granted as a political foundation for the theory to the same extent as this seems to be appropriate in many domestic contexts. This means that questions about the structure of the underlying political order must themselves be subject to direct normative scrutiny, as a starting point for a theory of global justice. As part of this, the theory of global political justice needs to confront questions about the implications of disagreement on these fundamental matters that is, about the just scope and character of political community, the just structure of fundamental political institutions, and the justication of fundamental political values. Disagreement on these matters is likely to have particular signicance for normative thinking about the justication of global arrangements for practical decision-making about the control and channelling of power, and the management of collective

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decision-making processes, since conventional normative and institutional solutions to these problems (such as various democratic models) sometimes presuppose agreement on, or at least stable solutions to, these matters as a starting-point for their justication and design, and it is not altogether clear how these should fare where such agreement or stability has not been established. The claim that political questions of this kind should be at the forefront of debates about global justice can be augmented by considering how central such questions have been to the real-world political dilemmas, conicts, and projects that have shaped international history over the last century, and to the themes central to the work of the empirical scholars of international relations who study this political domain. The normative ideas that have driven both institution-building projects in international political practice, and intellectual agendas in international relations scholarship, have been most centrally preoccupied with the political problems of achieving international order and cooperation in the face of signicant moral disagreement, conicts of material interests, and the abuse of political power (particularly in relations among states, but also increasingly in the decisionmaking structures and activities of powerful international organizations and non-state actors). It is this shared set of political preoccupations that unies otherwise divergent Realist literatures on the stabilizing and disciplining effects of an international balance of power , Liberal Internationalist literatures on the conditions for international cooperation and the rational design of institutions, and Constructivist and English School literatures focused on understanding the sociological and historical processes through which particular international orders are created, transformed, and legitimated. Much international relations scholarship focused on these political problems is social-scientic or historical in approach, and does not attempt to undertake directly normative analysis. Nonetheless, these international relations research programmes and the real international problems and projects to which they have responded have been strongly shaped by normative commitments to particular visions of global political order, insofar as the questions they have posed and answered have been geared towards the goal of nding solutions of particular kinds (as members of decision-making communities and collectives) to the practical problems of global power, order, and cooperation that we have been discussing. The problem, however, is that many fundamental elements of the normative visions and ideals driving these political elements of international practice and scholarship remain (relatively) critically uninspected and under-theorized relative, that is, to the level of critical scrutiny and analysis theorists have focused on the normative ideals and principles guiding the distribution of social goods. A theory of political justice, then, is intended to serve as a corrective to this existing theoretical deciency, and develop more rigorous

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and systematic normative frameworks for guiding practical political deliberation and decision-making about the most justied institutional responses to problems of global power and order, conict and cooperation, stability and transformation. How can we begin to build better theories of global political justice? So far we have given a brief account of the range of political problems upon which we wish to focus through the concept of global political justice; but while we have indicated how these have received less attention than they deserve within the mainstream global justice literature, it is of course not true that these sorts of political problems have been neglected entirely across the wider eld of normative political theory. There are a number of theoretical literatures that do highlight problems of power, conict, and order in important and relevant ways most notably those framed as discussions of global democracy, political realism, and non-ideal theory. It is helpful to consider what insights these established literatures might bring to bear upon the problems at hand, as well as the limitations of these literatures for our purposes. First, the literature on cosmopolitan or global democracy offers a range of institutional models designed to solve the problems of controlling political power and fostering stable and justied processes for collective decision-making at a global level which are important aspects of the topic of global political justice as we have characterized it. But there are some compelling reasons for thinking that the wider range of political problems and dilemmas that we have set out above cannot be adequately addressed through exclusively democratic theoretical lenses. One reason for this is that many proposed blueprints for democratic global orders incorporate insufcient analysis of whether the democratic institutional forms that deliver political justice within nation-states can achieve the same result when dealing with the very different forms of power and collective political agency that structure the global political domain. The problems we wish to highlight here are associated with familiar challenges to the project of global democracy posed by critics who claim that global democracy is unviable because we lack the kind of demos that provides a foundation for democracy within nation-states, and relatedly that we cannot have global democracy without a world state (or functional equivalent, in the form of a constitutionalized framework of global law) to provide the focal-point for democratic control and accountability, and to facilitate processes of collective democratic decision-making. To some extent these challenges can be confronted from within the democratic tradition, through creative thinking about how to adapt democratic principles and institutional designs more carefully to the different sociological background conditions prevailing in the global political

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domain. But the challenges cannot be fully overcome via such strategies because it is wrong to think that these problems about the character of the demos and the institutional framework for collective decision-making and agency at a global level are merely technical or instrumental in character. Rather, these challenges present normative as well as technical problems for the global democratic project; they have implications for the justiability or legitimacy of democratic institutions in the global context, not only its feasibility or most functionally effective institutional form. These challenges press us to address some deeper normative questions for instance those regarding the constitutive criteria for political communities with justied claims to democratic self-determination, the relationships between these criteria and the sociological or institutional preconditions for meaningful collective agency (of democratic or nondemocratic kinds), the normative character of political order and its relationship to other political values such as justice and democracy, and so on. In the context of such debates, the question of whether the forms of global institutionalization that we need to solve problems of global political justice are of a democratic kind remains open. If the issue at stake is how to bind and control problematic forms of global public power, then only a better investigation of the particular characteristics of these forms of power and the specic problems they raise can tell us whether the best way to bind them is through democratic control, through arbitration, through thicker international juridication (via international courts), or through yet another institutional strategy. Tackling these large normative questions requires us to revisit some of the foundational questions in social and political thought that preoccupied many of the classical thinkers in the modern Western tradition, whose ideas helped shape the development of nation-state-based political orders in domestic political life. In so doing, we may have much to learn from the growing body of theoretical work sometimes labelled as political realism, which attempts to integrate insights from classical political thinkers, such as Hobbes among others, back into the contemporary eld of political theory so heavily inuenced in recent times by Rawlsian theories of justice. One potentially very useful idea emanating from this contemporary realist literature, but with deep roots in a longer theoretical tradition, has been raised by Bernard Williams in his short but evocative essay on Realism and Moralism in Political Theory (2005). This is the idea that the most fundamental normative quality for a political order to possess is not justice or democracy but rather legitimacy a normative quality that will under some historical and sociological conditions create normative demand for democracy and other liberal institutions, but is more basic than and not reducible to them. While highly suggestive, Williamss normative account of legitimacy is not a fully-developed theory, and moreover its Hobbesian inuence gives it a very state-centric avour, making its implications for

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normative thinking about the global political order somewhat opaque. But it is nonetheless helpful in pressing us to reect more systematically on the deeper normative commitments that shape the validity and stability of underlying political orders upon the foundations of which just democratic institutional schemes can sometimes be built and to evaluate the deeper historical and sociological preconditions for our normative commitment to the justice of democratic institutions in this light. Another important reason why we cannot expect the theory of global democracy to resolve all the issues of global political justice we have identied is that we believe that the methodology employed in much mainstream literature on global democracy leaves it poorly-equipped to offer practical guidance on many of these political problems. This is a function of certain methodological features that mainstream democratic theory shares in common with what Rawls called ideal-theoretical approaches to the theory of distributive justice. More specically, both frame the normative problem they seek to address in terms of specifying the content of some kind of ideal social or political end-state: a perfectly justied system of social holdings in the case of global distributive justice, and an equally perfectly justied system of participatory rights in the case of global democracy. While theories (of distributive justice and democracy) that aim to specify the content of such ideal social states-of-affairs or systems are commonly understood to be instances of ideal theory, the methodological alternative to ideal theory is seen to be what Rawls called non-ideal theory namely the theory of what we should do when full justice cannot be achieved due to the noncompliance of some social actors with principles of justice (or, on some accounts of non-ideal theory, contextually-specic constraints or obstacles of other kinds). The problem with these methodological strategies is that they do not equip us with tools for tackling questions that are concerned neither with specifying the content of ideal end-states, nor with guring out what to do when these ideal end-states cannot be achieved in the here and now, but rather with a third kind of problem namely, how to manage conict and organize collective decision-making when we do not know (or cannot agree) on what should count as an ideal end-state, specied in terms of an ideal set of holdings or in terms of an ideal set of participatory rights and political procedures. The kind of uncertainty or disagreement we have in mind here extends beyond reasonable disagreement on specic matters relating to public policy or personal conduct of the kind that is permitted within a pluralist liberal society on a Rawlsian model of justice; we are talking here instead about uncertainty or disagreement in relation to the much more fundamental political matters concerning the basic features of a justied political order, of the kind we discussed above. The problem of how to manage political conict and collective decision-making in the face of this kind of disagreement and uncertainty

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cannot be dealt with within the framework of so-called ideal theory at least not as this is characterized on the Rawlsian account since there agreement on these fundamental matters is required as a foundation for the justication of particular ideal end-states. But nor can theoretical responses to this problem be characterized as a form of non-ideal theory, since the very concept of the non-ideal presupposes knowledge or agreement about the content of the ideal, and this is often precisely what is lacking when problems of political justice arise. In the scenarios dealt with by conventional non-ideal theory, the ideal political destination is known, but we lack the motivational resources (or other basic favourable conditions) necessary to reach it, and our task is to consider how to get ourselves as close as possible to this destination (by determining what counts as as close as possible, and what is the fairest and most justied way of getting there). In contrast, the scenarios to be dealt with by the theory of global political justice, as we have characterized it, take a different form: they are scenarios in which we understand what kind of trouble we want to get out of, but not what ultimate end-point we want to reach. In this case we need a method of theory-building that offers us a roadmap out of our present impasse, without demanding that this map will also mark a route towards a nal destination. This is neither ideal nor non-ideal theory as they are conventionally characterized, and to understand how to build a theory of this kind it is therefore likely to be necessary to revisit some of our underlying methodological ideas, concerned with the nature and most suitable strategies of political justication. The contributions of the papers in this collection to the theory of global political justice The papers in this collection approach the fundamental problems of global political justice, as we have characterized these here, from a number of perspectives, and contribute insights on a range of conceptual, methodological, and substantive dimensions of these problems. First, these authors make different use of the concepts of justice, political justice, and legitimacy, in conceptualizing and grappling with the problems of power, conict, and collective action underlying the constitutive structures of the global order that are the focus of our interest here. Two of the papers by Valentini, and by Hurrell and Macdonald tackle the conceptual question of how the problems of political justice are related to the problem of political legitimacy, which is sometimes identied as distinct from certain normative ideas of justice and justication. Four of the papers by Ronzoni, Valentini, Lenard, and Pickering and Barry also develop arguments that grapple with and shed some light upon the complex interface between distributive and political dimensions of the problem of global justice. In particular, some focus on motivations and capacity for


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political action (Lenard, and Pickering and Barry), whereas others focus on the priority of political problems (understood as problems of power regulation and decision-making mechanisms) over distributive ones (Ronzoni and Valentini). All contributions to this collection engage with several of the fundamental substantive normative questions that we have identied as central to the problem of global political justice. First, we have three papers dealing with what are essentially boundary questions with respect to the constitutive elements of the global political order: Hurrell and Macdonald, and Buckinx, set out different though related accounts of global public power as a basis for understanding the character of the subject of our regulative political principles for global life, while Muldoon tackles the question of how the global political community itself should be constituted, and the limits of our capacity to answer this fundamental question in properly normative terms. Two papers by Ronzoni and Pasternak address the critically important question of the role that states should play in the pursuit of collective interests and the regulation of conict and the abuse of power within the global domain. Ronzoni argues that the main political injustice in the current conguration of the global system might well be the threat it poses to the effective problem-solving capacity of states and that global institutional design should aim at removing the gravest obstacles to positive sovereignty. Pasternak considers what special capacities and responsibilities might lie with democratic states, specifically, in advancing the aims of global political justice. Finally, Lenard, and Pickering and Barry, focus on the role of non-institutional political practices practices of collective identication and imagination (Lenard) and practices of political rhetoric and conceptual framing (Pickering and Barry) in shaping and sustaining political commitments to certain duties of global justice. Finally, some of the papers also address methodological questions concerning how we should approach the task of designing and justifying global institutions. Valentini connects her conceptual argument about the relationship between norms of justice and political legitimacy to a methodological distinction between ideal and non-ideal theory. Hurrell and Macdonald connect the value of political legitimacy to a form of political justication that begins with existing forms of political agency and identity and uses these as the basis for justication of the institutions that these existing agents create to manage conicts and abuses of power that emerge among them, and to facilitate collective action in pursuit of their shared goals. Resonating with some aspects of this argument, Muldoon questions the capacity of justicatory arguments to extend their reach down to the constitution of political societies themselves, suggesting that political justication itself may only be possible within a political order in

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which a certain sociological status of citizenship has already been achieved. Acknowledgements
This collection developed from a workshop on Global Political Justice held at the Monash University Prato Centre, in Prato, Italy, 2008. In addition to the authors of these papers we thank the following participants in this workshop for their intellectual contributions to the project: Charles Beitz, Jennifer Rubenstein, Cristina Lafont, Kate Macdonald, Mathias Koenig-Archibugi, Luis Cabrera, Zoa Stemplowska, AJ Julius, Eszter Kollar, Raffaele Marchetti, and Daniele Archibugi.

Notes on contributors
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Terry Macdonald is a Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at the University of Melbourne, having previously held positions as Junior Research Fellow and Lecturer at Merton College, Oxford University, Research Fellow at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics at the ANU, and Lecturer in Politics at Monash University. Her previous publications include Global Stakeholder Democracy (Oxford University Press, 2008). Miriam Ronzoni is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Advanced Studies Justitia Amplicata, in Frankfurt. Her work mainly focuses on issues of global justice and constructivism. Her publications include Social Justice, Global Dynamics: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives (Routledge, 2011, co-edited with Ayelet Banai and Christian Schemmel) well as research articles appeared in journals such as Philosophy and Public Affairs, Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, and Review of International Studies.

Bohman, J., 2004. Republican cosmopolitanism. The journal of political philosophy, 12 (3), 336352. Laborde, C., 2010. Republicanism and global justice. a sketch. European journal of political theory, 9 (1), 4869. Rawls, J., 1996. Political liberalism. New York: Columbia University Press. Rawls, J., 1999. A theory of justice. Rev. ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Williams, B., 2005. Realism and moralism in political theory. In: Geoffrey Hawthorn, ed. In the beginning was the deed: realism and moralism in political argument. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 117.

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